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Wood is the most popular material for the manufacture of a huge amount of products, it is used everywhere - from the construction of whole houses and other buildings to the device of partitions, use as a finishing material, as well as in the manufacture of furniture, door and window blocks and many other things.

But to spend all these works, you will need a tool, just this aspect and our review will be devoted, we will consider what should be at hand homemade Masters.

What factors should pay attention to when choosing a tool

No matter exactly which devices you want to purchase, there are a number of criteria that any adaptation of this kind must be configured:

Quality Materials The first factor is the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of materials, if the tool does not inspire confidence, then most likely there will be questions during operation. Especially it concerns hand tools, because they work at the expense of your efforts - the dull chisels or poor-quality teeth of the hacksaws will significantly reduce labor productivity
Convenience of devices It is very important that the tool lay well in his hand, as the long-term work is inconvenient tool will cause increased fatigue and will negatively affect the quality of processing. Best if products are equipped with anti-slip coating handles and have an ergonomic shape
Goals use If you are going to practice wood processing constantly, it is advisable to acquire the power tool if the work will be periodic, then it is better to pay attention to manual options, their price is much lower

Important! We recommend purchasing products of well-known manufacturers, the quality of which is well known in the market, especially if it concerns the power tools, in our time there is a huge number of cheap Asian products, which often fail.

Types of devices and their features

We will look at those products that are used at home. Most often, all of them can be divided into two large groups - manual and electric.

Hand tool

The most common options are the following:

  • The ax is necessary for a wide variety of works: cutting, splitting, wood cutting. In the old days it was the main working tool, in our time it is mainly used for coarse treatment, nevertheless it is difficult to submit a set of carpenter or joiner.
  • Used to saw items in different directions. Modifications differ in size, as well as the form of teeth - there are universal options, and there are hacksaws that are designed for longitudinal or cross-saw. In addition, it matters the size of the tooth than it is less, the cleaner of the edge, but also the speed of work is lower, and what it is more, the higher the performance, but also the quality below.

  • The planers are used to planing the surface and consist of a housing with handles and a cutting part, which is adjustable and sharpened if necessary. To achieve the best quality of work, it is necessary to strict in the direction of the fibers of the wood and thoroughly adjust the position of the blade so that it removes as much as necessary.

  • Chisel is used to hollow out holes and other recesses in the tree, most often this is a massive device with a solid blade and a reliable handle so that it can be beaten with a hammer.
  • For more accurate processing, a chisel is used, most often it is advisable to acquire a set of such devices of different widths and configurations.. This will allow you to pick up optimal option For any products - direct, semicircular, concave, etc.

Important! If necessary, the chisels can be made independently, the main thing is to choose the appropriate workpiece and sharpen it at an angle of 45 degrees for the best quality of work.

  • In order to cut the elements at a certain angle, such a device is necessary as a stub. It is a design in which there are cuts under the hacksaw, which makes it possible to observe the perfect geometry of the edges, which is especially important when connecting elements at different angles.

  • To drill holes, drills are used with hand-made. The configuration of elements can be different, most often found classic, as well as feathers and screw options. For high-diameter holes are used special crownssold in sets.

Processing the tree people learned how many millennia ago. At first, for obvious reasons, everyone was done manually. Today there are a large number of power tools, but manual fixtures have not remained forgotten. Woodworking tool is needed to carpenters, joiners and any person who decided to make something with their own hands.

A variety of tools

The processing of wood understands a large number of operations, and for each of them you need your tools. The tree can be cut, drill, stag, cut out the objects of a simple or intricate shape. The combination of all tools is divided into two groups:

  • manual;
  • electric.

In addition, they are divided into professional, amateur and related intermediate categories. At home, it is convenient to carry out woodworking by amateur or semi-professional tools. In addition, the price of them is significantly less than professional.

Hand tool

It is manually called those tools when the physical power of a person is involved. Since the woodworking was engaged in times when no one knew about electricity, all manipulations with a tree can be performed manually.

One of the most ancient origin is considered. It is now used at home - in many private farms without an ax, it is not necessary to do.

Power tools

Electrical devices enjoy easier. They allow several times faster to perform work and with less effort. Power tools for woodworking at home are released from the network and on batteries. Buying such aggregates, you need to pay attention to their power, service guarantee and main opportunities. The priority should be the functions that you plan to most often use.

It is worth noting that the power tool can also be manual or stationary. Manual power tools For wood processing, you can carry, perform work, keeping it in your hands. In the second case, the tool is fixed, the human intervention is minimal, often it is, which can be fusing, milling ,.

Wood cutting tools

Split wood or materials, made of it, you can with several types of tools:

  • saw

All of them are manual and electric. Hoven is perfect for garden work, she saws not too thick bitch, boards, blanks for joinery.

With constant sawing wood at home, it is simply necessary to have (circular). It doesn't do figure cuts, but it will quickly cut the boards, Phaneur, some types of plastic.

If you need to cut trees, harvest firewood, then in this case you use chain saws. There are also found hand saws For the workpiece of the forest, you need to work together.

Lobzik cut the figures of arbitrary shape. It is suitable for drinking blanks of layouts, artistic panels, various crafts, details of furniture, kitchen fixtures.

Tops and Collins for Sluts

Carpentry worktop of centuries performed axes. They trimmed the logs, made windows, doors, with their help they were erected. Axes and colleans are needed to split lamps on the firewood. The ax is a certain species - this is a combat weapon.

Note! Different tools for splitting in size, the form of the metal part and the handle, which is made from wood or fiberglass.

Today, electric koluns are produced (woodcuts), which can be quickly pricking lamps of a certain length and diameter. Their cost is two orders of magnitude higher than conventional high-quality axes.

Planning planing

Planting wood needs to be placed. It removes a thin layer of chips, allowing you to get a flat smooth surface. Without a ruble, no carpenter does not work out. Use their masters of musical instruments, furniture, dolls, kitchen utensils and much more.

Tip! When choosing an electrical ruble draw attention primarily on its power, the width of the blade and the depth of planing, declared by the manufacturer.

It is not bad to have a whole set of ruleds, as a last resort, at least one universal. As the work of the carpenter or the joinear is developed, there will be a need for other types of Rubanka.

For coarse planing, a bear is used, for finishing, fuganoks or semi-cells are suitable, the sample of the tongue, the grooves are carried out with a puzzle (tongue). There is also a cycle, calave and many other highly specialized planing tools.

Grinding and riding tool

To make a tree perfectly smooth, needed. Small figures and wood parts are grinding by hand with grinding paper, sandpaper, performing monotonous mechanical movements.

To burn the edges, the ends of the products, apply the rashpil. These are special files for wood with a large notch.

For large areas, electric woodworking machines use, they include:

  • bulgarians with grinding nozzles;
  • ribbon grinders;
  • eccentric (orbital);
  • flatShelipoval (vibration).

The ribbon tool is more suitable for coarse stripping, removal of a thick layer of paint or surface alignment. Thin thin grinding is carried out by eccentric and flat-coil-glazed units.

Rocks and chisels for loaves

Spikes and grooves in wood for connecting parts made by rocks and chisels. This is a hand tool. To hollow out a deep and fairly wide socket or eye, apply chisel. The working part of the bit is steel, sharply sharpened on one side of the bar.

The chisels hollow out shallow holes, clean the surface of the wood, perform fitting parts. The shape of the blade in the chisel can be flat or semicircular.

Before starting work, mark up the part, then it is firmly fixed in the clamp on the workbench and begin to hollow out. The fibers are grilled at an angle of 45-60 °, deepened each time 4-5 mm each, chips immediately remove.

Drilling tools

Hand drills, cowhorrotes, drill are necessary for drilling holes. It is much easier to carry out woodworking with an electrical drill. For her, there will be special nozzles.

There are a large number of species of nozzles, among them the cenks, centers (row), spiral, screws. Drill can drill holes for bolts, spiked and other types of compounds. Selecting the nozzle of the desired form, you can expand the range of work performed.


One of the important electric tools for woodworking at home is a manual milling mill. They are calculated by the edge, making it rounded, curly, cut the grooves, drill holes. Release different kinds milling mills of a wide and narrow spectrum of action. They differ in power, the diameter of the shank cutter, the maximum speed of rotation. In addition to the wood, the milling plate is treated with plasterboard, plastic, acrylic.

Workplace and additional devices

Conducting work on woodworking at home, it will not work out without clamps. They help to fix the details in one way and among themselves when cutting, hollowing, drilling, gluing.

Another important tools in woodworking are ticks and nails. They from wood pull out nails, as well as other foreign objects.

In the process of woodworking it is important to properly prepare workplace. For fitter work is necessary. This is primarily a table behind which it is convenient to perform various manipulations. The workbench also contains useful devices:

  • front and rear screw clamps for fixing blanks;
  • holes for wedges in which the billet rests;
  • tray for storing a joinery tool.

The rack is often installed near the workbench, where the necessary devices, materials, templates are stored. Would need convenient chair. It is also necessary to take care of the outlet for connecting the power tools and high-quality lighting.

Additional devices that should always be available from any wizard include rules, vehicles, levels, coal. Most likely, it will be necessary consumables (Emery paper, Pilking, Circles). Since the domestic workshop is usually established a full cycle of production, then you need to take place for varnish, paints, tassels.

Any tools must be in good condition. If the breakdown occurred, then they restore them as quickly as possible or removed into such a place where they will not interfere.

In order to be able to fully work with wood, you will need a certain set of tools. A homemade master is often limited to the workshop area, or even have to work literally "in the hands." Therefore, when choosing tools for the house, preference is given to the manual power tool.

The price question also matters, but also a high-end hand tool is decent. Therefore, the emphasis is all the same on compactness.
In the article you can see the most important tools for woodworking. With this set, you can already engage in serious things, such as the manufacture of furniture and doors from the wood array.

And even pay attention, most often no one does not buy the entire kit, but adds individual tools as necessary and financial capabilities.

1. Manual disk saw.

Manual circular saw to some extent can replace stationary, but for this you need to build a desktop. W. good saw The kit includes special guides that allow you to color sheet Material exactly by the desired size. There is an option to install such a saw into the "table", in an inverted position, only not all saws such a mode are kept.

2. Drill.

I want to notice, no screwdriver will replace the electric drill in power and versatility. Therefore, the drill is the main tool, and an additional screwdriver.
When choosing a drill, pay attention not only to power.
Cartridge can be 10 mm. or 12 mm. , delay the key or be self-apparatus.
The universal drill can be the function of the perforator, just not much sense from it. It will not replace the real perforator, and drill a tree or even a brick and a regular drill, with a special drill.

3. Electro Lobzik.

4. Grinding machine.

The first four tools are the basis, with their help you can already process some details. But as for the manual disk saw, it will not completely replace the stationary circular. Circular saw To begin with, you can purchase a small, with a capacity of 1.2-1.5 kW. Actually, the carpentry workshop begins with the stationary circular.

6. Fantasy saw.

After a short time working with the tree, you will understand that you need another tool, desktop miter saw. Although it cannot be said that this tool is universal, but it has a special importance. Fitting at an angle of 45 *, when assembling the framework "in the Us", should be particularly accurate.
In addition, even if you are tightened by wooden parts with self-draws, accurate ending of blanks at an angle of 90 * is necessary.

7. Hand mill.

And this is already a truly universal tool. Through manual milling You can pass profiles, quarters, grooves, make nests and spikes, article.
I would not advise you to acquire a low-power and cheap milling mill, even for a start. More or less decent devices begin with a power of 750 W. If possible, choose a milling mill with an 8 mm replaceable. and 12 mm. So that you can use any cutters.

Of about a dozen models with whom I had to work, the brands "Makita", Bosch and Hitachi shown.
But I repeat, from those that I know well. These mills can work in an inverted position, it is when installed in the table. When choosing, pay attention to the note "Professional". The main difference professional instrument In that it can work every day for a long time.

Tool processing tool - types of devices and their features. Hand and Electric Tool

Wood is the most popular material for the manufacture of a huge amount of products, it is used everywhere - from the construction of whole houses and other buildings to the device of partitions, use as a finishing material, as well as in the manufacture of furniture, door and window blocks and many other things.

But to spend all these works, you will need a tool, which is this aspect and our review will be devoted, we will consider what should be at hand with every homemade master.

In the photo: on sale you can find whole sets hand toolwhich are specifically designed for work with wood

What factors should pay attention to when choosing a tool

No matter exactly which devices you want to purchase, there are a number of criteria that any adaptation of this kind must be configured:

The first factor is the quality of the materials used in the manufacture of materials, if the tool does not inspire confidence, then most likely there will be questions during operation. This is especially true of hand tools, because they work at the expense of your effort - the dull chisel or poor-quality handbrecks will significantly reduce labor productivity.

It is very important that the tool lay well in his hand, as the long-term work is inconvenient tool will cause increased fatigue and will negatively affect the quality of processing. Best if products are equipped with anti-slip coating handles and have an ergonomic shape

If you are going to practice wood processing constantly, it is advisable to purchase the power tool if the work will be periodic, then it is better to pay attention to manual options, their price is much lower

Important! We recommend purchasing products of well-known manufacturers, the quality of which is well known in the market, especially if it concerns the power tools, in our time there is a huge number of cheap Asian products, which often fail.

Brand Mcita - an excellent solution that is distinguished by reliability and fairly reasonable price

Types of devices and their features

We will look at those products that are used at home. Most often, all of them can be divided into two large groups - manual and electric.

Hand tool

The most common options are the following:

  • The ax is necessary for a wide variety of works: cutting, splitting, wood cutting. In the old days it was the main working tool, in our time it is mainly used for coarse treatment, nevertheless it is difficult to submit a set of carpenter or joiner.
  • Wood-hacksaw is used to saw elements in different directions. Modifications differ in size, as well as the form of teeth - there are universal options, and there are hacksaws that are designed for longitudinal or cross-saw. In addition, it matters the size of the tooth than it is less, the cleaner of the edge, but also the speed of work is lower, and what it is more, the higher the performance, but also the quality below.

Hacksaws are different sizes, so choose the desired option will not work

  • The planers are used to planing the surface and consist of a housing with handles and a cutting part, which is adjustable and sharpened if necessary. To achieve the best quality of work, it is necessary to strict in the direction of the fibers of the wood and thoroughly adjust the position of the blade so that it removes as much as necessary.

Classic Wooden Planning - Great Option for Home Masters

  • Chisel is used to hollow out holes and other recesses in the tree, most often this is a massive device with a solid blade and a reliable handle so that it can be beaten with a hammer.
  • For more accurate machining, a chisel is used, most often it is advisable to purchase a set of such devices of different widths and configurations. This will make it possible to choose the optimal option for any products - direct, semicircular, concave, etc.

The chisels of different shapes are designed to accurate wood processing

Important! If necessary, the chisels can be made independently, the main thing is to choose the appropriate workpiece and sharpen it at an angle of 45 degrees for the best quality of work.

  • In order to cut the elements at a certain angle, such a device is necessary as a stub. It is a design in which there are cuts under the hacksaw, which makes it possible to observe the perfect geometry of the edges, which is especially important when connecting elements at different angles.

Stuslo - simple, but very useful fixture

  • For drilling holes, drills with a manual protever are used. The configuration of elements can be different, most often found classic, as well as feathers and screw options. For high-diameter holes, special crowns are used that are sold in sets.

Fixture for manual drilling is called Kollet

  • Do not forget to take care of the acquisition of measuring instruments - you will need a metal ruler, roulette and a square, for the most advanced transportation with the possibility of setting a certain angle.

Adjustable Cornel with a ruler - universal option for work

There is another tool for manual wood processing, you can turn on the hammer, screwdriver, nail-holder, ticks, clamps, sandpaper for grinding and much more. Select a specific list should be based on their specific tasks.

Electric tool

Manual power tools for treating wood allows you to significantly simplify many operations, so if you decide to engage in the works permanently, you should pay attention to this product group:

  • The electrolovka is used both for direct and for figure cutting of materials with a thickness of up to 50 mm (it is possible and larger when it is installed with the row of the corresponding length). This tool is characterized by simplicity and functionality, it is especially suitable for those who cut the complex figures from small thickness materials.

Such a tool must be in everyone who is engaged in wood processing at home

  • For cutting thick materials, either a compact disk saw on a tree is used (the so-called parquet) and the design installed on the bed (in common - ending). The thickness of the resulting materials depends on the diameter of the installed disk, so the selection of a specific modification is made according to this parameter. For large elements, it is better to purchase benzo- or electroopers with a chain and a tire.

Disk saw - compact and comfortable device For cutting

  • Electrolakes are used to planing the surface, they can have a different size and power, so they need to be selected depending on the features of the work performed by you. To understand the features of the setup, you need to get acquainted with the recommendations that the instructions gives surely running the delivery.
  • Grinding machines are used for finishing machines, they can be three types: tapes for large volumes of work, they are characterized by high performance, vibration with straight soles - quite powerful with good processing quality, and planetary - in them the round sole vibrates and rotates with displacement relative to the axis This option allows you to achieve the best surface quality.

Planetary Schlifmashinka - optimal solution For perfect surface treatment

  • If you want to make relief products, then without a manual freesome, you can not do with it, you can give the product different shape And cut on it various patterns and ornaments. The main working element in such devices - cutters of various sizes and forms, with their help you can perform a wide variety of operations, it is important to choose the desired option.

The hand milling mill is indispensable in the production of furniture with their own hands.

  • Electrode is needed for drilling holes of different diameters. Additionally, the device is completed with a set of drills and crowns, sometimes it is advisable to apply adjustable structures that specialists are called balletines. The drill power can be different and depends on the complexity of the work.

Auxiliary devices

To use woodworking tool at home as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to have additional structures:

  • The workbench is an ideal workplace for most operations performed. Modern options have a wide range of adjustments both in height and by the position of the working surface. In addition, in the design there are vice for reliable fixation of the processed elements and storage boxes for storing all devices.

Crafting table - perfect solution for carpenter and joiner

  • For additional fixation individual elements Clamps of various configurations may need, and for marking at hand there must be a carbon black pencil. These are at first glance, the little things significantly increase the convenience of work and allow them to be carried out more accurately.
  • Pliers and ticks may be needed to extract cloves and clamping small elements. To twist the screws, you need a screwdriver, with it, you can also drill holes of a small thickness.
  • If you decide to make bales or other elements of such a form, you will need compact lathe and a set of chisels of different shapes.


Having at hand all the necessary devices, you can perform a wide variety of work even at home. In this article, it will further reveal the topic and tell additional information concerning the above options.

Woodworking tools are designed to perform manually joinery. These include: tools for sawing, cutting and splitting wood, planing, slot and drilling tools.

Tools for sawing are saws and hacksaws.

Each saw and hacksaw on one edge of the canvas has a number of teeth playing the role of cutters. Wood saws are transverse, longitudinal, tape (archery), hacksaws and jigsaws.

Cross saws apply for transverse sawmills round forest, bars and other large-sized timber. The trunks of the transverse saws have the shape of an equally chained triangles. Cross saws can have a clear teeth in the form of the letter W. With their help, the sawdust is cleared.

Longitudinal saws (moss) have a canvas, narrowed to one end. Tooth longitudinal saws have the appearance of ricol triangles with a slope to. Narrow end of the canvas. Two handles stick to the canvas. The length of this saw is 1525 mm and width 310 and 155 mm.

Band-bolted saws (carpentry) consist of a ribbon saw and an archery machine for pulling the saw blade. These saws are designed for longitudinal and transverse sawing lumber of a small thickness.

Wooden inucery machines for ribbon saws, consist of two vertical racks, struts and spins that are reinforced in the taper.

For figure drinking applied lobzic saws , which are tensioning in the jigsaw machine.

Hoven apply for small carpentry and repair work In domestic conditions. They consist of a canvas of a saw and one wooden or metal handle. The canvas of the hacksaw is narrowed by a teeth in the form of rowing triangles, tilted to the narrow end of the longitudinal sawing, in the form of an isolated triangles - for transverse sawing. Depending on the width of the canvas, the hacksaws are wide and narrow. We also produce hacksaws with interchangeable canvases and with canvas with double-sided bowls.

Tools for cutting and splitting wood include axes and colleans.

Topors made with round or direct blade of different sizes and mass. They consist of blades, canvas and wells, in which there is a hole (SMAD) for its nozzle and fixing the axle (handle). Some axes, moreover, have a beard. There are all-string tops and with a fatty blade.

Axes are manufactured for carpentry, household (for wood splitting), for lumberjacks, hunting and tourist.

Carpentry axes have a wide rounded or straight blade.

For the manufacture of axes, Tool carbon steel U7A, U8, U8A, U9, U9A are used.

Colong unlike the ax, there is a massive wedge with a narrow dull blade, their mass is at least 2.2 kg. Koluns are used to split wood along the fibers.

The group's group's instruments include: stops, cycles and various types of Rubankov - Shorbeli, Fuganque, TspunTubeli, etc.

Strongsit is used for rough processing of wood and manual removal of the bark from the tree trunks. Stops consist of a canvas with cutting edge and two shanks, which are planted with wooden handles.

Cycles- These are metal plates with sharp edges. They serve for finishing wood products. Dimensions, cycles of 60 x 120 mm.

Rubanka consist of a wooden or metal block, in which the piece of iron is fixed. The cutting edge of the piece of iron is treated with wood materials.

Jointer has a block of 700 mm long and a straight cutting edge: width 65 mm.

To generate grooves (sheets) in the edges of the boards serves shpunteubel .

Faltegobel serve for the sample of folds and quarters in the framework of which fililers or glass are inserted.

The group of slot tools includes chisels and chisels that hollow out grooves, spikes, holes. Made slot tools made of steel stamps U7, U7a, U8, U8A, 9khf, 9xc.

Chisels in their form, can be flat and semicircular. Flat chisels, besides, produce thick and.thine, and semicircular - with the inner and outer sharpening edges.

Flat thick chisels are used to hollow out and stripping nests and grooves, removal of the edge, thin - mostly only for stripping nests, grooves, spikes. Semicircular chisels serve for scubons and stripping round spikes, nests and processing concave and convex surfaces. The chisels ends with a shank, which is planted with a wooden handle.

Cholot for appointment there are carpentry and carpentry. Joineric chisses are distinguished by the fact that they have a cylinder shank, which is planted with a handle. Carpentoms end in a metal conical tube in which the handle is inserted.

Drilling instrumentdesigned to obtain cylindrical holes in wooden details. Drilling tools include drills center (core), twisted, spoons. These drills move into motion with the help of Kovovot. Drills for wood are also a burava.

Made drilling tools made of steel stamps as flexible tools.

Drills for campoms ends with a pyramid tip, which is inserted into the cartridge of the coofer.

Center drills have a shovel working part with two cutters;

One cutter straight cuts the wood around the circumference;

The second cuts the cropped part of the wood. In the center of the blade is available, which is the guide axis.

Twisted drills serve for deep drilling of wood. They have two cutters, between which is the tip with a screw thread.

In spoonful or pen drillsthe cutting part is made in the form of a narrow long spoon. Acute oval nose of these drills is a cutting edge. They serve to drill wood along the fibers.

Kolletit is a steel bracket, at one end of which the mushroom head is fixed, and on the other, the cartridge, in the middle of the bracket there is a wooden handle for the rotation of the coofer. There are colvos with two cams in the cartridge, with a screw clamp, as well as with a ratchet. Covernotes with a ratchet rotate only one way. The direction of operating rotation of the drill can be changed using the adjusting ring.

Buravsapply for deep drilling of wood without coofer. At the end of the burava rod, there is an eyelet for a wooden handle, the necessary light of rotation.

To perform various woodwork, except solitary tools, release sets. For example, a set of chisels, a carpentry set, etc. All tools are fixed in the sockets of a suitcase or in a special case with cells for each tool.

Metalworking tools Depending on the peculiarities of the processing of metals, they are divided into the tools for the surface of the surface, cutting metals and penetration of holes, drilling, thread cutting, metal cutting, shock and auxiliary tool.

Metalworking tools are made of high carbon, instrumental steel, which has a lot of hardness and durability. For details of some tools, cast iron and aluminum alloys are used.

Tools for Filing surfaces Metal blanks. These include files, rashpilles and noodles, which differ in the form of cross-section, sizes, type of notches and the magnitude of the teeth.

Fileit consists of a working part and a shank, which is planted with a wooden handle.

Forms are flat, square, round, semicircular, triangular, rhombic and hacksaws.

Rashpilithey differ from the files mainly by the form of notches, which has the appearance of pyramidal protrusions located on the working part of the Rashpil in a chess order.

Rashpils are general purpose (for processing different materials), hoofs (for processing hooves), shoal (for skin treatment). They also differ as a form of cross-section: flat, sharply and stupid, semicircular. Nadfili - these are small files used for finishing small surfaces. A double notch is provided on the working surface of the appliance, and its smooth surface is a handle.

The group tools for metal cutting includes:

-Subilancingthey are distinguished by a direct rod with a wedge-shaped working part, they are used for cold metal cutting;

-Teed blacksmithhave a more massive rod with a hole for a wooden handle that they are used for hot and cold metal cutting;

-Kreicameselicharacterized by the spell-shaped working part, they are used to drive the grooves and keypads.

To the group of drilling tools for metal, includes drills and drills used to produce holes with manual metal processing:

-drillit serves to obtain holes in the metal (spiral, etc. Types of drill). Spiral drill consists of a "working part and a shank. The working part has a spiral grooves for draining chips, spiral smooth ribbons to center the drill during operation and two cutting edges, formed by the intersection of the surfaces of the grooves and the lower edges of the drill, sharpened at an angle from 55 to 125 ° . The working part of the drill is made of high-speed steel.

Drill -auxiliary tool by means of rotation of the drill. The drill is clamped with cam chucks. The cartridge gets a move when rotating gears using a handle. There are a drill single and two-speed, with an open and closed case.

To the group of tools for cutting threads include:

-Metchiki - Rods with left and right threads and several longitudinal concave grooves crossing threads, they form cutting edges. Taps serve to cut the inner thread in various details. Produce them from high-speed steels;

-Clashmade round and rectangular outer surfaces and carvings on the inner surface. To form cutting edges, as well as the taps, there are longitudinal semicircular grooves. Produce dies to cut the outer metric or inch thread;

-Cloft and groves- These are tools with which taps and dice are fixed when threading.

Handsaws for metal Consist of hacksaw blades and a hacksaw machine. Handswear for metal is distinguished by a small length (130-300 mm) and small teeth. Handling machines produce inspirerable, sliding and stopped.

Scissors For cutting metal consist of two halves - blades connected by a hinge, and two handles. In addition, some scissors have a spiral ribbon spring, with which halves of scissors are spread.

Metal cutting scissors are divided into the left, the cutting edge is on the left side, and the right cutting edge is with the right.

To the toolbar for the processing of the blow belong:

- Moldens -they are divided into plumbing, roofing, shoal, economic, universal, they are made of carbon and alloyed steel;

- Molding of locksmith two types are available: with a round and square brisk, with wooden handles, various sizes and mass.

-Hellets roofingproduce three numbers - weighing 500, 600 and 800 g.;

- Molders economicmade various structures, usually with a nail. They can be oxidized, nickel-plated or galvanized;

- Universal coathave a metal handle in which a set of various tools is: a screwdriver, sewn, chisel, chisel, a pier.

Hammers go on sale without a handle or with handles made of rowan wood, rack or maple.

Sledgehammer- Blacksmith hammer to be treated with metal, laid on anvil. SledgeVolds are stupid and sharp. Their weight is from 2 to 8 kg.

Auxiliary tools for processing metals are vice, anvil and blacksmith ticks.

Viceapply usually to hold metal parts. With plumbing work.

Anvil- auxiliary carpet tool. In the form of anvil there are: cough, single-legged and ruffes. The working surface is applied strengthened by the method of cementation. The weight is caused from 15 to 300 kg.

Blacksmith pliersit is used to hold metals for blacksmithing processing. forms of blacksmith plugs: flat, concave, etc.

Mounting tools (screwdrivers, wrenches and pipe keys)

apply for screwing and unscrewing, as well as to hold parts when installing and other types of work.

Screwdrivers apply to screw or unscrewing screws and screws having a slot in the head. Rods of screwdrivers are made of instrumental steel brands U7 and U8. Depending on the design of the handle, there are overhead wooden cheeks, a dielectric (plastic) handle, a wire handle, clocks with a metal handle, screwdrivers, in the metal knob of which the rods of screwdrivers are stored with different width of the working part.

Wheel keysused when assembling and disassembling threaded connections. By design keys come: with open zev, cape, end and for round nuts.

The most common is open wrenches, which may be single and bilateral. In the design, wrenches are divided into sliding and inseparable.

To tighten round nuts with holes on the side surface, the keys with one or more spikes in the head are used. They are used for nuts with an outer diameter of 22 to 220 mm.

Material spanic keys Steel grade 40хs, 40x.

Pipe keysapply for swing pipes and their shaped parts. The main types of pipe keys are; Lever, valuable and precipitant keys.

Tools to hold parts and other mounting works. The main tools of this group are pliers, round-rolls, nasigurities, passage. They are manufactured from the instrumental steel grades U7 and U8.

Pliersthere are ordinary and combined.

Ordinary pliershave only flat sponges with a notch on the working surface for better grip of items,

Combined - Additional recess to capture pipes of small diameter and lateral nippers.

Pliers are used to twist and snacking wires, hold small details and other works.

Kruglogshave round sponges. They are designed to bending a wire and thin sheets of metal.

Ostrogubs (plugs)there are ordinary, lever and side. All types of tools for twisting and snacking wires designed to work in electrical installations with voltage up to 1000V are released with insulated handles. Dielectric covers or non-removable dielectric covers with a thickness of at least 2 mm are used as insulation.

Pincers used with carpentest and joinery for pulling nails. They consist of two hinged halves with flat sponges, having an ellipse shape, such a form of sponges ensures reliable grip of nails when pulling out.

Carpentry hammershave round bats and upper part with

sleeping for pulling nails.

In assortment measuring instruments Compose micrometers, caliper, meters, roulettes, squares, crowns, probe (set of plates for measuring gaps), kerners, etc.

For plastering, stone and others construction work We produce celma, dowels, jumpers, swabs, wood cutters and linoleum, levels, etc. a brief description of Some of the above are presented below.

Micrometers - tools for measurement linear sizes up to 0.01 mm. They consist of a bracket, heel, micrometric screw, stopper, stem, drum and ratchet. Measured items are located between the heel and micrometric screw. Micrometers are released for certain measurement limits. The most common are micrometers with a measurement limit of 0-25 mm. In addition to the specified, other measurement limits of micrometers are installed: 25-50, 50-75.75-100 mm, etc.

Schunciterkuliconsist of a metal scale line, a nonioce with divisions, two sponges, of which one is fixed and fixed on a large-scale ruler, the second is mobile and connected to the nonius. Some calipers have a depth hencer. Measurement accuracy with calipers 0.1; 0.05; 0.02 mm. It is for sale a caliper with a measurement limits of 0-125, 0-160 and 0-250 mm.

Folding metersconsist of ten hinged-connected lines-links with divisions of 1 mm.

Roulette- These are steel ribbons with large-scale divisions in metal or plastic cases.

Rulerswe produce 15-100 cm long with a division of 1.0 and 0.5 mm.

Metal coolers designed for checking and marking of direct angles and to control the mutually perpendicular location of the details. Dimensions of side of squares from 60x40 to 1600x 1000 mm .

Threaded patternspresent templates sets to determine the metric thread step (in the set of 20 templates) and the thread step inch and pipe (in the template set of 16).

Radius patterns- This is a set of plates to determine the radii of curvature of convex and concave surfaces from 1 to 25 mm.

Kernerserve for applying centers of circles or milling lines in the form of small recesses.

For metal processing, the sets of instruments (plumbing, assembly, etc.) are released, as well as sets of tools of one species, but several varieties.
