One of the inhabitants of Australia decided to check how the device works, the drawing of which he took from the old books. Inside the post you are waiting for his detailed story about creating traps for flies from the Australian colonialists, as well as the impressive "catch" (of course, of course, not for the faint of heart).

We are talking about a dry trap, hitting which flies die from dehydration.

I made it with my own hands from the boards and the grid in just a few hours and after 10 months of operation I can say that this is the most high-tech solution without the use of chemistry. At the end you will see a visual result of her work and, I am sure, wonder.

Externally, the trap resembles a small table of wood. The trap design must necessarily be transparent for sunlight, so its walls and lid are made of a grid with small cells.

The main secret of the design is a pyramidal bottom. Flies always take off up to light, so the bottom of the trap is made in the form of a pyramid. A transparent mesh "deceives" a fly, no matter how ridiculously sounded.

I will not resist not to harm about its effectiveness. Guess how much time did it happen? The answer you will find at the end of the article.

As you can already clearly make sure, the mukholovka design is pretty simple, and it can be collected from the remedies: the remains of the lining or bar, the boards from the unnecessary fence, the old torere or even the bedside tables.

I approached work creatively and decided to make a trap for flies so that she impressed the professional.

For this:

First developed the design on the computer.
- As a material, I decided to use Australian red cedar.
- Walls will be made of stainless grid.
- The basic pyramid will also be made from this grid.

The first thing to do is to find out what size of your frame can be with your wood. In my case, this is a 40 × 40 mm ram.

With the help of grinding, we bring wood into normal condition and proceed to the manufacture of grooves for setting the grid.

Note! The grid can be screwed to the frame with self-draws, but I repeat, I wanted to make a high quality flour, so I approach the process professionally.

I set the depth of the saw by 12 mm, clamping the bar and make the first propyl. Then I repeat the same operation on another face of the bar in such a way that they are at an angle of 90 degrees.
- Remember our task again - make a professional model. Therefore, we are equipped with a plane and shoot at the corners of the chamfer to give the legs a more noble view.
- then process wood wax so, first, give more saturated color, and secondly, protect it from moisture.

I proceed to creating the most important part of the mukholovka - the pyramid bottom. This process should pay maximum attention.

When the grid was cut and bent, turn the body of a wooden flue and screw the first element of the pyramid grid. I repeat the same actions with three other slices of the grid in such a way that the top of the pyramid is inside the trap housing.

Later, as soon as everything dries, cut out the top of this pyramid to create a larger hole.

This is an important part of the work affecting efficiency:

Too small hole - and flies will not enter;
- Too big - and they run away.

Note! I cut the peak of the pyramid to 25 mm.

I bought copper loops and hook-latch. Then drilled holes for screws in wood and screwed the loops to the body and the lid.

Tip! The baits can be done by itself, but you can buy in household goods stores. I do not specifically point out the names, because local producers produce them for your location.

Well, finally, the results of the work for the week - all seven days of the mukholovka stood on the lawn at the arbor, and the flies did not interfere at all.

The dead flies were just a huge amount. I even wanted to evaluate the result with mathematical accuracy, and for this I spent some dimensions:

To begin with, they reproached them into empty plastic containers.
- Then weighed on electronic scales. Result - 2.3 kg!

Two with a small kilogram for the week, and the flies died of dehydration and their weight is significantly reduced.

By simple counting and intermediate weighing, it calculated that in just a week my mukholovka caught 1800 flies! Can you imagine how much this whole row spoil me rest if not a mukholovka?

Previously, I made traps for flies with my own hands from an inverted cone, but somehow I didn't have a scotch at hand, so I decided to make another trap. To my surprise, she worked as well, but it is even easier to do it.

Fruit flies can be a problem in the kitchen, but it's very easy to get rid of them.

You just need to perform the following steps:

  • Put the bait on the bottom of the container.
  • Cover the container with a film.
  • Film with a rubber band.
  • Make holes so that insects can get into the container.

Step 1: Materials


  • Container.
  • Film.
  • Rubber.
  • Bait.


  • Something sharp.

Step 2: Choose a container

You need a small container that will not turn the accidental (especially annoying, if you poured red wine as bait). I think that the ideal option There are cups from yogurt or lower halves of plastic bottles.

Plastic containers are good because they are disposable - it's easier to throw out your trap, than to clean the flock.

Step 3: Make bait

To lure flies, you need to put something delicious to the bottom of the container. It is best to put the food that they like most. Usually they attract red wine, banana or banana peel, orange juice. The liquid bait is good because the fleets are drunk in it, and do not have time to postpone eggs.

I also learned that loves the flies well apple vinegarAnd a little means for washing dishes accelerates the death of insects in the trap.

Note: Be careful with the dishwashing agent. I added a remedy with the smell of an apple, and it scared all flies. I had to do another trap, this time without a liquid for washing the dishes, and she worked as it should.

Step 4: Cover the flour with a film and fix it

Cover the container with a film and fix it with rubber band.

Step 5: Making holes

Make 1-4 holes in the film. Holes should be a little more sizes Flies - say, 2 mm. The stronger the film is stretched, the easier it is to pierce it.

Step 6: Remove other reproduction places

So that all insects hit the trap, they should not have any other attractive places in the house - the garbage must be thrown out, all fruits are removed in the refrigerator. Watch this will need only the first couple of days. The more carefully you will follow the cleanliness, the sooner you get rid of fruit flies.

In the summer, when fruits are abundant, I only try to warn the appearance of flies and just put the trap in advance.

Step 7: Freeze

Fruit flies multiply with a huge speed, and if you want them to take a trap, and not multiplied in it, then you need to destroy these flies periodically. I think, optimal option - put a homemade trap for flies in the freezer for the night.

Take an empty bottle from under the carbonated drink. You can use an unnecessary bottle or specifically buy a new one. Make sure that there is no liquid in the bottle, and rinse it with warm water.

Cut the top of the bottle. For this you need scissors. Purify the hole in the bottle with the tip of scissors (closer to the middle).

  • Punctures hole, insert the scissors into it and cut the bottle across. Fully cut the top so that you have two parts - the top with the lid and the long lower part.
  • Try to cut as much as possible, otherwise the neck will not hold on when you turn it over.
  • You can remove the top and sharp knife, but try not to cut down. If you make a trap along with children, it is better to use scissors.
  • Turn the bottle. Insert an inverted neck. If you cut it carefully, it will turn inside.

    Connect edges. The easiest way to do it with a stapler 3-4 times throughout the diameter, leaving the same distance between the brackets.

    • If you are making a trap with children, connect the two parts by the stapler for yourself. If you do not have a stapler, there are two more ways to connect edges.
    • You can use a tape or isolate, but the material must be waterproof. Wrap the edge with ribbon 3-4 times.
    • You can also take superclauses or ordinary glue, but it should also be water-repellent. First apply a little glue on the edges of the bottle, and then insert an inverted neck inside. Finger push it down and press the edges. Keep the edges connected until the glue dries.
  • Make a mixture of sugar and water. Pour five tablespoons of sugar in a saucepan. Put a saucepan on the stove. Distribute sugar evenly so that it completely covered the bottom.

    • Pour enough water to cover sugar. Bring the mixture to boil.
    • Mix the mixture well. When sugar is dissolved in the water, you will have a sweet liquid, but if the water boils, it turns out syrup, that is, a more concentrated bait. Give a fluid to cool a little.
  • Spoon break the liquid into the neck of the bottle. Try to deceive the edge of the neck so that flies stick to the sugar already at the very entrance to the bottle.

    Use other bait. You can cut the apple and push the pieces in the neck. Also suit a piece of meat or several spoons of weathered wine. You can simply mix water with sugar or honey.

    Add vinegar. If you decide to use a liquid bait, add several spoons of vinegar, desired white. It will scare bees and other unwanted insects.

    Put the bottle in the sun. It will accelerate the decomposition of meat and make bait more attractive for flies. It will also allow liquid to evaporate, as a result of which the substance is formed, which will attract insects. Praise yourself for the work done.

    Flies are not just annoying insects, they are sweepers of dangerous infections. In the warm season, they fall inside when opening doors, through windows and windows. In the fight against them, a trap for flies from a plastic bottle, tin or glass jar, as well as self-made fixtures under voltage and sticky tapes will help.

    Features of homemade traps for flies

    Homemade fixtures show good results when used to destroy flies. Insects begin to deposit a man in the hot summer months, especially in July and August, when a new offspring appears.

    Traps are struggling with the invasion of flies. Feature homemade devices - Attraction insects by smell. Flies fly to the appetizing aroma, and fly away can no longer and die from hunger.

    The homemade flouseball does not require special expensive details. You can invent it from simple tools that are often customary to send to trash. Some elements need to be purchased, but their cost is negligible, compared with the purchased muffin.

    Homemade invention - the best waybecause immediately kills several hundred pests, does not require physical activity, it works silently and does not harm the human body, unlike chemicals and poisons.

    Attention! A homemade trap for flies in the country and in the apartment will not give 100% guarantees of destruction.


    1. When disinfection, use safe for people.
    2. Noticing OS or other insects, buy a special spray and handle the trap before approaching it.
    3. Arrange homemade models at a distance from colors and dining tables.

    How to make a mukholovka do it yourself

    Homemade traps are an excellent alternative to industrial devices. To combat insects, you will need a minimum of time and tools. Producers are made quickly.

    Plus such devices - do not contain chemical substances, do not constitute a serious threat to human health.

    How to make your own mukholovka from plastic bottle

    For making need plastic bottle or eggplant, scissors, knife, sugar, honey or banana, dry yeast, water.

    Step-by-step instruction:

    1. Split the bottle into 3 parts. Cut up the top.
    2. At the bottom of the sugar, so that it completely covered all the bulbs.
    3. Add water, honey and yeast. Mix. If a banana is used, but cut into small pieces or twisted for a fork. Mass should be homogeneous. Primaka - rotten fruit, a piece of meat with a plunder or another product, which has a strong fragrance.
    4. Put the top of the bottle down the neck down, pre-removing the lid.

    Tip! Between the neck and sweet bait you need to leave the distance. Fly flies inside and no longer be able to fly away.

    About a week of the fluff from the bottle will be filled with insects

    Flies from the trap can not shake, throw a plastic bottle. Make another trap. No need to try to reveal insects. They stick to the walls and sugar, and even more with their hands, it is not hygienic.

    How to make a flouseball with your own hands you can see in the following video:

    How to make your own trap for flies from glass jars

    For the manufacture of flies, you will need a glass jar and funnel suitable size. The latter can be made of a plastic bottle.

    On the bottom of the glass jar to put nuts or peanut butter. A good attractive apple vinegar attracts, in which the dishwashing detergent is added. Otherwise, insects will be able to drink it, standing on the surface of the liquid. Perfectly surfy fruits that begin to refuse and wander.

    Then inside the funnel is inserted, which should be fixed. There should be no cracks between it and the walls of the glass jar.

    In the circumference, you can wrap in scotch or tape

    The second option is to complete the manufacture of effective traps for flies with food film. She wrap the neck tightly. The film should be kept, not slipping. You can consolidate the stationery elaborate or wrap around a scotch.

    In the middle of the film make several holes, so that the flies could fly inside. It will not work out to be flying, because it will not be possible to find holes. In addition, flies will not want to leave the container.

    When the trap is filled with sufficient insects, it should be attributed to the bathroom. Include hot water in the sink, close the drain hole and holes in the film. When the waters are enough, put into it a jar and leave for 10 minutes. Flies will die from hot temperature. The rest can be drown.

    Fly to throw together with the contents of a glass jar. For the manufacture of a new trap, the Bank will have to be disinfected or processed by safe chemicals.

    How to make your own trap for flies from metal cans

    For homemade device Suitable any high metal bank. For example, from under carbonated drinks, stews, feed for dogs. Approximate scotch or any sticky tape. You can take bilateral scotch.

    Important! Capacity for the manufacture of the trap must be rinsed and dried. Remove the label. Brilliant color will attract flies.

    1. Heavy ribbon wrap a metal jar. If the tape is used, it is covered with a sticky side, without touching it. Otherwise, the trap for flies will not work.
    2. In all circumference, rub the tape with your fingers so that it is well glued to the metal.
    3. Scotch remove. If the surface of the metal jar is badly lipnet, the procedure is repeated.
    4. Attract flies into the trap will help a sweet bait. The top is closed with a food film, as in the case of glass jar. Make a hole.

    Muhi will fly on the smell and remain inside, some part of insects will stick to the outer walls.

    When there is enough drosophile outside and inside, the trap is utilized, it is impossible to re-use it

    Similarly make trap from glass. It is placed on a flat surface, and inside put jam. For large individuals, such a model of the trap will not fit.

    How to make with your own hands an electrical telephone

    The homemade automatic trap for flies does not effectively protect against insects, like other devices, but more carefully applies to the environment. As it works - light from the incandescent lamp lies flies to which they can get through a wire mesh connected to high voltage. Mukholovka Electrchoker with his own hands by an insect electric discharge, as a result of which it dies.

    It will take to buy the following elements - a regulator for adjusting the required voltage (dimer suitable), the ignition coil is automotive or other, double grid and lamp to attract.

    The ignition coil without any help will not be able to produce high voltage, which it was able to enter the current bundles of no more than 14 W. To do this, you will need a thyristor voltage regulator, which cuts off from each alternating alternating current, some part, the pulse duration becomes less or more. The frequency remains the same.

    Connects from 220 W outlet

    The design of the thyristor regulator will not allow directly connected to the ignition coil, because it can change the voltage from about 220 W and above, it is too much for the ignition coil. To do this, a condenser is included with the regulator.

    Next, the voltage enters the overall wire of the ignition coil - b, and the left terminal marked with the letter K. High voltage Remove from a common wire and from central high-voltage output. Wires are served on the grid.

    Using the voltage adjustment of the variable resistor, pick up the moment at which it will not start slipping the spark between the grids. Currently beats even without visible arc.

    To build the grid, you will need 2 pieces of chipboard, in which you will need to drill 4 holes in the corners and break through the stud with a diameter of 6 mm through chipboard pieces. The wire is wound in a circle around the perimeter of the entire design. Then drill 4 more holes, but at a distance closer to the edge.

    Attention! Before making holes for an internal grid, it should be taken into account by leaving the hole of the holes under the outer.

    Wire use without isolation. Inside the chipboard make a hole for the lamp so that it is free to pass through it.

    How to make your own hands sticky trap for flies

    The main thing in the Mukholove is a sticky and viscous substance that will not allow the insect to get free. To prepare a trap for flies, you will need rosin, castor oil, thin soft fabric and two sticks from sushi, metal container for boiling mixture, mini-burner. Oil can use any, but then the velcro will have to be changed more often.

    1. In the container put rosin (2 parts), put on a mini-burner. When the mixture boils, hold in minutes.
    2. Add Oil (1 part), to warm for 60 seconds.
    3. Leave the mixture to cool. After 20 minutes, it thickens if the proportions are chosen correctly.
    4. Examine the material between the bonded sticks from under sushi. Wrap strip several times so that the cloth is fixed.
    5. Apply uniformly on the material prepared glue.
    6. To tighten the cloth to smear and the back. If surplus appeared on the edges, remove.

    You need to change the trap when there will be no free space on sticky tape, or new flies are able to free

    Ready Velcro hang in the place of local cluster flies. Trap secure on the clothespin or attach to the ceiling with a button.

    How to make your own hands australian fluff

    it best trap For flies, falling into which they die from dehydration. Australian device homemade type - The most high-tech solution without the use of chemistry.

    Step-by-step trap manufacturing instructions:

    1. Take the timing of the desired size. Optimal - 40 by 40 mm.
    2. Make groove to install the grid. Set the depth of the saw by 12 mm, clamp the timber and make rugs. Repeat the process to another face so that they are at an angle of 90 ° C. Connect the frame so that homemade trap There were legs.
    3. Make a pyramid bottom. Perform the process to maximize attention. The grid cut into 4 triangles, turn the model and fasten them to the bars so that the pyramid is inside the housing.
    4. At the top of making a hole, so that the flies could enter, but could not escape. The rest of the parties to close the dense grid. Top drawer make a lid so that it closes tightly.
    5. Inside put bait.

    You can install the trap on the lawn or in the house. The bait is recommended to do independently or buy in the store of householders.

    For a week trapped a huge number of flies

    How to make your own hands a window trap for flies

    Such a device is made according to the type of tape sticky. Only glue is applied on one side of the fabric. A sticky part of the adhesive window trap from flies turns from the window. You can attach a cloth with a hot gun or use buttons for old frames.

    For the second method of manufacturing a window trap for flies, you will need a cardboard packaging or a rectangular metal tank. The width must correspond to the corner of the window.

    Crop the container at an angle, leave the partition below. The inner part is treated with an adhesive composition.

    Caught insects remain inside, it is necessary to change the product as flies of flies

    How to make a street trap for flies

    In the summer it is impossible to sit warm in the evening. Muhi literally gather, biting. They fly to light. For the street you can make a trap from a plastic bottle with sunflower oil or another bait.

    The top of the tank is cut off the edge, inside to put something that will attract flies. A sharp object to make two holes on the sides of the neck, turn the rope. Remove the cover, insert the top into the bottom of the plastic bottle, secure the design of the tape or the tape. Suspend a homemade trap under the lamp.

    Attention! Such a device will attract mosquitoes. Finding inside, they will not be able to get out.

    Options of street traps

    You can deliver the product near the house, next to the street toilet, chickentech, or hlev. If natural bait is used, they are put near the rest.

    How to make your own trap for flies with ultraviolet flashlight

    The device of a more complex design with an ultraviolet flashlight better attracts insects. For the manufacture you will need a tin can, tape or tape.

    Wash the bank and dry in the sun so that the glue remains on the outer surface. Scotch glue to the outer surface, put in a warm place for an hour. Inside glue a flashlight with hot glue. Remove scotch. Enable flashlight.

    Tip! Optionally buy a flashlight for the manufacture of a trap. A sufficiently small key chain with ultraviolet light.

    The light will attract flies that on the way to it stick to the sticky side of the bank, such a design is more efficient at night

    The second method of homemade trap with ultraviolet flashlight:

    1. Take a plastic container with a tightly closing lid.
    2. In the bottom to make a hole. Skip the cloth, tie a nodule so that it does not pass through the hole. Fabric on the other hand will be attached to the ceiling using the button.
    3. Make a lot of holes in the tank. Plastic Bank Plug Scotch tape, leave for a while. Remove sticky ribbon.The glue should stay on the surface.
    4. Put inside ultraviolet FlashlightTurn on. The light will take place through a set of holes, attracting flies that, trying to crawl through small holes, stick to the surface of the tank.

    How to increase the efficiency of traps

    The likelihood of quickly disappearance of insects to boost, if you use traps of several types. To catch more flies, it is recommended to make several homemade fixtures and place them in different ends of an apartment or a garden.

    Attention! Muh should not have the ability to intercept a piece of food outside the trap.

    The effectiveness of the craft will be higher, if you remove all food in the apartment, take the garbage. All foods should be removed in the refrigerator. Especially berries.

    Increase the efficiency of traps will help the flower of the dionee. He is not whimsical in leaving, it can be placed in the garden near the rest or keep in the house. This is a predator flower, he eats insects.


    A trap for flies from a plastic bottle is simpler, it can be quickly made. In this case, effectiveness is not inferior to the adaptations of industrial production. All proposed models of traps can be used in the fight against other insects - axes, hornets, mosquitoes.

    Fruit flies get to a fruit vase faster than you? If annoying insects settled in your home, these unwanted guests are unlikely to leave him voluntarily. Fortunately, there are some simple measures that will help you get rid of fruit flies and prevent them from returning.


    With a paper funnel

      Take a high jar, a bottle of wine or a sweet drink or a vase. It will be the basis of your trap. A practical any bank is suitable.

      Put the bait. Fruit flies love sweet, so you have many options. You can use fruits, juice, sweet drink or any other sweet products that lure flies into the container. Below we give a few examples of bait in descending order of efficiency:

      • Restored or rotten fruits chopped into pieces. You can put a crumpled banana, fed berries or peach.
      • Honey, maple or corn syrup.
      • Any fruit juice or sweet drink. It is better to use conventional carbonated water - low-calorie will not fit.
      • Apple vinegar or soy sauce.
      • The remains of wine or beer in the bottle are also suitable. Fruit flies fly to sugar, which is contained in alcohol.
    1. Turn the paper sheet into the tube and insert into the container. The funnel with a small hole will allow the flybuses to get inside, but they will not be able to get out. Secure the scotch funnel to keep her shape. Place it in the neck of the tank with a narrow side down. The tip of the funnel should not touch the bait.

      • You can use any unnecessary paper or even snatch the page from the old log.
      • You can also take a coffee filter and toothpick to pierce the hole at the bottom of the filter.
    2. Put the trap in the place where many flies. Place the trap near the kitchen sink, garbage tank or next to a basket with fruit. If the flies started in several parts of the kitchen, you will have to use several traps.

      Destroy caught flies. Pour warm water into the container, mixed with dishwashing agents. The detergent will reduce the surface tension of water and dries flush. Wait 1-2 minutes, then pour the contents of the bank.

      • If there are still live flies in a trap, take a trap on the street and only then get the tube.
      • Rinse hot water tank. You can use it again or make a new trap from something else.
    3. Repeat until the trap is empty. Fruit flies quickly breed. The cycle of their life can last only 8 days. For this reason, you will most likely have to repeat everything several times to completely get rid of flies.

      Contact your specialists for help. If you have divorced a large number of fruit flies with which you can not cope, call the disinsector so that he processes the habitat of the flies with special means. However, it is unlikely to need if you tightly pack products and follow the cleanliness in the kitchen. Look at the local disinfection services on the Internet.

    How to get rid of eggs

      Know why flies are displayed. Fruit flies lay eggs where there is food and moisture (for example, decaying fruits, wet sinks, garbage tanks). To get rid of eggs, you need to understand where the flies find food in your kitchen.

      • Very often, the flies are going near bags or baskets with rotting fruit. Even if you bought fresh fruits, you may keep them in a bowl, where the traces of rot, which attract the flies.
      • If you store compost in the kitchen, it can be a source of food for larvae of flies.
      • Outdoor trash can also attract flies, especially if there are raw cans from under beer or carbonated drinks.
      • When was the last time you wash a trash can? Even if you regularly take a garbage, the remains of the old garbage on the bottom of the tank can be the cause of the problem.
      • Flies often accumulate in the sink, because in the drain there are often pieces of food that begin to rot.
      • Wet sponges and rags are a good medium for breeding flies.
    1. Carefully pack products. If you have a flush, do not leave the products on the table at room temperature. Keep them in a sealed package or in the refrigerator until the problem is solved. One piece of overwhelmed fruit can cause the invasion of flies, as it will be an excellent reproduction medium.

      • Do not throw out the residues of fruit in the trash. Unless you take a garbage daily, do not fold bones from peaches, apples cores and other fruit cleaning in a trash can in the kitchen, as they will attract fruit flies. Immediately take off the fruits on the street.
    2. Rinse all trash tanks. In the garbage tanks, flies can postpone eggs. All the tanks that stand in the house should be washed with hot water with a detergent if you notice there eggs. Throw away the garbage more often so that the problem is not repeated.

      • Continue to wash the tanks weekly, especially at the end of the summer, when fruit flies are much divorced.
      • Before throwing out bottles and cans, rinse them with hot water. The remains of food and liquids can get on the walls of the garbage can, because of what the flies will become even more.
      • All tanks must have covers that are tightly closed.
    3. Clean the drain. To check if there were no flies in stock, cover it with a piece of food film, having pre-groaping it with honey. Put the film with honey down and come back in an hour. If you see that the flip flip film, it means that there are eggs in the drain.

      • Check if stock is well running well. If it is scored or the chopper of food removals does not work, there might gather a lot of rotting food residues that attract the flies.
      • To get rid of eggs, pour in the flow of boiling water mixed with detergent. Throw stock with a brush.
      • Do not pour in the drain chlorine bleach. This not only does not help, but will be harmful to the environment.
    4. Get rid of other possible sources of flies. Old robberies, wet rags, old mats and other things that you wipe the surface and floors may contain flies of flies. Throw them away or post in the car at high temperature.

    5. Wipe all surfaces in the kitchen. Wipe the surface with a cloth moistened in hot soapy water. Treat all cracks and recesses where eggs can be postponed. Wipe the boxes, shelves in the storage room and all the places where you store fruits, juices and other sweet products.

      • Check the floor. If you spill a drink under the refrigerator, it may be the cause of the problem. Wipe all sections that seem sticky.
      • Support the purity of kitchen surfaces daily. Wipe all surfaces after each meal.
      • Wash the dishes immediately after eating. Do not leave dirty plates in the sink. If you have a dishwasher, fold the dishes into it and close the door.
    • If you decide to use vinegar, make sure that it was chosen correctly. White vinegar will not suit. Malt and red vinegar will work, but not as good as apple vinegar. You can also use beer and balsamic vinegar. Very well attracts flour wine, so you can catch them in a bottle of wine (with a small amount of wine at the bottom) without any additional tricks.
    • If fruit flies started in a pot with indoor plant, Give the earth to dry completely between watering. It will kill most larvae, and adult individuals do not live long and will soon disappear. Check the soil for dryness and water the plants with rigid leaves, as they can dry and die.
    • Close the bottles with alcohol very tight. If the bottle cap has nozzles, close it with cellophane. On the day, wash the bottles outside to the nose using ammonia-based cleaning agent.
    • Hang the adhesive tape in the habitats of flies. It looks not very beautiful, but very effective. Some types of adhesive tape contain in their composition poisonous substances. Use ribbons with caution and inaccessible places for children.
    • Fruit flies also lay eggs into fecal masses of domestic animals. Clean your pets as soon as possible.


    • Some toxic detergentsFor example, containing chlorine compounds, it is recommended to spray only in well-ventilated rooms. Try at the same time to wear a protective mask. It is not recommended to use such means if you are worried about the content in the air of toxic substances.
    • Never touch your hand to the garbage chopper. Pusk something with a wooden spoon or something like something. Follow the manufacturer's instructions.

  • Close.