For the territorial organization and planning of the tourism economy, the classification of tourism is important, the meaning of which is to identify its classes, forms and types in various directions.

There is no clear generally accepted classification yet. This is due to the fact that it is almost impossible to single out the pure forms and types of modern tourism. Its classification by types and forms makes it possible to solve a number of problems in the development and territorial organization of the tourism economy, to determine the demand for certain types of tourist services and, on this basis, to develop plans for the development of the material and technical base of tourism.

Tourism can be classified according to a variety of indicators: by purpose, means of transportation, nature, timing and duration of travel, accommodation facilities, and the like. In classifying tourist travels and dividing them into types, their purpose is crucial. True, when traveling, a tourist sets himself more than one goal. However, depending on individual needs, one of them prevails.

The forms and types of tourism depend on a number of factors:

o availability and duration of free time;

o age, gender, health status, level of spiritual development, personal tastes of people and their material well-being;

o variety of natural conditions and seasonality;

o the presence of certain means of transportation.

Taking into account the purpose and conditions, we can distinguish the forms and types of tourism.

Depending on the type, tourism is divided into:

o domestic or national - travel within your country;

o foreign or international - travel outside the country. Let's consider them in more detail.

Domestic tourism mainly serves the citizens of their country, foreign - tourists from abroad. For each country, the implementation of tourist trips of its citizens abroad is passive tourism, and the arrival of foreigners is active.

When planning the development of the tourism economy, in particular, its material and technical base, it is impossible to take into account the needs of only one type of tourism - foreign or domestic, the demand of only foreign tourists or citizens of their country. Foreign tourism is influenced by political circumstances. For example, the aggravation of relations between states can lead to a reduction or even curtailment of tourist ties. Under such conditions, when the volume of foreign tourism slows down or decreases, domestic tourism is a "shock absorber" for the tourism industry as a whole.

Not all countries pay sufficient attention to the development of domestic tourism, but its economic importance is increasing. Although domestic tourism does not provide an inflow of foreign exchange, but it revives the economic environment, contributing to the development of the tourism industry.

In the Law of Ukraine "On Tourism" another division is given. In particular, it states that tourism is divided into foreign, domestic and foreign. The first group includes foreigners who travel through the territory of Ukraine, the other includes persons who travel within their own country, and the third group includes citizens of Ukraine who travel abroad. We consider this classification (in the direction of making a tourist trip) insufficient for the legislative base, although it is quite justified from the state point of view, because foreign (inbound) tourism remains a priority for Ukraine as a significant factor in replenishing the state budget with foreign exchange earnings and creating additional jobs.

By the nature of the organization tourism is divided into:

o planned (organized)

o self-made (unorganized).

Planned tourism is domestic tourism along routes developed and organized by the relevant tourism organizations, with the provision of a certain range of services (excursion services, transport services, provision of accommodation, meals, etc.). In Ukraine, planned tourism became widespread in the 60s of the XX century. Almost 500 planned tourist routes pass through its territory.

Travels of groups or individual tourists are not carried out according to the plan provided by tourism organizations and enterprises, is an amateur (unorganized) tourism. Tourists choose and develop their own travel routes. Self-made tourism unites on a voluntary basis amateurs of hiking, leschetarsky, cycling, automobile, mountain and other hikes of various qualifications. Rest during amateur hikes is not limited to recovery and recuperation, but is also aimed at actively learning the environment, protecting the natural environment, studying historical and cultural monuments, and getting to know the past and present of the place of travel. Self-made tourism combines forms of local history and excursion activities, socially useful work on behalf of research, environmental and other organizations, as well as the organization and conduct of tourist gatherings and competitions, amateur and technical creativity, training of tourist personnel. All amateur trips take place in accordance with the rules for conducting tourist sports trips.

By the number of participants allocate:

o individual tourism

o group tourism.

The travel of an individual family or one person according to their own plan is an individual tourism, a travel of a group of people is a group. Although some theorists distinguish the travel of an individual family as family tourism.

By timing and duration travel tourism is divided into:

o short-term ("weekend" tourism);

o long lasting.

Short-term tourism provides for the stay of people on a tourist trip for no more than three days. It is a mass form because it involves large sections of the population. The importance of short-term tourism is increasing, especially among young people. Short-term but repeated rest at the end of the week will compete with long-term one-off. With a five-day working week of the total annual budget of time for rest, almost half falls on weekends and only 15-20 percent on vacations or vacations. The rest of the free time is devoted to daily rest after a working day. It is also necessary to take into account a constant factor - transport accessibility, expressed in time.

The urban population is increasingly striving for relaxation in the bosom of nature. Considering the importance of organizing short-term rest, as well as the tendency to further increase the free time of the population, special attention should be paid to the creation of suburban short-term rest zones.

On a territorial basis domestic tourism is divided into:

o local;

o distant.

Local tourism involves the organization of tourist trips within the native land, and distant tourism outside of it. In terms of intensity, tourism is divided into:

o permanent;

o seasonal:



Permanent tourism is understood as a uniform visit to tourist areas and settlements throughout the year, and seasonal - at certain times of the year. Seasonal tourism is divided into one-season and two-season. The one-season is common in areas that are visited at certain times of the year, mainly in summer or winter, while the two-season is characterized by tourist flows in both summer and winter.

Depending on the purpose of travel tourism is divided into:

o cognitive (excursion) - visiting and acquaintance with memorable places and monuments of culture, history, nature;

o wellness-cognitive - a combination of health improvement and cognition goals;

o health resort - the movement of people, due to the need to improve health;

o sports - participation in sports events;

o day off - stay for several days outside the city, as well as in specialized recreation areas;

o business - visiting objects of professional interest;

o religious;

o green;

o amateur - hunting, fishing and the like.

Let's take a closer look at some of these types. Resort and medical tourism is considered one of the oldest types of tourism, widespread in countries with a favorable geographical location and favorable climatic conditions, which have balneological and climatic summer and winter resorts (in Ukraine, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Switzerland, Bulgaria,

Hungary, Romania, etc.). For the organization of health resort tourism, it is important to have a healing climate, healing springs and mud, picturesque natural and garden landscapes. The development of resort and medical tourism predetermines the appearance of large and small tourist centers and even entire complexes.

Well-known international resorts and places of mass recreation are Yalta (Ukraine), Sochi (Russia), Capri (Italy), Nice (France), Wiesbaden (Germany), Karlovy Vary (Czech Republic), Davos, Lausanne (Switzerland), Innsbruck (Austria) , "Golden Sands" (Bulgaria), Lake Balaton region (Hungary), etc.

Staying at the resorts, in addition to health improvement, provides for familiarization with the historical and architectural monuments of this area, the national traditions of the local population, and the like. Therefore, it is fair to consider such holiday-makers as tourists.

Sports tourism is the movement of people in their free time to play sports.

It has the following varieties:

o pedestrian;

o water (on rafts, kayaks)

o leschetarsky;

o ski;

o cycling;

o automobile, etc.

In Ukraine, this type of tourism is quite common. Sportsmen-tourists fulfill the established standards to improve their sports qualifications. Tourist trips have different categories of difficulty, are determined by the nature and number of natural obstacles, an athlete-tourist has to overcome during the passage of the route developed and approved by the itinerary qualification commissions (ICC). In addition, the category of difficulty is determined by the duration of the trip, the length and complexity of the route, as well as other specific factors.

The passage of tourist routes from the simple to the most difficult and the accumulation of experience in organizing and conducting tourist trips provide for the fulfillment of certain sports standards that give the right to receive ranks and titles.

Targeted tourist trips to art festivals, exhibitions, holidays, sports competitions, as well as joint work and recreation of young people from different countries in sports and health camps, etc. are actively developing. Such measures also contribute to the development of tourism. To attract foreign tourists, many countries pay attention to the organization of various entertainment events.

Business tourism emerged relatively recently. The first organized tourist trips of educational and business nature were trips to international fairs and exhibitions. Business travel has increased with the expansion of commercial markets and the gradual easing of customs restrictions, as well as increased travel speeds and lower travel costs. International exhibitions, fairs, auctions, which are attended by millions of tourists, are a fairly progressive form of communication.

Business tourism encompasses groups of people united by a common goal or professional interests. These can be businessmen, engineers, doctors, teachers, agricultural specialists who carry out tourist travel on special programs and routes. The concept of "business tourism", according to the established practice in international tourism, covers a wide range of trips:

o business trips of employees of enterprises for negotiations, participation in production meetings, presentations, sales activities and the like;

o trips to congresses, conferences, exhibitions, fairs, stock exchanges;

o trips to sports competitions of teams, tours;

o travel by official delegations.

Business tourism plays a significant role in international, domestic and foreign tourism in Ukraine, the prospects for its development are favorable. The share of business tourism in the world, according to WTO experts, is almost 20 percent.

It is one of the most cost effective types of tourism in the world. Almost 50 percent of the revenues of airlines, 60 percent of the revenues of hotels are servicing this particular category of tourists.

Religious tourism is travel that has the goal of any religious procedures, missions. It is the oldest type of tourism. Today, tourism and religion are striving for close cooperation. In tourism with a religious purpose, the following types of travel can be distinguished:

o pilgrimage, that is, visiting holy places in order to worship church relics, shrines and take part in religious rituals;

o educational trips, the purpose of which is acquaintance with religious sites, the history of religion and religious culture;

o scientific trips - trips of scientists studying different religions. The main centers of religious tourism are the Vatican, Jerusalem and Mecca.

In recent years, rural green tourism has been actively developing in Ukraine. This type of tourism, contributing to the development of small business in the agrarian regions, gives city dwellers an opportunity to have interesting and meaningful rest in rural areas, where they get acquainted with folk culture - songs, dances, cuisine, customs and rituals. It is characteristic that among those wishing to relax in the village there are not only townspeople with a small income, but also wealthy people. This is explained not only by the fact that such a vacation is cheaper, but also by the desire to stay away from the noise of the city, to get rid of the stresses caused by rapid urbanization. Thanks to green tourism, city dwellers have a healthy holiday at affordable prices, peasants have the opportunity to profitably sell part of their products directly on the spot and develop their own business.

In addition, taking into account the realities of the modern difficult economic situation in Ukraine, the development of rural tourism does not require significant capital investments, since it involves the use of the existing infrastructure of rural settlements, in the premises of farmers.

Rest in the village is interesting if it is joined by excursion routes that reveal the sources of folk culture and art, literature, Ukrainian spirituality. This is an acquaintance with the numerous centers of folk arts and crafts, weaving, embroidery, pottery, painting, wood carving, and basket weaving. This is also a visit to places associated with the life and work of prominent people: Taras Shevchenko - in Cherkasskaya, Nikolai Gogol - in Poltava region, Lesya Ukrainsky - in Zhytomyr and Volyn regions, Ivan Franko - in Ivano-Frankivsk and Lvov.

And staying in the families of rural workers gives you the opportunity to join the national holidays, get acquainted with the ethnographic features of individual regions. Together with the hostess, you can try to milk the cow, under the guidance of the owner - shoe the horse, or the whole family can take part in local holidays or in the harvest.

The experience of developed countries, where green tourism has been successfully operating for decades, indicates that for its development it is necessary to create an appropriate regulatory and legal framework that would facilitate the involvement of enterprising people in this process. Such an approach will make it possible to identify craftsmen, encourage them to manage their homesteads with good quality, create comfort and an adequate level of services.

The experience of the local authorities of certain territories of the Carpathian, Podillya, Transcarpathian, Galicia, Tavria, Dnieper, Bukovina and Chernigov regions testifies that rural green tourism, rich in tourist routes, can also prevent unemployment in the countryside. And the farmer, having received a certain profit in order to ensure the attractiveness of his estate, will invest in improving the level of communal and living conditions for vacationers. Subsequently, the peasant should pay a certain share of the profits to the local budget for the purpose of streamlining, transport, communications and the like.

Taking into account the foreign experience in the development of rural green tourism, in Ukraine it is necessary to deeply study the prospects for the development of this young branch of tourism, identify territories for its development, develop appropriate recommendations for both local governments and citizens who are interested in this activity.

A systematic approach to the organization of this new type of tourism should contribute to the development of not only domestic, but also inbound tourism. So that everyone who visits the Ukrainian land could get acquainted with its past, magnificent nature, monuments of architecture and culture, and most importantly with people - sincere, hospitable, benevolent, without which all the variety of tourist sites would remain a silent background for tourists.

Tourism is also divided into active and passive. The essence of this division is the determination of the types of movement and the intensity of human activity during travel.

Active types of tourism include recreation and travel, entertainment, sports (rock climbing, sports games, rafting on rough rivers, underwater tourism, etc.), which require significant physical activity and are not available for all categories of tourists.

Passive types of tourism are focused on a more relaxed and less strenuous tour or tourist travel program with respect to physical activity. They are designed for people who are inclined to quiet rest, educational tours that require less strenuous cycle of movement and physical activity. This vacation at sea, mountain, hydrotherapy resorts, health tours.

So, the classification systems of tourism are clear enough, harmonious and solid. However, when comparing Ukrainian and foreign classification systems, certain difficulties arise. This is mainly due to the differentiation of recreational resources and the socio-economic situation of the countries. Therefore, the specifics of the allocation of types of tourism in Ukraine were taken into account. Moreover, most of the Ukrainian classifications are outdated and require significant updating.

Classification of tourism - the allocation of internally homogeneous taxa of tourism activities on the basis of accepted grounds. The most common classification of tourism is its division into types, categories, types and forms.

Tourism type determined by the nationality of the tourists. The World Tourism Organization (WTO) has proposed a classification of tourism according to the following types: domestic, inbound (active) and outbound (passive). The main classification criterion is the crossing of state borders. Domestic tourism - travel around the country of persons permanently residing in it; outbound tourism - travel of persons permanently residing in the state to another country, and inbound tourism - travel in Russia of persons permanently residing in other countries. These types of tourism are combined in different ways, forming a category of tourism.

Tourism categories include international and national tourism, as well as tourism within the country. From the point of view of the above classification of tourism by types, domestic and outbound tourism belongs to national tourism, and inbound and outbound tourism belongs to international tourism. Tourism within the country is practiced by both citizens of this country and those who come from other countries and regions. At the same time, overnight visitors are considered tourists, and one-day visitors - sightseers. Tourists who have arrived in the country on a cruise ship also act as sightseers, if they do not use local accommodation facilities for spending the night.

There are also social and amateur tourism. Social tourism means travel subsidized from funds allocated by the state for social needs, and amateur tourism means travel using active modes of travel, organized by tourists independently, in compliance with certain rules and regulations established by the state.

Types of tourism: Motivational factors can also be used as a criterion for classifying travel by type of tourism. With such a classification, one should proceed from the main motive that prompted a person to go on a trip. Although motives are not always uniquely defined, there are six types of tourism.

Leisure tourism - short or longer rest for the purpose of physical or psychological recovery of the body. In addition, this group includes a resort vacation, in which the natural properties of the soil, climate and sea water are used for treatment or recuperation.

Cultural Tourism focused on learning a foreign culture, subdivided into cognitive and pilgrimage. Cognitive tourism includes visits to historical, cultural or geographical attractions. Educational tourists are most often interested in the social and economic relations of the countries they visit. The aim of pilgrimage tourism is to visit places of particular religious significance.

Public tourism - trips to visit relatives, acquaintances, friends, as well as club tourism. Club tourism is distinguished by the fact that travelers are deliberately integrated into groups. Grouping takes place when there is an entertainment or sports program that interests people.

Sports tourism - trips for the purpose of active participation in sports events, as well as trips that are passive in nature of participation in sports competitions.

Economic tourism - trips made from professional and commercial interests: visits to stock exchanges, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Congress (political) tourism is subdivided into diplomatic tourism, participation in congresses, and tourism related to political events and events.

Forms of tourism. Sometimes the need to concretize tourism in its forms arises in connection with the different duration of travel (long and short travel). In this case, the duration of the trip is chosen as the main criterion for such a classification. If travels differ according to such an external criterion as the length of stay, then we can say that these travels belong to different forms of tourism. There are many possibilities to distinguish the forms of tourism by external criteria: by the origin of tourists; by organizational form; by the duration of the trip; according to the age; by vehicles; by season or season.

At first glance, it may seem that there is not much difference between the forms and types of tourism. In both cases, travels are grouped based on specific points of view. The difference is that types of tourism differ in the motivation of travelers, i.e. by internal factors, and the form of tourism - by external causes and influences, which is very important for tourism management.

Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists.Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into domestic and international. In this case, the word "origin" does not refer to a person's nationality or place of birth, but to his place of residence and work.

Forms of tourism depending on its organization (organizational forms). Depending on the form of organization, a lump-sum (provision of a range of services for one cost) and individual tourism are distinguished. All-inclusive tour is a standardized, pre-organized complex of tourist services. An individual tour has the features that the tourist organizes and carries out on his own. Such tours are also called solo, but this does not mean that you need to travel alone, because you can travel as a family, and the trip is called single.

The concept of "individual tourism" is most often opposed to the concept of "mass tourism". Mass tourism originally meant that many people were involved in tourism.

Over time, this concept has acquired a negative meaning. Currently, negative impacts are associated with mass tourism, primarily of lump-sum tourism, which is why the concepts of "individual tourism" and "mass tourism" are not used to distinguish forms of tourism by the number of participants.

Forms of tourism depending on the length of stay.Travel duration refers to the time spent by the tourist during the trip or stay in the visited place or country. Day trips are classified as follows: less than 3 hours; 3-5 hours; 6-8 hours; 9-11 hours; 12 hours or more. Overnight travel can be classified as follows: 1-3 nights; 4-7 nights; 8-28 nights; 29-91 nights; 92-365 nights.

Long trips are usually complemented by short trips. Short journeys include transit trips, day trips and short-term tourism. Transit tourism is the stops of tourists on their way to their destination. One-day tourism is a day-long tour: it does not involve an overnight stop. A particularly important form of short-term tourism is short-term tourism. Short-term tourism includes business travel and weekend travel. Regardless of whether travel is for business or personal purposes, the average duration is 2-4 days, i.e. they include a minimum of one and a maximum of three nights.

Forms of tourism depending on the age of the travelers. The following groups of tourists are identified according to the age scale: children traveling with their parents; youth (tourists aged 15-24); relatively young, economically active people aged 25-44; economically active people of middle age (45-64 years old) (they usually travel without children); pensioners (65 years of age and older).

Forms of tourism depending on the means of transport,used to move tourists from one place to another: aviation, bus, rail, road, sea and river.

Forms of tourism depending on the season - winter and summer tourism. The seasonal classification of forms of tourism shows fluctuations in the demand for tourism services throughout the year. The time at which the maximum number of trips is made is called the tourist season, the period of decline in travel is called the off-season. Tourist seasons in different regions may not coincide. 1.2 presents the classification of tourism by types, types and forms.

Table 1.2. Tourism classification 1


By the number of participants in the trip

Individual, group, family

By region of rest

National, international

Domestic, foreign

By way of organization

Unorganized, organized, amateur (qualifying)

Relaxation (rest), rehabilitation (sanatorium), recreational. Expanded: rest and recreation, medical, business (business travel, congress, incentive tourism), educational, religious (pilgrimage and cognitive), ethnic, transit (according to the WTO, this includes other purposes of travel), shop tourism , nostalgic, etc.

According to the age

Child, youth, middle age, third age, fourth age

By means of travel

Automobile, bus, water (cruise), pedestrian, railway, aviation, bicycle, horse riding

By the main activity

Business, educational, sports, ecological, congress, adventure, extreme, rural (agritourism), etc.

By main used natural resources

Mountain, sea, forest, river, bathing-beach, medical

By the nature of the territory

Continental, seaside, island

1 Kuskov L.S., Odintsova T.N. Recreational geography. M., 2005.

End of Table 1.2

  • V.S. Senin Organization of International Tourism: Textbook. M., 2003.
  • N.I. Kabushkin Tourism management: Textbook, manual. Minsk, 2003.

The most common classification of tourism is its division into types, categories, types and forms.

The type of tourism is determined by the nationality of the tourists.

Domestic tourism - travel of citizens within the state borders of their own country;

Inbound tourism - travel of non-residents within the state borders of any country;

Outbound tourism - travels of residents of one country to any other country.

These types of tourism are combined in different ways, forming the following categories of tourism:

Tourism within the country includes domestic and inbound tourism;

National tourism includes domestic and outbound tourism;

International tourism includes inbound and outbound tourism;

The functional classification of types of tourism is determined by the purpose of travel.

In accordance with these features, the following main types of tourism are distinguished:


Medical and wellness;








The most common are recreational and educational tourism.

Recreational tourism is very diverse and can include spectacular entertainment, hunting, fishing, musical and artistic creation, attending sports events as a spectator, etc.

Medical health tourism is due to the need for the treatment of various kinds of diseases and the recovery of the body after the illness. Here you can talk about tours with an exclusively therapeutic purpose, for the treatment of any serious illnesses, rehabilitation after injuries, accidents, operations and health-improving tours, in order to maintain youth, beauty and health, relieve stress and fatigue.

Cognitive (excursion) tourism includes trips to get acquainted with natural and historical and cultural attractions, museums, theaters, traditions of peoples in the visited country. The trip can include both cognitive and recreational purposes at the same time.

Business tourism covers travel for business or professional purposes without generating income at the place of temporary residence. The WTO includes travel to this type of tourism to participate in congresses, scientific congresses and conferences, production meetings and seminars, fairs, exhibitions, salons, as well as for negotiations and contracts, installation and commissioning of equipment. Business tourism includes: business travel, convention and exhibition tourism, incentive tourism (incentive). Incentive tourism is trips provided by the management of the company to its employees free of charge as a reward for good work. Incentive tours generally offer good quality all-inclusive service. The total share of business tourism is from 10 to 20% of the international tourist volume.

Sports tourism involves departure for sports events in certain countries and regions. It, in turn, can be divided into professional and amateur tourism. As "special types of tourism" we are interested in amateur tourism, which can be subdivided as follows: winter and summer, as well as water, air, desert and mountain sports. Ethnic tourism aims to visit the place of birth or origin of the family, as well as the place of residence of relatives and / or loved ones. This type of tourism is called nostalgietour. This type of tourism is of priority importance for countries where large diasporas of people from other countries live. Tourists from Germany, for example, enjoy trips to the Volga region, and tourists from Finland - to the Karelian land, Lake Ladoga (about 500 thousand Finns were forced to leave these places during the hostilities of 1939-1945). Ethnic tourism is also widespread among the Chinese, whose diaspora numbers more than 60 million people.

Religious tourism is based on the religious needs of people of different faiths. Religious tourism can be called the oldest, its roots go back to time immemorial. It has two main types: pilgrim tourism (the spiritual pilgrimage should be separately highlighted) and excursion and educational religious tourism. Religious tourism in individual confessions has its own characteristics.

Movements of air passengers who do not enter the country, but only make a transfer to a connecting flight;

Movement of tourists who travel to their final destination with a short stop for connecting flights in third countries.

Educational tourism involves tours lasting from 15 days to 3 months in order to improve qualifications or deepen knowledge in various disciplines. The most popular at present are educational tours for the purpose of learning foreign languages \u200b\u200bor deepening knowledge of a foreign language.

Depending on the method of organization, organized and unorganized tourism are distinguished.

Organized tourism presupposes a travel program for the tourist / tourists, developed in advance and organized by a travel agency, according to their wishes and budget. The travel agency pre-book and pays for all travel services along the entire route, prepares all the necessary travel documents.

Unorganized tourism assumes that tourists themselves, without the participation and / or mediation of a travel company, organize their trip. They independently develop the route of the trip, determine the objects of excursion visits, plan the places of accommodation, draw up travel documents, etc. Unorganized tourism is very popular in the world. First of all, in countries whose citizenship allows you to travel to other countries without applying for an entry visa (for example, citizens of the Schengen countries can move around Europe completely freely; US citizens also do not need an entry visa to the Schengen countries). Relatively short distances, a good transport network, the ability to freely cross the borders of neighboring states, the presence of many excursion sites and other important factors influenced the fact that the share of unorganized tourism in Europe is 80%.

According to the duration of travel, the following types of tourism are distinguished: short-term ("weekend" tours, trips for up to 7 days), medium-term (tours with a duration of 9 to 12 days) and long-term (tours for a period of 15 to 30 days).

By the use of vehicles used during the trip, the following types of tourism can be distinguished:



Motor / water (sea and river);




Using other means of transportation.

According to the intensity of visits, tourism can be divided into permanent and seasonal.

Continuous tourism should be understood as relatively uniform visits to tourist regions and sites throughout the calendar year.

Seasonal tourism is understood as such visits to tourist regions, the frequency of which depends on the climatic conditions of the region and the subjective characteristics of the tourist facility. The seasonal types include recreational tourism, congress and exhibition tourism. The type of tourism also influences the seasonality of tourism. There are high, medium and low seasons. The high season is characterized by the conditions for the fullest use of tourist resources by tourists. The seasonality of a particular type of tourism is significantly influenced by natural climatic factors, national and religious holidays, vacations, and mass events.

Depending on the age category of tourists, the following types of tourism can be distinguished:



Middle-aged persons;

Persons of the third age.

The World Tourism Organization proposed the following gradation of tourists by age: children traveling with their parents (up to 15 years old), youth (15-24 years old), economically active young tourists (25-44 years old), economically active middle-aged tourists (45-64 years), tourists of the third age (from 65 years old).

In the practice of tourism enterprises, the following age categories are distinguished for statistical purposes:

0-2 years old - infant (infant);

3-12 years old - child;

14-18 years old - schoolboy;

18-25 years old - youth (students);

26-45 years old - adults;

46-65 years old - adults;

65 and older - retirees (third age).

For tourism planning, age is important from the point of view of travel motivation and financial support of the tourist trip.

According to the sources of financing, tourism can be divided into commercial and social types.

Commercial tourism is focused on obtaining profit by tourist enterprises and is the main source for the development of production of services. In an effort to maximize profits, travel companies are constantly looking for the best combination between the cost and the final price of the tour product. The travel services they provide are targeted primarily at middle and high-income clients.

Social tourism is subsidized from funds allocated for social needs in order to create conditions for tourism of certain categories of citizens. Subsidies are allocated from both state and non-state funds, as well as charitable organizations. The Manila Declaration states that "social tourism is a goal that society should strive for in the interests of less affluent citizens."

Recently, new types of tourism have appeared and are in demand: ecotourism, agritourism, exotic adventure and extreme tourism.

Special types of tourism can also include such a direction as timeshare. This type of tourism appeared on the Russian market relatively recently, but did not gain much popularity due to its specific unsuitability for Russian citizens (for them, the main problem is obtaining entry visas to the country, to the territory of which they acquired a timeshare, and significant cash costs when organizing a forced individual trip to the final destination).

Similar information.

The main criterion for the classification of tourism is the purpose of the trip. Allocate cognitive, recreational, professional. medical, business, religious and other types of tourism.

Geographical is also a significant factor for the classification of tourism. The most significant in terms of the number of tourists received from abroad are such countries as France (80 million people per year), Spain (59 million), the USA (52 million), China (51 million), Italy ( 42 million), the United Kingdom (30 million), Germany (24 million) and Ukraine (20 million). Turkey and Mexico round out the top ten. Depending on the aspect of consideration, tourism is divided into different types.

Motivational factors can be used as a criterion for classifying travel by type of tourism. With such a classification, one should proceed from the main motive that prompted a person to go on a trip. Although the motives are not always determined unambiguously, there are still six types of tourism in its management system.

Tourism for the purpose of recreation. Recreational tourism is mainly represented by beach holidays in tropical and subtropical areas, but also do not forget about such unacceptable forms from the point of view of morality as sex and drug tourism. This type consists in short or longer rest for the purpose of physical or psychological recovery of the body. In addition, this group includes a resort vacation, in which the natural properties of the soil, climate and sea water are used for treatment or recuperation.

Tourism for the study of culture. Tourism focused on the knowledge of a foreign culture is subdivided into educational and pilgrimage. Cognitive tourism includes visits to historical, cultural or geographical attractions. Educational tourists are most often interested in the social and economic relations of the countries they visit. The aim of pilgrimage tourism is to visit places of particular religious significance. This type of tourism involves visiting places significant for a certain religion or the graves of relatives, if the main motive is religious. Popular among all more or less significant supporters of religions - Christians, Muslims, Buddhists and others.

Public tourism. Public tourism includes trips to visit relatives, acquaintances, friends (in international terminology known as visiting friends and relatives - VFR), as well as club tourism. Club tourism is distinguished by the fact that travelers are deliberately integrated into groups. Grouping takes place when there is an entertainment or sports program that interests people.

Sports tourism. Sports tourism includes travel for the purpose of actively participating in sports events, as well as travel that are passive in nature of participation in sports competitions.

Economic tourism - trips made out of professional and commercial interest: visiting exchanges, exhibitions, fairs, etc.

Medical tourism is slowly but surely developing in the world. This type of tourism is based on the difference in prices and quality of the respective services in different countries, exchange of experience. In it, important assistance is provided by charitable organizations cooperating with foreign clinics and the Red Cross society.

Professional tourism is represented by hiking and cycling, and extreme forms of tourism such as mountaineering or speleology also belong to it. It also includes travel using unusual modes of transport such as kayaks, canoes, horses and others.

Congress (political) tourism is subdivided into diplomatic tourism, participation in congresses, and tourism associated with political events and events.

Sometimes the need to concretize tourism in its forms arises in connection with the different duration of travel (long and short travel). In this case, the duration of the trip is chosen as the main criterion for such a classification. If travels differ according to such an external criterion as the length of stay, then we can say that these travels belong to different forms of tourism. There are many possibilities for distinguishing the forms of tourism by external criteria: by the origin of tourists; by organizational form; by the duration of the trip; according to the age; by vehicles; by season or season.

At first glance, it may seem that there is not much difference between the forms and types of tourism. In both cases, travels are grouped based on specific points of view. The difference is that types of tourism differ in the motivation of travelers, i.e. by internal factors, and the form of tourism - by external causes and influences, which is very important for management.

Forms of tourism depending on the origin of tourists. Depending on the origin of travelers, tourism is divided into domestic and international. In this case, the word "origin" does not refer to a person's nationality or place of birth, but to his place of residence and work.

Forms of tourism depending on its organization (organizational form). Depending on the forms of organization, a lump-sum (provision of a complex of services for one cost) and individual tourism are distinguished. All-inclusive tour is a standardized, pre-organized set of tourist services. An individual tour has the features that the tourist organizes and carries out on his own. Such tours are also called single, but this does not mean that you need to travel alone, because you can travel with your family, and the trip is called single. The concept of "individual tourism" is most often contrasted with the concept of "mass tourism". Mass tourism originally meant that many people were involved in tourism. Over time, this concept has acquired a negative meaning. Currently, negative impacts are associated with mass tourism, primarily of lump-sum tourism, which is why the concepts of individual tourism and mass tourism are no longer suitable for distinguishing forms of tourism by the number of participants.

Forms of tourism depending on the length of stay. A very important classification of forms of tourism is their classification depending on the length of stay. Travel duration refers to the time spent by the tourist during the trip or stay in the visited place or country. Day trips are classified as follows: less than three hours; three to five hours; six to eight hours; nine - eleven o'clock; twelve or more hours. Overnight travel can be classified as follows: 1-3 nights; 4-7 nights; 8-28 nights; 29-91 nights; 92 - 365 nights. Long trips are usually complemented by short trips. Short journeys include transit trips, day trips and short-term tourism. Transit tourism is the stops of tourists on their way to their destination. One-day tourism is a day-long tour: it does not involve an overnight stop. A particularly important form of short-term tourism is short-term tourism. Short-term tourism includes business travel and weekend travel. Regardless of whether travel is for business or personal purposes, the average duration is 2-4 days, i.e. they include a minimum of one and a maximum of three nights.

Forms of tourism depending on the age of the travelers. When classifying forms of tourism, the age of travelers is also taken into account. The following groups of tourists are identified according to the age scale: children traveling with their parents; youth (tourists aged 15-24); relatively young, economically active people aged 25 - 44; economically active people of middle age (45-64 years old) (they usually travel without children); pensioners (65 years of age and older). Forms of tourism depending on the means of transport. Depending on the vehicle used to move tourists from one place to another, the following forms of tourism are distinguished: aviation, bus, rail, road and sea.

Forms of tourism depending on the season. Winter and summer tourism differ depending on the season. The seasonal classification of forms of tourism shows fluctuations in the demand for tourism services throughout the year. The time at which the maximum number of trips is made is called the tourist season, the period of decline in travel is called the off-season. Tourist seasons may differ from region to region. In addition to the proposed six criteria, there are other points of view that allow you to classify travel by form.

  1. Classification species tourism

    Examination \u003e\u003e Physical culture and sports

    ... characteristics tourist facility. To seasonal types can be classified as recreational tourism, congress and exhibition tourism... Seasonality tourism .... It is very difficult to single out shape and views tourism in them clean form, therefore there is no one in the world classification... Those that ...

  2. Tourism as a resource for economic and socio-cultural development of the region

    Thesis \u003e\u003e Physical education and sports

    ... characteristic tourism thing is tourism ... classification... Currently, the following has developed classification species and forms tourism. Forms tourism ... them combinations: culture and tourism; physical education, sports and tourism; tourism and development of resorts; tourism ...

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    Coursework \u003e\u003e State and Law

    ... species contracts and them classification... The main task is - a comprehensive study classification and species ... to unilateral transactions 1. Characteristic individual species contracts. Basic ... form... Failure to comply with the rules form ... advice on tourism and excursions ...

  4. Socio-cultural service and tourism (3)

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    ... tourism. Tourism: approaches to definition and main functions. Industry tourism: concept, structure, characteristic elements. Education in the field tourism: characteristic ... about them mutual rights and obligations. one. Classification species and forms tourism Um ...

  5. Management tourism

    Abstract \u003e\u003e Management

    ... forms tourism by the number of participants. Forms tourism depending on the length of stay. Very important classification forms tourism is an them classification ... specifications... Multidimensionality (complexity of assessment) is due to the diversity species tourism ...
