Marigolds (lat.Tagetes), in other countries, including Ukraine, have the name Chernobryvtsy - a plant that many have seen and even grow at home in flower beds by flower growers, but not everyone knows that it has medicinal properties, how useful it is if you use it to treat certain diseases. There are more than thirty species of this plant. There are perennial and annual varieties.

Known for its durability, unpretentious cultivation and long flowering. Flowers bloom in summer and bloom until late autumn, until the very frost.

The homeland of marigolds is Mexico. There they were used in cooking, as well as in folk medicine... Since the marigolds are known for their useful propertiesthat improve digestion and immunity, they were used in cooking, for cooking meat dishes... Using this plant as a seasoning for meat helps to reduce the burden of such food on the body.

Marigolds: medicinal properties and contraindications

The marigolds include essential oilstherefore they have a special aroma. In addition, they include macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins. Infusions from this plant have a therapeutic effect if dysfunctions of the digestive tract, especially the pancreas, are found. It also contains biologically active substances that resist pathogenic microbes in influenza, colds and other viral diseases. Marigolds can be added to compotes and teas, then they will become much more useful in the fight against viruses and not only.

Special contraindications when using this medicinal plant no, however, pregnant women should be wary of using such a healing potion, since it contains essential oils. It is better to find out doctors' reviews on this matter. Also, some people may have an intolerance to these oils, in which case they may experience allergic reactions, but this is all individual. Then it is forbidden to use such a medicine.

How are they used in traditional medicine?

Marigolds photo

Consider the most common marigold recipes.

In folk medicine, marigold oil is used to treat skin diseases, with burns. Preparing such oil at home is not difficult. To prepare it, you will need sunflower or olive oil (preferably olive oil) in a ratio of 1:10. The marigolds are crushed and poured with oil, left to infuse for eight hours, before this mixture is heated in a water bath for half an hour. Then you need to squeeze the flowers, strain the oil and pour it into a dark glass dish and store in the refrigerator.

You can also prepare an infusion. It will help to effectively cope with ascariasis and the appearance of various worms. Prepare 300 ml of boiling water, then pour in one tablespoon of dried flowers. Apply two tablespoons three times a day.

A decoction of flowers will help to cope with arthrosis. It must be taken in courses of one and a half to three months, drinking 2 liters of broth daily. The calculation is as follows: 1 liter of boiling water for 20-30 fresh flowers. Flowers can also be used in salads to improve vision, especially for drivers and those who work at the computer for a long time.

What do those who used marigold recipes say?

As noted above, the main therapeutic purpose of marigolds is the pancreas. Diseases such as early diabetes can be treated with this herb by lowering blood sugar levels. It is necessary to grind the flower together with the seeds and pour boiling water over - one glass. Drink ¼ glass 4 times a day. The same broth soothes nervous system and treat joints, prevent pancreatitis.

Planting and leaving

Since marigolds are completely unpretentious plants, both growing and caring for them will not be difficult. They are adapted to various natural phenomena, to various soil. Seeds can be sown in open ground, but you can plant in pots from early spring, and then plant seedlings in the ground in a flower bed. They begin to bloom 1.5-2 months after planting.

When to plant marigold seeds?

It is also worth considering that it is better to plant flowers after the last frost at above-zero temperatures. In the southern part of Russia, planting of seeds can be done in mid-April, and in areas where it is cooler - in early May. If you want to plant flowers for seedlings, then this should be done in March-April. They then begin to bloom in late May and early June. Some are planted in February, but then flowering will begin in early April, it is too early to plant in open ground. Therefore, you need to think before you start sowing, unless you are going to plant seedlings on a closed glazed balcony.

Marigold varieties: perennial, erect, undersized, thin-leaved.

There are more than 40 species of marigolds, the main and most common of them at our latitudes are three types: erect (usually high), rejected (low-growing) and thin-leaved marigolds. Among these three types, small-colored and large-colored varieties are distinguished, there are also double and double-colored varieties of various colors: yellow, orange, brown, red, burgundy.

Is it worth planting outdoors?

You can also sow in open ground, the main thing is that positive temperatures are established. It grows in various types of land. Therefore, you do not need to worry about the soil.

Benefits and use at home

Photos of marigolds

What is the use of marigolds, we have already described. But it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that this plant can be used in cosmetology, as a means of fighting skin diseases. Prepare the balm as follows: 50 ml of olive oil, add 1 tablespoon of almond oil or apricot oil and 2 tablespoons of crushed marigold flowers, then insist. The tool will effectively heal chapped lips after being in the cold, in the wind, etc.

Tomatoes with marigolds for the winter: a recipe

Many housewives use recipes for pickled tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter with the addition of flower baskets and leaves to the marinade. This gives the preparations a special aroma and taste, makes the cucumbers crispy. Can also be used to make salads, to flavor vinegar.

Pickled cucumbers with marigolds for the winter

For such a recipe, you need to prepare the following ingredients in a three-liter jar: cucumbers, 5 peppercorns, 1-2 bay leaves, 3, 3 marigold flowers, 2 tbsp. tablespoons of salt, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of sugar, 3 tbsp. spoons of 9% vinegar. We put cucumbers in jars along with all the ingredients. Pour boiling water into a jar, pour it into a saucepan after half an hour, add salt, sugar, vinegar. Bring to a boil. Pour this brine into jars and roll it up.

Marigolds as seasoning

Flowers can be used to make seasonings. How to do it right? Pluck inflorescences of yellow varieties, dry, then grind to obtain a powder. This seasoning is common in Caucasian cooking. It gives the dishes a special flavor and aroma.

Marigolds - bright unpretentious flowers, which can be found in many summer cottages, in parks, city flower beds. These adorable decorative flowers in juicy orange, sunny colors will decorate any garden and create a cheerful, cheerful mood in it. Marigolds are very popular in Ukraine, they are called “black-cutters” here. Since ancient times, marigolds have been used to decorate rural courtyards and streets. They fit so organically into the rural flavor that they are considered to be a symbol of Ukraine, although America is the birthplace of flowers. Marigolds deserve national love not only due to their attractiveness, but also to their unpretentious care, even a beginner can grow these charming flowers.

Marigolds (lat. Tagetes) are annual or perennial plants, belong to the family of Asteraceae or Compositae. The home of a blooming unpretentious culture is America, where they are widespread from the southern American states to Argentina. Marigolds came to Europe thanks to the Spanish conquerors in the 16th century and soon spread throughout the continent. Today, there are up to 40 species of this plant. The Latin name Tagetes (Tagetes) flowers received in honor of the grandson of Jupiter - Tages (Tagetes), who has the gift of a predictor.

Tagetes is a compact bush with an erect, branched stem, the height of which reaches from 20 to 130 cm. The leaves of marigolds are openwork pinnately dissected or pinnately separate, located opposite, sometimes in the next order. The leaves, depending on the type of plant, are colored light green or dark green. Marigolds have a fibrous root system.

Plant inflorescences - baskets: double or simple, can be collected in inflorescences. The middle bisexual flowers are tubular, and the marginal flowers are pseudo-ligate, there are five stamens. The color of the flowers is bright and catchy. There are marigolds of bright yellow, orange, red, golden, brown colors.

The flowering of marigolds is abundant, long-lasting, starting from June, ending with the first frosts. The fruit of the plant is a linear achene, narrowed towards the base, the flowers reproduce well by self-sowing, maintaining their germination for 3-4 years. Distinctive feature flowers - a strong spicy slightly tart aroma, exuded not only by the flowers, but also by the leaves of the plant. Not everyone likes the aroma of marigolds, but it is this pronounced specific smell that scares away pests from the plant that can harm it.

Perennial marigold species

The species diversity of marigolds is huge; three plant species are most common in our region:

Tagetes rejected (Tagetes patula), another name of the species is French, small-flowered, undersized. A low compact plant, reaching a height of no more than 60 cm.A sprawling, branchy bush with lateral deflected shoots strewn with numerous small flowers up to 8 cm in diameter. Flowers, depending on the variety, can be double or collected in simple inflorescences with a pronounced disc in the center. The flowers can be yellow, orange, golden or bicolor. Small-flowered marigolds are often used to decorate lawns, flower beds, flower beds, they are planted as a border or grown in flowerpots, containers. An unpretentious species of marigolds grows everywhere, is a cold-resistant species.

The most common varieties of rejected marigolds:

  • Carmen is a variety with bright double flowers with corrugated petals. The color of the petals is a yellow-orange core, framed by a red-brown edging. The height of the spreading bush is up to 30 cm.

  • Gold Bol - the height of the plant bush is up to 60 cm, the color of the flowers is a bright yellow core with a red border.
  • Lemon marigolds - have a bright lemon color of petals, double flowers. Look great in a one-color flower bed.

  • Marigolds Bolero is a low-growing plant, up to 20 cm tall with lush inflorescences, wavy petals, painted in yellow-red colors. The most common variety of marigolds, grows well in the shade.

Tagetes thin-leaved, Mexican (Tagetes tenuifolia) is a miniature species of marigolds with original openwork foliage. There are about 70 hybrids of this plant species. The height of the bush is about 20-40 cm, the inflorescences are small, up to 2 cm in diameter. The color of the petals is golden, orange, red, yellow.

Popular varieties:

  • Ursula is a bush up to 50 cm high with golden flowers.
  • Paprika - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms red or orange.
  • Lulu - bush height up to 25 cm, blooms with yellow-golden flower baskets.

Tagetes erect or African (Tagetes erecta) is a kind of tall marigolds. The height of the bush is from 30 cm to 1 meter. The peculiarity of this species is the luxurious large double flowers up to 15 cm in diameter. As a rule, the color of the flowers is monochromatic: yellow, cream, golden, orange.

Popular varieties:

  • Vanilla is a bush up to 70 cm tall with creamy terry inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter.

  • Kilimanjaro is a bush up to 70 cm tall with charming large globular white flowers.
  • Antigua is a low bush up to 30 cm tall with bright flower baskets: golden, orange, lemon.

Which marigolds to choose: annual or perennial?

Decorating country cottage area, many growers are wondering what better grade marigolds to choose for cultivation. Choosing between annual or perennial marigolds, it is necessary to decide on the purpose of growing flowers. Low-growing perennial marigolds are suitable for a permanent place near the house, veranda or for decorating a flower bed. It should be remembered that, multiplying by self-seeding, perennial species have the ability to capture new territories, and every year, the bushes of the plant develop better, and the flowers become more magnificent. These varieties include: Carmen, Bonaza. You can buy perennial marigolds in flower shops or collect it yourself.

Annual hybrid varieties reproduce by dividing the bush or by digging up. Every year, more and more interesting bright annual marigolds appear, which do not have time to get bored, surprising with a new color or flower shape. New hybrid varieties for summer period can be planted in flower beds, in hanging planters, flowerpots, pots, decorate windowsills. They can be either short or tall. Famous annual varieties include: Mandarin, Tiger's Eye, Kilimanjaro.

Perennial marigolds: cultivation

Unpretentious marigolds can be grown in several ways: sow seeds directly into the ground or grow through seedlings.

Growing marigolds through seedlings

Sowing seeds for seedlings of erect tagetes is carried out in March, small-flowered and thin-leaved varieties are best planted for seedlings in early April. For an earlier planting, in February, you will need to illuminate the seedlings, since the daylight hours in February are still short.

Stages of planting seedlings:

In May, when the night frosts go away, the seedlings are ready for planting in open ground or in flowerpots and containers for growing on windowsills, balconies, verandas. To transplant the seedlings, it is enough to gently pry with a spatula and transplant to a permanent place on the site, observing the distance between plantings of 30-40 cm. Low-growing varieties are planted according to the 20 by 20 cm scheme. The earth under the bush must be slightly tamped. The soil for planting should be nutritious, rich in minerals, neutral or loamy. For flowers planted in soil with low fertility, in the future, during the growing season, additional fertilizing will be required.

Watering young plants should be moderate and regular, the lack of moisture in the soil affects the further growth and flowering of marigolds.

Sowing seeds of perennial marigolds directly into open ground

You can plant perennial marigolds directly in open ground. For the first planting, seeds can be bought at the store, and then collecting planting material after flowering to breed marigolds on the site, also marigold seeds multiply by self-seeding. Seeds collected in the fall are stored until spring, and then planted in the ground. The optimal time for sowing seeds is mid-May, when the soil warms up enough.

For planting, it is necessary to prepare in advance wide holes, 5 cm deep, at a distance of 15 cm from each other. Seeds are sown in moistened holes, and then sprinkled on top with a small layer of earth, about 1 cm. Watering is neat and moderate until the first shoots appear, which will appear rather quickly. If young marigolds have sprung up too densely, they should be thinned out and transplanted to another place.

Perennial marigolds: care

Caring for marigolds is not difficult, just compliance simple conditions for growing them:

Reproduction of perennial marigolds

Marigolds can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by rooting the stem cuttings in water or soil. In addition, adult marigold bushes are perfectly propagated by dividing the bush. It is enough to dig up the mother bush and divide it into several parts with root and foliage.

Collection and storage of seeds of perennial marigolds

To collect the planting material, you must wait to wait until the inflorescences on the bush are completely dry. Then, in dry weather, the inflorescences are plucked and the seeds are extracted from them. You can store marigold seeds in a paper bag in a dry, dark and ventilated area. When collecting seeds of a certain variety, it should be borne in mind that only three out of four seeds inherit the parental characteristics.

Diseases and pests of perennial marigolds

Marigolds rarely get sick. Their specific aroma is a kind of plant protection against many diseases and pests. Due to the high content of phytoncides, the plant can protect not only itself, but also other crops surrounding it.

But, if the summer turned out to be rainy, damp, the flowers attack slugs and snails, which feed on the leaves and stems of the plant. For pest control, traps made of bleach solution are used, which are placed around the perimeter of the site.

Another disease associated with excess moisture is gray rot... Infected bushes should be removed so that healthy specimens do not become infected.

In dry summer, flowers can be attacked by a spider mite; in the fight against it, an infusion of onions is used, which is sprayed on the bushes. To prevent the appearance of a spider mite, flowers in dry weather must be regularly sprayed, artificially increasing the humidity of the air.

Possible problems in growing perennial marigolds

  • With insufficient soil moisture, the plant will not fully develop, and this indicator also affects the size of the flowers.
  • Excessive moisture leads to root rot and fungal diseases.
  • In a rainy summer, there is a possibility of decay of faded inflorescences, so it is recommended to remove them regularly.
  • When the air temperature drops to 10 degrees, the plant stops developing.

Perennial marigolds in landscape design

Marigolds look great in any part of the garden, decorating flower beds, lawns, curbs with bright juicy and lush inflorescences. Tall varieties harmoniously look in the center of the flower bed, and undersized ones as decoration of the borders and the side of the flower bed or lawn. Plain velvet flower beds of yellow marigolds or bright multi-colored flower beds with marigolds of various colors look very impressive.

Marigolds - perfect option to decorate even the smallest area if the area for planting flowers is limited. Bright, unpretentious flowers can even be grown in garden beds, among potatoes or other vegetable crops.

Marigolds planted in flowerpots, containers on verandas, in gazebos look very beautiful. Cheerful flowers will give a good mood until autumn.

Marigolds are an unpretentious and versatile plant that a beginner can grow. These bright, scented flowers will fill your garden with warmth, joy and happiness.

Perennial marigolds, photo

Luxurious and modest, stately and unassuming, surprisingly beautiful and unpretentious - all these are marigolds. Learn all about these colors and decorate your plot or balcony with them.

These flowers are the favorites of thousands of gardeners. You can meet them in a luxurious garden and in a modest front garden, on the territory of a school and a kindergarten, near a store and a library, or anywhere! After all, they are extremely unpretentious, easily multiply, do not require intensive care, bloom magnificently and for a long time, delighting with a variety of colors, shades, shapes. If - your recent hobby, if you are new to this business, let marigolds (tagetes) become one of the first flowers planted. Growing marigolds is a very rewarding occupation.

The history of the marigolds: legends and beliefs about the Tagetes

Many legends and beliefs are associated with marigolds, as, probably, with any garden flowers.

The beauty of these sunny flowers was first appreciated by the ancient Aztecs who lived in the territory of modern Mexico. The Indians believed that thickets of wild-growing golden flowers indicate the location of the precious metal (gold) underground. They believed that the gods had a special relationship to the Tagetes, and planted them near their dwellings to ensure the favor of the gods. The Aztecs and Mayans used Tagetes flowers to treat fever, eaten as a spice, and used them in various ritual activities.

With the discovery of America, they quickly spread throughout the world, won the hearts of gardeners and landscape designerswho began to create new varieties and hybrids of this plant. In the 18th century, Carl Linnaeus (a Swedish naturalist who was involved in the systematization of plants) gave him the Latin name Tagetes in honor of the mythological god, the grandson of Jupiter Tages, who, according to popular belief, possessed wondrous beauty and foresight.

  • In Russia, tagetes appeared in the 18th century, for the wonderful velvety petals they are affectionately called marigolds.
  • In Ukraine, marigolds are called black-haired, apparently for the color of the petals: many varieties have a dark stripe along the edge. A beautiful Ukrainian legend about three black-browed skilled boys and their younger sister is also connected with this name.
  • In the Georgian region, Imereti, marigolds are grown on an industrial scale, there they are called Imeretian saffron.
  • "Flowers of ten thousand years" - this is how everyone's favorites are called in China, since in this country they are considered a symbol of longevity.
  • In England, marigolds are known as marigold (gold of the Virgin Mary), they are used to decorate icons.
  • In Hinduism, tagetes is revered as the flower of the god Krishna. In the language of flowers, these plants symbolize loyalty.

Types and varieties of marigolds

Deal with the views of this amazing plant and to choose the best variety for yourself will help photos of marigolds and short descriptions features of each.

Erect marigolds (African)

Plants from this group are distinguished by their considerable height (60-100 cm) and large single inflorescences. The stalks at the base of the bush grow gritty. These marigolds are planted in groups, flower beds, they grow well in containers. They are grown for cutting.

Marigolds Rejected (French)

These plants are low, their inflorescences are much smaller than those of erect marigolds. But the flowers cover the branchy bushes so densely that they sometimes look like blooming balls. Of all the species, this one is the least demanding on growing conditions and the most cold-resistant. There are many varieties of this species with double and non-double inflorescences of a wide variety of colors and shades.

Having begun to bloom in June-July, they continue to bloom until the very snow. Low-growing marigolds are successfully used as curb and container plants.

Marigolds fine-leaved (Mexican)

The most heat-demanding species of an extensive family. Quite large and spreading bushes of this variety with lacy leaves are entirely covered with small chamomile flowers. Having planted thin-leaved marigolds of various varieties, you can create a unique bright flower garden from Tagetes alone.

We grow marigolds - it's not difficult

In fact, decorating a garden, front garden, porch of a house with these wonderful flowers is quite simple. Now is the time to decide which of the marigolds you like the most, and stock up on seeds. Seeds of Tagetes have good, almost 100% germination. But when purchasing (or collecting) seeds, one must remember that their germination capacity lasts for about 2 years.

In order for the plants to bloom in your garden as early as possible, it is worth growing them in seedlings, although growing by direct sowing of seeds into the ground is also possible. Sowing seeds for seedlings is done at the end of March (amendments are possible depending on the region and variety). Seeds can be sown both in a common seedling box and in separate seedling cups.

In any case, a drainage layer (fine gravel, expanded clay) must be placed on the bottom of the container, and then nutritious soil must be poured. For marigolds, it is prepared from peat, sand, humus, sod land, taking 2 parts of the remaining components for each part of the sand. The lower part of the soil, approximately 2/3 of it, should be tamped. Leave the upper third loose.

Make grooves in the ground at intervals of 2-3 cm, spill them with warm water. Having laid the seeds in the grooves, cover them with soil, cover with foil, remove to a warm place.

When the first shoots appear, remove the film, move the seedling containers to the light, ensure timely watering for the seedlings. If the seedlings have sprouted densely, in order to avoid pulling the stems, they should be cut down in time. Seedlings tolerate picking perfectly. Elongated plants can be buried in the ground when diving.

Seedlings by the end of May will be ready for planting in the ground at a permanent place. Sometimes, by the time of disembarkation, Tagetes have time to pick up buds and even bloom.

This is not scary: unlike many plants, flowering marigolds easily tolerate a transplant even when they bloom. It is especially convenient to plant young plants when they do not grow in a common container, but in separate cups with a removable bottom. In this case, the roots are not damaged at all during planting.

These handsome men grow well in partial shade, even in the shade. But they will delight with lush flowering only if you give them sunny place... And if on a cloudy day you glance at a flower garden with tagetes, they will give you a feeling of sunshine and warmth.

A place for marigolds - not only in a flower bed

Marigolds are a great decor for your garden. They, alone or in a company with other flowers, will make the flower bed bright, become a wonderful border along the path and revive. When planted in containers, flowerpots, bowls will make it possible to fill the void that has arisen somewhere between the plants, to decorate the porch or patio.

But this does not limit the possibilities of these wonderful flowers. If you put them next to garden plants, marigolds will protect them from pests. Flowering specimens will scare off the cabbage whites.

The whitefly does not like them either - it is worth planting marigolds near the greenhouse.

By planting tagetes next to potatoes, gladioli, you will protect them from nematodes, and eggplants from the Colorado potato beetle.

And crushed marigolds embedded in the ground during the autumn digging will heal the soil, destroy not only garden pests, but also causative agents of fungal diseases.

These are they, marigolds. Fall in love with them, and they will become an ornament and a faithful guardian of your garden, vegetable garden, etc.

To protect them from nematodes, aphids and other pests. They do not tolerate the discharge from the roots of marigolds and their special smell. For a person, the aroma is pleasant.

It is also nice that the plant "lures" bees. Experienced gardeners place flowers marigoldnext to cucumbers and other crops that require pollination. This is how the maximum yield is obtained. What else can you get with the help of black shaves?

Features of marigolds

Chernobryvtsy - Ukrainian name marigolds. Useful are also a symbol of faith. This is related to the biblical story of the escape of Mary and Joseph to Egypt.

On the way, thieves overtook them and took away their wallet. But, instead of coins, marigold buds poured out of the bag. Therefore, in early Christianity, icons with the Virgin Mary surrounded orange flowers, personifying gold tokens.

For contemporaries marigolds - plantrather decorative than symbolic. The bright color of flowers, their fleecy texture, rich green foliage, make the grass a regular in urban flower beds.

Marigold seedsused in landscape compositions, on balconies and even in apartment greenhouses. Perennial varieties are used at home. As a rule, annuals are sown in open ground.

Marigolds - erect grasses from 15 centimeters to 1 meter high. Depending on the size of the plant, the diameter also varies. Buds are from 2 to 10 centimeters across.

In the photo, marigolds are erect

Flowers have many petals. They are slightly wavy. The fleecy coating also adds volume. As a result, the buds look spherical. Due to their yellow, orange, purple color, they resemble solar discs.

Planting marigoldsis not produced by a thick wall. The plant is bush-shaped. Several stems and an abundance of foliage create volume. The grass needs space. One of the trunks is central. He is more powerful, higher, stands out among the "brothers". Although, some varieties have evenly developed shoots. In total, 50 species were recorded marigolds.

A photowild marigolds can be made in America. This is the birthplace of the flower. It grows from New Mexico to Argentina. In Europe, the plant has been cultivated artificially since the 17th century. Crushed leaves and buds are called Imeretian saffron, added to food for flavor and golden hue of food.

Doctors call marigold medicinal... In large doses, they serve as an emetic, and in small doses they relieve the course of fever, eliminate constipation, serve as a diaphoretic and diuretic. The plant is especially widely used in medicine in Mexico.

Types of marigolds

Plant height is the main factor in classification marigolds. Varietiesundersized type: Mandarin, Petite Orange, Antigua, Red Gem and Kilimanjaro. The latter is distinguished by atypical milky-white buds. They are terry and large, up to 6 centimeters in diameter. The plants themselves in the group do not exceed 30 centimeters in height.

They are united not only by growth, but also by the one-year development cycle. Among the dwarf perennials it is worth noting: Orangeflamme, Carmen and a series of Bonanza varieties. They reproduce by self-seeding. In the spring of next year, new shoots appear.

Tall species include Glitters marigold. Colorsthey are golden. The buds are similar to those that went to chrysanthemums. The diameter is small compared to the 110-centimeter height - only 6 centimeters.

The buds of Hawaii are the widest. It is carnation marigold. Propertiesvarieties - grow up to 80 centimeters and give, at the same time, flowers about 15 centimeters in diameter.

Lemon Queen boasts only 9-centimeter buds. But, the grass rushes up to 120 centimeters. Like Hawaii, the species is bushy and clove. The color of the buds is much lighter, reminiscent of lemon.

In the photo marigolds lemon queen

The Smile and Mary Helen varieties are the same height - about 90 centimeters. But, the first marigolds have tricolor buds, and the second have monophonic, yellow buds. But Helen is bigger - about 10 centimeters. Smile's diameter of inflorescences does not exceed 8 centimeters.

Marigolds are also divided by the nature of growth, the location of the trunks. There are Upright and Rejected species. The former have a pronounced main shoot. In rejected varieties, the trunks are equivalent, the middle of the bush is empty. There are also differences in the size of the buds. On upright varieties, they are larger.

Thin-leaved marigold. Rejectedand Erect plants - owners of straight and thick stems. In thin-leaved varieties, they are thin and curving, strongly branching.

In the photo, thin-leaved marigolds

Representatives of the species do not differ in large inflorescences. The diameter of the buds does not exceed 3 centimeters. But the flowering is abundant and the bushes are miniature. The plant height does not exceed 20 centimeters.

Recently, a division by aroma has appeared. In all natural species, it is strong and bright. Moreover, foliage smells stronger than buds. The pronounced smell is not to everyone's taste.

Therefore, breeders have bred several varieties without aroma, for example, Gold Kopfen. He is tall. The shoots are light green and the leaves are dark. Inflorescences are red, up to 8 centimeters wide. The buds are spherical and terry.

Pictured marigold gold copfen

Caring for marigolds at home

Marigolds growingwhich are being discussed are called flowers for the lazy. The plant is unpretentious, easily tolerates a lack of water, both in the soil and in the air.

Withstand marigolds and low temperatures, flowering up to -1 degrees. At -2, they die. At 10 degrees Celsius, the leaves are covered with a protective coating. The ideal temperature is 18-20 degrees with a plus sign.

Plants are also patient with a lack of light. The exception is thin-leaved varieties. They develop well only in the sun. Penumbra "does not bother" the rest marigold. Contraindication- leave planting without fertilization. It is brought in with the appearance of the first buds. If you give top dressing earlier, it will go to the growth of seedlings, and the flowering will be scanty.

In order for the buds to bloom by summer, the seeds are lowered into the ground in early May. Seedlings will appear in 10 days. After another 20, the plants will grow and be ready to bloom.

Fast developmentdistinctive feature marigolds. Healing propertiesherbs, like flavoring, ornamental, do not depend on the planting time. It is not forbidden to sow seeds in the middle of summer. Simply, you will have to admire less.

Marigolds are propagated not only by seeds, but also by seedlings. Plant cuttings root in water or fertile soil with an abundance of peat. What will it cost to buy seeds and ready-made seedlings, we will consider further.

The price of marigolds

Seed prices vary widely. There are packages for 5 rubles, and there are also for 55. The cost depends on the type of plant, manufacturer, trade margin and the number of seeds in a pack.

Seedlings are paid, as a rule, by the piece. For one sprout they give from 15 to 40 rubles. Orders, as a rule, are accepted from 500, or 1,000 pieces. At the same time, delivery times are set. Usually, this is from a month to 5 from the date of order.

You can buy and beaded marigolds... The most expensive option. For a 20-centimeter bush, you will have to pay 400-700 rubles. But, you don't need to take care of the plant, you can place it in the apartment and show off to the guests about handmade work.

Marigolds are a variety annual plants, which belong to the Aster family. These flowers were first discovered in Central and South America. They were used for ritual ceremonies and as ingredients in the preparation of medicinal tinctures and creams.

At the beginning of the 17th century, the plants were brought to the territory of Russia. Marigolds have a wide variety of varieties that help create a real masterpiece in the field of landscape art.

Description of the plant

The stems of the plant are straight with branched leaf plates. The height of an adult flower changes depending on the variety. Usually it ranges from 20 to 80 cm. Inflorescences are presented in the form of flower baskets, which have different colors and shades.

In a mature flower, tubular and false ligate stamens can be observed. There are 6 of them. The flowering period falls in early June and lasts until late autumn. At the end, boxes with seeds begin to form on the stems.

They have a fairly long shelf life. Flowers and leaves have a pungent and spicy aroma that lasts for a fairly long period of time.

The healing properties of the flower

A flower bed of these flowers has real medicinal properties. A large amount of lutein helps to cope with many human diseases. Marigolds are good for chronic and obstructive bronchitis, stomatitis and stomach ulcers.

A warm bath with marigold extract helps to relieve fatigue and stress after a hard day. The healing properties of the flower have a positive effect on the work of the cardiovascular rhythm.

In the culinary arts, the elements of this plant allow you to create exquisite dishes that will leave no one indifferent.

Varieties of varieties

This plant has a huge variety of varieties that have characteristics... These include:

Marigolds are erect. This variety is a plant whose height is about 25 cm. They have orange and bright yellow baskets. The flower diameter is 8 cm.

Marigolds are undersized. The height of an adult bush ranges from 20 to 50 cm. They have a neat bush, which almost entirely consists of inflorescences.

The flowering period is about 2 months from the date of planting. This variety includes varieties: "Bolero", "Orange" and others.

Marigolds are thin-leaved. These flowers are beautiful decorative leaves... The aroma has subtle spicy notes that have a positive effect on human health.

The inflorescences are combined into numerous rosettes, which, when visual inspection look like large baskets. Marigold flowers in the photo reflect the beauty of this breed.

Cultivation of culture

How to plant marigolds? This question is of interest to all novice summer residents. The main advantage of these colors is their simplicity. In some cases, you can transplant a large plant bush that will take root in a new location. When to plant marigolds?

The first step is to prepare seeds for planting. They are harvested in late autumn, after the flowering process. It is necessary to store the planting material in a dark and cool place. You should also avoid excessive humidity, which can provoke the formation of mold.

When to plant marigolds in the ground? The planting process is carried out in the spring season, when the soil is finally warmed up. Most experienced gardeners prefer to grow flower seedlings first. For this, dry seeds are placed in a small pot of earth. After a while, shoots appear.

Seedling from marigolds in the ground allows you to create a real masterpiece on your personal plot.

Planting and caring for marigold flowers does not require much effort. Marigolds are planted in the ground at a shallow depth of 5-8 cm.Do not bury these flowers too deeply. The root collar should be at ground level.

The main requirement of this breed is timely watering. As a rule, it is carried out as the earthen coma dries out.

The presence of weeds in the flowerbed among these flowers is not encouraged. The fact is that they can have a negative effect on the growth process of this crop, creating shaded areas in the flower bed.

Photos of marigolds
