To the question "Is it possible to do something about this, or is it better to forget about insulation from the inside country house and insulate the outside walls? " the answer is as follows: "Yes, with the right approach to the thermal insulation of a private house, built of any materials - brick, aerated concrete, log, stone or panel building, all these problems are quite solvable"

So that after warming from the inside of the country house you do not face unpleasant consequences, the thermal insulation of the walls, floor and ceiling should be performed taking into account the following recommendations (relevant for those who do the work with their own hands):

  • Mandatory presence of a vapor barrier film. At the same time, it is better not to save on the quality of the film, as well as on materials for sealing its joints;
  • The materials used for the insulation of a stone, brick, wood, or aerated concrete house, from the inside, must have a minimum thermal conductivity. It is best that this indicator for the insulation is less than that of the wall itself;
  • When installing a heat insulator, care must be taken to ensure that no voids remain between it and the wall of a private house. The most tight contact can be achieved by evenly spreading the glue on the back surface of the insulation;
  • To reduce the humidity inside a private house, it is best to make forced ventilation and put;
  • It is necessary to make a careful calculation of the thickness of the heat-insulating material for the insulation of walls and ceilings, based on climatic conditions your region;
  • Before installing the insulation, the surface of the walls and ceiling of the log and panel house is covered with special compounds that prevent mold.

Of course, for the highest-quality insulation, it would not be superfluous to carry out complex thermal insulation of the walls outside the house, however, if for some reason you cannot do this, be calm, even without wall insulation outside, the implementation of the above rules ensures that the internal thermal insulation will be effective and hassle-free.

2 How to insulate?

Requirements for thermal insulation materials for internal installation differ from those that are put forward to insulate the walls from the outside.

As mentioned above, one of the main requirements is the minimum vapor conductivity, however, this factor can be compensated for by the presence of high-quality vapor barrier material.

Insulation for interior decoration a private house must be environmentally friendly - this is one of the key characteristics that you need to pay attention to.

The thermal conductivity of the material is also important, since the thickness of the insulation will need to be used directly depends on it.

It is in our interests not to use for internal insulation walls and ceiling of a log, panel board, or a house made of aerated concrete and bricks, thick insulation, which will reduce the useful space of the room.

2.1 Mineral wool or expanded polystyrene?

2.2 We insulate the walls from inside the house

Warming of the inner surface of the walls of a house made of wood or aerated concrete with expanded polystyrene is carried out in one layer on a previously prepared surface. In general, the algorithm for doing work with your own hands is as follows:

2.3 We insulate the floor inside the house

Expanded polystyrene can be used to insulate both the lagged floor and the floor under concrete screed... When insulating a lagged floor with your own hands, the insulation plates are simply adjusted in size and laid out between the lags. In this case, the plates will not experience any stress, and you can do with any polystyrene foam.

For thermal insulation of a screed house made of aerated concrete, or a garden panel house, it is necessary to use special high-strength polystyrene plates. The sequence of layers of insulated floor is as follows:

  1. Waterproofing film (installed with an overlap of 10 cm);
  2. Insulation layer;
  3. Reinforcing mesh fixed with ordinary mortar;
  4. Finishing screed (as a rule, a screed thickness of 5-8 cm is sufficient).

2.4 We insulate the ceiling of the house

Thermal insulation of the ceiling with slab insulation has the following sequence:

  1. The ceiling is cleaned of dirt, leveled and primed;
  2. On expanded polystyrene plates the adhesive is evenly applied;
  3. The boards are firmly glued to the ceiling;
  4. After the glue dries, the slab insulation is additionally fixed with umbrella-shaped dowels;
  5. A putty mesh is installed on top of the insulation;
  6. The ceiling surface is leveled with putty.

2.5 The nuances of warming a country house with your own hands (video)

To properly insulate house walls, you don't need to be a professional at all. For independent work only skillful hands are needed, a great desire, as well as a certain amount to purchase high-quality insulation for the walls inside the house in the country.

Wall insulation inside the house: types of insulation

Insulation can be conditionally divided for classification as follows:

  • leafy - Styrofoam;
  • wadded – ;
  • foamy - a kind of polymers;
  • exotic - sheep wool, reeds.

The choice depends only on the wishes of the consumer and the conditions of the room.

Mineral wool

Insulation work is divided into the following stages:

  1. Preparation of components.
  2. Fixing the material to the walls.
  3. Reliable isolation.
  4. Hide the layer decoratively.

Initially, a basement cornice is arranged on the wall, fixed at the bottom with dowels. Then cotton wool is laid in several layers. If purchased plates, they are fixed with glue, and rolls - with press washers.

Then it is necessary to create steam insulation, which will prevent exposure of people to mineral dust, will not allow moisture to damage the insulation. The best option is vapor barrier, which only allows air to pass outside, and if moisture penetrates to the mineral wool, it will quickly evaporate or disappear.

The final stage is the decorative hiding of the insulation layer with plasterboard or other finishing materials.

Important: Installation of this material is a troublesome process. Although the slabs withstand deformation well, it is necessary to use protective equipment to ensure your own safety.

Expanded polystyrene

This material has a significant advantage - light weight and excellent moisture resistance... Expanded polystyrene is produced extruded and foamed. The types of manufacturing differ, but their properties are the same. Also, the advantage of the insulation is the ability to attach it without a frame or other structures. It is enough to have glue on hand.

Initially, you should level the walls as much as possible, treat them with a coating that protects against mold. After sustaining a 24-hour pause after that, you can start gluing the material. The required pieces of expanded polystyrene can be cut with a knife. Then glue is applied to the walls with a roller from the bottom up. Insulation plates must be fastened so that a T-shaped joint is obtained between them. After completing the sticker, you need to close the room for a couple of days to ensure high-quality drying.

After that, a reinforcing mesh is glued to the insulation. It is also treated with glue on top. The completion of the work is the application of putty or primer on the wall under the wallpaper.

Important: The material has excellent contact with completely different wall coverings - plaster, brick, concrete. If the house is insulated only from the inside, it should be understood that the walls can freeze through, condensation will appear on them. To prevent the penetration of moisture from the room behind the insulation, it is imperative to seal all joints between the plates.

Polyurethane foam

The most reliable insulation interior walls is polyurethane foam. It is applied with a special apparatus, inside of which the polyisocyinate and polyol are mixed. This creates foam that is sprayed onto the walls. There it solidifies, forming a sealed insulation layer. A frame must be installed on the walls before foam is applied.

A significant advantage of polyurethane foam is the speed of application, the tightness of the layer, the absence of the need to carry out fastening work. Before performing decorative work, the insulation must be plastered. After hardening, the material without maintenance will insulate the room for decades, it increases fire safety structures made of wood, perfectly withstands temperature changes, mechanical and thermal loads.

Wall insulation in the country

For a summer residence, which is often made of wood, the best material is a new generation of insulation - penoplex. It has increased fire resistance, it perfectly protects wood from weathering.

Warming of a summer residence with penoplex should be done as follows:

  1. Align the walls, patch up all the cracks on them.
  2. Fix the polyethylene to the surface of the walls with mounting tape.
  3. Prepare glue, avoiding lumps.
  4. Spread the plates with glue, fix them on the wall in a checkerboard pattern.
  5. Blow out polyurethane foam or glue the gaps in the joints between the plates.
  6. Fix each plate with plastic dowels.
  7. Apply glue on top, apply a reinforcing mesh, rolling it with a roller.
  8. After drying, you can do the facing work.

Average price of heaters for a summer residence

Consider the average cost of various interior wall insulation:

  • lightweight penoplex with a length of 1200 mm and a width of 600 mm, it is produced with a thickness of 20–100 mm, while the prices of packaging vary, on average, about 1300 rubles;
  • basalt insulation - 400 rubles;
  • packing "Isover" - 1400 rubles;
  • expanded polystyrene costs 1,700 rubles. per cubic meter material.


Internal insulation of the room makes certain requirements for the insulation used. Among them.

What material is better to choose for the internal insulation of the walls of a country house - we will figure it out in this article.

Criteria for choosing a heater for a country house

  • Thermal conductivity. The lower the thermal conductivity of the insulation, the more efficiently it will be maintained temperature regime inside the building: keep warm or cool.
  • Resistance to negative temperatures. If the cottage is not heated in winter, the temperature in it indoor areas it is often below zero, which can lead to the destruction of some types of thermal insulation.
  • Ease of installation. Most of the owners of summer cottages prefer to equip the house with their own hands, so the ease of installing insulation is of considerable importance.
  • Cost.A summer house, as a rule, is a house for temporary residence, for this reason, many people prefer budget types of insulation.

Advice 1. Be sure to take into account what material the house is built from. If for wooden buildings the air permeability of a heat insulator is fundamentally important, then for buildings made of brick or foam concrete this parameter is not so critical.

Advice 2. The moisture resistance of a building material is an important criterion for choosing a suitable thermal insulation for walls in the country. Consider whether the building will be heated in winter period... This determines the likelihood of condensation due to the temperature difference between the street and the house, which will subsequently contribute to the soaking of the insulating layer, and it will quickly collapse and lose its functionality.

This problem can be avoided by using a special vapor barrier film to protect the insulation from moisture.

Choosing a material for insulating the walls of a country house from the inside

Consider the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular heaters for summer cottages.

Mineral wool

Mineral wool is an inorganic porphyrite fiber. This material can be used to insulate a summer residence, provided that the walls of the house are additionally sheathed with wood, plasterboard or plastic. Mineral wool is also well suited for timber frame structures.


  • Resistance to temperature extremes. Mineral wool is excellent heat and sound insulation for any premises and buildings.
  • Elasticity. Due to the high level of resistance to temperature changes, it practically does not change its structure and shape.
  • Strength. This property allows it to be successfully used for insulating walls of buildings.
  • Non-flammability. It guarantees the safety of the building, since this material is practically not subject to ignition.
  • Doesn't require any special skills to work.


  • Fragilitycomplicating installation.
  • Hygroscopicity - mineral wool absorbs moisture and may lose its original properties.
  • The cost - above average in comparison with other materials.


Ecowool is the most environmentally friendly material among all types of insulation. Made from recycled cellulose, sprayed onto walls and has a thermal conductivity of 0.038 W / mK.


Perfectly letting in air, ecowool also actively absorbs moisture, but dries quickly without changing the thermal insulation parameters.

Ecowool is impregnated with special additives, due to which it is fire-resistant and biologically inert.


The disadvantages of this insulation include its considerable cost both in procurement and in installation, which requires certain skills and equipment.

Expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam is one of the most popular types of insulation among the owners of summer cottages. This material belongs to the middle price category and is characterized by a thermal conductivity of 0.032 to 0.044 W / mK.


High strength, moisture resistance, ease of installation are the key advantages of expanded polystyrene as a heater for the walls of country houses.


Among the disadvantages are poor air permeability, poor adhesion to the cladding, environmental friendliness and toxicity in case of fire.

Well suited for wall insulation of one-story buildings, including country cottages.


Polyfoam is the most inexpensive type of thermal insulation material, characterized by high moisture resistance, low thermal conductivity of the order of 0.037 W / mK and a service life of about 25 years.


The advantages of polystyrene also include its immunity to microorganisms (fungus, moss, rot), ease of installation due to its low weight, compressive and bending strength.


However, the foam does not withstand pinpoint impacts, refers to materials with poor air permeability and high toxicity in case of fire. Polyfoam is not recommended for insulation of wooden houses, but for thermal insulation brick walls it can be used successfully.

Advice 1. When insulating the walls of a house from the inside, keep in mind that the inner layer of insulation will "eat up" the usable area, so it is more expedient to insulate small summer houses outside.

Correct wall insulation country house is always a pressing issue for owners. It often arises again and again due to the fact that improved ones appear on the construction market, and this diversity makes it difficult to choose the best option.

As a rule, suburban areas are located relatively far from the city, so many people prefer to spend all their free time at the dacha, from early spring to late autumn. As you know, during this period, the nights are still or are already cold, and the thin walls of light buildings are not able to retain heat inside the premises, so sooner or later the problem of their high-quality thermal insulation becomes more acute. Moreover, some owners are not averse to spending Christmas and New Year's holidays in suburban conditions, but without reliable insulation, this desire will simply be unrealistic.

Insulation for the walls inside the house in the country can be used in different ways, especially since the modern rich assortment allows you to choose it for every taste and "wallet". In order to save on heating the country house and create a comfortable microclimate in it for recreation, it is necessary to select high-quality material. It should not only help maintain the required temperature in the premises, but also be safe for the health of residents, and also serve for many years without losing its thermal insulation qualities. Therefore, for a start, it is worth highlighting the criteria by which it is necessary to choose a heater installed inside residential premises.

Criteria for choosing insulation for walls

Any material used in the construction or decoration of residential buildings must meet sanitary requirements and comply with safety rules. According to the same principles, should be chosen and insulation material.

The main criteria for evaluating thermal insulation materials are as follows:

  • Environmental safety of the insulation.The material under the specified operating conditions (within the specified temperature range) must not emit harmful vapors.
  • Resistant to fire.A very important condition, especially for suburban light buildings, which can be heated by stoves in cold weather. The material must be non-flammable (NG), or have the lowest flammability category (G1).
  • Energy saving... Insulation, of course, must have low thermal conductivity.
  • Soundproof material qualities... Perhaps this property may not seem so important for summer cottages, however, this would be a delusion. Sometimes, even outside the city, the site can be surrounded by not too calm neighbors, who turn on music at maximum volume at any time of the day. At dachas, agricultural or garden motorized equipment is often used. There may be a busy highway or branch nearby. railroad... Therefore, it will also be useful to take into account this quality of the insulation material.
  • Vapor permeability of insulation... This quality is necessary so that all vapors that invariably arise and accumulate in the premises of the house do not stay inside the thermal insulation layer, but get a free exit into the atmosphere. Otherwise, the insulation will drastically lose its thermal insulation qualities, and besides, sooner or later, mold will appear in it, which will spread along the walls, and then into the structure of the material from which they are built.
  • Durability of the material... In order not to replace the insulation every 4 ÷ 5 years due to the fact that it simply will not perform the declared functions, it will be reasonable to immediately choose the material of a trusted manufacturer who values \u200b\u200bits reputation and will not deceive its buyer.
  • Strength insulation material. It is, rather, not about rigidity (not all heaters have such a property), but about the ability to keep a given shape, since various loads act on it during operation - static dynamic, vibrational, etc.
  • Biological and chemical stability. The material should not decompose over time, undergo rotting or chemical decomposition Another quality that is desirable for heaters used for insulation country houses, both inside and outside - they should not be a favorable habitat for insects and rodents.

  • In addition, to achieve the desired effect, you need to choose insulation that is ideal for the material from which the house is built - there are some incompatibilities in this matter. Moreover, the thickness of the insulation is also selected taking into account the thickness and material of the outer walls.

The main types of insulation materials

Several types of heaters are suitable for insulating a country house from the inside. To help figure out which one to choose, their characteristics will be discussed in more detail below.

So, this list of thermal insulation materials includes:

  • Basalt and glass wool, which can be purchased in mats or rolls.
  • Ecowool, made from cellulose fibers, in bulk or formed into mats.
  • Expanded polystyrene in plates.
  • Sprayed materials - penoizol or

Before moving on to detailed descriptions characteristics, you need to immediately study their comparative description, which may help to take the first step towards the right choice insulation:

IllustrationMaterial nameThe main advantages of insulationSignificant material flaws
Glass wool- affordable price with sufficiently high performance characteristics;
- high vapor permeability
- hygroscopic;
- slightly flammable (G1),
- inferior in ecological qualities to basalt wool;
- there is a tendency towards gradual caking.
Basalt wool- non-flammable (NG);
- durable;
- has high thermal insulation characteristics;
- excellent vapor permeability
- relatively hygroscopic, but the improved material has a pronounced hydrophobicity.
- much more expensive than glass wool.
- low moisture absorption,
- high thermal insulation qualities;
- lightweight;
- non-toxic under normal conditions;
- durable;
- resistant to the influence of ultraviolet rays;
- high mechanical strength.
- combustible at high temperatures;
- during thermal decomposition, releases an extremely toxic gas;
- almost complete lack of vapor permeability.
Polyurethane foam- not afraid of moisture;
- has the highest thermal resistance.
- slightly flammable (G1);
- almost complete absence of vapor permeability;
- Difficulty in application - special equipment and certain experience are required.
Ecowool- environmentally friendly material;
- excellent heat insulator;
- durability, biological resistance.
- slightly flammable (G1);
- hygroscopic;
- a tendency to caking is possible (with a "dry" method of use).

The main physical and operational characteristics of these heaters are as follows:

Material nameDensity,
kg / m³
Coefficient of thermal conductivity,
W / (m × ° C)
Water vapor permeability,
mg / (m / h / Pa)
Moisture absorption,
kg / m²
Glass wool15 ÷ 400.039 ÷ 0.0460.4 ÷ 0.60.55 ÷ 1.0
Basalt wool30 ÷ 500.035 ÷ 0.0420.4 ÷ 0.60.1 ÷ 0.5
Extruded polystyrene foam35 ÷ 450.030 ÷ 0.0350.0 ÷ 0.0130.01 ÷ 0.05
Polyurethane foam30 ÷ 800.024 ÷ 0.0300.0 ÷ 0.0050.01 ÷ 0.05
Ecowool (mats)33 ÷ 750.038 ÷ 0.0450.3 ÷ 0.50.3 ÷ 0.8

It should be noted that improved types of these heaters are being produced, which have improved performance indicators. Their parameters will be presented below.

Glass wool

Glass wool is made from fibers obtained by melting quartz sand (glass breakage) and some additives. The average fiber length is 30 ÷ 50 mm. The resulting mats have a fairly high form stability and vibration resistance.

Glass wool has good sound insulation and chemical resistance, high thermal insulation performance. The working temperature range of the material is from - 60 to + 180 ° С. When this temperature is exceeded, the fibers themselves remain intact, but the binder resinous substance undergoes destructuring, therefore the fibrous structure can sinter or disintegrate.

Glass wool is used mainly for insulating non-residential premises, since its fibers are particularly fragile, and it is undesirable for them to enter the air of inhabited rooms.

In addition, mice may well settle in layers of glass wool, arranging nests and passages in it. Therefore, in country houses, it can be used if measures are taken to protect the structure from rodents.

The rodent problem can be very acute!

How to achieve good thermal insulation at home and at the same time try to avoid close proximity with rodents - read the article, which can be found on the pages of our portal.

Now we will consider several brands of glass wool, which, in terms of their quality and performance characteristics, can be safely considered standard.


One of the most famous brands mineral wool fiberglass based is "Isover". Such insulation is produced in slabs and rolls, and can have different densities. For example, if thermal insulation is laid under thick plaster, then rigid boards with a higher density are selected - these are Isover OL-E and Isover OL-A.

Isover glass wool is made of quartz sand with the addition of soda and limestone, and synthetic phenol-formaldehyde resins are used as a binder for the fibers. After mixing the finished fibers with a binder composition, they are subjected to heat treatment with pressing, due to which the mats acquire the necessary rigidity. Isover materials are renowned for their durability.

The main characteristics of these heaters are shown in the table:


Another well-known brand of insulation of this type is "URSA". The technologists of this company managed to minimize the characteristic disadvantages of glass wool. The material is distinguished by excellent durability, strength of fibers, and the special structure of mats and plates extremely simplifies their installation when insulating building structures.

The variety of URSA heaters is extremely large. In the practice of private construction, it is recommended to use the URSA GEO range of materials, as they are maximally adapted to such conditions and safe for human health.

Some heaters of the URSA GEO line are presented in the table below:

Insulation type "URSA GEO"Vapor permeability coefficient, mg / (m × h × Pa)Recommended scope
"M-11"0.04 0.64 One of the most popular types, universal application
"Mini"0,041 0.64 The same universal material, but made in mini rolls, which is convenient for certain areas of insulation
"Private house"0,041 0.64 The name speaks for itself - easy to use in the construction of private houses
"Universal plates"0,036 0.51 Material in slabs, intended mainly for wall insulation
"Light"0,044 0.64 Lightweight type, universal application. Mainly - for use in horizontal unloaded structures (for example, floor on logs or attic floor)
"Pitched roof"0,035 0.64 Convenient packaging - slabs in a roll. The main purpose is roof insulation.
"Noise protection"0,04 0.64 Material for noise insulation, e.g. internal interior partitions, sound absorption class "B".
"Frame"0,035 0.64 For use in frame structures walls or floors.

Heaters based on basalt wool

Such heaters are made from melt of gabbro-basalt rocks, and it is considered the best option for insulation of walls and other surfaces inside the premises of private houses. The thermal conductivity of basalt fiber materials is comparable to glass wool, but they have much more suitable qualities for use in residential premises. For example, "stone" fibers are not as brittle as glass ones, and slabs usually have a higher density, which means that the strength properties of basalt insulation are significantly higher.

Basalt wool is produced in slabs and rolls, which can be additionally stitched and equipped, increasing the insulation effect. General characteristics basalt wool were presented in the table, and specific qualities for its individual varieties will be shown below.

There are many well-known brands of basalt heaters, foreign and domestic, on the domestic market. Some of the most popular are Technonikol, Rockwool and « Knauf ".


The table shows the popular brands of basalt wool from the TechnoNIKOL company, which are perfect for thermal insulation of a private country house.

Material gradeThermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m × ° С)Compressibility,%, no moreWater vapor permeability, Mg / (m × h × Pa)Moisture absorption, kg / m2Density, kg / m³
"Rocklight"0.037 ÷ 0.04130 0.3 2 30 ÷ 40
Technolight0.036 ÷ 0.04120 0.3 1,5 30 ÷ 38
"Teploroll"0.036 ÷ 0.04155 0.3 2 25 ÷ 35
"Technoacoustic"0.035 ÷ 0.04010 0.3 1,5 38 ÷ 45


The Rockwool company can be called the most eminent in the production of basalt insulation. She is a kind of "trendsetter", constantly modifying her products, bringing them to perfection. So, basalt wool "Rockwool" was assigned the category NG, that is, the material is recognized as absolutely non-combustible thanks to improved manufacturing technology.

This manufacturer produces a very wide variety of basalt-based insulation. But in our case, for wall insulation in the country, the best choice will be "ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS" or "ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS SCANDIC".

The main parameters of the "ROCKWOOL LIGHT BATTS" type insulation are given in the table:

The name of the main operational parameters of the materialIndicators
Thermal conductivity coefficient (W / m × ° С):
- calculated at t \u003d 10 ° С0,036
- calculated at t \u003d 25 ° С0,037
- operational under conditions "A" (normal conditions)0,039
- operational under conditions "B" (high humidity conditions)0,041
Flammability group NG
Fire safety class KM0
Water vapor permeability (mg / (m × h × Pa), not less 0.03
Partial immersion moisture absorption no more than 1kg / m²
Insulation plate dimensions 1000 × 600 mm
Slab thickness 50 or 100 mm
Video: ROCKWOOL basalt mineral wool is an excellent material for wall insulation

« Knauf»

« Knauf"Is a German company that is well known to the Russian consumer, as it specializes in the production of various building materialswith guaranteed quality. Basalt heaters of this brand are no exception.

For insulation, you can choose the material of the "Insulation" line - but they are considered professional-class insulation, which, of course, is reflected in the price. For private housing construction, a special line of products is provided, with the very characteristic names TeploKNAUF Cottage, House and Dacha. The characteristics of these heaters are shown in the table:

Material nameFlammability groupThermal conductivity coefficient, W / (m × ° С)Plate size (mat)Plate thickness (mat)
"TeploKNAUF Cottage"NG0,037 slab 1230 × 610
roll 6148 × 1220
"TeploKNAUF House"NG0.040 plate 1230 × 61050
"TeploKNAUF Dacha"NG0,044 roll 7380 × 122050
Note: for slab heaters, the line has been expanded by the types "Cottage +" and "House +". Their difference is in the thickness of the material, which is 100 mm

It should be noted that even the highest quality mineral wool has a common drawback - these are components that bind fibers, which are capable of emitting fumes harmful to humans into the environment. However, in our time, leading manufacturers make bold claims that they completely abandon the use of formaldehyde resins, using innovative technologies the formation of the fibrous structure of the insulation. Of course, such materials should be preferred.

Extruded polystyrene foam

Everyone is familiar with a very popular insulation material, which is widely used in private construction. But you need to be extremely careful with its use, since it has a number of very serious shortcomings, due to which it was completely abandoned in many European countries.

These negative properties of expanded polystyrene include:

  • High flammability of the material. Moreover, during combustion, it actively melts and spreads, as well as the release of toxic smoke, which is deadly to human life.
  • With prolonged use, the foam also begins to emit toxic fumes into the environment (its chemical structure cannot be attributed to stable organic compounds). Such fumes, containing the toxic free styrene, are able to penetrate even through concrete walls.
  • In addition, mice can easily gnaw through ordinary foam, and if it has a thickness of 80 ÷ 100 mm, then they may well arrange their home in it.

Glass wool

Extruded polystyrene foam has a fine-celled structure and is obtained by melting polystyrene granules while heating them to high temperatures, introducing a blowing agent into the melt, and then shaping it by pressing through the nozzles of the extruder. ... Moreover, it is important to note that if earlier foaming took place with the use of freons, which are not harmless to humans, today they are replaced by CFC-free compounds based on ordinary carbon dioxide.

Unlike foam, extruded polystyrene foam, due to its density and lack of vapor permeability, does not attract rodents as a permanent residence, and they can only gnaw it in several places.

Extruded polystyrene foam has a low coefficient of moisture absorption and thermal conductivity, high compressive strength, excellent frost resistance and chemical resistance. In addition, the material is not subject to decay, so it is excellent for both indoor and outdoor use.

There are several well-known brands of such heaters on the Russian market, and it is recommended to choose the material from trusted manufacturers, since thermal insulation of unknown origin, most likely, will not meet all the requirements for efficiency and safety of operation.


Styrodur solid extruded polystyrene foam is used in various areas of construction. It is excellent for insulating not only walls, floors and attic floors, but even for the foundations of houses.

Insulation "Styrodur" has the following physical and operational characteristics:

average density material 25 ÷ 45 kg / m³;

- thermal conductivity 0.025 ÷ 0.033 W / (m × ° C);

- water absorption - no more than 0.1 ÷ 0.5% of the volume;

- maximum temperature of use - +75 ° С.

- vapor permeability 0.008-0.009 Mg / (m × h × Pa).

This material is produced in the form of light green slabs. They are equipped with tongue-and-groove lamellas, which allows you to create an integral coating for the wall surface, without leaving "cold bridges". The insulation is non-toxic, odorless and does not form dust, therefore it is well suited at home and summer cottages.


Another, more popular among the domestic consumer, insulation from this series is, which has several varieties that speak eloquently about its purpose - these are "Wall", "Foundation", "Roof" and universal - "Comfort". For wall insulation, two types are suitable - "Wall" and "Comfort".

The dimensions of the insulation boards are shown in the table below:

The main technical and operational characteristics of Penoplex are as follows:

- thermal conductivity coefficient - 0.030 W / (m × ° С);

- water absorption - no more than 0.2 ÷ 0.4% of the volume;

- vapor permeability - 0.007 ÷ 0.008 Mg / (m × h × Pa);

- range of operating temperatures - from -50 to +75 ° С;

- durability declared by the manufacturer - 50 years.

  • "Penoplex S", intended for insulation of internal and external walls, contains fire retardants, which make the material resistant to fire (G1). Due to its high thermal insulation qualities, low moisture absorption, resistance to temperature changes and the presence of lock connection this type of insulation is able to create reliable thermal protection for the premises of the house.
  • "Penoplex F", used to insulate the foundation, is produced without the addition of fire retardants, since they are not needed, because part of the base to be insulated is in the ground, which reduces the risk of any kind of fire to zero. Therefore, due to the lack of fire resistance (the material usually belongs to the G4 category), such insulation cannot be used to insulate wooden floors and walls.
  • "Penoplex K", although it has a specific purpose - for roof slopes, can be used in all areas of building insulation, therefore it is one of the most popular types.
  • "Penoplex Comfort" is a material of increased versatility, designed specifically for use in residential construction, therefore it is well suited for thermal insulation of dacha walls.

The owners of summer cottages are forced to use insulation for the walls inside the house in the country, because the small area of \u200b\u200bthe allocated land does not allow them to swing around with the construction of a solid house.

Walls without insulation do not allow maintaining a comfortable temperature in a country house during a cold snap, which means that it is uncomfortable to stay in such houses overnight on the weekend, to spend a vacation at the country house. The way out of this situation is to insulate the cottage from the inside.

It must meet the following criteria:

  • Be safe, do not emit harmful elements at operating temperatures:
  • Have low thermal conductivity;
  • Be resistant to ignition, non-flammable;
  • Fully exploited for a long time;
  • Should not rot, decompose, create conditions for the life of rodents and insects;
  • Have a high vapor permeability so that all vapors can freely escape from the room;
  • Sound absorption properties are desirable.

Types of heaters, their pros and cons

  • Manual method;
  • Machine driven, with a compressor.

Modern industry produces the following types of wall insulation:

  • Mineral wool;
  • Ecowool;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Sprayed materials;
  • Bulk materials.

All of them are suitable for warming houses, but differ in the method of application, environmental friendliness, price, availability, ease of use. The best insulation for the walls of each summer resident. To choose the right insulation for wooden walls, the operational properties of all heat insulators to be used should be studied.

Mineral wool

The most common isover fiberglass mineral wool. It reliably retains heat, perfectly absorbs sound, is easy to cut to the desired size, fit and secured, does not absorb moisture, does not deform over time, is vapor permeable, does not ignite. The disadvantages include significant thickness, which reduces the usable area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Isover mineral wool is produced in the form of plates or rolls. Plates are more often used for small rooms, roll insulation for walls - if the insulated area is large. Basalt insulation for walls it is made of molten gabbro-basalt rocks. It is denser when compared to glass wool, its fibers are less brittle and brittle.

Ecowool differs from mineral wool in a more environmentally friendly composition. Its main component is cellulose. Sold in bulk or slabs.

Expanded polystyrene

Extruded polystyrene foam is obtained by foaming polystyrene at high temperature carbon dioxide. The material has a fine-mesh structure. When hot, it can be given any shape. Plates are used to insulate flat surfaces.

It is light in weight, keeps heat well, has sufficient density not to become a habitat for rodents, and is easy to cut. It is durable, frost-resistant, slightly flammable, self-extinguishing, does not absorb moisture. Expanded polystyrene sheets are attached with special glue or self-tapping screws.

The most common on the market among expanded polystyrene heat insulators is a foam insulation for walls. Expanded polystyrene is replacing the widespread foam in the market. Foam insulation is inferior to expanded polystyrene in flammability and strength, but significantly wins in price.

Polyurethane foam

Foam wall insulation - the new kind thermal insulation materials. The foam heat insulator is applied to the wall with special equipment. When applied, the foam expands and fills all irregularities and crevices, creates a monolithic heat-insulating coating of the required thickness.

Cures quickly, can be coated in one or more layers. It is vulnerable to ultraviolet rays, so it should be covered with a finishing layer, such as drywall, as soon as possible. The advantages of polyurethane foam are efficiency, speed of application, good adhesion properties.

The disadvantage is the higher cost, the need for special equipment and trained specialists. But these disadvantages pay off with the speed and quality of work.

It is convenient to use penofol or foamed polyethylene for wall insulation. It is produced in rolls, has a small thickness and weight.

Wall insulation inside the premises

Dry bulk materials

Loose insulation for walls, for example, expanded clay, foam glass, is poured between two walls. To do this, build another wall of brick, stone, planks, metal or other suitable material... Sometimes the walls are insulated with sawdust, pine needles.

Such materials are tempting with their cheapness, sometimes they are obtained for free. But they have very significant drawbacks: flammability, laboriousness of the insulation process, significant thickness of the heat-insulating layer, attractiveness to rodents.

Other heaters

Some other types of wall insulation allow you to quickly and efficiently insulate a country house.

Foil insulation for walls works effectively. There are the following types:

  • Foil mineral wool;
  • Expanded polystyrene;
  • Foamed polyethylene.

The heat insulator layer is covered on one or both sides with a foil layer. It has high thermal conductivity and is not a heater, but thanks to its gloss it reflects heat well into the room.

  • Foil serves as waterproofing. When installing foil-clad heaters, a gap must be left between the wall and the foil. Foil insulation for walls can be used for floor and ceiling insulation.
  • Liquid insulation for walls is a novelty in energy saving. Liquid ceramic insulation can be used for insulation inside and out of the building. Insulation paint is applied with a brush or roller, but when using a spray gun or special equipment, the material consumption is reduced.
  • Main advantages: it is quickly applied, a thin layer of insulation does not take up the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe room. Liquid insulation for walls, when carefully applied, completely covers the surface, filling any gaps.

Floor insulation

Cold air penetrates from the frozen ground and accumulates at the bottom of the room, therefore, for a comfortable life, you need to warm the floor in the country with your own hands. If you do not plan to completely replace the existing floor, the existing floor can serve as a sub-floor. A vapor barrier is laid on it, then a layer of heat insulator, again a vapor barrier and a finishing floor.

Calculation of the thickness of the insulation

The thickness of the insulation for the walls directly depends on the thermal conductivity of the material. To determine it, you need to make a simple calculation. Resistance to heat transfer is determined by multiplying the thermal conductivity of the material by the layer thickness. If the wall consists of several layers, then the resistance to heat transfer of the wall will consist of the resistance to heat transfer of each layer.

Several layers of insulation are most often used for frame walls... Depending on the climatic conditions for each region, specialists have calculated the standard resistance to heat transfer of the outer walls of buildings.

Knowing its value for your region and the thermal conductivity coefficient of the selected material, you can calculate the thickness of the insulation so that the heat transfer resistance of the wall corresponds to the standard. The calculated value is rounded to the nearest standard value for the selected heat insulator. This calculation will allow you to correctly determine the thickness of the selected insulation.

Which insulation is best for walls

Everyone chooses which insulation is best for the walls of their house based on their individual conditions. There is no perfect insulation.

To make a rational calculation, all available thermal insulation materials should be evaluated according to the main criteria:

  1. Security. The chosen insulation must be safe for human health.
  2. Thermal insulation coefficient. The higher it is, the better. The higher the heat-insulating properties of the material, the more efficiently it retains heat, the less the material thickness will be. For small spaces, the thickness of the insulation is very important as it reduces the usable space.
  3. Insulation weight. Low weight will save on delivery and installation.
  4. Lifetime. The longer the service life, the more economical the insulation.
  5. Water vapor permeability. This indicator is very important for comfortable stay in room. At low vapor permeability values, the room becomes humid, fungus appears.
  6. Finishing. It is necessary to evaluate what kind of finishing is needed when choosing each heat insulator. Sometimes the cost of subsequent wall finishing can cover all the savings from choosing a cheaper material.
  7. Flammability. The lower it is, the better.
  8. The cost of insulation can be estimated after calculating the thickness.

Step-by-step instructions for warming the walls of the cottage

Installation of insulation on walls may differ slightly depending on the selected heat insulator, but general scheme described below. All considered heat insulators can be considered as insulation for wooden walls.

  • Make a list and buy everything necessary materials: heat insulator, lathing elements, insulation fasteners to the wall, glue.

  • Clear the surface of the walls from old plaster, wallpaper, dust.

  • Fasten waterproofing with a construction stapler.

  • Fasten the crate. The distance between the beams should be slightly less than the width of the heat-insulating material so that the heat-insulator in the crate does not move freely, creating gaps for cold penetration.

  • Distribute the heat-insulating material between the battens of the lathing and fix it.

  • The next stage is plasterboard wall cladding.
  • Plastering the walls, if necessary.

  • Final finishing of the walls.

Insulation of a country house will be effective and durable if correctly selected quality materials, are met technological processes... Funds invested in home insulation pay off in the form of savings on heating, and also bring satisfaction from a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in the house during the cold season.

Thermal insulation of walls from the inside. How to insulate walls.
