Probably a third of the residential buildings in the city are occupied by the Khrushchevs. These are specially designed projects, whose apartments in soviet time were distributed to the working class. What is happening to them today. Some problems, according to the new owners. And the whole problem comes down to planning and arrangement. One of the most basic problems is the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev, a small room where you have to choose between a sink and a washing machine. See examples in the video and photo below.

Basics from the basics!

Many experts believe that bathroom design can please with its simplicity through the use of some tricks. So, for example, you can resort to some of the recommendations of experts to save space:

1. First, change the standard bathtub to a corner or shower cabin.

2. You can use the installation of the drain system and the installation of a tile edge instead of standard plumbing.

3. You can also fork out a little and purchase a special sink system with a washing machine built into the bottom. Yes, these washing machines have a small load, but they will fit favorably into the design of the bathroom in the Khrushchev. Examples of this can be seen in the photo and video in the article.

If you do not resort to the method of connecting the bathroom, then when shaping the interior, it is better to give preference to the light facing of the walls and ceiling. The presented "whiteness", as the designers advise, can be diluted with a dark or bright spot in the form of stripes or borders when using tiles. As for the use of other materials in the interior of the bathroom, it is better to focus on the attractive designer ceiling and field with light walls. For creatives, the use of floor tiles with a 3D image is suitable, as in the photo and video in the article.

Pay attention to plumbing and approach this issue competently. When light cladding using bright spots, bright acrylic bathtubs and sinks with extra shimmer. You can also install gilded plumbing fixtures to them, if they match the color scheme. Such a bathroom design in Khrushchev will attract admiring glances of guests and give an excellent atmosphere for your own vacation.

Do it yourself

A small bathroom can be properly decorated in nautical styleif using light-colored tiles on the walls. The interior of the Khrushchev bathroom in a marine style is created as follows:

1.The ceiling and floor should be made in a blue shade - the ceiling is lighter and the floor darker. You can create something like sea pebbles on the floor.

2. On the walls, have stickers or appliques depicting fish and seashells.

4. Hang a homemade wooden anchor over the bath or shower, covered with a special antiseptic and moisture barrier.

Instead of an anchor with children, you can create a lifebuoy made of foam, which is then painted and signed with the names of household members. With a creative approach, you can stretch your own twine net on the ceiling. Don't be afraid to experiment.


A bright and small bathroom does not need bright lighting. The design of the bathroom in Khrushchev may involve the location of several spotlights on the ceiling. But the area above the sink can be supplemented with lighting in the form of the location of the lamp. Mirrors with built-in lighting also look great. In a small bathroom, it can accentuate the entire interior design.

The famous designer Arseny Lebedev is of the opinion: "The design should be simple, but not primitive." This statement is quite suitable for the presented theme of bathroom design in Khrushchev.


The video clip was created to help people who want to create a competent bathroom interior on their own. You can also use photos and designer tips from the article. After studying the materials, leave your feedback - a comment. You can also subscribe to one of our channels, and communicate with site users on topics that interest you.

Bathroom in "Khrushchev". How to make a designer masterpiece for 4 m²

A legacy of the Soviet past - small-sized apartments require a lot of ingenuity from their owners when arranging the interior. The design of the bathroom in "Khrushchev" deserves special attention, since the limited area and connection to existing communications leave almost no room for original solutions.

Nevertheless, even a very small bathroom can be turned into a unique oasis of relaxation and comfort. We will talk about how to do this in our article.

Bathroom in "Khrushchev". Features:

In houses that were built in the 1950s - 1980s of the last century, a separate bathroom was most often made, with a total area of \u200b\u200babout 4m². A bathroom, into which one can only squeeze through with great difficulty, and a tiny toilet - in temporary housing, which, in fact, are the legendary "Khrushchevs" who have long served their due date, and this was a luxury. Is it possible to somehow rectify the situation today?

As a rule, the repair of the bathroom in the "Khrushchev" begins with the removal of the partition dividing the bathroom. This allows you to increase the usable area and bring the room closer to modern standards.

It is undesirable to combine a toilet with a bathroom only if a family with small children lives in the apartment. In all other cases, separate options should not be considered, since they will not provide the proper level of comfort.

Another important question - communication. In "Khrushchevs" it is not always possible to move them, and the laying of additional pipes will entail unnecessary costs. Therefore, when placing plumbing equipment it is better to focus on existing communication conclusions and get attached to them.

Bathroom design in Khrushchev. Finishing

For small spaces, it is recommended to choose a modern or minimalist style, since simple and laconic forms combined with soft neutral colors will visually increase the space. But the classics, with an abundance of small decorative details, carved natural wood furniture and a complex tint palette are best left for bathrooms with a large area.


So that you don't have to do it too often in "Khrushchev", you should avoid any materials that are "afraid" of high humidity. Ventilation in houses of this type is weak and it is not necessary to hope to normalize the microclimate of the room with its help.

For example, waterproof plaster or wallpaper is not best options for wall decoration. They are unlikely to withstand constant condensation and temperature changes, although if you install a closed shower cabin instead of a bath, the humidity will noticeably decrease.

Still, it is more correct to use ceramic tiles or plastic panels. They are not only not afraid of moisture, but also allow you to hide the unevenness of the walls, not by hearsay familiar to those who live in "Khrushchev". It will be much more difficult to make a perfectly smooth surface for plastering.

Plastic panels “hide” defects in enclosing structures most effectively. They also make special boxes for engineering communicationsso that the pipes do not spoil appearance premises.

However, ceramic tiles look much more attractive and will last longer. Plastic panels are vulnerable to mechanical stress - even an accidental impact can leave a deep dent on them.

A few tips for choosing a tile for bathrooms in "Khrushchev":

    Tiles can be small (mosaic), small square or elongated, like "hog". Large tiles visually reduce the size of the room, it is better to refuse it.

    Light, neutral tones of the walls will make the bathroom airy and create a comfortable atmosphere. Both bright, contrasting colors and "sterile" white should be avoided. Better to stay on creamy, light gray, pale blue or beige shades.

    It is undesirable to make curbs breaking the wall vertically, since the room will appear lower.

    Small bathrooms in older buildings will seem more spacious if the walls are tiled with a smooth, shiny surface that reflects light well. Matte varieties are acceptable if the furniture has glossy facades or mirror inserts are used in the wall decoration.


If we look at the photo of the bathroom in "Khrushchev", most likely we will see a floor made of ceramic or porcelain stoneware tiles, since in this case it is the most acceptable solution.

Recently, a self-leveling coating of polymer mixtures has been increasingly used.

Its main advantages:

    complete waterproofness

    durability, wear resistance

    hygiene, environmental friendliness

    the ability to create paintings with 3D effect

It is self-leveling floors that have the ability to turn, at our request, into sea \u200b\u200bwaves, waterfall or flowering meadow.

The main disadvantage of such designs is high price.

Tip: When using porcelain stoneware or tiles, you need to choose non-slip varieties and lay the tiles diagonally. This technique creates additional perspective. A floor two tones darker than the walls visually increases the height of the room.


Thinking about the design of the bathroom in "Khrushchev", many opt for a stretch ceiling. It will reliably protect against flooding from above, and when choosing a mirror version, it will create the impression of a high room filled with light and air.

A ceiling made of plastic lining, or covered with waterproof acrylic paint, is also suitable.

In should not reign twilight, "eating" the already tight space, but too bright light is also undesirable. Better to observe the measure.

It is best to install shelf spotlights and additional sconces near the mirror above the washbasin.

The choice of furniture for a small bathroom. Design, photo

The limited space forces designers to look for non-trivial solutions to meet the requirements of ergonomics and functionality. Even the smallest bathroom needs a certain set of furniture and sanitary ware. It:

    directly bathing bath or shower


    toilet (if the bathroom is combined)

    cabinet or pencil case for storing bath textiles, detergents, etc.

How can all this be accommodated on 4 m²?

Do's and don'ts for a small bathroom

We have already said that the bathrooms in the houses of the Khrushchev buildings are better designed in modern style.

    Classic natural wood furniture is not suitable for small, poorly ventilated rooms with high humidity. Another thing is models in the Art Nouveau style and minimalism made of MDF, high-quality plastic or glass.

Advice: such material as chipboard, making bathroom repairs in "Khrushchev" should not be considered. After a maximum of 2 years, the purchased furniture set will have to be changed to a new one and the apparent cheapness when buying will cost, in the end, very expensive.

    Furniture should be compact and, if possible, versatile. For example, a cabinet above the washbasin with mirrored doors: you can store the necessary care products and look at yourself during cosmetic procedures. It is rational to use the space under the bathroom as an additional storage section.

    It is better to choose a corner case. And even more correct, replace it with open glass shelves, placing them above the bathroom.

    Hanging furniture is much more practical and will last longer.

    Laconic cabinets, without complicated decor, with light glossy facades will visually enlarge the room. You need furniture with chrome fittings, other materials will quickly lose their appearance in a humid environment.

"Correct" plumbing

What should be the design of the bathtub in the "Khrushchev"? Corner asymmetric acrylic models are ideal - they are comfortable to swim in and take up little space.

A washbasin is often installed above the narrow edge of such a bath - a tangible space saving is obtained.

However, it is much more practical to purchase an open-type corner shower cabin, it is the most compact. The doors of the device should be sliding, not hinged.

Another option that is gaining popularity is a shower stall as part of the room. In this case, when making repairs to the bathroom in "Khrushchev", the builders immediately mount a special pallet with a drain in the corner, using the walls as restraints. And in front either they install plastic door, or hang a curtain on a semicircular cornice. A self-made shower allows you not to be tied to the standard dimensions of the cabins and to develop an individual layout of the room.

The toilet, as well as furniture, is better to choose a wall-hung one. There are small, convenient corner models with a vertical drainage system. They will become perfect solution.

Bathroom design option in "Khrushchev" with a washing machine

In small apartments, the lack of space is felt not only in the bathroom, but also in the kitchen or in the hallway. Therefore, a washing machine is a necessary attribute of modern life; they try to install it where its presence is most logical. That is, in the bathroom.

Location options:

    Under the sink. In this case, a narrow front-loading machine is required.

    In the corner next to the shower, if the entrance to the room is not located on the end wall.

    In a special niche formed by joining a part of the corridor to the bathroom.

Installation washing machine under the sink is considered the most rational. The room also benefits from an aesthetic point of view. If desired, the machine can be hidden behind a decorative door, so as not to violate the overall style of the bathroom.

With proper planning and selection of the necessary furnishings, the bathroom in the houses of the Khrushchev buildings can become very cozy and stylish. And most importantly, no less comfortable than spacious rooms.

As proof, we offer a selection of the brightest and most impressive photos of the bathroom in "Khrushchev".

Plumbing of a modern form and an original combination of two types of tiles: mosaic and "hog". It would seem that there is nothing complicated, but this bathroom cannot be called boring or uncomfortable.

Bathroom for connoisseurs of Japanese style. The exclusive design, the photo of which is shown above, is based on a contrasting combination of retro furnishings and an ultra-modern shower stall. The washbasin is clearly reminiscent of the traditional Japanese bathing barrel - ofuro.

Unusual renovation of a bathroom in "Khrushchev", photo of a wall with a washbasin. Tile with texture "under a natural stone»Creates the feeling of being in a natural environment, just like the veneered MDF cabinet. Calm colors and simple shapes promote relaxation. It is pleasant to relax in such a bathroom after a busy day.

Photo of a bathroom in "Khrushchev" in a modern style. The contrasting shower wall helps to organize the space and doesn't seem too bright thanks to the overall neutral tones.

The corner shower saves space in a small bathroom, allowing you to place a washbasin with a countertop and convenient shelves for bathroom accessories.

Unusual bathroom design in "Khrushchev", photo. Retro style never goes out of fashion and this interior is another proof of that. The diagonal pattern of tiles on the floor visually expands the space, making the room seem larger than it actually is.

Stylish bathroom in "Khrushchev", design, photo. The "sea" theme is relevant for rooms of any size - it creates a romantic mood, promotes relaxation. In this case, the furniture is very competently selected - a corner pencil case, a hanging cabinet under the sink, a mirror cabinet. It seems that you are in the cabin of a magical ship that carries you towards adventure ...

If you replace the standard bathtub with a shower stall, useful space is freed up. Before us is a very successful design of the bathroom in the "Khrushchev" with a washing machine - the household appliance is located in the corner and does not interfere with free movement.

Another interesting option bathroom in "Khrushchev", photo. Corner plumbing - shower and toilet are so compact that even a modest room begins to seem spacious. And due to the dark end wall, additional depth of space is created.

Such a solution is generally not typical for a bathroom, nevertheless, it is worth taking a closer look at it. Is it not true, the design, the photo of which is presented above, slightly resembles a living room, with a traditional "wall"? But nothing prevents us from combining plumbing into a modular system. How many additional storage spaces will appear in this case. Compact, functional, stylish.

We take on arms?

The area of \u200b\u200bbathrooms in Khrushchevs is often small, about 2-4 sq. m. The decoration of the premises can be done using various materials, but the best option for wall cladding is ceramic tiles. Photos of completed projects clearly prove that small space you can create a cozy and multifunctional room if you carefully consider the project on the eve of the renovation.

Photos of tiles in a small bathroom

Before buying material, you must heed the advice of designers and professional builders. After the material is selected, you should draw up a diagram of sequential work on the facing of the room.

Combination the right choice and correct styling will allow you to organize the interior as competently as possible, visually increasing the space.

Medium tile

Large tiles will look out of place in a small area, so you should not choose ceramics with parameters more than 200x300 mm.

Small tiles 10-15 cm

Mosaic in a small bathroom

Pastel shades in decoration

Bathroom finishes in bright colors

Layout of tiles in a small bathroom

Many people wonder how to choose a tile for a small bathroom. It should be noted that the layout of ceramics affects no less than the design of the tile, the shape and dimensions of the elements.

1. Basic method (seam-to-seam joining).
This cladding option is used more often than others. The tiles are installed clearly under each other (in rows), while maintaining parallel with the surface of the walls and the corners of the bathroom.
To implement correct installation use the following equipment: a building level, a plumb line, a spatula, a square, a special tool for cutting ceramics, containers for mixing the adhesive.

2. Installation at random.
This finishing option is used for uncalibrated tiles, the installation process requires a minimum of time. The tiles are mounted horizontally, shifting each level by 1/2 the length of the element.

3. Diagonal layout.
It will take a lot of time and effort to get a quality result using the diagonal method. Despite certain difficulties in the finishing process, it is worth paying attention to the advantages: visually the room becomes larger, the irregularities of the bathroom walls are masked.

Required condition: The ceramics must be of high quality and of the same dimensions.

The first level is laid with tiles, which are cut diagonally. This action increases the consumption of facing material. To control the work, a building level and a square are used.

4. Chess.
The layout assumes the use of ceramics different shades, which are mounted in a checkerboard pattern.

5. Modular installation option.
In this case, an interesting composition is obtained, due to the laying of several types of tiles, which differ not only in color, the elements have in various shapes and dimensions. The result of the layout can be arbitrary placement of ceramics, monochrome finishes are sometimes complemented by bright accents.

Khrushchevs, as a Soviet legacy, due to their small size, need a lot of ingenuity from their residents when planning an interior. The bathroom and its design in such an apartment need a separate conversation, since the small area and dependence on existing communications are practically left without original options solutions to this problem. But still, even from a small bathroom it is possible to make a truly spectacular place for relaxation and comfort. We will tell you about this in our article and will help you make your dream of a beautiful bathroom a reality.

When we talk about the Khrushchevs, we involuntarily frown, remembering tiny baths and uncomfortable kitchens. Is there a panacea for this scourge? There is! Today I want to tell you about the methods, ideas and secrets of arranging a small bathroom.

Bathroom: a question of redevelopment

If we do not have enough space, we need to take it somewhere. And then thoughts swarm in my head about combining a bathroom with a toilet, moving a wall or even moving a bathroom. Wait to destroy and destroy! Not all ingenious ideas fit into existing legislation.

Transferring, separating and merging

  • The bathroom and the kitchen are wet areas and are considered non-residential. These two factors limit their "migration" around the apartment. You cannot expand the bathroom at the expense of living rooms, but no one bothers you to connect the adjacent storage room and the corridor to this.

Expansion through the kitchen is illegal, as is the reverse.

  • If you decide to sacrifice part of the corridor for expansion, calculate everything carefully. The optimum comfort passage width should be at least 90 cm.

  • It will be legal to transfer only to the non-residential part of the apartment, for example, to the storeroom. These works require the laying of communications, and therefore approval by government agencies.

The ban does not apply only to those apartments that are located on the ground floor or above non-residential premises (shops on the ground floor).

The problem may affect not only the legality of the transfer, but also the technical feasibility. A line that is too long with many corners will inevitably reduce pressure and temperature hot water.

  • In an existing bathroom, you can move plumbing equipment. For example, a bathtub requires a pipe with a diameter of only 5 cm and a slight slope of 2-4 degrees. A little more hassle can be created by moving the toilet, which requires a serious slope of pipes with a diameter of 10 cm.

  • I can say with confidence that in a small bathroom you can find a place for additional equipment, for example, a heated towel rail, a washing machine and a drying cabinet. Place a water heated towel rail near a common line, in this case you will not disturb the circulation of hot water and do not lower the temperature in the heated towel rail. The washing machine requires a cold water supply, which also imposes some restrictions on the choice of installation location.

  • No one will ever allow you to liquidate and close the ventilation shaft. Ignoring this is the first step to the appearance of mold and mildew, by your actions, you simply invite them into the house.

Finishing options are not regulated by law, it can be plastic panels, tiles, wood, mosaic, stone, wallpaper ... The main thing to remember is that the finish must be safe and durable. Excellent ideas for finishing the ceiling are given by moisture resistant, but stretch ceiling in the bathroom, if improperly installed, can become a breeding ground for mold.

What kind of beast is the plumbing room?

What is a plumbing cabin? This is a hellish development of engineers, which is a module installed in a bathroom at the stage of building a house. Often, asbestos cement was used to make the box, which does not have the best effect on our health.

By removing the structure from your bathroom, you will not only get rid of the enemy for health, but also carve out useful centimeters of area that were not enough, for example, for installation washing machine... A pleasant bonus of such a redevelopment will be an increase in the height of the room by 15-20 cm (depending on the series of the house).

However, it is important to understand that the demolition of a plumbing booth belongs to the category of full-fledged redevelopments and requires legal permission.

Repair of a bathroom in Khrushchev with the dismantling of the plumbing begins with dismantling the ceiling and walls, at the next stage it is removed concrete base... When arranging a new bathroom, the floor is waterproofed, the screed is poured and the walls are impregnated with a hydrophobic compound.

Functional solutions for a small bathroom

Idea 1

Don't demolish the walls - install two sinks. Most often, battles for the sink take place in a divided bathroom, someone wants to wash their hands, someone enjoys taking a bath, and a life-and-death war begins.

The sink in the restroom is a rare guest even in modern apartments, not to mention the old foundation, but it is she who fosters a number of good habits in us. Before you think about placing a bidet or hygienic shower, find a place for a humble sink.

Today, you can easily find a model measuring 25x25 cm or 40x22 cm, costing from 800 rubles.

Receive cold water in the toilet is possible by installing single lever mixer, which will connect to the water supply to the tank using a tee.

Significantly save on water bills will allow the drain line from the sink to the barrel.

Mini sink models:

Brand name price, rub.
Santeri 830
Jacob Delafon Terrace 10 230
IFO Special 2 330
Laufen pro 3 500
Olympia linea lavabi 6 000
Gustavsberg Nordic 3 400
Roca gap 4 800
Simas arcade 11 900

Idea 2

A washing machine is often a stumbling block in a small bathroom. In conditions of space shortage, I recommend sending it under the sink (the latter should be wall-mounted or overhead).

Yes, you will not be able to walk around with the size of a washing machine, but even models up to 46 cm deep can claim to be functional, since they can easily fit 5-6 kg of laundry.

There is one more point that requires attention, with this arrangement of the washing machine, the mounting height of the sink increases from the standard 90 cm to 100-105 cm, but this is not critical, especially if your height is over 165.

Idea 3

Do not pile up finishing materials, limit yourself to 1-2 options, this will help visually expand the space. As proof, I bring a photo of a bathroom, almost completely finished with light Calacatta marble.

Idea 4

Pick up unusual plumbing fixtures and accessories. In a small bathroom there are no inconspicuous things, the area allows you to examine everything very closely. Believe me, with the proper enthusiasm and resourcefulness, you can find a place for an antique underframe, a mirror in an antique frame, and even candlesticks.

Idea 5

For a small bathroom, it is appropriate to use shades of the same range. Such color experiments will be relevant in moroccan styleand here is an example - a bathroom decorated with rectangular brick-like tiles and wallpaper, the design of which is very similar to oriental painted ceramics.

Idea 6

If you are not fond of wallpaper and tiles, take wood panels for decoration. By carefully adjusting the pattern, you can get the effect of a single surface, giving a feeling of comfort and warmth.

Idea 7

You can divert attention from the modest area of \u200b\u200bthe room with a contrasting design of the walls. For example, at the top, find a place for bright hand-painted wallpaper, at the bottom for painted panels.

Let me tell you a little secret - have interesting decor and expensive finishing material at eye level, everything that is placed below is no longer so eye-catching.

Idea 8

Choosing the right lighting is of paramount importance... The important shape of the lamps, the saturation of light, the combination with finishing materials... In a small bathroom, be sure to highlight dark areas and corners that visually reduce the room in dim overhead lighting.

Summing up

After reading this material, you are convinced that even a bathroom in a Khrushchev can be very attractive and functional. How do you deal with the lack of space in typical houses? Share your ideas with our readers in the comments and be sure to watch the video in this article.


Inhabitants of apartments built in the 50-60s often have to put up with the cramped conditions. But there are tangible advantages in this: firstly, a small amount of materials will be needed for repair; secondly - all things can be placed at hand; thirdly, a compact room is easier to clean. In addition, small room warms up faster. All these advantages fully apply to the bathroom, and organizing the bathroom space with comfort and coziness is a matter of several days. Read about how to properly decorate a bathroom in Khrushchev in this article!

Redevelopment of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Perhaps the only way to really expand the bathroom area in a Soviet apartment is to remove the partition and combine it with a toilet, pantry or part of a corridor.

Given that such changes in high-rise buildings can affect the housing of neighbors or the structure as a whole, the law obliges the owners to agree on future redevelopment, as well as any displacement or increase in the number of plumbing equipment in public services for architecture. Scroll required documents and the name of the authorities in a particular locality can be obtained from a lawyer or the nearest housing office.

It should be noted that a separate bathroom is more convenient for everyday life, especially if more than one person lives in the apartment. Erecting a wall and creating a separate entrance for the toilet is also considered a redevelopment. To dispense with bureaucratic conventions and save resources, the combined room can simply be zoned using a partial partition or screen.

Choosing an interior style

It would seem, what style can we talk about on some 2.5-3 sq.m.? But it is the consistency of all the details in a single ensemble that will make the interior of the bathroom in the Khrushchev truly comfortable and aesthetic.

Bathroom in modern style

The simplicity and functionality inherent in the Art Nouveau style is the best fit for arranging a small bathroom. The combination of discreet monochromatic surfaces, mirrored and matte textures, the use of innovative materials and comfortable plumbing will transform the former Soviet bathroom into a comfortable spa.

Classic bathroom

Decoration of the Khrushchev bathroom in classic style Is the perfect choice for connoisseurs of luxury. A light, warm palette will give the room a special soft glow, while accents of gold and beige against a creamy background will give a sense of sublime harmony.

Provence style bathroom

In a spring-like gentle Provence, no doubt, romantic natures will like it. This style is characterized by soft pastel shades, small floral patterns, vintage furniture. Overall, it creates a sense of airiness and rustic simplicity.

Bathroom in the style of minimalism

Achromatic colors, clear lines, neat shapes and lack of decor distinguish the minimalistic style from the rest. With such an interior, the bathroom in Khrushchev will always look clean and spacious.

Scandinavian style bathroom

Northern European design is about winter colors and natural textures. The colors used are snow-white, transparent ice, stone gray, dark blue, black, bleached wood.

Patchwork tiles with ethnic patterns, monochrome rhombuses, and other geometric patterns look beautiful in the Scandinavian bathroom.

Color solutions for the bathroom in Khrushchev

In order not to overload the interior, the bathroom should be decorated in light colors, combining no more than 2-3 colors. Achromatic white, gray and black are easily mixed both with each other and with all other shades, and itten's special color wheel, which is often used by designers, will help to harmoniously choose bright colors.

White bathroom

White is an integral attribute of any bathroom, and by decorating a bathroom in Khrushchev in this color, you can visually increase its space. White looks perfect both on its own, without any blotches, and as the main background for darker, richer details.

Bathroom in pastel colors

Pastels are very light colors, as if a few drops of pigment were added to a jar of white paint. Delicate lavender, creamy, mint, sheer blue and flower pink will create a soft, relaxing atmosphere in a small bathroom.

Gray bathroom

Besides that grey colour very calm and versatile, it is also practical. Condensation drops, dust or darkened areas are almost invisible on this finish.

White plumbing, as well as various green, red or yellow elements will help to add brightness and warm notes to this monochrome color.

Beige bathroom

Light tones of coffee with milk are very often used for interior design of bathrooms in Khrushchevs. A white ceramic surface, mirrors and metal fittings (especially golden ones) look good in their environment.

To give beige depth, it is combined with chocolate brown inserts.

Blue bathroom

The color of water and sky is one of the most successful solutions for a small bathroom with an area of \u200b\u200b2-3 sq.m. In the interior, it is desirable to dilute this color with white, or combine a transparent shade with a more saturated one. The blue bathroom in Khrushchev will become a truly paradise where you can relax after a hard day at work.

Bathroom decoration in Khrushchev

When choosing a finish for a bathroom, it is better to give preference to moisture-resistant and environmentally friendly materials. Their high cost will pay off with a long service life, aesthetic appearance and health safety, while cheap substitutes may require replacement in a year or two.


Before laying the top layer of cladding, the bathroom floor in the Khrushchev must be covered with waterproofing, and on top of it, it is advisable to lay heating mats on a layer of sand. This will ensure a comfortable temperature at all times, regardless of the heating situation.

It is better to make the floor surface light and monochromatic. From materials, tiles are suitable (square or hexagonal, large or medium-sized), porcelain stoneware, concrete or polymer composition (self-leveling floor).

You can use ceramic and plastic skirting boards - they will not deform, like wood, and will not rust like metal.


The easiest way to decorate bathroom walls is to paint them. For this purpose, moisture-resistant emulsions are suitable - water-dispersion acrylic and latex. They must contain antibacterial substances that prevent the formation of mold. To get rid of small cracks in the plaster and get beautiful texture, the walls can be pasted over with fiberglass, which hold firmly and retain the relief even under 10-15 layers of paint.

Of ceramic tiles for a bathroom in Khrushchev, the following varieties are suitable:

1. Large, light and solid, square or rectangular. It is advisable to combine it with more saturated fragments or patterned borders.
2. White, under silicate brickwork. Such tiles will be the best solution for the bathroom interior in scandinavian style or loft style. It can be used to revet any recess, one or two adjacent walls, and leave the rest smoothly painted.
3. Mosaic tiles... In a small bathroom, tiny iridescent pixels will look very fresh and unusual. They often cover not only the walls, but also the side surface of the bath.

Less common, but also quite acceptable options for finishing the bathroom in Khrushchev are plastic panels, washable vinyl wallpapers, stone veneer, polymer decorative stone. Narrow mirror inserts (stickers) will help to achieve a very interesting effect.


The best technique for visually increasing the height of any room is a glossy white stretch film. But also for a bathroom in a Khrushchev, ordinary painting in white color, fiberglass, slatted ceiling or suspended plastic structures.

In general, the ceiling in a small bathroom should be simply flat and light, without noticeable contrasts or overhanging elements.

Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

Even in the very small space everything you need will fit if you are smart and move away from outdated ideas about the interior of the bathroom. Fortunately, a huge selection of plumbing fixtures, furniture, accessories and other useful products of various shapes and sizes is now available on the market.


If a standard oval bathtub takes up too much space in the Khrushchev bathroom, it can be replaced. Perfect solution will become a rectangular model, angular, tear-shaped or asymmetric, with complex kinks, in which one edge is narrow and the other is wide.

Right angles and lines are good because there is no gap between the bathroom and the wall, thus, the space is used as efficiently as possible, and in terms of cleaning it is convenient.

Shower cabin

Place at the same time on 2-3 sq.m. a bath and shower is hardly realistic, but if you add a deep tray to the booth, you get a good bathing tank. It is advisable to choose the box itself in an angular or clear rectangular shape, with a height of 2 meters or more (depending on the height of the users).

Since there is little free space in the Khrushchev bathroom, it is worth giving preference to models with sliding rather than swing doors.

Sink and toilet

To save space, compact surface-mounted and wall-mounted washbasins - rectangular or corner ones, are suitable. They can be placed on top of a nightstand, washing machine, or even above the bathroom.

It is also better to choose a small toilet with a narrow cistern and a side flush button. The tank itself, if possible, would be good to hide in some niche, wall or pencil case.

Washing machine

There is always room in a small bathroom for a neat side-loading washing machine. Such a model can fit under the sink, in the niche behind the toilet, on the bottom shelf of a cabinet or under a water heater.

If none of these options work, you can purchase a hanging machine - it looks like voluminous wall Clock and is mounted on any free area, even under the ceiling.

Cabinets and shelves

A place for storing household chemicals, cosmetics, hygiene products and clean towels should be provided even at the stage of planning a repair.

So that the space of an already tiny room does not seem cluttered, it is advisable to hide all these things behind opaque facades. If you make the doors monochromatic, without handles and in the color of the walls, the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev will look very stylish, and the mirror surfaces will give it volume.

For cabinets and narrow pencil cases, it is necessary to use the vertical space, corners, and the space above the front door to the maximum.

Proper bathroom lighting

The best lighting option for the bathroom in the Khrushchev is the recessed LED spotlights on the ceiling. Compact sconces can be hung above the mirror or on either side of it.

Another interesting way select a mirror - place a flexible glowing tape around the perimeter. The same technique works for the ceiling and floor.

To avoid short circuits, wiring and lighting fixtures better to trust qualified specialists, and during operation, make sure that no water gets on the electrical communications.

It is dangerous to use ordinary incandescent lamps in the bathroom - they get very hot and from the slightest drop can simply burst, scattering sparks in all directions. But there are no problems with LED lighting.
