Admiring the bright colors of the autumn forest, you involuntarily freeze in front of a bushy tree of extraordinary beauty. Its branches with colorful leaves are adorned with delightful fruit earrings. People call them "robin berries" - nimble birds in the fall peck berries from elegant bushes. This plant is euonymus.

They say that a poisonous bush was grown by one witch, taking offense at people. But then she took pity on them and made the plant medicinal. And she herself turned into a robin - a gray bird that is not poisoned by the fruits of this the most beautiful plant and spreads it: eats the fruit, the seed soon finds itself in the ground and a charming bush appears in this place.

There is another legend. During the creation of the plant world, the goddess Flora lost a brooch with flowers from her dress and an earring from her ears. She did not look for her jewelry, but turned them into plants: one with dead flowers from a brooch, the other with earrings.

And as a punishment for being lost, she made the plants poisonous. Both the brooch and the earring were lost in one place, which is why the euonymus was born, in which dead wax flowers appear in the spring, and earring berries in the fall.

All shrubs have a beautiful openwork crown. Leaves are usually dark green in spring and summer. Flowering begins at the end of May, but it does not attract attention either. Plants are especially beautiful in autumn.

At this time, the shrubs are completely transformed: in September, literally in a week, white, yellow, orange, pink, red, carmine and purple "flashes" flash on them. A single sheet can be painted in 5-6 colors!

By October there are more and more red colors. And with their bright fruits, euonymus decorate the garden before the onset of severe frosts.

It is no coincidence that the name of the genus - Euonymus - translates as "beckoning with beauty" (from the ancient Greek "her" - the best and "bundle" - calling, alluring).

The fruit is a dry, leathery, usually four-part capsule with white, red or brown-black seeds inside. They are covered with a fleshy cloth - a seedling.

Depending on the species, the breeder is colored orange, red or red-brown. Fruits give a special decorative effect to the plant in autumn.

Immature, pale green bolls, invisible in summer, acquire a bright color in September, which, depending on the species, can be yellow, pink, scarlet, raspberry, burgundy or dark purple.

When ripe bolls crack at the seams, it seems that parachutes with parachutists (several seeds covered with seedlings) are hanging on the plant. Only euonymus have such original fruits.

However, it must be remembered that they contain a number of poisonous alkaloids and are not suitable for human consumption.

Young shoots, covered with greenish or brownish bark, in some species are round in cross section (large-winged, Sakhalin, few-flowered species), in others - tetrahedral (Euonymus European, Siebold, Maak, Bunge, Hamilton), persistent longitudinal gray ridges.

But there are those (winged, cork), which instead of rollers along the young shoot are four sharp cork ribs, giving the bush a peculiar look, especially in winter, when snow lingers on these ribs.

The spindle trees, although they are decorative and unpretentious to growing conditions, still do not receive due attention from our gardeners. Some species are quite winter-hardy, and their cultivation in the middle lane is very possible.

Varieties and types

For landscaping garden plot it is good to use the following types:

European - a deciduous tree no more than 5-7 m high (sometimes it grows as a bush), young branches are green, tetrahedral. In September-October, the leaves turn purple-red, and the fruit pods, cruciform in shape, turn dark red or pink, with hanging orange seeds.

For more fruits, cross-pollination is needed. For this, at least two copies of this species are planted on the site. European euonymus is undemanding to soils. Shade tolerant. At the same time, a sunny location of the plant is necessary for the bright autumn color of the leaves.

Winged is a deciduous shrub. Shade tolerant. His homeland is the Far East, where he grows up to 2 m. In our conditions - up to 1 m, but sometimes even higher.

Young branches are green, rounded-tetrahedral, with longitudinal brownish cork wings up to 0.5 cm wide. Fruit boxes are dark red, four-membered. Leaves turn bright red in autumn.

Fortune is a creeping evergreen shrub 30-60 cm high (homeland - China). The branches reach a length of 3 m, take root at the nodes, cling to the support, if any. Leaves are small, pointed, leathery, up to 2-6 cm long.

Fortune's eonymus loves loose fertilized soils. Frost resistant. Prefers partial shade. Has many decorative forms.

Dwarf is an evergreen ornamental shrub with beautiful leathery leaves. Shade-loving. Vertical shoots reach a height of 1 m. Leaves 1-4 cm long, finely toothed.

Fruits are pale yellow-greenish capsules, ripen in August-September. When clipping a plant, a beautiful border is obtained. And if you plant it on Japanese euonymus, you can admire the amazing weeping shape of the plant.

Semenov's euonymus is an evergreen shrub up to 1 m high, often creeping. The mountains of Central Asia, where it grows under the forest canopy, are considered its homeland. Leaves are leathery, yellowish-green, with short petioles (1.5-6 cm long and 0.5-2 cm wide).

The flowers are small, dark purple, collected in small umbrellas along the edges of the branches, petals with greenish edges. Blooms in July; bears fruit in August. Winter-hardy. Prefers to grow in shady areas with moderate humidity.

Japanese in nature (in the south) is an evergreen shrub or liana up to 7 m, in our country it is a shrub up to 0.5 m high. Leaves 3-8 cm long, leathery, dark green, sometimes shiny on top.

Many of its variegated and small-leaved forms are known. Requires shelter for the winter.

The plant is wonderfully suitable for growing in indoor conditions (landscaping of apartments, offices, loggias, winter gardens). Variegated forms with yellow or white spots and a border on dark green leaves are light-requiring.

The Japanese species easily tolerates dry indoor air, thanks to its leathery leaves, and puts up with partial shade. In summer, it is advisable to take pots with plants out into the open air, in winter - to keep in a cool room (at an air temperature of + 5-10 degrees) with sufficient lighting. Water - as the soil dries out.

In spring and summer, feed once every 2-3 weeks. The plant is planted in a mixture of sod and leafy soil, peat and sand (2: 3: 1: 1). This plant is very plastic, it lends itself well to formation by pruning (in May and again - in early autumn), pinching, bending and twisting shoots. The stem thickens quickly.

From the Japanese spindle tree, beautiful bonsai is obtained, as well as various geometric shapes (balls, cubes, cones, pyramids) and figures.

From historical sources it is known that Pliny the Younger had formed figures of various animals on green lawns - deer, elephants, tigers, etc.

Application in the garden

When choosing a shrub for landscaping your garden, consider its size. So, there are very impressive plants that, if there is enough space and good care reach a height and crown diameter of 7-8, and sometimes even 10 m.

These are euonymus large-winged, Maak, Maksimovich, Hamilton, European, broad-leaved.

Medium-sized representatives of the genus (cork, Bunge) are more characteristic of the form of a tall bush, reaching a height and a diameter of 4-5 m.

For small gardens, medium-sized shrubs are suitable, such as warty, winged, Siebold, Sakhalin. The height of these plants is usually 1-2 m, in width they grow by 2-2.5 m. But in all cases one should not be afraid of large species, they all perfectly tolerate any pruning that can restrain growth and create a dense, compact crown. Many of these plants can be used to create hedges.

Forchun's euonymus, dwarf and Koopman are creeping and practically do not have trunks, but they have many thin recumbent or slightly raised stems, densely covered with numerous evergreen leaves.

With good care (regular feeding and weeding), you can create dense green rugs from these plants. And if Fortchuna's euonymus is photophilous and not very winter-hardy, the last two species are suitable for creating a wonderful lawn in shady areas of the garden. These "sliders" look beautiful in the form of curtains in tree-trunk circles and on an alpine slide.


Shrubs do not tolerate stagnant moisture. For successful cultivation, neutral or slightly alkaline soils are necessary; lime should be added to acidic ones.

Different types of shrubs relate to lighting in different ways. It is better to plant Maak euonymus in an open place. In partial shade, among tall overgrown trees, it will be comfortable for European and warty species.

When creating a decorative group on a slope, it is better to choose large-winged and Sakhalin shrubs, where they can grow well due to rooting of the lower branches.

Diseases and pests of euonymus

The main diseases and pests are mold, aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs, etc. At the same time, it was noticed that if on a planted near fruit trees euonymus everything is covered with cobwebs with caterpillar nests, then the apple trees growing nearby are completely clean.

So it can be used to protect the garden from pests, especially since this plant can be easily treated with any pesticide without fear of damaging the crop.


Most species reproduce well vegetatively - by dividing the bush, root suckers, green cuttings.

For cuttings in June-July, young, but already quite elastic shoots are chosen. Cuttings 4-6 cm long with one internode are cut from them. They are planted in a greenhouse under a film in a substrate from fertile soil, on top of which sand is poured in a layer of 5-7 cm. Roots develop in 1.5 months.

Seed propagation is somewhat more difficult. When sown without stratification and in nature, the bulk of the seeds germinates only in the second spring. Therefore, immediately after harvesting, the seeds should be stratified, for which they are mixed with coarse-grained calcined sand or poorly decomposed moist sphagnum peat (1: 2).

Within 3-4 months, the seeds are kept at a temperature of 10-12 degrees. When the majority of them (70-80%) burst the shell, the temperature is reduced to 0 + 3 degrees. And in such conditions they store for another 4-5 months.

So that they do not rot, before laying them, they are cleaned of seedlings and pickled in a 0.5% solution of potassium permanganate.

Seeds of euonymus are sown on the beds in shallow (about 2 cm) grooves in a substrate of leafy and soddy soil, humus and sand (4: 1: 2: 1). Seedlings appear in 2-3 weeks. In spring and autumn, it is recommended to mulch seedlings with peat chips with a layer of 3 cm.

During the summer, the plants are watered and fed with a mullein, for the winter they are covered with spruce branches. In the 3rd year, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

The spindle trees are gas and smoke resistant, therefore they grow well in urban conditions.

By properly caring for plants, you can get a dense crown of an interesting shape, because it is in it that their beauty lies.

The euonymus juice is poisonous! Be careful and careful when pruning plants.

The euonymus plant has more than 200 species and is distributed mainly in the Northern Hemisphere. Cultivated more often as ornamental plant, is used in for decoration and, it is also found in indoor content.

Description of euonymus

Sometimes the height of this plant reaches 4 m. The foliage is shiny, sometimes with creamy silvery specks in the center. Flowers with a not very pleasant smell, they are collected in inflorescences, brushes. Fruits with poisonous fruits, the rest of the plant should also not be eaten. You can see photos of all types of euonymus and a description on our website.

If you have chosen euonymus for your euonymus, you need to know that it is planted in early spring, sometimes in autumn. Do not forget to carefully study the euonymus, find out about the features of planting, see the photo of the process. He likes to be in partial shade, the soil should be fertile, with good water permeability, light. An important point is that the plant grows a lot in width, and sometimes in height, so it should be planted away from trees, providing a sufficient distance between bushes and buildings on the site. Indoor varieties are planted in large pots and boxes, in the summer it is better to leave them outside, and in winter period need to be brought into the house.

It is necessary to prepare a pit for planting plants in advance, two weeks in advance. Make sure that it is 1.5 times larger than the root system of the seedlings in volume. Pour sand at the bottom of the recess or special composition for drainage, cover with a layer of compost mixed with soil, then lower the seedling of the plant, spreading the roots, cover with a mixture of soil and compost, lightly tamping it. If the euonymus will serve, it is better to plant it in a trench. Naturally, after planting the plants, water them and do not forget to do this during the first week.

Features of growing and caring for euonymus

This plant does not like excess moisture, which can damage its roots. Therefore, if it rains abundantly, then it does not need watering. If there is no precipitation, then water the euonymus as needed. You also need to remember to loosen the soil around - at least three times throughout the season. In addition, it is worth feeding the plant twice during the season with mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

We can say that euonymus loves a haircut, so it is worth cutting it off more often. To form the crown, they cut it in early spring or late autumn. There are several types of crown in shape - conical, ellipsoidal or the shape of a standard tree.

Do not forget about the pests that infect plants: spider mites, aphids, caterpillars, mealybugs. To get rid of these pests, it is necessary to treat the euonymus with a special solution. Diseases afflicting plants are stem rot or powdery mildew... For prevention, it is worth treating the euonymus with special preparations, and cutting off and burning the affected parts of the plant.

There are some ways to reproduce euonymus: cuttings, layering, seeds, dividing the bush. Explore the options for breeding euonymus, planting and care features, photos can be viewed on the website.

  • If reproduction is carried out by layering, in the spring you need to lower the shoots of the mother plant to the ground in a special groove, covering it with soil on top.
  • For propagation by cuttings, it is necessary to cut at least 5 years from the top of the plant. After that, the cutting is planted in a mixture of peat and sand, left in light for rooting.
  • Dwarf varieties are mainly propagated by division. The root shoots with a part of the rhizome are carefully cut off from the main plant, the resulting part is deposited in an empty place.
  • Euonymus seeds must be sown into the soil in the fall, covered with foliage or straw for the winter. If, nevertheless, you decide to sow it in the spring, pre-soak the seeds for several days in water.

If we talk about options for indoor content, then they can be curly or in the form of a tree. The leaves on the plant can be variegated or green. Small flowers collected in white inflorescences. To ensure a good existence indoor flower, it is necessary to create certain conditions for its cultivation.

Consider an indoor euonymus, its planting and care (see photo below).

The main conditions for the full development of the spindle tree:

  • The location of the plant. To provide good vegetation, you need a lighted place, you can place the euonymus on the window in direct sunlight. However, he does well in partial shade. Alternatively, for the summer, you can place the plant on the street:,, in the garden. For the winter, he is brought into the room.
  • Temperature conditions. A feature of the plant is its unpretentiousness to temperature regime: it can grow at + 5-10 ° C. If it is too hot in the room in winter, it may begin to shed foliage.

Gardeners undeservedly forget about - a picturesque plant that can transform any personal plot. The advantage of this unpretentious culture is that it does not lose its attractiveness throughout the season. And by autumn, when the rest of the garden plunges into dull colors, the decorativeness of the euonymus only increases.

Description of the plant

Euonymus) belongs to a separate genus of the Bereskletov family, numbering about 200 varieties of deciduous and evergreen shrubs and trees of various heights (from 1.5 to 10 m). The habitat of wild spindle trees is mixed and deciduous forests of temperate and subtropical latitudes. In our country, about 20 species of this plant are used as cultivated plants, also called wolf bast, sour, divine eyes, privet, saklak and night blindness.

The forms of cultivated spindle trees are very diverse - from undersized creeping shrubs to stately spreading trees. Shoots can have a round or unusual tetrahedral section and are often decorated with bizarre cork growths in the form of ridges, "warts" or longitudinal ribs.

Shoot of winged spindle tree with characteristic longitudinal ribs. Photo from the site

Simple opposite euonymus leaves stand out with a smooth, shiny surface. Depending on the type and variety, they can have a classic green or spectacular variegated color. IN autumn months many varieties are transformed beyond recognition - their foliage is colored in purple, scarlet, bronze and yellow tones.

During this period, decorativeness and ripening fruits are added to the euonymus - four-part seed pods, which are painted in a yellow, pink, burgundy or dark purple hue. And their seedlings, which cover the seeds, turn orange, scarlet or reddish brown. However, it is worth remembering that these beautiful berries are poisonous, like all other parts of the plant, so you do not need to taste them.

Euonymus fruits. Photo from the site

The fruits of euonymus have such a spectacular color and bizarre shape that many people mistake them for flowers. But the real flowers of this plant, which appear on the branches in May or June, are of no interest. They are small and inconspicuous, collected in small thyroid inflorescences and, moreover, exude an unpleasant aroma.

Euonymus inflorescences. Photo from

But for some reason summer residents are in no hurry to get to know this plant better. Perhaps his such exotic outfit suggests that he is extremely demanding of care. But this is a fundamentally wrong opinion.

Euonymus planted on summer cottage, will delight you not only with amazing decorativeness, but also with enviable unpretentiousness. In addition, many species have good winter hardiness and therefore can develop well in any regions of our country.


It is better to plant euonymus in spring, although it is permissible autumn planting... This plant tolerates a little shading, but it is better for variegated varieties to choose a sunny area: in such a place their foliage will have a more expressive color. It is not worth planting it on a site with closely located and in a lowland.

This culture will delight you with active growth on loose fertile soil with a neutral or slightly alkaline reaction. Therefore, at the bottom of the planting pit with a size of at least 60x60 cm, first lay out crushed stone for drainage, and then fill it with a mixture of fertile soil and. An additional 1.5-2 cups of fluff lime is added.


A spindle tree seedling is planted at the same level as it grew before. They compact the soil around it, water it abundantly and mulch the soil in the near-trunk circle. In order for the plant to take root well, it is necessary to monitor the constant soil moisture within 7-10 days after planting.

Euonymus seedlings are now in almost all garden nurseries. And if you have in mind adult plant, then you can propagate it yourself: freshly harvested seeds, layering, green cuttings or dividing the bush (for low-growing species).

Watering and feeding

The euonymus does not need large volumes of water, therefore, watering is carried out as needed - when the earthen coma dries up. In seasons with regular precipitation, it is better to refuse watering altogether, since waterlogged soil has a bad effect on the development of its root system.

During the season, this crop is fed three times. The first time this is done in the spring with fertilizers, in the summer they give any complex mineral preparation, and in the fall, emphasis is needed on and. In addition, every autumn it makes sense to bring humus under the plant or at the rate of 2/3 of a bucket per m² of its trunk circle.


When caring for this plant special meaning it is worth giving the annual formative pruning, which will add decorativeness to the plant. Do not be afraid to shorten the branches of the euonymus - he is very fond of "getting a haircut" and after such a procedure begins to actively branch.

The crown of the euonymus can be given any shape - spherical, conical or elliptical, or a standard tree can be formed from a shrub. This event is best carried out in late autumn or early spring, and in summer it should be limited to pinching the tops of the shoots and cutting out damaged branches.


Adult specimens of many spindle trees tolerate our unpredictable winters well, therefore they do not require additional. And in the case of a young plant that has not yet reached the age of three, it is better to play it safe and insulate its root system with a thick layer of mulch made from fallen leaves, sawdust or spruce branches before the onset of stable frosts.

Diseases and pests

In conditions of high humidity, this culture can be affected. When signs of the disease appear, the plants should be sprayed 3-4 times with a solution of a suitable ("Skor", "Previkur", "Fundazol", etc.) with an interval of 7-10 days.

But such a fungal disease as trunk rot, which sometimes affects euonymus, will be difficult to cure. In this case, preventive spraying in spring and autumn with a solution of a copper-containing preparation (1%, copper sulfate, "Hom", etc.).

In addition to its many advantages, euonymus has one drawback, which may seem significant to some gardeners - they are very fond of it. In the warm season, the plant is often affected by hawthorn, apple moth, aphids, thrips, spider mites and other "unkind" insects. To protect against them, it is better to use a wide spectrum of action ("Actellik", "Fufanon", "Ratibor", etc.).

Types and varieties

Among the large species diversity euonymus, each summer resident will be able to choose a plant for himself that will best fit into his individual garden landscape and transform the entire surrounding area with his elegant attire. Some types of euonymus attract attention with their natural beauty, breeders have worked with others and created a number of cultivated varieties - variegated and shorter ones.

Definitely worth highlighting warty euonymus (Euonymus verrucosa) - an indigenous inhabitant of Russian forests. An important feature of this erect deciduous shrub up to 1.5-2 m high - numerous brown "warts" (lenticels), densely covering the shoots, as well as the "mouse" smell of inflorescences. By the fall, its seed pods turn pink, the seedlings acquire a bright orange colorand the green leaves turn pink-red.

Warty euonymus with characteristic growths on a branch. Photo from

Widespread european euonymus (Euonymus europaea), found in the forests of the European part of Russia, the Crimea and the Caucasus. This deciduous species can be a spreading shrub up to 2 m high or a tree up to 5 m high.

In autumn, its foliage begins to "burn" - is painted in bright purple tones and creates a unique effect in a dull, pale garden. Add "special effects" and fruits - pink-red boxes with bright orange seedlings. European euonymus, just like its warty "brother", will delight you with unpretentiousness in care and shade tolerance.

European spindle tree. Photo from

Will not leave anyone indifferent evergreen japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus), growing at home from 2 to 8 m in height. The glossy surface and leathery texture of the leaves, as well as the wonderful pink seed pods with orange seedlings of this species prompted breeders to create a variety of low-growing varieties on its basis.

For example, the variety "Microphyllus" up to 50 cm in height attracts the eyes with the yellow and green patterns of its foliage, and undersized variety "Silver King" is decorated with dark green leaves with a wide white border. It is worth noting that this Asian has low frost resistance and therefore it takes root better in the southern regions of the country, and in the middle lane requires careful shelter for the winter.

Euonymus japanese variety "Silver King". Photo from the site

Undoubtedly deserves attention fortune's euonymus (Euonymus fortunei) - a native of China, successfully cultivated for more than a hundred years in our country. This one is short (20-40 cm) evergreen shrub with creeping shoots, it perfectly adapted to our weather conditions and was appreciated by breeders who bred a variety of varieties on its basis.

You can choose euonymus of this type on our market, where offers from the largest online stores are collected. ...

Not less beautiful is the variegated variety "Emerald" n "Gold" ", reaching a height of 50 cm and decorated with catchy leaves of lemon-yellow and green colors at the same time.

Forchun's euonymus grade "Emerald" n "Gold". Photo from the site

Separately, it should be said about the amazing variety "Harlequin". Its young shoots and leaves are completely colored in white color and have only small green specks. Over time, the foliage takes on the traditional green color, and the white color remains on it in the form of a spectacular frame.

Forchun's eonymus "Harlequin" grade. Photo from

Very interesting winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus) Is a large deciduous shrub up to 4 m high, which can be found naturally in Sakhalin and the Far East. This species is distinguished by the amazing structure of the shoots with flat longitudinal growths on the bark, similar to wings. This handsome man looks especially impressive in autumn when he dresses in purple and scarlet tones.

Very popular maak's euonymus (Euonymus maackii) growing in the forests of Eastern Siberia and Primorye. The height of a shrub or tree of this species ranges from 2 to 8 m. large foliage "Lights up" with purple and scarlet colors, and the seed pods take on a delightful bright pink hue.

There are many other varieties of this culture - all of which are countless. They are united by their high decorative foliage and the bizarre shape of bright fruits.

This amazing plant undoubtedly deserves special attention from gardeners. After all, rarely any decorative culture can simultaneously boast of such a spectacular outfit and unpretentious care.

(Euonymus) belong to the family of euonymus (Celastraceae)... This vast genus includes more than 120 species distributed in Europe, Asia, Australia and America. In nature, euonymus grow in valleys and floodplains of rivers, as well as in the undergrowth of mixed forests. Shrubs begin to bloom in late spring, simultaneously with the opening of the leaves. Small, completely inconspicuous flowers are yellow, greenish-white, cream and maroon. They smell unpleasant and are pollinated by insects. The euonymus has unusual poisonous fruits with bright seedlings. The foliage is opposite.

In addition to deciduous tall euonymus, low evergreen shrubs are known, which are characterized by weaker winter hardiness. Many graceful species of this group are suitable for planting among stones in rockeries and rock gardens.

Dwarf spindle tree ( Euonymus nana) naturally grows from Europe to Western China, including the mountainous regions of Western Ukraine, Moldova, Crimea, the Caucasus and Mongolia. It is an evergreen shrub about 30 m high with narrow leathery leaves 3-4 cm long. Shoots are green and greenish-gray, with longitudinal grooves. Flowers are small, 5-7 mm in diameter, with 4 greenish-brown petals, appear in June. In autumn, pink 4-lobed pear-shaped bolls are formed, however, in our strip, the shrub rarely bears fruit.

In culture, the species has been known since 1830. It is planted under a thin canopy of trees in small groups, used for landscaping in England. Although it is thermophilic, it is preserved in the old parks of the Moscow region, expanding with the help of rooting of creeping shoots and escaping in winter under the snow.

Coopmann's euonymus(Euonymus koopmannii) is very similar to dwarf euonymus, its height is no more than 1 m. This species occurs in the mountainous regions of Central Asia (Tien Shan and Pamir-Altai). The shoots are the same, green, ribbed, mostly lodging and spreading by rooting. Ascending shoots with narrow-lanceolate or linear-lanceolate leaves 1.5-5 cm long. Leaves above are shiny, leathery, glaucous below. Greenish flowers about 5 mm in diameter sit singly or are collected in half-umbels of 2-3 pieces. Four-lobed bolls are not formed in our zone. In culture, the species has been known since 1883, is used in America, England and Germany, in Russia it is very little widespread.

Japanese euonymus ( Euonymus japonica) comes from China and Japan, where the height of the evergreen shrub reaches 6-8 m.Greenish-brown shoots are tetrahedral in cross section. The leaves are obovate, 2-7 cm long, with a rounded top and a wedge-shaped base. Greenish-white flowers 5-8 mm in diameter with 4 petals, collected in umbellate inflorescences. Fruits are four-nested boxes with pink-orange seedlings, but in our conditions they are not always tied.

The species has been cultivated since 1804. Decorative foliage forms are known:

  • Aureo-Variegata (Aureo-Variegata) with yellow-spotted leaves;
  • Argenteo-Variegata (Argenteo-Variegata) with white-spotted leaves;
  • Albo-Marginata (Albo-Marginata) with white edging on the leaves;
  • Aureo-Marginata (Aureo-Marginata) with golden edging of leaves;
  • Macrophylla (Macrophylla) with more large leaves up to 7 cm long;
  • Compacta (Compact) has a compact crown and small size;
  • Pyramidata (Pyramidata) with a pyramidal form of growth and wide-elliptical leaves.

Due to the low winter hardiness in Central Russia, it can survive only under snow, therefore it grows as a low-growing shrub about 1 m high.For it, conditions are more favorable in southern Russia, in the Crimea, in the Caucasus, in Moldova, in southern regions Belarus and Ukraine.

Fortune's eonymus ( Euonymus fortunei) originally from China. It is closely related to the Japanese euonymus . This is a small evergreen shrub 20-40 cm high with creeping shoots covered with elliptical or oblong-ovoid dense shiny leaves. The appearance of small greenish flowers in Moscow is noted occasionally, but practically no fruiting occurs.

The species has been known in culture since 1907. Among evergreen euonymus, its variegated varieties are most often brought to Russia from European nurseries. The following are especially popular:

  • Emerald Gaiety (Emerald Gaiety) - variety with an uneven white border on dark green leaves;
  • Canadale Gold (Kanadale Gold) - a compact bush with shiny yellow-caked leaves;
  • Silver Queen (Silver Queen) - compact variety with creamy young leaves, mature leaves with a wide creamy stripe along the edge, in some years flowering is noted;

But, unfortunately, many of these varieties do not bloom and do not tolerate the climate of Central Russia well.

Growing and care

These euonymus prefer fertile and slightly alkaline soils, do not like stagnant moisture. If the soil on the site is acidic, then lime should be added. For planting, open areas are selected, because in the shade of variegated varieties, decorative qualities decrease. However, when the sun is too bright, the leaves fade and their edges curl up. Plants are usually planted in spring in groups, at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other. During the period of active growth, fertilizing with complex fertilizers is very useful, however, they are stopped at the end of summer in order to slow down growth and give the bushes a better preparation for winter.

The euonymus is well cut, so often their crown is formed in the form of a ball, cone or ellipse. The pliability and flexibility of the shoots of the Japanese spindle tree allows them to be used in the formation of the "bonsai" culture.


Evergreen euonymus is most often propagated by root suckers or layering, less often by cuttings, grafting and seeds.

Root offspring dug up in the spring and transplanted to a permanent place. To get a sprout from the spindle, the mother plant is covered with soil, they root easily, after which the daughter bush with a developed root system is cut with a pruner and transplanted to the chosen place. Dwarf euonymus and Japanese can inoculate on the European euonymus, then you get a decorative weeping form, which will have to be taken care of in the fall so that it does not freeze out.

For cuttings euonymus in June-July, young elastic cuttings 4-6 cm long are cut off.For their rooting, a film greenhouse is used, planted in a fertile substrate, which consists of leafy earth and sand (3: 1), sprinkled on top with a layer of sand 5 cm.

It is more difficult to propagate euonymus by seeds, because they do not always ripen and can only germinate in the second year. Freshly harvested seeds are cleaned from seedlings and treated with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. When sowing in autumn in moist soil, they are covered with foliage or straw. If sowing is delayed until spring, then stratification is needed. Seeds for 3-4 months. stored at a temperature of + 10 + 12 o C, and then transferred to a warmer room (where 0 + 3 o C) until the sowing date. The mixture for sowing euonymus seeds consists of leaf, turf, humus soil and sand (4: 1: 2: 1). Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Photo: Alla Kuklina, Rita Brilliantova, Maxim Minin

Euonymus belongs to the most beautiful woody plants in Europe and Asia. The article discusses how landing and proper care... The presented photos allow you to get acquainted with the decorative varieties of this shrub. The described methods of breeding euonymus will help everyone to stock up on the required amount planting material for creating a hedge or colorful decoration of the territory of the personal plot. Fertilization will ensure good growth of seedlings, bright colors of its leaves and fruits.

Varieties and varieties of euonymus

The genus Euonymus belongs to the family of the Euonymus. Some types of euonymus are shrubs, others are trees. They can be evergreen and deciduous. The most attractive feature of the plant, which is shown in the photo, is the variety of autumn colors of the leaves, which simultaneously combine red, yellow, white, orange, purple, burgundy shades.

Euonymus in autumn

Bright fruits cannot be eaten due to the presence of toxic substances, but their unusual shape (pink lanterns with dangling earrings) is a wonderful decoration of the garden in late autumn. During frosts and snow blizzards, birds wintering in our latitudes enjoy fruits. Euonymus is also valued as medicinal plant, and planting it next to apple trees allows you to fight one of the most dangerous pests of these fruit trees - the codling moth.

Blooming euonymus warty

The most widespread varieties of euonymus include the following:

  • Fortune's eonymus - a low evergreen shrub brought from China by the English scientist R. Fortune. The height of this evergreen frost-resistant shrub does not exceed 50 cm. It has dark green leaves with a white or yellow border around the edges, as seen in the photo. The fruits of the plant are less bright in comparison with tall species, but quite spectacular. In the climate middle band this variety rarely blooms and bears fruit;

Fortune's eonymus

  • Warty euonymus - deciduous shrub, common in the mountainous regions of Russia, Ukraine, the center and southeast of Europe. Differs in unpretentiousness, frost resistance, high decorative qualities. The bushes reach a height of 1.5 m, the branches have thickenings (warts), are characterized by slow growth, adding only 10-12 cm annually;

Warty euonymus

  • European spindle tree - often found in deciduous forests of the central and southern regions of Russia, grows in Western Europe, Asia Minor, on the Balkan Peninsula. Another name for this species is Bruslin's euonymus, in America it is a fusiform tree. The plant reaches a height of 2 to 8 m, withstands up to 15 degrees of frost;

European spindle tree

  • Japanese euonymus - a thermophilic variety from Japan that cannot withstand temperatures below 5 degrees. Can be grown in an apartment or in a heated winter garden. The plant can have shiny green or variegated leaves, at home its height does not exceed 0.5 m. Some natural species of Japanese euonymus grow in the form of a vine 5-7 m long;

Japanese euonymus

  • Dwarf euonymus - a rare shade-tolerant species, reaching 1 m in height and preferring calcareous soils. The shrub is very decorative thanks to its finely toothed leathery leaves and yellow-green fruits. With a tight row planting and regular haircut, it is well suited for creating a beautiful curb. When grafted onto Japanese euonymus, you can get copies with a weeping crown shape;

Dwarf euonymus

  • Winged euonymus compactus - shade-tolerant deciduous plant 1-2 m tall, imported from Of the Far East... The branches are rounded with edges formed by longitudinal growths, dark red fruits are in the form of bolls, with the arrival of autumn, the leaves acquire a bright red color, giving a special elegant look to the plants.

Winged euonymus compactus

Planting seedlings

When choosing a place for planting seedlings, it must be borne in mind that the plant does not like stagnant water and does not grow well on acidic soils. For highly growing varieties, you need a spacious place away from plantings and buildings. Planting dwarf species in volumetric boxes or well-permeable containers will allow, with the onset of a cold snap, to bring them into a bright, cool room or winter garden while maintaining the temperature within 5-10 ° C. Early spring or mid-autumn is suitable for planting euonymus.

Spindle tree sapling

Sequence of work:

  1. A hole is dug, the width and depth of which should be twice the size of the root system of the bush.
  2. At the bottom of the pit, drainage is created, consisting of sand, expanded clay or broken brick, then humus or matured compost is poured.
  3. The soil and nutrient layer are moistened, then the seedling is placed on the bottom, covered with soil with the compaction of the upper layer.
  4. The surface of the earth is watered.

Council. So that moisture from the soil evaporates more slowly, the surface should be mulched with peat, instead of it, you can also use shredded tree bark. From time to time, the mulch layer can be renewed by adding peat. This will prevent the formation of a soil crust, which contributes to increased evaporation of moisture, and it will be difficult for weed seeds to enter and germinate.

Plant care

Euonymus, like most shrubs, requires regular pruning. In the spring, dried, damaged branches are cut off, the crown of the plant is formed, in the summer a haircut will allow you to align the curb from the bushes, to give it the correct geometric shape. This shrub does not require frequent watering, so in dry weather it can be watered sparingly and in moderation.

Pruning allows you to give the shrub the desired shape

For good growth the soil around the plant is loosened several times per season, fertilization will also improve its development, ensuring sufficient supply of nutrients to the roots. At a young age, the shrub needs to be covered for the winter to protect it from low temperatures, adult specimens are not afraid of frost.

Council. The sap of the plant is poisonous, therefore, when cutting it or other types of work that require contact with the plant, you need to protect your hands with durable gloves made of dense fabric.

Fertilization and feeding of euonymus

In order for the plant to delight you with a healthy look, beautiful leaves and bear fruit abundantly, it is fertilized twice a year. Spring during formation flower buds good feeding is manure diluted with water (1:10), it can be replaced with bird droppings, reducing the concentration of the infusion by 2 times.

Apply fertilizer twice a season

During the flowering period, you can make mineral fertilizers complex type with the content of trace elements. You can increase the size of ripening fruits by adding a small amount of phosphate and potassium fertilizers during summer watering. If the soil is clayey, it is recommended to add a little sand and slaked lime in the fall before digging the trunk circles.

Shrub propagation

For seed propagation, it is necessary to harvest the fruits at the beginning of cracking. After cleansing from the pulp and processing in a solution of potassium permanganate seed planted in the ground, the embedding should be shallow (up to 2 cm). When planting in spring, they are preliminarily subjected to stratification - holding in a cool place (10-12 ° C) for 3 or 4 months. followed by placement in a refrigerator compartment with a temperature of 0 to 3 ° C for several months.

Euonymus seeds

Small plants of dwarf varieties are easy to propagate dividing the bush... At the same time, new shoots with a small part of the root are separated. By cutting off the branches by two-thirds of their length, you can plant the root offspring in the prepared place. Such a plant takes root easily and soon forms a strong bush, expanding in width.

Green stalk of euonymus

Euonymus can be propagated and cuttings... But they should be harvested from a plant no older than 5 years. Cutting starts in the last days of June or in the first decade of July. Each stalk should have one internode and a length of about 7 cm. Planting is carried out in a greenhouse with fertile soil, the cuttings are covered with sand a few centimeters. Rooting time is usually 1.5 months, after which they can be transplanted into an open bed.

Spindle tree pests and diseases caused by them

Euonymus can be affected by spider mites and aphids, this is accompanied by the appearance of silvery areas on the leaves, deformation and loss of part of the deciduous cover. Treatment in spring with a solution of colloidal sulfur will prevent the disease, in summer - spraying with soapy water, insecticidal agent "Aktara" or its analogue.

Also, the plant can oppress the mealybug and caterpillars of the codling moth, which, according to the observations of gardeners, prefer to eat euonymus leaves, and not growing near fruit trees. To combat pests, you can use herbal decoctions and special chemicals, which are produced by the industry in a large assortment.

Leaves affected by the euonymus scale

Having devoted quite a bit of time and effort to growing euonymus, you can decorate the site with individual specimens of this shrub or create from it hedge, nearly all year round pleasing with its attractive appearance. This plant will protect the apple trees in the garden from pest damage, increasing their yield.

Euonymus in the garden: video

Blooming euonymus: photo
