Dahlia is the decoration of my garden. I grow this flower separately from others. I want to say that he does not make high demands on the composition of the soil. Dahlia flower, as the dahlia is also called, is presented in a wide variety of shades.

I prefer to combine red varieties with yellow ones, but white, pink, and two-color ones are also popular. In this article, I share my experience in growing a dahlia. You will learn how to use tubers correctly for propagation. Dahlias flower photo:

The flower belongs to the Aster family, it is actively used in landscape design... You can plant dahlias along the curb or near the fountain. The plant looks amazing in large pots. One of the advantages of a flower is unpretentious care.

Landing features

To get gorgeous flowers, you need to choose the right place for planting. If the soil on the site is poor, depleted, be sure to fertilize it. For long flowering, perennial dahlias should be fed. Loosen the soil near the planting, thanks to this, you will improve the breathability of the soil.

In the spring, I advise you to buy healthy, mature tubers. If the planting material is soft, choose another. Dry tuber is also not suitable for growing. Experienced gardeners propagate dahlia with tubers. Generative reproduction is practiced by breeders, it helps to develop new, unique varieties.

Site selection, seed preparation

Let's go directly to the landing. The tubers are placed in the soil on the 15th of May. If used with seeds, the plant will bloom in August. In order for the dahlia to bloom earlier in the open field, seeds must be germinated. In April, they are sown in plastic cups filled with clean, wet sand.

I advise you to close up the seeds by 1 cm, and then cover the cups with plastic. Planting material in this form is kept for 10 days. It germinates well at a temperature of + 26 degrees. After that, the sprouts are dived (transplanted into separate cups).

Sprouted seeds take root in moist, loose soil. To prepare the substrate, you need to take one part of peat and sand, 2 parts of leaf land. Before replanting seedlings, you should treat the soil with potassium permanganate, then water the seedlings.

I advise you to plant sprouted seeds at the end of May. Place the seedlings in a spacious, draft-free area. Dahlia prefers fertile, drained soil. It can grow in soil with high and low acidity, but neutral is recommended.

  • If the PH level reaches 5, slaked lime should be added.
  • If the PH level is 8.5, the soil should be diluted with peat.

The prepared area is dug up, humus is introduced at the rate of 4 kg per 1 cubic meter. After planting the seedlings, compost must be added with a small amount of wood ash.

It is important to ensure pest prevention. To keep the soil resting, I recommend replanting the dahlia every year. Decorative culture does not feel well if asters grew on the site before her.

Tuber preparation

Planting material is prepared in April. If it has dry or damaged roots, it is necessary to remove them, and the sections should be treated with brilliant green. The tubers are planted in containers filled with a nutrient mixture. The root collar should be 3 cm above the ground.

Planting material develops favorably at a temperature of + 18 degrees. You can place it under an artificial light source. A few days after transplanting, the tubers form buds, at which time they must be cut into pieces.

I advise you to remove ten-centimeter shoots. At the final stage, planting is carried out in the ground. A flower can also be grown from cuttings (shoots), planting is carried out according to the same principle.

Landing in the garden

Dahlia - hardy plant, it takes root even in cold climates, for example, in the Urals. After planting a seed, cutting or tuber, be sure to add water. Before planting planting material, you should make sure that the ground is warmed up. I advise you to plant the tubers in early June.

It is necessary to dig a 40 x 40 trench, put manure or compost on the bottom, sprinkle it with earth. Some gardeners prefer tall varieties, in which case drainage must be installed, it will provide air access and prevent the plant from falling.

After planting, add water at room temperature. Use wood ash mixed with peat as mulch.

How to care for a flower

For the full growth of a dahlia, it is necessary to mulch the plot with peat and dig up the ground in a timely manner. It is important to keep slugs away from the plant. I advise you to add water once every 7 days. If the weather is rainy, you should limit watering.

Waterlogging is destructive, the roots of the dahlia begin to rot. Remember that stagnant water can kill the flower. Hill in hot weather.

Feed the flowers in a timely manner: alternate organic matter with mineral compositions. In late spring, add 15 g of saltpeter per 1 cubic meter. A ten percent mullein solution and twenty percent litter infusion are helpful. When the first buds appear, superphosphate and potassium compounds are added, a solution is used: 30 g of the drug per 10 liters of water.

In order for a dahlia to grow well in the garden, it is necessary to remove the buds that have faded. On one peduncle there should be 2 pcs. If there are many buds, the growth of decorative culture is disrupted.

In a tall variety, the lower side branches should be removed. If the flower is undersized, it is necessary to leave the shoots. Improper care and non-compliance with crop rotation are dangerous for the plant, it can be attacked by:

  • slugs;
  • ticks;
  • earwigs.

To combat slugs and earwigs, an infusion of celandine is used. Dahlia attacks aphids. To destroy this pest, you must use a soap solution.

Harvesting tubers

I recommend digging them up in the fall when the cold weather sets in. Remove the leaves first. Dig up the planting material in the morning in dry weather. It is worth noting that the tubers are fragile, careless movement can damage them.

After digging, shorten the long roots, peel off the soil, dry and wash. It is important to harvest the dahlia tubers in a timely manner, otherwise the buds inside will germinate.

Planting and maintenance is easy, even for a novice gardener! But certain rules must be followed. It is important to add water in moderation, periodically fertilize the flower. Growing also involves pest control. Use insecticides if necessary.

Thanks to the incomparable flowers of the most beautiful color and variety of forms, the genus of dahlia deserves a noticeable place in any garden. Few of the florists do not admire the magnificence of this plant. The history of the appearance of the dahlia is connected with the legend that the dahlia appeared on the site of the last fire that died out during the onset of the ice age. And the first to sprout after the arrival of warmth, marking the victory of life over death, and warmth over cold.

Intensive breeding work led to the creation of a huge number of varieties - now their number is in the tens of thousands. This flower has two official names - Dahlia (most common in England) and Dahlia.

The Aztecs worshiped this plant, considering it an incarnation, warriors depicted it on their shields and clothes, wore it as an amulet, believing that it gives them strength and courage. The natives used the tubers for food, and the hollow stems were used in the construction of the aqueduct. Dahlia is considered a symbol of all-conquering life, fortitude, freedom, inaccessibility, pride. The Japanese consider it a symbol of greatness. Dahlia is the national flower of Mexico.

The dahlias that we admire today were obtained by crossing the Mexican species Dahlia coccinnta and Dahlia variabilis. It's herbaceous perennial plants, the roots of which have powerful tuberous thickenings with a supply of nutrients. Stems are hollow, branching, bearing pinnately separated, opposite, green-blue leaves on elongated petioles. Flowers are collected in inflorescences-baskets, blooming from summer until the first light frosts. Reed flowers are flat, spatulate, ribbon-like, rolled into a tube, different in color; tubular - yellow or orange.

Depending on the size of the inflorescence, dahlias are subdivided into giant (over 25 cm in diameter), large (up to 25), medium (20-25), small (10-15) and miniature - up to 10 cm.

Growing dahlias from seeds

Sowing directly into the ground

Considering that these plants are very thermophilic and do not tolerate even short-term light frosts, they can be sown into the ground only after the 20th of May to be sure that the night frost will not destroy the seedlings.

However, there is a significant drawback: in this case, you can not see it until August.

Therefore, many gardeners still arrange a mini-greenhouse or a greenhouse for these flowers and sow already in the twenties of March. You can use old window frames or pull the film over the arcs.

  • The prepared bed should stand a couple of days after digging for the earth to settle.
  • The furrows are filled shallow, a distance of 60 cm.
  • We sow less often in a row, the plants need space, dense shoots are then broken through or transplanted, leaving a distance between the bushes of at least 60 cm.
  • After sowing, the land is leveled with a rake, filling the furrows.
  • We water it well, you can sprinkle the bed with rotted humus in a thin layer to prevent the formation of an earthen crust.

Often not needed natural moisture should be enough for a few days. But if the weather is hot, make sure that the ground does not dry out.

Growing dahlias for seedlings at home

When planting dahlia seeds, flowering immediately on the garden bed will not occur until mid-August. When planting seeds at home for seedlings, an earlier start of flowering is achieved. Growing in this way usually does not cause any trouble for flower growers. The only point that should be taken into account is that dahlia seedlings do not tolerate even weak frosts.

It is convenient to grow dahlias with seeds for decorating borders, rabatok. Plants grown from seeds form a small tuber by autumn. Therefore, you can save the specimen you like and plant it next season to admire it next summer. Dahlia seeds ripen well - they can be harvested and saved for planting next year.

Annual dahlias are sown for seedlings in April, but if you want to get perennial nodules, you need to sow in early March.

  • Prepare containers for drainage. If using food packaging, be sure to make holes in the bottom.
  • Fill containers with nutritious, organic-rich, loose soil. Remember, simple garden soil will have a bad effect on the health of the seedlings: during the care, it tends to become very compacted. Therefore, it is better to buy a special mixture for flowers. Well, or not be lazy, adding to garden soil rotted organic matter, peat and sand in equal proportions.
  • Sowing is done shallow, 1-1.5 cm. It is advisable to sow less often, leaving a distance of 2-3 cm between the seeds.
  • When little dahlias release 2-3 true leaves, they are carefully dived into separate cups. You can use a fork, teaspoon, or any other tool you like. The main thing is not to damage the delicate roots and transfer them with a lump of earth.
  • Then just water and provide sufficient lighting.
  • When the weather is warm, we arrange for the seedlings to walk outside: we teach them to the wind and the sun. We are gradually increasing the time and by the end of the second week of hardening, our seedlings should be outside for a full day. Such hardened seedlings will not hurt after planting and will quickly take over.

When to plant dahlias outdoors

At the end of May, when there is no longer a threat of night frosts, seedlings and tubers are planted in a flower bed... In some regions even earlier, it all depends on the weather. Dahlias bloom 60-90 days after they ascend, depending on the variety.

Planting seedlings of dahlias in the spring in the ground

Planting dahlia seedlings in the ground - a joyful stage for the gardener. Finally, the flowers will go to the flower bed. Here I would like to give some tips:

  • Try to avoid strict rows, the landing will look unnatural, too prim. It is better to combine dahlias with rudbeckia bushes, or asteriscus, simulating the natural chaos.
  • Give more space for each bush, the distance to other plants is at least 60 cm.
  • The wells are prepared in advance, they are made wider and deeper than the seedling cups, it is advisable to pour a little humus on the bottom.
  • Seedlings are planted, carefully removing a clod of earth so that the earth does not crumble from the roots.
  • Placed vertically in the hole, trying to maintain the existing level of the root collar.
  • Sprinkle with earth, moisten abundantly.
  • It is advisable to mulch the root space with any available material: fresh grass, sawdust, pine needles.

Planting dahlias tubers in spring

Before planting, dahlia tubers should be prepared: wash from the ground and soak in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for about half an hour. Then the tubers are laid out in boxes with sawdust treated with boiling water and germinated at room temperature until sprouts appear.

After the tubers have sprouted, they should be separated before planting in order to allow the bushes to develop fully in the new season.

How to divide tubers before planting, we look at the video:

After the tubers are ready for planting, we begin the process itself. Prepare deep holes, approximately 30 cm deep and 40 cm in diameter. Pour humus on the bottom, mix with garden soil. Lay out one cut of tubers in each hole, cover with earth, the distance from the tuber to the surface of the earth is about 5-8 cm.

For details on planting dahlias with tubers in spring, we look at the video:

Reproduction of dahlias by dividing tubers

  • Tubers are prepared for planting in advance. First, they are placed in wet sawdust or peat.
  • After the sprouts appear, they are carefully divided with a sharp knife into several parts, so that each one has sprouts.
  • Sections are dried and sprinkled with ash or activated carbon... After that, they are again placed in sawdust for rooting.
  • As soon as warm weather is established without, they are planted in pre-prepared holes.
  • 1/3 of a bucket of humus or compost is added to each hole.
  • The rag is placed in the hole so that the sprouts are at the soil surface.
  • It is well spilled and covered with compost.
  • The root collar should be at ground level.

Propagation of dahlias by cuttings

  • At the end of February, the roots of the dahlia are treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and placed in boxes, half covered with a light nutrient substrate, moderately watered.
  • Cuttings are taken in 3-4 weeks.
  • They are treated with root roots and planted in individual cups.
  • To speed up rooting, you can cover the plantings with plastic.
  • Rooting takes place within two weeks.
  • In early June, they are planted in groups or rows at a distance of 60 cm.

Growing conditions

  • Dahlias prefer sunny areas. They grow excellently in partial shade, but are much higher than plants planted in the sun.
  • Deep shade is detrimental to development and flowering.
  • They love rather moist soil - for this, the land under the plantings should be mulched with half-rotted sawdust or mowed grass. This will prevent moisture from evaporating and eliminate weeding.
  • Top dressing is carried out in cases where organic components were not introduced into the soil during planting.
  • A liquid compound fertilizer is used every two weeks.
  • A support must be placed under tall varieties - this will protect against stem breakage during bad weather and strong winds.

No more than 3 shoots should be left on each bush... To get more on the central peduncles, all lateral shoots should be cut off. It is imperative to remove faded buds to enable the young to develop. The fewer the buds, the larger the flowers.

After the first frost has damaged the bushes, they should be dug up... Cut the stem at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground and carefully dig out the root, trying not to damage it at the same time. Very often, liquid accumulates inside the hollow stem and this causes the plant to rot during storage. Therefore, the tuber is turned over with the stem down, allowing the liquid to flow out. After that, you can dry the tubers outdoors throughout the day, weather permitting. Then they are transferred to storage in a dry basement.

Diseases and pests

Dahlias are quite stable, but waterlogging of the soil should be avoided, which contributes to the development of diseases and the attack of slugs. Against aphids and mites, irrigate your plants with tar water periodically. When infected with a viral mosaic, light spots appear on the leaf plates, yellowing along the veins. Such plants should be discarded. If uncharacteristic growths are found on the tubers, which indicates bacterial cancer, the infected tubers are destroyed.

Types of dahlias with photos and descriptions

Dahlia tree Dahlia arborea - a species with a powerful woody stem reaching a height of 2 m. It has simple lilac baskets.

Dahlia coccinea - the leaves of this species are pinnate with pointed lobes. The baskets are simple and small.
In the species Dahlia juarezii, the stem is about 1 m high with deeply indented dark malachite leaves and multi-colored inflorescences. from it cactus dahlias originated.

Dahlia changeable Dahlia variabilis - has simple baskets with red ligulate and yellow tubular flowers.
All of these species, originally from Mexico, laid the foundation for a variety of varieties, so beloved by our growers. They absolutely do not tolerate even the mildest frost and are grown in our strip as annual plants. But dahlia tubers overwinter well in dry, cool rooms like potato tubers. To do this, they are dug up and replanted in the spring.

There is a division of dahlias according to the shape of the inflorescence

Anemone... A medium-sized group with semi-double inflorescences that look like anemones.

Collar... The tubular petals of this plant are shorter than those of other species. The middle of the inflorescence is made up of small tubular petals with a collar of one row of large flat petals of a contrasting color.

Peony... Outwardly they are similar to peonies. The most extensive and colorful species.

Lotus-shaped or nymphaean... All varieties of this species are terry and the largest.

Decorative... The most common variety, including the largest number of varieties.

Spherical and pompous... They are similar to each other and differ in size. Both have double flowers that resemble a ball, consisting of many petals. Pompous, whose diameter does not exceed 5 cm. Spherical - 8-15 cm. Both species are tall.

Cactus... The most original variety, their inflorescences consist of long narrow, folded petals, sometimes dissected at the ends.


Healing properties dahlias allow you to rank them as medicinal plants... Decoctions of these flowers normalize metabolic processes, are useful for the cardiovascular system. Tincture of rhizomes is used as a prophylactic agent against diabetes mellitus. Fresh leaves are applied to the skin to treat acne. Rhizomes are used in crushed form as a mask for aging facial skin. Powder from the tubers is rubbed into the base of the hair follicles to strengthen the hair.

Low-growing varieties are used for borders, flowerpots, balcony boxes. Most varieties are used in free compositions or group plantings. And especially spectacular, profusely flowering - in single plantings. Varieties with long, sturdy peduncles are used for cutting and stand well in water for over a week.

Dahlias have always been loved by our growers. Some of them collect entire collections - their flower beds attract attention with an abundance of blooming dahlias. The abundance of planting material on store shelves, sufficient unpretentiousness, lush blooming put the dahlia among the most popular plants in our plots.

Fresh dahlias

The homeland of dahlia is the mountainous regions of Mexico. Once upon a time, the roots of this flower were eaten by the ancient Aztecs. In Europe, the taste of the plant was not appreciated, but everyone liked the amazing beauty and grace of the flower.

Its Latin name, Dahlia, was named after the famous Swedish botanist Dahl. And the dahlia in Russia was named after the famous botanist and geographer Johann Georgi.

Dahlia growing area

Dahlias are not very demanding plants. They can take root even in dense shade. But the size and color of inflorescences from such a location can be significantly affected. Do you want to enjoy beautiful buds for a longer time? Plant the dahlias in light partial shade. The beauty of the plant will not fade from this, but the flowering period will be maximum.

The only condition that must be observed is a moderate level of humidity. Dahlia tubers are prone to decay. Therefore, they should not be planted in the lowlands. Experts advise, before planting plants, to equip a drainage layer of broken brick or expanded clay on the garden bed.

Plant dahlias in light partial shade

But you don't have to worry about the type of soil. Dahlias feel fine both on loams and on sandy soils, and on fertile black soil. Therefore, they can be safely planted in any area.

Dahlia planting

Dahlia tubers are planted only in spring or even in early summer, when the threat of frost passes and the soil warms up properly. If you are planting dahlias in early spring, be sure to carefully cover them from frost. But it is better not to rush - return frosts can destroy the tubers of the plant.

Dahlia tubers with awake bud

For planting dahlia you need to dig a groove, focusing on the size of the tuber. Please note that, in addition to the rhizome itself, fertilizers should fit in the hole - rotted (lying for a year or two) compost or manure. Therefore, the size of the fossa must be appropriate. The tuber in the hole should be located so that the root collar rises a couple of centimeters above the ground.

The root collar is the area that begins above the rhizome. It is here that growth buds are located - the beginnings of new shoots. The deepening of this section of the tuber threatens with decay. Therefore, keeping the distance correctly is very important!

To speed up flowering, dahlias can be pre-germinated... To do this, the tubers should be placed on a layer of light soil or ordinary sawdust and covered with polyethylene on top. It is very important to leave a small gap to ensure proper air circulation. Tubers must be irrigated regularly with a spray bottle - they must always be moistened. In such a mini-greenhouse, growth buds will quickly wake up after a period of "hibernation". Therefore, the cherished flowers will decorate the garden a couple of weeks earlier.

Dahlia sprouts

Dahlia stems, powerful in appearance, actually break easily in strong gusts of wind, so they need tie up... To do this, during planting of tubers, you need to immediately equip a support - insert a peg into the hole and dig it along with the tuber. Indeed, after a few months, it will be rather difficult to drive a peg next to the rhizome so as not to damage it.

For short species, you can use thirty centimeter pegs. And for tall plants, you will need to get at least half-meter supports. Ideally, use more than one peg, but several at once, driving them around the perimeter of the bush. This technique will allow you to fix even the most powerful plants well.

Dahlia tubers are not able to survive the harsh winter. Therefore, even in middle lane they are recommended dig up in late autumn to protect against frost.

Dahlia care

In order for dahlias to please you with abundant flowering, you need to pay attention to them from time to time.


Grasshopping is the removal of excess stems. However, it is not a prerequisite growing dahlia.

Pickling helps to get strong stems and large buds. After all, as you know, the fewer shoots remain on the bush, the faster they develop. The ideal number of stems is two or three. It is not recommended to leave more. The pinching does not end there. The procedure does not lose its relevance throughout the season. To obtain a luxurious bush, it is necessary to promptly remove all sprouts that regularly appear in the axils (near the base) of the leaves.

Watering and fertilizing

You will have to water dahlias regularly, but without undue enthusiasm. If you overdo it, the plant can lose its attractiveness or even die altogether. Watering should be done so that the water soaks the soil by about thirty centimeters. This will be enough for the flower to receive the optimal dose of life-giving moisture.

During watering, it is very convenient to apply fertilizers: organic matter (manure or compost), nitrogen fertilizers, superphosphate, wood ash.

If the hole was well fertilized when planting, then the first feeding can be postponed a little until a green mass begins to form. If the soil has not been fertilized, then after a week you should take care of feeding with organic matter. This is not difficult to do. It is enough to dig holes along the perimeter of the bush, pour fertilizer into them, and then level the soil with a rake. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every two weeks.

Dahlia species

Today there are thousands of varieties of dahlias and several types of their classification. Among this luxurious assortment you can find amazing specimens of the most incredible shapes and colors. There are also mini-dahlias with compact bushes, and giants whose height exceeds a meter - the choice is almost unlimited.

  • Collared dahlias - owners of petals different sizes: in the middle, they are short and rolled into "tubes", and on the outer part of the inflorescence - long and flat.

Collared dahlia

  • Needle dahlias differ from all other varieties in thin petals, each of which is twisted into a dense tube. Their length can vary greatly. In addition, it is worth noting one of the subspecies - semi-needle dahlias. Their petals are not more like needles, but like graceful cones.

Needle dahlia

  • Spherical dahlias- owners of lush round inflorescences. The petals are large, fleshy. Each of them is slightly rolled into a tube. The inflorescence is loose, soft.

Spherical dahlia

  • Pompom dahlias - close relatives of spherical. They also have fluffy inflorescences consisting of slightly twisted petals. But in size, pompom flowers are noticeably inferior to their counterparts, and their inflorescences are denser to the touch.

Pompom dahlia

  • Nymph dahlias are strikingly different from other species. They have flat inflorescences. In the center there is a fluffy center of short tubular petals. Most often it looks convex. The edging of the flower is a series of wide flat petals.

Dahlia nymph

  • Anemone dahlias somewhat similar to collar. There are short graceful tubes inside. Along the perimeter there are wide flat petals.

Anemone dahlia

  • Peony dahlias - owners of lush inflorescences. Each of them has several rows of oval wide petals, and in the middle there is a group of short ones twisted into graceful tubes.

Peony dahlia

This is probably all about these beautiful flowers. As you can see, growing dahlias is not so difficult. If you stick to these simple recommendations, gorgeous buds, framed by emerald greens, will show off in the garden from mid-summer until the first frost.

The choice of landing site has great importance for the successful cultivation of dahlias.
To get beautifully flowering plants it is better to plant dahlias in a sunny, draft-free place. Dahlias planted in the shade stretch out and bloom poorly.

Perennial dahlias

Since tubers with an excess of moisture are prone to decay, the planting site should not be in a lowland where moisture can stagnate. It is undesirable to grow dahlias in one place for more than two years in order to avoid damage to flowers by diseases and pests.

Preplant preparation of beds

Soil preparation is carried out in autumn and spring just before planting tubers or seedlings. The soil should be loose, air and water permeable, slightly acidic or with neutral acidity.

In autumn, apply organic fertilizers to the soil: rotted manure - 3-5 kg \u200b\u200bper 1 sq. M or bird droppings in the amount of 100 g per 1 sq. M. You can add humus, compost. If the soil is heavy, clayey, the addition of coarse sand and ash will help improve the structure. Dig up the beds to a depth of 30-35 cm. The width of the beds is about 1 m, the length is arbitrary.

In early spring, rake the beds to retain moisture in the soil. And already just before planting dahlias, dig up the ground with a pitchfork or process it with a flat cutter to a depth of 5 cm. This is necessary to clear the beds from sprouted weeds and roots of sow thistle, wheatgrass, bindweed.

Preparing dahlia tubers for planting

  • The preparation of planting material begins in late March - early April when planting dahlias with seedlings.
  • If it is decided to plant the tubers immediately in the ground, then the preparation is carried out two weeks before planting - in the first half of May.

We take out the dahlia tubers from the storage area and carefully examine them. It is necessary to remove all dried roots and nodules, cut out the rotten parts. Treat all cut points with brilliant green or sprinkle with ash, crushed activated carbon.

These tubers must be divided into sections with 1-3 tubers.

If the rhizomes were not divided in the fall, then this must be done before planting. Why share? A large tuber with a large number of buds will make a thickened plant that will shade itself and bloom poorly. This is especially true for large-flowered tall varieties. Tubers of low-growing curb dahlias need not be divided before planting.

If the buds on the root collar have not yet woken up, the tubers should be placed in a bright, warm place. As soon as the sprouts hatch, you can start dividing.

Dividing dahlia tubers.

With a sharp knife, starting from the hemp, it is necessary to carefully cut the root tubers so that the resulting divisions are with a root collar and have 1-3 growth points. One cut can contain 1-3 nodules. Sprinkle the cut points with ash or crushed coal, grease with brilliant green.

For planting tubers, the resulting cuttings are placed in boxes or transparent bags with openings for air access and lightly sprayed. This is done two weeks before planting. In a bright, warm place, the buds will quickly wake up and sprouts will hatch. The tubers are ready for planting.

Growing seedlings

Growing seedlings is used to get an earlier flowering.
We plant the resulting cuttings in small plastic containers or pots, which must have drainage holes. We use light soil: coconut substrate, sand, sawdust, light earth.

We fill the tubers with a substrate so that the root collar with buds is on the surface. This planting will protect the root collar from decay.

Growing dahlia seedlings

Seedling care: The place for seedlings should be light, but straight sun rays detrimental to tender sprouts. The optimum temperature is 15-18 degrees. Watering is minimal. Top dressing is not needed, since there are enough nutrients in the tuber, which will be enough before planting seedlings in open ground.

Planting perennial dahlias in the ground

Planting dahlias in open ground with seedlings is carried out in late May - early June. At this time, the threat has usually passed. spring frosts and the weather was warm.

Before planting, the seedlings must be hardened. To this end, plant pots should be taken out into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

Planting holes with a bayonet depth of a shovel are dug at a distance of 30 cm for low-growing species and 50-80 cm for tall varieties of dahlias. The size of the hole should be such that the seedlings, along with a lump of earth, are located freely.

We plant the dahlia in the prepared hole.

Water the seedlings well for an hour or two before planting. Pour a quarter of a bucket of rotted manure or humus at the bottom of the planting hole, add mineral fertilizers and mix with earth. Place the seedlings with a lump of earth, stick a peg next to it to tie the bush as it grows and fill it up so that the soil covers the bottom pair of leaves. Water the planted plant and mulch with dry soil.

Planting tubers

Dahlias can be planted in open ground with tubers by mid-May. Planting holes are dug with a depth on a shovel bayonet, with a diameter of 30 - 40 cm. Rotted manure, humus, mineral fertilizers are added, mixed with a part of the excavated earth.

The prepared sprouted tubers are placed horizontally, a peg is inserted for the future garter and covered with soil so that the root collar is covered with a layer of 5 cm. After planting, the garden bed is watered and mulched with dry soil.

Dahlia care

Caring for dahlias includes weeding, watering, feeding, forming a bush, and garter.


Weeding is necessary to keep the beds clean so that weeds do not interfere with plant development. If the dahlias were planted with tubers, then the places around the pegs must be weeded by hand without using a flat cutter or hoe, so as not to damage the small sprouts.

Caring for perennial dahlias is usual: weeding, watering, feeding.

Plants that have grown up to 15 cm must be hilled. This will induce the formation of additional roots, improve stem growth and improve the bush's resistance to wind. Hilling dahlias at the end of summer will help protect the root collar from damage from autumn frosts. Weeding and loosening the soil is desirable after each watering or rain.

Do not forget to water the dahlias

Watering is required abundant - for each bush 4-5 liters of water. Watering frequency depends on weather conditions. In a dry, hot summer, we water often, but so that there is no stagnation of water. Two waterings per week are enough. Mulching the soil with peat, humus, compost after watering helps to retain moisture longer.

Plant feeding

Top dressing is done 2-3 times before flowering. The day before feeding the dahlias must be watered. There are many options for using fertilizers. We give just a couple of examples.

  1. Dahlias are very responsive to feeding organic fertilizers in the form of infusion of mullein (1:10) or bird droppings (1:20). For 10 liters of water, 2 liters of infusion are taken. 1.5 - 2 liters of the prepared solution is poured under each plant.
  2. Potash and phosphorus fertilizers have a good effect on the development of tubers, budding and flowering. For 10 liters of water, take a teaspoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate. 2-3 liters of solution are poured under each bush.

The first feeding is carried out two or three weeks after planting, the second - during budding and the third - before flowering. Since the second half of August, dahlias will no longer be fed. When overfeeding, especially with nitrogen fertilizers, the tubers will be poorly stored.

Bush formation.

In a young plant, 2-3 strongest shoots are left, all other stems are removed. Also, all lateral stepchildren are pinched to a stem height of 40-50 cm.This is necessary for better growth and flowering. The flowers will be larger and more intense in color.

It is better to remove side shoots.

The very first flower can be broken without regret, then the lateral shoots will begin to grow faster and the flowering will be more magnificent. Regular removal of dried flowers stimulates the growth of new inflorescences and prolongs the flowering period.

In August, you need to cut off all the lower leaves on the stems to a height of 30-50 cm in order to accelerate the ripening of the root collar. All these measures are relevant for tall and medium-sized dahlias.

Dwarf low-growing dahlias grow in a lush bush with several stems. Such varieties do not need to be pinned. The only thing you can do is pinch the stem at a height of 30 cm.

Dahlia garters are essential for tall and medium-sized varieties. Dahlias have a hollow, fragile stem that can easily break under the pressure of the wind. To protect the bushes, already when planting, a peg about 1 m high is placed in the hole. The plant begins to tie up at a height of 50 cm and higher as it grows.

Reproduction of perennial dahlias

Perennial dahlias propagate vegetatively: by dividing tubers and cuttings. Only annual varieties reproduce by seeds.

Dividing dahlia tubers.

You can divide dahlia tubers in autumn and spring.
In autumn The rhizomes dug out and cleared of the ground are cut into several pieces, a cut. If the bush grew in two or three shoots, then first you need to divide the nests so that each one has one stump. We loosen and carefully stretch the nests to the sides, being careful not to damage the root collar, which is attached to the hemp from the stem. On the root collar there are renewal buds - eyes.

Now you need to cut the tubers so that each part has a piece of the root collar with one, two or three eyes. You need to divide with a sharp tool (knife, pruner, scissors), starting with the hemp. Each such division can have from one to three tubers and necessarily a part of the root collar with 1-3 buds.

With spring division we take out the tubers from the storage area and carefully examine. All rotten parts must be cut off, dried roots and nodules removed. Treat the cut points with brilliant green or ash. To make it convenient to divide, we place the tubers in boxes with sand or sawdust and put them in a warm, bright place.

When the buds wake up and sprouts appear, it will be clearly visible how best to cut the tubers. You can start dividing. The procedure is the same as in the fall.

Cutting dahlias.

Dahlias are propagated by cuttings when there is little planting material, but you need to get a lot of bushes. This method is also good for rejuvenating a degenerating variety.

In early March, the tubers intended for cuttings are removed from the storage area and examined. Prepared tubers are planted in boxes or other containers, covered with a light substrate (sand, sawdust, coconut substrate, and other mixtures), moistened. The root collar should be free of dust on the surface.

Try to cut the stalk with part of the tuber.

Put containers in a bright warm place for germination. As soon as the shoots hatch, the temperature is lowered to 16-18 degrees so that the shoots do not stretch out. After two to three weeks, you can start grafting.
Shoots with two or three pairs of leaves are cut with a very sharp tool, trying to grab a small piece of the tuber. Such cuttings with a "heel" take root better. But you can simply cut off the shoot at the very base without damaging the tuber. In this case, the cuttings will take longer to root.

For better rooting, you need to dip the cutting into a rooting stimulator (root, heteroauxin). Plant the cuttings to a depth of 2 cm in a light nutritious soil, water and cover with a plastic bag or transparent plastic bottle... The optimum temperature for rooting is 20-25 degrees. Care is normal. From time to time, the cuttings should be ventilated, if necessary, moistened.

Dahlia shoots take root within two to three weeks. When the roots grow, the cuttings begin to grow, the shelter can be removed and the temperature can be lowered to 16-18 degrees.
Before planting in open ground, the seedlings must be hardened, accustoming them to fresh air. Plant in late May - early June, when the threat of frost has passed.

Other helpful articles about dahlias:

  1. ... The seeds can grow wonderful dahlias. They will bloom all summer, will cost you significantly less and can be changed every year.
  2. On this page you can familiarize yourself with a variety of dahlia varieties: small, large, just huge. There are varieties for growing in pots and on balconies.
  3. ... Dahlias need to be dug up on time in autumn and properly stored in winter. You can save tubers not only in the cellar, but also in a city apartment. All this will be discussed in this article.
  4. Detailed recommendations on how to deal with pests and diseases.

). The genus has about 40 species. In the wild, these flowers are found in Mexico and Guatemala. In culture, about 15 thousand varieties are used. Read about the intricacies of growing dahlias in the open field below.

Perennial dahlias

Dahlia is a plant with a hollow stem, which can reach a height of 30 to 250 cm, and a large, powerful root system in the form of tubers. The sizes, shape and color of flowers in a plant are very diverse. They can reach diameters from 3 to 35 cm.

Depending on their form, there are:

  • simple;
  • nymph;
  • semi-cactus;
  • terry cactus;
  • pompom;
  • spherical;
  • decorative;
  • peony;
  • collar;
  • anemone.

The leaves of the flower are also different in shape and color - they can be from pale green to almost black.

Perennial dahlia flowers are distinguished by a long flowering period, which lasts from July to November, more precisely, until the first frost. At this time, they delight their owners and passers-by with a variety of colors - there are only varieties with blue and blue buds.

Despite its fabulous beauty, the plant is absolutely unpretentious in care. Most often it is planted outdoors in flower beds, but some varieties are suitable for growing in containers. used in rabatki.

Did you know? The dahlia got its name from the name of the famous Russian ethnographer Johann Georgi in 1803. The flower inherited the Latin name Dahlia from the surname of the botanist from Sweden Andreas Dahl in 1791.

Growing conditions

The main conditions for the successful cultivation of dahlias are:

  • selection of a place in accordance with the requirements;
  • providing the necessary;
  • regular;
  • correct feeding;
  • bush formation activities.


Basically, dahlias can grow in any light. The only thing is that in the areas they will be less and will shorten the flowering time - the flowers will grow smaller and dimmer. The most beautiful plants will be those that grow in light partial shade. If there is no such site, then they must be planted in an open, sunny area, but protected from the winds.


Since wild dahlias are native to warm countries, the plant is thermophilic. It should be planted when there is no threat, in a well-heated ground.

It is because of the thermophilicity closer to winter that the entire ground part of the plant dies off, only tubers remain alive, which must be dug up and stored until.

Soil characteristics

In terms of soil, dahlias are also unassuming - will grow to any, however, the best decorative effect is shown when grown in black soil, loam and sandy loam.

In heavy soil, it is important to add a mixture of leaf humus, peat and sand. This way you can achieve greater breathability.

Good is a prerequisite. Expanded clay or broken brick is used for it.

For planting dahlias, areas of swampy and with a close location of groundwater are not suitable. It is strongly not recommended to plant them in lowlands.

Features of planting perennial dahlias

To plant dahlias, you need to buy planting material. The shops offer seeds, root tubers, cuttings, seedlings. It is best to stay on tubers and seeds when choosing. With the help of the former, it is easier and faster to land.

How to choose the right tubers for planting

When choosing perennial dahlia tubers, it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to their quality and availability of necessary successful landing and leaving of elements: 2-3 cm piece of stem, root collar with buds, 1-3 nodules. All elements must adhere well to the root collar and in no case dangle on it.
Tubers should be chosen elastic, healthy in appearance - not shriveled, not dry, without rot, stains.

If the tubers are bought long before the planting process, then they need to be stored in the same way as in winter period... You can read about proper storage below.

Preparation of planting material

Before planting dahlias, it is necessary to germinate the tubers after winter, or, if they have just been purchased, prepare them for planting in open ground. You need to do this in april-May... Dry roots are removed from them.

Then they are planted in containers filled with a nutrient substrate or peat. The tubers are not deeply deepened into the soil - about 2–3 cm should remain on the surface. The containers are placed in a bright room and left there for 10–14 days at a temperature of + 18–22 ° С. During this time, sprouts should appear. Then the tubers are divided with a knife so that each part has a bud and a root collar. One tuber usually produces up to five such parts.

The parts are returned to the containers with the germination substrate. Before planting them in open ground, 10 cm side shoots must be removed. Planting in open ground is done after the sprouts reach a height of 10-15 cm.

Important! Parts of the tubers can be planted directly into the open ground, but in this case, the dahlia will have a shorter flowering period.

Landing rules

In the holes in which tubers are planned to be planted, it is advisable to add in small quantities (), lime and ash. Sprinkle organic matter on top with soil to avoid scalding the tubers.

The hole should be bayonet deep. Then the tubers are carefully placed on the bottom of the hole and sprinkled. At the same time, the root collar cannot be greatly deepened - this is fraught with decay.

At the age of two to three years, dahlias will need to be seated by division. Otherwise, their flowering will become smaller every year.

How to water plants

The soil under the plant should always be slightly damp. After planting, for 7-10 days, dahlias daily... In the future, this should be done less often - a maximum of two times a week. Excessive is fraught with rotting tubers and their poor tolerance to the winter period.

When the first buds appear, and are brought under the flowers. Dahlias are not needed.

The last fertilization procedure must be done at the end. Otherwise, the tubers will survive the winter worse.

Features of the formation of a bush

The formation of a bush is regularly cutting off faded buds and the removal of lateral shoots from below in tall plants. If the buds are not cut off in time, they will slow down the emergence of the next buds and, therefore, will delay flowering.

You can achieve large inflorescences by leaving only three buds on each.

Immediately after planting, with a clear selection of the main shoots, it is necessary to select the two strongest ones, and remove the rest. This way you can avoid unnecessary baking.

Lateral shoots break out before bud formation. All shoots are removed up to the fourth pair of leaves from the ground. The tops of the shoots from the fourth pair of leaves are pinched, removing the main growth point.

Later, such pinching is carried out on lateral shoots.

Digging and storing in winter

Starting from the end of September (it is possible later, depending on climatic conditions region where dahlias grow), when the stems die off, the tubers must be carefully removed from the soil and placed in the necessary conditions for the whole winter, in order to plant them again in the ground with the onset. It is important to know that dahlias should not be planted in the same place for more than three years in a row. The stems are cut 10-15 cm from the ground. The tubers are dug up in dry weather. First, they are dug in at a distance of 30 cm around. For digging, you should use a pitchfork - they poke the tubers and pull them out of the ground.

Then they need to be shaken off, washed from the soil and dried for 4-5 hours in the sun or two days indoors. It is also advisable to pickle the tubers. For this procedure, potassium permanganate or products of the type "Maxim", "Vitaron" are suitable. After dressing, the tubers also need to be dried.

Well-dried tubers should be kept in a room with a temperature + 2–7 ° Сeither in the refrigerator. They are placed in a box or plastic bag with peat, sand. Can also be wrapped in plastic wrap.
Tubers should be periodically ventilated and examined for rot.

Important! If tubers sprout during storage, they must be removed from a cool place and planted in a container with soil, for example, in a regular flower pot. The roots should not be deepened, just sprinkle with earth a little.

Planting beautiful dahlias different varieties and colors in any corner of your garden or summer cottage, you can create a unique style of your yard

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