Constantly I make mistakes in the verbs, ending - on how to go. Help to understand and remember when you need to write a soft sign, and when not.


The incorrect writing of verbs ending on "is" and "" - one of the most common mistakes on the Internet, cutting eyes and spacing the impression even from the best blogs and other sites. Usually they write an extra soft sign: "I like it", "he does not work out." For people who write competently, it does not even arise about whether to write or not write a soft sign, they do it automatically correctly, without thinking. Therefore, a rule for the correct (sorry for some tautologicity) writing verbs, ending on "and" and "is needed" only those who make mistakes. Knowing this "sin", you need to write a word every time you need to write a word with "tsya" and "here" is the rule to remember until one day it will be necessary for you, because you will begin to feel the only true writing without resorting to the rule .

Ask for the verb question (one of these: what does? What will you do? What to do? What to do?). If there is a soft sign in the question, then in the word it is necessary. If there is no soft sign in the question, then there is no it in the word either.

What is he doing? (There is no soft sign) - having fun, tumbling, marry, pressed, learns ...

What (will, wants, intends, going ...) do? (Soft sign is) - having fun, tumbling, marrying, wring down, learn ...

What will do? (There is no soft sign) - it will unwind, will gather, challenge, will call, catchy ...

What to do? (there is a soft sign) - to spoil, get together, tangle, respond, cold ...

If there is a soft sign in the question, then in the word it is needed.

If there is no soft sign in the question, then in the word it is not needed.

Sometimes (very rarely) It is impossible to ask a question to the verb (if there is no suggestion). In this case, feel free to write without a soft sign.

It is not suitable. To "pray" to easily put the question: "What to do?", And to "not suitable" the question cannot be asked - we will be writing without a soft sign.

And several proverbs that will help to feel the difference between "and" ".

Do not spit into the well, will get drunk.

Who is without business, it is impossible to rely on that.

What was marrying, if rye will not be born.

What to praise that people are not suitable.

It is commended - bread is crushed.

Literacy to learn will always come in handy.

As shoes, it is worn.

How to indulge, it is better to scratch silently.

Wolves fear - not to walk into the forest.

Surprisingly, the spelling "tsu" and "me" in the verbs, many cause difficulties. And the mistakes made in these endings are striking. We hope our article will help you avoid them.

The rule is "here", "tsya" in the verbs is studied by the secondary school curriculum. It is very simple.

Mentally put the question before the verifiable word. If there is a soft sign in the question, then it is in the verb.

Examples: "Steel in the sky (what to do) appear clouds "or" in the morning it is necessary (what to do) wash. " In the first and in the second case, there is a soft sign in the missing matters. Consequently, he must be present in the end of the words "wash", "appear." A soft sign is not put in words that questions are asked "what does" and "what will do." For example: "Earth soon (what will do) covered in green grass "or" Mom (what is he doing) learns to cook. " There is no soft sign in these matters, therefore, it should not be in words "Poisy" and "Learn."

But there are nuances. The rules of the Russian language states that the basis of the proposal or its main members is subject to or led in the initial form. However, often, especially in colloquial speech, there are proposals without subject to or without faithful. How to be in this case, after all, without being able to put a question and determine the correctness of writing the end of "tsy" or "here" in the verb? Special difficulties occur when writing words denoting the action in the third person of the only number. For example: "Work - always useful." In this example, the word denoting the action in the third person is "useful", that is, we are talking about a person who does not participate in the conversation and is not defined. The verb in this case is generalized, without appeal to someone specifically.
In such a situation, you just need to remember the rule: if it is impossible to put a question about the verb of the only number of third part, then a soft sign is not used.

Sometimes, there are two words in a row in suggestions that indicate. For example: "The schoolboy tries to learn." Many make a mistake, as they ask one question to two words: "tries" and "learn." For example, the question "what is he doing" It assumes in this situation in both cases to write the ending "tsya", but it will be incorrect. We must be more attentive and not hurry. To one word asks a question "what is he doing" - "tries", and to the second "what to do"- to study.

The grammar of the Russian language is very complex and the differences from most European languages. To write correctly and competently, you need to know the rules, as well as more read fiction.

This opus is devoted to all the strong, independent personalities who love to write illiterate Ahine and tell about the fact that they do not need to learn, they have achieved. "If you are so smart, where are your money?" - asks vulnerable diplomas. You know, in one Irish social network there is a certain system of fines for elementary grammatical disorders. If you exceed the limit, you will spread up with your page forever. It is clear that this social network does not use success and will soon close, as the Irish people are inappropriate, and they do not like it, when some "bastard teaches life, if you are so smart, come out one on one"! But such a rule would have to introduce into all social networks.

Language is one of the foundations of statehood. When the people loses him, he loses his story, his heritage. This is how beautiful to speak. And if you can completely get away from the brakes and say everything as it is, then learn to distinguish the cases of writing, it's up! At least it! To not disgust! Even a five-grader writes literate! There is no shoes under the "Grammar Natsi": This is an elementary attempt to indicate the most common problems when writing. If you want to write an angry comment, write it right, without mistakes. The author will be nice.

P.S. If you find something incorrectly written in the text, it is not me - this is all the masons, 2 classes of church-parish and alcohol. What is the right I have all this to write? And who, if not Brodude?!

This, so to speak, quintessence of all mistakes allowed by millions with a letter. For all "Grammar Natsi" - this is a symbol of the fight for the purity of the language (God, how scary to write next to the word "Nazi" "Cleanliness". I know, I know, for this and the calculation.) As Jeanne d'Ark for the French during the Century War . Although Zhanna did not know how to write at all, and thank God.

In fact, everything is simple to tribality:
- "He is written in the event that the verb answers the question" What does? ";
- "" I am to appear in the verb if he answers the question "what to do?".

- What makes warfolomes?
- Bartholomew is shred in the doorway.
- What should we do then?
- shove together with him.
- I do not want.
- Have to.

Soft sign generally insidious thing. How many words were freer to its presence / absence. Therefore, "b" is important and need to be put:
- in an indefinite form of the verb, called the beautiful word "infinitives": "to see";
- In the end of the verb of the 2nd face of the only number of this or future time: "Pontess" Prior "before friends; fucking in the "Prior" without friends ";
- After consonant in the forms of imperative inclination. True, there are exceptions - "th" and "g": "Lie to the couch, carefully smooth. After rinse your mouth and spit ";
- In the return particle (sfifix), standing after the vowel sound: "Write", "I will swear", "cut down".

In other cases, in the verb terminals, "B" is not put (what does it make? - puts heroin). He loves to blow herdoor in his hand in front of the young lady, but "he blows his arms."

And finally fasten the material. If the word "infinitives" is as alien and not clear to you, as the word "adequacy" by Gauguen Solntseva, that is, a simpler way:

"-" - a return particle, a reduction from "yourself." Saying this form completely, and everything will immediately become clear:
"He loves to wash himself up before a date," you will not say "wash". This is not old.
"It is necessary to wash it in order not to become infamous," - "Namivat" can not be written; "infect".
"Baba in the bath bathe". - "Baba bathe yourself."
"Kuzma came to the bathhouse - Baba ran to hide." "They ran to hide themselves from the Okyanny Kuzma."

Let's consider the studied material based on the old good song Via with the speaker name "HZ":

Friends, let's figure out (what to do? - Disassemble)
And negotiate, (extend)
To whom, when and with whom to fuck, (fuck)
So as not to clog. (There is no such word "cloud")
But when we agree (what will we do?)
And deal, (the same)
That's height
And ... well, you understood.

Now remember the school and perform an exercise for fixing the material. Insert a soft sign where necessary.

Stepanid was offered to remove ... in a film of lightweight.
Feraponte wanted clutch .. and. But the precinct forbade him closer to the stall.
Pantelemon glue .. to Geneviene. Genevienne is hesitating at first .. and later gives it to the manner panthewon.
In the lazy girobass, the roof is a roof.
It does not harm .. and residents in the well. Residents know that it is impossible to harter there. I will drink .. drinking water .. and.

Today, the lesson is finished, goodbye!

We will learn to write correctly ending with the verbs. We define what form of the verb these endings are used.


Lesson:Writing still at the end of the verbs

Learn, learn, student, worries, work, Sinitsa, Street, swim, swim. At the end of words, [CA] is heard. In the words, the student, the tit and street read and spell [CA]. Listed words belong to the noun. There is no difficulty to write these words correctly, because there is no orthogram in these words. As for the writing of the remaining words. All of them are verbs. Hears [ka], but at the end of the verb we will write, "

We divide the words into two groups. We define the form of verbs and ask questions about them.

Bend (what to do?) Uncertain form (infinitive), we write in 1 column.

Afraid (what does it make?) Present, we write in 2 columns.

Keeps (what does it do?) Present, write in 2 columns.

Praises (what does?) Present, write in 2 columns.

Smile (what to do?) Uncertain form (infinitive) We write in 1 column.

Fig. one.

In the verbs of the 3rd person is written, in the verbs of an indefinite form are written.

There is a simple way to determine what exactly needs to be written at the end of the verbs, " If at the end of the question is "t", then at the end of the verb will be written. (What is done? Writing). If at the end of the verb it is worth "h", then at the end of the verb will be (what to do? Stroll).

Exercise 1.Sleep, relax, deeply breathe. Stand, wash, porch eat, jump lightly, and squat sit down. Stand up, jump, laugh, eat, shake, bow, straighten and start work again.

In which words, at the end hears [CA]?

1. (What to do?) To pull - in the question, a soft sign, it means that it is writing it in the verb.

2. (What to do?) Wash - an indefinite form of verb, which means you need to write a soft sign.

3. (What to do?) To laugh - there is a soft sign in the question, it means that I write it in the verb.

4. (What to do?) Consider - an indefinite form of verb, which means you need to write a soft sign.

5. (What to do?) Showing - there is a soft sign in the question, it means that they write it in the verb.

6. (What to do?) To worship - there is a soft sign in the question, write it in the verb.

7. (What to do?) Straighten up - an uncertain form, written with a soft sign.

8. (What to do?) Work - there is a mild sign in the question, then we write it in the verb.

Task 2.

Letter for dictation. Note √ or × the desired cell. Use the algorithm. 1) shut down on the goal;

2) the fog spreads;

3) going to school;

4) need to take care of health;

5) wants to learn;

6) The girl learns;

1. Kalenchuk M.L., Churakova N.A., Baikova T.A. Russian language 4: Academknig / textbook.

2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronon O. Russian language 4: Ballas.

3. Lomakovich S.V., Timchenko L.I. Russian language 4: Vita_Press.

3. Cabinet of the Russian language and literature ()

1. Rewrite. Underline the verbs in the shape of a 3rd face with one feature, in an indefinite form - two. Not for a torch: let me wash it, yes pour it, yes to eat! Soon the fairy tale is downloaded, but it does not soon do it. That in the summer I will give birth, then I will like it in winter. It is not harder to: God prayes, the parents read yes debts to give. The Lord commanded from the ground feeding. The eyes cries, and dares the heart. The crane walks on the swamp, hires into work. Who is not lazy to plow, and the bread is darling. The goods are loved by - the mind is pissed away. Validates - the goods will be partitioned; Nourish - laryrs not to do.

2. Cars dictates. Glages of the 3rd face Write down in the left column, the verbs in Infinitive - in the right. Alien laugh (i.e. misfortune) laugh well: Mixed your own! It does not get an eye with vision, but the mind is wealth. In someone else's dress does not stick. It will notice - learn. Every bird is banging with his pen. Where to cross in wolves, if the tail of the dog. Seine with fire do not lie down. Fart drinking tea is drinking, but no merchant pays. There is time to cry, eat and have fun. Better to stumble nagu, rather than the word. Beware of him, how to brave fire and water. On someone else's good and eyes flare up. Hoping a friend - to disappear. Any master is divided into.

3. Guess the riddles, emphasize the spells, and explain them. It is bowed, bowed - comes home, it stretches. Koching the galley, go far. Two brothers look, and together will not come together. Mother Chern, Daughter Krasnova, Son of the Golanstnik, bending Mountains. Gray cloth stretches out the window. Happy dies, ribbed, and in the night in the corner there. Two brothers bathe, and the third mocking . Was on the apartment, it was on the furnace, was on the circle, was on the fire, became in the bazaar; the young was the one hundred goals fed; Star became - changing.

4. * Find and write down 10-15 mysteries or sayings, or proverbs in which the orfigogram is found to be.

Class \u003d "Clearfix"\u003e

"Let them go and learn - or learn?" Perhaps this error confidently keeps the first place in the rating of the most annoying. It is very disappointed that an annoying typo is often masked under it. It seems to know the rule, but still in a hurry, in a quick correspondence, a soft sign pops up where it is not at all a place. But it is unlikely that the advocate of spelling purity will convince the argument "I had a five in Russian, put a soft sign randomly, trembled her hand." Too noticeable, cuts eyes.

What is the reason for this error? The fact is that in oral speeches do not differ in the pronunciation of infinitives (in other words, an indefinite form) of the return verb, for example, to "learn", and its form of a third party of the singular number - "He (she) will learn."

We'll figure it out when without a soft sign can not do, and when it is clearly superfluous. It's all about a significant part of the word (linguists call it morphoble), which stands at the end of each return verb. This is postfix-okay, according to which the verb and identify as a return. He got inheritance from the Old Russian language. In fact, it is a truncated pronoun "herself". For example, "dress up" means "dressing yourself": the action is directed on the one who makes it closed on it. There is a postfix and other meanings: for example, it shows that the action immediately make several persons ("hugging" by somehow - at least two people hug each other) or that it involuntarily ("borrow") and so on .

What is important? Remember that postfix -s - the special part of the word, her place - after graduation.

To the infinitive of the most ordinary verb to "teach" (what to do?), With a mild sign at the end, they attached - and got the infinitive of the return verb to "learn." Here (suffix infinitive) and -sa (postfix) - different parts of the word, the border goes between them. We will put this verb into the form of a third party of the only number - "He will learn" (what will it be done?): The border will pass between the ending, and the postfix.

But in oral speech, this border is erased: it is also sounded equally like "CA." About myself, "in the mind", pronounce in the same way. Therefore, an error occurs.

How to cope with it? First, separate the postfix from the end of the verb, solve the problem with the help of visualization: you need to imagine how the word is written, and see it. For training you can disassemble several return verbs in composition. Secondly, in school to check ourselves. "Wants (what to do?) To learn" - once there is a question (that is, it is written) a soft sign, put it in the verb. "He certainly (what will it make?) He will learn" - no soft sign, because there is no question in the question (not written). Reception tedious, but effective, helps bring the spelling to automatism.

Sometimes it seems to be a phrase like "I want to learn." In which of the verbs you need a soft sign, and in what no? The question "What is done?" The first verb seems strange. How to be here? Yes, just do not think about the weird question. It's definitely not worth setting it about myself. He clarifies the situation (after all, there is no soft sign in it) and helps to throw the bridge to the second verb: "I want to (what to do?) To learn."

All will definitely work!
