Currently, children's furniture are represented by the most diverse and interesting samples that have good quality, originality, a long service life. Therefore, the parents often arise the question of how to choose a baby bed. This material is not possible, by the way, tell you the necessary answers and will give explanations.

Choose a children's bed depending on the age of the child

When describing different models Manufacturers give special recommendations for the age category of the kids who are intended for certain beautiful cribs:

  • Newborns (from 0 to three years);
  • From 3 years to five;
  • Schoolchildren and adolescents;
  • Two children (single floor or different).

Children's furniture can not be bought by the kids on the grow. It is advisable to periodically update the interior from a child in the bedroom.

Baby cot for a newborn

What bed to choose a child to have the crumbs good dream And the correct development of the spine? Specialists recommend the following types:

  • With the presence of a changing table. Such a baby cot is perfectly combined with the functions of a changing chest, and such a "furniture element" can additionally have retractable boxes under a changing and sleeping place. In some cases, there are open shelves in the design;

  • Bed cradle. She must have a convenient, reliable, practical swing mechanism. The cradle can be used inpatient due to the fixing position. IN this time There are cradle two types: with automatic swing (without any help) and with mechanical ( manual way). But keep in mind, many children quickly get used to the braid and without it they will not want to sleep peacefully;
  • Cot Manege. It is a wonderful option for small apartments, where the newborn lives in the bedroom along with his parents. In this case sleeping place Combines with game. Reliable legs provide a stable position and do not allow the design to overturn, if even the crumb will rise and gain the handles on flights;

  • With presence of drawers. It is a mobile (on wheels), or stationary (on legs) design having one or two drawers under berth. Thanks to them, the space under the bed is used appropriate, but in the boxes it is convenient to store bedding And things for the newborn.

On a crib for kids from zero to three years, you can attach a canopy.

Cot for kids from 3 to 5 years

When there are three years old, parents must choose the standard design of the recommended size correctly. Attention should be paid to such samples:

  • Bed transformer. Suitable for the baby from three to five years, but babies will feel great in it. In the original version it is a cot with a place to sleep. It can easily be transformed into a sleeping place and have an extra, separate table;

  • Classic. Single standard soft bed with sideboards that will protect the crumb from falling. They are external, lifting or stationary, and mounted on one side or from two, depending on where the bed is located;
  • Thematic. Modern best beds Children are produced in the form of animals, machines, ships, locks, etc. Initially, they have protective boards, and the size of the bed is ideal for the kids from 3 to 5 years. Such products can be performed by individual orderTherefore, their cost can be much higher than that of ordinary classic.

Protective sides must be firmly fixed so that Choo could not remove them or push.

Models for schoolchildren and adolescents

At this age, children are already trying to be independent, so it is necessary to furnish for them a room with an individual approach. They will suit the most functional unusual beds.

For such age, they often buy:

  1. Bed-attic. It is superbly suitable for accommodating the working and sleeping zone of the child efficiently and compact. In this embodiment, the bed is in the attic (on the second tier) and depending on the design, the shelves (closed and open), computer or writing table, penalty, wardrobe, etc. are located downstairs.
  2. Classic. In such a standard variety, the size of the bed is equal to the alone bed for adults. There are different color, with a large selection of variations in stock (bed back) and headboard. Models can be different:
  • Unisex;
  • Bed for a boy;
  • Bed for a girl.

Beds for two children (who have one or different floor)

When you need to furnish a room for two children, the most important aspect is that the sleeping place is very compact, and there remained a lot of space for lively games.

Optimal options:

  • Superstructures Are a place to sleep raised at high legs. Under it can be placed the second classic stationary bed. Many manufacturers offer to buy such kits to families with two children, as well as the possibility of inexpensively acquired separately any of the parts. Often modular children have a place to relax in the finished solution;
  • Bunk bed for children. These are real sleeping places in two copies, which are located on each other. Have a practical and solid single design. You can get on the second "floor" on the steps that have the form of drawers or stairs.

These are two perfect option To furnish the bedroom of two children - one or different sex. Everyone will have their own personal territory and space for sleep.

In the photo beds for children you can see a variety of styles modern models (industrial, classic, minimalism, high-tech), various forms, Color solutions.

How to protect children from drops during sleep

Small crumbs show excessive activity not only during the day, but in a dream. Children in the age range from 2 years to 4 years old are especially restless. On the forum for young parents, you can meet advice and recommendations on what actions to take, so that the child does not fall from the bed. Here are some options:

  • Collapse a blanket in the form of a side;
  • Stick
  • Make a small bias of the bed in the direction of the wall;
  • Raise the edges of the mattress with the help of thin carnels from the tree to get a "boat".

Before making a purchase, you need to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • Safety. There should be no sharp corners, and fixtures (fittings) must be strong and reliable. Mandatory the presence of protective sides by beds for kids. Quality certificates from the manufacturer's company can also guarantee security;
  • Hypoallergenicity. The design should be in general and individually hypoallergenic. Paints and varnishes must be not toxic, mattresses have natural fillers, because many kids suffer from allergies in our time;

  • Production material. The best is an array of wood, then lumber (chipboard, MDF) are coming. In the last place - metal (forging). For manufacturing chipboard or MDF can be applied formaldehydes, harmful to the body, so the manufacturer must submit certificates for the feedstock, which must be carefully read;
  • Stability. The design must have sufficient weight so that the child cannot flip it over;
  • Brand. Many well-known brands are expensive to their reputation, make a check of each unit of their products at all production stages. Therefore, originality, safety, practicality, quality and durability of each sample of a specific brand are at the highest level. Reviews about a specific manufacturer can be found on the Internet. If most positive comments are left about the products, it can be safely acquired.

Each furniture store can offer a directory where there are photos of models and the price for each of them. This will help not make a mistake with the choice and pick up a bed for a child of a certain age group.

Video: Tips for choosing a baby cot from Dr. Komarovsky

If you are wondering - how to choose a children's bed, then you are a responsible and thoughtful parent. Let's look at important moments that will help you competently organize a sleeping place for your child. The main criterion, of course, is safety and comfort.

What to pay attention to:

  1. Safety of materials.
  2. High protective sides (for calm and safe sleep kids).
  3. Reliable fastenings and durable bases.
  4. Hygienicity (if it is a soft product, it should be easily stitched).
  5. Smooth edges of the design (without angles and roughness).
  6. Reliability of the manufacturer.
  7. Well, if the bed will have a back or a soft headboard, which is comfortable to learn.

Depending on the age of the child, the parents arise such questions:

  • How to choose the first cub for the baby.
  • How to choose a children's bed from 3 years old.
  • How to choose a sleeping place for a preschooler.

There are the main features that need to be considered when choosing a bed for any age.

Pro Materials for Beds

It is important that the materials were harmless to health: modern certified materials or natural natural origin, for example, a wood array.

The most wear-resistant and durable - beech and oak, they will suit both adolescents and kids. They are distinguished by high price and sensitive to the lack of moisture. Such furniture can not be put in a dry hot room or near heaters.

Pretty durable birch furniture, but it is susceptible to moisture and can be deformed from temperature drops. Inexpensive option There will be a bed of pine, but it is rather soft and prone to the formation of cracks and scratches.

Wood furniture is definitely the most environmentally friendly, but sensitive to external conditions and temperature drops, therefore requires careful care and accurate circulation. In addition, this option will be quite expensive.

There is a good analogue of solid wood - chopping plate Higher Quality Categories (LDSP) confirmed by certificates.

Big Plushik beds are made just from such wear-resistant and safe material of the LDSP, which, due to laminated coating and high-quality press, is more resistant to moisture and temperature fluctuations than a solid tree and will retain freshness and attractive look.

Bed-toys Tyk Plushich are designed with care for the health of the baby: all soft details are easily detached and you can wash them in a typewriter. Plaid is made of bilateral textiles.

How to choose a children's bed from 3 years

Bed base

One of the important criteria when choosing a children's bedroom is the strength of the structure. Children are more active than adults, they often jump and play on the bed. Therefore, the base should withstand heavy loads, and all the details be securely fixed.

For kids, it is best to choose the cutting base with bent lamellaes, it is she who helps the formation of the right posture.

Bed Big Plushik has a base with a solid metal frame, on which wooden lamellas are fixed. The design is withstanding the load up to 120 kg.

Removable safety sides

High protective sides are another important feature Beds for kids, as they are often told in a dream. Well, if the side is available on both sides of the bed, it will protect your child from contact with a cold wall and from rolling to the floor.

If you plan to use a bed for a long time, for example, before adolescence, consider the size and design of the model. In this case, you need to buy a sleeper "on the grown", the sides must be removable.

Size of bedroom

Big Plushik offers a universal comfortable sleeping place for kids and younger students, with a 190x90 cm mattress size and removable safety sideboards. This size of the bedroom is an option for increased.

Useful feature bed

The age of three is characterized by the fact that the baby begins to feel like an independent personality than the parents often leads to confusion. Yesterday, such a calm and obedient son or daughter turn into a little rebellion, ready for everything to defend their opinions. During this period, parents need an understanding and wisdom - the adoption of the child and respect for his individuality will allow them to raise a mature personality.

Often parents try to protect the growing child from independence, but it is precisely this period that it is important to use the child benefit.

Big Plushik game bed will be an indispensable assistant, combining a comfortable sleeping place and a big soft toy that will help develop useful skills:

  • Self-service - the rear paws of the animals have comfortable pockets on the zipper, which is so interesting to put their pajamas.
  • Small motor skills will be improved thanks to gaming pockets-mittens located in the front legs.
  • Independent sleep - so calmly fall asleep in fluffy arms of a soft friend.

What baby bed to choose

We consider the question of choosing design and form, we consider the secondary, everything depends on your personal preferences and the style of the interior of the children. To date, there are classic models, attic beds, bunk variations and special transformer models.

A good option for small-sized apartments or for those who want to increase the space of the children's room - a bed with a sliding bed.

Big Plushik is suitable in a room for two children - the lower box for bed linen and sleeping facilities is easily advanced and in the presence of a second mattress turns into a second comfortable bed.

To be confident in the purchase, grant the child to choose a cot yourself. Our online store site offers this opportunity - buy a bed without leaving home. Video Review will help you carefully consider all the elements and see the models "in action".

Before moving directly to the main varieties of baby beds, it is necessary to consider the criteria for which it is mandatory to pay attention to when buying.

These parameters include:

Consider each criterion in more detail.

Product size

This parameter must be taken into account all potential buyers, but in more than It concerns the owners of a very modest housing, where parents are forced to divert a strictly limited space for furniture.

  • conventional sizes are 120 × 60 centimeters (the European standard is 125 × 65 centimeters);
  • increased dimensions are 140 × 70 centimeters (typical of transformer beds);
  • the sizes of the cradle for newborns typically make up 97 × 55 centimeters.

Know the dimensions are necessary not only for fitting furniture in the interior of the apartment. Manufacturers of mattresses, blankets, pillows, bed linen and other bedding are focused on averaged dimensions.

Experts advise you to take furniture common dimensions, so that you do not have to change sheets or blankets or order mattresses according to individual standards. Naturally, this will lead to higher spending.

The main parameters of the materials from which the beds are made for kids are no different from the general requirements for children's furniture. An ideal infant bed is distinguished by strength, environmental friendliness and reliability.

Similarly, only a few materials are more complicated by such requirements:

Another material is high quality plastic. Typically, the beds are not entirely made of polypropylene, since it differs not the highest strength. It is possible to use plastic elements - pens, ripples, however, you should make sure that this material is non-toxic.

Product safety

Children's furniture should be safe. This is an axiom that does not require evidence. Therefore, such an important parameter as safety is necessary to talk in more detail.

  1. It is better to choose a crib for newborns and children under three years old with protective sides that will protect the crumb from falls during sleep and wakefulness. The optimal distance between the sidewall rails is 6 - 7 centimeters. If the specks are placed more often, it can be stuck the limb, if less often - children's head.
  2. All components of the products must touch with each other tightly, there should be no gaps and cracks. Adension density will warp cases of patch and legs, loosening the design.
  3. You should not take an overly light bed, and even with a narrowed base. A similar model is not sustainable, so the baby will be able to flip it. Give preference to a wide bed with an understated center of gravity.
  4. Baby cribs for small newborns have from two to five levels of the bottom of the bottom. The uppermost position is suitable for just the birth of a child, she will delight and mom, who does not have to bend into three deaths. As children are growing, the sun bed is lowered that curious kids could not climb through the side.
  5. The crib, equipped with wheels, is easier to move around the room. However, such mobility can create some problems with the excessive activity of the child. To prevent unwanted bed movements, you need to make sure that the retainers or stoppers for wheels are available.

In addition to the above structural elements, you should pay attention to the overall safety of the crib. All open parts of the furniture are required to be smooth, and the corners are rounded. It should be discarded to buy a bed with protruding either easily unscrewed items, because the child can break them out, unscrew and swallow.

Many pediatricians, including the Teed-Florist E. O. Komarovsky, convince parents not to accomplish the children to the tendering and not solve this method for many children's problems. Children's sources can be completely different and sometimes serious enough.

Defenders of the techs lead their own arguments: the child gets used to the measuring movements during the period of staying in the womb, so the pitching helps him calm down. This effect is achieved and when making a newborn in bed. Of course, we are talking about smooth, not sharp movements.

The tech is achieved due to two main mechanisms and constructive features:

  1. Poloz. In this case, the crib is equipped with curved plates instead of traditional legs, it is due to this and the ability to rock the baby appears. When the child is growing, the bed must be fixed with the help of special locks and stoppers.
  2. Pendulum. A cot hung on the strap allows you to swing the child lying in it without lifting it on the handles. The pendulum mechanism is longitudinal (along the children's body), transverse (across the body) or universal (swinging in both directions).

If you choose baby cots with a pendulum, do not forget one important nuance. Depending on the type of "Rocking", add to the length or width of at least 10 cm for more convenient swinging.

In addition, it should be remembered about the function of fixing the bed with a pendulum mechanism to exclude the rocking of the structure (and, as a result, its tipping) with a grown child.

Cot selection is half of the case. For convenient and calm sleep, you must purchase the "perfect" mattress. In short, we will tell you what requirements are presented to this bedding.

First of all, the mattress in the crib should be approached by size. If you put in the bed too small mat, then the child will be able to survey the fingers in the gap between it and the sides of the bed. If you take an overly overall mattress, then he will deform, will go "fights", which will break the children's sleep.

Do not hurry to take too soft litter. The basic requirement that is presented to the surface of the bed is optimal hardness and evenness. This is very important for the proper formation of the spinal column.

To buy the best mattress, you should ask him "stuffing". Refuse to acquire a filler from cotton or foam rubber. The first quickly rolls, and the foam layer misses the air well, so that the child will sweat.

Optimal fillers - horse hair, woolen threads, felt, dried seaweed, coconut fibers. In addition, you should pay attention to the coating. It should be waterproof, anti-slip and soft to the touch.

Another important point is the selection of the pillow. Do not put a roller for the head of the child under 12 months. The baby must lie on the maximum straight surface. In some cases, a thin cotton sheet is put under the head, folded in several layers.

Bed linen is selected only from natural fabrics: cotton, terry, flannel. For the baby bed, several ducts are required, large and small sheets. Lingerie is changed daily, the mattress is regularly dried, not allowing the occurrence of mold.

Breasts acquire and give a lot of different dowry: diapers, sliders, pelleys, bed linen, gaming accessories. In such situations, a subcreational box comes to the rescue. However, such an element is not found for all models, so that parents should independently decide whether it is necessary for you or you can do the bedside table.

You can also find round transformers that can be a cradle, a player, a big bed, a sofa, a handboard with a table. A round crib is an unusual design that does not get bored due to the diversity of transformation options.


  • multifunctionality;
  • stylish appearance (There are round beds on sale);
  • the presence of all kinds of additional features (table for swaddling, storage boxes);
  • you can purchase furniture with a damp function;
  • the crib can be used up to 12 years.


  • high price;
  • massiveness and impressive dimensions (not suitable for small livingplas);
  • the bed is quite narrow - only 60 centimeters (it is minus in adolescence).

Transformers are magnificent children's functional cots from 3 years old, but they are suitable and newborn babies. If you need a "long-playing" bed, you have extra money, then a similar model is the optimal choice.

Valle Allegra transformer is a practical, a polyfunctional cot, regularly included in the rating for newborns and older kids. The furniture is made of a safe chipboard, distinguished by stylish and attractive appearance.

The design includes retractable boxes, shelves for storing sheets and other linen. There are sides on the side closet, so the bed is additionally a changing table. Looking for furniture up to 7 years of age.


  • pendulum mechanism to help rock a child;
  • attractive appearance;
  • numerous additional features (chest of drawers, boxes, a table for swaddling);
  • ventilated bottom in bed;
  • sidewalls are equipped with protective overlays;
  • it is relatively inexpensive;
  • stable and reliable design.


  • sufficiently heavy design;
  • non-informative instruction;
  • not always high-quality handling of parts.


It is a folding structure that is convenient to apply on travels. Such beds are made of lung materials - aluminum, plastic and textiles. All items can be washed, so there is never problems with care.

Combining Functions Bed and Manege, the design is still different from the classic bed big sizes. But functionality is usually preserved: you can change the level of the laying, there is an additional equipment in the form of a table for swaddling, mobile, baskets for toys.

Another comfortable trifle is a clashes on the sidewall, allowing a learning child to open the design to get out of it "free." Parent reviews show that these cribs for mannereness and mobility are appreciated.

But if you are considering baby cots with a child of 3 years, then the bed in the form of a playman will not suit you. Such models have age limits and by weight: up to 36 months and up to 7 kilograms (some beds can be used to 15 and even 25 kilograms).


  • ease of construction;
  • the crib can be taken to the country or travel;
  • the sidewalls are often manufactured from transparent plastic, so you can track the actions of the child;
  • bright design;
  • multifunctionality.


  • single-level beds are too low for mother and child;
  • duplex beds are distinguished by too low protective side, so the kid with ease overcomes such a barrier;
  • the design is too unstable, the child will be able to flip it over;
  • there is no possibility to rock the baby;
  • without hard specks, the child is harder to climb and get up on the legs.

The Manege bed is not very suitable as a permanent "lodge" for a little child. But for use as a gaming space or "hiking" bedroom, it will be suitable as it is impossible.

Happy Baby Martin.

Manege bed will suit both newborns and older children. First, it is used as a bed, and then smoothly turns into a comfortable game space. Made a design of high-quality materials.

Large windows help to ensure air ventilation. In addition, parents can observe how their baby sleeps either plays. And the existing wheels will allow without problems to move the device all over the apartment. The set includes a removable mattress.


  • combines the functions of the bed and playing place;
  • high-quality execution;
  • easy to fold, you can take with you on the journey;
  • there are wheels for moving;
  • corners are protected by special anti-etching overlays;
  • there are pockets for small items;
  • he has 2 levels of laying: for newborns and older babies.


  • pretty heavy design for playpen;
  • minimum number of colors;
  • not very even seams.

Happy Baby Martin.

Separate conversation - bed for twins. In this case, everything will depend on whether childhood and wakeful children coincide. If the kids fall asleep and wake up at the same time, at first it can be limited to a common sleeping place.

Some pediatricians advise to lay newborne twins together, because they will rather get used to a new life. The only minus of sharing sleep is the parents can confuse kids. And this is a danger in the event that one of the babies need to take a certain medicine.

But even if you put the kids together in the first months of life, after some time you have already treated twins anyway. What options are experts offered?

  • two separate beds. At the same time, they should not necessarily be the same. Parents themselves decide what exactly to purchase for every child. In some cases, sleeping places even organize in different premises;
  • 2-tier bed. A similar design, often created by an individual order, resembles bunk furniture for adolescents. If you say simply, one classic bed is placed on top of the second. At the same time, each tier has its own protective and removable sides;
  • related cot. In this case, the design is two classic beds standing next to each other. In the middle there is a barrier, and the sidewalls can be removed. Such a bed must be headthrop to the wall to free access to children on both sides.

An adjacent bed or a cot consisting of two tiers - the pleasure is not from cheap. That is why many moms and dads, which were lucky to become parents of twins, advise you to buy two classic beds. They can always be placed next to each other or place on different sides of the parent bed.

Where to buy a crib for a newborn?

The best options for the purchase of a infant cot - famous supermarkets of goods for children and the popularity of online shopping. Here experienced consultants will prompt how to choose a crib for a newborn. In addition, the risk of buying poor-quality goods is minimized.

The choice of a cot on the market or an unknown site is fraught with various problems. For example, you can run into a fake or a cheap product made of low-quality materials that can harm infant health.

Often parents buy beds that have already been used. This is a completely permissible solution, but only if the product is perfectly preserved, it does not have damage. But the mattress for the newborn in the crib will have to buy a new one.

Another question - how much will have to lay out for such products. The cheapest models are from 2,000 rubles, but cribs in the price range from 4 to 17 thousand rubles are most popular for domestic parents. There are also premium beds for several thousand dollars.

What does the cost of the goods depend on? It is curious that the number of nobles in the price tag affects not so much the material from which the bed is made, how much additional functionality (the baby bed will cost more than the classic option), appearance and, of course, brand.

However, one should not be chasing the products of famous trademarks. There are relatively cheap and high-quality models of domestic companies. If you purchase them in a reliable store that they will become an excellent sleeping place for a newborn baby.

How to choose a crib for a newborn?

When buying a children's bed is not smaller. Judge for yourself, too strong the smell of paint or varnish can cause an allergic reaction, and non-stated wood leads to zanozam. That is why experts advise adhere to certain rules and recommendations.

Get a bed a few weeks before the birth of a baby. The furniture needs to be released from the packaging, put in a well-ventilated room. In this case, a pronounced specific aroma will disappear, which often accompanies even high-quality products.

Several important "no"

Somewhat important "yes"

1. Be sure to decide with the place where the bed will stand. This will refine the size of the product and, accordingly, to select the desired type of furniture (cradle, classic, transformer, playpen).

2. Specify what functions must have a cot for a newborn. It is fundamentally possible for you:

  • change the level of laying;
  • swaded a child on a concomitant changing table;
  • rock kid;
  • move the bed with the help of wheels;
  • shove the sidewalls;
  • store things in a special subcrete box;
  • protect the child (and furniture) with silicone linings;
  • turn the cradle into a full-fledged teenage bed;
  • use a product as a player.

3. Read your mother and dads on parent forums, who have already acquired a model of baby cottages. Such reviews make it possible to find out the shortcomings like high-quality products.

4. Purchase goods only from proven sellers. This can be both a well-known children's supermarket and confidence-selling trade online playground. This will reduce the risk of fake and help return the money in the case of buying a poor-quality product.

Making a purchase, be sure to read the documents package: certificate of conformity and hygienic passport. All documentation received from the seller (coupon, check, etc.) must be stored before the expiration of the warranty period.

Let's sum up

What bed is better for a newborn? The one that suits him in all respects and takes into account its individual features. The correctly chosen bed is the most important condition for a calm and healthy sleep, and therefore full development.

That is why questions, what bed is suitable for a small child, what a blanket to choose for a newborn, how to choose a mobile with suspended toys, are very important to create a bed and improve the quality of children's life.

A comfortable bed, a soft blanket, a favorite toy - all this is important to take into account when equipping a children's room. Furnished with love and taste Furniture and bed linen will help the baby to develop, to know the world, stronger to sleep and fruitfully spend a minute wakefulness.

Healthy and safe little kid has great importance for physical and mental development. In the first 4 weeks of life, the child spends in a dream from 16 to 20 hours, a year and up to seven years - from 10 to 12. Therefore, it is so important to provide a child comfortable, and most importantly, a safe place to sleep.

Among the diverse models of sleeping places for kids attention is worth paying a baby bed with sides. This is a reasonable choice for parents taking care of the health and development of the child. In order for a sleeping place to love the child, and also provided healthy strong sleep, it is important choose suitable model corresponding to the age and needs of the child.

Age from 3 to 7 years is characterized by a continuation of intensive age, increased curiosity and activity. Three-year-old Chudo has already grown out of his infant bed, which means the time comes to think about buying a new one.

Often baby sleep at this age troubled, at night the kid is spinning and turning over. To protect the child from injuries and falls, when buying children's furniture for sleep, you should give preference to models equipped with sides. Furniture stores have a large range of similar children's beds, but they are all differ from each other, functionality, complete set and design. Consider the most popular types of beds for children from 3 years old.

Classic without unnecessary parts

Children's bed without unnecessary details perfectly fit into any interior. It can be made of wood, plastic or even metal. The single model is equipped with built-in or removable sides that can be adjusted in height.

The crib does not have additional supplements, so it only performs the feature of the sleep space. Nevertheless, in a situation where the children's the room is fully equippedThat is, there is all the necessary furniture, except the bed, it makes sense to choose this particular model. It does not occupy a lot of space, and the design options are so diverse that you can embed it absolutely in any interior.

An important parameter is the preferences of the child itself. Bright I. original design Eliminates and attracted the attention of the baby. The boy can choose a bed in the form of a rocket, car, a motorcycle or even a pirate ship. Girl in the form of a fabulous carriage, a children's boat.

The original idea for the girl will be a shutter bed. Bursts of such a model are made of soft tissues that are fixed from above and around the perimeter. Besides unusual design, bed has the function of protecting the child from falling and other external factors, for example, insects. You can choose a silent place in the form of a circus tent, tents with drawings from your favorite cartoons or the form of a fabulous tower.

Original baby beds (video)

Single bed with boxes, shelves or chest

Often, the children's rooms with a small square are discharged. In such a situation, it is important to think not only about the beauty and safety of furniture, but also about its functionality and ergonomics. Bed with sideboards additionally, it can be equipped:

Boxes and chest can be highlighted under small baby underwear or toys. Retractable boxes are at the bottom of the bed, they will be available for kid. The child can independently get and remove the things you need, it tends him to independence and work.

A bed, complemented by a writing desk or a wardrobe, will solve the problem with a small space in the children's room. Additional furniture will no longer need to buy, and the elements of the interior will be harmonized with each other.

Bed-attic and bunk bed with sides

For children of age from 5 to 8 years old, you can choose a baby bed. The sleeping place will be on the second tier, to climb on which the child is needed along the stairs. Downstairs, as a rule, is located gaming or training zone.

This model is quite functional, as it may include a written children's table, cabinets or entertainment zones.

The bunk bed is best suitable for a family with two children. This can be both a standard model with sides and more original. For example, the lower bed can be a sofa bed that can be folded. Duplex beds are often supplemented with cabinets, bedside tables, shelves and drawers, which allows ergonomically to place the furniture in the children's room.

For children from 3 to 4 years it will come more retractable model bunk bed. Sleeping places are much lower, besides, they are protected by high sidelights.

Gallery: Baby Beds with Sidelights (25 photos)

Transformer model

Transforming beds are suitable for the smallest children's rooms. Night beds in the afternoon will turn into a closet or sofa. Frames in such beds are usually removable, therefore there are places for storage.

Material Fortikov

When choosing a cottage bed, except design and functions, it is important to take into account the quality of the materials used. Not only the material of the bed case plays the role, but also the sides themselves.

Bursts can be:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • plastic;
  • soft fabric.

Soft sides perfectly protect the baby from shocks and injuries. However, it is important to remember that any fabric is a dust collector. They should be erased regularly, so when choosing it is worth paying attention to the fact that they have been removed.

Ideal, in terms of strength and practicality, will wood and metal boards. They do not require special care and can serve for a very long time. If the side is made in the form of a series of regards, be sure to pay attention to the distance between them. A large distance between the rails is unacceptable, since the legs or handles of the child can be stuck between them, it will lead to injuries.

Choosing a crib with plastic sabers, pay attention to the quality of the material. Plastic should be certified, there should be no caustic chemical smell from it.

Usually, the sides are located not all over the perimeter of the bed, but only the headboard and the upper half of the body. It is very important because solid sides, especially in the form of tents, prevent fresh airAnd it can harm the child.

Guided by these tips, you can easily choose a safe bed for any child. And the original design and the bright appearance of this furniture will make the children's room with the favorite place of your chad.

The most important thing of any bedroom or children's is a bed. And although a three-year-old child is doing so much time spent in a dream, like a baby, but 8-12 hours is also pretty. And the dependence of good well-being from calm sleep in children is even more serious than in adults.

Matching the age and growth of the child is the main task of children's furniture, it is also the most difficult. Furnishing in the nursery is completely replaced by at least three times, and such useful mechanisms as adjusting height, all difficulties are not solved.

For the bed, the first place is not as much length and width, how much the height of the bottom, as well as the installation of various devices that avoid falling in a dream. At the older age, these factors cease to be relevant, and parents face another problem: the placement of a new rather big bed in a small nursery.

Teenage bed (photo)


A safe bed for a baby or a slightly stupid baby is a design with a very high bottom and fences. As a rule, it serves as a child of crowded up to three, since it is quite sufficient.

As soon as the child is mastering the technique of "rock climbing", and this happens quite quickly, the fences are removed. To prevent the fall, the crib is installed back to adult. However, the baby in 4-5 years should sleep separately, and it means that other devices are needed.

The sidewalks in the crib are not just desirable, and sometimes just necessary. Especially if the child behaves restlessly. Thanks to the safety of the child when it is in the crib.

  • Safety - Wooden or plastic low fences about 1/3 bed lengths. Frames can be installed from one or two sides, be stationary or removable. Sometimes the device is supreme with a soft cloth to prevent the possibility of injury. Appointment Borcht - not so much to stop the fall of the kid with a restless dream how much to warn it. Contact with a sudden obstacle has already been enough enough to wake a sleeping child or stop tapping. Therefore, special strength from sides do not require. But the fastening should be reliable: the kid will surely rely on it to climb on the bed.
  • The second security requirement is stability. The bed is used by a child not only for sleep, but also for games, sometimes very active. Narrow and high designs are more prone to tipping, than broad and low.
  • The third requirement is rounded corners and equipment. Cooking about sharp edges The child can easily.

- Solution for nursery ambiguous. This design covers the area more than the ordinary bed, therefore it is installed in the rooms of the spacious. On the other hand, some models offer to use space under the podium more rationally.


  • The best option should be considered a tree. In most collections, the rest of the children's furniture is made of chipboard or MDF, but the bed is made of wood. Preferably, the solid wood tree is ash, beech, oak. The solid wood is perfectly holding a grinding and polishing, which eliminates the formation of the zoom.
  • Not bad option combined - a tree with MDF or chipboard. But at the same time it is necessary to clarify the material class - not higher than E1. The same requirement must be observed when choosing a bed entirely from the chipboard. Low-emission material is safe and does not cause allergies.
  • There are many models where plastic is combined with a tree or metal. Nothing bad about such options can not be said if it was used in the manufacture qualitative material. As a rule, they make a headboard from plastic: plastic polymers, easy to paint, so give them an unusual shape and the color is much simpler.

What should pay particularly attention when choosing is the bottom. Flat whole bottom - the option is bad. Wooden railsMaintained on the ground provide the mattress ventilation.

The orthopedic base from ordinary rush features a rack shape. It is impossible to say that this decision will be superfluous, but its value is higher.

Podium bed is pretty simple design. If you have experience with tree and metallic profile, then build - the idea is quite feasible. Well, independent design and decoration is almost always more interesting than copying the finished project.

Mattress for baby beds

The importance of a mattress for a quiet sleep, and, rather, speaking, to proper sleep, it is difficult to overestimate. Moreover, when it comes to a child, whose backbone is not yet formed. So the choice is unequivocal: they need an orthopedic mattress into a children's bed from 0 to 14 years.

Between the orthopedic and anatomical mattress for a children's bed Big difference: the first provides the support of the spine in the desired position, the second - repeats the body shape. These products are not interchangeable, although orthopedic can have the anatomical properties.

Children's orthopedic mattress (photo)

Sizes of mattresses in a nurse bed:

  • From 3 to 6 - neither the cervical nor the belt bend is not yet formed, but actively develops muscle. At this age, mattresses of both high and medium hardness are allowed. But spring, though, it is advisable to avoid. Stiffness of the product is still more important than elasticity.

For a children's bed, it is better to buy mattresses with a combination of coconut fiber and latex, coconut coyra and polyurethane foam. If this option seems too rigid, for example, when the child is weakly gaining weight, the model with the upper soft layer is selected, the so-called memory effect. The overall rigidity of the mattress is better not to reduce.

  • From 6 to 12 - the cervical bending is formed at 7 years, and the lumbar to 12. The rigidity remains the same - high or middle class. Models with spring block are preferably independent.
  • From 12 and older - the process of forming the spine is complete, and now, the main thing is not to deform it with the wrong position at the table or in a dream. To do this, the mattress of medium rigidity, spring or flawless, optional, is selected.

For any age, it is advisable to purchase a model with a removable cover of well-disinteging fabric. As a rule, these are mixed matter jacquard weaving with some fraction of polyestera. Dangers they do not represent, and wear resistance and ease in cleansing provide. Cotton and bump covers are cheaper, but also come into disrepair quickly.

It is also important that the size of the mattresses exactly coincide with the size of a children's bed. It will be too big to frighten, short - move along the bottom along with the child. In addition, if we are talking about a 3-year-old baby, there is a threat of jams with a handle or leg in the slot between the side and the mattress.

Since the beds are manufactured standard sizes, then the mattresses have the appropriate parameters. Pretty many manufacturing companies offer the manufacture of orthopedic mattresses to order, but the cost of such a service is appropriate.

When choosing a cot for a baby, it is very important to choose not only safe and comfortable furniture, but also as functional as possible. It is such a criterion that the furniture is intended not only for recreation, but also for other purposes. The included cot allows you to use the space of the room most effectively.

Bed sizes

Bed sizes are standardized, including children. Pick them in age, and, most importantly, by the growth of the child.

Dimensions of children's beds by age:

  • From 0 to 3 - the optimal parameter of the single baby bed is 120 * 60 cm. European standards are slightly larger - 120 * 65 cm. If the baby is low, it can use such a bed and 4-5 years old, you only need to adjust the height of the bottom.
  • For 3-5 years standard dimensions - This is 140 * 70, 160 * 70, 80 * 190 or 195 cm. The height of the bottom is not more than 1 m.
  • The middle-aged student is more suitable size 80 * 190 or 90 * 200, which corresponds to a single "adult" bed.

The bed, the table and chair does not increase - too small or large, are equally useful. After all, the kid's skeleton is only formed, and the correct posture during classes or sleep for it is much more important than for an adult. But also buy a new crib every 3 years - the load for the family budget is considerable. All species and modifications are designed to solve this problem once and for all.

For the sake of saving place in the nursery, bunk beds are purchased, where the bed is located on the "second" floor, and the table on the first one. For a schoolboy, such a design is quite safe and convenient. The height of the sun bed is about 1.5 m, and the settings for sleeping space correspond to the single - 80 * 190 cm. You can make baby beds on individual sizes.

Children's bed "Elephant", sleeping space 700x1400 mm (photo)

Design and design

The bed in the usual design is a frame with a bottom installed on the legs. Head and popling, by the way, belong to the optional elements. However, small areas of children's rooms, as well as the rapid growth of the user's bed, gave impetus to the appearance of a wide variety of transformers.

  • The transformer bed with a chest of drawers - in the initial assembly, it is a cot for a baby with high sideboards and adjustable bottom. The chest of drawers with a changing table make up one whole with it. As the child grows, fences are removed and replaced by the side. Then, when the bed becomes close, the chest shifts to the floor, and the bed is extended by 60-70 cm.

Depending on the complexity of the model, the Dresser may be later converted to a preschooler or shelf. The design often has at the bottom of the laundry drawers. The only lack of such an option is a solid bottom, so the state of the mattress needs to be followed.

  • A bunk bed offers even more options. If the model is designed for one child, the sleeping place is organized on the top tier, and the first is created, as needed, chest of drawers or cabinet with drawers, written or computer desk, sports corner or all together. The option is very functional and saves a lot of space, but it can only use it after reaching the child for 3-4 years.

Picky teen bed (photo)

  • Bunk bed beds Designed for two children and differ in that the upper bed is located at a lesser height. To create two beds, the bottom bed must be pulled out from under the top.
  • The bed table is used for older children, as it implies concerted manipulations with the planes of the table and the bed. For a preschooler, it's just too hard.
  • Teenage option - bed-sofa. For an adult child, children is not only its work area, but also a place of reception. The sofa in such a situation is more necessary.

Transformers are experiencing higher load than ordinary furniture, so preferences need to be given models from wood or combined: a wooden bed, and the chest of drawers, the plane of the table, the shelves from the chipboard.

Children's is a popular solution. Not only does it look original and attractive - her similarity with the car greatly facilitates the process of laying a child to sleep. The kid does not leave the game for the sake of sleep, but simply plays another, less mobile.

The design of children's furniture is the most diverse, but the bed in this sense is not the most than grateful material, since most of it is hidden by the bedspread. In models for children 3-6 years in designer solution Forers and headboard turns. They are drawn up in the form of a lock, mimic machines or yachts and even "space ships".

The bed machine refers to gaming furniture, that is, such subjects that simultaneously perform their primary user function and additional game. - Great gift to the baby. And if he will be allowed to participate in the process - at least the board to paint with a brush, there will be no limit.

Models for older people try to choose in accordance with color palette. In any case, for children's best suited furniture from light wood or painted in rather bright colors. MDF with acrylic colored coating perfectly copes with such a task.

In the teenage room, the furniture must be harmonized with the selected style. Fortunately, the bed is easy to convert: it is enough to replace the headboard.

Children's bed selection is not the most simple thing. As well as in the bedroom for adults, this item determines the stylist of the room, although not so clearly. At the same time, it must correspond to age. Create a new one as it grows or pick up a multifunctional transformer - the choice is individual.
