Initially, a slight introduction to the basics of tasks. The top of the interface is the compass, and the icon in the form of an inverted triangle indicates the direction where you need to move at the current task:

If the same icon is "hanging" over NPC - you need to move towards it (or behind it):

Opening the map (M) the same icon will indicate the point where you need to go. And opening the log (j) read the description of the tasks, and choose (if there are several of them) the one you want to go at the moment (at the current time only one task is noted on the map and compass).

These basic knowledge will help you to go to the tasks in the game Skyrim.


By the tradition of The Elder Scrolls, we begin the game prisoners. So now, only appearing in the game, you see yourself among the prisoners who are taken to the execution.

To freedom!

While we are taken in the cart, we hear the conversation of other prisoners, from which it becomes clear that Skyrim is now being a uprising, headed by brothers storms. Imperbs mistakenly counted us with one of them, and are brought to the execution of Helgen.

Upon arrival, the character editor will be available - it is quite advanced, and you can make the appearance of your character exactly what you want.

Important: 1) The input box will appear after confirmation 2) We recommend specifying the name of the Latin, to avoid problems in dialogs with Cyril.

You see how to execute one of the caught, and the following - you. But already under the top of the executioner, the dragon arrives, and Panic begins in the city. At this point, the character management becomes available.

Although everything around will collapse and burn, there is nothing complicated, the main thing is not to fuss and look at the compass and pointers over NPC. Almost immediately will be given a choice - to follow the Nord who checked you on the list, or for his neighbor on the wagon. There is practically no further difference in the choice. Just if you go with the rebel - then all the people meet people will be enemies. And if you choose the side of the imperial, then on numerous corridors and rooms you will be found allies - carefully, do not bay them. And if you still hit them several times (when you first hit, they say "Who are you at all?"), And they will start attacking you - remove the weapons, they will stop.

Following the new partner you will find chests with outfit, learn how to hack the locks, shoot from secrecy, etc. In essence, the task "to freedom!" is a training. It ends on how you leave the cave. From this point on, you have a whole world of Skyrima. And where to go what to do - choose only to you!

Before storm

As soon as you left the cave, a new task will begin - "Before Storm", the most difficult moment in this task is associated with the fact that your partner will say "Now we have to divide", but in fact it is not necessary to separate - follow it. On the way, he will show stones of power (or as they are called there) - activating one of them (magician, thief, warrior), the skills of the appropriate direction will be pumped by 20% faster.

Continuing to follow the partner you will come to Riverwood - a small village. The partner will take you to his family, where you will be offered to eat and overnight. In the course of the conversation, we will say that you need to go to Waitran and report what happened in Helgen. But do not rush to leave the head of the family - Alvor, is a blacksmith, with his blacksmith. He has side tasks that will help you explore a blacksmithing business.

Also in the village you can find other side tasks. And to continue the main task - go to Waitran (follow the sign on the compass, and you can also open the map, and estimate the distance to the city).

In Waitran, the guard will suit you - tell him that you are from Riverwood, to the crown - you will miss you. In the city you need more building on the top of the top - dragon convey. And the Yarl - sits in the main hall, on the throne. Talk to him.

Windy peak

During a conversation with a crossed, after you tell him about the attack of the Dragon, he will take you to Fahrenar. This magician and alchemist has long been doing dragons, and it will undoubtedly be interested in the case telling by you. He can also find tables for alchemy and engineering.

Fahrenar will give you a new task - go to windy peak and find a dragon stone there.

Windy peak - the temple is high on the rock (for searching, still use the card and compass). On the way, you will meet two groups of bandits. Finding the temple on the top of the rock - enter (large semicircular doors), according to his grandeur, and the inner interior it becomes clear that once they worshiped dragons in it. First there will be several bandits, but the deeper, the more dangerous opponents you will meet.

Windy peak has two puzzles. The first is that you need to place stone figures that can be rotated. The correct location, after which, the door will open for the lever:

Go further, kill dramas and spiders. You will be celebrated by a web - to go through it, it first needs to be knocked down with a weapon (just attack on a web). In the room with a big spider there will be a gangster in a web. He is interested in the object of the Dragon Claw. You can kill him, and if he ran away - it is not far, passing out a little further you will find his corpse. Be sure to visit it by taking dragon claw.

The second puzzle is similar to the first, here you need to position three circles in the right position:

The hint is on the back of the dragon claw (inventory items can be rotated by the mouse).

We go further and then until in the end you will not go into a large room, in the center of which will be semicircle, with the text in the Dragon language. Going to this wall - you will read one passage. At this time, from one grave behind your back the Lord of the Dugres will be released - you have a hard fight. Having coped with him, take a dragon stone from his corpse, now find the passage to the exit (you do not need to return, you will find a second exit from the dungeon in front).

Going out in Skyrim, open the card and make a quick movement in the dragon convey. Go to Fahrengar and give him a stone.

All questions with this task are discussed on the Golden Claw page.

Dragon in heaven

Do not hurry to leave Fahrengar, and even more - follow him. You will hear an interesting conversation, at the end of which the guard will come running, and will tell what the dragon attacked the Western sentier tower. Now you need to follow the Arylet woman. She will take a few soldiers with them, and will head to the Western Potion Tower. There you have the first fight with the dragon.

  • Shoot the dragon from the bow while it flies;
  • When he sits, try to approach him on the side or behind to hit;
  • Use the moment when the dragon will be distracted by other guards.

After the victory, you will absorb the Dragon's soul, and the first dragon cry will be available - ruthless power.

Return to the naval and tell what happened.

Award: Tagging Tana, the ability to buy a personal house in Waitran, a personal mercenary - Lydia.

Path of Voice

Now you need to get to the seroborbic, which are highly high on the rock in the east of Waitran.

Important: get there to straight, almost unrealistic compass. Follow the road to the east, which renounces the mountain, will bring you to their temple. On the way, I met two trolls (a very strong opponent, ran away by a sprint - the ALT key) and a saber-toothed tiger (a strong opponent, but coped). And also attacked the dragon (scripting event, or a random meeting xs). In general, you do not have to miss the road, persist more often.

In the temple itself, you will need to prove it first that you can use the voice - use a crunch of ruthless strength, and will also teach a new - rapid jerk, with which you can instantly move for a short distance.

At the end of the training, you will give the following test.

Horn Yurgen

Seroboroge sends you to the last test - to get Yurgen's horn to call the wind, from his tomb in Estodgrev, in the swamps of Hyalmarck.

We look at the card, and go to the tomb, which is essentially another, large dungeon, with the next riddles. I will go to them right away:

Mystery number 1.

You desigh in the passage, which is closed by three lattice sections, and in front of them there are three magical stones, applying to which one of the grids rises, but it is worth a move - and the lattice is descended. The usual run does not run, what to do?

Get up exactly opposity of the passage, in front of the stones, put the "rapid jerk" to the active cry, clamp the left Alt. and start running to the aisle as soon as you will be on the third stone, and it is activated - click Z. - Make a quick jerk, after which you will stay a little bit and that's it. I got the first time.

I have not checked as much as they hurt, in general this stage is also done with the help of a "rapid jerk" cry.

And at the end you will be waiting for an unexpected turn of the plot, it turns out to be a horn who took someone to you (a message will appear that the quest is failed), but left a note, on the large chest:

The search of the horns will be marked failed, it is normal.

We go to Riverwood, we find a tavern, and the dolphins rent a room in the attic. She will say that there is no room in the attic, but "you there." Going to the room she says (I focused on the sign), followed by a dolphin, and say that she left you a note, and will suggest to follow her. He will take you to his secret room, and tell you what you need.

At this stage, we are confronted with the curve dialogue, I will not hit the details ... In general, ask the dolphin without leaving her room until the phrase seems to be "I'm ready, go", after which an additional task begins.

Blade in darkness

Dolphin is the last of the blades, and as well as you solve the reason for the appearance of dragons in Skyrim. Her belief is that the dragons are not returned, they are "resurrected." And to make sure, and perhaps and prevent the resurrection, you go to Kin's grove.

You can go with her, or get there yourself. I chose the first option - because I did not want to think what and where to go. And so - just run for dolphin and that's it.

At the place of arrival, you will see how one dragon returns to the other of the other, and the battle begins.

After killing Dolphin's dragon, you will make sure that you are Dovakin, and tell about the new task. But before moving to him, I went to complete the test of serocco.

Yurgen Horn (End)

We make a quick transition to a high chrothar. We find the "main" seroboroge (this may cause problems, because the compass sometimes comes when specifying a person, in general, run by their temple until you find). And give him a horn. He will say that now it is necessary to officially recognize you by Dovakin, but at the same time and teach a new word.

We pass the recognition procedure, at the same time studying the third word in the cry of "ruthless strength". Now you can return to the task of Dolphins.

Diplomatic inviolability

One of the most incomprehensible tasks at the first passage. But, I assure, with repeated passages, you will receive one pleasure from him.

Returning to Riverwood, talking to Dolphin. She will tell you that you need to get to the Embassy of Talmitsa, and find out about the dragon. Yes, and things do not have to do - she all organizes for you. Your task is to go to Solitary, and meet there with Malborne.

Whatever you can survive, Malborin can carry several items for you, while you will enter the "Magnificent entrance" without weapons and armor. In a conversation with him, it is important to know one moment - in Skyrim you can transmit objects to the compartments, the R key when the window appears. Enough to transfer Malborna weapon.

Transmitted - now we go to the dolphin, it is already there, outside the city on the stable (see for the compass and no problems). She will give you major clothes, and all the weapons and armor will ask to convey to it, for safety. You can convey to it, and you can throw somewhere nearby. We give things, wear front clothes, say that they are ready and ... you are already "at a festive party."

We approach the guard, we pass an invitation, pass. What if Malborin could spend you into the kitchen, you need to distract holidaymakers. To do this, take a drink from him (in the dialog "I want to drink), after which we bring a conversation with this friend:

Give him a drink, then ask for one service -\u003e to joke.

After that, approach Malborin. Make a dialogue is not necessary. When Raelled starts to be scared, he himself will open the door to the kitchen, and he will spend the thoughs where the things you handed it out. Next to the chest door - you go there. From now on, you can chop all in a row.

You will need to clean up one building, then go to the courtyard, to move everything there, go into a torture building, there, too, to drive everyone and clean the 2nd chest, after which the pointers disappear (that again Introduces in the stopper), but you just need to talk to a person who was tortured (The key from the camera is removed from the magician), free it, then offer to get out. He will suit the hatch, ask him why he was tortured - and learn what is needed on the task. Now it remains only to get out, and the hatch is closed, what to do? At about this time, and maybe it will be necessary to wait a bit - the house will go to the house with the words "Give up, we took your accomplice" - Kill them (the elf who helped you will die quickly ... The possibilities of save him apparently not), and from one of the newcomers The guards are shooting the key from the hatch - ready, it remains only to go through the dungeon (carefully, there is a troll), and meet with Dolphin.

As a result, coming "to steep guys" in one shirt, you will leave with full pockets of armor, weapons, worship, and other junk. And also well hammer!

Rat drunk in the corner

We return to Riverwood, and tell Dolphin all that I learned about the dragons. The following task is to find Esbard. To do this, go to Rift (the city of thieves and robbers), and find there Brinolf (in my case he was in the restaurant "Bee and Powers"), which, by the way, is the head of the thieves guild. I do not know why the main storyline was associated with the thieves, but you will have to fulfill one thieves job to move in search.

For detailed passage of this task, see the thieves guild page. A small advice - if the pocket thefts are not pumped up - you will be saved in front of the theft itself - in case of failure to boot and try again.

By completing the task of the Brignolf, go down to the dungeon under Riften (we go to the water, we find a staircase down, and there the door), the dungeons are deep, consist of several sublevels:

  • 1 level - robbers, kill everyone boldly;
  • 2 level - headquarters Apartment Guild of thieves (if desired, you can continue to perform their tasks);
  • 3 level - agents of Talmitsa, kill everyone;
  • 4 level - level where you will finally find a room with ESBER.

Speak with him, tell me from whom you and who are - he will open the door. And tell interesting things. This task ends with this, and a new one immediately begins.

What to do if Esburn does not say:

1. Open the console (~), enter the TCL command, pass through the door and speak with the ESBER
2. It will start clicking the door - waiting
3. If he picked up and quiet, but the door did not open - say again. And so until the door opens.

Wall of Aduin

The old man will collect his belongings, and it's time to get out of this hole ... But it was not there, the agents of Talmitsa were well into the room and the battle begins. The old man turns out to be an excellent magician, and gives enemies a good rebuff.

There is nothing complicated to the passage to her, except that it is very far to go, plus three dragon attacked on the road. And I will not tell about the very wall of Aduin to tell that it would not spoil the first impression, I will tell only about the next riddles (this time not difficult):

Mystery number 1.

To go through one stage, you will need to lower the bridge, for which you need to deploy stone figures as shown in the screenshot.

Mystery number 2.

The room, with a fiery trap (fries very painful), and plates that react to the advancing. The decision is to go only on the plates that denote Dovakin (S.M. Screenshot), you will reach the fiery installation, pull the lever, and the trap will turn off.

In the final, you will hold a tour of the story, then the dialogue from which it becomes clear that nothing is clear. And you need to go back to seroborod.

I would like to say a special thanks to the developers, for the behavior of the partners in this task. Like living people - comment, consider the environment, discuss puzzles, etc.

Throat Mira

In this task, prepare painfully long dialogs.

Return to seroborod. Restress their main, and start the dialogue. It is necessary to strive for the topic "Patournaks" -\u003e "I want to meet him." After that, you will be taught a new scream, and will indicate the road.

The whole road to Parsnaks is in some strange fog, which somehow is badly affected by the character (I did not experiment, what will happen if you stand in it), but this fog accelerates on a large distance forward, so with the help of a cry and We move to the top, to the most important "seroborod".

At the top of you are waiting for an interesting plot of the plot, a new cry, and the choice of further path is seroboroge or blades.

Ancient knowledge

On the task there is a choice - contact seroborod, or to Esburn (blades). I chose an ESBER option (although judging by the comments, there is no special difference between this choice) - we return to the wall (it will be on the "rear" output) and tell him about an ancient scroll.

He will say that you need to turn to the magicians, because They have a big library and centuries-old knowledge. And to send to Winterhold College, she is the guild of magicians (mark on the map), she is ... on the edge of light. We get, at the entrance you will tell you that it is easy to log in it is impossible - you need to join the guild. And what to join - show that you can use magic. You will be asked to demonstrate one of the spells if you do not have it - then the NPC will offer you to sell it. We buy, we demonstrate magical skills - ready, you are even spent in the building. In it, we are looking for the main - hurricane Gro-fur coat. We speak with him about the scroll, knock out information from it until it gives an additional task - "Schalidor's work".

Shalidora works

Note: The execution of this task may be in different places.

We need to find entries of one scientist - we go to the marked dungeon. The dungeon will be one, already familiar a mystery - a lever, rotating statues and the triggering of the trap with the wrong selection. Tip to the statue of which side to turn - look at the opposite side. Two statues will show what figure you need to deploy.

Then there will be another unexpected moment - you will meet a strong dead man, after the murder he is again reborn to life. But in fact there is no riddle in this case - kill him several times, and he will stop resurrected. We take the scientist's notes, and return to the Winterhold College.

We meet with a hurricane Gro-fur coat and give him the notes found. He will say you need time to decipher. Scroll down two days - and talk again. Manuscripts are decrypted, and a book will appear on the table that you need to read:

After that, we speak with a hurricane grommet again, and another additional task begins.

Beyond the truss

The conversation will go about the fact that there was one scientist who was very interested in dopers, and then left north and disappeared. You need to look for him. Slightly north the point will be marked - go there.

We find a scientist there, and after a long dialogue, we get two subjects - a dormant cube and a ball, and a new marked point on the map. There we are waiting for firewall dormant dungeons. By the way, in them, you can find an amulet with a bonus to Alchemy 15%.

There are large dungeons, but there are no special mysteries. Of course, without traps and locked doors, with the lever "Krennaydeysh" will not cost, here is one of the most complex lever search:

The grill at the bottom, and the lever opening it upstairs.

As a result, we will get to the room with an interesting device. Find there "control panel" and install the cube:

After that, the task "Ancient Knowledge" will be completed, but still need to record our "game" on the ball. To do this, simply remove the cube that you installed on the panel, and return it to my scientist.

Separately, this task is discussed on the Delmer Mechanism page.

Curse of Aldune

There is a fight with the main dragon - Aldyin, but before this will be available with a dragonfoot. The chief villain himself does not sit on the ground, you need to knock him down with a dragon, after which you cut / fry / freeze, by rollback using a scream of a dragon (if not to use - "it will fly back and will be circling).

We defeat him, but he says that it is impossible to kill him, and flies.


After the victory, speak with the partarenks. He will tell his plan, how to finally defeat the villain. To do this, we will need help the Yarla, go to it.

Infinite time

The task itself is not difficult, but you are waiting for a lot of dialogues.

We speak with a bross about the dragon and the end of the world. He will agree to help you, but only after the War in Skyrim will be stopped. Now we need to make the impossible - to reconcile two sides that are not going to put up, and each thinks only to his victory. I did not join any side, about this performed neutral. I do not know how the dialogues are unfolded there in case you took the side of the empire or the brothers storm.

We go to Seroborod, talking to Arpheir, please declare a meeting about the conclusion of the world.

We go to the imperials, talking with Tullia, convince him to go to negotiations.

We go to the rebels, speak with Ulfrik, convince to go to negotiations.

We return to Seroborod, there is just the meeting, and our old familiar blades, too, without invitation will come. And what is happening in the negotiations (if you delve) - in general horror. Everyone thinks only about her, but we are somehow (although I think that there is no bad outcome, but the situation is intense) we persuade them to establish a temporary world.

After the conclusion of the world, the task will be completed, but and the dolphin will insert its five kopecks - says that the partarenks must die. Your conversation will open a new task "Patournaks".

Fallen (continued)

When the temporary world is concluded, it's time to make a trap for Odaving. To do this, we return to the dragon conversion, and speak with the Yarl. He will say that everything is ready, everyone is waiting for your decision.

We say that we start, and go after him. How to call and catch the Odaving? Go to the balcony, use a scream "Dragon Call" (do not forget to clamp, whatever the scream is complete), the dragon arrives, bring it up with "Dragon Out", after which it is not necessary to kill it!) - Gradually retreat deep into the "balcony" Rollback using a dragon, whatever he flew away. He will follow you deep, and then falls into the trap.

House of the Eater of the World

Talk to Odaving. Now you will need to let him go. What to do is - climb upstairs and speak with the guards.

After that, we are waiting for when it comes to the edge of the balcony, talking to him again, and we go on the dragon to School.

We have to clean up the territory and dungeons full of dragagov, as well as do not cost without new mysteries:

The first mystery with movable plates, the first position opens the right lattice (there is a chest with junk), the second - the left, on which we continue to explore the dungeon:

And the third riddle, with the door with spinning rings, there will be a drag before her, killing it with a "diamond claw" from him, on the reverse side of which a hint is given:

After that, we leave the outside, to the portal, but do not rush to teleport, somewhere nearby there will be a cool representative of the afterlime world - Outrin. After his murder, we remove the mask from him (+50 to magic, destruction spells and restoration spending 20% \u200b\u200bless magic) and staff. Staff will need to start the portal again (get up on the place specified on the job and click E), then jump into it.


Welcome to the monastery of the dead. Very beautiful place, but discharged by Alduin. We go through the arrow, we meet with Tsun, we pass the test, and we fall into the ancient hall.


Congratulations, you approached the final.

After victory, talk to Tsun, to return to the world of mortals.


The storyline is great. For a long time, the plot lines in the games were not impressed. The main thing is to play on the highest possible difficulty for you, whatever the victory would be really victory.

Now, using the Creek "Call of the Dragon" in the open area, Dragon Odaving will arrive at you.

Simple dragons will still come across as simple monsters.

On the passage of the main storyline, only a bit distracted to another passed 40 hours.

The description of the passage was written after one pass, of course it can be incomplete or subjective somewhere. Specify questions, complement - I will make amendments. With the exception of the plot itself - I tried to speak about him as much as possible, so that it would not spoil your first impression of personal passage.

Passage |

Now, after all that happened, we will need to talk to the partarenx, Esburn, and Argeir.
These three will tell a lot about the dragon limit in Waitran and will report that one of the dragons can be taken captured in this place that the previous ruler of those lands have been done. The goal of all this is to replace the dragon on your strand, after which he will be able to deliver our hero to the world of Aldune and we will finally kill him.

"Infinite time"

As soon as possible, we go to Waitran and speak with his brillus about everything that interests us. The Yarl will tell that the war is now between the kingdom and the rebels and at the moment he can not agree. Further, the Yarl says that it is better to use the help of the Sedobor Council. They will invite representatives on each side and will help to settle their disagreements. Only if the success of this measure, the Yarl agrees to capture the dragon. At this moment, the quest is completed and the next - "endless time" begins. We need to at least temporarily reconcile both parties in order to obtain consent to the use of the dragon limit, without which we will not get to get into the world of Aldune. The advice will be very tense, so you need to be attentive when choosing options for answering.

Pleny and talk to the Dragon Odaving

At the successful completion of the Council, our hero gets the opportunity to explore a new cry, whose words can be found in Esbard. Now we need to go back to Waitran for a conversation with a yarn. He agrees to the event and now we need to go to the gallery of the dragon limit and urge the Dragon of Odaving. He is the only dragon with whom it will turn out to talk after he will be captive. And only he will be able to agree to a crazy request - to deliver our hero to the world of Aldune. As soon as he arrives, we will need with the help of a scream "Dragon" drive it inside the gallery. To this end, you need to gradually move further and further inside, and as a result, the dragon will be chained in the chains and it will be possible to start a conversation with him, in order to get all the information you may
Now we will have the opportunity to resolve the question about the Dragon of the Sedoboral - to kill him by decree of the blades or leave alive. The choice of the second option will fail
Source of taskPatournaks.
RemunerationPromotion in the plot
PreviousInfinite time
FollowingHouse of the Eater of the World
LocationDragon Limit
I catch the Dragon of Odaving to find out where the alduine disappeared.

Short passage

  • Talk to the partarenx or with Argeir or with Esburn.
  • Talk to the Vaitran's Yarl.
  • To achieve the assistance of the Sedoboral in conducting peace negotiations.
  • Learn a cry for giving out the godding.
  • Prepare a trap for Odaving.
  • Calculate Idaving in the dragon limit.
  • Win and capture Odaving.
  • Interrogate Odaving.

Detailed passage

Now, after the completion of the quest "endless time" you can start passing the quest "Fallen."

During the previous task, we learned that you can use screams to call dragons, since Sili's words are the names of the dragons. The blades revealed the name of the Dragon of Odaving, which was recently awakened by Aduyin. We will automatically study the cry to appeal to Odaving, you can also learn it from Parotnaks.

We go to the dragon limit where the Yarl Balbruf has already prepared a trap for catching the dragon. It is located behind the throne room, on a huge terrace. When we are ready, we say the crown to start and use a cry to call Odaving. The dragon will start attacking us, fighting with him getting closer to the doors, and finally will work the trap, which will fit it to the ground, after which he will start talking.

Now we can interrogate the dragon about where Aldune is hidden, it turns out to be fled to the east into an abandoned temple of the dragon cult Sculdaphne. Speaking with herd a little more, we find out that it is impossible to get into this temple without wings, but he can help us and become at the time our wings, if you let him go. Before you go with herd to School, make sure you have everything you need for a long mission, as you need to go back possible only upon completion of the task.

It implies the development of the offensive on the dragon forces, which is weakened, in many ways morally, after his defeat from the new hero of Skyrim .. At first, it is difficult to determine the purpose of the task of the fallen (The Fallen) is quite difficult, but the game itself comes to help us and offers to talk to the smartest creatures. that we are already known. Three candidates are presented to the choice: Elderly Esburn, the wise representative of Seroborod Argeir and the good dragon Paarthurnax.

Considering the fact that the recent battle with Aldyin took place on the expanses of the Location of Throat of the World (Throat of the World), we will not go far and immediately talk to our new friend from the race of dragons. From him we will get new valuable instructions on our next task. The case is to be difficult, because the place where Aldyuin flew away with akin to anyone is not known, and numerous legends give too general directions, which is clearly not enough to chase. So you need to catch the tongue that tells where his leader went. From PaArthurnax'a We learn that the dragon can be caught in Waitrun, and even more precisely in the residence of the Yarl of this glorious city, where, if you remember, we store all our things. As you already guessed, reading the passage of Skyrim earlier, we are talking about DragonsReach. But it is necessary to enlist the support of the Vaitrun Yarla, who is unlikely to be picked up the perspective to participate in the dragon hunt.

The path to the famous already, the first of our major city Skyrim will be fast and easy, thanks to a convenient system of fast movements. Unfortunately, the conversation with our vengeous friend, the Balgruuf The Greater (Balgruuf The Greater) will be not too smooth, for no one wants to expose their city danger. However, the idea of \u200b\u200bdestroying Aduin to the ruler fundamentally likes and help him agree. Although his help will be only in the formal solution to use the DragonsReach lock for the catch of the dragon. But a big and uncomfortable "but" we are provided. The Skyrim Civil War also caresses the wise mind ruler Waitrun, so we need to solve this question. Earlier, in the articles on the site I talked about the Civil War, which turned on the expanses of the northern province of Tamriel. If you have already figured out this question and led to the victory of one of the parties to the conflict, it is not necessary to organize a truce. If the hands before participation in the war at the brave Dovakin have not yet reached, then you have to simply perform the task of Season Unending. Read more about the passage of the additional, but mandatory task of Season Unending the main storyline Skyrim, please read the site in the appropriate article. Its fulfillment coincides in time and puts it on the fulfillment of the task of The Fallen, so that I will reflect the highlights in this material.

Seroboroge must be performed as a reconciling side, since all the elders respect all. Secondly, their neutral position and complete disinterest in worldly affairs are obvious. So the first thing we go to the Argeir. It can be found either in the Temple of High Hrothgar or on the Throat of The World's throat. After a small conversation, Argneyr agrees to help us, seroboroge will take over the burden of conducting peace negotiations, however, and we will have to work hard. It is necessary to assemble the delegations of the Imperial Legion and the thunderstorms, which will be quite simple.

Our next goal is located in the capital Skyrim - Grade Solitude (loneliness). The path there will not take a long time, for in this city we have already beaten, for example when the Diplomatic Immunity task is passing, which is also represented by the site. Go to General Tillius (General Tillius), with whom we have already met a glimpse of our first task called Unbound. The circumstances of our new meeting have to communicate much more than the Palach ax. The conversation with the elderly General will be short and constructive. He respects seroborbial, so it will come to the fuel board without any questions. Although the argument about the need to fret of the swirling dragons did not too convinced him. He motivated his position by the fact that Ulfric's troops of the thunderstorms suffer from not only no less than the dragons, but sometimes more imperial forces. We will also meet with him as part of an attempt to establish peace on the lands of Skyrima.

Way in Windhelm, the heart of resistance will not take much time due to the use of a quick movement system. This location was opened by us earlier when Skyrim passes on the site. If you missed this episode a little, you can quickly reach the city, which expects on the outskirts of any major city of Skyrim. The cost of its services is small and is about 50-70 gold coins. Ulfrics we discover in the main hall and begin the conversation by applying peace negotiations. The leader of the thunderstorms for this case is not too positive. But it is easy to convince, blowing the invasion of dragons. The coming of Aldune him is not a joke, because he is a native Nord and the legend of the death of the world well known for him. If necessary, in a conversation, you can mention that General Tilius has already agreed to arrive at negotiations to Seroborod.

Now it's time to arrive at an important advice passing in the Seroborbon monastery. Returning to High Hrothgar and appeal to Argneur. He invites us to take my place on the Council, we have a sufficiently boring conversation of two warring parties and the adoption of some trivial solutions. Along the way, we notice that Esburn and Dolphin in brazen came to the Council. True, arrogance - second happiness, computer games did not exception. You yourself sit down on the proposed chair and listen carefully what they are talking on the Council. The idea is easy to ensure that the truce has been successfully concluded, it is necessary to provide approximately equal concessions to both parties. At the very beginning of the council, I expelled the representative of Talmore, which came in the framework of the delegation of the Empire. Marcgraf gave a thunderproof, Riepheten - the Empire, the events for some battlely jumped, giving preference to the cloaks, and then allowed the empire to pick up something. After an even account, the peace treaty is considered signed. Listening to the speeches of delegates was more than boring, but the complexity of the tasks for one of the parties within the civil war may depend on our decisions. Read more Season Unending on site. The Board is considered complete, but do not rush to leave the gloomy hall of the monastery.

We approach Esbra for an important conversation. In it, we learn a new cry, which will allow us to call for a dragon for capture. The fact is that all the names of the dragons consist of words of force and with the proper pronunciation of the dragon hears their name at any distance from the speaker. So we study the word Odahviing to successfully catch the dragon as part of The Fallen. As if, Esburn mentions Paarthurnax, the true leader of serocco. In his youth, our friend-dragon broke a lot of firewood and the blades on him have a tooth. The assignment of ESBERN with the same name Paarthurnax - treacherously and selfish, for we are offered to kill our winged friend for the sins of the distant past. At the time, for the attempt to kill our hero with the valiant forces of Tamriel for some reason silent. However, a separate article in the framework of the passage of Skyrim is devoted to the Quest Paarthurnax. Now you can go further - catch the dragon.

We return to Waitrune and please the Yarla of the city with a pleasant news that the Groot of the Civil War no longer threatens his beloved city. From the wise senior we get a blessing and permission to hold a risky operation in its residence.

We go into the pure field of dragons to beat, but they are not visible on the horizon. Still, the dragon should be called in the style of epic legends. We use the Call Dragon (Odahviing), recently studied from Esbard and urge the Grozny Dragon. Then there is a standard battle with a dragon Odahviing with non-standard, to the word to say, purpose. We do not need to defeat our monster, but you need to get it in a wide corridor. Make it relatively simply, if necessary, use the Dragonrend cry to force the winged creation to landing.

Finally, dragon Odahviing in a cage, or rather trapped. I am interrogating it with the addiction, but without manual written, and learn a lot of interesting things. Dragons are the creatures strong, they recognize the strength. They submit to Alduin for the reason that he is extremely strong. Now, after his defeat of our loved ones, some of the dragons doubted his greatness. We also learn an approximate place where you can start searching for Alilli himself, as well as the fact that there is not going there on a walk, do not get there on the cab. So we have a spectacular flight on the dragon, but it is already the case of the next task. And Quest The Fallen celebrate in your magazine as made.
