Flat roofs in our time are undeservedly forgotten and not spoiled by the attention of developers. In private house-building, they are found primarily in southern areas where heavy rains and snowfall are rare. Tent roofs, on the contrary, firmly settled in the projects and minds of homeowners.

This state of affairs is explained simply: until recently, builders did not have reliable and durable waterproofing.

Standard rubberoid - cardboard, impregnated with bitumen, can long resist moisture and temperature drops. Even a thick 4-layer coating from it has to be changed after 6-8 years.

Today, interest in the flat roof begins to grow.

For this there are several reasons:

  • Economic benefit. The cost of arrangement is lower than that of the tent (more simple design and smaller area);
  • Additional useful area. There is an opportunity for it rational use (flower bed, playground, recreation area, swimming pool);
  • Accessibility in maintenance and operation (cleaning of drainage, installation of air conditioners, antennas, inspection of coating, ventilation and smoke channels);
  • The snow layer plays the role of additional thermal insulation, reducing heating costs.
  • Original appearance building.

Types of flat roofs

Strictly speaking, absolutely flat roof on the building you will not see. Any of them has minimal From 1 to 4% required for atmospheric precipitation.

There are four types of flat roofs:

  • non-exploitable;
  • operated;
  • green (lawn);
  • combined.

Uncommunicable roofs are found on industrial buildings.

Operated roofs found use in public and private construction. Recreation areas are placed on them, placing cafes and restaurants, use under car parks and helicopter platforms.

Green (lawn) coatings are made to decorate buildings, as well as when a lack of space on the plot. In addition to aesthetic function, they fulfill an important practical task. The vegetable turf layer is excellent warm and soundproofer.

Combined roofs with a flat surface - the most common option. Comfortable relaxing in the fresh air surrounded by green grass and flowering plants like everyone.

By the method of drainage of the house with a flat roof, they are divided into two types:

  • FROM inland waterproof;
  • With outdoor water discharge (over the perimeter of the roof).

The inner drainage is cheaper than the exterior, because it does not require a large number of gutters, pipes, funnels and high-rise work on their installation. Performed is more difficult. Errors when creating a slope, poor-quality sealing of joints lead to leaks and impaired integrity of the protective layer of waterproofing.

In operation, flat coatings with inner drainage is more profitable. In winter, icicles do not grow on such a roof. The drain pipes pass inside the building and therefore do not freeze. Clean the garbage funnels are easier and easier than hanging gutters.

Features of the device

According to the method of arrangement and location of structural layers, experts identify two types of flat roofs:

  • Classic;
  • Inversion.

Classic roofing "Pie" is equipped according to the following technology:

  • according to the ceiling plates, the cement-sand-sand flashes make;
  • put steam barrier and insulation;
  • fill the waterproofing membrane or frontal carpet;
  • if the coating is operated, the waterproofing is protected by ceramic tiles.

Constructive classic flat roof

The main disadvantage of the traditional design is the vulnerability of an external insulating layer from solar ultraviolet and temperature differences.

Working on the solution of this problem, engineers came to the idea of \u200b\u200binversion coverage. In it, the main elements of the design (insulation and waterproof membrane) are changed in places. Waterproofing is hiding under the polyfoam, which from external influences is protected by a ballast layer of gravel or tile trim.

Construction of inversion coating

Accordingly, the technology of work is changing. The waterproof rover from the rubberoid or EPDM membrane is glued onto the stove or spread on it, fixing in places of pricing to the parapet.

The bias in this case create one of two ways:

  • With a solid tile
  • In the insulation, changing the thickness of its laying.

Installation of thermal insulation on a flat roof

Waterfronts and pipes are installed at the lowest points of the slope. In addition to them, the ventilation is mounted for removing the water vapor accumulating in the contact area of \u200b\u200bvaporizolation with the insulation.

When the coating designed for plant falling down, the constructive is complemented by the upper layer of waterproofing. Drainage layers of gravel are poured over it, the geotextile is steeter and poured the fertile layer of the Earth.

In addition to roofing coatings laid through reinforced concrete slabs, projects of houses with a flat roof on wooden beams have been developed.

Building technology in this case may include the following operations:

  • The walls are mounted on the walls with a step of 50-100 cm, fixing them to the laying with anchor stiletto. The cross section of bars depends on the width of the span, the project load and can be from 10x20 cm to 15x25 cm;
  • On the beams are laid OSB plates, snaging them with each other;
  • Ensure the waterproofing membrane in 2 layers, combining the cunning joints.
  • Make thermal insulation from durable (extruded) foam, gluing it to the membrane. The bias for water drain create, laying the insulation with layers of different thickness;
  • From above, the thermal insulator is protected by a cement tie, reinforced with a mesh or a lined tile.

Examples of private houses

Among the developers there are many supporters of flat roofs. They are attracted to the simplicity of construction, the low cost of the work and the possibility of placing the site for the summer holiday.

Fat layer of snow on a flat roof - not a problem, but an additional insulation

The design of buildings with such a roof perfectly fits into the stylistry of minimalism, providing a wide field for creativity to the project developers.

Spacious, comfortable and nothing superfluous - the motto of everyone who chooses a house with such a roof. The scope roof visually dries the building, and flat, on the contrary, makes it light and air.

The appearance of the facade of a single-storey house with a flat roof is favorably different from the fairly seated variations of the "timber" character.

On it, most often you will not see the drainage gutters and pipes, the water from which falls on the walls and spoil the appearance of the finish. Internal drainage is effective, practical and immeasured.

When building urban high-rise buildings and industrial facilitiesThe basis of a flat roof usually becomes a reinforced concrete plate. But for private houses, especially frame and wooden, such a choice is most often unacceptable. In this case, a flat roof on wooden beams is constructed. Its main advantage is light weight that reduces the load on the walls and the foundation.

The device of such a roof is easier and cheaper than using heavy w / b plates. And the functionality is the same. Therefore, such an option of a flat roof is often choosing those who want to build it with their own hands.

The main share of such roofs is accounted for private houses and cottages whose owners value futuristic style, convenience and practicality. Even - on the overlap of the veranda, terraces, balconies, garages. As a rule, all these buildings are wooden or frame, requiring the lightweight roof design. But this is not a binding rule. Wall material can be any - brick, aerated concrete, foam concrete, etc. In this case, often wooden beams crash into Mauerlat - wooden bar.coming around the perimeter of the walls and connected to them with anchor bolts or studs.

Flat roof is especially attractive for developers by the fact that its horizontal surface can be used as a useful area. Moreover, it is possible even for the roof, at the base of which wooden beams lie.

Of course, it is not worth using freed meters for parking lots, a pool or tennis court. Still, such projects require a more monumental basis. But an open terrace, an observation platform, homemade wooden beams will withstand easily. The main thing is to correctly make calculation and do not save on the thickness of sawn timber.

Types of flat roofing on beams

On wooden floors, you can build a flat roof of the following types:

  • non-exploitable;
  • exploited;
  • inversion.

That is, all possible species - without restrictions.

Non-exploited roof - Normal, concluded waterproofing finish. It is intended solely to protect the room from environmental conditions and does not set themselves other purposes. Use it as a place of rest, move large companies, install terraced furniture and flowers with flowers - it is impossible. The coating of such a roof is calculated that 1-2 people will be raised on it, solely for the construction of the design.

Operated roof - It's more interesting and more difficult. In addition to direct protective functions, such a roof plays the role of additional useful area for homeowner. The design of the structure ends not with waterproofing (prone to damage), but a protective coating - a paving, deckering, wooden flooring, paving tiles, a turf layer, rubble or gravel.

Inversion roof - Roofing-transverse, qualitatively different option. It can be both exploited and non-exploitable. Its feature is an inverted order of placement of layers in the cake. If in the usual roof the waterproofing is placed on top of the insulation, then in the inversion roof, the opposite is on the contrary. Waterproofing lies under the insulation, and vaporizolation is generally excluded from the structure of the cake. Due to this, waterproofing turns out to be protected from the street environment and its operation is increasing.

However, under the influence of unfavorable street conditions, the insulation is the insulation, therefore, in the composition of inversion roofs, the choice of this type of insulation is limited. ONLY EPPS (EXTRUED PENERATE FIXTURE) and nothing more! This material has practically zero water absorption, greater density and durability. From above, the EPPS in the inversion roofs is drained to washed gravel, paving slabs, paving slabs or a turf layer.

An interesting option for the operated roofs (including inversion) is green roofing. It can also be held on wooden beams. Pie such a roof ends with a soil layer on which plants are planted. There are other not used for other types of roofs, elements: drainage layer (gravel, claymzite, pumice or geomates), filtration layer (geotextile).

Flagous roof frame on wooden base

The frame of the described roofs are wooden beams laid by the type of inter-storey overlap. Full-size wooden sawn timber or composite of several elements (glued) can be used. Often the beams are performed from a cross section of 100x150 mm.

The beams are placed with a support on the walls, similar to the inter-storey overlap. If the construction is wooden or frame, then the beams are based on the top crown of the logs or the upper strapping. If the brick or block - then the pre-fixed Mauerlat. As a Mauerlat, a timing of 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm is usually used. It is mounted on the upper belt of walls with anchors or studs. To protect the wooden mauelalate from the material of the walls, between them lay 1-2 layers of waterproofing (rubberoid).

On the beams they do drank under Mauerlat, lay them and fix with metal corners or nails. The step between the beams is withstanding 50-120 mm (depending on the calculated load).

When installing beams, it is important to ensure the bias of the roof of 1-6 °. Despite the fact that the roof is called flat, it is absolutely horizontal. A small bias is needed to ensure the movement of water to the drainage and thus prevent its stress.

Create the required slope in the following ways:

  1. Immediately put the beams with the desired slope. Then, if a horizontal ceiling device is assumed under the roof in the room, it is made suspension or closed on a horizontal crate.
  2. The beams lay horizontally, and to exist the desired angle to nourish the bottling wooden lining.
  3. The beams are hosted horizontally, and the angle is formed due to different thickness of thermal insulation laid on top of the frame.
  4. Use beams with unequal binding in height.

Most often use the first option, that is, immediately laid beams with a slope. The easiest way to do it is to secure along the top. carrier wall Durable frame from a bar or a board, which raises the frame (beams) on the one hand. Instead of a transverse run, you can also install short radial beams, coming from the central dual diagonal beam.

Pie flat roof: what inside?

Flat roof pie on a wooden frame can have a different structure. There are many design options, many of them are laid out on the Internet. And they all will work!

Option 1. Roofing with insulation over the beam

Insulating layers of a flat roof can be laid on top of the beams. For example, a proven working option (classical roofing with insulation):

  • overlapping beams;
  • vaporizoation;
  • waterproofing material - polymer membrane.

When used in the structure at the same time, the insulation of EPPS and PVC membraneBetween them, be sure to make a separation layer (geotextile, glass cholester). The fact is that these two materials are incompatible and when they are direct contact, PVC is destroyed.

The polymer membrane is fixed on a mechanical method with a mechanical method or bollast. The ballast is used crushed stone or gravel (for all types of roofs), a blocking (for operated roofs), a soil (for green operated roofs). However, when choosing a ballast, reliability should be soberly wooden carcass, its limit load.

If the application of the waterproofing or membrane of EPDM with adhesive fixation is assumed as a finishing coating, a change in the above-mentioned scheme is made. It is that between the insulation and waterproofing, plywood, OSP or CSP are laid.

It turns out such a scheme:

  • overlapping beams;
  • doom (if necessary);
  • solid trim from plywood, CSP, OSP;
  • vaporizoation;
  • insulation - EPPS, mineral wool;
  • sheets of plywood, OSP, CSP;
  • waterproofing material.

Installation of the flooring of the roof traditionally requires the use of a gas burner, therefore, according to the existing fire standards, he is unacceptable for wooden structures. Therefore, act as follows. The first layer of waterproofing is propipated with nails or glued to a wooden basis, and the second layer - they will be pressed, as it should be. It is also convenient to use the EuroBeroid with a special adhesive basis for which it is recommended. cold mounting Without heating torch.

Installation of the membrane roof on a wooden base is shown in the video plot:

Option # 2. Roofing with interbellage insulation

Another principle of assembling a flat roofing cake is associated with the layering of the insulation in the inter binding space. This option is more convenient than the first if the EPDM membranes with adhesive fixation or the flooring of the roof is used as a waterproofing.

Often applies such a roofing cake scheme:

  • overlapping beams;
  • vaporizolation (between beams);
  • insulation (between beams);
  • doom (if necessary);
  • solid trim from plywood, CSP, OSP;
  • waterproofing.

In principle, a similar system is used in the formation of classic shelter roofs.

Option # 3. Roofing with internal insulation

In this case, layers of plywood, OSP or CSP are coaching (beams), and waterproofing is placed on them. The remaining insulating layers of roofing pie are coat from the side of the room.

On the beams fix the draft ceiling (from the board or sheet materials), to him, perpendicular carrier beams, screw the strips with a pitch of 40 cm. Between the slats place polystyrene foam plates, gluing them on mastic or glue. The warming layer is laid a vapor insulation film. Close the insulating cake with a clean ceiling.

And you can go against all the "traditional" solutions and build an inversion roof on the beams. Due to the fact that waterproofing will be covered with insulation, that is, protected from loads, the effects of oxygen, UV rays and precipitation, its service life is significantly increased.

When building an inversion roof, you can use the following scheme (bottom up):

  • beams;
  • solid doom;
  • waterproofing;
  • separation layer (when used as waterproofing PVC membrane);
  • heater Epps;
  • separation layer - geotextile;
  • ballast, paving tile, deckering, etc.

The principle of inversion roof is often used for the device of green roofs. For example, you can do this:

What is the finish coating to use?

The wooden base of a flat roof, along with its advantages, has features with a minus sign. This is an increased fire hazard and low carrying capacity (compared to railway plates).

For waterproofing such a roof, it is desirable to apply materials that do not require hot mounting. Ideally - polymer membranes. When choosing the flooded bitumen-polymer coatings (from a series of EuroRuberoids), the first layer of material is mounted mechanically, and the second is the method of catching. To reduce to a minimum, the possibility of fire fires during installation, as a solid trim (on which the waterproofing is placed) is recommended to use non-combustible CDP plates.

When building exploited and ballast roofs, it should also be remembered that excessive load for wooden base May be fatal. Therefore, if the carrying ability of the used beams is small, for the finishing coating, lightweight materials should be selected - decker, deck board, rubber paving slabs (rubber mats), etc.

While the unusual decoration of country cottages is a flat roof. It is believed that flat roofs are intended only for urban development or for industrial buildings. But it is not. Roofs of houses in historical neighborhoods are often scanty. And in a private house you can make a flat roof.

Now we will look at what it is, what is the advantages / minuses and how to perform a flat roof with your own hands.

Types of flat roof

Structurally flat roofs are divided into two main types: on beams and those in which the concrete slab is at the base.

Flat roofs are never absolutely flat, a small angle (within a few degrees) is still there. This is necessary for water drain. Otherwise, she will be forced on the roof.

Most often on flat roofing, the inner drains are arranged: the funnels are mounted in the roof, the risers from them pass through the interior. Funnels are placed on a reduced part of the roof, at the rate of one riser at 150-200 squares.

Waterproofing around the funnels are reinforced, the cable heating is also recommended (so that the water in the riser does not freeze). If the flat roof without parapet, and the angle is decent (from 6 degrees) the drainage system can be the standard outer, as for pitched roofs: chute and pipes.

The roofs are divided into functionality, a roofing cake device and the type of coating. Here are some major varieties:

  • Non-exploited roofing is flat. It is erected solely for the sake of originality and saving material. In strengthening design does not need.

  • Operated flat roofing. It can be used for all purposes, starting with the placement of the outdoor pool and ending with the car parking.

The type of overlapping depends on the target: it is obvious that at high expected loads, the base should be a concrete slab. But this does not mean that the whole building should be brick or concrete. For example, a flat roof in wooden house Also can be operated. Of course, it is impossible to use it as a helicopter platform, but to arrange a solarium, break the garden or put a gazebo for tea drinking - quite. Of course, it is impossible to do a rarefied crate, only solid.

  • Traditional roof. The classical execution of the roofing cake: a waterproofing layer on top of the insulation, the base is concrete, for the outflow of water - a ceramzite concrete (inclined screed).

  • Inversion roof. Here, the insulation lies on top of the waterproofing and protects it from damage. The floor can be separated by sidewalk or ceramic tiles, can also be planted here. Mandatory requirement for inversion design - an angle of 3-5 degrees.

The roofs are attractive and unbelievable. Both species have their own advantages: the presence of a attic allows you to place all the necessary communications on it (ventilation pipes, an expansion tank of heating, etc.), an aircraft roof can be made operated.

One of the options for non-Cellular design is a flat combined roof: attic overlap Combined with the roof, the bottom side is the ceiling in a residential room.


On the device, these roofs differ from simple unbalanced, it is impossible to make them exploited.

With the height of the house ten meters and above, as well as on the operated roofs, parapet is installed in obligatory. For exploited - no less than 1.2 meters.

If the roof is not operated, and the cottage is low, you can perform a flat roof without a parapet or install enhancement lattices instead or even do without them.

Total Flat Roof Device

Obviously, the operated roofs of different destination will differ in the device:

  • When the basin device is increased waterproofing;
  • "Green" roof - also solid waterproofing plus soil saturation, etc.
  • The most common coverage is a flat roof. This is low cost, simplicity and high laying speed, excellent waterproofing. The cheapest material that can be covered with a flat roof - runner.

    Disadvantages of rolled materials (and rubberoids in particular) - small durability, low mechanical strength. For the operated roofs "with high patency" preferably tile.

    The flat roof of the and flat roof of the corrugated floor can only be performed in the non-exploit version and in the presence of the necessary slope. When choosing a material, you need to get acquainted with the instructions for the model: some types of professional knots and metal tiles allow laying on the roofs with a slope less than 11 degrees.

    Some brands of the professional leaf can also be used as a base for non-exploitable roof, instead of plywood or concrete slabs.

    There are other coatings for non-exploitable roofs:

    • Polycarbonate;

    Pros and cons of flat roofs


    • Original view. Flat roofs in cottages are rarely found.
    • Ability to operate.
    • Flat roof - simple installation and saving on materials. But it depends on how you plan to operate the roof. And the construction will cost even more expensive than the expensive scope roof from ceramic tiles.
    • Stacking coverage, maintenance, repairs on a flat roof. Perform easier than on the scath.
    • Flat roofs windy, the scant has sailboat.


    • The plane roof flows more often than scope. Permanent monitoring of the state of the waterproofing layer is required.
    • The need to clean the roof from snow.
    • Roof Roll flat requires more frequent repair and change of coating than metal products, tiled and other scope.

    So what is the roof better, flat or scope? Exceptionally the case of taste.

    Build a flat roof

    Consider the option when the professional list is used as the roof base:

    1. The sheets are stacked on the beams (rafters). The step between the rafters depends on the profile. For example, for carrier profiles with a corrugation height of 6-7.5 centimeters (H60, H75) step between beams 3-4 meters.

    2. Laying a vaporizolizing film. The film is placed with the allen, the joints need to be sealed with the assembly tape.

    3. Thermal insulation. For this purpose, minvati plates are usually used. Note that the lowering of the corrugations should also be filled with insulation.

    4. Waterproofing. Polymer film is suitable for this purpose. If the insulation is Minvat, you can also use the waterproofing, because Vata - non-flammable material.

    5. Finish coat. You can also use the weaving. The roof slowly rolls the roll, heated by its burner along the entire length. The weld coating is pressed to the roof and smoothed.

    6. On flat roofs, it is possible to put the floor roof in several layers.

    In other cases, the flat roof on wooden beams is arranged more traditionally: the beams are nourished with a solid crate of plywood or OSB, the roofing pie (vapor barrier + basalt wool) is guided by a waterproofing layer and rolled roof.

    If you are interested in a flat roof with a more complex device, please contact us: we will perform the roof of any complexity quickly and at an affordable price.

    Not so long ago, such a fashion came to the CIS countries as a flat roof in a private house. Most developers did not consider it appropriate and continued the construction of pitched roofs. They can be understood, because several decades ago, when the quality of materials remained doubt the construction of a flat roof was carried out only on temporary structures. But today, when the quality of materials has improved significantly, it is silly to abandon this roofing type.

    Roof roofing pie

    Should not once again say that residential building with flat roofs securely protected from wind. As for the moisture removal, the roofers also learned to solve this problem qualitatively. They realized that the device of a small slope would naturally remove excessive moisture from the roof plane, but materials whose structure has different roughness can be prevented.

    That's why mounting work It should be thought out in more detail, but it is worth it. After all, you significantly save on sawn timber and time that will be required to build a flat roof.

    So, so that all the layers will fully perform their functions, you should correctly go. This is how the roofing pie of a flat roofing should look like:

    • Base. As a rule, it is performed from reinforced concrete slabs, but some use thick profiled metal. This component of the roofing cake will carry impressive loads, therefore, to make it is as sustainable as possible. Often, flat roofs are made exploited, for example, on the surface sow the lawn. If you plan to do something like this plane, then check the calculations of the base several times
    • Vapor insulation layer. During operation, this component will play an important role. It will serve as protection against moisture vapors coming from the underlying floors. Remember that if moisture gets to thermal insulation plates, then they will have to part with their positive qualitiesTherefore, this layer will become useless. To install a vapor barrier layer, a polyethylene film or bitumen is used, but developers who have finance can afford a unidirectional membrane. It allows you to remove excessive moisture from insulation and at the same time serve protection for them
    • Heat insulating layer. The flat roof is different from the across the fact that there is the possibility of laying unique materials, for example, falling on. They are perlite, slag, clamzit, and so on, but besides them in this layer also includes plates from mineral wool or foamflast. By the way, the roofers are trying to put these materials so as to give the roof some slope. As mentioned above, this allows atmospheric precipitate to be naturally removed from the roofing plane. The requirements for this layer are as follows: Low Weight and Low Gigroscopicity
    • The most important component of a flat roof is waterproofing layer. It uses bitumen, polymer or mixed products. You can choose for yourself somewhat different materials, but remember that in addition to waterproofing qualities, they must have resistant to sharp temperature differences, good elasticity and long operational period

    Qualitative choice of materials and their laying will significantly affect how much a flat roofing in a private house. It should be understood that the failure of at least one of them will certainly lead you to repair, therefore, we will take care of the selection roofing materials Maximum seriously.

    Varieties of flat roofs and nuances of their installation

    Before producing a device for a flat roof of a private house, you should figure out which goal you will chase.

    • If you want to create an uncutable roof, then as a base, best use sheets of profiled metal. This will save you money and will significantly affect the speed of the mounting process. But if you doubt, it is best to think about this option and solve this issue
    • Operated roof It implies that on its surface you will build any additional structure or arrange a pool or lawn here. This species Roof will be excellent solution In buildings, the dimensions of which do not allow to create additional rooms. It is worth understanding that the load increases with the arrangement of roofing space, which presses on the base, therefore, reinforced concrete plates are stacked as it. According to technical documents, the slope of such a roof should not exceed three degrees
    • Inversion. This type is a variety of traditional. Their difference lies in the fact that in the inversion roofing pie is laid somewhat differently. Waterproofing changes with thermal insulation plates. This option is the most common in private construction, so architects offer it
    • Ventilated. Despite the fact that ventilation is more suitable for scanty roofs, there is a flat ventilated roof in construction. For this, the aerators are competently placed on its surface, which, under the difference of pressures, pop up polluted air outwards and thereby produce its circulation. Their device is advisable to perform at large roofing areas.

    Before constructing to construction, carefully think over all the details. As for payments on the load, this work is best to entrust the professionals of their business.

    Construction of a flat roof on unheated facilities

    If it is necessary to cover the temporary structure, for example, a barn, a gazebo or a canopy is created not very difficult design. Support beams are used to regulate the slope. Tilt 3 cm on 1 raman meter Skate, which, in fact, will be 3% it will be enough enough to be removed naturally so that atmospheric precipitates.

    The base for roofing cake will be a solid wooden lamp. By the way, for ventilation between the boards it is worth leaving a small distance of 1-3 millimeters. This will remove the emerging condensate. Self-tapping screws or long nails are used as fasteners.

    The waterproofing layer on this design will be a rolled material - ruberoid. This product is a very cheap material and its qualities is enough, in order to cover the temporary structure and protect it from moisture for 10 years, and if the repair is required, it is enough to buy a couple of Ruberoid rolls and roll it again, according to the old basis.

    The bituminous flooring occurs layers. The nestling bands should be at least 10 centimeters. The fastening of the coating to the base is carried out using the device on its surface of wooden or steel plates. Their installation should be done, therefore, in order not to interfere with the natural way of water from the surface.

    Construction of a flat roof on temporary buildings, as a rule, is not a difficult job that can be performed by one or two workers.

    Construction of the roof on heated buildings

    The device of a flat roof of a private house in which heating is provided will be as follows:

    • At first, the blocking beams are set. During this process, it is especially important to follow the horizontal, so for the convenience and speed of the process, get a laser level.
    • At the installed beams performed flooring wooden boardswhose thickness is about 4-5 centimeters. If there is a very long distance between installed support beams, then the cross-section of the board must be increased to the desired calculated value.
    • Rubberoid bands roll over the established base, but you can take another material as waterproofing. After circumcision of unnecessary parts, some developers leave a bitumen product in this state for a day, but further work can be carried out without waiting for this period. To reliably connect the joints, the bands are stacked with a decade -antime alternation.
    • After waterproofing, as a rule, thermal insulation material is stacked. You remember that a falling product is often used for flat roofs. Its device hides in itself some dangers, because with a small mistake you can come to the fact that tremendous puddles will be gathered on the surface of the roof, which will significantly reduce the life of your roof, so I advise you to invite a knowledgeable person for this work.
    • Next, the plane is poured with a screed thickness, which should be at least 20 millimeters.
    • After soaring the cement mass, the entire roofing surface is ground, and then placed roofing.

    If you perform these layers as high quality, then your roof will last even more than the manufacturers of roofing products assure this.

    Monolithic concrete as a roof

    In addition to the known methods of construction of a flat roof in construction, a new method of creating a roof has appeared. So, here is the technological process of the construction of a concrete roof.

    • Concrete is far from light building material, therefore, the corresponding products should be applied as the beams of the overlap. For her role, a two-way steel beam is perfect, the thickness of which is 120-150 millimeters. Their installation should be carried out without any slopes, perfectly horizontally
    • Experienced developers recommend to apply a concrete brand not less than 250. It is best to produce in the concrete mixer installed on the object. If you still decided to knead the solution manually, then most likely you will not achieve the desired consistency. Concrete is created in the following ratios: 4 buckets of small rubble, a half bucket of cement, sand bucket and required amount water
    • The base serve all the same lumber located on the lower shelf of the foreign beam. Wooden elements should be protected from the solution with waterproofing material, for example, rubberoid. After the waterproofing will turn the boards, the reinforced grid with cells 2x2 centimeters is stacked on top of it.
    • The next layer is a small crushed stone, and then goes cooked concrete

    Important: Perform the entire fill process during one working day, otherwise it threatens the appearance of cracks on the future element.

    • Give the screed to harden. She will do it for 1-2 days, in addition to this, do not forget to care for concrete, of course, if the quality is important for you. To do this, wipe it with a polyethylene film or after spending some time, produce watering this element with water
    • After complete drying to the resulting plane deliver bulk material - clayzit. Further make the balancing and the paving slabs lay ballast sleeve

    In this article, I mentioned quite a few times and certainly not everyone knows that it represents, so let's explain.

    What is a prayer

    This process is characteristic only on flat roofs. It is arranged in order to ensure the natural gathering of atmospheric precipitation from the roofing surface. As a rule, a flat roof is arranged with inner drain, but there are options where it will be external. Therefore, at the very beginning of construction, makes it possible to think about the moment, and decide which drainage will be more profitable for you.

    If your choice fell on the inner system of waterproof, then the pitch is performed so so that the water entered the special waterfront funnels. Their amount in everything depends on the dimensions of the roof plane, for example, 1-2 funnels are provided on the roof of 25 square meters.

    When the external flow system is equipped, the water is supplied to the edges of the skates, where the drain chute is arranged.

    The balancing can be performed in the following ways:

    • Create a necessary slope, using bulk material. For this, the grainsite or perlite is perfect. Setting the necessary slope, this material is covered with a screed, and the roofing coating is laid on it
    • Thermal insulation plates are also capable of setting the necessary slope. But I believe that playing with the styling of this layer is a difficult and costly, rather than buy clay
    • Specially created formwork allows the concrete to be poured so that it is already with the necessary slope
    • The most expensive way of flashes is the device of plastic panels, which in their thickness differ from each other. Laying them in a certain sequence, you can achieve the desired slope

    The plane roof is an excellent solution for creative people. After all, this design will serve not only the excellent protection of your comfort from bad weather, but also will give you additional square meters that you can use for your own purposes, for example, to equip your workshop for crafts.

    By making special fences on the roof, you can build a rather interesting playground right at your roof! And if the options proposed by me are not satisfied, then you may find the use of these square meters yourself.

    Architects and developers attract these unusual buildings on which you can equip the sightseeing platform or even smash a real hanging garden. Of course, in practice everything turns out to be more difficult than in the theory.

    The design of a flat roof causes a lot of questions relating to its value, choosing materials for insulation and waterproofing, organization of water, maintenance and. Find on them the answers are not so easy. The fact is that domestic contracting firms working in the field of cottage and, well-known the most popular design - scope, and the experience of the construction of flat roofs arranged quite differently, they usually do not have.

    The cost of flat roofing

    Immediately draws attention to the fact that the area of \u200b\u200bthe flat roof is less than the scope, and therefore it will be necessary less materialsYes, and work will cost cheaper. However, this statement is valid only for regions with a warm climate and low snow load, despite this, if we are talking about the non-exploited roof. In the middle lane of Russia to ensure reliability and durability of the horizontal roof, it is required to apply fairly expensive engineering solutions.

    Boy overlap

    In principle, when the overlap is erected, you can use a combination of beams (wooden, steel) and carrier profile. However, experts do not recommend applying wooden beams (with the exception of made from the LVL-timing with a cross section from 200 × 100 mm) in the regions where the pressure of the snow cover exceeds 1.2 kPa (about 120 kgf / m2) - that is, most of the territory of the Russian Federation. The roofing overlap of steel 2-axis beams and professional flooring with a wave height from 60 mm and the thickness of the walls from 0.7 mm makes it possible to overlap the spit value up to 12 m and withstands the pressure of at least 6 kPa. But in general, it is less durable than concrete, and relatively rarely applied in individual construction. It is more reasonable to use professional flooring as a non-coordinate formwork, which, by the way, does not cancel the need to build a reorganate frame.

    It turns out that 1 m2 of a flat concrete or steel base, the carrying ability of which will allow to withstand the weight of snow cover, is 2-2.5 times more expensive than the wooden beam construction of the pitched roof. The difference in the volume flow rate of the insulation is leveled due to the fact that a more expensive material of high density is needed for a flat roof. There is still hope to save on roofing, but modern polymer membranes - optimal waterproofing For horizontal roofs, it is not cheaper (and sometimes much more expensive) flexible tile. Do not need to install snowstanders, but without roofing hatch and drainage system not enough. If you try to reduce costs on the estimate, it will later have to pay the need to repair the roof once every 10-15 years.

    The durability of a flat roof largely depends on the ability of the bearing basis to withstand operational loads without significant deformations

    Finally, it should be noted that flat roofs are appropriate only at home modern architecture - with a large area of \u200b\u200bglazing and sophisticated finishing with the latest facade materials. That and the other will no longer be cheap.

    On a solid foundation

    As a rule, in low-rise house-building, the flat roofing overlap is a prefabricular or monolithic reinforced concrete plate. Reinforced concrete plates (PB, hollow PCs, PV, etc.) are capable of overlapping a span with a length of up to 9 m and withstand pressure 8, 9 or 12.5 kPa (the last figure in the product marking is indicated by this magnitude). They can serve as a "base" for any roofing pies, including with a top layer of paving slabs or fertile soil. However, for the installation of the design, it will be necessary to provide a race to the truck of the truck (while steel beams and flooring is easy to raise with the help of flounder). The depth of the overlap on the wall depends on the material of the latter - for example, for bricks, this parameter should be equal to the thickness of the plate. Before proceeding with the installation of the roof, it is important to close the joints of the elements with a solution and additionally be sealed with an elastic polymer ribbon.

    The main advantage of membranes based on artificial rubber - they retain elasticity at low temperatures, that is, they can be mounted in winter

    Classification of flat roofs

    Flat roofs are divided into non-exploit and exploited. The first is visited only for revision, prevention and repair; For this purpose, the roofing hatch is equipped to which an attic staircase leads. The operated roof in the cottages most often serves as a terrace, that is, a durable wear-resistant coating should be laid on it, and the bearing base is designed for increased loads. A variety of exploited - roofing with landscaping, wild on top of the main heat-hydro-insulating cake with a turf layer; Usually it is arranged tracks and a platform for recreation. The operated roof should be provided with a convenient way out, for example, from a tambour journey.

    The monolithic zh \\ b The overlap is erected from heavy concrete using a removable (for example, from OSP plates on rockets-jacks) or non-coordinated (from corrugated) formwork. It is reinforced by a two-or four-level welded frame from rods with a diameter of 12 mm. The dimensions of the monolithic plate are not regulated (in contrast to the national team), which provides the architect freedom when designing the building; Other advantages are the lack of seams, a comparative simplicity of the device of passing units (chimney, ventkanalov) and a high bearing capacity (subject to the technological regulation).

    Roof protection from cold and heat

    In the low-rise sector, in demand mostly airless flat roofs, because the attic requires additional costs and violates the architectural proportions of the house. So the roof should be protected from winter cold and summer heat. Wherein general feature Flat roofs is that the heat insulating layer is located on top of the carrier structure (it is usually between the rafters in the rock). If you warm the room below, the dew point can shift into the thickness of the overlap, which will lead to a reduction in the service life of the latter.

    Mastics should be used primarily on the roofs of a complex configuration

    As for the options of the roof, they are dozens. Suffice it to say that only in SP 17.13330.2011 more than 40 "recipes" are given. At the same time, companies - coatings and insulation manufacturers offer more and more new engineering solutions. However, they always lies one of the two concept schemes - traditional or inversion.

    Schemes of device roofs "Tehtonikol"

    "TN-roofing terrace": 1 - overlapping; 2 - vaporizolation; 3-5 - EPPS (including a bias-forming layer); 6 - glassball; 7 - Logicroof V-GR membrane; 8 - geotextile; 9 - Tile on Supports

    The traditional design in general terms is as follows: a vapor barrier film (polypropylene, polyethylene, butumular polymer) was laid on top of the bearing base, then the insulation, for example, mineral wool plates with compressive strength with a decomplicit deformation of at least 30 kPa, one or two The layer with a total thickness of 200 mm. The above is the separation layer (for example, from a polyethylene film), according to which the reinforced zoom-forming screed is poured (a flat roof will necessarily give a bias of 2-3% to the center or edges to ensure the flow of water). The dried screed serves as the basis for a rolled or appliant waterproofing coating.

    "TN-Roofing Green": 1 - overlapping; 2 - otkladka from the ceramisit; 3 - reinforced screed; 4 - bituminous primer; 5 - "Technoelast EPP"; 6 - "Technoelast Green"; 7 - geotextile; 8 - EPPS; 9 - Membrane Planter GEO; 10 - fertile layer

    Other options are possible. For example, the incitement of the screed can be positioned at the bottom of the cake; In this case, roofing waterproofing is fixed with gravel ballast, paving tiles on supports or special dowels. Some materials, let's say the system "RUF BLAND" (Rockwool) or Tekhnonikol bias allow you to do without a screed: the plates have a variable thickness, and with their help it is easy to create smooth level drops to ensure water drainage.

    The inversion roof is suitable differently: in it, the insulation resistant to the constant exposure of water (as a rule, extruded polystyrene foam - EPPS) is located over waterproofing. At the same time, the latter is reliably protected from mechanical damage and is in the zone of positive temperatures (freezing and defrost cycles are destructive for almost any material). Inversion roof is easy to turn into an exploited, for example, falling asleep by the insulation with a drainage layer of sandbravia and putting paving slabs. The disadvantages of the structure include a more complex drainage. However, the drainage needs to talk separately.

    Special requirements are presented to thermal insulation for flat roof. The material should not only have a low coefficient of thermal conductivity, but also well resist mechanical loads - both distributed (the pressure of the above-mentioned layers of roofing pie, equipment, snow) and the local arising from installation. In addition, it is important that the material possesses hydrophobic properties and is non-combustible. At the moment there are several ways to install thermal insulation: using mechanical fasteners, adhesive and free laying. In addition to the traditional two-layer insulation, laying in one layer becomes more and more demanded solution. Rockwool offers unique double density plates, which consist of a hard top and light bottom layer, which accelerates the work and improves their quality.

    Grigory Gromakov

    Specialist in the development of the direction "Flat roofs" of Rockwool

    Water removal on flat roof

    The flat roof is equipped with parapet (attics) with a height of 30-90 cm, helping to provide organized; On an exploited roof, it also serves as a security fence. At the same time, the design of the drainage should be approached very responsibly, because in case of an error over your head, a huge puddle may form, which threatens and damage to the supporting structures.

    As a rule, the choice is made in favor of the inner drainage. Such a system is less susceptible to the impact of the atmosphere and therefore more durable and reliable than the outer. We will tell you more about its basic elements.

    Waterfronts are installed at low roof sections. As a rule, on the roofs of up to 150 m2, two funnels are mounted - the main connected to the riser, and the emergency - with a discharge of water through the hole in the parapet. With an increase in the number of funnels and risers, the reliability of the system increases, but its cost increases.

    For inversion and landscaped roofs, special funnels with drainage rings, serving to collect moisture from intermediate layers, have been developed. Water receivers should be equipped with electric heating based on self-regulating cable - then they will properly perform their function when alternating thaws and frosts.

    The coating is traditional with outer drain 1 - overlapping; 2 - the incitement of the screed; 3 - vaporizolation; 4, 5 - mineral wool insulation; 6 - waterproofing; 7 - drain

    In the systems of a new type, so-called siphon-vacuum, special funnels are used, preventing air suction by the flow of water. Due to them, the speed of fluid movement in the pipe (and therefore the bandwidth of the latter) increases, which reduces the diameter of the system elements. However, for low-rise buildings, the savings are insignificant, moreover, such systems require more accurate calculation than gravitational.

    The drainage is performed from sewer pipes - polypropylene, polyvinyl chloride, and it makes sense to use noise absorbing products, such as Raupiano Plus (Rehau), or soundly insulated a riser, otherwise you will hear the murmur of water for hours. For funnel, the riser is attached with the help of an elastic coupling. When laying pipes, the amount of knees and the length of horizontal sections that reduce the bandwidth system should be minimized.

    The drainage pipe, laid in the basement or insulated underground, connects the riser with rain sewage or provides a reset of water into a linear drainage tray. In the second case, there is a risk of clogging with ice, so the riser should be equipped with "winter" tap into domestic sewer (the latter must be equipped with a hydrotherapy). The tap tube is cleaned through a collapsible compound or an audit module.

    Figure: Vladimir Grigoriev / Burda Media

    Roof covering inversion with inner drain 1 - screed; 2 - PVC membrane; 3 - EPPS; 4 - funnel with a drain ring; 5 - drainage membrane; 6 - sand; 7 - Paving Tile

    When choosing a sizes of elements of the traditional gravitational system, the rain intensity in this area, focusing on the joint venture 32.13330.2012.

    The outer drainage system is more vulnerable than internal, and also affects the appearance of the facades, but it does not require a device of holes in the roof and overlap and does not eat the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe house. Water is dropped through the parapet funnels or sealed pipes, under which classic funnels are installed (as on scope roof) And the trunks attached to the walls of the brackets. When calculating proceed from the fact that each square meter The roof area should accounterably 1-1.5 cm2 of the secting of the drain pipe. Elements of the outer system can be made of PVC, steel, copper, zinc-titanium.

    For operated roofs, as well as roofs suitable in regions with severe climatic conditions, Ideally suits the inversion scheme. Since the waterproofing layer is under thermal insulation, it is protected from mechanical effects, as well as from temperature drops and UV radiation, which significantly prolongs the service life of the roofing system. Waterproofing materials Based on a modified bitumen, it is necessary to launch at least two layers - such a technology is more common, and in addition, it allows you to level possible errors when the material is moving. For a polymer membrane, a single layer is enough, and the reliability provides automatic welding equipment, which increases the speed of work. In addition, when installing the polymer membrane does not apply an open flame, so the technology is considered more secure.

    Dmitry Mikhailidi

    Head of the Engineering and Technical Center for Technical Directorate of Technonikol Corporation

    Gardening roofing

    The covered rod roofs have been used in countries with a moderately cold and humid climate, and the green carpet performed the main moisture protection function.

    As part of the modern concept of the landscaped roof, the layer of fertile soil with plants is needed to make unusual features of the building, decorate the roof terrace and extend the service life of the coating, closing it from ultraviolet rays. In addition, it absorbs rainwater, unloading the drains, quenches the sound of the rain, protects the premises of the upper floor from overheating in the summer and reduces heat loss in winter. It is believed that landscaping almost twice extends the service life of the roof. Its disadvantages include an increase in loads for the support of the building structures and an increase in the cost of construction. In addition, the green carpet needs to be careful, the intensity of which depends on the selected plant species. If not paying proper attention, they will freeze and die from drought.

    For landscaping, the roof should be put on top of the main waterproofing layer (with an inversion scheme - over the insulation) an additional pie from materials that will provide protection for the waterproofing layer from the roots, filtering and removal of rainwater. For these purposes, special films are used, dense geotextiles, gravel benchings or drainage-moisture membranes from high density polyethylene, such as Planter GEO or Delta-Floraxx.

    Then poured a mixture of minerals and fertilizers - the so-called soil substrate. It can be prepared independently by adding a small clamzite in a light neutral peat (5-15%), sand (about 20%) and fertilizers. As for the plants, the easiest way is to restrict meadow disintegration and drought-resistant soils - Sedumom, cloves-herbicap, thyme. For them, it is not necessary to organize the irrigation system, and the thickness of the soil layer can be only 6-12 cm (the roof of this type is called extensive). If you plan to walk along the roof among decorative shrubs, it will have to provide watering and increase the thickness of the soil to 20-40 cm. This roof is called intense, it creates a significant additional load on the overlap, so it must be provided at the building design.

    The terrace design provides a convenient message between the residential premises of the cottage and the operated roof, serving the place of rest.

    No leaks

    Sheet and piece coatings are unsuitable for flat roof: water will inevitably leak through the jokes of the elements. Therefore, we use rolled materials and mastic. We give them brief description.

    Rolled reinforced polymer-bituminous roof . The mechanical strength of these materials is several times higher than roofing cardboard (, only). A modifying additives increase resistance to moisture, air and ultraviolet. The material is glued to the base of the mastic, fixed mechanically or (most often) is removed. The coatings for the lower layers of the roof ("Tehnoelast EPP", "Uniflex EPP", "Breplust TPP", etc.) and for the upper ("Technolast ECP", "Uniflex ECP", "Hydrosteclozole TCP", etc.). The second mills sprinkled by the mineral crumb that reduces the risk of fire and additionally protecting from mechanical damage and UV exposure. The cost of waterproofing both types of low - respectively from 65 and from 150 rubles. For 1 m2, and the average service life of the roofing carpet is 15-30 years.

    Roll PVC membranes , for example, Sikaplan WP, Logicroof, Ecoplast is distinguished by strength and durability (up to 30 years without repair) and do not support combustion. However, they require a professional approach to installation (the joints of the bands must be carefully welded with hot air) and are relatively expensive - from 320 rubles. For 1 m2. It is important to take into account that this material does not tolerate contact with bitumen.

    Roll membranes from ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM) and thermoplastic polyolefins (TPO) For example, Firestone Rubbergard, Logicroof P-RP, retain elasticity at negative temperatures. Note that the EPDM-membranes of strongogoruchi (class G4) and are designed mainly to use in the construction of an exploited roof, where waterproofing is covered with tiles, gravel or soil. The EPDM and TPO membranes are 1.3-1.5 times more expensive than polyvinyl chloride (mainly imported products).

    Polymer-bitumen mastics allow you to create a seamless coating, but it is permissible to apply only for a durable, incurring base - the slab of the overlap or a thoroughly reinforced tie, and this process is rather long and labor-intensity. Lifetime of two-layer coating with a thickness of 5 mm - about 20 years, the price is from 120 rubles. For 1 m2. In practice, mastic is used mainly for repairing roofs and gluing rolled materials.

    Polymer and cement-polymer bulk waterproofing , say Aquascud, Osmolastic, Osmoflex, is distinguished by high elasticity
    and durability to ultraviolet. To improve the characteristics, materials are used in combination with special primers and lining films, reinforced with mineral fiber (all components are supplied as a single system). Settlement service life - more than 50 years; Price - from 700 rubles. For 1 m2.

    Flat Roof: Pragmatics View

    Benefits disadvantages
    Eliminates avalanche snow similarity and reduces the risk of falling ice. Requires significant costs for the base device with a high bearing capacity.
    Provides convenient access to chimneys, ventilation risers, antennas; Compared to the scope easier to maintain and repair. More exposed to atmospheric factors than scope, therefore durability is guaranteed only if there is expensive materials.
    It can serve as a platform for recreation, terrace. Requires increased attention to the arrangement and state of the drainage system (especially with internal drainage).
    Single less susceptible to wind loads than scope.
    Allows you to implement the principle of phased modular construction (to make an extension to the house with a scope roof, you need to solve a difficult architectural and design task).
