Periwinkle is a herbaceous groundcover. Many species are evergreen. Used for planting under tree crowns (can be planted near apple trees, pears), in shady areas, rocky gardens, curbs, as well as for strengthening the slopes and as an ampel - in containers.

Varieties of periwinkle

1) Lesser periwinkle is a well-branched perennial with creeping stems. It is a medicinal plant. Forms dense thickets. The flowers are blue, white or red. Popular species with variegated and yellow leaves, double flowers.
2) Large periwinkle is a perennial with creeping shoots and large blue flowers. Blooms in May-June.
3) Herb periwinkle - unlike other representatives of the genus, this plant does not form a uniform cover. Blooms in June. The flowers are pale blue or purple.
4) pubescent periwinkle

How to grow periwinkle

1. Site. For growing periwinkle, both a sunny and a shady area with loose nutritious drained soil are suitable. A neutral soil is desirable.
2. Planting and reproduction. Periwinkle is usually propagated by cuttings and dividing the bush, seed propagation is also possible. It is recommended to plant this plant in spring or early autumn.
3. Caring for periwinkle consists in:

  • regular moderate watering (periwinkle tolerates drought well);
  • pinching young plants to stimulate tillering;
  • fertilizing with humus, compost and mineral fertilizers.

Only young plants and pubescent periwinkle are covered for the winter. A thin layer of foliage is suitable for this. In snowless winters, it is recommended to cover all types of periwinkle to prevent freezing.
4. Pests and diseases. Periwinkle is a very resistant plant to both disease and pests.

Name:" Vinca " - the ancient Latin name of this plant has been preserved, "vinca" means wrap around.
The periwinkle leaves are remarkable for their amazing strength and vitality, retaining a fresh look even under the snow, which is why the periwinkle transferred from the forest to gardens and parks has become a symbol of vitality, and planted in cemeteries - a symbol of eternal love and good memory.
Like a fragrant violet, it is the first to bloom in the spring, but few people pay attention to it. According to legend, he complained about his fate to the goddess Flora, and she gave him larger flowers, and life longer than that of a violet, and gave the modest messenger of spring the name Pervinka (victorious). A special magical power has long been attributed to the unfading plant. In Austria and Germany, periwinkle wreaths were used for divination for marriage; hung over the windows, they protected the house from lightning strikes. The flowers collected between the Assumption and Nativity of the Virgin had the ability to drive away all evil spirits: they were worn on themselves or hung over front door... In the Middle Ages, in court, with the help of periwinkle, they checked whether the accused had a connection with the devil. Wreaths made of periwinkle (it was called “the violet of the dead”, since wreaths were woven from it on graves), hung over the entrance, helped to find the witch. Periwinkle owes all these magical properties to its amazing vitality - it lives as long as a drop of water remains in the vase (and the other flowers of the bouquet have dried up long ago), and if you take it out of the vase and stick it into the ground, it will quickly take root.

Description:about 12 species are known in nature, originating from Europe, Africa, Asia Minor and the Mediterranean.
Perennial creeping, evergreen plants with opposite, leathery, shiny leaves.

The flowers are solitary, located in the leaf axils. The corolla is funnel-shaped with a long, cylindrical, thin tube. The fruit is a leaflet.

A perennial creeping evergreen plant. The stems take root along their entire length, forming dense decorative carpets. Leaves are leathery, ovate, glabrous, shiny, 4-8 cm long, with cilia along the edge. The flowers are single, blue, of a special shade - pervance (from the French name for periwinkle), up to 5 cm in diameter, on peduncles up to 40 cm in height. Blooms from May 30-35 days.

Winter-hardy, but in snowless winters, it is desirable to shelter with spruce branches to save leaves.

The form variegata (f. variegata) - has white and yellow leaves, is less stable in culture. In the middle lane, a preventive shelter is required.

This form with golden-bordered leaves is less drought-resistant and winter-hardy than Vinca minor.
It is not picky about the soil, but it grows better and blooms longer on fertile, loose, well-drained soils with a neutral reaction, for example, on the trunks of apple trees, pears, cherries.

They are very responsive to feeding with organic and mineral fertilizers. It is better to use humus, compost or leafy soil as fertilizer. For better tillering, it is necessary to pinch old and young shoots. Winter-hardy, but young shoots are sometimes damaged spring frosts... It is advisable to cover the pubescent periwinkle with a small layer of leaf for the winter.

Reproduction: dividing the bush, cuttings, less often seeds. Planting is carried out in late August - early September or spring; the distance between the plants should be 20 - 30 cm. The cuttings take root quickly, and in early September, well-developed plants are planted in place. Young plantings for the winter should be covered with a small layer of leaf.

Using: as decorative leafy and beautiful flowering plants in rocky gardens, like ground cover - in shady areas of parks and squares. Effective in wide borders.

There is a huge flora family Kutrovye (Apocynaceae), beautiful representatives of which are poisonous.

Small periwinkle, photo

Despite the latter feature, they are consistently on the list of the best garden plantsgrown all over the world. Even this fact alone gives us the right to consider them in full.

Katarantus is a relative of the periwinkle,a photo

Some species are well known to everyone: they have long lived in our dachas, giving the beauty and aroma of their flowering. You will meet others for the first time. And we will start with periwinkles, which can rightfully be considered champions among ground cover shade-tolerant plants: they can grow indefinitely, so the size of the evergreen carpet woven by them is limited only by the will of the owner of the site.

Great periwinkle (Vinca major)

It is especially effective in spring, when the lush greenery of its carpets is decorated with blue, blue, purple, pink, white flowers that tirelessly appear throughout the month (from March to May), and sometimes more.

It is a creeping perennial 45 cm high. It comes from the Western Mediterranean. The dark green leaves reach a maximum length of 9 cm. The flowers are bluish to dark purple, up to 5 cm in diameter.

Decorative forms:

  • "Dartington Star" - lanceolate leaves, stellate flowers;
  • "Maculata" - leaves with a yellow-green center;

"Dartington star"... Photo from the site Periwinkle large"Maculata"... Photo from
  • "Reticulata" - young leaves with yellow-creamy veins;
  • "Variegata" - leaves with a creamy white border.

"Reticulata"... Photo from the site Periwinkle large"Variegata", a photo

Small periwinkle (Vinca minor)

Lesser periwinkle blooms in April-May, on the southern coast of Crimea - from March, a second wave of flowering begins in July and continues until the first autumn frosts.

Periwinkle,a photo

This is a perennial evergreen subshrub 10-20 cm high with creeping shoots; it is a cultivator in the Crimea and grows in parks everywhere. Leaves are oval-elongated, smaller than those of b. large (up to 5 cm long).

Decorative forms:

  • "Atropurpurea" - green leaves, purple flowers;

  • "Argenteovariegata" - white-bordered leaves, bluish-purple flowers);

  • "Alba Variegata" - leaves with a light yellow border, white flowers;
  • "Gertrude Jekyll" - compact, white flowers;

Periwinkle" Alba Variegata" ... Photo from the site Periwinkle" Gertrude Jekyll" ... Photo from the site
  • "Sebastian" - 10-30 cm high, leaves with a yellow-green spot;
  • "Azurea Flore Pleno" - leaves are yellow-green, flowers are purple-blue, double;

Small periwinkle "Sebastian". Photo from the site Lesser periwinkle "Azurea Flore Pleno". Photo from
  • "Double Bowles" - purple flowers, double;
  • "Multiplex" - dark purple flowers, double;

Small periwinkle "Double Bowles". Photo from Small periwinkle "Multiplex". Photo from

Herb periwinkle (Vinca herbacea)

Herbaceous perennial with creeping non-rooting shoots up to 100 cm long and up to 40 cm high. It comes from Europe, the Caucasus, and Crimea. The flowers are blue-violet, up to 1.8 cm in diameter; bloom in April-May.

It is not only an ornamental, but also a medicinal plant. Its herb (like herb b. Small) in the form of decoctions is used in traditional medicine as a means of lowering blood sugar, dilating the vessels of the brain.

Periwinkle unequal, or intermediate (Vinca difformis)

A rare species native to Southwest Europe, North Africa.

It is up to 30 cm high, expands to infinity in width, so control and limitation is necessary. The leaves are dark green, up to 7 cm long. The flowers are light blue, white, up to 4 cm in diameter, bloom in early spring. More thermophilic than other species: it can withstand up to -5 ° C.

Features of growing periwinkles

They are unpretentious, winter-hardy: almost all of them withstand frosts down to -15 ° C and winter in central Russia under the snow without shelter (in snowless winters, plants are covered with spruce branches).

Small periwinkle blooms,a photo

They prefer neutral, loose, fertile soils. Decorative forms are more demanding for light, humidity and temperature. To obtain a more bushy plant, the tips of the shoots are pinched. They are quite resistant to pests and diseases.

Propagated by dividing the plant, cuttings in spring or late summer; less commonly seeds.

Placement of periwinkles in dachas

They are indispensable as ground cover plants for shady areas.

Periwinkles are excellent ground cover plants for shady areas,a photo

They can be used:

  • in the curb (with growth control);
  • for decoration of rocky gardens or tree-trunk circles;
  • for plant compositions with annual florals;
  • together with perennials in containers, tubs;
  • for decorating the shore of the reservoir.

1. Since ancient times, periwinkles are shrouded in legends and legends. According to one of them, its large blue flowers that bloom for so long are a gift from the goddess Flora.

Lesser periwinkle and Flora,a photo

2. The Latin name of the genus periwinkle (Vinca) is associated with the ability of the plant to form long curly shoots: translated from the Latin word vinca means twine .
3. Periwinkle is loved by the peoples of many countries: Greece, Italy, Ukraine. In Germany, it has long been planted in flower beds near the house. It was believed that he drives away evil spirits from the dwelling and preserves happiness and good luck in it. 4. Due to its shade tolerance and unpretentiousness, periwinkles began to be planted in cemeteries, which gave rise to new legends and a new popular name: they began to call it witch violet .
5 This evergreen is known to have been loved by famous french writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Until now, on one of the islands near Geneva, where the famous philosopher lived, a periwinkle carpet blooms in front of his monument in spring.

Kutrovy family

Natural climatic conditions: subtropics. Mediterranean.
The genus unites evergreen shrubs with flowers similar in shape and structure to flowers periwinkle... In total, 5 species are known, but one is widespread in room culture. Available in varieties with white flowers and variegated leaves (var. alba)... In the mesh species (var. reticulata) leaves with golden yellow veins, in the graceful variety (var. elegantissima) leaves with yellow and white spots.

Culture... Periwinkle is winter-hardy, only occasionally damaged by very severe frosts. Forms a dense, permanently decorative ground cover. It is undemanding to the soil, tolerates planting near trees, deep shading and bright sun, no watering. During the season, the plant is fed 2-3 times with a complex mineral and organic fertilizer... In the spring, a strong pruning of 6-8 cm from the base is required annually. For better tillering, the shoots are pinched in July-August.
The periwinkle is propagated by dividing the bush, by cuttings, less often by seeds. The cuttings take root quickly, and in early September, well-developed plants are planted in a permanent place at a distance of 20-30 cm. Young plantings for the winter are covered with a small layer of leaves.
Periwinkle is planted as an ornamental deciduous and flowering plant in rocky gardens, on slopes, as a ground cover - in shady parts of the garden. Looks spectacular in wide borders and containers, like an ampelous plant.

Medicinal use
The raw material of periwinkle is a mixture of leafy stems with flowers and without flowers with leaves. The edges of the leaves are smooth, slightly curved downward. The color of the leaves is dark green above, shiny, lighter below. The stems are light green. The flowers have a dark blue corolla, parts of the limb at the apex are bluntly cut, the calyx is bare. There is no smell.
Small periwinkle was used in folk medicine different countries since ancient times. Dioscorides and Pliny mention this plant as a medicinal one. The plant gained particular popularity in the 18th century, when it was used for various diseases, but mainly as a sedative and antihypertensive agent.
It has now been established that the vinca alkaloids are capable of reducing blood pressure. In Hungary, the drug "Devinkan" is obtained from the herb of periwinkle, which is used in the treatment of hypertension, especially stages I and II, including its cerebral forms, as well as neurogenic tachycardia. In Bulgaria, the antihypertensive drug Vincapan is produced from the sum of vinca alkaloids. A similar Hungarian drug is called Vinkatone.

Dense, shiny, as if waxed, leaves, despite the snow and winter, lining the whole territory with a fresh green carpet that they managed to capture over the summer. Miracle? No, periwinkle!

Although in folk beliefs associated with this evergreen ground cover plant, miracles cannot be dispensed with.

Periwinkle is called both the flower of love and the violet of the witch, and many magical properties are attributed to it, promising unheard of wealth and the extraordinary power of love.

But even a skeptic who does not believe in magic will not remain indifferent when he sees thick carpets of evergreen leathery foliage, strewn with the most delicate five-leaf inflorescences.

And the pros in landscape design, and gardeners who are taking their first timid steps into the world of flowers appreciate and love this spectacular ground cover plant for its high decorative qualities and amazing unpretentiousness.

The Latin name for periwinkle is Vinka, which means "to entwine".

The name is explained by the ability of the plant to cover any areas and surfaces, even vertical ones: the roots of a perennial cling to the slightest opportunity to move further, higher.

At the same time, periwinkle, as a perennial ground cover plant, is not an aggressor, being perfectly combined with other ornamental crops.

And if the vinka grows next to a retaining wall or other steep surface, then it easily takes an ampelous shape.

Large periwinkle - Vinca major - the largest-leaved (up to 8 cm) and rather tall (about 25 cm). Twice a year, in spring and autumn, it blooms with blue inflorescences.

Designers distinguish two of the most popular variegated, variegated, Vinca major varieties:

Vinca Variegata - with light spots along the edge of the leaves
Vinca Maculata - leaves with a light spot in the center and a dense green border
Vinca Reticulata - also variegated form with juicy flowers lilac shade and a core of a much lighter tone

Small periwinkle - Vinca minor - grows not upward, but in breadth: its stems, spreading in different directions, stretch out a meter or more, forming a dense continuous cover.

The varieties are distinguished by the color of small flowers:

  • Alboplena - white terry inflorescences;
  • Bowles' Variety - thick blue colour, very long flowering;
  • Argenteo-variegata - like periwinkle variegated, it has juicy green leaves with light spots. The flowers of this variety are blue, of a very delicate tone;
  • Atropurpurea - from the name one should expect purple colors;

Unlike relatives, pubescent periwinkle - Vinca pubescens - drops foliage for the winter.

It also differs in that the flowers rise above the carpet of greenery formed from the interweaving of stems, young shoots, leaves.

The flowers are blue.

Evergreen pink periwinkle - Vinkarosea- is already a shrub with high, up to half a meter, vertical shoots.

It got its name from the color of the flowers. Blooms from spring to autumn.

In the literature, there are also other names for pink periwinkle: cayenne jasmine and catharanthus.

Varietal diversity is also determined by variations in the color of flowers:

  • Albus - white flowers without any shades;
  • Ocellatus - bright red heart on a white flower;
  • Cooler is a whole palette of shades from pale pink to deep red;
  • Parasol - on a snow-white inflorescence, the core is dark red. This variety has a lower height - about 40 cm.

Description perennial plant Vinca herbacea - herb periwinkle - can be found in reference books of medicinal plants.

Infusions are used to treat wounds, skin problems, diabetes, stomach ulcers.

Deciduous variety... Purple-blue flowers bloom for a month in early summer.

Growing periwinkle is an activity for the lazy

This perception of periwinkle - a plant for lazy gardeners - is due to the fact that a more unpretentious culture still needs to be looked for.

It grows in almost any conditions, on almost any soil, maintenance is minimal, and it also helps to get rid of weeds. Of course, with such a set of advantages, he gained immense popularity.

But the florist, accustomed to achieving the best results, will nevertheless try to create the most comfortable conditions for this unpretentious plant, for which he will be fully rewarded.

Seat selection

Creating thick emerald bedspreads in colors on any surface, periwinkle does not like stagnant moisture, prefers well-lit areas, but not direct sunlight.

Although for variegated varieties, illumination is a fundamental criterion: the more light the plant receives, the brighter and more light streaks on green leaves will be.

In shaded areas, the variegation of color will fade.

But varieties with monochromatic leaves feel quite comfortable in the shade.

During autumn haircuts periwinkle cut fragments of shoots are used for cuttings.

Cuttings with 3-4 internodes are suitable for reproduction.

They are dipped for 20-30 minutes in a solution of a rooting stimulator or they are edged with dry powder ("Kornevin") and planted in prepared holes.

Planted vertically, it is enough to leave 2-3 leaves above ground level.

When planting several cuttings, you should immediately maintain a distance of about 30 cm between them. The planted cuttings are well watered.

Reproduction by dividing the bush

This method of reproduction of periwinkle occurs in the spring, when the snow has already melted, the soil has warmed up a little, but the plant has not yet entered the stage of active growth.

Dividing the periwinkle bush

The bush is dug out, the mother plant and the lateral processes are divided so that the roots are on each part.

Pre-treatment with a root stimulator will help the cuttings take root faster and more painlessly.

Delenki are planted in holes dug 30 cm apart, straightening the roots, filling them with earth with the addition of peat and sand, firmly squeezing and compacting the soil.

Water well after planting.

Seed propagation

Seed propagation is required only when periwinkle is a new plant in the garden or you want to start another variety.

The seeds of the popular groundcover are sold at specialty gardening stores.

But if possible, it is not difficult to collect the seeds yourself.

How to collect and store periwinkle seeds

The fruits of different varieties - a couple of cylinder-shaped leaflets - differ slightly in color and shape, but they all ripen in September.

I collect the ripe seeds, be sure to dry them. Store them in a cool dry place in fabric bags.

Sowing seeds in open ground

In warm regions with mild short winters and early spring, it is possible to plant periwinkle seeds in open ground.

Seedlings will feel more comfortable in a semi-shaded garden bed. Seeds can be planted in spring and autumn, before winter.

To do this, in a prepared bed, cleaned of weeds, loosened, fertilized with compost or rotted manure, seeds are sown in grooves, between which 10 cm, embedding them in the soil up to 3 cm deep, and between the seeds - about 30 cm.

In the spring, the soil is saturated with moisture, which allows the sprouts to hatch faster; in the fall, after sowing, it is necessary to monitor the moisture of the soil.

Seedlings grow very quickly, when 4-5 leaves appear on the stems, they can be transplanted to a permanent place in the flower garden.

Sowing seeds for seedlings at home

For seedlings, periwinkle seeds are sown in the spring, the exact recommendations for the timing of sowing should be found on the package with seeds, since the timing of planting seedlings in open ground depends on local climatic conditions: the further north the region, the later the seedlings are planted and, therefore, the later the seeds are sown.

Before sowing, the seeds are pickled in a manganese solution for disinfection and increasing immunity.

Instead of potassium permanganate, stimulants "Epin", "Zircon" can be used.

Any universal soil, peat tablets, is suitable for seedlings.

Can be planted in seedling boxes or separate cups. After sowing, the substrate is well watered, and the container is covered with foil or heat.

Before the emergence of seedlings, the seedling container can be located in a dark place, but it is important to provide heat, at least + 23 ° C.

As soon as sprouts appear, periwinkle needs not only heat (the temperature should be lowered by 2-3 degrees), but also light.

The film (glass) must be removed from time to time for a few minutes, increasing the duration of the air procedures, and after a few days this protection is no longer needed.

After the appearance of 4-5 leaves, seedlings that have grown in a common box or container must be cut into separate pots, in which the plants will develop before transplanting into open ground.

Transplanting periwinkle seedlings into open ground

The answer to the question of when to plant periwinkle in open ground in spring also depends on the conditions of a particular season: if the soil warms up, weather forecasters do not promise night frosts, then the time has come to plant seedlings.

Usually round-the-clock positive temperatures in the Moscow region are established in mid-May, beyond the Urals - by early June.

Saplings are placed in holes, between which 30-35 cm.For row spacings, at least 10 cm is allocated.

If planted in a checkerboard pattern, the ground cover culture forms a solid carpet much earlier.

Reproduction by layering

This is the easiest way to reproduce periwinkle: you just need to sprinkle the shoot with earth and keep the soil moisture in this place so that the stem gives roots.

When the roots grow back, the plant will begin to harden in place, the stem is carefully cut before and after the rooted fragment, a new bush is dug out and transplanted.

The newly planted cuttings are watered, and very soon it begins to independently develop the territory.

For a more comfortable adaptation period at a new place, the layers can be covered with a transparent plastic bottle suitable size, creating a kind of greenhouse.

Under these conditions, the soil is protected from drying out, which will allow periwinkle to quickly build up the root system and begin active growth of the aboveground part.

Features of caring for periwinkle

Caring for periwinkle in open ground minimal, since the plant does not require special conditions and close attention of the gardener.


A drought-resistant perennial needs abundant watering only in the first stage of life - after planting.

In the hot dry months, a zealous florist watering flower beds and other flower beds, which means that the periwinkle gets life-giving moisture for long and abundant flowering.

If the ground cover vinka is soloing (border or carpet planting), then one watering per week will be enough for it.

Top dressing

Periwinkle, undemanding to the composition and nutritional value of the soil, does not require separate fertilization, but it will gratefully respond to feeding with more lush greenery and an abundance of flowers.

To feed the decorative perennial in spring and autumn, the soil is fertilized with organic matter: humus, compost, rotted manure.

During the season, twice - before flowering and during the period of the most abundant blooming of inflorescences - they are fed with urea, mineral fertilizers.

Just scatter a few granules before watering.

Pruning and pinching

Young plants are pinched to stimulate new shoot development, while mature stands may need sanitary pruning of dead or damaged stems.

Planted in a flower garden of a strict form or clearly delineated contours, a ground cover can go beyond the boundaries and violate the plan of the grower.

In these cases, pruning is also required.

Disease prevention and pest control

Vinca in all its varietal diversity is a plant that is quite resistant to pests and diseases.

The reason lies in the dense leathery leaves, the toxicity of the juice.

The best prevention against problems is the attention and care of the gardener.

Periwinkle does not need so much, and if the culture is provided with everything necessary, then the naturally strong immunity of the plant will be able to withstand adverse conditions.

Breaking through this defense is the power of the omnipresent powdery mildew and rust, which are caused by the activity of fungal spores.

If yellow-red or whitish stains are found on the leaves and shoots, urgent treatment with fungicidal preparations is required: "Fitosporin", "Topaz".

Periodically, it is necessary to inspect the lower part of the leaf plate, where scale insects or aphids can settle.

To combat pests, insecticides are used - "Aktara", "Fufanon" - and will not be superfluous folk remedies, among which are onion and garlic infusions, ash pollination or irrigation with an ash solution, a solution of laundry soap.

Preparation for wintering

Properly preparing the plant for winter is the last stage of crop care in the season. This also applies to evergreen wintering periwinkle, especially to its variegated varieties.

For the winter, periwinkle must be mulched with humus or compost, covered with spruce branches, and covered with leaves.

It is especially important to create a secure shelter for young plants and varieties with variegated leaves.

In conditions middle band In Russia, not every periwinkle will survive the winter even with good shelter and heavy snowfalls, especially for varieties of periwinkle large, catharanthus (varieties of pink periwinkle).

And in Siberia, all types of wine are cultivated as annuals.

If you cut the cuttings in the fall, plant them in pots or containers at home, then in the spring it will be possible to make up for the loss of periwinkle in the fight against the winter cold at the expense of home specimens.

Periwinkle in landscape design

Rapid growth, spectacular glossy green leaves, long periods of abundant flowering, the ability to cover any surface - qualities that allow periwinkle to be very widely used in decorating a plot and decorating an interior.

As a ground cover plant, vinca is used in contrasting or monochrome ridges and borders, as a plant of the lower tier - in mixborders and flower beds.

The ability to grow on almost bare stones makes it possible to grow it in rockeries and alpine slides.

For carpet plantings, you can plant a mixed periwinkle "Sicily. Color Mix ”that can transform an unsightly piece of earth into a colorful palette.

By planting wine in the trunk circles, the gardener solves three problems at once:

  1. There are no weeds where the wine grows;
  2. Covering the soil with a dense carpet and not needing a lot of moisture, periwinkle creates a protective layer to maintain soil moisture around the fruit and decorative landings;
  3. Decorative function in the shade of tree crowns.

To decorate terraces, verandas, gazebos, loggias and balconies, indoor spaces residential building periwinkle ampelous F1 - Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosea) planted in hanging planters.

In interior compositions of potted flowers, the compact variety "Kiffa" is magnificent, featuring large inflorescences.

Combination with other plants

Some of the best options for the neighborhood with periwinkle, early bulbous (hyacinths, woodlands), mountain weasel, primrose, heuchera, irises, forget-me-nots are considered.

A pillow of glossy leaves with delicate flowers will be a worthy background for daylilies, ferns, and short conifers.

Whatever the first garden periwinkle, it will be the first.

Because you will definitely want to know other varieties, come up with a composition for variegated or monochromatic emerald varieties, try a new combination in a flower garden or grow a beautiful rug between bushes.

There is some magic in this seemingly simple plant.

Looking at the delicate, unpretentious flowers above the waxy evergreen cushion of leaves, you catch a combination of fleetingness and eternity, merged together.

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