Left-handed children in kindergarten deserve special attention, because many of them may have a set of learning difficulties. It is not so easy for a left-handed child in our world, because everything is adjusted ...

Scenario for teaching preschoolers about sneaking. The teacher-speech therapist conducts a lesson together with a teacher-psychologist. FOR WHOM, WHY AND HOW Participants: senior preschool children Purpose: to form moral ideas about good and evil in the context of sneaking Objectives: to exercise syllabic analysis, synthesis and selection of synonyms; develop ...

What aspects of readiness for school are especially important? This is the ability to accurately perceive and complete the task; memorize the sequence of actions required to complete it; development of fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination; ability to perform sound analysis ...

Competition for readers on the topic: "A book is a source of wisdom" Competition objectives: creating conditions for the cognitive and speech development of children; fostering a positive emotional attitude towards literary poetic works; development of artistic and speech performance skills when reading poems; identifying the best readers ...

MBDOU "Totem kindergarten №7" Sun "

Step by step creative long-term plan work on the topic:

"Formation of mathematical abilities in older preschool children using entertaining games."

for 2016 - 2017 academic year

Educator: Novoselova E.N.


Work with children

Working with parents

Working with teachers

Replenishment of the developing subject-spatial environment



Counting stick games and exercises (see game card)

Memo "Entertaining mathematics for preschoolers"

Creating a card index of assignments and exercises with counting sticks for children

Studying an exemplary basic general education program preschool education "From birth to school" edited by N.E. Veraksa in the new edition of 2016


Games for the development of spatial representations: "Continue the pattern", "Find the same toys", "The fourth extra", "Circle the paths", "Help the bunny get to his house", etc.

Booklet “ New life old games "

Creation of a mathematical corner of educational and entertaining games in a group.

"Mathematics before school", "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers" ZI Mikhailova


Games for the development of logical thinking: "Find an extra word", "Fourth extra", "Name in one word", etc. (see the card index of games)

Creation of a card index of games for the development of logical thinking.

Internet sources:

Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers,

- "Development of mathematical abilities through play"


Games for the development of attention and observation: "Do as I have", "Arrange as it was", "Draw", "Find the differences" (see the card index of games for attention)

Mathematical KVN for parents at a parent meeting

Creation of a card index of games for attention and observation for older children

D. Denisov "Mathematics for preschoolers" (workbook)


Imagination games: “What do the clouds look like”, “Magic mosaic”, “What should be drawn in an empty cell”, “Determine how the last ball should be painted”, “Determine what windows should be in the last house? and etc.

Memo “Participation of an adult in children's games. Problem situations and their solution "

Consultation "Games for the development of children's imagination"

Create a file of imagination games for children

V.V. Voskobovich "Fabulous labyrinths of the game"


Voskobovich's educational games: "Geokont", "Miracle Flower", "Fold the Pattern", "Magic Belt", "Game Square", etc. (see the card index of games)

The booklet “Using the developing games of V.V. Voskobovich in the intellectual development of children "

Development of a system of tasks for children using Kiusner's Sticks

Tutorial: Kiusner's colored counting sticks. An album with stick games.


Games with colored Kusner sticks: "Magic Tracks", "Help the baby", etc.

Consultation "Kusener's sticks as a means of learning logic and mathematics"

Creation of the presentation "Kiusner's Sticks"

V.P.Novikova, L.I. Tikhonova "Developing games and activities with Kiusner's sticks"


B.P. Nikitina:

"Collect", "Fold the pattern", "Miracle cubes", etc.

Reading math fairy tales

Booklet “Using B.P. Nikitin, as a means of developing cognitive interest in mathematics in children "

Acquisition and introduction of developmental games by B. Nikitin


Games to consolidate the passed material

Master class at the parent meeting "Entertaining mathematics with preschoolers"

Presentation of a laptop on this topic.

Making a laptop.

Municipal preschool educational institution child development center - kindergarten number 161

Self-education plan on the topic:

Gladysheva Evgeniya Igorevna


tver, 2014

Individual plan self-education

2014-2015 academic year

Topic: "The use of game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical ideas in preschoolers."

The goal and objectives of self-education on the topic goal

    The study of the relevance of the use of game techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers.

    Actively influence the comprehensive development of children:

    Enrich with new ideas and concepts; consolidate knowledge; activate mental activity (the ability to compare, generalize, classify, analyze).

    Key questions to be studied.

Development stages:

    Analyze the psychological and pedagogical literature on this issue.

    To give general characteristics the content of the concept "formation of elementary mathematical representations

    To investigate the effectiveness of using game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical ideas in preschoolers.

    To develop a card index of games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Getting started on the topic 09/01/2014

Literature on the topic:

1. The program "From birth to school" - Ed. N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva

2. "Orientation in space" - T. Museinova - candidate of pedagogical sciences.

3. "Subject-didactic games with mathematical content" - AA Smolentseva.

4. "Sensory education" - E. Pilyugina.

5. "Playing with numbers" - a series of tutorials

6. “We develop perception, imagination” - A. Levina.

7 ... L. G. Peterson, N. P. Kholina "Little Play". Practical course of mathematics for preschoolers. Guidelines... - M .: Balass, 2003 - 256 p.

8. T. A. Falkovich, L. P. Barylkina "Formation of mathematical representations": Classes for preschoolers in institutions additional education... - M .: VAKO, 2005 - 208 p.

Features of the use of game techniques in the process of forming elementary mathematical ideas in preschoolers

The assimilation of mathematical knowledge at different stages of schooling causes significant difficulties for many students. One of the reasons giving rise to difficulties and overload of students in the process of assimilating knowledge is the insufficient preparation of the thinking of preschoolers to assimilate this knowledge. Therefore, in terms of its content, mathematical training should not be limited to the formation of ideas about numbers and the simplest geometric shapes, teaching counting, addition and subtraction, measurements in the simplest cases. From the point of view of the modern concept of teaching the youngest children, no less important than arithmetic operations for preparing them for the assimilation of mathematical knowledge is the formation of logical thinking. Children need to be taught not only to calculate and measure, but also to reason

Learning is most productive if it takes place in the context of practical and playful activities, when conditions are created under which the knowledge acquired by children earlier becomes necessary for them, since it helps to solve a practical problem, and therefore is assimilated easier and faster.

An analysis of the state of preschoolers' learning leads many specialists to the conclusion that it is necessary to learn through games. In other words, we are talking about the need to develop the learning functions of the game, which involves learning through play.

Play is not only fun and joy for a child, which is very important in itself, with its help you can develop the attention, memory, thinking, and imagination of the baby. While playing, a child can acquire new knowledge, skills, skills, develop abilities, sometimes without realizing it

Game learning is a form of the educational process in conditional situations, aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience in all its manifestations: knowledge, skills, abilities, emotional and evaluative activities.

The most important properties of play include the fact that in play, children act as they would in the most extreme situations, at the limit of their strength to overcome difficulties. Moreover, such a high level of activity is achieved by them, almost always voluntarily, without coercion.

The high activity, emotional coloring of the game gives rise to a high degree of openness of the participants. It has been shown experimentally that in a situation of some distraction of attention it is sometimes easier to convince a person to accept a point of view that is new to him. If something insignificant distracts a person's attention, then the effect of persuasion will be stronger. Perhaps this, to some extent, determines the high productivity of the learning impact of game situations

The following features of the game for preschoolers can be distinguished:

1. Play is the most accessible and leading activity for preschool children

2. The game is also effective remedy formation of the personality of a preschooler, his moral and volitional qualities

3. All psychological neoplasms originate in the game

4. Play contributes to the formation of all aspects of the child's personality, leads to significant changes in his psyche

5. Play is an important means of mental education of a child, where mental activity is associated with the work of all mental processes

At all stages of preschool childhood, the play method in the classroom plays a big role. It should be noted that "educational game" (although the word teaching can be considered a synonym for didactic) emphasizes the use of play as a method of teaching, rather than consolidating or repeating already acquired knowledge.

In the classroom and in everyday life didactic games and game exercises are widely used. By organizing games outside the classroom, they consolidate, deepen and expand the mathematical concepts of children, and most importantly, learning and game problems are simultaneously solved. In some cases, games are the main educational load. That is why in the classroom and in everyday life, educators should make extensive use of didactic games and game exercises.

Didactic games are included directly in the content of classes as one of the means of implementing program tasks. The place of didactic play in the structure of classes in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts is determined by the age of the children, the purpose, purpose, content of the lesson. It can be used as an educational task, an exercise aimed at performing a specific task of forming representations. AT younger group, especially at the beginning of the year, the whole lesson should be conducted in the form of a game. Didactic games are also appropriate at the end of the lesson in order to reproduce, consolidate what was previously learned.

In the formation of mathematical concepts in children, various didactic game exercises, entertaining in form and content, are widely used. They differ from typical study assignments and exercises in the unusual formulation of the problem (find, guess), the unexpected presentation of it on behalf of some literary fairytale hero. Play exercises should be distinguished from didactic games in terms of structure, purpose, level of children's independence, and the role of a teacher. They, as a rule, do not include all the structural elements of a didactic game (didactic task, rules, game actions). Their purpose is to exercise children in order to develop skills and abilities. In the younger group, the usual educational exercises can be given a playful character and then they can be used as a method of familiarizing children with new educational material. The exercise is conducted by the teacher (gives the task, controls the answer), while the children are less independent than in the didactic game. There are no self-learning elements in the exercise.

Didactic games are divided into:

Object games

Board print games

Word games

Also, when forming elementary ideas among preschoolers, you can use: games for plane modeling (Pythagoras, Tangram, etc.), puzzle games, joke tasks, crosswords, rebuses, educational games

Despite the variety of games, their main task should be the development of logical thinking, namely the ability to establish the simplest patterns: the order of alternation of figures in color, shape, size. This is facilitated by playing exercises to find the figure skipped in the row.

Also necessary conditionensuring success in work is the teacher's creative attitude to mathematical games: varying game actions and questions, individualizing requirements for children, repeating games in the same form or with complication. The need for modern requirements is caused by the high level of modern schools for the mathematical preparation of children in kindergarten, in connection with the transition to school from the age of six.

Mathematical preparation of children for school involves not only the assimilation of certain knowledge by children, the formation of quantitative spatial and temporal representations in them. The most important thing is the development of mental abilities in preschoolers, the ability to solve various problems.

The widespread use of special educational games is important for awakening preschoolers' interest in mathematical knowledge, improving cognitive activities, general mental development.

Consultation for parents "Play with the children"

Parents know that children love to play, encourage them to play independently, buy toys and games. But not everyone thinks about the educational value of children's games. They think that the game is for fun, for the entertainment of the child. Others see it as one of the means of distracting the baby from pranks, whims, filling his free time so that he is in business.

Other parents, who constantly play with their children, watch the game, appreciate it as one of the important means of education.
For a child of preschool age, play is the leading activity in which his mental development takes place, the personality as a whole is formed.

The life of adults interests children not only with its outer side. They are attracted inner world people, the relationship between them, the attitude of parents to each other, to friends, to other relatives, to the child himself. Their attitude to work, to the surrounding objects.
Children imitate their parents: the manner of dealing with others, their actions, labor actions. And they transfer all this into their games, thus consolidating the accumulated experience of behavior, forms of attitude.

With the accumulation of life experience, under the influence of education, upbringing, children's games become more meaningful, diverse in plots, topics, in the number of roles played, in the participants in the game. In games, the child begins to reflect not only the life of the family, the facts directly perceived by him. But also the images of the heroes of fairy tales read to him, stories that he needs to create according to the idea.

However, without guidance from adults, even older preschool children do not always know how to play. Some poorly possess the skills to apply those who have knowledge, do not know how to fantasize, others, being able to play independently, do not have organizational skills.

It is difficult for them to come to terms with partners, to act together. Some of the older family members, joining the game, may become connecting link between children, teach them to play together. Host partners can also play together. Usually, each imposes on the other his own theme of the game, striving to be in the lead role. In this case, you cannot do without the help of an adult. You can play the "main role" in turn, an adult can take a secondary role. Joint games between parents and children spiritually and emotionally enrich children, satisfy the need for communication with loved ones, strengthen faith in their own strength.

The authority of the father and mother, who know and know everything, grows in the eyes of children, and with it, love and devotion to loved ones grow. It is good if a preschooler knows how to start a game on his own, choose the necessary game material, build a game plan mentally, come to terms with his partners in the game, or is able to accept his plan and jointly carry out what he has planned. Then we can talk about the preschooler's ability to play. But these children also require attention and serious relationship to your games. They sometimes need to consult with their mother, father, grandmother, older brother, sister. In the course of the game, ask, clarify, get approval for their actions, actions, thus establishing themselves in the forms of behavior.

Independence in play is formed gradually, in the process of play communication with adults, with older children, and with peers. The development of independence largely depends on how the child's life is organized in the game. Waiting for him to start playing on his own means deliberately inhibiting the development of a child's personality.

One of the important pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of a small child's play is the selection of games by age. But toys that adults like do not always have educational value for children.

For a game to be interesting for a child (and for an adult, who is likely to be his partner often), it must be clear enough and simple and logical according to the rules. The goal of the game should also be simple, understandable and, in principle, achievable. At the same time, it should have a very large controlled variance in the development of the plot of the game, events. And a player (even a small one) must consciously choose and try to implement some specific, advantageous from his point of view, option. But at the same time, there must be a large element of randomness, making the game emotional, leveling skill and making it possible for even a beginner to win. After all, if one player wins all the time, and the other loses, the “always loser” will quickly lose the desire to play. And if the “master” is forced to give in all the time, the desire to play with him disappears. Randomness puts players in almost the same conditions. Luck gives everyone a chance, but how did anyone manage to realize them? And when a child beats “dad himself” and not because he succumbed, but in a “fair battle” - there is no limit to delight.

The developing side of the game cannot be discounted. A child, playing a board game, even the simplest one, develops his imagination, learns to count quickly, learns to make a decision and begins to understand the relationship between making a decision, his actions and their result. His erroneous actions are obvious to himself and he is already beginning to think how not to repeat or avoid them, he understands which situation is bad and which is good. He develops not only tactical, but also strategic thinking.

When purchasing a game, it is important to pay attention not only to novelty, attractiveness, cost, but also to pedagogical expediency. Before making another purchase, it's a good idea to talk to your son or daughter about what kind of game he needs. Often girls play only with dolls, so they are often deprived of the joy of playing games in which ingenuity, resourcefulness, and creativity are formed. Girls play with dolls either alone, or only with girls. With boys, they have no common interests and there are no prerequisites for the emergence of friendly relations between children. Boys usually play with cars, with children's weapons. Such toys also limit the circle of communication with girls. Better, when we are adults, we will not divide games into "girls" and "boys".

Sometimes adults need help to build this or that building, think together what details are needed, what color, how to fix it, how to add missing structures, how to use the building in the game.
Games: "bingo", "dominoes", "pair pictures", open up the opportunity for children to enjoy the game, develop memory, attention, observation, eyes, small muscles of the hands, learn endurance, patience.

Such games have an organizing effect, since they offer to strictly follow the rules. It is interesting to play these games with the whole family so that all partners are equal in the rules of the game. The little one also gets used to the fact that he needs to play, observing the rules, comprehending their meaning.

The production of flat figures from cardboard and other materials by the whole family enables children to independently play out familiar works of fiction, and invent fairy tales.

The participation of adults in children's play varies. If the child has just bought a game and knows how to play it, it is better to give him the opportunity to act independently. But soon the child's experience is depleted. The game becomes uninteresting. Here the help of the elders is needed - to suggest a new game action, to show them, to offer additional game material to the existing game. It is important for parents to monitor their tone when playing with their child. An even, calm, benevolent tone of an equal in play partner instills the child confidence that he is understood, they want to play with him.

If a preschooler, especially a small child, has a play corner, then from time to time he should be allowed to play in the room where the family gathers in the evenings, in the kitchen, in the grandmother's room, where there is a new setting, where everything is interesting. The new environment gives rise to new game actions, plots.

The child is very happy with the minutes given to him by his parents in the game. Communication in the game is never fruitless for a kid. The more precious minutes fall in the company of people close to him, the more relationships, common interests, love between them in the future.



Stages of self-education

The content of the work



Organizational and diagnostic

"Shape and color"

1. Conducting didactic games:

"Fold an object from geometric shapes" (both with the model and without it)

"Help Cinderella to decorate mittens" (geometric shapes)

"Pick up the key to the lock"

"Help Dunno find geometric shapes"

"Make no mistake" - fixing the color (paint the squares in blue, circles in red)

"Find an object of the same color" (I show a red, then yellow, then a green circle)

"Make a chain of objects of the same color" (Choose: tree, grasshopper, leaf, etc.)

"Find your mate" (mitten)

2. Conducting games - travel, story games with mathematical content:

The game "Don't get your feet wet" - you can only step on those bumps where geometric figures are drawn (Triangle or square), etc.

3. Conducting games - competitions.

"Whose team is faster thanwill there be items? "( different shapes)

During the academic year

Quantity and Count ”.

1. Subject-role-playing games using didactic material on FEMP:

"Toy shop" (many, one, equally divided)

"Zoo" (score)

"Walk in the forest" (how many birches - so many birds - equally)

"Travel by ship"

2. Game mathematical knowledge with theatricalization:

"Mathematics in fairy tales"

- "Standing in the field teremok"

- "Kolobok is looking for friends"

During the academic year

"Orientation in space".

"Orientation in time".

1. Board - printed games:


"Paired pictures"


"Colored Mazayka"


2. Didactic games:

"Collect the fairytale hero" (from parts)

“Who will find the difference more? "(2 steam locomotives, 2 dogs, etc.)

"Cut and glue" (cut out figures and glue on the picture)

"Steamer", etc. "House"

“When does this happen? "- ball game (Sleeping? - at night, etc.)

During the academic year

Exhibition of children's works: "step into mathematics".

APRIL 2015

Conclusions: Studying the chosen topic helped me in organizing FEMP. I tried to innovate these classes. With this, I was able to interest the children, the children developed an interest in mathematics classes. Complex topics on FEMP have become much easier for children to learn.



The deadline for the results on the topic of self-education is May 2015


Areas of work

Ways to achieve

Analysis of achievements


Working with documents.

Study of the law "On Education", other regulatory documents

Acquaintance and analysis of documentation.

Planning work with children for the new school year.


Planning work with pupils requiring special attention.

Study of literature on the problem, creating a work plan.

Selection of literature on the topic of self-education.

Working with a personal library, the Internet.


Learning theory




Popova Irina Viktorovna


Total experience

Pedagogical experience

Pedagogical experience in this team

Date of last approval

Date of the proposed approval

25 years 25 years 5 years 1

2016 - 2017 academic year

senior group

Stage of work on the topic: preparatory

Start date of work on the topic: September 2016

Estimated completion date: May 2017




Topic: "Development of mathematical abilities in children

preschool age through play activities "

2016 year



This topic is one of the complex and interesting problems of preschool education, since the foundations of logical thinking are laid in preschool childhood. In the modern world, mathematics is assigned a responsible role in the development and formation of an active, independently-thinking personality, ready to constructively and creatively solve problems that arise before society. This is due to the "mathematization" and "computerization" of all spheres of human activity. Parents believe that the main goal of teaching children mathematics is teaching children to count, as well as the accumulation of minimal knowledge, for example, familiarity with numbers and geometric shapes. Parents forget that mathematics makes a great contribution to the development of logical thinking, the upbringing of such important qualities of scientific thinking as criticality and generality, the formation of the ability to analyze and synthesis, the ability to put forward and formulate a logically grounded hypothesis, etc.

AT preschool age the child's leading activity is play. In this regard, taking into account the age characteristics of children, all types of activities can be carried out in the form of a game or with the content of a game situation, using a character (toy) For example, the following game plots are interesting for younger preschoolers: "A trip to the forest to a squirrel", "Magic chest "," Visiting the Old Man-Lesovichka "," Three Bears "," Teremok ". For older children of preschool age, the plots become more complex: "Space travel", "At the toy factory", "The Kingdom of Mathematics". Other characters come to visit the guys: Pinocchio, Dunno, Ole-Lukkoye, The Snow Queen, etc.

. Goal:

ensuring integrity educational process through the organization of classes in the form of exercises of a play nature; promoting better understanding essence of the issue, clarification and formation of mathematical knowledge in preschoolers; creating favorable conditions for the development of mathematical abilities; the development of a child's interest in mathematics in preschool age.


    Increase your own level of knowledge through self-education and study of methodological literature;

    Organize joint activities of an adult with children;

    Develop a long-term plan for working with children;

    To design a corner "I think" in the group;

    Create a card index of math games.

    Create a math club "Zateyniki"

2. Abstract part.

I assign a special role in the development of mathematical abilities to non-standard didactic means. For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. A game for preschoolers is a way of learning about the world around them. Play will be a means of education if it is included in a holistic pedagogical process... Leading the game, organizing the life of children in the game, the educator influences all aspects of the development of the child's personality: feelings, consciousness, will and behavior in general. However, if for the pupil the goal is in the game itself, then for the adult organizing the game there is another goal - the development of children, the assimilation of certain knowledge by them, the formation of skills, the development of certain personality traits. This, by the way, is one of the main contradictions of play as a means of education: on the one hand, there is no goal in play, and on the other, play is a means of purposeful personality formation. This is most pronounced in the so-called didactic games. The nature of the resolution of this contradiction determines the educational value of play: if the achievement of a didactic goal is carried out in play as an activity that contains the goal in itself, then its educational value will be most significant. If, however, a didactic task is solved in play actions, the purpose of which for their participants is this didactic task, then the educational value of the game will be minimal.

The game is valuable only if it contributes to a better understanding of the mathematical essence of the issue, clarification and formation of students' mathematical knowledge. Didactic games and play exercises stimulate communication, because in the process of carrying out these games, the relationship between children, child and parent, child and teacher begins to be more relaxed and emotional.

3. Design part.

Stages of work




Study of scientific and methodological literature;

overview of information on the research topic on the Internet

september 2016 - May 2017


Development of abstracts of activities with children


2016 - 2017

Registration in the group "I think"

october 2016

Creating a math game card index

november 2016

Preparing material for a mug

2016 september minutes

may 2017

To issue a collection of consultations for parents "Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers"

december 2016

Topic output:

    Carrying out open classes... Topic: "Adventure in the Number Glade" (May 2017)

    Registration of a card index of mathematical games.

    Collection of advice for parents. Topic: "Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers."

    Registration of the transport folder "Mathematics for preschoolers"

    Report on the work done for the academic year.

4. Conclusion.

MKDOU "Novokhopersk kindergarten of general developmental type No. 3" Solnyshko "


FOR 2016-2017 academic year

FULL NAME... Oksana Pozdnysheva

Date of Birth 22.07.1979

Place of work MKDOU "Novokhopersk kindergarten of general developmental type No. 3" Solnyshko "

Position educator

General teaching experience 22

Topic of work on self-education

"Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age."

Goal:create optimal conditions for the mathematical development of preschoolers; unite the efforts of teachers and parents to develop the mathematical abilities of children.

Relevance of the chosen topic

Throughout life, a person is formed and develops in activity. Preschool age is a short, but very important period of personality formation: it is at this time that the child acquires initial knowledge about the world around him and he develops the skills of adequate behavior. The acquisition of mathematical concepts by them is of paramount importance for the mental development of children. mathematics is necessary both for understanding the world around and solving various kinds of practical problems and, of course, for successful schooling.

Within the framework of the Concept for the Development of Mathematical Education in Russian Federation the topic "Development of mathematical concepts in kindergarten" is becoming very important and relevant. The purpose of the Concept is to bring Russian mathematics education to a leading position in the world. “Mathematics in Russia should become an advanced and attractive field of knowledge and activity, the acquisition of mathematical knowledge should be a conscious and internally motivated process,” says the Concept.

Formation of mathematical representations, according to Educational program preschool educational institution, begins in the younger group of kindergarten. But already in early age educators work on the sensory development of children, thus creating conditions for the successful development of mathematical concepts in the future.

Learning mathematics shouldn't be boring for kids. After all, as you know, a child's memory is selective. The child will remember only what he is interested in, what surprised him, caused any emotions. That is why the task of teachers and parents is to arouse a genuine, lively interest in doing mathematics.

It should be noted that babies do not always understand the meaning of the actions they perform, they do not know why they need to count, measure, compare. To avoid this, it is necessary to correctly select the methods and forms of work with children, relying on object-sensory activity. The teacher needs to search and apply teaching methods that, in addition to the formation of mathematical concepts in children, also develop mental functions - perception, memory, thinking, imagination. This will be the key to the successful preparation of children for teaching mathematics at school.

Work plan for the year on this topic for the year



Practical exits

Study of methodological literature

september - May

1. Arapova - Piskareva N.A. "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten", Mosaic-Sintez Moscow, 2008.

2. Erofeeva T.I., Pavlova L.N., Novikova V.P. "Mathematics for Preschoolers", Moscow, 1997.

3. Wenger L.A. More, less, equally, "Preschool education", 1996 №6

4. Metlina L.S. "Mathematics in Kindergarten", Education, Moscow, 1977.

5. Mikhailova Z.A. “Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers, Moscow, 1985.

Analysis of the studied literature.

Work with children


Game activity of a mathematical orientation in a group, on walks.

Games during independent and joint activities in a group and on walks.


Reflection and consolidation of the acquired knowledge in creative activity.

Mathematics in visual activity (modeling, application, drawing).

Coming up with fairy tales about geometric shapes.


Play activities using math tasks.

Fun "Fun Math"

Working with family


Involvement of parents in the production of manuals and games in mathematics for equipping a mathematical corner.

Creation of a corner "Entertaining mathematics".

Consultation for parents "How to instill an interest in mathematics?"

Parents' meeting "Main directions of work for the academic year"

An open display of the educational situation.

Open Day.

Information in the corner for parents "Mathematics around us"

Sliding folder.


Drawing up a card index of games for the development of mathematical representations.

Presentation of the file cabinet at the pedcha.

Consultation for teachers "Queen of Sciences - Mathematics"

Speech at the pedagogical council.

Report and presentation on the topic "Development of interest in mathematics in preschool children"

Presentation at the workshop.

Report on the topic of self-education.

Speech at the final teachers' council.

Consultation for parents

A little about mathematics.

"Math is always ... a difficult job for students." DI Pisarev said so almost a century and a half ago. Since then, the perception of mathematics has changed little. Parents, teachers and students themselves talk about this. What about preschoolers? They don't know that mathematics is a difficult discipline. The task of adults is to make the child feel that he will be able to understand, master not only particular concepts, but also general laws. And the main thing is to know joy while overcoming difficulties. Scientists note that, protecting the child from the need to comprehend the world, we cause irreparable harm to children: we contribute to the development of intellectual passivity in them. The ultimate goal, as noted by the Russian psychologist D.B. Elkonin, is a contribution to mental development, quantitative and qualitative positive shifts in it. It is also important to give the child confidence that he is able to comprehend mathematics. In the preschool years, the child develops a circle of ideas “a little bit of everything” at the conceptual level. There are connections between new and acquired knowledge. Adults should support and direct children's manifestations of activity, as well as specifically create situations in which they would feel the joy of discovery. It is also necessary to create such an environment at home so that the child, through practical actions, can confirm his assumptions, establish himself in the understanding of any concepts. For example, comparing the volumes of liquid in vessels of different shapes, measuring bulk solids (cereals) when cooking, using measurements when rearranging furniture, and more. It is good if parents become equal partners in the game. A child, telling them about the rules of the game, choosing the type of task, not only improves the explanatory speech, but also begins to better understand mathematical concepts, to trace dependencies. “Learning can only be fun…” - it's hard to disagree with these words.

Card file of didactic games for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

"Quantity and Count":

Purpose: to consolidate the skill of ordinal counting within 10, to develop coordination of movements, auditory attention

Material: ball.

Game progress. Children stand in a circle. The leader is in the center of the circle with the ball. According to the leader's commands, the players count in order to 10.

Complication: the presenter takes the ball before the player counts to 10, throws it to the next one with the words "Count on"

Option. The host throws the ball and says "Until five". The child calls numbers up to 5. If the command "After five" is given, children call numbers after five.


Goal. Fix the count and ordinal numbers. Develop ideas: "high", "low," thick "," thin "," thickest "," thinnest "," left "," right "," left "," right "," between ". Teach your child to reason.

Rules of the game. The game is divided into two parts. First, the children should know the names of the boys, and then answer the questions.


In the same city there lived inseparable friends: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Grisha, Tisha and Seva. Look carefully at the picture, take a pointer and show who's name, if: Seva is the tallest; Misha, Grisha and Tisha are the same height, but Tisha is the fattest of them, and Grisha is the thinnest; Kolya is the shortest boy. You yourself can find out who is called Tolay. Now show the boys in order: Kolya, Tolya, Misha, Tisha, Grisha, Seva. Now show the boys in this order: Seva, Tisha, Misha, Grisha, Tolya, Kolya. How many boys are there?


Now you know the boys' names and can answer the questions: who is to the left of Seva? Who is to the right of Tolya? Who is to the right of Tisha? Who is to the left of Kolya? Who stands between Kolya and Grisha? Who stands between Tisha and Tolya? Who stands between Seva and Misha? Who stands between Tolya and Kolya? What is the name of the first boy on the left? Third? Fifth? Sixth? If Seva goes home, how many boys will remain? If Kolya and Tolya go home, how many boys will remain? If their friend Petya approaches these boys, how many boys will there be then?

"Plant a beetle on a flower."

Purpose: to consolidate the count within 10, the ability to correlate a number with a quantity, knowledge of geometric shapes, the ability to read code information; to form the ability to move in different directions.

Materials: Cardboard (A4 format): red - 5 sheets, yellow - 3 sheets, white - 4 sheets; glue; numbers from 1 to 10; colored markers.

Game progress:

Reading a nursery rhyme:


Black head,

Fly away to the sky

Bring us some bread

Black and white

Only not burnt.

2.Ladybug, Black head,

Fly - fly over the sea

It's warm there

It's cold in here.

Option I. Chamomiles with varying numbers of petals (from 1 to 5) lie on the floor. In the hands of children, beetles with a different number of points on the backs. Children count points and "sit" on flowers with the same number of petals after the words of the presenter:

Beetle, beetle, show yourself

Sit on the flower!

Option II: The number of daisies increases to 10. The further course of the game is the same as in Option 1.

Option III:

On daisies, numbers from 1 to 10. The number of petals does not correspond to the number on the flower. We need to find a mistake. Whoever finds it faster is the winner.

The teacher shows a card (color, shape). Children run out, holding beetles with geometric shapes corresponding to this card, and imitate buzzing.

"Tell me the previous and next number."

Purpose: Learn to call the previous and next number for each number of natural series within 10

Materials: Cards with circles (from 1 to 10), sets of 10 cards with circles (from 1 to 10).

Move: Each child has a card with circles (1 to 10) and a set of 10 cards with circles (1 to 10).

The teacher explains to the children: “Each number has two neighbors-numbers: the younger is one less, it stands in front and is called the previous number; the oldest is one more, it stands in front and is called the subsequent number. Look at your cards and identify your number of neighbors. "

Children find the previous and subsequent numbers to the number of circles shown on the card and cover the empty squares with a card with a certain number of circles.

After completing the task, the children explain: what number is the previous and next to the indicated number on their card and why these numbers have become neighbors.

"Count correctly."

Purpose: to exercise in the account of objects by touch.

Material. Cards with buttons from 2 to 10 sewn on them in a row.

"Shape and color":


Purpose: the formation of the ability to decompose a complex figure into those that we have. Workout for a count of ten.

Game material. Multi-colored figures.

Rules of the game. Take triangles, squares, rectangles, circles and other necessary shapes from the set and superimpose them on the contours of the shapes shown on the page. After building each object, count how many figures of each type were required.

You can start the game by asking the children with these verses:

Took a triangle and a square

He built a house out of them.

And I am very happy about that:

Now the gnome lives there.

Square, rectangle, circle,

Another rectangle and two circles ...

And my friend will be very happy:

I built the car for a friend.

I took three triangles

And a needle stick.

I put them down lightly

And suddenly I got a Christmas tree.

First, choose two circles-wheels,

And put a triangle between them.

Make a steering wheel out of sticks.

And what a miracle - the bike is worth it.

Now go for a ride, schoolboy!

Compare and fill.

Purpose: the ability to carry out visual-mental analysis of the way the figures are located; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes.

Game material. Set of geometric shapes.

Rules of the game. Two are playing. Each of the players must carefully examine his plate with the image of geometric figures, find a pattern in their arrangement, and then fill in the empty cells with question marks, putting the desired figure in them. The winner is the one who correctly and quickly copes with the task.

The game can be repeated by placing shapes and question marks in a different way.

Fix the blanket.

Purpose: acquaintance with geometric shapes. Composing geometric shapes from data.

Game material. Shapes.

Rules of the game. Use the shapes to close the white "holes". The game can be built in the form of a story.

Once upon a time there was Buratino, who had a beautiful red blanket on his bed. Once Buratino went to the theater of Karabas-Barabas, and Shushar's rat gnawed holes in the blanket at that time. Count how many holes there are in the blanket. Now take your figures and help Pinocchio fix the blanket.

Geometric figures. Fairy tale

A long time ago, not ordinary people lived in the wonderful country of Geometry, but geometric shapes: Circle, Oval, Triangle, Square and Rectangle. They were good friends and always helped each other. Once friends had a fight, arguing that every figure is the best.

The circle said: “I am the best of all, like me, countless: round plate, wheel, coin. You won't find corners, I don't have them. "

The oval shouted: “I am the most beautiful of all, I have an elongated circle. In the bathroom there is an oval mirror, a dish, an egg, and a person's face. "

The triangle interrupted everyone: “No one is more beautiful than me, because I have three identical angles. Triangular saddle for a bicycle and a wing for an airplane. "

Here the angry Square says: “You break off a piece of chocolate and you get a square. There is a square poster on the wall, and the window is square, and the chair is square. The board where the chess is, and each cell on it is also a square. A square has four sides, all sides are equal and all corners are straight. "

The rectangle tells the Square: “I am almost the same as you, I also have four corners, although I am longer. The door is a rectangle, the book is a rectangle. "

The circle tells them all: “Guys, what are we doing? Why argue? After all, all the figures are good, beautiful in their own way. "

Friends realized that they were wrong and made up.

So that each of you, kids, have good friends!

In one magical land called Mathematics, geometric shapes lived. They loved to work very much, and each had a favorite job.

The circle loved his apple orchard, where he grew sweet, juicy apples, and in the evenings he sat on the veranda and drank tea with apple jam, he dreamed of how it would be good to build a city for animals made of geometric shapes.

Rectangle lived near the circle, he was very fond of flowers. Every morning, watering the flowers, Rectangle admired their beauty, and in the evening he went to visit the Circle to drink tea. One day the Circle decided to tell a friend about his dream. Rectangle really liked the idea, and they told Square and Triangle about it. Everyone, the geometric shapes decided to start working slowly. Square and Rectangle were good builders, they built walls with bricks, Triangle built roofs with tiles, and the circle built windows. Soon the city was built, all that remained was to invite the animals. The circle around the city planted apple trees, and the Rectangle made beautiful flower beds with flowers.

Various animals came to live in the city: an elephant, an owl, an ostrich, a dog. Geometric figures and animals became friends, and began to visit each other.

    What geometric shapes built the city?

    What geometric shapes can be used to build a city?

    Create your own pet that will live in the city?

    What else can you build from geometric shapes?
