When the Yves Ficus is growing up and the pot becomes too close for him, the earth is not enough roots, it quickly dries, it's time to transplant the plant. Benedict's pot is chosen for a couple of centimeters more than the previous one.

Young plants need an annual transplant, and 4-5-year-olds can be resettled every two years or less often.

Before transplanting the plant is abundantly watered. Be sure to look at the roots of the ficus. Digitable or damaged parts are removed. The bottom of the tank is laid out with clay or pebbles.

When the process is completed, the newly watered under the root. If necessary, the migrant is strengthened with support. Adult copies growing in extensive tanks require only updates of the upper layer of the Earth without a transplantation. The resettlement of green pets spend in a spring-summer season. In winter, plants do not bother.

Ficus Ali, less popular name - Benedict, one of the many types of ficus adapted to home conditions. Motherland consider Southeast Asia. The name received from the discoverer of this species (Simon Benedict).

There are several varieties. External types are not quite similar to ordinary ficuses. Benedict is not whimsical to strict habitat and care is quite simple.

Description: In the natural environment, it reaches a height of 15-20 m. Evergreen plant, like a tree, with a high and smooth trunk and bark brown color In adulthood. Young trees have a dark bark. On the surface of the crust there are light divorces.

Narrow belt-like leaves with pointedness at the end and drooping branches.

The color of the leaves depends on the habitat and variety: monophonic or motley. Length reaches 30 cm, width 5-7 cm.

Along the leaf, a rescue is clearly visible, from it to the sides, less noticeable lateral bodies are evenly departed. The central accommodation curves the leaflet in half, as if overwhelming it.

The appearance of the "Ali" ficus on the light

Ficus Ali (CV. 'Alii' or Ficus Binnendijkii), Ficus Binnendica hides under its name a whole group similar to each other plants.

At 19 in. They opened and described the Netherlands Botanist Simon Binnendica.

Ficus leaves, dark green and long, look like willow leaves.

Therefore, he has another name - the ficus of the solar.

Information! The scientific name of Plants Ficus Binnendijkii, but due to the complexity in pronunciation or for another reason it is rarely used. Usually it is called Ficus Alii

Ficus Alii is a fast-growing and evergreen tree, in the wild can reach up to 20 m in height.

At home, Ficus Ali grows up to 2 m.

This plant came out of the tropics of Southeast Asia and spread in the territory that covers the foothills of Himalayas, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Islands of Java, Borneo, Sumatra.

This ficus can successfully grow as in room conditionsAnd in the winter garden.

Among the flower flows are used different varieties of ficus.

But the varieties of the width of the leaves differ.

If you comply with certain conditions, Ali Fikuses will please you with your appearance.

These are these conditions:

  • illumination;
  • temperature;
  • watering;
  • humidity;
  • the soil.


Ali are strong and not whimsical plants.

But they have their own preferences.

One of the most important is light. The lights are preferred by bright rooms, but so that they do not fall on it straight sunlight.

Ficuses with motley leaves need a bright abdomen, plants with green leaves feel good in half.

In winter, lighting is needed.

Ali does not like when it moves, turn, he is "Domosted", so you need to look for it a place in the room, given his future growth.


Room temperature is sufficiently comfortable for ficuses.

Summer optimally 20-25 ° C, in winter - 16-20 ° C.

Interesting! If the room is warm, the plant needs more light, and vice versa, the cooler in the room, the light day can be shorter. In nature, this is connected with the time of year.

This flower does not like both drought and excessive moisturizing.

It requires regular and moderate watering, not allowing water stagnation and soil moistening.

Experts advise watering the ficus when the upper layer of the soil gets up for 1-2 cm.

Air humidity

For Ficus Alii, air humidity is important, so they will be grateful for regular spraying.

If the plant is not big, you can rinse it under the shower.

Tip: The soil for the plant can be bought in the store: special soil for ficuses or use the soil for palm trees.

If you do it yourself, for young plants it is necessary to use the following mixture: Dern, sand and peat in equal parts, adult ficuses love loose and nutrient soil

Important! Alkaline and acidic soils do not fit Ali ficus!

Ficuses should sometimes feed, optimally do it every 10-14 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.

In the feeding, ficuses need only in the spring-summer period.

If you get the phicus Ali as a home plant, the care of it will be minimal, since the tree is unpretentious. But some "wishes" have an order to the owner, still exist. Many novice flowerflowers often commit typical errors When care about a green pet. That this does not happen, it is important to take into account some of the subtleties that will have to face after it is in a new house.

One of the collaborations of the success of growing any ficus is a sufficient amount of sunlight, but without the impact of direct radiation. It is better that the lighting is mild and scattered. In principle, if the flower breed has acquired a plant with one-photon foliage, it can feel normally in a half-way, but the spelling of such an attitude to himself will definitely fail and begin to declare this total loss of leaves. Optimal place - Window with exit to the East or South-East, without drafts.

Ali, like other ficker, welcomes heat. In summer best temperature for him - from 22 to 25 ° C, and in winter time It is not recommended to leave it indoors if the thermometer column is lowered below 16 ° C. With a sharp decrease in the temperature in the room, the plant may die, especially if the pot or adhesion is on the floor.

Since the special requirements for air humidity does not present, it will quite well be quite moderate indicators - 50-70%. In the hot season for watering events, you need to add foliage spraying. It is desirable either to acquire air humidifiers, or put aquarium or a large water container next to the pot. It turns out effective moisturizing that does not require serious cash costs.

As the upper layer of soil in the pot, you can always determine whether Ficus Ali in water procedures. When the layer dries into two or three centimeters into depth, and the soil becomes crumbly - it's time for watering. Scheme - from one to two times a week. Neither "overflow" nor "prepolym" is impossible.

Many novice flowerflowers, reading that the village love moisture, often commit a total mistake, starting it too abundantly to water him. This leads to reinforcement of the roots, and to reanimate the plant after it is not easy. Therefore, behind the amount of liquid should always be monitored, as well as to regularly check the condition of the pallet in the pot or tube, so that there is no excess water excessive.

Water for irrigation should be necessarily accumulated, room temperature. Use the water immediately, which flows from under the tap is impossible. It contains lime, and it spoils the look of the appearance of foliage: it appears blessed divorces, and it is very problematic to remove them.

Spraying events, as already mentioned, are held in the heat. But do not be neglected with both in winter, when the heaters and batteries are working. It is recommended for this purpose to purchase a finely dispersed pulverizer. Spraying itself is carried out once or twice a week, depending on weather conditions. Dust from leaves carefully clean with a soft and damp cloth. Hot summer is quite realistic to arrange a plating a shower, with a slightly warm, moderate jet of water.

Source requirements

Ficus Binnendica grows well and develops in a special soil intended for him. However, if you cook the Earth yourself, the effect will be even better. It consists of peat, turf, fine sand, charcoal and red brick crumbs mixed in equal proportions. It is important not to forget about the drainage holes in the pot. For a young ficus there will be enough three components: peat, sand and turf.

Ficus Benedict should be periodically feeding. Usually, fertilizers begin in March and ends in August. At the same time, they recommend alternating root and extractive feeders, bringing them every two or three weeks.

Crane formation

This village is very well formed, the formation of its crown can be made different ways, among which are simple, and more complex. The easiest way to issue a culture in the form of a simple strain. First, make a trimming of the side branches, leaving only five of them in the center. After that, the top of the longest and strong branch is pumped, and the sch-shaped form is attached to the entire side slop. After such trimming, it is necessary to arrange a support for the trunk for a while.

Stack consisting of two tiers, make it more difficult. For this, the tree must be divided into three levels, giving the shape of the ball both the upper and lower part, and in the middle remove all the side branches.

The formation of the crown is carried out only in spring and summer, when the plant is in the active phase of growth and development. The time from October to February should be excluded. The process of trimming should be carried out with a sharp secateur, avoiding slices in the form of hemp. The sections are processed with garden cooking and sprinkled with chopped wood coal, and the secret must be treated with alcohol.

Caring for Ficus Ali is one of the easiest. In room conditions, the tree almost never blooms, the main stages of cultivation is watering, feeding and the mandatory forming crown crown, the creation of ideal conditions of illumination and temperature indicators.


All varieties of ficuses are light-headed, so for cultivation, choose the illuminated windowsill windows overlooking the south or south-east. Varieties with a dark green tint of leaves can grow in a half and prefer lack of direct sun ray. Peppercut forms are suitable for growing even under the right rays of the Sun, but in hot summer days they must be contacted.

Temperature mode

In the natural environment, Ficus Binnendian is growing at a constantly high temperature of subtropics. It has thermo-loss, does not make cold drafts, sharp decline or temperature fluctuations. Temperature regime differs depending on the time of year:

  • in winter, the maximum possible decrease in temperature is 16 degrees;
  • in the summer, the optimal temperature will be up to 30 degrees.

When the temperature is reduced below 10 degrees, the ficus is tugged, the leaves are swapped, the plant enters the rest of the rest. When the flower is overcooling, pour it with warm water and put it in a sunny place.

Varieties with dark-green coloring foliage more frost resistant, can carry a short-term decrease in temperature to 7 degrees, the voyage varieties die already at 10 degrees.

Air humidity

For this mellitven room ficus Air humidity is crucial. In a dry room or with a sharp increase in temperature, the leaves can dry out, turn yellow.

In this case, you need to regularly spray the plant, and try to fall on the upper and lower part of the leaves. It is better not ordinary tap water, but a rain, distilled or filtered. The procedure is carried out as needed, in the summer roast time you can spray daily.

As an additional moisturizing measure, a warm shower is suitable. The plant is fully bathing, pre-covering the surface of the earth with the package, so as not to overcoat the soil.

Polishing rules

It is necessary to care for the plant regularly, one of the most important steps is watering. Between water in the ground should be observed drying of an earth coma at least 3 cm. Watering can be performed in two ways:

  1. From above - gently make the remaining or purified water into the near-corneous zone. The amount of water depends on the volume of the root system and the height of the tree.
  2. From the pallet. If there is drainage holes on the bottom of the pot, you can organize additional moistening from the bottom of the tank. A coarse sand or pebbles fall asleep in a flat wide pallet, water poured. As the earth dries, the plant is rooted by moisture.


Ficus Ali (Binnendian)

Family of the tute. Ficus Binnendian comes from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the length of its distribution with the Birmales of the Himalayas, through Nepal, Burma, Thailand, and to Vietnam, O Vava, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines. He received distribution in other parts of light in countries with a tropical climate, also popular in the United States, grown on the streets in parks and gardens. It grows everywhere, except for the most wet and dry habitats on all major islands, best on rocky and stony open areas.

These are evergreen trees or shrubs growing in nature about 20 m in height, at home about 1.5 m. It has a powerful root system, very aggressive in favorable conditions. The leaves are shiny, dark green about 25-30 cm in length and 6-7 width. Like all fakes during a cut or dym from any part of the plant, sticky white milky juice is distinguished.

Description Vitaly Alenkin (Vitaly): Ficus Binnendijkii Miquel - Bark of young shoots light green. Young shoots quickly decide. On the trunks and side shoots of the average-age plants, the bark is dark brown, rough, with white strokes, partially peeling in the form of small gray pieces (ribbons). In adult plants, the bark is a light gray with white strokes.

Young leaves on the tops of the shoots are tubular twisted, in light green strips. The latter, after opening the sheet, dry and disappear. Fully formed leaves of lancetradone (externally resemble the leaves of oleander), slightly concave along the middle veil (Wedid "boats"), to the touch are smooth, rigid, glossy with a pointed top and a triangular base, from 25 to 30 cm long and up to 4-4.5 cm wide. Leaf plate on top of the dark green, from the bottom of the matte green, with a pronounced powerful yellow-green central vest. Puff 3-4 cm.

Among the flower water can be heard from Binnendian's ficus name "Ficus Irovet". The leaves of this ficus in the form really resemble the Yves, but this is a popular name, not botanical.

Temperature: moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25 ° C, in winter it is possible to content at lower temperatures about 16-18 ° C, with a limitation of irrigation, the limit is 13 ° C with a dry content. With sudden temperatures, leaves can be reset.

Lighting: bright scattered light, light half. With lack of light, shoots are pulled, the leaves are radically. From direct sunlight on hot midday time can get burns. Peppercut varieties like 'Amstel Gold needs more intense lighting, with some sunlight in the morning or in the evening.

Watering: in the summer moderate, the upper layer of the soil must be completely sinking completely. In winter, with a decrease in illumination and temperature, watering is limited to such an extent that the soil drove completely. Ficus Ali and other varieties Binnendian carry a strong daisy, but die from the convergence.

Air humidity: leaves can be sprayed, especially in summer in hot dry weather and in winter, when central heating works. If the size of the pot allows you to wear a ficus binnendian once every two weeks into a shower, covering the earth from water from entering water.

Fertilizers' feeding: From March to August once every two or three weeks, fertilizers for decorative-deciduous plants are fed.

Reproduction: cuttings, which are easily rooted in water with good lighting, as well as air chains. Cut the cuttings about 15 to 25 cm long. Just put in a jar with water, the formation of the roots leaves from a month to three. But it is much faster than rooting in the greenhouse in the soil. So that the water in the bank does not bloom, change it every 2 days.

Formation external view: Ficus Binnendian - a large plant, with good care adult plant Requires periodic trimming to keep compact form. You can grow a ficus in the form of a strain, or a gossip braid trunks of several cuttings planted in one pot. Even if you won't form a ficus Ali, it will still grow up beautifully flutter.

Young ficuses transplant annually in spring, in fresh land. But if it turns out that the roots of the back are not too much, a lot of free land, put in the old pot, just replacing the Earth to fresh.

The old ficuses Binnendian transplanted every 2-3 years, but you can glue with a fresh fertile soil annually, removing the upper 2-3 cm of the old earth.

The soil for ficuses should be loose and nutritious. Such a mixture is suitable: Sherry land 2 pieces, leaf or greenhouse 1 part, you can add a chopped pine boron, vermiculite and charcoal. An important condition is a good drainage to the bottom of the pot, and the acidity of the soil should be weakly acidic, or close to neutral (pH 5.5-6.5).

The most common variety of Binnendic Ali ficus. Very often, the name of the specime is passed and reduced to Ali Ficus.

Ficus Ali is still called Ficus Benedict and it is a view that is very common in home flower growing. In nature, it can be met in Southeast Asia. And called this plant so, in honor of the man who first opened this species And his name Simon Benedict.

There are several varieties of this plant. The appearance of them are somewhat unusual for ficuses. Ficus Ali is rather unpretentious and undemanding for care.

Landing and transplanting

The transplantation and reproduction (landing) of fikuses is better to do early in the spring when the plant is only awakened.

Young plants transplant annually, completely changing the soil.

Adults are transplanted by transshipment, once every 3 years.

Large plants do not transplant. They are fed and renewed the top layer of the soil once a year.

How to propagate the phicus Ali - reproduction, usually, is carried out during its transplant: with a decoder, by shifting (cuttings, which are most often cut off from the top). The branches suitable for reproduction can also be used those that remained after trimming, but the transplanting process is more convenient to combine with the division of the tree into several parts.

While the plant does not reach three or four years, the transplant is desirable to be carried out annually, and in the future it will take no more than once every five years. If the tree is already very large, it is not necessary to transplant: it is enough to change the top layer of the soil on fresh and nutritious.

The ficus of Ali follows the container that is more than two or three centimeters. Before removing the ficus from the pot of soil watering so that it can be obtained quickly, without a strong injury to the root system. All roots should be well inspecting and rinsed. If some part of them has fallen, which is sometimes found in adult plants, damaged areas immediately excine and treated with antifungal agent. Next, the tree is placed in a new container and gradually fall asleep the earth. After a transplantation should be poured.

In order for the new planting material, separated from the "maternal" plant, it is possible to react well, rooted processes should be somewhat. Thus, there is a chance to grow different copies, which in the future may differ from each other by the speed of growth and the puff of the crown. The beginning of spring is the optimal time for this.

After the cuttings are neatly cut off from the bulk of the tree, it is placed in a separate container with water temperature. The Milky Juice released is quickly removed, and water in the container changes as often as possible. If the place for growing the material is warm and light, the first root will appear already after 14 days. Periodically change and add water, and when the roots grow up a centimeter into two, the cuttings can be planted in a permanent pot.

Prior to reaching the ficus of the 4-year-old age, the transplant is carried out annually, and then - once every 3 years. On the need to transfer the plant to a new pot indicate such factors:

  • in drainage holes, you can see the roots;
  • even after abundant irrigation, the soil instantly dries;
  • the root system appears above the surface of the soil.

In a tight pot, the plant will not have the nutrient components and moisture, which will negatively affect the appearance of the tree.

Transplant scheme:

  1. Prepare a pot more old by volume by 4-5 cm. It is better to take a completely new sterile capacity, but if there is no such that used must be carefully flushed and disinfected to eliminate pathogenic microflora.
  2. Soil can be made independently or purchase a ready-made substrate.
  3. Perform transplant better spring Or in June, when the temperature keeps at 22 degrees.
  4. Per day Pour the soil. Gently remove the plant by pulling the barrel, from the pot. From the rhizomes run extra earth.
  5. At the bottom of the drainage layer with a thickness of up to 3 cm. Then pour the soil to 4-5 cm. Install the plant on top, pour the soil residues. To the top of the tank layer of the Earth should not reach 2 cm.
  6. Immediately after the transplant moisture the soil.

Old ficuses that have reached the height of 1 or more meters, no need to transplant. But periodically change the soil is necessary, removing the upper 5-6 cm of the Earth.

Immediately after the transplant, limit watering and feeding, there will be quite infrequent spraying with warm water. Put a pot into a ventilated place with a lack of drafts, but not under the right rays of the sun.

For transplant, a pot is selected, which will only be a little more than the previous one. The flower should be very careful from the pot (for this it is recommended to wash the earth com). Next, you need to separate the roots from the ground and carefully examine them. In the event that there are patients who have rotted or dried roots, get rid of them immediately. After that, place the flower in the pot, spread the Earth and Pour.

When the procedure is completed, do not touch your favorite for a while. He needs peace to cope with stress.

Pereparing ficuses in the spring, as soon as the plant has awakened. If you have a young escape, then you need to replant every year, due to growth. It completely changes the soil. Adult ficuses are transplanted once every 3 years. Large plants are not "disturbing" - they are enough feeding and replacing the upper layer of the soil once a year.

  • Prepare a new pot. It should be a couple of centimeters more than the current one.
  • Dno coating drainage (stones and ceramzit). We put the ficus on it, then fall asleep soil equal to parts.
  • Be careful: Ficus should not bendled.
  • Pour the plant, he now needs a lot of water, and return to where he is used to being. Now it will be necessary to water when the soil gets up.
  • Reproduction

    Ficus Ali with a stable cutlets: in May-July, a sharp knife (a secateur) of the mother plant is cut with a cutlength of at least 15-20 cm with 3-4 leaves on it, put it in the container with water temperature and placed in warm (22- 25 ° C) Light place before the appearance of the roots.

    After a couple of weeks, the roots begin to germinate.

    The plant is planted into the ground when the roots reach 1.5-2.5 cm.

    The ficus of Ali with cuttings is multiplied. The procedure is carried out in spring at the beginning of active growth. You need the top stem of about 10 cm long. Lower leaflets remove it, leaving 2-3 pairs of the upper. The cutlets landed immediately in the sand and peat mixture.

    For rapid rooting, the pot can be put in mini-greenhouse - under the cropped plastic bottle. It is possible to root in the water, covering the tank with a shoot package. When the roots appear, the plant transplanted into a pot of 10 cm with a diameter, and the first days are also covered with a package or a cropped bottle.

    The reproduction of the Ficus Ali is a completely simple process, it is very easily carried out with the help of cuttings. To reproduce this flower, it is necessary to cut the cutlets with a sharp knife. After cutting, this part of the stalk is placed in the water and put in a warm light place. Suite periodically plot, as it will evaporate pretty quickly.

    Best time In order to make the reproduction of these colors, the end of winter or the beginning of spring. It is during this period that their growth is activated, so by the next winter your baby will be able to root.

    The reproduction of the Ali ficus is carried out with stalling. Make it in the spring. The procedure is carried out in stages:

    • A sharp knife cut a stalk.
    • Put it in water in not too hot Before the appearance of young roots.
    • When they become strong enough, mini-whale is placed in water with the addition of growth stimulator. It is done to strengthen its immunity With the upcoming transplant to the ground.
    • The plant is then planted at a permanent place in a prepared pot with an earthy mixture.

    Mature plants with long shoots breeds spread. This is done in such a sequence:

    1. On a noiseless part of escape shallow passion.
    2. Pechers inserted into it, and this place is ps amusing hormonal powder.
    3. Nipper turns wet moss And turns around with a film.
    4. After the appearance of those who made themselves, the roots of the escape is cut off below the windows.
    5. Young plant placed in a pot.
    6. The remaining after that sing of lubricated vaseline.

    About air humidity

    Ficus Bennendic is very tolerated to dry air in apartments. Spraying and souls have purely hygienic goals, as well as serve as prevention by a spider tick.

    At first, Ali will develop twisted leaves due to lack of humidity of air, but this does not mean that you need to wear around it with springs. Over time, the plant will get used to the humidity of the air that you have and will grow beautiful straight leaves.

    Protection against diseases and pests

    Ficus Ali is good in that it is almost not susceptible to disease and pest attacks. But it sometimes happens.

    Signs of illness:

    • the leaves are niche, look sluggish and fall: the reason in the mooring of the soil, it is necessary to temper
    • plant growth slows down, the leaves are losing color and fall: usually the problem is in the lack of light.
    • The issue is solved by rearrangement of the plant in a more illuminated place or connecting artificial lighting

    • plant leaves dry and wrinkles: bright sun rays, shading and spraying will solve the problem
    • brown spots At the tips of the leaves: the cause at high temperature or low humidity, the reconstruction of the plant. The question is solved by spraying the ficus and air ventilation, a decrease in the amount of fertilizer.

    Bad treatment for plants can lead to pests.

    As a result, the ficus may appear:

    • mathematical Chervests;
    • shields and spoors;
    • cellite ticks.

    The torment Cherver appears due to low humidity, struggling with it by wiping the plants with a soft cloth moistened in alcohol.

    More often it happens in winter when the batteries become hot.

    Alternatively, you can drill with wet battery towels or put an air humidifier under the plant.

    When attacking the boards and spoors, the leaves of the ficus lose their color and fall.

    Insects themselves look like plaques - black or corporal color.

    You can remove them if we wipe the plant with a soft cloth, mixing it in soapy water.

    With a serious lesion, an accuter is used (on a liter of water20 drops).

    You will tell you a web, white and thin to you on the pawriter. The web tick does not like moisture, therefore it is worthwheeling the ficus under the shower with warm water several times in a row.

    Ficus Binnendian Ali is rarely amazed by pests and diseases, but when making mistakes in care, they still may appear. If the tree slows down growth and loses foliage - it may not have enough lighting, and you need to choose another place for it, in accordance with the well-known rules of care. When the sheet begins to dry and twist, the reason may be concluded both in the shortage of the Sun and in the appearance of pests and diseases.

    It happens that on the foliage there are spots of different colors - from gray to brown. Most likely, these are fungal infections. Gray raid - manifestation of malical dew, and black or brown spots - black spot. All such diseases are treated by applying effective fungicides and adjusting care measures - too abundant irrigation and fertilizer is corrected.

    No less common pest is a shield. The little bug joins the foliage and pulls out all the juices out of it. The foliage loses color, becomes sluggish and begins to be down. If the shields are a bit, they are also removed by hand (for example, a sponge dipped in water). Then they carry out the processing of the entire ficus of Ali by an ordinary solution of economic soap.

    Sometimes, a week later, repeated processing may be required, and when soap is inefficient - unfortunately, the exit, except for insecticides, does not remain. One of the strong drugs is accility. It is bred in the following ratio: 20 drops per liter of water, and the processing itself is carried out only on the street or with open windows, using gloves.

    It can be copper with a spider tick. A characteristic sign of its appearance is a white sticky web, an entangling patient plant. At the beginning, it is not worth a hurry with the use of "chemistry": this kind of tick does not tolerate moisture, so the ficus should be rinsed under the abundant shower, and then wrap in an improvised greenhouse from a plastic film.

    If there is regularly to care for the household ficus, it becomes quite possible to avoid damage to pests and fungi. It is best to familiarize yourself with the rules of simple care, so that there are no problems in the future.

    The plant can attack by various pest insects - by sputum ticks, blonde, flush, milder cruise. They are attracted by weakened trees with a reduced immunity, which is the result of incorrect care: frequent and abundant irrigation and spraying, irrational feeding, especially fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, growing in too dry and cool premises.

    Most diseases also develop against the background of illiterate ficus. Among the fungal diseases, malievous dew is more common, which is manifested by whiten with flaw spots on the foliage. Root roots appears after soiling in the absence of drainage holes in the pot, unlimited irrigation.

    Ficus Ali is one most frequently used plants for planting offices and apartments. In general, the flower is unpretentious, it lives for a long time with proper care, it is distinguished by high decorativeness due to the large mass of saturated-green foliage.

    Uncorcable influence of various diseases, your favorite may be subject to incorrect care. Also if not observed everything the necessary conditionsThere are a chance to discover malicious insects on a flower leaves. because correct care - It is the best protection and prevention of various pests.

    • For example, if the flower is incorrectly, a torment can appear. It is cleaned either mechanically or using a very weak alcohol solution.
    • If the shields attacked your favorite - use soapy or (if the process has already entered too far) use insecticides.
    • From the spider tick get rid of, creating a kind of greenhouse effect. If the desired result did not come, use insecticides.

    Ali Ficus - unpretentious average decorative plant. He is very similar to Little Wavy. It sicks most often due to improper care. In favorable conditions, with good care, green lovers grow rapidly and pleases his beautiful view.

    Arising problems

    In Binnendik Fikus, unlike Benjamin, cuttings are more reluctantly rooted. That the cuttings would give roots for sure, you need to cut off a twig at least 15-20 cm and leave 3-4 leafs on it. And cut the cuttings in May-July. To root in water or wet vermiculite, in a bright place. Improves the rooting of the heated cutting, so that the water temperature is about 24-25 ° C.

    Unlike Benjamin's ficus, Binnendik is more likely to be amazed by a tweezer, especially in winter in the heating season or in the summer, exposed on the balcony in hot weather. At the same time, the ficus can begin to dry the tips of the leaves. The only salvation is to the wasting of batteries with wet towels, or installing an air humidifier right under the ficus.

    Excessive watering is destroyed for Ali ficus, as for all other ficuses, the plant is easily loaded, drops the leaves. Also, the ficus suffers from sharp fluctuations in temperatures, for example, if it is in the summer in the garden and on the balcony, and at night there is sharply cold. Also, the plant is painfully reacting to drafts. In winter, opening the window, rearrange the fountain from cold air flows, otherwise the branches dry, twist, leaves fly away.

    Ficus Ali is very tolerant to lighting, but this is not a small plant, and it grows with good conditions quickly. After a while it is no longer removed on the windowsill and you have to look for him places in the room. I would like to warn the pot on the floor, about balcony doors (There may be dark, if the leaves are not at the glass level, and coldly drafts).

    Veliko temptation to put a pot with a ficus at the wall of the room, for example, next to the sofa. Large tree Fikus Ali looks really impressively, but even until he has enough light. Then the beautiful tree can begin to "lie". So that this does not happen, it needs to be heated by lamps.

    But you can use lamps with conventional E27 or E14 cartridges, put a fluorescent light bulb or a wide or narrow basement. For ficus height up to 50 cm, there is enough daylight lamp with a capacity of 20 W or LED, with a capacity of 5-7 W.

    Who loves flowers, likes to breed them and other plants at home sooner or later will come to the desire to start the ficus. But what to choose? So that and in the world did you fit him, and were all the conditions for his growth? As an option - select Ali Ficus. And how to handle it, we will understand now.

    What your green "neighbor" will look like, depends on your preferences. The formation of the crown of Ali Ficus is the so-called haircut for room joy. Pruning will help make a bush. It will not grow, gets a compact form and will become fluffy. You can put a couple of cuttings into one pot, and as they grow to intertwine them among themselves into the pigtail.

    If the ficus Ali drops the leaves, then you moved the soil and rooted the roots. Or it was changed to the habitat of the plant. Your ficus does not grow, the leaves have become colorless and lifeless - these are the first bells for anxiety. Did Ficus Ali drops? No, but the condition of the cortex can worsen - there is not enough light.

    The leaves can cry and dry, yellow, the ficus Ali is ready to reset them - in this case, it is necessary to pronounce and moisten them with the help of a spray. If the Ficus Ali has leaves with brown stains, then there are several reasons here - the high temperature of the room, they strange moisturies in the air.

    Diseases and pests

    Given that the phicus Ali is not rubbing, it almost does not harm.

    It is worth being careful with the juice of the leaves of the plant, if they get on the skin, they can cause dermatological and allergic reactions, but the Nih Ficus leaves are not so fleshy as in other species and therefore harm here is minimal.

    Plant has beneficial featurescharacteristic of all fakes.

    It affects the microclimate of the room in which it is located.

    For popular belief, in the house where the ficus grows well, people do not suffer.

    And if a disease suddenly happens, it passes easily and without consequences.

    According to the old one, if a childless woman starts growing the ficus, it will soon become pregnant.

    We think this is due to the positive energy emanating from the ficus.

    Nasty on alcohol from the leaves of the plant is treated arthritis, arthrosis and rheumatism.

    The plant is used in the treatment of vascular, pulmonary, skin diseases. Of it make infusions and tinctures, compresses, hoods.

    Ficus Ali stylish, hardy and not demanding.

    It can be formed in the form of a bush or a tree on the strain, and you can do anything, allowing Ali's ficus just to grow.

    The choice is yours. With proper care, he will decorate your home and bring you a lot of joy.

    Description of Ali Fikus

    Ficus Binnendian Ali in vivo can grow from fifteen to twenty meters in height. It has a smooth and long barrel, covered with durable bark of dark color. The same in room varieties, which, with good care, grows to one and a half or two meters. The leafs are narrow, similar to the dense straps, pointed at both ends, the branches are beautifully drooping, like the most real willow.

    The maximum length of the leaves is up to thirty centimeters, and the width is from 5 to 7. The sheet has a characteristic bright vehicle, and its color depends on the variety: there are both monophonic and voyage instances.

    Southeast Asia is considered to be the birthplace of such an evergreen plant. For the first time, this type of ficus was opened by Botanist Simon Benedict, so the second name of the village is Binnendian.

    There are several varieties of this ficus, at home, four varieties are most often grown:

    • Amstel Gold is distinguished by an unusual coloring leaves - the upper part is painted in yellow-green, in chaotic order there are saturated dark-green spots;
    • Alii has wider leaves than other varieties, most unpretentious for room growing;
    • Amstel Queen is widely covered by the edges of the leaves;
    • amstel King width of one sheet can reach 7 cm, the plate is more durable, with thick skin.

    Grade Description:

    1. In natural conditions, it grows in the form of a tree with a height of up to 20 m. The barrel is long, smooth, young plants have a rich brown shade, over time the bark is gray, it remains scars from fallen leaves.
    2. Leaves are dense, narrow, with a pointed end, without glossy glitter.
    3. The branches are thin and flexible, and at the expense of a large number of foliage leaving to the ground.
    4. In some varieties, the leaves have a central lodgment of a lighter shade.

    Young trees are strambered plants with a long barrel, completely dyed with small leaves and flexible branches. In adulthood, the ficus has a rounded crown, a long lined trunk. Due to the fact that at the young age in the trees flexible trunks, it is possible to create compositions - the formation of a ball, spiral, pigtails.

    Ficus Ali is a plant that is not too reminded by a ficus, which gives many people misleading. However, despite the peculiar appearance, it is still a homemade long-wave fountain. Why is this ficus bin ali so unlike the rest of the ficuses?

    It's all about the leaves of this variety. While most ficus leaves are large, dense and have an oval shape, the species of leaves are long and narrow. In length, these narrow leaves reach about 30 cm. Different varieties of this home ficus leaves are equally long, but they can have a different color. In view of these features, this plant is also called the "ficus of the solar".

    As already mentioned, Ficus Binneck is presented with several varieties, which slightly differ from each other.

    Consider them in more detail:

    1. Ficus Binnendian Amstel King. Among their narcotic fellow, Ficus Ambate King has the widest leaves. Also, the variety of Amstel King has a rather high trunk and a spherical crown.
    2. Ficus Amstel Gold. Nickname ficus, whose leaves are painted in two colors - green and salad.
    3. Ficus Amstel Queen. A variety that in its characteristics is very similar to the home species of Ali, but his leaves are slightly smaller.

    Fikuses are those plants that are found in almost all houses or on workplaces of those who love greens. Ficus Ali (Ficus Binnendijkii), it is also a binnendian, or a ficus of an iris - a fairly well-known plant. Learning the story of this representative of the Flora, you may face the name Simon Benedict, who found Ali in South East Asia.

    Ficus Binnendian is the most common option on which the flower choice stops. And all thanks to its brightness. Seeing it for the first time, you will immediately understand that you are the representative of this species. As for the form of leaves, it may seem that before you - Iva. So they are similar. Leaves - long, dark green color. In branches and trunks grow thick. If you adhere to all the rules of care, then you will receive a 2-tracker.

    In nature, this evergreen plant reaches a height of 15-20 meters. It has similarities with a tree, as it has a smooth and fairly long barrel. It covers the bark, which in adult copies has a dark tint. On its surface there are divorces of a pale shade.

    Narrow belt leaflets have sharpening at the tips. Branches in this ficus diluating.

    The color of the foliage is directly dependent on the plant variety, as well as from its habitat. It can be a monophonic either to a motley. In length, leaves can reach 30 centimeters, and wide from 5 to 7 centimeters.

    On the leaf there is a brightly released accommodation, which passes along it. In different directions, side streaks are diverged from the central streak, which are not so clearly visible. And the central accommodation curves the leaflet in half, as if overwhelming it.

    Varieties of fikuses Ali

    Ficus Irolet has several varieties, each of which can be a decent decoration of any room:

    • Amstel King - If the lover of indoor flower growing wishes to buy an Iwolic tree with more wide leaves - this is perfect option. It has a high barrel, and the crown arbitrarily acquires a spherical shape. From time to time it needs to be corrected a little;
    • Amstel Gold - Beautiful Ficus Bicolor. It contains leaves and classic green, and salad color;
    • Amstel Queen - almost no different from Ali, but he has much smaller leaves. The most elegant among molars.

    In the wild, and on sale varieties Ali a lot. But really popular - only four.

    • Ali. Also known as Alia. The most popular. His leaves are the widest among his "fellow".
    • Amstel King. Recognizable Ficus Ali, but with lighter and wide leafy.
    • Amstel Gold. Has salad, yellowish leaves. An even more interesting crown makes green specks scattered over the leaf plates.
    • Amstel Queen. It is the leaves of the "queen" a little similar to the cherry - wider than other varieties, saturated green.

    Botanist Simon Bennendica opened this beautiful culture (now it is clear why Ficus Binnendian Ali). This variety is found in wildlife. True, there is already 20-thimele growth. You can observe such beauty in Indian subtropics. They are evergreens. If you met a representative with light gray bark, then you are an adult person, with dark brown - young.

    Another similarity is that the leaves are still, in addition and narrow, there are many of them, so the branches do not stand the bulking cargo and under their weight strive down - just like Willow. The color of the leaves can be not only monophonic, but also the motley. Their length can be a 30-tisantimeter, and the width is not more than 7. The leaves are bent to the middle, so they still resemble the discontinued pea pods.

    Ficus - many varieties. For example, Alii - with very wide leaves. His most often meet with flower water. There are still amstels Gold, Queen and King. Golden is characterized by motley leaves: the background is yellow-green, and in the middle all shades of green. Royal - the width of the leaves is average, approximately like Alii and Amstel Gold. And Amstel King the width of the leaves is the largest, in everything else - it is the same Amstel Queen.

    Unpretentious care

    This homemade variety is distinguished by a fortress, so the Care for Ficus Binnendica is simple. The main thing is to create all the conditions for its growth and normal development. Binnyka loves light, but indirect. With green color prefer halftime, and the motley representatives are scattered light. In the summer, make sure that the rays of the sun do not fall on the plant directly.

    It does not like this type when they move or move and just turn, so try not to touch it once again. Use these knowledge when choosing a place, as well as the fact that the plant needs a place for growth. The ideal temperature for Ali will be 18-23 degrees of heat. In the summer months withstands 20-25 degrees, in the winter it should not fall below 16, the most comfortable will feel at the limits of 20 degrees Celsius.

    Ali does not tolerate soil cutting. Watering requires moderate and enviable regularity. Water in a pot should not be slaughtered. Having overdoing, you allow soil zaking, which leads to the rotting of the ficus and its death. From spring to autumn watering the plant more often. At this time, it grows actively, therefore requires more fluid.

    The correctness of the departure is the key to success

    Spraying Ficus Ali loves. Use for these purposes or pulverizer, or shower. Indoor water temperature. So you will not only moisturize the plant, but also remove dust from its leaves. How often do it - look in your conditions: what temperature and what moisture in the room where the ficus is located. If the temperature does not exceed 22 degrees, it is enough 2 times a week.

  • 2 pieces of turf and greenhouse / leaf lands;
  • charcoal;
  • sand;
  • busty (crushed red brick).
  • For young individuals, 1 pieces of sand, peat and a turf of the earth are suitable. Do not use alkaline or acid soils. Spring-summer is the active development of the ficus, which requires additional nutrition. Fertilize enough twice a month. In a flower shop you can find special complex feeders designed for deciduous room plants.

    Starting from the fall and until spring comes, Ficus Ali is at rest, so the feeding does not require. If you decide to buy Ficus Ali, then care for it will need to control - remember this.

    How to "propagate" the plant

    Transplant scheme:

    • Shine. He must be present in the room, and in large quantities. But beware of direct rays on the plant - they can burn sensitive ficus leaves.
    • Temperature. In summer, such a ficus needs about 22 degrees, in winter - not lower than 16. The ficus will be bad if the air in the room will be stamped all the time - but do not open the window for airbags on which this plant is worth. It is also not worth hanging the air conditioner over the ficus itself - for him it will be akin to constant drafts.
    • Air humidity. It can be moderate. But if summer was hot, or in the winter you do not save on heating, spray your ficus often. And do not forget: defend water for these purposes, allowing it to warm to room temperature at the same time.
    • Watering. It is remembered when the top of the soil in the pot begins to seek about 2 cm. Water use resistant. All that runs into the pallet, drag away - if such a liquid does not delete in time, the soil draws it back, but the flower will not have time to use it, and the roots in such a wet can start rotting.
    • Food. In the spring and summer, ficus buy "Delicatesses". Give them twice a month. It can be both mineral fertilizer and a organic agent, or a combination of these feeding (once given "mineral water", a second time, after two weeks - an organ). IMPORTANT: Power is made only when watering, it is impossible to feed the ficus from the spicker.
    • Diseases. If you care competently, Ali almost does not hurt. True, sometimes he still suffers his ailment. If his leaves are withering and yellowing, it can talk about excess or shortage of light (see the situation). Black, dry leaves shout about the fact that the plant was peating, and the temperature fell sharply. And if dark (black or reddish) spots went from the bottom of the leaf, this is a fungus. Urgently treat Ficus Fungicide, and sick leaves and twigs cut.
    • Pests. Sometimes on the leaves, the shields, milder cherveries, aphid. In order to run them, insecticides are bought. But before processing, wipe and leaves, and the stem of a piece of cotton wool moistened in the soap solution, scraping insects in the sink.
    • Special conditions. Like other ficuses, Ali does not tolerate permutations. Having used to one windowsill, he can painfully respond to the relocation to another place (right up to the "scandals" with an indicative leaf fall). Therefore, bringing a plant into the house, immediately select the window sill, where the ficus will stand all life. Great, if it is southeast (for bright or spotted leaves) or oriental (for strictly green leaves). And no drafts!


    The reasons for transplanting may be suspected of root rot (in this case, all the roots are examined, all suspicious parts are cut off) or a banal growth of the ficus, in which its root system ceases to fit into the pot.

    In the first case, an old pot is used, only before it is sterilized (by a solution of manganese, boiling water). In the second, the pot is bought for a couple of centimeters larger than the old one.

    Young ficuses (up to 4 years) transplanted every year. Older - every 2-3 years.

    If you are growing with a real giant to the ceiling, it can not be replant (and how and how to translate almost a full-fledged tree?), Just more often feed Ali and change its upper ground.

    I can advise several good recipes.

    1. Cherry, leaf land, peat, sand (in equal shares).
    2. Two shares of leaf and turf, one share of humus, peat, sand.
    3. Sand, peat, nervous land (in the same quantities).

    In the case of a healthy plant during transplantation, use the transshipment. Install the fiber along with the nagworn soil in a new pot, and the gap between it and the walls fall asleep with fresh soil.


    The most popular and chassis method is shilling.

    Everything is done like this:

    1. Spring or summer cut a healthy stem cutlery.
    2. Put it into a glass with water.
    3. Show this twig in the half, at 20-24 degrees. If the room is hot, sometimes spray the cuttings.
    4. To start the root, this baby must be 20 days later.
    5. As soon as the roots are fixed (as in the photo above), the ficus can be planted into the ground and consider it a small but a tree.

    And the ficuses can be multiplied by seeds. We have such seeds for sale (let's say, the well-known company "Gavrish" offers them). This is not the most popular method, as it requires a lot of time and patience.

    The reproduction is a process that, like a transplant, is produced in spring as soon as the ficus woke up. Ali Benjamin stem with stalks breeding, because they are perfectly rooted.

  • We take mom-ficus and cut a stalk.
  • Make sure that this process goes quickly - for this, use a sharp tool (a secateur, knife, scissors).
  • We put in the container with water room temperature and on the light.
  • We are waiting for the roots, it will take approximately a half months.
  • Do not forget to pour water. When they are already a length of 2-3 centimeters, you can plant. Thus, stem cuttings are breeding in the Binnendic Plant.
  • megan92 2 weeks ago

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    Daria 2 weeks ago

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    megan92 13 days ago

    Daria 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) Well, I duplicate, it's not difficult for me, catch - link to the article of Professor.

    Sonya 10 days ago

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    yulec26 10 days ago

    Sonya, in what country do you live in? .. On the Internet is sold, because the stores and pharmacies put their markup of the brutal. To the same payment only after receiving, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. Yes, and on the Internet now everything is sold - from clothes to televisions, furniture and cars

    Edition response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not implemented through the pharmacy network to avoid overestimated prices. To date, order only on Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about the cash on delivery. Then, it's OK! Everything is in order - for sure if payment upon receipt. Thank you so much!!))

  • One of the most spectacular in his way is Ficus Ali. This plant is used to decorate offices, apartments and winter gardens. In the people, the flower nicknamed the ficus the solar. By the way, the name happened for no accident. The fact is that the leaf plates of the presented plants are very similar to the leaves of willow. The trunk flower has a massive, like branches. Although because of the pomp of this everything and unallow. At home, the presented types of ficuses usually grow up to two meters.

    Some believe that "Ali" is a specific grade of the plant. In fact, this is a whole group of several species that are very similar to each other. By the way, if the name Ficus Binnedyika meets somewhere, then you should know that this is all the same "Ali". The presented view in the 19th century opened, and after and gave a full description, the famous botanist, whose name was Simon Benland. Actually in his honor and spoiled flower.

    The most popular varieties of Fikus Ali

    In Nature today there are quite a few varieties of this plant. All will be listed everything is very difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate those who are more often bred flowerflowers.

    These include:

    • Amstel King;
    • Amstel Gold;
    • Amstel Queen.

    Presented grade is used at home more often than others. Ali leaf plates are slightly different, because they are somewhat wider than other species, which adds a beauty plant and some grace.

    Amstel King

    Ficus Amstel King loved the gardeners for sufficient unpretentiousness in care and originality. Long-friendly and broad-sized "handsome" will be able to decorate any room. It is worth saying that the leaves of this variety in the width sometimes reach 7-8 cm.

    Amstel Gold

    Ficus is often called Amstel Green Gold. The flower boasts an unusual color of leafy plates having a green-yellow base on which there is a different intelligence order. various shapes All shades of green.

    Amstel Queen.

    Some flower products believe that this is a narrow plant just because the leaf plates are slightly smaller than that of Ali. Although the saturation of the paints of this ficus is striking with its magnificence, encouraging people to acquire this particular variety.

    Requirements for lighting

    Despite the fact that Ficus Bennedik Amstel King is unpretentious flowerStill, the simplest rules for caring should be performed. One of these concerns lighting.

    The plant is best put in the pronted place where the straight sun rays do not fall.

    Important! If the flower put in dark room, then the leaves will lose their color.

    In winter, you can install the lighting lamp next to the flower, which will replace the plant with the plant.

    It is worth remembering that the ficus does not like not the permutations, he does not even endure the pots. Therefore, the place where the flower will "dare", choose in advance.

    I exhibit the optimal temperature

    The plant feels perfectly at room temperature. The optimal indicators standing at +18 ° C are considered. + 25 ° C. In winter, it is assumed that the temperature can fall to +16 ° C. Strong drops are better not allowed, because the flower will begin to drop the leaves and root.

    How to water

    Ficus Ali, like the other varieties, does not endure drought. Each gardener should know that the substrate is poured regularly, but it does not flood. During the growing season, which lasts from spring and before autumn, the plant is watered abundant, because at this moment the flower is actively growing and it requires nutrition. In winter, manipulation is performed less often.

    Important! Do not forget about the irrigation of the ficus.

    Soil for ficus

    Fikus will not suit the substrate for ordinary indoor plantsHe needs a special soil that is best to cook with his own hands. It will not take much time, so do not be lazy.

    To compile a substrate you need to take:

    • two pieces of turf land;
    • two parts of sheet or greenhouse land;
    • one piece of coal;
    • very bit of charcoal.

    After all parts it will be necessary to shift carefully.

    If you plan to transplange a young plant, then it will be suitable for several modified soils, consisting of:

    • ferrous land;
    • peat;
    • sand.

    Ficus cannot be placed in alkaline or acidic soil.

    Diseases of Fikus Ali

    Correcting the ficus Ali correctly, you can avoid many diseases that affect the flower.

    Signs of ficuse diseases are as follows:

    1. Sheet plates are withering, frowning or falling at all. The reason often lies in the plants overflow, which leads to the rotation of the root system. Sometimes this takes place when the ficus is rearranged.
    2. Leaves lose their color, the flower does not grow at all or grows slowly, and the leaf plates fall. Most likely, the ficus is not enough light.
    3. Sheet plates are yellowing or dry. Usually the reason lies in the ingress of bright sunlight on the leaves. It is necessary to make a plant and put away from the window.
    4. Brown spots that appeared on the leaves may be a consequence through the high temperature chore in the room. Sometimes the reason lies in low air humidity or oversaturation by fertilizers. By correcting the situation, everything should normal.


    The most frequent uninvited "guests" are:

    1. Shield or falsist.
    2. Mealybug.
    3. Cobbled tick.

    Shield or fuddle officer

    Noticing that the leaves are losing their color and quickly fall, it can be assumed that the plant seized the pest. At the same time on the leaf plates you can see small plaques of light or dark colors. If the pest only gave himself to know, then leave the leaves with a washcloth moistened in the soap solution. At a later stage it will be necessary to use accuters.


    Cobed tick

    The presence of a paw-tick is indicated by a white web, which appeared on the sheet plates. Considering that these pests do not tolerate moisture, the flower is necessary to "buy" under the shower. The procedure is carried out for several days. Not excess will create and greenhouse. To do this, you will need a pot with a flower to cover with a plastic bag and put for a couple of days in a warm place. If it does not help, then you should process the flower by accomplist.

    You can be sure that the Ficus Ali will undoubtedly delight the flowerfish with her beauty if he was able to properly care.

    In the photo Ficus "Benedict":

    Home care

    Acquisition It is necessary to give time for acclimatization.

    For this, the ficus is exposed to a permanent place - well lit, but without access to the straight rays of the Sun and leave alone for a couple of weeks.

    Just watered if necessary.

    Then the tropical guest is removed from the soil, wash the roots and inspect them to identify problem areas - rotten and dried roots, the presence of soil pests.

    All dead and rotten parts are cut off, and healthy fabrics are disinfected with crowded activated or charcoal.

    After the procedure, the ficus is transplanted into a suitable pot with a complete substitute for the soil.


    Ficus Benedict is afraid of cold and does not survive with a decrease in temperature below 11-13 °But the heat tolerates badly, throwing the majority of green leaves.

    Tip: Optimally content 23-26 ° Summer I. 14-16 in winter.

    The air should always be fresh, but without sharp jumps of temperature, cooling and drafts.

    Hot jet, leaving him from heater, fan or air conditioner, Ficus is unlikely to transfers.


    Tropical ficus does not tolerate the total drying of the soil in the pot as well as the water stagnation.

    It is optimally moistened to the plant when the earth will dry to a depth of 3-4 cm and will become crumbly.

    Attention: Be sure to thread the water gathered in the pallet, so as not to cause root rot!

    Spraying the green mass is required daily to create conditions close to natural, as a resident of the tropics, the Benedict ficus requires highly moistened air.

    In the arid periods near the plant, you can put an open container with water or moistened stones.


    At home practically does not bloom, only in natural conditions.

    Crane formation

    Pruning need to do with early age To give some permanent form until the ficus has flexible stems.

    The procedure is carried out during an active vegetation, trying not to touch the tree in the winter and autumn, so as not to get a single-sided plant with ugly disturbing.

    The most suitable time - Spring, when a rested flower has a major stock of new life forces and can grow evenly, developing a lot of shoots immediately.

    When forming the crown, the physiological features of Benedict ficus are taken into account.

    New stems appear from lateral and top kidneys, and the latter develops much faster than the rest and strongly slows down their growth.

    Cutting the top stimulates the awakening and subsequent activity of lateral kidneys.

    The crown can be made practically any - Stammer, in the form of bush, bonsai, arc or ball.

    In addition, there is fishelling and formation of sculptures. What form to give Benedict to fake is to solve you.

    Cutting technology is simple. Using an acutely sharpened knife or a secateur, cut off the beat over the kidneys and a clean sponge wipe it while the milky juice is distinguished.

    Then, the wreck is twisted with a powder of activated or charcoal to protect against infections penetration.

    For such hemp likes to attack the pathogenic fungus.


    The soil should be fertile and richBut with this loose and breathable so that the water in it does not delay.

    For its preparation, the turf and sheet soil, sand, humid, peat and tearful components of the perlite type are used.

    Landing and transplanting

    It is carried out in the spring, before the intensive development of the ficus.

    Over the year it is completely optional every year and even harmful - Exot does not like changes and can get stress.

    Signal to transplant isthe rapid drying of the Earth in the pot is that the root system has grown much and does not fit in the tank.

    In adult copies, you can not change the soil, it is enough to plunge the desired amount of land.

    This reduces the risk of developing stressful states.

    Young and actively growing ficuses require fresh inexpitable soil.

    On the bottom of the new pot lay a drainage layer consisting of any stones - broken bricks, ceramzit, river and sea pebbles.

    Thus, he signals the presence of the factors unfavorable for it.

    If the leaves are first black, and then fall away - there are sharp races of temperatures.

    Yellow and sluggish leaves hint of unnecessary illumination or mooring of the soil in a pot.

    Root rot

    The ficus stands the sipped, not straightening even after irrigation and spraying, the soil in the pot creves a very long time, the development stops - all this symptoms of the development of fungal rotches of the roots.

    The plant is urgently released from the old soil, flushing the roots in a weak solution of manganese and transplanted into a new land.

    Conduct the processing of fungicidal agents.


    On this tight piece can attack the shields, spider mites, wings and whiteflies.

    Ficus Benedict- undemanding in homework and stylish plant, which can be grown in residential buildings, and in offices to decorate the interior.

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    Still called ficus Benedict And it is a species that is very common in home flower growing. In nature, it can be met in Southeast Asia. And the given plant was named, in honor of the person who was the first to opened this species and his name Simon Benedict.

    There are several varieties of this plant. The appearance of them are somewhat unusual for ficuses. Ficus Ali is rather unpretentious and undemanding for care.

    In nature, this evergreen plant reaches a height of 15-20 meters. It has similarities with a tree, as it has a smooth and fairly long barrel. It covers the bark, which in adult copies has a dark tint. On its surface there are divorces of a pale shade.

    Narrow belt leaflets have sharpening at the tips. Branches in this ficus diluating.

    The color of the foliage is directly dependent on the plant variety, as well as from its habitat. It can be a monophonic either to a motley. In length, leaves can reach 30 centimeters, and wide from 5 to 7 centimeters.

    On the leaf there is a brightly released accommodation, which passes along it. In different directions, side streaks are diverged from the central streak, which are not so clearly visible. And the central accommodation curves the leaflet in half, as if overwhelming it.

    Ali Ficus Care at home


    This is a fairly light-insulated plant that requires bright, but at the same time dissipated light. Especially in good lighting, motley forms need. And forms with monophonic leaves feel well and in the conditions of a half. It is recommended to place near the window of the eastern or southeastern orientation. You need to protect the fountain from draft. To change the illumination or climate, it can react extremely negative.

    Temperature mode

    Pretty thermal-loving plant. So, in the warm season, it feels well at a temperature of from 22 to 24 degrees. In winter, it is advisable to maintain a temperature at 16 degrees. Summer ficus requires a relatively more light.

    A sharp decrease in temperature is negatively reflected on the plant, especially if the temperature of the soil in the flower pot is strongly reduced. It is impossible to accommodate next to the carriers or air conditioners. It does not like stagnant air, so the room needs to be regularly ventilated, but at the same time, you must remove the flower away from the draft.


    Not very demanding to air humidity. It feels best at moderate humidity (from 50 to 70 percent). If the room is hot, which is often sometimes in summer, then the foliage must be regularly sprayed in obligatory. For this purpose, a heat-fledged well-distilled water will fit. It is also required to moisturize the air in the room.


    You can purchase a finished earthy mixture for palm trees or ficuses in a special store. It can also be prepared and with your own hands.

    1 option: Mix the turf land, peat and sand taken in equal shares.

    Option 2: For an adult copy, it is necessary to combine leaf and turf, sand, peat and humus, which should be taken in the 2: 2: 1: 1: 1 proportion.

    3 Option: Also for adult plants fit plugs, consisting of sheet and turf, sand and peat taken in equal shares.

    How to water

    Water after the top layer will dry for a couple of centimeters in depth. If the earth is crumbly, the ficus is needed. Water from the pallet should be deleted on time, otherwise the root system will rot.


    Feed in the spring-summer period 1 time in 2 weeks. For this use organic and mineral fertilizers, and they should be alternate. In winter, fertilizer does not contribute to the soil. Fertilizers should be made only in the soil, it is impossible to spray the plant. Even recommended in water for watering to dissolve the necessary nutrients that can be bought in a flower shop.

    Features Transplant

    Replanted as needed, for example, when the root system will stop fit into the pot. The pot during transplant takes a little more than the previous one. At the same time, young rapts are transplanted 1 time per year, and adult specimens (4-5 years) - 2 times a year.

    Only part of the New Earth are spicked in the pot, and the remaining place fill the old one. For adult plants, the use of fresh soil is optional. Large fikuses are recommended 1 time per year to replace the top layer of the substrate. This must be done during the period of intensive growth (in spring and summer).

    You can propagate cuttings that are fairly easily rooted. The stem cutlets is cut into the spring-summer period. For rooting use water. Put the cuttings in a slightly shaded place. The temperature should be maintained from 20 to 25 degrees.

    In the heat it is necessary to systematically moisturize air. As a rule, after 3 weeks, the cuttings are rooted, and it is planted into the soil.


    The plant is quite sustainable for diseases and harmful insects are very rare on it. In the event that you care for the plant, observing all the rules, it does not get sick.

    Possible diseases

    1. Yellowed faded leaves - Light plants or a lot or a little.
    2. Leaves become black and die away - most likely there are frequent sharp change temperatures with drops of at least 7 degrees.
    3. Dark or specks appear on the wrong side of the foliage - this is fungal disease (churroid or annznosis). As a rule, the antraznosis is manifested by a reddish chain on the trunk. If you do not detect and not get rid of this disease on time, the ficus is dying or dying all the leaves.


    It has a whitish color and a validiform structure. Most often settled on branches and on the basis of leaves. If the plant is pouring, then on the surface of the soil you can clearly see whitish lumps.

    It has a yellowish color. She settles on leaves and stems and looks like a small tubercle.

    Placed closer to the flowers.

    If water is stated in the soil, then this can trigger the appearance of sputum ticks or multi-indoor.

    If you notice the pests on the ficus, then carefully remove them with a moistened sponge and organize a warm shower. If multi-ninexes have been swinging or springs, then in this case you will need full replacement Soil. More flowerflowers advise using a water solution with soap and alcohol. So, on 1 liter of pure water you need to take 1 big spoonful of alcohol and 1 small spoon of household soap. It is thoroughly mixed, and then with the help of a sponge this mixture, affected areas are washed.

    Family of Tutov. Ficus Binnendian comes from the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, the length of its distribution with the Birmales of the Himalayas, through Nepal, Burma, Thailand, and to Vietnam, O Vava, Borneo, Sumatra, Philippines. He received distribution in other parts of light in countries with a tropical climate, also popular in the United States, grown on the streets in parks and gardens. It grows everywhere, except for the most wet and dry habitats on all major islands, best on rocky and stony open areas.

    These are evergreen trees or shrubs growing in nature about 20 m in height, at home about 1.5 m. It has a powerful root system, very aggressive in favorable conditions. The leaves are shiny, dark green about 25-30 cm in length and 6-7 width. Like all fakes during a cut or dym from any part of the plant, sticky white milky juice is distinguished.

    Description Vitaly Alenkin (Vitaly): Ficus Binnendijkii Miquel - The bark of young shoots light green. Young shoots quickly decide. On the trunks and side shoots of the average-age plants, the bark is dark brown, rough, with white strokes, partially peeling in the form of small gray pieces (ribbons). In adult plants, the bark is a light gray with white strokes.

    Young leaves on the tops of the shoots are tubular twisted, in light green strips. The latter, after opening the sheet, dry and disappear. Fully formed leaves of lancetradone (externally resemble the leaves of oleander), slightly concave along the middle veil (Wedid "boats"), to the touch are smooth, rigid, glossy with a pointed top and a triangular base, from 25 to 30 cm long and up to 4-4.5 cm wide. Leaf plate on top of the dark green, from the bottom of the matte green, with a pronounced powerful yellow-green central vest. Puff 3-4 cm.

    Ficus Binnendian Ali "Alii"
    Its leaves are much wider than that of the initial type of Binnendian ficus; The remaining characteristics are the same. This variety is more often used than the view of the gardening of apartments, offices, winter gardens.

    Ficus Binnendian Amstel King "Amstel King"
    Sheet plate is wider and reaches 7 cm. In fact, the cultivar of Amstel King and Amstel Queen is very difficult to distinguish.

    Ficus Binnendian Amstel Queen "Amstel Queen"
    Grade (more correctly) with an intermediate width of a sheet plate between Amstel King and Ali.

    Ficus Binnendian Amstel Gold "Amstel Gold"
    Leaves very spectacular coloring; On a light yellow-green background of green areas are scattered different shades, from dark green to salad.

    Among the flower water can be heard from Binnendian's ficus name "Ficus Irole". The leaves of this ficus in the form really resemble the Yves, but this is a popular name, not botanical.

    Binnendian Ficus Care

    Temperature: Moderate, optimal in the range of 20-25 ° C, in winter it is possible to content at lower temperatures about 16-18 ° C, with irrigation limit, the limit is 13 ° C with dry content. With sudden temperatures, leaves can be reset.

    Lighting: Bright diffused light, light half. With lack of light, shoots are pulled, the leaves are radically. From direct sunlight on hot midday time can get burns. Peplarmed varieties like "Amstel Gold. It needs more intense lighting, with some solar rays in the morning or in the evening.

    In general, Ficus Binnendian (Ficus Ali) is very undemandable to light, for example, on the northern windowsill, the windows, even shaded from the street with houses or a balcony, it will grow without losing the leaves, but only very slowly, about a year is reflected by 2-3 cm in Height, while on a light window can grow by 10-15 cm per year.

    Watering: In the summer moderate, the upper layer of the soil must be satisfied completely. In winter, with a decrease in illumination and temperature, watering is limited to such an extent that the soil drove completely. Ficus Ali and other varieties Binnendian carry a strong daisy, but die from the convergence.

    Air humidity: The leaves can be sprayed, especially in the summer in hot dry weather and in winter, when central heating works. If the size of the pot allows you to wear a ficus binnendian once every two weeks into a shower, covering the earth from water from entering water.

    Feeding fertilizers: From March to August once every two or three weeks feed fertilizers for decorative and deciduous plants.

    Reproduction:cuttings, which are easily rooted in water with good lighting, as well as air chains. Cut the cuttings about 15 to 25 cm long. Just put in a jar with water, the formation of the roots leaves from a month to three. But it is much faster than rooting in the greenhouse in the soil. So that the water in the bank does not bloom, change it every 2 days.

    Formation of the appearance: Ficus Binnendian - a large plant, with good care, an adult plant requires periodic trimming to maintain a compact form. You can grow a ficus in the form of a strain, or a gossip braid trunks of several cuttings planted in one pot. Even if you won't form a ficus Ali, it will still grow up beautifully flutter.

    How to transplant phicus ali

    Young ficuses transplant annually in spring, in fresh land. But if it turns out that the roots of the back are not too much, a lot of free land, put in the old pot, just replacing the Earth to fresh.

    The old ficuses Binnendian transplanted every 2-3 years, but you can glue with a fresh fertile soil annually, removing the upper 2-3 cm of the old earth.

    The soil for ficuses should be loose and nutritious. Such a mixture is suitable: Sherry land 2 pieces, leaf or greenhouse 1 part, you can add a chopped pine boron, vermiculite and charcoal. An important condition is a good drainage to the bottom of the pot, and the acidity of the soil should be weakly acidic, or close to neutral (pH 5.5-6.5). Alkaline and too acid substrates Ficus does not tolerate. The pot must be sufficiently stable, and not too spacious. Volumes of pot increase when the roots fill almost the entire volume.

    By the way

    The most common variety of Binnendic Ali ficus. Very often, the name of the specime is passed and reduced to Ali Ficus.

    About air humidity

    Ficus Bennendic is very tolerated to dry air in apartments. Spraying and souls have purely hygienic goals, as well as serve as prevention by a spider tick.

    This is how Vitaly answers the question why a few new leaves at the purchased ficus are very fragile and as if wavy:

    At first, Ali will develop twisted leaves due to lack of humidity of air, but this does not mean that you need to wear around it with springs. Over time, the plant will get used to the humidity of the air that you have and will grow beautiful straight leaves.

    Problems of growing

    Growing Ficus Binnendik for 8 years along with Benjamin ficus, I would like to note some of the features of its content without claiming credibility:

    In Binnendik Fikus, unlike Benjamin, cuttings are more reluctantly rooted. That the cuttings would give roots for sure, you need to cut off a twig at least 15-20 cm and leave 3-4 leafs on it. And cut the cuttings in May-July. To root in water or wet vermiculite, in a bright place. Improves the rooting of the heated cutting, so that the water temperature is about 24-25 ° C.

    Unlike Benjamin's ficus, Binnendik is more likely to be amazed by a tweezer, especially in winter in the heating season or in the summer, exposed on the balcony in hot weather. At the same time, the ficus can begin to dry the tips of the leaves. The only salvation is to the wasting of batteries with wet towels, or installing an air humidifier right under the ficus.

    Excessive watering is destroyed for Ali ficus, as for all other ficuses, the plant is easily loaded, drops the leaves. Also, the ficus suffers from sharp fluctuations in temperatures, for example, if it is in the summer in the garden and on the balcony, and at night there is sharply cold. Also, the plant is painfully reacting to drafts. In winter, opening the window, rearrange the fountain from cold air flows, otherwise the branches dry, twist, leaves fly away.

    Ficus Ali is very tolerant to lighting, but this is not a small plant, and it grows with good conditions quickly. After a while it is no longer removed on the windowsill and you have to look for him places in the room. I would like to warn the pot on the floor, near the balcony door (there may be dark, if the leaves are not at the glass level, and cold - drafts).

    Veliko temptation to put a pot with a ficus at the wall of the room, for example, next to the sofa. The big tree of Ali Fikus looks really impressively, but even until he has enough light. Then the beautiful tree can begin to "lie". So that this does not happen, it needs to be heated by lamps.

    But you can use lamps with conventional E27 or E14 cartridges, put a fluorescent light bulb or a wide or narrow basement. For ficus height up to 50 cm, there is enough daylight lamp with a capacity of 20 W or LED, with a capacity of 5-7 W.

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