Ginkgo two-sighted relict deciduous plant high up to 40 m high., With a unique for a voted fan-shaped two-sighted form of leaves, on thin stiffs up to 10 cm long. Ginkgo biloba plant. Doco, male trees produce pollen in serving meetings, on women's trees. . The trees of the ginkgo biloba are pollinated by the wind in the late spring, for 25 to 30 years of life of a tree, only then the opportunity to say what is it female or male.

The name Ginkgo occurred from the Chinese word Gin-Kio, which means silver plum, which refers to the fruits of female ginkgo biloba trees, which look like a mibel plum on a long fruit. Ginkgo Biloba plant occupies a special position. The Ginkgo Bloba tree does not apply to either coniferous (although there is a cones), neither deciduous, and today is rightfully considered to be the most famous live fossil, as it was distributed in Central Europe in the late tertiary period about 30 million years ago. The Ice Age has displaced this interesting plant on a small range in China, and now in the wild of the ginkgo biloba grows only in the east of China. The trees of Ginkgo Biloba survived the appearance of FASTERS, the first birds and the arrival and care of mammoths.

Currently, Ginkgo Biloba is widely cultivated in most botanical gardens. In landscaped gardening as a decorative plant. In decorative gardening is valued for the beauty of openwork foliage. Ginkgo biloba trees are well resistant to strong winds and snowy skins. In the fall, the leaves are yellow and quickly fall.

Types of Ginkgo Biloba, description, photo of growth and preference:

Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Biloba - Gigggo Two-Blade)

Ginkgo two-bladed original magnificent with openwork foliage leaf fall tree. In young age, a conical form has a conical form, in the future this correctness is lost, with age wide with spread-long long branched branches. In the youth often slowly growing. At age 30, it reaches about 8-12 m. Heights, an adult plant 15-20-30 (35) m. Height and 10-15 (20). Width, annual increase in a height of 35-40 cm. And in width of 25 cm . Leaves of light green, fan-shaped, leathery, with long cutters. In the autumn bright golden yellow color. Morozonotk, shadowless, puts out heat, city climate, severe air pollution. In Europe does not hurt. The requirements for soil and humidity are low, grows well on all cultured soils, from moderately dry to wet, from sour to alkaline. Roots strong rod deep. Old trees form on the underside of the strong branches and the trunk of air rootighs that can reach a meter length. It is still little known about their appointment, as they grow vertically to the ground, it is possible to offer that these are the remnants of the replacement roots that existed sometime and perform their functions that were in extinct species of Ginkgo who have had no time in swampy forests. Recommended for large gardens and parks, roadside alleys, in single landings. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Two-Bad) "Horizontalis"

Throwing or slightly disrupting wood. The "Horizontalis" grade is more common in stumbing form as a small tree with slow-growing horizontal shoots, forms a flat umbrella crown with wide branches. The height depends on the place of vaccination, the stack is about 2.5 - 4.5 height, in old age the width becomes equal to height or even exceeds it. The shoots are durable, arranged horizontally. At the age of 10, Krone is about 2 m. Width. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. Recommended as a soliter. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Two-West) "MARIKEN"

Beautiful dwarf variety with a spherical or flat-spherical dense crown, with short escapes, branches of thick distinguished or elevated, as a rule brought to a high strab. At the age of 10 years it grows up to 1 m. Diameter. It is usually grown strabamous form, so the height depends on the place of vaccination. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. Recommended for solitary landing in small gardens and for container compositions. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginkgo Biloba (Ginkgo Two-West) "pendula"

Looks like a "Horizontalis" grade. It is often offered in a strambo form as a small tree with a slightly weaving branches forming an umbrella crone, which at the age of 10 reaches up to 2 m. In diameter. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. Used in small sites and in Japanese gardens. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginko Biloba (Ginkgo Two-Bow) "Saratoga"

A small leaf falling slowly growing tree, at age 30 reaches up to 7-9 m. Heights. Leaves leathery fan, slightly corrugated around the edge, are located at the ends of the shoots. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. Recommended for small gardens. Effective in single landings on lawns. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginko Biloba (Ginkgo Two-Bow) "Tit"

Dwarf slow-growing grade cone shape, reaching aged 10 years about 1.5 m. Height. The branches are thick, tough, raised, with characteristic nodes. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. For small sites and Japanese gardens. Zone winter hardiness 5a

Ginko Biloba (Two Ginkgo Two) "Tremonia"

An interesting colonic grade, reaching aged 30 years of about 10 m. Height and 0.8 m. Width. Branches are located vertically along the trunk. Other signs and preferences like the rest of the representatives of the species. Used as a soliter in the gardens and as an allery tree in urban landscaping. Zone winter hardiness 5a

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Taoist monks considered this plant by the symbol of Yin and Yan energy, believing that the tree is the keeper of wisdom. Contemporaries prefer to grow ginkgo biloba as a universal means to preserve youth and intelligence. How to ensure proper care for a unique relict plant - this article will tell.

Ginkgo Biloba: famous varieties and varieties

In the botanical world, argued about the Ginkgo affiliation to a specific family. The thing is that the plant on botanical features closer to coniferous cultures. A very long time Ginkgo was attributed to gone plants, representatives of this group are pine and fir trees. However, the separation differences of the tree from conifers allowed scientists to assume that Ginkgo Biloba is a direct descendant of ancient ferns. It is believed that these plants were widespread in the Mesozoic era, and the aril of their habitat extended in the territory of modern Siberia.

Healing Tree - Ginkgo Biloba

Currently, wild thickets of trees are found in China. On the Russian territory of landing Ginkgo in small quantities can be found on the Black Sea coast.

Ginkgo Biloba is a leaf fall plant with a unique form of a sheet plate: a wood leaf is similar to a fan, the width of which reaches 8 cm. A sufficient large sheet is maintained by a thin long cutter (up to 10 cm). With the onset of autumn cold, the leaves quickly fall from the trees.

There are two types of leaves: the first grown one by one on a separate pet, the second type is characterized by more shorten stiffers on which 4 separate sheets are sitting. The first type of leaves is growing very rapidly and develops; The second type - for the complete development of the sheet is spent considerable time. In the photo you can see two types of tree leaves.

Two types of leaves

Unique plants are divided into men's and women's: Ginkgo refers to downtown plants.

  • Male tree is covered with earrings in which pollen anticipates for pollination of female individuals.
  • Women's plants carry special primitives in which seeds are tied after pollination.

It is possible to distinguish to what type of tree is only 25 - 30 of his life, only then special signs are manifested.

Pollination in nature occurs in the spring months with the help of wind, which spreads ripe pollen at considerable distances. Fruit aging lasts until late autumn. Ginkgo seeds are protected by a leather consisting of three layers, and possess extremely unpleasant odor.

Ginkgo Bilobo fruits

Known trees who lived up to 2500 years anniversary. The unique photos of the giganic trees survived the centuries-old anniversaries, allow you to make sure of the beauty and impressivity of these plants.

Ginkgo Biloba: Proper landing

Choosing a place to plant a tree, it should be immediately necessary that the plant will need a very large area, while the location should be the most light - ginkgo light-affairs culture. Place for growing you need to choose a constant - the tree is very bad to transfer the transplant.

In the first years of life, about three years, culture practically does not give rise. At this time, the root system is developed and strengthening.

Young plants

Saplings are placed in special pits filled with fertile land. When landing, you need to strictly monitor the location of the roots - they must be straightened and located in the pit freely. Requires uniform periodic irrigation - it is impossible to dry the roots in the first years of life.

Tip! With close groundwater running on the landing site, it is better to choose a dry place.

Seedling care - grow a healthy tree

Care of the young church is reduced to periodic irrigation, soil looser and release of plants from weeds. Ginkgo is a very unpretentious tree that puts up with many conditions.

Tip! In winter, the tree should be covered with snow or sweetheart. The lower ends of the branches can be frozen, but with the arrival of spring branches will quickly cover green leaves.

Nutrients can be made to the landing hole: ash or mineral fertilizers will rise. In summer, young seedlings can be filled with complex compositions, bringing them in a liquid surface to the root or in the form of an extraxanle feeding on the leaves.

Pests and diseases do not harm the tree

Ginkgo Biloba is rarely ill, the plant is very resistant to any kind of disease. In winter, the bark of the stem can be cutting mice and hares.

Ginkgo reproduction

You can breed a tree-rarity with the help of seeds and temperaments.

Chapels You need to take with adult trees, best when it is already definitely known - a male is or a female copy. Sliced \u200b\u200bcuttings rooted in tubers in light ground. This operation should be started in the first half of summer. When rooting cuttings cut from a maternal plant with a part of wood, it is useful to use rooting stimulants. Leaves from a cutting removed up to 50%.

Important! Rooted cuttings develop slowly, require daily splashes on the leaves, especially in hot weather.

High germination have only seeds Ginkgo of fresh collection, therefore, with seed reproduction, the germination directly depends on the freshness of seeds. Plant seeds resemble an apricot bone, only have a white color.

Seeds Ginkgo Biloboba

Sowing seeds can be made early in spring. They are close in drawers to depth to 7 cm. Film shelter will increase the percentage of seeds and reduce the timing of obtaining young plants. Ginkgo shoots begin to appear about a month after sowing. The trees grow slowly, giving a very small increase. On a permanent place, seedlings can be planted in a year.

Ginkgo Biloba has a huge list of beneficial properties, is used to prepare all sorts of drugs that have a beneficial effect on the organism rejuvenation. It is worth growing this rarity because of the unusualness of this culture.

Growing a rare culture of Ginkgo Biloba: video

Ginkgo Biloba: photo

E-catalog of decorative plantsfor garden Landscape - decorative coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs, lianas, grassy perennial plants

Are you looking for a beneficial and actual cauldron for your design work on landscaping your garden, parks, gardening of urban areas and so on? Then the online catalog of decorative garden plants of the site "Landscape" is what you need. E-catalog of decorative garden plants "Landscape" is an indispensable assistant, here you will find not only an extremely wide range of plants for a wide variety of location, but also get a lot of other information. E-catalog of decorative plants for the Landscape Garden is a practical guide to affordable decorative plants in the Ukrainian market. Online catalog of ornamental plants for the garden "Landscape" is updated all the time, replenished with new garden decorative plants.

For designers, land owners, for people of lovers in plants and gardens, the Landscape directory is an affordable and popular benefit helps in choosing plant plants. We tried to describe all the features and features of plants, all plants are illustrated by photos displaying shape or characteristic features of plants. Descriptions of the presented plants are simple and understandable, interesting short practical tips, contain basic information about the characteristics of plants, the requirements for soil, lighting and frost resistance, recommendations for care and possible use or layout with other species. Additional and very useful information is contained in the silhouette of plants in an adult age with a figure of a person, which makes it possible to imagine the future size and form of an adult plant, makes it possible to immediately choose plants for the garden.

In the E-catalog of decorative garden plants "Landscape" uses international standards for writing plant names. First of all, we use Latin names to avoid ambiguousness, as well as Russian names and synonyms. This will allow you to quickly find the manufacturer of the plants you are interested in.

The influence of climate and frost resistance

The zone of the winter hardiness is a region in which a certain type of plants as a rule transfers the winter well, in other words, the region where its cultural area begins. It is important to understand that the frost resistance of plants depends on the set of factors, all data on climatic zones of winter hardiness is only approximate. In the conjunctions of the same zone, the microclimate of some regions can differ significantly from the given data. So, for example, urban areas are usually on the floor of a warmer than the surrounding landscape. Large reservoirs, squares, as well as the slopes and tops of hills, have a positive effect on the climate, while in the recesses and valleys do not prevail no favorable conditions.

The climatic zone number is specified under each plant description in the directory, shows the degree of its low-temperature resistance - the smaller the zone number is the greater the frost-resistant plant. Plants can often grow in regions of five or more climatic zones. The plant from Zone 2 can usually be without problems grow in zones of 3,4,5,6,7 and may also be in zones 8 and 9. These recommendations on zones are given on the basis of the presence of optimal conditions for each individual plant and excluding snow cover protection . Information on climatic zones of frost resistance is also a tip on the shelter of plants for the winter.

Map of winter hardware zones of Ukraine

Zones of winter hardiness and their range of average annual minimum temperatures


silhouette of a man and plants in proportion

light-loving plants

half-driving and half-blooded plants

Ginkgo biloba (Two-sighted) appeared in the Mesozoic Era, when dinosaurs wandered on the ground. His homeland is China. But even there Ginkgo is growing not everywhere. There are almost no these trees in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Area (in the North-West, not far from Kazakhstan), where there is a sharp-continental arid climate. Adult ginkgo can be seen not only in the countries of the East. Unfortunately, there are no them in the suburbs. Attempts by lovers to grow this legendary tree on their plot contribute to the elimination of regional Ginkgo varieties and attract the attention of professionals.

Is ginkgo conifer?

Ginkgo is often mistaken to conifer. With the reservations that his needles were reduced to the leaves, which fall fall. With conifer, this plant combines only the fact that coniferous and ginkgo belong to the gone. On this, their relationship ends. Ginkgo - representative of the family Ginkgy (GinkGoaceae.), in which only one race - Ginkgo biloba (Ginkgo Biloba.), i.e. "Ginkgo Two Ginut". This tree has real leaves. They are partially separated by the recess so that the surface of most leaves has two blades. China has very old trees who are more than two thousand years old! It is believed that in Japan Ginkgo got from China not without the help of a person. Ginkgo, or "Silver Apricot", has fruits resembling apricots.

The smell of pulp sheath is nauseous. The Chinese fall into the parks in the parks with whole families for collecting these fruits, the core of which is then used as a medicine or in cooking.

They immediately separate the nuclei on the spot, leaving a bunch of slippery shells on Earth.

Zoned ginkgo not yet

Ginko has not yet been zoned. Marketing seedlings appeared from seeds of trees growing in a warmer or soft climate. Often, sellers are chitryat, convincing buyers in the winter hardiness of this plant. On the Internet, you can meet reports on the successful cultivation of Ginkgo Biloba in areas in the Moscow region. But no one clarifies the further fate of no more seedlings, but adult trees.

Everyone is the question: "How long can Ginkgo live in the open soil in the suburbs?" In urban parks, there are still no these luxurious trees, the crown of which in the fall glows amber. Several small trees existing in Moscow are far from ideal. Sooner or later, all young Ginkgo, wintering without shelter, is greatly frozen or dying. Firmware often occurs at the level of snow cover. For the summer, Ginkgo can recover and even add growth. Warming with a noodle, nonwoven material or other ways to help until the tree has a small height. Slow high tree with a luxurious crown is impossible. Where to take such a huge dome? I concluded that if the goal is not a planned work on the Ginkgo Biloba zoning, then it is not worth tormented. It is not adapted while this is a plant to wintering in the open soil in our conditions. Too high risk of losing it from freezing and spontaneous. Frosty winters, which sometimes stealing the ginkgo, is not a rule, but a random coincidence of favorable factors. Which, alas, are not always repeated.

I unsuccessfully tried to teach Ginkgo to life on a plot in the open soil. The seedlings grown from fresh fruits in China. Part of the seedlings left for the winter at home. They walked in the basement with a small window or on the loggia, glazed in the entire wall. For the summer, the pots with Ginkgo were exposed to the street. This option, as the time has shown, was the most successful. Ground Ginkgo after a few years "torment" had to transplant in pots.

Now all my ginkgo grow in pots and no longer winter outdoor.

What is more?

Ginkgo, "By definition", should be a growing tree, even if not thirty-meter. This is a two-walled plant. Women's trees are fruit after 20 - 30 years. With our climate in the open ground, it is more real to grow ginkgo biloba in a bush form. This is facilitated by the active formation of roasting rigs. Another option is a low garden bonsai from Ginkgo. But it will have to be for the winter not only to warm, but also to protect against rodents. Safer the content of the trees in containers. I am convinced that for the conditions of the suburbs, the most successful option is the cultivation of Ginkgo not in the open soil, but in suitable containers that are transferred to the winter to the winter. Of course, it is impossible to stop attempts to zone the ginkgo biloba. It is wonderful that not only professionals are involved in this business, but also many lovers who understand the entire degree of risk.

Bonsai from Ginkgo

Amazing bonsai are obtained from Ginkgo.

Competent trimming transforms Ginkgo. Botanical Garden Beijing

A low-length tree can live for many years even in a small container. Dwarf form attracts the ability to create the most unexpected options. In China, I saw a lot of Bonsayev from Ginkgo. The most incredible. There were very old chopper trees who kept on the crust and a thin layer of wood. Some trees-dwarfs had trunks, struck with stones. But this is already the "highest pilot".

Bonsai Ginkgo. Botanical Garden, Beijing

We often create bonsai from Ginkgo accelerated way. Some of them look quite natural.

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Ginkgo Two-shoes (Ginkgo Biloba L.) is one of the most primitive gone plants of the modern plant world, in the singular representing and family, and the family. According to experts, ginkgo - relic of Japanese-Chinese origin. It is assumed that his homeland is mountain forests of northeast China. It grows there in the warm and humid climate. Once there were so many trees that the oldest of them fell on firewood. Currently, in China, there is a naturally formed ginking grove in China. The diameter of the trunks growing there reaches 1.5-2 m.

Falling, divingwette, reaching 30-45 m heights, with a slender brown-gray trunk. The crown of young plants is wide-grained, with a mutive arrangement of the main branches that are separated from the trunk almost at right angles; With age, the top of it is dulled and the crown expands. As a rule, men's plants are more slender, with a pyramid crown, women - with a wider and round. None of the modern vote plants has such decorative leaves like Ginkgo. They are fan-shaped, often dissected into two deep blades (this is reflected in the species name), leathery, naked, slightly corrugated on the edge, sisido-green, on long stiffs. Leaves are located singly or beams on shortened shoots. In the fall, they paint in beautiful golden yellow tones, giving a tree an unforgettable appearance. Flowers in small green-yellow inflorescences. The seed is covered with a fleshy cover (like plum), a burning binding taste and an unpleasant smell.

Translated from the Japanese name means "silver apricot", or "silver fruit." So called edible fruits of this wonderful relict plant from Western China. "Living fossil" exactly called Ginkgo Charles Darwin. And indeed, a more accurate definition come up with difficulty. Ginkgo is one of the few oldest wood plants, which are still preserved on Earth.

In the culture of Gingko known since the XI century. In China and in Japan, it was planted near the sacred temples. Now in the country of the Rising Sun Ginkgo is used as fruit trees. In the Tokyo Botanical Garden is growing a magnificent copy of Ginkgo. In front of him - a marble board, which carries out the name of Botany Harazue, who dedicated to the study of this plant most of his life. In Nagasaki there is a tree whose age has more than 1200 years. In China, in natural conditions of growth, Gingko was found 45 m high. It is assumed that it is approaching the 2000-year border. Legends say that in very ancient times in the north of China, the Ginkgo seeds were accepted as Dani.

European scientists discovered the living tree Gingko in 1690 (they previously met only the plants on the stones). For the first time, Gingko appeared in the Utrecht Botanical Garden (Holland), but the exact date of this event is not established. In 1754 it fell into England. There, so far, a tree has been preserved, with the help of which the features of Ginkgo fertilization were opened and studied. The British are called Gingko "Tree of Devichy Hair". Its leaves remind them to them slices of leaves of one of the most extensive ferns, known as "Venusia Hair" (AdianTum). The French dubbed the ginkgo "tree for forty-ek". It received such a strange name in 1780 from Petignan Petigni Botany. It was possible to buy a pot with five small ginkgov trees for 25 gines from one of the English gardeners for 25 gines, i.e., 40 ECU for each. These trees have become the progenitors of almost all gingeco, growing now in France.

Nowadays, Ginkgo can be found in the parks of Western Europe and on the streets of North America cities. In culture, it feels quite well, although in the wild state in these places never met (not counting, of course, the Mesozoic era).

It is decorated with a light barrel, the original mutiot crown, with a sipped greens of amazing leaves, very beautiful in the autumn color. In areas favorable for its development, it can be used to create peculiar decorative groups on the background of coniferous, evergreen rocks, in allery and ordinary landings, single on lawns. In culture since 1727.

It has a number of decorative forms:

    pyramidal (f. Fastigiata) - with a column-like or pyramidal crown;

    mold (f. pendula) - with a molding of the crown form;

    golden (f. Aurea) - with light golden coloring leaves;

    pestry (f. Variegata) - leaves with golden stripes.


The tree is fast-growing, kegletoid form. The leaves are very large, 20-30 cm wide with numerous notches; The veins are embossed, the edge curly and carved.

"St. Sloud »

A tree with a straight trunk, the side branches rarely lifted apart, very long, along the entire length are tightly covered with small shortened shoots. Garden Alberta Cana, Klu-sur-Sen under Paris.


The form is straight, columnal, 12 m high and 80 cm wide. Beautiful autumn coloring. In 1970, I went on sale from the Botanical Dortmund Garden. The original tree, around 1930 appeared from the seedlings.

Location: light-minded, wind-resistant, coldness enough (tolerate temperatures to -30 ° C.). Young plants should be protected from the burning of the rays of the sun, intense by their shields or light cloth. Adult plants are better to plant on well-lit places. The plant is successfully cultivated in a moderate zone - where the climate is sufficiently soft. In the open soil Ginkgo grows in Kaliningrad (regional), Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Astrakhan. It is found in the Baltic States, in Moldova, in the Botanical Gardens of Central Asia. The plant can be found in the parks of Crimea (in Yalta from 1818), the Caucasus, Ukraine (in the Krasnokutsky Park since 1911). He was tested in Belarus.

The soil: undemanding. For successful gygggo growth, constantly wet soil is necessary, the mechanical composition is not so important.

Care: For the winter, the plant requires compulsory shelter.

Reproduction: No tree multiplies as Ginkgo. The method of reproduction brings it closer with ferns and other disputes, in which fertilization is carried out with the help of floating male genital cells. In all other trees, men's genital cells can not move independently. In this regard, Ginkgo is an interesting object to study the evolution of plants. Fresh-plated ginko seeds have a high germination, but it is quickly lost due to the fact that in their endosperm contains fatty acids. The weight of thousands of seeds is equal to 200 years after cleaning the seed from the fleshy cover, only 25% of the initial weight remains. 10-15 g of seeds are seeded on the pattern, the depth of the seal is 3-5 cm. Seed cleaning is produced in saline water. Sold better immediately after processing. Seeds obtained from Tashkent and stratified at 5-7 ° C for 1.5 months, gave friendly shoots 25 days after sowing. The primer germination is 91%.

Ginkgo is a fast-growing wooded rock, has a strong closer-educational ability, gives a pig from stump and root. Transplanting Tree tolerates badly, 2-3 years after that does not grow. Lakes like Ginkgo, but for decorative purposes, women's individuals are not suitable, because during ripening the fruits smells unpleasantly, and falling, interfere with pedestrians and transport. Men's individuals are usually used. In the nurseries make a male kidney vaccination on a young sighter. In the first year, seedlings have a height of 12-15 cm. Ginkgo easily multiplied with seeds, stroke and root cuttings.

The cuttings should be taken at the end of June - early July, and the preference is worth paying not long (by that time it is still unreesive), but short shoots that cut on a stalk with a "heel" or with part of last year's wood. Half leaves are removed from them and for several hours are placed in a solution of stimulants of root formation. Then they are planted into the ground film greenhouse, where large sand is used as a substrate in a mixture with a rigorous peat, perlite or similar loose air-permeable materials. The cuttings regularly spray, once a week adding a solution "Epina" into the sprayer. With a prosperous outcome, the plant will give, if not root, then at least Callus. For the winter, the cuttings are covered with a snack. In the spring, they are quite quickly touched into growth, and they need to have time to dissipate until this point - in April. Successfully develop and stalks with one call to Callus - for the second year almost all of them give roots. But the plants of the cuttings are developing significantly more than seed, at least in the first 1-3 years.
