Life Style Group Facts

Life Style Group - co-temporal company of sva-deb-noy in-do-stria, from-li-cha-yu-scha-i-Xia from the essence of the services of knowledge komstvo and marriage agencies, their own effective me-to-di-ka-mi and tech-no-log-gi-i-mi, created -mi on the os-no-ve of the Russian-si-sko-go and between-do-na-kind-of experience in the region of the family psi-ho-logic and co-uchin -ha, a detailed analysis of the pro-pro-sov of each Kli-en-ta and the current market of services, a re-gular con- tro-lem of quality and di-na-mich-no-stu, as well as strict pri-ver-femininity to you-so-ki-mi stan-dar-there ser-v- sa, who-ry-ry-ry-let us be ahead of-di and pre-ascend the expectation of Kli-en-tov!

We provide pro-fes-si-o-nal services for Pod-bo-ru Couples:

Knowledge for
serious relationships
and marriage

under-bo-ra pair

Get ready for the building
family, family

The range of our additional services will cover you:

Co-uching and Tre-ning-gi
Per-so-nal-naya preparation, removal of any barriers, cor-rek-ti-ditch goals.

Ve-che-rin-ki Znakomstv
Bright signs and

Ast-ro-logia and Ezo-te-ri-ka
Calculation of events,
sov-me-sti-most-stey and their

Our greatness and standard-you-quality

  • Qualification
    Each co-worker of the company has over 12 years of experience in the field of family psychology and co-uchin-ga.
  • Quality
    We use effective meto-di-ki and tech-no-logies, os-but-van-ny in between-do-na-native and grew -siysky experience.
  • Security
    We will be the key to the legal do-thief in the office of our company. Fick-si-ru-em pass-port-data.
  • Confidentiality
    We care about your rep-po-tation and do not disclose the first-hand infor-mation.
  • Motivation
    We will reveal and achieve the set goals together with Kli-ent.
  • Flex-bone price-no-howl poli-ti-ki
    Opened price to-go-to-ra for everyone, for-mi-ru-et-Xia Kli-en-tom or with the help of an expert.
  • Transparency
    You can also leave your comments to the direct management through the Quality Service of our site 24 hours.

Geo-graphy of our services and how to provide them

Our company offers its services both for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, and for people from other regions -on-new and countries. You can use our services not only when you come to our office, but also with a remote svii.

The importance of a personal meeting

One of the key factors of our effective work is a personal meeting in the office with each of our Kli-en-tom ... All can-di-da-tov, with whom we work, you - you-bi-ra-e-those, we know personally. When building a relationship on the first, strong and long-term, this is extremely important!

We are not just on-right-la-e-mail you an-ket-ny data of man-ve-ka with pho-to-gra-fi, we are his pre-zen-to-em, on -by-guiding you only the proven infor-ma-tion, revealing the ten-tsi-al kan-di-da-ta, special-ben-no-sti , its strong and bright features ha-rak-te-ra, and in the same fi-li-gran-ny way-so-bom we go to the points with You and Vas-shi-mi pre-read-no-I-mi, devil-ta-mi ha-rak-te-ra, in-te-re-sa-mi, look-da-mi!


For this day, we can offer va-ri-an-you remote cooperation for all the inhabitants of the Russian Federation. If you are not in Moscow, or do not have the opportunity to visit our office in person, we can place you in our database. flax.

Every day, but our base is full of a large number of can-di-da-tov from different re-gi-o-new.

The further work is very simple, as soon as a man appears in the base from your re-gi-oh-na, about this system-ma you co-general-is av-to-ma-ti-che-ski, and we will contact you and present to you pre-zen -ta-tion. Next, you only have the sweet flour you choose \u003d).

Would you like to know more about Life Style Group?

“I give you a new commandment, that you love one another; as I have loved you, so you also love one another ”(John 13:34). The Lord has given us the opportunity to experience the wonderful feeling of love. For this, we are looking for spiritual communion with the opposite sex, with those who also belong to the Orthodox world.

My mother is Orthodox, as far as I can remember, she always went to church. She prayed, lit candles, went to services. Mom did not force me to visit the temple of God with her, since everyone must come to this on his own. So I came to God. Unfortunately, my dad's death prompted me to do this. The church helped me to soothe the pain and console me. For several years now, I have been attending services every Sunday. I try to live according to the laws of God.

I am 22 years old and I am ripe for starting a family. I dream of loving my husband and giving birth to children. I firmly decided that my husband should be a churched Orthodox man. It is not proper to meet men in church, because we come to the house of our Lord to turn to him.

There are many people in Moscow, so it is not so easy to meet your Orthodox soul mate. Chaste Orthodox acquaintances are necessary for those who accept Christian commandments into their souls and strive to follow them. I decided to turn to Orthodox dating sites to create a family.

On ordinary dating sites, it is easy for an Orthodox person to come face to face with foul language and many other handwritings of Satan. Moscow and the whole world are full of vices, so only pure love is able to defeat evil. Orthodox Christians must unite to create a strong family. Specialized Orthodox dating in the city of Moscow for creating a family is designed to protect the simple souls of Christians and help in finding serious relationships.

Orthodox dating for creating a family adhere to certain rules:

Conduct yourself worthy of a Christian;
- Conduct a dialogue honestly, openly and decently;
- Be yourself and treat other acquaintances with respect;
- It is forbidden to offend the feelings of believers;

To use Orthodox acquaintances to create a family in the city of Moscow and others, in our time, both an ardently believing Christian and those who have just taken the path of faith and wished to live according to the law of God can. It is very difficult to meet a half in multi-million Moscow. Starting a family is a crucial step. A multi-ethnic city, people with different religions and worldviews. Orthodox dating sites help people meet each other and start a family.

The questionnaires for the purpose of creating a family on Orthodox dating differ from the usual sites of the city of Moscow. After all, people write believers, God-fearing. On an Orthodox dating site, you can find profiles of young guys and girls, those who are aimed at creating strong relationships. And also those who already have experience of starting a family, but for various reasons found themselves alone. Those who raise their children alone are also tested by faith. For these fathers and mothers, the creation of a family is also very important, because the baby must have a complete family.

In our time, the phenomenon of virginity of guys and girls is a real rarity. Nevertheless, many Orthodox Christians want to be paired with chaste halves. I think we have no right to condemn the stumbled, this is his way. A Christian who follows the word of the Lord is able to help a person get on the right path. Any experience I have experienced helps in creating a family.

On the sites of Orthodox dating in order to create a family in Moscow, you can meet people different ages... As they say, from young to old. Continue your life path people from 20 to 60 and older want to have an Orthodox half. As a rule, the profiles are decorated with beautiful photographs. Open and clean faces look from the monitor screen. May the Lord give us all happiness and love, bless us to create relationships. Of course, there are more female ads on sites. Men, apparently, prefer live dating.

When I registered on a dating site to create a family in Moscow, I had the thought that I was going
to the store, or rather to barter. Now I will fill out a questionnaire and they will "buy" me, and if I'm lucky, then I'll pick up "something" for myself. There is something consumer in dating sites, not from God. How can you open your soul here? How to see the light from a person on the site, the shine of his eyes? Thoughts are hidden behind the screen.

Once, when I had just registered my profile with the aim of creating a family, a seminarian friend of mine called me. It turns out that he saw my profile. So much for the Internet, as they say, a big village. We wished each other all the best and continued to browse the site.

And at that moment I thought, after all, how nice it is just with a person, at least by phone, to talk live. One person and without any questionnaires, but cheered up the whole evening. On the dating site you can find ads absolutely different people, but you cannot feel the mood via the Internet.

And this seminarian friend of mine expressed his surprise that I decided to register on a dating site to create a family. Moscow is a big city and girls are different. Gently hinted that many girls on dating sites have weak external data and do not look after themselves. It turns out that this is also why there are few men on the sites, they are sure that the beauty will not be met. After all, live communication wins over online dating. On a date, both a fat woman and an ugly woman can charm a man with her energy, and a photograph does not even give a lady a chance.

Once I was "lucky" to chat with a curious character on an Orthodox dating site. In the course of the correspondence, I realized that the person himself is not particularly religious and does not attend church. On an Orthodox website in the city of Moscow, I registered with the aim of finding a meek and humble wife, but so that she would not be fanatical. And he really wanted to find a virgin girl. I can imagine what kind of husband and family it will be. By correspondence, I concluded that a tyrant and a reveler is still the same. And the creation of a family is alien to him. But there were also fanatical Orthodox men. Surprisingly, they were also looking for a meek, humble and still a whole carload of demands.

One of the acquaintances brought me goodbye. We talked for a couple of days on the site on general topics, and then the man offered to meet in Moscow. At a personal meeting, the guy did not make much of an impression on me. In the restaurant he behaved very strangely. Ordered meat dish and alcohol, while there was a fast. This fact alarmed me, and I asked him about faith. Not ashamed, he admitted that he was cold about Orthodoxy and other faiths. I decided to invite an Orthodox girl on a date to amuse my curiosity. It turns out that I was invited as a funny little animal. God will judge him, of course. He said that such correct girls were sitting on Orthodox acquaintances that he “gouged” very much wanted to make sure of their existence.

I, of course, understand that everyone is destined to their own. There are many people who have found love on a dating site. But I was not lucky enough to meet a soul mate there. I realized that there are no absolutely pure Orthodox dating sites. People are different and everyone has their own thoughts. For about half a year, I went to sites and tried to get acquainted to create a family. For myself, I realized that whatever one may say, a man loves with his eyes. Although he is an Orthodox man, he chooses a woman according to his taste. First, I added a photo to the site that was apparently unsuccessful. While she was "hanging" in my profile, only one man wrote to me. After a month I decided to change this photo to a brighter one. On the new avatar, I was smiling and glowing with happiness. Then there were more people wishing to meet.

How to stop being lonely?

While I was trying to find an Orthodox man to start a family on dating sites, I had a conversation with a priest in one of the churches in Moscow. He talked about the fact that he meets a lot of single young guys and girls. Each of them suffers from loneliness, but the creation of a family does not happen. Batiushka said that this is due to overstated requirements. Now, after all, you need your appearance to be attractive, financial stability and education. What about the soul?

To help me, the priest gave some advice that will not be superfluous to everyone for whom the creation of a family is important. Our face should be open, our expression friendly. You need to be sociable and kind with people. But it's very difficult to always be like that! When I leave work tired, I want to be in myself. I want to frown and slouch. And if you imagine that my happiness is now passing by and sees me such a "hedgehog grandma"! It turns out that we do not see ourselves from the outside, and our happiness can be near at any moment, we need to be ready to meet it!

Father also asked if I was a good listener. You also need to be able to listen to the interlocutor when communicating. You need to learn not to interrupt the person. Memorize the information he tells. Maintain a conversation with emotions and interjections. Father's other advice was on delicacy. After all, in order to want to communicate with you, you need to be afraid of offending a person with a word or intonation. If starting a family is important to you, then you need to cherish the feelings of the other. Still, live communication will help to prove yourself as a good interlocutor. Only when you meet you can you see the soul of a person.

Maria I.

Welcome to an Orthodox dating site for starting a family. The magical world of exciting adventures is waiting for you on our dating site! We are glad to welcome you to the most popular project in our country, an Orthodox dating site for creating a family! We assure you that you did right choice in favor of our service is an Orthodox dating site for creating a family in order to build your happiness at will! If you have long dreamed of communicating with good, loyal friends and are ready for a serious relationship, then we are glad to provide you with a huge database of profiles of people who, just like you, find love and meet amazing people on a dating site! We welcome you to our dating site!

Orthodox dating site for serious relationship

Grab this unique chance to find your love on the Orthodox dating site for a serious relationship! Register and go to the Orthodox dating site for a serious relationship and then you can use our intelligent search engine, which will select the most suitable candidates for you according to the search criteria. On the site, we perfectly understand that it is not easy to find a suitable person among several million people, endlessly looking through the profiles, but the search system will select the best users for you to meet! Tell us in your profile what you expect from a dating site: maybe this is simple friendly communication, or maybe you are ready for a serious relationship and are looking for your soul mate here, or do you want a light romantic flirtation? Our dating site has everything you are looking for!

Orthodox dating for creating a family

Manage your popularity and regularly raise your profile to the first places in search queries and your love can find you even faster! Each person has something unique and inimitable, on our site Orthodox dating for creating a family you can fully express yourself and open up in front of millions of people, fill out your questionnaire on the site Orthodox dating for creating a family and in a moment each of our users will learn about you and you will have a real opportunity to meet and find out what true friendship and love is on the Orthodox dating service for creating a family! Welcome to our service seagull orthodox dating site, which will become a new world of communication for you!
