It was so that we were all trying to create our little "world," fencing private land from the manifestations of the outside world - neighbors and curious passers-by, wind and noise, exhaust gases and the hum of cars. However, not all of us pleases the prospect of constantly leaning with a look at a little visible two-meter fence, outlining the boundaries of our possessions. How to make your "kingdom" inaccessible to extraneous, not disturbing the natural beauty of the garden landscape? The answer to this question is hidden in the depths of the 18th century, when for the first time a live fence was grown - a thick linear planting from garden-park plants, designed to protect and, at the same time, decorate private territory.

Green fence located on the border of your land plot will become a natural barrier of dust, noise and wind, as well as annoying neighbors and unininvited guests. Especially good, a live fence in the country, since it does not require such significant cash investments as the construction of a capital fence. An excellent option for the country area is a freely growing alive fence - it is easily easy to create it, because it does not require periodic haircuts, like regular hedges of the correct geometric shape. Separate attention deserves a live elevation of roses, which perfectly decorate the facade of the house, a gazebo or a sad fence. It looks implicitly a fence from the maiden grapes - she does not need a special care, and in the fall, red grape leaves will create an elegant atmosphere in the garden.

Livestore from grapes can also be a fence, and a successful background for other elements of landscape design.

Types of green hedges

Live hedges passed a long way of development before finding in our time. Probably, therefore, the hedge, formed with the help of decorative plants, has such a variety of species and forms.

Green hedge formed in the form of a low border - the original frame for flower and tracks

Based on such a characteristic of a living hedge, as height, three types of this enclosing plant can be distinguished:

  • low borders up to 1 meter in height - to outline lawn borders, flower, tracks
  • living fence with a height of 1-2 meters - to divide the site to functional zones
  • live wall height from 2 meters and more - for landing along the boundaries of the site

Depending on the intensity of the haircut, the green hedges are divided into molded and freely growing. Unlike molded hedges, with a haircut attached a clear geometric shape, freely growing fences are practically not subject to correction and grow in an arbitrary direction.

A freely growing live fence from different types of shrubs will decorate a landscape of a plot in a landscape style

Another parameter according to which the living hedges class is classified. Green hedge, when creating plants sit down in one line, belongs to the single row. Two and three-row hedges suggest plants from plants with several lines in the form of divergent tiers. Single row green hedge Form from plants planted at an equal distance from each other. For shrubs, the landing step is adhere to approximately 30-50 cm, for trees - from 75 to 150 cm. In the multi-row, the plants are planted in a checker order, while the distance between them is respected depending on the expected size of the crown and height.

The multi-row cascading living hedges create with some kind of fantasy, combining freely growing and molded "steps" from different species Shrubs and trees. Beautiful blooming fence can be created using non-molded hedges from, Irgi, Barbaris and other shrubs. For the landing of the living hedge of a mixed type, plants of one species use, but different varieties - possessing various coloring foliage or needles. It is nice to look at the combination of purple and green beech, green and volatile turquish or holly. Such multilayer fences occupy a lot of space, but it is more effective to protect against unwanted views and intrusions, a gasped atmosphere and noise of the motorway.

To create molded living hedges, it is best to plant plants with small foliage - they will ensure a fencing tight surface.

In the process of haircut, green hedge is possible to give any form - from geometric to rounded

Selection of plants for green hedges

When choosing plants for landing in the form of a living hedge, it is better to give preference to those of them, which were "testing for strength" in domestic climatic conditions. It must be winter-hardy, unpretentious plants with thick foliagewhich are well restored after the haircut and have a high ability to form shoots. It is worth paying attention to trees such as Maple, Grab, Turn and Shrubs - Turkish, Hawthorn, Kisser. Speeciously looks in the living hedges, sea buckthorn, rhododendron, barbaris, honeysuckle, wrinkled roses, lilacs, Irgi. To create green hedges, plants are selected with fine foliage, which at a periodic haircut form a uniform surface.

A thick impassable hedge can be created from lilac and rhododendron bushes, growing freely

The order of planting green hedges

When choosing a landing material for a living hedge, it is necessary to look at the root system and the crown of plants - the roots should not be cut, the crown is uniform in its form. For planting vegetable plantings in the form of a hedge, young shrubs and trees are selected from 3 to 6 years old, which are sufficiently developed and can easily come across in new conditions.

Before the formation of green fencing, it is necessary to study how to put a living fence correctly so that the plants do not have a flaw in the sun, moisture and nutrientsoh. In this regard, an important point is the selection of sites for the fence and season for the transfer of plants in open sad. As a rule, the laying of a living hedge is made in the spring, after the soil is already dried, or in the fall, if winter-hardy plants are selected for the formation of a living fence. The location for the location of the green hedge is chosen away from the buildings - at a distance of at least 2 meters and at 0.5-1.5 meters from the capital fence.

The material will also be useful about the requirements for the distance from the fence to the buildings:

When landing a living hedge, it is necessary to pull out the trench, explode and focus her bottom, place a seedling and compact the land

Before the start of planting, the hedge must be outlined the line of its location with the help of a stretched cord. Along the markup line digit a trench of a depth of 0.5 meters. The width of the trench depends on the robes of green hedges - for the single-row it is 40-50 cm, for multi-row - plus 50 cm for each subsequent row. The density of the fence is influenced by the characteristics of specific plants, the estimated height and the number of rows of living fence.

Dense living hedges are used to create in the garden plot of secluded places to relax - "Green Rooms"

Landing density seedlings on 1 run meter Hollow:

  • low shrub (Magonia, Spirea) 5-7 bushes;
  • medium shrub (snowy year, Kisser) 4-5 bushes;
  • high (2-3 m) trees and bushes (bubble, hawthorn) 1-2 plants.

Landing of swelling from coniferous plants

When planting coniferous trees, the pit is digging with a diameter, 2 times higher than the root size. Gardening land, removed during the dig of the pit, is mixed with a compost, organic fertilizer and silica, after which the bottom of the pit is sprinkled. Coniferous breeds of plants are most often sold in plastic containers. Before boarding, the plant is carefully covered from the container and planted into the open ground with a untouched earthen room. After the tree is installed in the landing fossa, the earth falls asleep, which is then compacted, but do not tram. At some distance from the landing line form an irrigation comb in the form of a low holloch, which prevents water spreading. At the end of the landing, the plants are abundantly watered.

Living hedge, pleasing eye with her greens round yearcan be formed from evergreen conifers

Landing of hedges of deciduous plants

Deflectful medium-tall or tall shrubs and trees are sold, mainly with a bare root system, which is washed before landing for several hours and cut, removing damaged and long processes. The landing pit is prepared with the calculation to plant a plant at a depth, not exceeding the one on which it was planted earlier. Earth, removed from the pit, stirred with organic fertilizers, compost and partially returned to the bottom of the pit. A bush or tree is placed in a hole and sprinkle the remaining earth, tracking backfill density - so that the plants are not formed between the roots. If the tree has a high barrel, in the bottom of the pit, at a depth of about 50 cm, clog the supporting stake, to which, at the end of the landing, fasten the tree.

A freely growing live hedge is often formed from diverse leaf fall trees and shrubs

Shrub hedge

Saplings of a low shrub, as a rule, are grown in plastic containersthat provide the root system of the plant reliable protection. This allows you to not stick to clear terms of landing bushes in open ground. The hole under the landing of the bush is prepared taking into account the size of the rhizomes of the plant and the earth coma. When disembarking, the plant is released from the container with the preservation of the earth coma and is placed in the diverty hole. After filling out the emptiness of the landing pit, the top layer of the soil is slightly condensed and watered.

Living fence in the form of a freely growing border from a low shrub unobtrusively thumps the border of a green lawn or lawn

For landing of a large bush, it is necessary to dig a trench of a width of about 1 m and a depth of 50-60 cm. The bottom of the trench is loose to the depth of 20 cm and mix the explosion layer of earth with peat, leaf power, manure or compost. To add lime, wood ash and some phosphate fertilizers.

Choose best varieties Decorative shrubs will help material:

Lavender bushes landed in the form of a rounded border, effectively emphasize the path leading to the house

Planting a grinding horn

Often enough when a live fence is formed in the country, saving the space of a small garden plot put at the head of the corner. How can you grow a live fence in the cramped conditions of land, limited to 6 acres? In order to create a green hedge in the form of thick, but not wide splaters, plants are sitting at a short distance from each other - about 20 cm. The heat hedver looks great if it is formed from plants like yellow acacia, Iva, Rowan, or hawthorn .

Thin and, at the same time, a dense living elevation-sleeper can be formalized from ordinary willow

A year later, planted trees and shrubs cut off, as they say, "on the stump" - leaving 10-15 cm aboveground part of the plant. Aven a year, in the spring, they carry out a capital trimming of the hedge, while maintaining a few strongest shoots that intertwine the cross-closer - at an angle of 45 degrees, cutting off the branch in the places of contact branches. The resulting rhombid "pattern" is fixed on the frame in the form of a lattice structure, built on the base of the stakes driven with a small step into the ground, and the cross.

The heat hedge is grown by the method of cruciform weave of extinguishes of shrubs or low-spirited trees

Subsequently, all the side shoots of the Trelliers cut 2-3 times per season, sticking to vertical planethat stimulates the further branching of the hedge up. A regular side cutting of a high-alibed hedge is aimed at creating its uniform width - about 30 cm. The sleeper is also cut from above, supporting a certain height of green fencing.

Monotonous gray fence can be revived using bright abundant "blooming chopling" from weaving roses

Green hedge care

Laying green fencing on the individual or summer or summer, it should be noted that care for the season behind the living fence is much more complicated than for ordinary garden plants. This is mostly due to the fact that behind the vegetable hedge you need to unwitting - water, fertilize and cut. If you treat the question of the trimming and haircuts of a living hedge without proper attention - it may be so growing up that it will be impossible to bring it into order and have to trim the landing "on zero".

Magnificent complies of hydrangea, assembled in a living fence, will decorate your garden bright accent and fence from unborn guests

Rules of haircut and trimming

Pruning when landing

Falling varieties of trees and shrubs formed into a living fence are strongly cut immediately after planting, leaving 10-15 cm overhead part of a seedling to speed up the growth of shoots at the base. If the seedlings were purchased with a bare root system, then the pruning of the above-ground part should be made half of the existing height. Saplings grown in the container are cut into one third of the height.

The combination of diverse and multicolor borders of a geometric shape will give your garden unique color

Trim in the second season

A year later, the landed hedge lure about 4 times during the season - from May to August. Light trimming in the second year of the existence of hedge is aimed at giving the landing of a certain form and an increase in branch density.

In a strong trimming - at a height of about 15 cm from the surface of the soil, such types of shrubs are needed: turquoine, hawthorn, Turn, Tamarix. On 1/3 of the height of new shoots cut off: a caticker, holbar, Barbaris, Samshat, beech. Cardinal trimming does not require: juniper, lambist, cypressist, cypress. In such hedges, only individual twigs are cut, which are knocked out of the total mass and give the hedge of an untidy look.

Cutting the living hedge is done in such a way that its lower part is wider. than top

Haircut in 2-3 years

The haircuts of a living hedge in subsequent years are performed to give the decorative fence of a neat type - the side branching is cut off, the upper shoots are lumbaging. Deciduous trees and bushes cut in early spring - even before the appearance of young leafs, coniferous evergreen plants can be cut into a later spring or early autumn.

It's important to know! When cutting a green hedge, the base form a little wider than the top so that the lower branches are sufficiently illuminated and, accordingly, developed.

For haircuts of extended molded hedges, a special power tool is applied

The upper lifting of the living hedge is performed on a height of about 10 cm, pre-tightening the beat of the beech

Living fence from evergreen or necolastic plants is cutting with an electric tool or scissors. For trimming and hanging in largest elevations, a secateur is used.

When trimming and haircut, a living hedge can be given any shape, even the most bizarre

Watering and feeding

During the season, the living elevation must be regularly watered, pre-breaking the soil at 50-70 cm on both sides of the landing. When watering, the water stream is directed directly to the base of the plants, providing hydration of the soil to a depth of 30-40 cm.

With the help of low rounded vibrant hedges, form a labyrinth in the garden - a place for children's games and a solitary rest

Raining the wearing plants near the walls of your home and having equipped a simple framework, you will become the owner of the works of Park Art

In addition to irrigation, the green hedge must be picked up by organic and mineral fertilizers. Organic fertilizers - compost, deciduous humus, peat are entered into a diverse soil in early spring or autumn in an amount from 2 to 5 kg per one square meter Earth. Mineral fertilizers - Nitrogen and phosphate-potash are added to the soil depending on the season: nitrogen only at the beginning of spring, phosphate - mainly at the end of summer and early autumn. Autumn bait can consist of such components: 30-40 g of potassium salt, 50-70 g of superphosphate, 50-70 g of ammonium sulphate.

Creating a living hedge is not only a time-consuming, but also a fascinating process. This element is very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To get a good result, you need: first, correctly pick up plants; secondly, competently hold the landing; Thirdly, timely and skillfully implement the formation.

Not from all plants can be formalized by a fast-growing long-term alive hedge, which is relevant for both external fence and internal landscaping.

If it is planned to create something overhaul, none for one season, then it is worth considering the choice of plants and the selection of varieties. For hedge, it is better to plant frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding kinds of fertility. It should also be taken into account the possibility of damage to diseases and pests. Than less attention It will require an attachment, the better. Frosted twigs that dropped dried specimens, chlorotic and eaten leaves with caterpillars - strongly reduce decorativeness. To eliminate such problems, it will take time and a lot of skills.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted types and varieties are selected, for a quick result, it will be necessary to ensure optimal growth conditions. The planting material for the hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (the exception is coniferous, slowly growing in the first years of life). More adult plants have a bulk root system and are painfully related to transplants, and from annual seedlings, obtaining a full-fledged hedge will require more time. The most real term for which the green hedge can be formed, subject to the use of high-quality planting material - 2 years. And this applies only to fast-growing species giving a good increase.

For rapid growth, plants need a supply of nutrients in the soil and a sufficient amount of water, so the landing is carried out into the fertilous soil and in the first years provide regular watering, especially in dry periods. If the cottage is located in the area of \u200b\u200bclose grounding of groundwater, then for most plants it will take good drainage in the form of a rubble layer or broken bricks at the bottom of the landing pit or trench.

In order to eliminate the risk of freezing young seedlings, in the first 2-3 years, it is necessary to conduct a shelter for the winter with nonwoven material or a mulching layer of dry leaves, needle or facothy. For fence fruit trees, it is undesirable to use rowan, since she has a common disease and pests with an apple tree, and such plantings can turn into agencies.

Plants for quick and durable results

To quickly create an ecosor, you can use a shorter (height of about 1 meter) and the average (height 2-3 meters) shrubs, evergreen conifers, letters of lianas and even trees. It should be understood that if you use coniferous, then in any case, such a quick result, as with shrubs, will not be.

Green fence from Tui

These species are ideal for homogeneous plantings and multi-tiered compositions as a background for low shrubs. The planting material of coniferous plants is taken at the age of 5, it is preferable to acquire seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are represented best options For fast-growing hedges with basic characteristics.

Decorative shrubs

Bubble Calinolistics

Forms a lush crown with splash branches. Height reaches 3 meters. Large and carved leaves, depending on the variety, can have lemon or purple color, brownish or purple shade.

Negatively reacts to the content in the soil of lime and does not tolerate the convergence (drainage is needed on heavy soils). The light-loving, frost-resistant, but in the harsh winters it is possible to frozen the tips of young shoots, resistant to gaspace and dust.

Natural plant type - spreaded fountain bush. Immediately after landing, the top is cut, in the first years, the side shoots are shortening for several centimeters to produce a powerful fluffy bush.

Deren white

It has an empty crown. Height exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to decorative leaves with bright border, attractive in spring fluffy inflorescences of white or creamy color.

Grows on any soils. Growing in Siberia, he perfectly withstands the whims of nature, but poorly tolerates drought, shadowed. Pruning begin the next year after landing and spend it twice for the season to maintain the right form. Without trimming the bushes, the bottom is broken and looked slightly.

Forzing egg-shaped

Spacious shrub with early bloom: yellow flowers Disgrace earlier leaves and dense shoots.

Prefers light air-permeable and limestone soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, light-headed. Adult plants are cut after flowering to developed kidneys.


Direct shrub high up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding of fertility and moisturizing soil. Light and heat-loving, in the northern regions is required shelter. In the forming trimming does not need.

Fruit shrubs


It is very decorative all year round, has long spines, it is represented by dwarf and tall shapes. Unpretentious. You can choose a variety for different cultivation conditions. Easily succumb to any formation. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has a compact bush up to 2 meters high with spiny shoots. In the spring period, it is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in summer - dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in the late autumn - blue berries - "balls". Grows on any soils. Frostotel, it is well tolerating the shading. The bush is obtained dense and neat and without frequent trimming.


Spiny bush is medium in size, very attractive during flowering period. Does not tolerate water and close grounding of groundwater. Perfectly grows in different climatic zones. Forming trimming is carried out annually in the fall after leaffall.


Tall spiny shrub with abundant blossom. Any soils are suitable, including poor and heavy clay. Frost-resistant and shadowed. Without trimming does not lose decorativeness. Scoop can be formed any height. In practice, an impassable solid wall is created by the splicing of the side branches of neighboring bushes.

Curly Liana

Devichi grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanded to the types of soil, but in the first years it speaks well to feeding and fertilizer. Frost-resistant, rarely amazed with diseases and pests, shadowed.

The formation consists in tapping and the direction of Lian. Fast growth requires mandatory trimming already in the first year after landing to remove sticking and growing shoots. It is also necessary to periodically sprinkle with a composing growing roots.

Ivy garden

Evergreen Liana. Prefers fertilous and moisture soils. Does not like the sun, young plants need to be stolen for the winter. Autumn trimming of "knocking" and dry elements is required, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


A shutty plant with long and bright blooms is suitable for creating hedges with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefer a well-drained loam. Light and moisture, in the middle lane requires shelter.

Pruning depends on the varietal group. In some cases, it is used under the first developed kidney under the first developed kidney, in others - the autumn trimming of a young increase at a distance of about 30 cm from the old wood.

Hop ordinary

Powerful liana with bright green leaves is attractive in its flowering and fruit formation. Unpretentious and very aggressive, light-headed. Requires a strong support and regular cutting propagation.


Iva purple

Low (up to 1.5 meters) bush with a rounded crown and silver leaves. It is undemanding for fertility, it is well tolerating the overjoyment. Svetigubiv, drought resistant, has a good winter hardiness. With the help of formative spring trimming, you can create low hedges of any form.

Iva Ostroland

Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Well adapts to the conditions of cultivation. The haircut of adult plants spend at the beginning and at the end of the season.

White acacia

It is valued with elegant leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. Drought-resistant, heat and light, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit the growth and activation of branching, without regular care, it turns into thickets and gives a numerous piglet.

What to choose from all variety? A matter of taste. Decorative shrubs will not only be a barrier or zoning means, but also a spectacular decoration of the garden.

Fruit-growing fast-growing shrubs for living hedges will not only decorate, but will benefit in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, you should not wait for large yields. If you want to cook the jam from hawthorn or barbaris for the whole family, it is better to plant a separate bush and care for it accordingly.

The fastest growing elevation will be from Lian (grapes, hops), while in a short time you can form a high and dense ecosal. But for vertical growth of Liana require support that should be quite strong to withstand the weight of powerful shoots growing over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and proper trimmingSo that the plant does not blame everything around.

For durable plantings, trees are fitted. Willow and White Acacia give a very good annual increase and quickly reach the desired height. The hedge of them does not have to be high - with the help of trimming, it is easy to change the natural look of the plant.

Rules landing

In order for the hedge to be sufficiently dense and the plants did not oppress each other, it is necessary to withstand the recommended landing scheme. It is more convenient to put in a trench of a depth of 0.5 and a width of 0.6 m. Saplings are aligned by twine - it is important to create a smooth wall. Curly plants Available in 0.25 m, for low shrubs, an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is acceptable, for tall shrubs, the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species a favorable spring landing, but autumn is allowed, provided that the seedlings are rooted before frosts. Many representatives need a garter to the support, so stakes with the twine should be prepared in advance.

Put the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. For shrubs, a stimulating trimming after landing is needed, which allows you to get a highly branched lush bustard. Liana (with the exception of the virgin grapes) in the first year is not cut off, giving them to develop the root system and increase the green mass. In the first year, plants need good watering and mulching by humus or compost.

Salting fast-growing plants, you need to take into account the two of their disadvantage: the need for frequent hairstyle and the strong development of the pins. Over the years, such a hedge can behave as an invader in the country area. High powerful fences can shade small areas that need to be considered when choosing plants.

For those who are inclined to extravagance, excellent solution For registration of cottages or country house The combined hedges from different types of or several contrast varieties of one species will become.

Living hedges never lose popularity, despite the variety of modern fences. Thanks to green plantings, the plot acquires a very cozy view and a special atmosphere. At such a summer, it even breathes differently, and all negative emotions Due to disappear. Make a live fence in the country yourself is not at all difficult, the main thing is to choose the right plants and familiarize yourself with their agrotechnology.

As green fences, a wide variety of plants are used, characterized in height, shape of a bush, color scheme, thickness and other criteria. Depending on the height of plantations, three types of hedges are distinguished:

The shape of the bushes, which means of all a number of plantings, directly depends on the trimming. Here, too, two types of hedges are distinguished - freely growing and molded. The first view does not require special care and correction of the shape, the bushes grow arbitrarily. This option is optimally suitable for the dachensons that natural landscapes prefer. The second type of plantation needs a mandatory regular trimming, with which the bushes are given geometric outlines. Such hedges look very carefully, give original view all territory.

Another parameter for classification is the nature of the plantations. The easiest view of the hedge is one-row, when all plants are planted in a row with the same intervals from each other. For small bushes, this interval is 30-40 cm, for bushes with a wide crown - from 50 to 75 cm, for trees - up to 1.5 m, depending on the type.

In the two-row hedges, the plants are planted in a checker order, given the growth factor. By the same principle, all other multi-row plantations are formed, but with one difference: each subsequent row should be higher than the previous one. With such a step, the plants are not blocked by each other, and the whole composition is excellent.

The multi-row hedges require a lot of free space, so for small sites are not suitable. Also, they should not be engaged in newcomers, because there will be a lot of experience and skills. It is very important to choose the right plants in the color scheme and the density of the bushes, so that the general composition is obtained as harmonious as possible. In addition, all kinds must have similar requirements for growing conditions and well to get out to each other.

Combination of plants for living hedges

By type of plants, the living hedges are divided into coniferous, leaf fall and curly, and each of these types has its own characteristics.


Coniferous fences remain decorative all year round. They are unpretentious in care, it is easy to form the formation, saturate the air with a pleasant and healing aroma. Due to the variety of species, coniferous plants can be used as borders, and as living fences on the borders of the site. They have only one drawback - slowly grow. Although there are separate types of conifers who can grow much faster than their relatives, such as Thuja and Juniper.

Plant typeDescription

Evergreen, winter-hard-resistant long-lived plant. It has many varieties of the most diverse shape - spherical, pyramidal, colon-shaped, spread and others. Color palette Also fairly wide - bushes are bright green, sizy, bluish, yellow, salads. The special decorativeness of the tue is the elegant carved form of the needles. The plant is unpretentious, perfectly tolerate trimming, is widely used in garden design.

Evergreen plant of tree and shrub type. In landscape design, predominantly shrubs, which quickly grow, are easily restored after trimming, the shadow is fine. Bushes have a pyramidal, spherical, cone-shaped shape of all shades of green

Evergreen frost-resistant trees forming impassable living walls. The first 10 years are developing very slowly, but practically do not require care, easily transferring the formation. There are also dwarf varieties for planting borders, characterized by a ball shape. The needle color varies from dark green to blue

Slowly growing durable conifer colonum-shaped plant. TIS is also suitable for borders, and for living walls, practically does not require forming trimming, undemanding in care

The perfect plant for live elevations. It has a large variety of crown forms and shades of needles. The trimming tolerates easily, is well restored, it is undemanded to soil. The first 5 years is developing slowly, then gives a large number of root row, which contributes to rapid reproduction

Frost-resistant unpretentious plant for freely growing hedges. Pruning does not contribute to the increase in crown thickness and is poorly transferred. It develops very slowly, but it is resistant to drought, pests and diseases. The greatest decorative differs during flowering

Features of plants suitable for creating alive hedges
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Deciduous cultures are deciduous and evergreen. They are distinguished by rapid growth, variety of paintings and forms. Many plants bloom beautifully, filling everything around a pleasant aroma and bright colors. Such plants are well transferring trimming, easily restored after a haircut, form a tight screen, reliably hiding from putting views Plot. These species are rather demanding to the composition of the soil and moisture, react poorly to the lack of the sun. With thickened plantings, decorative decreases, individual plants can drown in neighboring and dying.

Plant typeDescription

Evergreen, very decorative shrubForming well. Ideal for creating live borders, perfectly combined with any garden plants. Sugit is unpretentious to the soil, but needs regular irrigation

Evergreen beautiful shrub tall up to 1 m. In the cold regions can freeze. Poor tolerate drought, demanding to moisture, but it can grow both in the sun and in a thick shadow. The plants are decorative not only flowers, but also leaves

Very elegant deciduous plant. Appreciated for prolonged abundant flowering and decorative forms bush. Rarely grows up to 2 m, used most often for freely growing hedges

Decorative leaf fall plant forming an impassable barbed elevation. Easily tolerates forming haircut, retains decorativeness throughout the season, makes a very pleasant smell during flowering period

Frost-resistant unpretentious shrub. Most of the hawthorn varieties have sharp spikes, so a live fence from them is a good protection against unreasonable guests. The plants are decorative not only flowers, but also leaves, as well as numerous major fruits

Cold-resistant decorative plant With small white flowers. It perfectly tolerate the haircut and holds the form long, so it is widely used to create a hedge of strict geometric outlines. The turquoine is unpretentious to the soils and watering, grows well in half

Drought-resistant beautiful shrub. Ideal for creating live fences, long keeps the shape after a haircut, has a dense neat crown. The plant reacts well to the transplant, it blooms abundantly, undemandingly in care


For climbing hedges, strong supports are needed, the functions of which can also perform the usual fence. Curly plants grow very quickly and gradually completely hide under them with support, creating a thick screen of the necessary height. If you choose flowering varieties, the hedge will look simply magic, especially when combining varieties different times flowering.

Plant typeDescription

It is characterized by rapid growth, forms a dense solid carpet from the leaves. Hop stems easy to direct in the desired side, fixing on the grinding. During the flowering period, a very decorative cones can appear. The disadvantage of the plant is considered the loss of its decorativeness at the end of summer, when the leaves begin to dry and fall

Amazing perennial lianas with a pleasant aroma. These plants need competent care and well-prepared soil. They grow quickly enough, forming a thick dark green carpet with elegant flowers

Unpretentious multi-year liana. It tolerates cold, to the soils are undemanding, planting better in half. The first few years develops quite slowly, then forms a thick hedge. Needs regular trimming and formation

Garden curly perennial with decorative leaves diverse shape and colors. It grows well in the sun and in the shade, to the soil it is not offended, quickly grow up and creates a dense carpet. Perfectly combined with other plants, performs the perfect background for flower beds

Rules for planting plants for hedges

In order for a live fence to have a neat look, it is necessary to properly prepare a plot. The place under the plantation should be selected taking into account the growing of bushes, especially if planted is planned along the border of the country area with the neighboring. Many plants are launching root piglers, and the neighbors are unlikely to enjoy it every year to remove her for their part. Avoid this will help the covered slate or plastic shields in the ground.

Step 1. Determine the location of the hedge and stretch along this line the twine or rope. A 50 cm retreat in both sides of the rope and dig a trench with a depth of 30 to 60 cm, depending on the size of the root seedlings. The top layer of the soil along with the grass is set aside.

Step 2.. At the bottom of the trench, first lay a layer of turf, which was top, and slightly tamper it. The earth, removed from the trench, is mixed with organic fertilizers and fall asleep back, well-leveling surface. Fill in a trench to half, the soil is abundantly watered, after which the remaining land is lining.

Step 3. In soft and wet prepared soil prepare deepening for seedlings. With a single row landing, the fumes are located in a straight line in a step of 30 to 70 cm, depending on the type of plants. If the landing is multiple, the wells are made in a checker manner with the corresponding intervals.

Step 4. In the pits pour water, give it to absorb, then they take careless seedlings from the pots in the wells, align and pour the earth. Carefully follow the density of frustration - the roots should not remain emptiness. It is not necessary to rub too much, so you can damage the weak more roots.

Immediately after planting the soil, it is recommended to inspire, and the seedlings themselves are a little cut to facilitate rooting. Next, it remains only to periodically water the plants and timely remove weeds. Most best time For landing - this is the second half of September: the root system has time to root enough, moisture is required less. Forming trimming is recommended to perform in a year or two, when the bush starts to branch well. The first trimming of early spring, then in the middle of summer, and once again - before wintering.

First of all, damaged branches are removed, and then all those that are knocked out of the general form. A simple secator is suitable for haircuts of small hedges, but if the plantings are large, it is more convenient to purchase a special electric sektor, which will save time, and will provide a better result.

Video - Live hedge in the country, do it yourself: what plants

Video - Living fence with their own hands

If you decide to make such a decoration in my yard, it is necessary to determine the goals of the hedge, its location relative to the Sun and other factors, as well as its form. After all, it can be free and grow in all directions. And there is such that you need to form, trim and customize under certain sizes. Therefore, it is important to choose the right view of a plant that will ideally cope with all your requirements.


This bush has excellent characteristics for those who want to ride their sect. Resistant to diseases, it is well tolerating frosty winters and, most importantly, these plants for alive hedges are fast-growing. It grows immediately in all directions. His branches are covered with tightly foliage, which looks outwardly similar to maple leaves, as well as currants and viburnum. Leaves have a very beautiful and unusual texture. In late June and early July, the plant blooms. His inflorescences - umbrellas from a set small floweriesthat tightly fill and without that thick branches.

Did you know? In one year, the plant lengthens its branches by 40 cm.

The form of the crown can be formed independently or give it to grow in all directions. Standard bush has round shape. Some landscape designers form fountains or square low fences. The height of the bush and its width is up to 3 meters.
Pruning plants should be carried out regularly, eliminating it from inside growing, dry and sick branches.

The best time for this is the end of autumn or the beginning of spring, when strong frosts have already slept. It is important to do this at the moment when the juices on the branches have not yet gained their usual warm season. Then you do not damage your plant. Create a shape of a bush preferably in spring.
It is worth noting a variety of varieties. They are fundamentally different from each other thanks color foliage. She may be:

  • purple color, which can vary on red in the autumn period ("Diabolo", "Little Davil", "Coppetletin");
  • yellow with a golden chip ("Darts Gold", "Lyuteus");
  • the sheet has two colors at once: gold and burgundy ("center GLOU").

There is still a dwarf variety "Nana", which is painted in juicy green color And decorated with bright white flowers.


  • european and girald are characterized by the highest resistance to frost;
  • greenshest has the largest flowers, but poorly tolerates winter and is suitable for southern regions;
  • ovalnoliste;
  • droopy;
  • the average winters without loss.

Important! For fondsia, fertilizers are important: organic contribute in autumn, mineral - spring. And also - trimming, which is carried out every year. Without these actions, the bush becomes very weak.


  • "Kobold" - a spherical bush not higher than 30 cm with green bright leaves, which are becoming yellow-orange by autumn;
  • "Baguel" - round form, not higher than 40 cm, has red leaves, which, with growth in the Sun, are cast brown, and in the shadow - selene;
  • "Adminishan" - grows into a ball with a diameter of 50 cm and has a unique foliage, which is inside a purple, and in the edges it has a bright cut;
  • "I rush Gold" - a thick golden crown, which in the fall becomes pink;
  • "ATPURPURA NANA" - a purple-red bush, up to 60 cm high, width of 1 m;
  • "Green Carpet" - does not grow above 50 cm and has light green foliage in a rounded crown.

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581 once already

Each site requires a reliable fence. An excellent alternative to the traditional fence will be a live fence, fast-growing, long-term, it will not only protect possession from prying views and unborn guests, but also paint the whole territory.

In a thoughtful selection, shrubs do not take a lot of time and care forces, and in return will give a naturally renewable fence that performs several important functions at once.

Requirements for fast-growing shrubs and alive hedges

Perennial shrub plants chosen to occupy the area can be leaf fall and evergreen, tall and very small, decorative, deciduous, blooming and even fruit.

At the same time, a live fence on their basis not only plays the role of the "green border", she:

  • helps split the space inside on the functional zones;
  • cleans the air, and when choosing blooming shrubs is a honeycomb and a serious bait for insect pollinkers;
  • changing the appearance during the year, decorates the territory;
  • holds bulk soils on the slopes of ravines, prevents the soil erosion;
  • protects garden and garden plantings from cold air direct sunlight.

A few important requirements are presented to the fast-growing shrubs for living hedges. Such plants should not only stand out by the speed of formation of escapes, but also:

  • unpretentious, that is, to do without painstaking care;
  • frost resistance, especially in regions with the harsh winters and the danger of spring returned cold;
  • durability;
  • the ability to form a uniformly dense green wall;
  • good tolerance of regular forming trimming.

Landing care will be much easier if fast-growing bushes for living hedges will not expand over time, leaving the limits of the plots allotted.

True, it is not always possible to find such cultures. Therefore, dackets use non-acute agrotechnical techniques, helping to keep the indomitable desire of shrubs to take as much space as possible. The easiest way is to limit the landing trench during the landing, to the depth of the root system in the wet of slate sheets.

What shrubs for living hedges grow rapidly and mostly satisfy the requirements listed above?

Types of fast-growing shrubs for alive hedges

Evergreen breeds are often used to create a living hedge in recent times. Such landings retain the brightness of the color, regardless of the season. Juniper and Tui will easily stand and excellently hold the specified form. However, conifers have one drawback - in most cases they grow slowly.

In deciduous crops, the growth rate is significantly higher than that of conifers, and high decorativeness from spring and to autumn compensates for the absence of foliage in winter.

What types of shrubs are suitable for many years of fast-growing, alive hedges? A small selection of well-known plants with a photo will help make the right choice.


One of the first places in popularity among such breeds deservedly occupies. Plants with thick-covered tight foliage shoots are excellently tolerated and haircuts, and the Russian winters. They can be safely recommended as fast-growing plants for alive hedges for the Moscow region, other regions middle strip And even north.

Thanks to the leaf and fruit, the elevation remains at the branches, changing the appearance, remains attractive throughout the year. And the presence of spikes on thick branches adds her reliability. At the disposal of dachensors today is enough orts not only with traditional green foliage, but also a crimson-purple, golden. From the variety to the variety, the maximum possible height of plants is also changing, which means that of the hedge.


For medium in height, the strict free form fence is often chosen. The leaves of the plant in shape resemble the foliage of viburnum, lush flowering, which is coming on the first half of summer, no less impressive than a viburnum or spireray. In addition, the average increase in this winter-hardy and completely uncomplicated shrub leaves about 40 cm for the year.

With a regular haircut, a multi-year live fence from a fast-growing shrub is not so thickly covered with flowers, but acquires extra density and monolith. If the bubble does not cut, the width and height of the crown can reach 4 meters.


For small decorative fences and borders there is no better shrub than a snowy year. The plant-based hedge grows to 80-120 cm, and although it does not have enough density, interesting at any time of the year.

From the end of the veins and before the middle of the summer between the oval sisido-green leaves, white or pink flowers. Then the unusual fruits appear in their place, similar to the lumps of the snow. They are saved on the shrub even in winter.


Incredibly popular u landscape designers hawthorn. In the photo of a fast-growing shrub for a living hedge, it can be seen that the plant not only meets all the requirements for such cultures, it retains decorativeness from spring and to deep autumn.

Choosing one of the tall types of hawthorn, you can surround the house and the garden with a dense green wall, which in the spring actively embars the bees, and by the end of the summer it pleases the ripening fruits.

On the branches of many sorts of hawthorn there are peculiar gloves, similar to long spikes. They will help to make a hedge not only high and attractive, but also impregnable.

Deren white

Amazing in all respects a high fast-growing shrub for good for fences height from 120 to 180 cm.

Due to the wide crown of the plant needs regular and fairly frequent haircut. But the grown in winter grown, thanks to the bright reddish shade of shoots, it will be a great guideline.

In the spring on a shrub with a motley foliage in a silver-green, pink-green or yellow-green range, and white spherical fruits appear on the site on the site of white brushes.

Karagan or Yellow Acacia

This decorative plant is exclusively winter hard, unpretentious and easily costs without regular irrigation.

Yellow acacia can be used as a tree or fast-growing shrub for a living hedge. Landing in this case turns out to be dense, plastic, decorative. In height, such a fence can reach 4 meters. The plant holds a nice form and do not strive to form a lot of frightened. In the garden will be useful as excellent honey.

Park and polyanthovy rose

Incredibly beautiful, lush and stylishly looks alive hedges from park bushes and.

Plants one of its appearance create an atmosphere of the Victorian garden, while such hedges do not specify a strict form, but only support the decorativeness of the shrub. However, it must be remembered that all roses seek to give a pig that carefully cuts out.

The luxurious hedge in free-style is obtained from various types of spiries, well-responded on a haircut of the Chubuschnik, as well as traditionally grown on dumart sites lilac. All these cultures are perfectly blooming and endure winter without loss.

Ternist and other spiker fast-growing shrubs for living hedges

It is not surprising that for green garden fence often choose cultures with spikes. The barbed perennial livestock from fast-growing species, even with insufficient density and in the absence of foliage turns into an irresistible obstacle not only for people, but also for street animals and livestock. With such a fence for the plot you can be calm!

One of the trembling shrubs used in landscaping is only a little inferior to a rosehip. It is a thorn or angle with oval dark green foliage and rounded junction-blue tart fruits. Frost-resistant, perfectly carrying a haircut of a bush in a couple of years turns into a part of a dense homogeneous hedge, which can not only distinguish the territory, but also to greatly strengthen the slope of the ravine or water branch.

No less effects have fences from bushes:

  • well-branched when pruning, unpretentious and abundantly giving root piglets;
  • japanese quince, suitable for creating low ornamental borders.

Aria blackfold and Irga

To create high garden fencesIn addition to the protection providing owners with delicious fruits, Irgu and Aronia are planted. These plants are capable of forming a hedge up to 3 meters high and higher.

They are winter-hardy, undemanding to growing conditions and please the eye not only by festive and white flowering, but also with the brushes of edible fruits, as well as the color of foliage-changing color.

Plants for the formation of living hedges - video
