People often wonder when is Paul's name day? But almost all more or less religious people know that the day of Peter and Paul is summer. The Orthodox Church celebrates it on June 29 according to the new calendar. Paul's name day should always be honored by a person baptized with this name. On this day, he needs to come to church, pray to his saint, and preferably take communion.

In 324, he ordered the construction of the first temples in Rome and Constantinople in the honor of the supreme apostles. Why is Paul's name day and Peter's name day celebrated on the same day? This day is regarded as the day of the martyrdom of these two holy apostles. On June 29 they were executed, and in 258 in Rome on this day their holy relics were transferred.

Apostle Paul

Paul's birthday according to the church calendar really coincides with Peter's birthday for a reason. Let's try to plunge a little into the ancient and learn more about the deeds of these great high priests.

Paul was born into a Pharisee family in the Asia Minor city of Tarsus. Formerly the enemy of the Christian church, the predatory wolf - the pagan Saul - suddenly became a lamb and became the apostle Paul. From a cruel persecutor, he turned into a Christian preacher. Having received from the chief priests the right to execute and kill Christians, on the way to Damascus, he heard the voice of the Lord, which said: "Saul, why are you persecuting Me?" Saul trembled with fear and asked who was talking to him? The voice replied: "I am Jesus." From that moment on, Saul changed. He received the baptism from the presbyter Ananias and with the name of Jesus Christ on his lips went to preach throughout the whole earth. The Lord warned him that he would endure a lot of torment and suffering, He Himself instructed him on deeds and did not leave him in moments of difficult trials in dungeons, in chains and shipwrecks. The Apostle Paul was arrested and executed in Rome by beheading.

Apostle Peter

Before meeting Jesus Christ, the name was Simon, who was the son of Jonah, a fisherman living in Bethsaida of Galilee.

Once, when brothers Peter and Andrew were engaged in fishing, Jesus came up to them and called them to follow him.

It is known from the life history of the Apostle Peter that he was married and had a house in Copernaum. He was one of the very first disciples of the Savior. Jesus named him Peter, which translates to Stone. On this stone the Lord God promised to build His Church, which the gates of hell will not prevail.

At night, before the cock crows, Peter will deny his teacher three times. But after His Resurrection, he, washed with bitter tears of repentance, will beg forgiveness from Him. And the Lord will bless him again in apostolic dignity.

Peter's services to the Church of Christ are very great. On the day of Holy Pentecost, Peter will deliver his passionate speech to the people, after which 3000 people will be baptized. And after a while he will heal the lame man, and then there will be another vivid sermon, after which another 5,000 people will be baptized.

Great preacher

Herod Agrippa (grandson of Herod the Great) in 42 AD persecuted all Christians. Once Peter was imprisoned, but the Angel of God helped him to free himself from the shackles and leave the dungeon. Peter preached the Gospel in Antioch, Greece, Rome, Spain, Britain, Carthage, etc. He wrote two Epistles to the Council, where he teaches people the true faith and warns against depraved false teachers.

At the age of 67, Peter in Rome suffered a painful death. At his own request, he was crucified upside down. He considered it unworthy for himself to die on the cross as his Lord.

Day of blessed memory: name days of Peter and Paul

On this day - June 29 - the Holy Church remembers the sufferings of the saints - the glorious apostles Peter and Paul.

The Apostle Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Christ, was awarded first place for his faithful service and became the main person, the supreme apostle, representing the entire Church. On one day, the memory of these two saints is honored, as they endured sufferings, similar in spirit and closeness. It is believed that they were martyred on the same day, with a difference of only one year.

They walk next to Peter's birthday. This holiday was first introduced in Rome, as the bishops of the Western Church were considered disciples of the Apostle Peter. According to legend, it was to him that Christ gave "the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

The name Paul came to us from the Latin language and you need to look for its meaning there. It is believed that it originated from the Latin paulus. In Latin, paulus means "small" or "small". So we can say that the Name Paul means "small" or "small", but as you understand with a certain stretch.

The name became really popular after the adoption of Christianity in the Roman Empire, and after that in other countries. This is due to the name of the Apostle Paul. Although he was not among the 12 disciples of Christ, he is considered the canonical apostle in most confessions. At this time, all the names of the apostles are widely spread in Christian countries.

The meaning of the name Paul for a child

Pasha is a good and obedient boy. At the same time, he is not only obedient himself, but also reminds friends of the limits of permissible pranks. The boy grows up kind and with well-developed empathy. It is difficult to confuse him in the question of what is good and what is bad. If he does something wrong, he himself is very worried about it. The empathy developed by Paul hinders him a little in children's communication, since many children are just not inclined to him.

He is very persistent in his studies. It is difficult to call him gifted except for this specificity. But it is perseverance that allows him to be among the leaders of learning. The exact sciences are well given and a weak inclination for the humanities. If school-level mathematics is taken with persistence, then poems with expression or a good essay are not his.

Paul's health is strong. His weak point may be problems with the spine. His perseverance is manifested in the ability to sit for a long time in an uncomfortable position. This approach often leads to the formation of scoliosis and other similar problems. All this is solved if you explain it to the child. With his usual persistence, he will sit correctly.

Abbreviated name Paul

Pasha, Pasha, Pate, Pashok, Paha.

Diminutive names

Pavlik, Pavlusha, Pavlushka, Pashenka, Pashechka, Pashunya, Pashulya.

Patronymic of children

Pavlovich and Pavlovna. There is a folk form, Palych and Palychna.

Name Paul in English

In English, the name Paul is written as Paul.

Name Pavel for international passport - PAVEL.

Translation of the name Paul into other languages

in Azerbaijani - Pavel
in Armenian - Պողոս (Pohos)
in Belarusian - Paval and Pauluk
in Bulgarian - Pavel
in Hungarian - Pál
in Greek - Παύλος
in Hebrew - פאבל
in Spanish - Pablo
in Italian - Paolo
in Chinese - 帕维尔
in Latvian - Paulus
in Lithuanian - Povilas
in German - Paul
in Polish - Paweł
in Serbian - Pavle
in Ukrainian - Pavlo
in Finnish - Paavali
in French - Paul
in Czech - Pavel
in Japanese - パ ー ヱ ル

Name Paul in church (in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. This name was borne by one of the most revered saints in Christianity (one of the 12 apostles).

Characteristics of the name Paul

Paul's characteristic is empathy. He shows sincere attention to the people around him and his interest is not selfish. In addition, Paul is a rather open person and these two characteristics attract people to him. With age, he will learn to empathize more accurately, and openness will become more rare in his behavior.

Work and the desire to earn money are characteristic of Paul. He is hardworking and his characteristic persistence since childhood helps him in this. It is difficult for Pasha to retrain, but once he has learned, he works for three. In a team, he often occupies a leading position, since against his background, rarely anyone can do their job as well. In relations with colleagues, he is reserved, but sometimes working relationships grow into strong friendships.

The family for Pavel is that reliable rear of which he dreams. His relationship with women is built precisely from this specificity. You will not expect any special romance or Italian passions from him. His view of marriage and, in principle, relationships does not accept this. A girl who has accepted such rules of relations is likely to be satisfied. Pasha is ready to do and does a lot for the sake of his family, and his attitude towards children is simply exemplary.

The mystery of the name Paul

The secret of Paul is vanity. Many, imbued with his openness and empathy, do not notice this for a long time and then are usually unpleasantly surprised. Pavel usually doesn't hide anything, it's just such a rare combination of characteristics in the name.

Paul's second secret is his tendency to compromise. Often empathy and even indignation in cases of injustice, I make many people feel that Paul is also an ally in an irreconcilable struggle for the truth. In such cases, he, not seeing his own benefit, empathizes and forgets. So, you shouldn't count on him in such a struggle for the truth.

Planet - Mercury.

Zodiac sign - Virgo.

Totem animal - Rudd or hedgehog.

Name color - Turquoise, red and purple.

Wood - Rowan, walnut or oak.

Plant - Astra.

A rock - Ruby.

By naming a child, parents give him much more than just a name that helps him find his place in life. A person's name has an extraordinary and inexplicable influence on a person's life and character. Therefore, it is very important to know the meaning of your name in order to be able to correct your character, to study the strengths and weaknesses. One of the names popular in many countries is the name Paul. It has a special origin, and also imposes certain characteristics on the character of its owner.

Name characteristic

A similar name in Latin means "small", "small", "crumb". Another interpretation of this name is the word "younger", which explains the peculiarities of its use when the names of fathers and sons coincide. One of the related names of Paul is Pauline, in the feminine form reads like Pauline.

The most famous biblical character with a similar name is the apostle Paul, who is the patron saint of many Russian cities. Several times the holders of this name have held the honorary post of Pope.


Paul lacks the necessary strength of character. He lacks the core to help him cope with problems and confront difficulties. He is a homebody and family man, not seeking adventure or life's battles. However, Paul is an unusually kind person, striking with his sincerity and desire to support his neighbor. If the owner of this name falls in love, his feelings are always passionate and very bright. For him, the opinion of society is of great importance, therefore, for fear of being misunderstood, he often abandons desires and goals. However, those around him often perceive Paul as a rather confident person who has a dissenting opinion, but is distinguished by some constraint and narrow-mindedness. Paul knows about this, and is in no hurry to convince him otherwise.

As a child, Paul is a problem-free child. He obeys his parents and tries not to upset them with pranks or whims. He is also not interested in active games, since he prefers more calm and intellectual activities. Little Pavel is an unusually friendly child and his circle of friends is also significant. But, as a rule, he does not succeed in gaining the respect and recognition of his comrades. He is a merry fellow and an entertainer, but he has no leadership qualities.

In childhood and adolescence, Paul is a rather romantic nature. He can get involved in poetry, music, painting and other creative pursuits. Studying gives Pavel great pleasure, but he almost never succeeds in becoming an excellent student, because Pasha does not know how to present himself and is pathologically shy. Parents should actively help Pasha to develop his strengths. These include the ability to work, set specific goals and direct all efforts to achieve them, as well as learn to understand people.

As Paul grows up, he understands the importance of money in this world. He tries to earn enough money, because he believes in the omnipotence of material security. When choosing a profession, Paul never tries to gain recognition or position in society. It is much more important for him to find a job that brings good income. By highlighting his main abilities, Paul will embody the most promising talents that can bring constant income and success. So Pavel can calmly work as a driver or a bank clerk, knowing that the job is easy for him, and the profit meets expectations. Usually, colleagues and management appreciate Pavel as an employee, because he knows his job well and treats it responsibly. Moving up the career ladder usually takes several years, but this does not prevent Pavel from gradually approaching his goal.

More often than not, Paul makes decisions about his life, guided by the main principles laid down by his parents. So, he can be a skilled programmer, understanding the most complex programs and algorithms, a fraudster seeking to make a profit in all possible ways, a director trying to prove his authority to subordinates and others, and so on. It is soft, like plasticine, so parents can invest in it hobbies and qualities from childhood that will guide him through life. Whichever path Paul chooses, he will try to achieve this goal, applying his experience and knowledge.

Paul has seriously high self-esteem but lacks willpower. Selfishness and fear of great responsibility usually significantly alienate him from the director's chair. He is the eternal deputy, madly eager to take the director's chair. When Paul is faced with responsibility, his weak character and unprincipledness constantly interfere with his work, alienate him from the goal. The most comfortable environment for him is the usual idleness. He likes to sit at home, realizing the stability of his position and the ability to refuse any changes. More often than not, Paul is far from greedy. He does not know envy, and he almost immediately forgives and forgets all insults. Pasha strives with all his might to start a family, but it is a simple formality, because the main thing is the presence of a strong and strong-willed woman who is able to command Pasha, lead him through life. Such a woman should also have vivid external data, because with a non-sexual and unattractive lady, Paul will feel uncomfortable.

The owner of such a name always tries to look stylish and fashionable. He trains his manners to be able to charm and seduce the fair sex without too much trouble. Having an affair with women, he shows generosity, and also acts as a rather affectionate and passionate lover. With the help of his natural instinct, Paul perfectly distinguishes women and can distinguish those that will not be rejected. However, love for him is only an additional goal that pales before the desire to achieve career success. Being a terrible jealous man, Paul almost never shows his feelings, experiencing all the torment in himself. If he finds out about the spouse's infidelity, he will break all ties without hesitation, even if he has to face loneliness. In marriage, he is more often lacking in initiative, therefore, he obeys his wife in everything.

As a young man, Paul strives for sexual success, but sometimes he faces disappointment, like all men. But Pasha experiences such failures incredibly strongly and painfully. Being unusually vulnerable, Paul is often faced with sexual dysfunction due to neuroses. Therefore, he feels comfortable only with a woman who knows how to understand him perfectly and reciprocate.

Paul is a rather sickly and weak person. He has been in poor health since childhood, low immunity. In order not to face serious problems and diseases in adulthood, you need to constantly prevent various ailments, strengthen the body's defenses. Paul especially needs to take care of his throat, lungs and nervous system, since these organs are most susceptible to diseases. Pasha often suffers from sore throats, catches a cold, and also suffers from overexertion, nervous exhaustion, depression.

The mystery of the name

Pauls, born in winter, are unusually cheerful and gifted individuals. They can quickly find a common language with strangers, and also become the soul of the company.

"Autumn" Pauls try to build all life plans according to the available possibilities. They are quite patient and also able to soberly assess different situations.

If a representative of such a name was born in the summer, he can become an excellent lawyer, politician or designer. Diplomacy is his main strong point, and his natural charm helps to achieve success.

"Spring" Pauls are wonderful orators. They are able to empathize with other people, as well as support in difficult times.

When, according to the church calendar, Paul's name day:

July 12 - Paul, Holy Primate Apostle; September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Pechersk, reverend; March 20 - Pavel the Pre-Simple, reverend, disciple of the Monk Anthony the Great; November 19 - Paul of Constantinople, Patriarch, Hieromartyr.

Every Orthodox Christian bears the name of the saint after whom he is named. The name is chosen according to the church calendar, each day of which is dedicated to the memory of one or another saint. The Day of Remembrance of the Saint, whose name the Orthodox Christian bears and is called: Day of the Angel, or Name Day.

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: name day and congratulations

According to the church calendar, the name day of Peter: January 20, July 13, 20 - Peter (before the confession of Simon) is the supreme apostle of 12, holy martyr; October 17 - Peter of Damascus, presbyter, holy martyr; December 8 - Peter, Archbishop of Alexandria, Hieromartyr.

From the ancient Greek language - stone. Pronunciation of the name with "ё" - only in Russian, everywhere - Peter (cf. "petrography" - the science of stones). Its high spiritual significance, as well as wide distribution, the name received as a result of the activities of the apostle Simon Zebedee, whom Jesus called "Kifoy"; in the Greek version - Peter. The symbol of Peter's personality is the man of the heart. Peter's birthday in winter, autumn and summer.

We want to congratulate Petra
Happy Christian name day.
Peter - translated "rock".
So that the personality is stone,
So that at the head of all glorious deeds
Peter got up and succeeded in life!
Our Peter is not a tsar, not Peter the First,
But he goes on the right path,
He will reach his heights,
When his deadline comes.
Happy birthday congratulating
Wishing Peter good luck in everything,
We believe: Peter will not let you down
And still surprise the people!

Name day, name day,
Peter's birthday.
Smells like caraway pies
In the kitchen in the morning.
What's built on it
The years won't ruin.
Hope and support for us
Happy holiday, Petrusha!

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: what does the name mean

According to the church calendar, Paul's name day: July 12 - Paul, the Holy Primate Apostle, September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Pechersk, reverend; March 20 - Pavel the Pre-Simple, Reverend, disciple of the Monk Anthony the Great; November 19 - Paul of Constantinople, Patriarch, Hieromartyr.

From the Latin language - baby, small. The name got its distribution in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul. Paul's birthday four times a year. Pavel is an amazingly kind and cheerful person. Everyone loves him, both adults and children, and colleagues at work, and even his mother-in-law. And for each of them he will find the right word. He can do anything - sing and dance, make toys for children, tell them fairy tales before going to bed.

Pavel, Pasha, Pavlik -
Today is your holiday
Happiness crane
Flies over you
Rainbow kitten
Caresses the hands
Bird with a ringing song
Hastens to us today.
I am these congratulations
I came up with, loving,
So that even for a moment
To please you.

Paul is a baby, which means he is pure in soul.
Stay, my Pavel, always "baby",
But with a big, big heart,
No matter what I do or think, wherever I go.
Be fate for everything - rewarded and honored
And everywhere he was greeted with invariable joy!

Peter, Paul, Ivan angel day: when he celebrates his day

According to the church calendar, Ivan's name day: May 21, October 9 - John the Theologian, apostle of 12, evangelist; January 13, July 11 John of Alexandria, martyr; February 9, September 27 - John Chrysostom, Constantinople, Ecumenical teacher; January 20, July 7, September 11 - John the Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord.

From the Hebrew language - "the mercy of God." The borrowed name, both in Russian and in other European languages, has extraordinarily taken root and, having acquired a different sound guise, has gone very far from the original source. It has become one of the most beloved everywhere, it has turned from Jokanaan (Hebrew), John (Ancient Greek) into a typically Russian Ivan, a typically French Jean, a typically English John.

Ivan has a powerful energy that has followed this name for many centuries. Thus, the evangelist John is the beloved disciple of Jesus Christ, along with Peter, occupies a central place among the twelve apostles. John the Baptist is the last in the line of prophets-heralds of the coming of the Messiah, the immediate predecessor of Jesus Christ.

Happy holiday, Ivan!
Joy to you, success.
Be above all praise.
I will give you some advice:

Be cheerful and happy
Never be discouraged.
Everything good from life
Take it for yourself.

May good luck and health
Never fail.
May adversity and sorrow
Run away forever.

Ivan, I wish you
Great heights in your destiny.
Health, happiness and good luck,
So that you can solve all the problems.
And most importantly, great love!
And you catch the bird of happiness
She will fulfill all desires
Your suffering will end.
I don't know what else to tell you
Let's celebrate the holiday.

When, according to the church calendar, Paul's name day: July 12 - Paul, Holy Primate Apostle, September 23 - Paul the Obedient, Pechersk, reverend; March 20 - Pavel the Pre-Simple, Reverend, disciple of the Monk Anthony the Great; November 19 - Paul of Constantinople, Patriarch, Hieromartyr.

Characteristics of the birthday man Paul:

From the Latin language - baby, small. The name got its distribution in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul. Paul's birthday four times a year. Paul is an amazingly kind and cheerful person. Everyone loves him ~ adults, children, colleagues, and even his mother-in-law. And for each of them he will find the right word. He can do anything - sing and dance, make toys for children, tell them fairy tales before going to bed, and the same one in different versions - about the adventures of a straw bull ...

Pavel always helps his wife with the housework - he will clean the apartment (if necessary), prepare dinner, etc. Looking at Paul at home, you will never say that he is in a high position. Subordinates adore Paul. He will never raise his voice at you, he will not insult, he will not humiliate you. He always gives the entire salary to his wife, who is usually ten years younger than him. Pavel is a good organizer. He can work as a factory director or make a career in the military field - command a battalion, regiment, and even an army.

Paul is, first of all, desire, attraction, yearning. As a pure will, he has no reason to delude himself with the approximate normativity of the empirical, it doesn't matter whether it is outside of him or in him ...

Congratulations on Paul's birthday:

Don't forget to celebrate Paul's name day and congratulate Paul on the day of the angel.

Pavel has a name day!

No man is more good-natured!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He managed to create a world of good.

Calmly with Pasha and securely.

It is very difficult to offend him

And why offend

Someone who can give happiness?

But Pavel can. He is good!

He looks like Santa Claus:

He likes to give gifts to everyone

Cheer everyone up, cheer everyone up.

Today it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything

On birthday to praise!

Like Pavlik's name day

We made a loaf.

Friends are thirsty,

Come on, Pavlik, pour it.

Everyone loves you, Pavlusha,

Everyone is here, both old and young,

I'm glad to have a loaf,

I'm glad to Paul's birthday.

He is important, businesslike.

Slightly rustic in appearance.

Small, albeit without ambition,

Can achieve the main thing.

Will weigh to the end.

He will not forgive the impudent person

And he will not shake hands

The guy who would betray him.

That's how he is - Pavlik, Pasha.

Our favorite, our pride.

Pavel has a name day today!

There is no more decent man!

It's nice to congratulate him -

He was able to create a world of good.

Calmly with Pasha and securely.

It's hard to hurt him,

And why offend

Who can give him happiness?

But Pavel can. He is good!

He looks like Grandfather Frost:

He wishes to give surprises to everyone,

To cheer everyone up, cheer up.

Now it's our turn!

And we will come to you with gifts

Thank you for everything

Birthday praise!
