For a long time, people have noticed that the presence of certain flowers in the house has a beneficial effect on the energy in the house. At the same time, it was also noticed for a long time that only with a caring attitude to these flowers does the situation in the family improve. Quarrels rarely occur, and as a result, they develop not into resentments, but into jokes. That is, flowers respond to love with love. Modern biological science interprets this phenomenon as the influence of flowers on the energy field of housing. If we talk in simple words, then some types of flowers extinguish with their presence negative energy in the house and at the same time they themselves radiate positive energy. And flower growers know that this is true.

Our ancestors knew about the beneficial properties of this flower several centuries ago. Geraniums probably always stood on the windows. It has long been noted that pelargonium is capable of calming down quarrels in the family with its presence and even preventing their occurrence. Geranium happens different colors... The energy of this red flower is capable of creating a cheerful mood. Pink pelargonium strengthens conjugal love, and white pelargonium promotes the birth of children. Kalanchoe, dracaena and balsam also have similar energetic properties.

This, also familiar, flower can be safely called an indicator of bad energy. If a pot of tradescantia is in a place where negative energy is present, then the plant quickly withers and soon dies. If it is in a place with positive energy, then it grows magnificently. Tradescantia takes root well in the kitchen.

This flower, without exaggeration, has fantastic properties. His presence in the house makes the tenants more charming and beautiful. This is a flower of love, a family amulet. Anthurium is often given to young people for a wedding. All flowers of the bromeliad family have the same wonderful properties.

In the old days this plant was called the "universal soldier". Our ancestors noticed that if cactuses grow on the windows, then thieves do not try to enter the house. Aloe has similar protective properties. It also strengthens the human spirit. Cyclamen, heliotrope and Benjamin's ficus also protect the dwelling from the penetration of unkind forces, but the fern protects from the magical effects. This type of cactus, like prickly pear, suppresses negative energy around itself, as well as bad thoughts of people. Opuntia protects the house from the envious evil eye and damage.

Cacti are able to protect humans from the negative effects of radiation from computer technology. It is advisable to place these plants next to computers and any office equipment. It should be said that almost all fragrant house plants have similar properties. These are fragrant geranium, indoor mint, lemon eucalyptus, flowering jasmine, muraya, roses.

This flower is capable of working miracles. If you put it next to the bed, then you will not see bad dreams. Cyclamen absorbs negative energy, converts it into positive energy and radiates into space. Under the influence of this energy, willpower is strengthened in adults, and children cease to be capricious and become obedient. The plant has a beneficial effect on the fate of people, attracts wealth to the house, but at the same time requires careful care. Cyclamen is considered almost the most capricious house plant. The slightest deviation from the rules of caring for it leads to the death of the plant. So cherish it and the plant will repay you with good.

It is noticed that if you grow an avocado from a seed, then soon love will come to the house. In the future, this plant will strengthen the love that has come with the ardent passion of lovers.

This flower stimulates a person's creativity and leads to success in all endeavors. It is also noticed that azalea strengthens health, gives people vigor and strengthens the love of spouses.

Ficus Benjamin in its properties is very similar to pelargonium. The plant brings good luck and prosperity. If you put it in the kitchen, then the house will always have plenty of food. In other rooms, ficus improves those aspects of life that are associated with this particular room.

Ficus rubber helps a person to build his career. It promotes the strengthening of leadership qualities, promotes the development of intuition and business success. It is also noticed that the ficus is able to delay the diseases of people on itself. By the way, if you are not averse to making a career, get bamboo. In addition, grow the jerky and zamioculcas (dollar tree) for money.

This sprawling houseplant contributes to the overall improvement of human life. Dracaena brings peace and joy to the house, contributes to the implementation of goals, and calms a person down in unpleasant situations. Dracaena also stimulates the development of psychic abilities in a person.

Juniper ensures the longevity of the inhabitants of the house, and there is concrete scientific confirmation of this. The fact is that juniper kills pathogens. It makes the air cleaner, which helps to cure diseases of the respiratory system. Perfectly cleanses the air and lemon.

Begonia improves mood, protects people from stressful situations and ensures wealth in the home. This plant loves moist air, so keep it in the kitchen.

The exquisite Chinese rose cleans the room of negative energy and ennobles the human aura. Keep hibiscus in your living room.

This flower is also called passion flower or cavalier's star. Passionflower is able to protect a person from fear, neurosis and stressful situations. It has been found to promote sound sleep. That is why florists recommend keeping it in the bedroom. It is also good to keep the chef in the bedroom.

This plant absorbs negative energy. His presence in the house helps people get rid of bad habits... Ivy makes a person self-confident, and also removes the reasons for the emergence of conflict situations in the family. But you shouldn't keep ivy, like any bindweed, in the bedroom.

House flowers from the fern family have the same environmental impacts as common ivy. Florists recommend keeping such a plant near sources of high-frequency electromagnetic waves (TV, computer, microwave). Nephrolepis is perhaps the most powerful member of the fern family. Destroying negative energy, the flower thereby provides a healthy balance of good feelings of people. His presence contributes to the total inner harmony of a person, evokes pep, self-confidence and respect for household members.


Awakens in a person creativity and his intellectual abilities. He is able to take on the negative emotions of a person and relieve him of obsessive bad thoughts. It has been noticed that cyperus brings wealth to good people, but does not help the evil and greedy in this matter.

The biofield of this flower improves the functioning of the human immune system and sets it up in a positive way. Florists recommend that older people be sure to have this plant in their home, moreover, it is a green doctor.

The Decembrist is truly a peacemaker. His biofield eliminates the dictatorial inclinations of power-hungry people, on the one hand, and protects others from moral pressure from others. The Decembrist promotes pacification in the team. Therefore, it is recommended to keep it not only in the home, but also in offices. Its flowering that began at the wrong time is a harbinger of good changes in life.

This houseplant is often called the money tree. It is noticed that his presence in the house entails an increase in the prosperity of residents. The inflow of money can occur only when a person intends to spend it on good deeds. Otherwise, the opposite effect may occur. The oval fat man increases sexual attraction, induces self-esteem and promotes success in good deeds. A large number of these plants are able to slow down human aging.

Palm trees are the most powerful houseplants. Their presence strengthens the vitality of a person, increases his activity, invigorates and promotes successful career growth. In addition, palm trees contribute to a cheerful and cheerful environment in the home.

Primula is akin to a good diplomat. She is able to tame conflict situations and quarrels in the house. If a lot of people live in the house, then such flowers should be mandatory. It is useful to breed them in offices as well.

This plant is also called valentine, or hoya in love, because it provides family happiness. The flower is able to unite together male and female energy. It is not for nothing that the casting of this flower looks like hearts.

The impact of this flower can be compared to that of a child psychologist. The violet somehow brings harmony and goodwill into the children's world. It has been noticed that violets protect people from evil thoughts and suppress base impulses in them.

In general, most indoor plants have a positive effect on the energy of the house. But this can only happen if you yourself love home flowers and take care of them not out of necessity, but of your own free will. If caring for plants brings you joy, they already bring you positive emotions.

For plants, human love is so important. And they remain very grateful to those who love and care for them - they give health, cleanse the energy of negative influences, prolong life and even die themselves, giving all their little strength to save a person from illness. If plants suddenly start to hurt or die in the house, look for the reason: either someone from the family got sick, but the disease has not yet manifested itself, or negative energy has appeared in the house, causing harm to the residents.
The aura of plants is complex and multi-layered. The more the aura of a plant and a person coincides, the more sympathy and love he feels for this or that plant.


Strong geranium bushes protect the house from harmful energy - the one that many call the evil eye, conspiracy and curse; break the energy of envy and ill will.
The geranium bush is a powerful energy protector that guards the favorable energy of the house. In the bedroom, geranium protects against nightmares and bad dreams, anxiety and anxiety.
In the kitchen, geranium clears the energy space from negative thoughts, increases the energy quality of food prepared in the kitchen. In the living room, it energetically clears the space from bad thoughts, creates coziness and a pleasant warm atmosphere. As a protector, zonal geranium is most suitable, the one with a dark stripe along the edge of the sheet. If you want people to think well of you more often, put this flower on the window.


Tradescantia in the house is very useful: even a small bush helps to maintain a calm and friendly atmosphere, protects the house from intruders and their negative thoughts. Tradescantia develops a sense of humor in a person, helps to face difficulties with a smile and to do any job with fun. If many life circumstances oppress you, if you have forgotten the last time you laughed, if you want to become the soul of society, expand your circle of acquaintances and friends, plant Tradescantia at home.


A very useful plant in the house is azalea. The energy of this plant "extinguishes" gossip, pettiness, selfishness, enhances creativity in a person, his attractiveness, helps to achieve personal success.
The energy of a blooming azalea improves vision - for this you need to look at a blooming azalea for ten to fifteen minutes a day from a distance of at least half a meter. The energy of this plant has a beneficial effect on hospitable people, gives them vigor and health. She has a special influence on married couples - she tries to maintain love and peace in the family, takes on everything negative and dies if there is not enough strength. A large flowering azalea bush is an indicator of family well-being. But she absolutely does not tolerate tobacco smoke, the flower quickly dies from it. Azalea "loves" when they talk to her, so she is better tuned to the person who looks after her.


Cyclamen (not blooming) - has an energy of +4 units. This is a plant for cool rooms. Cyclamen attracts negative energy to itself, converts it into positive, very useful for diabetics and people who often suffer from sinusitis. The energy of cyclamen enhances immunity and harmonizes a person. You can grow a cyclamen from a seed, and it will keep your health. Sometimes the cyclamen pot has to be rearranged several times from place to place in order to choose the most suitable one for it. Cyclamen is a perennial plant that can delight with flowering for fifteen years, or even more. In the summer, he rests, and you need to provide him with a good rest, so that later the plant has enough strength to help you all winter.
Cyclamen with its energy "removes" the whims of children, improves their fate. The energy of cyclamen helps a person achieve a stable, wealthy life, enhances the ability to overcome difficulties and achieve his own, understand the cause of events and see the essence of things.


The energy of cyperus contributes to the development of intellectual and creative abilities, good brain function, and helps to increase incomes for benevolent people. It is better to plant the cyperus in a low container, 5 cm high, and pour water a centimeter above the soil. Cyperus loves loamy soil, constantly wet or even wet. Grows well in aquariums. You can grow it in tall glass floor vasesfilling the plant with water to the middle of the stem. You can put a little clay on the bottom of the vase, sprinkle it with sand, and throw colored stones on top. Large specimens of cyperus are a wonderful decoration of the living room and "catchers" of other people's envious and negative thoughts.


Chlorophytum is a completely unique plant needed in every home. For a while, the Americans wanted to use it as a versatile air filter on submarines and spaceships. In the kitchen with gas stove it is necessary to have at least four large copies of chlorophytum to create a favorable energy. To improve the energy of chlorophytum, a little charcoal is added to the ground. This plant supports human activity and improves their learning ability.


Dracaena - maintains a friendly, warm relationship in the house. Helps to maintain optimism, enhances human energy, improves life. Dracaena improves the composition of the air in the house by extracting ammonia and formaldehyde from it.
The greatest effect is brought by a plant that you have grown from a small specimen.

Dracaena deremskaya - usually grows with one trunk, the leaves are oblong-lanceolate. This dracaena was grown by my grandmother, she believed that this plant was great benefit family. When the dracaena grew to the ceiling, the grandmother gave it to the cinema, and she herself began to grow a new one from the cuttings.

The energy of Dracaena deremskaya relieves stress and extinguishes an unjustified haste, raises a person's energy, contributing to an increase in optimism. It protects (or relieves - in the case of a disease that manifested itself earlier) from aching bones, osteochondrosis, muscle pain and unnecessary anxiety.

Fragrant dracaena is a tall-stemmed plant, often with striped leaves. Blooms from March to August. Its energy dissipates the energy of destruction, chaos, envy and ill will in the house. Everything will be better preserved for you if there is such a plant in the house. In people, under the influence of the energy of fragrant dracaena, the skin condition improves, wounds and other skin lesions heal faster, and skin diseases recover more quickly.

Dracaena's energy strengthens human bones and muscles.
Dracaena helps to collect energy if necessary, upon reaching the set goal - not to burn out, not to fall into a stressful state after a large energy "burst". It helps to reveal psychic abilities and maintain energy balance in all situations.


Ficus improves the emotional atmosphere in the house, makes people more friendly to each other. The energy of ficus has a positive effect on a person, helps to cure joint and muscle pain, pain from cold. Sometimes a ficus leaf is insisted on vodka and sore joints are treated by lubricating the skin above it. The tincture also helps against pain in the legs, for this you need to lubricate the caviar.
The energy of the ficus helps to improve a person's speech, make it clearer and more correct. This plant helps to keep the human energy at a harmonious level. Sometimes the ficus dies, having previously cured the person who was caring for him from the diseases.
It is useful to have a ficus in the house for those who want to move up the career ladder and make a career - its energy contributes to the development of organizational skills, intuition and the ability to make decisions correctly, taking into account possible consequences.
Our grandmothers tried to keep ficus in the house - it was believed that it improves life and health. Many housewives liked that he collects dust from the air, and the air becomes cleaner.


Tetrastigma Vuagnier. Suitable for large rooms - grows very quickly. In small rooms, they are kept in small pots. It has a beneficial effect on the energy of active people. Supports their endeavors. Tetrastigma purifies the air and fills it with positive energy. Lazy people get started necessary work and bring it to a positive result. Promotes successful communication with other people. Tetrastigma is useful for human health: it restores energy, maintains body flexibility and accelerates the healing process in case of diseases.
The energy of tetrastigma protects a person from negative energies (the evil eye, etc.), helps to find oneself and favors spiritual growth.
Tetrastigmata are very shade-tolerant. They are placed at some distance from the window - then you can admire the magnificent leaves of these plants - they rush to the light. If the tetrastigma is placed on the windowsill, then the seamy side of the leaves will be visible mainly, and it is lighter, pubescent and less decorative. This plant can be used as a living screen, dividing the space of the room into several parts. Next to the green wall, you can relax and gain strength and energy. Arches from tetrastigma look great.

Prickly pear

Opuntia destroys the harmful alien energy and energy of envy, protects the home. It has a beneficial effect on the skeletal system of the human body. He prefers tall pots and summer vacation "in the country". In the fresh air, prickly pears are gaining strength to successfully protect their owners. This is a very useful plant, but it is not recommended to touch it with your hands, the thorns can cause inflammation. It can be displayed in the hallway or living room on the bedside table and proudly show guests: what a wonderful specimen you have grown! This will only benefit the prickly pears, and you will keep your new refrigerator and music center in working order - some irresponsible guests will clearly not have enough envy for them.
The energy of prickly pear destroys the negative energy of the evil eye and damage. For greater effect, you can plant prickly pears in a clay pot with traditional Indian patterns, cover the ground in the pot with coarse sand and put several large rounded stones.


Always blooming begonia - radiates energy of +12 units into space, nourishes vishudha, improves mood, and prevents the development of stress. Especially beneficial for winter monthswhen there is little light.
Blooming begonia on the kitchen window creates a festive atmosphere and improves the energy of the kitchen, and therefore the quality of the food prepared. Its flowers distract from gloomy thoughts and worries. In the kitchen, plants with red or bright pink flowers are most appropriate.

Instead of always flowering begonias, you can grow tuberous begonias, but they are more whimsical and difficult to care for, so I prefer to keep in the kitchen an unpretentious, but very energetic, ever-flowering begonias - a double form and simple. With green leaves and red flowers - in hanging pots and with burgundy leaves and white flowers - on the windowsill. Begonia helps maintain well-being in the home.


In large kitchens, hibiscus, a Chinese rose, looks very organic. With physical contact of a person with a plant, a rise in pressure is possible, therefore I do not advise hypertensive patients to touch the branches of hibiscus and sit closer than half a meter from the plant. Hypotensives, on the other hand, benefit from short contacts with hibiscus - this will help normalize blood pressure, and as you know, it is more difficult to raise blood pressure than to lower it. Hibiscus standing on the windowsill does not have a noticeable effect on the pressure of people in the room. The bush of this plant, full of strength, perfectly cleans the air of the kitchen on the physical and energetic planes, gives vigor to the people who are here. Its energy has a beneficial effect on the human liver and blood. Blooming hibiscus has a beneficial effect on nervous system and psyche.
Hibiscus is thermophilic, but tolerates temperatures above +14 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, sheds leaves until spring. For hibiscus to show all its positive traits, it should be planted in a large or medium pot (according to the size of the plant) in a light nutritious soil. It tolerates pruning and crown formation well - can be grown as a bush or as a tree, on a high or low stem. Easily rooted by cuttings, blooms in six months with an abundance of light and heat. By pruning and replacing the soil, hibiscus can be kept in the required size for a long time. Blooming hibiscus in the kitchen is the pride of the hostess and the guarantee of the health of the household.
Hibiscus is also well suited for living rooms, where you can let it grow in large tree, next to which it is pleasant to relax, chat with friends and gain strength for work and study. It will help maintain the emotional and physical tone of the body, gain credibility with other people, and easily establish new contacts. Hibiscus is unpretentious, widespread, so its stalk will be easy to take from friends and acquaintances.
Large bush or standard tree chinese rose (hibiscus), standing in the corner of the room, acts as a regulator of the room's energy. In this case, it must be fed more often and better looked after.


Passionflower blue, passion flower - has a strong energy. Plants have the greatest energy, which all summer before the autumn frosts grew in open ground (without pots, passionflower is planted directly in the ground or in a large container with soil outside). Anyone who has seen blooming passionflower will remain her loyal fan forever. Its flower is similar to the order, so it has one more name - "cavalier's star". Blooming passionflower increases the energy given to people. Its fruits are edible, very tasty and healthy.
Passionflower growing in the house relieves nervous tension and stress with its energy, soothes, improves mood and sleep. Flowering plant evokes pleasant dreams... The British even release wallpaper with the image of flowering and fruiting passionflower vines to bring useful energy to the house.
It reproduces very simply - you can cut off a piece of the stem, even with one leaf, and root it in water.
Around the gazebo, you can plant cuttings or young passionflower plants at the end of May - in a month the whole gazebo will be entwined with an exotic liana, and you will get a wonderful resting place that will fill you with energy and self-confidence.


Scindapsus is a liana with leathery leaves, often with streaks (spots) of yellow or white... It can grow for a long time in a vase of water, decorating the walls with its shoots. Its energy clears the space of stagnant negative energies, facilitates personal loneliness (after the departure of a loved one), helps to increase intellectual potential and strengthen logical thinking. Also, the energy of the scindapsus helps to find a way out of the endless race for material benefits, to get rid of the burden of everyday worries, to find your "niche" in life and to find well-being.
Its energy is not very great, but it allows, when growing a plant in a room, to establish metabolism and accelerate recovery from diseases.


Ivy is a very common and unpretentious plant. It is often grown in offices, shops and other public spaces. Few people know, but ivy plants overwinter under the snow in the open ground of the Northwest. This allows a person to widely use the energy of ivy for the good at home, at work and in his personal plot. It absorbs the negative energy of a person, helping to gain stability in the emotional and mental terms, get rid of insecurity, obsessive thoughts, weakness, throwing and complexes. Ivy energy helps to strengthen willpower, quit smoking, get rid of bad habits or emotional dependence. If you want to build confidence in yourself, then bring ivy home.
This plant has another very interesting and useful property - its energy dissolves the energy thought forms formed as a result of envy, quarrels, scandals, clarification of relationships and negative emotions, improves human health, preventing or alleviating the course of pulmonary diseases, bronchitis, accelerates the cure for intercostal neuralgia, rib fractures, rheumatism, pain in the extremities. Ivy cleans the energy space of the house, making it the most comfortable for people, in addition, living next to us, it protects against headaches, the development of sclerosis and tuberculosis.

Dwarf pomegranate

Dwarf pomegranate often bears fruit in rooms and blooms very beautifully. It gives the energy of joy to people who are close, improves mood, helps to sort out one's own feelings and desires, helps to give birth to healthier children, and heals the heart.


Kalanchoe Blossfeld. A short, beautifully flowering plant, very popular lately. The beautiful red caps of its flowers are very attractive, and many people gladly put Blossfeld's Kalanchoe on the windowsills. Besides beauty, this flower has many beneficial properties.
The energy of Kalanchoe Blosfeld is quite high, it is very useful for the elderly and weakened people. The plant maintains the energy of the body at a harmonious level, strengthens health, normalizes the work of all organs, strengthens immunity - those who have Kalanchoe growing at home are less sick with colds and flu. Kalanchoe energy absorbs negative energy entering the house. It also lifts your spirits, distracts from gloomy thoughts and worries.


Roicissus, cissus, birch. It can be grown in a vase of water, it helps to improve the energy of the room, making it lighter. It can grow under artificial light or away from a window, facilitates the perception of news and improves the body's habituation to new living conditions.


Curculigo, once a very common plant, is now much less common. The long corrugated leaves give it the look of an exotic palm tree. The plant helps to understand the people around them, their true nature. Its energy helps to reveal creativity, see and enjoy the beauty of the world around. Improves mood and improves emotional background. Partially absorbs negative energy in the room where it grows.
Curculigo shows its properties at its best when planted in wide, shallow containers.

Fat woman

Oval fat woman (money tree). This plant has a strong energy. The energy of the fat woman saturates the space with positive energy, significantly enhances svadhisthana and manipura, giving a person energy to provide himself with vital material benefits, giving energy to create a decent lifestyle for himself, prolonging life and improving health, allows a person to achieve what he wants, not to retreat in the face of difficulties.
If the fat woman has been growing in the house for several years and is well treated, then the energy of the plant is enhanced and it gradually rejuvenates the body of the people living in the house. Women retain their youth, flexibility and attractiveness longer - after all, the best fat woman rejuvenates skin, muscles and bones.
Men stay strong and active longer.
Set in a wide, shallow container, the fat woman is delightfully beautiful and gives us aesthetic pleasure.
When planting in a container, put a few heavy stones or choose a container with a heavy bottom - the top of the bastard grows faster than the roots and outweighs. If the plant falls and crumbles into many small fat women, it will be a shame - it was grown for several years, and then all over again. It looks great on a rocky hill or a flower bed on the street, planted directly in the ground. In the fresh air, the fat woman is gaining powerful energy, which she gives us in winter, but does not tolerate even light frosts, so she must be taken home before they come.

Houseplants help improve the climate in the room, purify the air and reduce the effect of the electromagnetic field. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to put pots of cacti near computers. But many psychics insist that some plants can affect the biofield and change a person's life.

Psychics believe that some plants absorb negative energy. In addition, individual cultures are capable of converting negative energy into positive energy.

Mandatory plants that must be in the house:

  • Geranium
  • Chlorophytum crested

According to psychics, it is these colors that have a strong energy field and are able to neutralize anger and negative thoughts. Therefore, it is recommended to put pots of these crops at home.

It is very useful to install flowerpots at home with flowers that give off negative ions. They absorb anger, nervous excitability. Such plants are simply necessary for residents of large cities.

Many plants are characterized by positive energy.

List of plants with good energy:

  • Begonia. This culture has a beneficial effect on the body. Begonia is recommended to be placed in the room of children and the elderly. It helps to restore the immune and nervous system. The pleasant scent cures depression.
  • Lemon. It is a symbol of friendship and cheerfulness. Thanks to this plant, you can cheer up and increase vitality.
  • Hyacinth. This plant fills the house with emotions. With its help, you can improve your well-being, gain harmony. In addition, it will be possible to improve relations between family members.
  • Hibiscus. This is one of the varieties of roses. With its help, you will be able to establish old relationships with your soul mate. Set up a flowerpot with a plant in the matrimonial bedroom.
  • Cyclamen. This plant disciplines, teaches to order. Culture enhances creativity.
  • Dracaena. This plant has been known since the days of Ancient Egypt. Culture improves memory, helps to get rid of depression.

In general, there are no bad plants. But there are cultures that are recommended to be installed in some premises and not in others. Basically, such plants include vampires, that is, crops that absorb energy.

List of vampire plants:

  • Monstera. This culture absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots are placed in receptions and offices. Monstera will help defuse the atmosphere in the room and prevent fights. But you cannot put a pot with culture in a room with elderly people and children.
  • Epipremnum. This plant is called "damn ivy". In addition, the plant is called muzhegonets. That is why culture is recommended for Virgos, it enhances their energy and increases vitality.
  • Chlorrophytum. This plant absorbs energy, but not positive, but negative. That is why pots are used in offices and public spaces.
  • Orchid. Highly beautiful flower, and which actively absorbs energy at night. That is why culture should not be planted in the bedroom. Perfect place - office, living room, business hall.

Below is the characteristic of some indoor plants:

  • Ficus. An excellent plant created for a home with a large family. It helps to calm down, improve relationships. Childless couples can have offspring. But unmarried women shouldn't keep culture in their homes. He drives away suitors.
  • Bougainvillea. According to feng shui, bougainvillea in the house is considered a favorable sign, it attracts energies that contribute to good luck and financial prosperity.
  • Aloe. This medicinal plant helps to restore the aura in the home. Accordingly, it is worth planting culture in houses where they often quarrel.
  • Spathiphyllum. The energy of the spathiphyllum is arrow-shaped and directed upward. Spathiphyllum has the ability to normalize extreme energy fluctuations. And it grants everyone peace of mind, wise calmness.
  • Cyclamen. The plant is able to restore balance in the house. It improves energy and brings people together. Therefore, household members quarrel less often.
  • Spurge. The plant should be planted only in houses where wealthy families live. Otherwise, the culture fades.
  • Gloxinia. It is a neutral plant and cannot be classified as a vampire or donor. Most of the energy is released during flowering. Gloxinia is capable of pushing for changes in life.

  • Guzmania. It is also a neutral plant. To achieve success at work, the plant should be placed on the east side.
  • Primrose. Brings joy and happiness to the house. Helps close people to make peace.
  • Calathea - a symbol of happiness created by the family, it is believed that it brings calmness and peace to the house, since it can absorb aggressive energy, and because of this it can be called one of the best flowers for the house.
  • Begonia. It is recommended to put flowerpots in the room with unbalanced people. She helps to find harmony and calm down.
  • Kalanchoe. This culture brings material prosperity to housing. Helps eliminate financial difficulties.
  • Clivia. The flower improves the work of the heart and helps remove negative energy in the house.

  • Artificial plants. According to Feng Shui, all artificial flowers should be thrown away. They weigh down the aura in the home and can cause a number of illnesses.
  • Zamioculcas... This plant should not be kept in a home with lonely people. Culture brings celibacy.
  • Monstera. This culture absorbs active energy and negative emotions. That is why flowerpots are placed in receptions and offices. But you cannot put a pot with culture in a room with elderly people and children.
  • Dieffenbachia. The plant drives men out of the house. Therefore, married women should not grow the plant.
  • Orchid. The plant belongs to muzhegons. Unmarried ladies shouldn't grow it.
  • Sansevieria. This plant is called "mother-in-law's tongue". It should not be placed in nurseries and bedrooms. The plant has a strong energy. The ideal place for growing is living room, offices.
  • Croton. The plant makes sure that people with bad and negative thoughts do not come into the house.

  • Chlorophytum. Improves energy in the house, prevents quarrels and swearing.
  • Peperomia. It will be necessary in the society of those people who are always complaining about their troubles, failures and decline. It will help set these people in a positive mood and increase their self-esteem.
  • Philodendron. Helps to overcome difficulties, improves resistance to adversity. Increases stamina.
  • Thuja. There are many signs associated with this tree. It is believed to be a cemetery culture that brings death and celibacy.
  • Tradescantia. A positive culture that develops a sense of humor. In addition, the plant maintains a welcoming atmosphere in the house.
  • Eucharis. Culture gives vigor and activity. This is a great flower for a nursery. It will help develop perseverance and attentiveness in the baby.
  • Geranium. The plant brings happiness and money to housing. It is a great culture for fostering family happiness.

  • Hamedorea. Belongs to the palm family. Such flowers can be considered a source of energy and cheerfulness.
  • Ehmeya. If you are often in a dull state or those who like to cry come to you, striped ehmeya is necessary for you. She does not let the dull mood spread throughout the house, merge with the atmosphere.
  • Ivy. The bindweed, familiar to everyone, brings health to the house. It helps bones heal faster.
  • Cactus. Opinions differ about the plant. Many consider the cactus to be a magnetic field absorber. As for the effect on a person, the cactus will be useful for hot-tempered people.
  • Money Tree. Almost everyone knows about the energy of this culture. The plant helps to improve the financial situation.
  • Dracaena. It is also a palm tree that increases vitality, improves mood and helps to cope with depression.
  • Myrtle. The plant retains love and understanding. In a house where there are frequent quarrels, the plant may dry out.

  • Fuchsia. This is a plant that does not like conservatism. Therefore, it is recommended to plant the culture in a home where conservatives live.
  • Gardenia. It is better to plant the plant in the bedroom, as it gives mutual understanding, love and tranquility.
  • Hoya. The plant gives harmony and comfort. Recommended to be planted for newlyweds. This will allow partners to get used to each other faster.
  • Violet. An unbalanced person, and even suffering from periodic depression, it is better not to have a violet. If the plant has to constantly equalize your mood swings, without having time to replenish its energy reserves, then it risks dying.

  • Pike tail. This plant should not be started at home. It is believed that this is like letting a mother-in-law on the doorstep. Quarrels and misunderstandings will arise in the house.
  • Anthurium. This flower is called "male happiness". It is believed that the plant gives success to a man.
  • Laurel. This culture has been used for cleansing since ancient times. If guests often come to your house, place a pot with a plant in the hallway. This will help convert negative energy into positive energy.
  • Pakhira. Feng Shui masters believe that this miniature baobab brings success and health to the house.
  • Aglaonema. The plant is best grown in an office or study. It will help you focus and get the job done faster.

Any plant purifies indoor air and saturates it with oxygen. But in addition, the right culture will help to achieve harmony in the family.

VIDEO: Plant Energy

Any apartment has its own energy, which is largely formed from the messages of household members, their moods, thoughts and actions.

Any negative energy flows weaken the aura of each family member and the entire space as a whole, so everyone needs indoor plants to enhance the biofield. The thin shell of each representative of the flora is always unique, so before buying flowers, you should make sure of their bioenergetic benefits.

Study of plant energy

The scientific community became interested in the biofield of plants almost immediately after the discovery of the aura within the framework of the Kirlian effect, because representatives of the flora proved the presence of energy in living beings. To photograph the thin shell of plants, experts took a metal plate with a photosensitive film, where they placed individual flowers and leaves. The pulse of electric current left on the film a glowing halo around the objects, and the result was very beautiful pictures.

By the way, around the same time, the Indian biologist Boche created a crescograph to observe the emotional behavior of plants.

In the 19th century, the scientific community only assumed that plants have feelings. The ability of living objects to emit light, in turn, was discovered at the beginning of the next century, by Gurvich, who became the founder of biophotonic analysis. He also invented a device for fixing the glow of living tissues. The following experiments of the XX century. concerned the peculiarities of plant perception.

At the end of 1999, a photo exhibition of the psychologist and chiropractor Sergey Lopatin thundered across Russia. For more than 10 years he was engaged in plant fixation using the Kirlian apparatus. Specialist's pictures show that flora representatives always have an individual character.

Today, scientists have advanced quite far in their experiments, so they put forward theories about the heterogeneity of the plant aura, consisting of several layers, each of which is dominated by electromagnetic waves at a certain frequency. From the point of view of esotericism, these layers may well be identified with the human chakras. Also in the biofield of flora representatives there is a main energy channel, in which all forces are accumulated and distributed.

The energy of any plant changes in accordance with the actions of the person who is nearby. Even the mood of the surrounding objects and the aura of neighboring flora are influencing. There are, for example, very peaceful trees and shrubs, and there are quite conflicting ones. The human biofield, however, has the maximum influence, it can reduce the glow of the plant aura, change the size of the energy halo.

However, not only the aura of plants is influenced by other energy drinks. The thin shell of individuals is also affected by the biofield of different plants. Flowers that take away human energy do exist, but fortunately for us, they mainly absorb negative currents, replacing them in the aura with power vortices of joy and cheerfulness.

How can you feel the aura of a plant without photographs?
If we are talking about indoor flowers or trees, then you can place your palm 5 cm from the object and close your eyes. The hand will begin to grow colder or, conversely, warm, pulsation, a slight tingling sensation will appear in it.

To feel the aura of wild flora, you need to go into nature after sunset. At a distance of 10-15 meters from the tree, you need to stop and concentrate above the space just above the crown by 1-3 meters. Then close your eyes. After a minute, open your eyelids, and for a second you will see a glowing crown above the tree.

Type and structure of plant aura

Most aspiring psychics see the aura of flora as a multi-colored cloud, reminiscent of the northern lights. But only experienced esotericists are able to determine the specific degree of strength and energy level of living beings. It is enough for them to bring their hand to the object in order to feel its cloud of energy, to establish a mental connection with it. Sometimes it is possible to scan the plant's energy field using the sense of smell.

From the pictures of the plant biofield, we can say that trees usually glow green even at the cut of the trunk. But some leaves give off orange. Houseplants are usually brilliant in color, and artificially created objects often suffer from black holes within the aura.

And psychics can also notice that trees and grasses are surrounded by an ethereal shell, more like a haze. This is not the aura itself, but a kind of double of a living being, which a person also has. By the way, the energy channels that connect the trees to each other, and also provide their contact with the Cosmos, also resemble a thin haze.

From the point of view of most specialists, the aura of plants is multi-layered. Each type of energy field vibrations can penetrate the thin shell of a person, but with varying degrees of intensity. In each layer of the aura there is a store of energy. If the fluctuations of the plant biofield coincide with the frequencies of the aura in a person, a quite strong positive connection arises between objects.

Types of indoor plants for energy

You can also get energy replenishment from flora representatives at home. The main thing is not to put cut bouquets in the apartment, because they are dead flowers. Plants in pots in an apartment are almost always appropriate, moreover, most of them are very harmless in their aura.

But there are also exceptions:

Warrior Plants

Warrior plants are distinguished by a strong Yang energy. These are pineapple, palm, cactus representatives. It is not possible to put such plants everywhere, they are very active and have a bad effect on the aura of the bedroom or children's room. The so-called pike tail can be placed in front of the entrance to protect the house from negative impact from the outside.

Warrior plants cannot stand their neighbors, so do not keep them in a flower greenhouse.

Nursery Plants

The exact opposite is the soft Yin nursery plants. They remove the negative, charge a person with the missing strength. These flowers include aloe, camellia, begonia.

Guaranteed with these plants good dream, high spirits, sexual energy.

Cleaning plants

Cleaning plants are working on energy balancing and elimination of geopathogenic areas in the house. For example, lianas perfectly remove rough energy, and ivy protects from various evil eyes. If the energy in the apartment is very heavy, it is better to choose a fern to restore the nervous system.

Flowers with a special aura

Plants with heavy energy require careful attention to themselves. When properly positioned in the home, they can provide excellent protection.

  • For example, ehmeya acts very exciting, it accumulates aggression. Similarly, it activates the human nervous system and euphorbia.
  • But neoregelia gives its owner anxiety, but at the same time protects from negative emotions.
  • Yucca also has a very strong explosive effect, so it must be kept on the face near the house, in a large spacious tub.

It is worth noting that there are also representatives of energy vampirism in the plant world. In other words, the question, whether indoor flowers can feed on human energy, in some cases has a positive answer. But at the same time, it is immediately worth making a reservation that we are not always talking only about positive energy or about the necessary vital forces.

It's just that some plants should not be kept in apartments, they will grow safer in offices. These are, for example, dieffenbachia, poinsettia, monstera.

You should also know that flowering plants with a pungent smell almost always steal or suppress Chi energy from women, therefore they are undesirable in the bedroom.

The most useful plants for the home

It must be remembered that the strong energy of plants is useful in living rooms, as well as in rooms on the south side. In the bedrooms, you can safely keep Kalanchoe, sansevier. It is useful to keep a philodendron in children.

And a plant like chlorophytum is useful when moving, because it turns a negative aura into positive vibes, being a kind of energy fan. It can also be kept in the kitchen. To combat subtle material entities in the house, you can also keep geraniums, which bloom beautifully in places with negative energy. Dracaena is a real energy pump that accumulates power and gives it to a person.

Often people ask themselves the question, which trees for an apartment with a good aura will suit them? It is believed that all citrus fruits have positive energy. It is also useful to keep a tree-like bastard at home, i.e. the so-called money tree. Bamboo also provides good energy with subtle and high vibrations.

Exotic trees will also be added to the house, such as:

  • Cypress. For men, it is the main source of energy that cures impotence and helps to harmonize old relationships, adding freshness to them. Only you always need to communicate directly with the tree, be near it, and then the cypress will make any representative of the stronger sex irresistible.

  • Rosehip... This is a plant partial to high feelings. It has long been considered the personification of love suffering, therefore it does not bring consolation, but enhances tenderness and unity. To energize the rose hips, it is best to communicate with its flowers and berries, you can even pluck them with your hands and brew tea for your loved one.
  • Myrtle - the tree is exotic, but since ancient times it has been used as the patron saint of married couples and marriage. The energy of myrtle is closely connected with love, so it is sensitive to changes in the emotional atmosphere in the house.

Those who prefer smaller plants can be advised of such good energy flowers as tulip, gloxinia, daffodil, violet.

There is an opinion, for example, that all red plants make a person cheerful, and blue ones - calm and gentle. White flowers add fresh and clean energy to the room, while yellow ones, like orange ones, eliminate depression.

Those who seriously decided to start improving the aura of their own home and strengthening their personal biofield should also take a closer look at such plants as:

  1. Amaryllis - will relieve the consequences of energy exhaustion and hunger. To nourish the power of the plant, it is enough to stroke its leaves.
  2. Hibiscus - not only cleans the energy, but also feeds the upper layers of the aura with its power, especially if it is located in the hall.
  3. Decembrist - will help to align the energy and emotional balance in the house, because it does not tolerate dictators and tyrants, accelerates recovery after communicating with energy vampires.
  4. Prickly pear - destroys other people's damage, the evil eye, the negative energy of envy.
  5. Primrose - has a similar effect to the Decembrist, as it reduces the level of tension around itself and resolves many conflicts.
  6. Rosemary - restores strength, like amaryllis, but is especially effective against the biofield of the elderly. Relieves anxiety, improves sleep.
  7. Tradescantia - allows you to identify places with poor energy, because it cannot survive in them and withers very quickly.
  8. Ficus - takes bioenergetic blows on itself and accelerates the career growth of its owner.
  9. Hoya in love - provides a harmonious fusion of male and female energy in the house.
  10. Cyclamen - helps to overcome difficulties, monitors the destinies of children, converts negativity into positive frequencies.
  11. Cyperus - collects bad intentions and negative thoughts from outside, and also absorbs envy. Increases financial flows in the house, develops intelligence and gives creative energy to its owner.

When a person in an apartment is constantly near home flowers, he comes into contact with the aura of a living being. One should always remember this and check in advance the energetic correspondence of the flora representative and its owner.

In addition, the vitality of flowers affects their immediate neighbors, which must be taken into account when creating conservatories and home greenhouses. And even if no one approaches the green spaces, it becomes necessary to rearrange and buy new indoor plants to enhance the biofield. There are not so many inflorescences that negatively affect a person's aura, but anyway, when decorating a house, you should contact the most positive representatives of the flora that do not have aggressive energy.

Indoor flowers add color to our life, create mood and home comfort. They can be of immense benefit to their owners. Therefore, you need to choose them correctly, since certain types not only enliven the room, but also improve well-being, warm in the cold and simply delight the eye.

Useful properties of home plants

Here are the main ones:

  • In poorly ventilated rooms, carbon dioxide builds up. Flowers absorb it and oxygenate the air.
  • Medicinal plant species treat cuts, burns, colds and other ailments.
  • In winter, the air in the room becomes dry due to the operation of the heating system, which affects the condition of the skin and well-being. Flowers help humidify the air.
  • Plants absorb electromagnetic radiation from household appliances and home appliances. It can affect a person's well-being, causing insomnia and headaches.
  • We are surrounded by objects that can release toxic substances. The city air contains a lot of dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals from emissions from factories and enterprises. Plants purify the air, kill microbes with their phytoncides and absorb harmful impurities.
  • Folk beliefs endow indoor flowers with the properties of bringing happiness, harmony, tranquility, etc. We have included in our review some plants that, according to signs, are useful for their owners.

Indoor plants: we choose for ourselves and loved ones


This is a well-known home doctor. It will help with colds, inflammations, can stop bleeding and heal wounds. Its juice is used to treat throat, heartburn, gastritis, gum disease and other diseases. It is often used for cosmetic purposes.


It is also very useful to keep it in the house. It is a bushy plant with thin, bending leaves that have light stripes. It will help get rid of moldy fungi and pathogenic bacteria, cleanse the air from those present in it. harmful substances... Chlorophytum will bring peace and comfort to your home.


Great for growing in a pot on a windowsill. It improves appetite and stimulates the digestive process. Its leaves are good to use as a seasoning for various dishes and to brew tea with them.


Many favorite plant will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen and will not take up much space. The violet will cleanse and humidify the air from carbon monoxide gases. This flower is a symbol of peace and tranquility in family relationships. White flowers are believed to help relieve sadness, fatigue and depression. Blue violets are suitable for creative people. They provide peace of mind, stimulate spiritual growth, and build character. Flowers red and color pink cheer up and are able to protect their owner from diseases.


It copes well with the task of collecting dust that settles on its leathery leaves. They are very easy to wash or wipe with a damp cloth. Ficus will saturate the room with oxygen, cleanse the air from unpleasant odors... It improves family relationships, soothes and relieves anxious thoughts.


A beautiful vine, for example, scindapsus looks good in hanging planter... It has green, heart-shaped leaves with yellowish specks. It is unpretentious and perfectly cleans the air. Scindapsus transforms lazy energy into activity. It can be placed in the kitchen.

Wax ivy

It is a curly flower with hard oval leaves. Has white, pink or red umbrella inflorescences. The plant neutralizes negative energy in the house, protects the owner from troubles and cleans the air of microbes.


Lush curly geranium has many healing properties... It scares away moths and evil spirits, relieves irritability, normalizes sleep and fights disease-causing bacteria. Her mere presence in the house attracts good luck and fulfillment of desires. The scent of these flowers relaxes and relieves headaches. If the plant withers, then it is believed that one of the household members may get sick.

Fat woman

This plant can be squat or tall, with a thick trunk. It is often called the money tree. The fat woman has small dark green leaves, which are located on the branches in a symmetrical manner. They look like small coins. Therefore, it is believed that the fat woman is able to attract material goods into the house.

Sansevieria (mother-in-law's language)

Quite tall plant with massive elongated leaves. They are solid and dark green in color. They also have light stripes in the middle or white spots. The flower improves family relationships and brings harmony. Its leaves are antiseptics, which is why they are widely used in folk medicine... Sansevieria juice is used to heal wounds, and the plant is also capable of stopping blood.


This bushy plant is purple in color. Its leaves resemble a flock of butterflies. During flowering, small white umbrella flowers appear on it. Flower twigs can intertwine with each other. Oxalis leaves can be used in cooking, for example, added to salads. They taste like sorrel. The plant improves intuition, sharpens the senses. It can be held by those who wish to meet a soul mate and attract attention.

Cactus (echinopsis)

Has a slightly elongated spherical shape. Its ribbed body is covered with small needles. If you take good care of a cactus, it will bloom towards the end of spring. And every year a shaggy soft arrow will appear on it, from which a bud with wonderful aroma... It will bloom for up to 3 days. The cactus is placed near a TV or computer and in other places with hazardous radiation.


All citrus fruits calm the nervous system and relieve stress. The tree can be grown from lemon or mandarin seeds. The leaves, just like the fruits, are capable of having a beneficial effect. Plants secrete essential oilswhich help to calm, relieve stress and fatigue, and ensure healthy and sound sleep.

Myrtle or eucalyptus

These plants are the best suited for the bedroom. Their leaves secrete substances that facilitate breathing and relieve bronchial spasms. It is very beneficial for people with asthma and respiratory diseases.

It is customary to give myrtle to newlyweds, as it is a symbol of long and happy family relations... It must be carefully looked after so that the plant does not die and does not take its well-being with it.


Thanks to her, the room will be filled with freshness. coniferous forest... It is a miniature pyramidal tree with soft needles. The plant cleans the air perfectly.


Many flowers, according to signs, bring harmony and love to the house. For example, spathiphyllum is a symbol of female happiness. He helps the girl in search of her soul mate and keeps the relationship of a married woman.


This is a small 30-centimeter plant with heart-shaped leaves that will make its owner happy and bring her good luck in love.

Dwarf pomegranate

It is believed that its fruits can strengthen marital relations if the husband and wife try them together.


It is recommended to put red flowers in the bedroom. They bring harmony and mutual feelings into the life of a married couple. Anthurium has glossy dark green heart-shaped leaves. It is believed that this flower will bring good luck to its male owner. Anthurium is a symbol of courage, masculine strength, passion, striving for freedom and love.


It has long leaves and single folded flowers. She protects the house and generates joy and goodness, and also transforms negative energy into positive.


Red camellia can help freshen up relationships. Its inflorescences are similar to peonies. The plant brings success in creativity and career.


Has small inflorescences of different colors. This is a real home doctor. The flower heals cuts, cures colds, regenerates the skin, relieves stomach ulcers and even varicose veins.


Indoor plant with dark opaque leaves, which contain white blotches. Cyclamen inflorescences resemble butterflies, their shade can be different. Most often, one shade fades into another. Flowers have a strong energy. They help get rid of fears, depression, bad dreams.


This is a flower with large oval leaves, on which a grooved pattern is applied. During flowering, small white or yellow flowers appear. The flower cleans the air well and absorbs negative energy. Signs suggest that calathea creates a peaceful atmosphere in the family.

Plant and grow plants and flowers at home, and the atmosphere around you will be filled with positive energy and pleasant aromas!
