So how to make interior doors, without using any ultra-modern technologies and unique machines? Actually, it's quite simple. Naturally, one cannot do without a certain skill in working with certain tools. Do not be afraid of failure, especially if it is the first time, because the next time it will be possible to take into account all the mistakes. With the help of the first door made, you can get the necessary knowledge, but the subsequent ones lead to the accumulation of experience.

Then it is necessary to mark the places for the handle, the same applies to the lock if it is installed in the door. Marking is carried out in accordance with the door frame. The middle cross board should be located exactly at this height of the door. After that, the workpiece is leveled, while do not forget about right angles, and the joints of the boards and their location on the fiberboard are marked. Several marks must be applied to the extreme transverse boards, which must be drilled in the future.

After removal, you can proceed to sawing the edges under the spikes, which should be simple, on half boards. At this stage, you need to be especially careful. It is very important not to cut too much. At the end of the sawing of the edges, it is necessary to reassemble the structure and make sure that there are no protrusions in the joints.

Next, the long boards are glued to the fiberboard using any wood glue, while the edges should be aligned. In addition, glue must be applied to the spikes. After that, all parts are installed in their places. Two and a half centimeters long self-tapping screws should be installed in the finished holes, which are tightened only after checking the accuracy of the corners, while overtightening and left protruding hats should be avoided. Then a thick layer of glue is applied to the made frame and the second prepared fiberboard blank is laid with the combination of all corners and edges.

This entire structure must dry completely under load. After three days, it will already be possible to complete decorative trim hand made door. If such a task seems too simple, or you just want to have a unusual doors, then one might ask how to do it yourself sliding doors , which, moreover, will save a little space, which most apartments are not rich in anyway.

Most often, interior doors are bought ready-made in the store. But you can make them with your own hands, starting from the selection of material and ending with self-installation. And in this case, you will be sure that the doors turned out the way you wanted.

The main task of the doors between rooms is to isolate the room from extraneous noise, aromas and views. According to their designs, these doors are divided into two types:

  1. Paneled - they differ from panel doors in the presence of a frame in which there is a panel with glass. A panel is that part that is highlighted by frames, as well as a closing frame, plastic or plywood.
  2. Panel doors - these doors are light and at the same time they isolate sound well. It is very difficult to make shield-type doors with your own hands; the video with the master class will not help much here either. She has a very complex structure, it consists of a smooth shield, which can later be lined with plywood. The main advantage of this type of construction is good quality at affordable price. These doors can be installed even in the bathroom.

door cover

Coatings are different:

  1. Veneering is gluing a thin layer of wood film onto the door leaf. The thickness of this film is 1 mm. The bottom of the veneer is usually a substrate, and on top it is varnished.
  2. Lamination is the application of a film to the base by pressing, the film is either made of paper or plastic.
  3. Coloring - paint the door in several layers, after which it can serve you for many years. How much depends on whether the paint is of high quality, and on the care of the structure.
  4. Toning is the coating of a surface with varnish. You can use transparent varnish and translucent. This method conveys the structure of wood very well. As a rule, doors that are made of hard wood are tinted; if soft woods are tinted, the slightest bumps and scratches will be noticeable.

Door types

There are several types of doors:

  1. Swing - this is perhaps the most famous type that is installed in houses. They open to one side. They are divided into single and double. There are also semi-open doors - this is when two door leaves have different widths. If the door opens to the left, then they are called left, if vice versa, then right. If the room is small, then it is better not to install such doors, because you need free space to open them.
  2. Pendulum - these are structures that can open in both directions. They are not often used because they require a lot of space to open.
  3. Sliding doors - open by sliding the door along the rails or inside the wall. Such doors are used if free space is limited in the room.
  4. Folding - these doors fold when opened. They are almost silent, thanks to the presence of bearings that are in the rollers.
  5. Stables are a species swing structures. Previously, they stood exclusively in the stable, which is why they were called that. Such doors are loved in the western part of the USA. In apartments, stable doors are installed as protection from children.

Interior door material

A few decades ago, the doors were created mainly wooden. Today, the industry provides a large selection of materials, it is possible to pick up interior doors from the photo in the catalog. The main materials are:

Door manufacturing

Making a door with your own hands is a difficult process, but possible. There are doors that are quite difficult to manufacture. And having already learned how to do them, you can move on to more complex ones. For work you will need:

  • tape measure and chisel, glue;
  • hacksaw and screwdriver, self-tapping screws;
  • sandpaper;
  • for a box of boards or bars, and for a frame of slats or bars;
  • accessories.

To make a door, no special room is required; it can be made in any room. Work order:

Interior door installation

Installing an interior door consists of several stages:

  1. Most important point in the installation of the door - this is the installation of racks. If the box is not level, then it will be possible to open the door only from the foot. Therefore, when mounting racks, be sure to use the level.
  2. Next, you need to install the door hinges.
  3. Insert the door frame into the opening and fix it with spacers and wedges. Check it with a level and fix it with self-tapping screws.
  4. Hang the door on hinges. Check how it opens and closes. If something interferes, then eliminate the defects.
  5. The gap that has formed between the wall and the box must be foamed, while leaving the door closed so that the box is not blown out. When the foam hardens well, then remove the spacers.
  6. Install platbands on the door.
  7. Install all fittings: door handle and lock.

That's all the work on creating and installing an interior door with your own hands. As the saying goes: "the eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing."

The interior door occupies an important place in the interior of the room. It serves not only as an obstacle to noise, delimits space and allows privacy, but also is a noticeable piece of decor.

There are several reasons why you can start decorating an interior door:

  1. Firstly, despite the huge selection of ready-made (and very attractive) doors, it is sometimes very difficult to find suitable model. Sometimes all the doors seem the same - "I have already seen this one at the neighbors", "and this one looks like the door to our office." You don’t want to repeat and acquire something unoriginal and become commonplace, because your interior is unique, so the door must match.
  2. Secondly, even an old door with scratches, peeling paint and indelible stains is not known why you often don’t want to change it! After all, any replacement of a door is also a replacement of the box itself, which is associated with dust, plaster, sealing the gaps formed, the need to change the wallpaper (at least around new door) - in general, with local, and sometimes major repairs.

That is why sometimes it is much easier for the owner to update already installed door“on the spot”, that is, without changing the whole box, right here in the room. Of course, in some cases, you still have to remove the door from the hinges, but this is much easier and faster than starting a full-fledged repair. Whatever the reasons that prompted you to start decorating an interior door, we’ll say right away that often this does not require almost anything, except for the materials left over from the last repair.

And one should not think that real craftsmen and needlewomen will be able to cope with such a task - even a person who has never held a hammer or brushes in his hands can implement some of the ideas proposed in this article. And the result of your work in any case will be original, unusual and will become a source of pride - "here it is, our door, he did it himself (well, at least he decorated it)".

So, we offer you 14 interior door decorating ideas that you might want to bring to life by decorating your interior.

Idea first. We paint, we just paint

The easiest way, without frills and unnecessary work, is to put the door in order. To do this, you will first need to remove the door from the hinges, then go over it with a spatula, removing old paint, level the surface with sandpaper, close up cracks and scratches with putty, remove grease stains, seal the glass with masking tape so as not to stain it, and you can take it in hands roller or brush! It is better to choose acrylic paint - it dries faster, and paint the door in a horizontal position - so the paint will not drain and lie more evenly. However, if it is convenient for you to do all of the above on a vertically standing door, you can not remove it from the hinges. Just do not forget to put something on the floor during painting so as not to stain the linoleum or laminate.

White, simply painted door. Updating it or repainting it in a different color will not be a big deal, although the moldings and carvings need special, gentle handling during sanding and stripping. old paint

The second idea. We paint in several colors

The option is more complicated, although it is also associated with staining. In this case, we do not just paint the door in one color, but create a simple or complex geometric pattern of stripes, squares, rhombuses, and so on. The door must first be prepared, as in the first case - that is, it must be cleaned of old paint and the surface leveled. However, in this case, we will need much more masking tape - it is with its help that you will delimit the zones between stripes or rectangles. In addition, in order not to buy several cans of paint of different colors, you can purchase white paint (one liter per door is enough), as well as several dyes with which you can experiment with shades.

Gold and white, blue and pale pink, bright stripes on a neutral background, rhombuses and sinuous lines - a variety of patterns and patterns can appear on the canvas of your door. color combinations

When choosing a geometric pattern, remember that a wide strip along the entire door leaf is more suitable for country style, and for classics it is better to choose other options, for example, paint the top of the door in a lighter shade and separate the parts with a horizontal strip

Idea three. Highlight moldings

Also painting the door, which in general is not too different from the first option. However, in this case, we will focus on the moldings by painting them in a contrasting color. White and black is a great combination, but already beaten up, so think about what colors will look best together. Designers have long recognized white and green, blue and yellow, red and dark blue as excellent options. Such a door will look great both in a bohemian boudoir and in a strict classic living room.

The white door with highlighted black moldings is a true classic. By the way, if your door does not have such decorations, it is easy to make them yourself - special thin wooden planks are sold that are simply nailed onto the canvas

An unexpectedly bright, pink door that looks especially aristocratic and attractive thanks to the frames highlighted in white

Idea four. We paint according to the finished stencil

A very convenient and easy way to turn your door into a work of art, even if you do not have the talent of an artist. Ready-made stencils can be purchased at both construction and specialized stores, or ordered on one of the sites, and the choice of drawings and patterns is very large. Then we simply apply the stencil to the already prepared door and apply the paint. Easy, fast and as a result - very beautiful!

Applying a drawing on a ready-made stencil is as easy as shelling pears, and the choice will allow you to choose an original inscription, an exotic pattern, and an unusual picture

Such a deliberately simple pattern can easily be created without stencils. It was the uneven lines and simplicity that became its main highlight.

Fifth idea. Art painting

Unlike all the options for decorating the door already listed, this option is not for everyone. To create a real masterpiece on an ordinary door, you will need the talent of an artist and certain skills in working with brushes, since a roller is no longer enough here. Imagine that your door is a blank white canvas, on which, thanks to your skill, beautiful landscape, a cheerful picture or an exquisite pattern. Fine hand painting always looks expensive and stylish, and you can achieve this effect by spending money only on buying paints.

Ready-made interior doors with artistic painting are offered by many European companies. Of course, they are not cheap, so you can try to create something similar with your own hands. Are you afraid it won't work? You can always just paint over a bad drawing!

Idea six. Children's creativity

Does your kid love to draw? Give him such an opportunity - let him decorate the door to the nursery. Yes, such a naive, bright pattern will be out of place in a strict living room, but as a decoration for a children's room it is a great option. Just agree with the young artist that the second half of the door is already your field for the realization of fantasies!

Usually children's paints wash off very easily, so your budding artist can repaint the door every day. But you will have to pre-prepare the canvas by putting the door in order

Idea seven. Unusual texture with paint

If you find it boring to simply apply paint, and you are afraid to take on hand-painting, you can try to achieve an unusual texture, such as the effect of a wooden surface or an antique door, using a very simple fixtures. So, with the help of a sponge you can get a spotty surface, steel wool will help to achieve the effect of an old door, a hard brush will create an expressive surface of denim. Special ready-made paints are also sold that perfectly imitate jeans, wood, canvas, velvet or slate.

On such a door, painted under a slate board, it is convenient to leave messages to household members.

Idea eight. Wall mural

If all the previous ideas concerned only work with paints and brushes, then this method is suitable for those who do not want to mess with paint. Wallpaper will instantly transform appearance your interior door, turning it into a striking design element. Of course, it is best to purchase murals designed specifically for doors - in this case, your drawing will definitely look complete. Ready-made photo wallpapers usually have a standard size of 86x220 centimeters, so they are only suitable for standard doors, and without moldings and glass inserts. However, now many online stores offer custom-made door murals, so you can choose the option that is ideal for your door, with any pattern. You can cut to size doors and ordinary wall murals, however, in this case, the drawing may look unfinished.

How do you like this unusual option— a door that, with the help of photo wallpapers, turned into a telephone booth?

Before sticking photo wallpapers, the door must be cleaned of stains, and the surface must be leveled, sanded and degreased with a solvent. You can use ordinary wallpaper glue, but PVA is much more reliable. The disadvantages of this option for decorating the door include the fact that a bright image will immediately catch your eye, so it can quickly get bored. In addition, the murals on the door, due to frequent touches, will lose their original attractiveness. However, no one will stop you from changing the wallpaper on the door to something more original in a couple of months.

Particularly popular are photo wallpapers with picturesque landscapes.

Wall murals on the door will help, due to the increased panoramic perspective, to make small room visually more. And sticking them is very easy, for this you do not even need to remove the door from the hinges.

Idea nine. Ordinary wallpapers

Previously, this decor option was very popular, but now many designers consider it bad manners. This does not prevent ordinary wallpaper, "migrated" to the door, to remain a popular way to decorate the interior. Paste paper and vinyl wallpapers on the door are especially loved in Sweden, USA and Canada. By the way, it is not at all necessary to hide the entire door behind the wallpaper - on the contrary, the wallpaper, divided into clear “compartments” thanks to moldings, looks especially interesting. The remaining surfaces of the door can simply be painted, choosing a shade that matches the color of the wallpaper. Alternatively, you can buy cork wallpaper and varnish it on top for reliability. Their unusual texture will make the door more original.

Preparing the door is exactly the same as in the case of using photo wallpapers. The main advantage is cheapness, since you can use wallpaper left over from the previous repair, and ease of decoration. The main disadvantage is rapid wear - at the joints, the wallpaper can peel off and tear.

Wallpaper pasted not on the entire door, but on parts highlighted by moldings, look more spectacular

The door, pasted over with the same wallpaper as the walls, will literally merge with the interior. On the reverse side, the door, of course, is pasted over with other wallpaper so as not to stand out against the background of the wall of another room.

Idea ten. Fabric instead of wallpaper

This option will look especially cute and homely. The door decorated with fabric looks original, the choice of fabrics today is surprisingly wide, but this method also has its drawbacks.

If you choose a single piece of fabric to decorate the door, you should take care of the original pattern.

First, when choosing a fabric, you should make sure that the glue does not leave stains on it. Secondly, the edges of the fabric should be pre-treated, otherwise the protruding threads will not look very aesthetically pleasing. Thirdly, doors decorated with fabric are not suitable for every style of interior design. Those who are fond of patchwork, that is, the creation of canvases from different pieces of fabric, can turn their door into a real application of bright shreds. By the way, if there is a place for a glass insert on the door, you can hang a small curtain here, fixing it on a fishing line and small carnations.

Very nice door, decorated using patchwork technology. The trouble is that to classic style such bright patches of interior have nothing to do with it, this is an option, rather, for a “rustic” and colorful country

Idea eleven. Posters, cards, paper

An option for creative people and a great idea for a teenager's room. The door can be decorated with a poster and an image of your favorite artist or group, sheets from an old geographical atlas, or sheet music. Sticking such paper sheets and posters is as easy as regular wallpaper.

ancient geographic map would be appropriate even on the interior door of an ordinary living room, but it is better to “settle” posters in a teenager’s room

Idea twelve. All kinds of stickers

This simple and not too expensive way of decorating a door is becoming more and more popular today. Vinyl stickers can be purchased in online stores, the cost of a size model standard door starts from 2.5 thousand rubles, they are glued very easily, and will last longer than ordinary photo wallpapers.

Stickers with such funny and at the same time useful inscriptions will not only decorate the doors, but also cheer up the guests.

If you do not want to hide the entire door behind the stickers, it is quite possible to purchase small images - a butterfly, bright flower and so on. They cost less, and the appearance of the door will be completely transformed. “Informative” stickers are also popular, for example, on the door of an office, bathroom or bathroom, which will tell guests what is hidden behind this door.

The elegant lady on this sticker will immediately inform the guests of the house that the bathroom is hidden behind this door.

Often, stickers can look like ordinary photo wallpapers, and sometimes they can look like hand-painted on a white door or a child's drawing.

Idea thirteen. Decoupage

The technology of scrupulously cutting out the images you like from paper and further compiling applications from these pieces allows you to transform not only a box or a photo album cover, but also an ordinary door. Everything that a beginner master of the ancient art of decoupage needs: paper drawings, napkins with a pattern you like, postcards and the like - everything from which you can cut a picture, a brush, PVA glue, scissors, glitter, acrylic varnish, contour and acrylic paint.

In the process of decoupage, you can use literally anything - from scraps of old newspapers to greeting cards.

IN short description the process looks like this: we apply a layer of white acrylic paint on the surface of the door, wait for it to dry, then another layer - and again wait until it dries completely. Then we apply a layer of paint of the selected shade, and then we attach the cut-out paper drawings with PVA glue. At the same time, we try to glue the piece as evenly as possible, without wrinkles and expel all air bubbles. With the help of glitter and contour, we can draw dots, stripes and other small parts. Then we cover the finished picture with a layer of varnish. That's all. The rest is your imagination and beautifully selected drawings.

Decoupage technique allows you to create amazing beautiful pictures, A lacquer coating prolong the life of the decor

Idea fourteen. Mosaic

A door decorated with bright mosaics will be an excellent option for a bathroom; you can also decorate a metal door in this way. front door. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to use pieces of ceramics for these purposes - in this case, the door may turn out to be too heavy. Mosaic can be created from pieces of wood or veneer, as well as purchased ready-made, made of glass.

In this case, a bright glass mosaic occupies most of the door, making it very unusual and cheerful.

The mosaic is fixed with special glue (Moment or liquid nails are suitable) on a prepared and cleaned surface. It is worthwhile to think over all the details of the pattern in advance by drawing the layout of the pieces with a pencil. By the way, you can decorate with a mosaic not only the door itself, but also the box, highlighting the slopes using the selected pattern.

Creating a mosaic pattern is a huge scope for creativity. And if some part still falls, you can always attach it back.

An old door can become a real art object, all it takes is a little imagination and effort. To begin with, you can use one of the simplest ideas, and then, having got a taste, try yourself in the art of decoupage or painting. In any case, your door will definitely be one of a kind!

If you wondered: how to make interior doors yourself? Either you are an incorrigible needleworker who cannot imagine life without making something, or your design ideas are so grandiose and enchanting that you could not choose the right one among the thousands of models of finished doors. In both cases, it is worth soberly assessing your capabilities, having experience working with wood and carpentry tools, and being prepared for the fact that the door drawn in the sketch in nature will be strikingly different from the drawing.

In the 21st century independent production doors - exotic, akin to weaving bast shoes or baskets from wicker. But as soon as there are people who still remember how this is done, then there is a need for their skills.

Types of interior doors

Do not overestimate your potential and take on the production of panel doors if you do not have access to professional carpentry equipment. Manual or electric saws, electric jigsaws, drills and grinders cannot achieve the required precision in the manufacture of parts.

It is easier to make a panel interior door. The manufactured door leaf can be equally suitable for hinged doors, and for various options sliding. At the same time, you will absolutely not be tied to the size standards existing in house building and will be able to make doors for any doorway, and of any, the most intricate shape. Though like a hobbit in a hole - round.

When you have decided on the concept of the future door, you need to measure the doorway in which your masterpiece will be installed.

Required material

To do panel doors possible from the most various materials: wood, plywood, fiberboard, plastic panels, drywall. At the same time, they can be both framed and frameless.

A bar of not the highest quality can be used as a frame, the only requirement is that it be dry and not have visible curvature along the length and twist along the axis. Can be used as a filler between facing layers mineral insulation or expanded polystyrene, according to the requirements of SanPiN, suitable for use in residential premises.

If you want to make a panel frameless interior door, then you will need to calculate required amount lumber by area door leaf and convert the resulting value into cubic meters, since most stores sell lumber in cubic meters. It's not hard to do it yourself.

At standard size interior door 800x2000 mm, its area is 1600000 mm². Standard thickness according to GOST - 40 mm. We multiply 16000000 x 40 = 640,000,000 mm³. And since 1 m³ contains 1 billion millimeters, we divide the resulting value 640,000 00: 1,000,000,000 = 0.064 m³.

In a similar way, you can calculate the need for a filler.

Required tool

To work, you will need a fairly large number of various tools. It is desirable that you have:

  • Circular saw (an electric jigsaw is an option, although you will never get a straight saw with it).
  • Electric drill (an option is a screwdriver, powerful enough to drill holes and use spade drills for wood).
  • Electric grinder - if you plan to make a glued panel door from solid wood.
  • Hand saw for wood.
  • A set of chisels.
  • A set of drill bits for wood.
  • Screwdriver with interchangeable bits.
  • Clamps (4-6 pcs.).
  • Hammer.
  • Mallet.

  • A planer with a piece of iron at least 40 mm wide.
  • Rubber spatula.
  • Paint brushes of various widths.
  • Foam gun.
  • Gun for sealant (acrylic).
  • Measuring tool: level, tape measure, locksmith or carpentry corner, metal ruler 1000 mm.
  • Consumables: self-tapping screws, nails, anchors, plastic and wooden dowels.

Production of a frame shield door

A frame shield door implies the presence of a wooden frame with a contour around the perimeter of the door and several transverse elements connecting the long sides of the door in order to stiffen the structure and allow fittings to be installed. Usually one additional element is located at the level of the future door handle.

Initially, exactly in size, two identical canvases are cut out of plywood (laminate, fiberboard, MDF) exactly according to the size of the door. Then two long and three or four short blanks are cut out of a bar or board. When cutting blanks, one should strive to maintain the 90° angle at the transverse elements as accurately as possible, since they must fit snugly across the entire width of the blank to the vertical elements without forming a gap. This will affect the geometry of the door and its strength.

The simplest is the adhesive connection on furniture spikes (wooden). To do this, 2-3-4 holes (depending on the width) are drilled from the end of a short (transverse) workpiece (depending on the width) with a depth of ½ of the tenon length, lubricated with wood glue and hammered with a hammer until they are completely seated in the hole.

Similarly, holes are drilled on the inside of long blanks, at the level of which the horizontal parts of the frame will be located. To be 100% sure that the holes will match, the drilling of all holes is carried out according to a pre-made stencil: which can be made from aluminum corner with a shelf of 40 mm. or any thin sheet metal.

After installing the spikes on both sides in short (transverse parts), they are laid out on a flat surface, the protruding spikes and the ends of the parts are smeared with glue, and a long part is applied to them so that the spikes enter into drilled holes. With a mallet, a long part is knocked out evenly along the entire length until the spikes are completely immersed in it. The second long part is glued in the same way. After that, it is necessary to tighten the long parts together with the maximum possible force with long clamps or a device for tightening the floor laminate.

When gluing, it is not the amount of glue that matters, but the compressive strength of the parts to be glued!

After the glue has dried, the bottom panel of the skin is first glued, then the filler is placed in the voids and fixed with glue, and the assembly is completed by gluing the top sheet. Immediately after this, it is necessary to ensure a tight pressing of the panels to be glued by placing a load on the door or pulling it with clamps through the placed transverse boards at the bottom and top.

When the glue dries, the canvas is cleaned with sandpaper from glue streaks, the irregularities are polished along the edges of the blanks, if necessary, they are primed along the perimeter, overwriting the existing cracks and irregularities, using rubber spatula. After drying, the primers are again treated with fine sandpaper and wiped with a damp cloth to remove dust.

The canvas is ready for further finishing with the selected material or for painting.

Assembling a frameless solid wood door

For such doors, lumber of the required thickness is selected and preferably even in texture, without a large number of knots and defects on the surface. If possible, calibrate in thickness (discrepancy is not more than 1 mm.). The basis is a sheet of plywood or other material. It is used to lay out a sheet of lumber sawn along the length so that it evenly covers the entire surface of the sheet.

The sheet on which the layout was made is lubricated over the entire area with carpentry glue and the selected lumber blanks are laid out tightly to each other on it, while their end faces adjacent to each other are lubricated with glue. After the complete laying out of all the blanks, they must be pulled together with clamps or a screed for floor boards (laminate) and placed on top of the load or also through the boards placed across the door to be pulled with short clamps.

After the glue dries, the door is processed with a planer along the long side - the excess lumber is removed to the required width, then it is polished with a grinder to completely even out possible differences in the thickness of the lumber blanks.

So it turns out the door on the one hand has a base, and on the other hand - wooden surface from solid wood that can be kept in its natural form or covered with some kind of decorative material.

Doors made of plastic panels

The production of such doors is advisable for rooms with high humidity (baths, toilets, pantries for vegetables and balcony cabinets, etc.).

Essentially, these are the same frame panel doors, the difference lies in the fact that the assembled frame must be 15-20 mm smaller than the size of the door frame. This is necessary so that after assembling the coating, consisting of plastic panels, it is possible to sheathe the door around the perimeter of a thin wooden lath, which will close the honeycomb structure of the plastic panels at the ends.

Before starting the installation of plastic panels, it is necessary to treat the frame with solutions that prevent the development of mold and, preferably, soak it with hot drying oil.

After mounting the panels and nailing along the perimeter of the rail. Such doors do not need additional finishing or painting. It will only be necessary to varnish the rail or paint it the same color as the plastic panels.

Summing up

Homemade interior doors are more of a whim than a necessity. Those rare cases when it is impossible to pick up a ready-made version in the store, or order the production of doors according to individual sizes professionals - a reason to change the design concept of the room rather than take on such laborious work with an unpredictable result.

Sections of the article:

The intrigues that Queen Margot wove, Harry Potter with his secret chamber - what is all this associated with? And this is associated with secrets, secret rooms, to which no less secret door should lead. Secret corridors in ancient castles and secret doors hidden from everyone have always existed. Why are there doors or rooms - history knows about the existence of secret cities. Secret lovers still exist today, so let's talk about secret hidden doors.

The design of the secret door should be completely and completely invisible. It literally merges with the decoration of the walls. This solution is ideal for any type of interiors and can be a great addition to them. Similar designs can often be found in apartments or houses - modern people also have something to hide. To equip such a door, you can use the services of various companies, or you can make it yourself.

There are many options for arranging secret passages. For example, you can hide an opening in a wall by trimming the door leaf with the same material that was used to decorate the walls. You can also make a secret door in the closet or in the form of a mirror.

Why is this needed?

Why do people create hidden rooms in their apartments? Lots of options. For example, it could be a weapon storage room. According to the requirements, it should be stored in such a way as to ensure maximum safety when entering an apartment or house of third parties.

Also, a secret door can hide safes. Often, there are special places for them. But quite often people hide it behind doors that are not visible to outsiders.

You can also store valuables in hidden rooms, for example, a collection of paintings or jewelry. Even these solutions are used simply for storage, then an additional pantry never hurts.

Sometimes a hidden door is installed not in order to hide something, but according to the designers' idea. It can look very impressive - stealth doors are very popular today.

Types of finished structures

The problem is that in fact there are no ready-made structures. It's just that there are specialized companies that manufacture and install secret doors. The fact is, in each specific situation you need something individual.

Doors for painting are especially popular today. They do not have traditional handles, but they open from a push, or by pressing a special lever. It is located in an unknown place. This type of construction has one advantage - they can be easily hidden in the wall with any finishing coating.

If there are voids in the house or apartment of the wall, then it is best if the secret door is sliding, hidden in the wall. Very often, such solutions are chosen when at the same time it is necessary to create a secret room and there is practically no free space. Such doors are opened manually or with the help of automatic systems.

Many hide hidden doors in wardrobes. This is done in order to hide the passage from anyone who might be interested in it.

DIY manufacturing

If there are only “invisible doors” on sale and you can’t just buy a real secret door, then you can always make it. These products do not have any complex designs. The whole process will not require much effort or cost.

In order for the result to be good, certain requirements must be followed. The door frame must be hidden or disguised - sometimes you can hide it with plasterboard sheathing. Loops should also be chosen as a hidden type. If this sliding system, then it must also be hidden.

Experts do not recommend using standard options door handles and castles. The plinth is fixed on the bottom of the canvas. If the canvas is disguised as one of the walls, then it should be flush with the surface of the wall.

We mask the design under the curtain

This is the most affordable and easiest option. Straight curtains or draperies attract enough attention to themselves, and successfully and effectively mask the passage.

Wall camouflage method

Today, there are many options for how to make a secret door. For example, a popular way is to mask the door leaf under the wall. If you correctly implement this option, then even the most observant people will not be able to notice any door.

The simplest but effective method- this is the decoration of the door leaf for wallpaper. To make the entrance as less noticeable as possible, you need to minimize the gap between the door and the wall. Also, do not forget about the plinth.

Alternative way - simple painting. With this option, you can create unique effects. The wall can be painted with rectangles different shades- the door will simply get lost among them.

The door between the tile seams is very effectively masked. You can apply not only tiles, but also decorative brick. The most important thing is that the door merges with the wall.

Using large mirrors

A great way to securely hide the door in the interior is to use a mirror overlay. Mirrors look good on wardrobes, in corridors and bedrooms.

Making such a door is quite simple. It is necessary to fix the mirror canvas on the MDF frame of the canvas. The frame is made of aluminum, at the top it is necessary to additionally fix the frame-handle. It will hide the joints and create the effect of framing a wall mirror.

Use the picture

Another option on how to make a secret door is to use paintings as a camouflage element. It is better to use examples of classical painting. This method partially resembles the solution with a mirror. The painting seems to be permanently installed, and its frame will hide the passage.

IN modern interiors you can not use classical painting - photo wallpapers or any photographs will do. The main thing is the frame and the large image format.

Secret doors can be made even easier - just buy an invisible door in a hardware store without finishing and finish it to match the color of the wall in the apartment. Often this is enough.
