How to reserve a special account with Sberbank for the state defense order: opening and working with a special account

How is a Sberbank account reserved for a state defense order? This account stipulates the acceptance of cash at the request of the client. Issuance is carried out in accordance with the terms of the contract that determines the formation of the capital fund, the cost of funds by cashless settlement.

Special accounts for state defense orders are accounts opened in the bank by executors who signed an agreement with the Russian Ministry of Defense. The main goal of the state is to ensure information protection, control the state budget and ongoing settlement operations.

For all contracts concluded, customers and contractors are required by law 275-FZ to open separate accounts. The money on the special account is required to be used only for order fulfillment. Sberbank specifically for the State Defense Order (GOZ) offers to open an account on special terms. Settlement transactions for the state defense order are carried out with an indication in the payment on the account of the state identifier. contract.

When the terms of the contract are met and fulfilled, it is allowed to transfer profits to any current account and to cover the expense of purchasing supplies. Income and inventory prices are negotiated prior to the conclusion of the contract.

In 2015, it was announced that banking support and special services would be used. accounts. But there are still errors in some aspects, for example, with regards to the payment of wages from the current account. The law also does not prescribe the use of funds that a party receives to complete an order.

How to open an account for SDO in Sberbank?

  1. OGRN;
  2. organizational and legal form of the company;
  3. gOZ identification number (ID);
  4. phone number;
  5. email.

A special account for SDO can be opened within 365 days. Within the allotted period of time, the contractor should provide the entire set of supporting documents to the office. Otherwise, the process is rejected and the money is sent back.

For payments between the parties to the contract, a bank support agreement is drawn up.

To control the execution of orders, you need to connect Sberbank Business Online. The application for joining is on the bank's website in the appropriate tab. To form an application, you need to use the step-by-step instructions:

  • in your personal account go to the "Services" - "Application" section;
  • select the line "Application for accession";
  • form a document by filling in all the fields;
  • choose the type of investment, amount, type of currency, interest rate and storage period;
  • confirm your agreement with the provided conditions.

A confirmation password will be sent to your mobile phone, which is analogous to an electronic signature. You can also print the finished sample on the site and manually enter all the information.

Working with a special SDO account

After a successful reservation with Sberbank of a separate settlement account for the state defense order and an account was opened, you can transfer money with the ID of the contract. Exceptions to this list include:

  1. mandatory payments (taxes, fees, etc.);
  2. payment for goods, services and work performed according to tariffs approved by the state;
  3. transfer of profits, if it is spelled out in a government contract;
  4. payment of expenses of the contractor (up to 3 million rubles), the head contractor - up to 5 million

To make a payment, the executor must bring to the bank such documents as:

  • Agreement or an extract from it with information related to the state secret. The extract is drawn up by a person who has access to state secrets and signed by the head of the responsible person.
  • Acts, waybills, invoices and other documents confirming the fulfillment of obligations under the contract.

The Bank has the right to demand the missing documents, taking into account the observance of special rules on state secrets.

In the process of work, you need to choose one of the options for banking support:

  1. "Advanced", which has such functionality as:
  • the ability to control all running costs from contractors' accounts;
  • assess during the execution of the contract;
  • reporting formation.
  1. "Simple" allows you to receive account statements of participants and track settlement transactions.

After choosing a tariff, you should draw up an escort agreement. Both parties must sign it.

How to pay a payment order on a Sberbank state defense order account?

After opening a special account with Sberbank for the state defense order, by this time you already have access to the Sberbank Business Online website. To draw up a payment order, you should:

  • select the section “Payments and transfers” - “Payment to counterparty”;
  • enter the required amount with or without VAT;
  • indicate the date of payment;
  • choose a special account for debiting money;
  • enter the payee and the details of his account, contract number.

Do not forget to indicate the purpose of the payment transaction. The final stages of the formation of a payment order will be sending it to the bank. An SMS confirming the payment for the account will be sent to the phone.

Responsibility for violations

In order to open a special account for the state defense order with Sberbank, you need to follow certain rules. Expenses must be made for their intended purpose. Ignoring the agreements leads to not rosy consequences:

  1. for failure to provide services or failure to fulfill the plan, a fine is imposed in the amount of 1 million rubles;
  2. forfeits in the amount of 500 to 1 million rubles. must be repaid if funds were spent incorrectly;
  3. you cannot use the money allocated by the state for the state defense order for other purposes.

The listed types of violations are considered gross in terms of Russian legislation. To ensure a transparent relationship between the customer, the contractor and the state itself, all conditions must be observed.

Subtleties of closing a state defense order account

The closing process is easier than opening a special account with Sberbank for the state defense order. If the order is fulfilled, you can easily close the account. For this you need:

  • submit an application to the bank;
  • the customer sends a notification to Sberbank about the fulfillment of the contract;
  • the main customer is informed about the receipt of the notification;
  • he sends a document with a request to close the account;
  • Sberbank informs all members of the organization about this;
  • the account is successfully closed.

For the procurement of goods, payment for work, services in order to meet state and municipal needs, on the basis of Federal Law No. 44 dated 04/05/2013, an account is reserved with Sberbank for state defense orders. The special account is designed to conduct safe transactions and protect the interests of both parties.

A separate bank account for the state defense order is a special account in a financial and credit organization opened by the chief executor who has entered into a contract with the RF Ministry of Defense for the execution of a defense order. Such measures are necessary to guarantee the safety and transparency of settlements, as well as to control the distribution of state budget funds.

According to Art. 8.1 of the Federal Law No. 275 of December 29, 2012 "On the State Defense Order", Sberbank is one of the banks authorized to work with special accounts.

To reserve a separate current account for the state defense order with Sberbank, there is no need to visit the office; an application can be made online on the official website To do this, you need OGRN, TIN, organizational and legal form of the organization, ID of the state defense order, mobile phone number, e-mail.

To open a special account, 365 calendar days are allotted. During this time, the contractor must submit supporting documents to the bank branch. Otherwise, the procedure will be canceled, and the funds received will be returned to the sender.

To carry out settlements between the parties to a state defense contract, it is necessary to conclude a banking support agreement. It is also required to activate the Sberbank Business Online service in order to electronically control the execution of the state defense order. The application for joining is in the corresponding tab on the official website of the bank.

Once the account has been reserved, the documentation has been verified, transactions can be made.

Spending money from a separate settlement account of the state defense order

Sberbank serves government contracts on the basis of the previously specified Federal Law No. 44 and Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 963 dated September 20, 2014 "On the implementation of banking services for government contracts."

In order not to be mistaken when working with a special account, you need to be guided by Art. 8.3 FZ N 275 of December 29, 2012 "On the state defense order." The following regulations are indicated there:

  1. The contractor has the right to spend funds from the RS exclusively on advances for services, goods, work, or to equip the needs of the state defense contract.
  2. You can dispose of funds only if the ID of the state defense order is indicated in the order for writing off.
  3. Contributions must be made to specially created defense order accounts.

There are exceptions to the last rule. These include:

  • payment of taxes, insurance premiums;
  • payment for products, if the cost is controlled by the state;
  • settlement payments with foreign contractors who took part in the SDO;
  • other expenses in the amount of less than 3 million rubles.

On the basis of Article 86 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the bank can stop performing operations on special accounts to collect fines, penalties, penalties and other delays.

The account is closed after notification of the RF Ministry of Defense of the execution of the state defense contract

List of illegal operations

Not all transactions can be carried out on a separate SDO account. Prohibited ones include:

  1. Settlements on loans of the executing agency.
  2. Providing funds for the creation of the authorized (pooled) capital of a third-party company.
  3. Transfers to individuals, donation to charity. The exception is the remuneration of employees, the payment of insurance premiums.
  4. Purchase of precious metals, foreign currency, shares, securities.
  5. Execution of the assignment agreement (assignment of the right of claim).
  6. Writing off funds to other accounts opened with a financial and credit institution.


You can reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order through the official website. During the year, you must submit supporting documentation to the bank branch, otherwise the procedure will be terminated.

Vitaly Bairashev, Institute of Public Procurement

Despite the assurances of the Ministry of Finance, the largest banks from the list (order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 13, 2019 No. 1451-r) continue to refuse individuals to open special accounts. Probably, the banks were not ready for such a format of work and are now hastily adapting their regulations and technical means to work with individuals. On the websites of many banks there is simply no procedure for opening special accounts by individuals. Still, more than 99% of suppliers are legal entities and individual entrepreneurs. And individuals participate in purchases from time to time, which is why banks could not predict the demand for the special account service from their side.

Step 1. Understand whether to open

Now a special account for participation in the auctions of Federal Law 44 is needed for all suppliers who plan to participate in electronic competitive procedures: wherever it is necessary to make a security for the application. Until trading platforms are able to accept bank guarantees, participation without a special account will not work. The functionality should be operational from July 2019.

A special account for securing applications of Federal Law 44 is not needed if you participate:

  • in unsecured purchases;
  • in non-competitive bidding.

Step 2. Check the bank where the current account has already been opened

Legislators did not oblige suppliers to use exclusively a separate bank account as a special account for a procurement participant. You can create it based on the calculated one. But for this it is necessary that the bank with which you are already cooperating was on the list of the Ministry of Finance (approved by Government Decree No. 1451-r of July 13, 2018). , 21 organizations are now approved. Here are all the banks where you can open a special account for trading:

  1. Sberbank of Russia.
  2. Gazprombank.
  3. Russian Agricultural Bank.
  5. Moscow credit bank.
  6. Opening.
  7. Raiffeisenbank.
  8. Rosbank.
  9. All-Russian Regional Development Bank.
  10. Promsvyazbank.
  11. RUSSIA.
  12. St. Petersburg.
  13. Sovcombank.
  14. Russian National Commercial Bank.
  15. OTP Bank.
  16. UniCredit.
  17. Revival.
  18. Tinkoff.
  19. AK BARS.
  20. Northern Sea Route.

If the bank is not on the list of the Ministry of Finance, it is impossible to open a special account in it for participation in trading!

If your bank is among those selected, consider yourself lucky. Call the manager, say that you want to use the "calculator" as a special one. The bank will draw up a supplementary agreement to be signed. Below we give an example of the Gazprombank template. In some cases, you will need to write a statement first. At this step, the instruction is completed for you. The following steps will come in handy if your bank does not yet provide such a service, or you want to have a separate special account for trading in Federal Law 44, or several in different banks - the law does not prohibit this.

If your bank is not on the list of the Ministry of Finance, then you will have to open a special account "from scratch" - proceed to the next step of the instructions.

Step 3. Choose a bank

At this stage, it is important to evaluate not only the reliability and conditions of each bank, but also the form in which they provide the service of a special account for public procurement. We have already mentioned that not all banks, in order to open a special account for trading, quickly got involved in the work under the new rules. For example, you can open a separate special account in the Otkritie bank, and for this you need to have a calculator in Rosbank. Some suggest opening a "special checking account" - this is not very convenient, since you will have to pay one more "settlement accountant". And for special, the legislation provided for special conditions.

We called banks and collected information about a special account under Federal Law 44: how they work, in what form a special account is opened, what is needed, tariffs for servicing a special account for trading. This can save you a ton of time and make the right choice. Please note that most banks require accreditation on one of the E-Marketplaces under 44-FZ. We marked in the table those who focused on this attention.

The table is current as of 20.11.2018. The information was received from the bank support specialists and it may change over time.

How does it work

How much is

Features and forms


The bank opens a separate account.

Blocking money for each operation to secure the application - 50 rubles (valid until 28.02.2019).

The person who will manage the account is contacted.

You will need to provide documents, both for opening a new "calculator", and a statement. Of the features: you will need to provide copies of licenses and patents, if any.

Opens only a separate special account.

Opening and maintenance is free.

Simplified procedure for owners of current accounts: write a statement and then sign an agreement.

To open "from scratch" you will need to provide a package of documents similar to a new current account, plus an application and a questionnaire.

View full list of documents:


Opens a separate special account or expands the functionality of the settlement one.

Opening ceremony - 3000 rubles.


  • 600 rubles / month - with a client bank;
  • 2000 rubles / month - without a client bank.

You will have to pay for the service only if there were transactions on the account within a month.

In addition to the application and the standard package, you will need to provide:

  • a notarized card with samples of signatures and seal imprints (f. 0401026);
  • acceptance of the bank's offer;
  • payment of commission for opening an account.


Opens a separate account.

Opening and maintenance is free.

Interest on the balance is calculated on individual terms.

To open an account, you need to submit a standard package of documents to the bank branch.

At the branch you need to sign an additional agreement with the bank.

Alfa Bank

Opens a separate account.

Special + current account - opening and maintenance is free.

Only a special account - according to the rates for cash settlement.

To open, you need to provide a standard package of documents for opening an account.

Additionally, the bank will request:

  • confirmation of joining the contract on settlement services of the special bank account of the procurement participant in foreign currency. Download the form;
  • application for opening a special account. Download the form.

Credit Bank of Moscow

Opens a separate account.

There are bank branches only in Moscow and the Moscow region!

To open, collect a standard package and leave a request on the site. Forms are sent by mail after confirmation of the application by phone.


A separate special account is opened.

Opening is free.


  • if there is a current account at Otkritie - free of charge;
  • if there is no current account - only the first 3 months are free, then - 1350 rubles / month.

You can go directly to the department, leave an online application on the website or call a specialist to the office.

Documents for opening "from scratch" - as for a current account.

A complete list of documents and application and contract forms can be obtained by e-mail by calling the bank.


A special account is opened only if there is a current one.

Tariffs as for current account.

Accreditation on any ETP is obligatory.

The bank's specialists do not provide additional information.

Opens and serviced free of charge.

Account transactions at general rates.

After completing the application, they send by mail: a standard list of documents to fill out, a questionnaire and tariffs.

All-Russian Bank for Regional Development

A special account is opened only after opening a settlement account.

Service charges depend on the selected client group.

Additional information on the tariffs of the special account is not provided.

The set of documents is standard. Additionally, they ask to provide:

  • letter of reference from the bank that serves (if accounts in other banks have not been opened, then a letter in free form about the absence of accounts);
  • a business plan in free form if less than 3 months have passed since the date of registration of the legal entity.

They offer to open a "special current account". In fact, you will get another calculator with a special account function.

Opening is free if you reserve an account on the site.

Service at the rates of current accounts, the amount depends on the "turnover".

To receive a percentage of the balance, you will need to sign an additional agreement.

You will need a full package of documents, as for a "calculator".

It will be possible to either expand the functionality of an already opened current account, or open a separate special account.

There is no information on tariffs yet.

To open a separate special account, you will need a package of documents, as for a "calculator".

St. Petersburg

They do not open a special account, but a current account with special conditions.

You cannot open a separate special account.

Opening an account is free.


  • 1400 rubles / month - if there is a system of remote banking services;
  • 10,000 rubles / month - no remote service.

0.1% per annum will be charged from the balance on the account.

Mandatory accreditation on one of the trading floors according to 44-FZ.

The package of documents is the same as for opening a current account.


Open a current account with a special function. You cannot open a separate special account.

Opening is free.

Service at the rates of current accounts.

The application for opening is filled in on the RTS-Tender trading floor.

In response to an application, the details of the current account are received by e-mail, as well as a link to a closed channel for downloading the required documents.

Russian National Commercial Bank (RNKB)

Open a separate account.

Opening is free.

The rest of the services are at basic rates.

To open an account, you need to contact the bank. You cannot remotely.


Opens a separate special account.

Opening and maintenance is free.

The package of documents is the same as for opening a current account. On a call, they send forms of documents that need to be filled out.

Opens a separate special account.

Opening and maintenance is free.
More details about tariffs from 23.11.2018.

It is necessary to provide a standard set of documents, which is used when opening the "calculator".

Accreditation on one of the trading platforms is required.


Opens a separate account.

Opening and maintenance is free.

Standard package of documents.

Step 4. Collect documents and write an application for opening

Now you need to contact the selected bank to write an application for opening a special account. To do this, you need to come with a package of documents to any branch that serves legal entities. If a bank account is not opened, then you will need to collect the same package of documents as for opening a "settlement account". Accept originals or notarized copies.

For legal entities:

  1. Constituent documents (articles of association or articles of association).
  2. If the account is opened by the head - the protocol of election, if the person in charge - the order for the appointment and the power of attorney.
  3. Card with samples of signatures and seals.
  4. Identity documents of those who will manage the money on the account.
  5. Legal entity registration certificate.
  6. Certificate of registration of a legal entity.

For individual entrepreneurs:

  1. IP registration certificate.
  2. Certificate of entry into the state register of individual entrepreneurs.
  3. Tax registration certificate.
  4. The passport of the entrepreneur himself.
  5. If the account is opened by a representative - his passport and power of attorney.

Please note that we provide average lists, banks often have additional items. For example, some people ask to fill out a questionnaire or FATCA-questionnaire or provide extracts from government agencies. And in order to open a special account at Alfa-Bank, you will need to fill out their form on joining the service agreement. Be sure to clarify the requirements for the links that we have given in the table.

Video: how to open a special account

Sberbank closure of a special account for the state defense order. How to open a special account in Sberbank

How to reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order 2018

Law No. 275-FZ of December 29, 2012. tightened the requirements for the placement of a state defense order, as well as for settlements between the participants in such a contract. All settlements must be carried out exclusively through special bank accounts (SBS) operating in general mode. You can open it not in every bank, but only in an authorized banking organization. In the article, we will consider the features of reservation of special accounts, as well as the requirements for monetary transactions under the state defense order.

Special account for the state defense order

A special settlement account for a state defense order is a special account with an authorized banking organization opened by a prime contractor who, in turn, entered into a contract with the Russian Ministry of Defense for the execution of a defense order. This is necessary to ensure the security and transparency of settlements for the defense order between the parties to the contract, as well as to exercise control over the targeted use of budget funds by the state.

Article 8.1 of Law No. 275-FZ establishes special criteria for banks that are entitled to service special accounts. Today they meet the established requirements:

  1. PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg".
  3. Sberbank PJSC.
  4. Bank GPB (JSC).
  5. VTB Bank (PJSC).
  6. JSC "AB" RUSSIA ".
  7. JSC "Rosselkhozbank".

Each bank, in turn, establishes individual rules for opening and reserving settlement BS for a defense order. For example, you can reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order online. To do this, it is enough to enter the registration data of the company (PSRN and TIN, form of ownership), indicate the identifier of the state contract, enter the mobile phone number and email address. Within 5 working days, you should confirm the procedure for opening a special account in a bank branch by submitting a full package of supporting documentation. Otherwise, Sberbank will cancel the reservation of the account of the state defense order, and return the funds received to the senders.

And when VTB makes a reservation of the state defense order account, any operations (receipt or write-off) become available only after the official conclusion of the contract.

Special accounts for the state defense order, how to spend money

A special regime has been established for settlements to secure the defense order. The rules are regulated in Article 8.3 of Law No. 275-FZ. The basic guidelines are as follows:

  1. The write-off is carried out only to special accounts for the defense order, therefore, all contract participants must have such accounts open. There are exceptions in clauses. a-z h. 2 p. 1 art. 8.3 of Law No. 275-FZ.
  2. The Bank has the right to suspend operations on special accounts to collect fines, penalties, penalties and other sanctions (Article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

What operations are prohibited

A wide list of prohibited operations on special accounts for defense orders has been established (Article 8.4 of Law No. 275-FZ). These include settlements for loans and borrowings held by the contractor for the organization. Also, targeted funds cannot be lent or invested in the authorized capital of a third-party company.

Any transfers to individuals are prohibited, except for wages and insurance premiums for hired workers or compensation. Money for the fulfillment of the defense order cannot be donated or transferred to charitable foundations or individuals.

Buying foreign currency, precious metals or securities is also illegal. But it is possible to place targeted funds on a deposit, but the deposit must be opened in the same authorized bank and on condition that the interest from the turnover of money will be credited to this special account.

Funds for the implementation of a state defense contract cannot be used as security for the fulfillment of obligations, including under treaties, agreements and contracts.

Controversial issues

Can the executing organization independently replenish the special account?

Can. An organization needs to replenish an account with its own money in the event of settlements with an authorized bank for servicing this special account. You cannot spend targeted money on banking services.

The executor is under enforcement proceedings. Can a bank write off funds from a special account under a writ of execution?

If the claimant is the state, then the writ of execution will be satisfied (subparagraph In paragraph 9 of Article 8.4 of Law No. 275-FZ). In other cases, the write-off will be illegal.

A hired specialist requires compensation for the cost of renting a dwelling, is it possible to pay with targeted funds from the state defense order?

No. Payment of travel and accommodation for employees with funds to secure such a contract is unacceptable (subparagraph B of paragraph 3 of article 8.4 of Law No. 275-FZ).

What is a special bank account?

Debtor's special account

Special bank account: basic types

Special accounts by the bank can be opened for legal entities and citizens (including those who are economic entities) to carry out certain types of operations.

The types of special bank accounts for their intended purpose include accounts (clause 2.8 of the Bank of Russia instruction "On opening and closing bank accounts" dated 05/30/2014 No. 153-I):

  • a paying agent (including a bank) or a subagent;
  • supplier;
  • trading;
  • clearing;
  • payment system guarantee fund;
  • nominal;
  • escrow;
  • pledge;
  • the debtor, etc.

This list is not closed and may be supplemented by special legal provisions. For example, in Art. 201.8-2 of the Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)" dated 26.10.2002 No. 127-FZ refers to a special bank account for financing the construction of a construction in progress.

Depending on the placement regimes and the possibility of spending the sums of money, the special account can be classified (according to the order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of 13.06.2001 No. 654):

  • for letters of credit;
  • check books;
  • deposit accounts;
  • other accounts (for example, a special account for financing capital investments, etc.).

Debtor's special account

The purpose of the said special account is to place on it the money remaining after the claims of the bankruptcy creditor from the amount received from the sale of the pledged object, which secured the debtor's obligations under the loan agreement (Articles 133, 138 of Law No. 127-FZ).

The separation of such finance from the general mass is necessary to determine the amount from which certain categories of creditors will be able to receive satisfaction in the future in accordance with the provisions of the law.

Special account of the paying agent and special account of the supplier

The special account of the paying agent is intended for the accumulation of the money supply received in the form of cash from the payers by the paying agent, and for making the necessary settlement operations (clauses 14, 15, article 4 of the Law "On Activity" dated 03.06.2009 No. 103-FZ).

Non-crediting of funds by a paying agent to such a special account is qualified as an administrative offense (clause 2 of article 15.1 of the RF Code of Administrative Offenses).

The supplier's special account is opened for placing on it the finances received by the supplier through the paying agent that accepts payments from individuals. The supplier is entitled to accept the said funds only to such a special account, from which he can subsequently transfer them to his other accounts (clause 18, article 4 of Law No. 103).

So, a separate account designed to separate a certain amount of money from other finances of the account holder is a special bank account. In this case, the grounds for such differentiation can be distinguished depending on:

  • from the purposes of the subsequent use of the amounts placed on such a special account;
  • the rights of the owner of the special account to the deposited funds.

Sberbank closing a special account for the state defense order

To do this, it is enough to enter the registration data of the company (OGRN and TIN, form of ownership), indicate the identifier of the state contract, enter the mobile phone number and e-mail address. Within 5 working days, you should confirm the procedure for opening a special account in a bank branch by submitting a full package of supporting documentation. Otherwise, Sberbank will cancel the reservation of the account of the state defense order, and return the funds received to the senders. And when VTB makes a reservation of the state defense order account, any operations (receipt or write-off) become available only after the official conclusion of the contract. Special accounts for the state defense order, how to spend money A special regime has been established for settlements to ensure the defense order. The rules are regulated in Article 8.3 of Law No. 275-FZ.

Sberbank of Russia official website

But it is possible to place targeted funds on a deposit, but the deposit must be opened in the same authorized bank and on condition that the interest from the turnover of money will be credited to this special account. Funds for the implementation of a state defense contract cannot be used as security for the fulfillment of obligations, including under treaties, agreements and contracts.

Controversial issues Can the executing organization independently replenish the special account? Can. An organization needs to replenish an account with its own money in the event of settlements with an authorized bank for servicing this special account. You cannot spend targeted money on banking services. The executor is under enforcement proceedings. Can a bank write off funds from a special account under a writ of execution? If the claimant is the state, then the writ of execution will be satisfied (subparagraphs in paragraph 9 of Art.

What is a special account for the state defense order

The contractor can open it in advance in one of the authorized banks:

  1. JSC "AB" RUSSIA ".
  2. Bank GPB (JSC).
  3. PJSC "Bank" Saint-Petersburg".
  4. VTB Bank (PJSC).
  5. Sberbank PJSC.
  7. JSC "Rosselkhozbank".

Each bank has its own rules for such an operation. If Sberbank provides an account reservation, the state defense order is paid faster, since the money can be received before concluding an agreement with the bank.


The contractor has 5 working days to collect the package of documents, otherwise the bank will return the money to the customer, and the account will be canceled. You can reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order online.

In the case when VTB provides account reservation, the state defense order is financed by the customer only after the direct opening of a special account.

How not to be mistaken when working with a special account for the state defense order

  • Closing an account is carried out by the bank after receiving a notification from the Ministry of Defense of Russia (customer) about the execution of the state contract.
  • What operations are prohibited. A wide list of prohibited operations on special accounts for defense orders has been established (Art. 8.4 of Law No. 275-FZ). These include settlements for loans and borrowings held by the contractor for the organization.

    Also, targeted funds cannot be lent or invested in the authorized capital of a third-party company. Any transfers to individuals are prohibited, except for wages and insurance premiums for hired workers or compensation. Money for the fulfillment of the defense order cannot be donated or transferred to charitable foundations or individuals. Buying foreign currency, precious metals or securities is also illegal.

Sberbank special account for the state defense order

In the section Accounting, Audit, Taxes to the question How to refuse to open a special account for the state defense order, the profit on the transaction is small, all will be spent on servicing the account. The best answer given by the author Elena is Nothing, probably this is a mandatory requirement for the fulfillment of such an order, you need to refuse to fulfill the order itself. Write a letter saying that it is not economically beneficial for us to fulfill your order due to the new conditions. Accordingly, let them scratch their turnips, either increase the cost by the amount of opening an account and maintaining an account, or look for another supplier. Answer from 2 answers [guru] Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: How to refuse to open a special account for the state defense order, the profit on the transaction is small, all will be spent on servicing the account. How to refuse to open a special account for the state defense order, the profit on the transaction is small, all will be spent on servicing the account.

Working with a special account for the state defense order

The basic guidelines are as follows:

  1. The contractor has the right to spend funds from a special current account only on advances for services, goods, work, or to meet the needs for the fulfillment of a state defense contract.
  2. Spending target money is carried out only with the indication of the identifier of the state contract (GCI). The GCI should be indicated in the order (payment order, application for cash expense, etc.) for writing off.
  3. The write-off is carried out only to special accounts for the defense order, therefore, all contract participants must have such accounts open. There are exceptions in paragraphs. a-z h. 2 p. 1 art. 8.3 of Law No. 275-FZ.
  4. The Bank has the right to suspend operations on special accounts for the collection of fines, penalties, penalties and other sanctions (Art.

Special account for the state defense order in the bank - what is it


The Tax Code of the Russian Federation allows you to stop operations on such a current account to collect taxes, penalties or fines. It is closed after the authorized bank receives a notification from the customer about the execution of the contract under the state defense order.

What operations are not allowed to be carried out For special accounts, operations on credits and loans are prohibited, except for the amounts that are listed in the transaction under the state defense order. Also, you can not give money to individuals, with the exception of the payment of compensation and salaries to employees with the simultaneous payment of the necessary taxes and fees.

  • home
  • Preparation for the tender

Participation in the state defense order is the same business as others. But there are some nuances. The lead contractor is obliged to open a special bank account that operates on an individual basis. The special account is used by the state in order to ensure maximum transparency of transactions and to protect the interests of both parties. Reservation of an account with Sberbank for the state defense order is possible on the basis of Federal Law No. 44 of 04/05/2013. The lending institution is one of the authorized banks to carry out this procedure.

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Each financial institution sets its own rules for conducting such a transaction. When reserving an account with the Savings Bank, non-cash funds for the state defense order are accepted on the day of its opening.

The contractor is given five days to collect the necessary documentation, if within the specified period the papers are not received, the money is returned to the customer, the special account is closed. You can make a reservation online, without visiting the bank's office.

How can you use a special account

It is possible to spend the funds stored in the account with Sberbank only in order to pay an advance for the work performed, or to meet the needs of the implementation of the state order.

The write-off takes place after a special order, which indicates the number of the identifier of the government contract, the transfer is carried out to a special account for the state defense order. However, there are some exceptions:

  • Payments to the budget, for example, taxes or insurance;
  • Payment for products, the cost of which is regulated by the state;
  • Settlement with foreign contractors who took part in the defense order;
  • Receiving income specified in the agreement and approved by both parties to the agreement;
  • Other expenses not exceeding three million rubles.

In accordance with article 76 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, it is possible to suspend operations on a special account to collect overdue contributions. After the bank receives a notification from the customer that the contract has been successfully completed, the account service is terminated.

What operations cannot be performed?

It is forbidden to make payments for loans and borrowings from special accounts, except for those payments that are specified in the contract. You can not give funds to individuals, the exception is compensation payments to employees or the transfer of wages to them.

The money stored in the account cannot be:

  • spend on charity;
  • contribute to the authorized capital of a third-party company;
  • spend on buying currency, precious metals or stocks;
  • transfer to a current account with a third-party bank;
  • use for the execution of the agreement on the assignment of the right of claim.

It is forbidden to keep money on deposits, if the amount and the interest accrued on it are not credited to the special account. They also cannot be used to enforce the contract.

It is allowed to write off according to such executive documents as:

  • Payment of wages or severance pay;
  • Compensation for harm to health or life;
  • Payments to the RF budget.

Banking support

In order for the parties to the execution of the agreement to be able to settle through a special account, it is necessary to sign an agreement on banking support. Reservation of a separate current account for the state defense order in Sberbank can be done in just five minutes.

  • Use the online booking service (the special account will be available immediately);
  • Within a year, submit to the office of the Savings Bank a package of necessary documentation;
  • After all the papers have been verified, you can conduct transactions.

You will also need to draw up an electronic application for joining Sberbank Business Online. To form an application, follow the step-by-step instructions:

  • Go to your Personal Account;
  • Find the category "Services" - "Application";
  • In the list select the line "Application for accession";
  • Form a document by filling in all the required fields;
  • Select the type of deposit, indicate its size, currency type, placement period and rate;
  • Confirm your agreement with the terms of placement and save the information;
  • A password will be sent to the phone, it must be entered in a special field - this is an analogue of an electronic signature.

A sample application can be printed in Sberbank Business Online, only all fields will have to be filled in manually.


You can reserve an account with Sberbank for the state defense order through Internet banking or by contacting the Contact Center specialists for help at 8-800-555-57-77.
