Everyone who wants to meet this evilty or turn into it, it is desirable to know what kind of it looks.

In the article:

What does the vampire look like - the main signs

To or calculate it, you need to know the features that distinguish the monster from an ordinary person. There are many fiction related to the appearance.

Monster thin and high - myth. Believing say that vampires, like witch, weighed a little, were rosework and thin. So the ancient creatures looked like. But today the complex can be any - there are high and thin or root and chubby.

Absolute pally. Opinions diverge. Yes, the vampire can be determined on the skin, she is like a dead man. But not constantly. Eyewitnesses argue that after the monster gets blood, the cheeks become pink, and the pale lips are almy.

Protruding fangs. Also it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer.. Some are inclined to the fact that the eye teeth are always, even when the mouth is closed, chopped over the lip. But there is an opinion that an increase in fangs occurs at the unclean only when she sees the victim, feels blood and is ready to attack. Then the teeth are getting more from thirst.

Fear of light - myth. It is common that, it is enough to be a vampire to be under the right rays of sunshine, it begins to hiss, the skin and bloodsuck turns into the dust.

Perhaps this description was suitable for the ancestors of the unclean, but its modern representatives have already adapted and do not respond to light. But they still do not like to appear under the scorching sun and willingly spend the hot season in a closed cool room.

What vampires look in our time - is it easy to distinguish from man

Find out if there is such a creature among friends, it is not easy.

Many live more than one hundred years, and they, as the heroes of Sheridan Le Fanty, Theophily Gauthier, John William Polidori and Bram Stoker, retained a note of refinement, aristocracy and look idealized egoists.

Pay attention to people that with its cold and indifferent appearance attract others. The vampire will never pounce on the first sacrifice, even if very hungry. The older, the more pleasure gets from the attack process.

But as it looks like hunting vampire"? This is not just tracking the victim, but charming it. Monsters are not satisfied with blood, which is received for violence. The greatest pleasure is when they are voluntarily ready for everything.

Monsters monitor. After all, their appearance is a weapon that they use for hunting. They behave restrained, mysterious and love to be in the center of attention.

Your friendly pale, ideally looks, smart, seductive and, appearing in the society of people, looks like a new victim? It is possible that he is a vampire.

Keep track of the habsties of the suspect. He will tear away those who wear a cross, uses amulets to protect against unclean and has a strong biopole. But the older and more experienced creature, it is free, it behaves in society, and the more difficult it is to discover it.

Monster will issue a negative energy. If he did not learn to control the information flows, it is possible to recognize it, tuned to the energy of those present. If a person is a strong source of negative, he may be a vampire.

Definition by date of birth - Test

This monster is negligible. Really conduct a test that will show, but on evil spirits, drinking blood, it does not apply.

You can determine the monster on the birthday only with its real data. If a person appeared on the world many years ago, but it looks great, perhaps he remains young at the expense of the blood of others.

Another test will show how it is likely that the familiar is. It consists of 9 questions. For each answer, get from 0 to 2 points. So check the suspect:

  • You have pale leather, and you do not sunbathe?

    Yes (2).
    - No (0).

  • Do you often have the need to bite someone?

    Yes (2).
    - Never (0).
    - Rarely (1).

  • Do you think that the modern generation is spoiled, and would prefer to go for several centuries in the past?

    Yes 1).
    - No, everything suits me (0).

  • You prefer short-term, but stormy novels, and delicate long relationships do not interest you?

    Absolute truth (1).
    - This is not about me (0).

  • You have unnaturally big eye teeth.

    Yes 1).
    - No (0).

  • If you were offered to try blood (person or animal), would you refuse?

    Yes, it is unacceptable! (0).
    - Perhaps I would try (1).

  • Do you have a light way?

    Yes (2).
    - No (0).

  • Do you go to church? If so, how do you feel in the temple?

    I do not go. I am bad there (2).
    - Do not appear there without need. Such places depress (1).
    - Yes, I feel good there (0).

  • How do you feel about burial places?

    Like their energy, it fills strength (2).
    - neutral (0).
    - I am not there (0).

Test results

If a person scored until 6 Points, this suggests that he is unlikely to vampire. Similar habits may be due to character.

From 7 to 9 Points - should look at carefully. Vampirism is possible, but it is not necessary to judge prematurely. Arm yourself for talisman confidence (crucifix from aspen) and wear it on yourself.

From 10 to 14points - in front of you monster. Stop communication and do not forget to wear a talisman.

Remember, if a friend is a real vampire, and not, you need to save immediately. If a

Most people are confident that it is possible to meet a face with the "terrible bloodstand" only on Halloween. Those who plan to create this image are interested in how to look like a vampire to impress everyone. In the literature of heroes, driving human blood, a lot. Ancient Suchmers, Assyrians, Greeks were reported about them, and each people had their own descriptions of their appearance. This image was the greatest popularity thanks to Bram Stopera and his novel "Dracula". In cinema there are about three hundred films about vampires, in which directors depict them completely different - from creepy monsters to quite cute charming people, no different from us with you. Therefore, preparing for the masquerade there is a lot of options, how to look. As a vampire looks in fact, no one knows. We offer detailed instructions for creating an irresistible image of the immortal bloodstray. We also tell me how these people look in real life.

Vampire costume

Folk wisdom, known to all since childhood, says that they are met by clothes. What to look like a vampire, for example, going to the carnival? Of course, come up with a spectacular costume! Male faces are best to choose dark (preferably black) pants, the same shoes, a shirt with ruffles on sleeves or other details, former popular many years ago (vampires after all live millennium).

Female people perfect dark, but not necessarily black dresses, black gloves, stockings and shoes. Complete the outfit of cloak-cape, red, burgundy or purple from the inside and black outside. This is the classic suit of an elegant vampire who knows the price, unpredictable and insidious. You can add an image with accessories such as necklace, pendant or a ring with vampire symbolism, men will be appropriate to the butterfly tie and a cane, in women - an unusual hairpin in his hair and a chocer.


What to look like a vampire? It is impossible to focus on clothes only. The appearance of a person is also very important. It is the opinion that the vampires the skin is thin and pale. Going to Masquerade, it is not necessary to destroy this stereotype. Pale skin with the current variety of cosmetics to make easy. It is only necessary to cover it with light tonal cream or powder. It is more distinct to emphasize their eyes will help their stroke with a black pencil. You can add gloomy with the help of dark shadows applied to the upper eyelids, and lungs "bruises" under the eyes. Complete makeup bright red lipstick on the lips. If you wish in your mouth, you can insert the characteristic vampire fangs, and contact lenses corresponding to the image.

Attention should be done and hairstyle. Classic vampires are always neat, men often reach the shoulders, in women they are beautifully laid. Such an appearance is needed vampires in order not to scare away, but to have potential victims.

What does the vampire look like on Halloween

If the vampire image is selected for this holiday, it is not bad if there will be some deviations from the "classics" in the outfit and appearance. On the face to the cosmetics cosmetics, the eyes with black eyeliner, red lips and teeth can paint blood drops around the mouth, and on the hands of making a manicure with long overhead nails covered with black or bright red varnish. But the stylish hairstyles "vampires" on Halloween do not necessarily. In this case, some dark hat or wig will be suitable.

They are sold in many stores before the holiday. As Halloween's celebration often takes place on the street and implies numerous movements, you need to take care of comfortable shoes. Heel shoes here are hardly suitable. Clothing "Vampire" must match the weather, which will be at night on October 31. And guys and girls can be in black pants, dark sweaters, add to the dress with a spectacular metal buckle, a pendant on the iron chain, blood drops on clothes. The image of the classic vampire cloak will complete.

Real harmless vampires

Believe you or not, but real vampires really live among us. Some of them are not dangerous for society. These are people who suffer from a disease of Porphyria in the 3rd degree. Want to know what real vampires look like? It can be said very deplorable. With porphyry in the blood, too many porphyrins are synthesized, which are destroyed in the light. At these illness suffering from sunlight, the skin is covered by blisters and ulcers, so they have to lead a night lifestyle, and in the daytime to carefully close the whole body with clothing. Often destruction affect not only the skin, but also cartilage, which leads to ugly nose deformations, limbs. In addition, patients with porphyria are not produced by hemes (non-leisure hemoglobin), which makes their skin pale and thin. Personal Porphyria is inherited. That is, it is impossible to become infected with the vampire bite. Such patients only are treated with drugs only.

The second group of real vampires includes people who believed that they need blood. They create closed groups in which they do not hide their essence. In society, they do not give themselves anything, neither clothing nor make-up or behavior. Such vampires necessarily drink blood for which volunteers (donors) use or buy blood in medical institutions. They do not kill anyone too.

Real dangerous vampires

There are among us and people who seek to be vampires. For reasons, encouraging them to take such a lifestyle, they are divided into three types:

1. I like the essence of vampirism.

2. Believe in immortality with the help of human blood.

3. Love the thrill.

What does a vampire look like in our time if he belongs to one of these three types? As a rule, such people in every way support their image - they sleep in coffins, active at night, aggressive, wear dark clothes (without cape), make the "vampire" makeup and tattoo, some even drag their teeth under the fangs. These vampires are extremely dangerous, because their rituals often include killings and drinking blood victims.

Energy vampires

Even the official science recognized that such people exist. They fue their body with energy suggested from others. What do energy vampires look like? Just like not vampires, that is usually. Calculate them can be behavior. Such people try to inflate quarrels and scandals to inflate anything that their opponents began to be nervous and became an excellent source of energy. After communicating with the energy vampire (even if there was no quarrel), fatigue, incomprehensible anxiety, despondency, apathy, weakness, decline, sometimes headache and the absence of appetite are always felt.

Paul Wesley is one of the most famous modern actors of the serials that performed an atypical vampire. Today, July 23, the floor celebrates its 33 birthday, in honor of which we simply could not help but remember the sexiest vampires in the entire history of cinema.

And we continue to talk about the hero of the floor. Since 2009, the actor plays a good and heart vampire-Vegetarian Stefan Salvatore in the popular mystical series "Vampire Diaries". He was born and grew up in the town of Mystic Falls, but thanks to the charming Catherine Pierce became a vampire. Stephen lives in this world for 162 years (age at the beginning of the series), knows the story well, and also owns many languages. In his hometown, he returns due to the doubles of Catherine - Elena Gilbert, in love with without memory. He is ready for the sake of Helen to go to all, even fight from the original vampires. But it is not worth sharing, because Stephen was not always like this "cute lape" - at the beginning of his vampire activity, he was a real ripper, without parsing who killed people ...

Stephen's older brother and its full opposite. He was also born in Mystic Falls and returned here after his brother to take revenge on his life. Elena describes Damon as a "ruthless psychopath-killer."

As the series develops, the Salvatore-Sr. Cool changes for the better. The spectators were fascinated by the bottomless eyes of this vampire, its stylish hairstyle, impulsiveness, a crucial humor and devotion to Elena. Damon does not believe in friendship, but gradually gets closer to Sheriff Liz Forbes and a history teacher (and part-time the vampire-lover hunter) Alarik Saltzman. The mind of the viewer understood that Damon is a 100% negative character, but the heart was 100% amiced by his hypnotic attractiveness, from time to time experiencing him.

Another hero of the "Vampire Diaries" and the main antagonist of the series. Niklaus is an ancient thousand-year vampire (original), characterized by impulsiveness, cruelty, rudeness and self-confidence. Not only is Niklaus - the original vampire, so he is also a werewolf. He arrived in Mystic Falls for Elena, so that with the help of her blood, remove the curse of the "Sun and Moon", and also make themselves the army of hybrids. Even despite his negative qualities, he was able to like the audience with his strength, love for Caroline and relatives, and also with his ability to change for the better (albeit, not to the end and not immediately).

Gary played maybe not the first in the history of Cinema Count Dracula, but the most attractive. This vampire has aristocratic manners, stunning accent. Dracula always dressed with needles, flawless, obsessed, lyric, sexy and dreams of finding real love.

After the death of his beloved (Elizabeth), Dracula refuses God, becomes the prince of darkness, settles in the Gothic castle and surrounds itself by the brides.

As a result, because of his madness, Dracula dies from Jonathan Harker and Quincy Morris.

Luke Evans also played the Count Dracula, but only in the 2014 Pattern. Despite the fact that the film turned out to be mildly "not very", critics praised the game of Evans, and the viewers fell in love with his selfless and devoted Dracula, who for the protection of his people comes against himself the curse and becomes the minister of the night.

In this picture, Vlad Chain opens, as the greatest ruler, a valiant warrior and a passionate man, ready to even sell the soul of the devil ...

The hero of the mystical drama "Interview with the Vampire", filmed on the name of the novel by Ann Rice. Lestat is a charming, cruel and charismatic vampire with long blond hair, born in 1760.

He has a sense of humor, aesthetic inclinations, androging appearance. Lestat kills people for fun, sometimes turning innocent residents in vampires.

So, Lestat turned into vampires desperate Louis De Po du Laca and a small girl-siroto Claudia, who decide to take revenge.

Companion and beloved foresters on "Interview with Vampire", which turns into a vampire thanks to the foresown. Louis real vampire-gentleman who refuses to kill people, feeding exclusively rats and lives for the sake of happiness of Claudia. He always looks irresistible, good-natured and honest. In addition, the role of Louis performed one of the most beautiful actors of Hollywood, which makes his vampire even more sexy. Not a single girl would not refuse such a humane blood ...

It was worth only to leave the first part of the Twilight Saga Stephanie Meyer, like Robert Pattinson became the sexiest man on Earth. They admired not only fans of the Romanov series, but also all those who saw the Twilight.

Edward knows how to read thoughts, has a rapid reaction, an incredible force, shines in the sun, feeds in the blood of animals, goes on cool cars, lives in a doctor's family and has a perfect appearance. From him crazy, all classmates, but the preference of Edward gave a closed Belle Zonon.

The vampire is ready to rush "in the pool with head" for the sake of the beloved. In the image of Edward Robert spent the whole five films, having time to attach to his character and partner on the film.

This brutal vampire presented to us a comedy horror movie "Night of Fear." Jerry can tempt anyone with his insidious bloody look. By moving in a quiet town, the vampire gave her order here, turning the inhabitants in his personal "sheep", which you can have breakfast, dine and dinner. Even despite his vampire spruce, Jerry is always Galanden and deceptively relaxed with her victims, having them to themselves. Despite the fact that "the night of fear" has become a real failure, the image of Farrela we could not not be noted.

Yen is one of the main heroes of the television series "Being Man", which is trying to live in a normal life in Bristol among ordinary people.

He lives next door to worn and ghost, who are also trying to adapt to human life and all their hearts hate their existence. Ienu 117 years old, he was addressed during the Civil War.

With all the forces, Aidan is trying to control the thirst for blood (although it does not always work) and works with a simple nurse in the hospital. The past of Yen is terrible - he bleedingly confused several hundred innocent people.

Svetlana Mynmark (born on December 16, 1992) - Life-Style journalist, on the main formation of the philosopher, and on the second is a lawyer. From 15 years writes for kleo.ru, wmj.ru, cosmo.ru, marieclaire.ru About psychology, celebrities and beauty .. in people appreciates honesty, favorite occupation - View good cinema, and a personal recipe for good mood - beach holidays .

Vampire hairstyles, makeup and images are perhaps the most popular solution for. They allow girls to look at the same time and attractive, and frightening how much it is possible. And at the same time two identical vampires you still do not meet. Your attention is the coolest hairstyles on Halloween.

Vampire Hairstyles on Halloween

Hairstyle on Halloween is a unique opportunity to experiment with unusual color and extreme forms. An excellent option for temporary staining into gothic dark or mysterious - use, including colored varnishes and hair shallow.

Vampire Hairstyles and Chokers

A vampire image can be quite modern, with a studded chocer and relevant "inflamed" eye makeup. Or maybe - and historical, if we rent a stylized dress, drink a face and seem to think about the hairstyle. Many girls on Halloween are dressed up with vampires, and still two similar you will not meet!

Fashionable vampires this season wear chocers and collect hair upstairs into a smooth or bulk hairstyle. In this case, the image can be both modern and vintage.

Editor's Council: Give the hair volume and fix them for a long time. If you want to join the trend and make perfectly smooth laying, you can not do without. Straighten your hair with an iron and apply a couple of drops on strands, avoiding roots.

Leather accessories, for example, ribbons or rims of contrasting color will help to decorate a high hairstyle. If your perfect hairstyle on Halloween should certainly be vintage, try to recreate the bulk hairstyle:

Simple vampire hairstyles

If you are making expressive makeup, the hairstyle can be very simple, but spectacular. To lush crinolines - lush hair.

If you have long dark hair, just enough to dissolve them, and the vampire hairstyle is ready. Vampires never sleep, but at the same time are always young. Therefore, their makeup must imitate an inflamed look (if there are no red shadows, apply around the eye by Aluu lipstick), and the hair is glittering, like after.

Vampire with bangs - why not?

A pretty modern element of haircuts, not too suitable for the vampire hairstyle, but it is worth trying to beat it with decorations and makeup. If you wish, the bangs can be combed to beat or stab in invisible. Another option is simple, but neat hairstyles. You can use or even artificial cobweb. Low tail will also allow you to put on the crown or and decorate the face of the mysterious veil.

Vampire hairstyles for half-breeded hair

"Total Black" is quite suitable for a vampire dress code. With dark color hair and pale skin you will look irresistibly (not reflected in the mirror?).

Another popular vampire hairstyle - when part of the hair drops on the shoulders, while
