Allium is just appearing in garden plots, it is a plant for innovators who appreciate everything unusual. Decorative onions (allium): planting and care are described in detail in the article, a description of the plant is also provided, varieties are indicated, features of reproduction, cultivation in open ground, especially marked successful combinations with other plants in landscape design... The article is accompanied by colorful photos.

Description: varieties and varieties of allium

Decorative bow - allium - an extraordinary decoration garden plot... The plant looks like an alien among the usual, peonies, attracting the eyes of everyone around with its appearance.

Due to its unusual appearance, the decorative bow is appreciated by landscape design professionals. Growing decorative onions is within the power of even novice gardeners, the main thing is to provide him the necessary conditions planting in open ground, care, adhere to all the rules for its reproduction.

Ornamental onion is an unpretentious and very beautiful plant

Existing varieties and varieties of decorative onions can be used not only as decoration for flower beds and flower beds, but also for making bouquets. Certain varieties (for example, Hair) have a rather pleasant aroma. Alliums amaze with variety colors, shape and structure of inflorescences, come in different heights.

One of the most common outdoor ornamental bow varieties is Allium Schoenoprasum (shnitt). The plant is short with lilac-pinkish or light lilac spherical inflorescences. Blooms in spring, suitable for growing both as an ornamental plant and for use as food. The green leaves of this allium variety are suitable for salads and have a rather mild taste.

Allium Schoenoprasum

Effective in bouquets and other floral arrangements Schubert's bow, Hair, MountEverest:

  • schubert's bow - a low plant (arrows up to 25-30 cm), the inflorescence of which (grayish-pinkish shades) has the shape of a star, all pedicels of various lengths, blooms in June. Only professionals at first glance can recognize onions in this plant;

Schubert's bow

  • Mount everest - a type of onion that adorns the garden with white inflorescences-balls, consisting of dozens of flowers in the shape of an asterisk. Reaches 100-120 cm in height;

Mount Everest Ornamental Bow

  • Great as an ornamental plant bow "Globemaster", which blooms in early June and blooms almost until late autumn. Onion inflorescences are spherical (they can reach 20-25 cm in diameter), consist of individual flowers in the shape of an asterisk, a decorative onion grows to a height of 80 cm;

Globemaster variety

  • Moth bow, golden (Allium moly, Allium aureum) - interesting with star-shaped inflorescences of golden (yellow) color, usually grows up to 20-25 cm;

  • Allium Sphaerocephalon blooms quite late (in the middle of summer), blooms for about a month, the inflorescences are in the shape of an oval (or a slightly elongated egg). Flowers pink or lilac shades, boom height - up to 60 cm;

Round-headed onion

  • Will add variety to the flower arrangement bow bow (wild), growing in height up to 50 cm. Inflorescences differ from other decorative bows in shape - a bunch of short spherical flowers, pale pink shades.

Bow bow

Planting a plant

If you want to decorate your flower garden with such an unusual plant like allium, planting and caring for it will not cause much trouble.

There are a few rules to keep in mind:

  • decorative onion is a light-loving plant, it is advisable to plant it in sunny areas;
  • the soil under the onion should be soft, breathable, and it should be well drained to avoid stagnant water;
  • the acidity of the soil should be close to normal (7.0).

Advice: if the acidity of the soil where it is planned to plant allium is below 5.0, it should be liming.

It is recommended to plant decorative onions in open ground either in early spring or in autumn (in September when the air temperature is at least 12 ° C). A hole for an onion is made on the basis that the thickness of the soil above it should be two to three times the height of the bulb itself. Thus, reliable wintering of the plant, protection from drying out is provided.

Culture loves bright places

Before planting allium, the soil should be dug up, while making mineral fertilizers and humus. It is recommended to water the hole a little, the planting site should be mulched.

Tip: do not plant onions in lowlands, where melt and rain water stagnates in spring.

Plant care

Growing ornamental onions does not require a lot of effort from the gardener; this plant is quite unpretentious in care. It is recommended to decorative onions; it is better to give it less moisture than to pour it over.

Attention: the onion does not tolerate waterlogging, the bulb begins to rot and the plant dies.

After flowering and drying of the leaves, the bulbs should be dug up and stored at a temperature not exceeding 18-20 ° C. Small onions should be stored in peat or sawdust to prevent drying out.

Fertilizing and feeding allium

As a fertilizer for growing allium in the open field, compost, wood ash, and mineral preparations are applied. It is necessary to provide feeding onions in the phase of leaf regrowth, during budding, as well as in the formation of bulbs.

Onions require feeding at least once a season.

Landscape design specialists recommend using complex fertilizers containing nitrogen in nitrate form for these purposes. In the summer months, you can water the plants with liquid solutions of mineral fertilizers. At the beginning of autumn, to ensure good wintering, decorative onions need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, the granules are introduced into the soil without preliminary dissolution.

Plant propagation

Reproduction of allium, like all bulbous ones, is possible in 2 ways: by seeds and vegetatively, that is, by dividing the mother bulbs, as well as by growing small bulbs - bulbs (about growing bulbous ones also see -,).

Ornamental Onion Seeds

Ornamental onion seeds can be sown either in autumn or in spring in well-lit areas. After germination, seedlings should be dived. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors: some types of ornamental onions sprout exclusively when sowing seeds before winter, after natural stratification. Artificial change temperature regime (keeping seeds cold) may not give the desired effect. In addition, when growing onions from seeds, it should be remembered that some species will begin to bloom only in the third, and maybe the fifth or sixth season, only after the bulb has gained sufficient weight for the next reproduction.

It is much easier to propagate the favorite varieties of allium with bulbs, separating the cloves from the mother's babies. It should be noted that the ability to form small bulbs, the degree of division of the bulb into cloves, depends on the characteristics embedded in the species. Babies should be carefully separated from the mother's bulb, they should have a well-formed root system and shoots.

Allium bulbs

In allium varieties, very small bulbs can form on the inflorescences. It is recommended to stimulate their appearance by cutting the buds, while treating the plant itself with growth stimulants. These ground bulbs can then be planted outdoors to grow ornamental onions.

Diseases and pests

With improper care, high humidity, decorative onions can be affected by false powdery mildew, rot, root mite, onion fly. For the prevention of these diseases, experienced gardeners recommend heating the bulbs for 10-11 hours at a temperature of about 40 ° C (you can use a dryer or oven). Cut onions should be thoroughly dried before storage and also warmed up.

Onion fly

When infected with a tick or fly, the plant should be treated with a solution of chlorophos (2%), use peat, ash, tobacco dust.

Ornamental bow: combination with other plants

Allium will look the most advantageous in flower beds and emphasize beauty:

  • peonies;
  • aquilegia;
  • lupines;
  • poppy.

Allium in combination with other plants

You can create beautiful flower arrangementsusing tall allium in combination with hosts, delphinium.

Allium in landscape design

Allium is spectacular in the photo and "live" both in a single planting and in a group flower garden. A tall plant planted in the area will attract attention and focus on the desired point in space. Ornamental onions in group planting are also beautiful and attractive, planting several plants in one place, you can create a bright color spot.

Allium in landscape design

Growing allium, planting and caring for are fascinating activities, because using its various varieties and types, you can create a garden continuous flowering and admire the amazing shapes and colors from spring to autumn.

Agricultural technology for growing allium: video

Allium in landscape design: photo

Attractive bulbous plant, which is often found in landscape design, is called an ornamental bow. It has many varieties. Globular inflorescences delight from May to September. After flowering, these perennial flowers do not lose their attractiveness, the openwork balls, towering above the rest of the plants, look very impressive. Let's tell you more about the decorative bow, planting and care in the open field, which it needs.

Allium, or ornamental bow, belongs to the onion family. It is a close relative of garlic and common onion. If you rub an onion, stem, or leaf, you can smell an easily recognizable garlic or onion scent. In nature, there are several hundred varieties of onions, all of which grow in the northern hemisphere.

Allium leaves are basal, belt-like or linear. The flowers are small in size, collected in inflorescences, which serve as a decoration for the garden. There are types of decorative onions with balls with a diameter of 30 cm. Most varieties bloom in May-June, but there are varieties that please beautiful flowering in September. Flowering continues long enough, the bright purple balls of inflorescences look equally charming in the spring and autumn garden.

For the first time, allium became known back in Ancient Rome, its name came from there. It was used for preparing various dishes, for decoration, decorating flower beds, courtyards. The plant has a specific aroma, because due to essential oilscontained in it.

Allium species

Currently, there are about 600 plant species. All varieties of decorative onions are diverse, they differ in stem height, leaves, color, shape of inflorescences. Leaves can be belt-like, fist-shaped, linear. The stem is tubular, its height reaches one meter and more. Delicate spherical inflorescences give the plant a special charm. They consist of small flowers that can be different color and magnitudes.

The most popular varieties of decorative onions:

Sicilian onion or honey garlic. Another plant is called nectaroscordum. It is high, its height reaches over a meter. Inflorescences are bundle umbrellas, with pedicels of cream, pale pink shades. In dried form, the inflorescences of this variety are used in the preparation of flower arrangements.

Bow of Christophe or Star of Persia. Bright lilac flowers in the shape of an asterisk are collected in openwork spherical inflorescences. They resemble fireworks. In diameter, such balls reach up to 30 cm, they bloom for more than a month. Leaves, pointed at the end, narrow, linear.

Onion Karatavsky. This plant is the smallest, inflorescences are white or lilac, balls up to 10 cm in diameter. They bloom in June. Oval leaves with purple veins give the plant a special appeal.

Giant Onion. This is the tallest type of decorative bow. He reaches human height. Inflorescences with a diameter of 15 cm. Strong gusts of wind during seed ripening and flowering can break the stems, the plant needs a garter. Flowering occurs in early summer.

Ostrovsky's bow. it perennialwhich begins to bloom in May-June. Inflorescences reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter. It blooms pink flowers.

Moli's bow. This is a short plant, which is also called Golden Garlic. Inflorescences are yellow, in the form of a flat umbrella. Onion Blossoms in June.

Round-headed bow. An ornamental plant with inflorescences of an unusual shape, they resemble a slightly elongated oval. This variety blooms in autumn. The balls are small in diameter, only 2 cm. But their color is amazing. There are flowers of pale pink shades, burgundy and other shades. The plant begins to bloom in June, flowering continues in autumn.

Allium Gladiator. It has a high peduncle, lilac inflorescences of star-shaped flowers. Suitable for rock gardens, rocky gardens, go well with irises.

Blue Onion. Royal allium. Very beautiful, its balls 5 cm in diameter are pale blue. The plant blooms in July.

Variety Purple sensation. The lilac, purple flowers of this variety are very common in gardens. Peduncles reach 70 cm in height.

Allium Globmaster (Globemaster). This variety has a long flowering period. Its peduncles are 80 cm high, and the inflorescences are up to 25 cm in diameter.

Decorative bulgarian onion. It reaches up to 90 cm in height. It blooms in early summer, the inflorescences are white-purple, very expressive and beautiful.

Ornamental bow Ivory Queen. Flowers fascinate with their beauty and sophistication. Its inflorescences ivory 12 cm in diameter. Throughout flowering, it pleases with a bright fragrant aroma.

Planting a decorative bow

Planting of decorative onions begins in early autumn, when the air and soil temperatures begin to drop. You can plant allium bulbs and in the spring, when the snow melted, the temperature was above zero. Whatever time is chosen for planting, a number of preparatory manipulations are required to prepare the soil.

Soil preparation

Before planting a decorative onion, you need to choose a place to plant it. Give him the lightest spot in your garden. The soil should be loose and well-drained. To do this, add mineral fertilizer with potassium and sand to the soil. The bulbs of decorative onions for planting are carefully sorted out, it is necessary to choose only healthy ones, without shoots, mold and spots.

The best time to plant a plant is from mid September to mid October. The bulbs must take root before the first frost. It should be remembered that decorative bows need a lot of potassium. It is better to add more wood ash before planting. Liquid mineral fertilizers are introduced into the soil in the spring.


  1. It is necessary to make small narrow holes. Bulbs are planted in them. The depth is determined by the height of the bulb. It should be double the height.
  2. A large distance should be made between the holes, about 30 cm.
  3. The hole should be moistened, the bulbs that have been prepared in advance should be planted.
  4. Sprinkle with earth on top, slightly crushing the earth. It should be lightweight, not tamped down.
  5. Sprinkle the bed with rotted manure, cover it with peat on top to prevent the soil from freezing.

Reproduction of allium

Ornamental onion propagation occurs by dividing the rhizome of the mother bulb and seeds. To sow seeds, you need to choose developed seed pods with seeds. Allium seeds can be sown in fall and spring. Better in the fall, so that they adapt to temperature extremes and undergo natural training. It should be noted that when sowing with seeds, the growing season is delayed, undersized varieties bloom only in the third year, and high in the sixth. This is because the bulbs must reach a certain size.

Most often, division of the main bulb is used for reproduction. In one place, decorative onions grow up to five years. Then it is dug up and seated. By this time, there are daughter individuals on the mother bulb that need to be divided. The decorativeness of the flower will be preserved, the plant will be rejuvenated.

Ornamental bow care

Speaking about decorative onions, planting and caring for them, it is worth noting that this plant does not need special care. Allium is unpretentious in care. The planting site should be watered only as needed to keep it moderately moist. Plant growth will stall if the soil is dry, but it will quickly resume after watering.

Regular feeding is necessary, in the autumn period - phosphorus, potassium. In the spring you should use complex mineral fertilizers. These are nitrogen-containing complexes in nitrate form. They stimulate bud formation and active leaf growth. In the summer, liquid fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is introduced.

Pest and disease control

Diseases of garden plants can ruin the allium, disrupting its development. The main diseases and pests of decorative bows:

  • onion fly;
  • neck rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • root mite.

Powdery mildew is manifested by yellowed leaves, which are then covered with light mold. When these signs appear, it is necessary to treat the onion with special preparations (Previkur-energy, ridomil MC), you can use Bordeaux liquid. To prevent infection, experienced florists warm the bulbs of the allium flower in the oven before planting. The temperature is set to 40 degrees, the holding time is 12 hours.

Onion fly and root mite are the most dangerous pests... When infected with an onion fly, plants should be treated with a 2% chlorophos solution and ash.

It is believed that the most effective measure that prevents plant contamination in the future is harvesting plant residues of onions, warming the bulbs.

Ornamental onion or allium is a plant belonging to the Onion family. Distributed throughout the Northern Hemisphere. Iran is considered the birthplace of a giant decorative bow.

There are more than 400 species of allium in the world, of which about a hundred are grown in gardens as decorative culture... Below are the most popular varieties:

  • A giant decorative bow. Tall species with a stem length up to one and a half meters and belt-like bright green leaves, up to 10 cm wide. The bulb is large, elongated, ovoid. The flowers are tiny red-violet hue, collected in a large (up to 15 cm) spherical inflorescence. Blooms from May to July.
  • Ostrovsky's bow. Stunted, up to 20 - 25 cm high. Large crimson fragrant flowers are collected in inflorescences, 8 - 10 cm in diameter. Grown in rock gardens.
  • Golden (moth) is a graceful plant up to 20 cm tall. It tolerates partial shade well. Blooms in May - June yellow small flowers, in the form of stars.
  • Bulgarian is a plant with a stem height up to a meter. Flowering occurs in June, the stems are decorated with bright white-purple inflorescences with a red tint.
  • Blue - this species grows up to 100 cm in height. It blooms in bright blue in the middle of summer, the leaves die off by the time of flowering.
  • Christof's bow. Very showy look, with large inflorescences, up to 20 cm in diameter, with a plant height of 40 cm. The shade of flowers is pink-purple.

Popular varieties of ornamental onions obtained from crossing different types plants:

  • Gladiator is a tall variety (120 - 140 cm), with spherical inflorescences of pink or bright purple;
  • Everest is a variety with long flower arrows (up to a meter), inflorescences up to 15 cm in diameter, white.

Where to plant

Most alliums are light-loving plants. In partial shade, they can also grow, but the flowering will not be so abundant and bright.

Accommodation in areas exposed to the wind is not encouraged. Strong wind can break tall, fragile peduncles.

Soils are required with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. Acidic soils are corrected by introducing dolomite flour, lime, sifted wood ash.

Adding wood ash to the soil is also useful in that it enriches the earth with potassium, which is so necessary for decorative onions. It will be useful to add sand for clay soils, and humus for sandy, poor in nutrients.


The culture can be propagated by bulbs by seeding the babies formed on the mother plant. Bulbules are formed on the inflorescences, which can also be used as planting material, preserving all the qualities of the mother plant. You can propagate it by seed, like any other plant.

It is preferable to sow allium seeds before winter so that they undergo natural cold treatment (stratification). They are sown on a prepared bed with loose fertile soil, observing the distance between the seeds of 3 - 5 cm, followed by the seeding of the seedlings.

You should know that the flowering of ornamental onions sown with seeds will come only in 3 - 5 years.

Allium baby onions are also planted in autumn. Planting time depends on the local climate. The soil temperature should not be lower than +15, only in this case the bulb will have time to take root and take root before the onset of cold weather.

The baby is formed on adult plants over 3 years old. At the end of summer, the plant is completely dug up, the baby is separated and dried. Onions without signs of disease are planted in a prepared bed. The planting depth of the bulb is three times its height. The distance between plants is 25 cm for tall varieties, 10 - 15 cm for low-growing ones. If winters with little snow occur in the region, then the plantings are mulched with a layer of peat or fallen leaves.

Some species form bulbs (small onions) on the peduncle. They are cut off along with the peduncle, allowed to mature, and planted in the ground. If you use special growth stimulants, the survival rate of the bulb is quite high.


Ornamental onions are not picky about watering, only a young plant needs regular moisture. Stagnation of moisture in the root zone is detrimental to the root system; it is necessary to loosen the soil between the bushes in a timely manner, letting in air to the roots. This measure is especially relevant in a rainy summer.

The culture is fed twice a season: in early summer and in autumn. In autumn, granules of complex mineral fertilizer (superphosphate) are scattered around the planted bulbs. Before or during flowering, liquid fertilizing with potash fertilizer is carried out.

Fresh organic matter is not added for allium!

Tall varieties require a peduncle garter to a support.

AT middle lane and the Moscow region, the second half of summer is often rainy, which has a bad effect on the bulb in the ground. Therefore, as soon as the plant fades and the leaves dry out on it, it is dug up and dried. Up to autumn planting, the bulbs are stored in a dry and dark place.

Under unfavorable weather conditions and disturbances in agricultural technology, allium can be affected by powdery mildew, rust, rot, heterosporia. Of the pests, the onion fly and golden bronze annoy the plant.

Role in the flower garden

Large bright balls of allium immediately attract attention and enliven the flower garden. Traditionally, decorative onions are planted in flower beds, along with irises, daylilies, poppies, lupines, echinocea, chamomile, decorative cereals... The combination of lilac or purple onion inflorescences with snow-white flowers of peonies or roses will be original.

Low-growing varieties are often planted in very dense clumps, alternating plants with different flower colors. The result is a flowering multi-colored carpet covering the area.

AT joint landing with a bow looks great, but not simple, but decorative. There are a large number of varieties of the plant presented. All of them do not require special care and are frost-resistant. The bow tolerates both shade and sun well. It is necessary to protect it from the wind, as the inflorescences can break.

Description of culture

The decorative bow belongs to the onion family. In total, there are about 500 varieties of it. The smell of this plant is specific. Bulbs can be of 2 types: surrounded by children or single. The rhizome is short.

Inflorescences are umbrella type, hemispherical or spherical. Collected in a narrow bundle. The flowers are star-shaped, have 6 leaves, cupped or bell-shaped.

The best varieties

There are many varieties of decorative onions. Flowering of different varieties is carried out in different ways: in July, May, June.

  • Nectaroscordium... The homeland of this plant is Iraq, Iran or Central Europe. Height - up to 120 centimeters. Prefers sunny, calm places. The soil should be slightly damp. Flowering occurs in June. The inflorescences look very interesting: first a cocoon appears, and then small ovaries of flowers emerge from it. Then the flowers open and wilt. The petals are very beautiful - greenish-yellow-brown. Best neighbors for nectarosoridium - dull plants.
  • Allium Sphaerocephalon. Allium Sphaerocephalon reaches a height of 60 centimeters. The inflorescences are green at first, then become purple-burgundy. Prefers not very moist soils and sunny places... Yellow yarrow, catnip and roses will be excellent neighbors for the plant.
  • Mother of Pearl. The variety has light purple petals. It looks very attractive both live and in the photo.
  • Round.Has a reddish-purple shell of onions and bulbs. Inflorescences are dark, instead of flowers there may be bulbs. Grows in dry fields and steppes.
  • Bear or wild garlic. The bulbs have white shells and are cylindrical in shape. The leaves are narrowed, reaching 38 centimeters wide. Stem without leaves, has a narrow umbrella, including stellate white flowers. Flowering occurs in May.
  • Blue bow. The bulbs can be up to 2 centimeters in diameter. The stem is one meter long, in the lower part there are triangular leaves. The inflorescence may have small bulbs. The flowers are blue, bell-shaped, up to 5 millimeters long. Flowering occurs in July. There are ornamental cabbage varieties that look very exotic in flower beds in combination with ornamental onions.
  • Paniculate. The bulb is oval in shape. The diameter is 2.5 centimeters. The leaves are placed at the bottom of the stem. The stem height reaches 70 centimeters. Flowers can be white, yellow, brownish.
  • Narcissus. The short rhizome contains narrow bulbs. The stem height reaches 35 centimeters. The flowers are bell-shaped, pink, and reach one and a half centimeters in length. Flowering occurs in July-August.

Reproduction of decorative bow

Any ornamental onion variety propagates by inflorescences (if present), daughter bulbs, dividing the rhizome, seeds. Each variety has its own unique characteristics.

Many types of onions require cold stratification and are sown before winter. Dry storage of planting material promotes rapid onion growth. Small varieties bloom 3 years after planting, large ones - 5 years.

Planting of adult bulbs in the ground is carried out to a depth of 2 diameters. About 30 centimeters are left around them. The transplant takes place every 4 years.

If seeds are used for cultivation, the planting material must be well ripe, otherwise the plants will be pale.

Decorative onions: growing (video)

Planting and leaving

Before planting, the soil is fertilized with minerals and rotted compost.

Important! The potassium content must be sufficient. You can increase its concentration with wood ash. AT summer period liquid mineral fertilizers are applied. In August, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are poured into the soil.

The best option for onions - sunny places. The soil can be any, it is not specifically required to moisten it. However, there are a number of varieties that need extra attention: daffodil, bearish, amazing. They prefer moderate watering, shade and fertile soil.

The most shade-tolerant varieties are amazing and bearish. Those onions that grow in nature in arid places are bad for waterlogging (Schubert's onions, Christophe's onions, Altai).

The most thorough care is required for the pink and Neapolitan varieties. They do not tolerate winter well and must be grown in the southern regions.

Basic care rule - ensuring good water permeability of the soil. Bulbs must not rot! But during the growth of peduncles, which look great in the photo, moderate watering should be carried out, which is carried out as the soil dries up.

Tall plants during flowering, it is necessary to shelter from the wind. After flowering, care is not required, the greens will die off on their own.

Special trouble growing decorative forms onions will not deliver. The plant perfectly tolerates both drought and frost. Soil characteristics practically do not matter.

Combination with other plants

Varieties blooming in June look great with hazel grouses, and Allium Christophii looks good next to perennials, namely:

  • roses;
  • pion;
  • garden geranium;
  • delphinium;
  • host.

If you get rid of yellowed leaves, the inflorescences can be used as decorative ones.

When planting in a flower garden, it is better to place the seeds in the second row, and not in the first, with this placement, when the plants wither, other flowers will cover them. The height of the decorative bow generally reaches 80–120 centimeters.

Application in landscape design

For ornamental bows, rock gardens and rocky hills are a suitable place. In this case, it is better to use varieties such as:

  • aging;
  • altaic;
  • chisel;
  • karatavsky;
  • pskemsky.

In landscape parks, on forest edges and clearings they use:

  • astonishing;
  • aflatunian;
  • victorious;
  • giant;
  • bearish.

Slime, angular and chisel are planted on flower beds and curbs. For distillation - Neapolitan and pink.

Large varieties can be placed throughout the flower garden. This will give the plants a natural look. Small species are best planted in containers.

Onions are also good in dry bouquets. But it is necessary to dry it properly; for this, the plant is hung upside down in a dark ventilated room. Fresh onions are used in summer bouquets.

Decorative bow: varieties (video)

So, these plants, although they are called onions, look very decorative. Planting is done in pre-prepared soil. The plant loves light, but feels good in the shade. You should not additionally moisten the soil. Of the neighboring flowers, onions get along well with roses, delphinium, hosta. It is often used to decorate rock gardens and rocky hills, landscape parks, curbs and flower beds. Also, the plant looks great both in cut and in dry bouquets.

Blue onion - when describing this plant, they first of all note that this is one of the most beautiful views onions used in ornamental gardening. It is valued not for the size of the inflorescences (they are small even at the time of flowering - only about 4 cm), but for the blue color, which changes to lilac by the end of flowering.

What flowers are best to grow blue onions

The blue onion blooms in late spring - early summer for 20-25 days. Leaves begin to die off at the time of flowering, but new ones grow by autumn. The fact that the leaves die off quickly is good for the neighbors: after showing off, he leaves the stage, giving way to other plants. Although during the growing season, the leaves do not focus on themselves: they are not very long (three times shorter than the peduncle) and their width is centimeter.

Blue onions go well with yellow flowers loosestrife spot, doronicum, which bloom with it at the same time. It is also harmonious when planted with other natural-style plants: bells, scabioses, etc. Blue spherical inflorescences, towering above other plants, create an openwork vertical accent in the flower garden. Try to grow it with yellow and white flowers, this combination will add sophistication and unique charm to your flower garden.

How does it multiply

Vegetative reproduction (by daughter bulbs, and some varieties by bulbs) and seeds. Bulbs and bulbs are planted in August-September. Planting depth - three diameters of the bulb: the larger the planting material, the deeper it is embedded.

If there are several bulbs, they are planted 10 cm apart. Seeds, if there are enough of them, can be sown before winter, given that blue onions readily multiply by self-sowing. If there are few seeds, it is better to sow them in the spring immediately in separate cups in order to cause less damage to the plants when transplanting to a permanent place.

Where to plant and how to grow

Feels good in sunny flower beds on moderately moist humus soil. Water evenly throughout the season. Shelter for the winter does not require. Once every 5-6 years, when a lot of daughter ones are formed around the planted bulb, the nest is seated (“in tightness” it begins to bloom worse). It is better to do this after the leaves have dried up in the summer and the new ones have not yet begun to grow.

By the way, the leaves of blue onions, until they coarsen and begin to turn yellow, are quite edible.

Garden onions, for example, the well-known chives, or chives, are also decorative. During flowering, low curtains, consisting of many plants aligned in height, are abundantly decorated with lilac balls.

Cutting such beauty into salads and okroshka, of course, is a pity. But in spring, as a rule, there are enough vitamins in the beds without chives. And by autumn, if you cut off the yellowed leaves in the summer, young greens will grow back. So it turns out that chives, having played the role of a flower at the beginning of the season, will retrain into a green culture in the fall.

Although any onion can be reincarnated, even onions, if. Large white heads will decorate any flower garden. Moreover, surrounded by flowering plants it has a better chance of not being detected by an onion fly.

Other decorative varieties

If we return to purely decorative varieties, then among them you can pick up species that will differ from each other in height, size and color of inflorescences, flowering times.

  • Even in the largest garden, the gigantic onion will not be lost: its purple inflorescences-heads are crowned with one and a half meter flower stalks. Aflatunsky onions are also from tall ones. Blooms in summer with purple globular inflorescences. There are also pink varieties.
  • Do you like warm colors? Then on your site there is a place for a yellow onion - a low plant (30-40 cm) with yellow bell-shaped flowers, collected in umbrella inflorescences.
  • Want to diversify late summer blooms? Plant the round-headed onion. Its dark purple ovoid inflorescences are perfectly combined with echinacea, helenium, solidago.

Dried onion buds are great for winter flower arrangements.

Several types of these can be grown in the garden. ornamental plantsthat will bloom from spring to late summer. In addition, onion inflorescences remain decorative even with ripe seeds. If you are not afraid of self-seeding, you can not cut them for a long time.

Continuation of the topic:
