Many people admire the fabulous beauty of houses from the distant past. First of all, attention is drawn to the unusual, elegant carved kokoshniks on the roofs, openwork frames on the windows. The platband is on the face of the house. Moreover, it is practically impossible to find identical works of masters, because each province was famous for its craftsmen with a peculiar style.

Those who love and appreciate the history of Russian architecture try to preserve the beauty of their houses so that future generations will not be deprived of this splendor. Today their photos can be viewed on the Internet.

Platbands on the windows. How to make yourself

Platbands are one of the structural elements wooden house... They are reliable close the cracks in the windowso that dust, precipitation, and drafts do not enter the room. At the same time, platbands on the windows decorate the building. In ancient times, they protected those living in the house from the evil eye: pagans invented bizarre patterns and figures. Each element had its own weighty "word".

IN modern houses for the platbands, mainly the protective function and the ability to decorate the windows of a wooden house remained. But a real master tries to fulfill the elements, filling them with love, and the desire to continue ideas that came from the distant past.

The platbands were complex or simple, everything depended on the capabilities and skill of the master. In the lower part of the window, a carved "towel" was necessarily installed, which resembled women's hands holding a towel and a loaf of bread with salt.

Beautiful products cannot leave people indifferent, they are ready to stand for hours in front of ancient monuments. But doing something like this with your own hands is not so easy. But if there is a desire, patience, then templates for carving platbands can still be made!

Stencils for independent work do it by finding sketches on the Internet. For further carving, you will have to enlarge stencilsto get a full size template.

Creating stencils for window frames

Today, there are many opportunities for obtaining templates:

Making templates

Most often for the manufacture of carved window frames use a tree, and for templates use thick cardboard... With its help, you can get a stencil of the desired size. It should be noted that for each element, pattern, ornament, you will have to make a special template.

Stencils are to be made from the resulting template. After you trace the template with a regular pencil on a piece of wood, immediately outline where the holes will be located. In these places, a pattern is cut with a thread. But to make it easy, first work with a drill. It is important to remember that first they perform actions inside the stencil, and then they are engaged in the ornament from the outside of the tree.

You can prepare templates for carved platbands using carbon paper. On a piece of wood put a copy first, over a drawing of a pattern or ornament. To prevent the drawing from sliding out, you need to use pushpins. Cut out the necessary details from the resulting stencil.

Do-it-yourself window trims

IN last years it became fashionable to decorate houses made of wood with bright, carved platbands. It is the thread that is becoming more and more popular. Moreover, you can perform it in various styles: country, folk, classicism. You can see the options for carved platbands and choose the most suitable for your windows in the photos available on the site.

Russian masters from time immemorial in their ornaments depicted elements of plants, the symbolic sun. But the birds on the frames were not so often present. Today, many craftsmen use in the manufacture of stencils geometric figurescreate real pictures that look great on windows.

Slits were often made in the platbands, thereby creating fabulous patterns. The shape of the holes can be varied. Wood carving for the manufacture of platbands is not a complex technique, so you can do it yourself, even without having a special education.

Carved wooden platbands on windows were often made slotted. In this technique, the pattern is created using through holes. different shapes... The slotted carving of the platband with its use is the simplest technique that even a person who does not have special skills can handle. IN modern conditions making platbands even easier, since you can purchase a solid tool. Doing work with your own hands, you need to stock up:

  • Drill and jigsaw.
  • Pencil and stencils with matching patterns.

If you do the work patiently and accurately, and even look at the samples of platbands on the site, you can create a unique frame for windows in a private wooden house.

Before planning the work and cutting the stencil, using the required template, you should pay attention to the fact that the basis of the thread is the holes, between which the bridges fastening the ornament are located. If you damage them, then your carved platband will simply fall apart. You can't do without a stencil, since thanks to it, the marking is made, you can see how the carving is performed.

Bas-relief carving is another option for making platbands

This type of wood carving is quite complex. It will require hard tree species. The best material is oak. If you decide to make from this material carved platbands, then you have to sweat hard, but the end result is worth it.

The Internet has diagrams, sketches, drawings, so finding a suitable ornament will not be difficult. Although do not tackle complex patterns the first time, let it be simple, classic.

You need to know this!

  1. When making wood trims, you must use special stencils, carefully examining the photo. Only in this case can you get the desired result if you do the work yourself. Only high-class craftsmen can do without templates, ornaments and patterns, although they often use them.
  2. For the manufacture of stencils, in addition to cardboard, you can use thick paper, wood-fiber board. By the way, the latter material is durable.

Platbands for windows in a private house

Russian architecture of ancient times is associated with the majority of carved wooden window frames. Their form stands out among many others for its diversity and beauty.

More recently, in any corner of the country, one could find craftsmen who know their business and make mind-blowing platbands. Then, the popularity of such works faded away, but now it is resuming with renewed vigor.

In this article, we'll talk about a wonderful way to decorate window openings using carved wood trims. Such elements are most suitable for a wooden house; you can buy ready-made stencils in full size or print, adjusting the dimensions at your discretion.

Also, we will tell you what materials are best suited for making decorative trims for windows.

The main function of carved wood trims was precisely in decoration window openings... Each tried to distinguish his home from others and to be different. The constructive function of wooden platbands is to close the gaps between the window opening and the frame. This is done to minimize the ingress of dust and dirt into the home, as well as rain, snow and wind. In addition, the platbands also perform a function.

In the old days, it was believed that carved wooden platbands are able to protect housing from the evil eye, and are a special amulet for people living in it. That is why a variety of ornate patterns have their own specific meaning.

Modern architecture

Provides the following functionality for do-it-yourself carved wooden platbands:

Note.Often, decorative carved platbands are indispensable, especially in log houses, since other materials will lead to a loss of the structure's visual appeal.

  • Carved wooden platbands have their own operating characteristics, which you need to pay attention to:
  • The negative influence of jumps in air temperature, high humidity, contribute to the loss of appearance and deformation of the material.
  • When choosing wood for platbands, take into account the properties of each species, because it also has its own characteristics of processing and use.
  • Difficulties often arise when combining wooden and plastic elements, so give preference to materials that imitate wood.

The meaning of the trim patterns

Each of the patterns of carved wood trim has its own sacred meaning.

  • Place on the kokoshnik the sunwhich is used as a symbol of energy and life.
  • Snake - the embodiment of fertility and wisdom.
  • Cross - a symbol of a harmonious combination of material and spiritual.
  • Plants on the platbands - the unity of man with nature.
  • Earrings in patterns - hospitable hosts. Earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.


For the manufacture of carved window frames, wood is used. With proper processing and periodic, you can not be afraid of negative effects. external environment.

How to make carved platbands?

Materials for carved window frames

Larch - the most durable wood, which is not subject to putrefactive processes and the appearance of mold due to the high content of resins in it. Although these qualities do not allow it to be used to create carved elements due to its strength and hardness, working with larch is very difficult.

Alder, linden, aspen
- the most malleable materials, from which wonderful carved platbands are obtained. In addition, it must be borne in mind that such materials need to be treated with antiseptics and fire retardants.

Ash, beech, oak - resistant to negative impact external environment. But processing such a tree is rather difficult.

Pine and birch - the most popular materials for the manufacture of carved platbands, since it is a pleasure to work with them. From such wood, openwork patterns of breathtaking beauty are obtained.

Apple and cherry used for the manufacture of the smallest details for platbands.


For the manufacture of carved window frames, in addition to wood, MDF is also used (only for interior design), PVC (wide range of colors), polyurethane (for rounded windows), metal (protects the assembly seam).

Methods for installing platbands

Telescopic method The L-shaped shape allows you to attach decorative elements by dipping into the groove of the window frame. The advantage of this method is that the attachment points are not visible at all.

Overhead method - the most popular way to attach carved platbands. Fastening takes place using nails or special glue.

Features of carving of wooden platbands on windows

In order to make these decorative elements for windows with your own hands, you need templates. They come in a variety of shapes, with artsy and bizarre patterns. If you have experience in woodcarving, it will be easier to get the job done than a beginner. You can choose a drawing on any specialized Internet resources or purchase it in a store.

The selected fragments must be enlarged to the size of your window, so it will be easier to work. For carved wooden platbands and a template, take fiberboard, cardboard high density or the same paper.


Cutting out small parts is many times more difficult than large ones, moreover, they quickly lose their original appearance and require replacement over time. Also, take into account the angle of inclination of the upper carved platband, to prevent snow ingress and drainage of water.

The upper platband on the window is called the kokoshnik, and the lower towel. The most popular carved platbands are birds, animals, plants and figures.

Details of the carved window frame

  1. window sill or lower plank;
  2. vertical rail;
  3. top bar;
  4. hangers;
  5. diadem;
  6. flowerpots.

The most decorative and beautiful are carved platbands, which are cut through. For such work, wood of light shades is suitable, or any other that is covered with paint. white... Thus, the windows can be decorated on the dark side of the house, then the drawing will appear brighter in all its glory.

When carving in an overhead way, it is necessary to fix the parts that were cut separately on a single board. Glue or nails will help you with this. Thus, you can decorate a window to which the platband has already been nailed earlier. The overhangs are painted one shade darker for expressiveness. The combination of both carving methods creates a unique beauty on the windows.

Making carved window frames

First of all, you need to select a pattern and print it in an enlarged format. In addition, the pattern must be correctly positioned on the wood. To prevent cracks in the material, place the carved frame stencil on the windows along the grain of the wood. The places of the slot are recommended to be highlighted in color, and then proceed directly to the work, which is divided into stages:

Carved elements must be cleaned with sanding paper, and dust is removed with a vacuum cleaner. The overhead thread is attached to the window with nails, the caps of which are then removed. For the reliability of fastening the platbands on carved wood windows, special glue is used, which is applied from the seamy side. Also, through or deaf thorns or liquid nails are used to attach carved platbands to windows. To preserve the original pitch of the material without loss of quality, carry out the treatment with fire retardants and, as well as from bark beetles.

Plating windows is an ancient practice. Wood carving - at one time, was one of the most demanded professions, and now it has moved into the category of applied art.

Our ancestors believed that evil spirits can enter the house through window and doorways. Therefore, the platband served not only as a decorative element, but also as a talisman, and each applied ornament and pattern on the carved platband carried a certain message. Moreover, each region had its own traditions.

The meaning of the carved elements on the platbands is interesting

  • The wings emphasize strength.
  • A bird is an element that unites all times in itself.
  • The sun represents life and energy (usually located on the kokoshnik).
  • The snake symbolizes wisdom and fertility.
  • The cross demonstrates the desire of the owners for harmony between the material and the spiritual.
  • The vegetation shows a sense of unity with nature.
  • Earrings testify to the hospitality of the owners of the house.

Wooden platbands are rarely found in cities with multi-storey buildings. But in private construction, they are again in demand today, making modern houses more stylish and unique. They emphasize the desire of many to revive traditions in decor.

Nowadays, window frames perform a completely different function and are not only made of wood. Platbands made of metal, plastic (PVC), plywood, and laminated MDF are widespread. As for the latter, platbands made of MDF or plywood are not intended for the external framing of windows, only for the internal decoration of door and window openings.

It should be noted that the correct name of the external decorative framing windows - cashing. The platband is installed indoors.

The functional purpose of window frames


  • decoration of window openings. For example, a platband can visually stretch a low house, or widen a narrow one;
  • the opportunity to express your individuality or give your home the style of a particular era or region;
  • emphasize the style of the house and allow you to combine all buildings on the site into a single architectural ensemble;
  • protection of cracks between the window and the wall from dust and moisture;
  • reduction of heat loss at the junction window frame and walls;
  • reducing the level of external noise;
  • sometimes they are the only possible option registration. For example, platbands on the windows of a wooden house or log house can only be wooden. Otherwise, the whole flavor of such a structure will be lost.


Wooden, especially carved, platband has a number of disadvantages, or rather, features:

  • dependence atmospheric influences... Frequent changes in temperature, moisture, ultraviolet light, all these factors damage the platband;
  • dependence on quality processing. Right choice species, thorough impregnation of wood, timely replacement of parts, and painting, all this can extend the life of the product. Otherwise, the wooden platband will soon become unusable;
  • the complexity of combining with modern plastic windows. Wooden platbands are not always suitable for plastic windows.

Quite often there are plastic windows framed with wooden platbands, as shown in the photo above. A somewhat unfortunate, controversial decision. In such cases, you need to either install wooden double-glazed windows (or laminated wood-like windows), or paint the casing white.

A more harmonious finish is shown in the photo below.

Types and types of window trims

The production of platbands for windows depends on the type and method of installation of the platband.

Allocate simple window trims - flat and standard. More beautiful ones are made on special equipment. The most beautiful window frames are, of course, carved.

The method of manufacturing and the cost of the platband is influenced by the way they are installed:

  • telescopic. To a greater extent will change in the frame doorways... Special L-shaped protrusions of such a casing fit into the grooves of the box. Such a connection is more complex, but beautiful;
  • waybills. Attached to the window frame with nails or special glue.

It should be noted that platbands are of a wide variety and are often complemented by shutters.

How to make window trims - choice of material

1. Wood species

It is better to use wood such as beech, oak, birch, linden, alder, pine, walnut, or even fruit trees for making the platband.

The choice of the breed will be influenced by the intended method of making the platband.

  • Platbands made of hardwood (beech, oak, ash) are very reliable, but this material is very hard. It takes a lot of effort and time to cut a pattern on them.
  • Platbands of soft-leaved species (linden, alder, aspen). Soft wood material, it is a pleasure to work with. But if improperly processed, they absorb moisture and quickly deteriorate.
  • The best option is hardwood (birch) or softwood (pine). Hard enough to be used outside, they enable neat cuts.
  • The cherry or apple tree is used to make small ornaments that are superimposed on the main pattern.

2. Patterns for platbands on windows - drawings and templates

If decorative carving is supposed, you need to decide on the pattern. Depending on your skills, you can choose a light or very complex ornament for the platbands. Below are some drawings of carved window frames. Templates can be copied in whole or in part, adding something of your own to the pattern.

Sketches with interesting ornaments and patterns are placed on a separate page, by going to which you can
It also describes how to make stencils for making templates with your own hands.

It is desirable that all windows are decorated with the same platbands with the same thread. Therefore, when choosing a pattern, keep in mind that it will need to be repeated several times. It shouldn't be too pretentious. Especially if you are a beginner. It is better if your pattern contains round holes (they are easy to drill) and large elements. It is worth noting that small elements are not only difficult to manufacture, but also become unusable faster than others. Therefore, they will require periodic replacement.

Another important point is the mandatory presence of a slope at the top of the casing. Otherwise, snow will accumulate on the surface of the tree, which will inevitably lead to its destruction. A slope of several degrees is easy to perform, it will drain water downward.

3. Tool

  • hacksaw;
  • knives;
  • chisels of several types (cranberries, corners, flat, curved, semicircular, caesarics);
  • sanding paper;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • milling machine (if available)

4. Patterns for platbands - stencils and sketches

To keep the pattern the same on all windows, it is recommended to make a sketch or stencil.

You need to place the drawing on the workpiece correctly. Elements should be located along the grain of the wood. This will prevent the threads from cracking.

Areas of the pattern where you want to make cuts can be marked with color.

5. Making carved window frames

There are two ways to make wood carvings:

  • slotted wood carving. The pattern is cut through the entire casing and it, like lace, beautifully and exquisitely frames the window opening.

  • overhead woodcarving. This method is much simpler in that a thinner workpiece is used for work, which is easier to work with. With the invoice method, individual elements threads, which are then folded together on a solid board. Thus, you can refine simple window trims.

The beauty of openwork window trims lies in the use of contrast. A lighter carved element on a dark background is more common.

Do-it-yourself wooden platbands on windows - instructions

  • measurements are taken from the window;
  • all work is performed on dry lumber. The height and width of the board depends on your preferences, but the thickness should be at least 30 mm for the slotted thread and at least 10 mm for the invoice;
  • blanks are cut;
  • from the inside of the clypeus, to a depth of 1-2 mm. wood is selected. Edges are left around the edges. This approach will provide a tighter fit of the casing to the frame;
  • the pattern applied to the template is cut out. In this case, the holes can be drilled with drills of different diameters, and the slots can be made with a jigsaw. The entry point for the jigsaw is indicated by the drilled hole. This will make the cut more beautiful;
  • slots and holes are processed with sanding paper. If there are blind holes in the pattern, then wood dust must be removed from them. This is done using a vacuum cleaner.

6. Fastening of carved elements

Details made with an overhead thread are attached to the wide base of the platband with nails. It is desirable that the nails are without heads. A more secure connection can be achieved by applying glue to the pattern from the wrong side. Masters advise not to use self-tapping screws for the connection, so as not to damage the connection.

7. Installation of platbands on windows

It is not enough to create a beautiful product. You also need to know how to install window frames correctly.

Correct installation of platbands on windows is a guarantee of their long-term operation and aesthetic appearance. For fastening, you can use the following methods:

  • deaf thorn. Such spikes are installed in the casing, and holes are drilled in the frame for them. A little glue is applied to the spike and inserted into the groove. This mount is the most complex, but it protects the installation site from moisture and does not spoil appearance products;
  • through thorn. A simpler and less reliable way. It is this spike system that provides fastening. But, the spike must be installed where it will be least noticeable and additionally protected from moisture.

The listed methods are used if platbands are installed on wooden windows.

In the event that the installation of platbands on plastic windows is required, special glue (liquid nails) is used. This method will not violate the integrity of the frame.

In order for the carved platband to please you as long as possible, you need to take care of its processing. To do this, wood is primed, varnished or painted.


Striving to follow ancestral traditions is commendable. The revival of carved art comes in handy in the context of modern urbanization. The special flavor of Russian carving will not lose its relevance. With some effort, you can make carved wooden platbands with your own hands. Yes, the work is difficult and painstaking, but it's worth it. Plus, you can save a decent amount because if you order the production of a set of carved platbands for one window in the workshop, it will cost 5-15 thousand rubles.

Carved wooden window frames - photo with examples

On multi-storey buildings, you rarely see wooden platbands, but in private construction this is the most common element. Modern private house can be made original and stylish by installing homemade carved frames on the windows. In the old days, unique patterned platbands were installed on each house, which were not only decorations, but also served as amulets. Today in Russia there is a tendency to revive traditions, and many owners prefer to put a beautiful wooden cashing instead of "boring" metal-plastic frames. In this article we will tell you in detail how to make a carved platband with your own hands.

Modern platbands are made not only from wood, but also from metal, plywood, PVC and laminated MDF. Plywood and MDF products are not intended for outdoor use, since they are not able to withstand temperature changes, humidity and ultraviolet radiation.

Useful: the correct name for the external elements of the window trim is cashing, and the casing is called the inner framing.

What are the functions of cashing:

  • decorative - window openings acquire a complete and aesthetic appearance. Correctly selected form of platband is capable of visually stretching a low building or expanding a narrow one;
  • with the help of a well-chosen pattern or ornament on the casing, individual preferences can be expressed, traditional features family or region;
  • platbands help to unite all buildings on the territory into a single architectural style;
  • cashing performs a protective function, preventing moisture, litter and dust from getting into the gap between the wall and the window;
  • due to the additional wooden frame of the window, heat loss is reduced at the points of abutment of the window frames to the walls;
  • sound insulation increases;
  • often wooden platbands are the only acceptable way to decorate a window, especially when it comes to a wooden house or frame.

The platbands have no drawbacks as such, but there are a number of features that you need to know in order to install them correctly and extend their service life. So, wooden carved platbands will sooner or later deteriorate from the influence of the external environment - after all, the tree does not last forever and eventually collapses from moisture, frost and sunlight. But at the same time, treatment with anti-corrosion compounds will extend the "life" of beautiful homemade structures.

It is very important to choose the right type of wood for the manufacture of platbands, as well as to process all areas with high quality. It is necessary to regularly monitor their condition, timely replace damaged parts, paint the surface, etc.

If you plan to install wooden casing on plastic windows, you need to carefully choose the pattern and color, otherwise such a design will look ridiculous. But often wood and plastic are simply incompatible. It is better to install wooden double-glazed windows, lamination under wood or paint the platband itself white.

Types of platbands

To make carved window frames, you need to decide on the installation method and the type of the structure itself. So, there are telescopic and overhead platbands. Telescopic ones are often installed not on windows, but on doorways. They make special L-shaped projections, which slide into the grooves of the box. It's pretty complex connection, but the result is a very beautiful and harmonious framing of the passage.

Overhead platbands are attached to window frames using weather-resistant wood glue or nailed. Very often, cashing is complemented by carved shutters, which make the facade of the house even more picturesque and authentic.

Wood selection

Since the encashment is placed outside the home, it must be made of the strongest and most durable wood possible to withstand the effects of the environment. To make carved platbands, the material must also be malleable so that intricate patterns can be easily cut out.

What to make a platband:

  1. Hardwood hardwoods - ash, beech and oak. They are very strong and durable, however, it is impossible to make "lace" platbands from such a tree, since they are very difficult to process. When choosing these breeds, it is better to limit yourself to a simple ornament.
  2. Softwood hardwoods - aspen, linden, alder. In this case, the tree, on the contrary, is very malleable and allows you to carve unimaginable motives, but if improperly processed, all your work will deteriorate very quickly. If the finished platband is poorly coated with moisture-resistant varnish, it will crack and rot very quickly.
  3. Birch and pine are the most the best option for the manufacture of carved platbands. In addition to the fact that these rocks are inexpensive, they have sufficient hardness for external use, allow the implementation of fairly small patterns and make neat cuts.
  4. Apple and cherry are mainly used for cutting small inserts, which are then applied to the main pattern of the canvas.

Choosing a template

To choose a template for a carved window casing, you need to determine what you want to achieve or demonstrate with this pattern. If you just need to "revitalize" the facade, you can choose a not too complicated pattern, especially if you need to make cashing for windows in all buildings on the site. This will save you time and effort.

If you want to emphasize with the help of carved platbands belonging to an ancient family or any nationality, reflect cultural heritage homeland, we recommend that you study traditional motives and symbols. Moreover, each region, moreover, each village or city may have its own distinctive features.

If possible, arrange all windows with the same platbands. The threads may differ slightly, but the same motives must be present. For example, on kitchen window there is a platband with a deer framed with flowers, a bear surrounded by the same flowers can flaunt on the window in the living room, etc.

Below we will show several examples of patterns of carved platbands, but in order not to repeat someone's work, you can copy only part of the drawing, supplementing it with your own patterns. This way you can be sure that your windows have a unique frame.

Useful: if you are dealing with wood carving for the first time, practice first on a separate piece of wood of the same species from which the platbands will be made. Hone your hand positioning skills, basic movements and cuts. Video tutorials and tutorials for beginner woodcarvers will help you do it quickly and correctly.

The easiest way to make patterns with round holes, because they are fairly easy to drill even for a beginner. If you want the platband to last as long as possible, give preference to templates with large elements, moreover, they are easier to cut. Small parts will require much more time and skills, and will become unusable earlier, since moisture and fine debris will accumulate in them faster.

Important: in the upper part of each casing, it is imperative to make a slope so that snow and water do not accumulate on the surface of the tree. Just a few degrees of incline, and moisture will quickly drain down, and the surface will dry out faster.

Platband making

The laudable desire to do everything with your own hands requires not only knowledge and skills, but also special tools. In the case of woodworking, you will need a large set of chisels, a hacksaw, sandpaper of various grit sizes, a router bit, a drill and a jigsaw. In addition, stock up on impregnation to protect the wood from insects, weather-resistant varnish or paint, stain, if you will tint the wood.

To make the same pattern on the trims for all windows, prepare a stencil. It is better to cut it on thick paper, cardboard or plastic.

Important: place the stencil pattern along the grain of the wood so that the thread does not crack, and place the places where you need to make through holes with colored dots.

There are two ways of carving:

Step-by-step instructions for making a carved wooden platband:

  1. Take measurements from the window.
  2. The wood for platbands must be thoroughly dried. The height and width of the boards can be any, depending on your preferences, but the thickness should be 3 cm for the slotted carving method, from 1 cm or more for the laid on.
  3. Sand the wood with sandpaper (first # 3, then # 1 and zero) - the surface should be perfectly flat and smooth.
  4. Cut out stencils.
  5. On the back of the casing, select a layer of wood up to 2 mm thick, leaving small edges at the edges. So the cashing will fit more tightly to the window frame.
  6. Apply the pattern to the front wooden surface simple pencil... Paint over where the through-slots will be.
  7. Start cutting out the pattern. At first, it is more convenient to do away with the through holes, and then get to work with the chisels. Use drills for through cuts different sizes, jigsaw and milling machine. Make the point of entry of the jigsaw with a drill - so the cut will be more accurate.
  8. Rub all holes thoroughly with sandpaper (from coarse to finer grain).
  9. Remove all dust from blind patterns with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  10. Nail the elements of the applied thread to the canvas with nails without hats. For a more secure hold, apply weather resistant adhesive to the back of the element.
  11. Wipe the cut out trim with a damp, clean cloth to completely remove dust from the surface. The rag should be barely damp so that the wood fibers do not rise.
  12. Now you can tint the platband with wood stain or immediately cover it with weather-resistant varnish. Alkyd or Yacht varnish is suitable for this - they will reliably protect the wood from burnout and moisture.

Platband installation

The durability of cashing depends not only on the correct processing of the carved elements, but also on the correct installation of it on the windows. For this, two types of fastening are used: a deaf or through thorn. With the method, a deaf thorn in the casing is attached with thorns, and in window profile holes of the corresponding shape are drilled. Weatherproof glue is applied to the spike and inserted into the hole. This is a rather complex mount, but very durable and neat.

To make a through fastening, install the spike in the most inconspicuous place of the casing and perform fastening. This method is less reliable and durable, but it is much easier to implement it.

However, it should be borne in mind that these fastening methods can only be used for wooden windows... For fixing carved platbands on plastic or metal-plastic windows use special high-strength glue or liquid nails so as not to violate the integrity of the profile.

At the very beginning of the article, we mentioned that earlier, carved wooden platbands were used not only as protection and decoration of the house, but also as protective amulets for residents. The application of certain symbols and ornaments protected the family and created a barrier to evil intentions and black witchcraft.

In the old days, our ancestors believed that evil power penetrates into the house precisely through doorways and windows, so they tried to protect these places by all possible methods. The most common and “reliable” way to protect homes was to apply magical patterns.

Even today, most of the templates for platbands posted on the Internet can be found with these protective symbols, but now they play more of a decorative role. If you want to make not only aesthetic, but also useful element on windows, you can combine various security symbols with decorative elements. It should be borne in mind that each country (region, village) has its own traditions. So, for example, it was customary for the Scandinavians to apply runes, and for the Slavs, a subject image (animals, plants, birds) is characteristic.

Images on platbands helped not only to protect houses from evil spirits, but also to strengthen or develop certain qualities in a person. So, floral ornaments always meant unity with nature and love before Mother Earth. Wings signified strength of mind, and the bird fully personified the unity of times. The snake symbolizes wisdom, and the cross said that the owners of the house strive to maintain harmony between the spiritual and material world.

Carved platbands: photo

Platbands are an important component for any window. They are often associated with beautiful carvings that serve purely for decorative purposes. But they do not always have a catchy look, and they have much more functions. It is a versatile element that is essential for protecting windows and improving their insulating properties. Therefore, their installation is recommended in almost any wooden house.

What are platbands for?

The platband decorates the window and makes it much more colorful. But initially its purpose was defensive. Platbands are used as an external element of the window frame, which not only protects it from damage, but also closes the mounting gap between the frame and the wall of the house.

This approach provides:

  • Reducing heat loss;
  • Elimination of through holes;
  • Dust and noise protection;
  • Moisture protection.

Interesting ! Previously, platbands were also used as amulets. Because of this, they were given a colorful and non-standard look.

While these advantages are not so significant in concrete and brick structures, they are extremely important for timber houses. Over time, wood can dry out and deform, leading to gaps between the frame and the rest of the structure. Platbands allow you to slow down this process, as well as reduce the damage from existing holes.

Types of platbands

For houses, a lot of varieties of platbands are used. Often they differ in the material used, since they have a similar design. The main classification of platbands follows the installation method and marks two types of platbands:

  1. Overhead;
  2. Telescopic.

The overhead version is considered the most common, being the old type. It is installed by a simple method on top of the window frame, thereby blocking access to the sun and precipitation to the joint. Installation of this type is very simple and does not require much effort.

The telescopic casing is more modern. Its fastening does not require additional elements such as screws or nails, because it is placed in the gap between the wall and the frame. Thereby, it is securely fixed around the entire perimeter.

Use the telescopic mounting method as a priority. It is more convenient, because it more reliably covers the gap and prevents its deformation. However, its installation is complicated by the fact that for it it is necessary to completely remove the window, which is not always possible in wooden houses... In such cases, it is easier and more efficient to use the invoice platband.

Platband materials

Materials for platbands can be different. Wood is often used for these tasks, which is recommended for wooden structures. But here several options are allowed, including:

  • Wood;
  • Plastic;

Wood is a practical and natural option for any construction. Due to its versatility, it can be given any ornament and style, and the use of the same type of material will allow it to perfectly complement.

Advice! For better alignment, it is recommended to make platbands from the same wood as the structure. But if the texture is the same, then the color can be changed through special compositions.

Often it is chosen precisely because of the variety in the decor, because other materials require special processing on machines and rarely have such decorative elements.

While wood is reliable and durable, it has its drawbacks. These include vulnerability to moisture and high temperatures... In addition, frost also affects it negatively, destroying and deforming the structure.

Plastic in this regard is much more convenient. It is practical and reliable, and its wide production possibilities allow you to give it any texture, including woody. But at the same time, it does not deform from moisture and temperature extremes, and its lifespan is much longer. Another advantage of plastic is that it has fasteners in advance, which makes it possible not to spoil the appearance of the platbands with nails or screws.

Perhaps the only drawback of plastic is its artificiality. Many owners do not want to supplement their home with artificial materials and reduce its environmental friendliness. The third option can help here.

MDF is a board made from wood waste. They are natural, but at the same time saturated special formulations, which significantly increases the life of the material and protects it from external factors. Often, such platbands are laminated, which increases their lifespan and reliability. The only drawback of such elements is their relatively low strength compared to plastic and wood.

What material to take is a purely individual choice. Each of them has its own advantages, but there are also disadvantages.

Which wood is better

If the choice fell on wooden platbands, then it is important to note the choice of wood species. In fact, almost all options are suitable for this task, because they do not need to transfer any load. But here, too, there are some nuances.

The best option for platbands is oak or beech. It is a solid rock that can last a long time and will not deform from moisture or heat. But the problem is that it is extremely difficult to work with. It is extremely difficult to independently cut patterns on such material, and not every master will undertake this.

Advice! The way out of this situation is special milling machines, the pattern on which is pre-loaded into the program.

If you need a softer and more inexpensive breed, then you can choose linden. It's easy to work with, but without careful handling, it will quickly collapse. It is necessary to use high-quality antiseptics and some kind of coating, which can worsen its appearance.

An intermediate option for such a task is birch or pine. It is a fairly sturdy strain that requires only basic maintenance. But it will be easy to work with her.

Preparing for installation

You must first take all measurements from the window. It is important to choose the appropriate dimensions so that the frame contour does not peep out from behind the casing and is reliably hidden. Further, the preparatory stages are carried out with the material.

If wood is used in the process of work, then you need to first cut out the blanks of the platbands, decorate them at your discretion and process. Plastic and MDF do not require processing, but wood needs impregnation protective compounds against moisture and also for protection from insects.

Important ! All work is carried out with dry lumber. If it is poorly dried, then deformation is possible after installation, which will ruin the whole work.

After measurements and processing, it is important to mark in advance the joints and fasteners on the platbands. All holes are pre-drilled. Platbands are carefully polished.

It is also important to prepare the work site itself. Window joints are carefully insulated, because in the future access to them will be limited. If any insulation or repair work is planned, then they must be done before installation.

You must first select the mounting method. For telescopic platbands it is not required, but there are several options for invoices. Among them, the most popular are:

  1. Nails;
  2. Deaf thorn;
  3. Through thorn.

The first option is the simplest, but spoils the overall picture and creates an extra load on the material during installation. Therefore, the cleats are more comfortable. A blind spike implies the installation of small spikes on the window frame, and small holes are made in the casing for them. A through thorn implies the same technology, but a through hole in the casing.

If the house is built from a log house, then you need to make room for the platbands. To do this, it is worth cutting off the protruding edges, which can be done at an angle.

Installation of platbands in a wooden house

After carrying out all the preliminary procedures, the installation stage begins. To begin with, all the components of the casing are connected to each other. To do this, you can use the same spike technology, nails or glue. But the latter is often used as an auxiliary component.

During installation, when using spikes, you need to do the following:

  • Mark the future location of the studs on the frame and trim;
  • Make or purchase spikes for this task;
  • Drill the appropriate holes in the pre-marked places;
  • Place the platband on the spike and fix.

The first stage includes a preliminary marking of the perimeter, where the fasteners will be placed. It is important to evenly distribute the load, so they should be placed around the perimeter of the structure.

After the acquisition or manufacture of thorns, future holes are drilled for them. This is a simple step, after which the installation process itself begins. The platband is neatly positioned so that all the spikes fall into the holes.

The task is quite simple, it is only important to accurately mark the future location of the fasteners. It is recommended to use glue during work in order to securely fix the structure after installation. This will reduce the risk of it falling and improve hole insulation.

You can simplify the process by using ordinary self-tapping screws. Although they will degrade the appearance, their use greatly simplifies installation.

Upon completion of the work, it is worth treating the working holes with a composition so that they do not absorb moisture. Next, you just need to monitor the state of the structure and take care of it as needed.

The whole process is quite simple, it is only important to qualitatively connect all the elements and not neglect preparatory steps installation. Thanks to this, such a structure will last a long time, decorating the house and protecting residents from drafts and moisture.
