The explanatory dictionary of Daly is known to the whole world, as it has become a huge difficulty of Russian philology and lexicology. This book was created by Vladimir Ivanovich in almost a half century ago, but it remains relevant and still. The value of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" is underclosed by the fact that it is possible to find a value of not only tens of thousands of words in it, but also in dictionary articles there is a large number of sayings, riddles and proverbs.

general description

Vladimir Dal, when drawing up his dictionary, could show all the greatness, wealth and diversity of the Russian language. Dalcha dictionary gives not only an explanation of the regional peculiarities of speech, but also uses professional terminology.

Vladimir Dal wrote his own dictionary for 53 years. It happened in the nineteenth century. It is known that it contains about 200 thousand words and 30 thousand sayings, prove, proverbs and mysteries that allow you to understand the interpretation of words that are listed in the book. The book of Dahl allows you to get information not only about the language, but also about the life, beliefs and the signs of those places where these words originated.

As an example, you can take the word "lap". In the dictionary of the Russian language, "Dalya is given not only lexical importance, but also characterize all types of laps, even the methods of their manufacture are indicated.

If in the Dalya directory to watch the vocabulary articles of the word "mast" and "sail", then you can see not only explanations, but also find out all their types and what each kind of sail or mast is intended for. At the same time, the author uses both Russian natives and borrowed in Dutch and English.

Already for the first editions of his dictionary, Vladimir Ivanovich received well-deserved awards: Konstantinov medal and the Lomonosov Prize, and soon he was elected an honorary member of the Scientific Academy.

Structure of the dictionary

It is known that in his unique book, the author placed the words so that there is no special selection in it. The dictionary itself is not subject to certain norms of registration of such publications, since there are no stylistic and grammatical characteristics in it. Despite the fact that Vladimir Ivanovich Dal "Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" equipped with many examples of the use of words, but it does not give accurate and deployed definitions.

The dictionary itself is compiled by the author on the alphanumeric-nesting principle, which makes it possible to understand how words are formed, but it makes it difficult to search for the book. But the nest structure of the dictionary was performed inactively, so sometimes you can meet the spacious, which are consonant, but they are not related. And it happens on the contrary, that related words are divided into several vocabulary articles.

So, Vladimir Ivanovich in his dictionary connected to one nest:

  • Actor.
  • Excise.
  • Stock.

But in different nests hit such single words as:

  1. Icon and sign.
  2. Game and wild.
  3. Circle and circle.

Considering all this, the editor Boduen de Courtee, the release of the dictionary is already the third and the fourth time, a little rebuilt the structure of the book. As a result, the book turned out to be much easier, but only the author's system was already broken.

If the words were borrowed, then the compiler came up with himself and recorded several liking in the dictionary:

  • Instead of "harmony", which is borrowed from the Latin language, he invented the "Slash".
  • "AUTOMATING", which is borrowed from the French language, Dal replaced the "Liver".
  • "Gymnastics", which is borrowed from the Greek language, the compiler replaced the "Lovkosil".

But as soon as the first dictionary was published, it was immediately noticed that the author placed his words in him. I had to make a collector to write and place the article "Reply to the sentence", where he confesses that there are dialects in his book, which had not yet been in everyday life.

History of creation

In early March 1819, young Michman was sent to Nikolaev. Going in the postage on the road, the young graduate of the Cadet Corps in St. Petersburg did not think that he would freeze from the cold. Especially very cold made through at night.

At this time, the barker, driving horses, muttered some unfamiliar gale word, pointing to the sky. Vladimir Ivanovich pulls the notebook and a small pencil and difficult fingers with difficulty withdraws the first phrase that "places" means the sky that closed clouds.

So it was necessary to start collecting, which Michman Dal devoted several decades of his life. For almost his entire life, he recorded those dialectages that had never heard before.

Starting from 1826, for several years, the distance was studied at the Medical Faculty of Derpt University. Then the distance served as a surgeon in the Russian-Japanese war and in the interruptions between operations, he constantly recorded new words in his notebook. After that, he became a member of the Polish company and also continued to collect words.

When in 1831, he settled on the service for the Governor of the Orenburg province, then a lot was driving around the country where he had heard new words and speech turns. Words he recorded not only in Kabak, but also in secular receptions.

As the daughter of the great collector of words recalls, already lying in bed, completely sick, he asked her to record four more words in his dictionary, which he heard from servants. And after a week, Vladimir Ivanovich died. Picking has become for Vladimir Ivanovich the whole life.

When he began to collect dialects, then put the main goal to revitalize the literary language, diluting it with the simple language of the peasants, which speaks the whole country. Vladimir Ivanovich was confident that in Russian, you can explain anything, to say and express.

It is known that one of the former ministers of Education once, having learned about his collection, suggested to Vladimir Dalo sell the Academy collected dialects on the following rates:

  • One word, which is not in the dictionary of the Academy, - 15 kopecks.
  • If there was an additive or an amendment to the already existing word - 7.5 kopecks.

But the distance was against such a deal and suggested its conditions for the transfer of the assembled material: he is ready to give everything if he is prescribed content. But the Academy did not agree with such a proposal of the collector and again nominated its previous proposal. Dal still sent a thousand words with a supplement. The Academy was also interested in how much still left in Dal. But he himself did not know the exact quantity. There were no more such transactions with the Academy.

Dalka reference books

In 1863, the first edition of the Daly dictionary was published, which is reprinted so far. The content of the book is a vocabulary of the written and oral speech of the nineteenth century, which includes the terminology, as well as words related to craft cases and with various professions.

It is known that only in Russia, well-known Daly dictionary by 2004 has already been reprinted more than 40 times, and, since 2005, for nine years, he reprinted about 100 times, and it was not only original copies, but also changed versions. In 1998, Slika began to be published in electronic form, but only modern spelling was observed in it and there is no graphic design. But the second electronic edition is still partially design.

In the autumn of 2013 in Lugansk, where Vladimir Dal was born, there were plates with dictionary articles from the book on 300 objects of the city. For this, Lugansk received the name "City Dictionary".

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal.

Explanatory Dictionary of Living Great Russian Language

Modern writing words

Ed. "Citadel", Moscow, 1998
OCR Pole, 1998


A, the first letter of Russian alphabet, Az. Moscow and the whole south (except for small Russia) and the West (except Poland) speak a high speech, an accumulation, paying the letter O, if it is without emphasis, in an incomplete-eyed A; All the north and east of a low speech, find, uttering about clear where it is written. Moskovsky speak, medium, but more than A, adopted for exemplary. Russian words with the letter and almost no, if not recognizing such a verb. IECA, AUCH, AUTHER AND LOVER ADJUSAL: Hell, Artel, Ataman, Scarlet, etc. In the regional dictionary of the Academy there is a lot of rivers, according to the South and West Govna, under the letter A, whereas they should be written through oh, where here and are related. (It seems that it seems to maintain such a spelling, which would always be reminded of the kind and tribe of the word, otherwise it will be a sound without meaning). | In church. And old. Number means a unit; - a thousand; - TMA, or 10 thousand; - Legion, or 100 thousand; - Leodor, or Million; The same signs were used in other accounting letters. | In music, a or la, the name of one (sixth) of the seven major sounds. I read from Aza to Izhitsa, all. He does not know Aza to his eyes, nothing is sense. Az yes Buki - and all science, talking about easy work. Write aza letters; Sit on the Aza, start which science. For AZ, yes for beech and poop in hand. First az yes beech, and there and science. What was flour, a document, and nor Aza, no beech, no sense. Az yes Buki will not get rid of flour, i.e., learning, grades. Capital az leg spread out, see also AZ.

A, the union, yes, on the contrary, an; However, therefore; Then, then; Expression of the opposite, questioning, final, etc. Man so, and God of Inac. Sowed rye, and Kosh Swan. What do you think? Why don't you want? The way is to prison, and from prison is cracked. Reads: yes there will be the will of yours; And thinks: when you are mine! Give a loaf! - "But, wait, let me ask, yes,". Two mother, two daughters, and grandmother with granddaughter, and their total three (mother, daughter and granddaughter). And it happened so. First look, and there Vriya. What is your work before him? "Let's drink?" - "Let's drink." - "And where?" - "And you have a hat for what?" In songs and fairy tales a and how, and what, and never, etc. | Union If, when, if, Buda. And you do not know, do not say. And how do you get, then what? | Hear whether they listen, answer. Ivan, and Ivan! | Interddes AR, what, what; What do you need? Speak, answer what! Do you hear? - BUT? - Well, what are you silent - eh? | Interddes ah, ahti, ah, alas, ba; Sometimes pronounced long or twin. And what big! A, if so, then beware from me! Ah, got to you! And then, but, threat. Talk, and then (not that) I will be bad! And here I am so! | Interddes Yes Bish. And now I remember; A, I know. In the swiss saying: and so that you come in handy (your word), yes on your own courtyard! And you can read and for the union, and for interdets. | Dlya, ahead of words, frequent. And passed to us: with Greek, meaning negation: not, without (apathy); from lat., from, from (ab, abstraction), or to (ad, appeal); With Franz. Similarly, what (a la, openwork).

Abs. Kavk. Local, thick and rare white cloth; | Cloak from it. Abina Sukno - the end in the window, rarely, is swaying.

Ajazhur m. Franz. oblique mounted on the light, on the candle, the lamp for citation; Hall, Tenik, Zatin, Shield, Cap, Visor; | Boose openings for windows, top down, slope window.

Abaz, abas m. Kavk. Persian silver coin, about 20 kopecks. | Wax ball from church candle, brought by Transcaucasian Christians, in the sign of the vow, to the neck or late. Abaza Chernomorsk. Brutal oriental wind, from the Caucasian shore, dangerous to Danube fishermen. | Bran. stupid bassurman. Oh, you, abase dumb! | The horse brand, known in the Caucasus, is likely to be from the name of the Gorsky tribe.

Abaim, Abdal M. Vost. (Abdal, Persidsk. Monk? Or is both, hug? We wake, charm?) The deceiver, PLUT, CHOOD, PULLY.

Abaca Arctic. Top plate at the capitals of the column (on the chapter pillar), boards, stove, board, lining.

ABanat, Abanus? (Oban? Obanus?) m. Psk. stubborn, spelller; Abanusy, Abanosynye? Stubborn, wayward. Abatur, abutation? m. Ryaz. Vlad. (across to heat) stubborn, inconsistent, swallow, urose Vyat.; | Naked, fuck; | SAR. Dick, fool.

Abbat m. Abat (old. OPAT. With two opats, siren igumers, Abo archimandritis) Abbot of the RomansCatolytic Monastery; Honorary title of the Catholic Church. | The once one rank, for honor and income. Abbatis, prisons. Abbot, his belonging; Abbatsky, relating to them. CP Abbey. Abbot's title; | subordinate abbot monastery or | The most building of the monastery; Abbey, be abbot.

Abbreviation, abbreviation. Lat. reduction, shortening and passing in the letter; | meaning words by primary letters, visual, conditional signs; | Letter under titles.

Abdal, see Abayam.

Abdikation Lat. renunciation; Refusal to San and the authorities of the ruler, addition of this title; Abdicational act, zaruchnaya renunciation, refusal, light record.

Abdran g. Kaz. Orenb. (Tatarsk.? tremble?) Fear, fright, fear. I took such an abdrangan that I - let the leg of the legs.

Absega w. Alphabet, letter, alphabet.

Aberration Lat. physical. Lyureness and placer of the broken rays of light; | astronomer. Visible change in the place of shone, from spending time to reach us the beam of light and from the run of the earth. Fravel, slope.

Abnya? g. ARH. - who. Bespil Morsk., Baran, Baba, Tree, Navoi, Gate (Lying) on \u200b\u200bthe nose of the boat, for pumping a rope.

Abo, Albo Soyuz Ryaz., Chickens, thief. or or, or. Abo mined, abo home (house, houses) not to be, zap.; | Al, unless it is. Abo that, abo it, or. Abo you do not hear? ABO, now, what else. No matter how; as if? Aboy, something; | but. Give Aboy, something. As-Shaho Batka, yes worse than Svetra, though. Abo-like, somehow, as fell. Aby Union South. Zap. so that in order; | if only; if only. Ababy not sitting Tatars took. Ababinet has passed away. | Sometimes instead of Abo, Albo, or, or. Abya, as, abbo it, which is like. Sometimes, in the meaning. If only, if you would double: ABI would be silent, Abby b did not bother, did not bore; Or give another particle: you slept, let's eat and drank. ABE is not crying. Abubs of interdaseth. Arch. Oh, oh, ah, ahti, alas. Aby, Ivanushka got taken! Aygi, wailing, to do only from the hands. Abykannya does not bring to the good, the magnification.

Abodier? cf. Arch. (truly? Or encourage?) Red day and luck on fishing; Antipol. Selfless, timeless. Aboda It's time, clear, red; | Successful, happy?

Abonomize, abonomize what, or, where, where, in which; Franz. Take for yourself for a period of place in the spectacle; buy in the book the right of reading; Hole, spook, corpty, take, reform, contain. I pasted the lodge, was abonounced in the theater. Lodge is abonounced, it is abonounced. CP. Let's finish Abonovation about. Action by value glasses Subscription m. Subscription; also | The state of the abonated. Subscriber or subscriber m. Abonigrator w. Who is abonusing, the employer, the corter, the filler, the spout, the subscriber, the main.

Abordazh m. Morsk. Coupling, dump of two ships, randomly or in battle; Hand-to-hand combat battleship, concluded vessels. Aborriga weapon, marine hand-to-hand: guns with bayonets, pistols, spears, tesaks, injections, etc. Aborriga mesh, connected from the rope to the finger, rises, with the landfill of the courts, along the entire side of the scene to make it difficult to make an attack.

Aborigine m. Lat. More use. MN. h. First settlers of the region; primitive, original, age-old, generic, indigenous people; Natives, Old-timers, foreheads, rootes sitting on the root; Antipol. Fucking, settlers, populations, migrants, squares, natives, arrogant, elimible, letters, recluxed.

Biography Vladimir Dalya

Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872) - writer, doctor, lexicographer, creator of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language."

Vladimir was born in the village of Lugansk Plant (now - Lugansk) on November 10, 1801. His family was highly educated. Father was a doctor, linguist, and his mother - a pianist, knew several languages, was interested in literature. It is not surprising that Vladimir received a wonderful home education. As a child, in his biography, Vladimir Dal was very attached to the soul to his native land, later even took a pseudonym Kazak Lugansky.

Education in the biography of Vladimir Dalya was obtained in the St. Petersburg Marine Cadet Corps. After graduating from him in 1819, went to serve on the fleet. But after several years I decided to choose another way - I began to study medicine at the University of Derpti (now - Tartus University).

In 1828-1829 he participates in the Russian-Turkish war. Dahl participates in battles, helps wounded, operates in field hospitals. The award-winning, begins to work at the Military Land Hospital of St. Petersburg as the alternator. Soon the biography of Dahl becomes widely known: he has heard an excellent doctor. During his medical practice, including military, Dahl wrote several articles, sketches.

Then the distance seriously took up literature. In 1832 his "Russian fairy tales was published. Heels first. " He makes dating and friendship with famous writers and poets: Gogol, Pushkin, Krylov, Zhukovsky and others. Together with Pushkin Dal travels in Russia. The distance attended by the death of Pushkin, he treated him after a duel, participated in the opening.

For his biography, Vladimir Dal wrote more than a hundred essays, in which he told about Russian life. He traveled a lot, so I knew the Russian life perfectly. Also, the distance was the textbooks "Botany", Zoology, and in 1838 he became a member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences.

But the most significant and bulk work in the biography of Vladimir Dalya is the "explanatory dictionary", which contains approximately 200 thousand words. Being well acquaintances with many professions, crafts, signs and sayings, the distance, all knowledge placed in the "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian."

From 1849 to 1859, Dal lived in Nizhny Novgorod, where he served as a specific office, after he moved to Moscow. During this time, printed many articles, works. The first volume of the "intelligent dictionary" came out in 1861. And a year later, "Proverbs of the Russian People" were published. Daly's biography was marked by a Lomonosov Prize.

Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian "(published in 1863 - 1866),. Consisting of 4 volumes includes more than 200 thousand words and 30 thousand proverbs, sayings, progls, riddles, which are given as illustrations to explain the meaning of words.

The compiler of this dictionary Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801 - 1872) was a talented and hardworking person. He received an education at first a maritime officer (Petersburg Marine Corps - 1814 - 1819), then the doctor (Derptsky, now Tartusky, University - 1826 - 1829), since 1833 consisted of a government official in various departments.

The interests of Daly were diverse; He succeeded in many areas of knowledge: Engineering, Botanic and Zoology (Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences on the Department of Natural Sciences since 1838), Ethnography, Folklore (Sat. "Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people", 1861 - 1862). The writer Dal (pseudonym Kazak Lugansk) created a lot of works: fairy tales, stories, courses, essays, mostly written in the spirit of a natural school. The total collection of Dala works is 10 volumes.

But the greatest fame and recognition brought Galle "Explanatory Dictionary" - the matter of all his life. Dal was not a philologist, a lingule on education, he became a vocation, as he loved and understood his native language, he knew how to listen, to be mounted in a living folk word.

V.I. Dalem was written by several theoretical articles about the dictionary and the adverbs of the Russian language. Half a century he dedicated to collecting words, tooling the design of the word dictionary and its implementation. Wherever he was: in a military campaign, in the hospital, in a service trip - I wrote down everywhere, no wonder almost half of the words included in the dictionary was collected by the author himself. Delia and numerous assistants, sent information about the words from the various ends of the Russian state. It is difficult to believe that the gigantic work on the drafting of the dictionary did one person. Before Daly and after it, so large on the coverage of the material of dictionaries was not compiled, entire teams of specialists worked on them. Therefore, Dalya should be called an enthusiast-devotee.

Dal was the first to call its own dictionary. In the epighet, the author indicated: "The dictionary is called intelligent, because he not only translates one word to others, but interprets, explains the details of the meaning of words and concepts, they subordinate." The subsequent dictionaries of this kind were also called sensible. Dahl wished with his vocabulary to introduce contemporaries with wealth and expressiveness of the existing folk language, "because this language is strong, fresh, rich, brief and is clear ...". Something and in the title, the author sentenced the words of the "Living Great Russian." Live, means that currently talking. Therefore, the dictionary included a huge amount of words (according to Dalya estimates - about 80 thousand), which were not included in other dictionaries, as they were regarded by compilers as not worthy of attention, simple, everyday words (unlike books). Under the magnitude, the Russian language was due to the Russian language (in contrast to Malorussky, or Maloros, as in those days they called Ukrainian).

How was the dictionary built? Vocabulary Author located in the alphanumeric-nest-social principle: the "nest" are combined with words having a common root and an initial letter, and consoles with the same root should be sought on the letter of the alphabet with which the prefix begins (in the "walk" in the nest We find the words on the fence, hohery, walking, move, walking, etc., submissive education in nests on the appropriate initial letters: to find, go out, go, go, go away, etc.).

The explanation of the words is given not only descriptively, but mostly with the help of synonyms that Dal called "testaists". Among them are words of literary, spurateless, dialectic (for example, the nest "February": Fabrouarium, Star, Shenchi, Lyuti; now Naodya, Blogging, Wide-Roads). On the dialect words of Dal makes the litter: where, in what places in Russia they are common. For example: Novgorod, Pskov, Ryazan, etc.

Dalev is a great assembly of not only lexical, but also ethnographic material. Word articles contain a variety of information about the life of the people: a dwelling, ways of doing economy, workers, life, clothing, utensils, food, family text, religion, superstitions, signs, mythology, rites, customs, neravas, etc.

So, in the vocabulary article "Izba" we find the following information: "Izba (Istopka, Painter, East-Ba, Izba) ... Peasant House, Hut; residential wooden house; Residential hill, room, clean (non-shaped) half, human or kitchen, accommodation for servants in the Barskoy courtyard; Star, inner peace in the wooden palace of the royal; Star, Chamber, order, the present place ... In Siberia, please call a separate shaky, cuisine, and anterior hut, unlike Kuti, back, shaky, Babia hut. The prefabricated hire, hired world, for gathering and for visiting foremen. Black, or curly, hut, in which the stove without a pipe. White hut, or the hut in white, in which the stove with the trumpet and therefore there is no soot. Red hut, with red, i.e., a large or binding window, not with alone wicked. The old hut was divided into three parts: on Svtnush, or kitchen and bedroom; Host, dining room and residential; Gorge, clean, without a furnace or with a Dutch; Gorenka was decorated with paintings and sometimes put a separate attachment.

In general, we have a stubborn, a log cabin; It is usually a four-stranded; If the ranks are fascinated, then five-lane, or six chopped corners; ... six-wall, if the Seni is in the middle and from them entrance to both half, in winter and summer ... "Next follows proverbs, sayings and riddles, in which are referred to the hub (for example: everything is more expensive than the honor of the full hives covered. What is not visible in the hollow? warm), and then derivatives (for example: the election is old, the minister at the royal hives, the room).

When describing many realities (items), the distance acts as a subtle connoisseur of people's life. So, from the dictionary we will learn more than a dozen titles for the handle (for which they take, keep, raise the thing): Toporische - at the ax, a handle, looked up - at the bucket, black, the block - in the bit, the knife, the babble - At robble, a bracket - at the chest, Molotovachche - at the hammer, satisfying - at the rod, a chain, a zeper - at the Tsepa, a spider, the cosy - the braid, the stzya, the peaks.

Great Many lexic material related to crafts and crafts, Reflected in Dahl: Fishing, Hunting, Hunting, Oclobot, Cheeseing, Brewing, Tannery, Flooring, Carpentry, Booster, Trade, Weaving, Portnovsky Craft, Laptops, Wheels, Wheels, Hats , baskets, various games, etc. That is why the dictionary of the Encyclopedia of People's Logs of the XIX century.

A talented writer, Dal and to dictionary work approached as an artist. Articles are written so lively and fascinating that many of them are perceived as art miniatures (see Words Life, Animal, Barka, Circle, Window, Monkey, etc.).

Large work Dahl was marked by the scientific public. For the creation of a dictionary, the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded the author of the Lomonosov Prize (1869), a geographical society - Gold Medal (1862), Derpt University - Prize for success in linguistics (1870). Dahl was elected Honorary Academician (1868).

The evaluation, this dictionary Dalian V. I. Lenin: "The magnificent thing" (from the notes A. V. Lunacharsky, 18. I. 1920). According to the memories of contemporaries, the dictionary stood in the Kremlin office V. I. Lenin. N. K. Krupskaya noted: "To understand what picture is close to the peasantry, Vladimir Ilyich, by the way, read especially carefully and studied the Dlya dictionary, insisted on his speedy reprint."

Currently, the dictionary cannot be used as a reference book in the modern Russian language, as it reflects the state of the last century language and is primarily a dialect dictionary. In addition, it is not free from some mistakes, inaccuracies, which is caused by the linguistic views of the author (here refers to writing individual words, the explanation of the origin (etymology) of words, grammatical litters, replacement of foreign language words by Russian equivalents, sometimes created by the Dalem himself, the distribution of words in nests and inside the nests, etc.).

But, no doubt, the value of the dlya dictionary will not fade over time. Specialists are constantly addressed to him: Logbooks, historians, ethnographers, folklinists, writers; It is used as a source when creating new dialect dictionaries, with him are checked by reading and studying the literature XIX century.

Dlya Dictionary is an inexhaustible treasury for all those who are interested in the history of the Russian people, his culture and language.

History of creating a dala dictionary

In one of the autumn days of 1859, a St. Petersburg official Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was settled in Moscow. Event This attracted the attention of others by only the number of paper kip entered into the house. Few knew then that an extraordinary official, this whole conscious life was collected by something that could neither feel nor to hang on the wall nor hide in his pocket. The fact that hears everywhere and does not belong separately. Collected Vladimir Ivanovich ... words.

At first he did it almost unconsciously. The first word, for example, recorded on the road, when young men, only graduating from the sea case, was driving to serve to the Black Sea. "Falls!" - said the rocket, looking at the sky clouded with clouds. When you flip "Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian", pay attention to this word. It all started with him. The first of two hundred thousand!

Later, Dal specially asked people as and how in their edges is called. And fate as if deliberately helped him in this matter. He cried on the training ship, which served hundred and fifty sailors from all over Russia. After graduating from Derpti University, became a doctor and got into the operating army. But in the war found the opportunity to collect the soldiers around him and lead their research. In a notebook, an amazing chains of words appeared. Well, for example, do you know that "Golka" is noise and cry, rebellion, quarrel, ringing, noise, knock, zyq, roar, hum, response, second, echo! "Balda" is not a balbes, but also the nabber, the cloth, a sledgehammer, Tambrovka.

And "Baldovin" is not at all what you thought, but "tiny, cashevoy lake."

He recorded a distance of the words, wandering in the attacker the famous Nizhnegorodskaya Fair. And even serving in the Ministry of the Interior in St. Petersburg, sent over the cities and weights of the circulars, in which they contained all the same questions: what and what is called? It even happened, all ministerial scribes were exclusively represented by the sent words, local loving, fairy tales, proverbs, belief.

What kind of "illness" was such a damage? Why did he pursue the word with his passion of the hunter? And for what?

Vladimir Ivanovich was born in a very peculiar family. His father was Dane, mother - German. But all, including grandmother, owned many languages. The house had a lot of books, and among them - dictionaries. Grandma translated into Russian plays of foreign authors, and sometimes here the right word was found for her. In such a situation, probably, it was difficult not to infect love for the Word.

Later, Dahl traveled a lot in Russia, communicated with ordinary people. He was hit by the accuracy and capacity of their speech and bitterly complained to his friends: "We do not know our language ... And what is even worse, and we don't want to learn it ..." The times were such - such a stream of foreign language rivers hung such a stream from Europe, that the top of Russian society not only to talk and wrote in Russian, but also to think in his native language was acknowledged. It was the opinion that our poor language is unable to express any complex concepts.

The first who, according to Dostoevsky, "spoke at the conscious Russian," was Pushkin. We know that the distance was on duty at the bed of a dying poet that he was taking a ring-talisman and a sort of a friend's fruit. There is a testimony that it is Pushkin who is advocated Dalka to drafting a dictionary. But he decided on this distance not soon.

Daly's life was restless, rich in events, works, creativity. It was a man for all hands. And he succeeded. He was a skilled and decisive surgeon, a writer, scientist. Back in 1838, he was elected a corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences for collecting collections on the flora and the fauna of the Orenburg Territory. Between the case wrote textbooks on zoology and botany. I sang perfectly, played on many musical instruments ... "We need to engage any knowledge, which will meet on the way," he believed, "he could not say ahead that in life it would be useful."

Only after having resigned, I finally could finally take a look at the treasure collected over half a century and ... scared. He realized that besides him, no one would be able to give this sketches to the finished look, that is, to create a dictionary that would serve people. Will it be enough for this remaining life? Will know? After all, he is not a linguist. Having all the "for" and "against", the distance took up the case, modestly calling himself a belt during the construction of the chambers. "Front rear axle."

In the last years, Dahl worked in his house in Presnya, sometimes to fainting. He almost alone created a dictionary, in terms of volume almost doubled the superior dictionary issued by the Collective of the Academy of Sciences! This dictionary is grateful to this summer, one and a half years old.

The Dalya dictionary is called the encyclopedia of the Russian folk life of the first half of the XIX century. From it, you can find out that the peasant sowed, how the house built, which consuming agricultural instruments used, which wore, what holidays he had and customs. And it does not matter that many words collected by Dalem are no longer used. Dal so explained the purpose of his work: "... I don't claim that all popular speech, neither all the words of speech should be made to the Russian language formed; I approve only that we must explore the simple and direct Russian speech of the people and assimilate it to themselves, as all the lives will arouse good food and puts it into her blood and flesh. "

Few know that Dalya and Pushkin united not only a large personal friendship, but also the general ideas about the great value of the Russian language, the overall concern for him. In the Museum of Vladimir Ivanovich Dalla, that at B.Gruzinskaya Street, with the Moscow City Branch, the IPOPIC was opened by an exposition dedicated to the friendship of the two great sons of our fatherland Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin and Vladimir Ivanovich Dalya. The exposition was dedicated to two significant anniversary dates in the history of domestic culture - the 200th anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin (June 6, 1999) and the 200th anniversary of V.I. Dalyu followed by him (November 20, 2001) N. V.Gogol wrote about Pushkin - recognized genius, glory and pride of Russia: "A.S. Pushkin is an emergency phenomenon and, perhaps, the only phenomenon of the Russian spirit: this is a Russian man in its development, in which it can be, will appear through Two hundred years. "

About Dale - the great lexicographer, the creator of the famous "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language", an ethnographer, the writer at one time spoke V. G. Belinsky: "To the peculiarities of V.I. Dal in his love for Russia belongs to what he loves her in Rope, in the rod itself, the foundation of her that he loves a simple Russian person ... How well he knows his nature! He knows how to think his head, to see him with his eyes, speak his tongue. "

V.I. Dal himself identified the time of his acquaintance with A.S. Pushkin: "It was at the end of September or in early October 1832, when I arrived at the end of Turkish and Polish campaigns and printed my first experiments - I published a collection" Russian tales"". This collection brought far fame as a writer. In fairy tales, the writer put a challenge to himself - to acquaint "His countrymen with a folk language, with a talk, who opened a wide space in a Russian fairy tale."

Zhukovsky, being impressed by the collection of Tales Daly, who entered the literary field, responsively promised to go with him to Pushkin, and the visit everything was postponed. Not wanting to slow down, the distance took his collection and went to see the famous Pushkin. Dal noted afterwards the magnificent Moscow Pushkin's Moscow.

A.S. Pushkin, opening a book from the beginning, from the end, where he will have to and happily laughing, she moved out loud-tailed necklaces from wonderful words, proverbs, sayings and laughing patterns: "What a luxury, which for the meaning of which sense in each The saying of ours! " He exclaimed.

The publisher of the Russian Archive P.I. Bartenhev will record later from the words of Dala that Pushkin was constantly interested in Russian folk languages, highly appreciated the collected Dales of the Treasures of Russian People's Speech. For drawing up their famous dictionary, he began at the insistence of A.S. Pushkin. Love for the living Russian word has become the basis of lasting and sincere friendship with a great poet.

The new meeting occurred in early autumn of 1833, on September 8, when Alexander Pushkin arrived in the distant Orenburg province for examining the study of historical places of the Rezind of Emelyan Pugachev. At the trip, he was accompanied by V.I. Dal - an official of special instructions under the Orenburg Military Governor General N.A. Perovsky. Hiding steppe winds, for five days in a living and friendly conversation, they circled historical places.

Contemporaries, remembering their communication, emphasized that V.I. Dal for Pushkin was a living lexicon. The distance showed Pushkin the places of the uprising, helped to meet and establish a conversation with the right people. Visited Berdy Stanza - the place of stay of Pugacheva during the siege of Orenburg, met with the 75-year-old Cossack Bunteau and others, remembering the uprising of Pugachev. Pushkin asked them, put them in the notebook of their stories and his lively figurative speech. Dal also made a mark, recorded the same words, proverbs, sayings and songs ...

Dal continues to serve as an official of special instructions of the Orenburg Military Governor, devoting all his free time with literary classes. In Orenburg, Dal writes a lot, disputes, and good luck helps him - he is readily reading and praised in St. Petersburg and in Moscow. And over the literary classes, Dalya occupy the study of the edge and peoples, its inhabitants, the natural history, the museum device ... and as always and everywhere - constant replenishment of the dictionary: picking up words, proverbs, songs, testes ...

Friendship's thread with Pushkin does not break down: Dahl performs on the side of Pushkin when creating a "contemporary" by defending the advanced artistic and aesthetic direction of the magazine. "The feeling that is nourished by all of us should ignite each of us to a noble competition on the field of useful and elegant," he writes in one of its articles for the "contemporary". (20) And when, at the beginning of 1836, Pushkin received permission to "publish four volumes of articles of pure literary" - this will be a "contemporary", - the distance will respond with joyful:

Reached, finally, noble rumors

To degrees who are deaf and dry ...

Later, after 2-3 years, V.I. Dal with aisleful attention, read created by Pushkin "Pugacheva's history" and "Captive daughter", where, of course, learns familiar places, and common acquaintances.

And again the meeting of Daly with Pushkin.

In the first half of December 1836, the Orenburg Military Governor and his subordinate V.I. Dal arrived on official affairs in St. Petersburg. (20a)

Dal and Pushkin met several times. About one of the meetings is known for certain. A few days before Duele Pushkin heard Dalka that the skin, which the snake discharges every year is called Russian, "he liked this word, and our great poet among jokes with sadness said Gal:" Yes, here we write , I call too writers, and we do not know half of the Russian words! "... On another day, Pushkin came to G. New Surtuk. "What is crazy!" He said, laughing with his cheerful, ringing, sincere laugh. "Well, from this crazy I will not be executed soon. In this crap I will write this ..." Dalle responded in memory: "Oh, you will see:" I'll do a lot! ... "

Dahl learns about the duels held on January 27, 1837 and about the deadly wound of Pushkin, hurries to the poet to the house on the sink embankment, where their last meeting took place and the last 46 hours of life of the deadly wounded man took place, and there is no hope of hopes.

Pushkin has already found the crowd of the closest friends in the front hall: Zhukovsky, Vyazemsky, Odoyevsky. In the office, in the wounded Pushkin were doctors. V.I. Dal remained with the poet, without leaving him until the last hour, the great hour flour and courage. V.I. Dal cared for Pushkin, as a doctor: Giving medicines, put the ice to the head, put the karticle. To the question of Pushkin: "Dahl, tell me the truth, will I die soon?" Dahl answered: "We still hope for you, right, hope!" Pushkin shook the hand of Dal and said: "Well, thanks! ..."

Alexander Ivanovich Turgenev, a very close Pushkin man (it was he lucky the coffin with the body of the poet in the Holy Mountains), immediately wrote in the next room: "His friend and Dr. Dal facilitated the last minutes of him"

On 29th at 2 o'clock 45 minutes, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin passed away. In the "Literary Prescriptions" to the magazine "Russian disabled", the well-known addenda announcement of Prince Odoevsky in a mourning frame: "The sun of our poetry rolled out! ... Pushkin died in the color of the years, in the middle of his great field!"

On November 22, 1801, Vladimir Ivanovich Dal was born. In history, he entered, above all, as the creator of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language." He had 50 years old. But not only the literature occupied Daly.

First word.

The young Dal graduated from the St. Petersburg Marine Corps and left to serve in the Black Sea Fleet. A spacker, climbed into a heavy Tulup, pushing the horses, looked through his shoulder on the saddle. That stated from the cold, raised the collar, put his hands in the sleeve. The yamper poked the whip into the sky and trussed:

- Falls ...

- How does this "flatten"?

"Passernets," the thing explained briefly. - To warmth. The distance pulled out a notebook from his pocket, a pencil, blew on the short fingers and brought diligently: "It'sals, to flatter - otherwise to overcome in the Novgorod province, it means to cloud up with touches, speaking of the sky, tear to bad weather."

Since then, wherever he threw his fate, he always found the time to record the word heard somewhere, expression, a song, a fairy tale, a riddle.

In the 1819th, the distance released from the School of Michman and was appointed in the fleet in Nikolaev. His first pocket dictionary of Cadet Zhargon has 34 words. In September 1823, Dalya arrest on suspicion of writing the pascvil epigram, taking honor and dignity of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Alexei Greig. Written was addressed to the civilian wife of Greag Yulia Kulchitsky, the daughter of the Mogilev Taucker. An anonymous author clearly laughed at the heart attachment of the elderly vice-admiral to a chance and a bright woman. The accused spent behind the bars half a year, he threatened his degradation into ordinary, but he was justified and transferred to the Baltic fleet from sin, to Kronstadt.

Vladimir Dal was very friendly with the poet Alexander Pushkin. In the early autumn of 1833, they visited the Orenburg province together. For five days, they circled the places of the rebellion of Emelyan Pugachev. Visited the Berdy Stanza, which Pugachev held during the siege of Orenburg, met with people who remembered those events. The poet asked them, put their stories in the notebook and his lively figurative speech, to add later to his novel "Captain's daughter". Dal also did not mark, fixed the same words, proverbs, songs ...

In December 1836, Dal came according to official affairs in St. Petersburg. Pushkin happily greeted a friend, repeatedly visited him, interested in linguistic finds. Alexander Sergeyevich really enjoyed heard from Del previously unknown to him the word "crash" - a skin, which snakes drop off after the winter, leaving her. Going somehow to the gale in the new Surtuk, Pushkin joked: "What is good crazy? Well, from this crazy I am now not coming soon. I will write it in it! " He did not remove this source and on the day of Duele with Dantes. In order not to hurt the wounded poet of unnecessary suffering, I had to "crawl" from it. Dal was one of those who were in the apartment on the washing in the last 46 hours of life Pushkin.

Participating in the Russian-Turkish War, Dal understood that fate gives him an amazing opportunity to meet Russian in his entire fullness. In the evenings, they sat down to the bodybuilding fires and brought to the soldiers for a long time. After a year of hostilities, Dalk's notes rose to such sizes that, for their transportation, the command allocated him ... a cooch camel. On his hump, the future dictionary traveled through military roads in the form of several bags filled with notebooks. One day a misfortune happened: a camel, loaded with notes, during the fight captured Turks. The grief of Vladimir Ivanovich was not the limit. Later he wrote: "I was orphaned with the loss of my notes ... The conversation with the soldiers of all the local rui settlements gave me abundant reserves to study the language, and all this died."

It would seem that all over and the dictionary is already never born. But officers and soldiers could not look indifferently, as their favorite doctor flashes. A detachment of the Cossacks went to the Turkish rear in the Turkish rear, and a few days later the missing animal was returned to Gal, along with precious codles. Fortunately, all the notes turned out to be whole and unharmed.

Only returned the distance from the Turkish campaign, as in 1831 he was called again to war. This time he had to fight with the Poles. Here and made a distance of his amazing feat. One day the infantry building, in which the distance served as a doctor, was pressed by Poles to the banks of the Vistula River. Forces were unequal, and the Poles burned the bridge so that the enemy could not retreat for the river. The Russian detachment threatened inevitable death, if not if the resourcefulness of Daly's divisional doctor. Around the abandoned distillery plant, where the distance was located wounded and patients, a lot of empty barrels were lying around. From them, he suggested to build a temporary crossing through the Vistula. When the last Russian soldiers were successfully crossed across the river, advanced detachments of Polish troops were gathered on the empty shore. The distance came to them and asked for permission to translate to the other coast of the wounded. So, chatting, they have come together until the middle of the bridge, and the Polish cavalry was followed by the crossing.

And then Dal accelerated the step and jumped on one of the barrels, where he had a sharp-sharp ax. The Poles did not have time to come to his senses, as the distance waved the ax - and the whole cross suddenly broke into pieces. Under the shots of deceived opponents, the distance safely fell to the shore and was greeted by the enthusiastic cries of our soldiers. By the way, the military supervisor announced Vladimir a given reprimand, but Tsar Nicholas I a personal decree awarded Dahl by a combat Vladimir cross with diamonds and a bow.

The Russian scientist and writer, the compiler of the "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" Vladimir Ivanovich Dal Following the Russian Emperor Alexander III, Russian artist Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov and the German composer Richard Wagner, replenished the list of "Russian extremists". Brochure "Notes on ritual killings", compiled by Dale, by the decision of the Leninsky District Court of Orenburg dated July 26, 2010 included in the "Federal list of extremist materials" at number 1494.

KP - Samara

In the dictionary of Daly, more than two hundred thousand words were collected, including dialects, proverbs and sayings. Collect words in the dictionary Vladimir Dal began the 15-year-old Michman Black Sea Fleet. Then, during his travels around the country, he has a lot and willingly communicated with sailors, soldiers, peasants, writing a lot of prison expressions. Today, many words collected by them came out of everybody. AIF.RU introduces readers only with some of them.

1. Akarenok - Malvori, Chunky
2. Anchuts - Tentyat, demons
3. Varnaba - turmoil, anxiety, bustle.
4. Exhaust - Buddhas, working day, working hours or time in days, day working hours
5. Endelfer - Ice to Beer, Braga, Popo
6. Combination - Plot
7. Wegnomate - Take care, try
8. Kerie - village, selection, algae,
9. Kozloder - bad singing, with nasty, high, sipla and trembling voice
10. Shoe - stubborn, leaving, breaking
11. Fly - think, guess, to see, think, invent that, to see, guess
12. Mimmoder - Razing, Zewak
13. Oblock - beat the cheerful, blow
14. Penate - money
15. Spill - Pimple
16. Saryn - Crowd, Sad
17. Supper - dispute, hard, struggle, compilation
18. Hukhrya - Darashka
19. Study - Publish
20. Fifik - bullfinch
21. Fitin - sin, misdemeanor

AIF - Health

The "explanatory dictionary" Dahl is a unique and large-scale monument of literature. Many of the words collected in the famous publication have long come out of everyday life. However, some of them are so original and sounded that they could easily enter the modern lexicon.

Here are some, the most funny of them:

1. Pipping, pyprica - smoking tube, tube, twin, dud inserted into anything

2. Momozyrus - Razing, Zewak

3. Hukhry - Nonchasa, Embrella, Drain

4. Endelfich - Ishiy to Beer, Braga, Popo

5. Yaga - fur coat, Tulup with a folding gate

6. Rough - Towel, Rod for wiping, lot rags

7. Study - Publish

8. cleaned - go to get out, fall out, pollute

9. Caurry - Highway, String

10. Super - dispute, hard, struggle, compilation

11. Focobate - get into the cold, cool, drop

12. Napako - on the contrary, in the opposite, on the contraction, back; Wrong, invalid

13. Bat - Out, Torture

14. Cherish - Still, pretend

15. Altak - starve, be hungry, languishing hunger; Want to eat, beyond food, on a swell, eating


The explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language is a dictionary drawn up by Vladimir Ivanovich Dalem in the middle of the XIX century. One of the largest dictionaries of the Russian language. Contains about 200,000 words and 30000 proverbs, sayings, riddles and progress, serving to explain the meaning of the words given.
The dictionary is based on a living national language with its regional modifications, the dictionary includes the vocabulary and oral speech of the XIX century.

For the first issues of the dictionary, Dal received in 1861 Konstantinov medal, and in 1868 he was elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences and awarded the Lomonosov Prize.

We offer our readers a dictionary of the living Great Russian language V.I. Dalya in two versions. The need for this is due to the fact that the second, earlier and non-edited publication has a rather poor quality of scans. And the fourth edition with the additions of academician of Krakow Academy I. A. Boduen de Courta, despite more tolerable quality, has all the signs of deliberate distortion.

Fragmet Articles S.L. Ryabtseva]]> ]]> About this figure:

The book by B.De Kurgea was published with the statement of his phonderatic ideas. The book was addressed to teachers and, thus, it was supposed to, according to the author's plan, disseminate the poison in all educational institutions. At the same time, he suggested to remove the "b" at the end of words like: Much, night, lea, hide, Sidish, laugh, stitching.

Similar offers cannot be assessed otherwise as mockery over the Russian language. These "scientists" fiercely and hurriedly, all the false picked their "theories", taking under these mumble dumped duffs, the purpose of which is the chaoticization of writing, allegedly "scientific base".

The ultimate goal and then, and now there was one: to make the people abandon Cyrillic, translate to the Latin and destroy Russian.

"PhondeMatic theory" B.The K. Anti-Evolutionary and Anti-Nucleus, because it orients a letter to sound-speech, i.e. Random, variable factor, whereas in reality the development of the language goes with the orientation to the "letter-thought".

B.The K. Different in one thing: he was entrusted to the reprint of Daly's dictionary. Obtained confidence, he released on behalf of Del Fake: distorted his idea, replaced the basics of the dictionary and introduced into the dictionary of curses. (At the end of the 20th century followers by B.Te K., two docks. Philol. Sciences, composed and published a dictionary Mata, insisting on his widespread study. They used the quote from Dahl, which he thought up by B.The K.. It is necessary to know: so Called 3D ed. Dalya dictionary 1903-09. - This is a fake. Invalid so. And all reprints.


Thanks to our readers, we can offer the first, lifetime publication - the explanatory dictionary of Zhivago Velikoruskago Language (1863-1866)


So, two options:

Explanatory dictionary of the living Great Russian language (in 4 volumes)

Year of release: 1882
Author: V.I. Dal
Publisher: S.-Petersburg - Moscow: Publication of the bookSelver-typography M. O. Wolf
Format: PDF.
Quality: Scanned Pages
Number of pages: 2800

Work on the main labor of your life is the "Sensual Dictionary of the Living Great Russian language" - Vladimir Ivanovich Dal (1801-1872) gave over half a century. Unprecedented on the coverage of lexical material (about 200,000 words) This dictionary has become the largest phenomenon in the Russian philology of the XIX century. For his work, Dal was awarded the Lomonosov Prize of the Imperial Academy of Sciences, as well as the title of Honorary Academician.

]]\u003e Download Dalya dictionary (second edition)]]\u003e

Explanatory dictionary of living Great Russian Language Vladimir Dala. The third, corrected and significantly complemented, express, under the editor of prof. I.A. Bodouena de Kurgea

This edition is third since the release of the day in 1863 - 1866. The first publication of an intelligent dictionary of a living Great Russian language. Along with the vocabulary of the literary language of the first half of the XIX century, that is, the language of Pushkin and Gogol, the dictionary presents regional words, as well as terminology of different professions and crafts.

The dictionary contains a huge illustrative material in which the first place belongs to proverbs and sayings. According to Academician V. V. Vinogradov, "As a treasury of a Metal word, the Dahl dictionary will be a companion not only a writer, philologist, but also a person formed."

Publisher: .. St. Petersburg. Published suppliers of the courtyard of his imperratskago majesty partnership M.O. Wolf
Language: ................ Russian Pre-revolutionary
Format :: .......... DJVU
Quality: ......... Scanned Pages
Number of pages: ...... 3640

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