»Cherry varieties

Cherries are valuable and useful dietary product... Today, many gardening enthusiasts prefer unpretentious and at the same time high-yielding varieties cherries. Cherry variety Molodezhnaya perfectly combines these qualities, which is described in this article.

The Molodezhnaya cherry variety was bred by the breeder Kh.D. Enikeev together with S.N. Saratova. They crossed two varieties of cherries together: and. In 1993, the resulting crossing cherry variety was entered in the state register.

This variety of cherry grows in the central region and in the Urals. Cherry Youth can grow as a tree or bush. A tree or bush grows up to 2.5 meters in height... The foliage of a tree or bush forms a rounded shape, slightly drooping. Leaves of medium size, bright green color.

The inflorescences of the plant consist of five or seven flowers, the diameter of which is 1.8-3 cm. The flowers are white, the stamens and pistil are equal in height, which allows the plant to self-pollinate.

Youth belongs to self-fertile varieties... This variety will please you with its fruits pretty soon. Already in the fourth year, the tree begins to bear fruit. And after another four years, vigorous fruiting begins, which lasts until the plant reaches 15-20 years.

Flowering begins in mid-May, and by mid-July you can harvest berries... During the fruiting period, one bush or tree can produce from 10 to 12 kg of berries.

The Molodezhnaya variety has an average winter hardiness. The flower buds are also moderately resistant. This variety of cherry tree has an average degree of resistance to diseases such as coccomycosis and moniliosis, as well as to various microorganisms.

A humid and warm climate provokes the development of diseases in a plant.

Description of cherry berries

Fruits are formed on branches of the last year or bouquet.

Berries have a sweet and sour taste, dense, juicy dark red flesh... Their weight reaches five grams. A medium-sized bone is quite easily separated from the pulp. The berries are oblong. Dense fruits are resistant to transportation and mechanical damage.

Cherries of this variety are rich in vitamins and organic acids, as well as phosphorus and potassium.

The taste of the fruits is dominated by sweetness, so their often used in the preparation of various dessert dishes... The berries are great for fresh consumption.

Positive and negative qualities

Youth has many positive qualities.

These include the following characteristics:

  • good tolerance by flower buds; lower air temperature;
  • plant resistance to fungal diseases;
  • berries are easy to transport, as they are quite dense;
  • self-fertility of cherries allows pollinating neighboring non-self-fertile plants;
  • the plant is resistant to a drop in air temperature and to dry periods in summer;
  • the berries contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements, pectins.

However, along with the advantages, this species has some features that should be taken into account when cultivating:

  • every year the plant must be treated with fungicides to prevent various diseases;
  • it is necessary to carefully select a landing site, ideal is a plain with light winds;
  • every year it is necessary to make fertilizing with phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium;
  • so that there is no overgrowth, the plant must be cut regularly.

These features of care in no way detract from the value of the Youth.

Cultivation of cherries of this variety and rules for caring for it

In order for the plant to please with a rich harvest, you need to take care of her properlyb. The choice of the place and time of landing plays an important role in this.

Where and at what time to plant?

It is preferable to choose the location for Molodezhnaya cherry on a low hill, which is not blown by winds and at the same time receives enough sunlight.

The most favorable soil for growing juveniles is sandy loam with neutral acidity.

It is necessary to plant seedlings either in early spring, or in early autumn (end of September). So the plant adapts to the winter cold and overwinters calmly. Later planting dates increase the risk of the plant not being accepted.

Stages of planting a seedling:

    1. Dig a hole about 80 cm in diameter and 40 to 50 cm in depth. Lay top dressing at the bottom of the hole, which includes: manure, nitrogen and phosphate. A plant with damaged roots should not be planted - it is better to cut them off slowly. Top dressing will help the seedling settle in place better and faster.
    2. Carefully place plant roots in the hole and sprinkle with earth.
    3. In a circle around the seedling you need form a hole... Mulching it with humus, sawdust, small bricks or expanded clay. So when watering, the water will be better retained and nourish the root system of the plant.

It is important that at first the soil near the seedling does not dry out and is loose.

  1. Before the first fruiting, it is necessary lime treatment plants.

When planting a 2-year-old seedling, I need to cut it off... First of all, all shoots that extend at an angle of 90 degrees from the branches are cut off. Next, the "skeleton" of the plant is outlined - three main branches. All branches are cut around the main branches, except for those that depart at right angles from the "trunk".

Cherry care rules

Although cherry is a rather unpretentious plant. To get a rich harvest, you must follow some rules in caring for it.

  • It is necessary to carry out treatment with special fungicidal preparations annually... This is to protect the plant from various fungal diseases. It is necessary to approach this issue especially carefully if an already infected tree grows next to the cherry.
  • It is necessary to regularly apply top dressing to the soil... To do this, in the spring, you need to fertilize the youth with nitrogen fertilizer, and in the fall - with potash and phosphorus fertilizers. Feeding from compost or manure has a positive effect on the growth and development of cherries.

To obtain a good harvest of the Youth, regular soil fertilization is necessary
  • To improve yields, pruning should be carried out annually... Extra long branches are cut off and young strong and bouquet branches grow in their place. Berries soon appear on these branches. It is better to keep the height of the plant in the range from 2 to 2.5 meters. This will improve the quantity and quality of the fruit.
  • Measures for pruning branches and tops of cherries provide an additional flow of sunlight and prevent thickening of the crown.
  • The plant loves water and needs regular watering... This is especially true during dry summers.

When watering, it is important not to soak the ground, as high humidity negatively affects Youth.

  • When preparing a plant for wintering, great attention should be paid to the root system. For protection against rodents and freezing the roots of the tree are covered with peat or moss.

How to collect and store cherries

Harvesting should start from the twentieth of July. The fruiting period ends in August.

In order for the berry to be kept fresh for a long time, it must be carefully sorted. Only dense berries are left for storage, without external damage, the color of the stalk is green... Cover the prepared container (tray, box) with paper. Put the berries on the bottom. In this case, the layer of berries should not exceed ten centimeters. Remove the container with berries and store in the refrigerator. The temperature should be between 0˚C and + 2˚C. In this form, the fruits are stored for two weeks.

If the berries are frozen instantly, the shelf life will increase from three to six months.

You can also make a variety of compotes, preserves, jam or cherry jams and enjoy them all year round.

Features inherent in the Molodezhnaya cherry variety

  • Even if you plant only one plant of this type on the site, the harvest will be obtained in one hundred percent of cases... This is due to the ability to self-pollination and the successful structure of the flowers - the pistil and stamens are of equal height.
  • When planting a seedling with its own roots, the harvest will be already 3-4 years... And with proper grafting of the tree, berries can form even earlier than this period.
  • Excellent resistance to various fungal diseases.
  • The negative feature is the accelerated overgrowth... Therefore, it is necessary to remove unnecessary branches in a timely manner so that sunlight is not obscured.

Exposure of young cherries to diseases and pests

Youth, unlike many other varieties of cherry, is resistant to fungal diseases.

The most dangerous disease for this variety is moniliosis.... With this disease, the branches gradually dry out. In this case, the plant can be either completely affected by this disease, or its individual parts.

When establishing this disease, it is necessary to cut off all diseased branches with an indent of 15-20 cm on the healthy parts of the branch. Cut branches must be disposed of to prevent the spread of the disease.

Cherry youth prone to monilial burn, which appears during the flowering of flowers. To cure, it is necessary to spray the leaves of the plant with a special solution. This disease also spreads quickly, so you need to carefully monitor the nearby trees.

When yellow leaves appear on the plant more attention should be paid to it. Especially if the color changes quite quickly and the leaves turn purple. This may signal a disease or a lack of nitrogen fertilizer in the soil.

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Description of culture

Oceanic virovskaya.

Ripening period is late. The tree is not tall, with slightly drooping branches. Cherry mass

Ripening period is average. The tree is medium-sized, winter hardiness is above average. Cherries



Minx, Perceptible, Samsonovka, Lyubskaya


Ripening classification

Cherry varieties that grow in a bush must be planted at a distance of 2-2.5 meters from each other, so that the branches do not intertwine with each other and do not interfere with others. Treelike varieties that have a large spreading crown are planted at a distance of 3-3.5 meters. It is advisable to leave a lot of space for the trees so that they do not shade each other.

Most popular varieties

This is a cultivated cherry tree, a tall tree with a wide crown and spreading branches. Its bark is shiny dark. Leaves are oblong-oval, pointed at the ends, dark green above and slightly lighter on the bottom. Flowers are located on long peduncles and can reach up to 2.5 cm in diameter. In this type of cherry, the petals are white and have a pleasant fragrant smell. The flowering period lasts about 3 weeks. The fruit of the cherry is ordinary, round in shape and has a sweet and sour taste. This species is very common in the territories of Russia and some European countries. This is due to the fact that the common cherry is very easy to care for, frost-resistant, grows well in partial shade and tolerates dry summers well. It has many hybrids that are often used for decorative purposes.

Ashinskaya ordinary cherry is also a resistant variety popular in Siberia. It is a self-fertile species, that is, grown without pollinators, however, in very harsh winters, its fruit buds can freeze slightly. Therefore, the yield at Ashinskaya is not always stable over the years.

Cherry fruits - a common stone fruit crop - are valuable both for fresh consumption and for different types processing. They contain not only sugar and organic acids, but also many vitamins, for example, C, P, riboflavin.

Ripening period is average. The bush is vigorous. One of the most winter hardy

4 g, dark red, sweet and sour, good for processing. The variety is self-fertile, moderately hardy, yield 10-15 kg per tree. Recommended for cultivation in the south of the Moscow region and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.


Weighing 3.9 g, dark red, sweet and sour, universal, yield 10-15 kg per tree. The variety is self-fertile, the best pollinators are Vladimirskaya, Shubinka, Lyubskaya, Bulatnikovekaya. Resistance to coccomycosis is above average. Recommended for cultivation west and east of Moscow.

Frost-resistant cherry

Memory of Yenikeev.

Melitopol joy, Favorite, Lyubskaya; cherry - Kitaevskaya black, Tenderness, Yaroslavna


Varieties for the Moscow region

Weak variety of medium late ripening period (1-2 days of July). It has an average resistance to coccomycosis, is resistant to moniliosis and is winter-hardy enough. Fast-growing, fruits are dark red (average weight 4-4.5 g) with dense, juicy, sweet and sour pulp. Harvest - 8-12 kg per tree.

Cherry propagation occurs with the help of root suckers and cuttings, but such seedlings must be grafted to obtain a variety. Without this, a wild cherry will grow from the tree. But this rule only applies to previously grafted plants. Root offspring of varietal cherries give excellent seedlings, from which good fruit-bearing trees are obtained.

Steppe cherry perfectly tolerates frosty winters, and therefore most often it can be found in the north of Russia and in mountainous areas. This type of cherry is a stunted tree or shrub that branches heavily and creates a large crown. On upright branches there are small size leaves are dark green, shiny. Their shape is oblong-oval, pointed at the end. The roots grow 3 meters from the tree and are shallow in the ground. The flowers of this type of cherry are small and are collected in 2-5 pieces in a bunch on branches, painted in a white tone. Fruits are small, juicy, sour taste, can be red, pink and burgundy. The period of full maturity comes to the end of summer or early autumn.

Even the most popular of all existing varieties are not suitable for all regions of Russia. Therefore, it is advisable to select zoned cherry varieties for the Moscow region, which were obtained taking into account the characteristics of specific areas. Only in this case, when growing a crop, gardeners will not have problems, and they will easily achieve excellent fruiting.

Cherry has been known as a fruit plant since ancient times. Its back in the fourth century BC. e. it was described by Theophrastus, a Greek naturalist and one of the earliest botanists.

Varieties. Cherries weighing 3 g, burgundy, pleasant sweet and sour taste. Productivity 7-9 kg per bush.

Variety Zhukovskaya


Growing cherry trees in the Moscow region


Ripens early. The tree is medium-sized (2.5-3 m), with a spherical, slightly

Cherry is one of the most popular and beloved horticultural crops, which is highly valued for its taste, juicy fruits, early ripeness, unpretentiousness and beauty flowering trees... There are a huge number of cherry varieties, they differ in the growth rate of the tree, as well as in its fruiting, berry color, by pollination.


Turgenevka Mid-season variety (3rd decade of June - 1st decade of July). The trees are medium-sized (up to 2.5-3 m). Moderately susceptible to moniliosis and relatively resistant to coccomycosis, with good winter and frost resistance. Fruits are dark red, average weight 4.5-5.5 g. The pulp is dense, fleshy, sweet and sour. Harvest -10-15 kg per tree.


Is cherry a tree or a shrub? Cherry fruit (photo)

Cherries (trees and shrubs of any kind) have many useful properties and qualities not only in fruits, but also in branches, foliage and even in the petioles of berries.

Felt cherry is a tree or shrub that has a large spreading crown with a small growth, about 1-3 meters. The homeland of this species is China, therefore the second name is Chinese cherry. It can be used both for decorative purposes and as a fruit tree. Flowers are densely and beautifully arranged on the branches. Its advantage is in early flowering, this is how it decorates the gardens, which still stand with bare branches. The leaves are small, oval, serrated. On the underside, they are pubescent, this creates the effect of velvety of the whole tree. The branches are thick with a rough bark, have a gray-brown tint. Flowers are small, pinkish-white in color. Felt cherry, tree or shrub, tolerates well not only winter frosts, but also spring colds. The cherry fruit is small in size, from red to almost black, sweet, juicy. The stone is small and does not separate from the berry. After ripening, the fruits of the felt cherry can remain on the branches for a long time, without losing their properties.

Cherry varieties for middle band, their characteristics and features differ from those that are zoned, for example, for Siberia. The latter should not only withstand the cold as much as possible, but also harvest early.

Types of cherries

Today cherry is considered one of the most common garden trees, ranking second after the apple tree. Her homeland is the Crimea and the Caucasus. It is unpretentious and grows on any, including stony ground... However, it still bears fruit better in moist areas.

Common cherry

Fairy tale.

Steppe cherry

Ripening period is very late. Grows in the form of a bush 1.5-2 m high with a wide-round

Ripening period is average. It grows in the form of a low bush (2.5 m), with a drooping crown,

Sakura, or Japanese cherry

Drooping crown. Cherries weighing "4.7 g, dark red, dessert taste, universal purpose, yield 8-10 kg per tree. The variety is medium winter-resistant, self-fertile, medium-resistant to fungal diseases. Recommended for cultivation south of Moscow.

Sand cherry

Self-fertile varieties of cherries are especially popular with many gardeners, as well as partially self-fertile ones - Shokoladnitsa, Zarya, Volochaevka, Juno, Brunetka, Toiler of Tataria, Dessertnaya Volzhskaya, etc. They give a consistently large yield without special pollinating varieties that are used for pollination and fruiting self-fruitless cherries - Gnome, Fidelity, Moscow Griot, Elegy. Fertile, Krasa Tataria, Muza, etc. The difference in yield between these varieties is very significant. Thus, self-fertile cherries form about 20 - 40% of the fruits of the total amount of color, for partially self-fertile ones, the number of fruits is 5 - 19%, and for self-fertile ones it does not exceed 5%.

Cherry pruning

Minx, Samsonovka; cherry - Valery Chkalov, Large-fruited, Donchanka, Franz Joseph

Bush cherry pruning


Cherry fruits improve appetite and have dietary properties, and their syrup is often used in pharmaceuticals. It is also useful to eat berries with a low hemoglobin. They contain substances that contribute to the normalization of blood coagulation.

Japanese cherry, or sakura, is more decorative treethan fruiting. Its homeland is Japan, where various varieties of cherries grow in all regions. Every year the locals celebrate the arrival of spring with the beginning of cherry blossoms. The tree grows in height up to 4 meters, its crown is spreading, umbrella-shaped, in width it can also reach 4 meters. The branches are long, flowing. The leaves are narrow, ovoid, pointed at the ends. In summer they are painted bright green, and by autumn they acquire a yellow color. The flowers are small pink, each of them is located on a petiole. The flowering period is mid to late spring.

Tree pruning

In addition to frost resistance, cherry varieties for the Moscow region should also have good resistance to coccomycosis, since in the central region this disease of stone fruits is quite common. Given these characteristics, the most suitable view for the capital and the nearest regions is Lyubskaya.

Care and reproduction

Many experienced gardeners know that you cannot plant the first tree that comes across on your site. After all, it is not known how a particular species will feel in this region. Therefore, only by choosing the right varieties of cherries for their garden, site owners get the opportunity to collect good harvest all summer long and pamper your loved ones with delicious fruits rich in natural vitamins.


Ripening period is average. Medium thick bush. Cherries weighing 3.3 g, maroon,

Crown. Cherries weighing 3 g, bright red, sweet-sour, good for processing, yield up to 8 kg per bush. The variety is self-fertile, highly winter-resistant, resistant to coccomycosis. Recommended for growing northeast and east of Moscow.

Average winter hardiness. Cherries weighing 4.5 g, dark red, dessert taste, universal purpose, yield 10-12 kg per bush. Self-fertile variety, recommended for cultivation south of Moscow and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.



For cultivation in cold zones, breeders have developed special winter hardy varieties cherries capable of pollinating and bearing fruit in a rather harsh climate. These varieties include Crimson, Generous, Brunetka, Malinovka, Polevka, Rusinka, Griot Moscow, Amorel, Sania, Zhukovskaya, etc.


The variety ripens in the 3rd decade of June. The trees are medium-sized (up to 2.7-3.2 m). It has a high resistance to coccomycosis, medium resistance to moniliosis, is distinguished by winter and frost resistance. Fruits are large (weight 5.6-7 g), dark red, medium density, sweet and sour taste. Harvest - 20-25 kg per tree.

For treatment, the sap of a tree called cherry glue is used. It contains such useful substances as sugar pentose, galactose, arabinose. Cherry glue envelops the walls of the stomach and helps with inflammation of its mucous membrane.

Useful properties and application

The homeland of the sand cherry is North America. Just like Japanese, it is used to decorate gardens and parks. Sand cherry is a shrub that grows to only 1.5 meters in height. Its crown is wide, branches are spreading, dense, reddish in color. Leaves are oval, oblong and pointed at the end. In summer they have a dark green color, and by autumn they turn bright red, which gives the cherry bush a special charm. The flowers are small, up to 1.5 cm in diameter, bloom in late spring. The petals are white, and the fruits are dark, almost black.

Many gardeners note other varieties for the Moscow region that have high or medium resistance to coccomycosis. This is the same Turgenevka, Almaz, Meeting, Toy, Coral and others. A hybrid of cherry with bird cherry - Cerapadus Revival is also distinguished by a special immunity to this dangerous disease.

At the same time, novice growers often have doubts about which seedlings to choose. Indeed, this question is quite relevant today, because only varieties of ordinary cherries have over one hundred and thirty varieties. And that's not counting many decorative speciesthat a person grows solely because of their beautiful flowering (weeping cherry, sakura, etc.). But there is also felt cherry, sandy and steppe.

Pleasant sweet and sour taste, yield 10 kg per bush.

Application on the farm



Yielding varieties of garden cherries and how to increase cherry yields on the site

Cherries in the garden: how to increase productivity, new fruitful varieties of garden cherries.

Ripens early. The tree is about 3 m high, with a wide-round crown. Cherry mass

An important factor that you must pay attention to when choosing cherry seedlings is appearance and the size of the plant. After all, there are not only tree-like varieties, but also bushy ones.

Partially self-fertile



Cherries are often used in folk medicine, for example, the root of a tree is used to treat an ulcer. Fruit pulp and juice are used as an antiseptic. And if the juice is mixed with milk, then joint inflammation can be treated.


Cherries need annual pruning to rejuvenate trees and bushes and remove diseased and dead branches. If the question arose about whether a cherry is a tree or a shrub, the answer can be simple: which species and variety you choose, this type of plant will delight you every year with its flowering and fruits.

In the gardens to the south of the capital, there are also such species as Griot Moscow, Malinovka, Rastorguevskaya, Rusinka, Sania and the widespread Apukhtinskaya.

Harvest varieties of cherries

Whether it will be possible to grow a plentifully fruitful tree with juicy and tasty fruits in your garden, or the efforts will be in vain, depends mainly on which varieties of this culture are selected. The selection criteria, depending on the region, are the following factors: winter hardiness, early maturity, drought or disease resistance, flowering and ripening times, the need for light, etc.

The dark-haired oriental.


Ripening period is average. A tree of medium height (2-2.5 m), spherical, slightly

3.7 g, dark red, sour-sweet, universal, yield 10-12 kg per tree. The variety is self-fertile, moderately hardy. Coccomycosis resistance is average. Recommended for cultivation south of Moscow and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Bushy varieties are rather small plants up to 3 m high, which begin to produce crops as early as 3-4 years after planting. At the same time, berries mainly appear on last year's branches, and such cherries live for 15-20 years. The most common bushy varieties are Lyubskaya, Shchedraya, Vladimirskaya, Krupskaya, Bagryanaya, Molodezhnaya, etc. Treelike cherries are distinguished not only by their higher tree height - up to 7 m and later dates of the beginning of fruiting (4 - 5 years), but also by the fact that fruiting they occur on generative shoots only 1 - 2 cm long, which bear fruit for 2-5 years. Treelike varieties include Ostgeimsky Griot, Kent, Angliyskaya early, Zhukovskaya, Turgenevka, etc.

Baby, Night, Lot; cherry - Tenderness, Donchanka

Ripens at the beginning of the 3rd decade of June. The trees are medium-sized. Resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis, highly winter and frost resistant. The fruits are large (weight 7.5-8.6 g), dark red, with juicy, relatively dense pulp and sweet and sour taste. The variety is high-yielding, during the fruiting period it gives 20-25 kg per tree.

A decoction of the stalks is also often used for bloating and diarrhea. This recipe is known in almost every family.

Bush cherry branches tend to grow strongly, so they need to be pruned annually. This is done competently, since cherry reacts worse to pruning than other trees and bushes. This process takes place the next year after planting. The period must be chosen when the bush is still in winter sleep. It could be late February or early March.

Cherry varieties Vladimirskaya, for example, in the Moscow region is considered a traditional representative of the garden. It is frost-resistant and resists many diseases well. Vladimirskaya is designated as a mid-season variety, which means that its fruits ripen in mid-July. The berries of this tree are dark red in color and weigh about three and a half grams. The fruit has a dense pulp with a sweet and sour taste. Thanks to the increased sugar content in Vladimirskaya cherries, delicious preserves and marmalades are made from them.

In the Russian climate the best varieties cherries are those that tolerate cold and are self-fertile. This criterion is explained by the fact that even under unfavorable weather conditions, when the bees do not fly, normal pollination of flowers should still take place.

Ripening period is average. The bush is undersized, dense, wide. Cherry mass

Ripens early. The bush is medium-sized. Cherries weighing about 3 g, bright red,

Drooping crown. Winter hardiness of flower buds is high, wood is low. Cherries weighing 4.1 g, dark red, sweet and sour taste, universal, yield 8-10 kg per tree. The variety is self-fertile, early-fertile. Relatively resistant to coccomycosis. Recommended for cultivation in the south of the Moscow region and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Griot Moscow.

There are also varieties of cherries that are resistant to various diseases. A particularly dangerous disease of cherries is coccomycosis, which affects the leaves. fruit trees... Therefore, cherry varieties resistant to this disease were bred - Shokoladnitsa, Studencheskaya, Silva, Assol, Antratsitova, Schedra, etc.


Miracle cherry

Cherries are eaten raw. They make tinctures, prepare compotes and jams, add to baked goods. Such berry trees can be found in almost every garden in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. Cherry is a tree or shrub, a photo of which can be easily found in any botanical book, as well as in this article.

When pruning, it is recommended to leave the stem 30-50 cm from the ground. In the first year of pruning, 5-7 strong branches are left, which are at a distance from each other and directed in different directions. In the second year of pruning, all branches that are directed to the center of the bush are cut. During the spring-summer period, green shoots will appear on the trunk, which must be cut off immediately. If the bush is running, then such shoots are removed already during the spring pruning of the bush.

Another variety of cherries zoned specifically for the Moscow region has late ripening periods. She has large berries, the average fruit weight is four grams. The color of the berries is dark red, and the shape is oval-heart-shaped. The variety has excellent productivity: mature trees (twenty years old) can produce up to twenty kilograms of berries.

If cherry varieties are initially highly resistant to the most common diseases in a given region, then their care is greatly facilitated, and fruit loss is minimized. As for the yield, each adult tree should produce at least seven kilograms of berries per season.

2.5 g, dark red, pleasant sweet and sour taste. Productivity 6-8 kg per bush.

Sweet and sour taste, yield 9 kg per bush.


Ripening period is medium early. It grows in the form of a bush 2.5-3 m high.Cherries weighing

Also known is a special group of varieties of duke cherries, which were obtained by crossing the best varieties of cherries and cherries. Such cherry-cherry hybrids differ not only in taste buds, berry sizes, but also in their drought and frost resistance, as well as immunity to many pests and diseases. Among the varieties of dukes, the most famous are Meeting, Minx, Toy, Perceptible, etc.


Ripens in the 3rd decade of June. The tree is vigorous, slightly affected by coccomycosis and moniliosis, quite winter-hardy. Fruits weigh on average 7-8.5 g, have a dark red color and dense sweet and sour pulp. The tree begins to bear fruit in the 5-6th year, the average yield is from 10 to 20 kg.

Cherry is popular with most summer residents. However, not everyone succeeds in getting a sufficient harvest. Find out what is causing the decrease in yield and how you can solve this issue.

With annual pruning, a bush is formed and branches that grow inward are removed so that the bush is not very thick. Also, dried and dead shoots are removed, and instead of them, young ones are left for replacement. Bush cherries often develop root growth, which should be removed by pruning just below ground level. If this is done above, then a new bush will form from such a growth, and the shoots will begin to branch.

The yield of almost all stone fruit species is subject to fluctuations and depends on a number of reasons. Studies of varietal plantations in the gardens of the Moscow region made it possible to find out the reasons for such differences and determine what is necessary for regular harvests.

Many varieties of this plant have been bred by breeders. They differ not only in taste, but also in the color of the fruit and the timing of fruiting. The term of fruit ripening largely depends on the choice of the variety. According to this criterion, cherries are classified into early, medium and late varieties. The ripening period of early ripening varieties falls on the beginning of July. The mid-ripening variety yields in the middle of the same month, and the late variety in early August.



Ripening period is average. The tree is medium-sized, winter-hardy, partially self-fertile,

Up to 3.5 g, dark red, good taste, universal use, yield up to 8 kg per bush. The variety is winter-hardy, self-infertile, quite resistant to coccomycosis. The best pollinators: Vladimirskaya, Bagryanaya, Orlovskaya early. Recommended for cultivation south of Moscow.


The best self-fertile varieties of cherries with a photo. Description and characteristics

Cherry varieties

In order to successfully grow healthy trees and get a high yield, you should first of all choose those varieties that are suitable for certain natural and climatic conditions, and also meet all the requirements of consumers.

Self-fertile varieties of cherries

Lyubskaya, Lotovka, Favorite

Winter hardy cherry varieties


The low productivity of cherries, which is observed in our country, is explained by several reasons. Firstly, this is the appearance of foreign varieties that are not resistant to moniliosis and coccomycosis (Nord Star, Meteor, Kelleris). Such trees, as a result of weakening by diseases, do not tolerate winter well. Usually their fruit buds freeze, which affects the yield.

Bush cherries

Cherry pruning, like all trees, occurs during dormancy. This is the end of winter or the beginning of spring. This process is tied to the weather conditions in the cherry-growing region. When pruning trees, dry, weak and diseased branches are removed, and the cuts are processed. It is also possible to remove large main branches with a file if a disease is found. This way you can save the whole tree by deleting the bad branch.

Many cherry varieties are not zoned to the outskirts of the capital, the climatic conditions of which are badly reflected in their growth. This culture comes from southern regions, therefore, in northern, unusual conditions for her, only adapted varieties can be grown. The successful cultivation of cherries in the Moscow region depends on to a greater extent from the choice of the planting site and fertilizing the soil.

Cherry varieties

Based on winter hardiness, the following cherry varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia can be called: Chernokorka and Molodezhnaya, Bolotovskaya and Bagryanaya, Lyubskaya and Shubinka, Volochaevka and Malinovka, Vole, etc. Of the self-fertile, the best are Generous, Rusinka, Brunetka, Flame, and also Shokoladnitsa.

Ripening period is average. The bush is dense, elongated-oval. Cherries weighing 3.7 g,


Cherry varieties for planting, the best cherry varieties

Ripening period is average. The bush is medium-sized, dense. Cherries weighing 3.3 g, maroon,

The best pollinators: Vladimirskaya, Griot Moscow, Rovesnitsa, Lyubskaya. Cherries weighing 4.5 g, maroon, good for processing, high yield. Coccomycosis resistance is average. Recommended for cultivation in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.


Growing success fruit crop largely depends on the right choice varieties.


Ripens at the end of the 3rd decade of June. The tree is vigorous, resistant to coccomycosis and moniliosis. The variety is quite winter-hardy in the conditions of the Kiev region, although in the conditions of Melitopol it shows an average winter hardiness. Fruits are large (7.5-8.5 g), one-dimensional, dark red, with dense sweet-sour pulp, transportable. Productivity at a fruitful age is 25-35 kg per tree.

Secondly, the amount of harvest is strongly influenced by changing climatic conditions. Prolonged thaws, which in January and February are replaced by recurrent cold snaps with temperatures of -18-20 ° C, are detrimental to flower buds. In addition, a very common phenomenon during the cherry blossom period has become spring frosts... In blossoming flower buds at a temperature of -2 ° C, the stigma of the pistil is damaged, and if during the flowering period the temperature drops to -10 ° C, the pollen partially loses its ability to fertilize. You can determine if you will get a harvest by looking at an open flower in the spring. If you see black stamens and a pistil, then there will be no fruit.

Common cherry, varieties for planting

Cherry is a tree or shrub that does not require special knowledge or specific care. Timely pruning, feeding, watering - these are practically all the procedures necessary for the good development and growth of cherries.

Cherries planted on sandy loam and loamy soil, well "seasoned" with organic fertilizers, and provided with constant care and fertilization, will delight you with good yields. The tree reaches a height of three meters, but begins to bear fruit only in the fifth year. The berries of this cherry variety for the Moscow region are large and juicy, the stone is easily separated. Turgenevka is great for those gardeners who pamper their loved ones with compotes, jams and other preparations. It grows calmly both in central Russia and in a climate with cold winterwhere frosts reach thirty-five degrees.

Dark pink, sweet and sour taste, yield 10 kg per bush.

Pleasant sweet and sour taste, yield 6-8 kg per bush.Chocolate girl.

Ripening period is average. A tree of increased winter hardiness, medium height.

To obtain high annual yields, cherries must be winter hardy, preferablyPartially self-fertile


When buying a seedling, keep in mind that most cherry varieties are self-fertile. For a flower to turn into a fruit, pollen from another cherry or sweet cherry must get on its pistil. To do this, you need to have the desired pollinator nearby. In some cases, insect pollination is impossible: bees do not fly in bad weather, and during drought with temperatures above + 25 ° C, due to a decrease in nectar secretion by cherry flowers, insects fly away to forbs. Cherry in the garden prefers to grow in a bright place, where the sun warms up well. The soil should be fertile and perfectly permeable to moisture, stagnant water has a bad effect on the life of the entire tree. Also, the land should be neutral and fertile; in other types of soil, cherry grows and bears much worse.

In addition, the yield of this plant in the Moscow region depends on the state flower buds, which are often damaged by frost, as well as the conditions under which pollination takes place. Affected cherry ovaries become noticeable from the end of March - beginning of April: if you cut them longitudinally with a razor, you can see blackening in the center.

"Generous" - the name of this cherry variety speaks of its fertility. From each tree at proper care you can collect more than eight kilograms. The fruits are tasty, slightly sour, but they have one advantage - they do not crack.


Ripening period is average. The tree is undersized, winter hardiness is above average. CherriesCherries weighing 3.7 g, dark red, sweet and sour, universal. The variety is self-fertile, yield 9-11 kg per tree. Recommended for cultivation east and south of Moscow.

Self-fertile, then good pollination of flowers will be guaranteed even in unfavorable weather for the flight of bees.

Melitopol joy, Lyubskaya, Alpha, TurgenevkaVariety

The most reliable way to obtain stable cherry yields is to use self-fertile and partially self-fertile varieties. They are able to form ovaries and fruits, pollinating with their own pollen, regardless of weather conditions during flowering.

Already for 2 years of a tree's life, it must be fed in spring with mineral fertilizers. If the soil is empty, then humus must be introduced.A good harvest of this plant is due to conditions, most of which can be created for it artificially: choose the right planting site, provide fertile and well-drained soil, and regularly apply fertilizers. Therefore, choosing the most resistant varieties for the Moscow region, even if unfavorable for growth climatic conditions you can get pretty good fees.

Another popular variety is Freezer. This is a dessert variety that has received recognition precisely because of the great sweetness of the fruit. They have not only excellent taste, but also excellent transportable characteristics. They ripen in mid-July. The freezer tolerates winter cold well, but is not at all adapted to spring frosts.

Ripening period is average. The bush is undersized, wide, of medium density. CherriesRipening period is average. The bush is compact. Cherries weighing 3.3 g, maroon,

Weighing up to 3 g, maroon (almost black), sweet and sour taste, universal purpose, yield above average. The variety is self-fertile, moderately resistant to coccomycosis. Recommended for cultivation south of Moscow and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region.

Volochaevka.Try to acquire varieties that are resistant to diseases, large-fruited, high-yielding - at least 7 kg per


Self-fertility rateIn order not to have problems with the harvest, it is worth purchasing winter-hardy and disease-resistant varieties with fruits of high taste. Dessert varieties are especially valuable, in which the weight of the fruit is 6-9 g ("Meeting", "Toy", "Miracle-cherry", "Ksenia", "Night"). As a rule, one-year-old crowned cherry seedlings grown on the Prunus mahaleb rootstock are bought. It is compatible with all varieties of cherries, except for "Lyubskaya" and "English early". These two varieties grow best on wild cherry seedlings, featuring high yields and durability.

A cherry, bush or tree, tolerates drought well, therefore it is worth watering it sparingly, and after the fruits ripen, reduce watering or remove.

Among the large variety of plants growing in gardens and parks, one of the most famous is cherry. The tree, familiar to many since childhood and growing on the territories of three continents.In warm regions of Russia, such varieties of cherry as Lyubskaya and Apukhtinskaya are popular. They have a high yield - up to ten kilograms per tree. In addition, their seedlings bear fruit, unlike, for example, Turgenevka, already from the second year after planting.

Weighing 3.6 g, bright pink, sweet and sour taste, yield 10 kg per bush.

Sweet and sour taste, yield 9 kg per bush.Rusinka.

Ripening period is average. The tree is medium-sized, cherries weighing 4.5 g, dark red,

Felt cherry, varieties for planting


Partially self-fertilePollinator variety

Cherry is a vigorous tree. To facilitate harvesting, it is advisable to use low-growing varieties ("Meeting", "Baby", "Molodezhnaya"). If you have purchased medium and vigorous varieties, they should be grafted onto low-growing vegetatively propagated rootstocks of mainly Russian selection.

All kinds of cherries that grow in the form of trees must be covered with lime 50-70 cm from the ground every year in the spring. This protects plants from pests and various infections.Cherry is a tree or shrub whose branches can be from 2 to 7 meters high. The flowers are painted white or pink and are collected in half-umbrellas or 1-2 in a bunch. The spherical cherry fruit in the mature stage acquires various shades of red, from light to brown-dark. Fruits are juicy drupes, edible, have a mostly sweet and sour taste. Green leaves have an oblong-oval shape. When blooming, the flowers smell pleasantly.

Another variety of cherry is popular among Ukrainian gardeners, which has a high yield and winter hardiness. This is a rather unpretentious culture with a spherical, medium-thickened crown. Spanka is a cherry that grows almost anywhere, it is not demanding on the soil and is resistant to such a common disease in gardens as coccomycosis. This species, popular in Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, was bred as a result of crossing cherry with sweet cherry. It is practically unsuitable for harvesting, it is not easily transportable, but it differs in the size of the fruit. Wide-round sweet and sour berries of spanki weigh up to five grams.

Anatoly Mikheev, candidate of agricultural sciences sciencesNatalie.

Ripening period is late. It grows as a bush of medium height (about 2 m) with a spherical,

Dessert taste, universal purpose, yield 10-12 kg per tree. The variety is winter-hardy, self-fertile, moderately resistant to coccomycosis. Recommended for cultivation south of Moscow and in the southern regions of the Non-Black Earth Region. Pay attention to the ripening period: for early varieties - first half of July, medium -

Lyubskaya, Griot Seridko, Favorite, Melitopol joy, Night, Rebatskaya beauty


Spring is the best time to plant a cherry seedling. But since the growing season for this type of plant begins very early, the purchase must be made in the fall, after the foliage has fallen, and the seedling must be buried on the site.

Cherry is a tree or shrub that belongs to the Pink family. This is a deciduous plant species, therefore, for decorative purposes it is used only as a spring accent. Many varieties and hybrids have been developed, the height of which does not even reach 1.5-2 meters, with beautiful flowers, sometimes velvety, and pleasant aroma. Cherry, tree or bush, grows quickly and, due to the density of flowering and decorativeness, is often used in landscape design gardens. In nature, it reproduces by root shoots, seeds. Cultivated, it can only be propagated by grafting. The varieties for Siberia, bred by breeders in recent years, are fast-growing and productive. But their main advantage is their high winter hardiness. There are four types of cherries that grow in harsh Siberian conditions: sandy, steppe, felt and some varieties of common.

Continuation of the article ...

Ripening period is average. The bush is vigorous, wide. Cherries weighing 4 g, dark red,Slightly drooping crown. Cherries weighing 3 g, dark red (almost black), sweet and sour, suitable for various types of processing, yield 10-12 kg per bush. The variety is fast-growing, highly winter-resistant, self-fertile. Coccomycosis resistance is average. Recommended for growing northeast of Moscow, as well as in the Vladimir and Gorky regions.


Second half of July, late July - August.Miracle cherry

Partially self-fertile

An early medium variety, ripens in the 3rd decade of June. The tree is weak, resistant to coccomycosis, slightly susceptible to moniliosis. Reacts well to regenerative pruning. Possesses high winter hardiness. Fruits are large (6-8 g), dark red, with delicate sweet and sour pulp. Harvest - from 10 to 15 kg per tree For planting, it is necessary to dig a hole with a diameter of about 40 cm and a depth of about 50-60 cm. If necessary, it is expanded to such a size that the roots of the seedling are freely in it and do not rest against the walls. Mix part of the earth with humus and nitrogenous fertilizer and fill it on the bottom of the pit. The seedling is placed on top and sprinkled with earth, then filled with water. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that young tree did not deepen, and the root collar remained 1-2 cm above the ground. It is also recommended to mulch a young seedling for additional moisture retention.

There are about 150 different types of cherry in the genus, which are common in Europe, Asia and North America. These are mainly domestic cultivars that are bred by breeders. Wild cherry is also found in nature, of which there are many species and varieties.

Over the past twenty years, many varieties have been created - these are Maksimovskaya, Mayak, Metelitsa, Zmeinogorskaya, Ob, Novoaltaiskaya and others. The zoned varieties include the Altai swallow, which, according to experienced gardeners, should be present at every site. She is one of the best pollinators for many varieties from the Siberian assortment.

Planting cherries; where, when and how to plant

  • Pleasant sweet and sour taste, yield 6-8 kg per bush.
  • Cherry fruits - a common stone fruit crop - are valuable both for fresh consumption and for various types of processing. They contain not only sugar and organic acids, but also many vitamins, for example, C, P, riboflavin.

    Description of culture

    Cherry has been known as a fruit plant since ancient times. Its back in the fourth century BC. e. it was described by Theophrastus, a Greek naturalist and one of the earliest botanists.

    Today cherry is considered one of the most common garden trees, ranking second after the apple tree. Her homeland is the Crimea and the Caucasus. It is unpretentious and grows on any soil, including rocky soil. However, it still bears fruit better in moist areas.

    Many experienced gardeners know that it is impossible to plant the first tree that comes across on their site. After all, it is not known how a particular species will feel in this region. Therefore, only by choosing the right cherry varieties for their garden, site owners get the opportunity to harvest a good harvest all summer and pamper their loved ones with delicious fruits rich in natural vitamins.

    At the same time, novice growers often have doubts about which seedlings to choose. Indeed, this question is quite relevant today, because only varieties of ordinary cherries have over one hundred and thirty varieties. And this is not counting the many decorative species that a person grows exclusively because of their beautiful flowering (weeping cherry, sakura, etc.). But there is also felt cherry, sandy and steppe.


    Whether it will be possible to grow a plentifully fruiting tree with juicy and tasty fruits in your garden, or the efforts will be in vain, depends mainly on which varieties of this culture are selected. The criteria for selection, depending on the region, are the following factors: winter hardiness, early maturity, drought or disease resistance, flowering and ripening times, the need for light, etc.

    In the Russian climate, the best cherry varieties are those that can withstand the cold and are self-fertile. This criterion is explained by the fact that even under unfavorable weather conditions, when the bees do not fly, normal pollination of flowers should still take place.

    If cherry varieties are initially highly resistant to the diseases most common in a given region, then their care is greatly facilitated, and fruit loss is minimized. As for the yield, each adult tree should produce at least seven kilograms of berries per season.

    Ripening classification

    Many varieties of this plant have been bred by breeders. They differ not only in taste, but also in the color of the fruit and the timing of fruiting. The term of fruit ripening largely depends on the choice of the variety. According to this criterion, cherries are classified into early, medium and late varieties. The ripening period of early ripening varieties falls on the beginning of July. The mid-ripening variety yields in the middle of the same month, and the late variety in early August.

    Most popular varieties

    Based on winter hardiness, the following cherry varieties for the Moscow region and central Russia can be named: Chernokorka and Molodezhnaya, Bolotovskaya and Bagryanaya, Lyubskaya and Shubinka, Volochaevka and Malinovka, Vole, etc. also Shokoladnitsa.

    The record of popularity belongs to such a subspecies as Turgenevka, which has been giving harvests from the first days of July. The tree reaches a height of three meters, but begins to bear fruit only in the fifth year. The berries of this cherry variety for the Moscow region are large and juicy, the stone is easily separated. Turgenevka is great for those gardeners who pamper their loved ones with compotes, jams and other preparations. It grows calmly both in central Russia and in climates with cold winters, where frosts reach thirty-five degrees.

    "Generous" - the name of this cherry variety speaks of its fertility. More than eight kilograms can be harvested from each tree with proper care. The fruits are tasty, slightly sour, while they have one advantage - they do not crack.

    Another popular variety is Freezer. This is a dessert variety that has received recognition precisely because of the great sweetness of the fruit. They have not only excellent taste, but also excellent transportable characteristics. They ripen in mid-July. The freezer tolerates winter cold well, but is not at all adapted to spring frosts.

    In warm regions of Russia, cherry varieties such as Lyubskaya and Apukhtinskaya are popular. They have a high yield - up to ten kilograms per tree. In addition, their seedlings bear fruit, unlike, for example, Turgenevka, already from the second year after planting.


    Another variety of cherry is popular among Ukrainian gardeners, which has a high yield and winter hardiness. This is a rather unpretentious culture with a spherical, medium-thickened crown. Spanka is a cherry that grows almost anywhere, it is not demanding on the soil and is resistant to such a common disease in gardens as coccomycosis. This species, popular in Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, was bred as a result of crossing cherry with sweet cherry. It is practically unsuitable for harvesting, it is not easily transportable, but it differs in the size of the fruit. Wide-round sweet and sour berries of spanki weigh up to five grams.

    Frost-resistant cherry

    The varieties for Siberia, bred by breeders in recent years, are fast-growing and fruitful. But their main advantage is their high winter hardiness. There are four types of cherries that grow in harsh Siberian conditions: sandy, steppe, felt and some varieties of common.

    Over the past twenty years, many varieties have been created - these are Maksimovskaya, Mayak, Metelitsa, Zmeinogorskaya, Ob, Novoaltaiskaya and others. The zoned varieties include the Altai swallow, which, according to experienced gardeners, should be present at every site. She is one of the best pollinators for many varieties from the Siberian assortment.

    Ashinskaya ordinary cherry is also a resistant variety, popular in Siberia. It is a self-fertile species, that is, grown without pollinators, but in very harsh winters, its fruit buds can freeze slightly. Therefore, the yield at Ashinskaya is not always stable over the years.

    Varieties for the Moscow region

    Even the most popular of all existing varieties are not suitable for all regions of Russia. Therefore, it is advisable to select zoned cherry varieties for the Moscow region, which were obtained taking into account the characteristics of specific areas. Only in this case, when growing a crop, gardeners will not have problems, and they will easily achieve excellent fruiting.

    Cherry varieties for the middle lane, their characteristics and features differ from those that are zoned, for example, for Siberia. The latter should not only withstand the cold as much as possible, but also harvest early.

    In addition to frost resistance, cherry varieties for the Moscow region should also have good resistance to coccomycosis, since in the central region this disease of stone fruits is quite common. Given these characteristics, the most suitable view for the capital and the surrounding regions is Lyubskaya.

    Many gardeners also note other varieties for the Moscow region, which have high or medium resistance to coccomycosis. This is the same Turgenevka, Almaz, Meeting, Toy, Coral and others. A hybrid of cherry with bird cherry - Cerapadus Revival is also distinguished by a special immunity to this dangerous disease.

    In the gardens to the south of the capital, there are also such species as Griot Moscow, Malinovka, Rastorguevskaya, Rusinka, Sania and the widespread Apukhtinskaya.

    Cherry varieties Vladimirskaya, for example, in the Moscow region is considered a traditional representative of the garden. It is frost-resistant and resists many diseases well. Vladimirskaya is designated as a mid-season variety, which means that its fruits ripen in mid-July. The berries of this tree are dark red in color and weigh about three and a half grams. The fruit has a dense pulp with a sweet and sour taste. Due to the increased sugar content in Vladimirskaya cherries, delicious jam and jam are obtained from it.

    Variety Zhukovskaya

    Another variety of cherries zoned specifically for the Moscow region has late ripening periods. She has large berries, the average fruit weight is four grams. The color of the berries is dark red, and the shape is oval-heart-shaped. The variety has excellent productivity: mature trees (twenty years old) can produce up to twenty kilograms of berries.

    Growing cherry trees in the Moscow region

    The yield of almost all stone fruit species is subject to fluctuations and depends on a number of reasons. Studies of varietal plantations in the gardens of the Moscow region made it possible to find out the reasons for such differences and determine what is necessary for regular harvests.

    Many cherry varieties are not zoned to the outskirts of the capital, the climatic conditions of which are bad for their growth. This culture comes from the southern regions, therefore, in northern, unusual conditions for it, only adapted varieties can be grown. The successful cultivation of cherries in the Moscow region depends to a large extent on the choice of the planting site and soil fertilization.

    Cherries planted on sandy loam and loamy soil, well "seasoned" with organic fertilizers, and provided with constant care and fertilization, will delight with good yields.

    In addition, the yield of this plant in the Moscow region also depends on the state of flower buds, which are often damaged by frost, as well as on the conditions under which pollination is carried out. Affected cherry ovaries become noticeable from the end of March - beginning of April: if you cut them lengthwise with a razor, you can see blackening in the center.

    A good harvest of this plant is due to conditions, most of which can be created artificially for it: choose the right planting site, provide fertile and well-drained soil, and regularly apply fertilizers. Therefore, choosing the most resistant varieties for the Moscow region, even with unfavorable climatic conditions for growth, you can get very good harvests.

    Any gardener loves planting and caring for cherries on his site. There are many varieties, but the most popular is Molodezhnaya cherry. The tree is winter-hardy, low-growing with a spreading, rounded, slightly drooping crown of medium density. Self-fertile and bushy type with medium-late ripening.

    Cherry "Youth". Description of the variety

    Cherry begins to bear fruit four years after planting. Before planting it, dig a hole to fit the root system of the seedling. After that, fertilizer is put in, which includes nitrogen, manure and phosphate. The kidney is treated with lime for four years. After planting the seedling, make a hole and mulch it with humus, small bricks or sawdust. Thanks to this, moisture is retained, and the soil does not dry out or crack. To prevent the tree from drying out, it is watered abundantly, especially on dry days. Before planting, the roots of the seedling are carefully inspected so that they are not damaged. If there are any, they are carefully removed.

    Cherry "Molodezhnaya", description of berries

    The tree grows up to 2.5 meters. The leaves are bright green of medium size, the edges are crenate. The berries are large, maroon, oval. Thanks to these qualities, the Molodezhnaya cherry is popular. The description of the variety includes the following characteristics: berries are consumed both fresh and in all types of processing. The taste of berries is sweet and sour, the pulp is juicy, dense. The stone is medium in size and easily separates from the pulp, the juice is dark red. The tree is resistant to dangerous diseases. The main advantage: the average ripening period (from 15 to 25 July), high yield of good quality berries.

    Gardeners reviews

    The "Molodezhnaya" cherry is planted in early spring or late September. It is not recommended to plant a seedling later, since it will not have time to adapt to winter conditions. In addition, this process should take place in a sunny, windless place, on a small hill. The tree is capable of self-pollination, so one seedling will be enough.

    One of the varieties with a high level of yield is precisely the cherry of the gardeners only positive. They say that the berries are well transported and are in demand with buyers. From the fruits of the hostess they close delicious jam, jam, juice, compote.


    It has been established that for many, sweet cherries are good pollinators. This makes it possible to combine the planting of these two trees in order to increase the yield of cherries. Self-fertile varieties have been bred, among them the Molodezhnaya cherry - she does not need pollinators.

    Among all the existing varieties, there are none that could have the positive characteristics that the Molodezhnaya cherry has. The description of the variety allows us to say that it has a number of indisputable advantages: high winter hardiness in combination with the dessert taste of the fruit, immunity to coccomycosis, dry separation of the berries from the stalk, resistance of flower buds to climatic changes. It loves sun and mild moisture.

    Tree pruning

    When pruning, it should be remembered that this variety mainly bears fruit on annual growth, sometimes on bouquet branches. Many trees require annual pruning. These include the Molodezhnaya cherry. Gardeners' comments boil down to the fact that it is better to limit the growth of a tree at a height of 2.5 meters. When forming the crown, you can safely shorten the branches, especially those whose length has reached 50 cm. Thanks to pruning, strong branches and bouquet branches will grow next year. This means that good growth, fruiting, and will be compact. In addition, the crown must not be allowed to thicken.

    Care features

    Gardeners claim that in the course of research on sandy loam soils The Molodezhnaya cherry is doing well. The description of the variety contains the following information: such a soil is rich in nutrients with good air permeability, the reaction of the soil is close to neutral. Planting in places where stagnant water forms should be avoided. Landing requires well-lit areas.

    Selection of seedlings and soil

    One way or another, for cherries it is necessary to choose a favorable soil for planting. When choosing a space, you need to focus on the root system, since it is important that it does not block during a wet period. The tree grows over time, so this factor should be taken into account. After all, it can obstruct nearby plants or other objects. In addition, it is necessary to pay attention to the protection of seedlings in winter periodso that mice and hares do not gnaw them.

    As a rule, seedlings for planting should have a developed root system. To create the correct formation, the upper part is cut off by about 50 cm.If shaping is not performed, the cherry grows upward, which leads to a darkening of the area and makes it difficult to pick berries from the upper branches of tall trees.

    The root itself is placed in a package with moist peat or moss. On almost every garden plot growing cherry "Molodezhnaya". The description of the development of the plant indicates that height is very important for it, therefore it needs to be regulated, as well as pruning of branches. If you follow all these guidelines, the cherry will grow strong and strong.

    Gardeners recommend buying those seedlings that are grown in climatic conditions similar to the climate of a suburban area. It is better to choose young trees with a lot of roots. The absence of any care requirements is an important advantage in choosing this variety. Therefore, the Molodezhnaya cherry belongs to the popular varieties, it is recommended by breeders for planting and growing. Following the above tips, you can get a high and high-quality harvest in four years.

    Cherries are sour and sweet, round and flattened, large or smaller, they find their place in the garden. Rarely does a mischievous person miss the chance to use a cherry pit as a pinpoint weapon, and few of the girls did not build tiered cherry earrings. This is from the category of the eternal. But the cherry trees themselves are changing. Breeders are developing more and more varieties that are easy to grow: short, productive, disease-resistant or adapted to a specific region. Cherry bred for cultivation in the Central region - Youth ..

    The history of the origin of the cherry variety Molodezhnaya

    The Molodezhnaya cherry variety has existed for exactly forty years. It was bred in the late seventies by the doctor of biological sciences, a specialist in the study of stone fruit crops Hasan Karimovich Yenikeev and an agronomist-pomologist Saniya Nasatdinovna Satarova. Youth got by crossing Lyubskaya and Vladimirskaya cherries.

    The new variety has inherited the best characteristics from its parents: short stature, long life, high yield; in addition, its berries are large in size, juiciness and excellent taste.

    Description of the variety

    Cherry Molodezhnaya was included in the State Register in 1993 and recommended for cultivation in the Central region. The tree is small, bushy type, convenient for growing and maintaining. The maximum height of the bush is 2.5 meters. The crown is wide, spreading, drooping shoots. Branching of medium density. The leaf is medium in size, bright green. The flowers are white, up to 3 cm, large, collected in inflorescences of five or seven, self-pollinated.

    Youth cherry flowers reach 3 cm in diameter

    The fruits are rather large, round, slightly flattened, with a wide funnel at the base. The average weight of berries is 4.5 g. The skin of ripe berries is dark burgundy, the pulp is dark, dense, juicy, with a pleasant aroma and sweet-sour taste. The stone is small, easily separated from the pulp. Berries are equally good for fresh consumption and in preparations. They are well transported due to the dense pulp.

    The Molodezhnaya cherry variety is considered reliable due to its stable annual fruiting. Average yield per tree is up to twelve kilograms of berries. Blooms in May. The berries ripen in the second half of July. Saplings are not fast-growing: fruiting begins no earlier than 3-5 years after planting. Trees live and bear fruit for up to 20 years. The cultivar is self-fertile, is a good pollinator and bears fruit better in the presence of other cherry cultivars.

    Cherry Molodezhnaya is distinguished by its high winter hardiness. Resistance to fungal diseases is average.

    Harvesting Youth cherries is easy due to their short stature and medium density of shoots

    Cherry planting

    Since the young cherry is self-fertile, there is a risk of being left without a crop if the pollen loses its viability. This can happen during recurrent spring frosts, when the thermometer drops below +8 o C. Therefore, it is better not to limit the number of trees of this variety to one.

    Site selection and preparation of planting holes

    For planting cherries of the Molodezhnaya variety, they choose sunny areas protected from cold winds, far from the occurrence of groundwater. The best places for planting - southern or southwestern slopes. Cherry loves light soils: sandy, sandy loam or loam with a slightly acidic or neutral reaction of the environment. Since in the Central region, especially in the Moscow region, the soil is clay and acidic, some gardeners recommend preparing planting holes in the fall, and planting cherries in the spring.

    Preparatory work:

    In this form, the pit is mulched and left until next year.

    Step-by-step planting instructions

    In the spring, healthy young cherry seedlings Molodezhnaya are purchased in a reliable nursery and start planting. It is better to buy seedlings in containers: they are easier to transport.

    Seedlings in containers tolerate transportation better

    The planting process is as follows:

    Youth Cherry Care

    Due to the high winter hardiness, no special measures need to be taken to prepare the trees for winter. And due to the peculiarities of the structure, Molodezhnaya cherry is a variety that is convenient for growing. Small growth allows high-quality pruning and preventive antifungal spraying. In addition, cherries need watering and feeding from time to time.

    Also, stone fruit specialists recommend a thorough autumn whitewashing of the trunk and main skeletal branches to prevent the development of sunburn and frostbites.


    It is important for cherries to get enough water during the season. Excessive watering, as well as drought, is undesirable for the tree. Waterlogging will lead to decay of the roots, and with a lack of moisture, the ovary may fall off.

    The tree needs abundant watering:

    • during the flowering period;
    • during the formation of ovaries;
    • after harvest;
    • 3-4 weeks before autumn frosts.

    6-7 buckets of water are brought under each tree.

    The rest of the time it is watered as needed, checking the condition of the soil under the mulch. Uneven watering can cause the fruit to crack.

    Cherries require good hydration, but not excessive moisture

    Top dressing

    After placing organic matter in the planting pit in the next 3-4 years, you don't have to worry about fertilization. In the future, the cherries require regular feeding.

    1. Before flowering, the near-stem circle is watered with a solution of nitrogen-containing fertilizers: urea (carbamide), ammonium nitrate. Nitrogen causes intensive growth of young shoots.
    2. During the flowering period, organic substances are introduced: humus, a solution of chicken dung or slurry.
    3. In the summer months, cherries require 2-3 feeding with organic matter or nitrogen fertilizers.
    4. In the fall, when preparing trees for wintering, it is necessary to saturate the soil with potassium and phosphorus. Organic fertilizers are good to use. For example, wood ash is a good source of potassium. If you add 400-500 ml of ash under each tree, you can provide it the required amount potassium and deoxidize the soil.
    5. Phosphate and potash fertilizers can be applied throughout the season.

    Photo gallery: organic and mineral fertilizers for feeding cherries

    Slurry solution is the best organic fertilizer Humus is good for mulching the trunk circle in the fall Urea contains nitrogen for the tree during flowering Ash serves as a source of potassium and helps to reduce soil acidity Cherries need potassium to prepare for winter

    Experienced gardeners use freshly cut grass as a siderat, mulching the trunk circle with it. This simple measure allows you to reduce the evaporation of water, keep the earth ball in a loose state, suppress the growth of weeds and saturate the roots with organic matter as the grass overheats. At the same time, due to the fact that there is no excessive watering, a high saturation of the roots with oxygen remains.

    For summer dressing, gardeners often use nettle infusion. He prepares simply:

    1. Nettles from all over the site are placed in an irrigation barrel.
    2. Plants are filled with water and infused for several days.
    3. When the smell becomes obvious, you can water the trees by diluting the infusion with water 1: 1.

    Nettle infusion is the easiest feeding agent to prepare

    1. Fill the container with weeds cut out to 3/4 of its volume and fill it with water to the same level so that there is room for fermentation, otherwise the slurry will overflow.
    2. Cover with foil and tie so that nitrogen does not escape from the container, and oxygen, on the contrary, does not enter it. The best result is obtained with methane fermentation, that is, without oxygen.
    3. After about two weeks, fermentation will complete and a stable smell will appear. The infusion is ready.
    4. The infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 2 for root dressing and 1: 5 for foliar dressing.

    The infusion of weeds disorients the pests with its smell, and they fly around the beds it has treated. It is recommended to combine top dressing with infusion with watering. The remaining grounds can be put in compost or covered with other garden or garden plantings.

    The odor from the infusion can be significantly reduced by adding valerian to the weed container along with the root. You can put in the infusion wheatgrass along with the roots, flowers of coltsfoot, dandelion, as well as all other weeds. Diseased plants should not be used, it is better to burn them.


    In cherries, the youth crown itself is not thickened, so pruning is reduced to the removal of broken, diseased, overlapping branches growing inward. Regular pruning is carried out in order to sanitize and improve the illumination and ventilation of the crown, which ultimately leads to an increase in yield.

    Video: pruning cherries

    Prevention of fungal diseases

    The causative agents of fungal diseases are sensitive to copper-containing preparations, therefore, treatment with a 1% solution copper sulfate or Bordeaux liquid in early spring will prevent the development of diseases. It is necessary to spray not only plantings of cherries and cherries, but also all stone fruit crops and fruit bushes Location on. When the first signs of damage appear, the diseased branches are immediately removed and burned. If necessary, you can repeat the treatments during flowering and immediately after harvest. Sick fruits are harvested and burned together with fallen leaves.

    The foliage of diseased trees should not be laid in the compost, since the causative agents of fungal diseases tolerate low temperatures well and remain pathogenic.

    Diseases and pests of cherries and methods of dealing with them

    Cherry Molodezhnaya is sometimes susceptible to the main fungal diseases of stone fruit.


    Coccomycosis is one of the most common cherry diseases. Its causative agent spreads quickly and infects plants in warm and humid weather. When infected, the leaves turn yellow, small brown specks form on them, which grow and dry out. Affected leaves fall very early.

    Coccomycosis causes premature yellowing and leaf fall

    Control measures:

    • treatment with fungicidal preparations several times over the summer;
    • collection and burning of fallen leaves.


    Primary infection occurs during the flowering period. At this time, gardeners often mistake the disease for the defeat of recurrent frost. Secondary infection is facilitated by fruits containing the pathogen fungus. The rainy weather favors the spread of moniliosis.

    Moniliosis spreads in cool, rainy weather

    Control measures:

    • collecting and burning fallen leaves and infected fruits;
    • pruning and burning of burned branches;
    • loosening the trunk circle in the crown diameter;
    • fungicide treatment.

    Clasterosporium disease

    Another name for the disease is perforated spotting. It affects leaves, shoots, flowers. When infected, brown spots appear on the leaves, which dry out over time. Subsequently, holes remain in their place. Infected leaves fall off, fruits dry up.

    Clasterosporium infection affects the entire aerial part of the tree

    Control measures:

    • fungicide treatment several times per season;
    • removal and burning of fallen leaves and affected fruits and shoots;
    • soil cultivation with copper sulfate.

    Cherry aphid

    Cherry plantings are often bothered by aphids. She loves all members of the Rosaceae family. Insects settle on young green shoots and the back of leaves and feed on their sap. The affected foliage curls and withers, and the tree weakens, reduces the number of new shoots, loses productivity and becomes more vulnerable to pathogens of fungal diseases.

    Aphids feed on leaf sap, weakening the tree

    To get rid of an uninvited neighborhood, do the following:

    • in the spring, plantings of fruit trees and shrubs are sprayed, as well as flowers with a Biotlin solution according to the instructions;
    • repeat processing before flowering;
    • loosen the trunk circle;
    • destroy anthills and weed around the landings.
