Creation of competent and cozy interior a bath is no less important step than its construction. There is an opinion that design is a secondary phenomenon that does not require special skills and abilities, but in reality, the arrangement of the internal functionality of a bath is a complex and time-consuming process. In order for all parts of the room to fulfill their purpose and fully meet the requirements of the owners and guests, it is necessary to think over many nuances, including equipment, furniture, numerous auxiliary elements, as well as their location relative to each other.

The bathhouse is not the place in the decoration of which you should realize your creative potential. The main value of the building lies in the fact that it is the quintessence of Russian traditions and classical ideas about recreation. This leaves an imprint on the design of the bath.

An extremely important point for any room is lighting. As the best option for the bath, lamps are recommended that give a soft yellow light. Bright lamps are not good for the reason that harsh light is stressful and not relaxing. At the moment, for the arrangement of premises, fog lampshades of pastel colors are used.

The main requirements for lamps: moisture resistance, heat resistance, compliance with the microclimate. When using incandescent lamps, the maximum power rating should not exceed 75 watts.

As for the location of the lamps, there are no strict requirements: they can be installed both on the walls and on the ceiling. However, the latter option seems to be more dangerous, since hot air accumulates at the top.

Bath lighting (hallway)

Materials for the interior arrangement of the bath

To create the right and comfortable interior baths most often used wood of different types. The popularity of this material is due to many factors., such as:

  • environmental friendliness and safety;
  • low thermal conductivity;
  • the ability to evenly distribute heat;
  • constant air exchange, eliminating the need for additional ventilation;
  • the release of substances favorable to human health;
  • plastic;
  • ease of processing;
  • aesthetic qualities.

The wood used for arranging a bath can be of different types. Pine is the most commonly used. A significant disadvantage of this option is the release of resin, which is carried out when the material is heated. For reasons of aesthetics and safety, pine is best used for a restroom, where the temperature does not significantly affect the wood.

Among the pluses of pine, one can note a pleasant smell and a relatively low cost of the material. In addition, the use of linden and larch is common. It is a popular material for wall cladding in baths, as it has a long service life without loss functional properties, however, the cost of these types of wood is slightly higher than the cost of pine.

The steam room is considered the main room in the bath. In addition, it is here that most of the time is spent, so the interior of the room should be thoughtful and comfortable. As for the decoration of the premises, lining is most often used for this. A little further in the article, the technology of finishing the bath with this material will be considered.


The steam room, despite its importance, is a rather simple room with few elements. The main attraction of the room is the stove. Currently, many options are offered, but it is better to stop at the classic one, made of special refractory bricks.

Usually a standard stove of the usual rectangular shape is chosen for a bath, and in some cases decorative ornaments in the form of inserts made of glass or natural stone are possible. The stove is placed in the far corner of the room, but the rest of the elements are positioned taking into account that access to the stove must be open.


Steam room requires the presence of shelves. Most functional solution will be the placement of multistage corner shelvesas they can significantly save space in the room. In no case should there be sharp corners in the room, since this, firstly, is unsafe, and secondly, visually greatly reduces the steam room.

When self-cutting the boards, you should give the ends a rounded shape. When securing structures, it is important to make sure that they do not wobble or creak. In addition, the top shelf is usually made the largest and the bottom shelf is usually made smaller.

It is customary to use brooms in steam rooms. So that the movement is not hindered by anything, it is necessary to think over an acceptable height from the top shelf to the ceiling. Most often it is about one and a half meters. As for the distance between the shelves, the standard indicator is a meter.


Another point requiring discussion is doors. For these purposes, deaf structures made of wood are most often used, however, manufacturers offer a more stylish and modern version - glass doors. They make the room more pleasant in terms of being in it, as well as safer, because in the event of an unforeseen situation, it is possible to break the structure. It is best if the door opens outward. This will save space.

A standard bathhouse consists of several obligatory premises: an anteroom, a steam room, a relaxation room, a shower room. There are optional options in the form of rooms with billiards, smoking rooms, etc.

In order for the rest room not to stand out from the general style of the bath, it is necessary to observe the basic rules for decorating the room. For this, the walls, as in the steam room, are sheathed with clapboard. The floor is recommended to be paved with tiles. There are several reasons for this advice:

  • desire to diversify interior view baths;
  • ease of tile maintenance;
  • features of the material's operation - the tile does not swell and does not lose its functional properties due to temperature differences.

The rest room must have a large table with a set of comfortable benches or chairs.

Important: all furniture in the bath must be wooden. High humidity has a devastating effect on any rag furniture.

An indispensable component of the rest room is a shelf for storing aromatic oils, as well as tea, sugar and other ingredients that are used for pleasant leisure. The windows in the break room are hidden with cotton or bamboo curtains, which are environmentally friendly and safe.

In the rest room, most often there is musical equipment (tape recorder or stereo system with speakers), as well as other equipment - TV, computer. These elements are not required for a classic Russian bath, but they allow you to diversify your pastime.

Some bath owners decorate the recreation room with a fireplace, which serves rather decorative functions than serves as intended. The placement of all the parts of the room listed above should be carefully thought out so that the furniture does not hinder movement and is as functional as possible.

Wall cladding

Sheathing the surface of the walls of the bath with wooden clapboard includes several stages.

The first is preliminary:

  • leveling the walls using plaster or putty;
  • surface treatment with special agents against fungi;
  • laying communications.

The next stage is directly related to the installation of the lining. This will require the following materials: lining, fasteners, heat-insulating materials, metal suspensions.

Step 1. Before sheathing, the lining should be left in the bath for two days so that the material "gets used" to the microclimate of the building.

Step 2. After that, you need to install the crate. We take the prepared bar, cut it into pieces 50 and 100 cm long.

Step 3. Mark the sections on the wall where the suspensions will subsequently be located. They are fixed in a row at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other. The distance between all rows is at least 40 centimeters.

Step 4.

Step 5. Next, on the installed suspensions, you should install the wooden lathing bars that were prepared earlier. It is customary to start the first row of the crate with a longer bar, and the second with the shorter one. After laying each row, check the position with a level.

Step 6.

Step 7. Cut the lining into strips of the required length (based on the calculations), and then cut off the spike from it.

Step 8. It is necessary to attach the plank with a strictly cut into the corner and fix it to the lathing with a kleimer, which is driven into the lining groove.

Step 9. It is necessary to take another strip, insert it with a spike into the groove of the previously installed product and carefully drive it in so that the element falls into place. Cleats are installed at all places of the crate. Further cladding is carried out by analogy.

Step 10. The final action should be the application of a special layer on the lining, which performs protective functions. Most often, wax and oil formulations are used as fixed assets.

After the bath is finished with clapboard, you can start developing a unique design using the recommendations given above. Competent and high-quality work will inspire original ideas and ways of their implementation.

Video - Interior decoration of the bath

Video - DIY bath design. Wall cladding

Soft sofas for a restroom in this style, to put it mildly, are not very appropriate. And here is the antique furniture for a bath in the form , with backs on which you can put colored, painted pillows, rollers - very good.

Of textiles for a bath, chintz, linen, other natural fabrics made of cotton or linen, plain or with a floral pattern are suitable. Use them for curtains, tablecloths, napkins, kettle warmers, towels. Don't forget about bright rugs or woven rugs.

Ethnic design steam room in a Russian bath means exclusively wooden walls, or clapboard, with shelves not in the form of ladders sewn up along the bottom, but in the form of wide, usually two-level, so that it would be convenient for the bather to soar lying, standing on the lower level. Very simple steam room, nothing more. taken away with wooden lampshades, nothing reminds of modernity 🙂

Something like a hybrid of a Russian bath with alpine house... This makes it possible to modernize the interior, into which skins on the floor, and soft sofas in the rest room, and beams that are not sewn into the ceiling will already fit normally. It will be easier to imagine if instead of the "Alpine" one imagine a "hunting lodge".

In this case, the interior of the Russian steam bath can also be modernized, using either or interesting ones from Himalayan salt. The stove may not be brick, but in a stone lining. (Others, unfortunately, will not give the condition of a Russian bath.)


The main material in the Russian bath is, whatever one may say, but still tree. But at your disposal there are many ways of its "presentation" - which can either completely hide or reveal beautiful patterns of wood, and the color scheme can make the interior either more mysterious due to darker shades, or add light and optimism due to light tones.

Metal in a Russian bath, if he participates in the design, then only in the form of some elements that imitate the old days - the same door awnings, rims on dishes, copper ladles, by the way, etc.

Glass… Of course, some glass objects can complement the interior of the Russian bath, but these are only accents, nothing more. And, of course, they should not get out of the general style.

A rock - will fit perfectly into the interior of the bath. It can be used as a decoration for a fireplace, for example, or as a cutting wall behind the stove. The walls of embedded rounded stones look nice.


Sauna Is another type of bath widespread in Russia, and its popularity is facilitated by the fact that creating the conditions for a Finnish bath is much easier and cheaper than for a Russian bath. Any metal stove is suitable for this. And if yours is properly arranged, then you can enjoy the heat of the sauna much faster than the warmth of the Russian bath, which, as you know, is heated for several hours.

So, finnish sauna - high temperature, low humidity. People come not to steam, but to sweat. Finns prefer to do this while sitting, but their shelves are arranged in such a way that you can lie down if you wish. However, a lot of space is not wasted, the shelves are usually made three-tier, so they are relatively narrow - 60 centimeters wide.

INTERESTING! Finns do not soar each other with brooms, so the space between the tiers is usually sewn up with clapboard - there is no need to leave space for the legs of the soaring one.


So, the design of a steam bath-sauna is usually quite simple and ascetic - the Finns prefer natural materials, modern processing and the same modern design.

Tree the sauna is just as familiar as in the Russian bath. However, it is not stylized, on the contrary, it will rather be a bar, a lining, an accaurated block house than a log house. And the likelihood of painting with opaque (hiding the texture) paint is just as great as for varnish.

Metal - metal stoves have a modern design, sparkle with mirrored stainless steel surfaces and have long been preferred in. In addition to stoves, metal in a sauna is not used systematically; in a steam room it has nothing to do. But parts made of stainless steel may well be used as fasteners, for example.

Glass. But they love him in saunas. Transparent and matte are made of heat-resistant, which can be decorated with a variety of patterns. Nobody will forbid to do the same with windows. In addition, the very focus on modernity suggests the possibility of using glass in the form of shelves, for example.

A rock - its use in a sauna can be limited to a pile of stones in an open stove, or it can become a stylish element of wall decoration.


We would say that the current sauna is in itself a fusion of tradition with new technologies, so there is no break here, there is no retreat into the archaic and there is no desire (among the Finns) to abandon the traditional wood. Therefore, a rather nice uniform style arises, in which finns set the tone. And those who buy Finnish items for their sauna equipment will automatically borrow and reproduce it.

To understand the basic parameters, so to speak, style, you just need to look through furnace catalogs - there, by the way, you can find ready-made saunas for sale.

And if we talk about trends, then they, as usual in Europe, are aimed at maximum environmental friendliness, maximum comfort for a modern person who has no time for anything, well, maximum minimalism, if we talk about detailing - everything is simple, aesthetically pleasing, devoid of decor and does not even need bright color accents.


Although the reproduction of Turkish hammam much more costly for the average Russian than the same saunas, this type of national baths is still gaining popularity.

BTW! To call this type of baths "Turkish" is not entirely legitimate, because it is widespread throughout the East - from Arabia to Central Asia, and the source for them was ... Roman terms. But we are already used to it.

The problem is that a Turkish bath requires a very specific room with a ceiling that is either domed or vaulted.

And if you do everything according to the rules, then you will not be limited to one room. The classic hammam in the scheme is similar to the palm, where there is a central room with an exit to a few smaller ones. The smaller ones accept the procedures, the central one - they communicate. In other words, the classic hammam is a public bath, not a private one.

But today this moment is easily solved - an individual hammam requires all the same room with domed or vaulted ceilingso that the condensate flows down it onto the walls, and does not drip onto people - such a room can be one with sun lounger and traditional washbasin.

And the second required condition - this is room for generating steamwhere the bath equipment is located.


Due to the fact that the humidity in the Turkish bath reaches a record 100%, the main requirement for the materials used in it will be waterproofness.

And this requirement is met a rock and glass. Metals - only stainless, but they have no special use there. Tree it is absolutely not worth using this type of baths as the main or finishing material.

But most often it is used to decorate a Turkish bath tile. Of course, there are very expensive baths, where massive pieces of stone are used as sun beds, where the walls are literally decorated with stone panels. But the more common budget option for finishing the usual ceramic tiles... It can be small mosaic tiles, and a larger one - at the request of the owner.


The choice of tiles is not accidental. After all, it not only meets the requirements of water resistance, but also is the basis of ornaments, which is famous east style... In fact, both baths and mosques of the Muslim world were decorated with tiles.

So the owner of the hammam will only have to decide on the choice of that eastern country, ornamentation style which he likes the most. It was not in vain that we mentioned above that this bath is widespread throughout the Muslim East - this significantly expands the possibilities of decorating it. Each country has its own unique style, its own peculiarity that can be emphasized.

Hammam, tiled. A photo

On the other hand, if there is no desire at all to somehow accentuate the eastern origin, you can take as a basis abstractions and chaotic patterns, fortunately, the tiles are produced in a variety of colors and patterns.

So, if you really exaggerate, you can either choose ethno, or abstraction.

It is probably worth getting away from the specifics of the styles a little and give a few tips that are applicable to any styles in the bath, because they affect general color solutions.

Light and dark. Most already know that light creates the illusion of a larger room than it actually is, and dark creates a smaller one. But increasing the visual volume, we must fill itso that it doesn't look empty. For this, a variety of color accentsdistributed in space.

If you choose dark, then even the reduction in volume can be played up correctly - as creating seclusion, comfortin your bath . For this, the number of objects in the room should be small, and they themselves should be proportional to the size of the room.

TIP! If we are talking about a small steam room in a bath, suspended sun loungers will visually take up less space than a stepped "pyramid" sewn on all sides.

In a dark room bright colors acquire even greater brightness, saturation.

Monotony of space, painted in some one, neutral color, you can not be afraid if you interest the eye with furniture details and color spots. Look on the Internet for examples scandinavian style - plain walls, simple furniturebut bright objects make it fun and very attractive.

It is also worth remembering that the human eye is constantly looking for correspondence, patterns, and we catch harmony where there is visual "rhyme" - the color of the shade and the color of textiles, for example. Or playing some form - round or linear - in the decoration of the walls and the shapes of the furniture of the bath.

However, there are no unshakable rules of composition - everything is always decided by the sense of proportion and the taste of a particular person.

Photo inside: gallery

In order for your inspiration to have food, we decided to compile a small gallery of examples with a photo of the design of the steam room inside (when you click, the photos will open in full size):

No better place, where it would be possible to simultaneously relieve fatigue after a busy week of work, find peace of mind and give the body purity than a bathhouse. For many, visiting it is an integral part of life, so everyone would like to have such a building for relaxation and recovery. And if you plan to build this room in your own yard, you should make sure that the interior of the bath is at its best.

High-quality and comfortable interior decoration of the bathhouse will never give you any trouble, and besides the pleasure you get, it will pay off in speed and, if you wish, will start to bring additional income. Today "Dream House" will tell its readers how to equip the interior of a sauna or bathhouse. These ideas can be used both for your own home bath and for business.

What materials are used for the design of the bath room

After the construction and insulation of the bath complex, the turn is suitable for interior finishing activities. In this regard, there are certain rules that have significant differences compared to work in other buildings.

The impeccability of the interior of the bath lies not only in its comfortable appearance, but also in taking care of the health of its visitors. The level of stylization and practicality should complement each other, and this largely depends on the choice of materials for finishing inside the bathhouse, which should have the following properties:

  • durability;
  • strength;
  • ecological cleanliness;
  • the ability to keep warm;
  • low thermal conductivity, which prevents burns;
  • resistance to temperature extremes;
  • resistance to high humidity.

The traditional material that fully meets all the requirements for work inside the bath space is wood. In addition, wood looks aesthetically pleasing, pleasant to the touch and emits a delicate and healthy aroma, which is used as aromatherapy and has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

The interior, where such natural material as wood reigns, is beautiful in itself. It breathes with pleasant warmth and tranquility, which creates a serene atmosphere. Bathrooms can be clad with one or several types of wood, depending on the purpose of the rooms.

Of course, the interior of a modern bathhouse is equipped with other materials. Rounded logs, or block houses, perfectly coexist with stone, brick or tiled masonry. The combination of various textures will highlight each of the rooms of the bath space in a special way.

You should know what materials for interior decoration baths do not apply paints and varnishes. When heated, such coatings emit harmful substances and are not able to withstand temperature extremes.

Bath interior inside photo

Bath design inside photo decoration

Bath room interior decoration

A modern bath is a multifunctional enterprise designed not only for bath procedures, but also for relaxation. The standard bath rooms are a dressing room, a steam room and a shower room that require individual improvement. The saunas of our time can also have an entrance vestibule, a kitchenette, a pool, a toilet and playrooms.

Dressing room

The dressing room acts as a dressing room and rest room. This room, which protects the entrance to the steam room from the penetration of dirt and cold, adjusts to a calm mood and serves to rest after significant stress on the body.

Now a bathhouse without a meeting room is practically not found. After the steam room, no one will refuse to relax and have a nice time with family or friends.

Unlike the steam room and shower, when creating a design for a restroom, imagination can be expanded by delighting guests with an extraordinary approach.

Coniferous wood, such as pine and Scandinavian spruce, is suitable for finishing the dressing room. In addition to wood, you can transform the interior with stone, brick, tile or plastic. Fashionable notes in such stylistic directions as English, or furniture, paintings, mirrors, chandeliers, fabrics and various accessories will help to add.

The interior of the bath and rest room photo

Bath design with relaxation room inside photo

Bath interior photo

A relaxation room in a bathhouse can be considered as a guest bedroom if it is equipped with a full berth and bedding, slippers and bathrobes.

Rest room in the bath interior design

Steam room

High temperatures and humidity of the room for the main procedures dictate special rules when choosing a material for its decoration.

For covering the steam room, only hardwood trees that do not lose their qualities over the years, such as linden, alder, aspen, larch and African abasha tree. The floors of the premises are made using both boards and tiles with a non-slip surface. It is advisable to give preference in favor of tiles, since the wooden floor will deteriorate over time.

We advise you to design the steam room in tone, because the texture of the wood itself serves as a wonderful decoration. Therefore, it will be enough to restrict ourselves to such basic attributes as benches, multilevel sunbeds, dousing buckets, buckets, etc. A great option for placing sun loungers is a corner space, which will embellish the room and save space. Inside the steam room, you can use a window that perfectly dilutes the interior and is useful for ventilation.

Bath interior with steam room inside photo

Steam bath design

The interior design of the bath and sauna

Interior wooden bath a photo

Shower room

The washing block is separate element modern baths, which provides an opportunity to retire from prying eyes.

For cladding a shower room, it is most advisable to use tiles, complementing the design with such elements as and. The only requirement is that the surface of the floors must be rough or covered with wooden gratings. The choice of equipment for equipping a washing room is quite large. You can install a font, a shower stall, or in it.

Beautiful interiors baths photo

Design of a small bath inside the photo

The interior design of the bath is an important point for a favorable atmosphere

It is believed that for true bathers, a bath is, first of all, just a process, and what surrounds in blissful moments is a secondary matter. But this is not at all the case. A modern bath is a place for a pleasant pastime, enjoying relaxation and beauty of the interior. Its internal arrangement should be conducive to relaxation, calmness and good mood.

No matter how you decorate the interior of the bath, the main task is to achieve full pleasure from being in its "embrace".

The presence of a bath or a sauna in a private house is no longer surprising. But thanks to modern technology, it is possible to install a sauna cabin even within a city apartment. Saunas have an important and often decisive advantage over the Russian bath - they are versatile, it is easier to build them from scratch or install them in a ready-made room. It all depends on the amount of space available, the choice of sauna capacity and the financial capabilities of the homeowner.

If you have decided on the area for a home sauna, you need to decide how many people the steam room should accommodate at the same time. For one or two people, you can do with a sauna booth, for a family vacation you need a large area, for receiving guests it is absolutely necessary to take care of a relaxation room, in addition to the steam room in the sauna.

Sauna cabins for one or two people

Currently, you can purchase both a ready-made sauna booth and assemble it from separate panels, it all depends on how individual appearance, functionality and design you would like to get.

A small sauna booth can be installed directly in the bathroom, the only condition for installing the finished structure is a few centimeters of stock between the ceiling of the room and the upper part of the booth. The height of such cabins usually does not exceed 2 m, which is caused by the requirements for the normal operation of ventilation.

Even in a small corner of the bathroom, you can place a booth, which looks more like a steam room for one person. The advantage of ready-made structures is that they already assume the correct placement of the oven and ventilation.

Finished sauna cabins are supplied different sizesmade from different breeds wood, but mainly from aspen, linden and some conifers.

Doors to mini saunas are usually all glass or have a wooden frame with large transparent glass. This choice is due to the psychological component, which must be taken into account in small confined spaces.

If there is a window in one of the walls, even a small one, this opportunity must be used. This will allow not only to defuse the psychological tension of a small space, but also to provide it with additional lighting.

An individual order of a booth presupposes, first of all, a unique design, which can become a harmonious addition to the already finished project bathroom, and act as a "highlight of the program", riveting all eyes.

You can even install a sauna cabin in the attic or within the attic space. These are premises that are often empty or used as a storage room for things that are rarely used. Establishing a useful and practical relaxation area with a sauna is a rational embodiment of the dreams of many homeowners of private houses with an attic.

Sauna design with pool

If the area of \u200b\u200ba private household allows, then arranging a pool within a home sauna takes the project to a completely different level. Plunging into the cool waters of the pool after a hot steam room is not only a pleasure, but also an excellent hardening for the whole body.

As a rule, the interior of the steam room and the room for the pool is connected only by the floor covering. Most often, all surfaces of the steam room are veneered natural woodthat is not treated with varnish or any other substances. For a pool room, there is nothing better than using tiles, mosaics, or stone for surface finishing.

The type of wood that will be used for finishing the steam room can be selected based on color paletteselected for the rest of the surfaces of the pool and relaxation room.

This semicircular swimming pool steam room is beautifully adjacent to the modern wine cellar. Autonomous heating and cooling systems make it possible to place such utilitarian structures with different characteristics and functionality within the same room.

Natural stone in sauna design

The decoration of one of the walls, not only of the sauna room, but also of the steam room itself, allows you to add variety to the total wood decoration, without compromising practicality. Natural stone is able to withstand high temperatures, it is moisture resistant and durable. But, of course, the natural material increases the cost of the sauna project and makes it more expensive in terms of time and labor resources.

The harmonious combination of stone and wood helps the design of the sauna acquire personality and charm.

Dark stone tiles provide an excellent contrast to the warm, rusty tones of wood.

The use of several types of stone coverings of different textures and shades within one room creates a stunning effect. In such a company, even marble-styled porcelain stoneware will look chic and natural.

The raw stone effect brings a natural element to the sauna room. A bit of rusticity has benefited this contemporary space with an expressive ambiance.

Using pebbles instead of stone or ceramic tiles for flooring - an interesting design move, giving the uniqueness and originality to the room. Not to mention the benefits of foot massage while walking on the textured floor.

Just one stone wall transforms the entire sauna environment, providing contrast and diversity.

The use of lighting systems in sauna design

Recently, in the design projects of saunas, it is increasingly common to use not just built-in lamps or lamps, but a whole ensemble of illuminations of various shapes and shades.

Despite the glass doors and the presence of lighting in the sauna room, the steam room is a rather dark place and additional lighting will not interfere with it.

Wooden platforms, sun loungers and seating are often illuminated.

With the help of LEDs, it is possible to illuminate not only places for bath attendants, but also entire surfaces and individual structural elements.

The backlight can be of any color, everything is limited only by the preferences of the homeowners and their personal choice.

And finally, a few interesting images of saunas located in rooms with an original design.

These luxurious steam room saunas look attractive without losing their practicality and fulfill all the required functionality.

The creation of a comfortable bath interior is no less important stage than the construction of a building.

In order for all areas of the bath to perform their basic functions and meet the requirements of the owners and guests, it is necessary to competently think over the interior design, which provides for the right choice finishing materials, arrangement of furniture, arrangement of basic and auxiliary decor elements.

The importance of good design

The traditional Russian steam room is a cozy place for a good rest, recovery and restoration of vitality. For many people, it successfully replaces a summer cottage or outdoor recreation, therefore special meaning has a practical interior design.

In this building, you can easily embody the most daring decisions - use collectible souvenirs or hunting trophies, install your favorite furniture and accessories.

The creation of a professional bath design project requires a significant investment, but they will quickly pay for themselves, giving the owner and guests a pleasant pastime after hard working days.

You can design a steam room design yourself by carefully studying modern tendencies in the design and decoration of baths, choosing ready-made photo projects on specialized resources.

Features of the interior design

The operating conditions of the internal premises of the bath are different, therefore they require a competent approach to the choice of decorative materials and design style. The interior of the bath must comply with the requirements for safety, functionality and comfort. Therefore, for interior decoration and interior decoration, only high-quality, durable and practical materialsresistant to temperature changes and high humidity.

The bath design provides for the development of a detailed project with an indication of all functional areas. This is necessary for the competent planning of each room - a steam room, a washing room, a dressing room, a recreation area.

In order to properly plan the interior of the bath inside, it is recommended to consider the following rules:

  1. Suitable for interior surface finishing: wooden lining, tile, timber, block house, vine, artificial and a natural stone, brick. All materials must be practical, durable, environmentally friendly, low thermal conductivity, resistance to the negative effects of moisture and steam.
  2. To ensure maximum comfort of staying in the sauna, wall and ceiling surfaces decorated in soft warm colors.
  3. Inside the bath there should be no sharp objects and corners, slippery surfaces to prevent injury.
  4. For interior design baths are not recommended to use plastic and metal elements. When exposed to high temperatures, such surfaces pose a risk to human health.
  5. Any bath and sauna provide for the use of traditional bath accessories and accessories - brooms, hats, buckets, tubs and others. Therefore, the interior of the premises is designed so that all accessories have a convenient location.

Interior styles in the bath

Before proceeding to internal arrangement baths, you should understand the basic styles of the interior.


Russian is traditional for decorating a bath wood style... It is characterized by the following features - wood trim, bath accessories and accessories made from natural materials.

The traditional style looks harmonious in wooden buildings with plank floors and ceiling beams.

The central element of the steam room is a Russian stove or stove, which can be decorated with ceramic tiles, decorative plaster or whitewash.

Wooden tables and chairs, shelves and benches with carved backs, embroidered tablecloths, knitted rugs, brooms on the walls and an old samovar will be appropriate here.


Rustic or country style can be used to equip a traditional wood bath. The premises will look simple, practical, but cozy enough.

The interior can be decorated in country style different countries - French, German, American, Italian, etc. Each of them is characterized by special colors of textiles, decorative elements and bath accessories.

Despite the significant differences, any designer distinguishes several common features of the rustic style:

  • The presence of wooden light furniture with engraving, carving and polishing.
  • Ceramic and wood decorative items.
  • Linen and cotton textiles.
  • Wall decor made of timber or logs, ceiling slabs - from beams, floor - boards and ceramic tiles.


The design of the bath interior is simple, accessible, strict and proportional.

For interior wall decoration, decorative plaster or wall painting in neutral colors is used. The Scandinavian style is characterized by wood or metal wrought iron furniture, simple decorative elements and ergonomic bath accessories.

To add softness and comfort, the correct placement of bright accents - stylish jewelry, souvenirs or textiles - is allowed.



Modern classic style for registration of a private bath does not lose its relevance. It is characterized by the following elements: columns, arches, stucco moldings, statues and multi-level ceilings.

Such a design allows you to create an individual and original interior with a slight touch of pomp and wealth.

Modern classics are suitable for buildings erected from cinder blocks, brick or concrete. In some cases, beautiful classic interior can turn out in baths from a bar or log.


The best combination modern technologies and unique materials can be traced to the Art Nouveau style. It allows you to create an interesting and unique interior of bath rooms with ideal conditions for a comfortable stay.

There is no rigor and geometry of forms, only abstraction, original accents, unusual color solutions, floral ornament.

A design approach to the implementation of ideas will help to embody the most daring projects.

How to create a cozy interior

The traditional layout of the bath provides 3 main rooms: a steam room, a washing block (shower) and a dressing room (dressing room). Auxiliary functional rooms - a lounge, a toilet, a kitchen, a swimming pool (hot tub), a garage and a veranda - are the personal choice of the owner of the building.

Dressing room

For the interior decoration of the premises, coniferous wood is used - pine, spruce, as well as natural materials - brick, stone, tile. Here design notes of Scandinavian, rustic, ecological and oriental style are appropriate.

Rest room

For interior decoration, linden, aspen or oak lining is used. Spotlights mounted on the surface of the ceiling or walls are suitable as decorative lighting. Tile or porcelain stoneware is used for flooring.

Installation of compact wooden and wicker furniture will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation. Often it is the relaxation room that connects to the open area, in which a gazebo with a barbecue is installed.

An unusual decorative element of the room will be a compact fireplace, which will make the room more comfortable and homely.

Steam room arrangement

An integral attribute of any steam room is a stove. Here you can install brick or metal heating equipment of various configurations, taking into account design features premises.

An important element of room design is entrance door... In the steam room, you can install traditional solid wood doors or stylish modern ones. Any type of door to the steam room must open outward.

Shower room and pool

To protect yourself from injury, it is recommended to cover the floor with wood gratings or rubber rugs.

To create a well-thought-out external and internal appearance of a bath, a competent approach to the development of design, the use of high-quality materials, and consideration of the structural and functional features of each room is required. Right choice of the project will create a comfortable and presentable bath for good rest and health improvement.
