Lily (Lílium) - genus of the most beautiful bulbous plants of the Liliaceae family with underground scaly bulbs. There is such a variety of garden species, varieties and hybrids that lilies in their beauty can easily compete with roses.

Types and names, descriptions and photos of lily flowers ... Breeders are constantly working on developing new forms that will give any garden luxury and sophistication.

Many types of lilies and garden varieties differ not only in shape, size and aroma, but also in hardiness and frost resistance. Relatively simple care, variety of forms - all these are the integral advantages of this representative of the flora.

All hybrids are grouped according to their origin in 9 sections, the last one unites species lilies and their forms ...

  1. Asian hybrids;
  2. Martagon;
  3. Candidum;
  4. American hybrids;
  5. Long-flowered;
  6. Tubular hybrids;
  7. Oriental hybrids;
  8. Interspecific hybrids;
  9. Types of natural lilies.

There are several forms of the structure of the lily flower:

  • Chalmoid (Asian hybrids, Martagon, American hybrids)
  • Tubular (Asian hybrids, Candidum, Longiflorum hybrids)
  • Cup-shaped (Asian hybrids, Tubular hybrids)
  • Bell-shaped (Oriental hybrids)

What garden species should I give preference to?

Not all types of lilies are suitable for the conditions of the middle lane. Therefore, when choosing a variety for your flower garden, always ask what class it belongs to. It is very important to pay attention to their "vital signs".

Lilium regale (flowers in July) - belongs to the section of varieties Tubular (The Trumpet Hybrids). They are also called Orleans hybrids. Due to its high resistance to spring late frosts, this lily is often used for crossing. Beauty, strong aroma, durability attracted the attention of flower growers to her ...

In the photo: white flowers of a classic tubular shape, with a pink or cream shade, inside with a yellow throat, purple outside.

It has a strong stem, 1-2 meters in height, which produces up to 30 buds per season. The size is 14 cm in length and 15 cm in diameter. Bulbs at the base of the stem are abundant. It should be propagated only in a vegetative way, since a flower grown from a seed will quickly transform into a "wild".

Orleans or tubular varieties of lilies: "White-flowered", "Chinese", "Royal", "Sargent", "Northern palmyra", "Tsarstvennaya" and others.

White lily - Lilium candidum (June-August) - it looks very much like a royal, only the diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm smaller. This is one of oldest species, to whom even Hippocrates attributed divine origin and medicinal properties. A fragrant and aromatic oil was made from the petals of a snow-white lily, which was used for cosmetic purposes.

In the photo: white lily (candidum) has wide funnel-shaped (tubular) flowers with the finest aroma, looking up ...

Asian hybrids (The Asiatic Hybrids) are represented by such types of lilies as tiger (l. Tigrinum), daurian (l. Dahuricum), drooping (l. Cernuum), David (l. Davidii), Maksimovich (L. maximowiczii), pleasant (l. amabile), dwarf (l. pumilum), monochrome (l. concolor), bulbiferous (L. bulbiferum) ...

There is no limit to the variety of varieties of Asian lilies, for convenience they were divided into the following subgroups: "Amalia", "Harlequin", "Brashmark", "Villtigrinum", "Kaleidoscope", "Tango", "Fiesta".

Sorts: "Anna-Marie Dream" (terry), "Apollo", "Aphrodite" (terry), "Barcelona", "Black Out", "Burgundy Splash", "Blazing Dwarf" (dwarf) ...

They are more suitable for growing in unfavorable conditions and in general are unpretentious by nature. The flowers of the lily varieties are smaller in size than those of the oriental ones, but they are graceful and flawless in shape, and look great in bouquets.

Lilium dauricum (early June) - widely used to obtain varieties of the Asian hybrids section. Flowering lasts only 15-20 days, however, this disadvantage is compensated by the very unusual shape and color of the petals. One stem gives 5-10 goblet buds different shapes... The petals are of different colors - from orange to red. The advantage of the species is its resistance to frost and rapid reproduction, and young bulbs give flowers as early as the second year after planting.

Photo: orange-red Lilium - first class decorative flower both in beauty and endurance ...

Tiger lily - Lilium tigrinum (July-August) - is the ancestor of a large number of varieties belonging to the section Asian hybrids. One of the oldest cultivated species. The specific name comes from the spotted color of the flowers.

Photo: tiger lily (variegated royal crown, lanceolate (L. lancifolium), rams) ...

The flowers are turbid-shaped, orange-red in color with large dark specks. Blooms in the second half of summer. Very hardy and unpretentious. Easily propagated by children, which is formed at the soil surface, bulbs - bulbs, scales.

Lilium martagon (mid-June) - Martagon-hybrids originate from it, it is notable for the turban-shaped form of flowers, however, it is poorly distributed due to its slow reproduction. However, it is worth planting this lily to give the garden a charming sweet scent that will diffuse throughout the area. Most often, the flowers are lilac in color, but there are also white and dark red species.

Photo: curly lily flower, or martagon - graceful and elegant, impeccable form and varieties, popularly known under the names "royal curls", "saranka", "sardana", "badun", "butter" ...

Oriental hybrids (The Oriental Hybrids) is a combination of incredible aroma and bright exotic beauty of large flowers. Among the popular Orientals in our latitudes are the following varieties of lilies: golden (lilium auratum), beautiful (lilium speciosum), Japanese (lilium japonicum), reddish (lilium rubellum) and others.

The list of the most amazing oriental lilies includes such varieties: "Tiger Woods", "Double David", "Stargazer", "Dizi", "Furio", as well as white-yellow "Cassandra" ("Cassandra"), white-pink " Mopa Lisa "(" Mona Lisa "), pink" Con Cupid "(" Con Cupid ")," Casablanca "," Sorbonne ", etc.

Lilies also have terry varieties (novelties of oriental selection) "Sphinx", "Aphrodite", "Fata Morgana".

Lily beautiful - Lilium speciosum (end of August) - one of the progenitors of varieties belonging to the section Oriental - Oriental hybrids. In nature, there are many forms that differ in color (from pure white to dark crimson) and the degree of spotting of the petals.

Photo: beautiful lily "rubrum" (lilium speciosum rubrum) - an exotic variety originally from Holland ...

In racemose inflorescence up to 20 large turbid-shaped flowers, strong sweet aroma, petals with wavy edge. The flower blooms in late August, blooms for a month. All forms of this species reproduce easily and abundantly by scales.

Lilium superbum (July-August) is a tall species of wet meadows in North America with a rounded greenish-brown stem, reaching 150 cm.The bulb is round, up to 6 cm in diameter, white. The flowers are drooping, turban-shaped, golden yellow, orange, rarely red with brown spots on the tepals, located on long pedicels. The leaves are alternate, narrow-lanceolate, whorled.

This group includes, in particular, the lanceolate lily (L. lancifolium) and the onion lily (L. bulbíferu). Flowers give the garden a luxurious expressive look ...

Lilium henryi (flowering in August) - this species has great merits in breeding, as it is capable of interspecific crossing. She took part in the creation of Oriental, Tubular, Asian hybrids. The famous Black Beauty lily (the first OT hybrid) is obtained by crossing Henryi with L. Speciosum (beautiful).

Stem-root, bulb diameter up to 20 cm, dense, dark brown. The stem is powerful, curved, dark purple in color, up to 2-2.5 meters. Leaves are bright green, shiny, lanceolate. The inflorescence is spreading, consists of more than 20 turbid, yellow-orange flowers, with dark specks and green stripes on the petals, up to 6-8 cm in diameter. Homeland - the mountains of Central China. In culture - from 1900-1901. Hardy and hardy.

Lily "Cappuccino" (Lilium Tango Cappuccino) is a very beautiful cultivar with white petals, dense purple dusting and characteristic speckles. Plant height: 60-80 cm. Planting such a thoroughbred lily will become the best option for novice gardeners, as it is very unpretentious and easily survives even the most severe winters.

In the photo: the variety is called Lilium Tango Cappuccino. The flower will amaze you with its sophistication and become a real sensation in your garden.

Long-flowered lily (l. longiflorum) and hybrids based on it (The Longiflorum Hybrids) include more than a dozen species of the finest lilies, but they are quite whimsical to a climate with low winter hardiness and are intended for growing in a greenhouse. They have a very strong, sweet aroma, they are distinguished by large funnel-shaped flowers, often white.

American lilies (The American Hybrids) have not received wide distribution, but they can attract with original colors: leopard (l. Pardallinum), Canadian (l. Canadense), Colombian (L. columbianum), Humboldt (l. Humboldtii), Kellogg (L. kelloggii) , Parry (L. Parryi) and others. The flower shape is bell-shaped or tubular. Bloom - July. The height of the lilies is from one meter to two. Flower size: 10-12 cm.

What are the best lilies? Of course, the most beautiful and hardy, the collector and connoisseur of lilies are sure Vasily CHUCHIN... Today he will introduce us to the best varieties and hybrids of lilies, tell us about their features and intricacies of growing. And, of course, he will show pictures of his favorites.



Let me remind you that lilies are species (wild) and varietal (hybrid). It seems like what's the difference - lilies and lilies. However, there is a difference, and significant.

Species lilies

Many species lilies it is very difficult for an amateur to grow, and some are impossible. This is mainly possible only for sophisticated collectors who know the peculiarities of their growth in nature, where conditions are completely different than in our gardens. I will not bore you with details, but in the Black Earth Region and further south, where it is hot, the gardener is quite capable of growing the beautiful species lily Candidium - a native of Palestine. To the north, she lacks warmth. And here species lilies our country - daurian, martagon, pumilum and others are well mastered in middle lane... The exception is tiger lily, which in no case should be grown in the garden together with others, especially hybrids. She is natural lily mosaic virus carrier, itself got used to it for millions of years, but others from it become infected through sucking insects.

Can't grow in our gardens, the most beautiful lilies are spezum, auratum (‘ Gold Band ’) And especially nepalenza. I do not even advise you to try. Exceptions are possible, but when grown in a greenhouse and with a good knowledge of lilies in general. Specific American lilies, first of all, Pardalwood and its hybrids, grow well. Do not believe the labels that say - species lilies ’ BlackBeauty’, ‘ LadyAliceAre wonderful hybrids, but not species.

Lilies - garden hybrids

Now let's move on to our main garden lilies - hybrid... They began to be created already in XIX century precisely because wild lilies did not grow well in gardens when transferred from nature. Hybridizers suggested that crossed lilies will be more beautiful, and possibly acquire some other qualities. And so it happened - hybrids became more beautiful and unusually resistant when grown in gardens. The improvement process is ongoing, as people always want more and more new and beautiful. And today we see the most fantastic lily hybrids, with unusual colors, most pleasant aromas, with many advantages, which could not even have been imagined decades ago. So what are groups of lilies are we better suited?

Asian hybrids

The most common in gardens are Asian hybrids. They are the most persistent and hardy. However, not all varieties, but we must select the best.

I would recommend the white and pink ' Marlen', Early bicolor Lollipop’, Cherry’ Cola’, Three-color’ Tinos’, Yellow-red’ OklahomaCity', Varieties of tetraploid lilies from the Pearl and Valley groups, as well as exotic Tango -hybrids - ‘ GoldenStone’, ‘Olina’, ‘ BlackSpider’, ‘ PupArt’, ‘ LionHeart other.

Low hybrids from the Tiny group grow and bloom beautifully in our gardens. Weakness Asian hybrids - instability to Botrytis, however, not in all varieties. To protect the lilies, it is necessary in advance, from the beginning of the growth of the foliage, to spray the plantings with preparations against botrytis two or three times - ordan, oxychom.

LA hybrids

The next great group is LA hybrids - came to our gardens quite recently - in the mid-90s. They were obtained from crossing Asian hybrids and longiflorum hybrids (with white tubular flowers). The new group gave the most varied colors, grandiose sizes, a pleasant aroma, unpretentious cultivation and excessive reproduction, which have already ceased to appeal to some capricious lily breeders, who believe that they do not need so many lilies. But good lilies can always be presented to good neighbors or exchanged for others.

Among the many varieties of LA hybrids I would single out a few of the most persistent and effective - these are white and pink ’ TopGun’And‘ Samur’, Orange’ IndianDiamond’And‘ Daytona’, Yellow’ Fray’And‘ GoldenState’, Red’ OriginalLive’, White’ BrightDiamond', as well as Tango -hybrids - ‘ Kentucky’, ‘ SpotOn’, ‘ FunnyGirl.

LA hybrids are more resistant to Botrytis than Asian hybrids, but suffer more from mosaic, so the selection of varieties must be carried out constantly, and unstable ones should be removed from the garden in order to avoid contamination of all other lilies. Large and beautiful LA hybrids are great in cut. It looks like they will be our favorites for a long time.

Martagon hybrids

Group of martagon hybridsas if revived from oblivion and oblivion only in recent years, thanks to the introduction by the Dutch of micropropagation of old and new varieties. The transition to mass reproduction allowed us to see rare varieties of martagon hybrids that were created at the beginning - the middle of the last century, as well as more recent ones, twenty to thirty years ago. Why so old? The fact is that very slowly martagons breed, you can work with them, live your life and not wait for mass flowering. Science has finally made it possible, and we admire the varieties " Redman’, ‘ OrangeMarmalade’, ‘ PinkAttraction’, ‘ ArabianNight’, ‘ ManitobaFox’, ‘ ClaudeShride and others.

This group is best seated in the fall., since during spring planting (which is what happens today, when deliveries from Holland are only in spring), the marchons, at best, will give only a small stem for the next season or bloom poorly. Autumn planting large bulbs will mainly give full bloom the next season. Martagons rarely get sick and have been growing in the garden for decades.

Favorite groups of yesteryear - oriental and tubular hybrids - fade into the background in our gardens, mainly because of the difficulties of growing and harsh aromas. They grow best south of the Moscow Region, where the growing season is hotter and longer. They have their fans, those who manage to grow them, or cut lovers. Here orientals will be out of competition for a long time, but other groups of complex hybrids with the participation of both orientals and tubular are already stepping on their heels. it OA hybrids, LO and LOO hybrids, and especially OT hybrids.

OA hybrids

I'll start with OA hybrids. The most difficult group for hybridizers, but already a dream come true of our youth, when we said to each other - "I wish we could cross Oriental with Asians!" Now this is already there, such varieties grow in our gardens, but there are still few of them. In the last year, six new names have appeared to the five previously known to us. Growing here are persistent lilies, but not yet as huge and beautiful as the Oriental. Of these, I would single out ‘ FirstCrown’And‘ EleganceCrown’. On the way ‘ Kokopa’, ‘ Nanjing’, ‘ Shandong’.

LO hybrids

In LO hybrids, flowers are only tubular. These are mainly cut lilies (for example, " Bellsong"), but they grow well in gardens. The only trouble is that they are susceptible to viruses.

LOO - hybrids

This group is much more interesting their flowers are huge, cup-shaped with a very pleasant aroma. These lilies grow well and winter well. There is still a drawback - they are not very diverse in color, only white, pink, crimson with options. The best varieties – ‘PinkBrilliant’, ‘ Dreamweaver’, ‘ Polar’, ‘ Nuance.

OT hybrids

In orientpets, or OT hybrids, we finally got the best. They are the most interesting for us lily breeders. A grandiose group, without exaggeration, was obtained in the 50s of the last century in the USA, and the first was the variety. ' BlackBeauty’, Now widely known. Got it from species lilies spezum, variety rubrum and Henry... The variety still grows beautifully in our gardens, it is he who is the first OT hybrid.

Dfor quite a long time it was a curiosity in the world of lilies, until the Japanese began to receive single hybrids of this type, then the Americans continued not shaky. Neither this work, but the revolution was accomplished only in Holland, where everything is subject to obtaining cutting material on a huge scale. They saw in OT hybrids the possibility of creating cup-shaped varietiesby introducing exotic then upward-looking American varieties tubular hybrids of the Angel Strain group... And today, almost all Dutch varieties have goblet-shaped flowers, in contrast to American ones, which are mostly drooping. But both of them are of huge sizes, of unusual colors (combinations are very different, even those that the parents did not have - red, orange, and others).

Lilies of this group with a very delicate, pleasant aroma, there are also very high, up to 2, 2 meters , grow not only in the greenhouse, but also in the open field. Orienpets amaze everyone who sees them with their beauty, especially for the first time. In all gardens, they grow beautifully, some reproduce well, divide themselves and build up a lot of children, which their parents do not have. They get sick less often than lilies of other groups, but sometimes they are affected by a viral mosaic. It is better to burn such plants immediately, since viral plant diseases cannot be treated. Care for Orienpets is the same as for other groups of lilies, but they need to be fed more, respecting their size.

Of the varieties, I would single out ‘Scheherazade’, ’ HollandBeauty’, ‘ Shocking’, ‘ PurpleKing’, ‘ Frisco’, ‘ Flashpoint’, ‘ Robina’, ‘ Donato’, ‘ Saltarello’, ‘ Anastasia’, ‘ Nymph’, ‘ Paraguay’, ‘ Massari’, ‘ Tabledance’, ‘ Arvandrud’, ‘ Mr. Job’, ‘ Big Brothers’.

This season, for the first time, the Dutch firm Mac Breeding has offered a commercial grade " Golden era" from the group TA hybrids... They were obtained by backcrossing. Their mother is a Tubular hybrid, and their father is Asian. Previously, they went the other way, mom - Asian, dad - Tubular. But essentially it's the same Aziapet, because the parents are the same. The variety is similar to tubular lilies. Asiapets are grown very rarely, for example, in Germany (from where they appeared with me) and Switzerland. This is a purely amateur small group that is as easy to grow as Asian hybrids.

Some common truths about growing lilies

For lilies to flourish, need:

  1. Choose healthy and dense bulbs, do not allow them to germinate or dry out.
  2. Plant in time, better in September - early October, not bad in April - May. Even flowering lilies can be transplanted with a lump of earth.
  3. Choose a suitable place (open to tubular, Orleans, Asiatic and interspecific hybrids and semi-shaded for other species), fertile and acidic soil. Tubular, for example, do not tolerate acidic soil. Lime or ash must be added under them. After planting, mulching is carried out. For the winter, the same tubular should be covered with leaves, shavings. Lilies are very responsive to fertilization.
  4. To give lilies constant attention ... They do not tolerate excess moisture, but they always need moderate moisture.
  5. On time, several times a season to feed:

- before flowering with nitrogen and potassium;

- after - once or twice with potassium monophosphate.

6. Prevent the emergence of pests and diseases, especially gray rot, fusarium, aphids and lily beetle, for which purpose remove and burn at the end of the season all plant residues, regularly, at least 3-4 years old, replant and divide overgrown bulbs nests, prevent planting from thickening, treat with fungicides in early spring against fungal diseases.

See also Photo gallery of lilies and

Lily (lat.Lilium) is a perennial flowering plant, belongs to the class monocotyledonous, lily-colored, lily family, lily genus. These beautiful flowers known since ancient times. The image of a lily is found on frescoes, vases, coins of various ancient civilizations - Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia. For many peoples, this flower is considered a symbol of purity, innocence, purity. The name lily in translation from ancient Celtic means "whiteness", and from Old Gaulish - "white-white".

Lily - description, structure, characteristics. What does a lily look like?

Lilies have a bulb, which is a shortened stem and consists of separate, adjacent scales, which are modified leaves. During the growing season, nutrient reserves are deposited in them. Scales are different in size, shape, location. In summer they grow from the center of the bulb. The outer scales die off periodically. Depending on the species, they are the size of a grain of oat (in the oat lily (L. avenaceum)), and are up to 10 cm in diameter (in the Henry lily (L. Henryi)). Usually the number of scales is 8-40 pcs., But sometimes there can be 100-120 pcs., As, for example, in the bulb of the Kesselring lily (L. Kesselringianum). Each scale that is removed from the bulb can form a new bulb.

The structure of the lily bulb is different types: concentric, stolonal, false-columnar, rhizome. Depending on the species, the bulbs have different colors: white (Asiatic lilies), purple (tubular lilies), yellow (Caucasian lilies).

From the base of the bottom of the bulb, main or sub-bulbous roots grow, for the most part perennial. With their help, the plant is kept in the ground and feeds. These types include pure white lily (L. candidum), tiled lily (L. testaceum), etc.

Most lilies have stem or supra-bulbous roots. They grow from a short underground part of the stem and serve to feed and absorb moisture from the surface layer of the soil, as well as help keep the stem upright. Such roots die off in the fall along with the stem. This group of lilies is called stem-root. Its representatives are Lily regale (L. regale), lily Henry (L. Henryi), special lily (L. Speciosum), etc.

Taken from the site:

The lily stem is smooth, sometimes pubescent, brownish or green in color. Its height can reach 2 - 2.5 m in oriental lilies and their hybrids, and in some wild species only 15-20 cm.

The stem is covered with sessile leaves. Their placement and shape are different depending on the type of plant. Lily leaves can be whorled on the stem, i.e. several leaves depart from one node, as, for example, in curly lily (L. martagon), and alternately, that is, one at a time, like in a drooping lily (L. cernuum). Often these two forms can be combined: at the bottom of the whorl, and to the top, the leaves are located in a spiral. The leaves are linear or lanceolate with longitudinal venation. Their width ranges from 2 to 6 cm, and their length is from 2 to 20 cm. Usually, the leaves are larger in the lower part of the plant, and decrease towards the top. The color of the lily leaves is varied: from light green to dark purple. Their surface can be glossy or pubescent. In many species of lilies, mini-bulbs, called bulbs, form in the leaf axils, for example, in the lanceolate lily (L. lancifolium). Once on the ground, they germinate.

The main specific features of lilies are the shape, color and size of their flowers. Flower sizes are determined by diameter and height. The smallest flowers in wild lilies - from 2 cm in diameter, the largest - in golden (L. auratum), beautiful (L. speciosum) lilies and their hybrids - up to 30 cm.

Lily flowers are collected at the top of the stem in inflorescences, numbering from 5 to 35 or more flowers. Occasionally there are 1-2 flowers. The types of inflorescences can be as follows:

  • racemose,
  • paniculate,
  • umbrella,
  • corymbose.

The lily flower consists of 6 petals, 6 stamens with large elongated anthers and a pistil. In shape, flowers are:

  • tubular,
  • cupped (or goblet),
  • funnel-shaped,
  • star-shaped (star-shaped),
  • turbid,
  • bell-shaped,
  • flat.

In addition, as a result of crossing different types of lilies, many hybrids have appeared, in which the shape of the flower is a mixture of classical forms, for example - star-shaped flat.

The color of the petals of a lily flower can be very diverse, and as a result of hybridization color palette expanded even more. Lilies are available in yellow, orange, red, pink, lilac, apricot and intermediate tones. There are distinct specks on the petals, differing in number, color, size, shape and density of placement. Hybrids have been bred that do not have specks, for example, Connecticut Meid, elegant lily (Narjadnaja). Specks are varietal traits of the genus, as are the coloration of anthers, pollen, filaments, pistil and stigma.

Some types of lilies, such as long-flowered and oriental, have a pleasant aroma, most pipe lilies smell harsh, and many Asiatic do not smell at all.

Where does the lily grow?

In the wild, lilies grow in the Northern Hemisphere: in Europe, Asia, several species in North America and North Africa. They occupy a vast area between 68 ° N. sh. and 11 ° n. sh. Western China, South-Eastern Tibet and Northern Burma are especially rich in species of lilies.

Wild lilies are found in mountainous areas and foothills, in forests, in clearings and forest edges, in wetlands or open grassy slopes. Lilies rarely grow in the steppe zone. Cultivated varieties of lilies can grow everywhere in gardens with proper care.

Lily varieties, photos and names

As a result of crossing different types lilies arose about 10 thousand hybrids of this plant. In 1962, the American breeder Jan de Graaf proposed a classification based on their origin and common biological features... It was adopted as an international classification of lilies and is still used, taking into account refinements and additions. According to this classification, all lilies were divided into 10 sections. The first eight sections include varieties, and the ninth - types of lilies.

Section 1. Asian hybrids (Asiatic hybrids)

Section 2. Hybrids Curly (Martagon hybrids)

Section 3. Snow-white hybrids (Candidum hybrids)

Section 4. American hybrids

Section 5. Longiflorum hybrids

Section 6. Trumpet and Aurelian hybrids

Section 7. Oriental hybrids

Section 8. Interspecific hybrids (hybrids between lilies of 1, 5, 6 and 7 sections LA-hybrids, OT-hybrids, LO-hybrids, OA-hybrids)

Section 9. All wild species of lilies and their varieties.

Section 10. Lily hybrids not included in the previous sections.

Section 1. Asian hybrids of lilies

It has about 5000 varieties of lilies and is the most numerous of all the sections. The height of Asian lilies is different - from 40 cm to 1.5 m. These flowers are unpretentious, hardy, rarely get sick, resist pests well, they are easy to propagate. They have large flowers, 10-14 cm in diameter, of a wide variety of colors - from snow-white to almost black. They begin to bloom in late June and finish in early August. Asian hybrids were created by crossing East Asian species: Maksimovich's lily, tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), David's lily (Lilium davidii), drooping lily (Lilium cernuum), dwarf lily (Lilium pumilum), Pennsylvanian lily (Lilium pensylvanicum) (Lilium concolor) and others, as well as interspecific hybrids: Lilium scottiae, Dutch (Lilium hollandicum) and spotted lily (Lilium maculatum). Plants included in this section, in turn, are divided into groups. There are three such groups. The composition of each of them is determined by the shape of the flower and its direction:

1a - flowers of a cup-shaped or cupped shape are directed upwards,

1b - flowers are directed in different directions.

1c - turbid-shaped flowers are directed downward (drooping).

Several Asian hybrids have double single-colored flowers: Aphrodite, Sphinx, Fata Morgana, EIodie; and some are double flowers in two colors: Double Sensation. Asian hybrids are odorless. Below are some of the Asian varieties of lilies.

  • Aaron(Aaron)

Asiatic lily with white double flowers. Reaches 80 cm in height. Blooms in June - July.

  • Nove Cento (Nove cento)

Asiatic lily. Perianth of bright yellow-green color with a small number of dark red dots, stigma of the same shade and rich orange pollen. The diameter of the flower is 15.5 cm. The lily is not very high: from 60 to 90 cm. It blooms throughout July.

  • Mapira (Mapira)

Asian variety of lilies. The flowers are claret-black, iridescent, with bright orange stamens. The diameter of the flower is up to 18 cm. The height of the lily is 130 cm. The flowering period of the Mapira lily is June-July.

  • Mystery Dream (Mystery Dream)

Asian hybrid. Lily with terry light green petals. There are dark specks in the center. Not very tall plants, up to 80 cm. Blossom in July-August.

Taken from the site:

  • Double Sense(Double Sensation)

The Asian hybrid is dark red in color with a white center. Lily petals are terry. Plant height 60-70 cm. It blooms in mid-summer.

Taken from the site:

  • Lion Heart(Lion Heart)

Asiatic lily of unusual, catchy color. The petals are black with a purple tint, and the tips and base of the petals are bright yellow with dark purple specks. Flowers 12-15 cm in diameter. It grows up to 60-80 cm. The lily bloom period is June - July.

  • Detroit(Detroit)

Asiatic lily. The flowers are bright red with a yellowish-orange center, the stamens are yellow-red with dark red anthers. The diameter of the flowers is 12-17 cm. The height of the lily is up to 90-120 cm. The flowering period is June-July.

Taken from the site:

Section 2. Curly lily hybrids (Martagon hybrids)

The section consists of about two hundred species of lilies. Plants reach a height of one and a half meters. They grow in different types of soil, preferring shaded, but not dark areas. Good for curly lily hybrids orchards... It is better not to transplant these lilies, they do not like it. But they are frost-resistant and durable. Lilies of the second section have medium-sized flowers with a diameter of 5-8 cm, with buds looking down, the petals are twisted up. The perianth is covered with dark spots and has a variety of colors: yellow, pink, white, orange, dark red, brownish and light lavender. Peduncles are wide-spread. Curly hybrids come from curly lilies ( L. mаrtagon), Ganson ( L. hansonii), honeydew ( L. medeoloides), two-row ( L. distichum), Tsingtout ( L. tsingtauense). Martagon hybrids have a pleasant, delicate aroma. Here are some varieties of curly lily hybrids: Chameleon, Claude Shride, Guinea Gold, Manitoba Fox, Maroon King, Manitoba Morning, Arabian Knight ( Arabian Night).

  • Claude Shride

Martagon is a hybrid of a lily with a height of 120 to 190 cm. The petals are curved, dark red with a purple tinge, closer to the middle are covered with yellow-orange spots. Flower diameter up to 10 cm. The plant is frost-resistant and unpretentious. The lily blooms in June.

  • Slate's Morning

Curly lily hybrid. The flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, the petals are yellowish towards the middle and pink at the edges. The specks are brown, located in the middle of the flower. This lily grows from 90 to 150 cm in height. The flowering time of this variety is June-July.

Section 3. Snow-white hybrids of lilies

For this section, the name European hybrids is often used, since they originated from European species of lilies, such as snow-white lily (L. candidum), chalcedony (L. chalcedonicum) and other European species, except curly lily. And the name "snow-white hybrids" was given to this section due to the fact that it includes plants whose flowers are painted in white or slightly yellowish shades. The perianth is tubular or wide-funnel-shaped. The flower reaches 10-12 cm in diameter and smells good. The stem is high: 120-180 cm. Snow-white hybrids of lilies are whimsical, they need attention and care, they are often affected by fungus, they do not tolerate cold well, they need to be covered for the winter. These lilies love sunny areas. The best varieties of Candidium hybrids include Apollo.

  • Apollo

Candidum lily hybrid. Blooms from June to July. The flowers are snow-white with small dark dots in the middle, fragrant, 10-12 cm in diameter. Plant height from 80 to 120 cm.

  • Madonna (Madonna)

Snow-white hybrid of lilies. Purely white flower 10-12 cm in diameter, tubular with bent petals. Blooms in June - July. Has a delicate aroma.

Section 4. American hybrids of lilies

These are the descendants of the species growing in North America: the leopard lily ( L. pardalinum), Colombian lily ( L. columbianum), Canadian lily ( L. canadence) and others (140 items in total). They reach a height of 2 m. Flowering time is July. Lily flowers are tubular or bell-shaped, 10-12 cm in diameter, and have a wide variety of colors. Flowers are often two-colored and covered with large specks. Most plants have a pleasant smell. At home, these hybrids are unpopular. They prefer slightly shaded places, but do not like transplanting. American hybrids are whimsical: they need regular watering and winter shelter... Here are some varieties of American lily hybrids: Lake Tulare, Shuksan, Afterglow, Buttercup.

  • Lake Tulare (Lake Tulare)

American lily hybrid. The petals are strongly curved, yellowish with dark red dots in the middle, pinkish at the edges. It grows in height up to 120 cm.

  • Afterglow (Afterglow)

American hybrid. Lily flowers drooping, turbid, crimson-red, with large dark spots. Tall plant - up to 2 m.

Section 5. Long-flowered hybrids of lilies

Come from long-flowered lily ( L. longiflorum), Formosan ( L. formosanum), Philippine ( L. phylippinense) and other tropical and subtropical lilies. The average height of the whole plant is from 1 to 1.2 m, and the height of the flower is 15-20 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped. The buds are multidirectional, drooping. The petals are painted in shades of white. They have a delicate aroma. Long-flowered lilies are more afraid of frost than any other species, since the “parental” species growing in the subtropical zone of southern Japan are not accustomed to the cold. In colder latitudes than the subtropics, these plants are grown in greenhouses. The best varieties of long-flowered hybrids: White Heaven, White Elegans, White Fox.

  • White Heaven

A long-flowered hybrid of a lily that grows up to 90-110 cm in height. The flowers are 15 cm in diameter, white with a greenish center and slightly curled petals. Flowering time July - August.

  • White Fox

Long-flowered hybrid of white color with a slight yellowness. It reaches a height of 130 cm.The length of the flower tube is up to 16 cm, and the diameter is up to 12 cm.

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Section 6. Tubular and Orleans hybrids of lilies

Orleans hybrids - the result of crossing the Henry lily ( L. Henryi) with the following types of lilies: royal lily ( L. regale), glorious ( L. gloriosum), Sargent ( L. sargentiae), sulfur ( L. sulphureum), white-flowered ( L. leucanthum) and others. There are up to 1000 varieties in this group. The section is divided into 4 subsections, taking into account the shape of the flowers and their position on the stem.

and. Tubular (like a regal lily).

b. Cup-shaped (with wide open leaves).

in. Drooping (having a turban-like shape).

d. Star-shaped (flat).

Flowers in tubular hybrids are large, from 12 to 18 cm in length, with a very strong aroma. The colors are very different. Plants have a height of 120-190 cm. Viral and fungal diseases are not terrible for tubular hybrids. They are hardy, cold-resistant plants that love sunny areas. They need good drainage to grow successfully. Here are some varieties of tubular and Orleans hybrids: Pink Perfection, African Queen, Royal Gold, Golden Splendor, Lady Alice, Regale.

  • African Queen(African Queen)

A very aromatic variety of lilies, which belongs to the tubular hybrids. It has a racemose inflorescence of 3-6 upward, large flowers, 15-16 cm in diameter. The flower is orange-apricot, brown strokes are located on the outer side of the petals. The height of these lilies reaches 120-140 cm. The flowering period of this type of lily is July-August.

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  • Pink Perfection (Pink Perfection)

A variety of lilies from the Orleans hybrids. Flowers 11 cm in diameter and 13 cm long have lilac-pink petals, light green staminate filaments, a brown column above and bright orange anthers. They are collected in racemose inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. Plant height reaches 180 cm. The flowering period is August.

Section 7. Oriental hybrids of lilies

Were obtained from species growing in East Asia: beautiful lily ( L. speciosum), golden ( L. auratum), Japanese ( L. japonicum), reddish ( L. rubellum), as well as their hybrids with the Henry lily ( L. Henryi). These include about 1300 varieties. These lilies are very whimsical and love warmth. They reach a height of 40 cm to 1.2 m. The flowers are huge (up to 30 cm in diameter) with corrugated petals painted in white, red and pink tones. The varieties Miss Lusy and Double Star have double petals. A distinctive feature of the color is the edging along the edge of the petals or a strip in the center. Lilies bloom from August to September. This section also contains 4 subsections according to the shape of the flowers:

and. lilies with a tubular flower shape.

b. lilies with a cup-shaped flower.

in. Lilies with a flat flower shape.

d. Lilies with petals bent back.

The best varieties of oriental lily hybrids: Miss Birma, Tarden Party (Garden Party), Stargazer, Casa Blanca, Crystal Star, Le Reve, Salmon Star Star).

  • Canberra(Canberra)

Lily variety that belongs to oriental hybrids. Blooms from August to September. The flowers are crimson, there are dark spots on the petals, the middle is yellow. Plant height - up to 180 cm.

  • Stargazer

An oriental hybrid with upward-facing crimson-pink flowers, 15-17 cm in diameter. Lily petals are wavy at the edges, almost completely covered with oblong, convex, dark red specks. Lilies bloom in August and have a strong aroma. Plant height - 80-150 cm.

  • Salmon Star

An oriental hybrid growing up to 2 m. Flowers are large, up to 20 cm in diameter and more. Flowering time is June-July. The petals are of a delicate salmon color, covered with bright orange specks, corrugated. These lilies have a very strong scent.

Taken from the site:

Section 8. Interspecific hybrids of lilies

This is a section that includes all the interspecific hybrids of lilies that were not included in the previous sections. Their name consists of the first letters of the species of their "parents": LA, OT, LO, OA.

LA hybrids (Asian longiflorum) - hybrids of Asian lilies (Asiatic) and longiflorum lilies (Longiflorum). Their number, which is about 200 varieties, continues to increase. They have the best qualities inherent in parents: endurance and varied color (from Asian hybrids), the ability to develop rapidly (from long-flowered). Thanks to the latest LA, hybrids have large flowers, as if made from wax. They bloom profusely throughout June and July, along with Asian species. Favorable places for growth are open or slightly shaded areas. LA hybrids are winter-hardy.

OT hybrids obtained by crossing oriental lilies (Oriental) and pipe lilies (Trumpet). They were first obtained in the 90s of the XX century. Large, directed to the sides or upward, wide-bowl or funnel-shaped flowers form up to thirty inflorescences. Coloring can be multi-tone or monochromatic: yellow, orange, red or pink. Flowers appear in July - August and smell strong. Plants are tall, with strong stems. For their height, reaching 180 cm, and sometimes 2.5 meters, they are called "Lilies-trees".

LO hybrids arose not so long ago. By crossing long-flowered (Longiflorum) and oriental (Oriental) hybrids in various combinations, breeders have received LO-hybrids. Tall plants, up to 100 - 130 cm, tolerate sun and shade equally well. Delicate flowers, colored yellow and a combination of white and pink, have a short tubular or funnel shape. The diameter of the flowers is 10-20 cm. The aroma of lilies is very pleasant.

OA hybrids - another completely new, promising group, obtained from the crossing of oriental (Oriental) and Asian (Aziatic) hybrids. Directed mainly upward, the flowers of these lilies are slightly smaller than those of oriental hybrids, but no less beautiful. The leaves of this group of lilies are wider than those of the eastern ones. Plants are unpretentious.

  • Pretty Woman (Prettywoman)

OT-hybrid of lilies up to 180 cm high. Blooms in July - August. The flower is very large, cream color, turning into pink towards the center.

  • Triumphant(Triumphator)

LO-hybrid. Lily 120-140 cm high with very large flowers up to 25 cm in diameter. The flower has wide white petals with a pink-crimson center, bright yellow-green nectaries, orange anthers and a yellowish-green stigma. The Triumphant lily blooms in July-August.

  • Anastasia(Anastasia)

OT-hybrid up to 150 cm high. Curved petals are colored in pink color, the edges and center of the flower are white. Also, the flower has streaks of crimson color and specks inside. Lily blooms in July.

  • Shocking (Shocking)

OT-hybrid of lilies. The petals are bright yellow, inside are red-brown strokes, with red dots, greenish-yellowish outside. The stigma is purple with a green top, the nectaries are yellow-green, the anthers are dark red-brown. The flowers are large, up to 21 cm. Plant height is up to 130 cm. Lilies of this variety bloom in July - August.

Section 9. Species lilies

This includes about a hundred species of wild-growing lilies, common in southern Europe, eastern Asia, in the mountains of India and several species of northern America. In 1949, the English scientist Comber classified species lilies based on their geography and biological characteristics. This classification was revised and supplemented by M.V. Baranova 1988.

Section 10. Hybrids of lilies not included in the previous sections

  • Lady Alice (Lady Alice) is a rare hybrid.

Turban-shaped flowers with strongly curved apricot petals orange, with white edges and light brown dots. The stamens are very long. The stem of the plant is 120-150 cm, covered with dark brownish-purple spots. Lily blooms in July-August.

Lily classification

Lily is a plant that has a large species composition. Growing over vast territories, these flowers differ from each other not only in the structure of bulbs, flowers, inflorescences and seeds, but also in the requirements for soil, humidity, and temperatures. There are several classifications of lilies, each of which subdivides them into a number of groups. The classification of V.M. Baranova, adopted in 1988. According to this classification, the genus of lilies is divided into 11 sections, which include the following types:

Section 1.Lilium

L. snow-white or white - L. candidum.

Section 2.Eurolilium

L. Albanian - L. albanicum,

L. karniolskaya - L. carniolicum,

L. Kesselringa - L. kesselringianum,

L. Ledebour - L. ledebouri,

L. one-brother - L. monadelphum,

L. ciliated (pubescent) - L. ciliatum,

L. Pyrenean - L. pyrenaicum,

L. pomponnaya - L. pomponicum,

L. Sovicha or Shovitsa - L. szovitsianum,

L. khalkedonskaya - L. chalcedonicum,

L. artvinskaya - L. artvinense,

L. pontic - L. ponticum,

L. Rodopskaya - L. rhodopaeum.

Section 3.Martagon

L. Hanson - L. hansonii,

L. two-row - L. distichum,

L. curly or Saranka - L. martagon,

L. weak - L. debile,

L. honey lobe - L. medeoloides,

L. qingdao (tsingtau) - L. tsingtauense.

Section 4.Pseudomartagon

L. is proud or magnificent - L. superbum,

L. canadian - L. canadence,

L. leopard - L. pardalinum,

L. Michigan - L. michiganense,

L. Gray - L. grayi,

L. Michaud - L. michauxii,

L. rainbow - L. iridollae,

L. Pitkin - L. pitkinense,

L. Vollmer - L. vollmeri,

L. Wiggins - L. wigginsii,

L. Primorskaya - L. maritinum,

L. western - L. ociidentale,

L. Kelly - L. kelleyanum,

L. small - L. parvum,

L. Parry - L. parryi,

L. Humboldt - L. humboldtii,

L. eye - L. icellatum,

L. Bolander - L. bolanderi,

L. Colombian - L. columbianum,

L. Washington - L. washingtonianum,

L. blushing - L. rubescens,

L. Kellogg - L. kelloggii.

Section 5. Archelirion

L. Alexandra - L. alexandrae,

L. Henry - L. henryi,

L. golden - L. auratum,

L. reddish - L. rubellum,

L. beautiful - L. speciosum,

L. Japanese - L. japonicum,

L. Konisi - L. konishii,

L. Rosthorn - L. rosthornii,

L. noblest - L. nobilissimum.

Section 6.Regalia

L. Belotsvetkovaya - L. leucanthum,

L. sulfur-yellow or countless-leaved - L. sulphureum = L. myriophylium, L. Brown - L. brownii,

L. Wallich - L. wallichianum,

L. longiflorum - L. longiflorum,

L. nilgirskaya (neilpherskaya) - L. neilgherrense,

L. Sargent - L. sargentiae,

L. Filipinskaya - L. philippinense,

L. Taiwanese - L. formosanum,

L. regal or royal - L. regale.

Section 7.Sinomartagon

L. David - L. davidii,

L. dwarf - L. pumilum,

L. Lankong - L. lankongense,

L. drooping - L. cernuum,

L. pleasant - L. amabile,

L. papillary - L. papilliferum,

L. taliyskaya - L. taliense,

L. lanceolate or brindle - L. lancifolium = L. tigrinum,

L. Leuchtlina - L. leichtlinii,

L. pseudo-tiger or Maksimovich - L. pseudotigrinum,

L. Willmott - L. Willmottiae,

L. Chinese - L. sinensis,

L. Duchartre - L. duchaertrei,

L. Ward - L. wardii, L. Nina - L. ninae,

L. Tien Shan - L. tianschanicum.

Section 8. Sinolirium

L. monochromatic - L. concolor,

L. Bush - L. buschianum.

Section 9. Pseudolirium

L. Pennsylvanian or Daurian - L. pensylvanicum = L. dauricum,

L. onion-bearing - L. bulbiferum,

L. orange - L. aurantiacum,

L. spotted - L. x maculatum,

L. Philadelphia - L. philadelphicum,

L. Catsby - L. catesbaei.

Section 10. Nepalensia

L. calloused - L. callosum,

L. Nepalese - L. nepalense,

L. primrose - L. primulinum,

L. Poilen - L. poilanei,

L. woody - L. arboricola,

L. multifoliate - L. polyphyllum,

L. Farger - L. fargesii,

L. yellowish - L. xanthellum,

L. Stewart - L. stewartianum.

Section 11. Lophophora

L. adorable - L. amoenum,

L. Baker - L. bakerianum,

L. Georg - L. georgei,

L. Prince Henri - L. henrici,

L. comb-bearing - L. lophophorum,

L. McLean - L. mackliniae,

L. undersized - L. nanum,

L. strange - L. paradoxum,

L. youthful - L. sempervivoideum,

L. Sheriff - L. sherriffiae,

L. Suli - L. souliei,

L. three-headed - L. triceps.

Types of lilies, photos and names

Below is a description of some types of lilies.

  • Lily white,she white lilyor lily pure white (lat. L ilium c andidum)

The plant reaches 100-150 cm in height. The bulb is rounded, up to 15 cm in diameter, consists of white or yellowish lanceolate scales. The lily stem is smooth, light green in color, sometimes with purple strokes. Leaves are smooth, light green, wider at the bottom than the top. The lower leaves are collected in a rosette, and are arranged alternately up the stem. The flowers are broad-funnel-shaped, pure white. The pollen is light yellow. The lily fruit is a box. White lily blooms from June to July.

The homeland of the plant is the Mediterranean. White lilies grow in southern Europe, southwestern Asia, and also in Russia (everywhere up to the taiga zone). The plant propagates by scales and seeds. This flower has long been used in cosmetology and medicine.

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Taken from the site:

  • Curly lily (lat. L ilium martagon )

It has several names: Saranka, Sardana, Sarana, Badun, Maslyanka, Tsar's curls, Forest lily, Turkish lily. The plant reaches a height of 150 cm. The bulb is ovoid, up to 10 cm in diameter. Consists of narrow-lanceolate scales of golden yellow color. Stem cylindrical, green with dark purple streaks, glabrous or pubescent. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, at the bottom they are collected in whorls of 6-10 pieces, alternately located at the top. Lily flowers drooping, 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences. The perianth has a turban-like shape and a dull lilac-pink color with dark brown spots. The pollen is brownish red. There are varieties of curly lilies with flowers ranging from white to almost black in color.

This lily blooms in June. It is unpretentious, frost-resistant. Her homeland is Eurasia. The curly lily grows in plains, meadows, in the mountains and foothills, in wide and small-leaved forests from Portugal in the west to the headwaters of the Lena River in the east, and from the mouth of the Yenisei in the north to southern Mongolia in the south. Lily multiplies by dividing the nests of bulbs, bulbous scales. In culture, this lily is used as ornamental plant... Both the main species and its subspecies are used in hybridization. Forest lily bulbs can be eaten as a condiment. The plant is a honey plant and is used in medicine and veterinary medicine.

  • Lily Henry (lat. L ilium h enryi)

It is named after the Irish botanist Augustine Henry, who first found it. Known since 1889. The height of the lily varies from 150 to 250 cm. The stem of the plant is cylindrical, curved, green, with dark purple strokes. Leaves are lanceolate, often crescent-curved, glabrous, dark green. The lily inflorescence is panicle-shaped, consists of 10-20 drooping flowers on long pedicels. The form of the perianth is weakly turbid, the color is light orange with dark relief spots, strokes, papillae and a bright green nectar-bearing furrow. A garden variety of Henry's lily with light lemon-yellow flowers is known. The pollen of the flower is dark brown.

Lilies bloom from August to September inclusive. The flowers of this plant are fragrant and hardy.

The homeland of Henry Lily is Central China. It reproduces by seeds, scales, underground stem bulbs - babies. Used in hybridization.

  • Lily regal (lat. L ilium r egale), she royal lily, Tibetan lily, regale lily,chinese lily

One of the most common species in culture. Found by English botanist Ernest Wilson in the Chinese province of Sichuan.

The plant reaches a height of 120-180 cm. The bulb of the plant is round, 10-15 cm in diameter, consists of large lanceolate scales of yellow or yellowish-brown tones, becoming dark purple in the light. The stem is ribbed, gray-green with dark purple strokes. The plant has supra-bulbous roots. Leaves are linear, arranged alternately. The regal lily has racemose inflorescences, containing up to 30 flowers. The flowers are tubular, up to 15 cm long and 10-15 cm in diameter. Lily petals are white, pinkish-brown outside, with shine and yellowness in the throat. On the inside there is a green nectar-bearing furrow. The pollen of the flowers is bright yellow.

The royal lily blooms in mid-July. It is a highly aromatic plant that is resistant to various diseases. The disadvantage is the instability to late frost. The royal lily reproduces by seeds, scales, stem underground bulbs. It is widely used in breeding and hybridization. From the regale lily a large group of tubular hybrids originated.

  • Lily dwarf (thin-leaved, short, low, narrow-leaved) (lat.Lilium pumilum , Lilium tenuifolium )

It has a height of 20-60 cm. The bulb is white, ovoid, up to 4 cm in diameter. The lanceolate scales fit tightly together, creating the appearance of one whole. The stem is straight, glabrous or covered with coarse hairs. Stem color is green, rarely purple. In the middle, it is densely covered with alternately arranged leaves, the top and bottom of the stem are bare. The flowers are bright red, turbid, drooping, solitary or 2-8 flowers in loose racemose inflorescences.

Lily blooms in mid-July. Dwarf lilies grow in Gorny Altai, Mongolia, China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The plant is found on open rocky slopes among grasses and low bushes. In Russia, the lily is widespread from the Yenisei to the Sea of \u200b\u200bJapan. Winter hardy. Propagated by seeds. Dwarf lily is widely used in breeding.

  • Tiger lily (lanceolate) (lat. L ilium lancifolium, earlier - L ilium t igrinum)

The plant is of average height from 100 to 120 cm. The bulb is loose, ovoid, consisting of oval white scales. The stem is ribbed, pubescent, brown. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged in regular order. Bulbs are in the axils of the leaves. Lily flowers are turbid, drooping, 2-15 pieces per inflorescence. The pollen is brown. The color of the lily is orange-red with black spots, reminiscent of a predatory color, or. The plant blooms in August.

The homeland of this species is East China, Japan, the Korean Peninsula, the Kuril Islands, South Primorye. Tiger lilies do not set seeds, they multiply by dividing bulbs, bulbs and underground bulbs.

  • Lily Bush (lily is beautiful, pretty) (lat.Lilium buschianum , Lilium p ulchellum)

Has an East Asian origin. The tubers of this lily were sent from Russia to England, where the plant was described by the English botanist K. Lodiges in 1830 and received the name of the Bush lily. In Russia in 1839, the description of the flower was compiled by the German botanist F.B. Fischer, serving in Russia. For its miniature size and beautiful flowers, the lily was named Pulchellum - pretty.

Plant height is 30-60 cm. Small bulbs are ovoid. The stem is thin, smooth, green. Leaves are narrow-lanceolate, sparsely arranged, in regular order. Lily flowers are star-shaped, broad-funnel-shaped, directed upward, single, less often collected in a brush of 2-5 flowers. The diameter of the flower reaches 6-8 cm. The color of the lily is reddish-orange, less often light red. Outside, the flower can be bare or pubescent.

Beautiful lilies are common in Eastern Siberia (Transbaikalia, Zeya-Bureinsky region, Ussuriysky Territory). They grow on meadows, well-lit treeless slopes, in sparse thickets of bushes, on the edges of small-leaved forests. Lilies bloom in June-July. The plant is used in hybridization and has also been widely used in medicine.

  • Lilia daurskaya (Pennsylvania) (lat. L ilium pensylvanicum , L ilium dauricum )

Described in 1805. The Pennsylvanian lily received its name by mistake, because this plant was unknown in North America. When the origin of this flower was found out, its nomenclature name was not changed. Now in the literature there are two names for this species - Pennsylvanian lily and Daurian lily.

Plant height is 120 cm. The round bulb has a diameter of up to 8 cm and consists of white lanceolate scales. Stem slightly ribbed or round, glabrous or tomentose. Lily leaves are alternate, dark green. Inflorescences corymbose, 2-10 flowers, occasionally solitary flowers. Perianth shape is cup-shaped. Leaflets with dark spots and papillae along the nectar-bearing gland. Daurian lily flowers are distinguished by a variety of colors: yellow, orange, red, dark red.

The homeland of this flower is vast spaces from the Yenisei in the west to the island of Hokkaido and Kamchatka in the east and from 64 ° N. to Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula and Northeast China in the south. The Daurian lily is found among the shrubs of the forest and forest-steppe zones, in damp floodplain meadows, forest glades and forest edges.

According to the totality of features, several forms of this lily are distinguished: tiger, ribbed, alpine, typical. By the timing of flowering, 2 forms are distinguished. The first is early flowering, undersized, strongly pubescent, has 1-2 dark red flowers with a large yellow spot at the base. The second is late-flowering, tall, with numerous, evenly colored red flowers. Dahurian lily propagated by seeds, baby bulbs, scales, pieces of scales.

Plant lily (LILIUM) belongs to the lily family and is one of the most unpredictable flowers. Some types and varieties of lilies are unpretentious in care and please the owners of garden plots with lush flowering throughout the season. Others, under the same conditions, practically do not produce buds, are often sick and cause more trouble than joy.

You can familiarize yourself with the description of the varieties of lilies most adapted for growing outdoors in central Russia on this page.

Types and varieties of garden lilies

Lilies are one of the world's most beloved flower cultures. Breeders have created about 5 thousand varieties of lilies, which are described in botanical reference books under the general name "hybrid lily". It is a bulbous perennial. Peduncle erect, leafy, flowers of various shapes, often collected in inflorescences, fragrant.

About 100 species of lily flowers are known to grow in the temperate zone of Eurasia and North America, mainly in forest glades and subalpine meadows.

In central Russia, the most stable are:

Armenian lily (L. armenum).

Lilia Kesselringa (L. kesselringianum)- 60-100 cm high, with straw-yellow tubular flowers.

Curly lily (L. martagon) - 80-120 cm high, with turban-shaped lilac flowers.

Also popular leopard lily(L. pardalinum) - 60-120 cm high, turbid flowers, crimson-red. Description of the flowers of this lily in full
lives up to its name - the petals are leopard-colored.

Lily Henry (L. henryi)- 100-180 cm high, turbid flowers, pinkish-yellow.

Royal lily (L. regale) - 80-120 cm high, tubular white flowers.

Dwarf lily, or locust(L. pumilum), - 20-60 cm high, turbid flowers, reddish.

Lily lanceolate (L. lancifolium)- 100 cm high, turbid flowers, brown-red with brown spots.

Lily is nice (L. amabile)- 50-90 cm high, turbid flowers, bright orange, spotted.

Lily drooping (L. cernuum) - 40-70 cm high, turbid flowers, lilac, spotted.

Lily of Pennsylvania, or Daurian.

Particularly worth paying attention to the photo and description white lily (Lilium candidum), which has been cultivated in the Mediterranean countries since antiquity, giving people not only beauty, but also fragrant oils. L. pensylvanicum \u003d L. dahuricum - 20-80 cm high, cup-shaped flower, directed upward, orange-red, spotted.

Lily gorgeous (L. superbum), 50-80 cm high, turbid flowers, golden yellow with brown spots.

Varietal lilies (L. x hollandicum) are especially popular with gardeners. It is customary to subdivide them into 8 groups of hybrids: Asian, curly, snow-white, American, long-flowered, tubular, oriental, mixed.

Pay attention to the photos of species and varieties of Asian curly lilies and American hybrids - they are also often used for growing in Russian conditions.
Of particular interest are highly decorative varieties of Asian hybrids selected by M.F. Kireeva (Michurinsk). Photos of these types of garden lilies are presented below:

"Giselle", "Cherry"

"Volkhova", "Aelita" and etc.

Growing and reproduction of lilies

Growing conditions. Sunny and slightly shaded, well-drained areas with loose, nutritious neutral soil. They need constant moderate hydration. For the winter, it is advisable to cover with a sheet of broad-leaved species (oak, linden, maple) or spruce branches and mulch.

Reproduction. Lilies are propagated mainly in September - by dividing the nest of bulbs, baby bulbs, bulbs (bulbs that form in the leaf axils). In spring, reproduction by bulb scales is possible. Species lilies are propagated by seeds. Seeds are sown either in spring (seedlings in 30-90 days), or in autumn, freshly harvested (seedlings in spring).

Lilies are planted in flower beds of all types, most often in flower beds and in mixborders. Many varieties are grown as cut crops and used for forcing.

Lilies varieties with photos and names

Every year, breeders bring out new varieties of lilies, the number of which has long exceeded the five thousandth mark. Each of them has its own characteristics:

  • stem height;
  • size, shape and color of flowers;
  • flowering periods;
  • requirements for growing conditions.

Asian popular varieties with photos and descriptions

The most popular among gardeners around the world are Asian lilies, varieties, photos and descriptions of which are discussed in this section. Flowers of this group are not demanding to care for and tolerate severe winters well. The variety of bred varieties allows you to pick up lilies for every taste - dwarf and up to one and a half meters high, all kinds of flower shapes and colors, except for shades of blue and blue.

Marlene (Russian Marlene)

This variety is renowned for its abundant flowering in June-July. Light green stem is powerful, 80-100 cm high. Leaves 13-15 cm long, pointed. Large flowers, reaching 20 cm in diameter, have a very delicate color with a slight red speck in the center.

At the base of the petals, the color is cream, at the tips - deep pink. Up to 100 buds can form on one stem of a Marlene lily.

Lion Heart (Russian Lion Heart)

The stems of this variety of lilies rise 60-80 cm and bear 10-12 medium-sized flowers (12-15 cm). The color of the flowers is provocative - black with a purple tint, and the base and tips of the petals are bright yellow. Dark purple dots are scattered throughout the petal.

Annamarie Dream (Russian Annamaria Dream)

Medium-sized variety, up to 60 cm. Peduncle bears 7-9 bout. Terry flower, medium-sized, without specks, with bright burgundy stamens in the center and white or white-cream colored petals.

Black Out (Russian Black Out)

Tall variety, 110-125 cm. Deep red color gives flowers extraordinary beauty. The petals are glossy, with dark specks. The main vein on them is expressed in a darker color, up to blue-black.

Lollupop (Russian Lollipop)

Representatives of this variety are medium-sized (90-100 cm). Large flowers are bicolor (white in the center and with bright pink or crimson tips), without specks, located in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. A distinctive feature of this variety is its large bulbs.

Flore Pleno (Russian Flore Pleno)

Describing the types of garden lilies, one cannot fail to mention the Flora Pleno variety. It is tall, up to 120 cm, a representative of Asian hybrids with thick double flowers and petals bent upwards. The color of the flowers is fiery orange with tiger specks all over the petal.

Flore Pleno blooms in July. It does not form seeds, but babies (heads, or bulbs) are formed in the leaf sinuses for reproduction.

Oriental hybrids of lilies - varieties and description

All types of garden lilies, photos and descriptions of which are discussed in the catalog, have their own characteristics. So, oriental hybrids are distinguished by large flowers and an unusually enchanting aroma. Compared to other types of lilies, they are very demanding on the growing conditions and wintering of bulbs. They bloom later than Asian hybrids, in July-August.

Lovely Girl (Russian Lovely Girl)

The eastern hybrid of the Lovely Girl variety is famous for its extraordinary beauty. This is a medium-sized variety, 70-80 cm high. The flowers are large, can reach 20 cm in diameter. The color of the flowers is cream, with a bright yellow longitudinal spot along the entire length of the petal and red specks. The edges of the petals are wavy.

Magic Star (Russian Magic Star)

Beautiful oriental lilies, varieties, photos and descriptions of which we are considering, are the dream of every gardener. Magic Star is no exception, a medium-sized variety, up to 100 cm in height. The flowers really resemble a magic star - densely double, up to 20 cm in diameter. Their color is pink with a bright crimson spot along the petal and a rare speck. The edging of the petals is white, corrugated.

Barbados (Russian Barbados)

The famous variety of Barbados in all its glory represents oriental varieties of lilies, photos of which illustrate their extraordinary beauty. Stem 90-110 cm high bears up to nine large buds. Flowers up to 25 cm in diameter, rich crimson with specks and white edging along the wavy edge.

Casablanca (Russian Casablanca)

Tall, up to 120cm, a representative of oriental lilies with a heady aroma. The flowers are very large, up to 25 cm, snow-white, without specks. Up to 9 flowers bloom at the same time on each stem.

Extravaganza (Russian Extravaganza)

The Extravaganza variety is famous for its fragrant, delicate and very large flowers. Their color is white with a pale pink longitudinal stripe and bright specks. The petals are moderately corrugated and slightly bent. Oriental garden lilies, varieties, photos and characteristics of which are described in the article, will certainly become a decoration for a garden decorated in any style.

Lily hybrids Longiflorum Asiatic

Modern hybrids, bred relatively recently, have absorbed the best qualities of their specific progenitors. LA hybrids, or Longiflorum Asiatic hybrids, are a modern group of varieties that breeders obtained by crossing representatives of long-flowered and Asian species. These garden lilies, varieties, photos, and descriptions of which are presented in the article, delight with large flowers with a delicate aroma, firmly endure all the vagaries of the weather, and are suitable for forcing.

Indian Diamond (Russian Indian Diamond)

In height, this representative can reach one and a half meters. Large bright orange flowers without specks. 7-9 buds on the stem are directed both upward and to the sides, and create an incredibly beautiful orange "hat".

Ceb Dazzele (Russian Keb Dazzle)

The stem of this variety of lilies bears 5-7 buds and reaches a height of 100-110 cm. Bright yellow flowers with a rare speck at the base are directed upwards.

Samur (Russian Samur)

Spectacular LA hybrid. The bush is very powerful, purple flowers with a white center and dark crimson edging.

Oriental Trumpet Hybrid Group

Tubular and Oriental lily species have been adopted by breeders to develop hybrid varieties of the Oriental Trumpet group. Large flowers are brightly colored in various shades. Flowers are located in groups of 12-15 pieces.

Black Beauty (rus.Black Beauty)

One of the first to represent the group to which OT hybrids belong, the Black Beauty lily variety, its photo is amazing, but does not convey all its beauty. A high, up to 2 m stem bears many buds. The flowers are turban-shaped, cherry-colored with a greenish spot at the base and a white edging. Dark papillomas are present on the petals.

Northern Carillon (Russian Northern Carillon)

This lily variety can be safely called legendary. For many years, it was considered the best OT hybrid of Canadian breeding. In spring, the leaves of this lily are crimson. The flowers are drooping, white with a bright crimson center. One stem has up to 20 flowers, the size of which can reach 30 cm in diameter.

Shocking (Russian Shocking)

Stems 80-100 cm high are leafy. The flowers are multiple muted yellow or peach in color with bright red strokes. The throat of the flower is light green with red specks. Lilies of the variety, the photos of which are presented below, will make a splash in your garden.

The best varieties of lilies for Siberia and the Urals

Lilies are grown not only in the southern regions, but also in difficult climatic conditions of Siberia and the Urals. Frost-resistant varieties of lilies for Siberia, photos and names of which you will find in our article, are not afraid of sharp climatic changes and calmly endure cold winters.

In cold regions, LA hybrids are grown, varieties of curly lilies, Asian hybrids, photo varieties and names of which are described in this article. Hybrids of curly lily or Martagon are very hardy, grow on any soil and are not pretentious in care.

The stems of Martagon lilies are tall, the flowers are usually turban-shaped, not large. The color of the flowers is varied - from light pink to lilac with many shades. Orange flowers of the Nicotine variety with lilac specks are also suitable.

Some varieties of oriental hybrids with increased frost resistance are also chosen for cultivation in Siberia. Among them is the Siberia variety with white corrugated flowers.


It is impossible to list all the varieties and types of lilies with photographs and descriptions, so we told you about the most demanded and popular of them among gardeners. We are sure that of all the variety of these, it is incredible beautiful flowers, you will find those that will please your taste and will delight you in the garden for many years.
