You can rightfully be called the queen of the garden, and with proper care and planting it will become the subject of your pride and the envy of your neighbors.

Let's talk about how to properly care for such a beauty so that she will delight you all season.

Brief description and popular varieties

Climbing roses are ideal for, arch, or wall decoration of a private house. These are tall, climbing and tenacious plants that definitely need to prefer a warm and mild climate and a must-have shelter for the winter. According to the international classification, there are 3 characteristics of roses:

  • semi-climbing rosesgrowing from 1.5 to 3 m in height;
  • climbing - reach a height of 5 m;
  • curly - reach 15 meters.
There are 8 types of climbing roses, differing in description and appearance:

1. Climber - resembles a tall, erect. Flowers are different large size and strong aroma. An excellent decoration for a flat wall, or mesh. Common varieties:

  • Pinkcloud
  • Paul Scarlet
  • Rosanna

2. Rambler differs in its flexibility and easy bending of shoots. Densely decorated with small weak-minded flowers that grow only on the shoots of the second year:

  • Ghistiane de felidonde
  • Bobby james
  • Paul noel

3. Climbing - a frost-resistant variety that may not winter even under cover. The inflorescences are small and rare, but the diameter of the flowers can be from 5 to 11 cm, and the plant also has a strong aroma.

  • Orange Triumph
  • Cecilia Brunner
  • City of York

4. Climbing rose Cordes (Hybrid Kordesii) refers to unpretentious and winter-hardy, blooms from early summer to late October. Differs in perfect flower shape and long flowering. Can winter without shelter:

  • Hamburger Phoenix
  • Flammentanz

5. Lambert - profusely flowering shrub with dark foliage, disease resistant:

  • Munich

6. - shrub, the height of which can reach 3 m, is abundantly covered with white or light pink simple flowers 1.5-2 cm in diameter with a weak aroma:

  • Snow White
  • General Tetard
  • Gruss-en-Zabern
  • Melita
  • Moselle

7. - a creeping and tenacious shrub, native to Japan and China, reaches a height of 6 m, has large curved thorns:

  • Excelsa
  • Red poppy
  • Alberic Barbier
  • Glen Dale
  • Aelita

8. - 5 to 12 m tall, small flowers 1-3 cm. Differs in early flowering, from April to early July. There are such varieties of Banks roses:

  • Alba Plena
  • Banksia hybrid
  • Lutea Captivity

Did you know? In Germany, the oldest rose bush in the world grows near the walls of Hildesheim Castle, which is already about 1000 years old.

Growing conditions

Boarding time

The best time for planting will be warm days in May, when the ground has warmed up and stable warm weather has established. Then you will know exactly what will take root and will be ready for wintering. You can plant it in the fall, but it is better to do this in September, so that the rose has time to sprout roots before the onset of the first frost.

How to plant a climbing rose

Selection and preparation of seedlings

The day before the expected date, the seedlings are soaked in water. It is advisable to dip not only the root system, but the entire seedling as a whole. Before planting, cut off the long tuberous processes of the root system, leaving 15-20 cm on each side. You can disinfect the plant by dipping it in a solution of 3% copper sulfate... We lubricate the cut off spots on the shoots with garden pitch, and on the roots, in order to avoid infection with a fungus or infection. These simple procedures will promote fast and correct growth and development.

Pit preparation

Important! Climbing rose - this is not a plant that will enjoy over-watering. This increases the humidity around the bush too much, contributing to the appearance and development of fungal diseases.


Fertilize complex. Repeat feeding every 2-3 weeks. The second top dressing can be carried out with a mixture and ash, diluted with water, for root dressing, as this will contribute to a bright and abundant flowering. All dressings should be carried out during the growing season and before flowering.

From the middle of summer, roses cease to fertilize and switch to potassium-phosphorus. This is necessary for the gradual preparation of the plant for dormancy and wintering.


It belongs to the most important and responsible procedures for its care, since the quality of flowering and the formation of new strong shoots directly depends on it.

Every spring, regardless of the type of roses, sanitary pruning is carried out, removing damaged and unhealthy shoots. Further pruning directly depends on whether your shrub is once or repeatedly flowering.
A climbing rose that blooms once a season has buds both on the shoots of the current year and on last year's. On old shoots, replacement shoots appear throughout the summer, which will take over the main part of flowering next year. Therefore, 3-5 of the strongest two-year shoots are left, and the same number of annuals.

If the rose is re-flowering, then the buds appear on all shoots up to 4 years old, and only weaken by 5 years. Therefore, in this case, the main shoots are removed for 4 years of growth, leaving the place for new ones.

Treatment against pests and diseases

The most dangerous and common diseases of the climbing rose are:

1. Its appearance is provoked by high humidity in the heat and excessive watering. It is characterized by white spots on the trunk and leaves. All affected parts are cut out and burned, processing the plant or copper sulfate.

2.. Revealed in the form of brown or brown spots on leaves and stems. Cut out the affected areas, slightly capturing the unaffected ones nearby, and burn them. The plant is treated with Bordeaux liquid.

3.. This is the name of small brown spots that grow over time and affect the entire plant. Now there are no drugs on the market that can overcome this disease, therefore it is important to carry out prevention. Inspect the plant carefully for stains before purchasing. Dip in copper sulfate solution before planting. And if the disease has already been identified, then immediately cut out and burn all affected areas.
The most common rose lovers are

Climbing roses today occupy a leading place at vertical gardening... They go well with small architectural forms. When creating decorative columns, trellises, arches, a climbing rose is an integral element. It is often chosen for green decoration of gazebos, walls of structures, balconies. About what climbing roses are: planting and caring for a plant, the main reasons that the culture does not bloom - all this will be described in the article.

Typically, these roses are grown in regions with a warm, relatively mild climate. But in middle lane it is difficult to cultivate a plant. This requires special care and shelter for the winter. To understand why climbing roses are so fond of: the description of this plant needs to be considered in more detail.

The varieties of climbing roses differ in that they have rather long shoots-whip: a height of 5 meters or more. The culture does not have its own entwining antennae. Therefore, a garter to the support is necessary.

Such flowers are divided into two groups:

  • Blooming once. They are vigorous vines. The bloom is abundant and very lush. Inflorescences are small enough. They are collected in heavy bunches. The buds bloom in June. Pleasing the eye for a month. Inflorescences are large, consist of about 35 small flowers... Openwork greens, preserved until late autumn.
  • Blooming again. They are characterized by the fact that branches of different orders blooming all summer long form on the main shoots for several years. By the fifth year, flowering usually weakens. Climbing roses bloom in spring, they look very beautiful. Flowers can be either small or large. Much depends on the variety.

What varieties are there for decorating a summer cottage?

The best blooming climbing roses are presented below:

  1. Ena Harkness. Belongs to the garden hybrid tea group. The buds begin to bloom in the month of May. The variety is winter hardy.
  2. Double Delight. The rose is peculiar and very unusual. It has curly properties. This variety is the most common. Most often, the owners of summer cottages grow Double Delight.
  3. I have Jules Gravericks. It is distinguished by its special beauty.

It should be noted that climbing roses: the varieties of which were discussed above, bloom throughout the summer. So those who want to admire these luxurious plants for as long as possible, it makes sense to pay attention to these varieties.

However, the list of demanded roses is not limited to these varieties. For example, many growers prefer to grow a rose Schneevitchen, William Baffin, Flammentants. Let's consider them in more detail.

Rose variety Schneevitchen

It is a white variety. The Schneevitchen rose is characterized by its tallness and often reaches 1.5 meters. The width of the shrub is 1 meter. True, there are more. Among the main advantages is the presence of immunity to a number of diseases. However, in unfavorable years, there is a risk that the rose will become infected with powdery mildew or black spot. The plant blooms profusely. The buds are elongated, small. When the flowers open, they reach 6 centimeters in diameter. The inflorescence is semi-double.

Rose variety William Baffin

The rose William Buffin was bred specifically for cultivation in the harsh Canadian winter. Blooms throughout the summer. The care is quite simple. High frost resistance. William Baffin is able to withstand frosts even down to -40 degrees. The shrub is vigorous, its height sometimes reaches 3 meters. The inflorescences are bright pink in color. Golden stamens are present. White streaks are visible at the base of the petals. Among the advantages of the variety, it is worth noting the presence of good immunity to black spot and powdery mildew. Also, the shrub does not need pruning.

Rose variety Flammentants

The Flamingant or climbing rose is one of the most hardy and resistant varieties. It is not surprising that this particular variety is most often found on household plots... The rose is frost-resistant. But, even freezing, it quickly and completely recovers from the root. Abundant flowering. The shrub is literally covered with bright red buds. The plant belongs to once flowering plants.

How to grow a climbing rose and properly care for plants?

For a climbing rose to grow well, planting and caring for it must be correct.

Growing such a flower is a real art. However, this process is simple. A novice gardener can quite easily cope with it. The main thing is to provide the culture with comfortable growing conditions.

It is important that the climbing rose is planted according to the following rules:

On how correct the care of climbing roses in open ground, their condition and the abundance of flowering depend. These crops are watered once a week. If the region is characterized by severe frosts, shelter is needed. In the spring, all frozen and weak shoots must be cut off. Faded branches must also be removed. This helps to rejuvenate the shrub.

You should also not forget about feeding. For this, special complex fertilizers for roses are used. Some people use mullein infusion. Experienced gardeners recommend alternating application organic fertilizers with mineral. Before flowering, 5 dressings are usually carried out.

Often summer residents are faced with such a problem: the rose does not bloom. There are a number of reasons for this. Possible options of why the climbing rose does not bloom are given below:

Conclusions on growing climbing roses

Thus, climbing roses are an integral element for decorating park areas and personal plots.

The climbing rose is one of the most bright decorations garden, but sometimes it ceases to please with abundant flowering. Why doesn't the climbing rose bloom? Professional florists will tell you about the reasons and how to eliminate them.

Climbing roses have excellent decorative properties; I use them in the figured design of arches, arbors, fences, garlands, columns, etc. It is a real tragedy for the gardener if the climbing rose does not bloom.

Why don't climbing roses bloom?

1. Unsuitable soil

Climbing roses love loose, fertile soil. If these plants are not blooming, they are probably lacking in nutrients. Then they need to be fed. In general, climbing roses are fed according to the following scheme:
In the first year after planting, roses can not be fed at all or fed with organic matter: infusion of mullein (1:10) or chicken droppings (1:20) at the rate of 3-5 liters per bush.
In the spring, after removing the shelter and trimming, it is recommended to add ammonium nitrate at the rate of 30 g per 1 sq. M. After 2 weeks, feeding should be repeated.
At the beginning of budding, one more top dressing is carried out. This time, you can use complex fertilizers based on nitrogen (for example, Kemiru Lux (30 g per 1 sq. M)).
Climbing roses need one more top dressing before the first flowering. An infusion of mullein (1:10) and chicken manure (1:20) in the amount of 3-5 liters per bush is suitable for this.
After the first wave of flowering (late July - early August), roses are shown feeding with complex mineral fertilizers (according to instructions), preferably nitrogen-free.
The last feeding is carried out after the rose has faded and is aimed at ripening the shoots. For this it is worth using superphosphate (30 g per 1 sq. M).
It is also worth remembering that the soil must be loosened to a depth of 70 cm before planting the bush. Unsuitable soil or its poor-quality processing affects the flowering and the number of buds in the plant.

2. Wild growth

Roses often form shoots - these are small branches with leaves and thorns that appear in the root zone. If the shoots thickening the bush are not removed in a timely manner, the plant will start to run wild and stop blooming. Root shoots should be cut off near the ground. And it is advisable to do this in a timely manner.

3. An excess of nitrogen fertilizers

Excessive nitrogen fertilization contributes to the growth lush green mass, which adversely affects the formation of buds. It is better to replace nitrogen fertilizers with a mixture of potassium salt and superphosphate.

4. Diseases of climbing roses

Among the large list of rose diseases, these plants most often affect powdery mildew and bark cancer. Preventive measures against powdery mildew is a double spraying of dormant buds and shoots with 1% Bordeaux liquid. But the prevention of bark cancer will be feeding climbing roses with potassium fertilizers (in September, superphosphate and potassium sulfate, 20-30 g each), correct and timely shelter of plants for the winter, destruction of affected shoots, airing plants sheltered for the winter during thaws.

5. Wrong landing site

Sometimes growers plant the queen of flowers in the wrong place for her, which can lead not only to a lack of flowering, but also to the death of the plant itself. It is important to know that climbing roses do not tolerate drafts and shade extremely well.

6. Poor preparation for winter

Roses require special shelter for the winter, since they can die not only from low temperatures, but also from dampness during the winter thaws. So don't forget about air gap between the plant and the shelter. From the end of summer, you should stop loosening the soil and frequent watering, exclude nitrogen fertilizers (leave only potash fertilizers), cut out all wild growth, weak and damaged shoots.

7. Incorrect cutting

Climbing roses only need to remove old shoots and wild growth. Excessive pruning of young branches is undesirable, as this prevents the bush from growing normally. Cut your roses in moderation so that they don't waste a lot of energy recovering from this procedure.

Now that it is clear why climbing roses do not bloom, you can fix everything and let the climbing rose over the column.


How to send a climbing rose up a column?

If in your garden there is not enough space for lush thickets of climbing roses, but you still want to have a "pink" corner, you can try to twist a column with a rose.
After spring pruning, an adult climbing rose bush begins to form around the column.

1. Choose a solid support for the rose. It can be as long wooden barand a beautiful decorative column. The main condition is strength. After all, you do not want low quality did this support break under the weight of the flowering vines?
2. Place the column securely 40 cm from the bush. It is necessary to dig the support deeply into the ground and, possibly, even concrete the base. In this case, you will not have to worry that the support will fall under the pressure of the first squally wind and bury all your dreams of a beautiful, rose-entwined column under it.
3. Begin to wrap around the column with the main stitches in a spiral. Again, keep in mind that lush flowering can only be achieved if the shoots are at an angle of no more than 45 degrees in relation to the support.
4. It is not necessary to let short side shoots around the columnar shoots. It will be enough to carefully lift them and tie them to the support with a soft tape or place them between the main shoots. This will add volume to your floral design.
5. Loosely tie the shoots around the column at the very top of the support to prevent the bush from falling apart under the weight of the inflorescences.

How exquisite climbing roses look on fences. Caring for a plant is not an easy process, requiring a certain amount of time and effort. But no difficulties can keep florists from planting a climbing rose on their site.

Popular varieties of climbing roses

Before purchasing the planting material for this flower, you need to have information about its varieties. Depending on the species, the care and planting of the climbing rose may differ. Some varieties are quite unpretentious to soil, watering and fertilizers. Others are the other way around.

The most common varieties of climbing roses:

  • "Flammentant" - a species that tolerates cold weather well;
  • "Dortmund" - the growth of the bush reaches two meters, blooms with bright red flowers on a dark green background of leaves;
  • "Heidelberg" - hardy and unpretentious, blooms with large scarlet blooms;
  • "New Down" - the height of the bush can be six meters. The color of the buds is light pink, resistant to diseases;
  • "Climbing Minehaha" - blooms pink in the last month of spring, the height of the bush can reach four meters;
  • "Dorothy Perkins" - the buds of this variety are not large (up to three centimeters in diameter), the plant has bright green leaves.

When is a climbing rose planting and how to prepare the soil?

Growing a climbing rose begins with planting it. It is worth purchasing planting material in advance, choosing a site and preparing the soil.

Climbing roses are planted in spring or autumn.

Previously, a piece of land must be dug to a depth bayonet shovel... Add peat, lime and humus in equal proportions to the soil. Planting a climbing rose begins with digging holes. The pits should be half a meter by half a meter. Wells should be well spilled with water.

It is better to put a mixture of manure (2.5 kilograms), clay (5 kilograms) and phosphorobacterin tablets (2 pieces) on the bottom. The compound must be thoroughly mixed until smooth.

Planting a climbing rose

The purchased climbing rose bush requires preliminary preparation for planting. Shoots and root system should be cut to the same length, no more than thirty centimeters. This approach will strengthen the bush and ensure abundant flowering.

Sections on the roots are treated with ash, and on the shoots - with garden pitch. This is done in order to protect the climbing rose from infections and to speed up the healing process. After planting, the seedling should be covered with earth, for successful wintering... Between young bushes, you need to leave a distance of about a meter and a half.

When placing a seedling in a planting hole, it is worth carefully spreading the roots of the plant. Falling asleep the soil, you need to tamp it so that voids do not form. If there are gaps between the roots, there is a risk of frost damage.

When planting a weaving rose or walls of a house, you need to leave a distance of about half a meter between them.

Climbing rose care

The basic rules for caring for a climbing rose are:

  • trimming;
  • top dressing;
  • watering;

It is especially important to keep an eye on young fallow trees, they need to be regularly watered and fertilized with useful minerals. Root plot of land as it gets dirty weeds weed and loosen.

Already in the middle of autumn, you need to start preparing for the winter period. On any September day, weak shoots are selected and cut off. Scourges of climbing roses will independently begin to fall to the ground (a little later they are covered). After a couple of weeks, the branches of the plant will get used to the horizontal position. At this time, the lashes need to be collected in bunches, consisting of three to four pieces, and treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

When the air temperature drops below five degrees, it is worth cutting off all the leaves, and covering the bare branches.

Shelter for the winter

Caring for a climbing rose also consists in properly covering it for the winter. In the place where the lashes of the plant lay, you need to dig small depressions. At their bottom, fold the fallen leaves, place the lashes of the rose there and cover it on top with the same material. A film or roofing material is also laid on a natural shelter. In the spring, the plant will need to be opened.

Proper care of the climbing rose is not possible without the pruning process. In the spring, weak and damaged shoots should be identified on the bush. Such branches must be removed.

In the summer, already faded lashes are cut off, in this way the bush rejuvenates and forms new shoots.

What and how to feed

If you know how to care for a climbing rose, then you can grow a beautiful bush with abundant flowering. The plant is demanding for feeding; during the growth period, you need to fertilize the flower more than five times. The development of the rose will be positively affected by the introduction of mineral and organic matter... It is desirable to alternate them. During the flowering period, the plant is not fed.

Climbing roses are drought-resistant flowers, waterlogging of the soil for them can lead to death. There is also a great risk of being exposed to various diseases. Therefore, the plant is not watered often, about once every seven days.

Disease and pest control

Some of the most common diseases in climbing roses are:

  • bark cancer;
  • powdery mildew.

If they are not treated, the plant will quickly die. Powdery mildew is removed using Bordeaux liquid. With this tool, it is worth spraying the bushes at least three times within two weeks.

The fight against bark cancer is difficult, so it is better to take preventive measures. For example, timely shelter and release from it. If the plant has undergone a disease, then the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe rose must be cut off. It should definitely be burned.

The pests of the climbing beauty are:

  • spider mite.

The safest method of protection against aphids and spider mites is to spray the bush with decoctions of nettle and horsetail. But in the case of a strong defeat of the rose, you need to resort to insecticides.

The most popular decoration for fences and walls are climbing roses. A photo against the background of this plant is an indescribable beauty that any gardener can grow.

Video - caring for a climbing rose

Climbing roses are a great decoration suburban area... They have many advantages over other varieties of roses. With their help, it is easy to effectively fill empty space, bring fabulous notes into your garden and hide many details that seem unattractive.

A plus of many varieties of climbing roses is their unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature extremes. These flowers will delight you with their luxury and fragrance throughout the summer and will perfectly endure the winter.

Semi-plaited roses can rightfully be called the most unpretentious. They are very winter hardy, so the chances of their death after sudden drops in temperature are extremely small. In addition, semi-leafy roses are almost not susceptible to diseases, do not require special care and can be planted in various areas of the summer cottage.

Main distinctive feature semi-growing roses are large shoots. They can reach three meters. Despite the large amount of greenery, the plant looks very attractive. Large luxurious flowers overshadowed by stems and leaves.

"Flammentanz" - one of the most popular varieties of semi-climbing roses. Its shoots are very long and massive, and the flowers are distinguished by a dark raspberry shade and double texture. The approximate size of a flower is about eight centimeters. Their smell can hardly be called pronounced. These roses bloom only one summer.

Rose Flammentanz

- a variety of roses that differ from many others in a large number of shoots reaching up to four meters in height. The flowers of this plant are collected in a brush. Their color is yellow, their structure is velvety, and their size can reach ten centimeters.

This variety is suitable for those looking for roses with an unusual aroma. Golden Gate smells like tropical fruits. In return for their splendor, roses require good shelter in winter period and on rainy days. They are often damaged by pests, so it is worth keeping an eye on these plants.

"Sympathie" - a variety of roses with gorgeous bright red buds. It grows well not only in length but also in width. The stems are approximately three meters long, and the total width of the bush usually reaches two meters. Flowers can have different diameters, but are always collected in small brushes.

Flowers of this variety delight with rapid growth and resistance to various negative factors. They have only one drawback - a lot of buds with petals will decorate the bush only for the first year. Further, their number will decrease.

A distinctive feature of this variety is its large flowers, the diameter of which can reach fifteen meters. Despite their massiveness, they are very delicate, because they have an attractive milky shade. The stems are not too long. They rarely exceed two and a half meters. The bush is very lush and spreading.

"Laguna" - a variety of roses with cystic flowering. The petals and buds have a rich pink tint and a velvet texture. The peculiarity of the rose is its very strong aroma. It can be caught even when you are a few meters from the bush.

Small-flowered climbing roses

All varieties of this type are characterized by long, thin shoots that bend well. Their length can be different - from two to sixteen meters. They are decorated with small flowers, rarely having a diameter of more than five centimeters.

"Super Excelsa" - variety of double roses with bright flowers fuchsia colors. The approximate diameter of one flower is four centimeters. Blooming brushes are very large. The bush cannot be called long or lush, since its maximum total area is four square centimeters.

Roses of this variety perfectly tolerate heat and frost. It is advisable to place them in the shady areas of the site, since the flowers quickly lose their rich shade after contact with the sun's rays.

The variety will win connoisseurs of tenderness. Its miniature flowers look like white balls. Usually there are from five to twenty-five flowers on one brush. The leaves of the plant are very small and dark, thorns are practically absent.

Advantages of the variety - roses bloom almost continuously. They can be used not only to decorate vertical surfaces, but also for location on the ground. Snow Goose does not require any special care.

- a godsend for those who want to feel the aroma of flowers and enjoy their splendor before the frost begins. But you should not expect early flowering, since the buds appear only in late spring.

The standard stem length is about three meters. The bush is not lush, its width rarely exceeds a meter. The leaves of the plant are bright green. Flower shades depend on the type of variety, but most often you can find crimson.

Roses are classified as chameleons. At the beginning of flowering, their petals have a shade ivory, but after some time in the sun, they become snow-white. Flowers are collected in brushes. One brush can contain fifty flowers.

The maximum length of the bush is five meters. It does not require dense winter shelter, very easy to carry high temperatures and easy to cut.

Large-flowered climbing roses

They should be preferred if you like strong scents and lack a touch of luxury in the landscape. A characteristic feature of their flowers is a large diameter. Many varieties belonging to this group have a minus - poor frost tolerance. They are able to survive the winter, but only with good shelter.

Roses varieties "Santana" have a very bright red color that does not fade in the sun. The flowers of the plant are large enough. Their diameter is ten centimeters, the texture is semi-double.

The average height of the bush is three meters. Roses of the "Santana" variety are not demanding and easily tolerate any changes in the weather.

Roses of the variety are no less large flowers. Their diameter can reach thirteen centimeters, and their color can be called delicate coral or apricot. The bush is not tall, as its length rarely exceeds two meters.

Polka roses bloom several times throughout the season. Flowers are resistant to rain and disease, but they should be insulated for the winter.

If you are looking for the most unpretentious variety of climbing roses with large flowers, take a closer look at "Don Juan"... Twelve centimeter buds with burgundy petals are located on a large bush, which usually reaches three meters in length and two meters in width.

Roses of this variety rarely get sick and freeze. They do not need to be covered, even in heavy rain.

If you believe that exotic-colored roses can only be obtained after staining, the variety will dispel your doubts. The flowers in the inflorescences of this plant stand out from the rest because of the delicate lilac shade. Swampy green leaves contrast attractively with them.

For the variety "Casino" characteristic large double flowers saturated yellow color... These roses are great for framing vertical surfaces.

Care should be taken when handling Casino roses, as they have large thorns. They do not need special care.

Those who like very large double flowers should take into account the variety "Elfe"... They have a delicate white-green hue and a strong fruity scent.

The bush is not high, because it rarely exceeds two and a half meters. Such roses do not tolerate heavy rains, but they are resistant to diseases and frost.

What do you need to know about planting climbing roses and caring for them?

If you are determined to decorate your garden with climbing roses, plant them in late spring. Roses planted in the fall will not have time to adapt and will certainly die.

The basic landing technique involves several points.

After planting, the roses should be well watered. Then they need to be watered moderately, since they suffer from excessive moisture.

You only need to cut off what has faded to give splendor to the bush, and areas affected by diseases. In order not to have to remove shoots due to diseases, water the plant with Bordeaux liquid when white spots appear on the leaves and use insecticides or nettle decoction in case of plant damage by spider mites or aphids.

Even frost-resistant varieties should be covered for the winter. But you need to do this after the first frost (minus four degrees). If you cover the roses earlier, they will not have time to acquire good immunity and are unlikely to survive the winter.

Would you like to bring chic notes to your garden with climbing roses but don't know how to apply them? Here are a few places where they will look good:

  • walls of buildings;
  • fences;
  • arches;
  • straight frame (you get the illusion of a living fence);
  • curly frame;
  • the corridor.

Combinations of two varieties of roses look unusually attractive. The table shows the most profitable solutions.

Video - How to properly plant and care for a climbing rose
