We already know that the entrance area is a very important part of the house. And the conversation about it can be carried on almost endlessly. I already have articles about large front entrance areas with stairs. This is also a very important topic for discussion, since many of us can live in private houses with stairs, but more on that later.

by pinterest

And today we will continue talking about the minimum required corridors in the house.

We have already talked about small hallways, we also know almost everything about X ...

But that's not all, the so-called “office spaces” in our house.
After all, there can be much more than one corridor!
How do you ask this?
Very simple! There are corridors that are connecting link between rooms inside our houses.

our apartment

So in my apartment there is: an entrance hall (entrance area) and a small corridor (1 sq m) connecting the bedroom, living room and bathroom.

We will talk about such “connecting” spaces.

Sometimes, as if I did not want to .. but the space does not work out in a different way ... draw, do not draw plans ... but you still need to make a corridor. And there is no way to remove it, except perhaps ... to reduce ... a little bit in favor of some room ...

And before plunging into the abyss of redevelopment, let's remember MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR CORRIDORSso that a person could pass through quietly, so that the doors could open and close, and even two people could disperse ...

Minimum norms are well laid out by Neufert. I talked about his book for a very long time -. Repetition, as they say, is the key to success!
So, how much space do we need, when we stand alone in different poses, when a friend is next to us, or when we put on a jacket ... I think my drawing will help you remember this, or just print it out for yourself. All dimensions in the figure are in millimeters.

by Oxana Panteleeva

But for comfortable movement towards each other, you still need a little more space. For Neufert it is 1150 mm.

For myself, I nevertheless brought out the width for long corridors in 110-120 cm ... from personal professional experience. But Herr Neufert also reminds us that the minimum width of the corridors depends on where the door that comes out of it opens!

by Oxana Panteleeva

If the doors open inside the rooms - the minimum width of the corridor can be 90 cm.But if the doors open into the corridor, then its minimum width will already be 140 cm. Or 90 + 50 cm for a comfortable passage of a person who, while you open the door, can pass past her ...

Remember this! If your doors in the corridor are opposite each other - then try to make them open inside the rooms - you will avoid the risk of colliding with doors.

After we already know everything about the minimum width, now let's talk about the minimum area of \u200b\u200bconnecting corridors also along Neufert.

Such a square space of only 1 meter can serve you faithfully. It will connect up to 4 rooms and will not take up much space in the house. I have just such a corridor, although it connects three spaces.

Pay attention to where the doors open! It will be funny if all 4 doors suddenly ... open inside this 1 square meter. If you are planning repairs yourself, without a pro, then try not to forget this moment. it is especially important when planning to use "invisible" doors for painting. since it is very important to open the door “inward or outward”, this affects both the cost of the door and the plinth that can be fixed to it (the full impression of the wall).

If a corridor is to connect 5 or 6 rooms, then its area also increases in proportion to the increase in the number of doors. Five doors will require a minimum of 2 square meters ...

For 6 doors, it is already necessary to allocate a minimum of 3 square meters.

Today we talked about the norms for planning small walk-through spaces like corridors, an important topic that is sometimes overlooked.

The article uses photos from the resource Pinterest. All photos can be found in my album “Long narrow hallway” - join us!

Good luck with the repair!

PS: All illustrations were done personally by designer Oksana Panteleeva. I ask you to respect my work, and if you copy information - indicate the source. Recently, copying of my materials has become more frequent .. And it's sad that my blog is not always indicated as a source ...

With the traditional approach, the entrance hall and the corridor, due to their auxiliary purpose, play a secondary role in the interior of the apartment, disguising themselves as the general concept of decorating living rooms. Meanwhile, ignoring this part of the house sometimes leads to uncomfortable and uncomfortable functional solutions... At best, these parts of the room are facelessly lost and concealed, at worst they introduce dissonance and spoil the overall impression.

The unique role of the entrance hall and corridors leaving it is that, on the one hand, these are the most public parts of the house, on the other, they serve as a kind of boudoir for residents who change shoes and clothes when entering and leaving.

These small areas are a kind of bridges not only between different premises, but also styles, so their decoration, lighting and decor must be selected with great care.

Design features

When choosing materials and colors for floors, walls and ceilings, two approaches can be taken. In the first, the design of the hallway and corridor completely coincides with the interior of the room into which they lead, in the second they are made out separately, in a harmonious combination. It is clear that transitional options are also possible, in which the differences may consist in one or two independent elements.

The choice of material for flooring is one of the crucial tasks. Linoleum, tiles or wood with heating, the use of carpets and rugs are due to the layout and functions of the corridor.

Most often, this is the most trampled part of the apartment, and it is more expedient to focus on durable and washable materials for cladding.

When combined with the floors of other rooms in color and texture, you can apply:

  • different shades of the same color,
  • the same color with a transition in two or more color combinations,
  • sharp color contrast.

The use of rugs and hallway rugs can add a touch of flavor, creating coziness and geometrically expanding the space.

The photo of various segments of apartments shows the design of the corridor floors in all of the above options.

Another design feature of the solution is the construction different types rectangular and rounded arched structures.

Ceiling decoration is most often done in a single concept of the entire room, but even here you can take advantage of special opportunities for experimenting with mirrored or reflective ceiling surfaces. Such an extravagant decor will not get on your nerves, since people are not in these rooms for a long time.

Lighting can be built into the ceiling and walls, or you can choose lamps and fixtures. Ceiling chandeliers are used very rarely.

Visual extension techniques

The problem of cramped hallways and narrow corridors is relevant in our time not only for the owners of Khrushchev. When planning any apartment and house, small utility spaces may appear, with proper design of which general comfort and increased functionality will be provided.

Small corridors and hallways are great playgrounds for visual expansion effects. The first thing that comes to mind is the use of mirrors. It is justified, but you need to be careful with ceiling mirrors: they can narrow the space.

Otherwise, mirrored or reflective surfaces will be a stylish and useful addition in small spaces.

In narrow corridors and hallways, regardless of the overall design of the apartment, dark tones and patterns in the decoration of walls, floors and ceilings, bulky furniture and lamps should be avoided. In this case, you need to take care of the light using built-in options or flat shades.

Spaces can be optically expanded through the skillful use of directional light in combination with mirrors. In small and square segments, evenly diffused light can be used with several spotlights.

Light blues, olive and beige tones will be a versatile solution for painting walls. In low rooms, the ceilings should be a tone lighter; in the corridor, wallpaper with vertical stripes can be used.

To expand the space, one of the walls can be pasted over with photo wallpaper. Wallpaper with imitations of stone, brick and other textures will create the effect of a mysterious labyrinth.

The floor should be at least a shade darker. Strong contrasts can also be applied using dark colored tiles. Diagonal laying or contrasting floor segmentation can also create the desired expansion effect.

Hallway zoning is another design technique in which wallpaper with textured imitations can be used. When using this method, a separate entrance, near-door space is formed, which, in contrast, sometimes in all parameters (floor, ceiling, walls), differs from the passage part. The latter, as a rule, merges with the design of the room with which the corridor is connected.

Inner side front door and the design of other doors leading to the corridor, with a lack of space, acquire a special essential... They should either be disguised as walls, which will find their ideal embodiment in a minimalist style, or be a contrasting spot.

Abstract design lovers can pick up catchy geometric designs or photographs for doors that change the configuration of the space.

Furnishings and decor

Properly selected furniture and decorative details complement the decoration of the room. They can also without overhaul the apartment is unrecognizable change the corridor and hallway.

If there is enough space, they can be arranged, like any living space, taking into account the taste and needs of the residents, equipped with wardrobes for shoes and clothes, upholstered furniture and coffee tables, decorative items, plants, aquarium, etc.

Vintage or other mirrors with bulky frames will also require a certain amount of space.

Furniture in small spaces should be limited to open shelves and corner or built-in wardrobes. Cabinets with open shelves require a certain amount of space; in small spaces they look unnecessarily piled up, giving the impression of being cramped and cluttered.

An alternative can be narrow wardrobes. different sizes... Single and narrow open shelves along the entire wall are also a good solution, if they do not interfere with movement.

Application of oval mirrors without frames, mirrored doors on cabinets, as well as decorating walls and open shelves with solid mirrors, visually expand the space. Decorative shelves and vases add coziness by softening unused corners and narrow niches.

Photo of the corridor in the apartment

People often pay more attention to the renovation of residentialpremises : bedroom, nursery, living room, kitchen, bathroomroom, forgetting that the corridor is the first room , which you find yourself in when entering the house. Usuallycorridor design in the apartment is reduced to pasting darkwallpaper , simple flooring and purchasing a convenient functional hanger.

The modern design of the hallway allows you to feel the atmosphere of your apartment from the first steps, it will be used to judge the tastes and preferences of the owners.

There are many waysmake a corridor more comfortable, functional, combined with the overall conceptregistration of the apartment.

First of all, you need to decide on the color scheme.Colour forms the first impression of housing.The corridor should not "get out" of the generalinterior at home. It is not recommended to use too darkcolors for walls and floors since it visually reducesspace.

The wrong approach to design in this part of the apartment can nullify efforts to create a holistic interior and ruin the first impression.

Better to use the following shades:

  • Sand;
  • Beige;
  • Light brown;
  • The gray ones.

White will help to increase the space of a small hallway.

Whatever modern ideas the design of the hallway did not form the basis of the project; in the pursuit of beauty, one must not forget the main thing - the purpose of this part of the home.

The above colors are not conspicuous in artificial lightcorridor , which makes it possible to use various decor items. If desiredmake room the brighter ones are blue and green tones. They allow you to come up with a large number of interesting combinations. And you can brightmake only one wall.

By the way, through Feng Shui, it is along the corridor that Qi energy flows from the entrance throughout the house.

If exactly accepteddecision use darkcolor in the interior , then you should definitely think over the lighting well. There must be a lot of it, otherwisethe corridor will be dull and gloomy.

You can get inspired by ideas and take advantage of experience from the creators of the interiors of hotels and hotel complexes, where corridors play the main role and unite all the premises.

Wall decoration

There are many materials forwall design in the corridor ... Let's consider the most suitable and common ones.

Based on the purpose of the premises, in modern design the hallway should be used materials that are resistant to wear and tear, withstand high humidity.


This cover is forwalls the most familiar and easy to use. At the same time, manufacturers offer customers a very wide selection of different types of material.

Hallway wallpaper is a great opportunity for interesting design solutions, playing with light, color and shapes.

All types of wallpaper are described in the table.

P / p No. Name Characteristic
Vinyl Most demandedoption due to the following characteristics:

Tolerate well wet cleaning (washable);

· Hold tightly for several years;

· Easy to paste over the walls;

· Have an affordable price.

The disadvantages include the fact that such a coating does not allow air to pass through, therefore, it is not considered environmentally friendly.

Cork It is good natural replacement vinylwallpaper ... But the color scheme is quite simple and of the same type. This material is more suitable for largecorridors.
Liquid They are rightfully considered the most practical. INcorridor there are usually a lot of corners, jambs, doorways... For this reason, liquidwallpaper Is the perfect choice.
Quartz This type of coating has a non-woven or paper base, densely covered with crushed quartz sand. There are suchwallpaper quite expensive.
Glass fiber They are distinguished by good quality and affordable price category. You can easily apply paint or any painting on them as a decor.
Wallpaper Do not be afraid of such a bravesolutions like wallpaper. Originaldecision will be able to become the embodiment of fantasy and stylish designdecision ... Modular paintings will also look original.

Decorative plaster

This type of coating looks simple, but at the same time very elegant. The main advantage decorative plaster - the ability to create any coating yourself. This applies to both texture andcolor.

Decorative plaster has a very attractive look. This material is perfect for wall decoration in the hallway.


The elements brickwork incorridor design always remain in vogue. But it should be borne in mind thatwall decoration the brick should not be pretentious and catchy. It is recommended to use naturalstone colors or paint it whitecolour.

White brick wall in the interior it is able to emphasize the chosen style, create a special mood, add home comfort to the atmosphere.

Designers advise against decorating like thisthe wall opposite the front door, thusspace (especially small ) shrinks noticeably.

Natural stone

Stone decoration always looks expensive and impressive. Just put onwall stone seldom succeed on their own. There is a whole technology here, so it is better to entrust the work to a professional. They usually do not spread the wholefloor to ceiling wall , but only a certain part of it. That is, naturala rock acts rather like decorin the design of the corridor in the apartment ... It is suitable even forsmall space.

Remember one golden rule! Completely stone walls will look good in a palace or basement.

Wall panels

Another economical and practical wayregistration - Wall panels. These can be not very wide slats or, on the contrary, almost sheets. Manufacturers offer panels in a wide variety of materials. Look originaloptions with mirrored inserts. They always visually increase the area.corridor.

If you are thinking about updating the interior of the hallway, pay attention to the new finishing material - wall panels for the corridor.

Colour and the texture of the panels is very diverse, whilewalls will not require special care.

Floor decoration

After done choice of material forwalls , it is worth considering choosing a floor covering. This is also an important stage incorridor decoration ... You need to choose an easy-care, practical and durable material. As a rule, it is incorridor most often get dirty and washedfloors.

Usually they choose to cover ceramic tiles... It is moisture resistant, any dirt is easily washed off from it.

For narrow corridor spaces in small-sizedapartments better to buy plain tileslight colors. In this case, the color of the floor should be combined withwalls. In the photo you can see options for a ceramic floor in the corridor.

The corridor floor must be durable and resistant to abrasion.

This color scheme will visually expandnarrow space ... But beige or similar in carecolour very difficult. Therefore, one can considercorridor division option into two zones. In this case, you can combine tiles and, for example, linoleum.

Linoleum is an economical alternative to ceramic tiles. Manufacturers offer given view coverings with a variety of patterns, most often imitating tiles or wood.

The color of the floor in the hallway visually changes its size.

If you want tothe corridor looked solid, then you can choose naturala rock ... It looks especially impressive if onwalls there are areas of masonry.

In this case, the corridor will look very expensive.

Absolutely not suitable forinterior corridor any carpets. This is, in the first place, impractical. After a month, the pile will look dirty, even ifpremises held daily.

Ceiling decoration and choice of lighting

An equally important stage incorridor design - ceiling decoration ... It is necessary to think over not only materials, but also lighting, since it is attached here. When choosing lighting, you need to be guided by the following indicators:

  • Ceiling height;
  • Corridor area;
  • The color scheme of the room.

Light always adds volume and it is stupid not to use this technique.

Designers advise installing several lamps to increasespace and elimination of some isolationpremises. At the same time, it is better to make the ceiling classically light. and smooth. Consider severallighting options.

  1. Built-in small luminaires evenly distributed over the entire area will not look easy. On the contrary, they will emphasize all the originality.wall decoration and corridor decor.
  2. Multilevel lighting will make it possible to create a more interesting and complexceiling design ... But keep in mind that in a small-sizedcorridor it will look heavy and ridiculous.
  3. Built into the floor lamps will become original additional source Sveta. You can also consider installing a stylish floor lamp (if space permits).
  4. If in the hallway the cabinet will be placed, then its lower part can also be equipped with lighting (for example, LED strip).

The built-in backlight can be based on suspended ceiling or specially installed drywall boxes that create additional volume.

When choosing a material forceiling decoration in the corridor be sure to consider the humidity level inapartment and possible temperature drops.

Practical options for the interior of the corridor

Designers offer severaloptions suitable for almost all typescorridors , always look stylish andare quite functional.

The correct design of a corridor or a wide hallway determines not only the comfort of residents and their aesthetic pleasure, but also psychological harmony.

Using the arch

The arch is greatsolution even for the narrowest corridor in one roomapartment.

The arch will become a real decoration of the interior of the corridor.

It has a number of advantages:

  • Visually increases the areacorridor;
  • Allows you to significantly savespace (no need to provide a place for opening the door);
  • Allows you to combinepremises;
  • Looks stylish, always stays in fashion;
  • There are many ways to decorate an arch.

If the hallway seems boring and trivial, try adding an arch.

An arch in your hallway or hallway is a great tool for visually expanding a space or original design apartments.

The arch can be of any shape: round, rectangular, with various asymmetric bends. Onphoto several originaloptions inclusion of such a doorway ininterior of the corridor.

Narrow corridor design

IN panel houses more often you can find longnarrow corridors ... Don't be upset if you haveapartment with such a layout. Even from likepremises without much work and investment you canto do a real masterpiece.

Design narrow hallway differs in a special approach when choosing components.

There are several secrets.

  1. Walls and floors are decorated in light colors different shades. Whitecolour it is recommended to exclude, as it may turn out "sick leavethe corridor".
  2. A built-in wardrobe is practical, stylish and functional.
  3. Lighting should be of high quality and well thought out.
  4. Long wall should not be empty. You can place on it decorative lamps, paintings, familyphoto in the frame. Wallpaper for interior can be matched with pattern.
  5. The number of corners should be reduced as much as possible.
  6. A large mirror is required. It can be built into the cabinet doors or one of the doors.

Decorating the walls will also help increase the space of a narrow hallway.

Square corridor design

Make stylish a small square corridor very simple. Forsex it is better to choose ceramic tiles with a glossy finish, and forwall plain wallpaper or with a discreet ornament.

The design of a square hallway is often decorated in classic styles.

  1. Furniture should be narrow or built-in.
  2. Provence style will add comfort. But it can be used only if in one of therooms there are elements of this style.
  3. Do not be afraid of the vertical stripe.
  4. Vertical pattern onbright background or ornament will become a highlightdesign of a small corridor in the apartment.

The alternation of blue and gold stripes creates a rhythmic pattern that expands the space.

Whatever the interior of the hallway, furniture for this room, you should choose the most compact and functional. Itemsfurniture should not "capture" a lot of area.

VIDEO: Design of the entrance hall in the apartment.

Everyone from childhood is familiar with the saying that “they meet by their clothes”. This statement is also true for the corridor design project. After all, guests, entering the threshold of the house, the first thing they see is the entrance hall. It gives a general impression of the owners of the house and the apartment as a whole.

How to equip a small corridor, how to choose furniture and interior items, what better fit for decoration and lighting, all this and much more will be discussed in this article.

So I want the room to be:

  • Fashionable;
  • Ergonomic;
  • Convenient.

It will be no secret that the design of a corridor, especially a small footage, is a difficult task even for professionals. How to cope on your own? In fact, it is not difficult enough. You just need to adhere to the rules for creating interiors in a small corridor. It is important to choose the right furniture.

You should not clutter up the interior of a small hallway with massive wardrobes that will block almost half of the space. On the contrary, if there is one, then it should be removed, and buy a shallow (45 cm) wardrobe, better built-in, with a large mirror on the door, which will visually expand the space. You can also place mezzanines along the ceiling.

Light sources should be arranged under the mezzanine, as well as in other suitable places:

  • On shelves;
  • On the floor;
  • On the ceiling.

Additional light, as well as different variations of stained glass windows and mirrored surfaces, will help to visually enlarge the corridor. The room will appear much larger and lighter. For the same purpose, you can hang a mirror opposite the mirrored cabinet doors.

You need to buy lightweight furniture for the apartment, small size, light. If possible, you can combine some of its elements, you can combine a pouf and a shoe rack.

Hallway 2x4: finishing features

It is best to replace ordinary doors in a room where there are few square meters with a sliding structure made of glass - this will make the hallway brighter and more spacious. In general, you should think about organizing light in a narrow and small corridor. The more it is, the more airy the room will seem.

Finishing work must be performed using light-colored building materials and decor. The light corridor will be visually filled with the missing width.

It is only necessary to take into account that this room is one of the quickly getting dirty, on the basis of which, the walls and floors must be finished with resistant materials.

They must be resistant to:

  • Moisture;
  • Dust;
  • Mud.

You also need to buy a stock of material in case of repair, replacement. For the floor, you can pick up a dark material, but you should not do this with the ceiling surface. The whiter the ceiling, the better.

You also need to remember that the floor, walls and ceiling should not differ significantly in tone, their design should be in the same tone.

For finishing ceiling surface a small corridor, decorators use one trick, take out the coating a little outside the hallway, visually adding centimeters to the space. Based on this, it can be seen that the design project of the hallway and corridor fashionable apartment - it is not so unattainable. Everything, perhaps, would be a desire!

Design in a narrow corridor 2 m long

A narrow corridor where it is impossible even to miss 2 people walking against each other - this situation is familiar to many! How to increase the space, even visually, but better and practically? There are several subtleties. You can move the door frame apart by removing the doors between the corridor and adjacent rooms. Of course, this does not apply to doors to the shower room and bathroom. Door frame can be expanded by arranging it in the form of an arched structure.

Such a corridor will become:

  • More spacious;
  • Lighter;
  • Harmonious.

If you follow the path of visual expansion of a narrow corridor, it is worth remembering mirrors. It is better to place large mirrors, the options may be different, one of them is a mirrored wall from floor to ceiling.

Mirrors arranged opposite each other give the visual effect of a large space.

Another way is to divide a narrow corridor into zones. It should be remembered that the lighter the vertical surfaces and furniture, the more spacious the room of a long room will be.

Convenient entrance hall to 1 room apartment: selection and arrangement of furniture

If it is possible to do without spacious wardrobes in a 1-room hallway at all, then it is better to do so.

Various narrow shelves and hangers are quite capable of acting as a substitute and will help free up the missing space. If this is impossible, if the family is large and there are a lot of shoes and clothes, then ideal solution there will be a wardrobe, better built-in or without a back wall, maybe shallow, narrow, the height of which is up to the ceiling, always with a mirrored facade.

In the long hallway of a 1-room apartment, divided into two zones, at the entrance and in the hall area, various pieces of furniture are placed, which may differ from each other in the way they are used.

But they are required:

  • Light;
  • Functional;
  • Practical.

For example, at the entrance you can put a pouf, which can also be a shoe rack, and also arrange a hanger with hooks for clothes. In another area, you can place a wardrobe, a shelf for a telephone, a housekeeper, etc. If the corridor is not only long, narrow, but also angular, then you can arrange in it corner wardrobe, radius structure.

The brighter the room, the more spacious it will look, therefore, to organize the light, it is better to choose spotlights with warm glow bulbs, arranging them not only on the ceiling surface, but also along the lower part of the mezzanine and arched structure, on the floor and on the walls.

Competent design of the hallway 6 sq. m: photos and examples

The large area of \u200b\u200bthe corridor makes it possible to create a functional, aesthetic and ergonomic design. For the comfort of household members, a 6 m 2 corridor should be equipped with a wardrobe. But, the traditional standard system will not work. Perfect option, custom-made furniture is still at the stage of renovation. The sliding wardrobe should be high, but not wide. It can take place from floor to ceiling.

This will make it possible to make a spacious wardrobe, divided into sections for:

  • Coats, jackets, raincoats;
  • Boots, shoes, shoes;
  • Umbrellas;
  • Accessories.

As in the hallway of any other size, it is advisable to arrange a mirror in the corridor of 6 m 2. Although the facade of the wardrobe can act as a mirror surface. By combining several functions in one piece of interior at once, on the usable area, it is really possible to place a pouf, a sofa and a wall shelf for keys, and decorative elements.

Entrance hall 1 sq. m: lighting and decoration

Corridor, size 1 square meter, it is difficult to arrange, but nothing is impossible. It doesn't matter what size the hallway is, you should equip it with enough comfortable lighting.

For small spaces, it is strictly forbidden to mount:

  • Large chandeliers;
  • Hanging lamps;
  • Volumetric lamps.

Modern design of the hallway 2x2 (video)

The ideal solution is spot lighting, wall sconces by the mirror or LEDs. All the design of such a small corridor should be made of light structures, building materials of light texture.
