Every person sometimes experiences hand numbness. It is important to note that such numbness is not a disease, but a symptom caused by more serious problems in the body. However, if numbness of the hands and fingers occurs in you in the morning, after sleeping in a “twisted” or uncomfortable position, or you have a habit of putting your hands under the pillow, then in this case, your hands just periodically go numb, and a little exercise for your hands will return their sensitivity back to normal. It is inappropriate to talk about illness here. But if your hands and fingers go numb arbitrarily, for no reason, then you must definitely find out what is caused by this and fight the source of the disease.

Causes of hand numbness.Hand numbness can be caused by:

  • endocrine system diseases
  • joint injuries
  • inflammatory processes in the joints
  • polyneuropathy
  • cervical spine
  • carpal tunnel syndrome

Let's talk about the latter in more detail. Carpal tunnel syndrome occurs when a person regularly performs repetitive work in which the body is constantly in the same position. As a rule, such work is working at a computer. Sometimes numbness is accompanied by pain and burning sensation in the fingers. These symptoms are due to the fact that as a result of swelling of the hand, the median nerve in the wrist is pinching the tendons. With carpal tunnel syndrome, malaise begins to occur after waking up, but over time, the pain caused by pinching of the median nerve begins to disturb at any time of the day, and interfere with sleep at night.

What to do if hands become numb?

Treatment of hand numbness with traditional medicine.Improving blood circulation in the vessels will contribute to the disappearance of such a problem as numbness in the hands. To improve blood circulation, introduce moderate but regular exercise into your life. Provide physical activity in the required amount maybe ordinary morning exercises or long walks at an active pace.

You can also perform therapeutic exercises for the fingers and hands: while lying down, put something under your head, raise your hands up and actively shake them for several minutes, you can also clench and unclench your hands into fists.

Contrast baths will also be beneficial for numb hands. Fill two containers with hot and cold water. Beginning with cold water, alternately lower your hands in cold or hot water. In general, in one approach, the hands should visit 5 times in a container with and 5 times in a container with a warm one. After that, rub your hands with turpentine ointment and put on warm mittens. Repeat the exercise twice a day.

When the hands are numb, it is very important to strengthen the blood vessels. This can be done very in a simple way - drink a glass of hot water in the morning on an empty stomach.

A mixture of celery and parsley can also help you. In addition to these two ingredients, you will need honey and two lemons. Parsley and celery should be taken by a kilogram, and honey - 250 milliliters. Mix all the ingredients and pass them through a meat grinder or puree them with a blender. The resulting mixture should be eaten in the morning, on an empty stomach, in portions of 2-3 tablespoons.

Use pumpkin porridge to solve the problem with your ailment. Prepare pumpkin porridge and, while still warm, apply it all over your arm, right up to the shoulder joint. Then the hand with the mass applied to it should be wrapped with a scarf or scarf made of wool, and leave everything for a while. The problem hand will warm up well, and after several such procedures, you will notice improvements.

Use pickles for treatment. Their mixture with spicy is used for grinding. To prepare a grinding agent, it is necessary to cut pickled cucumbers, add three pods of hot red pepper to the resulting mass, which must also be pre-chopped. Pour a mixture of peppers and cucumbers with 500 milliliters of vodka, mix everything thoroughly and put in a dark place to infuse. The tincture will be ready for use in 7 days. But before rubbing fingers and hands, it should be filtered.

For rubbing, you can also use a tincture of marsh rosemary. Pour the rosemary in a ratio of one to three (there should be more vinegar) and let it brew for seven days. After this period, rub your fingers with the obtained drug three times a day. Such procedures should be repeated until the attacks of numbness in the upper extremities disappear.

Quite an easy way to get rid of the loss sensitivity of fingers and hands - tie a thread of wool around the wrist. It must be constantly worn like a bracelet without taking it off. After a while, you will notice that this small piece of fur has improved the numbness situation.

And finally, one more effective method overcome the numbness of the hands. Fill a container with hot water, immerse your hands in it. Then, alternately press with each finger on the bottom of the container. Try to do this with your best effort. This simple procedure will quickly revive your fingers.

The feeling of numbness and loss of sensitivity in the fingers in the morning is familiar to many. What to do if fingers become numb and is this symptom harmless? Many simply do not attach importance to it, attributing the ailment to an uncomfortable posture during sleep. However, paresthesia (numbness) of the fingers may indicate circulatory disorders and pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous system... If you constantly notice loss of sensitivity in your fingers, this should be a reason to see a doctor.

Why are fingers numb?

Numbness (paresthesia) of the fingers is not an independent pathology, but the initial symptom of many diseases. It is in the fingers of the hands that many nerve endings are concentrated, which are associated with different zones of the body that are responsible for its normal functioning. When physiological processes are disturbed, impulses are transmitted through the nerve plexuses to the fingertips and cause tingling, numbness or a feeling of crawling "goose bumps". The unpleasant symptoms usually appear at night or in the morning after waking up.

The most harmless reason for this condition is considered to be an incorrect and uncomfortable posture in a dream. In this case, it is enough to vigorously clench the fingers into a fist several times for the hand to restore its functions. Often fingers become numb with general hypothermia, intoxication of the body with alcohol or drugs, regular contact with harmful chemicals.

Hand numbness often occurs after injuries to the extremities or is a consequence of professional activity. For example, fingertips on the hands often go numb when typing on a computer every day, knitting, embroidering and other painstaking and monotonous work. In women, paresthesia is caused by tightly fitting jewelry on the hands (bracelets, rings). During pregnancy, the feeling of numbness appears due to fluctuations in the hormonal background, edema and other pathologies accompanying this condition.

If numbness occurs repeatedly and covers the same finger (pinky, ring), ignore alarming symptom not worth it. It may indicate the development of serious pathologies that require timely treatment. Since each finger on the hand is associated with a specific zone, it can be assumed in which organ pathological changes occur.

What does the numbness of the fingers say?

Taking into account how paresthesia manifests itself, and which fingers it affects, one can judge possible diseases and pathological conditions.

So, if the fingers go numb and this syndrome manifests itself constantly, the cause may be osteochondrosis and other pathological processes in the spine. The same symptom that occurs at night accompanies other dangerous ailments and can be a sign of polyneuropathy, thrombosis and developing stroke, so it cannot be ignored.

With pinched nerves and developing cervical osteochondrosis, the little finger on the hand most often loses sensitivity and this sensation can persist throughout the day. If the middle finger of the right hand suffers, it is most likely that the cervical vertebrae in the collar zone are affected by osteochondrosis.

If the fingers of the left hand become numb, the cause must be sought in dysfunction of the heart and blood vessels. Most often, at risk of a heart attack or stroke, two fingers are exposed to numbness - the little finger and the ring finger of the left hand. When this sign appears, you need to rush to an appointment with a cardiologist and be examined.

The ring finger of the right hand can go numb with constant wearing of a tight ring or prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position, accompanied by muscle leakage. When the ring fingers on both hands go numb, the cause is most likely prolonged muscle strain.

If the tips of the fingers become numb, the reasons must be sought in the diet. This symptom is often accompanied by vitamin deficiency, when the body is acutely deficient in vitamins. The same symptom can be observed in persons who for a long time, without interruption for rest, work at a computer.

For the same reason, the thumb on the hand suffers, since constant muscle tension when using a computer mouse provokes tunnel syndrome, causes painful sensations and loss of sensitivity.

When the index and thumb go numb at the same time, this indicates pathological changes in the nervous system caused by chronic stress. When the hand goes numb from the shoulder to the fingers, the cause is considered to be injuries, lesions of the elbow joint or pinching of nerve endings in the forearm.

Diseases that cause numb fingers

Paresthesia of the fingers of the upper extremities is a frequent companion of various diseases. Let's consider the most common ones:

Osteocondritis of the spine

Accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic changes in the cartilaginous tissue of the intervertebral discs. In advanced cases, damage to the cervical spine can cause numbness in the fingers. This is due to the fact that the cartilaginous tissue is destroyed, and bone formations (osteophytes) squeeze the nerve endings, disrupting the blood circulation processes and provoking a loss of sensitivity of the upper limbs.

You can even determine which vertebrae are affected and are subject to destruction, if you pay attention to the fingers that are losing sensitivity. So, numbness of the little finger, ring and middle fingers indicate damage to the 7th and 8th cervical vertebra. If the thumb, index and middle fingers are involved in the pathological process, dystrophic changes affect the 6th vertebra.

With osteochondrosis, finger numbness occurs periodically and usually affects only one hand (left or right). When characteristic symptoms appear and the diagnosis is clarified, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, including X-ray of the cervical spine, computed tomography or MRI.


A common disease, accompanied by a drop in hemoglobin levels below the established norm. The reason for this condition can be adherence to strict diets, unbalanced nutrition, lack of vitamins or concomitant diseases that provoke iron deficiency in the body.

Anemia is accompanied by pale skin, weakness, itching, brittle hair and nails, and numbness in the fingers and toes.

Tunnel syndromes (carpal, ulnar)

With hand syndrome, a nerve that passes through the wrist is pinched. Typical signs are most often diagnosed in persons whose professional activity is associated with constant bending of the hands in the wrist area (musicians, operators, packers). Carpal tunnel syndrome is accompanied by a tingling sensation, burning and numbness in the fingers (middle, index) or the entire hand. Sometimes the characteristic symptoms develop after trauma, surgery, or during pregnancy.

The entrapment of the nerve from the elbow to the wrist is accompanied by the elbow syndrome. The cause of this condition is trauma, arthritis, arthrosis, joint deformity, loss of muscle and fat mass, the habit of leaning on the elbows. The disease is manifested by burning and numbness of the little finger and ring finger, painful sensations radiating to the elbow.

Raynaud's phenomenon

The disease develops against the background of autoimmune diseases or harmful occupational factors (vibration at work). Pathology is accompanied by numbness of the fingers and toes, discoloration of the fingertips in response to cold exposure or stress.

Under vibration, loss of sensation is usually observed on the thumbs. In severe forms of the disease, there is a risk of complications associated with thrombosis and limited nerve conduction.


Severe autoimmune disease, the causes of which are still unknown. It develops mainly at the age of 30-50 years and is accompanied by dysfunction of internal organs, damage to the skin and blood vessels, which gradually lose elasticity and become denser.

The development of the disease is accompanied by joint and muscle pain, hemorrhages, indigestion, heart failure. A common symptom is a tingling sensation and numbness in the fingers and toes.

Diabetic neuropathy

The course of diabetes mellitus, in addition to specific manifestations, is often accompanied by loss of sensitivity in the arms and legs. These are neurological syndromes that are caused by a violation of medical recommendations, irregular medication and inadequate control of blood sugar levels.

This produces a tingling sensation and swelling of the fingers on both hands, which is worse at night. Sometimes only the index finger on one hand is numb.

Alcoholic neuropathy

In addition to damage to internal organs (liver, kidneys, heart), they cause dysfunctions of the nervous system. Toxic substances formed during the breakdown of ethanol inhibit the work of the brain and destroy nerve cells.

As a result, in addition to the symptoms of alcohol poisoning, there are pains in the hands, swelling, impaired sensitivity and numbness of the fingers.

Myocardial infarction

Usually accompanied by a sharp pain in the chest, radiating to the left arm. In this case, the hand becomes numb from the shoulder to the fingers. Therefore, loss of sensitivity in the fingers of the left hand is an alarming symptom, indicating heart problems and indicating the likely development of a heart attack.


Violation of blood circulation in the vessels of the brain is accompanied by a sudden, acute headache, impaired coordination of movements, loss of sensitivity and severe muscle weakness in the arms and legs. This is a most dangerous condition that threatens life, which, like myocardial infarction, requires urgent medical attention and hospitalization of the patient.

To provoke numbness in the fingers, a lack of vitamin B may occur. In this case, there is a loss of sensitivity in the fingers on both hands and feet, accompanied by muscle cramps, weakness, a drop in pressure, insomnia and other symptoms. Swelling of the fingers can accompany intoxication of the body with salts of heavy metals or chemicals, as well as any neurological diseases and other pathologies that are manifested by paresthesias.

The characteristic symptoms affecting both hands often cause psychosomatic causes or circulatory disturbances in the limbs associated with degenerative spinal lesions. Often, numbness of the fingers in the morning is a companion of patients suffering from increased blood pressure, metabolic disorders, obesity.

Limb flow, in which not only fingers, but also hands lose sensitivity, can accompany many diseases of the endocrine system or latent inflammatory processes. Therefore, you should not write off the alarming symptoms for a simple malaise and try to consult a doctor as soon as possible for examination and further treatment.


At a doctor's appointment, it is imperative to describe all the manifestations accompanying numbness of the fingers, note the nature and duration of the symptom, the time (morning or evening) when it most often occurs, and which fingers undergo paresthesia. The doctor will take into account all the nuances when making a diagnosis. In order to accurately determine the cause of the problem, the patient will be referred for a series of medical examinations, which include:

  • blood test (general and biochemistry);
  • analysis of urine;
  • determination of blood sugar;
  • ECG and ultrasound of the heart;
  • x-ray of the spine;
  • MRI or CT of the spine;
  • dopplerography of vessels.

If necessary, additional diagnostic tests may be prescribed. After clarifying the diagnosis, the therapist will refer the patient to narrow specialists. Depending on the cause of the disease, the further course of treatment will be selected by a cardiologist, rheumatologist, neurologist or endocrinologist.

What to do - basic treatments

If the numbness of the fingers is caused by concomitant diseases, the treatment regimen is selected taking into account the specific problem. The basis of therapeutic measures is drug treatment, physiotherapy methods, massage, a course of medical gymnastics or manual therapy, lifestyle adjustments.

Drug treatment

If the cause of the swelling of the fingers is osteochondrosis, spondylosis and other degenerative lesions of the spine, the doctor will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs for oral administration and topical preparations (in the form of ointments or creams) designed to relieve pain and swelling in problem area... In severe cases (for example, with the formation of a spinal hernia), the problem is eliminated with the help of surgical intervention.

For cardiac pathologies, dysfunctions of the nervous system, joint lesions (arthritis, arthrosis) and other pathologies, only a specialist can choose an effective treatment. The patient's task is to accurately follow the doctor's recommendations and take medications in accordance with the instructions.

In case of vitamin deficiencies, the patient is prescribed vitamin and mineral complexes, carries out general strengthening therapy, and gives recommendations on proper nutrition... The intake of vitamins B, A, E, micro- and macroelements has a beneficial effect on the nervous and muscular system. All necessary vitamins can be obtained with food, but it is better to take vitamin preparations that are optimal in composition, which will fully provide the body with all the necessary substances.

Massage procedures, physiotherapy exercises

And special exercises for squeezing and unclenching the fingers will help speed up blood circulation and quickly eliminate the swelling and numbness of the fingers in the morning, provoked by an uncomfortable posture during sleep.

In case of osteochondrosis, a professional massage of the cervical collar zone gives an excellent result. It should be performed by an experienced massage therapist with a medical diploma. In diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, certain types of massage are also used, which allow to eliminate unpleasant symptoms and improve the general condition of the patient.

Physiotherapy methods

To eliminate the numbness of the fingers, a variety of physiotherapy methods are used. For example, magnetotherapy sessions help to restore impaired blood circulation, relieve joint pain, relieve swelling and restore sensitivity in the fingers.

Ozokerite compresses and paraffin therapy are effective for osteochondrosis. Warming up the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe spine relieves morning stiffness, improves mobility and relieves the feeling of numbness in the morning.

Sessions of electrophoresis help to deliver a medicine with an anti-inflammatory effect directly to the lesion and thereby eliminate pain, swelling, paresthesia of the fingers and other unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Folk remedies for numbness of fingers include massage using essential oils or contrasting water procedures, when hands are alternately lowered first into cold, then into hot water (for a few seconds). Natural esters of eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit, basil are suitable for rubbing, which are added in a volume of 2-3 drops to vegetable oil and then use this mixture for massage treatments.

Fingers often go numb in pianists, writers, seamstresses, or the elderly, but representatives of these categories simply ignore the alarming symptom. In fact, numbness is not only a sign of overstrain, but also evidence of serious pathological changes in the body. By the localization of the symptom, it is often possible to diagnose or suggest possible problems with health. We will talk about this in this article.

Why fingers go numb: general information

Doctors of different profiles will agree that a large number of nerve endings are concentrated in the hands. Chiropractors and representatives of oriental medicine also believe that the health of the limbs can determine the peculiarities of the course of physiological processes in the body.

If fingers go numb, then this is always not a separate independent disease, but the first sign of a certain pathology of internal organs. Numbness is often accompanied by a slight tingling sensation and paresthesia ("goose bumps" on the skin). Unpleasant symptoms disturb the patient at night or immediately after waking up.

When the hands not only grow numb, but also grow cold, this indicates a violation of blood circulation in the upper limbs. Such a problem can be caused by both local pathologies and diseases of internal organs. By what kind of fingers go numb, one can conditionally determine the problem organs of a person, and in some cases even make a diagnosis.

Numbness of the thumb and forefinger

Most often, it is the thumbs that are affected. If the unpleasant symptoms persist, but the person does not pay attention to it, he may lose sensitivity or even the functionality of the problem area. The thumb and forefinger usually go numb if there is an inflammatory process in the body or on initial stages diseases of the musculoskeletal system: intervertebral discs or cervical vertebrae, which pinch the nerve roots.

Numbness in these two fingers indicates a significant overload of the neuromuscular apparatus. Most often we are talking about frequent and long-term monotonous work with brushes (writing, embroidery, knitting, playing the piano, etc.). Please note that this reason is usually asymmetrical: in right-handers, the symptom manifests itself on the right hand, and in left-handers - on the left, depending on which limb is more overstrained. Instead of numbness, there may also be convulsive clenching of the fingers or stiffness in their movements.

The ring and middle fingers go numb

The ring finger becomes numb due to pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Most patients note that the intensification of the discomfort increases at night, by the morning turning into a barely noticeable tingling sensation. Often, numbness begins at the fingertips and extends to the entire surface of the upper limb.

If it brings the ring and middle fingers from the outside, which is accompanied by irradiation of an unpleasant feeling to the back of the hand, weakness and pain, then this may indicate a pinching of the nerve plexus of the shoulder or a disease of the elbow joint. Often, the same symptoms appear with alcohol abuse or smoking.

The little finger usually goes numb at night, and this indicates pathologies of the cardiovascular system. Depending on the specific disease, painful sensations can radiate to the inner side of the forearm and spread up to the elbow joint.

Other causes of finger numbness

To others possible reasonsthat can provoke numbness in the fingers include:

  • Osteochondrosis, protrusion (bulging of the vertebrae), herniated discs of the lower cervical zone.
  • Excessive stress on the muscles of the neck and collar zone.
  • Cerebral circulation disorder.
  • Violation of the patency of vessels caused by squeezing them by osteophytes (growths bone tissue), hernia or protrusion.
  • Stressful situations and long-term emotional experiences.
  • Lack of vitamins A and B, which causes fingertip hypersensitivity.
  • Pathology internal systems organs: liver, kidneys, lungs.
  • It is quite normal to occur after crushing or hypothermia of the fingers.
  • Unhealthy sleep: insomnia, lack of sleep, sleeping in an uncomfortable position, etc.
  • Intoxication after poisoning with medicines, alcohol or certain chemicals.
  • Consequences of hand injuries.
  • Constant wearing of small or uncomfortable accessories such as rings or bracelets.
  • Brain disorders.
  • Raynaud's disease, in which blood circulation in the small blood vessels of the hands and fingers is impaired.
  • Tunnel syndrome is a disease of the carpal tunnel.
  • Upper limb thrombosis.
  • Polyneuropathy is an organic lesion of the nerve plexuses of the hands and fingers.
  • Fungal nail diseases.
  • Diabetes mellitus, in which normal blood circulation is disrupted.

What to do if your finger goes numb?

First of all, it is necessary to rid the diseased area of \u200b\u200bunnecessary stress. To do this, try not to do long-term strenuous and monotonous work, but do not refuse to knead your fingers. You can start with lightly rubbing or stroking the fingers of the patient's healthy hand with the fingers. Then several times bend and straighten your fingers at the joints, "play" with them. Such a simple gymnastics will help in uncomplicated cases when the finger is numb due to hypothermia or overload, but it will be ineffective when it comes to a serious illness of internal organs. If pain persists, be sure to see a doctor.

Treatment by a specialist

Still, most often the fingers reduce due to the compression of the nerve endings in the cervical zone, therefore, we will give the treatment of numbness in this particular pathology. In other cases, the appropriate specialists are involved in therapy: a cardiologist, a therapist, a chiropractor, a neurologist, a massage therapist, etc. In the case of compression of the nerve roots, drug treatment is used to eliminate edema during inflammation, to reduce muscle spasm and pain, restore the work of small vessels and remove harmful products of pathological metabolism.

In severe cases, analgesics are prescribed when there is severe discomfort. Often, doctors recommend taking vitamin and mineral complexes, chondroprotectors (drugs - "protectors of the vertebrae," prescribed for the prevention and treatment of osteoarthritis, tendinopathies, etc.), which affect the normal innervation of the problem area.

In addition to drug therapy, a local effect is also needed. One of the most effective options is manual therapy. It allows you to eliminate muscle spasm and edema at the site of degeneration in just a few sessions, improve the functional ability of the vertebrae and joints. This, in turn, contributes to the normalization of blood circulation in the hands and fingers, and therefore to a decrease in numbness.

Medical gymnastics also helps to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. Active muscle contractions restore the full functioning of the peripheral vessels and quickly relieve numbness. Among physiotherapeutic methods, ultrasound therapy, magnetotherapy and laser treatment can be considered effective. These procedures stimulate and accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues and their blood supply.

Alternative medicine methods (hirudotherapy, vacuum therapy or acupuncture) are auxiliary and enhance the effect of the main procedures, but they are never prescribed independently. Often, doctors also recommend a special diet to their patients - to saturate the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals and prevent possible diseases... Patients with numbness of fingers are shown a diet high in seafood, lean fish, fruits and vegetables. It is also useful to drink vegetable oil (for example, flaxseed oil, as it contains a lot of omega-3 fatty acids) in a teaspoon or tablespoon per day. The dosage depends on the doctor's prescription.

Remember that numbness of the fingers can be not only the result of banal overexertion or sleep in an uncomfortable position, but also a symptom of a serious pathology. Do not self-medicate, consult a therapist and get qualified medical care!

If happens numbness of fingers , this symptom is, of course, unpleasant. But since it is quite possible to endure it, very often people ignore the numbness of the fingertips for a long time. But this approach is unacceptable, since this symptom may indicate the development of unpleasant diseases. Most often, however, such loss of sensitivity is associated with commonplace reasons. But you still need to know about those diseases that are ways to provoke such manifestations in order to take timely measures and provide adequate treatment.

What could be the reason for numbness in the fingers?

If the fingers become numb, the reasons for this phenomenon may not be associated with the development of diseases or be the result of ailments. The following natural causes of hand numbness are identified:

  • severe hypothermia;
  • prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position during sleep;
  • the influence of chemicals - heavy metals, drugs, alcohol.

For such reasons, the toes can also go numb.

Reasons associated with the development of pathologies:

  • Tunnel Syndromes - Ulnar Tunnel Syndrome, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
  • Autoimmune diseases -, .
  • Other diseases - anemia , violation of metabolic processes (and others), infectious diseases (), progressive nervous diseases, spondylosis of the cervical spine, depression.

It is important to remember that numbness of the fingers, gradually covering the entire limb or even one side of the body, is a reason to see a doctor urgently. Such signs may indicate that it is developing.

Numbness that is not related to disease

If the tips of the fingers on the hands become numb, the causes of this condition may be associated with physiology, which is why the utmost attention should be paid to the state of the body. Almost every person experienced the feeling of "not their own hands" when in a dream both limbs were squeezed or one. That is, if the hand is "laid back", then the fingers will become numb. But you only need to hold your hand in a normal position for a few minutes and actively clench your fist to eliminate this condition. A tingling sensation will be felt at first and the numbness will gradually go away.

Temporary loss of sensitivity is quite possible if you stay outside for a long time or keep your hands in water on frosty days. However, if this is repeated regularly, or numbness from cold is characteristic only for a certain part of the body (for example, only one finger becomes numb), then there is reason to suspect the development of pathology.

Numbness in one finger is warranted if the ring is too tight.

Tunnel syndromes

These are pathological conditions that are characterized by loss of sensitivity.

This condition is caused by compression of the median nerve that travels through the wrist. Typically, this syndrome develops in people engaged in certain activities in which you have to bend your arms a lot at the wrists. These are packers, musicians, those who work a lot on the computer, etc.

Probably the development of this syndrome after injuries, operations, with edema in pregnant women, with ... The main signs of this disease are burning, numbness, tingling sensation in the index, thumb and middle fingers. It happens that such sensations cover the entire brush.

The person feels worse at night. With prolonged squeezing, the muscles weaken, and permanent damage to the nerves occurs.

In the process of establishing a diagnosis, the doctor is guided by the patient's complaints, as well as the results of MRI, electromyography, etc. Treatment involves the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, the use of splints in the wrist area. In some cases, the muscles and nerves are released from the clamping by surgical methods.

It is important to see a doctor when the first symptoms appear, as such diseases of the fingers can eventually lead to disability.

Elbow Tunnel Syndrome

This condition causes the ulnar nerve to be pinched from the elbow to the wrist. Most often, this condition manifests itself due to the following reasons:

  • deformities of the elbow joint in people suffering from arthrosis and ;
  • suffered injuries;
  • the habit of constantly leaning on your elbows when a person is resting or working;
  • extensive with blood diseases;
  • the presence of a subcutaneous implant for contraception;
  • tumors;
  • unsuccessful vein piercing, when the patient is given a dropper and blood is taken for analysis;
  • wasting, which is accompanied by the loss of muscle and fat mass;
  • unexplained reasons.

The main signs of elbow syndrome are tingling, burning, and numbness in the little and ring fingers. If the disease progresses, the patient complains of pain and weakness in the fingers. His muscles are depleted, it becomes difficult to manipulate his hand.

Elbow tunnel syndrome is also determined by a special feature: when a person hides a hand in a trouser pocket, his little finger remains on the edge of the pocket.

The doctor makes such a diagnosis based on the patient's complaints. Initially, common causes of nerve damage are excluded, an MRI or X-ray examination is performed. The specialist asks the patient about the trauma or surgery.

If numbness, even slight, is noted, the patient is advised to constantly keep his arm in a straightened position and do this even in sleep. To fix the limb in this position, soft splints are used. Provided that such methods are ineffective, and the weakness increases, surgical treatment must be performed.

Raynaud's disease

So-called raynaud's phenomenon it is customary to divide into primary and secondary. The first manifests itself without specific causes and diseases. The second, as a rule, is a consequence of the consequence of systemic autoimmune diseases ( rheumatoid arthritis , and etc.). It can also occur due to vibrations in production.

This is a severe autoimmune disease, when the walls of blood vessels, skin, internal organs gradually become denser, lose their elasticity and cease to perform their functions. is not a hereditary disease, however, relatives of a person with this ailment are still more likely to get sick.

In most cases, the disease develops in middle-aged women - at the age of 30-50. The causes of scleroderma are currently unknown.

The following signs of scleroderma appear:

  • there is a thickening of the skin, it begins with the fingers;
  • there is numbness and tingling in the fingers;
  • wrinkles on the face disappear;
  • appear bright and dark spots on the skin;
  • compacted areas shine;
  • small punctate hemorrhages appear on the skin;
  • joints and muscles hurt;
  • celebrated raynaud's phenomenon ;
  • worries increasing;
  • digestion is disturbed;
  • vision deteriorates;
  • the person wheezes, it is hard for him to open his mouth wide.

Scleroderma can be diagnosed visually. But to establish a diagnosis, a biochemical, general blood test, as well as an analysis for autoantibodies .

If the diagnosis is doubtful, the area of \u200b\u200bthe body that was affected is performed.

Symptomatic therapy is carried out to relieve the main symptoms of the disease.

Prescribe anti-inflammatory, phlegm-thinning drugs, as well as steroids, laxatives, etc. In addition, it is important to adhere to a balanced diet, quit smoking and alcohol intake. You cannot work in cold conditions, you need to treat all ulcers and skin lesions on time.

Any diseases associated with autoimmune processes can provoke numbness of the fingers associated with nerve damage. Therefore, in such cases, you need to consult a rheumatologist.

Sometimes discomfort in the fingers causes psychological problems... Therefore, if you have not only this symptom, but also others (such as increased heart rate, irritation, etc.), you need to contact a specialist. After all, a depressive state requires proper treatment.

Guillain-Barré Syndrome

This is an acute inflammation of the nerves and nerve roots, as a result of which there is a violation of the tactile and motor function. As a rule, when fingers become numb and tingling is felt, this indicates the onset of the development of the disease. Also featured Guillain-Barré syndrome are:

  • aching and throbbing pain in the thighs, buttocks, back;
  • too fast or too slow heartbeat;
  • dyspnea;
  • difficulty speaking and swallowing;
  • weakness in the limbs, immobility is possible.

As a rule, these symptoms begin to bother a person after suffering or digestive disorders.

An autoimmune process develops, it happens acutely, and the patient becomes as bad as possible after 2-4 weeks. Then the symptoms gradually subside.

It is very important to provide adequate rehabilitation after the autoimmune inflammation subsides. The healing process is long and may take several months.

If the process is difficult, death can occur due to respiratory arrest or other serious disturbances. However, in most cases, a person has a normal chance of a full recovery of the body.

The influence of alcohol

In people who abuse alcohol, in addition to a number of other disorders, neuropathynerve damage. This condition is defined by a special term - alcoholic neuropathy .

Once in the body, ethanol disrupts the absorption of proteins, folates, thiamine. In addition, ethanol derivatives contribute to the destruction nerve cells... Abnormalities in the liver can also occur, affecting neuromuscular transmission. That is why the fingers of alcohol lovers often go numb.

Poisoning by chemicals and heavy metals

If a person is forced to work in an enterprise where the harmful effects of chemicals are noted, over time, they may also develop unpleasant symptoms. We are talking about those who work in construction, metallurgical enterprises, in the shops of chemical enterprises. They often have to come into contact with hazardous substances. As a result, often numbness of the fingers occurs due to contact with lead, thallium, arsenic, mercury, solvents, etc.

In addition, in such cases, difficulties in breathing, digestion may develop, and impairment of consciousness is likely. If such signs appear after contact with chemicals, you should immediately consult a doctor.


Numbness of the fingers is possible after the use of certain medicines. It is a drug against, an antineoplastic agent , a number of drugs against, gold compounds,. As a rule, such side effects are indicated in the instructions for the medicine.


If develops type 1 diabetes mellitus , then the patient's state of health rapidly deteriorates. Nerves are damaged only after an extended course of the disease. When type 2 diabetes symptoms may be subtle, but neurologic manifestations may be present at the time of diagnosis. Unpleasant consequences often appear if a person does not take medication regularly and does not control the level glucose ... One of the most famous disorders is the so-called "diabetic foot", when the sensitivity in the legs worsens and ulcers form.

However, the condition of the nervous tissue of the upper extremities is also very often disturbed, which leads to numbness of the fingers or hands. Numbness of the fingers at night is very common. The causes and treatment of such a condition should be determined by a doctor, because if both hands or one go numb at night, and at the same time a person has suspicions of developing diabetes mellitus, an urgent need to visit a doctor.

In the process of diagnosing diabetic neuropathy, the doctor must initially confirm that the patient has diabetes. For this, it is important to determine what the glucose level is, as well as the indicators of glycosylated hemoglobin in the blood. Also held general analysis urine.

Sometimes a number of other examinations are required - the state of blood vessels, heart, nerves in the fundus, etc.

In diabetes mellitus, it is important to constantly maintain normal glucose levels, use drugs to lower blood sugar, or administer insulin .

Provided that the patient will carefully monitor his health, regularly visit the doctor and follow all his recommendations, with diabetes, it will be possible to avoid serious complications.

Vitamin B1 deficiency

Disadvantage ( ) in the body can provoke a number of unpleasant symptoms. Severe thiamine deficiency can result in disease take it ... With this disease, the function of the nervous system is disrupted. Beriberi in severe form leads to vascular and heart damage. With a lack of vitamin B1 in the body, the following symptoms are noted:

  • fingers of extremities go numb on both sides;
  • muscle cramps appear;
  • muscle atrophy may develop;
  • , memory impairment;
  • encephalopathy Wernicke , korsakov's syndrome (the work of the brain is disrupted, mental disorders are manifested);
  • weakness in the legs;
  • decrease, increase ;
  • fainting;
  • digestive problems.

In civilized countries, serious cases of beriberi are very rarely recorded. A severe course of the disease is possible in the following cases:

  • severe infections;
  • sepsis ;
  • surgical interventions on the intestines and acorn;

Sometimes nutritional characteristics can provoke a lack of this vitamin. When consuming large amounts of rice, coffee, tea (products with substances that break down thiamine ) and the absence in the diet of a sufficient amount of meat, cereals, legumes (containing thiamine products) increases the risk of beriberi.

To cure the disease, vitamin B1 remedies are prescribed. It is important to eliminate those factors that provoke the disease, to adjust the diet.

Diphtheria polyneuropathy

In the modern world, it is rare, as it is widespread vaccination from this disease. Therefore, the disease affects those who have not been vaccinated, or if the vaccine was not given in a timely manner.

The disease begins with symptoms similar to SARS. Gradually, the sore throat becomes stronger, the so-called diphtheria film appears, the lymph nodes increase, and breathing becomes difficult.

With diphtheria, nerves can be affected, leading to sensory impairment, tingling and numbness in the limbs.

For treatment, a special anti-diphtheria serum is used.

With this disease in the cervical spine, there is a gradual destruction of the intervertebral discs. With spondylosis, they protrude, sharp edges are formed on them. In the process of wear of the discs, a person may be disturbed by pain in the shoulder, arm, neck. Sensitivity and movement are limited. As a rule, numbness of the left hand or right is noted, but sometimes a person feels that only the fingers are numb.

If the causes of numbness in the left arm or right are associated with spondylosis , CT and MRI results will confirm the diagnosis.

Therapy for spondylosis includes the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics, physiotherapy, massage. Sometimes it is forced to use surgery.

Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

This is a serious illness, which is characterized by damage to the nerve cells that determine the motor function. It often starts with an awkward feeling in the right or left hand that resembles numbness. Initially, it occurs in the working side, that is, the left-hander will have numbness in the fingers of the left hand, and then on the right. When the disease progresses, a person begins to worry about a wobbly gait, "drying out" of muscles, inaccuracy of hand actions. After this, speech impairment, difficulty swallowing, and indistinct voice develop. Later, there is a gradual involvement of the respiratory muscles in the process. This is associated with the reasons for frequent pneumonia ... At the end of the disease, breathing stops.

There is still no cure that can stop this disease. Therefore, after the onset of the disease, a person lives on average for five years. However, subject to careful and proper care life can be extended.

After the first visit to the doctor, such a diagnosis is very rare. Continuous observation is necessary to confirm or exclude that diagnosis. For the purpose of diagnosis, use electromyography - study of muscle activity during irritation.

Why else can the fingers of the left hand become numb?

If there is numbness in the fingertips or they have completely lost sensitivity, this may be due not only to diseases of the spine, but also to other reasons.

Sometimes this condition is due to prolonged compression of the nerve. Therefore, if after prolonged squeezing the thumb or little finger is numb, massage or rubbing will help improve the condition.

Very often, loss of sensitivity of the index finger is associated with prolonged work at the computer. Sometimes it is overvoltage when working with gadgets for people for whom working arm - left, is the answer to the question why the ring finger on the left hand and the little finger grow numb.

If the middle finger and little finger grow numb, this may be due to neuropathy of the nerve of the elbow joint. If the middle and nameless go numb - most likely, this is a tunnel syndrome of the hand.

However, the left hand becomes numb even with serious diseases of the heart and blood vessels. In particular, this may indicate pre-stroke condition .

What could be the reason for the numbness of the right hand?

First of all, it is important to take into account the fact that if numbness of the fingers of the right hand appears, the cause and treatment of this phenomenon should be determined by a specialist.

Often the fingers on the right hand become numb due to the reasons discussed above. If the fingers on the right hand are numb, this may be due to tunnel syndrome, polyneuropathy, etc.

Right thumb numbness is often associated with carpal tunnel or carpal tunnel syndrome. If the right thumb is numb, it is often due to compression of the median nerve as it passes through the carpal tunnel. Loss of sensitivity of the index finger may be associated with the same phenomenon, and with this syndrome, the middle finger sometimes becomes numb.

Often the answer to the question why the thumb on the right hand goes numb, and also why the ring finger on the right hand and other fingers go numb, is that a person, due to the peculiarities of work or other activities, is forced to constantly give dynamic or static load on one and the same muscle group. Since it is the right hand for most people that is "working", many, after prolonged work at the computer, sewing, playing musical instruments, etc., complain that the ring, index or other fingers hurt.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is common when arthrosis , arthritis and other illnesses whose treatment can improve the situation.

Numbness of the fingertips is sometimes associated with pathologies of the peripheral nervous system.

If the little finger on the right hand becomes numb, the reasons for this phenomenon can be explained cubital canal syndrome . Nerve impulses to the little finger and part of the ring finger pass through the cubital canal, which is located on the inside of the elbow at the back. If the little finger becomes numb, it is often preceded by prolonged flexion of the elbow.

Hand numbness during pregnancy

Very often in women, fingers become numb or tingle with. The reasons for this phenomenon are not always associated with pathology. Often this phenomenon is troubling at night in late pregnancy. In most cases of pregnancy, loss of sensitivity and pain in the joints of the fingers is associated with the manifestation of tunnel syndrome, which occurs due to a static load on the same tendons or joints.

Hands can also become numb due to edema during pregnancy. If this appears, the woman should tell the doctor about it.

During the period of bearing a baby, it is often exacerbated in expectant mothers osteochondrosis and osteoporosis and this can also lead to loss of limb sensitivity.

But you cannot "discount" other diseases as well, because a woman must be sure to tell her gynecologist about the symptoms that appear.


Very often, diseases that cause loss of sensitivity of the fingers, the doctor can determine during an external examination. However, sometimes a number of additional analyzes are required, namely:

  • determination of fasting blood glucose;
  • blood creatinine;
  • glycosylated hemoglobin;
  • tSH level;
  • analysis of urine.

After all the test results are obtained, electromyography is often prescribed - a study in the process of which the electrical potentials of a number of muscles are recorded. The results obtained are compared with the norm.

Talking about the symptoms to a specialist, the patient should clearly understand whether he loses sensitivity in the limbs on both sides, or if it is a one-sided process.

You should also inform your doctor about any other symptoms that bother you. This is very important as it makes it possible to distinguish tunnel syndrome from serious diseases.

How to eliminate numbness?

If the sensitivity has disappeared due to severe hypothermia or due to being in an uncomfortable position, this condition will disappear on its own. If numbness occurs regularly, not related to cold or uncomfortable posture, it is important to visit a neurologist or therapist. After all, the treatment of this condition directly depends on the disease that provoked it.

Most people experience numbness and tingling sensations in their limbs. Basically, this condition is associated with circulatory disorders due to an uncomfortable position in a dream, when a person with the weight of his body falls on his hand and interferes with the normal blood flow.

However, there are pathologies that manifest themselves as numbness of specific fingers and parts of the hand. The presence of such symptoms should force a person to go to a doctor for examination. Early detection of the disease contributes to the rapid cure of the underlying cause and the disappearance of its manifestations in the form of numb fingers.

The reason why three fingers on the right hand go numb may be of a pathological nature or turn out to be a manifestation of circulatory disorders due to poor sleep or awkward position, prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position, monotonous movements or fatigue with constant repetition of the same actions.

Most often this happens in a dream or if a person dozed off at work, on a trip, during an air flight, sitting in a chair in a constrained position. But sometimes such phenomena indicate the presence of pathology in the body, and it is simply impossible to explain their appearance by fatigue.

Most often, the location on the arm indicates the cause of the numbness:

  • The problem with the sensitivity of the fingers of the right hand is usually associated with carpal tunnel syndrome, polyneuropathy, Raynaud's disease, entrapment of nerve endings in the cervical and thoracic spine, arthrosis, and hernias of the spine. Basically, the lesion divides the fingers of the hand into two parts - either the little finger and ring finger, or the thumb and forefinger, fall into the zone of action. The middle finger can be affected on either side.
  • Numbness of the little finger and ring finger is mainly associated with problems with the ulnar nerve and the small endings emanating from it. Compression injuries of the upper spine, bruises of the elbow and hand, complex fractures and other injuries can also provoke such a condition.
  • The middle finger often suffers from damage to the nerves and blood vessels of the entire hand, since it has the richest and most complex innervation. Often, the reaction of the middle finger is caused by lesions affecting the adjacent fingers and the entire hand. The feeling of numbness of three fingers - middle, ring and little fingers, especially their tips, can indicate the presence of pathology in the work of the cardiovascular system, be a harbinger or symptom of a developing heart attack or stroke.
  • Pain and chills in the thumb indicate problems with joints, nerves and blood vessels. If three fingers are drawn into the state at once, then this is most often a sign of serious difficulties with blood circulation, an indication of thrombosis or the presence of a stroke with damage to the right half of the body.

Numbness of the fingers on the right hand in cardiology

There are three main reasons for numbness of the fingers on the right hand:

  1. Nerve damage.
  2. Joint problems.
  3. Circulatory disorders.

In many ways, these three reasons are related, since, for example, a displacement of the vertebrae or an intervertebral hernia leads to infringement of the nerve endings, and this condition affects the supply of blood to tissues. Due to its lack, there is a feeling of numbness and "creeping chills."

But the same signs can be triggered by the most dangerous diseases of the cardiovascular system. As a result, their blood is bad, slowly pumped by the heart and limbs, it simply does not get the right amount. The tissues "starving" from lack of oxygen and nutrients begin to grow numb. The distal phalanges of the fingers especially suffer from this, therefore, such symptoms indicate mostly cardiac problems.

Circulatory disorders are often provoked by the formation of a blood clot in the vessel.

A person's tendency to blood thickening, heredity, even dehydration due to too little volume of absorbed fluid can cause development. This disease is a "springboard" for many pathologies in the human body. The most dangerous of them, with the greatest risk of serious complications or death, are and.

If a blood clot has formed in the hand and blocked an important vessel, prolonged absence of treatment can lead to tissue death (necrosis). This will lead to the irreversible loss of their functions. The fingers, hand, part or all of the arm will cease to function, and doctors will be forced to amputate the limb. The body is even more threatened if the necrosis "goes" far and gangrene begins. In this case, even amputation does not always help.

Danger of condition

If three fingers on the right hand go numb and this condition is so pronounced that it interferes with a person to work, take care of himself and sleep, action must be taken urgently.

This is a direct consequence of serious human health problems that can lead to very dangerous consequences, including death. The worst causes of numbness are thromboembolism.The presence of discomfort in the fingers of the hand can also indicate severe endocrine disorders, for example, the presence of diabetes.

Which doctor will help?

You need to contact your family doctor or therapist. After passing the examination and passing the tests, a result will be obtained about the reasons for the appearance of unpleasant numbness, since this condition is not a separate disease.

After the doctor finds what exactly caused goose bumps and sensory disturbances, he will refer the patient to a specialized doctor, that is, to a vertebrologist in case of spinal disruption, to an orthopedist and surgeon for joint pathologies, to a cardiologist and phlebologist in the presence of heart and vascular diseases. They will select a comprehensive treatment for a specific problem and patient.

Features of treatment and prognosis

You cannot try to cure the symptom without eliminating the main problem if three fingers on the right hand go numb. You can take drugs to improve blood circulation, positively affecting the functioning of the nervous system, painkillers and hypnotics, but without eliminating the main cause, the effect of the treatment will be temporary and insignificant.

Only after establishing what led to the development of numbness in the fingers can you start taking medications specially selected by a specialist. Physical therapy, massages, acupuncture and other methods of influence are often added to medications. The speed and completeness of the disappearance of symptoms, and then the cause of the disease, depends on how accurate the diagnosis is and the correct means are chosen.

In order to avoid many difficulties with health, a person needs to pay more attention to his health.

You need to start with the elementary - to take care of a full and healthy rest. This will require a comfortable bed with an orthopedic base and a mattress tailored to the needs of a particular person. Sleeping on a soft, especially on a feather bed, is not at all useful, especially in the presence of diseases of the spine and joints. Fortunately, the industry now produces orthopedic mattresses of various modifications and degrees of firmness, so choosing the perfect one for yourself is not difficult.

More information about the causes of numbness in the fingers can be found in the video:

The second point is nice pillow, best of all - orthopedic. You will have to get used to it, but the most vulnerable part of the spine - the neck - will be in the anatomically correct position during sleep. This will relieve numbness and creepy feeling.

For other reasons for the development of pathology, you need to undergo medical examination on time or contact a doctor if discomfort and complaints appear. The sooner their cause is identified, the lower the risk of complications. In the early stages, any disease is much easier and faster to treat, and the prognosis is positive, even if it is a beginning or a heart attack.
