We have a rich language, which is so mighty and flexible, which can say in words literally everything. In his greatst, he is not inferior to any language of the world. It is constantly improving, at the same time having a rich foundation and language traditions. It is valuable and self-sufficient, is the history of the people, reflects the culture. Language must be preserved and study, it should be the need for every Russian person. The greatness and wealth of the language are reflected in books, especially related to classical literature, or in dictionaries and reference books reflecting the norms. And of course, we need to know and remember those great scientists who laid the foundation of our native language.


Linguistics studying language. It considers the basic function of the language as a means of communication, its historical development and patterns. Linguistics explores the language theory: what is the language system, what the nature of grammatical categories look like and so on.

Science observes the facts of speech, perceives native speakers, language phenomena, language material.

Linguistics are closely related to other sciences: history, archeologists, ethnography, psychology, philosophy. This is because the language accompanies us everywhere, in all areas of life.

In any science there are key individuals. Speaking about linguistics, you can call such names: Victor Vinogradov, Bodusen de Courta, Lion Scherba and many others. And let's call the name of our Russian scientist Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegova, who will be devoted to this article.

Famous language

Sergei Ozhegov, who graduated from the gymnasium in the Tver Province, then the Faculty of Philology of the University of Leningrad, who participated during the civility of the war in battles in the territory of the Ukrainian Frotea, who has passed the graduate school who taught in many Moscow universities today is more known as the author-compiler that we use and This day. Collection of Russian words S.I. Ozhegova is the result of the colossal labor of the scientist. This contains all the modern common vocabulary vocabulary, showing cases of the combination of words and the most commonly used phraseological units. This work was the basis of many translational collections of Russian words.

Obgov about language

I talked a lot about the simplification of Russian spelling Sergey Ozhegov. The quotes of the author, in addition, contained its proposals for the improvement of the stereotypical publication of the dictionary, Vaschigo in 1964. Ozhegov said that they need to make new words in the collection, which emerged recently in Russian. It is also necessary to revise rethink the concepts of some new words. And of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the norms of consumption and pronunciation of the Russian language.

Another statement S.I. Ozhegov about the language concerns the accuracy of typing. The scientist spoke about the high culture of speech, which lies in the ability to find an intelligible, relevant word to express his thought.

The dictionary of this Russian linguist became a popular reference publication. On this occasion, Sergey Ozhege himself joked. Quotes note the need for this collection: the number of vocabulary books issued is not inferior to the number of published works of classics of Marxism-Leninism.

Life and art

The surname of the famous linguist has Siberian roots. It is based on the word "burr", they called the stick to check the preparedness of the molten metal to the casting.

Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich, speaking of his biography, always mentioned the fact that their surname comes from the Demidov fortress. In the family of his grandfather, who worked on the Yekaterinburg melting plant for more than fifty years, there were fourteen children, and everyone subsequently had a higher education.

Sergey Ozhegov was born in the family of a mining engineer and midwives of the factory hospital at the end of September 1900. His small birthplace is the village of Stone in the past Tver province.

Tracting for knowledge inherent in their names, manifested itself in the fact that, enrolling in a higher educational institution, Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich was forced to quit student and go to the front. But, returning from the front, in the 20s he still graduated from the University of Leningrad. His teachers were known at the time linguists and L.V. Shcherba Sergey Ozhegov immediately entered the circle of Leningrad scientists, then met Moscow colleagues and gained fame there.

Since 1952 S.I. Ozhegov was the head of the verbal branch at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. Reflected in the "Russian Dictionary", whose chief editor was D.N. Ushakov. The group of developers included rods. Also, the authorship of the "Russian Dictionary" is also merit.

Friendship with famous linguists

At that time, Linguists V.V. Linguists were widely known in Leningrad. Vinogradov and D.I. Ushakov. Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov, Linguist, whose career is successfully addressed here, as it is part of the group working on the four-time edition of D.I. Ushakov.

More than thirty percent of the vocabulary articles of this collection belongs to S.I. Ozhegov. Also at this time, there is an active collection of materials to the "Dictionary to Piezov A.N. Ostrovsky."

In addition, the young linguist is friendly with the famous scientist A. Reformed, who later becomes the author of the classical textbook on linguistics.

The main work of Ozhegova

Working on the material to the collection of D.I. Ozhegov caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a dictionary for extension. Above this collection, the work began before the war with the fascists. Ozhegov believed due to the Red Army, which would not allow Germans to Moscow, so remained in the city. All this difficult wartime he gave his brain. Co-authors in the work on the dictionary were Moscow linguists of Vinokur and V. Petrosyan. But gradually they moved away from work, and S.I. Ozhegov almost one did all the work.

Until the latter, Sergey Ozhegov continued. The dictionary of the Russian language was constantly refined, the construction was improved. The author took the language as a constantly changing living phenomenon. He gladly watched the changes occurring in the language.

There are a number of well-known facts that complement the knowledge of S.I. Ozhegov and its dictionary:

  • many have pronounced the wrong Linguist name, making emphasis on the second syllable;
  • censors originally did not miss the word "mistress", seemingly depraved meaning;
  • did not suit the censorship and church vocabulary, such words as "tax", "iconostasis";
  • the word "Leningradets" during the refurbishment of the dictionary was introduced artificially, so that there were no words "slogans" and "Leninet";
  • interpretation of the word "rape" in the dictionary of Ozhegov helped one guy to get out of prison, since his actions did not fall under rape;
  • there are six editions of the regimen of Ozhegov, issued during his life;
  • recently, a student S.I. works on the dictionary. Ozhegova N.Yu Swedov; The heirs of the famous linguist do not like some of the principles of its work.

Family of Ozhegov

Sergey Ozhegov experienced a lot in his life, the family experienced a lot of complex, dramatic events characteristic of the Russian intelligentsia.

His father, a jug paper factory engineer, received a four-room apartment where the local intelligentsia was often gathered. The village was advanced: innovations were constantly introduced at the factory, the school, the People's House, the Hospital were built. In the latter worked by an obstetric mother of Ozhegov. In addition to Sergey, the older, there were two more sons in their family. The average became an architect, the younger railwayman.

In 1909, the family of Ozhegov moves to St. Petersburg. Here Sergey went to the gymnasium, signed up in a chess circle and sports society. Successfully ended the gymnasium, entered the higher educational institution, but the formation was prevented by the war.

Nevertheless, after the war, he still graduated from the university. Before receiving a diploma, Sergey Ozhegov married a student with Philfak. Her father was a priest, a magnificent self-taught musician, performing classical and folk music.

Ozhegov was a very sociable person. Friendly companies always gathered in his house, a friendly atmosphere reigned.

Ozhegov's wife was a magnificent mistress, they lived together about forty years, they raised her son.

During the war, the Moscow family of Ozhegov moved to Tashkent, but the Leningrad relatives of the scientist almost everything could not exceed the blockade. The nephew remained. The five-year-old girl was given to the orphanage, later S.I. Ozhegov found her and focused.

The merit of Ozhegova

Made a lot for the domestic linguistics of Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich, the contribution to the Russian language of which is very large. He is the author and compiler of many dictionaries and reference books. S.I. Ozhegov is known as a member of the Commission of the Mossovet, Deputy Chairman of the Academy of Sciences, a scientific consultant, a teacher in high school.

Scientific works Ozhegov

Basic scientific works S.I. Ozhegova reflects the questions of Russian lexicology and lexicography. He worked a lot above the history of the Russian language, studied sociolinguistics, the culture of Russian speech. Sergei - Language to study the language of individual writers (I.A. Krylov, etc.). He worked a lot on the regulativity of the Russian language: he was the editor of various dictionaries-directories and linguistic collections.


  • 1 biography
  • 2 Bibliography
  • 3 Electronic versions of dictionaries
  • Notes


Sergey Ivanovich Rozhkov (1900-1964) - Linguist, lexicographer, doctor of philological sciences, professor.

1. Biography

Photo of the house in the city of Kuvshinovo, in which in September 1900 was born Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov. A memorial plaque in honor of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegova is visible to the right at the house. On the left - a memorial plaque in honor of Alexei Maksimovich Gorky, who lived in this house at his friend N. Z. Vasilyeva from October 1897 to mid-January 1898

Sergey Ozhegov was born 22 (9) September 1900 in the village of Stone (now the city of Kuvshinovo) Tver province in the family of engineer-technologist Kamenskaya paper-cardboard factory - Ivan Ivanovich Ozhegova. Sergey Ivanovich was the eldest of the three brothers. On the eve of the First World War, the family moved to Petrograd, where Sergey graduated from gymnasium. Then he entered the Faculty of Philology of the University of Leningrad, but the classes were soon interrupted - Ozhegov called on the front. He participated in the battles in the West of Russia, in Ukraine. In 1922, Ozhegov graduated from military service at the headquarters of the Kharkov Military District and immediately began classes at the Faculty of Linguistics and Material Culture of the University of Leningrad. In 1926, teachers of the University Victor Vinogradov and Lev Scherb recommended him to the graduate school of the institute of the comparative history of the literature and languages \u200b\u200bof the West and the East.

In 1936, Ozhegov moved to Moscow. From 1937 he taught in Moscow universities (mythli, radiation). Since 1939, Ozhegov has been a researcher at the Institute of Language and Writing, the Institute of the Russian Language, the Institute of the Linguistics of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR.

During World War II, Ozhegov did not evacuated from the capital, but remained to teach.

The founder and the first head of the sector of the culture of the Institute of the Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences (from 1952).

One of the compilers of the "intelligent dictionary of the Russian language" edited by D. N. Ushakov (1935-1940). The author of one of the most famous and popular Russian dictionaries - a one-volume "dictionary of the Russian language" (1949, with corrections and updates was reissued repeatedly, from 1992 - with the participation of N. Yu. Swedovaya); The Dictionary of Ozhegova fixes modern commonly consumed vocabulary, demonstrates the combination of words and typical phraseological units. The vocabulary of the vocabulary of Ozhegova Loe is based on many translation dictionaries.

The main works are devoted to Russian lexicology and lexicography, the history of the Russian literary language, sociolinguistics, the culture of Russian speech, the language of individual writers (P. A. Plavelikov, I. A. Krylova, A. N. Ostrovsky) and others.

Editor of the "Orphographic Dictionary of the Russian Language" (1956, 5 ed., 1963), dictionaries-directories "Russian literary pronunciation and emphasis" (1955), "The correctness of Russian speech" (1962). Founder and chief editor of the collections "Culture of Speech" (1955-1965).

At the initiative of Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov in 1958, a reference service of the Russian language was created at the Russian language Institute, which corresponding to the requests of organizations and individuals relating to the correctness of Russian speech.

Ozhegov was a member of the Commission of the Mossovet on the name of the institutions and streets of Moscow, the Subject Commission on the Russian language of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSR, Deputy Chairman of the Commission of the Academy of Sciences to streamline writing and pronunciation of foreign language and geographical names, a scientific consultant of the All-Russian Theater Society, Goseradio; A member of the spelling committee of ening the "Rules of Russian spelling and punctuation".

Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov died in Moscow on December 15, 1964. The urn with his dust rests in the wall of the necropolis of the Novodevichy cemetery.

2. Bibliography

  • Ozhege Sergey Ivanovich. Dictionary of the Russian language / ch. ed. S. P. Obnorsky. 50000 words. M.: State ed. foreigner and nat. dictionaries, 1949. XVIII, 968 p. In Sost. vocabulary took part prof. G. O. Vinokur and V. A. Petrosyan.
  • 2nd 52000 words. 1952. 843 S.
  • 3rd 1953. 848 with
  • 4th 53000 words. 1960. 900 C.
  • 6th 1964. 900 s
  • 7th M.: OV. ENT., 1968. 900 from 150,000 copies.
  • 8th 1970. 900 from 150,000 copies.
  • 9th approx. 57000 words are ed. N. Yu. Swedovaya. 1972. 847 from 120,000 copies.
  • 10th 1973. 846 with
  • 11th 1975. 847 with 75000 copies.
  • 12th 1978. 846 with
  • 13th ed., Act. M.: Rus. Yaz., 1981. 816 with 123000 copies.
  • 14th erased. 1982. 816 with 105000 copies. 1983. 816 with 115000 copies.
  • 15th eR 1984. 816 from 160,000 copies.
  • 16th cent. 1984. 797 from 120,000 copies.
  • 17th erased 1985. 797 from 195000 copies.
  • 18th erased 1986. 795 with 300,000 copies.
  • 18th erased 1987. 795 from 220,000 copies.
  • 19th. 1987. 748 with 225000 copies.
  • 20th erased 57000 words. 1988. 748 with 480000 copies.
  • 21st recreation. and add. 70,000 words. M.: Rus. Yaz., 1989. 921 with
  • 22nd. 1990. 921 from 200000 copies.
  • 23rd. 1990. 915 with 100,000 copies. OK. 57000 cl. Yekaterinburg: "Ural-Tips" ("Mest"), 1994. 796c. About 53,000 words. 4th ed., Act. and add. M., 1997. 763 p.
  • Ozhegov Sergey Ivanovich, Swedov Natalia Juliev. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 72500 words and 7,500 phraseological expressions / grew. An, In-t Rus. Jaz., Ros. Culture Foundation. M.: AZ, 1992. 955 with 100,000 copies. 1993. 955 S.
  • 2nd. and add. 1994. 908 with 100,000 copies.
  • 2nd. and add. 1995. 908 S.
  • 3rd stereotype. 1995. 928 with 100,000 copies. 80,000 words and phraseolet. expressions.
  • 4th ed. M.: Azbukovnik, 1997. 943 p.

3. Electronic versions of dictionaries

  • Explanatory Dictionary C. I. Ozhegova, 1991 (Online version)
  • Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov online
  • A single explanatory dictionary of the Russian language (contains 80,000 words and phraseological expressions (counting headlocks, derivative words) placed in a word-forming nest, and phraseological expressions and idioms)
  • Ozhegov S. I. Dictionary of Russian Language
  • Dictionary. S... Ozhegov, N. Yu. Swedov. (Online version)
  • "Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegova"
  • Ozhegov dictionary with convenient search.
  • "Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegova S. I." (Online version)
  • S.I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Swedov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language.
This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization executed 07/10/11 01:50:59
Related Summary: Sai Sergey Ivanovich, Alyapkin Sergey Ivanovich, Aksenko Sergey Ivanovich, Odintsov Sergey Ivanovich,

S.I.zhhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language

A, Union. 1. Connects offers or members of the sentence, expressing opposition, comparison. He went, and I stayed. Write a handle, not a pencil. Beautiful, not a smart. 2. Joins offers or members of the sentence with the value of the addition of something. With a consistent presentation, with the value of explanations, objections, strengthening, transition to another thought. On the mountain house, and under the mountain stream. It would be a swamp, and devils will be found (last). What are you. Do you do today? and tomorrow? It's not his fault. - And who is to blame if not him? 3. UPOTR. At the beginning of question and exclamation proposals, as well as at the beginning of speech to enhance expressiveness, persuasiveness (often in combination with pronouns, adverbs, other unions). And how we will be fun! Still, I do not agree. * And also (s), the Union - expresses an attachment, amplifying or comparable addition. A skilled driver as well as a locksmith. Removed in the movies, as well as on television. And then - 1) the union, otherwise, otherwise. Hurry, and then you are late; 2) actually, and in fact. If it were, otherwise, the other way around; And then! (And how much!) (simple) - in the response replica expresses: 1) Confident accord, confirmation. Frozen? - And then! Frost on the yard; 2) Ironic disagreement, denial: he will go? - That! Loose! And not that, the union is the same as that (in 1 meaning). And even, the Union - joins the message about anything. An undesirable or unexpected. Scribbles, or even beat.

A2, particle (break). 1. Indicates a question or response to whose-n. the words. Let's go for a walk, huh? Why don't you answer? - BUT? What? 2. Enhances appeal. Vanya, and Vanya! 3. [pronounced with varying degrees of duration]. Expressing clarification, satisfied understanding. Ah, so it was you! Why didn't you call? - did not work the phone! - Ah! Ah, so wat what's the thing!

A3 [pronounced with varying degrees of duration], interface. Expresses annoyance, bitterness, as well as surprise, gloating and other similar feelings. What have I done? - Ah! A, caught!

A ..., prefix. Forms nouns and adjectives with meanings. lack (in words with an invoice root), the same as "not", for example Asymmetry, alogichic, immoral, arrhythmic, asynchronous.

Abazhur, -A, m. Cap for lamp, lamp. Green a. 11 adj. A lamp, but.

Abazinsky ,y ,y. 1. See abazines. 2. Related to abasins, to their language, national nature, lifestyle, culture, as well as to the territory of their residence, its internal device, history; Such like Abazin. A. Language (Abkhaz-Adygea group of Caucasian languages). In-Abazinski (nash.)

Abazines, -in, units - Annets, -Nets, m. The people living in Karachay-Cherkessia in Adygea. II Abazinka, and. II, ABAZIN,,, -Oh.

Abbot, -a, m. 1. Abbot of the male Catholic monastery. 2. Catholic clergy. II adj. Abbotsky, - one.

Abbey, s, w. Primary of the female Catholic monastery.

Abbey, -A, cf. Catholic monastery.

Abbreviation, s, g. In the word formation: a noun, formed from truncated words of words (eg, the Board, Komsomol), from the same segments in combination with a whole word (eg, maternity hospital, parts), as well as from the initial sounds of words or names of their initial letters (for example ., University, PBX, MCAT, EUM, SLE), comprehensive word. II adj. Abbreviated, and ,y.

Aberration, - and g. (specialist.). Deviation from something., As well as a distortion of something. A. Light rays. A. Optical systems (image distortion). A. ideas (overrud.). II adj. aberration ,y ,y.

Paragraph, -a, m. 1. Red string, indent at the beginning of the line. Start writing with paragraph. 2. Text between two inches. Read the first a.

Abyssinian, and ,y. 1. See Abyssins. 2. Target to the Abyssins, to their language, national nature, lifestyle, culture, as well as to Abyssinia (the former name of Ethiopia), its territory, internal device, history; Such as the Abyssinians in Abyssinia. Abyssinsky (Narch.)

Abyssinians, -Ev, VD. - Sheet, -Nets, m. The former name of the population of Ethiopia (Abyssinian), Ethiopia. II Abyssinka, and. II adj. Abyssinian, and ,y.

Applicant, -A, m. 1. Graduate secondary school (statute). 2. A person coming into a higher or special educational institution. II Applicantka, and. II adj. Applicant, - one.

Subscription, -A, m. Document that gives the right to use than., Ka-Ku-n. Service, as well as the right itself. A. in the theater. A. On the lecture cycle. Interlobibilities a. II adj. Subscription, - -th.

Subscriber, -A, m. The person who is using the subscription entitled to the use of anything. By subscription. A. Libraries. A. Telephone network (face or facility having a phone). II Subscriber, -I (talk). II adj. Subscriber ,y ,y.

Abonomize, -Yu, -How; -wood; owls. and nonsense. Get (s) by subscription, to become (to be) to the subscriber of what. A. Life in the theater.

Abordazh, -A, m. In the era of the rowing and sailing fleet: the attack of the enemy's ship with a direct convergence with him for a hand-to-hand combat. Take on a. (also over.). II adj. ABORDAY, -Y, -Oh.

Aboriginal, -A, m. (Knitne.). Native resident of the country, terrain. II Aboriginal, - and (college).

Aboriginal, -ay ,y. Aboriginal related to their lives, to the places of their primary habitat; such as aboriginal.

Abortion, -a, m. Premature interruption of pregnancy, spontaneous or artificial, miscarriage.

Abuitive, -ay, -th (special). 1. Suspending or sharply changing development, the course of the disease. A. Method. Ability. 2. Fixed. Abuitive plants organs. II SUT. Absorption, -I, g. (KO 2 meaning).

Abraziv, -A, m. (Spec.). A solid fine-grained or powder substance (flint, emery, corundum, carborund, pumice, grenade), used for grinding, polishing, sharpening. II adj. Abrasive, - -th. Abrasive materials. A. Tool (grinding, polishing).

Abrakadabra, s, w. Meaningless, incomprehensible set of words [original: the mysterious Persian word who served as a saving magic spell].

Abrek, -a, m. In the period of accession of the Caucasus to Russia: Highlanders who participated in the fight against the royal troops and administration.

Apricot, -a, Rod.Mn. -On, m. Southern fruit tree ses. Rico colored, giving juicy sweet fruits with a large bone, as well as the fruit of it. II adj. Apricot, - well apricot, oai ,y.

Apricot, - -th. 1. See Apricot. 2. Yellow-red, ripe apricot color.

Abris, -A, m. (Book.). Outline of the subject, contour. II adj. Abrinseed ,y ,y.

Abspeatism [Santa], -a, m. (Knith.). Evasion of voters from participation in elections to government agencies. II adj. AB-SENTERISK,,, -Oh.

Absolute, -a, m. (Book.). 1. In philosophy: Eternal, unchanged primary source of all existing (spirit, idea, deity). 2. Something self-sufficient, independent of some. Conditions and relationships. Build something in a.

Absolutism, -A, m. The form of the board, with the foil supreme power belongs entirely to the autocratic monarch, unlimited monarchy. arr. absolutist ,y ,y.

Absolute ,y ,y; -The it is, it's. 1. full. f. Unconditional, not dependent on the comparison with anything. The absolute value of the actual number (in mathematics: the very number taken without a sign + or -). A. Zer (temperature in -273.15 ° C). A. Champion (Athlete - Winner in all-around, in some other types of contests). 2. Perfect, full. A. Pochka. It is absolutely (nash.) Right. Absolute majority (overwhelming majority). Absolute monarchy (autocracy). A. Rumor (hearing exactly determining the height of any tone). II SUT. Absolitness, - and g. (KO 2 meaning).

Abstragging, -Hyu, -How; -Anny; owls. and nonsense., that (book.). Produce (-shand) abstraction (in 1 meaning) of something.

The spiritual nobility is the famous Russian Language. Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov received "inheritance" from his ancestors. Organized - surname Ural, masterful. It happens from the word, it was called that the wooden chockerel was so called in ancient, which dipped into molten metal to determine the degree of its readiness. According to the nickname, it was located (about a long-grade, high and thin man) and the last name was arisen. Grandfather Sergey Ivanovich, Ural Master Ivan Grigorievich Ozhegov, from 13 years old and until the end of his life (died at the age of 73 in 1904 in Yekaterinburg) worked in the Ural Gold and Chemical Laboratory. He was a talented self-taught, began as a "tubing student", and then became an assistant laboratory assistant. He raised 14 sons and daughters, and they all received a higher education.

Sergei Ivanovich Ozhegov was born on September 23, 1900. In the village of Stone (now Kuvshinovo) of the Novotorzhsky district of Tver province in the family of engineer-technologist Kamenskaya paper-cardboard factory - Ivan Ivanovich Ozhegova.

On the eve of the First World War, the Family S. I. Ozhegova moves to Petrograd, where Seryozha enters the gymnasium. In high school, he loved chess and football, consisted in the so-called Sokolsky sports society.

In the summer of 1918, Sergei Ivanovich graduated from the gymnasium and entered the Faculty of Lingubology of the Petrograd University, he heard the first lectures. However, at the end of the year he leaves the university and leaving the city of National mother. There, being a member of the Social Party (as many gymnasists and students), participates in the establishment of Soviet power. Then he breaks with the esters and December 5, 1918 is credited with solid-defining in the Red Army. Participates in the battles near Narva, Pskov and Riga, on the Karelian Isthmus, then in Ukraine, on the Vrangelev Front.

Until 1922, he served in senior positions at the headquarters of the Kharkov Military District in Ekaterinoslava (now Dnepropetrovsk). After the end of hostilities, he was offered a ticket to the Military Academy, but he refused, was demobilized and returned to the Philology Faculty of Petrograd University. But the classes soon have to interrupt, as S. I. Ozhegov leaves a volunteer to the front. He participates in the battles in the West of Russia, at the Karelian Isthmus, in Ukraine.

After graduating from the service in 1922 at the headquarters of the Kharkov Military District, he returns to the university at the Faculty of Linguistics and Material Culture, in 1926 she completes the course of study and enters the graduate school. S. I. Ozhegov is stiguously engaged in the languages \u200b\u200band the history of native literature, participates in the seminar N. Ya. Marra and listens to the lecture S. P. Obnorsky at the Institute of History of Literatures and Languages \u200b\u200bof the West and East in Leningrad. By this time, his first scientific experiences belong. From the late 1920s. S. I. Ozhegov works on the "intelligent dictionary of the Russian language" D. N. Ushakov.

In 1936, the scientist moves to Moscow. From 1937 to 1941 he teaches at the Moscow Institute of Philosophy, Literature and Art. It is fascinated by not only purely theoretical matter, but also the language of poetry, generally fiction, spoken. Scientists were evacuated in August-October 1941. Almost the entire institution of language and writing was in Uzbekistan. S. I. Ozhegov remained in Moscow. He developed and read the students of the Penal Institute of the Russian Paleography, duty on night patrols, guarding the native home - afterwards the Institute of Russian. In these years, S. I. Ozhegov performed the duties of the director of the Institute of Language and Writing. Together with other scientists, he organizes a linguistic scientific society, examines the language of military time.

Two brothers remained in Leningrad. Yevgeny's younger brother died before the war, infected with tuberculosis. His little daughter died. When the domestic war began, the middle brother - Boris - due to weak visa, could not go to the front, actively participated in defensive construction and died in blockade from hunger, leaving behind his wife and two young children. Soon the beloved mother was left. But here misfortunes did not end. One day the bomb fell into the apartment where the Boris Ivanovich family lived, and a little brother and mother died in front of a tiny daughter. Sergey Ivanovich took Natasha and raised her as his native daughter.

During the war, colleagues S. I. Ozhegova, not without his help, began to return from evacuation to Moscow. Not returned only by D. N. Ushakov. Tashkent's climate was destructive, he was very tormented by asthma, and on April 17, 1942 he died suddenly. On June 22, students and colleagues honored the memory of D. N. Ushakov at a joint meeting of the Faculty of Faculty of Moscow University and the Institute of Language and Writing. Among the speakers were S. I. Ozhegov. He spoke about the main thing about the life of his teacher, "the Russian language dictionary."

In 1949, publishes the "Dictionary of the Russian Language", which, during the life of S. I. Ozhegov, stood eight editions and every thoroughly refined.

In the 1950s. S. I. Ozhegov creates the center (sector) to study the culture of speech at the Institute of Russian Language of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, which Ozhegov is headed by the end of the life, the central direction of which was the study and propaganda of their own speech. Employees of the sector are radio, advise speakers and theatrical workers. Notes S. I. Ozhegova about the language are published in periodical press, he has a permanent participant in literary evenings in the House of Scientists, attracts writers, artists, artists. Then begin to go out under his editors and in the co-authentication of famous dictionaries of utilities.

At the same time, at the Institute of Russian language, a new periodical edition appears - the popular science series "Culture of Speech", the organizer of which S. I. Ozhegov became the organizer. Here, his young colleagues and students were printed. Attention and respect for Ozhegov to beginner talented researchers invariably attracted people to him. He knew how to see in a person personality, which helped young people who rinsed around him, creatively reveal, picked up and develop ideas and intentions of the teacher.

Another "business of life" S. I. Ozhegova was the organization of the new scientific journal "Russian Speech" (the first issue came out after his death, in 1967) - perhaps the most multi-time from academic journals, which is popular and well-deserved and now .

Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegova was called Russian Barin. He possessed his "guide," had refined manners and always followed his appearance, sitting in a special way and spoke. His appearance was surprisingly harmonious: the priestly face, neat, over the years, a developed beard, the manners of the old aristocrat. Once s. I. Ozhegov, N. S. Pospelov and N. Yu. Swedov, having arrived in Leningrad, asked the taxi driver to take them to the Academy (Sciences). The taxi driver, looking at Ozhegov, went to the ... The Spiritual Academy.

Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegov died on December 15, 1964. He wanted to be buried on the Vagankovsky cemetery in the Christian rite, and madly afraid of cremation. But this desire of Sergei Ivanovich was not fulfilled. And now his dust rests in the wall of the Novodevichy Necropolis. Natalia's daughter Sergeyevna Ozhegova said that Sergey Ivanovich was not religious in the full sense, but Easter holy observed and walked to the vigil in the Novodevichy Monastery ...

"Dictionary of the Russian Language"

Few words

Yuri Dolin

about the "Russian dictionary of the Russian language"

One of the wealth of the Russian national culture of the second half of the XX century. The right "Dictionary of the Russian Language" is considered right. Sergey Ivanovich Ozhegova, the first edition of which was published in 1949. The dictionary, withstood 20 publications in the total complexity (which, it should be noted, a rather rare phenomenon in our lexicography), became a desk book and for every wonder teacher.

We will remind the reader that one-dimensional "Russian dictionary" was conceived and created S.I. Eugene as a special type dictionary, namely, as a regulatory public allowance, designed to promote the culture of Russian speech of broad masters and be a guide to the correct use of words, the correct O6 view of grammatical forms, correct pronunciation and writing words. In this dictionary, the main composition of the modern Russian literary language was selected from the entire variety of the modern Russian literary language, the norms of Russian speech, which established to the middle of our century, was described in a compact and popular form.

Prior to edition of 1992, a one-volume "dictionary of the Russian language" was called the Varuor of Ozhegov. He came out edited by N.Yu. Swedio, which, after the death of S.I. Ozhegova in 1964 continued to work on improving and preparing new editions.

It should be noted that N.Yu. The Swedio was done by a very large lexicographic work, which touched all sides of the Ozhech dictionary: the composition of the Sloven, the interpretations of words, describing the system of their values, litter, grammatical characteristics, illustrations, composition of phraseology. As a result of this, in the new, 4th edition, published in 1972, a lot of changes were made to the subsequent editions, its volume increased significantly. For all this academician Natalia, Julia, Swedovaya, of course, should pay tribute.

At the same time, in the last three editions of this dictionary (1992, 1991, 1990) - now two authors (S.I. Ozhegova and N.Yu. Swedovaya) - in the process of expanding his literature, along with literary words and expressions also included individuals Words and expressions that have always been considered vulgar, obscene. In particular, we are talking about such vulgar words (with the author's mating is spurant, coarse), as shitand asswho are dedicated to individual vocabulary (as if complementing each other).

At the same time N.Yu. Swedov, apparently, relied on the lexicographic experience of prof. I.A. Bodoyna de Kuetea, who, as is known, in the third edition of a four-time "intelligent dictionary of the living Great Russian language" V.I. Dalya, published in 1903-1909, included the so-called "indecent, square words and curses" (in 1991, this version of Dalya vocabulary came out in Russia with a reprint publication). His position I.A. Bodoyna de Courta motivated the fact that the real lexicographer, according to him, cannot "castrate a living language, excluding the" Dictionary of the Living Great Russian "the most" living "and distributed in it."

As you can see, a similar position occupied N.Yu. Swedet in the process of working on a one-dimensional explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. However, agree with this is fundamentally impossible. It is impossible, first of all, because to include such words and expressions in the regulatory explanatory dictionary of the modern Russian literary language, in our opinion, there was no need. This actually led not to the generalization of the Vidney of the Ozhegov dictionary, but rather, on the contrary, to his "clogging". Indeed, in "For information necessary for the dictionary" clearly and clearly states that it does not include "sporing words and expressions with a pronounced rough color" (p. 5) ...

We believe that in this case N.Yu. Swedlega should not be taken example with I.A. Bodoyna de Courtae ...

Application to the dictionary of Ozhegov we are talking about the sensible regulatory dictionary of the modern Russian literary language. Inclusion in such a dictionary of the words of the type of type shit, assand to them like, in our opinion, undermines the traditions of this widely popular and authoritative, one can say around the world, a dictionary designed to promote, first of all, to increase the culture of the widest reader's circles both in Russia and in the categories "near" and " Far "abroad. At the same time, it is impossible not to take into account that in the Answering of the mass reader, a one-volume "explanatory dictionary of the Russian language" continues to be associated, first of all, with the name of prof. S.I. Ozhegova.

Apparently, with the aim of full coverage of the public vocabulary, the institute of the Russian language of the Russian Academy of Sciences should think about the "parallel" edition of the two types of intelligent dictionaries: a modern Russian literary language and a spurant language ...

As for the Ozhegov dictionary, then, given his genre, we believe that it is correct in the preparation of a new publication of a one-volume "intelligent dictionary of the Russian language" to exclude from its composition we have given vocabulary articles, which are clearly fit into it, and to give the dictionary initial "Ozhegovsky" view.

"Russian language at school",
