The most unusual breed of dog is the French Shepherd. The fact is that four completely different varieties belong to it: beaceron, picardie, briard and pyrenean. Each subspecies has its own characteristic appearance and temperament. But caring for them comes down to performing standard actions.

Each subspecies of the French breed has its own origin:

  • the shepherd dog is descended either from ancient peat dogs that lived in the swamps, or from ordinary wolves;
  • the first representative of the briard was brought to France in the 10th century. Over time, the external appearance of animals under the influence of the local climate has undergone some changes. The original name of this species is the Briar Sheepdog. But later it was reduced to briard. Officially, this breed was officially registered only in 1897;
  • picardie. These animals entered the territory of Europe in the Middle Ages. It is considered the oldest species. It was almost completely destroyed during the First World War, but breeders restored it;
  • pyrenean shepherd dog. An ornamental breed of dogs that has been grazing sheep in the Pyrenees since ancient times.

Although French shepherds have different origins, they are united by the fact that they all live in the territory of one country. All of them are herding breeds.

Video "French Shepherd: features and care"

In this video, you will learn what is interesting about the French Shepherd and how to care for a dog.

Appearance and standard

Each subspecies of the French Shepherd Dog has its own characteristic appearance and standard. Therefore, they should be considered separately.

The Beauceron is a smooth-haired French Shepherd. The size of the animals at the withers is 70 cm, and the weight is 42 kg. They must comply with the following standard:

  • muscular, lean and strong body;
  • triangular ears that are set high;
  • the coat is rough and shiny to the touch;
  • the color is black or with reddish blotches. Marble spots allowed. White spots are considered a defect;
  • the tail is drooping and long. It has a saber shape.

Briard dogs are rather large animals. Males at the withers are 70 cm, and females - 60 cm. The weight of pets is 30–35 kg. A characteristic feature is the beautiful long coat that covers the eyes.

Briard has the following standard:

  • powerful head, moderately long. The muzzle is covered with long hair that hides the head and forms a mustache with a beard;
  • erect ears (often cropped);
  • large eyes that are widely spaced. The iris is dark in color;
  • short neck. She is muscular and set on high;
  • rounded body. Its features are hidden under the coat;
  • tail of medium length and fluffy;
  • uniform color with prevalence of dark shades. Two colors and a very shiny coat are considered a defect.

Representatives of the Picardie breed are also large animals. At the withers, they reach 60-65 cm. To be considered purebred, dogs must meet the following breed standards:

  • the head is not very massive. It is proportional to the body;
  • wide, but very neat muzzle. She has a mustache and beard;
  • the lobe on the nose is black. Eyebrows stand out;
  • the eyes are small. The look is kind and very smart;
  • the neck bends proudly, very muscular and massive;
  • strong bones with a smooth body;
  • the chest is deep and wide;
  • the withers are weak;
  • the stomach is lean and rather slender;
  • paws with developed muscles. They are adapted for long run;
  • the coat is thick and slightly wavy. At the same time, it is tough to the touch. A smooth coat is considered a defect;
  • the color is different, but gray-sable or gray-cream are considered rare and the most beautiful.

As for the Pyrenean Shepherd Dog, these are the smallest representatives of the French breed. Their height at the withers reaches only 36–49 cm, and they weigh up to 15 kg. The following standard has been developed for these dogs:

  • small head;
  • long body with well-developed muscles;
  • strong and sturdy paws;
  • high, but not wide chest;
  • there are long-haired and smooth-faced subspecies;
  • deer color. There are colors like "masks".

Character of the animal

French Shepherds also differ in character:

  • beauceron are stubborn, but very smart, funny and good-natured. The owner must dominate the pet;
  • briar - have an obedient and friendly disposition. This is an excellent herding or watchdog;
  • picardi - proud and independent. However, they are balanced and friendly. It is best to train in a playful way;
  • the Pyrenean Shepherd Dog is affectionate and friendly. They will never bite a child. Therefore, they are often used as "nannies" for young children. Excellent security guards.

Care features

Since the main focus of the use of subspecies of the French Shepherd is sheep grazing, you need to keep such pets in the yard. Caring for animals is simple, you just need to periodically perform the following procedures:

  • cleaning ears, eyes and teeth;
  • combing the coat (especially in long-haired representatives of the species) to avoid the formation of tangles;
  • you should bathe depending on the need (long-haired animals should take water procedures more often).

Pets need to be socialized early so that they do not show aggression.

Estimated cost of a puppy

It is recommended to purchase a dog from trusted breeders, and not from hands. You can buy a Boceron puppy from 20 thousand rubles. The cost of briar babies starts at 40 thousand rubles. The most expensive will be representatives of the Picardian and Pyrenean varieties - from 60-70 thousand rubles.

Animals that do not meet the standard by any criterion can be purchased cheaper. Show-class puppies will be the most expensive.

The French shepherd breed is multifaceted. Any representative of it will become a faithful friend. The main thing is to properly train and care for the dog.

The French Shepherd is an amazing and wayward dog. The number of this species is small, in total there are about 7 thousand dogs of this breed. It should be noted that Beauceron differs from other shepherd dogs not only in appearance, but also in liking. They are very self-confident, so the owner of such a dog must be a strong personality, since he is faced with the task of properly raising a wayward beast.

The history of the emergence of the breed

Already in the XVII century, for the first time there are mentions of the French shepherd breed. However, beauceron was recognized as a separate species only two and a half centuries later, namely in the middle of the 19th century. At that time, the main task of this dog was security and protection.

French Shepherd Beauceron: description of appearance

It should be noted that descriptions of this breed have been preserved since the 19th century. So, the Beauceron was presented as a dog with short and smooth fur, cropped ears. And also in the representatives of this breed, it was very often possible to find brown-red marks on the limbs. It is noteworthy that since then the appearance of the dog has practically not changed. So, modern French shepherds are large dogs that have a well-developed musculature... The height of adult males can be 65–70 cm, but females are slightly smaller, their height can vary from 61 to 68 cm.

What are the distinctive features of the Beauceron's appearance?

  • The head of dogs of this breed has a clear shape.
  • The nose is always black and there is no cleft.
  • The lips have black pigmentation. The jaw itself is very strong.
  • The eyes are oval in shape. The color of the iris can be dark brown.
  • Beauceron's ears are not pressed to the head. Their natural state is a hanging or semi-standing position.
  • The chest is wide and powerful.

It should be noted that such dogs walk smoothly and easily. If we talk about wool, then it is short, and undercoat thick enough.

What are the color options for the Beauceron?

It should be noted that a deviation from the norm or defect will be reckon:

  • light eyes;
  • growth below or above the norm;
  • constantly erect ears;
  • a color that differs from the standards;
  • if there is a cleft on the nose.

What is the character of a Beauceron dog?

First of all, it should be noted that these dogs are quite calm and devoted to their master. However, they are very wary of strangers. The dog should be trained by a professional. By themselves, these dogs have the character of a leader, so they want to show it in every possible way in the yard. During training the coach should be as calm, consistent and firm as possible. These dogs are smart enough that they will not tolerate injustice or humiliation. It should be noted that violent and demanding behavior can even be dangerous. Therefore, you should know when to stop in everything.

It is very important to socialize your dog correctly. Since this breed was formerly a watchdog, they are wary of strangers. If there is a child in the house, then they should be introduced as early as possible. It is very important that the dog understands that there is a child in front of him. While they are friendly and love to play, their size can be tricky.

Beauceron can be quite aggressive towards other dogs. To get rid of this, you should take a course of interdisciplinary training.

And also these dogs need constant physical and mental. Therefore, it is better to keep this breed in a private house with a large yard than in a small apartment. If the dog does not receive the necessary load, it can either get bored or become irritable.

Features of the care and maintenance of the French shepherd

First of all, it should be noted that these are unpretentious dogs. They should be combed out once a week. For this, you can purchase a short hair massage brush. So you not only remove excess hair, but also massage, which will have a positive effect on circulation your pet.

Attention should be paid to the fact that the wool of the beauceron has a pronounced sheep smell. Therefore, it is best to keep such a dog in an aviary, although such dogs feel good in apartments, it all depends on the preferences and capabilities of the owner.

The dog should be challenged daily with active jogging and play. Most of all, the Beauceron love cross-country running.

How to feed the Beauceron?

French shepherds are not picky about food, so they can be fed both purely natural food and ready-made rations. The choice remains with the owner.

If we talk about natural food, then the diet must include low-fat meat, you can sometimes give boneless sea fish, raw or boiled vegetables, and cereals.

If we are talking about ready-made rations, then only high-quality products should be bought.

French shepherd puppies

It should be noted that this breed not very common in Russia. Therefore, Beauceron puppies are not often found. Sometimes it even happens that the owners book their puppies in advance and wait a very long time.

Puppies are often sold at 7 months of age. As soon as you bring a new pet home, you should immediately start socializing it, that is, from the first days the puppy should understand who is the boss in this house. It is noteworthy that these dogs have a late development, so they become mentally mature only by 3 years.

Possible diseases

Like any other dog, Beauceron can also get sick. Often these dogs suffer from:

In order to avoid digestive problems, you should carefully select the dog's diet. It should be noted that these dogs are very sensitive to medications.

Despite the fact that this is a large dog, they may have some psychological problems. They can manifest as fearfulness and lethargy. If you notice this for your pet, you should immediately carry out correction.

As a result, it should be noted that as such, there was no definite fashion for French shepherds. However, it is a very valuable breed and its cost is appropriate. Beauceron are not only good defenders, but also great companions. In addition, such a shepherd dog has a high life expectancy, unlike other large dog breeds. In addition, the Beauceron are very often served in the army and police as bloodhounds or messengers. This is a very valuable breed.

This is a strong and stately shepherd dog, originally from France. The population is only about 7 thousand individuals. Every dog \u200b\u200bis under the control of the Beauceron community to preserve the purebred breed.

The origin of the breed goes back to antiquity, although the first mention of it can be found only in the texts of the XVI century.

Beauceron's ancestors are not known for certain. There is an assumption that they happened, either from wolves, or from peat, dogs that lived in the 2000s BC. e.

The breed as it is known now formed on the territory of France and was a shepherd. In the 19th century, it spread throughout Europe.

French Shepherd Beauceron is a purebred dog, she was little influenced by other genes, although perhaps they have traits of doglike.

In 1911, the French club of Beaceron lovers was formed, which strictly enforces the standard of the exterior.

During the world wars, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but the breeders managed to restore the population.

Exterior standard - breed description

FCI standard No. 103 dated 25.10.2006 "Beauceron".
Group 1 “Cattle and Cattle Dogs other than Swiss Cattle Dogs”.
Section 1 "Sheepdogs".
The FCI standard specifies the height at the withers:

  • in males - from 65 to 70 cm;
  • bitches - from 61 to 68 cm.

It is a medium-sized dog with well-developed muscles and a well-proportioned body. Weight can be up to 45-50 kilograms.

The standard allows two types of color:

  1. Deep black with tan markings. The red color in this case has a chest, part of the neck, eyebrows, partly limbs and an area of \u200b\u200bthe lower part of the tail and under it.
  2. A color called "harlequin". The color of the coat is gray-black or bluish-black with a tan tan all over the body. A small white patch on the chest in "harlequins" is not considered abnormal.

The description of the Beauceron breed is best reflected in the photo of purebred French shepherds.


  • an elongated head with clear outlines and a flat skull rounded from one side to the other;
  • the nose is not cleft and is black;
  • the jaw is developed, sharp white teeth, and the lips are hard and black in color. Cross bite;
  • the eyes are an elongated oval with a dark brown iris. Sometimes there are dogs with eyes of different colors, for dogs of "harlequin" color this is not considered a defect of the individual;
  • ears should be half the length of the head. They are usually in a semi-standing position. Shape - triangle;
  • the neck is muscular and tight. The back is straight with a very strong lumbar region;
  • the chest is wide, the girth of the chest exceeds the height at the withers by 20%;
  • the tail is long, hanging down when the dog is calm, resembles a hook shape. During movement, the animal rises up;
  • the limbs are well muscled, straight. On the feet are black claws and hard pads. Beauceron have double extra fingers, which is not considered a disadvantage. This trait is attributed to the characteristic pureblood left over from the time of their shepherd's past;
  • the length of the coat is on average about 4 centimeters. The hair on the head is shorter and tougher than on the body. The undercoat is thick, short and gray in color, but not visible under the top coat. In winter, the undercoat becomes denser and harder.

The movements are light and smooth, the type of gait is a wide trot.

The average life expectancy is 12-14 years.

Character and abilities, training

Beauceron dogs are positively characterized by their liking.

Main character traits:

  • loyalty to the owner, alertness to strangers;
  • are smart and well feel the mood of people close to them;
  • active and mobile;
  • have the skills of a guard and a shepherd;
  • are independent and unfriendly to any other animal. Leader and leader behavior;
  • are freedom-loving, therefore they are not kept on the chain;
  • require a lot of physical activity, games and walks;
  • love water and water treatments.

They love and obey the owner, especially when. Good for children, but not recommended for young children. Shepherd's instinct (like or) tend to bite those they want to control. This feature is minimized by training, but only in relation to adult family members.

Beauceron do not tolerate abuse.

They can be dangerous for those who tend to raise a pet in aggressive ways.

In order to properly train a Beauceron, it is important to take into account the main features of his character. The main thing is a patient, calm, respectful, but firm attitude.

It is important to show the dog from the first training who is in charge, but not to use brute force, screams and punishments. Stimulate the pet with rewards in the form of games and delicious food.

The socialization process of the dog is important, the earlier it begins, the more favorable will be her relationship with others. Bocerons are fully fledged at the age of 3, so the main education is carried out until this age.

Care and maintenance

The best place to keep is in the countryside with plenty of jogging space. In the case of keeping a dog in an apartment, it is necessary to walk twice a day, at least 1.5 hours, otherwise she will become irritable. Walking should be vigorous.

Comb out one once every one to two weeks with a short coat brush. Wool has a very pronounced smell, which should be considered when choosing this pet for an apartment.

Beauceron - French smooth-haired shepherd loves water procedures very much.

They wash a pet in an apartment up to 2 times a year, in rural areas - up to once a month. Be sure to check your dog's ears and eyes regularly and keep them clean.


Beauceron dogs are unpretentious in matters of maintenance, nutrition and care. They are fed with either natural food prepared at home, or.

A healthy adult dog can get by even. In the case of a one-time meal, the dog is fed at lunchtime. In the case of two meals a day - in the morning and in the evening.

Small beacerons need to get enough calcium.

An adult dog needs lean meats and fish daily and plenty of clean water. The food is served fresh, slightly warm.

Pros and cons

The main advantages include loyal and helpful nature of the dog. She lends itself well to training. For the owner, this is a real friend and protector. The strong and energetic temperament of the Beauceron will not get bored.

The disadvantages include love of freedom and a tendency to lead in everything. To be its owner, you must always maintain your authority. In addition, the breed is not suitable for families with small children and those for whom vigorous walks are contraindicated.

In apartment conditions, it can be acute the matter of the smell from wool, which is absorbed even into human things.

Otherwise, this is a wonderful, intelligent and beautiful dog who is always ready to be close to the owner.

Additionally, check out the detailed video about the Beauceron breed:

Perhaps many of you have already met these animals, which can be easily confused with a Doberman or Outbred Rottweiler. Beauceron is one of the lines of shepherd dogs, which is not suitable for every owner. Representatives of this breed have an ancient history, and they were born thanks to the natural course of evolution. Alas, there is no detailed information about the breed, so you have to be content with different versions.

History and interesting information about the breed

These imposing, self-confident dogs have a rich history:

  1. According to the first theory, people believe that peat dogs are the predecessors of the beauceron. The first mentions of these dogs appear in the sixteenth century, and a century before that peat dogs existed in France.
  2. A number of other researchers prefer to believe that this breed came from wolves, since one can find direct external similarities and some similarity of character.

Officially, the Beauceron breed was recognized in the 19th century. The main role of these dogs was the guard. Sheepdogs in French lands were used as shepherds, helping to bring back sheep that had strayed from the flock, and protectors, scaring away wild predators. Despite a number of excellent qualities of this dog, they are not very popular in Russia.

Breed standard

Beauceron is not widespread on the planet, is often found in Europe, and in recent years it can be found in Russia. Often, people believe that this is a cross between a Doberman and an ordinary shepherd dog, but this assumption is at odds with reality.

The following description is accepted as a standard:

  • Height does not exceed 68-72 cm.
  • Weight is usually around 52 kg.
  • Dogs have a lean, strong build.
  • Ears are triangular in shape, stand high.
  • The coat is coarse, short and shiny.
  • The tail hangs down, rather long.

The color is often completely black, tan marks are often found. Marble stains are allowed. The appearance of white spots on the coat is unacceptable.

Beauceron character traits

These dogs have excellent makings of a true leader. Even by nature, predominance over other animals was laid in his character, since the predecessors of today's dogs could easily control a large flock of sheep. If the owner of the dog cannot demonstrate his own superiority, then the dog will consider himself the only owner in the family, which will lead to appropriate behavior. As a result, the beauceron will become too aggressive, will not succumb to education and training.

Note! A person with a strong and confident character should choose this dog for himself. When the priorities are set in the right way, the owner will receive a brave, kind and companionable dog, which will become an excellent protector for him.

Beauceron matures quite late, around the age of three. Bitches can become adults a little earlier. And until reaching this age, it is recommended to pay a lot of attention to the education of the pet, teach him strict rules, and train better by combining the process with games. You will need to carefully monitor how the adult behaves. At first, it is important not to overwork the dog in the learning process, but it is recommended to encourage it with treats.

Beauceron is a dog that defies the rules and boundaries of fashion, while possessing considerable value. If originally the French Shepherd Dog was characterized by a certain ruthlessness, a certain cruelty and aggressiveness, then due to the exact approach to breeding and the correct policy regarding education, it was possible to achieve excellent results. As a result, admirers of shepherd dogs began to have the opportunity to get an independent pet with a developed intellect, who is a sensitive protector, friend and guardian.

In their historical homeland, the representatives of the breed are engaged in a variety of activities, except perhaps as a shepherd. They can be in the army, playing the role of a bloodhound, guard or a liaison dog. The police use the help of the Beauceron when it is necessary to find the missing people. They are considered loyal pets, and if the owner genuinely cares about them, they answer him with true reciprocity and transcendental love.

Security qualities and aggression

The breed does not show excessive aggression:

  1. They demonstrate tolerance towards strangers, do not show excessive suspicion and anxiety.
  2. Beauceron only gives voice in situations that truly require this behavior.
  3. Sheepdogs are considered to be the ideal option for guarding and guarding activities. The appearance of the dog is the subject of intimidation of criminals.
  4. When a real danger arises, the pet will turn into an angry protector of all family members.

Socialization process

It is worth noting the following qualities of Beauceron:

  1. Representatives of the breed can easily coexist within the same territory with other domestic animals, if they live with them from puppyhood.
  2. It is undesirable to have such a pet if there is already a pet in the house who has a tendency towards leadership and domination. An endless struggle for the first place in their internal hierarchy will surely take place.
  3. These dogs treat babies with all favor. However, they never tolerate bullying, as well as games that are combined with cruelty and humiliation. It is likely that such actions of babies will turn into anger of the Beauceron, so it is not recommended to have such dogs if the children have no idea about the correct treatment of the pet.

Features of the breed

If you pay attention to their character, then you can notice the incredible stubbornness, particular arrogance and self-confidence of the beaceron. They will not put up if the owner shows disrespect to them and uses force. If we are talking about the upbringing process, then such dogs are reluctant to obey and obey, therefore it is important to cheat a little and present upbringing in such a way as if it is cooperation with a dog. In other situations, Beauceron adore to work, respond with joy to encouragement and affection, and have excellent courage.

Despite the independent nature and considerable size of the Beauceron, some representatives of the breed are faced with problems associated with the psyche. As a result, dogs instead of courage demonstrate fearfulness, often withdraw into themselves and become anxious. Sometimes they can be afraid of strangers. This can happen after a mental trauma, and this can only be corrected through a sensitive and warm attitude towards the pet.

Care features

Beauceron is an unpretentious animal. It is best to give him the opportunity to live outside the city. A massive dog can turn into a number of inconveniences if he lives in a small city apartment. In other situations, it is best to put your pet in a spacious aviary if you can often walk it.

  1. The dog's coat needs regular brushing. Dogs often shed, and during this period, you can use a special comb in combination with scrapers.
  2. Shepherd dogs perceive water procedures well, but it is not recommended to bathe dogs more than 2 times a month.
  3. It is necessary to trim the claws if they have grown excessively and turn into a problem for the pet when walking.
  4. Dirt that can accumulate in the corners of the eyes can be easily removed with a cotton swab.
  5. It is important to keep your ears clean and well-groomed.
  6. Beauceron is a street dog, so it's important to walk with him often and regularly.


Along with many other breeds of "shepherds", Beauceron often have problems with health. They may experience bloating, retinopathy, and retinal atrophy. They also often suffer from a common canine disease - hip dysplasia.

If pets are not properly fed, they often face digestive difficulties. Beauceron is particularly sensitive to medications, and it is important that the pet is under the supervision of a good doctor from puppyhood.

First of all, your pet's good health is due to the correct choice of diet. You can stop both on natural food and on dry balanced feed.

It is important to understand that the food sold in stores is balanced for different breeds. If you choose a natural diet, you will have to follow a number of recommendations:

  1. Exclude pork from the diet, as this meat is too fat. It is advisable to choose chicken or veal.
  2. Avoid dairy products. Occasionally, you can offer cheese, as well as low-fat cottage cheese.
  3. You should definitely include cereals in the diet, it is advisable to cook porridge.
  4. The pet must be offered vegetables and various fruits.

The food is offered to an adult pet once a day, and there should always be clean water next to it for drinking. If you are planning to feed the Beauceron with natural food, it is important to remember that this breed is not omnivorous, but dogs of this breed may well have preferences for some dishes.

For treats, it is best to use groceries that can be purchased at the store. It is important to eliminate chocolate products and sweets completely from the diet.

The process of training and education

It is hard enough to properly train the Beauceron. The owner will need to show all his patience and calmness. It is important to remember about your pet's personality traits.

Beauceron has a developed and sharp mind. It is important to start training puppies of this breed as early as possible, but you should not immediately make the set of commands overly diverse. In order for training to always proceed efficiently and without conflicts, you should understand your pet and learn to trust him, then he will reciprocate.

It is strictly forbidden to physically punish a pet, otherwise it will result in increased aggressive behavior. When the Beauceron trusts you completely, it's time to start learning the commands. It is better to use deserted and quiet places for training, where nothing will distract your pet.

It is also important that the puppy immediately after entering the apartment understands where his place is. The puppy should not be allowed to chew on various objects or ask for treats.

Video: Beauceron dog breed

A new pet in a family is always a joy, and a thoroughbred dog is today also considered a subject of special pride for the owners. A pet often becomes an excellent guardian of its own house, security qualities can be useful in the service. But before you bring a dog into the house, you should carefully study the history of the breed, character traits, the ability to train and, importantly, ask about the breed's attitude to children and other pets. The French Shepherd Dog will be an excellent choice for those who value four-legged self-control, strength of character and loyalty to their owner.

History of the Beauceron breed

Beauceron is a purebred French shepherd dog that has never crossed with other breeds throughout its existence. The exact origin of this dog cannot be established today, but many experts are inclined to believe that its ancestor is the French peat dog. Others argue that the Beauceron breed originated from wild wolves and, in the process of evolution, acquired modern characteristics.

French Shepherd Dogs have never been crossed with other breeds, so they are a purebred breed of dog.

Nevertheless, the first mention of the dog dates back to 1578. Later, in the XVIII-XIX centuries, when the agriculture of France was experiencing the flourishing of sheep breeding, the beaceron gained popularity as an excellent guard dog.

Two dogs could cope with the protection of a flock of 200-300 heads of sheep. Their endurance made it possible to accompany the herd throughout the day, covering distances of 70–80 km. The French professor of zoology, veterinarian Jean-Pierre Menin, in his book about army dogs for guard functions, first called this breed "Boss shepherds" (from the French berger de Beauce, Bose is the region in France where the breed originated).

Beauceron is a guard breed capable of guarding flocks of several hundred sheep

In 1863, the first dog show was organized in Paris. There was presented a hitherto unknown, and even rural origin dog Boceron. Despite its proud posture and a strict direct gaze, this breed did not receive the general attention of the exhibition visitors, which is not surprising: miniature dogs or hunting greyhounds aroused much more interest at that time. However, the "Boss shepherds" in 1863 were still officially recognized. Their other name, which has survived in some places to this day - "red stockings" (fr. Bas rouge), obtained due to the reddish-red color of the lower legs, then I remembered better.

Another name for the breed - "red stockings" - French shepherds acquired because of the fawn color of the lower part of the paws

In 1896, Jean-Pierre Menin, already known to us, Emmanuel Boulet, a farmer and owner of shepherd dogs, and Ernest Menaud, the French Minister of Agriculture, gathered in the village of Viiette to set the breed standards for Boss shepherds. Then the main division of one breed into two was made: long-haired shepherd dogs began to be called briar shepherds (berger de Brie - Bris shepherd, where Brie is a region in France), and the name beaceron was finally fixed for smooth-haired dogs.

French Shepherd Briard - long-haired analogue of the Beauceron breed

Later in France, the French Shepherd Club was formed, and in 1911 Jean-Pierre Menin organized the French Club les Amis du Beauceron, which was engaged in maintaining the characteristics of the breed and its popularization among dog lovers. However, over time, sheep breeding ceased to be a popular branch of agriculture, and the main sphere in which the beauceron was involved began to disappear. Concerned about the preservation of the existence of the breed, the Club of Friends of Beauceron began to introduce shepherd dogs as guard dogs to guard houses and people.

During World War II, French Shepherds were often used by the military to transmit information, search for mines and track saboteurs. After that, there were only 50 such dogs left in the world. But thanks to the breeders, the popularity of the breed began to increase in the second half of the last century, and today they are actively used as companions, service and military, as well as, as before, guard dogs. Now there are more than 7000 of them all over the world.

Beauceron is a breed that does an excellent job of being a watchman and companion, able to protect the home and family members from attack by intruders

It wasn't until the early 2000s that the Beauceron first appeared outside of France. In 2003, the American Beauceron Club appeared in the USA. However, this breed, unfortunately, did not gain much popularity overseas.

Characteristics of breed standards

Over the century that has passed since the registration of the Beauceron Friends Club in France, the main characteristics of the breed have been reevaluated only 6 times. The last amendment was made in 2001, so that the appearance of the shepherd's shepherd dog has not changed much since its first mention in the 16th century. The main difference in standards was that ear cropping was considered necessary in the past, but today most veterinarians are urging to abandon this procedure, since it makes no sense.

If earlier the cropping of ears in the Beauceron breed was considered necessary, today it is quite rare to find a French shepherd dog with cropped ears.

Ear cropping in fighting and hunting dogs used to be done so that during a fight with other dogs and wild animals, this part of the body was less prone to wounds and tears. Today, this procedure is not necessary, unless the owner of the dog himself wants to make the pet's appearance more aggressive and aristocratic.

The Beauceron breed resembles a Doberman to many, only these dogs look a little larger in body, with a lot of wool and they look more good-natured. Many believe that French shepherd dogs were used when breeding the Doberman breed.

Table: the main standards of the Boceron breed, approved in 2001

AppearanceA large dog with developed muscles, with a straight, bold look, strong and hardy.
DimensionsMales - 65-70 cm at the withers, bitches - 61-68 cm.
WeightThe weight of an adult male is 40-50 kg, the bitch weighs from 36 to 40 kg.
BehaviorCalm, bold, open.
WoolOn the body it is short (3-4 cm), on the inner side of the thigh, tail and neck it is longer and thicker, thick, stiff to the touch, on the head it is smooth. The undercoat is dense, dense, soft, fluffy, short, dark gray in color.
EyesOval, set horizontally. The iris is brown, even if the markings are light. Heterochromia is permitted only in the case of a harlequin color. The look is smart.
TeethWhite, healthy, strong. Scissor bite.
HeadElongated, its dimensions are 0.4 times the length of the dog at the withers. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle is smooth, sloping. The muzzle is elongated, but not narrowed or pointed. A bump is clearly seen in the occiput region. The nose is black, without cleft.
EarsNot erect, but not too hanging, should not be pressed against the cheeks. The length of the ears is half the length of the head.
NeckThick, strong, blending smoothly into the shoulders.
HousingThe chest is long and wide, reaching the arch of the elbow. The back is straight, the croup is slightly sloping. The length of the body slightly exceeds the height of the dog at the withers.
TailThick, long, extending to the hocks. Often resembles the letter "J". In a calm state, it is lowered, and when moving, it can rise horizontally to the level of the back.
PawsThe forearm and thighs are large and well muscled. Paws are strong, rounded, toes are collected, claws are black. The dewclaws are present on the hind legs (a characteristic feature of the breed), they are clearly separated from each other. The closer they are to the main toes, the better. The hind legs are straight, slightly turned inward.
ColorBlack monochromatic shiny coat with tan markings on the chest, on the inner part of the tail and thighs, and on the legs. Harlequin: black interspersed with marbled gray, and tan markings in the same places as the red and black beaceron. The spots are clearly distinguishable.

A true specialist will always be able to determine how accurately the dog matches the breed. Any deviations are considered a defect, and such pets will not be suitable for exhibitions. Among the breed's flaws are:

  • excessive turning inside the hind limbs;
  • light eyes (lighter than the color of a dark walnut) and heterochromia in black-red beacerons;
  • the nose with a cleft;
  • too erect ears;
  • non-standard color (for example, when marble gray is more than black);
  • non-specific behavior (shyness, excessive aggression).

Photo gallery: the main external characteristics of the Beauceron breed

Beauceron croup is slightly sloping The coat of dogs can be either black-red (black and tan), or of the "harlequin" type - black-gray (sometimes marble) with red tan Double dewclaws on the toes - a characteristic feature of the Beauceron
Beauceron's gaze is always direct, open and very intelligent. Beauceron ears should be semi-erect or drooping In a calm state, the dog's tail is usually lowered; when moving, it can rise horizontally to the level of the croup

Beauceron character

Beauceron are quite proud and capricious, it is difficult to force them to do something if they do not want to, but with proper training, the character becomes more flexible. Such dogs are always loyal to their owner, the family in which they grew up, but the servility often found in mongrels is not their characteristic feature. Beaucerons are balanced, not hysterical. They are quite contact dogs, capable of companion service. But you need to remember about their origin and historical occupation - the watchdog functions forced the dogs to bite the sheep in order to direct them in the right direction. In the absence of training, innate instincts can negatively affect attitudes towards people. Plus, bocerons have leadership qualities, and if you do not initially put yourself in front of the dog, then this can play a cruel joke with the owner.

Beauceron are good companions, and also do an excellent job with military service and sentry duties

These dogs are very intelligent but cautious and always wary of strangers. If a person, especially the one they see for the first time, shows aggression, then this can pay for it. Beauceron do not tolerate cruelty.

The French Shepherd Dog loves children, but again, it's worth remembering about innate instincts. Acquaintance with the child should take place gradually, and then their friendship will be strong. However, it would still be better to teach children not to an adult Beauceron, but to a puppy. And the baby should be taught that the dog should always be treated with caution, not to pull the coat, not to beat. It is better not to leave a small child with a dog alone.

Beaucerons get along well with children, but it's better not to leave the dog alone with very young children.

The Beauceron is a very energetic, agile breed. Lack of training, a favorite pastime - running on rough terrain, the right amount of walking - can make the dog naughty, aggressive. Only the splash of energy makes this shepherd dog a loyal dog.

Video: characteristics of the Beauceron breed

How to choose a puppy

If you want to have a purebred pet, it is better to choose a puppy. Firstly, this way the dog will quickly get used to the owners, and secondly, if there are small children in the house, it will be easier to accustom the four-legged friend to the presence of a small person in the house, and there is a high probability that they will make strong friends.

Before choosing a Beauceron puppy, you need to decide exactly whether this breed is really suitable for you.

The French Shepherd Dog is a fairly large dog. At the same time, she has no place on the street - a usual booth for a mongrel will not work for a Beauceron. There should be enough space in the house or apartment for this pet. The size of the dog also tells about how much it will eat (it should be taken into account that cheap food will have a very bad effect on the health of the pet, and complementary feeding with meat and other natural products is required). In addition, your dog should be given vitamins and minerals at all times. You will also have to invest in the services of a veterinarian, the purchase of a bedding (lounger), a collar and muzzle, plates and drinkers, toys and even clothes for the dog.

If you are going to buy a Beauceron puppy, remember that he will still need to buy toys, collars, change the drinker and bedding: the costs will be multiple

If the owners are often not at home, you need to check with your friends in advance whether they will be ready to borrow a big dog. Unfortunately, there are few such people, so you often have to resort to the services of overexposure or a special dog hotel.

You need to know that the Beauceron will not grow and educate on its own: this dog constantly needs training and walking, it needs a lot of time. In addition, the French Shepherd may not get along with an insecure or too violent person.

Beauceron will always need frequent walks and constant training, so count on spending a lot of free time raising your dog.

If you finally decided that you need a dog of this particular breed, and you have all the conditions for keeping it, decide what purpose it will serve: companion and home security (pet class), breed breeding (breed class) or participation in exhibitions and competitions with procreation (show class). In the first case, a Beauceron puppy that does not meet all the requirements of the breed (with flaws) will do. Breed class puppies must pass according to the parameters of the Beauceron breed, but external features may not allow them to participate in exhibitions. Show class dogs should look impeccable, but to say nothing of the breed characteristics. They often become champions, and puppies of such pets are very expensive.

The most expensive puppies of Beauceron are those that belong to the show class: in the future they will win many competitions and conquer dog shows

Decide for yourself what gender you would like to have. It is worth remembering that males are more valuable at the show. They never get in heat and never bear offspring. At the same time, there is an opinion that males are less susceptible to training, they are more aggressive, and in search of a bitch they can run away from home if they are poorly watched. Beauceron females are more loyal to humans, they bond faster, are well trained and are better trained. But bitches are often in heat, and besides, they can bring offspring, which can be a headache for some owners. Beauceron bitches are inferior to males at various shows.

When choosing a Beauceron puppy, think about whether to have a female: even if they are more loyal and amenable to training, but frequent estrus and offspring can become your headache

Next, decide on the kennel where you are going to take the dog from. It is desirable that he specialized in this breed, and the reviews about him were extremely good. Ask the breeder in detail about the puppy's parents, about the presence of genetic diseases, about the vaccinations, about how often and what exactly the puppy eats.

A good kennel owner will be happy to answer questions. His annoyance is not a good sign, try choosing other breeders. It would be nice to chat with other owners of the Beauceron.

Carefully study the puppy's pedigree, it is advisable to get to know his parents and their grown up puppies from another litter. Clarify the connection between the bitch and the male: close relationship can negatively affect genetics. Examine the place where the puppy is growing: it must be clean, the floor must be firm and non-slip.An unpleasant smell in a room is a bad sign: either it is poorly cleaned, or one of the dogs is sick. The drinker, food plate, and bedding should also be kept clean. Puppies should have enough room for outdoor games.

Get to know the puppy: he must be playful, mobile, open to communication. A healthy baby's nose, eyes and ears are always clean. The torso of a small beaceron is ideally dense, but at the same time the belly is not swollen (which may indicate an illness), and the puppy himself has a good appetite.

When choosing a puppy, watch him: the dog must be playful and healthy in appearance

Ask the breeder about the puppy's temperament. A good kennel owner knows these key points. See how the little beauceron treats his brothers and sisters - it can tell a lot about his features.

A puppy should be taken at the age of 2 to 6 months, not younger and not older: it will be at this time that it will be easier for him to adapt to people, and especially to children.

To appreciate the bravery of the baby, you can throw something on the floor: from a loud sound, cowardly puppies will scatter, and daredevils will approach the fallen object with interest. Fearlessness is a trait of true Beauceron. Otherwise, the dog must be selected according to the approved breed standards described above.

It is best to take a puppy at the age of 2 to 6 months: this way it will be easier for them to adapt to the family, and especially to children

Beauceron care

A purebred dog always requires special care. And beauceron is no exception. Caring for a dog includes being attentive to it, from the hygiene of the pet and the place where it most often lives, ending with the delivery.

Features of the content in the apartment

A dog as large as a Beauceron needs a lot of space. Make sure your apartment is large enough for this pet. Despite the fact that he will not rush around the room, the dog should have enough space to lie on the floor, wander around, lightly play with his favorite toy and, finally, sleep, sweetly stretched out to his full height on a bed. If you live in your own two-story house, it is better to settle the dog on the first floor so that it does not risk injuring its paws when descending the stairs. The floors should not be slippery, so that the beauceron does not twist its paw when playing.

Beauceron is a freedom-loving shepherd dog that spends most of its time outdoors. Keeping it indoors for a long time or on a chain in the yard is fraught with mental disorder of the dog, and this can become dangerous for humans.


The place where the beauceron lives must be kept clean. Loungers and bedding need to be changed periodically. Make sure that the dog's plate and drinker are not dirty either. Frequent cleaning of the apartment is only welcome.

Dog body hygiene is also important. But despite the fact that the Beauceron, like many shepherd dogs, loves to rinse in water, you should not wash dogs of this breed too often: it is advisable to carry out the procedure no more than twice a month.

Of course, washing is best done in warm water using special shampoos for dogs; human shampoos should never be used - an unpredictable reaction of the dog's body to them may begin. A shower for a shepherd dog can be organized both in the bathroom and outdoors using a hose.

Beauceron can be washed in the bathroom or hosed with warm water outside

After each walk, it is advisable to rinse the paws and the tip of the tail of the beauceron under running warm water.

The dog's ears are cleaned with a cotton swab with a special tool once a week.


Since the Beauceron is an expensive and purebred breed, their nutrition should be appropriate. If you want your dog to be healthy and energetic, win competitions and produce good offspring, cheap food will not come in handy. It is best to pay attention to dry canned food, although natural food will be healthier. It is worth choosing premium and super-premium dry food, so you can be sure that your pet is getting the required daily share of nutrients. Despite the fact that the French smooth-haired shepherd dog is undemanding to food, its nutrition should be balanced. Feeding with natural lean meat, boiled sea fish will not be superfluous. You can give your pet porridge cooked in water or broth, boiled or fried vegetables... Dairy products should always be given separately from meat products, preferably at different meals.

Best super premium dog food 2017

Periodically, once every 3-4 months, the dog needs to be given a vitamin and mineral complex. This is especially important for puppies. At 3 months, their teeth begin to change, at this age it is important to feed babies with preparations containing calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which affect the formation of bones and the musculoskeletal system in general. By six months of the dog's life, the constant need for such mineral baits disappears.

Vitamin and mineral complex for large pedigree dogs is especially necessary for puppies

An adult dog should be fed twice a day - this will be enough, a puppy - 3-4 times. If, for some reason, a meal was missed, the next meal will still go strictly according to the schedule and in the same, not doubled amount.

Finding out if the dog has enough food, and whether it is necessary to increase the portion, is quite simple: see how he behaves immediately after eating, whether he licks the plate or calmly walks away from it. In the first case, it is clear that the Beauceron is short on food, and the next time you need to apply more. But you can't let the dog overeat: excess weight may appear, and the dog will become lazy and lethargic. Beauceron takes 20 minutes to get enough food. Even if the dog has not touched the food, after this time the plate must be removed: the schedule is the schedule.

The plate with food should be at the height of the dog's sternum so that it does not bend over to eat. To do this, you can purchase a special stand at the pet store.

The plate and drinker should be at the level of the dog's sternum, for this there are special devices and stands

Make sure the drinker is filled with clean water. Every day it needs to be changed to a new one, preferably filtered. The drinker, like the plate, must be on a stand.

Any meal should take place no later than 2 hours before training and no earlier than an hour after it: only then the food eaten will not adversely affect the dog's health.


Growing up in the French foothills, the Beauceron Shepherd Dog needs frequent walks, and a decent walk in the park is not suitable for such a dog. Cross-country running is essential to maintain your dog's physical and mental health. This pet must throw out its energy in full, otherwise it will negatively affect the quality of its life. Beauceron should be walked for at least 1 hour.

Long runs, agility is what is perfect for a Beauceron. True, in the latter case, you yourself also need to stock up on time, energy and patience: the game implies active participation in this sport of both the dog and its owner.

Running with agility is the best walking option for beauceron

Pregnancy and childbirth

If you have chosen a Beauceron bitch when buying a puppy, chances are that she will have offspring twice a year.

A dog's first estrus begins at the age of six months to a year, and this period lasts from 1 to 3 weeks. The appearance of the so-called false heat is possible - this is a scanty discharge in pets close to puberty. Even if mating with a male occurs at this time, fertilization will not occur. On the other hand, real estrus may appear after 1–2 months, and at this time the owner of the beauceron should be especially careful.

Dog behavior during estrus:

  • playfulness and some ignorance of the owner;
  • licking the perineum;
  • attracting the attention of males;
  • frequent urination, which is actually a territory marker.

The owner must clearly record the time from the first to the second heat. It is in the third phase of the cycle that the mating process is most favorable.

Despite the strong sexual desire, bitches for the first time can be aggressively disposed towards males and do not let them come close. After 1.5–2 weeks after the onset of estrus, the bloody discharge is replaced by yellowish. At this time, the behavior of the Beauceron Shepherd Dog is very different, and when they see the dogs, they take a pose of readiness for sexual intercourse, pushing back their tail. The loop becomes greatly enlarged, which indicates strong arousal. It can last up to 1 week. This is when the bitches are most ready to mate.

In the absence of mating in a dog, a false pregnancy may occur. In this state, she can look for a secluded place, surround herself with toys and even experience false contractions. The owner should avoid this behavior by taking toys and distracting the bitch. In the diet, you need to reduce the amount of protein. Sometimes a false pregnancy can indicate liver disease.

Dog handlers advise allowing a female beaceron to mate at the age of one and a half years, but some owners insist that the bitch be at least 2 years old.

If the mating is successful, the following symptoms may appear in the French Shepherd Dog in the second month:

  • poor appetite and toxicosis;
  • lethargy, drowsiness;
  • enlargement of the abdomen;
  • swelling and lightening of the nipples.

Some of the symptoms of pregnancy with Beauceron are lethargy and drowsiness.

If the pregnancy is confirmed, then the dog should be sharply limited in activity so that future puppies do not suffer. Increase the diet by about 10% every week, gradually reducing the amount of proteins (meat, eggs) in it. A week before giving birth, feed the dog with dairy and fermented milk products - milk, cottage cheese, cheese, and boiled vegetables. During this period, determine the place for childbirth, keep it clean, change the sheets often on the lounger.

The necessity of pregnancy and childbirth for a dog's health is practically a myth. This condition is a huge stress for the bitch's body, which can result in many different diseases. Only perfectly healthy dogs should be allowed to mate.

2–3 days before the expected birth, you should start measuring the temperature of the dog. Its decrease to 37–37.5 ° С indicates an approaching event. Decide for yourself if you are ready to give birth yourself, or if you should contact your veterinarian. Even if you are confident in your abilities, let the number of the breeder or zoo doctor always be at hand: the process of whelping may not go according to plan, and difficulties are not excluded, where consultation of an experienced person will be necessary.

Prepare the following items:

  • scissors;
  • alcohol;
  • sterile wipes;
  • oilcloth;
  • heating pad.

Before giving birth, the Beauceron bitch begins to whine and scrape the wallpaper, often urinates. There is frequent breathing and chills. Contractions soon appear and can last from 1.5 to 24 hours. Then the attempts begin, accompanied by the sitting down of the dog. She can also lie down. Sensation occurs within 2.5–3 hours, puppies can walk with their head or pelvis forward. After each of the babies, an afterbirth should appear. If not, call your veterinarian and breeder.

Steps to take when giving birth to a dog

Once the puppy is out, remove the mucus around the nose and start rubbing the little beaceron's body with a tissue. Do this carefully, but quickly. Squeeze the umbilical cord so that the blood flows towards the puppy, and cut it at a distance of 2–2.5 cm from the belly. If it starts to bleed, you can tie it up with string. Give the baby to the bitch, she will begin to lick him, stimulating blood circulation in his body. When the second puppy is on the way, put the first in the box so that he does not get injured. Immediately after giving birth, the pet will begin feeding the newborns.

At the end of labor, contact your veterinarian and ask him for answers to all your questions.

Education and training

The upbringing of a beauceron must be dealt with from childhood. Only then will the dog become obedient and trained to obey the commands of its owner.

The most important thing here is to establish contact between the dog and the person (one of the family members). Beauceron must trust his handler, otherwise the pet will ignore him and behave aloof or even aggressive. In the process of education, you should show your leadership qualities and firmness of character, otherwise the dog will take on the role of the owner and commander in the house. Beauceron is an independent dog, and her upbringing must be strict. However, the “whip” method is not encouraged: it can cause aggression and destructive behavior of the French Shepherd. It is necessary from childhood to explain to the dog where its rest corner is located in the house, what cannot be done in the rooms and how to properly ask to go outside. Wean Beauceron from impudence: he should not beg for an extra piece of delicacy.

The upbringing of a Beauceron must be dealt with from his childhood, only then the dog will be obedient and accustomed to follow the owner's commands

Raising a dog of this breed requires a lot of patience. The main thing is to never allow injustice and hostility towards it: the beauceron will forever lose confidence in the owner, and further education and training will be wasted.

Training should be started in a playful way from an early age (about 3 months), as soon as you achieve complete trust from the puppy: this way the dog will respond better to commands. Every success of the pet should be followed by a reward in the form of a treat, this will stimulate him to new exploits.

Beauceron training should be done in a playful way, starting from an early age

Initially, beauceron training should be carried out in a quiet, as uninhabited place as possible so that the dog is not distracted by extraneous noise. As the dog grows up, you can go to classes on a specially designated area for this. But remember: your pet can react unpredictably to a large number of stranger dogs. Train the Beauceron with new commands, make him run and release energy. But do not overwork the pet, otherwise all his interest in the training process may disappear.

French Shepherd Diseases, Vaccination

Beauceron, despite the appearance, which speaks of the power and health of the dog, is susceptible to various diseases. Among them, the most common are:

  • bloating and volvulus;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • retinopathy;
  • dysplasia of the hip joint.

Bloating is a small problem, but it is a discomfort for a dog's life. You can solve it by starting to feed the dog strictly on schedule. Meals should be separate, meat and fish dishes should be given separately from dairy and sour milk. Overfeeding beauceron is one of the causes of bloating.

With intestinal volvulus, the beauceron stops eating, becomes lethargic. He barely defecates and looks very sick. If you do not go to the veterinarian in time, death is inevitable - the disease does not go away on its own.

Retinal atrophy is a very serious and almost incurable disease. At first, the Beauceron begins to see poorly or see nothing at all in the dark, then blindness appears during the day. The pupil becomes more brilliant and enlarged. The disease develops only within a year, and if you do not keep track of the pet's condition, the consequences will be dire: a neglected case implies the removal of the eyeball. Veterinarians now have drugs to slow down retinal atrophy.

Hip dysplasia is a very common disease in Beauceron. At first, the dog begins to limp, pain appears when walking and running. In the absence of proper treatment, the disease can lead to immobilization.

X-ray showing signs of hip dysplasia in Beauceron

All Beauceron diseases need to be treated on time, and this should only be done with the help of an experienced specialist.

In order to prevent some diseases (distemper, parvovirus enteritis, leptospirosis and parainfluenza), puppies of Boserons are vaccinated twice: at the age of 8 and 12 weeks. Commonly used drugs for vaccinations are Multacan, Eurican and Nobivac.
