With the arrival of August - the time of ripening of most fruits, such unwanted insects as fruit flies appear in the house. Inconspicuous fruit flies begin to attack all fruits and vegetables as soon as they lie down for a while. How to get rid of them without harming yourself, you can find out by reading this article.

Where do fruit flies come from in the house?

These insects are the eternal companions of man, they feed on spoiled, rotten foods, which are in abundance in humans. Only with a massive harvest, constant stay in the house of vegetables and fruits, fruit flies becomes a lot. They multiply intensively and lay eggs on food. Since the eggs and larvae are very small, humans cannot notice them on the fruit. Leaving the purchased watermelon or apples with pears, you can see fruit flies actively interfering with your usual way of life the next day.

How to get rid of

If you cannot remove the reason for their appearance, as well as hide all the products, then you can use the following means:

1. Trap from the can. Place the bait on the bottom (a piece of fruit or juice, compote). Make a paper funnel with a small hole. Glue the joint with tape. Place with the pointed end of the funnel down. Leave it overnight. In the morning, cover and throw out the "harvest".

2. Trap from a plastic cup ... Take a glass and put the bait on the bottom. Cover the top with cling film and make several holes with a thick needle. Place it near the fruit flies' habitat. After a few hours, discard the glass with the caught flies and make a new blank.

3. Batch trap. Put the bait in a new bag with high walls, leave for a while. When the insects fly inside, quickly close the bag and take it out of the house.

4. Sticky tape. Coat the fly catching tape with wine or sour compote. Drosophila will fly to smell and stick.

5. Bottle with the mixture. Pour juice or compote into a small glass bottle with a narrow neck. Add soapy water. Leave in the place where the flies accumulate. They will fly inside, but cannot rise.

Here are some practical tips to help stop Drosophila infestations in your home:

  • When the fly has started up in pots with flowers, you need to stick several matches into the substrate with their heads down. The midges will disappear.
  • You can catch fruit flies with a vacuum cleaner if they get in the way and fly a lot.
  • If there are mosquito plates, then you can stick them on the window, from the sunny side. The smell will kill the flies.
  • To avoid the reappearance of these insects, you need to remove all the fruits in bags. Do not leave food leftovers on the table. And spoiled products should be disposed of immediately.

Drosophila appears in the house very easily, but getting rid of it is not easy. If you apply the proposed methods correctly, you can get rid of these insects in a few days. But the best thing is not to give a reason for fruit flies to appear: do not leave food for a long time "unattended."

There is so much chemistry in our life that once again we do not want to use toxic drugs, especially if there is a harmless alternative. A popular life hack is a do-it-yourself fly trap. A simple device abounds in many modifications, it is made in 5 minutes from improvised materials, most importantly, it quickly and in large quantities “catches” annoying and unceremonious insects. So, at least, those who use homemade flycatchers say. What, in fact, let's try to impartially figure it out,

What do you need to know about flies in order to trap them?

So that a DIY fly trap does not turn out to be a waste of time, it is advisable to know the basic habits and instincts of insects. Only in this case it will be possible to outwit them, lure and destroy them. A bit from the life of flies, point by point.

  1. The senseless, as we think, flying around the room, is in fact a constant search for food. She will definitely bite into an edible bait, the main thing is to guess with taste and smell.
  2. Meat has a hypnotic power over the gluttonous insect, especially "with a smell". The category of favorite products also includes jam, honey, sweet overripe fruits.
  3. The second direction of the constant search for flies is where to reproduce offspring. The best place for egg-laying in a living room - spoiled food, decomposing debris, feces. Given the insect's delicate sense of smell, this factor must be taken into account when choosing a place where to set traps.
  4. Most people know how difficult it is to catch a fly in a room. It is difficult to take an insect by surprise, because due to the special structure of the eye, it perceives the slightest flicker, has an angle of view of 180⁰. But he calmly sits down where his relatives already exist, for example, on sticky tape.

It is interesting! To understand how developed the sense of smell is in flies, Swiss scientists conducted an experiment, luring them into the aroma of various products. It turned out that the maximum distance from which flies distinguish the smell of meat is 3 km.

Types of the simplest traps

All diversity homemade flycatchers can be conditionally combined into 3 groups.

  • With edible bait, when an insect enters a confined space, but does not die, but simply cannot get out.
  • With poisonous bait. The fly dies after eating "sweet".
  • Sticky Flycatchers. Stuck in a sticky substance, the insect dies of hunger.

There are craftsmen who make homemade "stun guns" for flies, but this device can hardly be made without having certain professional skills.

From a plastic bottle

A primitive fly trap is easiest to make from an ordinary plastic bottle... The essence of the device is that the design assumes the movement of the insect in only one direction - inside the container. There is no going back. And to make the fly want to penetrate there, they prepare a bait with an attractive smell.

The bottle must be cut in half. The lower part is a container for bait. The upper inverted half is a funnel through the narrow neck of which the insect enters the trap. The ratio of the height of the lower and upper parts is 2: 1, the funnel must be tightly secured with tape or a stapler.

Advice! The funnel itself should not come into contact with the bait, contain drops of sweet liquid, other food, otherwise the insect will have no need to climb inside, it will "dine" on approach.

How do you catch and direct a fly into a trap in a specific part of the room? For this, the following compositions are used.

  • Sweet liquid - rare jam, sugar syrup, honey, Coca-Cola.
  • Fermented liquid. It is easy to get if you add a drop of dry yeast to the sweet filler.
  • Flies fly well for red wine and beer.
  • If you add ground pepper (black) or a granular insecticide, such as Agita, to a sweet liquid, insects will not only fall into a trap, but also die.

Advice! It is best to use meat or fish as bait outdoors. Flies and I have different ideas about pleasant smells - what they like irritates our sense of smell.

The final touch is that traps are placed in the most attractive places for insects. On the windowsills - flies strive for the light, kitchen table, next to the trash can, toilet.

From a glass jar

You can make a fly trap with your own hands from a glass jar and a funnel of a suitable size.

Overripe fruits of sweet taste - apples, banana, peaches, apricots are placed on the bottom of the dish. It's good if they start to rot and ferment. Instead of a lid, a funnel is inserted, securely fixed so that there are no gaps between it and the wall of the can - the trap is wrapped around the circumference of the neck with tape, tape.

From a plastic container

To make a small neat flycatcher, take any transparent container - a glass, plastic container... A little honey, sweet fruit, jam is placed on the bottom, covered with cling film, in which 1-3 small holes are made. The principle of operation of the device is the same as described above.

Advice! When using a home-made trap, do not forget to dispose of the trapped insects from time to time, wash the container, and update the bait. Prevent the flycatcher from becoming a source of unsanitary conditions.

Duct tape

Another type of DIY fly trap is homemade duct tape. Numerous videos on how to make a gooey substance from honey and sugar do not hold water. Such a coating will dry quickly, God forbid, if you can catch several insects. To get Velcro similar to the purchased one, use the following composition.

  • 2 parts pine resin (rosin) melted in a burner or water bath;
  • 1 part castor or flaxseed oil
  • a little ("for taste") honey, sugar syrup.

The result is a truly sticky substance that retains a viscous consistency for a long time. The ribbons are cut from durable kraft paper, parchment, oilcloth.

Advice! If you have ALT glue that is used to control small rodents, you can use it for sticky tape.

Homemade traps: pros and cons

Having considered how you can make a fly trap from a plastic bottle or other transparent container, we will analyze whether the device is worth the time spent.

Arguments for":

  • safe, environmentally friendly device;
  • easy and quick to do;
  • available materials;
  • several flies fall into the trap per day;
  • no need to pay money.

Minuses homemade device:

  • does not give a 100% guarantee of the destruction of insects;
  • does not always look aesthetically pleasing;

Conclusion. There are still more pluses. It definitely works if there are few flies. It's worth the candle if other options (fumigator, insecticides) are unavailable for some reason.

We wouldn't bother with homemade sticky tape unless absolutely necessary. It is inexpensive, in addition, the purchased analog has an undeniable advantage - an attractant - a pheromone that attracts insects - is part of the sticky substance.

Bottle Insect Trap:

Fruit flies get to the fruit bowl faster than you? If annoying insects have settled in your home, these unwanted guests are unlikely to leave it voluntarily. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to help you get rid of fruit flies and keep them from returning.


Using a paper funnel

    Get a tall jar, wine or sugary bottle, or vase. This will be the base of your trap. Almost any bank will do.

    Put the bait. Fruit flies love sweets, so you have many options. You can use fruit, juice, sugary drink, or any other sweet food that will lure flies into the container. Below we give a few examples of baits in decreasing order of effectiveness:

    • Overripe or rotten fruit, cut into pieces. You can put a crushed banana, rotten berries, or a peach.
    • Honey, maple or corn syrup.
    • Any fruit juice or sweet drink. It is better to use regular carbonated water - low-calorie water will not work.
    • Apple cider vinegar or soy sauce.
    • Leftover wine or beer in the bottle will also work. Fruit flies fly to the sugar found in alcohol.
  1. Roll a sheet of paper into a tube and insert into a container. A funnel with a small hole will allow the flies to get in, but they will not be able to get out. Secure the funnel with tape to keep it in shape. Place it in the neck of the container with the narrow side down. The tip of the funnel should not touch the bait.

    • You can use any unnecessary paper or even rip out a page from an old magazine.
    • You can also take a coffee filter and use a toothpick to poke a hole in the bottom of the filter.
  2. Set up a trap in an area full of flies. Place the trap near a kitchen sink, trash can, or next to a fruit basket. If the flies are in multiple parts of the kitchen, you will need to use multiple traps.

    Destroy the caught flies. Pour warm water mixed with dish soap into a container. The detergent will reduce the surface tension of the water and drown the flies. Wait 1-2 minutes, then pour out the contents of the jar.

    • If there are still live flies in the trap, take the trap outside and only then remove the tube.
    • Rinse the container under hot water. You can use it again or make a new trap out of something else.
  3. Repeat until the trap is empty. Fruit flies reproduce quickly. Their life cycle can last only 8 days. For this reason, you will most likely have to repeat everything several times to get rid of the flies completely.

    Seek professional help. If you have a large number of fruit flies that you cannot handle, call a pest control officer to treat the fly habitat with special products. However, this is unlikely to be necessary if you pack food tightly and keep your kitchen clean. Search the internet for the phone numbers of local disinfection services.

How to get rid of eggs

    Know why flies are shown. Fruit flies lay their eggs where food and moisture are present (eg, decaying fruit, wet shells, trash cans). To get rid of eggs, you need to understand where flies find food in your kitchen.

    • Flies often gather near packages or baskets of rotting fruit. Even if you bought fresh fruit, you may be storing it in a bowl that has rot marks that attract flies.
    • If you store compost in the kitchen, it can be a food source for fly larvae.
    • An open trash can also attract flies, especially if there are unwashed cans of beer or soda.
    • When was the last time you washed your trash can? Even if you regularly take out the trash, the remains of old trash at the bottom of the tank can be causing the problem.
    • Flies often accumulate in the sink, as pieces of food often remain in the drain, which begin to rot.
    • Damp sponges and rags are a good breeding ground for flies.
  1. Pack food carefully. If you have flies, do not leave food on the table at room temperature. Store them in an airtight bag or refrigerator until the problem is resolved. A single piece of overripe fruit can cause a fly infestation, as it makes an excellent breeding ground.

    • Do not dispose of leftover fruit in the trash. Unless you take out the trash every day, don't put peach pits, apple cores, and other fruit cleanings in your kitchen trash can as they will attract fruit flies. Take fruit scraps outside immediately.
  2. Flush out all trash cans. Flies can lay eggs in garbage cans. All tanks in the house should be rinsed with hot water and detergent if you see eggs in there. Throw away your trash more often so the problem doesn't recur.

    • Continue to wash containers weekly, especially in late summer when fruit flies are in abundance.
    • Before throwing away bottles and cans, rinse them with hot water. Leftover food and liquids can spill onto the sides of the dustbin, causing more flies to grow.
    • All tanks should have lids that close tightly.
  3. Clean the gutter. To check for flies in the drain, cover it with a piece cling filmafter smearing it with honey. Put the film on the honey side and come back in an hour. If you see that flies are stuck to the film, it means that there are eggs in the drain.

    • Check if the drain is working well. If it is clogged or the food residue chopper is not working, there could be a lot of rotting food debris that can attract flies.
    • To get rid of the eggs, pour boiling water mixed with detergent into the drain. Scrub the drain with a brush.
    • Do not put chlorine bleach into the drain. Not only will this not help, but it will also be harmful to the environment.
  4. Get rid of other possible sources of flies. Old dishwashing sponges, damp rags, old rugs, and other things you use to wipe surfaces and floors can contain fly eggs. Throw them away or machine wash at high temperature.

  5. Wipe down all surfaces in the kitchen. Wipe the surfaces with a cloth dampened with hot soapy water. Treat all cracks and depressions where eggs may be laid. Wipe down drawers, pantry shelves, and all areas where you store fruits, juices, and other sugary foods.

    • Check the floor too. If you spill a drink under the refrigerator, this could be causing the problem. Wipe off any areas that seem sticky.
    • Keep your kitchen surfaces clean daily. Wipe down all surfaces after every meal.
    • Wash the dishes immediately after eating. Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink. If you have a dishwasher, put the dishes in it and close the door.
  • If you decide to use vinegar, make sure you choose the right one. White vinegar won't work. Malt and red vinegar will work, but not as well as apple vinegar... You can also use beer and balsamic vinegar. Wine attracts flies very well, so you can catch them in a wine bottle (with a little wine on the bottom) without any additional tweaks.
  • If fruit flies are growing in a potted houseplant, allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. This will kill most of the larvae, and the adults do not live long and will soon disappear. Check the soil for dryness and water plants with tough leaves as they can dry out and die.
  • Close alcohol bottles very tightly. If the bottle cap has a spout, cover it with cellophane. Every other day, wash the bottles from the outside up to the spout using an ammonia-based cleaner.
  • Hang duct tape around the fly areas. It doesn't look very pretty, but it is very effective. Some types of adhesive tape contain poisonous substances. Use the tapes with care and out of the reach of children.
  • Fruit flies also lay eggs in the faeces of domestic animals. Clean up after your pets as soon as possible.


  • Some toxic detergents, for example, containing chlorine compounds, are recommended to be sprayed only in well-ventilated areas. Try to wear a protective mask while doing this. It is not recommended to use such products if you are worried about the presence of toxic substances in the air.
  • Never touch the waste grinder with your hands. Use a wooden spoon or similar to push through something. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

Various methods can be used to combat them, including traps, which have the following advantages:

However, there are some disadvantages to using traps, the main ones are:

  1. Low efficacy compared to using insecticides, which make it possible to virtually instantly destroy entire populations.
  2. Lack of protective effect. Only those individuals that fall into the set traps will be destroyed.
  3. It is necessary to wait for the moment when the fly will pay attention to the trap and fall into it, while some other methods allow you to immediately go to the destruction of pests.

Types of traps

The classification of such devices is carried out according to the principle of their operation today, in accordance with this criterion, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  1. Glue traps are one of the most well-known and widespread types, their popularity is due to their simplicity of design, which makes them easy to use and low cost. You can use houses or adhesive tapes that stick to any surface. This type of device has a double effect, since it allows you to catch both flying and crawling insects. However, it is recommended to use hanging adhesive tapes directly to kill flies. Despite the fact that crawling insects cannot get caught in such traps, they will be one of the most effective means against flies.
  2. Devices containing baits poisoned with various types of insecticides. They are considered as traps only formally, since in fact they are not intended for catching flies, but to attract their attention with food bait in order to cause poisoning and subsequent death. They are usually used to kill cockroaches orant, fly control devices are not so widespread, since other options are much more effective.
  3. Mechanical traps with various baits designed to collect caught insects. Attachments of this type are used to catch virtually all types of insects and flies, in this case, are no exception. Exists various options, but they all function according to a similar principle: flies get inside a special container, attracted by the bait, but they can no longer get out on their own.
  4. Electric traps are the most innovative way to combat, there are models designed to destroy different types insects. To attract mosquitoes and butterflies, special lamps are usually used, to the light of which they fly, but for flies, devices with a fragrant bait are suitable, which will attract them with its scent. After getting inside the trap, the insect will receive an electrical discharge that is fatal to insects, while it is not capable of causing any harm to humans or pets. Electric models are the most expensive, but they are also designed for long-term use, since the traps only need to be cleared of dead insects from time to time, after which they will be ready for use again. Today, there are two types of electrical devices: those that function after being connected to a home electrical network, or that operate on replaceable batteries. The second option is usually used for catching flies outdoors.

Trap overview

Given the wide range of modern fly-catching devices, it can be difficult to choose the most suitable option.

In order to make this process as easy as possible, the following is an overview of the most effective tools:

Aeroxon's sticky backing tape is made in Germany and is the simplest fly trap. Its use does not require any additional costs, it contains only cellulose and ordinary glue, the device is environmentally friendly. Sold in sets, which include four skeins of tape at once, the price is 100 rubles.

The HELP trap also has an adhesive element in its design, designed to be placed on windows, so flies come across soon after entering the room. The main advantage is the almost complete invisibility of this device, which can be purchased you can for 80-100 rubles.

The Raptor trap can is especially effective for catching flies and other flying insects outside. It is enough to put the bait that comes with the kit inside the tank, and then close the roof. The jar can be placed on any surface or hung on tree branches, and insects that get inside will no longer be able to get out. The approximate cost is 300-350 rubles.

The FC001 is a mechanical fly trap. It starts working after a special tablet is inserted into it, after which the device generates heat and odors that attract insects. It is enough to have no more than 2-3 tablets in stock, this amount will be enough for the entire warm season. The price is about 3500 rubles.

The Excalibur Aqua 80 IPX4 ZSP005 is a unique instrument and fly trap that has no analogues on the market today. The device is recommended for installation in public catering, large enterprises or logistics centers, although it can also be used in residential premises. The basic principle of action is to kill trapped insects with deadly electrical discharges. The body is made of high-quality and high-strength polycarbonate, and the trap itself is provided with a moisture protection system, which makes it unpretentious to the surrounding conditions. The approximate cost is 50,000 rubles.

"SKAT 23" is a domestically produced trap that, in addition to flies, can also kill mosquitoes, which makes it a multifunctional device. The design includes lamps of a special type that do not emit heat, but attract flying insects. As soon as they touch the protective grill, they receive a fatal current. The device is environmentally friendly, quiet and does not emit any third-party odors, while it the price is only about 4000 rubles.

Flypod ZF050 is distinguished not only by its high operating efficiency, but also by attractive design, which allows the fixture to blend harmoniously into virtually any interior. The combination of this factor with its small size and functionality makes the trap look like a small one. decorative lamp... Best for public spaces, cafes or living rooms where you don't want to use tape-like gadgets that don't look very attractive. Insects die when they get inside and come into contact with the adhesive insert, which can then be replaced with a new one. The approximate cost is 8500 rubles.

Fly Web Fly Trap is a trap that has not yet become widespread in the domestic market, but it can be ordered over the Internet. Has several effects, including light, which allows you to attract not only flies, but also a number of other flying insects. The device is an energy consumer, therefore it can only function after being connected to the mains. The only drawback is only the fact that it is extremely attractive to butterflies, moths and other harmless insects, which are very likely to also fall into it. The cost of such a trap, excluding delivery, is about 2,000 rubles.

The Sterling Rescue Outdoor Fly Catcher Trap is also currently a model that is only available to order online. Externally, it is a reservoir bag made of durable plastic. To start operating inside, you need to add a small amount of water, and then hang the device in the apartment or on the street. A special attractant is placed inside it, which is quite attractive to flies and attracts them to itself ... Trapped prisoners will no longer be able to get out, one trap is designed for 20,000 flies, after which it is disposed of. They must be used carefully so as not to damage the reservoir, and also to place them in safe places, since over time, larvae can begin to multiply inside. The approximate cost is 800 rubles excluding delivery, two devices are supplied in the kit at once.

A plant called the Venus flytrap is not a deterrent, but a real fly trap. In its natural environment, it grows mainly in swampy areas, where the soil is not fertile and does not actually contain nutrients... To compensate for them, this flycatcher eats insects, and flies form the basis of the diet. Such a plant can be planted on the territory garden plot or grow in a pot like a houseplant. It is recommended to keep it on the windows from the most sunny side and the Venus flytrap will become not only a decoration of the apartment, but also a real thunderstorm for flies that have flown into it.

DIY fly traps

Buying in-store accessories is not a prerequisitesince there are a number of ways self-made traps.

To implement this undertaking, you must use the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Prepare a small glass jar into which you want to pour the juice. It should fill no more than a third of the container.
  2. Add a few drops of soap or dish soap to the liquid bait, which will exclude the likelihood of a possible escape of caught insects.
  3. Roll up a piece of paper this wayso that it takes the shape of a cone, the diameter of one of the holes of which should not be more than 5-8 mm.
  4. Paper cone inserted with the narrow side inside the can.
  5. Flies will enter the homemade device through a small hole, after which they will either drown in the liquid, or remain sitting on the inner walls of the can.

To do this, you need to repeat the sequence of actions described below:

  1. Mix equal amounts of castor oil and rosin.
  2. Melt the resulting mixture and add a small amount of honey and jam to it, which will be the main bait.
  3. Cut stripes from paper sheets, the recommended width should be 5-8 cm.
  4. Process both sides of the cut strips prepared mixture.
  5. Hang a homemade trap in places, where a large number of flies usually live, after which they will begin to stick to its surface.

Drosophila poses no direct danger to humans. But their presence in the house brings a lot of inconvenience. Many housewives ask themselves the question "How to get rid of midges." This problem becomes especially relevant in the warm season, when the season of fresh vegetables and fruits comes.

Drosophila differences from other midges

Midges are unpleasant neighbors that cause a lot of inconvenience to humans

Drosophila belongs to the category of Diptera fruit flies. The number of their varieties reaches 2000. The size is 1-3 mm. The insect has an oval body of dark yellow or brown, 6-8 legs and 2 wings.

Sometimes there are orange and black midges, but this is quite rare.

Drosophila differs from other species of midges in habitat, degree of danger, reproduction rate and gastronomic preferences. These insects are the most harmless to humans. But their presence causes some troubles:

  1. They spoil the food supply. Moreover, it can be either a large warehouse or a small cellar. If fruit flies settle in large food storage facilities, products will become unusable, which will entail significant losses.
  2. They cause no less harm in private cellars and basements, where bags of sugar, flour, boxes of potatoes or tomatoes are stored. Drosophila can damage the fruits that have not yet been harvested.
  3. Neighborhood with these midges cannot be called pleasant. They can fly into eyes, nose, mouth, and can contaminate curtains and wallpaper.

Reasons for appearing in the apartment

Drosophila is spreading at a rapid pace. The female lays about 20 eggs at a time. They are born in the early morning time. Therefore, waking up, you can find many fruit flies in the apartment, which were not there yesterday.

Important! Insects are able to reproduce as early as eight hours after birth; the larva turns into an adult in 8-10 days.

They enter the apartment in different ways.

  1. Fruit flies lay their eggs in the skins of fruits and vegetables that we bring home. Midges choose soft fruits, the skin of which they can bite through. Distinguishing damaged fruits is an almost impossible task.
  2. Also, insects start in the trash can.
  3. Another way for midges to enter houses is through open entrance doors and open windows. Drosophila is attracted by the smell of the fruit. Insects can live in an apartment even if you use a cherry, lemon, or orange air freshener.

Larvae can be seen only at an early stage of formation, when the midge has just laid eggs. During this period, their size reaches only 0.5 mm. Larvae are determined by white... Then they take on the color of the fruit, so we cannot identify them when buying fruits or vegetables.

Midges can enter the house through open windows and doors, as well as with fruits and vegetables brought into the apartment.

How to get rid of fruit flies

There are many ways to eliminate insects. You can find special devices on sale or make them yourself.

Store funds

To combat fruit flies use:

  • traps;
  • sprays;
  • repellents;
  • zappers.


Among the traps are the following models:

  • BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps;
  • Victor M380 Fly Maqnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait;
  • Fly Web Fly Trap;
  • TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500.

1. The duration of the first device is one month. The kit includes six traps and a liquid non-toxic chemical. One BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps will last for six months. The chemical can be substituted with apple cider vinegar or wine vinegar. The trap works as follows. The insect flies in through a special hole and cannot get out back. Midges do not die from the poison, they just get trapped. BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps are compact in size. This allows traps to be set throughout the apartment.

BEAPCO 6-Pack Drop-Ins Fruit Traps are compact in size

2. Model Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait is made in white and black colors. Its complete set also includes a chemical non-toxic liquid. Fruit flies fly into the cover of the device and remain inside. This trap has some advantage over other models, it can be reused. The device just needs to be rinsed with water. The model is designed to fight against fruit flies, bees and wasps will not be able to fly into it.

Victor M380 Fly Magnet 1-Quart Reusable Trap With Bait - reusable trap

3. Fly Web Fly Trap attracts fruit flies with ultraviolet light. The trap has a built-in double 9 W bulb. The midges fly into the radiation and fall on the adhesive tape, which must be changed with use. The advantage of the model is the absence of chemicals and odors. The device requires a power supply to function.

The device is exposed to ultraviolet light

4. The action of TERRO Fruit Fly Trap T2500 is aimed specifically at fruit midges. Other insects will not fall into this trap. It is made in the shape of an apple and has a characteristic smell. The service life is 30 days.

Flavored trap


The zappers use electricity on the gnats, causing the insects to die. The following devices can be recommended:

  • Electronic Indoor Insect Killer Zapper-15.5 Inch is a fairly effective zapper, however, it should be borne in mind that this is a bulky device that consumes a significant amount of electricity, so for small apartments such a model will not be very convenient;
  • The Executioner Fly Swat Wasp Buq Mosquito Swatter Zapper is small, but its effect only applies to midges that fly close to it. To get the result from this device, you need to direct the fruit flies in its direction. The power source is batteries, this model does not depend on the mains;
  • Rechargeable Electric Insect Bug Bat Wasp Mosquito Zapper Swatter Racket anti mosquito killer Electric Mosquito Swatter.

The Zappers have greater efficiency compared to other anti-midge devices


Among the repellents, you should pay attention to the Hot Shot 5580 No Pest Strip model. It is a strip small sizesoaked in chemicals. The repellent is in a special container. It is hung in a room that needs to be cleaned of midges. Poisonous vapors begin to emanate from the tape, as a result of which insects leave the apartment. The person does not feel this effect. But you need to ventilate the room.

Repellents act chemically


Sprays will help get rid of midges and destroy their larvae. Garden Safe Insecticidal Soap Insect Killer 24-Ounce Ready To Use Spray 10424X is designed to treat indoor plants... When the agent gets on the midges or eggs, they die. This effect is provided by fatty vegetable acids that are part of the spray. It does not apply to people.

Spray is safe, but less effective in controlling fruit flies

Other means

  1. If fruit flies are localized in a sewer or sink, you will need Invade Bio Drain Gel-1 qt to eliminate them. The drug is available in the form of a gel, does not contain aggressive chemical elements. It has a pleasant scent. It dissolves organic matter in pipes, destroys insects and larvae. If the spray is poured into a spray bottle, it can be used as a sprayer.
  2. Insects can harm not only fruits, but also houseplants. They lay their eggs in the ground, and the larvae feed on the root system. As a result, the plant dries up and dies. The preparation Thunder-2, which is produced in powder form, will help to cope with such a problem. But first, separate the diseased plant from healthy flower... Then sprinkle the powder into the soil. Perform work with gloves and a mask. The room must be ventilated after the procedure.

Traditional methods

You can make a device for fighting midges on your own. There are several options for traps:

  1. One of the treats that fruit flies love very much are bananas. Peel them off and place in a plastic bottle or plastic bag. Then use a toothpick to punch holes. Place the trap close to where the insects gather. Within 1-2 days, a significant part of the midges will fall into it. They will not fly out of the trap.
  2. You can fight insects with a liquid. To do this, you need a regular deep plate. Pour juice, honey, syrup, or apple cider vinegar into it. Then add the peeled fruit without the skin. Cover the plate with plastic wrap. Just as in the first option, pierce the holes. Homemade device ready to kill fruit flies.
  3. Another way to get out midges is to make a cone-shaped trap. Find glass jar and put the rotten fruit in the middle. If there is no such fruit, you can use a slice of orange or banana. Roll a sheet of paper into a cone and insert it into the neck of the container. Insects will fly into the jar, but will not be able to get out.
  4. Drosophila can be smoked. Grind the camphor, put it in a skillet and put it on fire. When steam appears, carry the dishes through all rooms. This procedure is harmless to humans.
  5. A vacuum cleaner will help eliminate midges. Treat insect habitats with it, shake the bag outside the house.
  6. If you notice larvae on the plants, water them twice a month with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. To this end, you can stick 3-4 matches into the soil with the sulfur side down.
  7. Drosophila is mainly localized in the kitchen. Inspect food, remove rotting fruits and vegetables. Store undamaged fruits in the refrigerator or in the cellar.
  8. Geraniums will help scare away fruit flies. They cannot stand the smell of this plant.
  9. Insects react similarly to garlic. If you can easily stand the smell, grind a few cloves and place them in the kitchen. Remove after a few hours.
  10. Peel the orange, wrap a clove stick in the peel. Place this product on insect sites.
