Natalia Aristarkhova
Planning work on gender education in the second younger group

Perspective work plan for gender education in the second junior group

for 2013-2014 account year

Month Topic Tasks Forms work

September Kindergarten for children 1. Assign names and patronymics with children educators and junior educator, children in group, meet new arrivals in group of children.

2. Strengthen the ability to navigate group.

3. Diagnostics "Formation gender identity» 1. Excursion “Let's introduce Dunno with our group»

2. Targeted walk around the site.

3. Conversations: "What is our group» , "How we play toys".

4. Reading fiction literature: Z. Alexandrova "Katya in the manger", E. Yankovskaya "I go to kindergarten", “What are the children in our group»

5. Role-playing game "Kindergarten"

6. Productive activity "Let's build a kindergarten".

7. Sedentary ball game "What's your name".

October And we have boys and girls. 1. Consolidation of knowledge of children's names in group.

2. Familiarity with labeling "For girls", "For boys"

3. Orientation in some rooms of the nursery garden: music, gym, comparison with the home environment.

1. Didactic game "Who is who".

2. Examination of stickers on cabinets, on towels, on cribs, viewing pictures in the toilet room "Toilet for girls", "Toilet for boys".

3. "Travel to the land of toys with Dunno" (acquaintance with play areas for boys and girls).

4. Sedentary game "my favourite toy".

5. Role-playing games "Family", "Kindergarten", "Auto repair shop".

6. Tour of the kindergarten, meeting with the music director.

November We are different - girls and boys. 1. Determination of differences in the appearance of girls and boys, moms and dads, grandparents.

2. Formation of ideas about the immutability of one's gender.

3. Fixing children's names group, friendly attitude to each other.

4. Formation of ideas about family: family members, their activities, caring for each other, family traditions and holidays. 1. Determination of differences in the appearance of girls and boys: clothes, hairstyle. Album review "Girls' World", "Boys' World".

2. Didactic game "When I grow up", "Kind word"

3. Consideration of competitive works on"Family traditions": viewing family photos, illustrations, drawings.

4. Conversations "Who do you live with", "How do you and dad help mom?".

5. Reading: S. Marshak "About girls and boys", Russian folktale "Three Bears", K. Ushinsky "Cockerel with family"

6. Role-playing games: "Kindergarten", "Family", "Bear's birthday".

7. Productive activity "Handkerchief for Mom", "Pancakes for grandmother".

December Girls and boys are friends 1. Consolidation of differences in the appearance of girls and boys.

2. Distribution of roles between boys and girls in role-playing games.

3. Learning to play actions in role-playing games.

4. New Year in my family: family members, their care for each other, preparing gifts for loved ones, traditions of preparing and holding New Year's holidays in the family. 1. Children examining themselves in the mirror. Highlighting differences: in clothes, hair, shoes.

2. Conversation on the topic "Girls' Favorite Toys", "Boys' Favorite Toys"... Examining children's favorite toys.

3. Role-playing games: "Mothers and Daughters", “We are moving to new apartment» , "Boys-sailors go sailing, mothers-girls with children see off their fathers", "New Year celebration. Give gifts".

4. Consideration of plot pictures on the topic "How Mom and Dad and I Prepare for the New Year".

5. outdoor games "Flowers and bees", "Find your mate"

January Reading about girls and boys. 1. Formation of ideas about the qualities of girls and boys by means of fiction.

2. Mom, dad, I - friendly family... 1. Reading nursery rhymes, talking on content: "Sleep, Vanyusha", "Sleep, darling, little son", "Ah, Vanyusha, dance!", "Our daughter is at home", "Our Katya is small".

2. Conversations: "How we celebrated the New Year's holiday", "Little Helpers", "Winter fun".

Reading: E. Uspensky "If I were a girl."

February Boys' holiday, culture of behavior of boys and girls. Formation of ideas about the holiday on February 23, as a holiday of boys, dads, grandfathers and soldiers who possess such qualities as courage, courage, dexterity, physical strength.

Make boys want to be their dads' helpers. 1. Viewing the album "Our dads", "How I Help Dad".

2. Conversation "Congratulations to our boys".

3. Didactic game « Well-mannered boys and girls» , “Tell me about dad. What is he like? ", "Dress the boy, dress the girl".

4. Role-playing games: "Soldiers go to the parade", "The most agile".

5. Productive activity: "Ships", "Postcard for dad".

March Feast of mothers and girls. 1. To acquaint children with the customs of celebrating the day of mothers and grandmothers. 2. Form a caring attitude towards mothers and grandmothers.

3. To acquaint children with the work of mothers. 1. Story educator"Our girls have a holiday too".

2. Viewing the album "Mom's profession"examining photos.

3. Productive activity "Flower for Mommy".

4. Preparing for the matinee.

5. Reading: G. Vieru "Mother's day".

6. Role-playing game "Family", "Dads help mothers", "In the bus".

April The appearance of boys and girls. My grandmother and grandfather. 1. To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe immutability of sex over time.

2. Form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe activities of grandparents, affectionate and caring attitude of grandchildren to grandparents.

3. Consolidate knowledge of the differences in clothing between boys and girls. To teach girls to look after the beauty of their appearance, boys to keep their clothes neat and clean. 1. Examination of garments.

2. Didactic games: "Let's dress the doll Masha", "Let's Dress Mishutka", "When I grow up".

3. Examination of the panel "My family".

4. Reading: S. Kaputikyan "My grandmother", L. Kvitko "Grandma's hands", D. Harms "Ivan Ivanovich samovar".

5. Productive activity: "Mittens for grandmother", "Scarf for grandfather".

6. Role-playing game: "Visiting grandparents".

May We are assistants. 1. Consolidation of the rules of behavior in the nursery garden: in group, sports and music halls, corridors, area.

2. Feasible participation in cleaning the site. "We make our site beautiful"... 1. Observation of the games of older preschoolers.

2. Conversation "How to behave in kindergarten".

3. Role-playing game "At the subbotnik" (girls are planting flowers, boys are repairing a house on the site).

4. Productive activity "My toys".

5. Didactic game "Who needs what" (about professions).

June-August How boys and girls grew up Consolidation of knowledge about oneself, family members and their occupations. 1. Examination of photographs of children in dynamics.

2. Story educator"That's how big we are".

3. Examining illustrations from the series "Family".

4. Conversations "We are a friendly family", "How do I help at home".

5. Role-playing game "Post office", "Chauffeurs", "Hostess".

6. Productive activity: "Portrait of Mom, Dad", "We are walking with mom".

I apologize for the inconvenience in reading my planning, since the original is formatted in a table.

Date of publication: 03/13/17

Gender education of preschoolers.

The problem of gender education of preschoolers is one of the most difficult and controversial. The psychological, social and spiritual health of society largely depends on its solution.

The attention of society and the state to the problems of gender education is due to the fact that in the modern world, society and the media change psychological stereotypes of masculinity and femininity, which does not contribute to positive sex-role socialization and leads to a partial loss of masculinity in boys and feminine in girls.

The game is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child's intellectual, physical and moral capabilities.

It is the toy that lays in the soul the initial concepts of good and evil, gives vivid, memorable images, and the formation of moral and ethical ideas of the individual and its development as a whole often depend on what they will be.

In the period from three to four years, the child already distinguishes the gender of the people around him. At this age, the child makes attempts, without the help of adults, to separate roles in games, in accordance with the gender of the participants in the game. In this regard, games are beginning to be divided into games "for boys", games "for girls" and "general" games.

Interests, value orientations and preferences for certain types of activities and behaviors typical for boys and girls begin to take shape. The first ideas about the social roles of men and women are beginning to form on the example of dad and mom.

This work, to one degree or another, helps to solve some problems of gender education of preschoolers, in particular, such as: the formation of gender-role knowledge and the development of the ability to use this knowledge in various game situations.

Synopsis of GCD for gender education in the second junior group on the topic "Tanya and Vanechka are learning to play"

Integration of educational areas: cognitive, social and communicative, speech, artistic and aesthetic, musical development.

goal: development of primary gender ideas in children (boys are strong, skillful, courageous; girls are beautiful, gentle, caring), consolidation of children's knowledge about their gender. To form children's ideas about gender-role preferences when choosing toys, stereotypical human activities.

Tasks :

Developing : develop classification skills on the example of toys for boys and girls, activate vocabulary through play activities

Educational : foster a benevolent attitude between children of different sex, the ability to be attentive to each other.

Educational : teach to identify the features of the gaming interests of boys and girls.

Demo material: flat dolls Tanya and Vanya, a set of toys with an emphasis on gender and those that everyone plays together (car, hammer, plane, ball, toy screwdriver, doll, hairdryer, doll dishes, cubes, pyramid, beads, bear cub, constructor)

Structure educational activities:

1. Cognitive activity.

2. Surprise moment.

3. Didactic game.

4. Physical education.

5. Creative activity.

6.Music warm-up

7. Conclusion.

1. Cognitive activity.

There is a two-story dollhouse on the carpet. The guys made this house together with the teacher, taking a cardboard box as a basis, pasted over the walls with colored paper, furniture and interior items were made with the help of their parents. The lower room is for Tanya's doll, the upper one is for Vanya. The children, together with the teacher, sit in a circle on the carpet.

Q: Hello guys!

Children: Hello!

Q: Tell me what I have called you now?

D: Guys.

Q: Right! And now I will say hello to you in a different way. And you listen carefully and answer only those to whom I am addressing.

So hello girls!

The girls greet each other.

Q: Hello boys!

Boys greet.

V. Well done! It's great that in the group we have both boys and girls. And you are all very friendly and cheerful guys. Do you all love to play with toys?

Q: This is great! And what games do our girls like to play?

The girls answer (with dolls, with soft toys, playing with dolls, in a hairdresser, etc.)

Q: Right! Girls play with dolls, kitchen utensils, shop, mothers and daughters, and they will grow up to be kind, affectionate, caring and smart as a mother. Because girls are future mothers.

Q: What kind of toys do our boys like to play?

Boys' answers (cars, railroad, airplanes, constructors, etc.)

Q: That's right! Boys love to play with cars, with airplanes, railroad, cost from a constructor of robots and a rocket. Therefore, when they grow up, our boys will become like dads - smart, strong, courageous and brave. They will protect us and our Motherland.

2. Surprising moment.

Oh, guys, while we were talking, it seems that something happened in our house! Do you hear any noise? Someone is talking. Or arguing? I wonder who lives in it? Didn't its inhabitants share something? (looks into the house). And there is! Let's guys look and listen carefully, what happened here?

(He turns the house towards the children. Here and further - the teacher either speaks for the doll, or the doll whispers, and the teacher duplicates the children).

Q: Guys, who came to us?

Children: dolls!

Q: That's right, these are two dolls! Boy and girl. Let's get to know them?

Children: Come on!

V.: (Dolls speak in the ear of the teacher)

Guys, the boy's name is Vanya, and the girl's name is Tanya.

My friends, it turns out that Vanya and Tanya had a birthday today and guests came to them, their friends - girls and boys. And of course, they brought a lot of gifts, so many that Vanya and Tanya got a whole mountain of beautiful boxes, packages and bundles. Friends played, had fun, and then everyone drank tea with a delicious cake together! But when Vanya and Tanya saw off their guests, the most interesting thing came: time to open gifts. The guys got them out very quickly and were very happy! There was a car, an airplane and a brand new constructor, a beautiful doll, a ball, a soft bear and much more! Vanya and Tanya were so carried away that they did not notice how their mother invited them to dinner and told them to collect all the toys. But the trouble is ... The guys do not remember at all what toys they gave to whom. And most importantly, they don't know how to divide them, who to play what? What to do? Let's help them? Let's put the toys in boxes - in one we will put the toys that the boys and our Vanya play, and in the other, those that the girls and our Tanya play.

3. Didactic game "Who is playing what?"

The guys put toys belonging to a girl and a boy in two boxes. Remains a ball, a pyramid, cubes.

Q: Well done, guys! How quickly you coped with this task! Now Tanya and Vanya will not quarrel over toys, and each will have those toys that he is interested in playing. But what about these toys?

Children's answers.

Q: Right! It is interesting to play these toys for everyone - both boys and girls. Both Tanya and Vanya will be happy to play ball together, build a city out of blocks and assemble a pyramid. And of course to do it amicably and together. And we will teach them!

4. Physical education "We brought gifts to everyone"

Children stand in a circle leading to the middle. The driver chooses a toy, and the children perform movements, depicting a doll - how it dances, a horse - how it gallops, a top - spinning in one place around itself and a plane - flying in a circle.

We brought gifts to everyone

Whoever wants to take it.

Here is a doll with a bright ribbon,

Horse, spinning top and plane.

5. The creative part - plasticine "My cheerful ringing ball".

Q: Guys, Tanya whispered in my ear right now that she wants to invite us to a tea party and treat us to sweets, because she and Vanya have a birthday. And it is customary to give what for a birthday?

Children: Gifts!

Q: Let us and we congratulate our dolls and make a gift for them.

And so that our dolls Tanya and Vanya never quarrel again, we will prepare a surprise for them - a toy that they will be happy to play together! Guess my riddle and you will understand what kind of toy I am talking about:

Hit the wall and I'll bounce

Throw it on the ground - and I'll jump!

I fly from palm to palm -

I don’t want to lie still!

Children's answers: Ball!

Q: Right! We will make a beautiful ball for Tanya and Vanya. And now I suggest you come to our tables and choose necessary materials for work.

They sit down at the tables. Children are offered a choice of plasticine different colors, cardboard blanks - in the form of a ball, with various patterns. The teacher encourages independence in the choice of material and initial blanks. Draws attention to accuracy in the process of work, and also helps with composition and teaches you to choose colors. Explains the sequence of the work, and clearly demonstrates the techniques of pinching off a small piece from a large one and smearing the clay on the base, observing the contours.

The teacher praises the work, invites you to admire the work of both boys and girls, and once again says that although Tanya and Vanya have many different toys, both for boys and girls, it is not interesting to play them separately, but together it is very fun ...

6. Musical warm-up.

Q: What beautiful toys you have turned out! What good fellows you are!

Vanya and Tanya say thank you very much! You know, guys, our dolls love not only to play together, but also to dance, and I invite you to dance with them and with their wonderful friend - a brown bear cub.

E. Zheleznova "Brown Bear"

Let all the girls jump with me like squirrels!

I am a brown bear cub, you should know me.

I love honey and sugar, I love to dance.

Let all the boys jump with me like bunnies!

I am a brown bear cub, you should know me.

I love honey and sugar, I love to dance.

Let all the girls jump with me like squirrels!

Let all the boys jump with me like bunnies!

7.Final part.

And now my friends, let's arrange a tea party for Tanya and Vanya.

Synopsis of the GCD for gender education in the second junior group: "Grandmother - Amusement visiting the guys"

Mikhalenok Ekaterina Nikolaevna
Place of work: NDOU kindergarten number 68 "Zagadka" JSC "Russian Railways" Bryansk
Material Description: I present to your attention a summary of the GCD for preschool educators aimed at gender-role socialization of children. This activity in a playful way helps to form children's ideas about their gender, the formation of the concept: "I am a girl", "I am a boy"
Goal: gender education of preschoolers.
Program tasks:
1. To form in the child an idea of \u200b\u200bwho he is: a boy or a girl.
2. Learn to find differences in the appearance of boys and girls.
3. Learn to identify the features of the play interests of boys and girls.
4. To develop thinking, to bring up accuracy and neatness in appearance.
5. To cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work:
Viewing albums: "Boy, man, grandfather", "Girl, woman, grandmother", "Family", "Professions", group albums: "How our girls play", "How our boys play", plot pictures about family, responsibilities and rest of its members. Examining and reading books: "Toys" by A. Barto, "That's what kind of mother", "Baby naked", "Grimy girl" by E. Blaginina. Playing didactic games: “Dress the Bears”, “What do boys and girls like to play? "," What is Katya doing, what is Kolya doing? ”,“ Dress Mashenka ”,“ Family ”,“ My House ”,“ Professions ”.
Priority educational areas:socialization.
Integration of educational areas: knowledge, communication, fiction.
Activities: play, communicative, motor, cognitive and research.

GCD move:

Educator: - Bell, my friend, gather the children in a circle
(children gather near the teacher).
-My beloved girls and boys, I really want to play with you our favorite game with fingers. Let's play?
Friends in our group
Girls and boys
You and I will make friends
Little fingers.
Let's hold hands together
And we will smile at each other.
I will tell you a secret that a very interesting guest should come to us today. Do you like when people come to visit you?
Children: - Yes.
Educator: - I want you to get to know her.
(A knock on the door. The teacher goes out and transforms into the image of the Amusing Grandmother with the girl and boy dolls).
Grandma-Funny: - Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is Babushka-Funny. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Katya and Vanya (seated the dolls).
- My parents sent my granddaughters gifts: all sorts of things and pictures. I'm old, forgetful, I can't figure out which things are for Katya and which are for Vanya. I wanted to dress up my darlings, but they were offended at me and now they don't talk. Maybe you guys tell me why they were offended?
(showing dolls dressed by mistake: the boy is wearing a skirt and a bow, and the girl is wearing pants and a shirt).
Children: - You dressed them incorrectly.
Grandma-Funny: - And how, is it necessary? Well, tell me, forgetful, guys, what girls wear and what boys wear.
Selection of clothes for Katya and Vanya.
Grandma-Funny: - Oh, thank you, you helped me figure it out. Now I will dress them correctly. Do you want to relax a little and play with me?
Motor pause: "Smooth circle" game
today we will invite all the boys into a wide circle.
(we consider clothes, hairstyles, note the characteristics of boys and their common features)
In an even circle, one after another we go, we go, we go,
Today we will invite girls in dresses to a wide circle.
(we consider clothes, hairstyles, note the features of girls)

Grandma-Funny: - And their parents sent them pictures, but I mixed them up and now I don't know what to do with them. Can you help me?
Children: - Yes!
Grandma-Funny: - Well, then take apart the envelopes with your badges
(children sit at tables and put pictures)
Grandma-Funny: - What did you do, Vanechka?
- Tank.
- And you have?
- Typewriter.
- What have you collected, Nika?
- Matryoshka.
- And Nastya?
- Yula.
- And in a word, what is it?
Children: - Toys!
Grandma-Funny: - Who loves to play with cars and cubes?
Children: - Boys!
Grandma-Funny: - And what do the girls like to play with?
Children: - Dolls, dishes, etc.
Grandma-Funny: - What are you smart, quick-witted children, I will try now not to confuse anything. And my grandchildren Katya and Vanya are very fond of playing a game called "I love". The teacher calls the proposal - a statement. And the children, if they agree with the statement, answer - Yes! Yes! Yes! If you do not agree - No! No! No!
1. Girls love to play with dolls!
2. Boys love to play cars
3. Girls love to hammer in nails
4. Boys love to wear beads
5. Girls love to play football
6. Boys love to tie bows
7. Girls love to be offended
8. Boys love to complain
9. Girls and boys love to eat candy
10. Girls and boys love to receive gifts.
Grandma amusement: - Oh, what a great fellow you are. Answer all together. Friendly!
It is immediately evident - real friends! Choose your partner with whom you are friends. I invite you to tell and show the poem “If you have a good friend! "
Children, standing in pairs, facing each other, read a poem and perform actions.
The mood has fallen, - the head is down
Business falls out of hand. - shook hands and sharply lower them down.
But not everything is gone yet - they threaten each other with a finger
If you have a good friend - clap your hands
We will cope with the matter together - they take each other's hands
We'll breathe a sigh of relief, - take a deep breath
Raise the mood - raise your hands up
And shake off the dust! - "shake off" hands,
smiling at each other.
Grandma-Funny: - Well, thank you guys, how friendly you are. I really liked your visit. Now I will definitely not mix up what to wear for girls and what for boys. Just remind me, what toys should I buy for Vanechka? (Children answer)
Grandma-Funny: - And for Katenka?
(Children answer)
Grandma-Funny: - Oh, I started playing here with you and completely forgot that I had prepared a surprise for you! Balloons!
Surprise moment with balloons, girls - red, boys - blue.

Olga Bibneva
GCD in the second junior group on gender education


1. To form the ability of children to see the external similarity and difference between boys and girls, 2. To form an adequate idea of \u200b\u200btheir own gender, to consolidate knowledge about the circle of hobbies, interests and different types activities of children depending on gender; 3. To consolidate the idea of \u200b\u200bthe dependence of a person's name on his gender, 4. To activate the dictionary children: clothes (for boys, girls, people's names (male and female); 5. Develop logical thinking, ingenuity, attention, visual and auditory perception; 6. To form in children the ability to act according to the instructions of an adult; 7. Develop positive emotions. eight. Educate children have a friendly and sensitive attitude towards each other.

Preliminary work:

Examination of pictures with boys and girls.

Listening to a song "From what, from what ..." Y. Chichkov, Y. Helemsky;

Didactic games "Dress a boy and a girl for a walk"; "Find differences"

Material and equipment:

Two dolls (boy and girl);

Pictures of boys and girls;

Toy cards;

Cardboard boys and girls and clothing for them;

Worksheets "Color a toy for a boy, girl" for every child; colour pencils.

Recording a song "From what, from what ..." Y. Chichkov, Y. Helemsky;


The logic of educational activities.

1. Greetings: Children stand in a circle.

We're going to stomp now, top-top. Then we'll clap, clap, clap. Now we'll turn around. And we will smile at each other.

And now, in a good mood, I propose to go on a visit with the help of magic words.

“We stamp our feet, Clap our hands, Turn around ourselves, Hold hands together. Let's close our eyes. Let's say: "Oh!" And we will be our guest "

Dolls appear on the table (boy and girl).

2. Riddles:

She has pigtails, Long eyelashes, Skirt with flounces, Dresses with pockets. Who is this is: squirrel, boy or girl? (Girl)

Whose Favorite Toys, Tanks, Cannons and Firecrackers Who Loves Pistols Even More Than Candy? Who is always ready to shoot, climb, jump, catch up. Dexterous as bunnies These are ours ... (Boys)

This is a doll girl Masha and a doll boy Misha. I propose to figure out where is Masha and where is Misha. (Children answer).

3. Game "Hello guys!"

Hello guys! Are you guys kittens? (No.) Hello guys! Are you guys kids? (Children answer: "No"). Hello guys! Are you guys piglets? (No.) Who are you? What is your name? (Children say their name)

4. "Say the name"

Children call the names of boys and girls. If this is the name of a girl, then they take a pink bow and put it in a box next to Masha, and if this is a boy's name, then take a blue bow and put it in a box next to Misha.

Children sit on high chairs.

5. Game "Find a girl, find a boy"

I lay out pictures of boys and girls in front of the children. Children take turns looking for boys and giving the pictures to Misha, and then girls and giving the pictures to Masha.

6. Physical education

We are funny guys, we love to play together. We love a lot of chocolate, we love to sing and dance. And now all the girls are jumping like squirrels. And now all the boys are jumping like bunnies.

7. Working with cards. Didactic game "Who will we give what?"

I propose to make gifts. Gifts will be various: for boy and girl. I distribute to children one picture at a time. I propose to look carefully at what is depicted on it and think about who you can give this item - Masha or Misha.

Questions for children: - What is drawn in your picture? (car)... Who will we give it to? (Misha) etc.

8. Game "Let's dress a boy, a girl".

Work in pairs. A cardboard doll is on the tables for children (boy or girl) and clothes. You need to choose clothes appropriate for a boy or a girl.

9. Finger gymnastics

“They are friends in our a group of girls and boys... You and I will make friends with little fingers. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - we will play together.

10. Working with worksheets. (The song sounds "From what, from what ..." Y. Chichkov, Y. Helemsky;)

The task: Outlines of toys are drawn on the sheet. You need to choose a toy for girls and decorate it, and boys for boys.

Children say goodbye to Misha and Masha.

“We stamp our feet, clap our hands, turn around ourselves, Hold hands together. Let's close our eyes and return to the kindergarten "

After GCD

Round dance game "Puddle"

goal: development of communication between boys and girls, caring attitude towards girls.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher, bypassing them, he speaks: "I'm going, I'm going, I'll find a friend for myself!"... Stopping in front of a child asks: "You want to play with me? Then let's go together "... Takes the child by the hand and walk together to to another: "Let's go, let's go, we'll find a friend!", gradually gathering everyone in a chain and closing the circle, taking the last child by the hand. Children lead a round dance, squatting with the last word.

Ay, gugu, gugu, gugu, Do not circle in the meadow.

(They lower their heads, turn to face the center, put their hands on their heads and shake their heads. With the last word, they turn their backs to the puddle):

There is a puddle in the meadow, My head will spin. Oh, water! Oh, water! What a trouble so trouble!

(Do several jumps from the center):

Jump-jump, Jump-jump! I jumped, jumped and jumped, I got straight into a puddle!

(Children squat, "Fall into a puddle".

The boys quickly jump up from the floor, help the girls to get up. The girls gracefully squat, thank.)

Synopsis on gender education in the second junior group: "Grandmother - Fun visiting the guys"
Author: Keltsyna Olga Viktorovna
Place of work: MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 121" Ryazan
Position: educator
Material description: I present to your attention a synopsis for preschool educational institutions aimed at sex-role socialization of children. This activity in a playful way contributes to the formation of ideas about their gender in children, the formation of the concept: "I am a girl", "I am a boy"
Purpose: gender education of preschoolers.
Program tasks: 1. Form the child's idea of \u200b\u200bwho he is: a boy or a girl. 2. Learn to find differences in the appearance of boys and girls. 3. Learn to identify the features of the play interests of boys and girls. 4. To develop thinking, to bring up neatness and neatness in appearance. 5. To cultivate a friendly attitude towards each other.
Preliminary work: Consideration of albums: "Boy, man, grandfather", "Girl, woman, grandmother", "Family", "Professions", group albums: "How our girls play", "How our boys play", plot pictures about family, responsibilities and rest of its members. Examining and reading books: "Toys" by A. Barto, "That's what kind of mother", "Baby naked", "Grimy girl" by E. Blaginina. Playing didactic games: “Dress the Bears”, “What do boys and girls like to play? "," What is Katya doing, what is Kolya doing? ”,“ Dress Mashenka ”,“ Family ”,“ My House ”,“ Professions ”.
Priority educational areas: socialization.
Integration of educational areas: cognition, communication, fiction. Activities: play, communicative, motor, cognitive and research.
Course of the lesson:
Educator: - Bell, my friend, gather the children in a circle (children gather near the teacher). - My beloved girls and boys, I really want to play with you our favorite game with fingers. Let's play? Friends in our group Girls and boys We will make friends with you, Little fingers. Let's join hands together and smile at each other. I will tell you a secret that a very interesting guest should come to us today. Do you like when people come to visit you? Children: - Yes. Teacher: - I want you to get to know her. (A knock on the door. The teacher goes out and transforms into the image of the Amusing Grandmother with dolls, a girl and a boy). Grandma-Amusing: - Hello, boys and girls! Let's get acquainted: my name is Babushka-Funny. I came to you not alone, but with my grandchildren Katya and Vanya (seating the dolls). - My parents sent gifts to my granddaughters: all sorts of things and pictures. I'm old, forgetful, I can't figure out which things are for Katya and which are for Vanya. I wanted to dress up my darlings, but they were offended at me and now they don't talk. Maybe you guys tell me why they were offended? (showing dolls dressed by mistake: the boy is wearing a skirt and a bow, and the girl is wearing pants and a shirt) Children: - You donned them incorrectly. Grandma-Funny: - And how, is it necessary? Well, tell me, forgetful, guys, what girls wear and what boys wear. Selection of clothes for Katya and Vanya. Grandma-Funny: - Oh, thank you, you helped me figure it out. Now I will dress them correctly. Do you want to relax a little and play with me? Motive pause: The game "Smooth circle" Smooth circle, one after another we walk, walk, walk, in a wide circle we will invite all the boys today. (we consider clothes, hairstyles, note the peculiarities of boys and their common features) In an even circle, one after another we walk, walk, walk, in a circle of wide girls in dresses we will invite today. (we consider clothes, hairstyles, note the peculiarities of the girls) Grandma-Fun: - And their parents sent them pictures, but I mixed them up and now I don't know what to do with them. Can you help me? Children: - Yes! Grandma-Amusement: - Well, then take out the envelopes with their badges (children sit at tables and fold pictures) Grandmother-Amusement: - What did you do, Vanechka? - Tank. - And you? - Typewriter. - What have you collected, Nika? - Matryoshka. - And Nastya? - Yula. - In one word, what is it? Children: - Toys! Grandma-Funny: - Who loves to play with cars and cubes? Children: - Boys! Grandma-Funny: - And what do the girls like to play with? Children: - Dolls, dishes, etc. Grandma-Fun: - What you are smart, quick-witted children, now I will try not to confuse anything. And my grandchildren Katya and Vanya are very fond of playing a game called "I love". The teacher calls the proposal - a statement. And the children, if they agree with the statement, answer - Yes! Yes! Yes! If you do not agree - No! No! No! 1. Girls love to play with dolls! 2. Boys love to play with cars 3. Girls love to hammer in nails 4. Boys love to wear beads 5. Girls love to play soccer 6. Boys love to tie bows 7. Girls love to be offended 8. Boys love to complain 9. Girls and boys love to eat candy 10. Girls and boys love to receive gifts. Grandma amusement: - Oh, what a great fellow you are. Answer all together. Amicably! Immediately evident - real friends! Choose your partner with whom you are friends. I invite you to tell and show the poem “If you have a good friend! »Children, standing in pairs, facing each other, read a poem and perform actions. The mood has fallen, - the head is lowered The case falls out of hand. - shook hands and sharply lower them down. But not everything is gone, - they shake their fingers at each other If there is a good friend - they clap their hands We will cope with the matter together - they take each other's hands With a sigh of relief - take a deep breath Raise the mood - raise our hands up And shake off the dust! - "shake off" their hands, smiling at each other. Grandma-Funny: - Well, thank you guys, how friendly you are. I really liked your visit. Now I will definitely not confuse what to wear for girls and what for boys. Just remind me, what toys should I buy for Vanechka? (Children answer) Amusing Grandma: - And for Katenka? (Children answer) Grandma-Funny: - Oh, I started playing here with you and completely forgot that I had prepared a surprise for you! Balloons! Surprise moment with balloons, girls - red, boys - blue.
