Tulips are wonderful spring flowers that can cheer you up even on the most cloudy day. They inspire and decorate our life, give a sense of celebration. Sometimes this image appears to us in night dreams. What do these dreams mean? What do the stars want to warn the dreamer about?

Usually dream books do not see anything negative in the image of a tulip:

  • gypsy - to fame and fortune;
  • miss Hasse - show excessive frivolity;
  • Grishina - to a meeting with an arrogant person;
  • XXI century - a symbol of frivolity;
  • modern - a complete idyll in a relationship with a loved one and in family life;
  • the newest - you will discover the abilities for magic and healing;
  • sonarium - a symbol of the short duration of the events taking place now;
  • Miller - family values \u200b\u200bcome first for you;
  • bitches - to a pleasant hobby that will bring profit;
  • autumn - to unexpected joy;
  • summer - success in trade;
  • spring - to a temporary hobby;
  • Wanderer - something important for you will happen soon;
  • Kananita - to a fleeting romance;
  • Vangi - an event will happen that will greatly affect your feelings;
  • Freud - you need to change your life priorities.

Tulips seen in a dream by a lonely person predict a meeting with his soul mate

Tulips in women's and men's dreams

The interpretation of the image depends on the sex and status of the dreamer:

  • tulips, dreamed of by a girl, indicate her moral purity; sometimes this vision prophesies the appearance of valuable ideas, thanks to which the dreamer will be able to succeed;
  • if a woman dreamed of a bouquet of flowers in the hands of a man, a passionate but short romance awaits her;
  • a pregnant woman should be more careful - there is a high probability of injury;
  • for a male representative, a dream prophesies unhappy love;
  • if a young man crossed a tulip field, one of his relatives needs help.

Flowers seen in a dream by a lonely person prophesy a meeting with a soul mate. If the dreamer has a family, the appearance of tulips in night dreams guarantees the spouse's loyalty.

Interpretation by color

The rich palette of tulip colors is striking in its variety. There are red, yellow, orange, dark purple, pink, white, blue and even black flowers. There are also known varieties that combine several shades at once. Interpreters recommend taking this into account when interpreting sleep.

Red and pink

Red and pink tulips symbolize love and tenderness. Seeing in a dream, they promise prosperity and well-being. Happiness awaits the dreamer in family life. In addition, there is a high probability of receiving a valuable gift or a big win in the lottery.

The meaning of the details of a dream with tulips of such shades:

  • the buds portend a romantic journey that will bring a bright note to the dreamer's life;
  • to give a bouquet of flowers - the dreamer needs to drop shyness and confess his feelings to a loved one;
  • torn off indicate a short relationship, the love affair will be short-lived and will stop immediately as soon as the passion subsides.

Pink tulips portend a romantic trip

Yellow, orange and white

Yellow tulips, thanks to the sensational hit by Natalia Koroleva, have become a symbol of separation. Some dream books agree with this and believe that the buds of this color prophesy betrayal and loneliness, which, fortunately, will not last long. However, many commentators claim that the yellow tint is associated with joy and good luck. Such an image in a dream can also characterize the dreamer as a creative person who will achieve great success in the creative field.

White tulips indicate problems in love relationships. Probably, you will have a bad acquaintance or a not very pleasant date. In the near future, you should not count on luck in love.

A Persian legend says that tulips appeared from drops of blood shed by lovers. In many cultures, the flower symbolizes mutual love.

Orange flowers promise professional success.

Yellow tulips are a dual symbol that can predict both positive events and troubles.

Black, blue, purple

Tulips of unusual shades in a dream are an unfavorable symbol:

  • blue indicates unrequited love;
  • purple - more attention should be paid to family values, probably problems will appear in the relationship with the second half, you need to solve them as soon as possible, otherwise the marriage will break up;
  • black - an unfavorable period in life will begin, conflicts can occur both at home and at work, so you need to try to restrain emotions.

A multi-colored bouquet promises a life full of joyful events.

Place: in the garden, in the field, in a vase

The tulip field promises an important event that will not go unnoticed by the dreamer's senses. Recover from negative emotions will take a long time. For entrepreneurs, this image is considered positive, as it promises success in the business they have started.

Meaning of other flower locations:

  • in the garden - to a declaration of love; for unmarried girls, such a dream predicts an imminent marriage;
  • in a vase - the dreamer has forgotten his relatives, it would not hurt to visit them, communication with loved ones will allow you to forget a little about the problems that have piled up;
  • grew in the snow - a bad sign that indicates difficulties and failures in all areas of life.

Purple tulips dream of family problems

The dreamer's actions

Tulips, seen from the side, prophesy bright, memorable events. If someone gave the dreamer a bouquet, peace and prosperity will come to his family.

Interpretation of other actions of the dreamer with flowers:

  • to give - to an affair with a beautiful, but frivolous person;
  • to plant - to family scandals; perhaps the second half will catch the dreamer of treason and arrange a real interrogation for him;
  • to buy - to unrequited love;
  • to rip from the garden - to a whirlwind romance that will be remembered for many years;
  • cut with a knife - to a frank conversation, which you will regret in the future;
  • pluck from the flower bed - with a proposal of a hand and heart it is better to wait, probably, the dreamer's chosen one is unworthy of him, and very soon he will have to make sure of this;
  • trample - to serious health problems;
  • standing in the middle of a garden with tulips - to wealth and glory.

Your secretive nature is indicated by a vision in which you brought plucked buds into the house. The fragrant aroma inhaled by the dreamer shows him as a vain and arrogant person, who is avoided even by those close to him.

Black tulips - to adverse events in life

Other interpretations

The bouquet promises success in all endeavors. It is difficult to say what exactly the dreamer should pay attention to, because luck will accompany him in everything. Scattered flowers indicate that ill-wishers will do their best to prevent you.

In the past, tulips symbolized material well-being, abundance. For one bulb of this flower, 12 sheep were requested.

Withered or withered tulips indicate that the dreamer will have to endure the betrayal of a loved one. The image also portends a serious illness. Artificial flowers indicate falsehood in a relationship. Perhaps you shouldn't connect your life with this person. Petals indicate support from above.

In many interpretations, the dreaming tulip affects the feelings of the dreamer, his relationship with his soul mate. Therefore, it is not recommended to neglect such a vision; it is better to listen to the opinion of dream books in order to prepare yourself for the upcoming events.

Tulips are a detail in a dream that is perfectly remembered. These gifts of spring excite the consciousness even in the kingdom of Morpheus, because they are associated with warmth, brightness of life and inspiration.

But does the interpretation of the tulip dream always imply a good outcome of events? Restore the dream picture - what did you do with the flowers? What color were they? Answer your questions, get the most accurate answer.

Tulips in a dream - harbingers or pointers?

Such dreams have a rather unusual interpretation. In any case, spring dreams of happy future.

The unusual thing is that some features of dreams predict a black stripe in front of a white one. But you shouldn't worry, because any unpleasant change will later turn into a bright future.

Spring flowers dreaming of ladies are directly related to love sphere... If you had to admire them in a dream, it means that for someone you are an object that is pleasing to the eye.

But the acceptance of these flowers as a gift can be safely called not too good symbol... You will have to either destroy hopes if you have not yet had a relationship with your beloved. Do not worry! Higher powers will simply rid you of the fact that is not part of a happy future.

Buy flowers

Acquiring flowers in a dream reflects one's own mental pain. You are worried about the inability to start an affair with your loved one.

Unfortunately, you are unlikely to be able to achieve the long-awaited reciprocity. If you already have a soul mate, you will encounter her composure towards you. It will be difficult to do something about this, because a loved one has feelings for you long ago began to fade.

Many tulips, the roots of which are in the ground, dream of a serious stressful situation. Will have to experience severe shock.

It's hard to say exactly what will make you worry. And the sphere with which the shock will be connected is difficult to name. The main thing is that what happened will help you realize something important. This information will help you find happiness.

See how they grow in a dream

If you had to watch the process of the growth of bright spring flowers in a dream, then the higher powers appreciated your efforts.

Take your time to give up what you have been fighting for for years - you get it.

After this dream, even those desires that were associated with the word utopia can come true, but only if you spent a lot of energy on their fulfillment some time ago.

Seen in a vase

Did you decorate your home in a dream? it good sign, foreshadowing the maximum rapprochement with the second half. You are alone? This means that the object of sighing will independently demonstrate its feelings for you!

Often, after dreams of tulips in vases, ladies do it, or at least for the purpose of living together.

Pluck them in a dream

We can safely congratulate you if you had to see such an action in a dream. Especially, it concerns people who are unrequitedly in love who have lost all hope. Either you romance will start with the object of sighing, or you will charm another very good person.

For married and married people, the sign is also favorable. Feelings will flare up with renewed vigor, and the fire of love will burn for a very long time!

Seen promises success in all endeavors. It is difficult to describe the favor of fortune, because in any case it will be on your side.

If in a dream you also inhaled the aroma emanating from the bouquet, your persona will be the culprit for the pleasant changes. Everything that seemed right and right will acquire a completely different meaning. You will have to look at the state of affairs with a different look, which will affect life extremely positive.

If the flowers were white

White buds in a dream stand regard as a warning... If you are having an affair with someone, you should prefer the other person. The current connection will not bear fruit.

In other cases, white buds suggest, because you are too lenient about troubles in love. Unravel the tangle of problems as soon as possible so that it does not grow and push your loved one out of life.

Despite the fact that dreams about these flowers are directly associated with love and romance, the buds portend a change in the financial situation in the better side.

We can only guess which the present is prepared by fortune... Inheritance, Big Win, Salary Raise, Upgrade workplace - surely for some of the above there will be a place in the near future!


Separation after seeing a symbol in a dream is possible, but you will determine the outcome of the situation. Yellow tulip buds in a dream dream of betrayal.

Most often this concerns precisely cheating in love. It is not surprising if, after a dream, you find out about the presence. If you are alone, you can be very traitors. close peoplewho are not relatives.


Romance, passion and tenderness - this is what spring gifts of such a delicate color portend. How long have you been unable to find a soul mate? So, you will soon meet with a very romantic person!

Married and married, as well as all non-lonely ones, are just as lucky. Nothing special will happen, but is it unpleasant when a passionate desire to please you in every possible way flares up in a loved one?


Even if they were unusually beautiful, such management promises only routine. And blame for the boredom only you.

Dreams can portend conflicts with relatives. Their reason is your callousness and distrust.

Be kind to your family, otherwise a difficult situation will quickly outgrow to critical.

Multicolored tulips

Multicolored tulips - symbol of infantility... And since they dreamed of you, it's time to change the foundations and habits.

What worries you most is the consequence of frivolity. A small barrier separates from the goal, the name of which is frivolity. Grow up spirituallyto remove the hated obstacle!

Miller's dream book

If the flowers were presented to your person, you probably have an admirer who is not very serious. But when you gave flowers, you will soon have to fall in love with a frivolous person.

Dreamed of wilted tulips? You acknowledge what you have done serious mistake in love and repent of what you have done.

Tulips delight us with their beauty and represent the arrival of spring. And the dream in which I happened to see these wonderful flowers promises only good things. But in order to know exactly what tulips are dreaming of, you should remember every detail of what you see, and then turn to the dream book.

A very important factor in the interpretation of a dream is what color the flowers were seen. But you shouldn't forget about other subtleties of sleep either.

Tulip color

  • Did you see red tulips in a dream? The material side of life will delight you by winning a large amount of money or receiving a very valuable gift. It doesn't matter what it will be, the main thing is that the financial issue will no longer be so acute.
  • Tulips pink shade promise a date full of romantic moments. A loved one will surround you with care and attention, give you an unforgettable experience and present a pleasant surprise, the interpreter promises.
  • The dream interpretation also explains why a woman dreams of tulips yellow color... In his opinion, this shade promises deception and betrayal. There is a high probability of betrayal from a loved one and, as a result, the end of the relationship. But, having learned about this, do not become discouraged and try to smile, no matter how hard it may be. The dark streak is not eternal - it will end, and in its place will come a light one filled with joy. New acquaintances will not keep you waiting, and with them - and new love, which will not bring disappointment.

  • Did you happen to see tulips of an unusual black color in a dream? Ahead is a difficult period, filled with loneliness, portends a dream book. You will miss so much that you will find yourself on the verge of depression, which will be very, very difficult to get out of. On the advice of the dream book, do not dwell on your grief. Try to spend more time on the street, do not refuse help to those who need it, even if this person is unfamiliar to you. So your own sorrows will fade into the background, and you will be able to enjoy life again.
  • And what can white tulips dream of? Difficulties await you on the love front, says the dream book. Such a dream also speaks of the unsuccessful completion of a new acquaintance or romantic meeting.
  • Tulips have a similar meaning. of blue color - they talk about love that will remain unanswered.
  • An explanation of why purple tulips dream is also found in dream books. The sleeping person is oppressed by family problems, his relationship with households cannot be called smooth.

  • And if you see colorful tulips, perhaps you lack seriousness. Think - isn't it time to grow up? After all, many do not perceive you the way you would like, and this interferes with the achievement of the goals that you have set for yourself.

Interpretations of various dream books

I dreamed that you were collecting these beautiful flowers? Your love feelings will be mutual, the dream book claims. In reality, you will become the object of attention of a very interesting person. It is quite possible that you never dared to dream of the location of this person. This dream also speaks of a new relationship that will last for a long time.

Miller's dream book explains what tulips dream about. They are a symbol of family life and love. Did you dream that these flowers are presented to you? In reality, a very pleasant person has a weakness for you, who, however, lacks seriousness. But if during sleep you acted as a donor, then feelings for a frivolous and frivolous person belong to you.

Withered tulips, according to Gustav Miller, symbolize loving repentance, which is too late in time. Another interpreter explains what a bouquet of tulips can dream of. Perhaps you are arrogant and arrogant, the interpreter warns.

Think - do you scare others away with your behavior? Maybe for this reason it is difficult for you to find new friends?

Had a dream that you were planting these flowers? Such a dream speaks of jealousy. Your other half is the owner, and this trait will give you many unpleasant minutes. But do not give in to the onslaught and confess what you did not do. Think about it - isn't it time to end a relationship in which they do not trust you? Such a dream also suggests that your bosses are overly demanding. If you do not want to lose your place, be patient and be attentive to criticism. Sometimes she can do a good job.

What does a dream mean in which you smell tulips? Change the habits that you thought were established soon. It may also happen that certain circumstances force you to change your outlook on life. But do not rush to worry - these changes will only change life for the better.

A tulip-lined field heralds an important event. This event will not pass unnoticed by your senses, and it will take a long time to recover from what happened. And what tulip bulbs dream about is explained by the dream book. In reality, the sleeper may be a witness to a "mess" or run into the discontent of the authorities.

Did you buy these flowers in a dream? You suffer from unrequited love, says the dream book. And if they were torn down, reality will present a short, but very stormy romance that will be remembered for a long time. If a woman dreams of a man giving tulips to her, in reality a break in relations awaits her.

And if a representative of the opposite sex dreams of such a dream, his marriage will be unsuccessful. Perhaps the relationship should be terminated while it can be done painlessly - without quarrels and major scandals.

Sleep from Thursday to Friday 04/19/2019

The next night is important for those who are interested personal life more than work. Sleep from Thursday to Friday prophetic. The thing is, ...

Dream interpretation online Red tulips

In a dream, we often have to face unusual phenomenathat do not fit into the framework of the usual perception. After them, we are impressed for a long time and hurry to look into the dream book. But everyday things rarely arouse lively interest, but they can also bring much more change and news than fabulous night events. Why do red tulips dream? What does the color of fire and passion come with when combined with a delicate spring flower? Leading predictors and psychologists can help answer these questions.

What does the interpreter say?

If you dreamed about red tulips

In order to determine why red tulips are dreaming, it is necessary to remember several important details. Did you have to see this bouquet or the field of flowers only from the side, or was a different role prepared? The tulip itself is an auspicious sign. It symbolizes strong love bonds and a successful marriage. For a more detailed interpretation, you will need to pay attention to some nuances.

Be an observer

The modern dream book believes that fiery tulips often dream of material well-being.

But don't expect long-term luxury. The increase in income will occur due to a valuable gift or cash prize. What other circumstances awaited in the dream?

Participate in a dream

Why dream of red tulips with which we perform any actions? The interpreter does not skimp on meanings, consider this detail.

Girls dream of red tulips for everyone's attention and a successful marriage. Even after marriage, gentlemen will hover around you.

The opinion of Vanga and Grishina

The interpretation would not be complete without the opinion of the great soothsayers. They have spent many years in search of answers to the mysteries of the mysterious world of dreams.

What does Wanga say?

The great fortuneteller gave ambiguous interpretations and emphasized whether she just had to see red tulips or do any action with them.

Observe from the side

Vanga believed that this flower is a truly feminine sign. Quite often, it is associated with frivolity, but red speaks of morality and purity. Moreover, it is typical for the dreamer to maintain honor and dignity in all situations.

But a bouquet in a dream shows the correctness of your decisions. You are on the right path, and all business will be crowned with success.


if received as a gift

If you happen to receive such a delicate and pleasant gift, then you are in a desperate search for a suitable partner, and also experience a clear lack of intimacy. The dream book advises not to chase in search of ideals, but to take a closer look at the surrounding environment. Probably, the future spouse is hiding in a circle of friends.

Did you have a chance to trample, destroy plants? An unkind symbol, indicating that you are strongly obsessed with your needs. Relatives and close people lack your attention and care, which you do not consider necessary to spread.

Noble dream book by Grishina

According to this source, you pay too much attention to your own person and are not averse to bragging about your successes. Holding a red tulip in your hands? You are in love with a person who brings you mental anguish. In addition to an unrequited feeling, it can lead to diseases on a nervous basis. But if you pluck plants, you will have to negotiate with an arrogant person. But it is worth noting that this person can lead to career growth and improved material well-being.

The red tulip is a deep and multifaceted symbol. But you shouldn't take what you see to heart. Listen to your feelings and intuition, remembering that only you have the right to decide your destiny.

Flowers are liked by each of us, they always evoke a sense of aesthetic pleasure, joy, admiration. But what do they dream about, and are they as good in the dream world as in reality?

In particular, why do tulips dream, these delicate and cute flowers that appear in early spring and are pleasing to the eye? Let's see what the dream book says about this.

Surprisingly, each dream book interprets tulips different ways, and this seemingly simple symbol can have many different meanings... They indicate both love and sadness. They can indicate different traits and character of the dreamer, be advice or warning. To interpret this multifaceted symbol, remember the details of the dream:

  • I dreamed about one bud, a bouquet or a whole field.
  • Tulips were multi-colored: white, yellow, red.
  • See them or collect them.
  • Give, plant, receive as a gift, water.

And there are many more different scenarios that have individual significance. Remember what you saw, what you did, and the dream book will tell you about the meaning of sleep.

Flower dream

If you dreamed of tulips, but at the same time you only saw them, and did not touch them with your hands, and did nothing at all - what does this mean? It is not difficult to find out if you look into the interpreter.

The tulip itself is often a symbol of pride and even arrogance. Are you too focused on yourself? Do you overestimate your self-esteem, and do you look down on others? It's worth introspection.

If these flowers were everywhere, there were a lot of them - for example, in or in the garden, expect abundance very soon. You will thrive and lack nothing. Wealth will come very soon!

Red buds also indicate an imminent enrichment. You can be presented with a generous monetary gift, it can also be a winnings or an inheritance, or maybe a big deal at work. Definitely, the amount will be very solid, and you will get it in the near future!

To see tender in dreams pink flowers - this is for a love date. Someone has tremulous feelings for you, and will soon dare to say about them in the most romantic way. You will be bathed in love and attention!

If you happen to see yellow buds in your dreams, this only indicates that you are anxious and afraid of loneliness. The subconscious fear of losing a loved one or not finding your “soul mate” prevents you from living happily and fully. You don't need it! Let go of fears, enjoy every day and communication with loved ones, and no worries will be justified. Loneliness does not threaten you!

Beautiful white tulips are a good sign. The prognosis is as follows: joy, carefree and bright days, enjoyment of pleasant company await you. Plus, you will receive some very good news soon!

Seeing purple buds - intuition will not let you down. This color indicates your strong subconscious, sixth sense and ability to feel in advance what will happen. Trust the voice of your heart, it will always tell you what to do.

A bouquet in which there were multi-colored flowers foreshadows bright events and a rich life for you. You have a rich imagination, it is not boring to be around you. And therefore, your life will definitely not be dull, and the most extraordinary events await you!

To do anything

Let's see why the tulips that you collected in your dreams are dreaming of. This is for the fulfillment of desires! Especially in love and personal relationships. There comes a time when dreams come true, literally by magic!

Watering them is a sure sign that you will soon fall in love with someone. If you are already a family person, it means that a new period will begin in your couple, and feelings will flare up again, like the first time. And if you're single, that will change soon!

I wonder what the tulip that you gave to someone is dreaming about. The dream interpretation claims that a dizzying and tender romance awaits you, which can change your life forever. Planting bulbs of these flowers is a hint of your jealous nature. Relax and be objective - jealousy destroys any relationship, and has never been good for anyone. You are loved!

Waking tulips can cheer you up. And in dreams - to become a symbol of something good, or even practical, useful advice... Use the dream book and its predictions to your advantage, and build a happy destiny consciously and wisely!
