Very often the question arises of the demolition of old and the construction of new interior partitions. Which one to choose - from brick or blocks, drywall or glass? How to comply with the technology during installation, ensure sound insulation and resistance to stress? Let's try to figure it out in our review.


Whatever the material - brick, blocks or slabs, partitions are erected at the stage of general repair work, before the beginning finishing works. Base - load-bearing beam, floor slab, rough floor screed.

The choice of material is influenced by several mutually exclusive conditions:

  • on the one hand, the load on the floors of new partitions should not exceed the weight of the previous ones, the thickness of the partitions should not significantly “eat up” the usable area, which means that the partitions should be fairly light and thin;
  • on the other hand, partitions must be strong enough to support the weight of suspended furniture, lamps, decor items and at the same time provide comfortable sound insulation.

To solve this dilemma, let's turn to building codes and regulations:

  • SNiP 23-03-2003 "Protection from noise" recommend comfortable sound insulation standards from 41 decibels between rooms to 47 decibels between a room and a bathroom. node. True, modern recommendations raise this barrier to 55 decibels - it is this kind of noise protection that is considered optimal. To ensure such conditions, the minimum thickness of the partition must be no less than the depth of the interior door frame, i.e. no thinner than 10 centimeters. And better - about 30 centimeters, which corresponds to a plastered brick wall on both sides.
  • SNiP 2.01.02-85 "Fire protection systems" require that internal partitions be made of slow-burning materials and be sufficiently fire resistant. The most stable in this regard are reinforced concrete panels, small-piece blocks, gypsum boards on a metal frame.

What material is better? Only specialists, for example, from the TopDom construction company, can say with certainty. The decision is made taking into account the individual characteristics of your home.

Here we can consider only the characteristics of some materials.


Recently, due to the variety of modern building materials brick loses its position. At the same time, a partition made of this material has a number of advantages:

  • durable and reliable;
  • able to hold fasteners perfectly;
  • well isolates sound at low, medium and high frequencies;
  • resistant to resonant vibrations.

A quarter-brick wall

Laying on the edge significantly saves usable space and is distinguished by a lightweight design. At the same time, its strength is low, and the soundproofing ability (even plastered on both sides) does not exceed 40 decibels. To strengthen the structure, vertical and horizontal reinforcement with steel wire is used.

Usage: in utility rooms such as pantries, dressing rooms.

Partition wall half brick thick

The usual way of installing interior partitions. Due to the sufficient thickness and plaster on both sides, the sound insulation is at the level of 45 decibels.

Brick-thick partition

The 24 cm thick partition provides maximum security and sound insulation. However, at the same time, it has a high mass, therefore, before its construction, it is necessary to obtain information about bearing capacity house structures.

An alternative to ordinary bricks are slotted bricks (the weight of the partition is 2 times lower, but the sound insulation is worse) and ceramic porous blocks (good geometry and sound insulation).

In order for a brick partition to be assembled with high quality, it is necessary to involve highly qualified craftsmen in its construction, as this is a complex labor-intensive process. An uneven brick wall will have to be sheathed with drywall, which will increase the cost and thickness of the partition.


The specific gravity of blocks compared to brick is twelve times less, and the dimensions are larger (600x300x150), which makes this material in demand and popular in the construction market.

Such blocks are easy to use - they are easy to cut with a hacksaw and lay on cement mortar or special formulations. The surface of the blocks is not ideal, it requires plastering, as well as bricks.

In comparison with a brick, a wall made of foam blocks is less durable and cannot withstand a load on fasteners of more than 20 kg. Soundproofing is also somewhat lower.


tongue-and-groove slabs- corpulent and hollow with a thickness of only 8 cm. are increasingly used in the construction of partitions. They are easily laid on special glue and are more durable than foam blocks. There is no need to plaster a PGP partition: two or three layers of putty are enough to level and close the seams.

Since the soundproofing of a wall made of GWP may be insufficient, hanging soundproofing materials should be used. This is, as a rule, a plasterboard frame, the interior space of which is filled with noise-absorbing materials.

MATERIAL - gypsum board

A drywall partition is almost four times lighter than a brick, block or slab partition. And at the same time it is built much faster and easier. In addition to simplicity, the technology allows for an ideal geometry and a smooth wall surface. But this is not all the advantages. It is convenient to place communications in the voids of the plasterboard frame. The cost of the finished partition in comparison with other materials is much more economical.

With all its advantages, a drywall partition was not without some difficulties.

  • In reaching required level soundproofing. To do this, it is recommended to assemble two independent frames with a gap between them of a couple of centimeters. Additionally, rubber gaskets and noise-absorbing mats are used.
  • In achieving strength and resistance to cantilever loading. Hang if necessary heavy shelves or other pieces of furniture - they must be attached directly to the frame. For additional strength, the frame is reinforced with a number of jumpers, and standard profiles are replaced with rolled metal.


More precisely - glass blocks. It is they who are now quite often combined with other materials or used solo - depending on fashion trends And design idea. Glass blocks can be of a wide variety of colors, so it is also an excellent interior decoration. Such material is not only aesthetic, but also safe, while it provides sufficient sound insulation.

Fastening masonry from glass blocks - cement mortar or tile adhesive. When using white cement, dyes can be used. The seams are filled with a grout of the desired shade, by analogy with ceramic tiles.

Another option for a partition that provides a sufficient level of illumination is a partition with a glass insert. If, in the event of redevelopment, some room is left without a window (usually this is utility room) and became dark - glass or similar transparent material will save the situation.

Light will enter it from a lighted corridor or an adjacent room. Glazing options are different - the transparent part may exceed the deaf one or vice versa. Glazing can also be double - then between them you can skip blinds or decorative curtains. In a word, the glass partition is an undoubted decoration of your home.

However, in addition to stationary partitions that cannot be moved from place to place, there are mobile partitions. Their material is light and decorative, and the partitions can be moved according to your desire.

What they are most often used for and how they look - read here: an overview of sliding partitions for repairs in the house. In the matter of redevelopment, they will serve you well.

Apartment renovation is often accompanied by redevelopment of premises. Interior partitions erected from various materials: brick, drywall, cellular concrete blocks, wood, glass, polycarbonate, various plates and others. They differ in their performance characteristics. The choice of option for the house depends both on the required functional indicators of the constructed partitions, and on their decorative appearance, the complexity of installation. Also important point often is the affordability of the material, the ability to work with it with your own hands. In practice, they also use a combination to achieve an original, unique decorative design housing interior.

Purpose of partitions between rooms

During major repairs in a private house or apartment, the question may arise of displacing existing interior partitions or building new ones. The problem is also relevant in new buildings with a free layout.

Interior walls are represented by a large number of diverse options for their creation. Creating new rooms, or resizing existing ones, should be done in such a way as to ensure the maximum level of comfort. The main obstacle in the way of construction may be the question of the choice of material, the correct construction of the intended structure from it.

Interior partitions should:

  • to maximize the space of the room;
  • be durable to withstand the load from hanging shelves, paintings, cabinets;
  • provide good sound insulation;
  • if possible, have an attractive decorative appearance;
  • give residents the opportunity for privacy and comfortable pastime;
  • divide the house into functional areas: a kitchen, a toilet with a bath (shower), a hall, an entrance hall, a bedroom.

The best option that meets the first requirement are partitions with a small wall thickness. But they often do not meet the other criteria.

In internal partitions with niches or openings, aquariums are installed, various household appliances. And when furniture serves as walls, then at the same time the interior space of the house is divided into regions, clothes, books, dishes and other things that are rarely used are distributed.

The correct construction of partitions solves a number of important tasks related to the organization comfortable living apartment dwellers. At the same time, you can decorate your home in this way.

Basic installation rules

It is possible to build walls inside the house with your own hands or with the help of attracted workers, but there are a number of restrictions that must be taken into account. The rules are as follows:

  • it is forbidden to increase the size of bathrooms (toilets), kitchens, reducing the living space, and vice versa;
  • it is impossible to equip a bathroom in a multi-storey building if the neighbors' kitchen is located below;
  • it is also unacceptable to divide a room into several parts if there is only one source of natural light (windows);
  • when a gas stove is installed in the kitchen, it cannot be combined with a living room;
  • it is strictly forbidden to move or demolish load-bearing structures, because it is dangerous for the entire building;
  • it is allowed to erect heavy interior partitions only on a solid foundation; in such cases, it is first necessary to calculate the loads acting on the floor.

With walls made of lightweight materials (aerated concrete, or built using a frame), everything is simpler: they are built everywhere without problems.

Internal redevelopment of the house will require an appeal to the appropriate authorities (BTI). The device of interroom partitions must necessarily comply with the above requirements. This issue affects the comfort of neighbors, the integrity of the structure, personal safety.

Materials for interior walls

If there is a question about what to make an interior partition from, then there is no definite answer. The modern construction market offers customers an extensive range. Each material is good in its own way. Before buying any, you should study its features. Only after that - to decide from what it is better to make wall structures in a particular case. Monolithic concrete partitions are created at the construction stage as load-bearing walls.


Brick room dividers are the standard way of building. To build such a structure, you need to have special skills and knowledge. But this option is optimal in terms of sound insulation, degree of strength.

Brick because of its high density is a heavy material. For the construction, the following varieties of it are used in composition:

  • ceramic;
  • clinker;
  • silicate.

According to the release form, the following types are used:

  • whole;
  • hollow.

Dignity brick walls- this is their high strength, resistance to damage, which allows you to hang heavy, massive cabinets, paintings, and other items. But for bases made from hollow varieties, you will need to use reinforced fasteners.

Masonry is usually taken out in half a brick. Its thickness does not exceed 160 mm. To build a structure, it is imperative to take into account its future weight, the load on the base.

Using a brick with voids inside, you can make a lighter wall: reduce its weight by about 30%. But the level of sound insulation will be less than when using solid bricks.

Masonry is done "for jointing" or for further plastering, decorative finishes. The first option is itself a design method, but it places high demands on the skills of the builder, the quality of the work.

Using brick as a material for partitions in an apartment or house is an expensive option for their construction. Both the material and the work of laying it have a high price. Further plastering also affects it. The construction process itself brickwork is labor intensive and time consuming. But brick walls and partitions are durable and strong.

Cellular concrete

Interior walls in new buildings are often built from gas and foam blocks. These materials are easy to process: you can simply cut out an arch in them, mount a door frame.

The resulting design is lightweight. Its thermal insulation characteristics are better than those of a brick, and sound insulation and especially strength are inferior to the latter. .

Work with cellular concrete is faster and at the same time less labor than during the construction of masonry.


Considering various options, you should pay attention to the types of partitions made of gypsum tongue-and-groove plates. Building from such blocks is reminiscent of a lesson with a designer: due to the presence of grooves and protrusions (ridges), the structural elements fit together perfectly.

Grooved slabs have the following advantages:

  • easy to process;
  • has good heat and noise insulation characteristics;
  • has a relatively small mass;
  • ease of installation, greater strength of the erected structure compared to the construction of a foam or gas block;
  • the presence of voids makes it easy to lay internal communications.

The plates have relatively low strength, are not moisture resistant, require the use of special gypsum-based glue for installation.

Glass, blocks from it

Glass is used to create sliding partitions or stationary panels. The dimensions of the partitions themselves are insignificant in thickness, but other significant characteristics suffer.

The use of glass blocks (luxfer) for the construction makes it possible to emphasize the style of the room, to obtain interesting lighting and decorative effects.

Glass and luxfers are distinguished by a high price. They are used relatively rarely, because from the point of view of practicality, this is not the best solution.


Often they do it in an apartment or house. At the same time, the sheets are fixed to a pre-created frame, inside which sound and heat insulating material is laid.

The use of drywall is characterized by ease of installation, the ability to create partitions different shapes. In rooms with a high content of water vapor in the air, moisture-resistant varieties of GCR are used.

Subject to the technology of installation work, the construction created from drywall is characterized by low weight and has sufficient strength and reliability.

Other materials for the construction of internal walls

In addition to the options considered, quite often in practice other materials are used to build walls inside a house or apartment. Among them are the following:

  • expanded clay concrete blocks, similar in properties to brick, but less durable;
  • polycarbonate;
  • sandwich panels.

Often it is from wood that frame partitions are made in a house from a bar. It fits perfectly into the interior and does not require further finishing. Sandwich panels are used in prefabricated structures. They are covered with aluminum sheets on the outside.

Before you need to choose for existing operating conditions suitable material. The best option should be for personal budget.

  • brick - optimal solution if greater strength is required, sound insulation to the maximum, but it will be necessary to calculate the load on the ceiling;
  • interior walls made of expanded clay in their characteristics are close to brick;
  • it is better to make partitions from cellular concrete, if necessary, insulate rooms and avoid significant loads on the base;
  • frames sheathed with boards or plasterboard sheets can be built quickly and get a fairly good level of heat and sound insulation, decorative look, while this is the easiest option;
  • timber structures are appropriate mainly in wooden houses;
  • can be selected if you want to make partitions that create various optical effects.

High-quality brickwork does not require further finishing. This is a centuries-old option that has a decorative look. If you need to save money, keep in mind that the cheapest internal partitions are made of drywall.

Materials for creating interior partitions are characterized by various soundproofing indicators. After erection, protection from extraneous noise and vibration may be required. It is important to carry out the work correctly to improve personal comfort.

First of all bedrooms, children's rooms. To do this, increase the thickness of the interior walls, or cover them with a material with good soundproofing properties.

Mineral wool insulated structures have at the same time a good level of sound insulation. This is the typical way. The material is laid both outside and fill voids with it. In the first case, the thickness of the partition will increase, the space of the room will decrease.

A single, specific case requires individual approach. When choosing what to make partitions in an apartment from, you should think in advance about the soundproofing qualities of the purchased material. Correct selection according to this indicator - will reduce the final costs, reduce the work.

Recommendations on what partitions between rooms can be built from are given in the following video.

Various wall design projects in the apartment are presented further in the video.

Instructions on how to make a partition in the room yourself from drywall contains the video below.

Different types of interior partitions require different approaches to installation, time and money costs for their construction. Their functional performance is due to the properties of the materials from which they are built. The final decision when choosing an option should be made based on your own conditions and financial capabilities. If the strength of the foundation allows, then brickwork is very practical.

An interior partition can be a wall in essence, but it can only half-cover the space, it can be deaf, transparent or even suspended from the ceiling, it can divide a room or act as its decor. In a word, as many needs as the modern owner of an apartment or house has, so many offers on the market. Made from various materials different sizes, forms and methods of execution - interior partitions, meanwhile, always perform an important function - they zone the room into functional segments. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the options for creating interior partitions for a wide variety of cases with the help of our large-scale selection. 100 ideas for modern projects rooms with different functional affiliation.

Interior partitions - the choice of material of manufacture

Depending on what function the interior partitions will perform, the material of execution is also selected. Someone needs a full-fledged wall that can bear the weight of hanging shelves or cabinets, while others need more of a decorative element that adorns the interior. Consider various materials for the execution of interior partitions, their advantages and disadvantages, technological characteristics, the possibility self-assembly and affordability.

So, interior partitions can be made from the following materials:

  • brick (full, hollow, clinker, ceramic);
  • drywall;
  • glass blocks;
  • glass;
  • aerated concrete blocks;
  • expanded clay concrete blocks;
  • metal;
  • polycarbonate;
  • acrylic;
  • tree (bamboo, wickerwork, twigs, branches);
  • combination of different materials within one product.

Brick partitions - building, hollow and clinker

Walls, and from brick (hollow, solid or clinker), it is usually the interior walls that are erected, that are the heaviest partitions. But their properties of strength and sound insulation are unrivaled. If you need a major partition between rooms or indoors, then brick can be an ideal material for execution.

Massive cabinets and shelves can be hung on solid brick and clinker walls without any problems. Various structures can also be hung on partitions made of hollow material, but it will be necessary to use reinforced fasteners, because. fasteners can get into the empty cavity of the product. The installation of a wall made of hollow bricks can reduce the load on the floor by about 20-30% compared to structures made of solid material. But the soundproofing qualities are reduced by about the same amount.

Structures made of traditional brick and clinker are heavy, so they can only be mounted on concrete floors. It is necessary to consult a specialist in apartment buildings, and when erecting walls in private dwellings on the upper floors. But in any case, this occupation is quite laborious, not cheap and requires further processing - plastering, painting or wallpapering, wall panels. Clinker brick structures are usually not plastered, using the decorative effect of the products. But clinker structures have a high cost due to the price tag on the material itself.

Ceramic brick walls

Cheaper and faster, compared to the construction of partitions from ordinary bricks, will be the installation of a wall of ceramic products with a thickness of 11.5 cm. Indoors, walls made of light ceramic bricks can provide an ample level of sound insulation. Usually, walls made of this type of building material are plastered, less often covered with drywall. A ceramic partition is able to withstand hanging cabinets and shelves, but for fastening it will be necessary to use special spring pins designed for porous bricks.

Partition of glass blocks (luxfers)

Partitions made of glass blocks are most often used in cases where they want to save (without significant losses, at least) the penetration of lighting into different functional segments of the space, but at the same time get a sufficiently strong, wear-resistant and durable interior wall. Most often, the use of this expensive material is determined by a stylistic need, decorative qualities.

Construction of partitions from aerated concrete blocks

Aerated concrete or cellular blocks are a very popular material for the quick and inexpensive construction of interior walls and partitions. The main advantage of the material is its high flexibility in creating surfaces. various shapes. If you need an original partition with smooth lines, original openings, or simply with internal wiring, aerated concrete products will be the best choice.

Compared to any type of brick, cellular concrete partitions have worse soundproofing properties. But, if you do not have goals to protect one zone from another in terms of penetrating noise, then this material that is easy to install can help you quickly create the desired partition.

Expanded clay blocks for interior structures

Expanded clay interior partitions are easy to build, they have sufficient strength for hanging shelves and cabinets (but still less than that of brick walls), they have sufficient wear resistance and durability. In addition, expanded clay concrete products perfectly absorb sound.

A partition made of expanded clay blocks can be mounted using a conventional mortar and plastered with the so-called ecological plaster - clay, lime, gypsum or cement. At a cost, such a design will cost less than a wall made of conventional concrete blocks.

Modern plasterboard partitions

A fairly popular way to create partitions of various modifications is the use of drywall products. Recently, the use of moisture-resistant panels has been effective, which can be installed even in bathrooms and bathrooms. Typically, a partition consists of two drywall panels mounted on a metal profile: a filler can be laid between them. mineral wool. As a rule, the thickness of such partitions does not exceed 10-12 cm, but may be smaller.

If speak about positive qualities drywall partitions, their presence in the premises favorably affects their microclimate - the structures are able to absorb and release moisture contained in the air. Such partitions can be erected very quickly, moreover, they do not require plastering, only putty joints.

Heavy objects cannot be hung on plasterboard interior walls. If such an action is necessary, then the fastening elements must be located inside the structure itself, mounted to metal profiles. Another disadvantage is the low impact strength (which is why they try not to use drywall partitions in children's rooms).

Partitions made of wood of various species

An interior partition made of wood of one modification or another can be either a very expensive product or cost you practically nothing - it all depends on what kind of wood it is made of, or you used waste material. In any case, wood products always bring notes of natural warmth, comfort and uniqueness to the interior.

Most often, wooden partitions appear in their natural color scheme with a beautiful natural pattern ...

But there are also situations when painting a wooden partition or its elements is necessary ...

The same group of interior partitions made of natural material includes various structures made of bamboo, vines, branches, twigs and other plants. The exclusivity of the interior with similar zoning elements will be provided to you.

Glass partitions - transparent and frosted

Glass partitions are used in cases where it is necessary to create a clear zoning, while maintaining the spread of light to all functional areas of the room. As a rule, for the manufacture of transparent or frosted partitions, especially strong and safe for humans tempered glass is used (even if the surface is broken, a person will not be injured by fragments due to a special protective film that prevents the glass from scattering).

More often glass partitions can be seen in bathrooms and toilets. They can enclose the shower area from the rest of the room or divide the room into a toilet and a segment for taking water procedures. In modern design projects, it is increasingly possible to find the use of absolutely transparent glass to create small partitions. But also matte products, surfaces with a pattern and photo printing are found as a decorative element of the interior, which, meanwhile, performs its main functions.

Partitions in the form of glass compartment doors can reliably fence off one of the functional segments located in the common room. Excellent soundproofing qualities, almost complete distribution of light fluxes and the ability not to burden the image of the room make this type of partition very popular. Although it is expensive and requires the participation of specialists.

Patterned glass partitions, laser engraving, photo printing or stained glass made using the technique can not only decorate the interior, but become its highlight.

Examples of combining materials to create original partitions

One of the most common unions of different materials to create partitions is the use of glass inserts for metal or wooden frame. Such partitions perfectly transmit light, but have good sound insulation. Such a combination is important if you need to separate, for example, an office from a living room and soundproof it, but at the same time be able to keep an eye on children who are in the adjacent functional segment.

The variety of interior partitions in terms of design and functions


An excellent combination of functionality and aesthetics is the use of a shelving unit as an interior partition (and not necessarily a bookcase). Efficient system storage and a beautiful element of the interior, which, among other things, zones the room. The advantage of such structures is that they can be used equally effectively on both sides of the zoned space.

One of the options for using storage systems as partitions is to create a spacious closet. It is up to you to decide whether to have storage systems on one side or two, or maybe use false facades in some places, use glass inserts or create a completely blank design.

The name speaks for itself - less durable surfaces - screens - are attached to supports made of durable material (metal, wood or brick or block columns) (they allow you to reduce the weight of the structure and reduce its cost, as well as bring an element of exclusivity to the image of the room). \

Interior partition-fireplace

A stationary interior partition in the form of a fireplace is a modern and very popular device, despite the fact that it requires considerable financial and time costs for construction. Such a design hardly resembles ordinary partitions, because it has a very large width, sufficient for arranging an air duct, a chimney for a hearth. The obvious advantage of a double-sided fireplace is the ability to watch the flame dance in the hearth from different areas of the room.

Rotary partitions

An original and at the same time incredibly functional device - rotary partitions. The structures look like horizontal blinds, which, depending on the angle of rotation, can create different levels of closeness of one or another segment of the room.

Support partitions

One of the options for interior partitions, which are created not only for zoning rooms, but also for creating a support for any element of the interior, are the structures on which the steps and other parts of the stairs rest. Most often, such partitions are made of wood or metal. It is extremely rare that they are performed in a continuous form, most often such partitions have holes, perforations.

The partition can serve as a support for various consoles and countertops, storage systems and even seating. It all depends on the purpose of the room in which the multifunctional element of the interior is located.

Partition - a decorative element

Often, the interior partition acts not so much as an enclosing surface, but as a decorative element. Indeed, for the embodiment of the imagination of a designer or owners of apartments and houses, there are currently practically no boundaries. It all depends on your preferences, the chosen interior design concept and financial capabilities.

Interior partitions - effective zoning

This article will help you understand the variety of materials for the construction of interior partitions and find the best solution for you. She will talk about the features of working with various materials and the technology of their installation.


A partition is a wall that divides the interior of a house into separate rooms. Not only a fixed wall can act as a partition, but also various sliding structures and screens.

The design of the partitions that you plan to build in your home depends on the requirements for them. If you plan to block the space for a long time and the separation should provide reliable heat and sound insulation, then use a strong load-bearing structure. In other cases, easily disassembled or movable partitions can be dispensed with.

Types of interior partitions

An excellent option for space zoning are various transforming partitions - sliding, retractable, folding soft and hard folding. They can be installed anywhere, for example, to distinguish between the kitchen and dining room, bedroom and dressing room, hallway and living room.

Sliding room divider

Sliding rigid folding room divider


IN modern interior screens are often used. They help zone your space and decorate the room. Screens are cheaper than other types of partitions.

The most durable partition is a stationary one, that is, a wall that allows you to isolate a room from other rooms. These are brick, wooden, partitions made of glass blocks, tongue-and-groove slabs and cellular concrete. We will talk about them in more detail in this article.

Brick interior partition

Interior partition made of wood

Interroom partition made of glass blocks

Interroom partition made of cellular concrete

Brick partitions


  • Brick partitions have good soundproofing properties. For example: brick partitions made of solid red brick, plastered on both sides, have the following sound insulation index values: a two-brick wall (thickness with plaster 530 mm) = 60 dB; wall in one brick (thickness with plaster 280 mm) = 54 dB; half-brick wall (thickness with plaster 150 mm) = 47 dB. At the same time, the normal value of the sound insulation index for interior partitions should be at least 52 dB.
  • Brick is a moisture resistant material, but if you are building a partition in the bathroom, it is better to use a solid brick.


  • Significant partition weight: 1 m2 weighs about 280 kg, with a partition thickness of 1/2 solid brick.
  • Another drawback Obligatory plastering of the surface before final finishing and longer erection time compared to other technologies.

Construction technology: Brick partitions in the house are most often made in half (120 mm) or a quarter of a brick (65 or 88 mm). If you lay out a partition in a quarter of a brick and its length exceeds 1.5 m, in this case it is necessary to use wire with a diameter of 4-6 mm for reinforcement. This is done by laying the wire horizontally through every 3-4 rows of bricks.


Masonry mortar: 5 parts sand and 1 part cement. For every 2 kg of the resulting mixture, add 1 liter of water. To correctly calculate the amount of mortar, keep in mind that about 40 kg of sand is required to install 20 brick blocks.

Brickwork: Pick up a brick and apply a layer of mortar about 10 mm thick on its surface. Press the brick to the floor and wall. Apply mortar to the second brick and press it against the first. Now, using a trowel, remove excess mortar and check if the blocks are installed at the same level and strictly vertically. This must be done after laying each row of bricks. At the beginning of the next row, install half a brick to form a regular dressing, and so on through each row. In its raw form, brickwork is very unstable, so it is better to lay it out in one stage no more than 1.5 meters.

After laying the bricks, the partitions are plastered on both sides, overwritten, preparing for painting, ceramic tiling or wallpapering.

Approximate cost: The price for 1 m2 of brickwork will cost you $ 10 and more. Work - from 7 dollars per 1 m2.

Partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs

The construction of partitions from tongue-and-groove slabs (hereinafter referred to as GWP) is a simple and relatively quick way to build partitions. The speed of building partitions from these elements is 6-8 times higher than from bricks. The mass of the partition is 4 times less than that of a brick one.

The plates are made of building gypsum. They have mating and supporting surfaces, that is, a groove and a ridge. The tongue-and-groove plates are available in two sizes: 600x500x100 mm or 500x300x100 mm.


  • According to SNiP 201.02-85 "Fire-fighting standards" GWP, partitions 100 mm thick have a fire resistance limit of 2.5 hours, a fire spread limit of 0 cm.
  • Partitions made of foam concrete slabs are odorless, moisture resistant, durable, not susceptible to infection by putrefactive bacteria, fungus, "breathe" well and regulate indoor humidity.
  • Partitions made of PGP meet the regulatory requirements for sound insulation (41 dB - for a single design and up to 60 dB - for a double one).
  • PWP is easy to saw and process, and electrical wiring and pipes are recessed into strobes, performed with a simple hand tool.
  • A partition made of tongue-and-groove elements does not require surface plastering, and it is proposed to apply only finishing materials.


Cannot withstand heavy structures. Pictures, mirrors and other light objects weighing up to 30 kg are attached to the partition with screws and dowels, heavy objects (cabinets, shelves, etc.) - using anchors. For loads from 30 kg/cm to 100 kg/cm, bolts passing through the entire thickness of the partition are used.

Mounting technology: The tongue-and-groove plates are easy to install, easy to saw and process. PGP partitions are placed not on the concrete base of the floor, but on the finished floor screed before application finish coatings. As a mounting adhesive, when working with plates, Fugenfüller type putty or any adhesive for mounting PGP plates is used.

Installation: Apply the prepared solution to the base of the walls and floor at the junction of the plates. After 30 minutes, you can begin installation. At the first row of plates, it is necessary to cut off the comb and install them with this side down. Apply mortar to the grooved top side and sides and start laying the first row. We press each plate with a rubber mallet. We remove the glue that has come out with a spatula. When laying the next row, the mortar is applied to the groove of the previous row and to the sides. Perform a high partition in several stages of 4-5 rows, allowing the glue to harden.

Partition of tongue-and-groove slabs

Approximate cost: Approximate cost of one plate of 600x500x100 = 2 dollars. 1 m2 of wall contains 5.5 elements, therefore the cost of 1 m2 is from 10 dollars and more. The cost of work is from 3-4 dollars per 1 m2.

Aerated concrete partitions

Aerated concrete is obtained by foaming cement mortar. The standard block size is 200x250x60 mm.


  • the fire resistance limit of a wall made of 60 mm thick blocks is 150 minutes.
  • the air enclosed in the pores of cellular concrete gives the blocks good thermal insulation characteristics (0.14 W/mS).
  • The standard block has a mass of 18 kg. For example: one such block can replace up to 15 bricks, the mass of which is about 70 kg, therefore, installation from blocks is less laborious than from bricks.
  • Block partitions have good sound insulation: a 100 mm thick structure has a sound insulation index (Rw) of 35-37 dB, a 125 mm thick one - 44-46 dB, and a partition that is another 25 mm thicker - and does 55-57 dB.


  • Low air permeability and rather high labor intensity of construction.

Mounting technology: When laying a partition made of cellular concrete, you can use both a sand-cement mixture and ordinary tile adhesive.

Installation: A layer of mortar is applied to the base of the future partition and the laying of the first row of blocks is started. It is necessary to constantly check the uniformity of the masonry horizontally and vertically using a level. The next row of slabs is installed with glue on the mating surfaces and with the ligation of the slabs of the previous row (at the beginning of the row we install only half of the block).

We fix the partition from cellular concrete blocks with the help of metal fittings inserted into drilled hole bearing wall and a seam of horizontal masonry blocks. Fastening to the floor can also be carried out using metal profiles.

Fixing an interior partition made of cellular concrete blocks

Approximate cost: On average, the price for one block is $1 and above. When buying, pay attention to the brand of blocks. The D500 and D600 values ​​are the most suitable for the construction of interior partitions, and the D350 grade has a lower density and, accordingly, does not provide structural strength. The cost of work will cost you from 6-8 dollars per 1 m2.

Glass block partitions

Modern glass blocks are easy to assemble, reliable in operation and original design which will allow to realize any idea of ​​the designer. Glass block is a kind of transparent "bricks" made of thick glass (6-10 mm). Standard sizes glass blocks - 190x190x80 mm and 240x240x80 mm, but they also produce corner and half elements. The surface of the block can be smooth, corrugated, transparent, matte and even colored. A pattern of small pieces of colored glass can be applied to the surface of the glass. Of these, you can lay out real panels with images of landscapes, flowers, or abstract drawings.


  • Partitions made of glass blocks look very impressive and have a number of advantages: sufficient strength, fire resistance, heat and sound insulation qualities (54 dB), durability.
  • One of the main distinguishing qualities of glass blocks is light transmission. For transparent blocks, it is 75-80%, for colored and matte blocks it is 30-50%. And the patterns from the blocks give an unusual light-shadow pattern.
  • Glass blocks tolerate temperature changes from -40 to +50 degrees. And in case of fire, they prevent the spread of fire and smoke for 1-2 hours.
  • Glass blocks do not absorb odors and do not accumulate dirt. Easy to clean with glass cleaner.


  • Inside such walls and partitions it is impossible to lay various communications (for example: electrical wiring or sewerage).
  • It is impossible to hang anything on the wall of blocks (for example: paintings, shelves, etc.).
  • Such a glass block cannot be cut or sawn during installation; in this case, a semi-block is used.

Installation of glass block partitions

Laying glass blocks is not an easy task, especially for a beginner. Used to fasten blocks cement mortars that do not contain large grains of sand or "liquid nails".

There are several ways of laying glass blocks: on a cement-adhesive mortar, in modular cells or in prepared niches in the wall.

The first method is similar to brickwork. This method is the most laborious and time consuming. The base for masonry must be flat, free of dirt and dust. The first row is laid out according to the level so that the wall is even. Plastic crosses are installed between the blocks to obtain even seams. It is not recommended to lay out more than three rows per day, as the lower raw seams can "ride" from gravity. Glass block masonry must be reinforced with a metal rod with a diameter of 6 mm. To do this, the rods are placed vertically and horizontally every two blocks.

First row of glass block masonry

Installation of plastic crosses for laying glass blocks

Reinforcement of masonry from glass blocks

The second method of mounting glass blocks is faster than the first. Lattices with cells made of wood, MDF or plastic are attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. And then they are filled with blocks, fixing with rubber masonry or sealant.

The niches in the walls made of glass blocks look impressive. To do this, you need to drill a hole in the wall of the desired size. But in this case, the thickness of the block and the wall are the same, so on the one hand the blocks will be slightly recessed. Installation of blocks can be done using sealant or "liquid nails".

Approximate cost of material.

The cheapest glass blocks are industrial. Their price is about 40-60 rubles apiece. More expensive are colored blocks - from 160 rubles apiece. And probably the most expensive blocks are blocks with fusing (giving patterns by sintering colored glass). The price of such blocks is not less than 1500 thousand rubles per piece. The cost of work will cost you at least 20-25 dollars per m2.

Partitions frame type

Plasterboard interior partition

Drywall partition is drywall sheets, completely covering the racks and reinforced on a metal frame on both sides.


  • The values ​​of the sound insulation indices for a partition on a single frame, sheathed with a 12 mm plasterboard sheet on both sides (95 mm thick) = 37 dB. And for the same partition, but sheathed with two sheets of plasterboard, the sound insulation index is 45 dB.
  • Light weight - 25-50 kg / m2 (for moisture-resistant drywall, this figure is greater).
  • The main advantage of drywall partitions is that the wall is smooth and even, it is perfect for wallpapering, painting with acrylic paints or any other finish.
  • In addition, drywall has a fire resistance of 0.2 hours for a partition of one layer of GKL and up to 1 hour for a partition in two layers. GKL also has vapor and gas permeability, and is very easy to install.


  • Drywall is a fragile material, so it is easy to damage it with a hard object.
  • Afraid of moisture. When wet, the GKL swells, deforms, and may even fall off the frame.
  • It is impossible to hang something very heavy on the GKL partition. The maximum weight must not exceed 70 kg for each running meter, but items must be attached directly to the frame. Light objects (up to 15 kg), such as paintings, can be hung directly on drywall using screws and dowels.

Technology of installation of a partition from GKL: First you need to build a metal frame from aluminum profiles. First of all, it is necessary to mark the erected partitions. First, it is performed on the floor, and then, using a plumb line, this markup is transferred to the ceiling. Using dowels, we fix the guides, according to the markings, on the floor and on the ceiling. In the same way we fix the profile on the walls. We cut the profile along the height of the room and fasten it in increments of no more than 600 mm. The frame is ready! Before proceeding with the sheathing, you need to lay out the sheets on a flat surface and cut them according to the height of the partition. We fix the sheets with self-tapping screws with a pitch of about 250 mm. After sheathing, the seams can be primed and puttied. To do this, apply putty on the seam and in one motion from top to bottom level the putty, and remove its excess. Then, without waiting for hardening, a reinforcing tape is laid on the putty, while it is pressed into the putty mass. Another layer of putty is applied over the tape. Hats of self-tapping screws are sunk and puttied.

Frame from metal profile for room dividers

Fastening metal frame for interior plasterboard partitions

Approximate cost and consumption of material: 1 m2 of a GKL partition will cost about 20-60 dollars (excluding installation), with one layer of GKL. For the installation of a plasterboard partition, you will pay at least 6-8 dollars per 1 m2.

Wooden interior partitions

Wooden partitions can be solid plank (single or double), double with an air or filled gap and frame-sheathed.


  • Made from environmentally friendly material.
  • It is possible to make a structure of increased strength that can withstand more than 150 kg of cargo.
  • The weight of a partition made of wood is about 92 kg/m2 (with a partition thickness of 150 mm).
  • The sound insulation index reaches 41 dB (with a partition thickness of 150 mm).


  • Wooden structures are afraid of water.
  • They have insufficient sound insulation (37 dB).
  • They are fire hazardous - they have a fire resistance of 0.2 hours.

Mounting technology:

  • Single plank partitions: consist of vertically installed boards 40-50 mm thick. Prepare the boards for mounting the partition. They should be: edged or tongue-and-groove and their length should be 1 cm less than the distance from the floor to the ceiling. Before starting work, draw strictly vertical lines on the walls with a plumb line and a pencil. Then, along these markings, draw two more lines on the floor and ceiling. Next, nail two bars to the floor so that they form a groove equal in thickness to the board. Now you need to nail another triangular beam to the ceiling. Insert the board into the bottom groove, press it against the wall and nail it to the top bar. After all the boards are nailed, the gap between the boards must be filled with tow. Next, you can nail the second triangular beam to the ceiling, thereby pressing the boards. Such a partition can be plastered, sheathed with plywood, fiberboard or plasterboard sheets.

View from above

    Double and triple plank partitions: Before proceeding with the installation of these partitions, it is necessary to prepare the boards and carry out all the markings (as in the case of single partitions). First you need to put racks from floor to ceiling. Racks are firmly fixed between the slats and sheathed on both sides with boards 20-25 mm thick. The surface of the partition can be plastered, sheathed with fiberboard or drywall.

Wooden racks and slats for interior partitions

    Frame-sheathing partitions: For mounting the frame, bars of 30x50 mm or 50x100 mm are used. Making a frame: Take two bars with a length equal to the length of the partition (bars for the floor and ceiling). Using dowels, we fasten the bars, according to the markings (as in the case of A and B), on the floor and on the ceiling. In the same way, the bars on the walls. We cut them according to the height of the room and fasten them in increments of no more than 600-120 mm.

Sheathing: it can be made from plywood, fiberboard, chipboard sheets or boards 50-75 mm. First, the skin is completely nailed on one side, then on the other. After installing the partition plastered on both sides.

Wooden interior partitions

Approximate cost: The price for 1 m2 of such a partition is from $ 20 and more, it will depend on the cladding material.

For example: a linear meter of timber costs at least $ 1, and the cost of boards will cost you about $ 200 per cubic meter. meter. At the same time, about 0.2 m3 of boards are consumed per 1 m2 of the partition. The cost of work will cost you 2-3 dollars or more per 1 m2.

How to improve sound insulation? We still have one unresolved question: how can you improve the sound insulation of interior partitions if you need perfect silence?

The sound insulation index is measured in "dicibels". This value does not depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, but only on the interior partition itself.

In the norms of MGSN 2.04-97 "Permissible levels of noise, vibration and sound insulation requirements in residential and public buildings" there is a division of housing categories with their own sound insulation indices: 54 dB - for houses of category A (elite housing), 52 dB - for houses of category B (comfortable new buildings), 50 dB - for houses of category B (old houses).

The main way to improve the soundproofing of a room is to increase the thickness of the partitions or use soundproofing material. As soundproofing materials, you can use mats or plates made of basalt or fiberglass, which have not only high heat-shielding and sound-absorbing capacity, but also fire resistance. For example: if a soundproofing plate 50 mm thick is laid in a partition from one layer of drywall, then the sound insulation index will be 43 dB, if a double layer of drywall is 58 dB.

The question of interior partitions is quite extensive. I hope that the tips given in this article will help you solve all the problems associated with the choice of materials and installation of interior partitions. Whether you use the tips in this article or not, it's up to you.

Attention: Prices are valid for 2008.

If you bought an apartment in a new building without finishing and you are not satisfied with the layout of your new home, then by dismantling the old walls and installing new partitions, this can be easily fixed.

As a rule, this allows you to increase the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and obtain the desired dimensions of each room.

A partition is a wall with which the total area of ​​​​a room on one floor is divided into private rooms or the division of one of them into certain zones (pantry, change house, etc.).

The difference between a partition and a main wall

The partition is an additional structure and should not be confused with a load-bearing (capital) wall. The main wall is the most important part of the construction of the entire residential building, the main function of which is to hold the entire load of the structure.

Planning permission must be obtained

This will lead to sad consequences: the collapse of the entire building as a whole, not a single architect will document such a redevelopment scheme and, in addition to everything, there will be administrative liability and, as a punishment, huge fines.

Partitions can be made both solid and with decorative holes

The outer walls provide reliable protection buildings from wind, rain and snow. They are built on the foundation, withstand the weight of all parts of the structure that rest on it.

Partitions are found exclusively inside the building. They are not load-bearing elements, they are responsible only for themselves. As a rule, floors are installed on logs or attached directly to the floor.

The main wall must be made of durable materials, have a considerable thickness, not let the cold through, and serve for many years. In contrast to it, the ceiling can be made of less durable building materials and have properties that will subsequently be presented to the partitioned room (sound insulation, moisture resistance, and others).

Note that when making a partition, you must not forget that it must support its own weight, so special attention must be paid to building materials.

The main wall is an important part of the building, which is responsible for the load of the entire structure, from the upper floors to the basement, taking into account all the floors, therefore, in its manufacture, high-quality building materials are used that meet the standards of strength and reliability.

The main wall must have the following characteristics in order to cope with all the tasks of the functional load:

Types of partitions

Depending on what material the partitions are made of, they are usually divided into:

Depending on the purpose, the partitions are divided into inter-room, inter-apartment, enclosing sanitary and kitchen units, folding or stationary. Accordingly, they have different thicknesses.

Compared to inter-apartment buildings, they have improved sound insulation. Fencing have increased moisture resistance and hygienic finish. All partitions must meet the sound insulation requirements described in SNiP P-12-77 Noise Protection.

Soundproofing qualities of partitions

For soundproofing, partitions are covered with foam rubber, mineral wool

To improve the soundproofing qualities of partitions, it is usually used:

  • cardboard or glassine is laid between the layers of wooden partitions;
  • from above, the partitions are also covered with glassine or cardboard. You can use a special soundproof material - foam rubber, soundproof membrane, etc.;
  • in frame structures, the space is filled with various fillings (slag, sand, sawdust);
  • all cracks and holes are carefully sealed. Soundproofing can be used stone wool, which is inserted into each seam. In addition, gaps can be filled mounting foam or with special filling sealants.

Installation of sliding partitions

Sliding partitions are made of one or more parts fastened together without connection to the floor. The installation of these partitions is carried out using guide profiles, which are attached to the ceiling and floor with anchor bolts. An example of installing a sliding partition, see this video:

The sliding parts of the partition move to the selected position along the guides. The advantages of such overlaps include speed. The main disadvantage is the complexity of the whole structure as a whole. It can only be installed ready-made.

It is most convenient to mount plywood or plasterboard on an aluminum profile

As a rule, frame partitions are made of a guide profile or wooden bars. At the same time, the outer part of the frame, which are fastened with self-tapping screws.

To reduce the load on the partition structure, it is recommended to use expansion joints, which are a cut that divides the entire wall into separate parts.

Seams are used in ceilings with a length of more than 15 m. Vertical seams are filled with putty and reinforcing tape is glued. Horizontal - only putty. If the surface of the frame is made in two layers of drywall, then the seams are filled only with plaster.

Installation of a brick partition

The first step is to pull the control cord, set in a horizontal plane. Next, you need to spread the solution on the surface for a strong bond of brick and floor. For more information about the construction of a brick partition, see this video:

Every four rows of bricks are laid with a reinforcing mesh. Internal brick partitions, as a rule, are made half a brick thick. Masonry is done using a cement-lime or cement-clay mortar.

For better connection with the walls, anchor bolts are installed between the rows. The more frequent the installation step, the greater the fit of the brickwork to the wall.

Installation of a partition from blocks

As in the previous case, installation is carried out using masonry.

First, mark and stretch the control laces.

After that, the solution is spread on the floor surface, along which the block is laid.

When above the openings, jumpers are used.

As you can see, the process of installing partitions is not so complicated. Any non-professional can do the work. The main thing is to do everything slowly, consistently and efficiently. The selection of building materials must be made in specialized construction stores that have a quality certificate for products. If the design of the partition is made of low-quality or fake materials, it will not perform all its functions in full.
