The choice of curtains is the final touch in the design of the room. Heavy curtains were replaced by curtains made of light fabrics. They do not darken the room, let in pleasant diffused sunlight, which has a positive effect on the mood and well-being of the apartment residents. Correctly selected fabrics and colors fill the room with a special charm and comfort. Now ready-made curtains and curtains in stores are presented in a large assortment. It remains only to choose your option.

Variety of lightweight curtain fabrics

Thanks to curtains made of light fabrics, the room is transformed beyond recognition. Their advantages are obvious:

  • let in a lot of sunlight;
  • visually enlarge the room;
  • suitable for any interior;
  • can be easily changed depending on the season or for a holiday;
  • the curtains are easy to wash and do not require ironing.

Fabrics for curtains are selected depending on the interior. The combination of curtains should be in harmony with furniture upholstery, wallpaper or decor items. Organza, tulle, veil, linen, silk can be distinguished from all types of fabrics.

Organza is the most durable lightweight material; its low price category adds to its popularity. Solid or patterned, transparent or translucent, with embroidery or perforated holes, fabrics are found in almost every home. The only negative organza is that it wrinkles and fade in the sun.

Curtain tulle is not suitable for the design of windows in dark rooms... The larger the pattern on the curtain, the less light it passes through. A stylish veil made of silk or linen fibers brings magic and charm into the room.

High-quality and expensive silk on the window is a win-win option for a living room in classic style... It effectively emphasizes the severity of space and never goes out of fashion. The complete opposite of rich silk is flax. Lightweight linen curtains are simple in design, but they can add a sophisticated twist to the living room interior.

How to choose curtains

When faced with a choice, you need to remember all the details of the interior of the room into which the curtains are purchased. Correctly colored fabric will revive the space. If the design of the living room is made in strict, restrained colors, then the curtains on the windows can be hung in peach, terracotta or mustard colors. Warm room dilute the colors of indigo, malachite, turquoise.

Curtain color

Matching the color of curtains and curtains for the upholstery of the living room furniture is considered a good form. In the bedroom, windows look harmoniously in combination with textiles: bedspread, napkins, tablecloth. The curtains for the kitchen windows are matched to the color of the headset.

Important note: striped curtain design. Curtains and curtains with vertical stripes make the ceiling look higher. Maximum effect in small room can be achieved by hanging the cornice to the very ceiling. A curtain with a straight cut should reach the floor.

Figure with horizontal stripes on the curtains will save a narrow and long room. By varying the width and color of the stripes, you can adjust the size of the room.

Curtains in the color of the walls are a new trend in interior design. Only a person with a designer flair can professionally choose curtains for the wallpaper. He will certainly take into account the pattern, texture and fabric for the finished curtains.

The amount of fabric for sewing curtains

If none of the ready-made curtains is suitable, then it is better to purchase fabric and sew them yourself or in an atelier. The material should be measured in width 1.5-2 times longer than the cornice. If the fabric is very thin, then it is better to take into account 3 lengths of the cornice. In the length of future curtains, you need to lay a fold of 3 cm from the bottom and 15 cm from the top. Another 5 cm is added to the material that will shrink in the future. This makes it clear how much fabric you need to buy for the curtains.

Window decoration with curtains

Thinking over the design of the apartment, I want the windows to match modern trends... In pursuit of fashion, any window can turn into bad taste that has nothing to do with the general interior. But designers always give preference to natural fabrics and original solutions. Fashionable curtains on the windows will be only when they match the decoration of the room.

There are many types of curtains. For the windows of each room, its own design is selected, different material and color palette... Therefore, when talking about what curtains are in fashion now, many solutions come to mind. In this case, it is important to take into account all the little things that will form the overall appearance of the apartment.

Window curtains in history

What does curtain mean?

By covering the windows with pieces of fabric, people tried to isolate themselves from intrusive sun rays and drafts. Later this interior detail was called curtain. Humanity continued to veil the window openings with them. But along with evolution, starting with 17th centurybesides their main function, curtains have become an aesthetically significant element. Each era dictated its own fashion for curtains, their cut and types, fabric, color, etc.

Nowadays, curtains on the windows are almost a must. Without them, the room looks bare, cold and uncomfortable. They protect the house from prying eyes, especially if the apartment is on the ground floor. The curtains hide some of the sun's rays, which is why the light is gently diffused around the room, creating a special charm.

Thanks to the development of technology, new fabrics and colors appear on the market. And the designers come up with original ideas window decorations that become real masterpieces.

Light curtain fabric

First letter "t"

Second letter "y"

Third letter "l"

The last beech letter "ь"

The answer to the question "Fabric for light curtains", 4 letters:

Alternative crossword questions for tulle

Fine mesh fabric

Curtain sister of guipure

french thin, cotton, mesh fabric, for women's headwear

Cloth or transparent weaving of fine threads in the form of even small round cells

Curtain & Curtain Fabric

french thin, cotton, mesh fabric for women's headwear. Tulle frill, - loom. Tulle weaver, tulle weaver

Definition of tulle in dictionaries

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir Definition of the word in the dictionary Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Vladimir Dal
French thin, cotton, mesh fabric for women's headwear. Tulle frill, - loom. Tulle weaver, tulle weaver.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov The meaning of the word in the dictionary Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov
tulle, m. (French tulle). Fine mesh fabric. Tulle dress. Tulle curtains. Curtain tulle. Smooth tulle.

New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova. Meaning of the word in the dictionary New explanatory and derivational dictionary of the Russian language, T.F. Efremova.
m. Thin mesh - smooth or patterned - fabric.

Wikipedia Definition of a word in the Wikipedia dictionary
Tulle is a district in France, one of the districts in the Limousin region. County Department - Corrèze. Sub-Prefecture - Tulle. The population of the district in 2006 was 79,281 people. The population density is 31 people / km². The area of \u200b\u200bthe district is only 2564 km² ....

Examples of the use of the word tulle in literature.

When Aunt Anya arrived in Moscow, I was already smoking with might and main, so together with Tulle, which also long ago indulged in this vice, we made an exemplary unsanitary group - the tobacco spirit was not removed in the house.

Tell me the departure time from Tulle the Paris train and the time of its arrival at the Austerlitz station.

She was, in essence, an empty young lady, with a head completely filled with crepe de Chine, tulle, cuts of silk, a dress, stockings and other ladies' set.

TulleThe top of Mani’s dress is already worn, but the satin blue cover is still in good condition.

It is found that in the province, where the governor is embroidering on tulle, real battles are going on, peasants riot and kill officials, that merchants fight to the death at fairs and dead bodies lie on the roads.

Or blinds, but light curtains are a must-have accessory in the interior design of any room. They are sewn from transparent materialstransmitting sunlight, and are selected according to the color of the overall colors and the style of the room. Thin curtains are needed to drape naked window frames from the side of the room, and hide from prying eyes what is happening in the room during the day, which is especially important for apartments located on the lower floors. Another important role of curtains is to give the room design a complete look.

The most popular fabric for thin curtains is organza. It is a combination of natural and synthetic fibers, and is composed of silk, viscose and polyester. Organza production uses modern technologies, for example, perforation and laser processing of the material, and many housewives like crumpled organza, since it does not need to be ironed, but it looks unusually impressive on the window.

Types of curtain organza:

  • Matte solid color;
  • Matte with a pattern;
  • Shiny solid color;
  • Shiny with a pattern;
  • Silver-plated;
  • Gold plated.

The next most popular fabric for decorating windows is tulle. Lightweight curtains are made of semi-silk smooth or patterned voile tulle. In comparison with organza, it is denser and heavier, and less transparent. Tulle fabrics fall in beautiful folds and look great in a room decorated in a classic, English or other style, where there is rigor and poise.

How to choose curtains by color

There are two options for using light curtains - as independent curtains, and in combination with dense, night products. Night curtains are not needed if the fabric for daytime curtains is so dense that you cannot see through it what is happening in the room when the lights are on in the evening. The color of the curtains in this case is matched to the wallpaper or upholstery. upholstered furniture, but they, as a rule, should be several shades lighter than the general color filling of the interior.

If a room uses two pairs of curtains, light and dense, they are in harmony with each other in color. Thin curtains are usually selected several shades lighter than night ones. With calm, discreet tones of thick curtains, white or beige organza is well suited.

  1. Brown, chocolate - beige, cream, milk;
  2. Green, malachite - light green, pale green;
  3. Blue, light blue - pale blue, white;
  4. Red, burgundy - peach, pale pink;
  5. Orange, yellow - sand;
  6. Black - light gray, white.

The choice of curtains for the purpose of the room

Depending on the purpose of the room, there are rules for choosing thin curtains. In order to avoid mistakes in the design of the window, and then not to make adjustments, it is advised to heed the advice, proven by experience.

Living room

The windows of the main room of the apartment are draped with curtains made of expensive fabrics, and their cut must be matched to the style of the room. Night curtains can match the color of the carpet on the floor, upholstery, wallpaper. But the lungs can be in harmony with the shades of smaller things that the owners would like to highlight from the general atmosphere - the frame of an expensive painting, a beautiful service on the table, or another valuable thing.

If only provided in the living room, as an option, the window can be decorated with lambrequins of different configurations, sewn from dense fabric, several tones darker than thin curtains.


The kitchen is advantageous in that the window is often hung only with a thin curtain. If the window falls into working area, light curtains for the kitchen are sewn up to the windowsill or 5-10 cm above it. Such a curtain has an arbitrary cut: beveled at an angle, gathered in vertical folds, made in the shape of an arch. You can make thin curtains less transparent using an original technique. Two curtains of different lengths are hung on the window - the lower one-color canvas and the upper one with a pattern, similar in shade to the lower canvas, but shorter by 5-8 cm.

On kitchen windows lower floors instead of thick curtains can be hung roller blindsmatching in color with the transparent curtain.

In a spacious kitchen, long curtains are used, complete with blackout curtains, and is equipped in the window area dinner Zone with a table covered with a tablecloth to match the curtains or from the same fabric.

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Beautiful, tastefully selected light curtains that do not stand out against the general background. They are in harmony with the rest of the room decoration and emphasize the direction of the chosen style.
