Lining - popular facing materialthat is affordable and attractive to look at. He is often referred to when finishing various surfaces in wooden houses. With clapboard, interiors invariably take on a more comfortable and attractive look.Today we will understand what coatings it is worth to process the lining in the conditions country house.

Why is impregnation needed?

Some owners of private houses do not see the point in treating the surface of the lining with impregnations. In fact, if the thin boards are not covered with anything, after a certain period of time, not very good changes will appear on them. If there is insufficient ventilation, the fit will be covered with a kind of blue, and if it is intensely influenced by the aggressive sun, it can turn dark gray.

The blue on the lining is due to the action of microorganisms, which can be eliminated with the help of special oxidants, for example, chlorine.

The procedure will not be the easiest and fastest, it will be accompanied by characteristic unpleasant odors.

If a grayish coating appears on the lining from exposure sun rays, then it will be possible to get rid of it by turning to mechanical grinding. But the positive effect of these procedures is unlikely to last for a long time. It is more expedient to resort to processing finishing material immediately after its installation. In this case, problems in the future can be avoided.

Impregnations suitable for lining not only protect it from negative external factors, but also make it more aesthetically attractive. With this addition, the interior looks nicer, more accurate.

Lining, on which there is a water-resistant treatment, will last much longer, even if it is in a damp or irregularly heated room.

Varieties of compositions

In specialized stores, you can find many different products that are ideal for processing lining inside a country house. Each composition has its own characteristics and characteristics.Let's get acquainted with them.

Fire retardants

The lining that is installed in the inside of the country house can be located in the immediate vicinity of heating systems, heating devices. In this case, it is important to protect the wood trim from possible fire. For this, special flame retardant impregnations are ideal. When applied on their own, they may not be the most “pliable”.

It is easier to purchase such a lining for a summer residence, which was initially impregnated with the compositions in question.In rooms where there is a moisture concentration of no more than 70%, the material may be treated with solutions of moderate stability. In the conditions of the interior of the dwelling, such compositions will last for a long time and are cheaper than weather-resistant options.

Antiseptic compounds

A serious risk factor for any wood is exposure to dangerous microorganisms. You can forget about this common problem if you turn to suitable antiseptic agents. Special antimicrobial compounds, which are ideal for impregnating wood with them, easily cope with biological contamination, prevent the appearance of fresh foci of decay and mold.

Antiseptic compounds often have a characteristic pungent odor that does not fade for a long time. You should pay attention to this feature of the indicated impregnations when choosing a suitable antiseptic for the lining.

Preparations with a higher cost can not only protect the lining from microorganisms dangerous for it, but can also make the material more aesthetic and attractive at the same time.


They are specialized liquids based on water or organic solvents that can penetrate into the very depths of the tree, while creating a certain color shade. Stains are also called "stain" - this is a foreign term. The products in question are not intended to protect the carriage. They can only tint it, although more functional products with a noticeable protective effect can be found on sale, but they are more expensive.

Often on wooden boards dark spots appear, the formation of which is not always clear.It is permissible to treat such areas with the help of bleach, but for this it is necessary to correctly choose the concentration and exposure period. It is worth testing the composition on lining waste to see how the material behaves and changes.


They are characterized by an excellent protective effect on wood. They are allowed to be used for coating the lining in a private or country house. These same compounds are also used to give the finish a more attractive appearance. Lacquer solutions based on acrylic can decorate the surface of the lining, as well as form a special barrier on it.

The special aqualak has a minimal level of allergenicity.

It can be safely used for the purpose of processing wood inside the building.This composition dries longer than organic liquids, but it is safer for the health of households. With the help of an aqualak, it will be possible to create either completely or a slightly matte, glossy surface of the cladding.

If you add the color you like to the solution in question, the result will be a coloring agent of a certain shade. From the outside, such a composition on the facing for a long time will not be able to hold out, therefore it is not recommended to use it for street application. Water based varnishes form a vapor barrier.

In other lacquer compositions, components are added to protect the base material from exposure to ultraviolet rays. With such options, it makes sense to process surfaces that are exposed to the sun for most of the day. Alkyd varnish composition is distinguished by good durability. After drying, the coating from it can stay on the material for more than 10 years. Often inside a country house made of wood, it is advised to process the floorboard with similar means. Lovers of interesting color solutions alkyd solutions are also applied to the walls in the home.


To process the internal wood cladding in a country house, you can use a variety of coloring mixtures for wood. Oil paints turn out to be "veterans" in operation. They are presented in different colors and shades.

On a dry basis, such coatings can last for about 7 years. As soon as this period comes to an end, the layer may discolor or even peel off.

In this case, the painting will have to be repeated.To improve the fixing of certain pigments on wood, it is advisable to resort to pretreatment with drying oil.

If the pores of the wood are blocked, the microclimate in the home becomes worse. During the painting of the lining, there is a significant evaporation of the solvent component, which is characterized by a not very pleasant smell.

Vapors of organic matter can harm human health, therefore, painting should be resorted to only in summer and in conditions of open windows and doors.

Acrylate paints also have a specific smell.It is also necessary to paint the lining with them carefully, airing the room. In application, this paint turns out to be simpler and more malleable than oil formulations. It creates an elastic film on the base.

Oils and waxes

In addition to linseed oil, which is made from drying oils, the wood cladding is covered with other oil solutions, which are perfectly absorbed by the clapboard. Such compositions create either a matte or glossy surface on wood.They need to be gently rubbed into the base, and then polished. The same chemical structure is carried in wax mixtures, the difference lies only in the substitution of ester glycerin for monohydric alcohol.

The waxes are characterized by high resistance. With their help, a perfectly flat surface with a pleasant gloss can be formed on the surface of the lining.

Wax coatings are able to stay on wood for tens of years, if they do not experience significant stress.

The wax glaze is sold ready-to-use.Hard types of wax will first need to be softened by melting under the influence of a water bath. So that the wax can be distributed over the lining evenly and efficiently, it is recommended to carefully prime the base beforehand. A good result can be obtained if the lining is treated with a combination of varnish and oils.

Features of applying impregnations

The lining is divided into several types. Different materials differ from each other in the number and structure of the joints. Based on these parameters, a different amount of effort is required for its high-quality preparation.

Lining is a finishing material that looks good in the interior wooden house... It is used for both residential and utility rooms. The wood from which it is made needs to be treated with protective agents. And to give an attractive appearance, a decorative coating is applied to the lining. Naturally, to create a beautiful coating, you need to choose the right processing tools and materials for decoration.

Why process the lining and how to choose the right tools

Before processing the lining, you should find out:

  • whether you need to apply a protective coating, or you can do without it;
  • in which rooms the processing will be performed - in dry or with high humidity;
  • whether to apply a decorative coating, tint or leave it natural.

Having decided, you can proceed to the choice of impregnation and material for decorative finishing of the lining during indoor areas... You can leave the lining without covering, but this option is suitable for people who are satisfied with the fact that over time the tree darkens. Some owners specifically do artificial aging with a blowtorch. After this, it not only darkens, but also releases resin, which gives the surface a personality. It happens that the owners of the baths do not process the walls due to the fact that they use cheap lining. It will be more practical for them to change it completely in a few years than to spend time and money on processing it.

In order to properly process the walls, you should know what functions the impregnation should perform for the lining inside the house. So, the impregnation should:

  • give good protection against ignition, such qualities give fire retardants to wooden products, which reduce its flammability;
  • protect from moisture, especially in damp rooms. For this, antiseptic agents are applied to the wooden surface;
  • protect from mechanical damage (chips and scratches);
  • protect from exposure to ultraviolet rays. Wood treated with agents that increase resistance to ultraviolet radiation, changes its color more slowly;
  • give bactericidal protection against insects;
  • lend to walls beautiful view... You can give the lining the desired shade using toning. Using varnish, you can make the surface glossy, matte or semi-matte.

To give the tree the necessary properties, several compositions are usually used that have the necessary qualities.

Types of compositions - fire retardants, stain, varnishes and paints

All compositions for processing lining can be divided into two groups: protective and decorative. The former are designed to extend the service life. They protect against moisture, insects, mold and mildew formation. The latter give the lining an attractive appearance. Processing must be regularly updated, as over time the funds lose their properties. The processing of the lining in the premises is carried out with the compositions listed below.

Fire retardants reduce the flammability of wood. This is especially important for living rooms. In the event of a fire, flame retardants prevent the spread of fire and help to extinguish it. They are odorless and therefore harmless to health.

Antiseptics protect against mold and mildew. Stop the spread of existing mold. Over time, the product is washed out and evaporated, so re-treatment is required. There are bio moisture protection products that not only protect against fungus, mold, pests, but also give the wood water-repellent qualities and an attractive appearance. They are expensive, but they make it possible to refuse treatment with stain, antiseptic and varnish.

The stain performs antiseptic functions, but at the same time gives the wooden surface a shade. The most popular stains are those that give dark shades. This tool does not create a film on the surface, but penetrates into the pores of the material to a small depth. Wood stained with wood stains should be varnished or the surface will look dirty. Linseed oil was previously very popular, but recently it is used less and less. The tree darkens quickly, and after 2-3 years the surface becomes sticky. It is used for utility rooms.

Bleaches are intended to be removed from wooden surfaces dark spots, areas with a blue tint, stripes. There are several types of such funds, differing in their application and effectiveness. Usually the product is applied to the surface and rinsed off after a certain time.

Varnishes are used if you want to preserve the naturalness and texture of the wood. Indoors, acrylic varnishes are used, which are harmless to human health. The first layer is applied transparently, without dyes, and in the second, coloring pigments are added. Alkyd varnishes are more used for floors, as they have high strength properties. They are applied to walls in places where high mechanical loads are possible. An alternative is to use wax mixtures that protect the wood and give the surface a semi-matt sheen.

Oil paint penetrates deeply into the wood, gives good protection against moisture, is resistant to mechanical damage. Used for decorative finishing. Disadvantages: low vapor permeability, dries for a long time, loses color over time. Acrylate paint is in many ways superior to the oil analogue: it dries quickly, does not fade over time, penetrates well into the pores, gives saturated color, has high vapor barrier qualities... Does not crack if the panels are affected by temperature extremes. This paint has one drawback - high cost.

Technology for applying protective agents and decorative coatings

A novice builder at the finishing stage has to master new technologies. You need to nail the lining correctly, know how and how to process it, perform decorative trim... Coating the material with the selected means is carried out in stages. Prepare the lining before processing.

  1. 1. First, it should be cleaned of contamination with a solution. To do this, dilute soda in warm water. Wash the lining with this solution. If there is an old coat of paint, for better adhesion, it is advisable to completely remove the previous coat to remove cracks and delamination.
  2. 2. Inspect the cleaned lining: remove mold, mildew, darkened stains treat with bleach. Finally, wipe the panels with a clean cloth to remove any dirt and paint residues. If there are damaged panels, they must be replaced.
  3. 3. At the next stage, we perform surface grinding. The operation is performed with pumice stone or fine-grained sandpaper. So that there are no unpolished places left, divide the entire wall into small sections and process them sequentially. Sand evenly, being careful not to rub in one place and not use too much force.
  4. 4. The final stage in the preparation of the lining for the application of products is priming. Apply a layer of primer to the wall with a brush or spray gun. The seams between the panels must be carefully processed. One layer is enough. Sometimes a paint composition is used as a primer.

By itself or with a brush. For painting, prepare two brushes: narrow and medium - with the help of a narrow paint over hard to reach places... In order for the coating to serve for a long time and be durable, you need to apply 2-3 thin layers. The staining order is as follows:

  • mix the paint and pour it into a small container;
  • dip the brush into the paint to half the bristles;
  • before applying, press the brush to the surface and smoothly move along the panel;
  • then the paint is similarly applied in one direction over the entire surface, without affecting the painted areas;
  • paint over corners and openings with a narrow brush.

You should start applying paint from above so that there are no drips. Apply one layer at a time to eliminate color differences. If it is necessary to interrupt, leave the work out of sight. Apply the next layer after the previous one has completely dried. We make the final layer of minimum thickness, apply with light, even movements from top to bottom.

The varnish is applied in the same way. If the product is colourable, then before applying it should be thoroughly mixed and stirred periodically during operation. In each subsequent layer we add less coloring pigment, in this case the surface after painting will acquire a deeper and more attractive shine.


For finishing the interiors of a wooden house or a country house, traditional lining is best suited, which has the following attractive properties:

Ease of installation and maintenance;

Ecological cleanliness and aesthetics;

Health benefits, as well as the ability to enjoy natural flavors.

In addition, the lining is a good heat and sound insulator that protects the walls of the room from extraneous noise and sudden temperature changes.

At the same time, lining made of wood materials is not without drawbacks, since it belongs to the category of flammable materials that are susceptible to moisture, mold and fungal formations.

To realize all the advantages of natural wood, special processing of the lining is required, which provides reliable protection cladding material from destruction, as well as increasing its visual appeal.

Types of decorative and protective coatings

How to cover the lining in a house in the country? - this is a question that is quite common in search queries on the Internet. And, indeed, even before the start finishing works it is necessary to decide on the choice of paints and varnishes that are best suited for each specific condition.

The latter are presented on the domestic market with a wide range of materials that preserve the wood surface in different conditions operation and improving its appearance. When evaluating and choosing them, not only the ability to resist the destruction of the material should be taken into account, but also the ability to preserve the overall style of the room. Before processing the lining inside the house, we advise you to carefully read the list of special tools used for these purposes and represented by the following names:

  • primers;
  • fire-resistant impregnations (flame retardants) and antiseptics;
  • decorative coatings (oil, acrylate and other dyes);
  • wax compositions and varnishes used for finishing surfaces.

Additional Information: To this list, you can add special compounds used when it is necessary to remove the old coating, etc.

Impregnations, primers and decorative coatings for wood processing

In order to determine what to process the lining in the interiors of the room, we will consider each of these names in more detail.

Description of materials


Primers serve as a base for painting and also have antiseptic properties

Primers are represented by special mixtures that combine two functions at once. They serve as a basis for subsequent painting with oils or varnishes, and also have pronounced antiseptic properties, that is, they provide reliable biological protection.

It is allowed to use these compositions both when processing finished coatings indoors, and when decorating the facades of buildings.

Recommendations for the use of such products allow their use even on areas of surfaces with partially damaged wood. Their combination with special textural additives allows to extend the service life of coatings and give them a noble and well-groomed appearance.


Wood preservatives belong to the category of agents designed to protect the lining from harmful insects, fungus and mold. This composition is absorbed into the top layer of wood to a depth sufficient to provide reliable protection of the finishing material from destructive effects. All antiseptics are divided into translucent and opaque compositions.

Antiseptic compounds for wood treatment

A transparent covering for the lining allows you to preserve the natural pattern of wood and saturates with natural colors, at the same time imparting shine to it. When using an opaque antiseptic, it is possible to preserve only the woody relief of the natural material (while its color is hidden under the applied layer).

Paints and varnishes decorative coatings

Before covering the lining with one or another type of paint and varnish composition - pay attention to the possibility of decorating it with special dyes. When using decorative compositions, the surface of the lining acquires the appropriate color or shade while maintaining the natural texture of the wood. When using these products, there is no need for preliminary priming, since they already contain components with antiseptic properties. Most often, such compositions are used:

Oil paint that deeply penetrates the top layer of wood, ensuring its preservation for a long time (up to 8 years or more). After this period, the lining surface loses its original shine and color saturation and needs to be re-painted. A significant drawback of oil coatings is long drying times and sharp bad smell... Cover the lining oil paint best of all in summer or in the off-season, that is, in conditions that allow airing the room.

Acrylate paint is odorless, dries quickly, safe for health

Acrylate-based dyes, which are practically odorless, easily and without spreading are applied to the surface, and also dry quite quickly without posing a health hazard. That is why the treatment of the lining with acrylate dyes is one of the most acceptable options for decorating it. The only drawback of this material is its relatively high price.

For finishing the surface of the lining, it is best to use an acrylic aqualak. Thanks to the use of this environmentally friendly product, the wood structure gains increased strength and durability. Aqualak is applied to the lining surface in several layers and dries very quickly. It is optimally suited for preserving the surface of decorated lining coverings, which must be well dried before processing.

Features of coating formation

Before treating the lining with any drug or dye, its surface is carefully prepared for this procedure. With this in mind, the surface treatment (decoration) process includes the following stages:

  • surface preparation;
  • priming followed by application special formulations (antiseptics and fire retardants);
  • decoration (painting lining);
  • varnishing and waxing.

Preparatory measures are reduced to cleaning the surface of the lining from irregularities, dirt and fungal formations, produced using fine-grained skin.

In some cases, a steel or hair brush can be used for these purposes.

At the stages of priming the surface of the lining and applying protective coatings to it, you will need a special roller or spray of liquid formulations. With their help, a ground layer is first formed, and after it dries, antiseptics and fire retardants are applied (with the exception of ground mixtures containing antiseptic and fire retardant additives).

You can start painting the lining only after the previously applied layers of primer, antiseptic and fire retardant are completely dry. When carrying out painting procedures, it is necessary to follow the instructions for using a particular type of composition (such coatings are formed from several layers, the number of which is determined by a specific type of dye).

At the final stage of work, you need to take care of the reliable preservation of the decorative layer from wear, which is achieved by covering it with special varnishes and subsequent waxing.

In a short video, you will learn how to apply wax oil to a wooden surface.

Video: How to paint a tree?

Increasingly, people, when choosing a finishing coating, prefer natural materials. Wood is considered very popular. It is environmentally friendly, good for health, saturates the air with a beneficial aroma. Besides useful properties, wood has such quality characteristics as excellent heat and sound insulation. That is why, as a material for interior decoration often choose lining.

Wooden lining is an environmentally friendly material, but requires special processing to protect the wood from destruction.

However, there are drawbacks. Wood is considered a flammable material, it is prone to decay, and various fungi and insects can grow in it. To prevent all these processes, as well as to protect against mechanical damage and adverse environmental influences, the lining is processed. This is an accompanying process in this case, and you cannot do without it.

When choosing a wooden finish, many do not know how to process the lining inside the house and how often it needs to be processed. We will consider the processing of wood covering inside houses further.

Necessary materials

Paints and varnishes for lining protect the tree from moisture and sunlight.

Before going to the store for a treatment tool, it is worth finding out what tools are and what they are for. Indeed, with the help of some, you can change the color, some serve for shine and protection, and some only to protect the tree from adverse environmental influences and to protect against damage. But it is worth noting the fact that manufacturers, trying to please the buyer, constantly release new items of building materials.

To process the lining inside the house, you only need to choose quality materialssafe for human health. So, you can process it by the following means:

  1. Primer for wood.
  2. Antiseptics for wood:
    • opaque antiseptic (top coat);
    • translucent antiseptic (glazing).
  3. Fire-resistant impregnation for wood.
  4. Acrylic paint.
  5. Oil paint.
  6. Bio oil.
  7. Wood wax.
  8. Varnishes for wood:
    • alkyd;
    • water based.

If the wood has an old finish, you will need to remove the old finish. Antiseptics and primers are designed to protect wood as a preliminary step before painting.

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Learn more about materials

Antiseptic coating is important for country houses, it will reliably protect the wood from insects and mold.

Antiseptic for wood - a product designed to protect wood from decay, from insect pests and mold, protects from the sun. The antiseptic is absorbed into the wood by a few millimeters. Divided into translucent and opaque antiseptic. The translucent antiseptic preserves the natural grain of the wood and saturates the natural color, giving it a shine. An opaque antiseptic retains only the woody relief, the color of the wood is hidden under it. An antiseptic not only destroys existing organisms, but also protects against their appearance for a long time.

The same functions as an antiseptic are performed by a wood primer. Primer on wood is an integral part of wood processing before painting or varnishing. Thanks to the primer, the consumption of varnish and paint is significantly reduced, since the primer forms a protective surface and protects the wood from moisture and corrosion.

Modern manufacturers produce antiseptic primers that combine the properties of a primer and have bioprotective qualities. Next come decorative coatings. They completely hide the natural color of the wood, leaving only its natural relief.

For processing by impregnation of large volumes of lining, it is convenient to use a manual spray gun.

Oil paint. It penetrates deeply into the surface of the tree, thereby retaining its external quality for up to eight years. After 7-8 years, the surface loses its shine, the color becomes less saturated, and the surface needs to be re-treated. The disadvantages of this coating are the long drying time and an unpleasant strong odor. Therefore, it is possible to paint the lining inside the house with oil paint only in the warm season, so that the room can be ventilated.

Acrylate paint has an almost imperceptible odor, unlike oil paint. It is evenly applied, does not spread, dries quickly and is safe for health. Therefore, treating the lining inside the house with acrylic paint is considered one of the most acceptable options. But it has one drawback - the high price.

Acrylic aqualac is the most environmentally friendly product. The coating is durable, strong, the structure of the tree is visible. You can handle the lining inside the house, with the exception of the floor. Aqualak dries very quickly, even if you apply several layers. A type of varnish is alkyd. It is great for handling internal surfaces, however, it must be applied only to a completely dry surface.

If the appearance of the lining is especially important to you, it is recommended to use decorative glaze. It protects the wood well and at the same time the structure and relief of the wood is preserved under this coating. It is possible to mix the required colors to achieve the desired shade. If you just need to change the shade of the wood, use a wood stain. However, the stain requires a perfectly flat surface.

If it is necessary to completely hide the structure of the tree, use an opaque enamel.

It is applied in three layers. Thus, the material consumption is quite large. Treatment with a special oil or a product that contains oil is very popular (not to be confused with oil paint). The oil does not emit an unpleasant odor, but at the same time, due to the fact that it penetrates deeply into the tree, it reliably protects the tree from pests and adverse factors. If you use ordinary colorless oil, then the material will get a golden hue.

A huge number of the most different materials and household items. Wood is always in price and never ceases to be fashionable. This is one of the few materials that always stays in trend. Today there is a very popular style - eco.

Natural materials are not only safe but also popular. Despite such a positive start, it should be noted that wood is not only a beautiful and stylish material, it is also very capricious. You need to take care of it all the time if you want it to serve you for a long time and keep its original appearance. The question immediately arises - what is the best way to process the lining inside the house?

Methods for protecting wood products

There is no shortage of such materials on the market. The variety of different mixtures, consistencies and compositions for treating wooden surfaces and materials is sometimes misleading, and you don't even know which is better to choose.

When deciding on a defense mixture, you must consider the purpose of the defense:

  • some formulations protect the tree from fading;
  • others repel moisture;
  • the third - protect against damage of various types.

How to process the lining inside a wooden house in order not only to protect it from external factors, but also to make it sophisticated - this question has been repeatedly asked by lovers of the practical and beautiful at the same time. There are such mixtures and they are available to everyone, the main thing is to know which one to choose.

To process wood with your own hands, you need to know a few rules and the name of the compounds that will be needed for the process in question.


  • mandatory use of antiseptics;
  • a primer will also be needed to protect the material;
  • fireproof impregnation;
  • varnishes of various types;
  • biologically oils (desirable);
  • do not forget about the means to remove the previous, unnecessary coverage.

Now you know how to process the lining indoors, you already have a list of compositions, so there should be no problems with finding. In any hardware store and in the market in the department of goods for home and construction, you can purchase everything you need. The photo shows the compounds that you will need to protect your chosen coating.

Paints and varnishes for wood processing


One of the main compounds required to protect the coating is a primer. This mixture is also biological protection. It can be used for both outdoor and indoor work.

  1. Even if the tree is slightly damaged, it is possible and even necessary to use such a composition.
  2. A primer coat extends the life of any wood material.
  3. Among other things, the primer gives the product a well-groomed look.

Decorative and protective coatings

Relatively recently, new paint and varnish mixtures have appeared on the market, which not only protect the wood, but also paint its surface in any color. Now, thanks to such mixtures, you can protect and create a unique design in your home.

A positive point in the characteristics of such compositions is that when stained with them, the texture of the wood is visible and remains the same. An antiseptic is already present in such a mixture; you do not have to buy it separately.

Some of these mixtures can even be used on damp wood. They can be used for both interior and exterior decoration.

The resulting tones are very soft and slightly matte. Temperature drops and ultraviolet rays do not affect the quality of the mixture for a long time. For this reason, you will definitely not need the following processing of the lining inside the house for ten years.

Scuba diving

Some argue that it is easier to choose a different material than to process the lining indoors, but in fact this is not the case, you need to know. How to process and how to carry out this process without unnecessary costs and problems.

Excellent for wood processing. By the name it was already possible to understand that they included water, and in to a greater extentthan all the other components.

A number of advantages of such a material for covering wood:

  • Lack of any smell;
  • It dries very quickly;
  • There are no organic solvents in the composition.

There is another type of scuba diving - water repellent. Due to their composition, they protect wood from moisture and repel water, which means they have a widespread field of application.

The price of such funds is an order of magnitude higher than typical analogs, but at the same time you get one hundred percent protection for many years. In rain, snow and hail your wood surface and structure will look perfect.


Treat wooden surfaces with oils - a good idea, it is even better to use their combined formulations. The oil has such a structure that when applied to the surface, it impregnates them well from the inside, getting into every pore.

Protects the tree and delays:

  • dust;
  • mud;
  • moisture;
  • the sun.

It is a pleasure to work with such tools, there are no unpleasant odors, you can only feel the smell of the plant on which this oil is made.

The shade of the wooden surface becomes golden. If you want a bright wood color, you can paint it in any color you like.

Treatment with protective compounds

The quality of your work will depend on care and accuracy, as well as on the correctness and consistency of adherence to all rules and recommendations. Complete instruction presented in the video:


Now you know how and how to process the lining inside the house, which compounds are better to apply and how to extend the life of any wooden surfaces. Whatever you do, whatever work you do in your home, remember that diligence and patience will lead you to success and achieve a positive, expected result.

You should not save on protective equipment, because they justify their cost and extend the life of wooden materials.
