March is the time of mass sowing of seedlings for greenhouses and open soil. You can already plant fruit trees and shrubs to have time before the beginning of the vegetation. In addition, it is necessary to find out what days in March 2019 are most favorable for sowing. This will help you with the moon sowing calendar of gardeners, gardens and flowerflowers.

Moon phases in March 2019

  • Descending Moon from March 1 to March 5
  • New moon - March, 6
  • Growing Moon from March 7 to March 20
  • Full moon - March 21
  • Descending Moon from March 22 to March 31

Forbidden to work with plants Days in March 2019: 5,6,7, 21

Favorable landing days in March 2019

  • Tomatoes — 8-12, 15-17
  • Cucumbers — 10-12, 15-17
  • Pepper — 10-12, 15-17
  • Onions on greens — 10-12, 15-17
  • Onion on ripe, garlic, horseradish — 1, 2, 22-30
  • Cabbage, asparagus — 10-12, 15-17
  • Eggplant — 10-12, 15-17
  • Zucchini, Patchsons, Pumpkin — 10-12, 15-17
  • Potato, Topinambur — 1, 2, 22, 25-29
  • Strawberry, strawberry — 8-16
  • Peas, beans, beans — 8-14
  • Radish, Radish, Daikon — 1, 2, 22-25, 28-30
  • Carrots, beets, repa, celery (root) — 1, 2, 22-25, 27-30
  • Greens — 8-12, 15-17

Greens - Salad, dill, parsley, fennel, kindz, spinach, asparagus, basil, celery, cumin, mustard, etc.

Favorable days for sowing / landing / color transplants

  • Annolete — 10, 12, 15
  • Two-year-old and perennial — 11, 16
  • Bulbous and tuber — 10-12, 19, 20

Favorable days for garden work

  • Transplanting and picking plants — 10, 12, 16
  • Weeping and Sulading Plant — 4, 9, 13, 17, 19, 30, 31
  • Making mineral fertilizer — 4, 8-10, 13, 15, 18, 30
  • Making organic fertilizers — 3, 8-10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 31
  • Watering and spraying of plants — 4, 8, 10, 13, 16, 17, 20, 21
  • Trimming branches and shoots — 1, 23-25, 27, 29
  • Fighting diseases and pests — 1, 2, 4, 8, 23, 26, 28, 29
  • Vaccination of trees and shrubs — 12, 15, 18
  • Landing decorative trees and shrubnikov — 10-12, 15-20
  • Landing fruit trees — 10-12, 17-19
  • Planting fruit-berry shrubs — 10-14, 17-18
  • Billet and rooting of cuttings — 7, 11, 12, 15, 16
  • Blank of seed material — 3, 9, 14, 17, 20, 31
  • Loosening, dipping, perplex, cultivation and other works near the root system of plants — 1, 7, 8, 10, 14, 16, 18, 20, 28, 31

1, March 2

Friday Saturday

Descending Moon B. Capricorn


(Days root)

  • In Teplice
  • In the garden

3, March 4

Resurrection, Monday

Descending Moon B. Aquare

Aquarius - non-ground zodiac sign

(Flower days)

  • In Teplice - For sowing, landing, transplants are unfavorable days. It is better to do it all over these days, breaking shoots, soil looser, the fight against pests and diseases.
  • In the garden - Sanitary trimming of trees and shrubs, chopping cutting. Pouring currant and gooseberry hot water. Removal of shelters, disintegration of trees, loosening of dry ground, cut out.

5, 6, March 7

Tuesday Wednesday Thursday


All plants are extremely vulnerable to new moon, so it is not recommended to work with them on the lunar sowing calendar.

8, March 9

Friday Saturday

Growing Moon B. Ovne

Aries - non-ground zodiac sign

(Fruit days)

  • In Teplice - Sowing the seedlings of tomatoes, sweet pepper, sharp pepper. Sowing in the greenhouse of parsley, spinach, leaf, radish salad, celery, dill, Peking cabbage, color. Sular breaks, loosening land. On the growing moon, under the sign of Aries, good results gives the struggle with pests and diseases.
  • Not recommended Greeting seeds, water, transplant plants, dive.
  • In the garden - Cutting dry branches.

10, 11, March 12

Resurrection, Monday, Tuesday

Growing Moon B. Corpuscle

Taurus - fertile zodiac sign

(Days root)

  • In Teplice - favorable time For sowing on the seedlings of tomatoes, pepper, eggplant, cabbage early and late white-coined, color. Everlock, parsley, celery, sorrel. It goes well by picking seedlings, steaming, watering, mineral feeding. Lowing potatoes to germination.
  • In the garden - Tears of trunks, billet of cuttings.

13, March 14

Wednesday Thursday

Growing Moon B. Gemini

Twins - non-ground zodiac sign

(Flower days)

  • In Teplice- sowing Luke Soon, beijing cabbage, Radisa, Cress Salad, Ukrop. Fighting pests and diseases, weeding, loosening.
  • Not recommended - to germinate seeds, sowing seeds to seedlings.
  • In the garden - pouring boiling water berry shrubs currant, gooseberry, sanitary trimming

15, March 16

Friday Saturday

Growing Moon B. Cancer

Cancer - the most fertile zodiac sign

(Leaf days)

  • In Teplice - favorable days For sowing on seedlings of early and late white cabbage, color, Savoy, broccoli, Kohlrabi, onion, root celery. Sowing rapid hybrids of cucumbers for greenhouses. Picking of pepper seedlings, eggplant, tomatoes are recommended. Rechazzle seedlings of cucumbers in a greenhouse. Castle of the greenery of Luke Batuna, parsley, sorrel, celery, beet, mangold. Watering, mineral feeding. Lowing potatoes to germination.
  • In the garden - Grafting in splitting, trimming trees and shrubs in frost-free weather.

17, March 18

Resurrection, Monday

Growing moon in Lev

a lion - non-ground zodiac sign

(Fruit days)

  • In Teplice - Sowing asparagus and bush beans, basilica, fennel, cucumbers, lettuce, curtains. Loosening dry ground, weeding, preparing beds.
  • Not recommended Water, feed the plants, germinate seeds, dive seedlings, pinching, replant. You should not engage in trimming trees: wounds on plants do not heal for a long time.

19, March 20

Tuesday Wednesday

Growing Moon B. Maiden

Virgo - The sign of the zodiac of the middle fertility (days of the root)

  • In Teplice - You can sow root roots on seeds, green (rapidly grow): dill, 'Fennel, artichoke, Valerian, except lettuce. You can cut forward shoots, fight weeds, pests and diseases, treat land, replant plants. Well digested phosphate feeding. Vulnerable to the above-ground part of the plants - leave them alone.
  • In the garden - Cuts are not recommended, the wounds will be for a long time to heal.

March 21



In the lunar sowing calendar of gardeners and gardeners for March 2019, it is not recommended to work with plants in full moon.

March 22.


Descending Moon B. Weighs

Libra - zodiac sign of medium fertility

(Flower days)

  • In Teplice - Sowing a white cabbage seedlings, colored for open soil. Sowing roots: early radish, beets, carrots, parsnips, spicy aromatic herbs, asparagus, onions-row - for greenhouses and windowsill. Sweet pepper seedling landing (with 5-7 leaves). Picking seedlings. Watering moderate.
  • In the garden-Howing trimming trees and shrubs.

23, March 24

Saturday Sunday

Descending Moon B. Scorpio

Scorpio - fertile zodiac sign

(Leaf days)

  • In Teplice - Favorable days for sowing for seedlings of low-spirited tomatoes, peppers, early cabbage (white and color), root celery, broccoli, sweet pepper, eggplant, late tomatoes. Picking seedlings of late tomatoes, celery root and cuff, white cabbage. Sowing radish, carrots, parsnips, parsley and celery root. Flooring potatoes on germination. Organic feeding, weeding.
  • Not recommended - Watering, loosening the Earth - the roots are very sensitive to the inflicted wounds.
  • In the garden - grafting and rewring, making organic fertilizers, cutting outs.

25, 26, March 27

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

Descending Moon B. Streltsy

Sagittarius - zodiac sign of medium fertility

(Fruit days)

  • In Teplice - Castle of the greenery onions, the struggle with weeds, diseases, pests. Radish sowing, Luke per repaint, root. At the seedlings - sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplants, onions-row, parsley root, dill.
  • Not recommended - Replant plants, germinate seeds, dip, dive, water. You can make organic fertilizers, loose dry ground. Plants are painfully reacting to any mechanical damage.
  • In the garden - spraying them from pests and diseases (with plus 4-5 degrees).

28, March 29

Thursday Friday

Descending Moon B. Capricorn

Capricorn - zodiac sign of medium fertility

(Days root)

  • In Teplice - Favorable days for sowing on seedlings - early white cabbage, sweet pepper, eggplant, late low tomatoes. Rainish sowing, root and cereal celery, broccoli. Great time to dive vegetable seedlings. Sowing Luke on repka, parsley root, rootpodes. Watering, loosening, organic feeding of rooteplood, weeding. Lowing potatoes to germination.
  • In the garden - making organic fertilizers, combating diseases and pests, forming trimming, vaccination.

The main rule of the lunar calendar for the garden - not to sow anything and not to transplant during the new moon or full moon. During this period, the plants are most vulnerable to any external influences and are seriously experiencing stress.

All plants giving harvest over the Earth positively sow on the growing moon - these days are favorable for the future harvest on the ground part of the plants. To get a harvest in the underground part - bulbs, tubers, sowing or landing such plants are made on the days of the moon.

Each sign of the zodiac, which passes the moon, in its influence on plants can be productive or yield or low-productive - indigenous. Harvest constellations are cancer, scorpion, fish, scales, calf, Capricorn. When the moon is under a crop sign, favorable days for crops. Understanding signs - Aries, Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius. On the days of the moon, under an indispensable sign, it is not recommended to sow most vegetable crops, but this time can be devoted to the care of plants - watering, feeding, weeding, loosening.

Moon calendar crops for March 2018

Phase moon, zodiac sign.

Growing moon under the sign of the Virgin.

An unfavorable day for crops of vegetables and flowers to seedlings. It is useful to take care of indoor flowers and seedlings, watering, spraying, if necessary, make treatment with means from diseases and pests, trimming and formation of plants.

Full moon.

An unfavorable day for any types of works with plants, postpone feeding, loosening and watering room colors until the next day.

The moon decreases, goes under the sign of scales after 11-20 am.

There is a favorable time for sowing eggplant to seedlings. You can sow seeds of all kinds of cabbage to grow in a greenhouse. Conduct sowing on the seedlings of the onion Sewing, Leaf Celery. You can make pickup seedlings sown in February.

Moon decreases, scalar sign.

Continue to seed eggplant seedlings, leafy vegetables for obtaining early harvest. A favorable day for sowing for annual and perennial colors for landing in open sad.

The moon decreases and goes under the sign of Scorpion after 16-43.

There are the most favorable days for sowing for tomato and pepper seedlings. If you did not have time to sow eggplants, it's not too late to sow it, until the seedlings landing in the greenhouse remains 55-60 days, and in open soil under the film shelter at least 70 days. Continue sow flowering cultures to seedlings.

The moon decreases. Scorpio sign.

Favorable days for sowing tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, all leaf vegetables and flowering plants. You can transplant the bedroom flowers and to dive seedlings sown in February.

The moon decreases, goes under the sign of the Sagittarius.

These days are unfavorable for sowing seed vegetables to seedlings, as the moon under the influence of a faulty sign. Direct your strength to care for houseplants and seedlings. In the spring it is time to start making regular dressing of domestic flowers in pots with complex mineral fertilizer.

In the garden, if the weather allows, carry out the rejuvenating trimming of fruit trees and shrubs. Tubers and bulbs flowers get out of storages, put planting in pots and leave in the warm room to germination to get their early flowering.

The moon decreases, the sign of Capricorn.

Favorable time sowing tomatoes little variety For open soil, as well as annual and perennial colors. You can conduct picking and transplantation of plants. In the garden, fruit trees and shrubs handle the first time from pests and diseases.

The moon decreases. Sign of Aquarius.

it unfavorable days For crops on seedlings, it is better to devote this time to care for plants - transplantation, picking, feeding, watering, loosening.

The moon decreases. Fish sign

Working with plants should only be associated with departure - spray, water, loose and fertilize indoor flowers and seedlings.

New moon

An unfavorable time for crops and any work related to plants.

The moon is growing. Aries sign.

The moon is under a low-productive sign, so it is not recommended to sow any vegetable crops, but it does not apply to colors. You can sow sustainable annual flowers - velvets, tiny, zinnia, kichy. Care for plants and seedroom houses - watering, loosening, fertilizer

The moon is growing. Taland sign

Favorable days for sowing on seedlings of all vegetable crops - tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, cucumbers, cabbage. Conduction of seedlings, transplant indoor plants, landing in pots for germination of tubers and rhizomes of the stored colors - Begonias, Montstourcing, Gladiols, Georgine. Continue to sow annotors to seedlings. In the garden makes the vaccinations of fruit trees and forming pruning.

Waxing Crescent. Gemini sign.

No more favorable time for sowing vegetable crops, but the flowers in the seedlings can be sowed. Take care of the housekeeping of the house, spend watering, spraying, feeding fertilizer.

Favorable days for crops on seedlings of green crops - Basilica, Majorana, all types of cabbage. You can sow annual flowers - Ageratum, Alissaum, Verbena, sweet pea et al. Separate earlier seedlings, watering and feeding plants at home. In the garden make the vaccinations of fruit trees.

The moon is growing. Lion sign.

Moon under an unproductive sign. Dedote this time to care for seedlings and home plants.

Waxing Crescent. Sign of Virgin.

An unfavorable time for sowing vegetable crops, but you can sow annual flowers on seedlings perennial plants. Roomplants make forming trimming.

Full moon

On this day lunar calendar Sevings and landing of any cultures are prohibited. Caring for plants should be minimal, make it possible to water and spray, but make fertilizer or to make plants transplanting.

Good day to all readers)

March is the beginning of active work in the garden and garden. In early spring, everything around requires attention, starting with plants, ending with garden buildings and inventory. For the correct allocation of work to help, the lunar sowing calendar is under March 2018.

He will tell the most favorable periods of care, sowing and landing any culture. And it will help in solving many tasks for work in the garden, greenhouses and in the garden, both with plants and from the earth.

The entire future harvest depends on the favorable and unfavorable periods, and he, in turn, from the position of the Moon.

Saw and disembark any cultures, work with the earth for the period of the new moon or full moon is not recommended. The power of the moon during this period is weak and plants practically do not take root, and give a bad harvest.

On the phase of the decreasing moon you need to plant roots: carrots, garlic, beets, radishes, Daikon, turnip, radish. Software in this period is activated in roots.

The decreasing moon is the best period for feeding the Earth. Soil at the same time absorbs all useful substances.

Decreasing moon, it good time For trimming trees, shrubs. During this period, you can land the prepared cuttings, share and transplanting flowers, produce seed stratification, trees bones.

When the moon grows, the coating of any plants is concentrated in the upper part, the roots at this time are weak. Plants planted during this period are gaining power over the earth.

Accordingly, during this period, it is necessary to plant cultures, the fruits of which are formed above the ground: pepper, tomatoes, eggplants, phizalis, zucchini, cabbage, pumpkin, patissons, cucumbers, salad, leek, greens.

Favorable days for crops and landings in March: 1, 3-4, 11, 14, 16, 18-26, 30.

Favorable days for crops and landing

Lunny day

What you can do

March 115 lunar dayDay Suitable for transplants, crops, planting plants, giving fruits over ground, spicy herbs, greenery, flowers, which will continue to grow in greenhouses, greenhouses and open soil

17-18 Lunar day

Day favorable for crops, transfers and landing of rootfodes, year-old colors, indoor plants

24 lunar day

Very good day. It is suitable for crops, transfers and landing of rootepodes, greenery, Potato Bookmarks for Narovization

27 Lunar day

Good day for growing root

29 Lunar day

The day is very good for crops, transfers and landing of roots, greenery, plants giving a crop over the earth and flowers

2-10 lunar day

This period is favorable for crops, transfers, landings of roots and plants giving fruits over the earth, bulbous crops, medicinal and spicy herbs, greenery, colors

13-14 Lunar day

Excellent day for crops, transfers and planting plants, fruiting on the surface of the earth, greenery, medicinal and spicy herbs, colors

Unfavorable days

Adverse days in March 2, 13-15, 17, 27-28, 31

Lunny day

What you can do

16 lunar day

An unfavorable day for absolutely any work with plants. Preparation and repair of inventory

26 lunar day

The day unfavorable for crops, transplants, landing, watering plants

28 lunar day

Work with plants is better not to spend

30-1 Lunar day

An unfavorable day for crops, transfers and landings

11-12 Lunar day

Day fail to work with plants

15 lunar day

Day not suitable for transplants, crops, landing

Lunar calendar for March 2018 for gardeners and gardens (table)


Moon in the sign of the zodiac

Moon phases

Moon days Work in the garden and garden

Moon in Vid.

Moon growing

15 lunar day

from 17:13 to 7:20

Work in the greenhouse, spraying, making feeding, thinning and sowing of greenery. Planting indoor flowers

Moon in Vid.

Full moon

16 lunar day

from 18: 37Do 07:46

Works with plants and land are not conducted, preparation, repair of inventory

Moon in scales


17 lunar day

from 19:59 to 08:09

Painting, landing, correction of root plants, indoor plants. Making mineral and organic feeding, looseness of land


Moon in scales


18 lunar day

from 21:18 to 08:29

Painting, transplant and landing early grades Plants, spicy and medicinal herbs, greenery. Fighting harmful insects, making mineral and organic fertilizers


Moon in Scorpio


19 lunar day

from 22:34 to 08:49

In the closed primer, you can sow salad, plant pepper seedlings, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes, cabbage. It is allowed to cut, instill trees and shrubs, loosen, feed, water plants, destroy harmful insects.Planting trees on this day is undesirable.

Moon in Scorpio


20 lunar day

from 23:47 to 09:10

It is possible to land into the closed soil seedlings of pumpkins, eggplants, cucumbers, patissons, bulbous crops and sow rooted roots. It is allowed to trim and instill trees, berry shrubs, water, make feeding, loose soil, destroy pests.Planting trees on this day is not recommended

Moon in Scorpio


20 lunar day

from 00:00 to 09:32

The vaccination, trimming of trees and berry shrubs, introduction of mineral and organic feeding, watering, the destruction of rodents, harmful insects, the struggle against diseases, soil loosening. You can prepare seeds for sowing.Trees to plant not recommended

Moon in Streltsy


21 lunar day

from 00:57 to 09:57

When working in the garden, vegetable garden must be careful.M. cut the spinach, Radish, Daikon under the film. Weeding, cultivation, destruction of harmful insects

Moon in Streltsy

3 quarters

22 lunar day

from 02:03 to 10:30

When working, caution must be taken.You can sow, transplant and plan flowers, greens, medicinal and spicy herbs. Weeding, cultivation, destruction of harmful insects

Moon in Capricorn.


23 lunar day

from 03:03 to 11:07

Flower transplant is not carried out.Works on the preparation of greenhouses and beds to landings


Moon in Capricorn.


24 lunar day

from 03:57 to 11:51

Today you can remove the old foliage from the site, clean the tracks, sow or plant roots, greens. Flower transplant is undesirable.


Moon in Capricorn.


25 lunar day

04:43 to 12:44

Flower transplant is not carried out.

Moon in aquare


26 lunar day

from 05:21 to 13:43

Sowing, transplants and landings are not carried out on this day. You can spend a weeding, spraying, fumigation, formation of trees and bushes

Moon in aquare


27 Lunar day

from 05:53 to 14:49

Works with plants and earth are undesirable.You can spray, fume, cut the trees and bushes

Moon in Fish


28 lunar day

from 06:19 to 15:58

Sowing, transplants and planting plants with a powerful root system (bulbous, radish, dike, celery, radish) are produced. Grafting, trimming trees and shrubs, cultivation, watering and making feeding

Moon in Fish


29 Lunar day

from 06:42 to 17:10

The most successful day for sowing, landing of any plants, especially root. Cultivation is produced, making feeding, watering, vaccination, trimming trees and shrubs

Moon in Ovne

New moon

30-1 Lunar day

from 08:16 to 18:24

Working with plants, soil is not held


Moon in Ovne


2 lunar day

from 07:22 to 19:39

Sowing and landing today will quickly go, but will give a scant harvest. They better refuse them.You can prepare the soil under the crop, destroy pests


Moon in Ovne


3 lunar day

from 09:16 to 21:52

Working with soil on this day will benefit. You can prepare a plot and a greenhouse under the sowing, mulch and pour the bed

Moon in Tales


4 lunar day

from 07:41 to 22:15

A favorable day for planting seedlings and sowing salad, cabbage, sunflower, tomatoes, peppers. Bookmark potatoes on narrivation. Trimming shrubs, trees

Moon in Tales


5 lunar day

from 08:24 to 23:34

Good day to work with seeds, seedlings. You can sow cabbage, watermelons, salad, melons, peppers, and shrubs

Moon in Gemini


6 lunar day

from 08:52 to 00:00

Works are made to remove unnecessary shoots, mulching, spraying, weeding. Repair of household buildings, greenhouses, greenhouses, lawns preparation

Moon in Gemini


7 lunar day

from 09:26 to 00:51

Works with plants today are not conducted.You can quote, spin, mulch, fight diseases, pests

Moon in cancer

1 quarter

8 lunar day

from 10:10 to 02:04

Work with vegetable crops and flowers, today will bring a good result. Sowing and landing of seedlings of tomatoes, melons, watermelons, cabbage, pepper, cucumbers


Moon in cancer


9 lunar day

from 11:06 to 03:09

Working with vegetable crops and flowers on this day is successful. You can sow sharp and bell pepper, tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers


Moon in Lev


10 lunar day

from 12:13 to 04:03

Sathedral plants planted on this day will slowly grow, but will give a rich harvest. You can land seedlings of trees and shrubs, prepare beds to landings, mulch,

Moon in Lev


11 Lunar day

from 13:29 to 04:46

Work with trees, shrubs. You can prepare a bed to landings

Moon in Vid.


12 lunar day

from 14:49 to 05:20

Plant and transplant vegetables, trees, sow seeds today undesirable. Swimming, cultivation and trees

Moon in Vid.


13 Lunar day

from 16:11 to 05:47

Works with plants are not conducted.You can prepare a bed and a greenhouse to landing, repairing and build on the site

Moon in scales


14 lunar day

from 17:33 to 06:10

Shed and transplant plants, trees and shrubs are not recommended.You can loosen, cultivate, dip, mulch and spray trees

Moon in scales

Full moon

15 lunar day

from 18:52 to 06:31

Work on sowing and transplants are not made. Can be pulled out, cultivate beds

  • In the garden, fruit trees, shrubs embrace, shrubs. Trees vaccine.
  • Flowers are cleaned from leaves and weed herb, the old mulch and shelter is cleaned.
  • Mineral and organic fertilizers are made on the plot, compost is laid.
  • Main works for gardens are carried out in greenhouses and windowsill.
  • In greenhouses and greenhouses, the soil is prepared for sowing and landing.
  • Cultivation and repack of the beds are produced.

In early spring, you can sow under the film the first seeds, and with good weather and onions on the greens in the open ground. Potatoes germinated for landing.

The future harvest depends on the quality of seedlings growing on the windowsill and in the greenhouses. It is necessary to take care of the sown seedlings, sow new seeds.

In greenhouses and closed soil, such cultures are dried and planted as: greens, How "works" Lunar Calendar Ogorodnik: Video

Lunar calendar helps to determine good days For sowing and disembarking cultures, in order to further get a great harvest. Listening to his advice, depending on weather conditions and the region, certain works are produced.

The changeable March is difficult to drive into the calendar frame. It is too unpredictable too: I will adorn the Sun, thrown by the frost, the sharpened shutdowns were rolled up with new snowdrifts twice as early. But to outline a schematic plan of action to passionate gardeners-gardeners does not prevent, because when to start an active preparation for future landings, as not in the first month of spring? The sowing lunar calendar for March 2019 will tell favorable dates and work for every day.

Moon Calendar of Gardener and Gardener for March 2019

It's time to wake up Spring Primizvestam

  • Date: March 1
    Lunar day: 24-25
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Day of cleaning and planning. Check the boxes for seedling, roll or wrap the soil, make mineral and organic fertilizers into the soil. On the garden plot Clean the tracks, fill the capacitance with snow prepared for melt water, check the condition of the greenhouses - in a word, bring the territory in order. Indoor flowers can be delivered from dry and pitched leaves, it is not recommended only to disturb the roots of the plants.

  • Date: March 2
    Lunar day: 25-26
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac sign: Capricorn

Do not carry out work related to the destruction of anything, for example, trimming or weeping. However, it is possible to water, fertilize, take preventive measures against diseases and pests. Suitable time for soaking seeds with a dense shell: cucumbers, tomatoes, swables.

  • Date: March 3
    Lunar day: 26-27
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Basic day. Everything that will be planted today will begin to spit late, sluggish and cheerful. But with the already seemed to appear, contact the bolder, wearing, dipping, pinching and riddled by their wishes. Proceed plants from pests and diseases, but refuse to feed - now useful substances will not go to the GOB. Abundant watering is also contraindicated, the roots will begin to refine.

  • Date: March 4
    Lunar day: 27-28
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac sign: Aquarius

Still standing with the feeding, although it is allowed to resort to moderate watering. Under the prohibition, there is any violation of the integrity of the plants, so neither trimming, nor pinching in your plans should be. But successfully passes the preparation of the soil for landings.

  • Date: March 5
    Lunar day: 28-29
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac sign: Fish

The germination of cultures awaited on this day is hardly impressive, but the most impatient can begin to sow rootes (radish, radish, swables, carrots, dikona) and parsley to the root. In room colors do not hurt a neat rejuvenating and forming trimming. When thawed not lower than + 5 ° C, inspect the trees in the garden area for damage from frost, rodents and lichen, clean the wounds on the trunks, disinfected with the solution copper Kaper and treat the garden harr. At the same time remove the damp branches before healthy wood and also treat sections.

  • Date: March 6
    Lunar day: 29-30-1
    Phase: New Moon
    Zodiac sign: Fish

Day of rest for plants and gardeners. Take up the planning of the garden, check if it is not necessary to repair the garden inventory, on the plot fill the bird feeders.

  • Date: March 7
    Lunar day: 1-2
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Fish

It is nearing a favorable time for landing. You can slowly begin active work with soil: loose, dip, pour, make fertilizers (especially recommended mineral feeding). In the greenhouses with the heated earth and the capacitance on the windowsill, the cucumbers, sweet pepper, red and white cabbage, peas, beans and other legumes are sidewalls. Suitable time to bookmark potatoes on germination and bulbous colors for trampling. On the cottage plot You can cut cuttings for vaccination and put them into the water. Do not water the plants.

  • Date: March 8
    Lunar day: 2-3
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Aries

Good period. Any types of work are allowed, with the exception of pinching and trimming - plants go to growth, and your indelibious intervention can damage them. In addition, be careful with watering, excess water hurts roots. But it will be appropriate to treatment from pests and diseases. Indoor plants are allowed to replant and replace the soil in pots.

  • Date: March 9
    Lunar day: 3-4
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Aries

There are actually no prohibitions. You can do everything from weeding and dipping to dive and transplant. The only thing, do not overcover with feeding, not to burn plants. In the country area in the regions with an early spring, cover with a film on a wire frame of beds with sowing under the winter so that the earth faster warms up, or spread peat and humus - all this will accelerate the melting of snow.

  • Date: March 10
    Lunar day: 4-5
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Tel.

On the agenda, loosening, watering and feeding, as well as a transplantation. However, other types of work will be successfully completed, it should be abstained only from trimming. Slow on seedlings tomatoes and eggplants, annual flowers; Pick the February seedlings into separate containers. In the garden plot, shake off the snow branches, and in the case of thawing the trunks to protect them from sun burns - reflected from the snowdrifts sun rays represent a much more serious danger than it seems.

Teaches will protect not only from pests, but not less dangerous rays of the sun

  • Date: March 11
    Lunar day: 5-6
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac sign: Taurus

Plants are actively pulled from soil moisture and nutrients - Take advantage of this to pour and feed them. To dry out the seedlings, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, red cabbage, bean, horseradish, carrots, radishes, sunflower are recommended. Squeeze onions on the river, Pasternak to the root, parsley on the root and greens. Sewing perennial flowers.

  • Date: March 12
    Lunar day: 6-7
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Tel.

The moon goes into growth and young shoots try not to lag behind it. Support them with irrigation, feeding and careful rolling, not affecting the roots. The plants themselves are better not to touch: any traumatic procedure can delay their development, so cropping also deposit until better times. Take care of the soaking of seeds, sowing eggplant, zucchini, patissons, sweet pepper, cabbage, cabbage (white, blocked, pecine) and different types of greenery and spicy herbs - salad, spinach, celery, parsley on greens, basilica, cilantro.

  • Date: March 13
    Lunar day: 7-8
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

The recommendations of this day do not differ much from the previous one. Plants are still diligently gaining strength and fortress, which sometimes goes even to harm, so do not forget to inspect your crops to break and rumble them in time. You can plant all the cultures listed in the previous paragraph, except, perhaps, spicy herbs: It is believed that they will not have a pronounced aroma and taste. Among the colors is the time of creeping, hanging and making plants. Think which of them you would like to see in your flowerbed in the summer, and take about the case. In the country area, you turn the cuttings and belts to catch insects, fill the feeders.

  • Date: March 14
    Lunar day: 8-9
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Gemini

Although the moon continues to rapidly fully, the green pets begin to lag behind it. Put aside seeds and give up the idea to dive and replant, it is not the best way Activity at the moment. The exceptions represent only the additions and "saturated" cultures - peas, beans, and in southern regions Watermelons, melons and pumpkins. Focus on the loosening of the soil, dipping and making organic fertilizers, your wards still need nutrients.

  • Date: March 15
    Lunar day: 9-10
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

The ball continues to edit curly and weaving cultures: cucumbers, melons, pumpkins, patissons, legumes. You can play a bookmark on pasture and planting bulbous and tuber. Watering and feeding are still relevant, the main thing is not to bring them to fanaticism so that one half of the sprouts burns down, and the second did not rot. If the weather is allowed, inspect the berry bushes on the site and cut out dry and hit by the branches of the branch.

This pest looks like on the branches of fruit trees and bushes (the sore branch on the right)

  • Date: March 16
    Lunar day: 10-11
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Cancer

Give home landing rank, focusing on country plot. Clean the tracks and aisle, free the branches of trees and bushes from the nanile snow, turn it into the prepared containers. You can sprinkle a waste area or ash to speed up the melting of snow, but do not cease: in the northern regions, at this time, more than possible frosts, therefore, to customize the snow towards. When thawed to those who did not make it earlier, it is worth cleaning the wounds and affected by a lichen of the places on the trunks of trees, to disinfect, smear the cuts of the water.

  • Date: March 17
    Lunar day: 11-12
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Lev.

Special fertility coming period is no different. You can work on Earth, fertilize and replant well-rooted plants, but do it all as much as possible. If you have the soil prepared under the landing, make it possible to breed colors. Curly, bulbous, tube must be quite well. In addition, sunflower and spicy herbs fall into the list of allowed crops.

  • Date: March 18
    Lunar day: 12-13
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Lev.

Print with fertilizer and irrigation, risk of "reconcile" sprouts that are not able to absorb everything with sufficient speed than you will sweep them. Rip the soil, plunge, step. There are empty boxes for seedlings? Throw tomatoes in them, cucumbers, sweet peppers, eggplants, zucchini, radishes, carrots, coarse, sweet crops, legumes, horseradish, garlic, onions on ripe, sunflower or greens.

  • Date: March 19
    Lunar day: 13-14
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Deva.

A magnificent day to pick up the grown seedlings into separate containers, and in the southern regions - in the ground prepared greenhouses with the heated earth. It does not hurt to look at the trees on the plot again to remove dry and extra branches before the start of the sludge, and at the same time pouring the currant bushes with boiling water. Houseplants Transplant into new pots.

  • Date: March 20
    Lunar day: 14-15
    Phase: Growing Moon
    Zodiac: Deva.

All types of work with soil, watering, mineral feeding are welcome. Give today preference decorative cultures: Saving one-year flowers and replanted perennial. In the country area, break out the shape of strawberry and strawberry beds to prevent the plants overwhelming, and ventilate flowers covered for winter.

If the weather allows, you can open roses and rosehip

  • Date: March 21
    Lunar day: 15-16
    Phase: full moon
    Zodiac: Scales

People's Day. Relax from worries or do something that does not require direct contact with plants: Cheat a pair of birdhouses to attract to your field of birds, sharpen the tool, harvest pegs for tapping.

  • Date: March 22
    Lunar day: 16-17
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Scales

At the descending moon focus of attention shifts on the tuberflowers, root and spicy herbs: seitte, squeeze, take care. With the above-ground part of the pets, be extremely delicate, trimming will hurt them more than on other days. Indoor flowers can be sprayed from diseases and pests, garden trees And shrubs - to be treated with a solution of urea or lay down.

  • Date: March 23
    Lunar day: 17-18
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

The Favorites of the Moon are still roots, tubers and bulbs - carrots, swallows, radishes, horseradish, garlic, onion, root parsley, potatoes. However, it is possible to engage in the tops, for example, to make sanitary and forming trimming, however, with restrictions: if the trees have already begun in the trees, it will have to cancel it.

  • Date: March 24
    Lunar day: 18-19
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Scorpio

You can easily deal with the thinning of shoots, transplant seedlings and indoor flowers, but do it as much as possible: plants are vulnerable and can hardly take your manipulations with them. Fighting pests and diseases will be more successful. At the same time it is time to start making grooves and stocks to drive surplus water.

Work with landings as careful as possible, and if you can not, it is better to give up work on this day

  • Date: March 25
    Lunar day: 19
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Recommended actions aimed at improving the soil yield. Adjust the seedlings and room flowers, and on the site, spread nitrogen fertilizer straight through the snow on top of the beds - as soon as it becomes, the earth will receive the necessary substances. However, the idea loses its meaning, if the honey-noted drifts have not yet begun to lie in the sun. Together with melting, they will take fertilizer along with water flows. The day is suitable for planting zucchini and eggplant, asparagus and cabbage, sunflower, rootfodes, tuber and bulbous colors.

  • Date: March 26
    Lunar day: 19-20
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Take up the above-ground part of the plants. Crop and clothed unnecessary recommended with caution, as green pets are still too vulnerable, but treatment from diseases and pests will have to be likewise. Watering will be superfluous, but feeding, if there is a need for it, you can spend. In terms of landings in the first place there are plants with a fruiting above-ground part. First of all, these are Parenic (eggplants, peppers, tomatoes), all kinds of greens and flowers.

  • Date: March 27
    Lunar day: 20-21
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Sagittarius

Will remove on the plot: Collect beginners to appear from under the snow branches, pull the tracks, check the furrows to disrupt melt water from low-rise areas. The neat forming trimming of trees and grapes is possible if the plants are at rest, otherwise it has passed. Seedlings and room plants can be watered, feed, loosen the land, process from pests, and flowers - to multiply with cuttings. In this period, the turonization of potatoes are proceeded, Parenic, Spicy and medicinal herbs, onions, garlic, flowers with curly stems.

  • Date: March 28
    Lunar day: 21-22
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn.

Extremely fertile day, it almost does not put prohibition gardens. Limit your fervor only in watering so as not to provoke the root rot; All other things: working with soil, the formation of crowns, the fight against pests, transplant and transshipment remains at your discretion. Spend a revision of the seedlings and do everything to consider fit.

  • Date: March 29
    Lunar day: 22-23
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Capricorn.

And again you can engage in practically all activities in the garden, but in the priority of landing. Well go into the growth of corn, swallow, radishes, carrots, parsley on the root, onions on the repka, Parenic, legumes, bumbish, greens. The fight against pests is effective.

Do not be lazy and take on boarding seeds of favorite vegetables and greenery

  • Date: March 30
    Lunar day: 23-24
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Aquarius

The rest is approaching, so it is necessary to reduce active work with most cultures - the period is successful, except for sowing the roots, greens and reproduction of flowers with cuttings. Engaged by a leisurely loosening of the Earth, the introduction of mineral fertilizers, the thinning of germs.

  • Date: March 31
    Lunar day: 24-25
    Phase: decreasing moon
    Zodiac: Aquarius

A quiet day, which has a leisurely, meditative work with earth. Drop, fertilize, plunge, step, engage in breaking shootings and watering. Spray trees in the garden from pests. For landings Recommended: Beets, Radish, Daikon, Carrot, Parsley and Pasternak for root, peas, beans, celery, corn, tomatoes, cucumbers, sweet peppers, watermelons, melons, horseradish, onions, garlic, salad, mangold, spicy herbs, Strevy and bulbous flowers. If you have not yet fulfilled your plan for landings, replenish the gaps.

March - the first month of spring when surgery work Digure turns. The lunar stages have different energy and influence on living organisms. To help the gathering comes moon Sowing Calendar for March 2018.

In March, the trees affected by the frost and the Zhugogo Spring Sun will have to provide. It is necessary to spend the spring trimming of trees and shrubs. Also in March there is a fight against the woken pests. Conduct care of seedlings in greenhouses.

AT sowing calendar Gardener for February 2018 is indicated in Moscow time.

Plant care work should be performed in favorable days that are reduced to the table.

Lunar calendar works of the garden and gardener for March 2018 Table

Moon in the sign of the zodiac
Phase Moon
Recommended work in the garden and garden
March 1
2018, th
Moon in Vid.
Waxing Crescent
Painting and transfer of indoor plants, soil loosening, fertilizer making, the fight against soil pests is recommended. Also feeding mineral and organic fertilizers
2nd of March
2018, PT.
Moon in Vid.
Full moon
Sowing and transplants are not recommended, any work on the site.
March, 3rd
2018, Sat.
Moon in scales
Waning moon
Reconfigure of trees and bushes, soil loosening, fertilizer making, Fighting soil pests
March 4.
2018, Sun.
Moon in scales
Waning moon
Prothesies and whitewashes of trees and bushes, soil looser, fertilizer making, Fighting soil pests
the 5th of March
2018, Mon.
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Effective vaccination, making fertilizers, watering, destruction of pests, soil loosening. Radish sowing, radish, carrots, beets.
March, 6
2018, W.
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Effective vaccination, making fertilizers, watering, destruction of pests, soil loosening. Sewing small bulbous and tuberukovic colors.
March 7.
2018, cf.
Moon in Scorpio
Waning moon
It is not recommended to plant trees. Effective vaccination, making fertilizers, watering, destruction of pests, soil loosening. Landing of radish, dike, carrots, beets, bulbous and tuberukovic colors. Transplant and picking seedlings.
March 8
2018, th
Moon in Streltsy
Waning moon
It is recommended to be careful for any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, destruction of pests. Sowing root parsley.
9th of March
2018, PT.
Moon in Streltsy
Last quarter
It is recommended to be careful for any gardening work. Cultivation, weeding, destruction of pests. Landing of radish, dike, carrots, beets, bulbous and tuberukovic colors.
March 10, 2018, Sat
Moon in Capricorn
Waning moon
Not recommended color transplant. It is recommended to carry out plant pruning. Sowing root parsley, seed bookmark for stratification
March 11, 2018, Sun
Moon in Capricorn.
Waning moon
Not recommended color transplant. It is recommended to carry out plant pruning. Landing of radish, dike, carrots, beets, root parsley
March 12, 2018, Mon
Moon in Capricorn.
Waning moon
Not recommended color transplant. It is recommended to carry out plant pruning. Landing of radish, dike, carrots, beets, bulbous and tuberukovical colors
March 13, 2018, W
Moon in aquare
Waning moon
Sowing and landing are not recommended. It is recommended to perform a spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, weeding. Supporting organic fertilizers, spraying insecticide from pests. Watering.
March 14, 2018, Wed
Moon in aquare
Waning moon
Sowing and landing are not recommended. It is recommended to perform spraying and fumigation, trimming trees and bushes, weeding
March 15, 2018, Thu
Moon in Fish
Waning moon

March 16, 2018, Fri
Moon in Fish
Waning moon
Celery, radish, bulbous, vaccination of trees and berry bushes are recommended. Great time for cultivation, watering and fertilizing
March 17, 2018, Sat
Moon in Ovne
New moon
Sowing and landing are not recommended.
March 18, 2018, Sun
Moon in Ovne
Waxing Crescent

March 19, 2018, Mon
Moon in Ovne
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and landing are not recommended. The preparation of soil under sowing, destruction of pests, weeding and mulching
March 20, 2018, W
Moon in Tales
Waxing Crescent
Sowing lettuce and cabbage for growing in the house or in winter greenhouse
March 21, 2018, Wed
Moon in Tales
Waxing Crescent
Sowing salad, greenery, beans, eggplants, tomatoes, peas, beans, cabbage colored, white, perennials and annual, fruit shrubs. Trimming branches. Sleeping shoots and weeding.
March 22, 2018, Thu
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Crescent

March 23, 2018, Fri
Moon in Gemini
Waxing Crescent
Removal of unnecessary shoots, weeding, mulching, well prepare a place for lawns and beds, fight pests and diseases (spraying and dying)
March 24, 2018, Sat
Moon in cancer
First quarter

March 25, 2018, Sun
Moon in cancer
Waxing Crescent
Recommended seedlings: tomatoes, cabbage, cucumbers, pepper
March 26, 2018, Mon
Moon in Lev.
Waxing Crescent

March 27, 2018, W
Moon in Lev.
Waxing Crescent
Sowing and transplanting gardening crops are not recommended. Good goes landing shrubs and trees. Suitable moment for preparing beds and lawns to landings, mulching, to combat pests
March 28, 2018, Wed
Moon in Vid.
Waxing Crescent

March 29, 2018, Thu
Moon in Vid.
Waxing Crescent
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, produce sowing on seeds. Flowers are recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladiolus, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, dip, mulching trees, spraying
March 30, 2018, Fri
Moon in scales
Waxing Crescent
It is not recommended to plant and transplant vegetables, fruit trees, produce sowing on seeds. Flowers are recommended to plant asters, crocuses, dahlias, gladiolus, irises. Recommended loosening, cultivation, dip, mulching trees, spraying
March 31, 2018, Sat
Moon in scales
Full moon
Sowing and transplants are not recommended

Table Sowing vegetable crops on the lunar calendar for March 2018

Vegetable culture
Eggplants, zucchini
Sunflower Belococcal I. cauliflower, Asparagus
7, 8, 18, 20, 21
Root parsley, potatoes
8-10, 19-23, 27
Salad, spinach, parsley on greens, sweet pepper
8-11, 20-24
Beet, radish, radishes, peas, beans, beans
Celery, Brewwood, Rope, Corn
9-12, 20-24, 25, 27
Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Melon, Watermelon, Carrot, Pasternak for Root
19-24, 27, 28
Dill, fennel, cumin, kinza, mustard
6-10, 20-25, 27
Onion on ripe, horseradish
7, 9, 11, 20-23, 26
Bulbous flowers landing
22-24, 26, 27
Flowers from seeds
12-14, 21-24

Adverse days for sowing seeds and landing in March 2018

1-3, 16-18, 30, 31

The main thing is to have time to make all scheduled work.

Video - What to sow in March
