Russian language abstract

"Phonetic system of Russian language"

Phonetics - Science about the sound side of human speech. The word "phonetics" comes from Greek. Phonetikos "sound, voice" (Phone sound).

Without utterance and perception of hearing sounds that make up the sound shell of words, speech communication is impossible. On the other hand, for speech communication, the distinguishable of the pronounced word among others similar to sound is extremely important.

Therefore, in the phonetic language system, funds that serve to transmit and distinguish between significant units of speech - words, their forms, phrases and suggestions.

1.Fone funds of Russian

The phonetic means of the Russian language include:

Emphasis (verbal and phrase)


1.1 The shortest, minimum, non-grinding sound unit, which is highlighted with a consistent sound member of the word, is called sound speech.

Sounds of speech have different quality and therefore serve in the language to dispense words. Often, words differ in just one sound, the presence of unnecessary sound compared to another word, the order of sounds.

For example: Galka - pebbles,

fight - howl

roth - Mole,

nose - sleep.

The traditional classification of speech sounds is the separation of them for consonants and vowels.

v. Consonants They differ from the vowels of noise, which are formed in the oral cavity when pronouncing.

The consonants differ:

2) at the place of formation of noise,

3) by the method of formation of noise,

4) in the absence or presence of softness.

Participation of noise and voices. By participation of noise and voices, consonants are divided into noisy and sonorn. Connectors are called consonants formed by voice and insignificant noise: [m], [m], [n], [n "], [l], [l"], [p], [p "]. Noisy consonants are divided into ringing and deaf. Noisy ringing consonants are [b], [b "], [in], [in"], [g], [g "], [d], [d], [g], ["], [s ], [s "] ,, formed by the noise with the participation of voting. Noisy deaf consonants include: [p], [p "], [φ], [f"], [k], [k "], [t], [t"], [s], [c "] , [Ш], ["], [x], [x"], [c], [h "], formed only with one noise, without voting.

Place of formation of noise. Depending on which active speech body (bottom lip or language) dominates when the sound is formed, the consonants are divided into lunch and pagan. If we take into account the passive body, in relation to which the lip articulates or language articulates, consonants may be lifting [b], [p] [m] and lip-dental [in], [f]. Pagonias are divided into advanced, medium-speaking and posterior. Advanced-speaking can be dental [t], [d], [s], [s], [η], [n], [l] and label-dental [h], [sh], [f], [p] ; medium-wide - middle; Rear-speaking - posterior [g], [k], [x].

Ways to form noise. Depending on the difference in the formation of noise, the consonants are divided into worm [b], [p], [d], [t], [g], [k], slotted [in], [f], [s], [s ], [Ш], [Ж], [x], affriries [C], [h], broken-passing: nose [n], [m], side, or oral, [l] and trembling (vibrants) [ R].

Hardness and softness of consonants. The absence or presence of softness (palatalization) determines the hardness and softness of consonants. Palatalization (lat. Palatum is a solid palate) is the result of the average language articulation of the language that complements the main articulation of the consonant sound. Sounds formed with such additional articulation are called soft, and produced without it - solid.

A characteristic feature of the consonant system is the presence of pairs of sounds, correlated by deaf-belling and hardness-softness. The correction of paired sounds is that in some phonetic conditions (before vowels), they differ as two different sounds, and in other conditions (at the end of the word) do not differ and coincide in their sound.

For example: Rose - Dew and Roses - Ros [Ros - Ros].

So they act in the specified positions pair consonants [b] - [p], [in] - [φ], [d] - [t], [z] - [s], [z] - [Ш], [g] - [K], which, therefore, form correlative couples according to the deaf-belling.

A correlative series of deaf and voiced consonants is represented by 12 pairs of sounds. Paired consonants voiced by the presence of voice (ringing) or the lack of it (deaf). Sounds [l], [l], [m], [m], [n], [n "], [p], [p"] - obanial ringing, [x], [c], [h "] - obanial deaf.

The classification of Russian consonants is presented in the table:

In the way












The composition of the consonant sounds, taking into account correlation for deaf-belling, is shown in the following table

(["], ["] - long hissing, paired by deaf-belling; cf. [draw "and], [" and]).

The hardness and softness of consonants, like deafness-belling, differs in some positions, and does not differ in others, which leads to the presence in the system of consonant corrective rows of solid and soft sounds. So, before vowels [o] differ [L] - [L "] (Wed: Lot - Loda [Lot - L" from], and before the sound [E] do not differ not only [l] - [l], But other paired solid-soft sounds (Wed: [L "EU], [in" EU], [b "EU], etc.).

Long and double consonants. In the phonetic system of the modern Russian literary language there are two long consonants - soft hissing ["] and ["] (yeast, soup). These long hissing sounds are not opposed to the sounds [sh], [F], which are unpaired solid. As a rule, long consonants in Russian are formed only at the junctions of morpheme and are a combination of sounds. For example, in the word of the mind [RL Udk] a long sound arose at the junction of the prefixes and root court, Wed: [PL "Yerk], [L" [L "C" IC] (fake, sewn, pilot). The sounds that occur in these cases cannot be defined as long, as they are deprived of a distinctive function, are not opposed to short sounds. Essentially, such "long" sounds are not long, but double.

Cases of long consonants (quarrel, yeast, etc.) in the roots of Russian words are one. Words with double consonants in the roots are usually foreign ones (telegram, gamma, antenna, etc.). Such words in live pronunciation lose the longitude of vowels, which is often reflected in modern spelling (literature, attack, corridor, etc.).

Sound laws in the field of consonant sounds:

1. Phonetic. Noisy ringing consonant at the end of the word is stunned, i.e. Pronounced as the corresponding pair deaf. Such a pronunciation leads to the formation of mistakes: threshold - vice, young - hammer, goats - Kos, etc. In words with two consonants, at the end of the word, both consonants are stunned: Gruss - sadness, the entrance - Pogs [PLDJEST], etc.

Stunning final ringing occurs in the following conditions:

1) Before the pause: [pr "Ishol injust] (a train came); 2) Before the next word (without a pause) with an initial not only deaf, but also vowels, sonorous, as well as [J] and [in]: [Poho he ], [Satur Ob], [Sign JA], [Your mouth] (he is right, our garden, we are weak, the genus is yours). Sonorny consonants are not exposed to stun: Sor, they say, com, he.

2. Assimilation of consonant on the bells and deafness. The combinations of consonants, of which one is deaf, and another ringing, not peculiar to the Russian language. Therefore, if there are two different consonant in the word in the word, the first consonant second is likened. Such a change in consonant sounds is called regressive assimilation.

By virtue of this law, calling consonants before the deaf pass into the pairs of deaf, and the deaf in the same position - in the ringing. Soviemaking of deaf consonants is less common than stunning the beams; The transition of the calls in the deaf creates the Omophones: [Dusk - Dusk] (handka - Dushka), [in "and e with" t "and - in" and e with "t" and] (Vesti - lead), [FP "І" And E M "Eshku - FP" LP "and E M" Eshku] (interspersed - inverse).

In front of the sonar, as well as before [j] and [in], the deaf remain unchanged: a clutch, plut, [Ltjest] (departure), your own.

Writele and deaf consonants are assimilated in the presence of the following conditions: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [plchotk] (gait), [zbor] (collection); 2) at the junction of prepositions with the word: [GD "ELU] (to the case), [HD" ELG] (WITH A DECOM); 3) at the stake of the word with a particle: [Goth] (one year), [before] (daughter); 4) At the junction of the significant words, pronounced without a pause: [Rock-Clus] (Kang Horn), [Ras-P "AT"] (five times).

3. Assimilation of consonants for softness. Solid and soft consonants are represented by 12 pairs of sounds. By education, they differ in the absence or presence of palatalization, which is an additional articulation (the middle part of the back of the tongue is high to the corresponding part of the nose).

The composition of consonants, taking into account the correlate series of solid and soft sounds, is presented in the following table:

Softness assimilation has a regressive nature: consonant softened, liketing the subsequent gentle consonant. In the specified position, not all consonants, paired hardness-softness, soften and not all soft consonants cause softening the previous sound.

All consonants, paired hardness-softness, are softened in the following weak positions: 1) in front of the voice [E]; [B "Eli], [in the" EU], [m "ate], [with" ate] (Bel, weight, chalk, villages), etc.; 2) before [and]: [m "Il], [p" Il "and] (MIL, drank).

Before the unpaired [F], [W], [C] soft consonants are impossible except [l], [L "] (cf. end - ring).

Mute dental [s], [s], [n], [p], [d], [t] and lip [b], [p], [m], [in], [φ]. Do not softened before soft consonants [g], [k], [x], as well as [l]: glucose, key, bread, fill, silently t.p. Mitigation occurs inside the word, but is absent before the soft consonants of the next word ([L "EU]; Wed [L" OR]) and in front of the particle ([Ros - L "and]; Wed [RLSL" and]) ( Here is the forest, the otter, whether, grew).

The consonants [s] and [s] are softened before soft [t "], [d], [s"], [n "], [l"]: [m "ks" t "], [in" and e s "d" e], [F-ka "b], [Kaz" N "] (revenge, everywhere, at the checkout, execution). Mitigation [s], [s] also occurs at the end of the prefixes and consonant with them pretexts before the soft lumps: [RID "D" AND E L "IT"], [RUS "T" and E NUT "], [b" "-H" and E C), [B "and E C" -C "Il] (divided, stretch, without it, without strength). Before soft lifting softening [s], [s], [d], [ T] Perhaps inside the root and at the end of the prefixes on-and, as well as in the prefix S- and in the conversion with it, the pretext: [with "M" EX], [s "in" kr "], [d" in "kr" ], [t "in" kr "], [with" n "kt"], [s "-n" them], [IS "-PKCH"], [RLZ "D" KT "] (laughter, beast, Door, Tver, sing, with him, bake, stray).

Lights in front of soft dentals are not softened: [PT "KN" h "bk], [n" EFT "], [Pz" AT "] (chickper, oil, take).

These cases of assimilative softness of consonants show that the action of assimilation in modern Russian literary language is not always distinguished by a strict sequence.

4. Assimilation of consonants for hardness. Assymimization of consonants on hardness is carried out at the junction of the root and suffix, which starts the hard consonant: a locksmith - a plumbing, secretary - secretarians, etc. In front of the lip [b] Assimilation of hardness does not occur: [UAS "IT"] - [Pros "BJ], [MULT" IT "] - [MULD" BA] (ask - request, threshing - throat), etc. Assimilation is not subjected to [L "]: [floor" b] - [zlpol "us] (field, filled).

5. Assimilation of dental over hissing. This type of assimilation is applied to the dental [s], [s] in the position before hypers (protesters) [sh], [f], [h], [sh] and lies in the complete approaching of the dental [s], [s] to the subsequent hissing .

Complete assimilation [s], [s] occurs: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [at "], [radlets"] (squeeze, break); [STI "], [Plut"] (sew, squeeze); ["from], [RL" from] (account, calculation); [RLZNO "IR], [IR" IC] (peddler, cab driver);

2) at the junction of the pretext and the words: [AriM], [AriM] (with heat, with a ball); [B "and E AR], [BBE AR] (without heat, without a ball).

The combination of ZZH inside the root, as well as the combination of LJ (always inside the root) addressed a long soft [g "]: [by" Kommersant] (later), (I go); [WITH "AND], [DRO" and] (entrance, yeast). Optionally, in these cases can pronounce long solid [F].

The species of this assimilation is the assimilation of the dental [d], [t] following them [h], [C], resulting in long ["],: [l" from] (report) (FKRA ъ] (brief) .

6. Simplification of combinations of consonants. The consonants [d], [t] in combination of several consonants between vowels are not pronounced. Such simplification of groups of consonants is consistently observed in combinations: STN, ZDN, STL, NTSC, STSK, EFS, RDD, LSTs: [WITNES], [POSE], [W "and E Sl" Willow], [g "Igansk" and] , [h "Usi], [with" Erdts], [Sonz] (oral, late, happy, giant, feeling, heart, sun).

7. Reducing groups of identical consonants. During a track of three identical consonants at the junction of the preset or consoles with the next word, as well as at the junction of the root and suffix, the consonants are reduced to two: [RA OR "IT"] (once + quarreled), [LK] (with reference), [CLLO ] (column + n + ha); [LD "E KI] (Odessa + SK + IY).

v. Vowels They differ from the consonants of the voice - musical tone and lack of noise.

The existing classification of vowels takes into account the following conditions for the formation of vowels:

1) Lifting degree

2) Lifting space

3) participation or non-participation of the lips.

The most essential of these conditions is the position of the language, changing the form and the amount of the oral cavity, from the state of which the quality of the vowel depends on the state.

According to the degree of vertical lifting of the language, vowels of three degrees of lifting are distinguished: vowel upper lifting [and], [s], [y]; vowels medium lifting E [E], [o]; Vowed lower lifting [a].

The movement of the horizontal language leads to the formation of vowels of three rows: vowels of the front row [and], e [e]; Public medium rows [s], [a] and vowel rear rows [y], [o].

The participation or non-participation of the lips in the formation of vowels is the basis for dividing the vowels into labialized (cuddered) [o], [y] and non-bias (non-screw) [a], e [e], [and], [s].

Table of vowels of the modern Russian literary language

Sound law in the field of vowel sounds.

Glow reduction. Change (weakening) of vowels in an unstressed position is called reduction, and unstressed vowels - reduced vowels. There are positions of unstressed vowels in the first estate syllable (a weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables (a weak position of the second degree). The vowels in a weak position of the second degree are subjected to greater reduction than vowels in a weak position of the first degree.

Vowels in a weak position of the first degree: [vlly] (shafts); [shafts] (oxen); [B "and E yes] (trouble), etc.

Vowels in the weak position of the second degree: [Parlvos] (steam locomotive); [Kurglnda] (Karaganda); [Kulklla] (bells); [P "BL" and E on] (Pelon); [Gols] (Voice), [Major] (exclamation), etc.

1.2 In the speech stream differs emphasis Phrase, clock and verbal.

Wonderful The emphasis is the selection when the pronunciation of one of the syllables of the doubled or multi-line word. The verbal emphasis is one of the main external signs of an independent word. The verbal emphasis dismisses the words and forms of words, the same on the sound composition (Wed: clubs - clubs, holes - holes, hands - hands). Service words and particles usually do not have accent and adjoin independent words, making up one phonetic word with them: [under-mountain], [on the side], [about once].

The Russian language is characteristic of a power (dynamic) emphasis, in which the shock syllable is allocated compared to the unparalleled larger intensity of articulation, especially vowel sound. The shock vowel is always more long than the unstressed sound corresponding to it. Russian stress discovery: it can fall on any syllable (output, it turns out, go out).

The impact difference is used in Russian to distinguish between omographs and their grammatical forms (organ - body) and individual forms of different words (mine - mine), and in some cases, it serves as a means of lexical differentiation of the word (chaos - chaos) or gives the word stylistic color (well done - well done). The mobility and immobility of the emphasis serves as an additional means in the formation of the forms of the same word: the emphasis or remains on the same place of the word (vegetable garden, -a, -h, etc. .), Or goes from one part of the word to another (city, -a, -u, -th, -e; -a, -s, etc.). The impact mobility ensures the distinction of grammatical forms (buy - buy, legs - legs, etc.).

In some cases, the difference in the site of verbal emphasis loses any meaning

For example: cottage cheese and cottage cheese, otherwise, otherwise, volatile and volatility, etc.

Words can be unstable and weakly learning. It is usually devoid of accents of service words and particles, however, they sometimes take over the emphasis on themselves, so the pretext with the following independent word has one stress: [on-winter], [in city], [under-day].

Low-reliable and three-sided prepositions and unions, simple numerals in combination with noun, ligaments to be and become some of the introductory words.

Some categories of words have besides the main addition, side emphasis, which is usually in the first place, and the main one - on the second, for example: DRKVNRUS. To such words include words:

1) multiplodes, as well as complex in composition (aircraft construction),

2) comprehensive (gfstel center),

3) words with prefixes after-, super-, architectural trans-, anti-, etc. (truncatlantic, post-beater),

4) Some foreign language words (PFSKScript, PFStFacktum).

Takhov The emphasis is the selection in pronunciation in the sense of the word within the speech tact.

For example: I go over | Along the streets of noisy, | I enter | in a crowded temple, | I sit on | between young people insane, | I betray | My dreams (P.)

Phrase the emphasis is called the allocation in the pronunciation of the most important word in the sense of the word within the utterance (phrases); This stress is one of the clock. In the example above, the phrase emphasis falls on the word dreams. The phrase emphasis distinguishes the sentences at the same composition and order of words (Wed: the snow goes and the snow goes).

Clock and phrase emphasis are also called logical.

1.3 intonation Disasters sentences with the same composition of words (with the same place of phrase strokes) (Wed: snow melts and snow melts?). The intonations of the message, question, motivation, etc. differ

The intonation has an objective linguistic value: regardless of the functional loading of intonation always combines words in the phrase, and without intonation does not exist. Subjective differences in the intonation of the phrase do not have linguistic significance.

The intonation is closely related to other levels of language, and, above all, with phonology and syntax.

With the phonology, the intonation is related to the fact that it belongs to the sound side of the language and that it is functional, but it differs from phonology that the intonation units have semantic significance themselves: for example, ascending intonation is mainly related to the questionality or incompleteness of the statement. The relationship between intonation and the syntax of the proposal is not always unambiguous. In some cases, grammatical samples for which the statement is built may have a typical intonational design. So, sentences with a particle whether represent a grammar sample to build a questioning statement.

Different syntax structures can be decorated with the same intonation, and one and the same syntax structure can be framed by different intonations. Accordingly, the statements change. This indicates a certain autonomy of intonation in relation to the syntax.

2. Phonetic units of Russian

From the side of the rhythmic-intonation, our speech is a speech stream, or a chain of sound. This chain is shaped on the links, or phonetic speech units: phrases, tacts, phonetic words, syllables and sounds.

· Phrase - This is the largest phonetic unit, completed by the meaning of a statement, combined by special intonation and separated from other phrases with a pause.

· Speech tact (or syntagma) most often consists of several words united by one stress.

· Speech tact is divided into f.onnemic words. Independent words, together with the unstable service words and particles adjacent to them.

· The words are members of the actual phonetic units - sound, and the last - on sounds.

2.1 Sound

From the point of view of education, from the physiological, the syllable is a sound or several sounds, pronounced by one exhaling journey.

From the point of view of the temptation, from the side of the acoustic, the syllable is a sound segment of speech, in which one sound is highlighted in the greatest than the sound in comparison with the neighboring - preceding and subsequent. Public sounds, as the most sound, are usually slightly sound, and consonants - non-voltage, but sonorny (p, l, m, n), as the most sound from consonants, can form a syllable. The syllables are divided into open and closed depending on the position of the sound sound in them.

An open is called a syllable ending with a boring sound: Va-Ta. Closed is called a syllable ending with a non-voltage sound: there, bark.

It is not called a syllable, starting to a vowel sound: a-ort. Cover is called a syllable starting on the consonant sound: ba-tone.

The main law of the broker in Russian.

The structure of the syllable in Russian is subject to the law of ascending. This means that the sounds in the syllable are located from the least keen to the most sonorous.

The law of ascending calm can be illustrated on the words given below if the soundness conventionally indicate the numbers: 3 - vowels, 2 - sonorous consonants, 7 - noisy consonants. Due: 1-3 / 1-3; LO-DCA: 2-3 / 1-1-3; ma-layer: 2-3 / 1-2-3; WHO: 1-3-2 / 2-3. In the examples of the examples, the main law of the problem is implemented at the beginning of the deceptant syllable.

The initial and final syllables are built in Russian by the same principle of increasing sound. For example: Leo: 2-3 / 1-3; Ste-klo: 1-3 / 1-2-3.

The situation is usually preserved in the form of a combination of significant words in the form, which is characterized by each part of the word, the Word: We are Turkey - us-tour-qi-and; Nasturtiums (flowers) - on-stur-qi.

The private law of the phrase at the junction of Morpham is the impossibility of pronunciation, firstly, more than two identical consonants between vowels and, secondly, the same consonants before the third (other) consonant within one syllable. This is more often observed at the junction of the root and suffix and less often - at the junction of the console and root or pretext and words. For example: Odessa [O / de / Sit]; art [and / sided / object]; partition [RA / becomes / Sia]; From the walls [ste / us], so more often - [co / steer].

2.2 Sounds

Sounds of speech, without possessing their own meaning, are a means to distinguish words. Study of the distinctive ability of speech sounds is a special aspect of phonetic research and is called phonology.

Phonological, or functional, approach to speech sounds occupies a leading position in learning a language; The study of the acoustic properties of speech sounds (physical aspect) is closely related to the phonology.

To designate sound when it is considered from the phonological, use the term phoneme.

As a rule, the sound shells of words and their forms are different if we eliminate homonyms. Words having the same sound composition may vary with the place of emphasis (flour - flour, flour - flour) or the order of the same sounds (cat - current). Words may also contain such smallests, further, inhabitable units of speech sound, which independently delimit the sound shells of words and their forms, for example: tank, side, beech; In these words, the sounds [a], [o], [y] distinguish sound shells of these words and act as a phoneme. Words Tank and Barrel differ in the letter, but they are pronounced the same [block]: the sound shells of these words do not differ, because the sounds [a] and [o] in the above words are in the first estate syllable and deprived of the distinctive role they perform in Words tank - side. Consequently, the phoneme serves to distinguish the sound shell of words and their forms. The phonemes differentiate the meaning of words and forms, but only their sound shells indicate differences in the meaning, but do not disclose their character.

Different quality of sounds [A] and [O] in the words of the tank - side and the tank - barrel is explained by a different place, which these sounds occupy in words in relation to verbal stress. In addition, when pronouncing words, the influence of one sound is possible on the quality of the other, and as a result of this, the qualitative nature of the sound is caused by the position of the sound - the position after another sound or in front of it, between other sounds. In particular, for the quality of vowel sounds, it turns out to be an important position in relation to the impact syllable, and for consonants - the situation in the end of the word. So, in the words of Rog - horns [Rock] - [RLDA] The consonant sound [g] (at the end of the word) is stunned and pronounced as [K], and the vowel sound [o] (in the first estate syllable) sounds like [l] . Consequently, the quality of sounds [o] and [g] in these words is to one degree or another dependent on the position of these sounds in the Word.

The concept of the phonam involves the distinction between independent and dependent signs of speech sounds. Independent and dependent signs of sounds relate to different sounds and in various phonetic conditions. For example, the sound [s] in words created and the section is characterized by two independent signs: the way of education (slit sound) and the place of education (dental sound). In addition to independent signs, the sound [s] in the word created [Created] has one dependent sign - the bellier (before the ringing [D]), and in the word section [RLZ "d" ate] - two dependent signs caused by the sound position: beability ( Before ringing [d]) and softness (before soft dental [D "]). From here it follows that in some phonetic conditions, the signs of independent signs prevail, and in others - dependent.

Accounting for independent and dependent signs clarifies the concept of the phonam. Independent qualities form independent phones, which are used in the same (identical) position and distinguish sound shells of words. The dependent sound quality exclude the possibility of drinking sound in the identical position and deprive the sound of a distinctive role and therefore form not independent phonams, but only a variety of one and the same phonemes. Consequently, the phoeplan is called the shortest sound unit, independent of its quality and therefore serving to distinguish the sound shells of words and their forms.

The quality of vowel sounds [a], [o], [y] in the words of the tank, side, the beech is not determined, does not depend on the position, and the use of these sounds is identical (between the same consonants, under the stress). Therefore, the selected sounds have a distinctive function and, therefore, are phonemes.

In words, Mother, Mint, Ment [Ma * T ", M" * AT, M "DT"] The shock sound [a] varies in quality, as it is not used in the identical, but in different positions (before soft, after soft, Between soft consonants). Therefore, the sound [a] in the words mother, mint, it does not have a directly distinctive function and forms not independent phonemes, but only a variety of one and the same phonemes<а>.

The degree of different function of the phone is expressed in the concepts strong phoneme and weak phoneme.

Strong phonemes act in the phonetic position, in which the largest number of sound units differs, for example, vowels in the position under stress. Such a phonetic position is called a strong position; Impact vowels are strong phonemes, and their phonetic position is a strong position.

Weak phonemes act in those positions in which fewer sound units differ. Such a phonetic position is called a weak position. Thus, in an unstound position, the vowels perform in a smaller number of sound units (cf. coincidence in the first estate syllable of sounds [o] and [a]: Shaft - [Vlla], ox - [Vlly]). Unstressed vowels are weak phonemes, and their phonetic position is a weak position.

Strong and weak phonemes have a different distinctive ability: a distinctive function of the phone, in strong positions, has the greatest degree, in weak positions smaller.

The main type of strong vowels. The main type of strong vowel phonam is a type of this phoneme, the least dependent on the phonetic conditions, i.e. At the beginning of the word under stress in the beginning of the word before the hard consonant sound (Arch, Opa, ride, published, urn).

Varieties of strong vowels. Strong vowels, distinguished by stress, change their quality depending on the situation before consonant and after the consonant of a particular quality, in the absolute beginning and in the absolute end of the word and act in different varieties - more than the front or rear, which are presented in the following table Variations of vocabulary:

At the beginning of the word

After solid consonants

After soft consonants

(I) not before soft

(Ii) before soft

(Iii) not before soft

(Iv) before soft

(V) not before soft

(Vi) before soft



tA, TA


although, want






everything, with all




not no




we, soil

[s *]

sleep, sleeping



[y *]

tU here

[y *]

[* y]
drink, drink

[* y *]

A comparison of variations of strong vowel phonemes (see table) shows that they differ only at the place of education and that the place of education is vowels (a number of vowels) is not a decisive sign of the vowel phonemon.

The above diagram of variations of strong vowel background should be supplemented by an indication of the pronunciation of the heavy-sized background after posterior and solid hissing.

1. After the posterior (g, k, x), not before soft consonants, the same vowels are pronounced that in position I; Moreover, before [E] and [and], the posterior speakers perform in their soft species: [as], [com], [kum], [to "ЕМ], [to" IT].

2. After the posterior, before soft consonants, the same vowels are pronounced as in position II, and the posterior-speaking before [E] and [and] act in their soft variations: [ka * m "BL"], [co * with " T "], [ku * with" T "IK], [to" KP "and], [to" T "T"].

3. After solid hissing (w, w), in front of solid and soft consonants, all vowels, except<е>, change the same as in positions III and IV, and the phoneme<е> Performs in variations<э>.

Weak vowel phonemes (reduced vowels) of the first estate syllable. The quality of weak vocabulary is dependent, on the one hand, on the position in the unstressed syllable and, on the other hand, from the quality of neighboring consonants. In determining the phonetic positions, only the quality of the preceding consonant is practically taken into account only by the quality of the preceding consonant, which makes it possible to distinguish the following phonetic positions:

I - at the beginning of the word, II - after the paired solid consonant. III - after soft consonant, IV - after solid hissing (vocabulary of vocabulary).

The system of weak vowels of the first estate syllable (varieties of weak background) in comparison with the system of strong vocabulary is shown in the following table:

At the beginning of the word (I)

After paired solid consonant (II)

After soft consonant (III)

After solid hissing (IV)

[? ]
[? RBA]

[br? la]

[and e]
[P "and E so]

[Well? Ra]

[? CNO]

[D? BRO]

[and e]
[M "and E Dock]

[Sh? f "OR]

[s e]
[s uh tash]

[s e]
[shy e hundred *]

[and e]
[l "and e juice]

[s er]
[Shy e Stock]


[s *]
[Py * L "IT]

[P "UR" IT "]




[C "* DROM]

[Noise "ET"]

Family options<а>, <о>, <е> The first estate syllable after solid consonants coincide with the variants of these backgrounds in the absolute start of the word. These are the sounds [l], [s e].

An exception is the foundation<и>which in the absolute start of the word is implemented by sound [and]: [Ivan], and in the first estate syllable after solid consonants - sound [s]: [S-Ivan].

Options for vocabulary of the second estate syllable. In all the estate syllables, except for the first, weak vowel phonemes are in a weak position of the second degree. This position has two varieties: I - after paired solid consonant and II - after a soft consonant. After solid consonants, voice phones are implemented by the sounds [ъ], [s], [y]; After soft - sounds [b], [and], [y]. For example: [Kommersant] - [Barlbahn], [Kylklla], [s] - [Wrone], [y] - [Murlv "K], [b] - [Pottlock], [and] - [to" Isllta] , [* y] - [l "* Ublpyny].

Variants of voice phones of impressive syllables. Weak vowel phonam clocking syllables differ in the degree of reduction: the weakest reduction is observed in the final open syllable. Two positions of weak phonemes differ in proclaiming syllables: after solid consonants and after soft consonants.

The system of variants of vocabulary of impressive syllables is presented in the table.

After solid consonants

After soft consonants

In a non-confinement

In the ultimate syllable

In a non-confinement

In the ultimate syllable

[s] - [and]
[Laying] - (waiting)
[Vyzhka] - (squeezed)

[s] - [b]
[naked] - (naked)
[Gun] - (goal)

[and] - [ъ]
[Bud "т" b] - (Buzz)
[Bud "bt" b] - (you will)

[and] - [b]
[with "н" them] - (blue)
[with "н" l] - (blue)

[b] - [b]
[CL "DCH" LE "and] - (Klyachi)
[CL "DCH" BM "and] - (Klyachi)

[b] - [b]
[CL "DCH" L M] - (Klyach)
[CL "DCH" BM] - (Klyach)

[Corps] - (body)

[Case] \u200b\u200b- (body)

[* y]
[Plpol "* Ear] - (by pitch)

[* y]
[hit "* y] - (on the field)

As the table shows, after solid consonants, vowels differ [s], [ъ], [y]; Moreover, the sounds [s] and [ъ] are weakly opposed. After soft consonants, vowels [and], [ъ], [b], [* y]; Moreover, the sounds [and] - [b], [ъ] - [b] are distinguished by weak distinction.

Menae, strong and weak, occupying the same position in the morpheme, forms phonam. So, vowel phonemes, identical to the place in the Morpheme, form a phonam row<о> - <Л> - <ъ>: [Spit] - [CLA] - [KSLR "and], and a consonant phone<в> Morphem becoming a phonam row begins<в> - <в"> - <ф> - <ф">: [Statutes] - ["IT Charter"] - [Setpoint] - [Settlement "].

The phonam row is an essential element of the structure of the language, as the Morphem identity is based on it. The composition of the phon of one and the same morpheme always corresponds to a specific phonam row. Flexions of the Certificate case in the words of the window and the garden [Lcnom] - [Saddle], Water-oh and mod-oh [vldo] - [fashion] pronounced in different ways. However, these flexions ([-th] - [-h], [-o] - [ъ]) are the same morphem, as the phoney changes in their composition<о> and<ъ>included in one phonam row.


Thus, the phonetic system of the Russian language consists of significant speech units:

§ Forms of the Word

§ phrases and suggestions

for transmission and distinguishing, which serve as phonetic instruments of the language:

Ø stack

W intrusion.

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Russian language abstract

Phonetic Russian language system


Phonetics - Science about the sound side of human speech. The word "phonetics" comes from Greek. Phonetikos "sound, voice" (Phone sound).

Without utterance and perception of hearing sounds that make up the sound shell of words, speech communication is impossible. On the other hand, for speech communication, the distinguishable of the pronounced word among others similar to sound is extremely important.

Therefore, in the phonetic language system, funds that serve to transmit and distinguish between significant units of speech - words, their forms, phrases and suggestions.


The phonetic means of the Russian language include:

Emphasis (verbal and phrase)


The shortest, minimum, non-grinding sound unit, which is highlighted with a consistent sound member of the word, is called soundspeech.

Sounds of speech have different quality and therefore serve in the language to dispense words. Often, words differ in just one sound, the presence of unnecessary sound compared to another word, the order of sounds.

For example: Galka - pebbles,

fight - howl

roth - Mole,

nose - sleep.

The traditional classification of speech sounds is the separation of them for consonants and vowels.

The consonants differ from the vowels of noise, which are formed in the oral cavity when pronouncing.

The consonants differ:

2) at the place of formation of noise,

3) by the method of formation of noise,

4) in the absence or presence of softness.

Participation of noise and voices. By participation of noise and voices, consonants are divided into noisy and sonorn. Connectors are called consonants formed by voice and insignificant noise: [m], [m], [n], [n "], [l], [l"], [p], [p "]. Noisy consonants are divided into ringing and deaf. Noisy ringing consonants are [b], [b "], [in], [in"], [g], [g "], [d], [d], [g], ["], [s ], [s "] ,, formed by the noise with the participation of voting. Noisy deaf consonants include: [p], [p "], [φ], [f"], [k], [k "], [t], [t"], [s], [c "] , [Ш], ["], [x], [x"], [c], [h "], formed only with one noise, without voting.

Place of formation of noise. Depending on which active speech body (bottom lip or language) dominates when the sound is formed, the consonants are divided into lunch and pagan. If we take into account the passive body, in relation to which the lip articulates or language articulates, consonants may be lifting [b], [p] [m] and lip-dental [in], [f]. Pagonias are divided into advanced, medium-speaking and posterior. Advanced-speaking can be dental [t], [d], [s], [s], [η], [n], [l] and label-dental [h], [sh], [f], [p] ; medium-wide - middle; Rear-speaking - posterior [g], [k], [x].

Ways to form noise

Depending on the difference in the formation of noise, the consonants are divided into worm [b], [p], [d], [t], [g], [k], slotted [in], [f], [s], [s ], [Ш], [Ж], [x], affriries [C], [h], broken-passing: nose [n], [m], side, or oral, [l] and trembling (vibrants) [ R].

Hardness and softness of consonants. The absence or presence of softness (palatalization) determines the hardness and softness of consonants. Palatalization (lat. Palatum is a solid palate) is the result of the average language articulation of the language that complements the main articulation of the consonant sound. Sounds formed with such additional articulation are called soft, and produced without it - solid.

A characteristic feature of the consonant system is the presence of pairs of sounds, correlated by deaf-belling and hardness-softness. The correction of paired sounds is that in some phonetic conditions (before vowels), they differ as two different sounds, and in other conditions (at the end of the word) do not differ and coincide in their sound.

For example: Rose - Dew and Roses - Ros [Ros - Ros].

So they act in the specified positions pair consonants [b] - [p], [in] - [φ], [d] - [t], [z] - [s], [z] - [Ш], [g] - [K], which, therefore, form correlative couples according to the deaf-belling.

A correlative series of deaf and voiced consonants is represented by 12 pairs of sounds. Paired consonants voiced by the presence of voice (ringing) or the lack of it (deaf). Sounds [l], [l], [m], [m], [n], [n "], [p], [p"] - obanial ringing, [x], [c], [h "] - obanial deaf.

The classification of Russian consonants is presented in the table:

In the way









The composition of the consonant sounds, taking into account correlation for deaf-belling, is shown in the following table

(["], ["] - long hissing, paired by deaf-belling; cf. [draw "and], [" and]).

The hardness and softness of consonants, like deafness-belling, differs in some positions, and does not differ in others, which leads to the presence in the system of consonant corrective rows of solid and soft sounds. So, before vowels [o] differ [L] - [L "] (Wed: Lot - Loda [Lot - L" from], and before the sound [E] do not differ not only [l] - [l], But other paired solid-soft sounds (Wed: [L "EU], [in" EU], [b "EU], etc.).

Long and double consonants

In the phonetic system of the modern Russian literary language there are two long consonants - soft hissing ["] and ["] (yeast, soup). These long hissing sounds are not opposed to the sounds [sh], [F], which are unpaired solid. As a rule, long consonants in Russian are formed only at the junctions of morpheme and are a combination of sounds. For example, in the word of the mind [RL Udk] a long sound arose at the junction of the prefixes and root court, Wed: [PL "Yerk], [L" [L "C" IC] (fake, sewn, pilot). The sounds that occur in these cases cannot be defined as long, as they are deprived of a distinctive function, are not opposed to short sounds. Essentially, such "long" sounds are not long, but double.

Cases of long consonants (quarrel, yeast, etc.) in the roots of Russian words are one. Words with double consonants in the roots are usually foreign ones (telegram, gamma, antenna, etc.). Such words in live pronunciation lose the longitude of vowels, which is often reflected in modern spelling (literature, attack, corridor, etc.).

Sound laws in the field of consonant sounds

russian consonant vowel sound

Phonetic word end of the word. Noisy ringing consonant at the end of the word is stunned, i.e. Pronounced as the corresponding pair deaf. Such a pronunciation leads to the formation of mistakes: threshold - vice, young - hammer, goats - Kos, etc. In words with two consonants, at the end of the word, both consonants are stunned: Gruss - sadness, the entrance - Pogs [PLDJEST], etc.

Stunning final ringing occurs in the following conditions:

1) Before the pause: [pr "Ishol injust] (a train came);

2) Before the next word (without a pause) with the initial not only deaf, but also vowels, sonorn, as well as [J] and [in]: [Poho], [our Sat], [Slight JA], [your mouth] (He is right, our garden, we are weak, is yours). Sonorny consonants are not exposed to stun: Sorrow, they say, com, he.

Assimilation of consonants on the bells and deafness. The combinations of consonants, of which one is deaf, and another ringing, not peculiar to the Russian language. Therefore, if there are two different consonant in the word in the word, the first consonant second is likened. Such a change in consonant sounds is called regressive assimilation.

By virtue of this law, calling consonants before the deaf pass into the pairs of deaf, and the deaf in the same position - in the ringing. Soviemaking of deaf consonants is less common than stunning the beams; The transition of the calls in the deaf creates the Omophones: [Dusk - Dusk] (handka - Dushka), [in "and e with" t "and - in" and e with "t" and] (Vesti - lead), [FP "І" And E M "Eshku - FP" LP "and E M" Eshku] (interspersed - inverse).

In front of the sonar, as well as before [j] and [in], the deaf remain unchanged: a clutch, plut, [Ltjest] (departure), your own.

Writele and deaf consonants are assimilated in the presence of the following conditions: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [plchotk] (gait), [zbor] (collection); 2) at the junction of prepositions with the word: [GD "ELU] (to the case), [HD" ELG] (WITH A DECOM); 3) at the stake of the word with a particle: [Goth] (one year), [before] (daughter); 4) At the junction of the significant words, pronounced without a pause: [Rock-Clus] (Kang Horn), [Ras-P "AT"] (five times).

Assimilation of consonants in softness. Solid and soft consonants are represented by 12 pairs of sounds. By education, they differ in the absence or presence of palatalization, which is an additional articulation (the middle part of the back of the tongue is high to the corresponding part of the nose).

The composition of consonants, taking into account the correlate series of solid and soft sounds, is presented in the following table:

Softness assimilation has a regressive nature: consonant softened, liketing the subsequent gentle consonant. In the specified position, not all consonants, paired hardness-softness, soften and not all soft consonants cause softening the previous sound.

All consonants, paired hardness and softened in the following weak positions:

1) in front of the voice [E]; [B "Eli], [in the" EU], [m "ate], [with" ate] (Bel, weight, chalk, villages), etc.;

2) before [and]: [m "Il], [p" Il "and] (MIL, drank).

Before the unpaired [F], [W], [C] soft consonants are impossible except [l], [L "] (cf. end - ring).

Mute dental [s], [s], [n], [p], [d], [t] and lip [b], [p], [m], [in], [φ]. Do not softened before soft consonants [g], [k], [x], as well as [l]: glucose, key, bread, fill, silently t.p. Mitigation occurs inside the word, but is absent before the soft consonants of the next word ([L "EU]; Wed [L" OR]) and in front of the particle ([Ros - L "and]; Wed [RLSL" and]) ( Here is the forest, the otter, whether, grew).

The consonants [s] and [s] are softened before soft [t "], [d], [s"], [n "], [l"]: [m "ks" t "], [in" and e s "d" e], [F-ka "b], [Kaz" N "] (revenge, everywhere, at the checkout, execution). Mitigation [s], [s] also occurs at the end of the prefixes and consonant with them pretexts before the soft lumps: [RID "D" AND E L "IT"], [RUS "T" and E NUT "], [b" "-H" and E C), [B "and E C" -C "Il] (divided, stretch, without it, without strength). Before soft lifting softening [s], [s], [d], [ T] Perhaps inside the root and at the end of the prefixes on-and, as well as in the prefix S- and in the conversion with it, the pretext: [with "M" EX], [s "in" kr "], [d" in "kr" ], [t "in" kr "], [with" n "kt"], [s "-n" them], [IS "-PKCH"], [RLZ "D" KT "] (laughter, beast, Door, Tver, sing, with him, bake, stray).

Lights in front of soft dentals are not softened: [PT "KN" h "bk], [n" EFT "], [Pz" AT "] (chickper, oil, take).

These cases of assimilative softness of consonants show that the action of assimilation in modern Russian literary language is not always distinguished by a strict sequence.

Assimilation of hardness consonants. Assymimization of consonants on hardness is carried out at the junction of the root and suffix, which starts the hard consonant: a locksmith - a plumbing, secretary - secretarians, etc. In front of the lip [b] Assimilation of hardness does not occur: [UAS "IT"] - [Pros "BJ], [MULT" IT "] - [MULD" BA] (ask - request, threshing - throat), etc. Assimilation is not subjected to [L "]: [floor" b] - [zlpol "us] (field, filled).

Assimiation of dental over hissing. This type of assimilation is applied to the dental [s], [s] in the position before hypers (protesters) [sh], [f], [h], [sh] and lies in the complete approaching of the dental [s], [s] to the subsequent hissing .

Complete assimilation [s], [s] occurs: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [at "], [radlets"] (squeeze, break); [STI "], [Plut"] (sew, squeeze); ["from], [RL" from] (account, calculation); [RLZNO "IR], [IR" IC] (peddler, cab driver);

2) at the junction of the pretext and the words: [AriM], [AriM] (with heat, with a ball); [B "and E AR], [BBE AR] (without heat, without a ball).

The combination of ZZH inside the root, as well as the combination of LJ (always inside the root) addressed a long soft [g "]: [by" Kommersant] (later), (I go); [WITH "AND], [DRO" and] (entrance, yeast). Optionally, in these cases can pronounce long solid [F].

The species of this assimilation is the assimilation of the dental [d], [t] following them [h], [C], resulting in long ["],: [l" from] (report) (FKRA ъ] (brief) .

Simplification of combinations of consonants. The consonants [d], [t] in combination of several consonants between vowels are not pronounced. Such simplification of groups of consonants is consistently observed in combinations: STN, ZDN, STL, NTSC, STSK, EFS, RDD, LSTs: [WITNES], [POSE], [W "and E Sl" Willow], [g "Igansk" and] , [h "Usi], [with" Erdts], [Sonz] (oral, late, happy, giant, feeling, heart, sun).

Reducing groups of identical consonants. During a track of three identical consonants at the junction of the preset or consoles with the next word, as well as at the junction of the root and suffix, the consonants are reduced to two: [RA OR "IT"] (once + quarreled), [LK] (with reference), [CLLO ] (column + n + ha); [LD "E KI] (Odessa + SK + IY).

Classification of Russiansvowels

The vowel sounds differ from the consonants of the voices - musical tone and no noise.

The existing classification of vowels takes into account the following conditions for the formation of vowels:

1) Lifting degree

2) Lifting space

3) participation or non-participation of the lips.

The most essential of these conditions is the position of the language, changing the form and the amount of the oral cavity, from the state of which the quality of the vowel depends on the state.

According to the degree of vertical lifting of the language, vowels of three degrees of lifting are distinguished: vowel upper lifting [and], [s], [y]; vowels medium lifting E [E], [o]; Vowed lower lifting [a].

The movement of the horizontal language leads to the formation of vowels of three rows: vowels of the front row [and], e [e]; Public medium rows [s], [a] and vowel rear rows [y], [o].

The participation or non-participation of the lips in the formation of vowels is the basis for the division of vowels into labialized (climbing) [o], [y] is inelabialaized (non-bred) [a], e [e], [and], [s].

Table of vowels of the modern Russian literary language

Sound law in the field of vocabulary

Glow reduction. Change (weakening) of vowels in an unstressed position is called reduction, and unstressed vowels-and-conducted vowels. There are positions of unstressed vowels in the first estate syllable (a weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables (a weak position of the second degree). The vowels in a weak position of the second degree are subjected to greater reduction than vowels in a weak position of the first degree.

Vowels in a weak position of the first degree: [vlly] (shafts); [shafts] (oxen); [B "and E yes] (trouble), etc.

Vowels in the weak position of the second degree: [Parlvos] (steam locomotive); [Kurglnda] (Karaganda); [Kulklla] (bells); [P "BL" and E on] (Pelon); [Gols] (Voice), [Major] (exclamation), etc.

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Lecture 13.

Fundamentals of theoretical phonetics

What is phonetics.

Sounds of speech.

Positional changes.

Family system and phonetic system.

1. What is phonetics.Learning the sound side of the language is called phonetic. Not knowing the phonetics, it is impossible to understand the modern letter, understand grammar.

Phonetics did not immediately entered the science of language, even in the first half of the XIX century. Scientists poorly distinguished sounds and letters. The need to draw up the grammar of the native languages \u200b\u200bin the colonies, the study of the safe dialects and the comparative historical descriptions of the languages \u200b\u200band their groups moved the phonetics forward.

Originated experimental phoneticsassociated with the use of recording tools, which allowed not "on the hearing", but objectively observing the differences and similarities of the sound. By the end of the XIX century. The successes of experimental phonetics were absorbed by the study of all other sides of the sound of the language, and the phonetics began to consider as a natural science.

The general theory of sound is engaged in the Physics section - acoustics. From the point of view of acoustics, the sound is the result of the vibrational movements of any body in any environment carried out by the action of any driving force and affordable for auditory perception. Acoustics distinguishes the following signs in sound:

- Height.

- powerthat depends on the amplitude of oscillations. What she is more, the stronger the sound.

- duration or longitude. The duration of this sound in time.

- Tembresound, i.e. Individual quality of its acoustic signs. Sound timbre - the phenomenon is complex, containing a basic tone and noise (or their combination), harmonic overtones (if there is a basic tone) and resonator tones.

A combination of speech organs forms speech apparatus (These include: lips, teeth, tongue, pawn, small tongue, nastrostrik, nasal cavity, throat, larynx, trachea, bronchi - light, diaphragm). But the term should be understood conditionally. The language is a public phenomenon, not biological, and from nature there are no "speech bodies". All listed organs have direct biological functions as sentences, taste, respiration, food intake and processing. This is created by nature. The use of these organs for the production of sounds of speech is the whole merit of mankind, who gave them an additional "cultural load." Speech apparatus:

The diaphragm, lungs, bronchi and trachea are the source of air jet, which is used in the formation of speech sounds as a driving force;

Extra tube - oral cavities and nose - source of overtones and resonator tones; In addition, various noises arise in the oral cavity in the oral cavity.

2. Sounds of speech.The work of speech organs aimed at the production of speech sounds is called articulation. Articulation consists of three parts: from attach(or excursions) sound when the organs "go to work", middle Part(or exposure) when the organs were established for this articulation, and departure(or recursions) When the organs return to the inoperative state.

All sounds can be divided into vowelsand consonantsAnd this division can come from both acoustic and articulation signs. Acoustic speech sounds are divided into sonorno (sound) I. noisy. Exhalation force ( expiration) Nonodynakova in different kind of sounds: it is just stronger in the deaf consonants (they are called Fortes - strong), weaker at the voiced consonants (they are called Lenes - weak), still weaker in the sonorny and, finally, the weakest of the vowels. In the "weaknesses" of vowels and most of the sonorous consonants it is easy to make sure if they are pronounced them without voice.

Consonants The sounds of each form of education can be qualified by places of Educationwhat will answer the question where? The place of education is the point in which two organs are condensed or closed on the way of air jet and where, with direct overcoming obstacles (explosive, affrust, frictional) noise arises. Determining the consistent with the two coordinates - according to the method and place of articulation, it should be remembered that all the consonants are noisy (ie, frictionative, explosive and affriage) can be uttered with voice (ringing) and without voice (deaf).

Signs characterizing consonants are not suitable for determining vowels.The consonants are clearly divided by the method of education, the vowels are all belonging to one way - free passage. The consonants can be divided by the place of education, the vowels have no place of education, since the organs of speech do not form a jet of air either a gap, no bow.

Articulating vowels are distributed horizontally by row, i.e. by that part of the language that is raised when the pronunciation of this sound: vowels front row (such as [and], [e], [æ]) and rear row (for example, [y], [o], [a]), the vowels include Russian [s] and its closer pair [ý].

Vertically vowels are divided by raising. By the degree of raising one part of the language. The most simple scheme provides three lifts: upper(such as [and], [s], [y], [ý]), middle (for example, [e], [o], [ö]) and lower - These are different a.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsuch a table was proposed by the English phonetist Bella (Bell) and was developed by G. Sweet (H. Sweet, 1845-1912).

Table at nine (or 18) cells is convenient because it is simple and visual, but thanks to the rectilinear schematism, it somewhat distorts the genuine vowel ratio. The newest phonetists, criticizing this table, proposed otherwise - in the form of a trapezium and without the inner breakdown on the cells - the table of the International Phonetic Association.

Publications may vary with long time. In Russian, vowels do not differ long time; All vowels under the stress are more long, and in unstressed syllables - more brief.

This is phonetically represents sound flow or sound chain. This chain disintegrates on the neighboring links: 1) phrases, 2) tacts, 3) syllables, 4) sounds.

- Phrase - this is the largest phonetic unit; phrases are divided into speech chain pauses, i.e.ostanovka sound. The phrase by intonation is combined; Each pronounced phrase has a specific intonation scheme. The phrase decays to the tact.

- Tact - This is part of the phrase (one or several syllables), combined with one stress. Trackers are disintegrated by syllables.

- Syllable- Part of the tact consisting of one or more sounds. Sounds are divided into sounds.

Z. speech Owls - This is part of the syllable, pronounced in one articulation.

3. Positional changes.Since the sounds of speech are not pronounced isolated, and in the sound chain of a connected speech, then the sounds can influence each other, especially neighboring.

Changes in sounds (most advantage of vowels) in unstressed syllables - reduction. The reduction is closely related to the emphasis.

Emphasis - This isolation from the syllables group of one syllable. This is in different languages \u200b\u200bis achieved by various means:

Force or intensity of articulation is dynamic Emphasis (otherwise: power, it is also called exprupical); There is a purely dynamic emphasis in Czech, where the power of the shock syllable is always the first, but it is usually brief, and the next unstressed it may have a longitude; For example, Ležák - "Lekebery".

Longitude pronunciation is quantitative Emphasis (otherwise: quantitative or legal); Languages \u200b\u200bwith purely quantitative emphasis are rare. For example, modern Novogreic language, such and the Russian literary language, where the shock syllable is always the strongest and longest.

Movement of voice tone (ascending, descending or combined) against the background of neutral tones of other syllables is toneemphasis (otherwise: melodic, musical). Purely accent - in Chinese, Dungan, Korean, Japanese; Often it is connected to the enhancement of the shock syllable, as in Norwegian and Swedish.

Place of stress in the word may be fixed and non-fixed; So, in Czech, the emphasis is always on the first syllable, in Polish - in the penultimate, in most Turkic languages \u200b\u200b- on the latter. it single Fixed stress. It happens fixed, but discovered. Thanks to the ability to move, emphasis in Russian plays a big role in grammar, distinguishing grammatical forms, for example: hand -rock, pour - pouretc.

Accommodation(devices) arise between consonants and vowels, usually standing nearby, and consist in the fact that the subsequent sound is adapted to the previous one - progressive accommodation, or the previous sound is adapted to the subsequent - regressive accommodation. Accommodation - always partial adaptation of sounds, because vowels and consonants - to the sounds of different types and until the end can not be easily. In various languages \u200b\u200band in different periods of development of one language, accommodate: consonants of vowels and vowels consonants.

Assimilation (like) arise between the sounds of the same kind (in vowels with vowels, in consonants with consonants) and therefore may be complete, i.e. Two different sounds as a result of assimilation may be fited and become the same; Therefore, it should be distinguished by assimilation full, for example, to confuse\u003e [Z'B'It '], boat\u003e [lóllλ], and incomplete, for example, leisure\u003e [where]\u003e [D.: s).

Dissimilation (Frames) arise between the sounds of the same type and are based on the trends opposite to assimilation: from two identical or similar sounds, two different or less similar sounds are obtained. Assimilation and dissimilation are aimed at facilitating pronunciation.

Assimilations do not change the phonetic appearance of the tongue and wider allowed by the literary language; Dissimillations sharply change the phonetic appearance of the tongue and more often found in non-normalized speech (dialects, spacious, children's speech).

4. Famining system and phonetic system.The ratio of sound and meaning has long been interested in scientists. Most often tried to establish a direct connection between sounds and meaning. This is the so-called "symbolism of sounds" (Plato, Scholasti, Ya. Grim, V. Humbolt, A. Shleyher). But the sounds of speech, as such, do not matter and cannot have it.

Languages \u200b\u200bK.XIX c. They stated that the sounds and meanings in the language exist and develop themselves, the connection of sounds and values \u200b\u200bis limited association. So the phonetics was given to natural sciences. In order not to break the unity of the tongue, the understanding came from theory familyor phonology.

Russian science owns the priority of the first formulation of the theory of the background and the introduction of this term into a linguistic use of the 80s. XIX century Kazan Linguistic School, I.A. Boduen de Courta, N.V. Kruzhevsky. The basic provisions on phonemes were developed.

The concepts of "phoneme" and "sound of speech" do not coincide, because The phoneme can consist not only from one sound, but also from two (diphthongs, in English: Fly, House).

Phoneeons - These are the minimum units of the sound system that serve to distinguish between significant units of the language: morpheme, words.

To perform this role - folding and distinguishing significant units of the language - phonemes must be opposed to each other in the language system. Such opposition to the phonetem called opposition.

First of all, each foundation is opposed to zero, i.e. The absence of this phoneme: cattle cat, wolf ox -distinguish different words stool chair - Forms of one word (or word form), etc.

The phonemes are minimal units of the language, it is impossible to divide them. The phoneme is a complex phenomenon, because consists of a number of signs that do not exist independently, outside the background (belliers, hardness, explosions, etc.) not all signs in the background play the same role, one is senseless or word-distinguishable; Others are indistinguishable.

The same sign of the background of different languages \u200b\u200bcan have a different functional characteristic: in the same language - this is a distinctive (hardness and softness in Russian), in others - indistinguisory (hardness and softness in French).

To establish whether the sounds in a language to different phonemes belong or are varieties of one phoneme, it is necessary to put them into the same utterance conditions and establish whether they distinguish between their meaning without the help of other phonemes - then these are different phonams; If they do not distinguish, then these are varieties of one phoneme.

There are no "universal" phonemes. Each language has its number of background, and the proportions of consonants and vowels.

For studying language, it is not so difficult to master the unusual articulation of sounds (for Russian - English. Interdental or French and Polish nasal vowels) how to pronounce unusual options: saying involuntarily introduces the usual phonetic norms of his language, which forms accent (Russians stun the final ringing consonants at the end of words in English, French, etc.).

Normalization of pronunciation in practical phonetics is engaged orphoepium -literally means the correct pronunciation (spelling - "correct letter"), denotes a section dedicated to pronunciation standards. Only the literary pronunciation is normalized, which is necessary for the radio, theater, schools.

Auxiliary section - reading rules, i.e.proisuctive instructions for reading letters and their combinations, when the letter and language do not correspond to each other.

Russian language abstract

on the topic:

"Phonetic system of Russian language"

Without utterance and perception of hearing sounds that make up the sound shell of words, speech communication is impossible. On the other hand, for speech communication, the distinguishable of the pronounced word among others similar to sound is extremely important.

Therefore, in the phonetic language system, funds that serve to transmit and distinguish between significant units of speech - words, their forms, phrases and suggestions.

1.flowing funds of the Russian language

The phonetic means of the Russian language include:


Emphasis (verbal and phrase)


      The shortest, minimum, non-grinding sound unit, which is highlighted with a consistent sound member of the word, is calledsound speech .

Sounds of speech They have different quality and therefore serve as a language in the language to distinguish words. Often, words differ in just one sound, the presence of unnecessary sound compared to another word, the order of sounds.

For example: Galka - pebbles,

fight - howl

roth - Mole,

nose - sleep.

The traditional classification of speech sounds is the separation of them for consonants and vowels.

    Consonants They differ from the vowels of noise, which are formed in the oral cavity when pronouncing.

The consonants differ:

2) at the place of formation of noise,

3) by the method of formation of noise,

4) in the absence or presence of softness.

Participation of noise and voices . By participation of noise and voices, consonants are divided into noisy and sonorn.Sonornos The consonants, formed by voting and insignificant noise, are called: [M], [M], [H], [H "], [l], [l"], [p], [p "].Noisy The consonants are divided into ringing and deaf. Noisy ringing consonants are [b], [b "], [in], [in"], [g], [g "], [d], [d], [g], ["], [s ], [s "] ,, formed by the noise with the participation of voting. Noisy deaf consonants include: [p], [p "], [φ], [f"], [k], [k "], [t], [t"], [s], [c "] , [Ш], ["], [x], [x"], [c], [h "], formed only with one noise, without voting.

Place of formation of noise . Depending on which active speech body (lower lip or language) dominates the formation of sound, the consonants are divided intolight and pagan . If we take into account the passive body, in relation to which the lip art is articulates, consonants can belifting [b], [p] [m] and lip-dental [B], [f]. Pagonias divided byadvanced, medium-language and posterior-speaking . Advanced-speaking can be dental [t], [d], [s], [s], [η], [n], [l] and label-dental [h], [sh], [f], [p] ; medium-wide - middle; Rear-speaking - posterior [g], [k], [x].

Ways to form noise . Depending on the difference in the formation of noise, consonants are divided intoworm [b], [p], [d], [t], [g], [k],slotted [B], [F], [C], [С], [Ш], [Ж], [x],affricates [C], [h], fit-pass: nasal [n], [m], side, or mouth, [l] andtrembling (vibrant) [P].

Hardness and softness of consonants . The absence or presence of softness (palatalization) determines the hardness and softness of consonants.Palatalization (lat. Palatum is a solid palate) is the result of the average language articulation of the language that complements the main articulation of the consonant sound. Sounds formed with such additional articulation are calledsoft , and formed without it -solid.

A characteristic feature of the consonant system is the presence of pairs of sounds, correlated by deaf-belling and hardness-softness. The correction of paired sounds is that in some phonetic conditions (before vowels), they differ as two different sounds, and in other conditions (at the end of the word) do not differ and coincide in their sound.

For example: R o for - Ros A and Roses - Ros [Ros Ros].

So they act in the specified positions pair consonants [b] - [p], [in] - [φ], [d] - [t], [z] - [s], [z] - [Ш], [g] - [K], which, therefore, form co-relatives of the consonantsdeaf-belling.

A correlative series of deaf and voiced consonants is represented by 12 pairs of sounds. Paired consonants voiced by the presence of voice (ringing) or the lack of it (deaf). Sounds [l], [l], [m], [m], [n], [n "], [p], [p"] - obanial ringing, [x], [c], [h "] - obanial deaf.

The classification of Russian consonants is presented in the table:

In the way















w S.





r L.


The composition of the consonant sounds, taking into account correlation for deaf-belling, is shown in the following table

(["], ["] - long hissing, paired by deaf-belling; cf. [draw "and], [" and]).

The hardness and softness of consonants, like deafness-belling, differs in some positions, and in others it does not differ, which leads to the presence in the system of consonant corrective seriessolid and soft Sounds. So, before the vowel [o] differ [l] - [l "] (Wed:lot - Loda [Lot - L "from], and before the sound [e] do not differ not only [l] - [l"], but also other paired solid soft sounds (Wed: [L "EU], [in" EU] , [B "EU], etc.).

Long and double consonants. In the phonetic system of the modern Russian literary language there are two long consonants - soft hissing ["] and ["] (yeast, soup ). These long hissing sounds are not opposed to the sounds [sh], [F], which are unpaired solid. As a rule, long consonants in Russian are formed only at the junctions of morpheme and are a combination of sounds. For example, in the wordreason [R. Λ w. dw] long sound appeared at the console buttand the root of the court -, Wed: [p Λ "E LK], [s), [l" ö "IR] ( fake, sewed, pilot). The sounds that occur in these cases cannot be defined as long, as they are deprived of a distinctive function, are not opposed to short sounds. Essentially, such "long" sounds are not long, but double.

Cases of long consonants (quarrel, yeast and others) in the roots of Russian words are single. Words with double consonants in the roots are usually foreign ones (telegram, Gamma, Antenna etc.). Such words in live pronunciation lose the longitude of vowels, which is often reflected in modern spelling (literature, Attack, Corridor etc.).

Sound laws in the field of consonant sounds:

    Phonetic . Noisy ringing consonant at the end of the word is stunned, i.e. Pronounced as the corresponding pair deaf. Such pronunciation leads to the formation of mistons:threshold - vice, young - hammer, goats - Kos etc. In words with two consonants at the end of the word, both consonants are stunned:grup - sadness, substitution - Painst [P Λ dJ E Art], etc.

Stunning final ringing occurs in the following conditions:

1) before the pause: [ISHabout l p o jit] (train came ); 2) Before the next word (without a pause) with the initial not only deaf, but also vowels, sonorn, as well as [J] and [in]: [Poho], [our Sat], [Slight JA], [your mouth] (he is right, our garden, we are weak, kind). Sonorny consonants are not exposed to stun:sor, they say, whom, he.

    Assimilation of consonant on the bells and deafness. The combinations of consonants, of which one is deaf, and another ringing, not peculiar to the Russian language. Therefore, if there are two different consonant in the word in the word, the first consonant second is likened. Such a change in consonant sounds is called regressive assimilation.

By virtue of this law, calling consonants before the deaf pass into the pairs of deaf, and the deaf in the same position - in the ringing. Soviemaking of deaf consonants is less common than stunning the beams; The transition of the calls in the deaf creates the Omophones: [Dat school - d at school] (handka - dusk), [in "and e with" t "and - in" and e with "t" and] (carry - to lead), [FP "IR" and E M "E SCCE - FP "IR" and E M "E Shu] ( finding - inversion).

In front of the sonar, as well as before [j] and [in], the deaf remain unchanged:truth, Plut , [Λ tJ E ST] (departure), your own, your.

Write and deaf consonants are assimilated in the presence of the following conditions: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [nΛ x about TK] (gait), [zbor] (collection ); 2) At the junction of prepositions with the word: [GD "e Lou] (to business), [here "e lm] (with the case ); 3) At the junction of the word with a particle: [gabout t-th] (one year), [d,] (daughter would ); 4) At the junction of significant words, pronounced without a pause: [Rock-KΛ pS] (Kang Horn), [Ras-P "AT"] (five times).

    Assimilation of consonants for softness. Solid and soft consonants are represented by 12 pairs of sounds. By education, they differ in the absence or presence of palatalization, which is an additional articulation (the middle part of the back of the tongue is high to the corresponding part of the nose).

The composition of consonants, taking into account the correlate series of solid and soft sounds, is presented in the following table:

Softness assimilation has a regressive nature: consonant softened, liketing the subsequent gentle consonant. In the specified position, not all consonants, paired hardness-softness, soften and not all soft consonants cause softening the previous sound.

All consonants, paired hardness-softness, are softened in the following weak positions: 1) in front of the voice [E]; [B "Ael], [in the" EU], [m "ate], [with" ate] (white, weight, chalk, sat) etc.; 2) before [and]: [m "Il], [p" Il "and] (mIL, drank).

Before unpaired [F], [Ш], [C] Soft consonants are impossible except [l], [l "] (cf.the end is ring).

Mute dental [s], [s], [n], [p], [d], [t] and lip [b], [p], [m], [in], [φ]. Do not soften before soft consonants [g], [k], [x], as well as [l]:glucose, key, bread, fill, silent T.P. Mitigation occurs inside the word, but is absent in front of the soft consonant next word ([here - L "e s]; cf. [ Λ " about p]) and in front of the particle ([pabout C - L "and]; cf. [p Λ sl "and]) ( here is the forest, otter, Ros, grew).

The consonants [s] and [s] are softened before soft [t "], [d], [s"], [n "], [l]: [m"ê with "t"], [in "and e s" d "Е], [F-K a" b], [Kaz "n"] ( revenge, everywhere, in the checkout, execution). Mitigation [s], [s] also occurs at the end of the prefixes and consonant with them preterals before soft luminous: [RD "D" and E L "IT"], [RH "T" and E NUT "], [b" ез "-n" and e in o), [b "and e with" -C "Il] ( split, stretch, without it, without power). In front of the soft lip softening [s], [s], [d], [t] is possible inside the root and at the end of the consoles on-Z. as well as in the consolefrom- and in the conversion with her pretext: [with "M" EX], [s "in"ê p "], [d" in " ê p "], [t" in " ê p "], [with" P " ê t "], [s" -n "them], [IS" -Pê h "], [p Λ s "d" ê t "] ( laughter, beast, door, tver, sing, with him, bake, stray).

Lights before soft dentals are not softened: [PT "ê n "h" bk], [n "EFT"], [Pz "AT"] (chick, oil, take).

These cases of assimilative softness of consonants show that the action of assimilation in modern Russian literary language is not always distinguished by a strict sequence.

Complete assimilation [s], [s] occurs: 1) at the junction of morpheme: [aT "], [p Λ aT "] (squeeze, dismiss); [ит"], [p Λ "] (sew, squeeze); [" from], [p Λ "O T] (account, calculation); [p Λ zN about "IC], [Iz about" IR] ( permanent driver);

2) at the junction of the pretext and the words: [Arm], [and rod] (with heat, with a ball); [b "and e art], [bi e art] ( without heat, without a ball).

Combination of ZZH inside the root, as well as a combinationlJ (always inside the root) addressed a long soft [g "]: [on" Kommersant] (later ), (I go); [in O "and], [DR O" and] (Lozhzhi, Yeast ). Optionally, in these cases can pronounce long solid [F].

A variation of this assimilation is the assimilation of the dental [d], [t] with the following [h], [C], resulting in long ["], []: [Λ "O T] (report), (FKR A KH] (brief).

Simplification of combinations of consonants . The consonants [d], [t] in combination of several consonants between vowels are not pronounced. Such simplification of groups of consonants is consistently observed in combination:sTN, ZDN, STL, NTSC, STSK, V., RDC, LTS: [in dream], [p about zn], [sh "and e cl" and you], [g "Igansk" and], [h "in the property], [with "E RDC], [with about the NCC] ( oral, late, happy, giant, feeling, heart, sun).

Reducing groups of identical consonants . Dialing three identical consonants at the junction of the preposition or consoles with the next word, as well as at the junction of the root and suffix, the consonants are reduced to two: [o p "IT"] (once + quarreling), [sh "(with reference), [to Λ l o s] (column + n + ); [Λ d "E KI] (Odessa + SK + IY).

    Vowels They differ from the consonants of the voice - musical tone and lack of noise.

The existing classification of vowels takes into account the following conditions for the formation of vowels:

1) Lifting degree

2) Lifting space

3) participation or non-participation of the lips.

The most essential of these conditions is the position of the language, changing the form and the amount of the oral cavity, from the state of which the quality of the vowel depends on the state.

According to the degree of vertical lifting language, vowels are vowels three degrees of lifting: vowelsupper lifting [and], [s], [y]; vowelsmedium lifting e [e], [o]; vowellower lifting [a].

The movement of the horizontal language leads to the formation of vowels three rows: vowelsfront row [and], e [e]; vowelsmedium row [s], [a] and vowelstest rows [y], [o].

Participation or non-participation of the lips in the formation of vowels is the basis for dividing vowels onlabialized (lumped) [o], [y] andnalabialized (non-scrambled) [a], e [e], [and], [s].

Table of vowels of the modern Russian literary language










e [ e.]


Sound law in the field of vowel sounds.

Glow reduction . Change (weakening) of vowels in an unstressed position is calledreduction , and unstressed vowels -reduced vowels. There are positions of unstressed vowels in the first estate syllable (a weak position of the first degree) and the position of unstressed vowels in the remaining unstressed syllables (a weak position of the second degree). The vowels in a weak position of the second degree are subjected to greater reduction than vowels in a weak position of the first degree.

Vowels in a weak position of the first degree: [inΛ l s] (shafts); [shaft] (oxen); [B "and E D A] (trouble), etc.

Vowels in a weak position of the second degree: [Parlvo C] (steam locomotive); [Kerg. Λ nD a] (Karaganda); [Kylk. Λ l a] (bells); [P "BL" and E N A] (Pelona); [G O LAN] (voice), [in about ZGLS] (exclamation), etc.

1.2 In the speech stream differsemphasis Phrase, clock and verbal.

Wonderful stress It is called selection when the pronunciation of one of the syllables of the doubled or multi-line word. The verbal emphasis is one of the main external signs of an independent word.Wonderful stress Decompositions words and forms of words, the same on the sound composition (Wed:kl u would - club s, d s - hole s, r at ki - hands and ). Service words and particles usually do not have accent and adjoin independent words, making up one with themphonetic word: [Under-Mountains about Y], [on-sides Е], [ours].

The Russian language is characteristic of a power (dynamic) emphasis, in which the shock syllable is allocated compared to the unparalleled larger intensity of articulation, especially vowel sound. The shock vowel is always more long than the unstressed sound corresponding to it. Russian stress discovery: it can fall on any syllable (there is a move, out of diet, output and h).

Disgrace Accents are used in Russian to distinguish between omographs and their grammatical forms (o RANGE - Org a n ) and individual forms of different words (m o u - ), and in some cases serves as a means of lexical differentiation of the word (x and OS - ha o with ) or gives the word stylistic coloring (young e c - m about the boat). Mobility and immobility Accents serves as an additional means in the formation of forms of the same word: emphasis or remains on the same place of the word (oGOR O. d, -a, -h, -th, -e, s, -s etc.), or goes from one part of the word to another (g O. rod, -a, -h, -th, -e; -a, - O etc.). The impact mobility ensures the distinction of grammatical forms (to Pete - Kopery and those, N about gi - legs and, etc.).

In some cases, the difference in the site of verbal emphasis loses any meaning

For example: TV about horn and creature about g, and even in a che, about booze and oh y, etc.

Words can be unstable and weakly learning. Usually lubricated service words and particles, however, they sometimes take emphasis on themselves, so the pretext with the next experimen word has one stress: [n A -Zima], [z A-rig], [p o d-evening].

Low-tireless and three-sided prepositions and unions, simple numerals in combination with noun, ligamentsbe Some of the inner words.

Some categories of words have in addition to the main addition, side emphasis, which is usually in the first place, and the main one - on the second, for example:dr. ê verner at Sky . To such words include words:

1) multiplodes, as well as complex in composition (aircraft),

2) comprehensive (g. ô stelca E HTR),

3) words with consolesafter-, super-, architectural trans-, anti- et al. (Tr â natlant I. chesky, afternooni am PRA),

With the phonology, the intonation is related to the fact that it belongs to the sound side of the language and that it is functional, but it differs from phonology that the intonation units have semantic significance themselves: for example, ascending intonation is mainly related to the questionality or incompleteness of the statement. The relationship between intonation and the syntax of the proposal is not always unambiguous. In some cases, grammatical samples for which the statement is built may have a typical intonational design. So, sentences with a particlewhether represent a grammar sample to build a questioning statement.

Different syntax structures can be decorated with the same intonation, and one and the same syntax structure can be framed by different intonations. Accordingly, the statements change. This indicates a certain autonomy of intonation in relation to the syntax.

2. Phonetic units of the Russian language

From the side of the rhythmic-intonation, our speech is a speech stream, or a chain of sound. This chain is shaped on the links, or phonetic speech units: phrases, tacts, phonetic words, syllables and sounds.

    Phrase - This is the largest phonetic unit, completed by the meaning of a statement, combined by special intonation and separated from other phrases with a pause.

    Speech tact (or syntagma ) Most often consists of several words united by one stress.

    Speech tact is divided intof. onnemic words . Independent words, together with the unstable service words and particles adjacent to them.

    The words are members of the actual phonetic units -sound , and the last - onsounds .

2.1 Sound

From the point of view of education, from the physiological,syllable It is a sound or several sounds that pronounced by one exhaling joke.

From the point of view of the temptation, from the side of the acoustic, the syllable is a sound segment of speech, in which one sound is highlighted in the greatest than the sound in comparison with the neighboring - preceding and subsequent. Public sounds, as the most sonorous, are usually slightly, and consonants - non-voltage, but sonorny (p, l, m, n ), as the most sound from the consonants, can form a syllable. The syllables are divided into open and closed depending on the position of the sound sound in them.

Open Called a syllable ending with a boring sound:va-Ta. Closed called a syllable ending with a non-voltage sound:there, Lai.

Uncooked Called a syllable starting to a vowel sound:a-Orta. Cupped called syllable starting on the consonant sound:ba-tone.

The main law of the broker in Russian.

The structure of the syllable in Russian is subject to the law of ascending. This means that the sounds in the syllable are located from the least keen to the most sonorous.

The law of ascending calm can be illustrated on the words given below if the soundness conventionally indicate the numbers: 3 - vowels, 2 - sonorous consonants, 7 - noisy consonants.Due: 1-3 / 1-3; LO-DCA: 2-3 / 1-1-3; butter : 2-3 / 1-2-3; WHO: 1-3-2 / 2-3. In the examples of the examples, the main law of the problem is implemented at the beginning of the deceptant syllable.

The initial and final syllables are built in Russian by the same principle of increasing sound. For example:leo: 2-3 / 1-3; Ste-klo: 1-3 / 1-2-3.

The situation is usually preserved in the form of a combination of significant words in the form, which is characteristic of the word:turkey is us - Tour-qi-and; Nasturtium (Flowers) - on-stur-qi.

The private law of the phrase at the junction of Morpham is the impossibility of pronunciation, firstly, more than two identical consonants between vowels and, secondly, the same consonants before the third (other) consonant within one syllable. This is more often observed at the junction of the root and suffix and less often - at the junction of the console and root or pretext and words. For example:odessans [o / de / sit]; art [and / sided / object]; partition [RA / becomes / Sia]; With wall [Steencies], therefore, more often - [C / Ste / us].

2.2 Sounds

Sounds of speech, without possessing their own meaning, are a means to distinguish words. Study of the distinctive ability of speech sounds is a special aspect of phonetic research and is calledphonology.

Phonological, or functional, approach to speech sounds occupies a leading position in learning a language; The study of the acoustic properties of speech sounds (physical aspect) is closely related to the phonology.

To designate sound when it is considered from the phonological, use the termphoneme .

As a rule, the sound shells of words and their forms are different if we eliminate homonyms. Words having the same sound composition may vary with the place of emphasis (u - m u ku, m at ki - flour and ) or the procedure for following the same sounds (cot - Tok. ). Words may contain both the smallests, further, inhabitable units of speech sound, which independently distinguish the sound shells of words and their forms, for example:tank side, beech ; In these words, the sounds [a], [o], [y] distinguish sound shells of these words and act as a phoneme. The wordsbach about to and bar about to differ in the letter, but are pronounced equally [bΛ h O. k]: Sound shells of these words do not differ, because the sounds [a] and [o] in the given words are in the first estate syllable and deprived of the distinctive role they are performed in wordsbuck - Bok . Consequently, the phoneme serves to distinguish the sound shell of words and their forms. The phonemes differentiate the meaning of words and forms, but only their sound shells indicate differences in the meaning, but do not disclose their character.

Various sound quality [A] and [O] in wordsbuck - side and Bach About K - Boc about to Explained to a different place, which these sounds occupy in words in relation to verbal stress. In addition, when pronouncing words, the influence of one sound is possible on the quality of the other, and as a result of this, the qualitative nature of the sound is caused by the position of the sound - the position after another sound or in front of it, between other sounds. In particular, for the quality of vowel sounds, it turns out to be an important position in relation to the impact syllable, and for consonants - the situation in the end of the word. So in wordsrog - Rog A [Rock] - [p Λ ha] the consonant sound [g] (at the end of the word) is stunning and pronounced as [to], and a vowel sound [o] (in the first estate syllable) sounds like [Λ]. Consequently, the quality of sounds [o] and [g] in these words is to one degree or another dependent on the position of these sounds in the Word.

The concept of the phonam involves the distinction between independent and dependent signs of speech sounds. Independent and dependent signs of sounds relate to different sounds and in various phonetic conditions. So, for example, the sound [s] in wordscreated and section It is characterized by two independent signs: the form of education (slit sound) and the place of education (dental sound). In addition to independent signs, sound [s] in the wordcreated [with about health] has one dependent sign - the bellivity (before ringing [d]), and in the wordsection [R. Λ s "d" e l] - two dependent signs caused by the position of sound: the bellier (before ringing [d]) and the softness (before the soft dental [D "]). From here it follows that signs of independent signs prevail in some phonetic conditions, and in others - dependent .

Accounting for independent and dependent signs clarifies the concept of the phonam. Independent qualities form independent phones, which are used in the same (identical) position and distinguish sound shells of words. The dependent sound quality exclude the possibility of drinking sound in the identical position and deprive the sound of a distinctive role and therefore form not independent phonams, but only a variety of one and the same phonemes. Hence,phonna The shortest sound unit is called independent of its quality and therefore serving to distinguish sound shells of words and their forms.

Quality of vowels [a], [o], [y] in wordstank side, beech It is not fundamentally fundamentally due to the position, and the use of these sounds is identical (between the same consonants, under the stress). Therefore, the selected sounds have a distinctive function and, therefore, are phonemes.

In words, mother, mint, mive [ma t ", m" a h, m " ä t "] The impact sound [a] varies in quality, as it is not used in the identical, but in different positions (before soft, after soft, between soft consonants). Therefore, the sound [a] in wordsmother, mint, mive does not have a directly distinctive function and forms not independent phonemes, but only a variety of one and the same phonemes<а> .

The degree of different function of the phone is expressed in the conceptsstrong phoneme and weak phoneme .

Strong phonemes act in the phonetic position, in which the largest number of sound units differs, for example, vowels in the position under stress. Such a phonetic position is calledstrong position; Impact vowels are strong phonemes, and their phonetic position is a strong position.

Weak phonemes act in those positions in which fewer sound units differ. Such a phonetic position is called a weak position. So, in an unstressed position, the vowels perform in a smaller number of sound units (cf. coincidence in the first estate syllable of sounds [O] and [A]:shaft - [in Λ l s], ox - [in Λ l s ]). Unstressed vowels are weak phonemes, and their phonetic position -weak position.

Strong and weak phonemes have a different distinctive ability: a distinctive function of the phone, in strong positions, has the greatest degree, in weak positions smaller.

The main type of strong vowels . The main type of strong vowel phonam is a type of this phoneme, the least dependent on the phonetic conditions, i.e. under stress at the beginning of the word before solid consonant sound (and the RKA, about the spa, e hatch, and the root, at RNA).

Varieties of strong vowels . Strong vowels, distinguished by stress, change their quality depending on the situation before consonant and after the consonant of a particular quality, in the absolute beginning and in the absolute end of the word and act in different varieties - more than the front or rear, which are presented in the following table Variations of vocabulary:


we, soil


sleep, sleeping




tU here


drink, drink


A comparison of variations of strong vowel phonemes (see table) shows that they differ only at the place of education and that the place of education is vowels (a number of vowels) is not a decisive sign of the vowel phonemon.

The above diagram of variations of strong vowel background should be supplemented by an indication of the pronunciation of the heavy-sized background after posterior and solid hissing.

    After rear-speaking (g, k, x ), not before soft consonants, the same vowels are pronounced that in position I; Moreover, before [E] and [and], the posterior speakers perform in their soft species: [as], [com], [kum], [to "ЕМ], [to" IT].

    After the posterior, before soft consonants, the same vowels are pronounced as in position II, and the posterior-speaking before [E] and [and] act in their soft variations: [toand M "BN"], [to about with "t"], [to y with "t" IK], [k " ê p "and], [k" û with "T"].

    After solid hissing (well, Sh ), before solid and soft consonants, all vowels, except<е>, change the same as in positions III and IV, and the phoneme<е> Performs in variations<э>.

Weak vowel phonemes (reduced vowels) of the first estate syllable. The quality of weak vocabulary is dependent, on the one hand, on the position in the unstressed syllable and, on the other hand, from the quality of neighboring consonants. In determining the phonetic positions, only the quality of the preceding consonant is practically taken into account only by the quality of the preceding consonant, which makes it possible to distinguish the following phonetic positions:

I - at the beginning of the word, II - after the paired solid consonant. III - after soft consonant, IV - after solid hissing (vocabulary of vocabulary).

The system of weak vowels of the first estate syllable (varieties of weak background) in comparison with the system of strong vocabulary is shown in the following table:

Family options<а>, <о>, <е> The first estate syllable after solid consonants coincide with the variants of these backgrounds in the absolute start of the word. These are sounds [Λ], [ s e. ].

An exception is the foundation<и>which in the absolute start of the word is implemented by sound [and]: [Yvesbutn], and in the first estate syllable after solid consonants - sound [s]: [s-butnm].

Options for vocabulary of the second estate syllable . In all the estate syllables, except for the first, weak vowel phonemes are in a weak position of the second degree. This position has two varieties: I - after paired solid consonant and II - after a soft consonant. After solid consonants, voice phones are implemented by the sounds [ъ], [s], [y]; After soft - sounds [b], [and], [y]. For example: [b] - [BarΛ b.butn], [KylichΛ l.but], [s] - [Revenuebutt "], [U] - [MooreΛ in"ê ], [b] - [PightΛ c.aboutk], [and] - [to "IslΛ t.but], [y] - [l "UBΛ pstN].

Variants of voice phones of impressive syllables . Weak vowel phonam clocking syllables differ in the degree of reduction: the weakest reduction is observed in the final open syllable. Two positions of weak phonemes differ in proclaiming syllables: after solid consonants and after soft consonants.

The system of variants of vocabulary of impressive syllables is presented in the table. [Bud "bt" b] -(you will)

[and] - [b]
û n "them] -(blue)
û n "L] -(blue)

[Golz] -
[ATLS] -

[b] - [b]
[CL "
ä h "lm" and] -(Klyachi)
[CL "
ä h "ъ ъ" and] -(Klyachi)

[b] - [b]
[CL "
ä h "L] -(Klyach)
[CL "
ä h "khan] -(Klyach)

[Corps] -

[Case] \u200b\u200b-

Λ paul "Earbie] -(by pitch)

[hit "y] -
(on the field)

As the table shows, after solid consonants, vowels differ [s], [ъ], [y]; Moreover, the sounds [s] and [ъ] are weakly opposed. After soft consonants, vowels are distinguished [and], [ъ], [b], [y]; Moreover, the sounds [and] - [b], [ъ] - [b] are distinguished by weak distinction.

Menae, strong and weak, occupying the same position in the morpheme, formsphonam . So, vowels are identical on the place in the morphemespaceform a phoneme row<о> - < Λ> - < kommersant\u003e: [toabouts] - [toΛ frombut] - [KUCΛ r"and], and the consonant phone<в> Morphemesstav- Starts a phonenaries<в> - <в"> - <ф> - <ф">: [ITSbutyou] - [mouthbutin "IT"] - [mouthbutf] - [Setbutf "].

The phonam row is an essential element of the structure of the language, as the Morphem identity is based on it. The composition of the phon of one and the same morpheme always corresponds to a specific phonam row. Flexion of the cooling case in] - [withbutkm],water-oh andmod-oh [inΛ d.about ] - [maboutdъ] pronounced in different ways. However, these flexions ([-th] - [-h], [-o] - [ъ]) are the same morphem, as the phoney changes in their composition<о> and<ъ>included in one phonam row.


Thus, the phonetic system of the Russian language consists of significant speech units:


    forms of words

    phrases and suggestions

for transmission and distinguishing, which serve as phonetic instruments of the language:




Phonetics - Science of the sound side of human speech. This is one of the main sections of linguistics (linguistics). The word "phonetics" comes from Greek. Phonetikos - "sound, voice" (Phone - sound). The special position of phonetics as science is determined by the fact that it is the only one of all the linguistic sciences, studies such units of the language, the nature of which is material. The material carrier of the sounding speech is specially formed by the speaker air fluctuations. Listening receives information about the meaning of the transmitted reports primarily on the basis of its auditory perception.

Introduction 3.
Chapter 1. Phonetics as science 5
Chapter 2. Sound pronunciation and combinations 8
Chapter 3. Wipers in the stress 12
Chapter 4. Pronunciation Styles 15
Conclusion 19.
References 20.

Work contains 1 file

Introduction 3.

Chapter 1. Phonetics as science 5

Chapter 2. Sound pronunciation and combinations 8

Chapter 3. Wipers in the stress 12

Chapter 4. Pronunciation Styles 15

Conclusion 19.

References 20.


Phonetics - Science of the sound side of human speech. This is one of the main sections of linguistics (linguistics). The word "phonetics" comes from Greek. Phonetikos - "sound, voice" (Phone - sound). The special position of phonetics as science is determined by the fact that it is the only one of all the linguistic sciences, studies such units of the language, the nature of which is material. The material carrier of the sounding speech is specially formed by the speaker air fluctuations. Listening receives information about the meaning of the transmitted reports primarily on the basis of its auditory perception.

Total phonetics and phonetics of a particular language differ. The total phonetics studies the patterns acting in different languages \u200b\u200bof the world, and is the basis for the phonetic analysis of the system of any particular language. Russian, like any other language of the peoples of the world, has its own phonetic features that form the phonetic system of the Russian language, it is her Russian phonetics.

Russian Experimental and Phonetic School is known for its achievements all over the world. The founder of the school was an outstanding linguist I.A. Boduen de Courta. The first experimental and phonetic study of the Russian vocalism system belongs to the head and founder of the Leningrad Phonetic School L. V. Shcherbe. Moscow phonetics is primarily connected with the names of A.A. Reformatsky, R.I. Avanesova, P.S. Kuznetsova, V.N. Sidorova. A powerful impetus for its development received experimental phonetics with the development of modern computer equipment, which allowed the researcher's phonetist to have a whole experimental and phonetic laboratory on one personal computer.

Russian lingules have made a great contribution to the study of the history of the development of the phonetic system of Praslavyansky and Old Russian languages \u200b\u200b(A.H. Eastokov, F.I. Buslaev), Russian dialectology and dialect phonetics (N.N. Dunovovo, A.A. Chematov, R. I. Avanesov, P.S. Kuznetsov). The result of theoretical and practical surveys of linguists, including phonetovists, XIX - XX centuries. The Orphography reform was 1917-1918. The modern spelling is generally based on the rules enshrined in the orphan reform documents 1917-1918. (F. Fortunate, A.A. Shamatov, D.N. Ushakov) was prepared. Theoretical bases of spelling as a linguistic section were laid by GO. Vinocur. After the revolution of 1917, field studies are actively conducted in the USSR, the theoretical and practical foundations of which developed by E.D. Polyvanov is the author of the first textbooks for the safe peoples, the creator of new alphabets.

Without utterance and perception of hearing sounds that make up the sound shell of words, speech communication is impossible. On the other hand, for speech communication, the distinguishable of the pronounced word among others similar to sound is extremely important.

Therefore, in the phonetic language system, funds that serve to transmit and distinguish between significant units of speech - words, their forms, phrases and suggestions.

Chapter 1. Phonetics as science

Phonetics - section Linguistics, studying speech sounds and sound structure (syllables, sounding, patterns of connecting sounds in a speech chain).

The subject of phonetics is a close relationship between oral, internal and writing speech. Fonetics examines not only the language function, but also the material side of its object: the work of the uttertainment device, as well as the acoustic characteristics of sound phenomena and the perception of their native speakers. Fonetics considers sound phenomena as elements of the language system that serve to embody words and proposals in the material sound form, without which communication is impossible.

Three aspects of phonetics:

1) Anatomy-physiological (articulating). Explores the sound of speech from the point of view of its creation: what speech organs are involved in its pronunciation; Voice ligaments are active or passive. Lee lips forward and so on.

2) Acoustic (physical). Considers the sound as air oscillation and fixes its physical characteristics: frequency (height), strength (amplitude), duration.

3) functional aspect (phonological). Learns the function of sounds in the language, operates with phonemes.

Basic phonetic units and means.

All phonetics units are divided into segment and supersegments.

Segment units are units that can be distinguished in speech stream: sounds, syllables, phonetic words (rhythmic structures, tact), phrases (syntagma).

The phonetic phrase is a speech segment, which is an intonational-semantic unity, isolated on both sides by pauses.

Syntagma (speech tact) - segment of the phonetic phrase, is characterized by special intonation and clock stress. The pauses between the clocks are not required (or short), the clock emphasis is not very intense.

The phonetic word (rhythmic structure) is part of the phrase combined with one verbal emphasis.

The syllable is the smallest unit of speech chain.

Sound is a minimum phonetic unit.

Supersegment units (intonation tools) are units that are superimposed on segment: melodic units (tone), dynamic (stress) and temporal (tempo or duration).

Emphasis - selection in speech of a certain unit in a number of homogeneous units using the intensity (energy) of sound.

Tone - Rhythmic-melodic pattern of speech, determined by changing the frequency of the beep.

Temp - Speed \u200b\u200bspeed, which is determined by the number of segment units pronounced per unit of time.

The duration is the time of the speech segment.

Sections of phonetics.

Fonetics is divided into general, comparative, historical and descriptive.

The overall phonetics considers the patterns characteristic of the sound of all world languages. The total phonetics explores the structure of the human speech apparatus and using it in different languages \u200b\u200bin the formation of speech sounds, considers the patterns of changing sounds in the speech stream, sets the classification of sounds, the ratio of sounds and abstract phonetic units - the phone, establishes general principles of sound flow on sounds, syllables and Larger units.

Comparative phonetics compares sound system with other languages. The comparison of someone else's and native languages \u200b\u200bis first of all to see and assimilate the peculiarities of another language. But such a comparison sheds light and on the patterns of the native language. Sometimes a comparison of related languages \u200b\u200bhelps to penetrate their history.

Historical phonetics traces the development of the language for a fairly long period of time (sometimes since the appearance of one particular language - its separation from the defense).

Descriptive phonetics considers the sound system of a particular language at a certain stage (most often the phonetic system of the modern language).

Chapter 2. Sounds pronunciation and combinations

Modern Russian literary language is different from jargon, extravatory spacious, local counseling in what has a system of pronunciation. How to pronounce certain sounds in certain phonetic positions, in certain combinations with other sounds, as well as in certain grammatical forms and groups of words - all these issues and are engaged in orthoepium (from Greek. The words orthos - the right and EPOS - speech). Consequently, orphoepium can be determined as a totality of the rules that establish a literary pronunciation.

The value of orthoepic rules for communication is huge. They contribute to a more rapid and easier understanding of speaking. Errors in pronunciation distract from speech content and thereby interfere with language communication. Despite the great successes achieved in the field of national education as a whole and in increasing the speech culture of our population, in particular, the pronunciation is still in it the weakest link. Currently, due to the expansion of the impact of mass communication (radio, television), reflecting and transmitting "live votes" more than in the recent past, the number of native speakers live, the question of the correctness of the pronunciation is especially acute.

Even at the beginning of this century, the model was served by the Moscow pronunciation in the form, as it was by the end of the XIX century. Many of his features were sustainable and preserved to the present in the literary language. In the pronunciation of vowels, for example, the most characteristic feature is a change depending on their position (position) in shock or unstressed syllables. So, for the Russian literary language, the Akane is typical, i.e. Pronunciation [O] in an unstressed syllable in front of the impact, after solid consonants as a sound close to [a], denoted by the α-alpha sign: to [a] r va-cow, from [a] B ka-dog, st [ A] - I stand. In the remaining unstressed syllables, regardless of whether they are before or after the shock syllable, the pronunciation not only changes the [O], but also [α]. Both sounds are pronounced as unclear, more or less abbreviated (acientive - reduced) s-shaped sound, the average between [A] and [s], conventionally indicated by the EP / E / B sign / for example, write a frying pan, etc. Pronunciation, Pro'vl ', when pronunciation of words with unclear, for the most part abbreviated (reduced) vowels, there is one danger that you need to constantly remember. If we are too shortcut [α] and [o], some words can sound like words with other values \u200b\u200bsound. Then our interlocutors may not understand everything from what we have said. Thus, the word head [Glaw] may sound as chapter [Glαv], a steamer [stupid T] - as a passage of [pr (t], the locomotive [Parαvos] - as a procurement [pr3ves], the side [Strojn] - as a country [plαn] .

When pronouncing consonants is still characteristic of a literary language, for example, a stunning of the voiced consonants at the end of the word and in front of deaf and, on the contrary, sponge unbending before being angry. We give examples of a possible stun: oak-do [n], love - any [f,], circle - KRU [K], area - stocula [t "], track-soro [sh] ka, diamond - Alma [s].

However, some speakers talking in the end of the word [g] at the end of the word are used not to pair to him deaf [K] that would correspond to an orthoepic rate, but according to [x]. It is said that, for example, the Evi [x] - the enemy, the breath [x] - suddenly, sleep [x] - the snow, the flag [x] is the flag, which corresponds to the integral or dialectic pronunciation.

We give examples and sound unconditions before ringing consonants: the station - in [GZ] al, football - fu [dB] ol, pass - [zd], who have become regulatory.

However, the Moscow pronunciation from the middle of the XIX century. There was a strong competitor - Petersburg pronunciation. It was distinguished from Moscow greater proximity to the written speech, i.e. Pronunciation of close in some cases to writing. For example, Muscovites said m [and] hundred, sweet [ky], bully [sh] naya. Petersburgers pronounced, as they wrote - M [E] a hundred, sweet [Xi], Bulo [h] naya.

In the 20s This century and in the next decades in the Russian literary language there were great changes. They were caused by the mass movements of the population in the country, a change in the social status of people who did not produce utteral standards, mixing, especially in cities, immigrants from various locations, the elimination of illiteracy, an increase in the total cultural level of the people under the influence of media, movies, and then television . Yes, and the population itself of Moscow and Leningrad-Petersburg has changed very much, so it is currently difficult to talk about some serious differences in the Moscow and St. Petersburg pronunciation.

Nevertheless, Staromoshkovskaya pronunciation still heard in the speech of many speakers of radio and television, is still cultivated on the stage of many theaters, and not Moscow. Some of it is now recognized as exemplary.

The most notable features of Staromoshkovsky pronunciation usually include pronunciation: 1) the endings of the 3rd The verbs II of the lumbering through \u003d UT, \u003d y, by analogy with the verbs of the Ilication I:

in [z'oot], n [s'oot], layers "[jester]; cf. modern in" [Z'At], but "[S'w], Lelya" [Shkt]; 2) endings adjectives M.R. With the basis of the posterior consonants, k, k, x with the reduced sound [ъ] on the site [and]: the system "[g '], then" n [kj], te "[x'ij]; cf. contemporary stroke" [g 'Ij], then "n [k'ij], te" [x'ij]; 3) suffixes in the infinitive that are standing after the posterior g, k, x, also with the reduced [ъ] on the site [and]: PRI "[KAV] TN, CRS" [KHA] TJ "[Kiv] T; cf. Modern closure "[K'IVA] TJ, reverse" [G'Iva], cma "M0; 4) vowel [a] as an average between [s] and [e], i.e. [y e], after hissing w and w in the 1st estate syllable: [zh E] Ra ", [shy e] gi", [shy e] lu "n; cp. Modern [MSE] Ra", [Sha ] Gi ", [Sha] Lou" H, 5) vowels [a, e] after soft consonants in the 1st estate syllable as a sound close to [and]: [Ch'I] Sy ", C [V'I e] that "th; cf. Modern [Ch'I E] Sy, with [V'I E] TA "6) Softened consonants before subsequent soft consonants: NAV" [Sat't'] ъ, cf. The modern version of the NAV [ST'] Kommersant, 7) suffix \u003d Xia (\u003d s) in return verbs as solid [sa, s]; cf. commonly used [s'a, s']; A hundred "Ral [with" Kommersant], old [C'] and Stage Strait'l [s], the old [s], 8) a combination of CN AK SHN. SNI "[SHN] Oh, Kone" [SHN] o, 9) combinations of uzh, LJ as a long soft, vi ["] a't', etc.] and cf. Modern to blame, DR s with solid long.
