for u ac about in ki


h hellle is set about

n and m. It

schedule to the RPU

and Koh Schke

fu T Lyar CSO Lee.

Vl Agopogl from IT


deputy e n o n o n o

according to the GLA, IT, at ST ANO IN LEV

h A bu cso. For this

about t in e pn u m to lpacho

in Lago in GLA T IT


in the m

cH Yat

with CSO Lee

in Lago according to GLA, IT 67 (Fig.3.7).

O t t of the weight of the village of Azn Ache n for uk an oh oh y, a hell is given a n o th about about chko

me e St and Art and. On the

go lo in ke



which the

n ADE in Ae t na la t la s shn at the same time.

O t m t k and (2


o t v e rt s in the Academy of Sciences

in at t o

about see about t and re m o n t e


pRED DN AZN ACHE N FOR O T E RT in ANI in Lago according to GLA TI.

With the alternative to the prevenue of Azn Achen, for the PT ICRI about PT ICI.

Screw y 2x4


for deputy e n s

in our grandfather

out of service

in the in t about in the priest. He and once in

art about Yke Fu T Lyar Bu CSO Lie on D BKO.



pere in about in

in the slave

about Ko n Cho l Sv E pH u t l

about bv yazat like rto m and

cOP PIT B N A Carabiner, to Fu T. Lyar. Styling

fu t Lyar about Izv about diet

prev Arrit ER flax s shki and clean.

3.10. Fu Tlle Ry.


na Risco P in the treasure in Ayut Xia

dulyum in Ye

(Plast M Asso in E)

fu t Lyary.

In fu t liar

will the Clasta in the Ayute Sia:

cSO SSO, Azim U T Aln Aya

nosada, zip,

fo RM at Liar and Toii. In Fu Ta Lar Pere Risco PA at the treasure in the ae, ne Risco p.

N and ft t liar



cla liku fu t Lyaro in

n and according to clear m.

3.11. And the winters of the tall nozzle n b 1m

Azim U T Aln Aya


about pre-de le n


east Youth Ridian A - by Luce M Ira on the fact that there is a la e n j.

(alpha) and β (be t a) with SV E ZyDi M M E DVI, about the pre-de len ya u t o v


About the renovy and h Asta Poam and Azim Uta Alky Nazadk and Java Vizir 6 (Fig.3.14),

cSA11 CS1 with M EKhanism Om vertical tip and rival 7.

Vizier 6 prevented AVLA T with the boss b c ku b Lyaro m, it is located with a lo n n y in d from GLA M 90 ° C E E O Si, and from the article For DV IZH NO Y I N E DV IZH But I Pob Ey. In the definition of DV IZH BOY, and in Isair about the city of Yat Ku.

Fig.3.14. And the winters of the UT alone nazadk a and n b1m:

6-Vizier; 7-ur Wain; 8-p UK SNF K A; 9th uk; 10-screw; 11-beech Ca cm Ehanism OM VER T IK alone nodder and; 12 screw.

PRI ON RIE NT IRO in the Academy of Sciences in C O LN TSU N A ABOUT AE TSA Alto the head of Also in An N y in about the right to e-t about the filt PN C 10 - with n born n and n and bright e s o ln tse, sv e t about filter r n with 9 -prises weakly y kЕ).

C E T KA in Isair at St Anno in Le Na in the phos of the fact, and about B. Yves A and about Ku Lyar and Prev Avasya T with the borals of the paralle of the flax Jumplast in ku. N A N E Y N E E E CO O R 66 (Fig.3.15) in the idea of \u200b\u200bthe scale, Bo. Biss CT o p 72, kV Adrat 69 and PE CREA 70.

M Ala th BISS CT O P 66 (scale) SERI IT for in in e de n i n e n ore

La, in idiime, I am a member of the Site α o t n o site e lion in Luce M Ira

for Cla Plika Azim U Toshn, n posescape at the CE CE SO WSO and in E RT Ikaln about Y N Av about Dyu in Isair.

PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

gRA BOY IN E RT Ikaln About Y N Av about Dke

in Isyr,

in e pn in t, bu ksa,

to the RPU with, and in the m

sv o bo bottom in the decay of the Aunt Sia.

melting n o th (t about cn about y) n av o dki about Fri and i

in Isir (in

n E SN Achit E flax

pre-lakh in ugh ikaln y x u c) prevenue astana n m khan

in E RT Ikaln y y u in.

in Izira M E DN NO PO B O RTA, Ikaln about th m.

Fig.3.15. VisorVestrazdiya M Al oh M of the Alsessian in the sex of the spectral set to and: 66th Al hu bissek t OR; 67-star α (floor yar ya); 68-sex YUSM IR A; 69 - K Watre AT;

70-pen ek r eat ye; 71 star β; 72-B. Bissek t op.

Roven 7 is escaped at the Rizo Nt Iro in the Academy of Sciences of Azim. He is from the IT of the IT from AM Pu, about the rights of the BKI. AM PU LA in the rights of E is flooded and gypsum m.

3.12. Operational documentation

Technich ESK Description and Institute of Usion on EC SPL Oat (

and E) Pa B-

2a m (Pa b-2a) PRED NSN Ache n s for

iz Na n Azn Achnika, T E HN and Dan n y and


n azn ache n ia, u vlach yst in a and right

operations of Azim U Toshn Na B1m (en b1).

Technical ESK OE Description IIIste p Usion on EC SPL Oat (TO AI E) Pa b-2m

(PA B-2) of the day of Azn Ache n s for measing in



pico Peche's ART ILLE RIYSKOY CSO WE P AB-2M (P AB-2).

F and M Ul Yar to Lzh E N of Art about Yang

n Aho Dit under the CSO. In the coherence


fo RM in Liar.

In the CE record in Fo PM at Lara to Lz n s

about Iz about dit

pH ialam and

about t che t liv o

and Akt Rat N about. According to Dchuch ki, according to the Arki and

it is equipped with the pool.

3.13. N robbing izolip a b -2a m

PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

I. Po in E RCA Ak Mouth



priest M.

n about cn o e

n e o bn dim about


member of the st b.

Pro in e rit

kki m y y pn y x

bat Ara Yach;

e if

zn ache n ie


n e o bn dim about

about Izh e art and their

by driving with a voice in the art.


bo e in about

1.Ust an o in IT

at the art about yat

in s t e

t ak, what about u to bed

slave t

sBU SSO Lew (Fig.3.10 and 3.11).

For this

n E about BHO Dim about in LN IT I follow



88 (n izh n y

lamb) zazh them about in

87 and, in the city of Dvor

n and T D B E M at Yulan y, the village of Pete Sikh Zazh them AM and 87 (n Izh n im and lamb and);

DOS AV IT ON NO GU, about it

in oz at khmkm aki 91 n o f to in


n and the Bashma Aki, and Thal Yang at T) 85 Charper Iro in E Rhnes and Barashka and;

Pro in e rit of ae rn about art and kle n p ia cups 84 in

go to 82 t re n about gi (n and lzh but

would be ovuft a).


sam e n o m

deputy Rzsche M

gRU N T E,

they are

in b b

t in and in and

n E RO


would h hello


bumps aki t re n o gi

n E about BMI DIM about the previe arrh eh flax

sde Lat b


If the approach is a work of working in the aia

n E to Puzkyzing their draw an oh in ki t re n about gi,

t about the following

in the e pn, t iazkhka from ton ny, n al o ass n and a row

80, and in the decoration of a cup by

ho Du Solo in the city of the village, in the e pH of

de re in about, neuly t in e rty yu t.

2.Ust an o in IT BBB CSO Lv Cax. La I am about BHO Dim about in LN ILL

About T Calt BF Flah and in N at T BBU SSO;

In the arts of AV IT B CSO Scho in about th pyh about th in a cup

and, I will come RJ Yves Aya E. in about

the rights about th prev arrh

83 (Fig.3.10) cups;

by king Aya

prev Arrit e flax

clap n n y yu


to bits

at st an o in ki

posh Ryka.

sharo in about go in n i

to Lies in x x


head e pn u t

83 to Ko N Centa, nu Vluda for under lo

posh Ryka.

3. Introduction in IT

n and m about but ku liar bo

work is due to

in Kry T Iya)

and the foot of Pete b

n Aibo

in the bottom m

lozh e n

(in E RT Ikally or

n Aklo n n),


in Kry T Iya. For this

n e o bn dim about

in LN IT


About T Calt B Flap and in N at T and Risco P;

At st an o in IT

n y f n o e

lozh e n

p. P.

m about n about ku liar and

head e pn u t

71 (Fig. 3.9).

4. Protection (Fig.3.13)

bO E E E E E N E N I. D LA.

this is about BHO DIM

cAP EN GRT107, in the arts of AV IT, Khar102 Shv E Lle 108 in

about t in e mouth

su Kharya 111.

shv e Llya 104.


sBU SSO Lew in

n about cn o e in the reality of it. For this

n E about BMO Dim about in LN IT ILL

PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

About t st e bs u t

poo in Izu

100 (Fig. 3.12 and 3.13);


In about about about yes


to Lo DKO CKI M South Bat Ara and 93;

At st an oh in IT in e hu 98 (Fig. 3.12) n and t u bo bes about but ku liar and the village Pit b zazh them n s m

in the in t about m uh u t a 99; in the key

in ei software in about rto o m

rU to Yat ki 95;

U ST An about in IT L N A "LAST O CKIN

kH about st "Ko RPU SA M about but ku Lyar and

n and n activink 115

(Fig.3.13) Rea Yki PO N 97 (Fig.3.12 and 3.13) Lam

cE T KI, prevail arrh

n and Pros Lka Pat RO N A LAM PO

and fixed in at b string

in the groasses "Last about Chkin a

kh about st a "and n activists. In the key

by in about rto o m

rU to Yat ki 95;

For about the name of the IT of the IT LKI 15 (Fig. 4.4) and the scale of the CSO of whether in the e pH of

rU KO YAT 95 (Fig. 3.12) Pat RO N A 96 PE REON BOY.

3.14. SpecificationsWallochloride Waying Bussolyip A b -2a m

on DDD RZ AN ia

room N about m

with st oang ii

at st anv liv ayut sm

following the idea of \u200b\u200bourselves about BSLL W YV ANI:


E a b n o n o e

t E HN ICH E about BSLL W YV An Ye (ETO);




t e hh and school

about BSLL W YV An Ye

about in about diet b


chern, Zan Yat Iy), A T Akh E N E

two, if the misfortune was performed.

Those hnch school

about BSLL W YV An Ye

№ 1 ON RA pro in about diet


№ 2 Prior Profi about in about diet

about dn about turns in dv a

R Abo t s


TO-2) In the LN, Smiling personal

with stuck about m,


clap n a


ru Ko in about dst in about m

ko en diro in

according to the teased, the Sprivist about in part and. R ABOUT YOU-TO-2 V LNS of the Smet Calisist AM and M Ast E RSCI.

3.15. To the ontrub OSM Otrbu Susolip A b -2a m

1. H A Troya OSM from R PR Ebor A.About Izhe Art and N Arua, about see about the t p. PO in E RIT LKO LEK LAKO KRAO CHN ON GRA TIA AND ON PT SCIENCE DE T ALEH C ST ACCESS. About Y Rito Cla in, Rememne and Drue Death.


and z and p.

To inspect

kO M Pole Kt N about Art and with the PM Lyaro.

PR Over the wholesale Ich ESK there is a alone. Pro in the eg and about see and in the city of Rhn

lin s about ku Lyar,


lee and dirt.

Pi about see about t d lin s o ku liar and

o BE E CT Yves a


PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

in n u t re nn, they are in E PHNO.

Pari nyceniy in lags

deputy IT Lago in GLA T II

4. PR Over

m Ekhanism s. In the defect e n y m m m in ICHKO


le gko st and

ho yes, at the arts of the city of Khan changed a variation of

m E Khan Im

oh of change

rizo nt aln y x and in ugh ikaln y y u in. Po in E Rita, Zarret T IRO in An N and Le Magn, Inta Sta Lka.

5. PR OVER K A R Abot Plugs and lighting. PO in E RCU about in about diet b according to claim 7



Po in E RKK about in about diet b:

Pere d in Ho to M N and Kh Nya, Zan YaT, st llava;

Na Rio Ducce Ski, about Dean - and the times of the ME;

changes to the dissolution;

When pro in the e de n and e-jn, about BSLL W YV An Xu.

1. Introduction Anovk A w am

P about the department t o in IT b CSO

rabota T e. By in about rationa

in E RhN Yu Whether

go rizo n t alillo

by in the same length e about the circuit


lozh e n

posh Ryka. In the following


on in about ro t a in about zdu shched

sharo in about go

rO V N Y N E

to Lzh E N SM

o t ne pv o n achalin about

by Lo Gue

de La Nya Sharo in about go to Po in n i (0-01) in but in the seconds of the CSO and BRE 2/3 of the tse n y de le n i (0-02) in the SSO e clams and Gar Tons and Sroy Cams and (Mia of the National

rizo nt aln y y u in bo le e 1/3 tse n s de le n ya in n o r o n i in n o in x u oo lip and bo le e 2/3 tse n In De Le nya in CSO SSO System and SRO CAM and SRO Kam and).

2.uro Avnoves Annoste Lm Agnit Noy St R ate

Mouths an o in IT in a cup of ton but gi uso

sharo in about m u rk n y and the village Pit b e e.

R Azarre T IRO in AT L MN

still Lka. C o in m е ст и о и о и ман ин и о ст

in de CSR. In e art and

m agn IT well

sti Lka from under Lo F


in the bottom of Sia

k n e n o n o n o g

(about t in e rt ku

etc.). From Cloe N E NO KO in M \u200b\u200bTag IT N about

art Lki.


in terms of

railing but in e o


ko le ban)

in s and t e o t but sit e flax about st and in de cso in up to Lzhn o would

0,5m M (approx ei n and t o ls in at m agn IT LKI).

3.Oe Dzoob Asia Pok Azani M Agnit Noah

P about the DGI T about in CU CO OSO to pro in E RCA pro in e and according to claim 2. In the ek and m of the car IT N at the village of Rais but in ei, on the bottom of the village of Ki n i n o n o g (o t in E RT ku, etc.). KO N TSI MINT ITH NO NO TEP RECE IN AT BOP IN E RHN OK YIN DE CSR B, and CE in e pH

PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

4. M ETO of the move in from the Somet of the Mr. Ekhanism E Izonia Mountains of Isons Al Yanyugl

m Ekhanism I am a change of infection of VER T IK Al Yanyugl

The mouth of the an o in the IT CSO

sharo in about m y

rO B N Yu. D LA.

about pre-de le n

in e-omno oh o t n o n o m khan changed a change of aln y x u glasses in

nE about BMI DM OI BIR BIR EV of RAM and RAM and, in Dale N N Y Y Y N E

100 m. In the defects of Mr. Ohcho to

38 (Fig.3.6) o t now

m E Khan changed a change of

rizo nt aln y u in GLO in

st o rh y, in two


what a th about chque

in Dale N but

prev dm e t a and


bu cso flax

Trem, in the defects of Mr.ho in ICHO to in t about m

n omen le n vi, sv e st and be a cc

n AB about Dy. Change of

h Ramba Le N

in the rally e n ia m


well about the chquea n Av about DKi SDRU, ST about RO and SH about in and CN Yat and so t under the CSO LH M

R azn about st bdv at x o t cry

in the licho y eg oh oh ho yes. Pro in E Ryat bm e rt

about t crystron amend


scale Bo Cso Lín about th groa boss 28 (Fig.3.5)

che 15-00.

M E RT in Ho D M Chan changed Ikaln y x u in the pro in e rint b an alo -

roms about

m aho in ICHO

m E Khan change

of course, Ikaln y y y u in.

D about PU Article of Aya in the Licin A Me E RT in Oh Ho Yes o t now

m E Khan changed a change of

zo nt aln y y u in

and m khan changed a change of ikal y x u in in in

n o in x bu uso

up to 0-01, in CSO SSO SIST and GAR T X M and SRO Kam and to 0-02.

For elimination

m E Khan changed

in the limits of M E RT in


change of GLA in

about tse cs.

operation in the following


m about n about ku liar

for DV about diet b. Bran but y t about the chquea n Av about Dyu in the CE GDa from the day of the city of Art.

5. Introduction Anovk A M eating and zero


n in la (m 0) n aza in ae t x about so

and 36 meters khan change

change of

in rt ikaln y x


in Isior Aya

m about but ku liar

rizo nt aln a.


prev to s sht b 0-01 (about PT and Skye

m about n about ku liar

must be

paralyla Lín A.

rizo nt a and

in ho diet

in E Licin y 0-01).

M e st o n o la pro in e rt

about Brazo M:

U st an o in IT and 100 m

pro in e hu, n and k about rh sde lat l

n and r in n e v i r o bd e ct yea m o n o ku liar n hell z m le th th;



o t think at b

scales 33 and 36

m E Khan changed a variation of ikaln y x

ya l n aclo n and a1;

Understanding the m and f ...

n and in eh sde lat yv t about ru u m t k ku



m o n o ku liar n and in t about ru y e t ku and cn yat b in e rt ikaln

In the village of La in the PM PM, Le:

PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

A 1 + A 2

M 0 \u003d.

a1 and a1 and

A2 with Him and Zn Aaks and;

If about each, what about M 0 N E is riot, n o n o e either

cheat s in AT

in the Fortal Eshesk, or the Sprobo, or the IT ENG, IT IT.

La in e rn about go

according to the GI SN about Art and E about BMO Dim about

covered Mn I

right ilo:

"For Lo F E Flah about liner M 0 in Chit Ae T SAY from the state of the world, a change of

ot Ritsat e flax of additives.

For la in stars, st and:

U ST An o in IT and the scales 33 and 36 meters are changed, Ikaln y x in GLo in zn Ache n ie 0;

Oh LAKITS BT in In T and 66 (Fig. 3.7) N and T about RCC M ICO in Ichka 42 and, come Rzh Yves Aya,

in the e pn u t o lp

33, at St Anno in Yves

n and n e n about Thereafter

in the in t s n and t about Rze

m Aho in Ichka head e pH u t.

6.Par al l ate bopot Ich Egg Eggsa

Rico p, u st an o in len n y y n and m about but ku lare, n e

deputy but

changes in N. Yat

lin Ii in Isiro in the Academy of Sciences.

Po in E RCU about t closer into Isiurn about go about in about diet AK:



n e near e

UT An oh in IT YV E RT Ikaln about ne Risco PN about N about Ku Lar.

Pari about T SU T STE in AI De FE CT about in in Per Risco Pog's Pozh e n I T about chka n Av about DKa N

sME SKE C C C C QU SOS; be sim and about bn aruh e n o


change of ov

in e lyrics

h Ramba Le N


on flaza yas

m E Khan changed AM and, on the scales.

Wholesale and Skye


in eg ikaln about n a

m about n about ku liar, up to Lzh N a

will the paralle of flax about PT and

about si m about n about ku liar

zo nt aln about y and in the rt of ikally? D about PU Article of Aya in the Licin A O T Cvelops 0-01.


rabo T A bit

night time.

pro in e rk

about st

n e o bn dim about

in the e pH of the river

(Fig.3.12 and 3.13) and

make sure,

what about go

lamf Pya, at the station in len n s

pAT RO 96

pere n about sh about

pat RO 97 Lamp

civo and in e x 98. if lamp

go rhyt, t about

n E about BMI Dim about about in e rit b

cake M South about the pH

bAT ARE YU; if a

lamp, ZN Achit

and their n y f

deputy Into M and M and.


n e o bn dim about

deputy Eat

affairs E N AKK M Sk M is on pH

bat Arch. Affairs E N JK M. ARA is about the pH of X BAT ARE Y N E.

8. And the use of color and run from IT, I Agivl Agopogl from IT

P about see about t

see about

in Lago in GLA T IT

67 (Fig. 3.7) and about the brother IT


n and color

according to GLA TI

in lags. Pari



PDF Created with FinePrint PDFFactory Pro Trial Version

nE about BMO Dim about deputy. P about GLA TI E E Lva Lagi (Silichage (Silichage) to Lzh E N E T O.

9.n Adezh Nost Lk p Eplition Bussol Yves h Ash to E (Support E) T R En howl

Head e pn u

u on Ra in th lo in ku

(Fig.3.10) A cup of 84 tons but gi. Pro in e rit b, n e t

whether pitching cups, ko gda e-lka 80 n aho diet in

dress. Lands an o in IT

at st o

in about n and ze m le and tapping Pit b in in t about m



up to

zazh them n o m in in t e


and on in about rations at k in a cup t re n about gi, and zazo p

m e f dv y y, I am in AM and cups to Lzh E N would be 1.5 to 4 m.

3.17. P ravilaching bu oslip a b-2A M.

D. in the art about the beginning of the beginning of the city and about in about in and about the lzh

out of BMO Dim about

iln's rights about Khran IT

sv o in re m e n o u st rf yat

n about Art and, ZN ATT, ST RO YST in O and with a dishes of the Operation.

N ri

khran E n Ai bd to Lzh En No Dit

sV E T LO M,


To athentic


khran IT


and in n e vs dst in e n o n's nearby

ne th, radiat about ro

h Agra in AT E E FL. SSO CSO HRAN IT in CE GDA in Fu T T LARE N A LCE, st o me.


according to me,

where is the strang of Yat, telly,

st aln

and f e g

pre-dm e t s

n aho diet n and dist o y y n e m

oSO Lee. CRO M E T O Oh, in this

understanding to lzh, it would be either

or any other chemical Ikat about in.

It is forbidden to the store of IT Bakku m Uhl, the SBO of the SSO and.


razy agn yucing

m agnit n about

st box in about

khran e n ia

fu t Lyar SBU SSO Lew lagat b T ac, what about

m agn i n aya station would paralle ln a

m agn i n o m u


khran e n ia

would be about b b about in, with them

m of the MA IT N Y E and Ele Kt Ricce La.

khran e n ia

prombo r about in e rint b in o

with "PE E. CNM

about CH about in n y x

pro isch at the same time with st o y yi, the CSO Lee P Ab-2am (see clause 3.16).

3.18. Rue Task

Changes eating b Dzop oang to set n y x

t och to n and m and st and on Faln about m e pn

cEO scales;

About the pre-lid of nzn acha n i sin u in u in GLo in;

By breaking AT BAT ARE and;

About in e-shiv at n about n o e n wrong len y

stil lily before Zan Yat Iya about Gni in about

may cause

n aruh neck

cle Ple n ia

about PT and de t ale,


about PT ICH SIST E M S, in


what's a bond

R azitat b

probr V.

on the tease of le n i

permitted. For a d l l l i n i t o

working TE Sprobo RO M

and for Changing E N

room about BHO DIM

in s ln yat b

after the right of il rights.

Pari at st ano in ke

cSO Lie


thu n and t about cn about the cauldron

m agn IT NO

stillions in the cruis

well, e and st aln

prev dm e t s. Such

liya, like

about RU DIA, AV T O M Ashin, Re Lsa, etc., to Lz n s

n aho dit

10 m; pre-dm e t s

wITH DN E Y B E Licin

(uh e cork m

about ru i

casque, Ko RO BKA

about T IV O GAZ, etc.) - N e near

0.5m; M.

pre-dm e t s (Karm Anni Fo N Arena, ru chka,

t e le fo n n s about in about d, etc.)

N E is short. E 20 cm.

In co in about ox


in Liyan Ie

n and M agn IT N

stite LCU CSO Lee N and Dasta about Yang Ai De Saty Co., and ino, and generally and with t e n m.

For la in tn

scales, a tosh e with n o de n i

m o n o ku liar n and in bran n y y t about chku

n and m echn about st and m ohhh in the Ichka M E Khan change

in the Razchi at b

st o ro n y.

Both re ghats and the RV Yachn s e m khan change

by in re fig

N E to PU Skat y y Daro in

che RV Yaka

che RV Yachn about m at Ko le Su

when in the key n ii, for

kzhaz n y

rU Ko Yat Ku

about t in about dku lp skat l

on LN about go

in Ho F

n ara zki che rv yak in

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For master's programs (1):

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It presents the essence, the purpose and function of corporate finance, consider aspects of the adoption of financial and investment solutions, financing projects, planning and budgets of capital investments, assessing financial efficiency, the structure of companies.

The purpose and objectives of the discipline The purpose of this course is to state the main content of the discipline "Corporate Finance"; consider the system of basic methods of managing various aspects of financial activities; contribute to the assimilation of students of the new financial management paradigm; form the logic of making management decisions in the field of financial activities; Familiarize with modern financial instruments.

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Topic 1.1 Cost and alternative costs Introduction to the theory of the present value.

Justification of the rules of the net present value. Estimation of long-term assets. Acquaintance with perpetual rent and annuity. Complex percentage and summarized value.

Topic 1.2.

The reduced value of the bonds and shares assess the value of the bonds. Evaluation of ordinary shares. Calculation of capitalization rates. The relationship between the price of the promotion and profit is per share. Assessment of business value by the method of discounted cash flow.

Topic 1.3.

The advantage of the net present value above other criteria when choosing investment solutions Overview of basic concepts. "Competitors" of a clean summary value. Payback.

Average profit in the balance sheet value of assets. Internal rate of return. Profitability coefficient, or benefit-cost ratio.

Topic 1.4.

The adoption of investment solutions on the method of a clean summary value of discounting questions. Separation of investment solutions and financing decisions. Mutual influence of projects. The choice of capital investment programs in the conditions of limited resources. Modeling selection in the conditions of limited capital.

Section 2. Risk Topic 2.

1. Introduction: Risk, income and alternative costs Brief history of the capital market. Measuring the risk inherent in the investment portfolio. Calculation of portfolio risk. The influence of individual securities on portfolio risk. Diversification and consideration rate.

Topic 2.2.

Risk and income is the birth of the portfolio theory. Communication between risk and income. Reliability and role model for assessing long-term assets. Some alternative theories.

Topic 2.3.

Long-term investment planning and risk measurement of the beta coefficient. Capital Structure and Company Costs for Capital.

An example of calculating capital costs. Determination of the discount rate. Alternative view of the risk and flow of money.

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Section 4. Decisions on financing and market efficiency Theme 4.

1. Financing of corporations and six market efficiency lessons The difference between investment solutions and financing decisions.

Effective capital markets. Six lessons of market efficiency.

Topic 4.2.

Overview of corporate financing sources and securities emissions Ordinary shares. First look at the debts of corporations. Preference shares. Convertible securities. Models of financing corporations. Venture capital. The first public offer of securities. Normal offer of securities with open-type companies. The role of the subscriber. Private placement.

Privileged subscription or emission rights.

Section 5. Dividend Policy and Capital Structure Theme 5.

1. General Basics of Dividend Policy and Debt Management Policy How Dividends are paid. Decisions on the payment of dividends. Disputes about dividend politics. Right radicals. Taxes and left radicals. Centrists. The effect of leverage in the competitive economy without taxes. The impact of financial dependence on profitability. Traditional approach. Mm and a model for estimating long-term assets.

Corporate taxes. Taxes on company profits and income of individuals. Costs of financial difficulties. Explanation of the choice of financing policy. Choosing a coefficient of debt capital.

Topic 5.2.

The relationship of investment solutions and financing decisions The method of adjusted summary value. Adjusted discount rate as an alternative to the adjusted summary value. The formula of the weighted average costs of capital.

Section 6. Options of corporate commitments and an estimation of the cost of options.

Various combinations of "collov", "ways" and shares. What determines the cost of options. Model for estimating the cost of options. The value of subsequent investment opportunities. Option for refusal of the project. Option for timing. Essence of Warranta. The essence of the convertible bond. The difference between warrants and convertible bonds.

Section 7. Debt financing Classical theory of interest.

Temporary structure and yield to repayment.

Explanation of the temporary structure. Accounting for the risk of failure to fulfill obligations. National bonds, foreign bonds, Eurobonds. Contract for a bond loan. Property and priority. Repayment terms. Restrictive reservations.

Innovations in the bond market. Project financing. Extract from bond emission prospectus. Heading technique. Duration and variability.

Heading with futures. Forward contracts. Swap. Heading with options. Leasing.

- & nbsp- & nbsp-

Basic textbook Brelie R., Maeirs S. Principles of corporate finance. - M.: ZAO "Olymp - Business", 1997.

W. Megginson, S. Smart, L. Gitman Corporate Finance 2nd Edition. Thomson, 2007.

Basic Literature Basovsky L.E. Financial Management: Tutorial - M.: Infra-M, 2002.

Blank I.A. Financial management: Training course. - K.: ELG, Nika Center, 2004.

Body Zvi, Monta Robert Finance. - M.: Publishing House "Williams", 2004.

Additional literature Aacher D. Strategic market management. - SPb.: "Peter", 2002.

Van Horn D., Vakhovich J. Basics of financial management. - M.: Ed. House "Williams", 2001.

Marshall D., Bansal V. Financial Engineering: Full Financial Innovations Guide. - M.: Infra-M, 1998.

PERAR J. Financial management with exercises. - M.: "Finance and Statistics", 1998.

Ross S., Westerfield R., Jordan B. Basics of corporate finance. - M.:

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World Intellectual Property Organization


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In this issue, the annually published brief review WIPO contains up-to-date information and specific examples of the organization for 2010. Each of the sections discloses the contribution of various programs to achieving our strategic goals and are examples of the latest projects and results.

WIPO, the specialized institution of the UN system, is authorized to ensure the functioning of a balanced, affordable and efficient intellectual property system (IP). Due to the fact that, under the influence of a rapidly changing environment, this system is experiencing serious loads, with its priority as the Director General, I consider the measures necessary for WIPO to answer the aspirations and the needs of its Member States.

Work in the organization is carried out on a variety of areas, which will include both our traditional, basic activities and new tasks. The latter is among the search for creative use of innovation to solve problems associated with climate change, food security and public health, as well as the development of the global IP infrastructure focused on the satisfaction of all major IP system requirements.

Efforts to facilitate the use of IS developing and least developed countries: WIPO Development Agenda ensures the inclusion of the principles and activities related to development in WIPO programs.

The fundamental components of WIPO's work are to facilitate the best understanding and greater respect for the IP, along with the help of informed international discussions on IP. A brief overview of WIPO is designed to explain in ordinary terms, as WIPO functions, and how, together with Member States, we try to support the development of a comprehensive international IP system that can respond to modern realities and challenges of tomorrow.

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What is IP?

Intellectual property is associated with the creations of the mind. It is divided into two categories:

Industrial property includes:

patents for inventions Trademarks Industrial Samples Geographical Note

literary and artworks (for example, books, films, music, architecture, art) rights of performers on their execution, manufacturers of phonograms (as well as CDs and files in MP3 format) on their records and organizations of airtal broadcasting on their broadcasts and television programs.

John Silver Alexander Raths Oleg Filipchuk Jonathan Hill Fernando Alonso Herrero IP system regulates possession of photos: with these intangible assets, their distribution and exchange, allowing the creators or "owners" of the rights to extract certain benefits from their work or make profits from investment in creative process. Thus, the IP system performs its fundamental task - to stimulate and distribute innovation and creativity and promote market stability. Innovation and creativity play an increasing role in finding a solution to such brewing global problems, such as climate change, food security and public health.

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WIPO is a leading intergovernmental organization specializing in supporting and using IP. A variety of types of its activities include:

Implementation of the administrative functions of multilateral treaties and implemented with Member States to support the development of the international legal framework of IP Provision of services in global protection systems that simplify international protection for new inventions, brands and industrial samples and reduce the cost of this process; Provision of services for arbitration, mediation and other types of alternative dispute resolution assistance to governments and organizations in the development of national strategies in the field of IP and innovation, in the preparation of the relevant legislative framework, the creation of infrastructure and human potential necessary to use IP capabilities in the process of economic development simplifying the distribution of work between IP departments; Development of open databases of registered trademarks, industrial designs and technical information contained in technical information to facilitate knowledge access. Improving IP awareness, improving IP understanding and strengthening respect to it work in partnership with the UN and other organizations to identify solutions based on ICs capable of Being a response to challenges such as climate change, food security, public health and other global problems in this summary are covered by the main areas of WIPO activities, grouped in accordance with the strategic objectives of the Organization, and are examples of the latest key events and results.

How WIPO works

WIPO was created in 1970. After the entry into force of the WIPO Convention from 1967, having received the mandate from its Member States to promote the protection of IP worldwide through cooperation between states and interacting with other international organizations.

The first contracts in the field of IP Paris Convention on the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883 is the first major international agreement designed to help inventors from one country to ensure the protection of their intellectual creations in other countries in the form of industrial property rights.

bern Convention on the Protection of Literary and Artwork, the first multilateral agreement in the field of copyright, entered into force in 1886. The purpose of the Convention was to provide assistance to citizens of its states in obtaining international protection of their right to control the use of their literary and artistic works and receive remuneration for him.

wIPO member states determine the strategic orientation and approve the activities of the organization. Delegates of Member States are found at the Assemblies, within the framework of committees and working groups. Currently, the members of WIPO are 184 states.

68 Intergovernmental organizations (MPOs) and 271 Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are accredited at WIPO meetings as observers.

The main policy makers forming WIPO Policy are the WIPO General Assembly and the WIPO Coordination Committee. In addition, by some agreements whose administrative functions perform WIPO, the Assembly of the Relevant Unions are established, for example, the Assembly of the Union of PCT and the Assembly of the Madrid Union. By the decision of the General Assembly for a specific purpose establishing constant committees. For a detailed consideration of a permanent committee or any of the Assemblies to the creation of a working group.

The WIPO Secretariat is located in Geneva. Its staff representing more than 100 countries includes experts of all areas of the rights and practice of IP, as well as specialists in public policy, economics, administration, translation and information technologies (IT).

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WIPO cooperates with other organizations and specialized UN system agencies in Geneva and around the world in order to introduce an effective contribution to its activities in the UN initiative and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Among partner initiatives WIPO:

the external Bureau of WIPO in New York, Singapore and Tokyo, providing assistance in building relationships with numerous international, regional and national partner organizations of external relations, providing a consistent organizational approach to external community relations, including UN and other international organizations to mobilize extrabudgetary Resources by searching for new partners and potential donors able to provide additional resources to finance development projects Voluntary WIPO Fund created to ensure the active participation of indigenous and local communities in the discussions of the Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property, Genetic Resources, Traditional Knowledge and Folklore (ICGR)

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Development Agenda - Recommendation 2 Applies to the need to provide additional assistance through donor financing (the creation of trust funds and other voluntary funds specifically in the interests of LDCs) to facilitate the legal, commercial, cultural and economic use of IP with priority attention to financing activities in Africa.

wIPO, WTO and TRIPS with entry into force in 1995. Agreements on commercial aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS Agreement) of the World Trade Organization (WTO) began a new era in the history of multilateral protection and protection of IP rights. The provisions of the TRIPS Agreement concerning copyright and related rights, patents, trademarks, geographical indications, industrial designs and topology of integrated circuits complement international treaties whose administrative functions perform WIPO; The TRIPS Agreement contains specific references to some of these treaties.

the agreement between WIPO and the WTO on cooperation in the implementation of the TRIPS Agreement entered into force in 1996. and concerns, in particular, issues of notification of laws and legal acts and legal support of member countries. The allocation of assistance to many developing countries (with a special focus on LDCs), which must be fulfilled by the TRIPS obligations to 2013. And by 2016. With regard to drugs.

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The work of the three permanent committees of WIPO refers to specific areas of law: the first is considering questions of patent law, the second - copyright, the third - trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. The Intergovernmental Committee (ICGR) studies issues of IP due to genetic resources, traditional knowledge and traditional folklore / culture expressions. Committees include delegates representing the Governments of Member States, as well as representatives of IGOs \u200b\u200band NGOs participating in meetings as accredited observers. In addition, many representatives of indigenous and local communities take part in the work of the IGC.

WIPO performs the administrative functions of a number of contracts that offer internationally agreed law, obligations and general standards in the field of protection of IP rights under the balance of the Balance with the interests of the general public. The organization actively encourages States to join these agreements and apply their provisions. A large-scale accession to contracts and their consistent implementation make it possible to preserve the stability of the international environment, create confidence in respecting the rights of IP throughout the world, stimulate investments and contribute to economic and cultural development.

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Permanent Patent Law Committee (PCP) of the first task established in 1998. The Committee was negotiating the conclusion of the Patent Law Agreement (PLT) and the Administrative Instructions on the harmonization of formal requirements and procedures. PLT was adopted in 2000. and entered into force in 2005.

In 2001 The discussion of the new regulatory document, the draft agreement regulating the material norms of patent law (SPLT) began. The aim of the Treaty was to be the harmonization of the material norms of patent law with an emphasis on the definition of the prior art, the novelty, the inventive level / obviousness, industrial applicability / utility, compiling and interpretation of the claims and the requirement of the adequacy of the invention.

Despite the fact that in some areas delegations managed to reach agreement, the consensus for a number of issues was impossible.

In 2006 Member States suspended negotiations on SPLT, having considered that the time to coordinate the PCP work plan has not yet come.

In June 2008 The work of the SCP resumed with the discussion of the report on the state of the international patent system, which contained a review of relevant international patent issues, covering various needs and interests of Member States. In 2009 Discussions on the SCP developed in a number of parallel directions. The Committee ordered five studies: on exceptions and restrictions, including in the context of nationwide policies, socio-economic conditions and development; technical solutions for expanding access to patent information and its distribution; technology transfer; on objection systems. Discusions on these issues continues.

Exceptions from patentable objects of exclusion from patentable objects will differ significantly in various national and regional legislation. However, in many countries to exceptions include the following categories ::

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Permanent Committee on Trademarks, Industrial Samples and Geographical Indications (SCT) PCT negotiations led to adoption in 2006. Singapore Treaty on trademark laws establishing simplified and harmonized administrative rules for registration of trademarks. It is especially mentioned by non-traditional signs of signs, such as hologram signs, signs of movement, color signs and signs that do not consist of visual designations, and there is no compulsory registration.

The Singapore Agreement recognizes the advantages of electronic application for registration and electronic notifications, and at the same time, the distinguished needs of developing and developed countries are taken into account. An integral part of the contract is the obligation of developed countries to provide technical and other assistance to developing and least developed countries to strengthen their institutional capacity so that they can more benefit from the contract.

SCTs identified the areas of further development of international legislation in the field of trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications. An in-depth analysis of the legislation of Member States and the practice of their trademark departments was carried out in connection with the registration of volume, non-ferrous, sound and such signs, as signs of movement and location, hologram signs, slogans, olfactory, tactile and taste signs. According to the results of work, the SCT has identified a number of coinciding positions regarding the image and description of non-traditional signs that can serve as a guidelines for trademark departments, as well as for the owners of trademarks and practitioners who seek to use new marketing and advertising techniques that require flexibility in identification methods. goods and services. At held in June 2010. Meeting of the Working Group, within the framework of the Singapore Treaty, members agreed to determine the standards of images of surrounding signs, hologram signs, location signs, movement, color and sound signs. The Working Group decided to recommend the Assembly of the Singapore Treaty, meeting in September 2010, make a change in the instructions for the Singapore Agreement to include compulsory standards for these signs.

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specific geographical origin with special qualities or reputation in connection with this place of origin (for example, "Prosciutto Di Parma"

Parma ham from the Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy). Despite the fact that GU undoubtedly have value as a marketing tool, at the international level there is no single opinion regarding the optimal method of their protection.

wIPO encourages the use and protection of GU and supports Member States, no matter how the approach they elected within the applicable international regulatory framework. The organization conducts regional and international symposia on various issues related to GU, and organizes forums on which stakeholders get the opportunity to exchange information and experience.

state emblems, official stamps of control and emblems of intergovernmental organizations since 2009. All signs protected in accordance with Article 6Ter of the Paris Convention and reported by the Parties to the Convention or WTO Members through WIPO are freely accessible to the "6ter Express" database.

Conventions on copyright and related rights are regulatory documents that ensure the protection of the rights of authors, performers, producers of phonograms and organizations of terrestrial broadcasting and contributing to the cultural and economic development of countries. Copyright and related rights play a decisive role in the protection of the rights of various sides and their contribution to the cultural industry, and in regulating relations between these parties and the public.

The work of the charter is devoted to the development of international norms and standards in the field of copyright and related rights. At its December session in 2009. The Committee decided to accelerate the work on the exceptions and limitations from the copyright in the interests of blind and persons with reading difficulties. In this regard, in June 2010. The PKAP noted the progress in implementing practical measures that make access to published copyright materials in accessible formats and within a reasonable time. This includes the current work on the partner platform and the recent launch of an online forum to raise awareness and stimulate discussions on this issue. During the discussions on the SCPP, it was also studied the need to recommend the WIPO General Assembly to convene a diplomatic conference under the WIPO agreement on the protection of audiovisual performances. The Committee continued to discuss the protection of the rights of etheric broadcasting organizations and considered the first and second part of the study on the socio-economic consequences of unresolved use of signals. A series of regional seminars are held to collect opinions on the purposes, concrete volume and security facility within the framework of a possible draft agreement on the protection of the rights of essential broadcasting organizations using signals based approach. In June 2010 The discussion in the Committee was first transcribed and transmitted with real-time subtitles for persons with hearing defects.

satisfying the needs of persons with limited ability to perceive printed information The spread of digital technologies brought a new aspect to the question of how to maintain the balance between copyright protection of the owners and the needs of specific user groups. Among those who wish to take advantage of reasonable exceptions and limitations in the field of copyright - more than 314 million blind and persons with reading difficulties around the world. WIPO has developed a website,, in order to provide a platform for initiatives in the field of IP, designed to facilitate the access of persons with a limited ability to perceive printed information to information and cultural content. The platform was created in the context of inter-agency effort within the UN system, aimed at ensuring the "Unity of Action" in supporting unprotected groups and provide them with equal opportunities.

in March 2010 WIPO, together with the US Office, organized a training course, the goal of which was to improve the understanding of the elements of national and international legislation in the field of copyright, relevant to publishing books, the production of films and other copyrighted content for persons with reading difficulties. Participants reviewed measures to facilitate access, as well as obstacles and restrictions that prevent access to relevant technologies within national borders.

WIPO also supports the ratification of the Copyright Agreement (DAP) and the WIPO Treaty for Hyddles and Phonograms (DIF), known as "WIPO Treaties in the Internet." With their ratification in 2009. The European Union (EU) and its Member States, the number of participating States of each Treaty increased respectively to 88 and 86. The SCAP will continue to consider issues related to the implementation of these treaties, especially related to the relationship of law and technologies in areas such as technical measures

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in September 2009 The Director General of WIPO Francis Harry has signed an agreement with the International Federation of Musicians (IFM) and the International Federation of Actors (MFA), aimed at supporting efforts to ensure the recognition of a significant contribution of actors and performers around the world and improving the executive countries in developing countries.

in June 2009 WIPO has also signed an agreement with the International Foundation for Phonographic Industry (MFPP), aimed at widespread assistance, support and development of efforts to protect the musical industry and rights related to it.

Copyright and digital environment

WIPO provides a forum for discussion and to raise awareness on important issues related to the use of copyright in the Internet environment, for example, the emergence of new forms of licensing and the importance of digital content identifiers and rights.

In 2009 Work was held to improve the understanding of opportunities concluded in the commercial use of copyright in a digital environment. WIPO paid increased attention to the role of copyright in software development and new business models for distributors

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Collective copyright management

WIPO assists countries in creating or modernizing collective management organizations (OCU), the development of automated rights management systems to facilitate access to international markets and the preparation of standard contracts and guidelines. OKU is extremely useful for copyright owners and related rights - authors, composers, performers, publishers and producers, because they help them manage their rights and benefit from them. OKU is supported in order to ensure in developing countries the availability of rights management systems that would be compatible with international systems.

Intergovernmental Committee on Intellectual Property, Genetic

Resources, traditional knowledge and folklore (IGC) Globalization of the economy and progress in bio and communication technologies provide indigenous and local communities an additional reason for concern about the ever-increasing risk of unfair illegal assignment and unlawful use of their traditional knowledge and cultural heritage systems. These communities are looking for appropriate ways to preserve, support and protect their cultural and intellectual heritage, defending their cultural identity and contributing to their own sustainable economic development, taking into account their collective values. WIPO's work in this area is to study the possible assistance of the principles of the processes of economic development and equitable sharing benefits carried out under the leadership of communities using cultural heritage as a cultural and economic asset. Currently, within the framework of the IGC, negotiations are held on the basis of existing texts aimed at developing international regulatory documents for the effective protection of traditional knowledge (TK) and traditional expressions of the culture / folklore expressions (TVK), as well as to account for the relationship between IP and genetic resources (GR ) Exchange of traditional knowledge Project of creation in the Indian state of Kerala Center for Traditional Knowledge in the Sphere of Products

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Development of policies and regulatory activities of the IGC is only part of the WIPO program dedicated to TK, TVK and GR.

The organization offers an extended capacity-building program in the field of TK, TVC and GR. The demand for it is growing steadily and is increasingly diversified. The key task is to create practical tools that allow indigenous and local communities to ensure the protection of its TK, TVC and GR in methods that correspond to their own interests and values.

WIPO's capacity building resources include information on legislation, practical training programs, IP management and information technologies to solve IP issues when digitizing intangible cultural heritage (developed in the WIPO project in the field of creative heritage), as well as a package of tools for Protection of communities after documenting TK. The program also covers crafts.

Many Member States require concrete results from the ICGR following the decade activities and, in accordance with

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WIPO voluntary fund in 2006. The General Assembly established the WIPO voluntary fund, through which the active participation of indigenous and local communities in the discussions of the IGC is ensured. Fund funds are funded in the meetings of the IGC of representatives of indigenous and local communities from all regions of the world. Their opinion significantly improved the understanding of the indigenous aspect and increased its influence on the work of the Committee. The IGC sessions are open by a group of experts under the chairmanship of representatives of indigenous and local communities, which voiced the problems requiring decisions and share experiences with the Committee in its full composition.

Scholarship for studying the rights of Indigenous Peoples Program WIPO for the provision of scholarships to explore the rights of indigenous peoples, implemented since August 2009, meets the need to strengthen the capacity of the rapidly developing area of \u200b\u200bthe rights of indigenous peoples, as well as strengthening the capacity of rights and IP policies for indigenous lawyers and consultants. on politics. Fellows should be recognized active members of indigenous communities.

traditional culture on the Internet in May 2010. WIPO has created a new optimized TK website, affordable in English, French and Spanish. It provides direct access to all working documents and other materials related to the processes in the IGC, contains clear references to capacity-building resources, one-step access to key resources and databases, as well as a link to curricula. A new creative heritage portal contains samples.

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Services provided by WIPO in accordance with these treaties (system of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), the Madrid System for International Registration of Signs, the Hague System of International Registration of Industrial Designs and the Lisbon System of International Registration of Names of Origin), are to simplify submission of applications for security documents In all participating countries in which the protection is requested. Millingly use the Internet and online databases means that the potential advantages of such centralized filing or registration systems are only increasing. Both developing and developed countries can extract substantial benefits from them.

WIPO implements the administration of these global protection systems and provides a forum, thanks to which they can develop in response to the changing needs of users - copyright holders, their representatives, IP or third parties. Revenues from these paid services provided to the private sector are 90 percent of WIPO budget.

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The Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) The most widely used of these systems is PCT (142 members). This multilateral Agreement, which entered into force in 1978, offers applicants a favorable way to ensure international patent protection. The International Patent Application for the PCT procedure has the same legal action as a national application in each of the states related to the Agreement. Applicants, patent departments of all PCT member states and the general public generally benefit from the PCT system due to the uniform formal requirements, the use of international search and international preliminary examination reports and the centralized publication system. Applicants for the PCT procedure receive valuable information on the possible patentability of their inventions and have longer periods for making a decision on which PCT countries to ask patent security. Thus, the PCT system fixes and rationalizes patent procedures, provides a delay from paying for significant costs and gives applicants the opportunity to reasonably make important decisions.

In 2009, 155,900 international applications for the PCT procedure were submitted, which is a reduction of 4.5 percent compared with the previous year. The first in the history of the organization decline in the number of PCT applications for the year is explained by the global economic crisis. Despite this, the decline in the number of applications was not so sharp, as expected, and last year's results have almost reached the level of 2007.

The PCT applicants are increasingly using software for the preparation and electronic submission of international PCT applications. About 80% of all applications are currently submitted in whole or in part in electronic form.

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Trends in submitting applications PCT, 1978-2009 42.9 100 000 33,5,32,29,11,16,130,17,7,7,7,7,0,05,17,4,15,18,8 22.1 16.1 18.7 9.9 9.0 8.2 17.7 11.0 17.8 6.4 11.5 9.4 6.9 2.1 2.0 4.4

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1,042 934 833 836 782 8 COST OF PROSESSING (CHF)

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1% 3% 9% 9% 2% 7%

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In 2009, the United States, Japan and Germany became leading countries of origin of PCT applications. The Republic of Korea has retained the fourth place in the applicant list, while China has moved to the fifth. In some countries eastern

Asia The number of innovations of international applications continued to grow despite unfavorable global economic conditions:

positive growth was observed in China (+ 29.7%), Japan (+ 3.6%) and the Republic of Korea (+ 2.1%).

Applicants from developing countries in 2009 were increasingly used by the PCT system. The largest number of applications were filed in the Republic of Korea and China, followed by India, Singapore, Brazil, South Africa, Turkey, Malaysia, Mexico and Barbados.

The leading position in the words of the applicants of the CCT took "Panasonic Corporation" (Japan), in second place was Chinese "Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd ", on the third -" Robert Bosch GmbH "(Germany).

The highest proportion of PCT applications published in 2009, accounted for computer technologies (8%), pharmaceuticals (7.8%) and medical equipment (7.7%). The greatest growth rates were observed in the areas of microstructures and nanotechnology (+ 10.2%), semiconductors (+ 10%) and thermal processes and devices (+ 7.2%).

In order to encourage the use of PCT in developing countries, the duty for international flow is reduced by 90% for individual applicants (but not companies) from the approved list of developing countries and 90% for all applicants from LDCs.

Madrid system and the Hague system

The Madrid system of international registration signs offers trademark owners. The possibility of protecting the trademark in 85 system participating countries by registering a sign through WIPO based on a single application. A similar possibility exists for industrial designs under the Hague system of the International Registration of Industrial Designs, which currently has 56 Contracting Parties. Both systems offer accelerated and cost-effective access to the protection of trademarks and industrial designs in numerous jurisdictions. Information on international registrations is posted in open access online with the ability to search.

In 2009, the number of international applications for international registration marks in accordance with the Madrid system was 35 195, which represents a decline by 16.4 percent compared with 2008 as a result of the global economic crisis. It is noteworthy that in some Contracting Parties, an increase in the number of international applications filed in 2009 was noted: in particular, the growth was observed in Japan and the European Union, which are among the top ten users of the Madrid system, as well as in the Republic of Korea, Hungary, Croatia and Singapore.

The seventeenth year in a row list of leading applicants is headed by Germany, followed by users from the European Union, France, the United States and Switzerland. China has adopted to remain the most commonly indicated by the country in international applications for commercial signs.

At the end of 2009, the international registry contained 515,562 existing international registration of trademarks, which belonged to 169,939 various trademark owners, many of whom are small and medium enterprises (SMEs).

Of the total number of international applications submitted in 2009, 35.7 percent were sent to WIPO in electronic form.

Romarin's daily updated database contains detailed information on all current international signs, as well as on international applications and follow-up instructions under consideration. Romarin also provides information on all international registrations that have lost its strength.

According to the results of WIPO research on the possible inclusion in the Madrid system of additional languages \u200b\u200bof filing (Arabic, Chinese, Dutch, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Russian), a pilot project was initiated with the participation of interested departments. The inclusion of additional feed languages \u200b\u200bwill be carried out on the basis of individual agreements with these departments.

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In 2009, within the framework of the Hague system, 1,681 international registration was carried out in relation to 8,872 different samples.

Compared with 2008, the growth was 10.4%.

By the end of 2009, the international registry contained 25,662 existing international registration of industrial designs, which belonged to 7,728 different copyright holders whose largest number from Germany. In 2009, the most frequently used class of the Locarnas classification was class 9 - containers, packaging and containers used for transportation or storage of goods.

Recent initiatives to improve the Hague system include the decision to suspend the earliest of three acts, which regulate the Hague Agreement, which simplifies and rationalizes the general administrative management of the International Sample Registration System. The emphasis at the 1999 Geneva Act provides greater compatibility of the system with registration systems in countries where the protection of industrial designs depends on the examination that determines the possibility of accepting an application.

Since April 2010, it became possible to submit an application in Spanish. Expected,

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Lisbon system

Lisbon system with 27 Contracting Parties simplifies the International Protection of Names of Places of Origin, i.e.

geographical instructions that are protected in the country of their origin due to the fact that they began to denote the product whose quality or characteristics are determined by geography. In the period from 1966, when the Lisbon system began to function, until the end of 2009, 891 names of the place of origin were registered, of which 817 are still valid. In 2009, the first meeting of the Working Group on the Development of the Lisbon System established by the Assembly of the Lisbon Union was held. In October 2009, WIPO began a survey of governments and other stakeholders about ways to further increase the attractiveness of the system for current users and potential new members. In addition to studying the survey results, the Working Group also discusses the study on the relationship between regional geographical guidance systems and the Lisbon system.

improving information transfer to expand access to information regarding the status of international registrations in the participating countries of the Lisbon system, in 2009 amendments were amended by the rules regulating this system. Stakeholders are easier to determine the status of protection registered at the international level of origin of origin in a particular Member State through the official mechanism of the "Statement of Protection Statement" long before the expiration of the year for refusal after receiving a notice of international registration.

28 The WIPO Center for Arbitration and Mediation Center of WIPO for Arbitration and Mediation is a leading resource on an alternative settlement of disputes in the field of IP. It offers specialized procedures, including arbitration, mediation and decision-making by experts, to resolve international commercial disputes between private parties. Center procedures are an effective and inexpensive alternative to judicial procedures, especially in the case of disputes with the potential participation of parties from various jurisdictions. The center has an extensive list of specialized intermediaries, arbitrators and neutral experts from various regions available for conducting procedures in accordance with WIPO Rules. These procedures can be carried out in any country, in any language and in accordance with any legislation, which provides parties with broad freedom of action.

Parties can use the "Electronic WIPO Review Resource" (WIPO ECAF) to resolve disputes filed in accordance with WIPO Rules. WIPO ECAF provides a safe feed, storage and search of documents related to the parties, neutral experts and the center, and these documents contained in the electronic dossier are available at any time in any of the countries.

The center also cooperates with the owners and users of the IP and their relevant organizations in order to create alternative dispute resolution procedures specifically adapted to the specific characteristics of constantly emerging disputes in their activities. Rationalized standard procedures and an effective infrastructure for dispute resolution can contribute to productive use of affected IP rights.

The Center is the leading dispute service service with the participation of trademark owners, contacting the unscrupulous registration and use of domain names on the Internet - practitioners who are well known called "Cyberskvotting".

The whole procedure is carried out online and leads to adoption for two months of decisions to be forced. In 2010, the 25th anniversary of the Registration of the American Symbolics Computer Systems Firm was the first domain name on the Internet, and at present, approximately 200 million domain names were recorded worldwide around the world.

Epus - a ten-year history with a continuation

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Mikael Damkier was adopted by ICANN on the recommendation of WIPO, and began to enjoy in great demand as a quick and economically advantageous dispute resolution procedure. Since December 2009, a new paperless Epus procedure is used in WIPO, which cancels the requirement of mandatory filing and notification on paper on adversary documents. This innovation reduces the time and expenses associated with submitting disputes to the settlement within the Epus, and leads to the annual savings of approximately one million paper pages, making the procedure more green and practically paperless. The first dispute, discussed in the framework of a paperless procedure, was decided in favor of Nokia, who returned control over eight domain names.

In 2009, 2,107 complaints about cybercotting were received at the center. Although this volume is 9.5% lower than the 2008 level, it covers the highest number of individual domain names (4,688) in a separate year from the moment of the introduction of Epus.

For ten years since December 1999, when, on the initiative of WIPO, a single policy of resolving disputes in the field of domain names (Epus) was introduced, the center received for consideration of more than 17 500 cases on the basis of Epos. The Center actively cooperates with the Internet Names and Numbers Corporation (ICANN), telling it about the circumstances capable of preventing the proper implementation of the Epus procedures.

In December 2009, the Center presented the WIPO rules for mediation and accelerated arbitration for the film industry and the media.

Developed in collaboration with specialists from these areas, these rules and relevant contractual provisions and agreements are particularly relevant for international cinematography and media transactions, where the parties require rapid and cost-effective solutions to disputes that interfer the implementation of current projects.

In May 2010, the Singapore Bureau of the WIPO Center for Arbitration and Mediation, designed to contribute to an alternative dispute resolution in the Asia-Pacific region.

The center monitors the development of events in the field of IP protection in the domain name system and conducts strategic work in this regard. For the Center a politically important issue is the introduction of ICANN new generic top-level domains (RDDU). In part, thanks to the efforts of WIPO, the ICANN guide for top-level domains for applicants includes a new dispute resolution procedure for trademark owners concerning, for example, responsibility of domain name registration services.

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A wide range of programs and events addressed to countries, aimed at:

Promoting policymakers in the inclusion of IP into national development plans to modernize IP institutions, rationalization of the activities of departments and human resource development Assistance in the development and updating of IP legislation and the implementation of international treaties to expand the capabilities of the specialist corps, including awareness-raising campaigns and capacity-building tools SME Development of IP Assets and management of them for economic growth promoting innovations by facilitating access to technical knowledge and information and the empowerment of such knowledge strengthening regional cooperation mechanisms to promote partnership between public and private sectors in order to promote wider use of IP system of individual regional office of the secretariat WIPO, each with the appropriate geographical experience, act as focal points in the process of providing legal and technical assistance in Africa, Arab States, countries of the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America and the Caribbean. Thanks to comprehensive country programming and assessment of needs based on consultation with national authorities competent in IP issues, and with a wide range of stakeholders expands the possibilities for the application of a more structured approach to the process of forming national strategies and plans in the field of IP.

Specifying specific needs of LDCs is carried out by the LDC department by providing comprehensive technical assistance, including training with an emphasis on professional skills development programs. Development of IP agencies in order to promote product branding for export markets. Using appropriate technologies to improve national performance political dialogue with the participation of ministries. and parliaments Collaboration with other institutions of the UN system and multilateral organizations to obtain an appropriate request from the aforementioned countries, they also provide assistance in the legal oblast and legislation

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In recent years, WIPO has intensified cooperation with the countries of Central Europe and Baltia, Eastern Europe, the Caucasus region and Central Asia. Special attention is paid to their special needs as countries with economies in transition, in which IP often has a significant role in the acceleration of economic and cultural development. As a result, there is growing demand for programs and technical assistance to a more complex nature, especially in the field of promoting innovation and technology transfer, solving specific problems of copyright systems, protection of IP rights and promotion of entrepreneurship. WIPO encourages the exchange of experience, information on lessons learned and best practices between these countries.

Enabling IP to National Planning

The process of creating an infrastructure for innovation and the research of financial and human resources is necessary in order for local innovators and research institutions to use IP and remain owners of the results of their research, ensure their protection and use. In developing countries, the process is accompanied by a number of calls. For example, many countries suffer from a lack of local professionals who can make applications for patents, carry out control and management of IP assets, promote their creation and marketing and enter into agreements on technology licensing.

WIPO assists Member States in the development of integrated IP strategies and offers practical funds and training programs that contribute to the creation of sustainable national potential in these areas. WIPO also developed a guide to help research agencies in developing countries to develop and implement institutional policy in the field of IP.

Technology Transfer: Inova's success story Often advanced technologies are the result of research in university laboratories. However, their way to the market is due to access to the necessary infrastructures, financing and skills. university

campinas (Brazil) has created its own technology transfer center, INOVA Innovation Agency, thanks to which the results of research and inventive activities are not only protected as IP rights, but are also derived to the market through the licensing agreements of the technology concluded with industry. Developed by the Institute of Chemistry at the University of Fentox reagent for destruction, both in situ and ex situ, substances polluting the environment, currently transferred under the license of CONTECH PRODUTOS BIODEGRADAVEIS and is available on the Brazilian market. A number of WIPO programs aims to assist universities in using IC so that they can take advantage of their research. Programs include preparation in the preparation of patent applications, licensing, as well as creating centers for the exchange of experience in the field of IP.

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flexibility and government policy in response to the requests of individual Member States or WIPO regional organizations provide, on a bilateral basis, and in compliance with confidentiality, coordinated expert legal advice. Consultative assistance also includes the analysis and explanation of the legal and political options available to countries in accordance with certain international treaties, taking into account international obligations and national priorities of each of the countries in the field of development and policies. As part of Consultations, WIPO gives an answer to questions about how developing countries can take advantage of the available options and flexibility laid out in international law laws. These questions are of particular concern among many governments, especially after discussions on the topic of IP and Healthcare conducted by the WTO in Doha.

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The development of human capital countries is a key factor in full extradition benefits from national and international IP systems. Numerous training programs and vocational training of the WIPO Academy contribute to the development of these human resources.

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