Glad Valakas (Penis of Detle, Zhmushenko Valery Albertovich) - Streamer online games, which has become famous thanks to the image of a 54-year-old grandfather. Records video, straining voice ligaments and speaking with accent.


The real name of Valakas - Denis Sukhachev. As the Question user writes, before Denis had a real page in Vkontakte, where it was possible to know his biography (now the account was removed). If you believe this data, Sukhachev was born on September 13, 1989 in the city of Rovenki Lugansk region of Ukraine. Now lives in Samara. There is a wife Alina, who plays the role of granddaughter Valery Albertovich.

Valakas began to fight in 2009. In the first strings, he played Lineage II and commented by the voice of an elderly man with a Ukrainian accent. Nick on Twice - GladiaTorpwnz. On the channel in Youtube, 150 thousand people are watching it.

Sukhachev is known under several images: Glad Valakas, Valery Zhmoshenko, Denis Petrov and Penis Detle.

It is believed that Denis himself distorted his voice without resorting to special programs, but on the Internet is full of "exposure", on which heard interference When using the so-called. masks.

Denis is also a musician. On the Genius website there is information about his GVS studio, and on the Internet you can find clips and joint tracks with rappers (mostly comic).

Valakas has its own army of fans who like a mad image. On their last sterems, he not only comments on the game, but also having fun, collecting Donatas. For example, communicates over Skype with random people or writes a conversation with prostitutes.

Valakas's wife also engages with streams. She is called Alina , Nick on twice A1Most_over. Users found a connection between the characters - Denis lit up on one of the stereos of the girl. In addition, there are many joint photos on the network, including wedding. On the Streams of Valakas Alina plays the role of granddaughter of his grandfather and constantly swears with him.

Glad Valakas in real life


Glad Valakas is known not only in his way, but also by many branded phrases and words that disassemble the quotes: Chi, Sho, Cavo, La, Tup Atdiham, Tup of the arableie (or krol), SSI (Sanya Dui SASI) etc.

In addition, many memes are devoted to the work of Valakas. In "VKontakte" there are several

The biography of a man named Glad Valakas is covered with darkness. No one knows exactly where the voice recorded on the video was coming from. Fantasy in a man What is needed! Thousands of subscribers laugh on the rollers in the Utub-Channel, but the main task is to find out at least a little bit about where the glad came from.

What is known from the biography

A rather difficult question how old is the string. If you listen to voice during a video, it seems an elderly man in the years, which is 50 years old and more. It is not known even if the voice is recorded or fake. Valakas was so encrypted video that even native sometimes cannot recognize it in the video. As you already guessed, the real name of the row is unknown as well as a real face. So to speak, a man's mystery for fans.

First work and stream

The beginning of work was like this: a man distorted his own voice so that no one could learn him. Removing the rollers about the passage of the game Lineage 2, he began to record his own comments. Over time, Stream (chat in video games on TVich) burst out from the laughter of the rest of the players. Many advised the smoothly to start a commentator career or throw off the videos in YouTube.

Valakas listened to colleagues in the game and started promotion, singing in a video, taking off to the camera and even more distorting a male voice beyond recognition. Time passed, glad became a more famous, a thousandth number of subscribers appeared on the channel.

Creativity in the network

In addition to Stream, Valakas is seriously engaged in the release of music. The unusualness of such an exercise is that a man enjoys a special program, going into direct ether. In other words, fans see how the streamer creates songs. Other fun: Call by random number numbers and play a scene with real people. Listening to what phrases and bans are playing glad - like it! The channel with music includes not only rap composition, but others:

  • "Stupidly resting";
  • "Zygote";
  • "Minecraft";
  • "Bass Pivas";
  • "Garbage".

It's funny if there are similar records in your playlist, and if you have not had the idea to today, whose creativity, then be calm, Valakas tried for you.

Glad Valakas in real life

In life, a man is most likely with appearance, like a normal person. Everyone in his own way represents the appearance of this humorist. In instagram, the streamer often throws photos, as it looks like: Lopouchiye guy with a strange face. Of course, this is a joke and the desire to confuse fans. The original photo of the glad is unlikely to show, as it prefers not to glow in people. About how things are dealing with a personal life, a man is not going into details: it is unknown if he has a wife or a girl.

In general, personal life is not what is hidden - she is under the castle. On the comments of the subscribers to reveal the curtain of heartfers, the glad does not respond or responds to the stinging manner of the Grubian (it looks like it protects the personal front!).

Here is such a strange human biography named Glad Valakas. Add nothing more. Look carefully youTube Channel, watch the jokes of the humorist, listen to the created fresh music. Perhaps, after a time he will reveal his true face, tells about how his name is, but at the moment it will hardly happen. And you know, it is even more interesting to watch the man. There must be at least some kind of mystery of life!

Glad Valakas - pseudonym strikimer, whose channels can be found on TVs "TVich" and "YouTube". It has a worked image, a characteristic distorted voice and a set of winged words and expressions. It is known under other pseudonyms, such as Zhmushenko Valery Albertovich and a real personality and a way to change the voice are the subject of disputes of numerous strip fans, there is still no one hundred percently accurate answer to the question about who is such a valakas.

Carier start

I started his career of Lineage 2. Speed \u200b\u200bin the form of a 54-year-old man of Ukrainian origin, a voice for some data distorted by tensioning ligaments, some fans claim to use special programs and even experimental masks with a built-in sound chip.

He became famous for the unusual slang, which soon adopted numerous fans. Also known Valakas's avatar. The photo "Drizzzy and Caszy" Roger Balone, on which patients are captured by the unknown diseases of the twins from South Africa, and more precisely the face of one of the brothers, it has become a branded line of strikimer, there are many pictures and memes, where the Valakas glad is depicted.

Current activity

Today, in addition to the streaming of computer games, Glad Valakas is often engaged in creating music live, as well as for the financial donation playing friends of his subscribers or calls by random numbers. It constantly comes up with new images, you can see that the voice of the row with time has also changed.

It has a devotee of the army of fans, which in speech often use the coronal expressions of the Valakas glad and create many fan movies and other fan art.

Real Person

From the fans from the very beginning of the activities of Stremer, a question arose: "Who is the Glad of Valakas?" His old fans claim that they are Denis Vladimirovich Sukhachev, who was born on September 13, 1989 in the small town of Lugansk region. Sometimes you can also meet the surname of Petrov, however, it is most likely a pseudonym. After the beginning of the military conflict, in the east of Ukraine moved to Samara. Before moving, owned his own recording studio and collaborated with local rap performers.

This information and photos of Sukhachev used to be found on his page in the social network "Vkontakte", which he removed with the arrival of popularity. Also, according to some reports it is known that Denis has Alina's wife, which sometimes acts as granddaughter Valery Albertovich Zhmushenko. Also engaged in Streaming, has its own channel on "Twice", where in the background the subscribers several times noticed the Denis itself.
