Decorative fragrant peas can be called one of the first successful results in plant selection. He was derived as a result of crossing, having received not only delicious appearance, but also a pleasant charming fragrance.

It has this culture and another feature - featuring the variety of shades of inflorescences: white, pink, red, purple and blue, it can not be yellow, no matter how hard breeders tried. However, it does not deteriorate at all the merits of this annual.

Among the latest - unpretentiousness to the conditions of growth, as well as the duration of flowering since the beginning of summer and until November. Grown it in the garden and on open balconies, as well as a tall lavator, only with the use of a steller and garters. There are also varieties growing in the form of shrubs, which are great for vases.

Features of cultivation and optimal conditions

For a comfortable increase in this culture, fertile soils are needed, necessarily with good drainage properties. At the same time, they must ensure a decent aeration of the root system. Do not suit the growth of the garden zone in which precipitation is possible Or closely arranged groundwater.

The reaction is preferred neutral soils. From the fall, the flower leaf is also desirable to help phosphorus and potassium or make a recoverable compost. In turn, fresh manure will be destroyed for fragrant peas. Nitrogenous fertilizers of this flower are absolutely not required.

It is necessary to fragrant peas good scattered lighting and heat to twenty-five degrees Celsius. Under the condition of drought and under constant straight rays of the Sun, he can reset inflorescences and even perish.

This flower is reproduced exclusively by seeds that are better to acquire from a proven manufacturer, because as in artificially derived petunias, their independently harvested seeds lose part of the qualities of the parent plant.

Basic pests The fragrant peas are nodule weevils and a wave, cope with which the spraying of insecticides or soapy.

Video on the topic

For decoration pricework It is impossible to better fit fragrant polka dots. His amazing bright colors always attract attention, lead to admiration. Inhaling their pleasant fragrance, you forget about everything. As you guessed, dear dachas and, the hero of our today's story - sweet pea. Growing from seeds, when to plant, photo and description - all this in the article.

Why is it worth putting siny peas?

1. High decorativeness. For extraordinary beauty, this plant love most. Although the removal of new varieties went slowly enough, today there are a whole set. They differ in all: coloring and form of colors, the structure of the bush (low and curly). Each color can choose to your taste. Having planted different varieties, you will get a real rainbow on your site, as demonstrated in the photo.

2. Blossom duration. This is the indisputable advantage of fragrant peas. With the right approach to cultivation, it can be achieved that it bloom most of the season. This beautiful representative of the flora is well tolerated small frosts, so it is possible to plant it early.
3. Bright fragrance. Bonus to a colorful picture created by fragrant peas on the plot - indescribable aroma!

In the photo Options for diseupy peas

Growing seedlings of fragrant peas - yes or no?

Some flower products unequivocally argue that growing fragrant peas through seedlings is the unjustified cost of forces. The plant is poorly withstanding the transplant due to the characteristics of the root system and the fragility of the stems.

On the other hand, the reckless growing of curly scented peas varieties leads to late blooming - in the second half of summer. Of course, everyone wants to observe such beauty from the very beginning of summer, therefore, despite problems with a transplant, many flower products are still taken for growing seedlings. If you want to collect seeds, then without seedlings you will most likely do not do.

With reckless cultivation of fragrant peas may not be able to collect seeds

Preparation of seeds for landing

Whether you will plant seeds in seedlings or immediately in open sadThey need to prepare carefully. Flowers advise them to soak and wait for them to scorn. This is especially important in the case of the use of purchased seeds, which can be doubted. During soaking, it is easy to control the process and see which seeds should be hidden, and which will not give germs at all.

First, the seeds are necessary for a day to pour water for swelling. Then water should be drained, and the seeds are wrapped in a moistened fabric, wrap polyethylene and put into a warm place. Those that will adopted, you can sow, the rest to discard or try to stretch again.

Growing seedlings of fragrant peas

If you still decided to strain your strength to grow seedlings and get the early bloom of fragrant peas, then the following tips will be accurately useful to you:

For sowing you need small but deep tanks. This can be disposable 200 gram cups. Roots in such a container dense earthen comes, and it will not collapse during the transplantation. In smaller containers, the ground will quickly disperse, and the poorly developed root will slow down the development of seedlings.
Immediately after the appearance of germs, transfer the packaging to the bright, but cool place. Well fit glazed balcony. If the only option is a windowsill, then you need to open a window often. In April, the light day is long enough so that seedlings of fragrant peppers have not experienced an acute need for additional lighting.
At the time of the full development of two real leaves in plants, it is necessary to remove the growth point. Side shoots can also be cut off, leaving two leafs. Such a measure will contribute to the active development of the root system.
If you are also growing seedlings of other cultures, you should not navigate them in the irrigation rate. Remember, fragrant peas requires much more moisture than other vegetable and decorative cultures. Do not allow the Earth to sing under it.
In the open ground, plan the plants at the age of one month - by this time there should be suitable routing conditions. Even if at the end of April or at the beginning of May and there are freezing, they are small, so that their fragrant polka dots will easily survive.
When disembarking, attach all the forces not to destroy the earthen com and do not break the gentle stalks of the plant. For a couple of days, if possible, create a small shadow above the sprouts.

And now about when planting a culture. Ideally make sowing seeds of fragrant pepper to seedlings in early April. Hurry up, putting landing in winter, it is not worth it. It will give thin and weak seedlings.

How and when to plant seeds in open ground

Landing seeds of fragrant peas in open ground is a more common way to grow culture. If the selected variety is long-term, it will have to do only once a few years. To the question - when to plant, answer: in May. And on the question - how to plant, let recommendations:

Distop the holes with a depth of 3 cm at a distance of 8-10 cm from each other.
In each hole, place 3 seeds.
Earth must be pole.

Fragrant pepper care, photo

It is time to talk about the care of fragrant peppers in the open soil. Check out the main tips of the flower water.

Watering. As already noted, fragrant peas is demanding of watering. He quickly absorbs water from the ground. Should warn you - if you appear on your site rarely, then you do not grow a magnificent blooming plants. And one more nuance: bushes from which you plan to collect seeds, you need to water much less often.

Podrel. By and large, fragrant polka dot can do without additional nutrition. But entering the ground feeding, you will achieve more lush and long flowering. If you decide to fertilize, choose feeding without chlorine and do not get carried away by nitrogenous fertilizers.

Sweet pea - This is a plant belonging to the genus of the bob family. It happens annual and perennial. It is unpretentious in planting and care. Perennial grade ranks have a weak pleasant smell and in one place can grow up to 10 years. Fragrant peas has angled stems and pink or purple flowerswho are collected in inflorescences.

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    Flower fragrant peas has a strong-defector root system capable of penetrating the soil to a depth of 1.5 m. Plant, like most legume cropsmay join symbiosis with nodule bacteria that absorb nitrogen from the air. Stems in the peas are climbing and weakwitch, capable of climbing the support with the help of modified leaves - branched musty.

    Begins to bloom the plant in July, and it lasts when proper care to the most frosts. Flowers shape resembles exotic colored butterflies. Peas fruits are small bivalve beans with seeds of spherical shape greenish, yellow or black and brown.


    Flower varieties Easy peas are:

    • tall;
    • direct;
    • shortly.

    Tall varieties (up to 3 m) include copies having large bright blurkers capable of reaching a length of 30 cm. Use them and on the cut, and for vertical landscaping. These include:

    • Alice is a variety from a delicate pink-creamy-lilac coloring flowers that are collected 4-5 pieces on long blurces;
    • Selektzvet - grade with burgundy-chestnut colors;
    • Cremona - corrugated fragrant flowers have cream color and collected 6-7 pieces on a bluer.

    Mattering varieties (up to 1 m):

    • Lumär - a rich-grade variety, whose flowers have a white-pink color;
    • 850th anniversary of Moscow - a variety that does not have a mustache with terry flowers pink colour On strong flower.

    Low grades (up to 60 cm):

    • Faith - possesses bright red flowers;
    • Floriad - is characterized by almy inflorescences;
    • Galina - has lilac-purple flowers.

    Plant Echinacea - Growing from seeds, landing in open ground and flower care


    Like other plants cultivated in the parisades, fragrant peas is preferably planted by sedale. An important role is played by the climate. If the soil does not freeze in the region, then the seeds can be planted immediately into the ground.

    Strong frosts can destroy young sprouts, so use a seed basis.

    Sowing seeds

    The cultivation of the seed flower begins with the fact that he is seeded at seedlings in mid-March. Since the seeds of the peas board are very difficult, they are soaked in water for 10-12 hours or kept in a 50-degree solution of the preparation of the bouton. Then for 2-4 days they should be germinated in wet sand or marle. When the seeds are tagged, they need to plant immediately.

    As a substrate, you use the store soils for roses and sensipolium or do so much independently. For this take the turf, peat and humus in a 1: 2 ratio. These components necessarily disinfect with a strong solution of manganese.

    Sowing is carried out in a wet soil to a depth of 2-3 cm, planting in every cup of 2-3 seeds. If a common capacity is used for seedlings, the distance between the seeds should be 8 cm. After sowing the soil, the pot is watered, the pot or box is covered with a film and put on a sunny window sill at a temperature of 18-22 degrees.

    Care for seedy

    When in a week or two seeds begin to actively grow, the film is removed from the tank and are attached to the room with a temperature of 15-16 degrees. The substrate should always be maintained in a slightly wet state, and seedlings - to provide good lighting. If there is no possibility to grow on the southern window, it is organized to it artificial lighting For 2-3 hours daily, using a daylight lamp or phytolampu.

    When the seedlings appear 2-3 of the present leaflet, it is plugged. It stimulates the development of lateral shoots. After the procedure, seedlings are fed by a solution of kemira.


    In the open soil, seedlings are planted in the end of spring. At this time, the soil is already well warmed and there is no threat to the reference of frosts. If the seedlings have already formed buds or flowers, then they need to cut them out so that the plant will send their energy to form the root system. 10 days before the seedling seedlings are charged procedures. For this pot with seedlings, every day is carried out on an open air and gradually increase the duration of stay until seedlings be able to be on the street.

    Easy polka dot prefers bright warmed places and wet drained soil enriched with fertilizers. Before boarding, the plot is drunk to the depth of the bayonet shovel with humus, compost, potash and phosphoric fertilizers. It is impossible to use fresh manure because it contributes to a fusarious fading.

    To plant seedlings, make holes at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other and planted into each 2-3 plants. If the grade is tall, then you need to immediately install supports. It is necessary to know that in the fall, annual fragrant polka dot dispose and plant it repeatedly on this site will be possible only in 4-5 years.

    How to care for peas?

    Caring for fragrant peas is not too time-consuming. To grow a plant, it is necessary:

    • watered
    • weed;
    • fertilize;
    • protect against diseases and pests.

    Watering the plant is needed regularly and sufficient water, otherwise, due to the lack of moisture, buds and flowers fall, and flowering will be short. In the arid summer, fragrant peas is recommended to water every day, spending 30-35 liters of water on m2 landing. To extend flowering, you need to get rid of faded flowers on time.

    Tall varieties are tied up to supports using a grid or twine for this. As the plant grows, its stems should be directed to the desired side, after which they are tested.

    Feed the fragrant peas is optional, but preferably. At the very beginning of growth, 1 Article is used as fertilizer. l. urea and 1 tbsp. l. Nitroposks that are stirred in 10 liters of water. At the beginning of flowering, the peas is fed by a solution of agricular and potassium sulfate, for the preparation of which in 10 liters of water stirred across the tablespoon of these components. In the midst of flowering, the plant fertilize agricolus and Ross, dissolving in a bucket of water on one tablespoon of fertilizers.

    Diseases and pests

    Fragrant peas can affect pests and fungal diseases. From the pests the greatest danger represents the nodule weevil and different types of Tly. At the beginning of the growing vegetation, the weevil stretches the semicircle along the edges of the leaves, and its larvae feed on the roots of the plant. As prophylactic measures from the pest during the seedlings, it is necessary to pour 100 ml of 0.1% chlorofosium solution in each well. The plants themselves are sprayed with the same solution.

    Fascular peas most often amazes pea, chinovaya and bean fault. These small pests are capable of sucking from plants juice, deforming their organs and infect with viral diseases. To destroy the TRU, the peas during the vegetation should be 2-3 times to treat drugs with drugs and cinb.

    Of the disease, the plant is amazed:

    • ackeochitosis;
    • viral mosaic;
    • root rot;
    • fusariosis;
    • peronosporosis;
    • puffy dew.

    With ascohitosis on the stems, beans and peas leaves arise brown spotsHaving clear boundaries. To cure the plant, it is treated with a solution of the drug Rogor.

    Pereronosporosis and mildews are manifested by a loose whims on the stems and leaves of plants. Gradually, they begin to turn yellow, wheam and fall. To destroy the causative agents of the disease, use a 5% solution of colloidal sulfur, which wash the leaves.

    Signs of fusariosis - yellowing and fading the leaves of fragrant peas. The affected plant is not amenable to treatment, therefore it is destroyed, and healthy bushes are treated with a solution of the drug Tilt. In order to prevent the site, it is necessary to observe the alternation of cultures.

    From the root rot and the black leg of the peas the roots and the root neck are trembling, with the result that the plant dies. Infected plants can not be saved, so they are destroyed, and healthy transplant to another place, pre-displacing the soil and roots.

    If the polka dot is striking the viral mosaic, then it is manifested by a barca pattern on the leaves, and the tops of infected plants are twisted and deformed. All plants that are sick with viral diseases should be removed and burned, because it is impossible to cure them.

    Plant in landscape design

    Easy peas is a wound plant with a large amount of mustaches. It blooms for a long time and has a pleasant aroma. Thanks to this, it is widely used in landscape design Plot and garden.

    Tall curly varieties are used to design fences, veranda, arches. With the help of artificial plantings and peas supports, you can disguise the most unsightly sections of the garden. It looks good and in the background of the flower bed.

    Low varieties are grown in balcony boxes, on the edge of the border or flower beds. Pea can be well combined with other annual and nicely adjacent to perennial plants. He contributes a tangible contribution to the garden ecology, enriching the soil with nitrogen and giving nectar useful insects.

Aromatic, collected in the assembly, fragrant peas flowers will add a fancy tint to any garden. Furious mustache develops on scented peas, which allow it to rise to fences and lattices, creating a magical atmosphere. They are easily growing in many climatic belts with proper preparation for vegetation. See step 1 to learn how to grow these delightful flowers.


Part 1

Landing fragrant peas seeds

    Buy seeds of fragrant peas. Easy peas, usually grown out of seeds. You can either put it in the seed trays in the room, and later transplant to garden beds, or immediately put it on the street. Seeds can be purchased at any garden store. Rare varieties look in online stores.

    • The "old-fashioned" fragrant peas will produce very fragrant flowers.
    • Spencer varieties have bright colors, but less fragrant. You will find them in pink, purple, blue, white and red colors.
  1. Determine when to start plant seeds. Fragrant peas can be grown in any zone, but it is important to know right timeto get them ready. They must be planted as early as possible to form a strong root system and survive in the summer. Therefore, to start planting seeds at the beginning of the year, as a rule, the best solution.

    • If you live in a temperate zone where the land does not freeze in winter, you can plant your seeds right into the ground already in November, although the landing in January or February will also fit. Water it during the winter, and scented peas will appear in the spring.
    • If you live in a zone where the winter is cold, plant seeds in a closed room. Thus, seedlings will be ready for landing, as soon as the first frost is held. If you wait too long to put seeds, they will not have time to root in the soil until the summer when the weather becomes hot.
  2. Soak or cut seeds. Scented peas seeds have best chances On germination, if you break the seed shell before boarding. You can do it or, soaking them in a saucepan with water at night, or using a tiny knife or manicure scissors to cut the surface of each seed.

    • If you have been frustrated by seeds, put only those that Nobuchi during night soaking. Refuse those that have not changed in size.
  3. Press the seeds in the substrate for seeds. For 5 weeks before the last frost (usually in mid-February or so), prepare small trays for seeding seeds or peat containers with a starting mixture for seeds. Press the seeds to the depth of 3 cm. And at a distance of 8 cm. From each other, or in separate compartments.

    Keep them warm and wet. Pour trays with seeds and slightly cover them with polyethylene film during the first week to adjust the temperature. Keep them in a greenhouse or on sunny window Indoor, where the temperature does not fall below 20 ° C. As soon as the seedlings are sprouting, remove the film and keep them with wet and warm until the time comes to put them immediately after the last frost.

    • If you are using trays for seeds, switch seedlings so that the distance between the seedlings was 14 cm. As soon as they do the leaves.
    • Cut flowers and buds before transplanting so that the energy of seedlings is sent to new growing roots.

    Part 2

    Landing fragrant peas
    1. Choose sunny place In the yard or in the garden. The fragrant peas of all varieties grows well in sunny areas, which makes them an excellent choice for open parts of the fence and walls. In the summer heat, fragrant peas grows well in a half, but it is better to find somewhere solar place on the safe side. Since fragrant polka dot will go, find the place where he can grow to the sky. It produces small mustache, which will close any type of pillar if you plant it nearby.

      • Easy peas is a great natural ornament for fences. if you have wooden fence Or a fence from the links of the chain that you want to decorate, put scented peas there.
      • Easy peas are often grilled on grilles or arches. This is another great choice, and it will also give your garden to the garden of a country cottage.
      • If you do not have a suitable place for fragrant peas, put several bamboo backups in the garden and put the fragrant polka dot there. It will give some height and beauty to your garden. In addition, you can create a tower of racks in a pot or a small gazebo.
      • You can plant fragrant peas among other plants, such as shrubs or vegetables.
    2. Enrich the soil. Fascular peas is best grows in fertile, well-drained soil. Prepare the ground for planting, treating it to a depth of 15 cm. And fertilizing with a compost or manure. This is especially important if your soil is heavy and clay; You will need to put an additional compost to make sure that the soil absorbs water, which is good enough for the roots of the fragrant peas.

      • To determine whether the soil is well drained enough, watch it after a heavy rain. If the water is going, and the puddles dry out for a long time, the soil is not drained there. If the water absorbs immediately, it is good for seedlings.
      • Use of raised beds - a good optionIf you think your soil is too clay and heavy to grow seedlings. They will also be useful for other plants you want to grow.
    3. Plant fragrant peas at the beginning of spring. Will you plant seeds inside and plant seedlings or you want to put seeds right on the garden in the garden, in early in the spring it's time to do it. If you live in a warm place where the land never freezes, you can land them in January or February. If you live in an area where the Earth freezes, wait until the first frosts go, and plant in the early middle of April.

      Dock the pits for fragrant peas. If you transplant seedlings, throw the holes at a distance of 14 cm. From each other and deep enough to set the seedlings to the root room to the ground. Slightly praise fresh soil around the stalks of seedlings. For seeds that you put directly into the ground, roll the pits with a depth of 3 cm. And at a distance of 8 cm. From each other. When they germinate, you need to dispel them so that they are at a distance of 14 cm. From each other, so that each plant has enough space for growth.

      Water fragrant polka dot. Finish, giving plants a good dose of fresh water. Easy peas will begin to grow quickly as soon as warm weather comes.

    Part 3.

    Fascinal Care

      Water it often in hot months. Easy polka dot should be beautiful and moisturized throughout the summer. Water it slightly every day, if there is no rain. Frequently check the soil surrounding scented peas stalks to make sure it is not drying.

      Feather once a month. Fragrant polka dot is pretty prolific, and monthly light application Fertilizers will support it blooming for weeks. This is not necessarily, but useful if you want it to produce more colors. Use compost, manure or fertilizer with high potassium content.

Turn the garden plot into the real paradise area is easy with the help of delicate scented peas. This woven flowering plant It will decorate any territory, laid by weight carpet various supports and spreading a pleasant thin fragrance in the air. As can be seen from the name, this plant has inflorescences with a pleasant gentle smell. In addition, thanks to the wide color palette It is easy to choose a shade of petals in the shower.

Benefits of growing fragrant peas

Walking on various supports fragrant peas with delicate flowers has a number of indisputable advantages, thanks to which he gained wide popularity among modern dacities and received distribution in the courtyards of private houses and on garden sites. The fragrant peas is quite unpretentious and will also suit the vertical landscaping of the balcony or loggia - with sufficient watering it is easy to grow in boxes from the ground.

Among the advantages of fragrant peas can be mentioned as follows:

  • high decorative properties - with the help of a given climbing plant, it is easy to create a flowering screen on the site, decorate the nippleny wall of the house or a barn, garden pergola, gazebo or fence;
  • unpretentiousness of this plant - it may well tolerate autumn and spring frost (up to -5 ° C);
  • the ability to form their weaving on the supports nearby a comfortable scattered shadow;
  • the low-spirited varieties of fragrant peas can be planted on flowerbeds without any supports;
  • higher growth rate compared to slowly growing curly leaning perennials;
  • long flowering period compared to many other curly annual plants (at least three months);
  • fragrant peas can be grown not only on the open soil, it grows perfectly in the balconies - this is optimally suitable for the south-eastern side of buildings;
  • this plant retains freshness in a cut form for quite a long time, bouquets of gentle flowers of fragrant peas are simply awesome.

Conditions for growing fragrant peas

This culture can be raised in various climatic zones. Fascinated pea feels perfectly on open and windless places (solar or slightly pritedy), in moisturized and drained air-permeable soil. This plant will not tolerate growth on heavy clay soils, constant overvollary or close grounding of groundwater, as a result of significant temperature drops can be reset the petals or to die.

Before planting fragrant peas, it is necessary to pre-prepare the soil by creating favorable conditions for the normal development of the root system. To do this, add a plot to a depth of 15-30 cm compost, as well as phosphoric and potash fertilizers in ordinary standards. It should be noted that for this culture it is not recommended to make nitrogen fertilizers, as well as fresh manure. To grow fragrant peas optimally suitable enough fertile soil with neutral acidity. In the case of increased acidity of the soil before landing this plant, it is recommended to apply the limring in advance by adding a haratedl lime.

Some gardeners argue that the growing of fragrant peas is not so easy - they say, the plant is quite capricious. In fact, figure out how to grow fragrant polka dots, it's not too difficult.

To create optimal conditions for growing this plant, several features should be taken into account:

  • growing a fragrant peas with the help of seedlings - the process is more laborious compared to planting seeds in open ground. In addition, it is worth considering that seedlings are characterized by less frost resistance and more capar. It is quite deeply leaving in the soil a branched root system of this plant, it does not always tolerate the transplant, and its thin long stems are easily broken. Thus, seedlings of fragrant peas must be replanted with an earthy pot;
  • this plant has seeds with a very dense shell, as a result of which their germination is often difficult and occurs unevenly in time. Gardeners use some tricks that allow you to speed up this process (pre-soaking, cutting or wiping with sandpaper);
  • locked plants are quickly drawn and can break, so it is recommended to install supports for weaving as soon as possible and tapping plants to them as needed;
  • for fragrant peas is characterized by the development of the root system deepening in the soil actively absorbing moisture. As a result, for the normal development of plants, it will be necessary to organize a regular abundant watering.

When to plant fragrant polka dots

To choose a condition suitable for planting this plant, first find out how well this particular variety tolerate cold, how to plant fragrant polka dots, what conditions are optimal for its cultivation. You should not pull the moment of disembarkation, since the growing season for this plant is quite long. From the moment of germination of seeds before the start of blossom of fragrant peas will take about two or three months. The earlier it happens, the sooner the plant will delight you with its bloom.

The dates of landing and care for fragrant peas must be correlated with climatic conditions. In the area with a soft subtropical climate, it is allowed to disembark this plant into the ground in November, with moderate - at the beginning of the spring (it should be done only if the soil does not freeze). With this growing scented peas of seeds by the middle of spring, the flowering of the plant should be expected.

With harsh winter, planting fragrant peas can also be taken in February, but not directly into open soil, but in a closed room. In this way, you can prepare seedlings in advance to the beginning of the garden season - to disembarking after melting snow to a permanent place of growth. In a moderate climate, it is recommended to pump seeds in April-early May. At the same time, depending on the current weather conditions, it is possible to plant fragrant polka dots into an open ground from the beginning of April to the beginning of summer.

Preparation of fragrant peas seeds

To speed up the germination of seeds of this plant, experienced gardeners use some tricks. Some craftsmen wipe the seeds between the layers of sandpaper, or gently slightly cut their surface with manicure scissors or a small knife. To create optimal conditions, the seeds of the fragrant peas of a brown-brown or grayish-brown color are soaked for several hours. It should be borne in mind that light cream seeds need to plant dry, since when soaking, they are often dying.

For the extension, place different seed grade into separate containers and fill with warm or hot water (up to 60 ° C). After some time (during the day), water should be drained and cover the seeds with a moistened tissue, periodically pouring a little water. You can also place them in moistened sand or sawdust. At a temperature of 18-23 ° C, shoots appear in about 6-10 days. After germination, the seeds should be immediately sang.

Landing fragrant peas

As mentioned above, this plant can be raised in two ways:

  • from seeds sitting directly into open ground;
  • from seedlings.

Each of these methods of cultivation of this cult has its advantages and adherents. It should be borne in mind that in a temperate climate when disembarking seeds directly into open soil blossom of fragrant peas will begin not earlier than the end of July. After the melting of snow and with sufficient heating of the soil, the seeds of fragrant peas are seeded into the open soil for several pieces (2-3 seeds). To do this, it is necessary to make the wells with a depth of 2-3 cm, located at a short distance (10-20 cm).

To grow seedlings of scented peas, it is necessary to prepare the soil mixture of the turf with the addition of humus, peat and sand. A narrow tanks can be used as a potential for seedlings (for example, disposable plastic cups 200 ml). Seeds need to land in the wells in a depth of about 2 cm and pour. The emerging shoots should be withstanding in a cool and bright place at a temperature of about 15 ° C, not forgetting about abundant irrigation, for two weeks - such conditions are optimal for the development of the root system of the plant and the formation of nitrogen, fixing the nitrogen soil. If weather conditions allow, it is convenient to place the seedlings on the glazed balcony. In addition, it can be placed on the windowsill in the cool room (at least at night it will be necessary to ensure the influx of cold air). To stimulate plant growth, it is recommended to hold a couple of times to feed the seedlings. A few weeks later, the roots of the scented peas are tightly collapsed in the cups of the earthlom. After the formation of the two first leaves, they pin down the growth point (removed the top), then the same need to do with side shoots and make feeding. Thus, the peas will start bushing, increasing the root mass.

For landing for a permanent place of growth in open soil, it is necessary to take the most carefully to pull out an earthen car with a seedliness from the pot in order not to destroy the root seedlock system. It is convenient to do this, after cutting and removing the plastic cup.

Fascinal Care

During the first two or three days of stay in the open ground, the seedlings are advisable to take. As a rule, at first planted plants freeze for several days, and then go to growth. During the week, fragrant peas can grow new, already much more powerful compared to previously developed lateral shoots.

After disembarking into an open ground, this plant needs conventional care in the form of periodic weeding, loosening and not very frequent, but abundant irrigation. In addition, it will be necessary to ensure support for developing curly plants - For these purposes, the grid is suitable or stretched twine. As the shoots of fragrant peas increases, it is necessary to focus in the right direction, and in such a position to be taught. In order to stimulate the development of the apparent processes of the root system, it will be necessary to impair the plant and make feeding. To do this, the nutritious substrate must be added to the roasting system of young shoots.

There is also an important nuance that should be considered when growing fragrant peas. To prolong the flowering of plants, it is necessary to cut the appearing marking of the pods (flashing flowers), since otherwise it may stop within a month. To obtain seeds, it is enough to leave several pods on each plant.

Due to excessive moisturgen of soil and air, this plant may affect various diseases - for example, malievable dew, as well as root rot. In addition, the appearance of pests in the form of snails and slugs.
