Fly traps are easy to make yourself, and below are instructions for making the most simple and convenient devices for killing these insects. But in the fight against flies, it is important to take into account their habits and dietary habits, so first we will pay attention to this issue.

Do-it-yourself fly trap is profitable and practical. Homemade traps will significantly save money annually spent on protection from the ubiquitous insects. It is not difficult to make them, and in terms of efficiency they are not inferior to purchased ones.

When making bait traps, keep in mind that different types of flies prefer different foods. There are flies that feed on:

  • Plant food. They are attracted by the smell of fermented jam, spoiled fruits, honey, kvass, beer, sugar. Such flies often fly in flocks in the garden during the fruiting period of fruit trees, but they often appear at home. These are various fruit flies and flies, for example, fruit flies, coppers.
  • Animal food and excrement. These are dung and carrion flies. They flock to rotting meat, fish or dung, circle the meat sections of food markets, fly into cattle buildings and street toilets.
  • Blood from humans and warm-blooded animals. These are predatory, horseflies and gadflies. The period of mass summer of these flies is observed in August, at which time they enter the main stream of summer midges, joining midges and mosquitoes, and cause extreme discomfort to animals and people.
  • Food of any origin. These are mainly synanthropic flies, which are capable of almost all year round live in a human dwelling. The most common representative is the house or house fly. She loves sweet food, meat, dairy products and fish, but she does not disdain bread crumbs. She is unable to bite through human skin, but willingly licks sweat, particles of dead epidermis and blood from wounds.

It is also important to take into account that flies are very nimble, mobile and do not linger on any one object for a long time. Therefore, the trap must be able to keep or destroy the fly, even if it touched it only for a moment.

Homemade duct tape or flypaper

Such a tape is effective against all types of flies, but especially omnivorous and herbivorous species come across it well. Other winged insects, including mosquitoes and midges, stick to the tape, in large part because they choose to rest on it. Knowing the preferences of flying insects to sit on ceilings and chandeliers, it is better to hang sticky tapes at the top of rooms.

To make adhesive tape you will need:

  1. Thick paper, cut into long strips 4-6 cm wide. A loop should be attached to one end of the strip, for which it will be convenient to hang the trap.
  2. Rosin - 200 ml.
  3. Castor oil - 100 ml.
  4. Turpentine - 55 g.
  5. Granulated sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  6. Water - 4 tbsp. l.

Syrup needs to be boiled from water and sugar, bringing it to a yellowish brown color... When the syrup cools a little, add rosin, turpentine and castor oil to it, mix everything thoroughly. Then saturate strips of paper with this mixture and hang traps in the places where flies are most concentrated - in the kitchen and veranda, above the entrance to the house and window openings, in the toilet.

The ribbons will attract flies with their smell, as well as the opportunity to sit on a surface that is comfortable from the point of view of insects. These devices remain sticky for a long time, so they need to be changed as they fill up with insects.

The above composition of the sticky bait is very effective, but if the house contains only sugar from all of the above, you can get by with sugar syrup. The main thing is to make it so thick that the flies stick to it well.

Flies and fruit flies bottle trap

This is a closed type trap, but it will also attract insects with a sweet smell and catch on a sticky substance. To make it, use a regular 1.5-2 liter plastic bottle from under water or soda.

  1. Cut off the upper third of the bottle, pour 200-300 ml of viscous sugar syrup on the bottom of the lower part. You can add a little honey, beer or fruit juice, fermented jam to the syrup. The consistency should be viscous enough so that insects quickly drown in it and have no opportunity to get out.
  2. Insert the cut-off upper part of the bottle into the lower part with the neck down, without the cap. Secure the two pieces with a stapler or tape.
  3. In order for flies and flies to get into the bottle more actively, its edges should be lightly greased with sweet syrup and placed where insects fly most often.

If you plan to place the trap outdoors, it is best to add some white vinegar to it to scare away honeybees and thereby protect them from death.

Instead plastic bottle you can use a glass jar and a funnel. The principle is the same: pour a little sweet viscous liquid into the jar, insert the funnel into the jar with the end down, and change the bait from time to time.

Fly and gnat trap

Small midges that appear in the apartment in summer (and sometimes in other seasons) are, as a rule, fruit and wine flies. They start up in the apartment when food that is suitable for them appears in it - rotting fruits and vegetables, fermented jam.

At home, the easiest way to make a fly trap is:

  1. Take a glass, pour some red wine, kvass, beer or fermented jam into it. For the best effect, you can add a slice of any spoiled fruit.
  2. Cover the container with a film on top - food or plastic will do. The film must be stretched so that it forms a flat surface on the neck of the container. Scotch tape or stationery will help to fix the film in this position.
  3. Make small holes in the film layer. It is best to pierce them with a toothpick.

The midge trap is ready. Place it where they appear most often, and change the bait as the container fills up with insects. Through the holes, the flies will penetrate inside to the bait, stick to it and sink, but they will not be able to get out.

Street fly trap

This trap is effective against dung and blood-sucking flies, mosquitoes and other gnats. You can place it on adjoining territory, next to an outdoor toilet, chicken coop, barn.

How to do:

  1. Take a 1-5 liter metal can, for example, a paint can. Make a large window-shaped hole on its side with a knife or metal scissors, and close this window with a fine-mesh metal mesh. Secure the mesh with wire.
  2. Fix a low-power light bulb on the lid of the jar, bring the electric wire out. Use an extension cord if the outlet is far away.
  3. Prepare a poisonous solution to kill flies: add 3 g of agita or other insecticide for flies to 100 ml of water, a few drops ammonia and lactic acid. Treat the entire body of the trap with this solution, and put a piece of meat inside.

Lactic acid mimics the body odor of humans and animals, thereby luring flies. The meat that has been spoiled after a while will also give off a smell attractive to flies. And in the composition of agita there are substances that attract flies - pheromones.

The light bulb will additionally attract insects at dusk. They will sit on the trap body and receive a lethal dose of poison.

Trap from a can and an ultraviolet flashlight

This remedy is relatively effective against all types of flying insects.

For manufacturing you will need:

The jar can be wrapped with tape with the adhesive side out, or you can transfer the adhesive layer to the very surface of the can.

In the second case, the outside of the jar should first be wiped with a cloth dipped in alcohol, vodka or cologne to degrease the surface. After that, you need to wrap the jar with adhesive tape inward, without touching the glass surface with your fingers, and expose it to the sun for 2-4 hours. After this time, the tape must be carefully removed. This will leave the adhesive on the jar. The first option is, of course, easier, but the second is more effective.

Place a UV flashlight in the prepared trap and place the trap where flies fly most often. Insects attracted by the light will sit on the surface of the jar and stick to its surface.

How to improve the effectiveness of traps

The likelihood of a quick disappearance of flies will increase if you use traps different types... To catch more flies, it is better to make several traps and place them in different parts of the apartment (or garden).

Important: flies should not be able to intercept a piece of food outside the trap. The effect will be much higher if the food of the fly bait is the only one available. Therefore, all foodstuffs need to be put away in cabinets and the refrigerator, and the fruit carrion, if we are talking about a garden, should be taken out of the garden and buried.

Drosophila does not pose a direct danger to humans. But their presence in the house brings a lot of inconvenience. Many housewives ask themselves the question "How to get rid of midges." This problem becomes especially relevant in the warm season, when the season of fresh vegetables and fruits comes.

Drosophila differences from other midges

Midges are unpleasant neighbors that cause a lot of inconvenience to humans

Drosophila belongs to the category of Diptera fruit flies. The number of their varieties reaches 2000. The size is 1-3 mm. The insect has an oval body of dark yellow or brown color, 6-8 legs and 2 wings.

Sometimes there are orange and black midges, but this is quite rare.

Drosophila differs from other species of midges in habitat, degree of danger, reproduction rate and gastronomic preferences. These insects are the most harmless to humans. But their presence causes some troubles:

  1. They spoil the food supply. Moreover, it can be either a large warehouse or a small cellar. If fruit flies settle in large food storage facilities, products will become unusable, which will entail significant losses.
  2. They cause no less harm in private cellars and basements, where bags of sugar, flour, boxes of potatoes or tomatoes are stored. Drosophila can damage the fruits that have not yet been harvested.
  3. Neighborhood with these midges cannot be called pleasant. They can fly into eyes, nose, mouth, and can contaminate curtains and wallpaper.

Reasons for appearing in the apartment

Fruit flies are spreading at a rapid pace. The female lays about 20 eggs at a time. They are born in the early morning time. Therefore, when you wake up, you can find many fruit flies in the apartment, which were not there yesterday.

Important! Insects are able to reproduce as early as eight hours after birth; the larva turns into an adult in 8-10 days.

They enter the apartment in different ways.

  1. Fruit flies lay their eggs in the skins of fruits and vegetables that we bring home. Midges choose soft fruits, the skin of which they can bite through. Distinguishing damaged fruits is an almost impossible task.
  2. Also, insects start in the trash can.
  3. Another way for midges to enter houses is open entrance doors and open windows. Drosophila is attracted by the smell of the fruit. Insects can live in an apartment even if you use a cherry, lemon or orange air freshener.

Larvae can be seen only at an early stage of formation, when the midge has just laid eggs. During this period, their size reaches only 0.5 mm. Larvae are determined by white... Then they take on the color of the fruit, so we cannot identify them when buying fruits or vegetables.

Midges can enter the house through open windows and doors, as well as with fruits and vegetables brought into the apartment.

How to get rid of fruit flies

There are many ways to eliminate insects. You can find special devices on sale or make them yourself.

Store funds

To combat fruit flies, use:

  • traps;
  • sprays;
  • repellents;
  • zappers.


Among the traps are the following models:

  • BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps;
  • Victor M380 Fly Maqnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait;
  • Fly Web Fly Trap;
  • TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500.

1. The duration of the first device is one month. The kit includes six traps and a liquid non-toxic chemical. One BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps will last for six months. The chemical can be substituted with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. The trap works as follows. The insect flies in through a special hole and cannot get out back. Midges do not die from the poison, they just get trapped. BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps are compact in size. This allows traps to be set throughout the apartment.

BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps are compact in size

2. Model Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait is made in white and black colors. Its complete set also includes a chemical non-toxic liquid. Fruit flies fly into the cover of the device and remain inside. This trap has some advantage over other models, it can be reused. The device just needs to be rinsed with water. The model is designed to fight against fruit flies, bees and wasps will not be able to fly into it.

Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait - reusable trap

3. Fly Web Fly Trap attracts fruit flies with ultraviolet light. The trap has a built-in double 9 W bulb. The midges fly into the radiation and fall on the adhesive tape, which must be changed with use. The advantage of the model is the absence of chemicals and odors. The device requires a power supply to function.

The device is exposed to ultraviolet light

4. The action of TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500 is aimed specifically at fruit midges. Other insects will not fall into this trap. It is made in the shape of an apple and has a characteristic smell. The service life is 30 days.

Flavored trap


The zappers use electricity on the gnats, causing the insects to die. The following devices can be recommended:

  • Electronic Indoor Insect Killer Zapper-15.5 Inch is a fairly effective zapper, however, it should be borne in mind that this is a bulky device that consumes a significant amount of electricity, so for small apartments such a model will not be very convenient;
  • The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Buq Mosquito Swatter Zapper is small, but its effect only applies to midges that fly close to it. To get the result from this device, you need to direct the fruit flies in its direction. The power source is batteries, this model does not depend on the mains;
  • Rechargeable Electric Insect Bug Bat Wasp Mosquito Zapper Swatter Racket anti mosquito killer Electric Mosquito Swatter.

The Zappers have greater efficiency compared to other anti-midge devices


Among the repellents, you should pay attention to the Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip model. It is a strip small sizesoaked chemicals... The repellent is in a special container. It is hung in a room that needs to be cleaned of midges. Poisonous vapors begin to emanate from the tape, as a result of which insects leave the apartment. The person does not feel this effect. But you need to ventilate the room.

Repellents act chemically


Sprays will help get rid of midges and destroy their larvae. Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer 24-Ounce Ready To Use Spray 10424X is designed to treat indoor plants... When the agent gets on the midges or eggs, they die. This effect is provided by fatty plant acids, which are part of the spray. It does not apply to people.

Spray is safe, but less effective in controlling fruit flies

Other means

  1. If fruit flies are localized in a sewer or sink, Invade Bio Drain Gel-1 qt is required to eliminate them. The drug is available in the form of a gel, does not contain aggressive chemical elements. It has a pleasant scent. It dissolves organic matter in pipes, destroys insects and larvae. If the spray is poured into a spray bottle, it can be used as a sprayer.
  2. Insects can harm not only fruits, but also houseplants. They lay their eggs in the ground, and the larvae feed on the root system. As a result, the plant dries up and dies. The preparation Thunder-2, which is produced in powder form, will help to cope with such a problem. But first, separate the diseased plant from healthy flower... Then sprinkle the powder into the soil. Perform work with gloves and a mask. The room must be ventilated after the procedure.

Traditional methods

You can make a device for fighting midges on your own. There are several options for traps:

  1. One of the treats that fruit flies love very much are bananas. Peel them off and place in a plastic bottle or plastic bag. Then use a toothpick to punch holes. Place the trap close to where the insects gather. Within 1-2 days, a significant part of the midges will fall into it. They will not fly out of the trap.
  2. You can fight insects with a liquid. To do this, you need a regular deep plate. Pour juice, honey, syrup or apple vinegar... Then add the peeled fruit without the skin. Cover the plate with plastic wrap. Just as in the first option, pierce the holes. Homemade device ready to kill fruit flies.
  3. Another way to get out midges is to make a cone-shaped trap. Find glass jar and put the rotten fruit in the middle. If there is no such fruit, you can use a slice of orange or banana. Roll a sheet of paper into a cone and insert it into the neck of the container. Insects will fly into the jar, but will not be able to get out.
  4. Drosophila can be smoked. Grind the camphor, put it in a skillet and put it on fire. When steam appears, carry the dishes through all rooms. This procedure is harmless to humans.
  5. A vacuum cleaner will help eliminate midges. Treat insect habitats with it, shake the bag outside the house.
  6. If you notice larvae on the plants, water them twice a month with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To this end, you can stick 3-4 matches into the soil with the sulfur side down.
  7. Drosophila is mainly localized in the kitchen. Inspect food, remove rotting fruits and vegetables. Store undamaged fruits in the refrigerator or in the cellar.
  8. Geraniums will help scare away fruit flies. They cannot stand the smell of this plant.
  9. Insects react similarly to garlic. If you can easily stand the smell, grind a few cloves and put them in the kitchen. Remove after a few hours.
  10. Peel the orange, wrap a clove stick in the peel. Place this product on insect sites.

Attracted by interesting smells, they fly into houses and apartments, verandas and sheds. In addition to the fact that their presence in the room annoys residents, flies on their paws carry germs and dirt, which can cause damage to food and poisoning people. A fly trap can solve the problem of annoying insects.

What attracts flies

Before getting rid of flies, you need to understand what has become the source of their attention. They may be attracted to smells:

  • sweet jam, honey, syrup;
  • ripe fruits and vegetables;
  • meat and fish;
  • food waste in the form of scraps and peels;
  • vanilla, cinnamon, sweet flavors and additives;
  • manure and sewerage;
  • spoiled food.

By getting rid of potential fly baits, you can avoid their appearance in the house or significantly reduce their numbers. But in some situations, the invasion of flies may be associated with the presence of a nearby source of their attention and it is impossible to influence it. Then it remains to trust the traps or special poisonous insect repellent.

On a note!

Insecticides are also naturally based and safe for humans. The line contains poisons based on pyrethrum.

Unlike pesticides and synthetic insecticides based on Thiamethoxam (, Aktara), safe traps can be used in close proximity to people and animals without fear for their health. The main principle of such a trap is to attract the fly to the bait and prevent it from leaving the trap. There are three types of traps:

  1. Velcro - sheets of cardboard or tape covered with a sticky mixture that has a pleasant sweetish smell. Flies land on such baits and stick. Advantages of adhesive tape: easy to make and cheap to buy from a store, convenient to use anywhere, easy to clean up and dispose of along with stuck insects. The disadvantages include an unpleasant appearance hanging traps in the room, the risk of hitting the head with sticky bait suspended from the ceiling.
  2. Trap traps with bait are made from improvised means. Insects fly into a certain compartment with a bait, but they cannot fly back. You can use jam, honey, sweet water, pieces of fruit or meat as bait. The advantages of this method of catching flies are the ease of manufacturing the product and its effectiveness. The disadvantages of homemade products include bad smell tainted food that acts as a fly bait and the potential for the container to be tipped over by curious pets or a child.
  3. ... Devices requiring supplies in the form of an insecticide in a bottle or from a special plate with a poisonous substance. Plus: they work without misfires. Minus: depending on the composition of the insecticide, it is sometimes necessary to ventilate the room after use.
  4. Electric fly traps are special devices that run on electricity. They attract insects with ultraviolet light and heat, but when flies come into contact with a certain surface, they are killed by a discharge of current. Such a blow is not capable of injuring a person, but for small flying insects it is fatal. Other electronic traps work differently - they suck in closely flying insects. The advantages of the electric trap are its stylish appearance, additional source light in the dark, high efficiency, safety for others. The disadvantages include the high price of electric fly exterminators, power consumption, and bulky devices.
  5. ... When connected to the network, they emit a sound inaudible to the human ear, which should make the flies stay away. Cons: does not always work; pets hearing ultrasound may be against it.

Homemade traps

A person often uses his ingenuity to achieve certain goals. The fight against insects was no exception. Annoying flies can irritate even the calmest person. To kill insects, especially enterprising people make homemade traps.

To make homemade products, you need an ordinary plastic bottle volume of 1 or 1.5 liters, scissors or a knife, any sweet filling, scotch tape.

  1. The upper part is cut off from the bottle at a distance of 7-8 cm from the edge of the neck.
  2. At the bottom of the resulting container, bait is placed: jam, honey, syrup.
  3. The cut off funnel-shaped neck is pushed into the container with the neck down.
  4. The wide edge of the funnel and the top edge of the container are fixed with tape or electrical tape.

On a note!

The narrow edge of the neck should not touch the sweet filling. Flies should not reach the sweetness without flying into the bottle.

Such a fly trap from a plastic bottle can catch other sweet-tooth insects: wasps, bees, midges. Simple and affordable way making a trap allows you to throw it out with a large accumulation of insects inside and make a new one.

Glass flycatcher

You can make a fly trap from a regular glass or plastic cup and cling film. Put a teaspoon of honey or jam at the bottom of the glass. It is necessary to cover the glass with cling film and tighten it tightly, fixing the edges of the film with tape. Make 2-3 holes in the film so that the insect can penetrate into the glass. You can make several such homemade products and place them throughout the house.

Glass Jar Trap

In places where large flies congregate, you need a more serious bait - spoiled meat or fruits. They have a pungent strong smell and will attract more flying gnats.

  1. A liter glass jar with a wide neck is taken as a container.
  2. Several pieces of bait are put inside.
  3. A wide funnel is installed on top with a narrow neck down.
  4. The edges of the container and the wide edges of the funnel are fastened together with electrical tape or wide mounting tape for structural reliability.

On a note!

The strong smell of rotten vegetables, fruits or meat will be very unpleasant for the household and interesting for cats and dogs. Therefore, it is recommended to use such a flycatcher to catch flies on open verandas and place it in places inaccessible to animals.

Instead of a glass container, you can use a container made of dense plastic with a wide neck. The main condition for a reliable flycatcher is that there are no gaps between the funnel and the jar. Otherwise, flies can crawl out. Traps like these are good for if you place them around the perimeter of the site.

Duct tape

One of the most popular fly traps is duct tape... It is sold in any hardware store and costs from 20 to 50 rubles apiece. But if it is not possible to purchase goods in the store, you can do it at home. To do this, mix 1 tablespoon of rosin with a tablespoon of castor or linseed oil... Heat the resulting mixture in a water bath and stir for 5 minutes. Then add jam and cool. Apply the adhesive mass to long strips of thick paper and hang in places where flies are often found.

If you follow the recipe, homemade glue remains sticky for a long time and is able to reliably hold insects attracted by the smell of jam on itself.

For people who do not have time to make homemade products, but want to quickly and efficiently get rid of flying gnats, there are electric fly traps. These devices are made of a metal case with a fireproof plastic coating, and have several UV lamps, the bright light of which attracts insects. On the way to the lamps, the flies fall on the grid, through which the current flows, and immediately die. The conductive element is protected by an additional coarse mesh to prevent accidental contact with a person or pet. Such devices also help get rid of mosquitoes and midges.

Pest killer

Electric device for the destruction of flying insects. Two 20W ultraviolet lamps act as bait. Near the lamps passes metal gridconducting current. The trap is designed for flies and mosquitoes. For the correct functioning of the device it is necessary:

  • set the trap on a flat surface;
  • connect to AC power;
  • make sure that moisture does not get on the device;
  • periodically clean the dead insect tray.

The price of the device is about 3500 rubles. The device is durable and correct use will last for several years. The radius of the trap is up to 120 m 2. Power consumption 15 W. dimensions: 51x31.5x10.5 cm; weight 2.3 kg.


Industrial electric traps are widely used in shops, warehouses, markets against flies, mosquitoes and other insects. The device is mounted on a wall 2 meters above the floor. The product includes ultraviolet lamps, the light of which attracts insects to itself. Flying close to the lamp, they fall on the conductive grid and die.

The main parameters of the Well electric trap:

  • area of \u200b\u200baction up to 50 sq. m .;
  • weight 3.3 kg;
  • dimensions: 34x28x13;
  • lamp power 8 W;
  • body material - plastic;
  • power consumption - 25 W;
  • the price is 6800 rubles.

- one of the most annoying insects that fly into the room from the street.

Fly flying around the apartment

In constant search of food, they circle the room, emitting an annoying buzz.

If it was not at hand to catch these flying insects, you can assemble it yourself from improvised means. Moreover, it will work no worse than a professional one.

Forbidding sign with a fly

How to make your own fly trap - the best designs?

How do you make a fly trap to actually work?

For this, it is important to be familiar with the habits, instincts of flying insects.

  1. Flies are in constant motion as they search for food. The insect will definitely react to the prepared tasty bait. As such, honey, overripe fruits, and jam are used.
  2. Meat is of particular interest to flies, especially if it is not the first freshness.
  3. To organize the masonry, flies use deteriorated products and decomposing garbage. Given the presence of a good sense of smell, the device should be placed in places attractive to them.
  4. It is very difficult to catch a fly, since it has a wide-angle view and sees every flash well. But at the same time she safely sits on the surface, which has already attracted her relatives.

Conditionally homemade flycatchers can be divided into three groups:

  • filled with edible bait;
  • filled with poisons;
  • sticky.

It is really possible to collect a trap from available means in a short time.

Plastic bottle

Before starting work, you need to prepare everything you need.

  1. plastic bottle with a volume of 1.5 liters;
  2. granulated sugar;
  3. overripe banana.
  • Measure from the bottom of the bottle about 2/3 of the height, draw a line. Then, using a sharp knife or scissors, cut the bottle into two parts: a large one and a smaller one. As a result, you should get a kind of tall glass, a small funnel with a neck.
  • Pour 1 tablespoon at the bottom of a large part of the bottle. granulated sugar so that it completely covers the entire surface.
  • Peel the banana, cut it into small pieces. The fruit must be fully ripe, overripe. Greenish bananas don't work.
  • Place the banana slices on granulated sugar and mash to form a fruit puree. The sweetness will be an excellent bait for flies that prefer to feed on organic matter that has begun to deteriorate.
  • After making the puree, pour warm water into the bottle, stir the mixture. The liquid should rise above the bottom of the bottle by about 3.5 - 4 cm. The combination of granulated sugar and warm water will accelerate the onset of fermentation, which will make such a fly bait very attractive.
  • Twist the cap off the second, smaller part of the bottle. Now lower it with its neck down into a plastic glass with sweet bait, but so as not to touch the banana mass.

The bottle fly trap is ready to use.

Visual instructions for making a trap

You can use it for a week. The principle of operation is as follows: a fly, attracted by the smell of a fermenting banana mixture, crawls down to a narrow neck, goes down. The insect will not be able to get back.

If the device is slightly improved by wrapping it in paper, then it will attract mosquitoes.

The following composition is used as a filling sweet bait:

  1. any sweet liquid - jam diluted with water, sugar or honey syrup, cola;
  2. fermented liquid - for this, a few granules of dry yeast must be added to the prepared sweet filling.

Poisonous filler can be formulated if desired.

Ready fly trap

To do this, add (optionally) black ground pepper or granules of any insecticide, in particular, Agita, to the sweet content. Then the insects will not only be caught, but also die.

Metal can

A flycatcher can be made from a regular can, for example, in which was laid dog food.

  • Wash the container, remove the label from it, dry the jar.
  • Take scotch tape, cut a few pieces. It can be replaced with insulating tape. The pieces should be long enough to wrap around the cooked jar. Do not touch the sticky part. Otherwise, the trap will not work.
  • Wrap the jar with duct tape, sticky side down. Rub it all around with your fingers to keep the sticky layer on the metal.
  • Remove the tape. If the surface of the can does not stick well, then repeat the operation.
  • Glue a flashlight with ultraviolet light to the lid of the can, place it inside.

Place the jar on a flat surface, turn on the light. The flies will fly into the light, stick to the walls of the can.

Metal can as a fly trap

The trap, when it stops working, is disposed of, after taking out a flashlight.

A do-it-yourself fly trap for fruit flies looks simple:

  1. To the bottom of the glass plastic container put a sweet bait.
  2. Close container cling film, make several holes in it. Secure the film with adhesive tape to hold it.

Drosophila, reacting to a sweet smell, fall into a trap.

Sticky paper

If you want, you can make a flypaper.

  • You need a large paper bag from which you want to cut the strips. Size: 2.5 cm width / 15 cm length. You will need about five to six strips.
  • Spread the tapes out on a horizontal surface. Take scissors, make one hole in the surface of the tape at a distance of 2.5 cm from the end. A hole punch can be used for this operation.
  • Cut the strings 15 to 20 cm long. You can use a thin string. There should be as many ropes as there are paper ribbons prepared.
  • Thread the ropes into the holes, tie the knots so that they do not fall out.
  • Mix granulated sugar, honey, water in equal proportions. Mix well and boil the sweet syrup. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature.
  • Dip the prepared paper strip into the sticky composition so that they are saturated with syrup. Then lay the blanks on the surface of the parchment so that they can dry out.
  • Hang the strips in the selected places. To increase efficiency, the strips need to be hung in one place, i.e. group.

After the flies stop sticking to the surface of the strips, the traps must be thrown out. There is very little sticky syrup left on them and paper is no longer dangerous for insects.

Sticky Fly Traps

To resume the effect, re-wet the paper ribbons with sweet syrup.


Using homemade traps, it is necessary to dispose of them periodically, disinfect the container, and update the bait.

Video: Making a sticky fly trap at home

The same methods are used to combat them.

First of all, it is necessary to find the source of their distribution and get rid of it, most often these are stored at room temperature fruits or vegetables, and garbage bag.

If there is no effect for several days, it is necessary to use certain techniques:

  1. clean the whole apartment;
  2. get rid of food debris, regularly wash the plates of animals, wash the trash bin, rub kitchen cabinets thoroughly using an alkaline solution;
  3. turn on the insect fumigator;
  4. spread the sticky tape with fruit juice and use it for its intended purpose;
  5. lean the mosquito plate against the window, when heated, they will destroy pests;
  6. collect insects with a vacuum cleaner from the source from the distribution, immediately take the bag of garbage out into the street;
  7. process sewer drains chemical means, pour soda into the drain first, then vinegar, after the reaction is completed, turn on the water and clean the drain.

When living near the garbage dump, it is necessary to hang a net on the windows through which insects cannot penetrate into the room.


On sale you can find ready-made fly traps, they are highly efficient, major manufacturers: Aeroxon, Raptor... The principle of their action is that insects flock to the smell of liquid and stick to the inside of the structure, externally the trap remains clean.

There are also natural trap flowers, for which insects serve as food, they are absolutely safe for humans, do not differ large size and do not require special care. The process of closing and opening a flower during prey capture is also very interesting to observe.

DIY traps

The simplest method of getting rid of midges is considered to be an empty bottle with a fairly narrow neck, where you need to pour a little mixture of fruit juice with soapy water.

  1. The solution should be poured into several jars with a wide neck, placed in places where insects accumulate.
  2. Drosophila will fly to the odor exuded by the solution, but when it gets into the container, they will not be able to get out of it due to the lack of a film on the water surface.
  3. The solution must be topped up as it dries.

This simple technique allows you to get rid of pests, but it takes more time.

There is a high probability that the insects have already laid the larvae in a secluded place, the process of getting rid of them can take a week.

It should be borne in mind that midges can appear even as a result of a piece of apple accidentally left on the table.

The principle of operation is the same, but in this case you only need kvass, the juice, or rotten pieces of fruits, vegetables or fruits... Can be used as a container old mug or glass jar.

  1. 1/4 of the container must be filled with bait;
  2. the inlet must be closed with a paper funnel;
  3. flies should fly in from the wide end, but they will no longer be able to find a narrow hole.

If midges appeared at the end of summer, they will help get rid of them. watermelon or melon.

  1. Fruit slices must be placed in a bulky bag and left in the kitchen overnight.
  2. The bag must be free of holes, but must be open to allow insects to enter.
  3. In the morning, you must close it with a sharp movement and take it to the trash.
  4. If, after that, midges start flying in the kitchen again, then the insects have laid the larvae, from which new individuals hatched.

Drosophila in houseplants

Quite often fruit flies hover around flower pots, they are attracted by rotting leaves and wet soil... Sometimes the reason for the spread of midges is soil contaminated in the store, if there are such doubts the soil must be kept in the oven before use.

Plant not recommended to transfuse, fallen flowers and leaves must be thrown away. A match will also help to reduce the number of insects, which must be stuck into the soil with a painted end. If midges are found in a pot of flowers, it is also recommended to water the plant with an insecticide harmless to it, the action of the drug is primarily aimed at destroying midges and their larvae.

Dichlorvos is considered the most extreme measure of getting rid of midges; it is not recommended to be in the room during the disinfection period.

Traditional methods

Over the years, the people have also figured out how to deal with fruit flies. Fighting with these methods is not difficult, but at the same time very effective.

  • fern leaves, elderberry and tansy spread out in all rooms, midges will fly away due to an unpleasant smell for them;
  • Tansy is prohibited for use with weak cerebral vessels; it can cause headaches in patients.

  • kerosene, turpentine - it is recommended to add it to water when cleaning floors or windows;
  • tomato seedlings, eucalyptus, geranium - flies will fly away due to an unpleasant smell;
  • laurel oil - it is recommended to use it for rubbing window frames and jambs.

- an insect that is capable of rapid reproduction and development in favorable conditions. About how long fruit flies live and what kind of them - read on our website.


In order to prevent the appearance of mold and rot, it is necessary to check the food stored outside the refrigerator at least once a week. The reproduction rate of fruit flies is very high, if the focus of their distribution is not eliminated in time, their number will rapidly increase.

It is also necessary to dispose of garbage in a timely manner, do not leave vegetables and fruits outside the refrigerator for a long time.

Drosophila most often occurs near decaying products, especially a lot of them can be found in the kitchen, big problems can arise if the house is located near the trash can. To get rid of them, it is recommended to use traps that you can make yourself.

It is very important to keep the room clean, throw away the trash regularly, and do not leave food for a long time at room temperature. In extreme cases, you can use dichlorvos, if midges are bred in plants, they must be treated with insecticides. Compliance with these rules is the answer to the question of how to remove Drosophila flies once and for all.

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