Whoever says what, but even in a limited space, you can recreate an interior with "character".

Literally english word "Loft" means the topmost floor, the attic, the place under the roof itself. This style of interior design came to Europe from America. It is typical for old abandoned warehouses and similar premises. Initially, people from the lower strata of society lived in premises of this type, but soon wealthy people became interested in such apartments. Old brick houses found a new life.

Style features

The loft is characterized by:

  • the presence of white, visually expanding the available space;
  • the minimum amount of furniture, decorative elements and visually heavy details;
  • the presence of an interesting "highlight", for example, a bright abstraction on the wall or hand-made;
  • modern technology - a computer, music Center, home theater and so on.

In order to play up the loft style in the interior of a small apartment as brightly as possible, you can demolish extra internal partitions or walls that are not load-bearing. Entrance door if possible, it should be disguised and not immediately rushed for a look. The best way - retractable, granary type. Unlike swing doors, it does not take up much space in a narrow corridor.

Loft style dwelling is bare walls and nude brickwork... Feel free to use a horizontal combination of the surface, leaving a light coating below and a dark stone below. One of these walls should be opposite the window to visually expand the room. You can install a TV on it to save space.

As for the ceilings, you should not specifically level the existing irregularities on its surface. The original move will be the use of beams. You can bring them to one point by making sure the wooden beams taper towards the center. So you visually raise the ceiling and add some zest to the interior.

The list of materials ideal for decorating an apartment includes plaster, brick, stone, stainless steel, concrete, wood, glass, crystal, leather, suede, vinyl, aluminum, plastic. To figure out how to beat them for different rooms, see below for a list of the premises that make up a standard apartment.


It is from this room that guests begin their acquaintance with the apartment, forming an idea of \u200b\u200bthe tastes of the owners. It is as easy as shelling pears to equip a small loft-style space. The main principle of the studio is no wall decoration. If there are reinforced concrete elements during the design of the apartment, it is better to roughly plaster them.

Use a special mixture of gray and white cements to brighten the room. The ceiling can also be painted white. The floor surface is left the same or is finished with imitation boards - tiles or laminate.

A loft in the interior of a studio apartment should have a minimum of furnishings. Their appearance should be simple, antique, without mirrored surfaces and pretentious handles. Possible variant - a bedside table painted in gray or black and white colors like a checkerboard. As lighting fixtures small sconces, spotlights or simple pendant shades are suitable.

Living room

Leave some corner or one of the walls of the room in the so-called "pristine" form, covering the rest of the surfaces with paint or plaster. If you wish, you can simulate brickwork with decorative panels or paint. Remember to patch up the joints between the tiles on the ceiling and paint it with a water-based material.

Put wooden window blocks with double-glazed windows. Replace all studio textile curtains with compact blinds. As for the interior elements, here you have complete freedom of action in the design of the apartment. In the available space, use objects with a variety of sizes and colors. Place the sofa in the center, surrounding it with several soft ottomans instead of massive armchairs. Framed photos and panels will complement the overall picture well.


The principles of arranging a kitchen within a small apartment practically do not differ from the requirements for other rooms. All modern household appliances (microwave oven, dishwasher, and so on) can be easily placed in the niches of the kitchen unit. Do not forget that the loft style, among other things, is characterized by the presence of a large number of various miniature shelves where you can arrange all the utensils used.

Place a hood above the stove without hiding the outlet pipes - they will give the room a special flavor, reminiscent of the interior of industrial buildings. In some areas, do spot lighting, conventionally breaking even a small space into separate zones - for cooking and consuming cooked food. Alternatively, you can do this with a small bar counter with shelves and glasses hanging from it.


Separate the bed from the rest of the zones studio apartment-studios can be done through a folding screen. If, however, your small apartment still has separate room for sleeping, its design is kept in the general style. For small bedrooms, loft beds with many spacious drawers are especially popular, which make it possible to make the most of the available space. It is good if the bed - the main element of the interior - will be wooden, but it is quite possible to have metal parts on it. If desired, the material of construction can be artificially aged.

Remember that everything bed dress and bedspreads should be monochromatic. If you do not want to install blinds on the windows, as in the living room, hang translucent tulle or roman blinds that can be easily rolled up. Taking into account the specifics of this room, you have every right to deviate somewhat from the standards usual for a loft. For example, you can paste over the walls of the bedroom with photo wallpaper. The only limitation is a ban on a variety of landscapes with flower fields, waterfalls and the like. The main guidelines when choosing should be strict lines and monochromatic paints.


To prevent this room in the interior of a small apartment from becoming too gray and gloomy, dilute the dark palette with bright blotches - colorful posters on the walls, unusual armchairs, multi-colored rugs. However, try not to overdo it with rainbow hues. If possible, mount a two-story bed above your child's desk.

To pay tribute to the classics, hang on the wall an integral part of industrial street culture - a bicycle. An active child who loves to explore everything around him will definitely appreciate this idea, which helps to save space in a small apartment.

Try to put the maximum of your imagination into this room. No matter how small this room is, you can always fit in it designer bath on graceful legs in a retro style. Walls and floors should be covered with ceramic or plastic tiles. A good option is imitation wood. In addition, you can experiment with the combination of metal and glass for example plumbing fixtures, chrome accessories, mirrors.


Here the matter is somewhat more complicated than it would be with the loggia. The latter could be insulated and made part of the room by demolishing the wall. The best option for a balcony is insulation and installation of the largest possible windows. The purpose and functionality of this place of the apartment is determined exclusively by the owners. The balcony can serve as an office, a recreation area, and a place for children's games.

Thus, this is a huge scope for the development of fantasy, a combination of the new and the old, the natural and the artificial. Possessing a conventionally strict framework, it is very beneficial in economic terms. If you really want to live in a loft apartment, you can always find that opportunity!

The apartment has a small area of \u200b\u200b37 square meters - one-room and absolutely did not represent the possibility of expanding the space using additional premises. Therefore, some difficulties arose when creating a new design project.

As a result, the authors had to sacrifice the territory of the corridor, which, according to the new layout, moved to other zones. In its place, modern roomy storage systems appeared in the form of a large cabinet, which simultaneously divides the living room and hallway space.

The style is typical for people with established views, who are not afraid to change anything in their lives. All elements are made from natural raw materials: the walls are faced with bricks, the sofa is covered with leather, cabinet furniture and ceiling trim have a wood composition.


From the point of view of modern approaches to the comfort and convenience of living quarters, this apartment, built in the last century, does not meet the conditions for the correct organization of space.

Experts have dismantled almost all the structures that separate the room, hallway and kitchen. The result is a huge, spacious room filled with natural light and air.

As a result of the redevelopment of the corridor and the use of free space, the designers were lucky to enlarge the bathroom. After the installation of the wardrobe separating the living room from the entrance, a small, cozy entrance hall was formed.


IN small apartment it is difficult to organize and install many functional storage systems. Moreover, if even an elementary storage room is not provided in it. In this room, the most important and capacitive place for storing things is a huge closet at the entrance.

It also became possible to hide accessories in a TV cabinet, in kitchen cabinets, bathroom furniture, and also in the original chest-tables located next to the sofa.


The task of lighting a small area has a very original solution... The customer abandoned standard chandeliers and lights. He wished to use extraordinary ceiling water pipes with cylindrical lamps attached to them. This non-standard design element perfectly complements the interior style.

The function of secondary lighting of the room is performed by wall lamps purchased from the store, located above the dining table. They are attached with custom forged brackets.


To emphasize the long history of the house, the designers used techniques that were fashionable in the last century: a high graceful plinth was installed around the entire perimeter, and the door and windows were decorated with portals. Thus, another style - the Stalinist Empire style - has quite organically blended into the interior design.


Square: 37 m²
Wall height: 3m.
Hallway: 6.2 sq.m.
Living room: 14.5 sq.m.
Kitchen: 8.5 sq.m.
Bathroom: 7.8 sq.m.

04.10.2017 You will read it in 8 minutes.

The loft style, which originated in the United States at the beginning of the twentieth century, remains popular today due to non-standard and original features, interiors with a touch of democracy, brutality and secular gloss at the same time. Loft style interior design can be safely called modern and fashionable, despite the fact that a whole century has passed since its inception. During this time, loft design has undergone various modifications, but the main message - the desire for open spaces, industrial style - has remained the same. In a modern typical apartment with the usual height of the canvases and small windows, the features of the loft style can be added using various methods: brickwork, wooden and untreated surfaces, housing redevelopment.

Brickwork in the loft space of the living room

Photo: Living room interior with a wicker armchair from the portfolio

In loft-style interiors, various wicker furniture, brickwork, as well as objects with the effect of "untreated wood". With the help of such elements, you can easily create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere of a country house.

Unplastered concrete surfaces

In the photo: Living room interior in the style of a brutal loft

The more surfaces are left “untreated”, the better. Wall sections with masonry may be interspersed with concrete surfaces. With the help of posters with inscriptions or drawings and special accessories, a cozy and special mood is created in the room.

Interior for creative bohemia

Photo: Living room interior with a hookah in dark colors with country and loft elements

At one time, the loft was extremely popular with creative bohemians: artists, performers, decorators ... After all, the large windows and high ceilings that were originally characteristic of these interiors have invariably attracted artists and people of other creative professions. Over time, loft prices have grown significantly, and this format of housing has become available to few.

Loft as a lifestyle

Photo: Interior of a loft-style music living room

Today, the loft style is also preferred by many creative people. To bring the charm of a loft to your apartment, decorate the wall in the living room with brickwork, hang stylish black and white posters and unusual lamps. Add some vintage accessories or furniture.

Bright days

Photo: Interior of a loft-style kitchen-living room in bright colors

In order for the interior to give a good mood, it is not enough to arrange it in light and bright colors. A professional designer will be able to correctly choose a color scheme, based on the laws of the combination of colors and shades.

Communication in plain sight

In the photo: Open communications in the interior

Modern interiors the loft style is characterized by the desire to reproduce the very atmosphere that prevailed in the loft spaces of the early 20s of the last century. Open communications, chrome-plated air ducts left "in plain sight" are striking signs of style.

Loft and hi-tech

Pictured: Loft style living room interior

The loft can be combined with other contemporary styles. In particular, the elements of hi-tech, constructivism and avant-garde are most organically fit into the loft style.

Small living room in loft style

Photo: Living room interior in loft style

The interior of a small living room in the loft style will decorate a stylish black and white photo or a poster. With the help of wall images, you can set the right mood for the interior: in the case of photography, especially in a retro style, the appearance of the room will turn out to be vintage and a little romantic, and the poster will give the interior a more modern and youthful look.

Wooden beams and caissons

Pictured: Living room interior in loft style with coffered ceilings

Wooden beams, all kinds of floors are welcome in the design of a loft-style living room. Coffered ceilings with spotlights, rough brickwork with black and white posters - this is a living room ideal for watching modern movies.

The refuge of the musician and moviegoer

Photo: Loft-style music living room in the apartment

Light brick walls, a movie projector, a drum kit in the corner - the mini-living room has been turned into a real refuge for the musician, where everything you need is available and you can stay in solitude.

One-room studio apartment in loft style

Photo: Interior of a small living room in the loft style

In the photo: Small loft-style kitchen with brickwork

A multilevel table in the interior of the kitchen is a functional and stylish solution. It can be used not only as a dining table, but also as a work surface, as well as a bar counter.

Posters in the dining area

Photo: Dining area in a small loft-style kitchen

The dining area in the kitchen is enlivened by black and white posters that create a street café setting. Thanks to this technique, even a small kitchen looks stylish and original.

Floor mirror in the hallway

In the photo: Hallway with a floor mirror in the loft style

A large floor mirror leaning against the wall is a feature of the loft-style hallway design. It recalls the days when most of the items in the loft interior were hand made. “In place” of the mirror can be panels, posters, paintings and paintings, symbolizing a small “creative mess”.

Small kitchen with brickwork

In the photo: Interior of a small kitchen with loft style elements

In this small kitchen in a typical apartment, brickwork has been beaten twice: in the apron area, tiles with imitation of masonry are used, on the walls - a characteristic finish in its "classic" version.

Black and white monochrome & brickwork

Pictured: Loft-style hallway interior from portfolio

Interiors look especially stylish, in which terracotta brickwork is adjacent to black and white monochrome. The floor is lined with black and white tiles, a minimum of furniture, a large mirror and walls with brickwork - such an interior will look stylish and modern for a long time.

Design of children's rooms and office in the loft style

In the photo: Children's room for a boy with a bed-car

Children under 5-6 years old will especially like unusual experiments, and turning an ordinary bed into a favorite racing car will delight the kid!

Loft and Ecodesign Elements

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a teenager with elements of a loft

In the photo: Interior of a loft-style office with brickwork

Leather sofas and armchairs, wooden furniture and brickwork will help create an environment that will suit both the young professional's office and the manager.

Loft elements in a neoclassical interior

In the photo: The interior of the office in the loft style from the portfolio of apartment renovation

Contrasting blend of impeccable whiteness and brickwork

Pictured: Loft-style bedroom interior from portfolio

In this project, all interior items are kept in a minimalist style - even the round clock above the bed, creating a subtle reference to Art Deco. Minimalistic wardrobe with mirrored door visually expands the space.

Vintage and classic

Pictured: Loft-style bedroom with vintage furniture

Vintage and classic elements are combined in the interior of the bedroom with the features of a loft. Loft masonry perfectly coexists with a boudoir console table with curved legs.

Concrete walls and plain textiles

Photo: Loft-style bedroom with concrete walls

Another less popular technique for creating a loft-style interior is concrete surfaces. The "rough" concrete with traces of formwork looks especially impressive. To create a special loft atmosphere, one or two raw walls in the interior are enough.

Accent walls and black and white panels

In the photo: Bedroom with loft elements in the apartment

Black and white panels, leaning against the wall, will create the effect of "creative chaos" that often reigns in the artist's studio. Black monochrome walls and wood paneling complement the bedroom's democratic and modern setting.

White painted brickwork

Photo: Bedroom interior with brickwork and posters

An effective technique for decorating a bedroom in a loft style will be walls lined with brickwork and painted in white color... The more casual the painting, the better. Small chips, cracks and unpainted sections of the wall are the main "highlight" of such an interior.

Gray-beige range

In the photo: Bedroom in beige and gray tones in the loft style

The natural gray-beige range is especially suitable for the design of a loft-style bedroom, since the brightness of the stylistic direction itself needs to be slightly "muted". Pastel and neutral tones will make the brutal interior with brickwork softer and more harmonious.

The portfolio of the Fundament Group of Companies contains many projects in the loft style, and this is no coincidence: this design direction remains at the peak of popularity, experiencing a new birth. The specialists of the design studio will develop a unique interior design project, taking into account the characteristics of your apartment, and the repair and construction teams will carry out high-quality apartment renovations at the highest level.

The loft style is becoming popular in the interior. It is rather harsh, but, despite its appearance, it can look beautiful and cozy. Loft arrangements will surely interest lovers of wonderful non-trivial arrangements with a touch of extravagance. Loft style loves spacious open spaces; spacious apartments are optimal for its implementation.

However, fans of industrial arrangements living in city apartments should not be disappointed. Subject to certain principles, you can implement a loft style in the interior of a one-room, two-room an ordinary apartment, Khrushchev, even in a separate small room. How to decorate a loft style in the interior of a small apartment, what characteristic features allow you to emphasize the special atmosphere of an industrial style - this will be discussed below.

The main characteristics of the loft style

Creation of a design, industrial interior - fashionable solution not only for spacious apartments. Cool, soft, vibrant industrial interiors are easy to create in standard apartment... With the current offers of building and finishing materials on the market, it is possible to create a unique loft; it will take little time and money to arrange it. Below are some tips on how to get the desired effect in standard and small spaces.

Severe loft in a modern kitchen interior - photo

To arrange a loft design you will need:

  • open spaces full of light, light colors;
  • equipment with a reference to the industrial style;
  • accessories, additions should be chosen from metal, glass, aluminum, plastic;
  • large lamps that look like borrowed from an old factory;
  • furniture with history.

These characteristic elements allow you to enjoy a beautifully equipped space in industrial style... It can be implemented in a spacious apartment, country house, small apartment.

Loft interior of a small apartment - photo

How to create a loft style?

To arrange a loft arrangement, it is not necessary to live in a spacious house or a huge post-industrial apartment in the suburbs, however, housing must meet certain requirements:

  1. the ceilings are slightly higher than the standard ones;
  2. high latticed windows perfectly emphasize the atmosphere;
  3. you need open space or the ability to create it by demolishing the walls.

The simplest solution is to combine the kitchen and living room. Of course, there is no urgent need to create a completely open interior, consisting of one spacious room, but this solution will give very interesting results.


There are several types of loft flooring:

  1. it is worth laying industrial parquet;
  2. you can leave a simple, cement screed, fixing it correctly;
  3. practical solution - gray ceramic tileimitating stone, concrete, under which a warm floor can be placed; this option is both stylish and warm.

The floors in the apartment are designed in the style of an industrial loft - photo

Wall, ceiling decoration

Typical elements of an industrial interior that create the necessary atmosphere:

  • raw brick,
  • concrete walls,
  • unfinished borders between plaster and wall,
  • visible water pipes,
  • visible electrical wires.

Popular colors used in industrial arrangement design:

  • grey;
  • white combined with black;
  • brick red.

Don't worry about unevenness or rough surface texture. Rough, rough parts fit perfectly into the industrial climate.

Brick walls in an industrial apartment - photo

When organizing the space of a small room, an apartment in the attic, you do not need to decorate load-bearing beams, they enable natural separations in open spaces. You can use imitation beams on the ceiling to create a special atmosphere. Beams are made from:

  • natural wood - hollow or solid,
  • often used imitation wood foam.

You should not decorate heating radiators, pipes, which are important elements of industrial arrangements. The interior with pipes looks austere, austere, like a warehouse, domestic premises... You can add warm notes by adding color, choosing bright, expressive additives:

  • sofa cushions;
  • colorful carpet;
  • abstract paintings.

Furniture selection

The choice of furniture is associated with the ability to combine theoretically inappropriate elements. Colorful, metal chairs combined with artificially aged furniture, curiosities found at the flea market, grandmother's attic. Old furniture can be pasted over with various kinds of wallpaper, focusing on the original industrial arrangement. These solutions will allow you to fulfill budget repair in the loft style.

It is necessary to combine wooden furniture with metal elements, provided there is a common connecting element.

Chair, stool loft - photo

A popular option is pallet furniture. Interesting solutions:

  • pallet sofa,
  • stylish, original table,

Pallets are varnished, painted white grey colour.

Accessories, additives

The loft loves breaking conventions, stereotypes, allows you to add accessories from other styles. It is interesting to combine correctly selected items in classic style and glamorous, bringing interesting contrasts. Loft is quite often based on the use of:

  • monochromatic base - in the form of walls, floors, furniture;
  • additives - in the form of interesting color contrasts.

You can give the decor a more factory-like climate by using semi-finished, raw materials:

  • oSB board,
  • raw boards,
  • concrete blocks,

Such materials can perform many different functions - they trim:

  • shelves,
  • seats,
  • walls.

Industrial style allows you to open your imagination, create a unique design. The impression of a heavy space will be softened by various additives that give the room a warm, homely atmosphere. Plants in wooden pots can be adapted to metal furniture. When buying simple monochrome armchairs and sofas, it is advisable to choose models with soft pillows, supplement them with blankets that are pleasant to the touch.

On brick walls, modern paintings look good, contrasting with the background. A characteristic element of industrial design is the combination of multifunctional space with designer accessories. It is worth purchasing spectacular, openwork, knitted poufs. Soft seats, warm textiles pleasant to the touch will make the room more comfortable.

Light, lighting

Industrial space loves light. Hanging lamp is an important element of the decor. Even if the apartment has huge windows reaching the ceiling, it is worth purchasing spectacular Edison lamps hanging from the ceiling on long cables. It is necessary to observe high illumination, especially in the evening, when the apartment does not receive natural light, the room must be filled with warm light from carefully selected lamps.

Small room with a stylish lamp, photo

Mirrors should be installed so that natural and artificial light is reflected in them. As a result, the interior of a small loft-style kitchen, living room, bedroom, even bathroom seems more spacious.

Mirrors will optically enlarge the interior of a small apartment, photo

The most suitable lamps that fill the interior with light, creating a special atmosphere:

  • models from heavy metal,
  • original lamps captivating with their simplicity of form.

The loft does not have to be decorated with dark colors, limited to brown flowers, shades of gray. Lovers of space, light can choose the main motive of the arrangement - cold white color. White as the main color can be present on:

  • walls,
  • floors,
  • furniture.

White color will make the ceiling visually higher and the room more spacious.

A small white room looks much more spacious, photo

The combination of white and brick gives a wonderful effect that looks especially beautiful in the interior of a small apartment. White will not overload the interior, visually enlarging it, brick will create a stylish atmosphere. Loft creates ideal combinations with additives of intense color, for example reds, greens, but they do not need to be injected much.

Brick wall in a light industrial interior, photo


Loft in the interior is gaining many supporters. The industrial interior suits the lovers of urban life. Fashionable, spectacular industrial apartments are comfortable, practical, and provide the opportunity for frequent design changes. Removing the walls, expanding the doorways, we will increase the space, allowing you to arrange a loft in a Khrushchev, a small apartment, a room.

Luxury, pomp and abundance of decor in the interior have been replaced by modern styles, which sometimes use unusual techniques and elements as means of expression. It would seem, what kind of comfort can we talk about in a space of bare brick walls, wires or crossbars? But the design of a loft-style apartment is not in vain that continues to gain popularity, proving its diversity, as well as variability. The projects we have selected are proof of that!

1. Interior of a two-story loft-style apartment

This apartment has two floors and three rooms. It’s hard to believe that it is intended for the bachelor life of a bank employee who wants to relax and feel free after hours. A classic loft based on these principles is ideal for creating the right atmosphere.

The project, located in the Zapadnoye Kuntsevo residential complex, was carried out by designers from the E-l-ement studio. The area of \u200b\u200bthe apartment is not so large - 84 sq.m., but the ceiling height, which varies from 2.5 to 5 m., Allowed the authors to implement several interesting solutions in the interior.

As befits a loft - the layout is open, including a combined living room, kitchen, dining room. The presence of high ceilings prompted the designers to create a second floor, which helped to isolate sleeping area from the rest of the zones without losing the sense of space. A curved wooden staircase leads to this level.

Brickwork is used for decoration, which is balanced by white panels. The interior looks quite cozy, mainly due to the abundance of wooden elements.

2. Loft style apartment for a young couple

The owners of this apartment initially knew that the loft style would be perfect for their personal space, only in a special interpretation. The designers from the JuicyHall studio had to listen carefully to the wishes of the young couple. The result is a project with a unique aesthetic, which once again proves the importance of complete trust between the contractor and the customer.

The Moscow apartment has a small area - 45 sq.m., but it turned out that with the right approach, this is quite enough for a comfortable life. Moreover, the original layout was the reason for the implementation unusual idea - to integrate the bathroom into the open space of the studio, which is common in the interiors of modern hotels.

Initially, the designers suggested staying on the classic interpretation of the loft, leaving concrete ceilings, as well as aging the brickwork of the walls. But clients insisted on a more decorative approach. As a result, the walls turned out to be white, concrete was used to decorate the ceiling. So the small apartments were filled with air and space, acquiring a neat look.

The dwelling was created according to the principle of functionality and includes the following zones: a kitchen, a bedroom separated from it by a wall, a living room, a dressing room, a bathroom, an entrance hall. The sofa serves as a partition between the two areas.

During the repair, we had to solve minor and sometimes major problems. For example, when they brought kitchen set, it turned out that due to an oversight of the foreman, she simply did not fit the size of the space. But the designers were not at a loss and offered to make brick semi-columns by imposing an I-beam on them. It turned out even better than planned.

3. Interior design of a loft-style apartment, Moscow

Many people think that a loft is brutality and audacity, but the Verdiz design studio, with the help of just one project, showed the variability of solutions while maintaining the key features. The interior turned out to be very light, elegant, even noble, and all this is 50 sq.m.!

For rational organization small space the bathroom was reduced, thanks to which a large wardrobe with a stunning stained-glass facade was placed in the corridor. It is a multifunctional piece of furniture that additionally separates the hallway from the living area.

The apartment consists of one room, which, thanks to the principle of zoning, contains a living room and a bedroom. The kitchen layout has a slightly rounded geometry. Almost all walls are involved here, serving as a support for compact furniture.

The unobtrusive interweaving of another style - fusion - helped to soften the loft, which was embodied in bright decor elements that revive the whiteness of the brickwork and the grayness of concrete. At the same time, there was a place for art objects that convey the feeling of modern classics.

4. Design of an apartment in loft style, Magnitogorsk

The author of the project, Anton Sukharev, claims that this is the rare case when the interior reflects the interests of the owner, embodied in small details... And although the designer had to work with a modest budget, the result looks modern and stylish. It was the loft that helped create the desired feeling with limited finances.

The apartment is 72 sq.m. designed on the openspace principle. The hallway is fenced off from the living room wooden structureserving as a spacious storage space. LED strips in silicone boxes, they are embedded under the plywood block on the ceiling, where all the transformers are also hidden. Decorative partition separates the kitchen and living area without obstructing the free flow of light.

The brickwork found during the renovation was painted white. It was also possible to save money on the heating system, which was not changed, since it fit perfectly into the style of the loft. Almost all the furniture is made to order, has its own history: we managed to create some object "bit by bit", another - it is profitable to buy at a flea market.

5. Loft-style apartment for a young couple, Tyumen

The interior of this multi-level apartment was done by the designer Ekaterina Skorokhodova, who managed to create a dream home for a creative couple. High ceilings helped add to the 90 sq.m. additional space 14 sq.m.

The only obstacle to the implementation of the loft's style was the lack of beautiful, open brickwork, but it was possible to imitate it with the help of high-quality decorative tiles. Other walls are painted white, against which paintings and other decorative elements look good. Bright accent - a large Indian panel, the shades of which are set color range space.

A massive heating system is usually used to heat such a large area, but the designer selected compact metal convectors, which have become an interior decoration. But the main "attraction" of the apartment is rightfully considered to be high windows that open beautiful view to the city and passing required amount Sveta.

To preserve the feeling of spaciousness that the apartments are endowed with, it was decided to opt for a functional headset. So, kitchen cabinets are installed in two rows, the upper one of which is used to store non-essential items.

The sliding barn doors in the kitchen area look unusual, which were used instead of the usual ones. Behind them is a guest room with a utility room. In general, the interior looks luxurious and even fabulous, conveying the atmosphere of ancient castles.

6. Authentic loft with French charm

The designer of this apartment was the owner himself, Gregory Lesterlain, a businessman from France who spends a lot of time in Russia. Possessing good taste and solid travel experience, the owner was able to decorate the interior according to his requirements, filling the atmosphere of the USSR with unique items from Paris itself.

The layout of the 69-meter apartment was changed almost completely, destroying all possible walls. During the renovation, it was discovered that the brickwork, which dates back to the early twentieth century, remained in good condition, which prompted Gregory to introduce elements of the loft.

The apartment now has a bedroom, a separate bathroom, a dressing room, an open living room with an office, as well as a kitchen, which includes an unusual bar counter in a niche. Discovered antique wooden beams not thrown away, but used as a decoration for the ceiling.

The result is an atmospheric apartment with a history that the owner has preserved and updated.

7. Design of a loft-style apartment, 225 m2

In this interior, the designers from MKInterio managed to move away from the usual interpretation of the loft and create a gentle calm design, since there is plenty of room to implement any ideas.

It was decided to leave the enfilade interior layout: the kitchen follows the hallway, after which there is the living room, and then there are private areas with bathrooms. This allows you to diversify the design of the apartment, adding new features to each room.

The kitchen is decorated with plywood structures that stand out from the brickwork with light textures and colors. The metal beams were left unchanged, with a soundproofing system installed between them.

Decorative green shutters accentuate the tall windows. To visually enlarge the bedroom space, long mirrors were placed on one of the walls. Despite the fact that the palette of the apartment is slightly muted, the interior looks light and spacious.

8. Three-room loft-style apartment

The apartment of the 1970s went to customers with all the flaws in the layout typical for the construction of those years: a small kitchen, a separate bathroom, an impractical corridor. So the designers from the Odnushechka bureau had to solve these problems together with the design.

From the large corridor, a small entrance hall remained, and the rest square meters "Joined" the living room space. The brickwork under the plaster, necessary for the style, turned out to be unaesthetic, so they had to resort to imitation, using clay tiles as finishing. The feeling of a loft was enhanced by the introduction of textured furniture, such as a worn leather sofa, metal shelving, and objects made of aged wood. Sofa and dining area separated by a mirrored partition.

The kitchen was left the same size, joining the common space and completing functional furniture... Bright colors were added to the nursery, retaining the loft features with a modular headset and a dark wooden floor. The master bedroom was designed in the same way, adding a wall of painted brick.
