The homeland of the plant is ficus ... Ficuses are very popular in indoor plant growing due to the decorativeness of their leaves. These plants belong to the mulberry genus - Moraceae. The homeland of ficus is Southeast Asia, the islands of Java, Ceylon and Barneo, as well as the tropics and subtropics of Australia.

Ficuses are so diverse in size, shape and color of leaves that plant lovers will never stop admiring them. These representatives of the mulberry family can be tree-like, in the form of vines or shrubs. A distinctive feature of these plants is the obligatory presence of sticky milky sap on a break or cut.

In their natural habitat, most ficuses are evergreens, but sometimes deciduous species are found: Ali, Natasha, Viandi, Elastika. These species shed their leaves in October, and new ones begin to grow from February.

Ficuses have a very diverse shape and color of leaves, and the sizes of plants are simply striking in their contrast. Miniature ficuses - small-leaved Pumila and ivy Hederacea - are used as a ground cover plant. The largest leaf in these babies barely reaches a size of 1.5 cm. The largest Bengal ficus Banyan reaches a height of 30 m, and its crown is very spreading, up to 5 thousand meters in diameter.

There is a well-known fig or fig tree in nature, the fruits of which are loved by many. But not everyone knows that this tree belongs to the mulberry family and bears the proud name of ficus Karika. The birthplace of the ficus Karika plant is ancient Mesopotamia, that is, the modern territory of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria.

Whichever ficus you choose, the homeland of a plant leaves an imprint on its appearance, size and color of leaves and on growing conditions at home or in greenhouses. And only strictly following all the tips and rules for caring for these wonderful plants, they will allow you to admire their beautiful and interesting shapes and colorful shiny leaves. For perfect care, ficuses will reward you with the same perfect flowering - beautiful, hollow, rounded or pear-shaped inflorescences with many small and fragrant flowers inside.

A beautiful tree with evergreen leaves that is hard to miss is Benjamin's ficus. Lovers of indoor plants know that he is able to decorate any room with himself, but in order for the tree to remain beautiful, the conditions of care must be observed. Someone might say that they are quite complex and this flower has a capricious character, but now we will tell you how to care for Benjamin's ficus, and you will see that in fact, caring for it at home is not so difficult.

Choosing a place for ficus

Given that any indoor plants do not like permutations, it is advisable to choose a location before the flower appears at home. This will make it easier to care for the plant. Where Benjamin's ficus will be located should not be too dark or light, and also cold. Of course, like all indoor plants, Benjamin's ficus does not like drafts.

The temperature should not drop below 15 degrees, and it is desirable that the room is well ventilated. Direct sunlight can kill the ficus, but the lighting should be quite bright, especially if your specimen has a variegated color of leaves.

Care also implies control over air humidity: it should not be lower than 50%, and the optimal indicator is 70%. If the air is too dry, it is necessary to spray the leaves from a spray bottle and bathe Benjamin's ficus entirely (if its size allows) at least once a month under the shower. After bathing, allow the plant to dry completely, otherwise it may freeze.

Watering and feeding ficus Benjamin

It is difficult to imagine proper care without a watering schedule. But you have to water your indoor plants without it, because different seasons require different watering intervals. Ficus Benjamin should be watered only when the earthen lump is already dry enough after the previous watering, but excessive drought should not be allowed. Check the soil - if it is dry by about 1/5 of the pot, then you can safely proceed to water procedures.

Given the size that Benjamin's ficus reaches, it is better to water it in several stages so that the earthen lump is well saturated with moisture. The water that remains in the sump after watering must be drained (about 30 minutes after watering: this is enough time for the soil to absorb all the moisture it needs).

It is worth noting that proper care without fertilization is unlikely to work. Ready-made mixtures can be used as plant nutrition. Calculate the dosage based on the instructions. Usually ficus Benjamin begins to fertilize the ficus in early spring and continue throughout the summer (once every two weeks).

During the rest period, the soil should not be overloaded with fertilizers. This can only contribute to the development of various fungi, which later serve as sources of numerous diseases. You can use a leaf feed, but be sure to adhere to the dosage, otherwise Benjamin's ficus will easily shed the foliage.

Plant transplant

How do you know if a plant needs a transplant? If you find that the intervals between watering the ficus are getting shorter, and roots are peeking out through the drainage holes, then the time has come. Usually, young indoor plants are transplanted every year, choosing a pot 2 cm larger than the previous one.

Upon reaching the age of 5, Benjamin's ficus is transplanted every two years. And long-lived ficuses of impressive size can not be completely transplanted, but only partially replaced by soil.

The transplant is carried out mainly at the moment when the plant is going through an active period. Spring and summer are, in principle, ideal for replanting ficus. The plant should be well watered two days before transplanting. For transplanting, remove the plant from the pot and gently shake off all the soil from the roots.

In the pot where the plant will be located, be sure to pour a layer of drainage and install ficus there. We fill up the earth on the sides, tamping it a little. Water and leave to take root. Post-transplant care is normal.

Reproduction of ficus Benjamin

The period of active growth of ficus is excellent for propagation. The main breeding method is cuttings. Do not try to root young tops; choose those branches where the tissue is already quite stiff. Cut the stalk 7 to 10 cm in size and be sure to remove the milk that has come out. You can just immediately place the cuttings in a container with water, and change it after a while. This procedure must be repeated every three hours during the day.

When you have already got rid of the juice, leave the cuttings in a jar of clean water until the roots appear. It usually takes about two weeks before the small roots appear, after which the cuttings are ready for rooting in the ground. When you put the cuttings in water, it is very important to cut off all the lower leaves so that they do not decompose in a humid environment.

For planting cuttings, pots with a diameter of 10 cm and any universal soil are suitable. Do not forget about drainage, a layer of expanded clay must be required. Planting young plants differs little from further transplanting, which we have already written about.

Problems in caring for Benjamin's ficus

Foliage is the main indicator of plant health. The most common problems that affect such indoor flowers are described below.

  • The leaves fall off and the tips dry: the reason is too dry indoor air. Solved by spraying;
  • The leaves of the plant curl and wither: this indicates a lack of heat for the ficus. If it is near a wall or glass, move it away. Increase the temperature in the room as a whole;
  • New shoots, thinned and too small leaves: lack of light or nutrition. Feed the plant and place it in a lighter area;
  • The lower leaves are flying around: this is not a problem, but a natural result of plant growth;
  • Remember to periodically inspect the plant for pests. Ficus leaves adore spider mites and shield aphids. You can destroy them using ready-made insecticides.
  • That's all the basic rules for caring for a ficus at home. Do not be afraid to form its crown and regularly cut off excess shoots, the plant will only benefit from this. Do not take it out on the balcony in January and do not put it in drafts, then it will decorate your apartment for a very long time!

    Date of article: 07.11.2007

    Family: Mulberry (Moraceae).

    Homeland: tropical areas.

    Bloom: depending on the type.

    Height: middle.

    Shine: bright absent-minded.

    Temperature: in the spring-summer period 23-25?, in winter most species need a temperature of 12-15?, but they tolerate wintering well in the warmth of the dwelling.

    Watering: abundant in the spring and summer. From autumn watering is reduced, in winter it is watered moderately.

    Air humidity: the plant is able to tolerate dry air, but responds well to spraying.

    Top dressing: mineral and organic liquid dressings in spring and summer (2 times a month) contribute to the rapid growth of plants.

    Cropping: a number of ficus species are excellent for formative pruning.

    Rest period: in winter. Plants are kept in a bright room, watered moderately.

    Transfer: young ficuses should be replanted annually. More mature plants are transplanted after 1-2 years, in March. In tubular specimens, the transplant can be replaced by an annual replacement of the topsoil.

    Reproduction: mainly by cuttings, less often by seeds. It is permissible to propagate plants with air layers.

    Rod Ficus ( Ficus L.) has up to 900 plant species and belongs to the mulberry family. Ficuses are widespread in tropical and subtropical zones.

    Evergreens, trees and shrubs, less often with falling leaves, as well as vines. The leaves are alternate, whole or lobed, glossy or pubescent. Inflorescences of ficuses (syconia) have a unique structure. They represent an overgrown capitate or pear-shaped axis, hollow inside and with a hole at the top. Flowers are located on the inner surface of the inflorescence wall and are pollinated by insects. After pollination, numerous small fruits develop from the flowers - drupes, which, with an overgrown dry or juicy wall of the inflorescence, form an infertility. In room culture, ficuses hardly bloom. Plants contain milky sap.

    Among the representatives of the genus there are fruit crops, however, these are mainly park and deciduous ornamental plantssuitable for cultivation in greenhouses of botanical gardens, in conservatories and rooms.

    Ficuses are stable in indoor conditions, suitable for residential and office buildings, winter gardens. Ficuses are very beautiful in the interior. Climbing and creeping are effective in hanging ceramic vases. They grow fast, relatively undemanding to light.

    Fig tree, or Fig tree (Ficus carica L.) - a photo. It grows on calcareous soils on rocky mountain slopes in the Mediterranean region, Transcaucasia, Central Asia, India, Afghanistan, Asia Minor, Iran. Deciduous trees 8–10 (up to 12) m tall. Leaves broadly ovate, 3-5 (up to 7) - palmate-lobed, 10-15 (up to 35) cm long and 6-12 cm wide, heart-shaped at the base (fall off for the winter).
    Inflorescences - syconia, rounded pear-shaped, hollow, developing on the branches of a tree. In syconia, 3 types of flowers are laid and developed: male, female with short and female with long columns. Female flowers with long columns develop into juicy fruits - compound fruits, commonly known as figs, fig, or fig - photo of seed. Dioecious, less often monoecious (in cultivation in a number of varieties).
    Valuable fruit plant. Cultivated in cool, light rooms. It bears fruit in the rooms. The method of pollination of fig flowers in nature is very interesting. Pollination is carried out by a small wasp - blastophagous. Male and female short-columnar flowers, called capryphiges, are solid, stamens develop in them and the development cycle of blastophages occurs. The final stage in the development and activity of the blastophage is that, being fertilized in a capryphigus, it leaves it, showered with pollen, penetrates into the syconip with long-columnar female flowers for laying eggs and at the same time pollinates them.

    Features of the content:

    During the growing season, it is abundantly watered with soft, settled water as the upper layer of the substrate dries up and top dressing is applied - organic and mineral fertilizers, every 3 weeks. In autumn (more often in October), the plant sheds its leaves, so watering is reduced (watering only when the earth begins to dry out). In autumn and winter, they are kept in a cool room, at a temperature of no more than 10 ?, but it is more desirable to lower the temperature to 6 ?. After a dormant period, watering is increased; plants are set closer to the light. Top dressing is applied after the leaves appear. Figs bear fruit from 3-4 years of age.
    Propagated by cuttings from fruiting trees, in spring and summer. The cuttings are rooted in the sand. After rooting, they are planted in 7-centimeter pots. The earthen mixture is composed of sod land - 2 hours, humus - 1 hour, sand - 0.5 hours. Young plants are transferred twice - into 9- and 11-centimeter pots. When the plants reach 15–20 cm in height, pinch the top to stimulate the development of shoots, which are later also cut to 1/3 of the length; only 3-4 developed branches are left on young plants, the rest are removed.

    Ficus bengal (Ficus benghalensis L.). Synonyms: F. Indian (F. indica L.). Grows in monsoon forests and on the lower slopes of mountains in India and Sri Lanka. Evergreens, trees up to 30 m tall, forming large branches and aerial roots. Leaves are oval, 10–20 cm long and 4–8 cm wide, leathery, rounded at the base, smooth, obtuse at the top. Highly decorative look.

    Ficus Benjamin (Ficus benjamina L.). Grows in tropical rainforests, at the foot of the mountains, rising to an altitude of 300 m above sea level, in tropical Asia. Evergreens, trees 15 - 18 (up to 30) m tall, with branched hanging thin branches; form aerial roots. Leaves are oval-ovate, 5-12 cm long and 2-5 cm wide, rounded at the base, dense, almost leathery, glossy, slightly wavy at the edges, 1.5-2.5 cm long. The petiole is long. Popular ornamental plant. This species can be grown as a bonsai tree and is perfect for bonsai composition.
    It has a number of varieties that differ in the coloring of the leaves.
    Redjinald - leaves are light olive with dark green spots along the midrib.
    The varieties Natasja and Wiandi leaves are small, slightly folded and curved outward.
    Varieties Bushy king, Variegata, Golden king, Starlight variegated with white, cream, yellowish spots or border.
    Extraordinarily good Curly with white leaves, on which cream and green spots are randomly scattered.
    Toolittle - a small tree with original small arcuate curved leaves.
    Variety Kiki - a lush bush with many erect shoots, densely leafy, elongated-lanceolate with a pointed tip, dense, leathery leaves. The color of the leaf blade is very effective: small white specks seem to be splashed against a dark green background.
    One of the most popular varieties Monique... The leaves are bright green, the edge is wavy, this sign increases with age, as well as in low light. At a light intensity of at least 3000 lux, the leaves acquire a beautiful dark green color. There is a form with white spots on the leaves.
    Variety Monique gold with green leaves, decorated with pale green and yellowish spots.

    Ficus Binnendijka (Ficus binnendijkii Miquel). At home (Java island) it is evergreen, large tree... In indoor conditions, the most common varieties Alii and Amstel Gueen... In appearance, they resemble willows.
    The variety Alii thin shoots are densely leafy, linear, whole-edged leaves with a pointed tip. The plate is 17-20 cm long, leathery, shiny, dark green - photo. Amstel Queen - photo - differs in larger leaves, the length of which reaches 30 cm. Altissima has elongated oval leaves, with a slightly serrate edge, the color is dark green, in young leaves with gray-green spots, in old leaves the edge of the leaf blade becomes creamy white, veins are white.

    Goblet ficus (Ficus craterostoma Warb. ex Mildbr. & Burret)... An evergreen tree from the subtropics of Eastern and Southern Africa. Leaves obovate, cut off, 7-8 cm long and 4-5 cm wide, leathery, shiny, bright or dark green. More common in greenhouses of botanical gardens than among amateur gardeners.

    Ficus: Plant for a warm family environment

    Indoor ficus is a small tree with dense glossy dark green leaves. He loves sunshine, fresh air, and abundant water. It grows quite quickly, but lives long enough in comparison with other indoor plants.

    Ficus has the ability to create a family atmosphere - evokes benevolence and helps people become more attentive and patient with each other. Ficus is especially useful for houses with “house tyrants”, as it draws out aggression from a person and teaches us to cope with his inherent irascibility. Even the most hopeless pessimist, the plant is able to instill a grain of optimism. Ficus weaning people off the need to share their problems with everyone around them, and also eradicates the need for pity.

    Ficus Benjamin: care, causes of leaf falling

    What is Benjamin's ficus?

    Ficus comes from Asia. There are more than a thousand species of ficuses in total, and the most common was once the rubber-bearing ficus. But in last years it is replaced by Benjamin's ficus with smaller, slightly wavy leaves.

    Ficus Benjamina is a small evergreen tree with thin drooping shoots and small numerous leaves of various colors and shapes. At home with proper care such a ficus can grow up to 2 meters.

    Ficus Benjamin looks very beautiful - an openwork crown of small variegated leaves, makes this plant very decorative and allows you to fit into any interior.

    How to choose a place for Benjamin Ficus?

    Variegated ficuses are more demanding on light, but direct sunlight is useful only in the morning and evening. Ficuses with dark green leaves can grow well in partial shade.

    The optimum room temperature for growing Benjamin ficus is from 18 to 24 ° C. In winter, as a rule, the temperature should be 3-4 ° C lower.

    Do not place your ficus Benjamin near a heating battery or in a draft.

    How to water Benjamin's ficus?

    Watering the ficus, especially in winter, requires a moderately moist one - you can neither pour nor dry an earthen ball, otherwise the plant will immediately start to hurt.

    Watering should be more frequent in summer. Remember that ficuses suffer more from overflow than from underwatering. Water only with warm soft water.

    Do not forget to spray the plant: in summer, spraying is required 2-3 times a week, and in winter, once a week is enough. Wipe the leaves with a damp cloth from time to time.

    Why does Benjamin's ficus shed its leaves?

    If your plant has started shedding leaves, then take a close look at it. If the leaves do not have suspicious spots or signs of damage by insect pests, and if the plant has not been accidentally over-dried or too generously fertilized, then there should be little concern. The shedding of leaves of Benjamin's ficus is easy and will restore the loss quite quickly in the spring.

    But keep in mind: the ficus loves consistency in lighting, temperature and habitat. In autumn, the growing conditions change, the days become shorter and the illumination drops sharply, the temperature drops. From such stress, the ficus sheds a lot of leaves. Some of them are no longer needed for photosynthesis and evaporation of water.

    You can reduce leaf fall by placing the pot in the brightest and coolest place. At the same time, you need to pay attention to how the plant was oriented towards light earlier. It is better not to turn Ficus Benjamin, this can also cause leaves to fall. In order not to be mistaken, a mark is made on the surface of the pot, facing the stream of light. And, rearranging the ficus, they always focus on it.

    From November to February, it is generally advisable to send the plant to rest, reduce watering and not feed.

    If the loss of leaves is caused by diseases or the death of roots from an overdose of fertilizers or drying out of the soil, extreme measures are required: treatment with fungicides or transplantation with a complete replacement of the soil with a new one.

    - Large plants during the growth period need to be fed weekly with ordinary flower fertilizer, and small ones - once every 2-3 weeks. In winter, you should completely abandon fertilizers.

    - If the plant is in a too dark place in winter, leaves may also begin to fall. Loss of foliage also occurs with large specimens if the ends of the shoots are in the dark. Ficuses require uniform lighting.

    - Ficuses should be transplanted only as needed after the roots fill the entire flower container.

    Ficus? one of the most popular indoor plants. This evergreen tropical shrub with falling leaves takes its rightful place in homes and offices. Ficus care is very simple. One of its undoubted advantages is that this indoor flower can be kept even in shady places and is able to tolerate dry air, although ficus grows much faster in good sunlight. It is necessary to water the ficus very abundantly, drying out of the soil can lead to its death.

    Ficus? a very unpretentious houseplant that does not require special care, but it looks very impressive. There are a huge number of different varieties and subspecies of ficus, but the following varieties are the most common:

    • rubber ficus (aka elastica) has yellowish stripes and spots on rather large leaves;
    • benjamin's ficus, on the contrary, is overgrown with small graceful leaves, often motley colored;
    • lyre ficus is famous for its large leaves of a specific shape, the size of which reaches half a meter;
    • dwarf ficus grows very quickly, but does not tolerate drying out of the soil and low moisture levels.
    • ficus Banyan (sacred) is famous for its large, heart-shaped leaves with yellow veins and fruits that have antibacterial properties.

    Ficuses can only be propagated by cuttings. To do this, they are rooted in disinfected sand and only after the formation of calli are placed in the soil. With regard to fertilizers, there is complete freedom of action. You can feed your pet with organic, mineral or complex fertilizers twice a month, but you should still carefully fertilize the ficuses in winter period and generally exclude feeding in the first few weeks after transplantation.

    Ficuses are often attacked by thrips colonies. You can find out about this by the silvery bloom on the leaves. Spray the houseplant immediately with preparations such as Fitoverm, Actellik, Intavir. If your pet is chosen by the scale insect, which appears in the form of brown plaques on the surface of the leaves, sucking the cell sap from the plant, use Actellik's solution. Usually, three approaches are sufficient.

    With a mealybug, which reveals its presence in the form of white fluff or cotton on the surface of the leaves, it is better to fight with a solution of Confidor. It is recommended to repeat the procedure twice until the pests are completely destroyed. Spider mites can be washed off with soapy water from the leaves or, if this remedy does not help, apply any insecticidal preparations. Can the legtail be defeated by the physical method? submerge the pot in water and carefully collect the emerging insects.

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The flora of the Earth is unusually diverse, thrilling with its fabulous beauty, surprising in the number of species, names, shape, color.

Among this splendor and abundance of plants, the ficus stands out, the types and names of which are about a thousand different names. Let's take a closer look at this many-sided plant, find out its properties and the possibilities of using it for the design of various interiors.

History and interesting facts from the life of ficuses

All ficuses, regardless of the type, are thermophilic plants and are predominantly distributed in the Mediterranean countries, on the islands of the Indian and Pacific oceans, countries of West Africa, Latin America. Some varieties of ficuses can be found in the Crimea, Central Asia, and the countries of the Caucasus.

Ficus is a very interesting and ancient plant. The tombs of the mummies of Ancient Egypt, made of African ficus, have survived to our time. And who does not know a fig or a fig tree, it is a fig tree that has the status of a sacred tree of Muslims.

Ficus belongs to the mulberry family and has up to 800 species. Over the thousands of years of existence, this common plant has acquired a wide variety of life forms: from giant trees to very small dwarf plants.

And it has always been called the "rubber tree". The explanation is simple. The milk secreted from the stem and leaves of the ficus is 15 percent rubber. That is why ficus is used in industry.

The fruits of some species of ficuses, for example, figs, contain about 75% sugars and have long been used by humans as a delicacy. In the natural habitat, the fruits of other varieties of ficuses are the main part of the food for the inhabitants of forests.

In Africa and Mexico, villagers use ficus leaves in the construction of housing for roofing houses.

If we talk about domestic ficus, then everyone knows from childhood this common plant, which has a strong trunk, large juicy green leaves. In the past, ficus adorned the window sills of almost every house, personifying order, stability, peace, and the correct way of life. And even, at one time, it was synonymous with philistinism.

In recent years, the ficus began to experience a huge surge of interest in it from flower growers again, thanks to its extraordinary diversity, beauty, and unpretentiousness. This plant has become one of the main decorative elements, especially country houses, where it became possible to provide this handsome man with sufficient space and the necessary lighting.

At home, the plant brings many benefits, purifying the air in the room, creating coziness. And this versatile plant has a lot of other useful properties, sometimes unexpected and extremely interesting.

So, let's get to know the ficuses better.

The origin of Bengal ficus brings us to the shores of Sri Lanka, to India, Bangladesh. This is one of the representatives of the mulberry world, absolutely fantastic, from the point of view of an inhabitant of the northern hemisphere of the Earth, ficus banyan. Banyan is a unique form of life of this plant. This amazing tree resembles a fabulous giant and, rather, looks like a dense forest, consisting of many trunks.

How does this process take place?

The trunk of the tree is formed by shoots, from which aerial roots arise. The roots at first have a small thickness, while developing, they begin to reach the ground, take root, and then they develop rapidly and increase in diameter up to several meters. New trunks give new shoots, and this process does not stop, repeating itself over and over again. Over time, one tree gradually turns into a real fairy forest, occupying an area of \u200b\u200bseveral hectares.

The most impressive tree of the family is considered the Great Banyan Tree of the Indian Botanical Garden, numbering about three thousand trunks.

In the interior of a city apartment, this tree will look much more modest, but if you decide to keep such a ficus in your home walls, it needs to create a number of conditions. And, if you are not confused by the size of the Bengal ficus, and it can grow up to three meters high, then, observing all the rules of care, you can relax under the crown of a wonderful tree and enjoy the fresh air.

It can be a very miniature bonsai.

Ficus lyre

This tropical beautiful plant growing in India, West Africa in nature reaches a height of 30 m. It got its name from the bizarre shape of patterned leaves, reminiscent of a lyre - an ancient musical instrument.

Feels great at home, growing up to two meters. Of course, if you have a sufficient area with good lighting. And provided that high humidity and temperature are maintained, you have every chance of growing a tall, elegant, handsome man.

But we must remember that lyre ficus prefers loneliness. Therefore, it will be uncomfortable to feel in the neighborhood with other plants. This type of ficus requires constant spraying, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth, and a shower. Sometimes you have to use a humidifier.

In a word, given view ficus is a difficult specimen and requires increased attention and care rules.

Dwarf ficuses

Among the ficuses of giants with impressive size and height, tiny ficuses, which have another name - pumila, attract attention.

These ornamental plants, originally from China, Taiwan, Japan, are evergreen, creeping vines. They have small beautiful leaves of a dark green hue, sometimes, depending on the variety, with a white border. The stem of the ficus tree gives off shoots, which over time form aerial roots that can cling to any support and walls.

Therefore, dwarf ficuses are often used to frame any surfaces. Houses, gazebos entwined with thick cobwebs of a green carpet look very beautiful. Also, the pumila is planted as an additional decor in one pot with a different type of ficus, and together they look great.

It is also possible to grow a dwarf ficus at home, like any other type of plant, observing the necessary conditions. The plant needs abundant watering, it also loves diffused light with a small amount of direct sun rays... And it feels great by the windows facing west and east.

Dwarf ficus is transplanted annually in the spring using standard ficus soil.

India, Sri Lanka, Indonesia are considered the birthplace of this plant. The name of this plant speaks for itself. Large-leaved rubbery ficus contains a large percentage of rubber in the sap released from the surface of the leaves. That is why it was previously grown on an industrial scale for the production of rubber. But this juice is not easy - it causes an allergic reaction, dermatitis, if it gets on the skin, because it contains alkaloids and enzymes.

In nature, rubbery ficus grows up to 30-40 meters in height. Its "rubber" properties, trunk and dense roots are used by residents of southern countries, making suspension bridges from these plants. Such a construction made of a living tree can withstand more than a dozen people, as well as floods.

Rubber-bearing ficuses can create banyans in natural habitat, turning into whole groves.

At home, rubber-bearing ficus is also bred and benefits its owners, first of all, by cleansing the air of harmful impurities. Also likes warmth, humid atmosphere, good lighting, but not in direct sunlight.

If you do not forget to feed the ficus, water it on time, transplant young plants annually and adult ficuses every 2-3 years, then your pet will delight you with its lush green appearance for a long time, bringing a sense of peace and order to your home.

If we talk about the country of origin of this type of ficus, then it will be Burma, Nepal, some areas of Indochina. In nature, like many of his compatriots, they are gigantic in size and grow up to 30 meters in height, have a dense green crown with large leaves.

The sacred ficus can begin its life as an epiphytic plant, fixing itself on other trees or in the recesses of buildings. Then, like many representatives of ficuses, it begins to put down aerial roots, then it becomes fixed in the soil and turns into a trunk, which is a support for a young plant. And with further development it often turns into a banyan tree.

This type of ficus has distinctive feature, called "guttation". At high humidity, droplets of moisture form on the tips of the leaves of this plant, creating a weeping plant effect.

Buddhists consider this type of ficus to be a sacred plant, hence its name. According to legend, an ancient Buddhist prince attained enlightenment under this wonderful plant and became a Buddha. Since then, there has been a tradition of planting the sacred ficus near temples, and pilgrims adorn the plant with colorful ribbons with enviable consistency.

Grown at home with the same requirements for the content of the entire ficus family.

This type of ficus is extremely popular among flower growers because of its decorative qualities and its simple growing and caring process.

In nature, like all its relatives, it grows in the warm countries of Asia and in the north of Australia. It loves a humid habitat and under natural conditions it can grow to a solid size of 30 m. It can form the already familiar banyan trees, but in countries with a more arid climate it remains a single-stemmed tree.

In its natural habitat, it is often used in the form of "hedges" and to create topiary forms, when a geometric haircut is applied to plants to give them certain shapes.

It looks very attractive on the windowsills of apartments, hanging branches down a little, for which it received the name "weeping ficus". The leaves, depending on the variety, are of different sizes (from 3 to 10 cm), shape and color shades. But regardless of the variety, milky sap is released from the surface of the ficus leaves, which can cause an allergic reaction.

, like no other, has a large number of varieties. They differ in size, from small plants to 4-meter bogatyrs, in the shape and color of the leaf. Can be trees or shrubs.

Among all the variety, varieties of ficuses stand out for their special unpretentiousness:

  • Daniel: dark green leaves 6 cm
  • Golden Monique: light green-golden leaves with a unique pattern
  • Curly: leaves about 5 cm with a strongly curved outline and a white border
  • Golden King: green leaves with a yellow stripe around the edge
  • Monique: corrugated leaves.

And many other varieties, each with its own characteristics and charm.

Ficus Benjamin is well mastered in the home interior, thermophilic, requires watering only when the top layer of the earth dries up. In winter, they water less often, but they follow the roots, preventing drying out.

The types of ficus do not end there, the story can be continued for a long time, but you met the most common inhabitants of our windowsills. In future publications, I will try to talk about the rules of caring for them, about possible diseases or which can inhabit these majestic plants.

Genus Ficus - Ficus

Family: Mulberry (Moraceae).

Homeland: Mediterranean, Western Asia, Northwest India.

Plants of this genus are in nature, according to various sources, from 900 to 1000 species, common in tropical and subtropical regions. Among life forms there are trees (with board-like roots), shrubs, vines. There are also “strangler” ficuses among the ficuses: at first, these plants develop as epiphytes on other trees, where animals bring their seeds. But then some time passes, the aerial roots of young ficuses sink lower and lower, grow into the ground, thicken, braid and squeeze the trunk of the host tree, which gradually dies.

Another life form is named after the Bengali ficus, or banyan tree. It is also characteristic of rubber ficus in its natural environment. Aerial roots begin to develop on the horizontal branches of the tree. Growing into the ground, the roots thicken so much that they look like additional trunks. Over time, one plant forms a whole grove.

Several types of ficuses are grown in room culture. Let's consider them.

Ficus Ali -Ficus ali

Outwardly, it does not look like any other ficus at all. The leaves are somewhat reminiscent of oleander leaves. Shade tolerant. This is a tall species.

Ficus Benjamin -Ficus benjamina

This type of ficus and its many varieties are very popular and promising for keeping in rooms and offices. These bushy plants, with abundant drooping foliage, dark green and variegated, reach 1.5 m in height.

Ficus carica (fig, fig tree) -Ficus carica

Fig, or fig tree, is well known to us for its delicious seed fruits. And its fruits are those small grains that are well felt when chewed. The plant captivates with its large palmate-lobed leaves and picturesque appearance. In the fall, the leaves fall off. In areas of natural growth, plants bloom three times a year, in temperate climates in spring and autumn.

Location.Light, however, is not sunny. Later, when the leaves are older, it is sunny and warm.

During the period of active growth, plants are watered abundantly and fed weekly with liquid fertilizer until August.

Wintering.Figs should be moved indoors a little later than other tub plants, as they tolerate light frost. In winter apartments, they are kept at a temperature of 2–8 ° C in a bright, in extreme cases also a dark place. Watering is very moderate.

Tiny ficus,or dwarf -Ficus pumila

Ampel forms of this species love pruning. Well suited for florariums. Can be grown like a vine and guided over a support. Demanding on humidity. Variegated forms need more lighting.

Ficus lyre -Ficus lyrata

A spectacular look with large, hard, embossed leaves. Suitable for spacious sunny winter gardens, reaches a height of 2 or more meters, at a young age can grow in rooms.

Rooting ficus -Ficus radicans

Ampel form, leaves are larger than those of dwarf ficus, with wavy edges. Variety F. radicans - F. variegata- has a creamy border around the edges of the leaf blade.

Ficus elastica -Ficus elastica

One of 1000 species of the genus of ficus, which is also called: elastic ficus, rubbery ficus, rubber tree... The recognized head of all ficuses is a plant of impressive size (up to 2 m in height) with aerial support roots.

It has carelessly spreading, slightly drooping branches with large dark green shiny leaves, bright brown uneven, especially at the base, bark; on the top and side shoots, young, not yet unfolded leaves are visible, hidden in a pink cover.

Well-positioned variegated ficuses in flowerpots matched to the style will add a unique stylish touch to any type of interior.

A type of ficus elastica is Ficus elastica Tineke.At first glance it seems that this is not living plant, and skillfully made and painted plastic dummy, the coloring of the leaves of this ficus seems so unnatural. Such a plant can be an excellent present that will always create a good mood, especially on gray winter days. Maximum size its about 180 cm.

The plant is light-loving, drought-resistant, thermophilic and requires special care. Prefers bright diffused lighting, without direct sunlight during the period of their activity (March-September).

Care features

The soil.For adult specimens, an earthen mixture is suitable in an equal ratio of sod, leafy soil, humus, peat and sand.

Transfer.You can transplant young specimens and rooted cuttings into soil that does not contain turf and humus. An important feature when planting is the presence of good drainage. Ficuses are afraid of stagnant water. The volume of the bowl is replaced with a larger one according to the general principle: as the plant grows. It is better to carry out transfer work in the spring. In winter, when transplanting, the ficus can shed its leaves. Ampel species do not need large bowls and grow well even on the surface of the soil of their large congeners (for example, the ficus Benjamin variegated on the soil surface grows well the ficus dwarf - a solar variety) or other plants.

Temperature.Moderate, in winter not lower than 12 ° C, except for figs, in summer - 19–24 ° C. When summer rates rise above 24 ° C, an intensive spraying mode should be introduced.

Lighting.Adult tree specimens tolerate bright light well. But the penumbra does not bother them either. The rest of the types prefer a bright, but not sunny location. We can say that most ficuses (not variegated forms) are shade-tolerant plants. They do not like changing places, that is, permutations, shifting and do not tolerate drafts.

Watering and humidity.At any time of the year, water carefully: avoiding both the drying out of the earthy coma and not allowing moisture to stagnate, otherwise the consequences will arise immediately - a sharp drop of a large number of leaves. Watering with warm water as possible. In summer, ficus should be actively sprayed, especially ampelous forms, in winter - if the air is dry and the room temperature exceeds 22 ° C. Plants with large leaves are regularly, in addition to spraying, washed from dust, examined in order to prevent the appearance of pests.

Fertilizer.In the spring-summer period, once every two weeks, the plant needs regular complex fertilization.

Pruning.Easily tolerate pruning and need crown formation.

Reproduction.Simple and affordable way - grafting. Treelike and ampelous ficuses easily reproduce in such a vegetative way. The only difference is that ampelous ficuses (ivy and tiny) take root faster than shrub and tree-like forms. No greenhouse boxes with peat, sand and covering material are needed. In an ordinary container with water, after two to three weeks, adventitious roots appear in ficuses. For reproduction of woody ficuses, you can take both apical segments and segments from the middle part with one node, but better - with two or three. The main thing is that the stalk is not the youngest, but already semi-lignified. The cut is made with a sharp knife, the bottommost leaf is removed from the cut, the milky juice is washed off with warm water, then the cut is slightly dried and again put into warm water for rooting. Of course, those who are used to rooting in a loose substrate - please root like this, but this method is more laborious and there is no way to trace the rooting process, as, for example, in water. For woody forms, it is advisable to twist large leaves into a tube and tie to reduce evaporation, and the cutting itself should be buried obliquely into the substrate by one knot. So, in the summer, there are no obstacles for the propagation of ficuses by cuttings.

This text is an introductory fragment.

Ficus is one of the most common indoor plants. He took root in our homes so much that we forgot about his real homeland - the subtropical and tropical forests of Asia and Africa. There are more than 2000 species in total, but only about 20 species are domestic breeds. But can they bloom?

The plant belongs to the mulberry family, and its often referred to as a rubber tree... The fact is that in its composition the plant contains about 15% of a rubber substance.

Ficus rubber

For more than five millennia of existence ficus has adapted to any environment, and acquired many forms and types. In their natural environment, they can grow in the form of full-fledged trees, shrubs or lianas entwining other trees.

Ficuses can grow on other representatives of the flora, forming adventitious roots and gradually merging with another plant into a single whole. These types are called banyans.

What country does this home flower come from?

Where does Benjamin's ficus come from? The plant is native to the forests of Malaysia, the Philippines., New Guinea, Indonesia. In New Guinea, for example, the largest ficuses grow - they can reach more than 40 meters in height and 4-5 meters in thickness. Such flowers have large shiny leaves, drooping down, and milky sap. It is known in Latin America, where drugs that dissolve tumors are made from this juice.

Ficuses in their homeland: in Indonesia

In Indonesia, and especially in India, ficus is considered a sacred plantgiving spirituality and enlightenment. It can often be seen in temples and places revered by residents. Tourists who managed to get to the peninsula tie ribbons on the table of this plant - it is believed that this way cherished desires come true.

In nature, ficus can even grow from 1 to 40 meters in height, but at home it does not grow more than two meters in height. According to Eastern philosophy, they cultivate positive energy in the house, cleanse the home of negativity, help to concentrate on certain activities.

Where did the rubber ficus come from?

The most popular type of homemade ficus is the rubber species.... This plant easily adapts to the environment, has good immunity, and also has dark green oval leaves in the size of 30-40 centimeters. It can grow up to two meters high. A flower of this origin from the forests of Southeast Asia and West Africa.

Your ficus tree has potential for growth

Ficus care: the necessary soil composition, conditions for growth and flowering

Each species (deciduous or not) has its own care process, but there is a few general rules the content of this plant:

  • availability free space for growth in length or height;
  • enough sunlightthat would not fall directly on the leaves and flowers of the plant;
  • the presence of a slight blackout;
  • avoidance any draft;
  • finding in a warm climate or indoors;
  • abundant saturation with water (better with spring, rain or melted snow);
  • leaf care - removal of already dead, dry leaves, wiping each sheet with a damp cloth and so on.

Young ficuses need more care - monitor the soil, feed them with fertilizers and water them with warm water once, or even twice a day. Dwarf and so-called creeping plants also need not only abundant watering, but also the content of moist air in the room.

Medium ficus, as a rule, are bush, reach a height of one or two meters... They grow slowly, so they need a lot of space upward and careful leaf care.

Some ficus owners are worried about the fact that the leaves on the plant turn yellow and fall off. This can happen both for natural reasons and for non-compliance with the required care regimen.

To identify the cause, take a close look at the ficus or consult with a specialist.

Reproduction: how your Benjamin can bloom

Ficuses are flowering plants, but do not bloom under indoor conditions due to the lack of natural pollination... Small insects pollinate inflorescences through small holes in the upper part of the future flower.

Female and male flowers are negligible and do not represent any aesthetic value, but are suitable only for reproduction. At home, ficus can only reproduce vegetatively. - by cuttings.

Since the plant is tropical, room conditions and the harsh winters of our country are unusual for him and incompatible with the existence of this plant. Home ficus blooming is not the most exciting process.

In order for indoor ficus to feel at home, he it is necessary to create appropriate conditions... In return, it will become a good friend to its owner, ennoble and cleanse the space, because it is not for nothing that in many countries of the world the plant is sacred.
