Noticing the flies, should not immediately try to destroy them, better trace the insects to find a problem space in the house. Midge adore wet, dirty places, and you need to carefully inspect possible problem zones In his home:

  1. In the kitchen it is worth viewing the cabinets with the reserves of croup, homemade blanks, perhaps something spoiled, and it was there that drosophilas. Forgotten food waste, fugged fruits or vegetables attract midges, and they rapidly multiply.
  2. Pay attention to the water supply, sewer plums, ventilation holes.
  3. In residentials, the fleet most often choose to habitable aquariums with stagnant water, cells in which pets are contained.
  4. Earthy flies face indoor flowers, it is worth only to overdo it with watering. In the soil, fallen particles are formed, and midges are instantly settled here, hitting the roots of the plant.

Before making cardinal measures to combat home insects, it is necessary to clean the house to prevent further reproduction of the midges. It is necessary to remove all perishable products in the refrigerator, check the cabinets, rinse the shelves with soap water, plumbing, sewer drains to be treated with special means.

Especially you should take care of pets, aquarium with fish, as well as check the room flowers.

Tip: Having found an earthen midges, the plants will carefully examine, cut off damaged and faded parts and transplanted the flower into fresh soil.

Midge trap will make rid of insects in the house

Perspective use insecticides to destroy insects in the house attracts few. These drugs, though small-toxic, but if there are small children, animals, patients with allergic diseases, it is better to abandon their use. It is worth trying safe methods, and the trap for the midge acts quite efficiently.

Tip: You can buy purchased traps, for example, "Raptor" with a bait liquid, which attracts insects, they fall into a plot covered with a sticky substance where they are dying.

Often there is no possibility to purchase the finished device, then it is better to make a trap for the midges with your own hands, which will help get rid of uninvited guests. For its manufacture, you can apply available home remedies.

We offer five ways to make simple devices independently:

Drosophilas do not represent direct danger to humans. But their presence in the house delivers a lot of inconvenience. Many hostesses are wondering how to get rid of midges. This problem acquires a special relevance in the warm season, when the season of fresh vegetables and fruits occurs.

Differences of Drozophil from other midges

Midges - unpleasant neighbors bringing a lot of inconvenience to man

Drozophiles belong to the category of double fruit flies. The number of their varieties reaches 2000. The size is 1-3 mm. The insect has an oval taurus dark yellow or brown color, 6-8 paws and 2 wings.

Sometimes there are orange and black midges, but it is a rather rare phenomenon.

From other varieties of frosophila, the dresser is distinguished by the habitat, degree of danger, reproduction rate and gastronomic preferences. These insects are the most harmless to humans. But some troubles for their presence calls:

  1. They spoil food reserves. Moreover, it can be both a large warehouse and a small cellar. If drosophilas settle in large food storage facilities, the products will come into disrepair, which will affect significant losses.
  2. No less harm, they are caused in private cellars and basements, where bags with sugar, flour, drawers with potatoes or tomatoes are stored. Drosophiles are able to damage not yet collected fruits.
  3. Neighborhood with these midges can not be called pleasant. They can fly into the eyes, nose, mouth, and also pollute the curtains and wallpapers.

Causes of appearance in the apartment

Drozophiles are distributed by rapid pace. At once, the female postpones about 20 eggs. They appear on the light at the earlier morning. Therefore, waking up, you can find a lot of drosophyl in the apartment, which was not yesterday.

Important! Insects are able to multiply after eight hours after birth, in an adult, the larva turns over 8-10 days.

In the apartment they penetrate in different ways.

  1. Drosophilas lay eggs in the peel of fruits and vegetables that we bring to the house. Midges choose soft fruits whose peel they can contact. Distributed damaged fruits - the task is almost impossible.
  2. Also insects are reached in the garbage bucket.
  3. Another way to penetrate the midges in the house is open entrance doors and opened windows. Drozofil attracts the smell of fruits. Insects can settle in the apartment, even if you use air freshener with the aroma of cherry, lemon or orange.

The larvae can only be seen at an early stage of formation, when the midge only postponed eggs. During this period, their size reaches only 0.5 mm. The larvae is determined by white color. Next they take the color of the fetus, so we cannot identify them when buying fruits or vegetables.

Midges can penetrate the house through open windows and doors, as well as with fruit and vegetables brought to the apartment

How to get rid of fruit flies

There are many ways to eliminate insects. You can find special devices on sale or make them yourself.


To combat drosophiles use:

  • traps;
  • sprays;
  • repellents;
  • stop.


Among the traps, such models can be distinguished:

  • Victor M380 Fly Maqnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait;
  • Fly Web Fly Trap;
  • Terro Fruit Fly Trap T2500.

1. The duration of the first device is one month. The kit includes six traps and liquid non-toxic chemical. One set of Beapco 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps is enough for half a year. Chemical can be replaced with apple or wine vinegar. There is a trap as follows. Insect through a special hole flies inside and can't get it back. Midges do not die from poison, just turn out to be trapped. BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps is characterized by compact sizes. This allows you to put the traps across the apartment.

BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit TrapS has a compact size

2. Model Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap with Bait is made in white and black colors. It also includes a chemical non-fluid. Drozophiles fly into the device cover and remain inside. This trap has some advantage over other models, it can be used repeatedly. The device you just need to rinse with water. The model is designed to combat drosophylaughses, bees and the wasps will not be able to fly to it.

Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait - Reusable Trap

3. Fly Web Fly Trap attracts drosophil ultraviolet light. A double light bulb is built into the trap. Midges fly to radiation and fall on the adhesive tape, which, as it should be changed. The advantage of the model is the absence of chemicals and odors. For the operation of the device, power is necessary.

The device affects ultraviolet

4. TERRO FRUIT FLY TRAP T2500 Action is sent to fruit midges. Other insects in this trap will not fall. It is made in the form of an apple, has a characteristic smell. The duration of operation is 30 days.

Trap flavors


The stoppers affect the midges with electricity, as a result of which the insects die. The following devices can be recommended:

  • ELECTRONIC INDOOR INSECT KILLER ZAPPER-15.5 INCH is a fairly effective stop, but it should be borne in mind that this is a cumbersome device that consumes significantly the amount of electricity, so for small apartments Such a model will be not very convenient;
  • The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Buq Mosquito Swatter Zapper has small sizes, but its action applies only to the midges that are flown close to it. To get the result from this device, you need to send Drozofil in its direction. The power supply is batteries, the model does not depend on the power supply;
  • Rechargeable Electric Insect Bug Bat Wasp Mosquito Zapper Swatter Racket Anti Mosquito Killer Electric Mosquito Swatter.

Stupids have great efficiency Compared to other devices against midges


Among the repellents should pay attention to the HOT Shot 5580 model NO Pest Strip. It is a strip small sizesimpregnated chemicals. There is a repellent in a special container. It is hanging in the room that needs to be cleaned from the midges. Poisonous couples begin to proceed from the tape, as a result of which insects leave the apartment. The man does not feel this effect. But it is necessary to ventilate the room.

Repeptants affect chemical


Get rid of the midges and destroy their larvae will help sprays. Garden Safe Insecticidal SOAP Insect Killer 24-ounce Ready to Use Spray 10424x is designed to process indoor plants. When the remedy gets on the midge or eggs, they die. Such an effect is provided by oily vegetable acids, which are part of the spray. His action does not apply to people.

Spray - safe remedy, but less effective in combating fruit flyers

Other funds

  1. If drosophilas are localized in the sewage or sink to eliminate them, you will need an invade Bio Drain Gel-1 Qt. The drug is produced in the form of gel, does not contain chemical elements of aggressive action. It has a pleasant smell. It dissolves organic substances in the pipes, destroys insects and larvae. If the spray is pouring into a sprayer, you can use it as a sprayer.
  2. Insects can harm not only fruits, but also home plants. They lay eggs into the ground, and the larvae feed on the root system. As a result, the plant dries and dies. Credit with such a problem will help the Thunder-2 drug, which is produced in powder form. But first separate the patient plant from healthy flower. Then sprinkle powder into the soil. Perform work in gloves and mask. The room after the procedure should be used.

Folk Methods

You can make a device for combating midges on your own. There are several options for traps:

  1. One of the delicacies that are very fond of drosophila are bananas. Remove the peel from them and place it in a plastic bottle or polyethylene package. Then, with the toothpicks, do holes. Position the trap near the accumulation of insects. Within 1-2 days, a significant part of the midge will fall into it. They will not fly out of the trap.
  2. You can struggle with insects using fluid. To do this, you will need an ordinary deep plate. Pour the juice there, honey, syrup or apple vinegar. Then put the peeled fruit without peel. Cover the plate on top of the film. Just like in the first version, pour holes. Homemade device For the destruction of Drozofil is ready.
  3. Another way to remove the midges is to make a trap in the form of a cone. Find glass jar And put a fruit in the middle in the middle. If there is no such fetus, you can use a piece of orange or banana. A sheet of paper Roll in the form of a cone and insert it in the neck of the container. Insects will fly to the bank, but can't get out.
  4. Drozofil can be twist. Grind the camphor, pour it on the pan and put on fire. When pairs appear, carry the dishes on all rooms. For a person, this procedure is harmless.
  5. Eliminate the midges will help the vacuum cleaner. Treat the habitat of insects with it, shake out the bag outside the house.
  6. If you notice the larvae on plants, water them twice a month with a weak solution of manganese. For this purpose, you can stick in the soil 3-4 matches with a sulfur side.
  7. Drosophilas are mainly localized in the kitchen. Inspect the products, eliminate rotting fruits and vegetables. Restored fruits Keep in the refrigerator or in the cellar.
  8. Score drosophyl will help geranium. They do not tolerate the smell of this plant.
  9. Similarly, insects react to garlic. If you calmly carry his smell, grind several teeth and put in the kitchen. After a few hours, remove.
  10. Clean the orange, wrap the carnation wand in the peel. Place this remedy on the sectors of insect localization.

To combat them, you can use various methods, including traps that have the following advantages:

However, the use of traps has some negative sides, the main ones are:

  1. Low degree of efficiency compared to the use of insecticideswhich allow you to actually instantly destroy entire populations.
  2. No protective effect. There will be only those individuals who will fall into the attached traps.
  3. It is necessary to wait for the moment when fly will pay attention to the trap and fall into itWhile some other methods allow you to immediately go to the destruction of pests.

Types of traps

The classification of such devices is carried out on the principle of their action today in accordance with this criterion, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. Adhesive traps are one of the most well-known and common varieties, their popularity is due to the simplicity of the design, which makes their exploitation of light, and the cost is low. You can use houses or adhesive tapes that are attached to any surface. This type of fixtures has a double effect, since it allows you to catch both flying and crawling insects. However, directly for the extermination of flies is recommended to use suspended adhesive tapes. Despite the fact that crawling insects can not be caught in such traps, they will be one of the most effective means against the flies.
  2. Adaptations containing baits poisoned by various types of insecticides. They are considered to be traps only formally, because they are not intended for fishing, but to attract their attention to the food bait in order to cause poisoning and subsequent death. Usually they are used to destroy cockroaches orant, facilities for fighting flies are not as widespread, because other options are distinguished by a much higher degree of efficiency.
  3. Mechanical traps with various bait intended for collecting insects. Tools of this type are used for catching actually all types of insects and flies in this case are no exception. Exist various optionsBut all of them functions by a similar principle: Flies fall inside a special tank attracted by bait, but can no longer get out on their own.
  4. Electric traps are the most innovative way of struggle, there are models intended for destruction different species insects. To attract mosquitoes and butterflies, usually special lamps are used, on the light of which they fly, the devices with a fragrant bait are suitable for flies, which will attract them with their smell. After entering the trap, the insect will receive an electric discharge, which is fatal for insects, while it is not able to cause any harm to a person or pet. Electrical models are the most expensive, but at the same time they are designed for long-term use, Since the traps are required only from time to time to clean from dead insects, after which they will again be ready to operate. To date, two varieties of electrical devices are distinguished: functioning after connecting to a home power grid or operating from interchangeable batteries. The second option is usually activated for fishing outdoor flies.

Overview of traps

Given the wide range of modern devices for fishing, it is enough to choose the most suitable option.

In order to simplify this process as simplifying, the most effective funds are reviewed below:

Ribbon with sticky basis Aeroxon is produced in Germany and is the simplest trap for flies. Its use does not require any additional costs, it includes only cellulose and ordinary glue, the device is environmentally friendly. Sold with sets in which four empty tapes come in immediately, the price is 100 rubles.

Help trap also has a glue element in its design, designed to place on the windows, so flies come across shortly after the penetration into the room. The main advantage is the almost complete imperiency of this adaptation, to acquire which It is possible for 80-100 rubles.

Bank trap "Raptor" is particularly effective for fishing and other flying insects on the street. It is enough to put inside the reservoir bait, which comes in the kit, then close the roof. The jar can be put on any surface or hang on the branches of trees, and the insects falling inside will not be able to choose out. The approximate cost is 300-350 rubles.

FC001 is a mechanical trap for the destruction of flies. It starts to work after a special tablet is inserted into it, after which the device produces heat and attracting insect smells. It is enough to have no more than 2-3 tablets in stock, this quantity is quite enough for the entire warm season. The price is about 3,500 rubles.

Excalibur Aqua 80 IPX4 ZSP005 is a unique device and trap, designed specifically for flies that has no analogues on the market today. The device is recommended for installation in public catering sites, at large enterprises or logistics centers, although it can be used in residential premises. The basic principle of operation lies in the defeat of the insects deadly electric discharges. The hull is made of high-quality and high-strength polycarbonate, and the trap itself is ensured by the moisture protection system, which makes it unpretentious to the surrounding conditions. The approximate cost is 50,000 rubles.

"Skat 23" is a trap of domestic production, which in addition to flies allows you to destroy and mosquitoes, which makes it a multifunctional device. The design includes special types of lamps that do not emit heat, but attracts flying insects. It is necessary to touch the protective lattice, as they receive the deadly discharge of the current. The device is environmentally friendly, silent and not distinguishing any third-party odors; the price is only about 4,000 rubles.

Flypod ZF050 differs not only to high efficiency during operation, but also attractive designwhich allows the device to harmoniously fit into actually any interior. The combination of this factor with small dimensions and features of functioning makes a trap like a small decorative lamp. It is best for accommodating in public places, cafes or living rooms, where you do not want to use fixtures like a sticky tapes that look too attractive. Insects die, falling inside and contacting with a sticky liner, which can then be replaced by a new one. The approximate cost is 8,500 rubles.

Fly Web Fly Trap is a trap that has not yet been widespread in the domestic market, but it can be ordered via the Internet. It has several effects, including light, which allows you to attract not only flies, but also a number of other flying insects. The device is a consumer of energy, so it can only function after connecting to the power grid. The only drawback is only the fact that it is extremely attractive for butterflies, moths and other innocuous insects, which will most likely get to her. The cost of such a trap excluding shipping is about 2000 rubles.

Sterling Rescue Outdoor Fly Catcher Trap is also at the moment a model that is only available for ordering over the Internet. Externally is a tank package made of durable plastic. To start exploitation, you need to add a small amount of water, after which you hang the device in the apartment or on the street. Inside it is placed a special attractant, which is quite attractive for flies and attracts them to themselves . The captives that fell inside will no longer be able to get out, one trap is designed for 20,000 flies, After that it is disposed of. It is necessary to use carefully not to damage the tank, as well as place them in safe places, because over time the larvae can begin to fruit. The approximate cost is 800 rubles without delivery, two fixtures are available in the kit.

The plant called Venereine Mukholovka is not a rejection, but the most real trap for flies. In the natural medium, it grows mainly in swampy areas where the soil is not fertile and does not actually contain nutrients. For their compensation, this flycatch uses insects in food, and the basis of the diet is flying. Such a plant can be attached in the territory garden plot or grown in a pot like indoor plant. It is recommended to keep it on the windows from the most sunny side and the Venereine of the Mukholovka will become not only the decoration of the apartment, but also a real thunderstorm flies into her flies.

Traps for flies do it yourself

Acquisition of shopping devices is not mandatory conditionbecause there are a number of ways independent manufacture traps.

To implement this idea, it is necessary to use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a small jar of glass in which you need to pour juice. It must fill out no more than a third of the tank.
  2. Add to liquid bait a few drops of soap or dishwashing agentsthat will eliminate the likelihood of possible escapes of insects.
  3. Collapse paper sheet in this waySo that it gains the form of the cone, the diameter of one of the holes of which should not be more than 5-8 mm.
  4. Paper cone is inserted narrow side inside cans.
  5. Flies will fall inside homemade adaptation Through a small hole, after which they either drow in the liquid, or remain sitting on the inner walls of the cans.

To do this, you will need to repeat the sequence of actions described below:

  1. Mix the same amount of castor oil and rosin.
  2. Melt the resulting mixture And add a small amount of honey and jam to it, which will be the main bait.
  3. Cut from paper sheets stripesThe recommended width must be 5-8 cm.
  4. Process both sides of cut stripes prepared mixture.
  5. Hang homemade trap in placeswhere a large number of flies usually lives, after which they will start sticking to her surface.

Summer is the favorite season of the majority of our country's inhabitants. But there are several unpleasant moments that appear with the arrival of warm days. And one of these moments - the invasion of flies and mosquitoes. They are unpleasant to buzz and spread various diseases.

How to get rid of these harmful insects? Can be purchased in the store chemical. But chemistry in our life and so abound. Allergies may be allergic to various aerosols. Therefore, many are preferred homemade fixtures.

Main types of homemade traps

Bait. The principle of the bait is to lure a fly into a closed space, from which she will not be able to get out.

Poisonous traps in design are similar to ordinary bait, but their goal is to kill insects, and not just bright.

Electric shepherds and electricity. Speckers kill insect discharge current. Sackets attracts flies with bright light, and then tighten them into a trap with an improvised fan.

Consider in more detail how you can make the most common traps for flies with your own hands.

Plastic bottle

This is the most simple performed trap for flies. You need to cut off the upper part, and in the bottom pour a couple of water glasses with a divible honey. As you should mix.

Can be applied alternative option Bait - liquid jam, compote or beer. The top of the bottle turn down the neck and put in the bottom.

The neck must be higher than the level of water for several centimeters. Such a design will not give the pest to get out.

Glass jar with funnel

We take the jar of medium size and put inside the bait (options from the first example) are suitable. We install the jar of the funnel on the neck. It can be started.

Both of these traps can be turned into poisonous if you add an insecticide into a liquid bait.

Plastic container

This option traps do it with their own hands for flies of drosophyl (another name is fruit fly), because they have small sizes and, accordingly, they will easily break into small holes.

In the container, we put your favorite delicacy of Drozophil - tied fruit. Cover food filmSo that it fits tightly to the edges, and we do several holes in it.

Instead of a container, you can use a glass. In principle, for fruit fly Any trap will be effective if the bait will be spoiled fruits.

Trap for cottage

If not lazy and spend a couple of hours of time, you can create with your own hands effective trap For flies, which has yet been used by European colonializers when relocation to Australia. It is different big sizes and high efficiency.

For the manufacture of an Australian trap for flies, we need wooden bars, finely metal gridSmall carnations or construction stapler, thin wire.

From the rails we make a frame in the form of Cuba. If there is an unnecessary stool with a square base, simply remove the seat from it - and the base for the trap is ready. We are tightening the side walls of the frame with a grid and fix the stapler.

From above you need to build a lid from the grid to conveniently get a catch. Next, we make a pyramid from the grid. Cut the four isceived triangles (the base of the triangle is equal to the length of one side of the cube). We connect the sides of the triangles with wire.

Cut the top of the pyramid to get "entrance" for flies. Breeping it around the perimeter of the bottom cone inside. Such a trap will be special effective in the country where there are many insects. Under it you need to put a fragrant bait and wait.

Fly flies on the bait, and I enjoyed, trying to take off and gets inside. Fly through a small hole of the fly does not recognize. Her fate is predicted.

Lipcro trap

To create such a trap, we need dense paper, liquid rosin, sweet liquid and caniforka. Cut the paper with strips of suitable width and length. We mix all the components, warming up and apply the composition on paper.

If necessary, make a loop from thick thread. Velcro is ready. Instead of this composition, you can use purchased glue from insects and rodents.

Another variant of the velcro is the capped base CD. It is necessary to bind to the dish of the loop, apply jam or honey to the surface and put in the freezer so that the composition becomes more viscous.

Trap with ultraviolet lantern

You can make a velcycle of a more complex design. For its manufacture, you will need any unnecessary bank, for example, canning.

The outer surface is gluable with a tape, and then remove it so that a sticky layer remains on the surface. Inside the fastener lantern. Attracted insects attracted to the bank. An option is suitable for small individuals.


We will need a high-voltage module, an energy-saving light bulb (better than a spiral form), a battery, switch, tape, glue. We disassemble the light bulb into the components. We get a lid and flask. We do not need the base.

In the plastic lid, cut the hole in which we draw the switch. The module itself is inserted into the cover and solder to the switch, the switch is to the battery. Attach the module to the lid with the help of a thermoclarage.

The battery can be fixed with a tape. In the colummer we drill two holes in which we skip on a piece of aluminum wire. Watch everyone around the flask so that they do not come into contact. Supleny cut off.

At the base of the flask from the inside we see two wiring. One of them connect with the end of an aluminum wire. There are two free contacts in the flask: the second end of the wire and the "native" wiring of the light bulb.

Connecting these contacts by the high-voltage module. We put on the lid on the colummer. Shocker ready. It must be suspended in the place of the accumulation of insects.


Required elements for creating electricity: a small motor (10-20 W), a light bulb, two tin cans of different diameters, a battery, a round flat plate, aluminum plate (2 by 10 cm), two metal stripes, clamps (screws, screws, epoxy glue , Rubber ring), kapron bag.

From the aluminum plate, cut the blades and bend, as for the fan. In the center we make a hole, wear the blades on the shaft of the motor. Fix with glue.

Light bulb cartridge Fresh screws to skip. We connect the cartridge with the starter of the motor. We place the design into a smaller diameter can and secure screws so that the blades are below the edge of the cans for a couple of centimeters. The base of the cartridge needs to be covered with a second bank.

On the bottom of the device you wear a kapron bag and fix it with a rubber band. Connect the battery. Ready. Sure, electric traps For flies are more complex in performance, but their effectiveness is quite high.

You can give preference to one of the species, and you can immediately apply several different homemade traps. An integrated approach will be more effective. However, using any means from insects, do not forget to abide by the cleanliness and in time to clean the products from the table.

Photo traps for flies do it yourself

Everyone loves summer, but we are confident that no one likes a sudden increase in the number of terrible insects, which in the warm season are frightening with frightening speed.

At the same time, no matter how clean you keep your home, there are flying aliens who are stubbornly try to penetrate it and it sometimes succeeds with varying degrees of complexity.

And after insects, they simply do not want to leave the cozy person's dwelling. Therefore, people have to invent the most different methodsTo get rid of the unborn guests. And here the ability to think very often comes to the rescue.

For example, the user imgur donkey1521 invented a simple trap for flies made from ordinary plastic bottle. It is easy to do and it is not toxic, while fighting with the most different types of flies - from large dung to small fruit.

In order to start work, you only need a few things: for the trap itself you need a plastic bottle of water, and for bait - banana and sugar sand.
Imgur / donkey1521
First, you need to cut a bottle into two parts with a scissors or a sharp knife. To do this, mark the place of the cut at a distance of about two thirds of the height of the bottle from the bottom, and then pass the cutting tool around the circle. When you finish, you must have two parts: a smaller with a lid and a large that can stand on the table.

Imgur / donkey1521
Pour about one tablespoon of sand sugar into most of the bottle until the bottom covers. Then make ripe or slightly overwhelmed bananas into small pieces.

Imgur / donkey1521
Place the sliced \u200b\u200bbanana on sugar in a bottle; this sweet mix It will help to lure flies that feed on the products of rotting and decaying organic substances.

Imgur / donkey1521
After you have a banana and sugar in your bottle, break slightly together to make a kind of mashed potature. Add about 4 centimeters of warm water to puree and slightly stir the mixture. Warm water and sugar will make the banana rot the faster, which will make it a more powerful bait for flies.

Imgur / donkey1521
Now that work on most of the bottle is finished, you can go to the smaller. Unscrew plastic cover And flip down the smaller part of the neck. Then place a smaller part into more so that the hole is in or direct over the banana mixture. Now your trap is ready to operate.

Imgur / donkey1521
This trap can be used for approximately a week. During this time, its lower part should be filled with flies. A few days later, she can start to look a little unpleasant, but it is worth getting rid of any flies flying into your home.

Imgur / donkey1521
Here is a close-up, it is shown how the trap for flies works. Flies move down through the neck of the bottles at the bottom to the banana bait. After that, they struggle to get out through the hole and sink inside the bottle. Brutally, but it performs its function!

Imgur / donkey1521
