A little mouse, caught by Lvom, promised to repay him with gratitude in the future. The lion laughed and let go of the captive, and once the hunters were caught himself and tied to the tree. The mouse came running on the lion's roar and overlap the rope, which the lion was tied to the tree ...

No act of kindness, even very small, never disappears in vain. It is this conclusion that can be done by reading the Bass "Leo and Mouse" of the Greek slave Ezopa.

In everyday life, each of us can be for someone kind of good angel: Here are some advice on the cultivation of angelic wings.

Make donations

You can support a charity organization that helps those who are in trouble. Why, instead of buying a ticket to a movie or coffee, you do not give this little amount to those who need it like life itself? You can find many organizations and make a fee right on the site. No need to be afraid - everywhere there are phones, addresses and people. Just imagine how difficult it is to find and collect the desired amount for the treatment of a sick child or feed free dinners of the beggars.

Encourage others

Encourage others. Perhaps someone next to you doubts that he can achieve something or doubt that he has some talent. Why don't you give an inspiring postcard? You can even ask them the autograph :-) Support for others really helps believe themselves and increase confidence. After all, just just one positive response to return the faith to the fact that a person lives is not in vain and he has something that he can offer the world.

Give "Angel Gifts"

Buy an angel figure or any other adorable "Angelic Gift" of the one who needs support now or who is now bad or who doesn't feel unavigitantly. Let these lovely gifts of Angelic love remind these people that they are not alone. There are such minutes in life when we just want to find consolation, soothing and something like insurance and the confidence that someone cares about us. And it doesn't matter how serious these tests are, the main thing is that we are not alone.

Arrange creative gatherings

Such evenings in which "Angelic Creativity", for example, coloring and painting of an angel figurines, embroidery, drawing or something else (can be engaged in any "Angel Needlework"), is a very good way to get a stream of inspirational energy. Prepare treats and drinks to longer in the society of friends and like-minded people. Share with your friends stories about difficult moments in your life, even if painful, but in which you have acquired a real treasure - the pearl of wisdom (remember?). After all, otherwise you would not find it. In such conversations, you will learn a lot about yourself and people, but more importantly - you will hear the present message in all these stories. After all, everything that is done, always happens for the better.

Write grateful reviews

Write and send electronic or ordinary (as you like) Letters to everyone who inspires you and has a positive impact on you: coaches, publicists, artists or writers. It is just as true about blog comments. After all, it is so interesting - to know how and how and other people could encourage you. And how it happened that this inspirational impulse made you join them - after all, you always feared to do it. Believe me, such reviews have greater value for them.

Surprise for the one who found himself in trouble

Do you have a friend now who is experiencing financial difficulties? You might surprise it, for example, a gift card from the store to facilitate his care for buying food. You can give him some money if you know that he has problems with accounts. There is nothing wrong with the goodwill and serving in this way, and the person will be deeply touched by your dedicated help.

Look back around and become good angel for someone.

Have you ever wondered that you can learn to the magic and bring joy to others? How to become Winx - a fair sex is usually asked by this issue. In early childhood, they look fairy tales and cartoons about magic fairies and dream of becoming the same. How to become a fairy at home can learn every girl, a girl or a woman, you just need to very much and make efforts to achieve your goal.

How to become a fire of fire, water or Winx Fairy at home would like to learn every girl.

Before becoming the fairy, it is necessary to determine for yourself what kind of magical properties you would like to be endowed. After all, fairies can almost all. They can fulfill a person's desire to manage the elements. Before holding the ritual, it is necessary to solid for yourself than you will do. Want to fulfill the desires of others? Think carefully if you can cope with it. If so, you spend this simple ritual.

Mentally think and imagine a real fairy that can all. Prepare the necessary for the rite. You will need pencils and markers, clean sheet of paper, beautiful flower and ordinary sugar. Take a marker or pencil of red, draw a circle on paper, then you will need such colors: light orange, yellowish, dark green and lilac. It should be a circle, in its colors resembling a rainbow. So the fairies imagine her.

In the center of the received circle, place the flower, sprinkle a little sugar from above. You can proceed to reading spell, how to become a real fairy, it is pronounced three times.

"Dear fairy desires, please come to me. Everyone is ready for your arrival: a multi-colored rainbow, a beautiful flower and sweetness, resembling crystals. Sugar flashes on a magic flower, it is located in the center of the seven-color rainbow, I (your name) is waiting for you only. Whether a wizard, appear to me! Dear fairy - come and put me with magical forces. So it should be! ".

How to become a real fairy and learn to fulfill desires.

After the spell spoken, the wizard will not appear in front of you, do not be upset. People practically do not see them, but they can feel their presence next to them. It may appear, but for this you need to create a special atmosphere. Pay attention to sugar, its grains can start flying from the flower. A good sign, because the wizard is with you in the same room.

This ritual does not end, you need to turn to Fez once again requests:

"Dear wizard, you hear me (your name), help and put on a magical force, inner beauty and charm. Take to the true path to help others, make them good and responsive. Help come on time to help to those who need this. Share your power with me (your name). So it should be! ".

A conversation with magic creatures carries something magical and unusual. Do not forget about a gift and offering. Tell me the following words:

"Let's present you a gift in respect. You can get it if you help me. "

After said words, come to the window and spread various goodies for a wizard. This is the limit, which was said slightly higher. Do not greading, lay on the windowsill different candies, cookies, etc. Fairy must understand that you feel about it with respect. If this is not done, it will begin to be angry.

Before the start of the rite, how to become a fairy with transformation, disconnect bad thoughts from yourself, try to focus and concentrate on the conceived. Ask sincere, but only a good, the wizard will definitely hear and start helping becoming the fairy to you.

The result will not make himself wait, gradually you will begin to behave completely differently, the energy will become strong, you will feel the ability and begin to develop them. This can happen right during the ritual, and may have to wait for a couple of days. Why can this be? So, the wizard is not fully confident in your abilities. Make only good actions, do not be an evil and cruel person. Then she will take you to the ranks of Fay.

One minute transformation

How to become a fairy right now - the rite is carried out quite quickly, but only if you already have a lot of positive energy and magical forces. If they are not enough, then you should not start this action, because you will not be able to spend it to the end. Go to nature and "talk" with her, let go of bad thoughts from your head, thinking positively. Ask the mother-to-nature to give you a positive impact. Choose only those places where you feel a pacification.

It is best to be alone to disturb the extra questions. Think only about how to become a fairy with wings, and about the magical forces you want to have. Wide abandon your hands, raise your head towards the sun. Start feel like the rays relate to the whole body, immerse him in their arms and empowed magic influence.

Be sure to come to a positive result before starting the rite, otherwise nothing will come. Pay this actions for a couple of minutes, no more. Then say these words:

"The sun gives me wings, gives me a magical strength, raises the mood and I (your name) becomes a real fairy, I begin to help others. So it will be! ".

After the pronounced phrase, the changes will begin to occur that you can feel. You grow large invisible wings behind your back, nature helps you and gives your warmth. Now you have the ability to assist those who really need it, begin to make good deeds, for the benefit of others.

Do not forget that magical forces can start running out if you enjoy them incorrectly. You do not need to make evil actions, because in one moment you can lose your abilities, in the future you can no longer be filled.

How to become Fire Fairy and learn how to manage the fire element.

How to turn into a spontaneous feud

There are many different ways, how to become a fire of fire at home or how to become the Water Fairy to make good things. Such fairies command themselves natural forces, they are good and justice. If you wanted to become similar to them, follow the strict indication and do not allow errors.

Choose your element

You can choose my patronage for the month of birth and the sign of the zodiac. If this is not suitable, then you need to be prepared for any difficulties that will begin to face the formation of a wizard. Do not be discouraged and take it as proper, because you can not change anything. Think carefully and make the right choice so as not to regret then.

There are secret rituals that will necessarily help when choosing the element. Choose the place to carry out where you feel easily and calmly.

  • Fairy Earth patronizes forest;
  • Fairy water patronizes rivers and lakes;
  • The air fairy patronizes the fields;
  • Fairy Fire patronizes trees and fields with grass.

We carry out the rite of transformation

After the girl determines his element, will find a suitable place for the ritual, it will be configured to morally and let all thoughts, you can begin to conduct magical actions. The rites are spent early in the morning when the sun has not yet begins to spice over the ground. Go to the selected area and wait for the sun rays to start appearing. Be prepared to say the following words:

"Mother of the Earth, Holy Fire, Lust Winds, Water Glad, Give me magical forces. (You need to call only that element that was chosen for yourself in advance.) We got wisdom, give an excerpt, resistance and directing the right path. I am (your name) become a real fairy, I get the opportunity to manage all the elements, I carry good and justice, do wonders. I will listen to you in all, I promise not to make mistakes. So it will be! ".

When you pronounce the spell, you are very close to the selected element. Touch to the Earth, lower the handles into the water, lift them to the winds or bring to the fire, just do not bother. Repeat these words three times, then you will begin to feel how the whole body is filled with heat and becomes calm. If this does not happen, then the highest strength do not fully trust you, in which case you can instantly become scary and uncomfortable.

A good sign, if natural forces will give you magical abilities for the first time. In this case, you will feel peace, calm, the desire to create good things. Your element will be directed to the right path, help and make sure that you do not allow mistakes in the future.

After the end of the rite is not in a hurry to leave the sacred place, you still have a little more. Tell me thanks to the forces of nature for this opportunity, then go to your home. Do not forget to clean up after the end of the ritual. You do not need to share with anyone what you were committed because you can lose your abilities.

Moon fairy transformation

Each person knows that the moon gives magical abilities. Real lunar fairies can perform any coherent desire of a person if it will carry good thoughts. Fairies can influence the occurring events, see the fate of a person, his future. If you decide to become a lunar fairy, you will need to hold rites to get permission for it.

After the Moonlight falls on you, start a loud voice to say:

"Call you, Moon Fairy. Give me (your name) Magic abilities to help you need people and become like you. So it will be! ".

Take boxes of matches and a small plate, put your sheet with a desire, set fire to it. When the sheet is completely burns, collect the remaining ashes, then send it in the wind. The rite is completed, you can rest in the rest. If everything was done without errors, then soon you will get magic forces and start committing good deeds.


Any girl can become a wizard, only patience and desire need. Remember that after you are endowed with magical abilities, you can hardly return to ordinary life. Unless of course, you will not deprive these forces for improper behavior. Help the needy, execute wishes and think only positively.

Video "How to Become Fairy"

For the third year, in a conscious dream, I try to learn to turn into animals. In some, the transformation from the first attempt is obtained, and I have difficulty with it. Maximum for which I am capable while this is partial transformation. Skin lizard to be covered with cat wool on hands. Well, or grow wings. Wings - so it is without any problems. The wings of the butterfly raised on the back in general on the first attempt. But it was last year. And in this I decided to experiment with the bird wings.

January 6, 2012.
Plan for today OS was to repel the bird wings, sweeping them and take off as high as possible. I wanted to check:
1. If you get a long time to fly with wings, will I turn all spontaneously in the bird?
2. How high will take off with the help of wings? Vertical flight is usually very difficult. And too high in the usual way to take off.
3. Will it cause vertical flight to the WTO? I have already had this one day.

On this night I slept for 6 hours, then I drank strong tea and repeated a plan for a long time, looking at the square on the wall. When falling asleep watched all the muscles relax. And periodically represented two movements, in turn: wings on the back and movement of the head up and down.
Typically, after that, the second shutdown of consciousness follows. And this time the consciousness was not turned off, and I pointed the whole process of transition to sleep. So I just lay in the dark, then suddenly felt that I was already standing somewhere. And immediately after the awareness of this appeared visibility. I was in some room. I remember the plan and go out into the street. I begin to represent that I have big bird wings on my back. I imagine that Masha them and try to feel it. There were real feelings of waving wings. I decided to look at them. Turn your head and see a large white wing over the right shoulder. I take my hand over him and feel the most tips of the feathers. By sight and the power of the wing is absolutely natural, bird. Well, or angel :) white white. Once again, the wings repeated without any problems.

It's time to fly. In a dream, where you look, there and fly. I raise my face, I look up, Masha wings. And I also help with your hands, so that faster. But such powerful wings were, I began to take off so quickly that the hands were lowered. Several crawls, and I rose above the trees. And with such ease. I froze for a moment, looked around around. And through the dream felt how my astral legs above the bed rose, somewhere on half a meter. WTO begins, as assumed. Concentrating on the feeling of legs, the picture of the sleep disappears and find yourself on the bed, half already separated from the physical body. I wondered in the air legs and lowered them to the floor. Turned on the side and began to try to ride the bed to the floor. But the head does not want to separate how glued to the pillow. Then I lay again on the bed and began to try to raise the astral body in another way. The way of a mental order. It became easy to desire to sit down. And from the floor of the minute somewhere repeated mentally, "I want to sit, I want to sit down," and the body of the village. Again no view as last time. But soon it appeared itself. However, when it appeared, the WTO has already ended and began again OS. Short WTO this time turned out, not as last time.

Next time I'm going to experiment with the wings and takeoff.

Modern Internet space is filled with various instructions and recommendations on how to become a fairy, and this is not just the miscarios of the girl's fantasy, it is Present lifestyle, Observe which is not only interesting, and is useful.

After watching the "Winx" animated series, young girls dream about how to become a fairy right now and look for various ways to help them make their cherished dream. We have gathered the most popular recommendations on how to become the fairy instantly or how to find a magical force in just 5 minutes.

Separate methods will require more thorough preparation, because there are different fairies, and for reincarnation, for example, in the fairy with wings or in the FEY of all forces, different conditions and different instructions are needed.. We will try to reveal to you the best ways to turn and tell about the fairs interesting facts that you have not even guessed.

Before you decide to become a fairy with wings for 1 second, let's figure it out who are such fairies, in which environment live and what abilities are possessed.

Fairies are such elegant girls who can fly, talk with water, transform into various animals and make magic.

They are miles, kind and very charming. Of course, we are talking about good fad. After all, we are confident that you dream to become just such a fairy fluttering on transparent wings and creative good deeds. However, it is necessary to do it imperceptibly, because no one except you should guess that you are a fairy. Simply it is necessary to sincerely believe in yourself, be responsive, good, sincere, stylish dress up, strive for knowledge and follow your appearance. This is how real fairies come and more experienced sisters give them real wings.

Who knows, perhaps you, by following these recommendations, deserve the favor of older fairies and can become a fairy with wings for 1 second. But if the wings still do not appear, you can make them yourself. For this you need cut out of a thick film Elegant wings, paint them into favorite color, and then sew In the center of the construction of an old strap. Sprinkle ready-made wings with sparkles - and they are ready!

How to become Fueey Winx?

Another reason in order to forget the gray weekdays and plunge into the fantasy world, became the most popular animated series "Winx". Millions of girls across the planet, enthusiastic adventures of charming cartoon wizards - Bloom, Stella, Roxy, Flora, Texa, Muses, and Leila, day and night only dream of how to become Fam Winx.

These wizards good, raised, beautiful and very friendly. They know how to sympathize with someone else's grief, love nature and never go past injustice. Therefore, if you decide to become Winx, you should necessarily have these qualities. But in order to turn into that fairy from a cartoon that you like most of all should be compliance with individual recommendations.

For example, in Stella should turn into a full moon. After all, this fairy has the magic of heavenly bodies. The rite can be held at home: prepare a black cup with water in advance and after midnight, say: "I want to become the same beautiful as Stella." After that, put a cup on the windowsill so that the moon light reflects on the surface of the water. Leave the cup on the window until the morning, so water will be able to charge not only lunar, but solar energy. After that drink water. Over time, you will begin to notice positive changes in your appearance. So the power of the Fairy is manifested.

In general, Winx Fairms are known to us not only for seven seasons of the series. The full-length cartoons as "Fairy: The Mystery of the Winter Forest", "Mystery of the Pirate Island", "Fairy: Magic Salvation" and "Fairy: Lost Treasure" also came to the wide screens. In them, brave wizards struggle with evil and experience the exciting moments of their rich life. Each of them has its magic power and is responsible for a certain element. For example, there is a fairy of water, fire, nature, animals and even a supermodule fairy of all his might.

If your favorite heroine "Winx" is Bloom, try to turn into it. To do this, you need to take a sheet of color paper of red or orange, magnifying glass or magnifying glass and a marker or marker. With all these accessories, go to the nearest park. On this day, the sun must be shining. Find a secluded corner and write your name on paper, and then such words: "I turn into the fairy of the fire." After that, adjust the leaflet, sending sunlight on it with a magnifying glass. When the paper is completely harboring, entee the ashes in the wind. After this ritual, you will notice that you can control the elements of the fire and control the direction of smoke.

Of course, this is not all ways to become fairy. With the help of such recipes you can also try to become Winx Leyla or Winx Muse. More detailed video will help you reincarnate in your favorite heroine, and you will learn how to control it with magical power.

How to become the Fai of this?

Certainly "Winx" is just a beautiful plot of a popular cartoon. You can only learn from the young heroine of their courage, purposefulness, style and kindness. But in order to become the Fai of the truly, you should work a little.

  1. Firstly, learn how to combine school and teaching magical strength. For this, before each lesson, on a change, mentally tell yourself that you are fairy. Imagine that this lesson is not simple, but a magical and he will bring you a lot of magical knowledge.
  2. Secondly, love mathematics. Of course, it is necessary to love all items (after all, the fairies are smart), however, mathematics can bring you more pleasure from studying what you think. For example, during the solution of tasks, you can show fantasy. Carefully read the condition, and if there is a speech about the girls, imagine that they are real faces and you help them make a magical task. When the task is solved - it means that the fairy coped. And you helped them!
  3. Take care of your notebooks, keep them in order. In each notebook, put on a small leaflet, in which it will be written that you are a fairy with a real force.
  4. Each fairy has a magic wand. You can make it yourself, for example, from a conventional ballpoint handle. Take a beautiful colored bow on the cap and leave a handle for the night on the windowsill. Queen Fay will come and turn your handle into a magic wand. Externally, it will look like an ordinary handle and you can write it at school and at home. Only do not say anyone that this is a magical subject. No one should guess about it, otherwise the magical power will disappear.
  5. Make your tutorials magic. To do this, make a special key chain on your school backpack or Klyakazist. It can be made of a small toy with a fastened ring.

How to become a fairy with transformation?

To become a fairy with transformation ( that is the fairy capable of turning into various creatures), you need to have a good fantasy and be able to draw beautifully.

Only fairies are capable of transform having wings and able to fly. It is very important. For example, you want to soar in the sky, like a bird. Imagine that your body becomes much easier that feathers appear and wings begin to grow. In order to become a fairy with transformation and turn into animals and even in the plants, you need to train the imagination. This will help you simple exercises.

In the desire of the child, there is nothing wrong with the fear. The image of them in pop culture benevolent, unlike british folklore.The young girl is worth trying for several days to create good deeds, real miracles and, if it is necessary to taste, you can begin to carry out rituals.

In the article:

How to become a fairy with wings truly

A beginner wizard knows that, or any other magical creature is impossible if there is no faith and desire. You can become a real kudesman, if you really want. There are different methods that allow with wings.

Rite transformation

Transformations are implied. Defined in advance, the fairy of which you want to become - desires, colors, various elements, the moon. After contacting the appropriate ladies, conducting a rite of calling a creature.

If the girl did not decide which abilities wishes to get, turn to all magical creatures of a magical country asking for abilities. It is necessary to take the mirror and the silver bell. A ritual is carried out only into a clear, sunny day.

Shut down to a small clearing, located in the park. Sit down and imagine how the sunshine envelops the rays, granting power and energy. Take into the hands of the mirror and put on the palm so as to reflect the sky. At this moment you need to say:

Fairy, Fairy, call you! I want to join your retinue! I want to become one of you! Give me amazing strength! Give me magic wings so that I can stand out among other people! For the ringing of my bell come!

After the last phrase, it is necessary to call the bell, close your eyes and feel like the sun envelops the rays. View in the mirror and see the reflection of the lady. Describe once again a request and thank for grace. Leave the bell on the cleaner - this is the dar of the queen for magic abilities. The main wizard will solve what abilities to bestow.

Now go home. The next morning, a person will feel cheerfulness and triggers 2 wings behind his back. Do not be afraid - people will not see wings. They are only available for the eyes of other fairies. You can't fly with their help. If a person is not born of fairy, wings are used to recognize magic beings.

Transformation into the fairy of all forces

Magic beings that can command at the same time all elements and forces are popular. Using their abilities, you can make a lot of good deeds.

To get the opportunity to manage all the elements, you need to spend a ritual. If a person begins the path of the magical path, you need help with the senior sister or girlfriend for security purposes. Prepared the necessary attributes:

  • little pious with water;
  • bowl with a handful of land;
  • the aromatic lamp with a small candle (put in the lamp you need to not burn).

Aromatic lamp
Pial with water Bowl with land

It is necessary to connect the element of air. It is enough to open a window, place the prepared attributes in front of yourself and say:

The power of the fire, the power of water, the power of the air and the power of the earth! Give me power and wisdom! I want to become the fate of all your might! Give me, Lady Fey, Magic Wings!

Read the spell you need 3 times and put out the candle. Pour water into the ground, and pour out the ground in the yard. Go to bed, and only the next day the caster will receive wings, to fly with which it is impossible. You can use them to detect other fairies. No one should know about the hold of the rite, except for the assistant.

It should not tell that the girl became the fairy, girlfriends. It is necessary to use the ability to benefit and do good deeds.

Become a fairy without wings

The transformation into a magical creature without wings is no less fascinating rite. The advantage of the ritual is that it is possible without transformation. The wizard will not give itself the presence of wings: others, but the forces will not fail.

For the rite, you need support for the senior comrade: an adult, sister or girlfriend. The ritual at home is held during the day. Prepared a treat for the queen. It can be candy, chocolate, gingerbread - any sweets. When a gift is ready, you need to put a gift on the windowsill, take a pile with pure spring water and say:

Fairy of the water, I urge you.
Your power to get I wish.

Repeated plot 5 times. Hands are lowered into the water, face face. Next you need to get out of the room, close the door and do not go there throughout the day. The next morning to open the door and enter.
